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Weslaco High School, although compar-
atively new, has established a reputation
for school loyalty that is known through-
out the state. I had been told, before
coming to Weslaco, of the excellent stu-
dent body and the friendly spirit of co-
operation that I would find here. Thus
far, I have had small cause to doubt the
previous reports I had received. Your
splendid attitude has been most appreci-
ated, I can assure you.
In troubled times such as these, it
becomes vastly more important than ever
before that each of us carry his share
of the burden. Those of you who have
helped to establish the spirit of Weslaco
High School will, I know, carry that same
spirit even higher throughout the remain-
der of your school days and into the tur-
bulent world which is facing you. With
such spirit, there can be no doubting the
future of our town, our state, and our
Sincerely yours,

To the Students of Weslaco High School;
It gives me an extra sense of
to serve as superintendent of a high sc
that has a student body that is constant
conscious of ' its responsibilities, and a
student body that is appreciative of the
fact that the Weslaco High School is and
will always be just woat they will to
it be.
With this sense of duty and responsi
bility on the part of our student body,
there is little reason to believe that
faith in Weslaco Hi gh shall ever die,
with hearts that are true, I am sure
the "Spirit of Weslaco High" shall be
gttiding hand as we go out from her walls
to take our place in a war-torn ,world.
My admonition to you is to never let
this spirit die, but hold it high as we
our goals for this year and for future
knowing that as facul ty and students,
one for all and all for one working t
a gr eater and better Weslaco High. In
tory or defeat we'll stand as
s Williemett
drus, B. S.
uthwest Texas
lIege, University
Texas, Texas
& M. College .
s Geraldine Blum-
rg, B. M.
carnate Word Col-
Lelia Carrothers,
or University
rs. R. B. Hankal,
R. No
Seton Infirmary
School Health

Miss Louise Black,
. B. A., M. A.
University of Texas,
University of Cali-
Miss Dene Boothe,
B. S.
Texas State Col-
lege for Women.
Mrs. Charles Fergu-
son, B. S.
Texas State Col-
lege for Women.
Home Economics
Buck Henson, B. A.
Howard Payne College
Social Studies
Assistant Senior Coach
"6 .y. -
Miss Clarence Herron,
B. A.
Texas State Col-
ege for Women
William Krauledat,
Baylor University
Head of Music
John N. Lesko, A. B.
Louisiana State
University, Texas
university, y


Un' ity of Texas.
Y Histor

R. C. Whitmill, B. S.
South West Texas State
Teachers College,
Junior Coach.
Faculty members not
Pictured are as follows:
Austin Ellison
J. W. McWilliams
Mrs. John Bennett
Mrs. C. H. Hoge,
North Texas Stat e
Teachers College ,
South Texas Stat e
Teachers College ,
Chicago Universi ty
Social Studies .
Mrs. Virgil Lehman,
B. A.
San Marcos State
Teachers College
G. W. Sansing,
B. A.
Mississippi Colle
University of

Miis Sarah Pinson
Mary Hardin-Baylor

~ ~
Tom Solether
Jr.-Sr. Football
Jr.-Sr. Track
Jr.-Sr. Basketball
Roliki Club
Letterman's Club
President of
Senior Class
Carl Fitzgerald
to Lone Star
Boys' State
I Sec.-Treas.
of Roliki Club
of Senior Class
Baseball . ___ _
Joe Barbee
Jr.-Sr. Foot-
Marvin Archer
~ Jr.-Sr. Football
j Sr. Baseball
I Sr. Basketball
' Letterman's Club
Choral Club
Robert Chandler
Choral Club
Jr.-Sr. Football
Letterman's Club
Annual Staff
Hi-Life Staff
Senior Publicity
Dorothy Lee Drawe
Girl Reserves
Quill & Scroll
Little Theater
Jr. Music Club
,Secretary of
Senior Class
Roy Brockett
e Homemakers
Evalene Bradford
Future Homemakers
Girl Reserves
Choral Club
Pep Squad
Theodora Casares
Future Homemakers
Mildred Boyd
Future Home-
Letty Lou Cannon
Future Homemakers
Girl Reserves
Hi-Life Staff
Jr. Music Club
Asst.-Ed. LaPalma
Reynaldo Benitez
E. W. Butts Jr.
Choral Club
Bette Bell
Hi-Life Staff
Annual Staff
Pep Squad
Girl Reserves
Pep Squad
Choral Club
George Bradford
- Scholarship
to Lone Star
Boys' State
Catherine Farina
Choral Club
Cheer Leader
Girl Reserves
Future Home-
Jr. Music Club
Hi-Life Staff
Annual Staff
Panther Sweet-
Girl Reserves
Little Theater
Future Home-
Pep Squad
Marion George
Girl Reserves
Little Theater
Jr. Music Club
Sweetheart of
the F. F. A.
Future Home-
Hi-Life Staff
Annual Staff
La Vonne Dempsey
Girl Reserves
Future Homemakers
Pep Squad
Kareene Gary
Choral Club
Future Homemaker;
Pep Squad
Girl Reserves
Bobby Curbo
Annual Staff
Hi-Life Staff
Jr.-Sr. Track
Jr.-Sr. Football
President of
Letterman' s
Paul Fulkerson
Jr.-Sr. Football
Jr.-Sr. Track
Sr. Baseball
Choral Club
Letterman's Club '
John L. Cox
Jack Frizzell
Letterman's Club
Bobby Compere
Annual Staff
Hi-Life St aff
Jr. Football
Jr. Basket
Girl Reserves
Future HUIIlt:IIl"'A'.
Jr. Music Club
Future Home-
Pep Squad
Choral Club
sident of Band
tIe Theater
-Act Play
ife Staff
I Staff
iki Club
ident of Junior
His Hoge
al Club
er Leader
I Reserves
re. Homemakers
Music Club
tIe 'l'heater
lene Jones
Cleetus Goss
Secretary of
F. F. A.
Archie Jenkines
Little Theater
Alice Goss
Future Home-
Clara Mae Isham
Future Home-
Girl Reserves
Choral Club
Cheer Leader
Panther Sweet-
!I;ost Beautiful
Maria Gonzalez
Choral Club
Future Home-
,Phyllis Hufty
Jr. Music Club
Future Home-
; makers
lGirl Reserves
, Pep Squad
Quill and Scroll
Choral Club
Annual Staff
Hi-Life Staff
Angela Gerusa
Nan Hensarling
Girl Reserves
Future Home-
Pep Squad
Choral Club
Johnny Hewlett .
Roliki Club
Little Theater
One-Act Play
Annual Staff
Mary McAlpin
Pep Squad
Girl Reserves
Future Home-
Marjorie McBride
Choral Club
Girl Reserves
Jr. Music Club
Pep Squad
Josefa Mendez
Future Home-
Margaret Lucas
Editor Hi-Life
Editor La Palma
Jr. Scholar-
Secretary of
President of V.
President of
Girl Reserves
President of
Quill and
Kei th McMullin
President of the
F. F. A.
Sr. Football
Roy Logan
Gerald McMullin
Future Homemakers
Pep Squad
Choral Club
Watson Keeney
! Roliki
Patsy Laurence
Future Homemakers '
Little Theater
Choral Club
Cheer Leader
Jr. Music Club
Shirley McCasland
Future Homemakers
Girl Reserves
Little Theater
Jr. Music Club
Jr.-Sr. Bas
Jr. Track
Sr. Baseball
iclaire Rankin
fe Staff
1 Reserves
Music Club
ep Squad
Mar y Louise
Lou Anne Rupert
Future Homemakers
Girl ReserveS
Choral Club
Vera Mortensen
Girl Reserves
Future Homemakers
Jr. Mus i c Club
Choral Club
President of Pep
Vice-president of
Lit tle Theater
Annual Staff
Hi-Life Staff
Jean Rousseau
Girl Reserves
Choral Club
Future Homemakers
Clara Mortensen
Little Theater
Future Homemakers
Girl Reserves
Hi-Life Staff
Annual Staff
Pep Squad
Choral Club
Jr. Music Club
Floyd Rogers
Grace Milliken
Girl Reserves
Future Home-
Choral Club
Jr. Music Club
Pep Squad
Helen Francis
Dwight Randolph
Ol l ie Mae SWinnea
Fut ure Homemakers
Gi r l Reserves
Li ttle Theater
Royal Talbert
Roliki Club
Bas eball f
Le t te.rman 's.,
Carl Sims
Choral Club
Albert White
Boys' Chorus
President of
Roliki Club
Marjorie Sidener
Future Homemakers
Girl Reserves
Jr . Music Club
Calvin Voelke
Jr.-Sr. Football
Jr. - Sr. Baseball
Jr. - Sr. Basket-
Letterman's Club
George Sens
F . F . A.
. ' -....
Klare Teegarden
Choral Club
Golf Team
; .
Betty Jo Smit
Future Homema
Girl Reserves
Little Theate
Quill and
Rachel Sugg
Girl Reserves
Future Home-
Little Theat
Girls' Athlet
Associat i on
Camera Club
Helen Jean
Walter Hope
{ ( f ' ~
J ~
. ,\ Brobst
. O ~ f ~ ( '
\ Gipson
Sam Jones
~ ~ '
La Duke
Edna Fern
Alma Ruth
B . R.
Milliken .
1pftr;! I
~ ~ e n
Verna Mae
I .
t ~ ~ ...
Tommy Gene
Gerald Gholson
Jean Hall
EdWin Hefley
Herbert Jones
Leo -Jones
Victor Carreon
Zela Mae Dietrich
Carroll Davidson
Joan Egloff
Olga Garcia
Joe Garza
Verda Mustain
Barbara Fisher
Vice president
J. W. Mauldin
Glenn Gound
Isabel Alvarez
l ~
I , ,,,",,
I , ~
;I (
' 1
R ~ D
-.---.. -... ..---.. - - - ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - .
Johnny Hewlett
Vera Mort.ensen
Bette Belle
Margaret Lucas
Pat Hingle
Business ManaJrer
Clara Mortensen
Marion George
Miss Louise Black
Letty Lou Cannon
Assistant Editor
R. C. Whitmill
Sports Advisor
Tony Guerra
Eleanor Mortensen
Dorothy Lee Drawe
Asst. Bus. Mgr.
Robert Chandler
I' tli J \"';;"l'
_____ --0---------
Hi-Life to Elect i
Staff Next 'yeek;
, !';t.. ' \" H:-L! fc ::. t;:f l fn!' lhe!
" T ,

tnt.'," \\"ou!oi like to. lE)! c:
in the DI
/i!'t.. 1't.';('lh.'C', T\H.::iU:)y
. c li:e d,),.> wIll elect tire
. in consideration the
I,' t1l ; (l iei.
A r .n)n)ctc list of the
""r- ... in next \\'\?'C;l-(s
v:c di.smi:::sft f
:. r ,nc:cldc:ntaHs!
,.!, r' -cj "<1. into a lTystJl1 III
\,1;,) ,'(cl'ratel.Y i
\ , \"",uld ht;PP0n dUrlng the-!
Ii t' .... o wc'ks. HOroWlth is I 1
. ,:t>tul p.-crlictions: I ten
.-\.:I.h Lc !Jl'oi,<'d. r ,ee in m,l
, " .. __ .- rr.! ..
'jl' \' b(ll1 lht> COIning -n-/
..... . - .. - .. p''-''urcsr -------- ,'01:>118\'.' llle. (;;c ccn'Utlllr!;;' _ .. O . ,t!.nd ..
,eme!:; of :\lAlDEL ROBBINS. of the ' grollnds on<1 bUildings, I 0- ; of 5 110Ullds Of canay, 32 ,ticks of i H:e s Pr',)!'>'1
I,d;\' ,,"tch, my friend;;," I !;,<>"U'. Sen/,,!, Class, and the I, I gum,. 1 take, 18 cokes <)nd , '"',
'w;,,;, i:, tbis (see? NO'.il "uni,,;, C1<;"s., . I: l1
matlily (J pounds of COokies' A It\),, 0:' ( "
t Il.,. , es. ,( IS. Wh)' Il Is lL-1 Qthc':- slupmenh will follow at I ,! and jl dozen s,mdwiches)s !v) I Yuck,'. nn,! ;1
: er:,t1E lIlQYER to I periods of the year, I 'I m"tter: I tl1<'
\,lVlA:-I XELL L:t:E to th"i -----0 . - I I do YOll W,mdel' \\i'Y!
. ","'11);,1 '" D,"1CC, Keof)ing up . .' . I get much from us I
"an. Ie. r j)l'eSllme,!t!' Members. j !Jay? "I Decem'}el'
te gla.cs ball no\vshuw;; eel V' cit --0- I After tn 1-1
,hal' f:lce Of ROBlmTi apen arle . '(By Bob Curbo) , I In.'nts or tOlTI" l
He is destined to! Vacations I The On!)-- athletic that! earl FitzgeraJd Wins 1 <;'f'.nkie, wei
tf"lt a certaIn glrl's smile happened durmg the llOlidays Wall KRGV T h . I seclal "bmrmall,
,) ba"s for true ;o\'e, Many. of ll", te"o::hers Of We$,- the pavIng tIle way a __ ?oxing .. rop y __ .. __ _
. .. . ...... - ,! ,.ge.:a ." las recently' _
LOU CANNON doesn'tj bco Hmh ,"'le"! tl:" - .- ",. t-.. _ IA. 1. . /.F ... F. A Cln. h
with a gold <:up $50 Defe
rst place award offered'
)0 You Want to be an The Future
1''' contest by chased 11' 'S50 do
cording to
)0 a.ppeared on the pro- Who
'I\' weeks ago with Pat
d two boys . from. San
\tas declared winner of
, by the radio, I'llldi'ence is 90 I
, tIs of U:
station. An!l. Soap is 9l!1
.. -.. ,, ....
L" .... " .... _,_ ... ".,""",." M
d ... " ..... ".,., Rob a
L ... _ ..... _ .. , .. , ........ _ ... ,. __ ,. ________ .... _ . 1
: .. -.... -" ..... -..... -...... , .............. .... --._ .. -. Let
.... --.......... Robert Chandler, Catherine Farin
' L
.' .j

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I; .
LITTLE l I 1 E ~ l [ ~
Marvin Archer
Harlon Block
Tom Solether
Joe Barbee
Marvin Archer
Harlon Block
Tom Solether
Joe Barbee
; ~
I .
C l " ~ . " . .
":! -, '.
Bob Curbo
1 [ ~ ~ 1 1
Girls'" Ocvbles
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U.S. Tennessee' "'alia. \ Reserve f't/av'j
S.iln Pa. P01"b",ooH.,Va.
Bo\ Paul t-"el G .... t>out\,;l I-%erbe....+ "Clcison
Na,a.1 Reseyve V.5.c:..lnJianopo\;s IYlJ'iJ Ai .. co ..
"a. "uboY' VI'hatt<, Vallama
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Moore. fje.lel
HoW\e. Defense Gva.,..j
M e l'Y'l be. yo
Oet en 5 e CO U'I\C i I

'YJorner:s Defense

Air id WardenS
'1'1 P .
) 111 ~
Dec. \ a.-rna. t i on
One-Act Pla.:,J
E]C t e tnrora. neo I.J S
The Weslaco H'i
Fred E. Kay, new superinten-
dent of Weslaco schools, was
principal of the high school from
1935 to 1941.
During his six years here, Mr.
Kay has proved himself to be the
friend of every student in school
and has always entered into school
activities with real enthusiasm.
He has done much to generate
school spirit in all school activi-
lVIr Kay had his B. A. degree
\\' hen he came to Weslaco. and
during this past summer received
his M. A. from Texas University.
"Little Purple Books"
G.oing at Price
The purple handbooks which
Were on sale for ten cents last
Year are now on sale for five
Subscribe for the
Please accept this copy of
the Hi-Life with the compli-
ments of the temporary staff.
We hope you will enj oy it.
This year, as in the past, the
paper will be on sal e each
Thursday morning. before
schcol. Subscription rates are
the as they were last year;
twenty-five cents a semester, I
or h vo cents a copy. Buy your
subscription early and avoid I
tJ:e rush!
Twelve Lettermen
Report for Practice
In spite of heat, dust, and grass-
bur s, twenty-four panthers are
getting ready to pluck the tail
fe&.thers of the Brownsville Eag-
les in the first g<:rr.e here Septem-
ber 19 .
A.ccording to Senior Coach Os-
borne Little, there are twelve re-
turning lettermen and twelve
sC]uadmen. Mr. A. C. Murphy, new princi-
The twelve lettermen are Bob- pal of W. H. S. , is a native Tex-
by Curbo. Marvin Archer, Cal- an. He was born in Temple and
vin Voelkel, Paul Fulkerson, II did his college work in the Uni-
Robert Chandler, Tommy Sole- versity and San Marcos State
' her, Glen Cleckler, Pete Hall; Teacher s' College .
Toe Wayne Whitlock, B.' He t aught mathematics and
R. Guess and Vlatson Keeney., science in several schools, includ-
1'IJe twelve squadmen are Leo ing Rock Springs. He has been
Ryan. Bill Tayl or, Sooter, principal of the high school at
George Bradford, , KeIth McMul- San Saba and superintendent at
i:n, Royal Tal1::ert, Joe Loredo Carlton, Texas.
Herman Henrv. Ned Johnson, Th" M d M M h'
t F t h H ctor IS IS r. an rs. urp y s
R3Y Logan. orres 1 c , e f' t t' t th V 11 d th
Valdez, and Joe Garza . np a e a ey, an ey
Th b
' ,11 h' l' swanky h,ke It very much. Mr. Murphy
e oys WI s ' Ine n - 'th . t 'k' 1
'f ' f h'te satin says tnat e country IS s n mg y
und1 ?rms 0
WI, different from the parts of Texas
tnmme m purp e.
'h . t t a h 'Buck' that he has already seen; and he
e new ass:s an co c , . . ld .
H h
' l f Donna Al- WIshes the frUlt wou get npe
,ens on, al s rom . b h ' 11 th 1
though he was once a rival Red_ecause e cant te e emons
skin, Weslaco High hopes to from the oranges.
make a good Panther of him.
cents. new students as well as the old yells, information concerning dif-
ferent clubs and organizations,
and a detailed discussion of the
courses offered by Weslaco high
school. '
Although the football schedule ones.
and that for the school year are A few items that might especi-
different, there is much helpful ally interest new students are as
and interesting information for - follows: The school songs and
Hi, Students
Well, here we are again for
another school year and the first
edition of the Hi-Life, so bear
with us this first week, and we
will do our best.
To Mr. Kay and Mr. Murphy for
getting W.H.S. off to a good start
Tuesday morning. If our student
body keeps up the good spirit that
was displayed then, we can make
our school year something to look
forward to. Whata ya say we try
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Mr. Kay mentioned that our
bell system was out of order this
year, which is nothing unusual
for Weslaco Hi. If there was ever
a ' bell that wasn't out of order, we
will personally eat the one that
committed this history-making
School System Explained
When asked by his mother how
he got in the eighth grade, a
would-be seventh grader answer-
eq. "Well, Mama, all I know is
that Mr. Kay got a letter from
the governor of Texas that said
all of the schools in Texas had to
be uniform. The second grade is.
going to be moved up all the way
to the eleventh grade; the ninth
has been divided into tW,9 scetions,
the 9b for the dumb ones, and
the ninth for the smart ones. The
seventh grade is lost, so they're
starting a new one in the gram-
mar school in three weeks and if
you are in the twelfth grade. you
have to prove that you still belong
in school. Please, Mama, don't
start baby sister next year' cause
I wanna graduate before her."
Appeal to Mr. Kay
You have told us that you are
through making announcements
in assembly, (thank goodness!)
but it wouldn't be the same with-
out some of your witty jokes and
cute little rhymes. So, please, Mr.
Kay, try and put in your 'two-
cents' worth at as many assembly
programs as you can.
Ollie Mae: "Thanks for the
Jack: "Oh, the pressure was all
"Mable" Did It!
Special welcome to our new students and faculty members.
We of the Hi-Life already like you and; are out to make you like us.
We had a little trouble getting started this week with a new
staff and "Mable." "Mable" is our typewriter (they . tell us it's
one); and when the journalism office got that swell coat of paint
this summer, it just naturally made "Mable" feel frisky. She acts
like she' s in her third or fourth childhood and skips and hops dis-
gracefully. Really we ,can't do a thing with her, and if you find
a mistake in the paper this week, j u s ~ blame it on "Mable."
We're out to give you a better than ever Hi-Life this year
in spite of "Mable." Incidentally we'd like to know how you feel
about having an annual this year. We're just itching to give you
one if you'll cooperate with us. It takes the whole school to have
a good annual, you know.
You Look Thirsty!
Enter the portals of higher learning and drink deep of the
fountain of knowledge. From the happy faces around the campus
this week, most of the students were thirsty for school to begin.
It' s going to be tough going for a few weeks until the con-
fusion is over and everyone gets the summer out of their system.
Looks as if we weren't going to have much cooperation from Mr.
Weatherman about forgetting. the summer. He's doing his best to
quench any thirst for knowledge that we may have. I guess the
best thing to do is stay in there and splash and forget the heat. Af-
ter all, nobody can give us an education and nobody can take one
away from us.
We've got nice clean buildings to work in, and we're making
a fresh start for another term. If all of you students will work as
hard as this new Hi-Life staff is going to. we' re going to have one
of the best years W. H. S. has ever seen.
Class Sponsors
For 1941-42 Term
This year, as in the past, classes
will be divided into home rooms
sections with a sponsor for each.
Miss Williamette Andrus will
sponsor the seniors and G. W.
Sansing and Mrs. Lelia Carruth-
ers, the juniors.
other sponsors are as follows:
10-1 Miss Pearl Youngblood.
10-II Miss Fred Robertson,
9-1 J. W. McWilliams
9-II J. N. Lesko.
9b-I Mrs. C. H. Hoge.
9b-II Mrs. John Bennett.
8-1 Miss Clarence Herron.
8-II Mrs. Chas. Ferguson.
8-III Mrs. Virgil Lehman.
History up to Date
Teacher: "Jane, who was Anne
Teacher: "What do you mean?"
Jane: "Well, our history book
says that 'Henry, having disposed
of Catherine, pressed his suit with
Anne Boleyn' ."
- ----,(' ,.-----
Not a Hymn
"Yep, we named her Carol be-
cause she was born on Christmas."
"She?" I always thought a carol
was a hymn!"
- - - - - - 4 0 ~ - - - - -
Not in the Recipe
Customer: "Waiter, there's a
needle in my soup."
Waiter : "Typographical error,
Madam. It should be a noodle."
What's this we hear about
ing a day of Labor Day: They took
a few hours off at the beach and
then journeyed-the rest is cen-
sored-Oh yes, there were a cou-
ple of boys, too.
Say, there's another gook-look-
ing BELL girl in school this year
-as if you boys hadn't noticed!
A sure way to attract attention
around here is to have brown
eyes and be named Bell.
Panther Schedule
Sept. 19, Brownsville at Wes-
_ Sept. 26, McAllen at McAllen.
Oct. 3, Harlingen at Harlingen.
Oct. 10. P.S.J .A. at Weslaco*.
Oct. 17, San Benito at Weslaco.
Oct. 24, Mission at Mission*.
Oct. 31, La Feria at Weslaco*.
Nov. 11, Donna at Weslaco*.
Nov. 21, Mercedes at Mer-
cedes" .
Nov. 28, Raymondville at Wes-
How about it, CANNON? Nice
work, kid! They say you got him
at last. Girls, his name is Twenty-Four Boys
FRANCIS HAMLIN. He's that Start 1941 Season
new man-about-town that has
CANNON going in circles.-Hum. F oothall Training
PAT and CALVIN have made a Twenty boys, including twelve
new resolution to start the school lettermen, reported to Head Coach
year the way it should be started. Little and Assistant Coach Hen-
They're going steady, and that's son last Monday afternoon for the
swell, says us. first workout of the season. Four
SWINNEA has changed affec- others reported for the Tuesday's
tions on us this year. It's CURBO workout.
now. Here's to both of you. This year's squad prqgress to
MARY wants everybody to be one of the best Weslaco has
know that the sparkle in her eyes had in several years. The boys
wasn' t caused by Murine! That have speed and experience and
big moment from San Diego is are scrappers till the last gun, but
coming home this week-end they lack one thing-weight. This
We'll bet your eyes would sparkle, lack of weight they hope to make
too! up with spirit.
That HUFTY gal has been do- There is no doubt that this
ing all r ight for herself this sum- - year's forward wall is small in
mer. She's kept glamor-boy size. It is led by rock-em-and-
FLEMING very - well occupied, sock-em Pete Han, all-Valley last
thank you. (Incidentally, HUFTY, year. Helping along is Watson
what time did you get home Sat- Keeney, all-Valley last year.
urday night? These two boys have been moved
Here' s some news that was to tackle to fill a gap in the line.
really news about two weeks ago. There is also rugged Bobby
It concerns the marriage of ex- Cureo who promises much. At
The Weslaco Panthers got off
to a good start at 4 o'clock on La-
bor Day, with 19 men reporting
for practice, and more are ex-
pected to report. The boys now
understand why Labor Day is
called Labor Day.
Under the combined efforts of
Coaches Little and Henson, the
boys are working hard to get
ready for the first game with
Brownsville on September 19.
Ably assisting Coach Little is
Buck Henson, who hails from
Donna. Besides helping shape the
boys into a team, Mr. Henson's
services as a scout will be very
t eneficial to the Panthers.
A new addition to the training
equipment is a 700- pound sled
used by the coaches for transpor-
tation (and joy riding, of course)
pushed by six able- bodies Pan-
thers. We also boast of the best
equipment in south Texas.
This column wishes to extend
its welcome to Mr. R. C. Whit-
mill, who will serve Weslaco High
School as junior coach. The Kit-
tens are expected to go far this
season under his supervision.
Lots of hard l abor and good re-
sults are expected of the small,
light squad of Panthers this sea-
son, so come on, Panthers; let's
don' t disappoint anyone but our
1941-42 Pep Squad
To Stress Yells
student HELEN SAMPLE to the other guard job will be The Pep Squad, sponsored by
TROY RAINWATER. Here's Wayne Whitlock. Marvin Archer Miss Dene Boothe, met Wednes-
wishing them luck! and Calvin Voelkel will take day morning in the auditorium,
We are very glad to welcome care of the wing positions. At I and plans were made for the
GENE LOFTON back to W H. S. center will be Glen Cleckler, a changing of the squad from a
That smile of his really is some- deadly tackler. marching squad into a cheering
thing. hUh, girls? Heading the backfield will be unit.
Another ladies' man who came triple-threat "Speedy" Chandler, The squad will have white
to School t he first day was JUNE who may be the spark plug of the uniforms with purple panther
SEALE. He had lots of the girls' Panthers. A newcomer to the heads, furnished by the school.
hearts beating faster while he backfield is B. R. Guess who was Because of conflicting subjects,
Was here, too. moved from the line. Watch him the Pep Squad must be so chang-
p More good news for you boys! for action! Calling signals will be ed in order to have enough for a
HYLLIS HOGE has come off 128 pounds of T.N.T. Tom Sole- suitable squad. Fifty to sixty
the steady list also. If you guys ther. Along with these three backS girls are expected to sign up, and
aren't fixed up for girl-friends will be Paul Fulkerson and Joe I transportation will be furnished
nOW-well, you're hopeless. Barbee to share hackfield duties. to all the games away from Wes-
-h And so are we--hopeless and Since it is two weeks until the ! laco.
elpless and plenty dirty. (That's Panthers' first game, you can be I The cheer leaders for the new
the Washline) . And that's all for sure that Coaches Little and Hen- II season are Patsy Lawrence, Cath-
now. We'll be seeing you next son are goin to dish it out to the erine Farina, Merry Ferne Mc-
Week. boys. . Casland, and Eleanor Mortensen.
Seven New Teachers Highlights of Year I Lettermen Form
. J S F It For the benefit of old and new "'AT" Association'
Oln r.- r. acu Y students the Hi-Life presents the .'
In addition to A. C. Murphy, main actviities and their dates Curbo President
new principal, Weslaco high has for the coming school year, as an- .
six new t eachers in the Junior- nounced by Supt. Fred E. Kay: . mornmg recei.v-
Senior faculty. All of these teach- August 28-30: Registration of mg theIr football eqUlPn;tent, thIr-
ers received th"eir degrees from students in the eigRth, ninth, I teen met wIth
Texas colleges and universities. tenth eleventh and twelfth I Osborne LIttle to form the first
Miss Dene Boothe, new speech Books and lockers:r" club that Weslaco High
teacher, received her training at assigned. .:>chool has had. . .
T. S. C. W. at Denton. Miss September 2: Tuesday _ All aim of the orgamza!lOn is
Boothe said that she was favor- schools in full day session. to mterest more boys m the
ably impressed with her first days November 11: Tuesday _ Arm- various sports that the high
in Weslaco high. She will spon- istice Day. School holiday. offers. In order that they mIght
sor the pep squad this year. November 20, 21 : Thanksgivingl secure their letters, the boys must
Miss Olarence Herron, new li- School holiday. play a :ertain of. quar-
brarian, graduated from T. S. C. December 11: Weslaco's birth- ters, mmutes, etc., m dIfferent
W. with a B. A. degree in Library dy. (Holiday uncertain). . contests. Athletics is an important
Science. Miss Herron formerly December 19: Last day of I factor in the life of any high
lived at Dayton, Texas. school prior to Christmas holidays. school and a letter means
Mrs. Lelia Carrothers, a for- January 5: Monday Opening much to hIm Any b.oJ:' that
mer teacher in high, will of school after holidays. I a letter is then elIgIble to Jom
teach English and beginners' January 15, 16: Semester exam- the lettermen's club.
Spanish this year . She secured her inations. End of first semester. The thirteen boys who reported
degree from Baylor University February 13, 14: Friday, Sat- to the first meeting here
and has done some work on het urday-South Texas State Teach- Curbo, who was elected .presI-
master's degree. ers Association at Corpus Christi. dent; Calvin Voelkel,. Marvm Ar-
The new assistant coach, Buck School holiday. cter. B. R. Guess, Pete Hall, Jack
Henson, comes to Weslaco from March 2: Texas Independence Frizzell, Wayne Whitlock, Glen
Donna, where he was a member of Day Special program. Cleckler, Tommy Solether, Joe
the high school faculty. Mr. Hen- Me.y 14, 15: Thursday, Friday. Barbee, Watson Keeney, Paul
son majored in Social Science at Fi nal examinations for seniors. Fulkerson., and Robert Chandler.
Howard Payne College. May 17: Sunday. Baccalaureate The club is to have a constitu-
R. C Whitmill, the new junior services. t ion which was be drawn up by
high coach and an instructor in May 18, 19: Monday Tuesday. the members of the organization.
the commercial department, calls Final examinations for rest of At the end of the year, senior
S. W. T. C. his alma mater, where student body. Ilettermen will receive special
he graduated with a B. S. degree May 21, Commencement exer- awards that are to be paid for by
in business administration. sHane cises, 8 p. m. the club's sponsorship of athletic
was formerly a native of -(3 events which will be determined
Antonio. ASSEMBLY BEGINS at a future meeting. Initiation of
Miss Geraldine Blumberg, new. new members and some social
instructor in the music depart- '41-'42 SESSION event will be held at the end of
ment, comes to Weslaco from La- Weslaco Junior Senior High I the year.
dy of the College at San I School opened Tuesday Septem-
Antonio, .Blumberg plays . ber 2, at 8:45 with a as- -----0 I
many musICal mstrume.nts, but sembly in the auditorium, Super- 37 Students App y
she says that the organ IS her intendent Fred E. Kay took F N Y A Jobs
t Sh taught last year In or .. .
von e. e charge and asked William Krau-
Mission. ledat to lead the audience in one

'S L.AUGH stanza of "America" and the
- school song, "Spirit of Weslaco
A LITTLE! High!'
Mr. Kay introduced the new
Rare Specimen
t) teachers and gave the necessary
: I instructions for proper enroll-
now ment of those who had not al-
Dove, I ready enrolled. All high school
Announcer (at a
"Miss Periwinkle will
"Oh, That I Were a
Flee. "
Sam Jones: "Dad, what's
dove-eyed flea?"
students were to be enrolled in
a the office of A. C. Murphy, prin-
cipal. Mr. Kay called special at-
tention to the relatively new
George: "Daddy, can you help course, vocational agriculture and
me with, my geography lesson? " to the vocal music classes.
Dad: "No, boy. They've chang- Morning classes were shorten-
ed the names of all places I ed, but the afternoon ran on reg-
knew. " I ular schedule.
A ,group of 37 students met
Wednesday morning with Mr. Kay
and discussed the N.Y.A. em-
ployment for this year. Of the 37
students 16 will be given posi-
tions in the Band House, study
hall, library, and with individual
teachers with pay according to
Students chosen for these jobS
must be within the rules and
qualifications set by the National
youth Association. To be consid-
ered, the applicant must be 16
years of age, must be a good
school citizen, must need the fi-
nancial help, and must fit into
the ' available position.
Buenos Dial>
Do you guys know what a big-
amist is? Well, a bigamist is a
fellow who makes a mistake -
then makes another without cor-
recting the first.
Girl most likely not to become
"n old maid- Clara Mae Isham.
Boy most likely not to become
a bachelor- Wilmer Bowie.
Most faithful couple - E. W.
Butts and Martha Sansing.
Most couple - (not
enough room for all of them) .
There was a littlE> boy named
And a girl named Betty for
whom he did fall .
He'd write her at school and
phone her at the show,
And when he'd see her how his
eyes did glow.
But one fair night when things
, were so jolly,
In walked a guy and his name
was Wally.
There was a swish, there was a
And Paul went through the
alley door.
So now if you see a 01
And a taller figure just in back,
Don' t stop to look, listen, and
wonder why,
It's only Paul qnd Wally who
thundered by.
A New Rule
It was only the second day of
school when the students of
Wesla,co' high found out that
from now on, one student will
oecupy a single seat in study
hall. It all happened when ex-
student Donald Hewlett sailed
into the library a,nd pla,nted
himself next to l\'lerry Ferne
(as has been the custom for the
P? two years ). Suddenly Hew-
lett left the seat like a six-leg-
ged chipmonk in a. bed of un-
derfed termites. . ....... .. ................. .
Yes, you're rght. It was Miss
Herron supplYing Don with the
knowledge of the fact that if
he wished to talk, he could do
so while standing. So, fellow
studes, remember in the future
tha,t what Professor Steigal J.
Coondog said, "Two can sit as
eaSily as son but it is an un-
wise choice.
Margaret Lucas, president of
t he Valley High Schoel Press As-
sociat on, editor of the
Hi-Life last year, meml:er of the
Girl Reserves, Quill and Scroll,
.lVrusic Club, and band, has been
elected editor of the Hi-Life for
the first semester. This is the first
time the Hi-Life hES had an editor
of the past year; however, the
journalism class decided that it
would have a better chance in
press contests if it started the
.Iear with an experienced editor .
The pr esident of the Future
Homemakers, vice-president of
the Girl Reserves, secretary of the
Little Theatre, a leader of the
Pep Squad, and a member of the
Junior Music Club is none other
than the enthusiastic E"eanor
Mortensen, who has been elected
assi stant editor of the Hi-Life for
t he first semester of '41-'42.
"Slap Happy" Bill
Joins Air Corps
From Fort McDowell, Cali-
fornia, comes news that Bill
Hays of the '41 senior s. sai led
the f ifth of September fer the
Philippine Islands. Bill is a
private in the Army Air Corps.
He stated that he would see
his former classmates in two
or three years -- if the Japs
didn't get hini. In the mean-
time, he wants the Hi-Life sent
to him, for even though he is
6943 miles from home, he
wants to keep up with Weslaco
Efficient System
Used for Uniforms
To Insure Fit
A new and more efficient sys-
tem for fitting the uniforms of
the band has been worked out
for the coming year. Each uni-
form will have three cards on
file. One is for the hat, and gives
the hat size. The coat card giving
the chest, sleeve, and coat back
measurements. The card for the
pants contains the waist, seat, in-
seam, and outseam measurements,
Each member will also have a
card on file giving his measure-
ments. These cards will be match-
ed with the other set, and the
Barber: "Do you want a
cut, sir?"
hair- uniform given out.
Bobby Compere: "Well, I
in to get them all cut. "
The belts- have all been re-
came , worked this - summer, and the
i hats have been numbered.
THE YfESLACO - HI.:l;:rF:B; II, 1941
Farhia, Bell, Shu-
ford, Roberson, in
Sweetheart Race
Seniors, Juniors
Furnish Candidates
F or Sweetheart
Catherine Farina and Betty
Bell, seniors, and Jean Shuford
and Carlene Roberson, juniors,
were selected by the Panthers
Monday afteernoon as the four
candidates from whom the Pan-
tl.- el' Sweetheart should be chos-
At home room Thursday morn-
i ng the seniors will choose either
Catherine or Betty as their candi -
c.ate, while the jupiors will select
either Jean or Carlene. From
these two candidates one will be
elected by popular ballot Thurs-
day, September 18. All members
of . jtinior-seniorhigh school ex-
cent the eighth grade may vote.
On Wednesday of next week an
a rc sembly period will te given over
to campaigning by the hvo class-
"S. The eJecter1 Sweetheart will
he presented with lluprcnri8te
reremonies at the Brownsville
game September 19 on Barbee
Plans Made
Throughout the summer months,
extensive has been done on
t he Junior and Senior high, according to Superinten-
dent Fred E. Kay.
The walls and casings in the
Junior High buildng have been
completely re-finished, and the
woodwork has been re-done in the
Senior High building. Miss Black's
office has been re-finished, and
a venet ian blind has been added;
t he band hoilse has received sim-
ila r treatment, havin-g teen paint-
ed and one of the rooms enlarged.
In addition t o these improve-
ments, the class room has been
removed from the lunch room,
and venetian blinds added thru-
out the cafeteria.
"Plans are being made. to paint
the walls in the Senior High and
to build at least one more tennis
court," stated Mr. Kay.
Pat -Hingle Heads
Band; Bib Compere
Is Vice-President
Pat Hingle was elected
dent of the Weslaco High School
band for the 1941-42 school year
:at a meeting of the band held
Monday, September B.
Other officers are as follows:
Bobby Compere, vice-president;
Mar garet Luccs, secretary-treas-
urer; Dorothy Lee Drawe, repre-
sentative of girl members; and
Albert White, representative of
bQY members.
These stUdents will make up the
executive committee and will draw
up +.he cor stitution by which the
tand will be operated.
- -----(,- ----
The new Nyl on hose are made
Gf coal. water and air. vVhen a
g;rl gets a hole in. Nylon stockings,
she doesn' t know whether the coal
is chipping, the water is leaking, I
or it' s a blowout in the air. -
Reader's Digest.
Buy Two Pencils-
; Use One, Ke!ep One!
Again this year the J ournal-
fsm Class is . sponsoring the
Panther Football pencils. The
entire Panther schedule, print-
ed in purple, will be on a white
pencil. Any true Panther boost-
er should buy at least two pen-
dIs: one for practical use, au-
other to be kept in remem-
brance of the 1941 football sea.-
Pencils will be on sale .be-
fore and at the Brownsv:Ile
game. The price is 5e a pencil.
Buy &s many as you can; in
doing S1> you help both t he
.Journalism Class and yourself.
The J ournalism Class wishes
to thank the First National
Bo.nd for its cooperation in the
f!: nancing Gf t hese pencils. The
name of the bank will ap,pear
bel<>w the Panther schedule.
Woul d you pay or..e tenth of a penny t o read "The Washline"
eve::-y week?
Of course, you would!
Beginning from the standpoint that each week the journalism
class strives to publish at least twenty articles and that a printed
copy of the Hi-Life costs only two cents, the startling statement
above can be deciphered easily.
Just think: only two cents a week for, features, gossip, an!"
news stories; that's really a colossal bargain' that no one can afford
to miss! '
P. S. subscriptions m?ke the stories ' even l ess expensive than
that. Eave you subscribed?
Welcome, Students and Teachers
Last Tuesday morning found many new teachers and students
beginning their Lrst day at dear old W. H. S. Of course, most of
. the old studes were L-ack from a long summer vacation makjng theI)l
ready, willing, and able to stat aJ:1othernine months of .hard
This year W. H. S. has new pupils from other parts of Texas
and different states. New students and teachers, Weslaco High wel-
comes you into its midst and it hopes that you may seen become
accustomed to our s.choo1 traditions and come to love our school as
all of our students love it. Weslaco High will try to help you in
making your year a happy and successful one for each of you.
And here'shoping YOll like W. H.B. and decide to stay with us.
lenkines To Be
d. L L J 4 ,Weslaco Band's
Well, this is your dope reporter'
again bringing you the goings-on
between the belles and casanovas
of W. H. S.
We open this news column with
the date of the week. DOROTHY
seen cutting a wicked rug at the
VVae" on Saturday night.
The ex-students of W. H. S.
have been occupying the minds of
our belles. ' Seen over the
week-end were DOROTHY LEE
Do:ng justice to this thing
called love are FRANCES BETTS
What' s this we hear about
(triple-threat) CHANDLER hit-
f.,<1 it off over the week-end?
' NED CONGDON of Mission
secIT'S to be occuoyinl:\" the mind
If you see BEBE . SKAGGS
Drum Major
Experienced Lad
Picked to. Hold
High Position
Archie Jenkines, senior, has
been appointed drum major by
William Krauledat for the season
of 1941-'42 Archie has had eight
years of training on the trumpet
and two rears of baton twirling.
The drum major's position was
vacated last year by Katie Rog-
ers' grad1,lation from high school.
The drum major's job is not an
easy one to fill, for he ' must have
the respect of the band and,' be
considered one of its outstanding
members. Then in order to be
seen and understood by members
in the band, he must be taller
than average and know the sig-
nals and commands thoroughly.
dreamily staring off into the 0-----
space, it will be because her lover P. T .A. Make Plans
21'<1 ever' present companion, 'F ' d' . '
BOTSY NILES. is attending T., or Be In Lounge
M. I. this year. Since the teachers would like
Congratulations are in order to to have the use of their lounge in
ARCHIE, our new drum major. the .Senior High building, the
. Two more pretty damsels that P. T. A. has voted to make Mrs.
hove off tre "steady list" Hankals office a lounge for the
are MARION GEo.RGE and BET- stUdents ty E.dding a bed or
TY BELL. (All r ight, boys, please couch, linens, blankets, etc. So,
don't all fall at once). if any of you students have the
Celebrating their birthdays over uriortunate luck of getting sick,
the, week- end at the beach were please go to the lounge in the
HUFTY and FLEMING. J unior High building. Students
Say, MARGIE SANSING, where are further urged to keep the
did yoU get your pretty sweet- restrooms clean, the
heart bracelet? We like it. '. hasn't a matron th;s year.
Blitzkrieg Calls
Forth Reserves
To Edit Paper
You've heard about Mable?
(She's the Journalism type-
writer). Well, Mable led a
well organized army of trouble
into the Journalism room
Tuesday of last week and gave
all the little reporters a lesson
on "how to put the paper to
First Sergeant "Inexperi-
ence" led the attack with Pri-
vates "Censored Filler" and
"Absent Pictures" doing their
best to keep editors and spon-
sor busy. The pictures of Mr.
Key and Mr. Murphy were sent
to the Star, but they didn't get
back 'till almost too late. When
General Mable introduced her
secret weapon: (see last week's
editorial) the typist gave up in
despair and took refuge in the
t;:-ping room.
But this isn't all! ,The army's
well hidden satoteurs kept two
unwritten articles prisoners un-
til Thursday morning. At the
2ppearance of this new under-
ground blitzkrieg, Reserve Of-
ficers Bobby Moyer and Don-
;old Hewlett were called from
their beds and sent to the
front lines.
Bv Wednesday, fourth period,
,,11 had surrendered except Ma-
ble. who , totes the flag alone
until next week's reinforce-
trents arrive.
Robert: "What's Joe got that I
Catherine: "Me!'"
ot C'Lime!
Those persons recently seen Parks, Donald Fleming, Ruth Hel- green journalists put out the first
walking down the halls, glancing en Young, Donald Hewlett, Jo- Hi-Life.
, 1 Millicent Yoder came back to
Soea thily into tte classrooms, and seph Schoen, Carson Hoge, and
a few !rore hearts before
chuckling softly to themselves Robby Good were just a few taking leave of her Alma Mater,
Were none other than the gradu- who returned to gloat over us and Jean ,Donaldson came along
ates of recent years. When they hard-working studes! to do her part.
peeked into Mr. Kay's office, they That dashing young man, ' Miss ,Black says that she can
probably shuddered over the trips ' Paul Abel, was seen peeking int o never get organized the first week
they had made there before on his former classrooms and greet - because she has so much company.
entirely different sorts of calls; ing his old friends and teachers In fact, she is always popping in
then they weren't just stopping to I the other day. and out of her classes to greet a
S,y "Hello." Some of the ex-stUdents were former ,pupil. She neglects her
Virginia Ransom, Billie Marion called into service to help the present students terribly!

(By Bobby CUrbo)
The Weslaco High School should
follow the United States govern-
ment's idea of the draft to get
some more football players. The
squad is so small that there are
not enough boys out to have a
good scrimmage. We are not ask-
ing anyone to come out and be
dummies, because everyone that
comes out has just as good a
chance to playas anyone else. This
year, in contrast to other years,
boys can belong to other organi-
zations, such as band, and still
play football.
When one walks into the dog-
house, the first thing he sees is
the Panther slogan :
"It's not the coach nor the cap-
Nor the stars that make the goal,
But the everlastin' teamwork
Of every bloomin' soul."
In the four corners of the place-
card are the words: block, tackle,
train, and hUR-tle.
Twenty-Four Kittens
Report. for Practice;
Six Lettermen Return
Last Tuesday, September 2,
twenty-four eager Kittens began
their workout, under the direction
of Weslaco's new junior coach, R.
C. Whitmill . .
Although smaller in weight and
size than last year's team, the
1941 Kittens are better experi-
enced, with six returning letter-
men and one from McAllen.
The following boys have report-
ed for practice: Jimmy Moyer,
Kenneth Ryan, Bill Solether, ends;
Bob Rankin, Marin Gonzales,
Theo Haas, Maurice Talbert,
tackles; Douglas Parker, Dewey
Barnett, Donald Jenkines, guards;
James Cleckler, center; Jimmy
Laredo, Billy Joe Jackson, Eddie
Allen, Rotert Hartness, Ralph
Milliken, Walter Baxter, S. D.
McDaniels, backs; Pat Key, Ray
Legrande, Dennis Griffin, Doyle
Hoge, Oland Parker, and Richard
Veach, manager.
The Kitten schedule will appear
in next week's Hi-Life, as it has
not been announced yet.

It was love at first sight. Then,
W.H.S. Enrolls
458 Students
In First Week
Eighth Grade is
Largest Class;
Ninth Second
A total of 458 students has en-
rolled in the Junior-Senior High
ScIJool for the 1941-'42 school pe-
riod, according to information is-
sued by Principal A. C. Murphy
At the close of the first week
last year 488 students had enroll-
ed. The decrease in this year 's
number may be partly accounted
for by the later cotton-picking
season and by the fact that sev-
eral stUdents have not returned
from their summer vacations.
The largest class, the eighth
!trade, has an enrollment of 113.
The ninth grade is second with '
89; the seniors number 83; the
juniors, 78; the 9B group con-
tairs 61: and the tenth grade. 34.
Classes will be organized at
home rooms Thursday the se'?ond
, I took a second look.- Adrienne
Saturday s Brownsville Herald Ames CBS
--------- 0------
carried a picture of the Panthers ,...
in action at practice on Barbee
Weslaco Allotted
21 N. Y. A. Jobs Field. The picture was he::tded, I Mortensen Elected
Weslaco Panters." Co.uld Pep Squad President
thIS have been a typographIcal I
error, or did the photographer ac- For 1941-42 Term
Twenty-one N. Y. A. jots in
junior-senior high school have
been allotted to Weslaco, accord-
tually hear the Panthers panting?
If he did, it was nothing compared
to the grunts and. groans heard the
following week as the Panthers
(or Panters) entered their hard-
est and longest week of practice.
Our sympathies to Joe Barbee,
who will be out of practice for a
few weeks because of a broken
arm. Joe was a key man to the
backfield and his hustle will be
missed in practice. Come on, Joe,
and get well in time to help the
Panthers meet their conference
should say- is to be conscious of
none.- Carlyle.
The greatest of all faults, I
0--. _-
Seen at the De Molay dance
Fridav ni!tht were SHIRLEY and
and LESTER SCOTT. A wonder-
ful time was had by all.
Vera Mortensen was chosen ing to A. C. Murphy, principal.
president of the Pep Squad, under Those who have applied and
the sponsorship of Miss Dene ' received jobs are as follows:
Boothe, at a meeting held in the Bobby Curbo, athletic hall
auditorium Friday afternoon at caretaker; Ray Logan, office boy;
one o'clock. Margaret Falardeau, Home Eco-
Mr. Kay first took charge of ! nomics assistant ; Carl Sims, band;
the meeting and stressed the need I Dorothy Shull, band; Luciclaire
for organizing the squad and also I Rankin, band; Mabel Cleckler,
explained to the girls what would I band; Jwm L. Brewer, band; Gene
be expected of each one through- Lofton, band; Grace Milliken,
out the coming season. Miss Boothe; Keith McMullin, vo-
Other officers who were chosen cational agriculture; Geraldine
for the 1941-'42 season are as McMullin, library; Helen Fran-
follows: vice-president, Carlene cis Pace, litTarv; Jean Rousseau,
Roberson; secretary, Jean Shu- library; Alice Goss, library; Leo
ford; treasurer, Margaret Ha,ris; RYclfl, ShOD; Alex Beckham,
welcome committee, Alba Mae grounds; Joe Laredo. punior hall;
Conner, Vivian Nell Dean, and Cletus Goss, laboratory; Pete
Vera Mae Schellhamer. Hall, sf'nior hall; and Mary
Jean Shuford and Carlene Rob- Mustain, Miss Andrus.
erson, candidates for junior pep- If there is anyone else interest-
leaders last year, will automatic- ed. Mr. Murphy states that there
ally be assistant pep leaders for will be one or two more j obs
this coming year. available.
The head man of the .Junior
Class is that read-headed Maur-
ice Talbert, the boy with the
mischievous twinkle in his eye,
who is a member of the Roliki
Club and tackle on the junior
team. With all of Maurice's fire
behind them, the Juniors are
expecting the best.

So this is what he means by
I'll bet the dog forgot our date.
A quarter after nine and still
no sign.
I wonder if he's ill?
That car--suppose he had a
I hope he had-and broke his
How overjoyed I was to get
Heavens! I wish I'd never met
Well, let come-I'll bust his
No, I won't--I'll cut him dead.
I'll look my coldest, my sever-
I'll the rat-
Oh, hello, dearest!
302 Students
Want School
To Have Annual
The students of Weslaco
High School want an annual,
a,ccording to the result of the
questionnaires filled out in
home room last week. The in-
forma.tion obtained is as fol-
lows: 302 want annuals; 187
will definitely buy one; 73
others may buy one; and 240
want the Hi-Life in the annual.
As has been the custom for
the last few years, the annual
will be published as a project
of the Journalism Class, and
members of the staff will be
selected largely from mem-
bers of this yea,r's and last
year's clases.
Editor, assistant editor, and
business manager of the annual
will be appointed in the near
future, while election of other
staff members will follow
shortly afterwards.

Curiosity Killed
The Cat! Don't Let
It Get You Down
Wednesday, September 17, 1941!
This was the important day, not
only for the .Panther Sweetheart
candidates, but for everyone else,
because it was election day.
It was confidently predicted
that between noon yesterday and
the last part of the third period
Friday, a terible epidemic of
curiosity will attack the students
of Weslaco high. Approximately
46 hours, 33 minutes, and 50 sec-
onds will lapse before anyone
knows who the Panther Sweet-
heart is to be!
Tbe campaign assembly at
fourth period Wednesday held all
the rivalry of a national political
Telegrams. letters. music,
banners, and speeches gave proof
that each class was doing its part
to put its candidate over the top.
Voting was carried on at the
conclusion of the rally Wednes-
day. The result of the voting will
be announced at a pep rally at
the end of the third period Fri-
day. So until that time, don't fol-
low the example of the cat who
-------------......:.. died of curiosity.
FOR 1941-'42
Tommy Solether, twice chos-
en the most popular boy of his
class, is now the ,president of
the seniors. When a sophomore,
Tom also headed his class as
president. Known for his freck-
les and his friendly smile, he is
a member of the Roliki Club and
the Lettermen's Club. Tommy
has been called the "128 lbs.
of T.N.T. of the football team,"
and H:e seniors are counting on
him to lead them through their
last year in that famous So-
lether way.

Lucas, Carrothers
Elected President,
Sponsor of G. R.' s
Margaret Lucas was elected
president and Mrs. Lelia Carro-
thers. sponsor of the Girl Re-
serves, Wednesday, September 10,
at a called meeting in the audi-
Virginia Brunton, president-
elect for 1941-42, moved to Cali-
fornia; therefore, the club elected
Margaret to fill the vacancy. Mrs.
Carrothers succeeds Miss Doris
Thompson, who was married last
"Howdy" ,
We heard a good one the
day, and we would like to pass
it on to you: .. '. '.
Angry Pa: "What's the idea of
bringnig my daughter in at such
an early hour in the morning?" <
Boy: "I gotta be at. work at
Speed Demon
The other morning when the
weather was a little ' on the
rainy side, Mr. Kay was put on
the bottom side. It seems as
though he was in a ,' hurry to
leave the Junior Higlibuilding,
and he hit the top,' step at
break-neck speed. His left foot
went northeast and his right foot
went southeast, and Mr. Kay
-well, he got to the in a
big hurry but sore in . $pots.
Again we quote Professor Stei-
gal J. Coonday when we say;
"You can slip up, in, out,
and around, but never down."
Boldest girl-Josephine Fawcett.
" .. Boldest boy-Farris Cleckler.
Boy most likely to miss action
in Brownsville game: (Toss up
between Joe Barbee and "Post-
hole" Fulkerson.
Girl and Football
Tomorrow night when the
Panthers go up against the
Brownsville Eagies watch Patsy
Lawrence when Calvin catches
a touchdown pass. I{eep you eye
on Carlene Roberson when
"Doc" Cleckler makes one of
those bruising tackles. Notice
Ollie Mae Swinnea when Curbo
makes a spectacular down-field
block. You can take a peek at
Ma,ry Lou McDaniel when Ar-
cher repays Dykes of the Eagles.
(Ha! We're very sorry but you
will have to wait a few weeks
before you can: watchCa,therine.
Tomorrow afternoon Weslaco
High student s will be called into
assembly and the 1941-42 Panther
Sweetheart will be announced.
Jean and Catherine are both swell
girls, and the one that gets the
"nod" will be the right one. Good
luck to both.
Surprise! This editorial is full of them!
C an you imagine our school without IT?'
H ow atout showing some of IT tomorr ow night at our first
o ur schOGl is one of the best in the Valley because we have
plenty of Iif
o ur Panther Sweetheart Contest has gone over with a bang
because the Juniors and Seniors have IT!
Let's have the best annual in the Valley because we have IT!
Surely :ourband has IT, for they're going to be out there on
the football field tomorrow night!
P ep Squad has, IT, as theY'll be there, too.
I ncluding teachers, "bout 500 people in W,H.S. have IT!
Right now; YOU have plenty of IT!
I n fact , everyone has IT!
T hat's right; you're ,right; IT is SCHOOL SPIRIT! '
, ' : H. C. Cleckler, through ar-
Stock Pen to be Made 1 enough for seven calves.
Larger by FF A Boys ' rangements made by his son, Har-
vey, is grinding feed for t he boys
The F. F . A. Chapter is making owning calves f0r $10 per 100
an extension to the stock pen pounds. The Texsun citrus plant
shelter after a : decision was made is donating to the F. F . A. enough
that the original pen wasn't large citrus pulp to feed the calves.
Classes' Officers Panthers To Meet
Chosen Thurs. Eagles Here Tomorrow Night
In Home Rooms
Backfield Honors Divided Between Eagles'
Celaya and "Speedy" Chandler
Various Sections'
Headed by Four
Boys, Six Girls.
Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock on
Officers for various classes and
home r.ooms were chosen last
Thursday morning. The list is as
"v. H. S. Kittens Meet
Edinburg Kittens
Today at Edinburg
Fur and flesh are destined -to
fly this afternoon when Weslaco's
mighty _ midgets truck up Edin-
Seniors: president, Tom1ny So- burg way to clash with the county
lether; vice-president, Carl Fitz- seat eleven,
gerald; secretary, Dorothy Lee The Kittens will be outclassed
Drawe;' publicity chairman,Rob- in number and weight, with Edin-
ert. burg,having a 25 to 40-pound edge
Juniors: president, Maurice per man, but Coach Whitmill is
Talber t; vice-president, Neil relying on his speedy, fast-click-
Chandler; secretary, Hoyt Hughes; ing backs to check the Bob-kit-
treasurer, Irene Yoder; - social tens.
chairman, Sam Jones; publicity The four fleetfooted Kitten
chairman, Tory Guerra; reporter, I backs that are. due to ca.use Edin-
Eleanor Mortensen; program burg so much trouble .are S. D.
chaiman; Tommy Gene Rives. McDaniel, lightest and fastest on
Sophomores : President, Verda the squad; Eddie Allen, signal
Mustain; vice president, _Harbara re an ; Walter Baxter; and Robert
Fisher; secretary, J . W. Mauldin; "glsmour boy" Hartness. These
treasurer, Glenn Gound; program boys will follow a swift-moving
chairman, Yates McKay. . line consisting of ' Kenneth Ryan-
Junior High Elects R. E. ; Bob Rankin, R. T.; Douglas
91: Pr esident, Mary Louise Bai- Parker, R. G.; James "Cornbread"
ley; vice president, R.L. Ald- C'ieckier, C; Theo Haas. L. - G .;
r idge; secretary, Robert Lee Don- "Red" Talbert, L. T.; Billy
alson. Joe Jackson, L. E.
gIl : President, Johnny Knapp; The Kittens have been going
vice-president , Betty Ann Pugel ; through strenuous work-outs for
secretary, Ruth Pinson. t wo weeks and are expected to
9Bl : President, Ann Frizzell; make a good showing at Edinburg
vice-president, Guy Bradford, this afternoon.
secretary-treasurer, Vivian Nell
Deane; assistant secretary, The-
resa Farina.
9BIl : President, Newell Talbert;
vice-president, Billy Solether;
secretary, Jimmy Moyer; treas-
urer, Otto Fay McFarland; re-
porter, Willadean McAlpin.
81: President, Mary Ann Bur-
ton; vice-president, Frank Koes-
ter; secretary, Bob Dennison.
gIl : President, Doris Long;
vice-president, Coco Garza; sec-
.retary-treasurer, Donald Jenkihes;
reporter, Ted McCullen.
71: P resident, Anne Williams;
vice-president Mona Swinnea'
secretary, Ross. '

Our first football game

Lettermen's Club
Elects Officers
P ete Hall was elected vice-presi-
dent, Watson Keeney, secretary-
treasurer, and Paul Fulkerson, re-
porter, ata meetihg of the " W"
Club held Thursday, September
11, in room 10.
Botby Curbo. elected president
at the club's first meeting, ap-
pointed Tom Solether and Watson
Keeney to draw up the club' s con-
stitution, to ' be presented and vot-
ed on at a future meeting.
- ----o}-----
It's Friday night.
On Barbee Field.
Barbee Field the Weslaco Pan-
thers, the 'New Deal" will don
their classy new uniforms for
their initial game of the season
against the Brownsville Eagles, a
non-conference game.
Since this is the ' first game for
both teams, little is known of
either 's power: Nevertheless, it is
known that Brownsville has 175
pounds of dynamite in a guy they
call T. W. Celaya. Celaya, pre-
season favorite for . all Valley
honors, is the mainstay of the
Brownsville backfield. ' He is
known for his feats of tearing lines
apart, and tomorrow night gets
his acid test against the seven-
lettermen Panther line. .
Another pre-season all '-Valley is
center Johnny Dykes. Dykes plays
either end or center, and is ex-
ceptionally good on defense.
As for Coach Little's crew he
has one of the speediest
fields in the Valley this year; on'
the contrary, he has, perhaps, the
lightest line.
Come what may tomorrow
night, it will be 175-lb. "line
smasher" Celaya against 147-lb.
"Speedy" Chandler.
Band to Perform
Between Halves
The Weslaco High School Band
directed by William Krauledat'
will pr esent a drill at the
mission of the Weslaco-Browns-
ville game, September 19. The
band will finst - form the letter
"B". For Brownsville; then it will
pl ay "Onward Wisconsin," fol-
lowed by- the forming of the let-
ter "W" toward the Weslaco
The band, not being able to
march last week because of the
rain, has been able to practice
only five days. Since the drill has
not been 'perfected, the band will
practice under the lights Thurs-
day evening at 7 :15. The prob-
lem of uniforms, marching, music,
and other details will be worked
. out at that time.
Greetings and salutations! Here
we are back again, the eyes and
ears of Weslaco High, to give you
news and views of the week's
The date of the week goes to
MARIE DANEY whose rug-cut-
ting at TOMMY GENE' S party
Friday night was a sight to see
- yeah, man!
verted his mechanical replica of
the dark ages (model T) into a
propaganda machine for the Pan-
ther Sweetheart campaign - ah,
dear, a sight to behold.
TOMMY GENE' S dance was
the center of attraction last Fri-
day night with most of Weslaco's
jitterbugs doing a straight eight
boogie-jiving and having a sim-
ply marvelous time. Seen at
Your inqUIrIng reporter has
been inquiring around among the
Panthers, their coaches, and oth-
ers, about what they are planning
to do the Eagles tomorrow night.
COACH LITT-LE : "I'm glad
games are won by the size of the
fight in the team, and not by the
size of the team in the fight."
COACH HENSON declared:
"The boys will be out there scrap-
ping hard."
Now.. we have a few statements
from the boys themselves.
gonna pay them back for last
Secretarial Course
Popular in W. H. S.
The Secretarial Training classes
are increasing in size every year.
This year it was necessary to
have two sections. Since com-
mercial work is contributing to
national defense, it is the aim of
the commercial department to
train students to become capable
of filling positions of that type.
LETTY LOU and her college
man were seen wandering from
place to place Friday night. Where
they finally ended up, no one
knows- or do they?
Everyone is waiting for our
first bid of the football season
tomorrow, not only for the
thrills of the game, but those af-
ter-games dates at the "Wagon."
Feminine hearts fluttered, and
sighs were heard among a . cer-
tain group of sophomores and
freshmen Saturday when E. B.
Hodges came from Corpus Christi
for a week-end visit.
ENCE BELL kept wheels of the
"Wagon" rolling Saturday night.
Flash! We have a dare-devil in
our midst! Saturday afternoon
Pep Squad Feeds
New Members, Crack
Eggs in Initiation
The Pep Squad, sponsored by
Miss Dene Boothe, held their in-
itiation Monday night a seven
o'clock on the school campus.
The initiation was in char ge of
Alma Dee Johnson, chairman of
the program committee.
The clever program included
such stunts as cracking of egg-
shells over the new members'
heads, rolling onions with their
noses on the sidewalk, and the
feeding of bread soaked in soda
and ice water.
The last half of the initiation
for mally acknowledged each par-
ticipant as a member of the Pep
Squad. Each new member was
asked by Vera Mortensen, presi-
dent, to repeat the following oath:
"I do solemnly promise before
these witnesses to take an active
part in the Pep Squad of Weslaco
High School ; to abide by the con-
stitution and by-laws of the or-
ganization, and to do all in my
power to promote its best inter-
DOROTHY LEE was flying neat- Who is the object of MARION'S
ly along at a moderate clip when glances in the journalism class?
bingo! The steering wheel broke. It couldn' t be triple-threat
. Result: more junk to Japan. - Chandler- or could it?
WATSON "All-Valley" KEE-
NEY : "We're going to roll them
BOBBY CUREO: "We'll try
hard and do our best."
you think we'll do? Beat them, of
If that's the way the boys fee]
about it, the student body will be
right behind them one hundred
pee cent.
Now for a few remarks from
that student-body.
Catherine Farina: "With all of
us behind the Panthers, how can
they possibly lose?"
BETTE BELL: "With those Pan-
thers rearing to go, the Eagles had
better beware."
PHYLLIS HOGE: "Best of luck,
Panthers! We know you'll really
on, Panthers; we're all for you."
the Panthers get . through with
those Eagles Friday night, t here
will be enough feathers floating
around to make a new fan fof
Sally Rand."
GENE LOFTON: "I give Wes-
laco the odds by one touchdown."
ROBERT "Triple threat" MARION GEORGE: "r agree
shame that ihe Eagles will have
to make such a long trip just to
be beaten."
tail-feathers out."
tear their with Catherine one hundred per
TOMMY "vite- em-hard" SO-
LETHER: "We'll fight them ' till
the last' !"
PAT HINGLE: "If brains can
win over brawn, we should have
a championship team this year."
Panthers won't let old W. H. S.
Junior Patrol
to Begin Fourth
Year of Service
Seven Boys Report
For Instructions,
Start Next Week.
Farina Elected Panthers to Play
Team Sweetheart Bulldogs Tonight
By Body At McAllen
McAllen Expected
To Use Air Lanes;
Panthers Prepared.
The Junior Patrol met Wed-
nesday of last week with a rep- When coach Little's purple and
resentative of the 20- 30 Club to white midgets land on the McAllen
discuss the location fa the Safety gridiron tonight for their non-
Sallys this year. As the belts and conference tilt with the Palm City
badges furnished by the Kiwanis Bulldogs, they'll have to watch
Club' have not arrived, the as- mainly two guys: passing and
signment of positions to the boys punting star Leverman and fleet-
will not be made until next week. foot Kelly.
Without these belts or badges, the At the present Levermann is
boys would have no authority. leading Valley scorers with 18
Those boys present at the meet- points. Not only does Levermann
ing from the high school were as produce points,but the majority
follows: Arturo Cuellar, Odell of the time heaves passes, which'
Godwin, Cecil Ray Rines, Bob accounted for 79 yards against
Dennison, Thomas Moore, Ed- Pharr last week. His punts have
ward l.VIcLeaish, Vastine Ross. averaged 40 yards.
This is the fourth year the Ju- Kelly, pre- season all-valley fa-
nior Patrol has served the school. vorite, is the fellow to call upon
Their appearance on the street is to produce a nice gain when
just 2S regular as the Hi-Life is needed. He's the kind of back
on Thursday. They have made ends hate to see coming because
this school the safe school that it of his side-stepping. Like Lever-
is; and their work in this attempt Chosen the most beautiful girl mann, Kelly punts and passes in
has won the recognition of the I in the spring of ' 40 for the La bet ter than good form.
State Highway Patrol. Palma, a very enthusiastic cheer I Although the Panthers lost to
-----0 leader, and the girl with that Brownsville last week, fans got an
Want to Save Fifty
Cents? Here's How!
Do you want to save money?
Everyone does, and everyone
wants an annual.
A year's subscription to the
Hi-Life costs fifty cents, and
the annual will cost two dol-
lars. Pay a dollar down on your
annual and get your Hi-Life
FREE. That's a saving of fifty
cents. This offer holds good on-
ly until October 15.
If Y.ou already have a Hi-Life
subscription for the first sem-
ester, your down payment will
be only seventy-five cents.
BeCll.use the student body
voted to have the Hi-Life in
the annual, the Journalism
Class cannot publish the type
of bOok the school would want
for less tha.n two dollars.
flashing smile and friendly per- opportunity to see the fighting
sonality is Catherine Farina. She brand of ball the Panthers played.
was elected Panther Sweetheart They also got an idea that oppo-
last week and presented at the nent teams are going to think
first football game of the year. they're figuring a crossword puz-
Catherine is a member of the Girl zle when they meet Coach Little's
R.eserves, the Future Home Mak- boys.
ers, the Junior Music Club, and A 32-6 victory over Pharr last
the Debate Club. week seems to give McAllen the
--- --40 nod tonight; but when the game
G. R. Cabinet Meets is over, of the score, it
can be confidently predicted that
With New Sponsor the Bulldogs will know that they
have been in a ball game.
Plans for the candlelight ser-
vice were discussed by the Girl
Reserves and their new sponsor,
Mrs. Lelia Carrothers, at a cabi-
net meeting last Monday at noon
in the Home Economics room.
The week of September 28 to
October 4 was set aside for Rush
Week. and Sunday, October 5,
was the date set for the candle-
light service. It was also decided
that 9-1 girls would be allowed

The following sign is said to
be prominently displayed in a
coffee shop in Milwaukee:
"You want credit-1 no give,
you get sore. You want credit-
I give, you no pay, I get sore.
Better you 'get sore."
to join the Girl Reserves this

Here it is Monday morning:
again and another deadline to
meet, We hope you can put up
with us for a few minutes.
Ouch! My Finger
Friday night during the Browns-
ville game Bobby Curbo's finger
was served as a full course din-
ner. It seems that a Brownsville
player did not like Bobby's hand
in his mouth; therefore, he took
a bite. Ask Bobby if you may see
his finger.
We would like to extend con-
gratulations to Catherine for
winning the honor of being Pan-
ther Sweetheart and to Jean for
being a swell candidate and a
cheerful loser. The juniors and
seniors should have a pat on the
back also for the good sportsman-
ship and spirit displayed during
the contest.
School Money
Money, dear money, how I'm
longing for you,
There's a book from the library
that's way over due. -
Tuesday, a handbook; Wednes-
day a ;ring;
Thursda.y I'm left without a
doggone thing.
Monday it's a nickel to see the
Tuesday it's fifty for a work-
book in Science.
Thursday it's two-bits for a
"Hi-Life" subscription,
Friday it's ten for the game
You buy a pennant to take to
the game,
You don't buy a pencil, and
ii's a dirty
Two cents for a "Hi-Life" to
read your name,
And they never spell it twice
the same.
Money, money, money is all
you hear,
But I'd give my kngdom for
another year (in W.H.S.).
Weslaco students proved that
they had plenty of school spirit
when the pep rally: was held Fri-
day morning. We hope this spiri
keeps up all year.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10!
Ten football boys sitting on a bench.
That's the way it was Friday night at our first football game:
eleven boys on the field and ten on the bench.
Those ten boys that "warmed the bench" Friday night' are the
spark plugs of our football team : they are the power that enables
the boys on the field to meet the opposing team. The boy who doesn't
play but who does work out every afternoon, who sticks with the
football rules all season, who doesn't give up when his teammates
get all the glory, and who is always "Johnny on the spot" is the
man that counts in any football game!
We're proud of you, Panthers, and take this opportunity to
show our appreciation.
We're With You, Panthers!
Well, students, we lost our first football game, but that doesn't
dampen our spirits any, for we are still one hundred per cent behind
those Panthers.
Friday night's game proved to us that our boys can really put
up a good fight and that even in the face of defeat, they kept up
that old Weslaco spirit
Friday night the Panthers had the support of the school and
the citizens of Weslaco. The band and pep squad did an excellent
job, and the four pep leaders proved to be a snappy group. Familiar
faces in the stands 'encourage our boys to put forth their best efforts
in t';e support of our school. This is even more true when they fight
on a strange grid.
So, students, when the Panthers go to McAllen tonight, let's
show them that we're 100 per cent behind them, and be up therl
to cheer them on to victory.
White Chosen Roliki
President; Murphy
Elected to Sponsor
I Farina to be Honor
1 Guest at Dance
The Senior Class is sponsoring
a dance honoring Catherine Fa-
Albert White was chosen presi- rina, Panther Sweetheart, to-
dent of the Roliki Club, and Prin- morrow night, September 26,
cipal A. C. Murphy sponsor at a I from 8:30 to 12:30 in the Cortez
business Wednesday, Sep- ballroom. The admission prices
tember 17, in the Home Eeconom-
will be 25c per person or 50c per
ics room of the Junior High couple.
building. Girls without dates are urged to
The other officers elected are as I come as stags. A clever program
follows : Neil Chandler, vice- pres- is being planned for the affair.
ident; Carl Fitzgerald, secretary-I Chaperons for the dance will be
treasurer; and Bob Compere, ser- the home room mothers of the
geant-at-arms. New members willi various classes. Teachers of both
be voted into the club next week the junior and senior high schoolS
at the regular meeting. are invited.
-----I (} ____ -_
First Kangaroo : "Annabella,
where is the baby?"
Second Kangaroo: "My good-
ness! I've had my pocket picked,"
And then, of course, you've
heard of the little girl who signed
her arithmetic paper "Mae West"
because she done 'em wrong.
Blitzkrieg Strikes
In Form of Pencils
Something new hit the cam-
p u ~ the third period Friday
when those journalism stu-
dents were turned loose on the
unsuspecting teachers and stu-
Each reporter carried twen-
ty-five of those big purple and
white pencils; and before they
knew what was going on, the
people of the press became the
center of attraction. Everyone
was in a hurry to support his
school and team.
At lunch most people had
a pencil in their pockets and
one at home in his or her
memory book.
The class states that there
are a few pencils left; so by
buying soon, the unlucky stu-
dents who failed to get one
Friday and the first of the
week may also be in style.
I The Washline I
Here we are, you lucky people
bringing again stuff and junk
about you, you and especially you.
,The date of the week brings a
new twosome in the limelight.
Seen together were MARJORIE
At the football game were
Congratulations to the whole
football team for a swell game.
They certainly have what it takes.
At the Wagon after the game
Saturday night brought to-
gether our famous twosome,
. ______________ -" going, you two!)
WATSON KEENEY isn't wast-
F oothall Team Gets ing any time in dating up the
"Yellow Quarters"; newest addition to our many
goodlooking girls, Florine BELL.
Confuse Reporters PHYLLIS HOGE and BOBBY
Want a Cold Drink?
You Can Get It!
No longer 'need you stop in
that graceful position for a
drink a,t the water fountain,
only to be rewarded by the re-
pUlsive a-ppearance and smell
of someone's discarded cud of
chewing gum. No loager need
you try to quench your thirst
with the luke-warm water that
lazily emerges from our foun-
tains when you turn the handle.
Now don't get us wrong. No,
the school is not installing a
cold water system, but the
Journalism Class is sponsoring
50mething a thousand times
better - a "serve - yourself"
Coca Cola stand. It is in the
front hall where you can drink
at noon or during change of
classes if you so desire.
But remember - only nick-
els are to be used-no slugs al-
Of course, the proceeds are
to be used by the Journalism
Class towards this year's an-
Hankal Honor Guest
At Ice Cream Social
It was learned last Thursday by CURBO were together Saturday
one of our eagle-eyed reporters, night as usual. Not bad, not bad.
ttat Coach Little was forcing cir-I ROBERT (Triple - threat)
cl,<lar-shaped obJects down the CHANDLER has so much umph
esophagus of one of his football ' that after he had taken SIDNEY I Mrs. R. B. Hankal was honor
boys. This object had the general CLARKE home last week, she guest at an ice cream social given
appearance of a quarter except for developed a severe case of the by Home Economics classes II and
its color, which was dusty yel- mumps. What a man! III in the Home EConomics de-
low. Through a reliable source, it Seen at the game were Miss partment last Thursday afternoon
was learned that each boy had to BLUMBERG and JOE DAVISON, at 4:30. All of the new women
t2ke six of these yellow pillets Miss BOOTH and JUNIOR JEN- teachers were present, and each
every day! KINES supporting that Panther member of the classes invited a
Could our coach be a wizard? team. guest. Six different kinds of ice
Was he resorting to wizard-like COACH WHITMILL and the cream, which the girls had made,
n;e lhods in order to win the game? Mrs. were seen batting the tennis were served to the guests, to-
Such a mystery could not re- ball back and forth over the net gether with the cookies that they
main unanswered in this school. on our W. H. S. courts over the had also made.
That is why the reporter was weekend. (That's a neat back-
SEen asking strange questions Fri- hand, Coach. )
day. The first clue only puzzled Last Wednesday night MARION
him' more. The "yellow quarters" GEORGE was again with Merce-
(urned out to be only huge yellow des' DAVID CAMEL. Along were
Not Heil Hitler!
Buy, Hey, Guy, Look!
p;lls. The next question was, "Is OLLIE MAE and BILLY SEI- If you see some of your fellow
Our coach trying to give our Pan- BERT. stUdents walking around in the
thers super-human strength in the Just where did MARY McAL- halls with one arm extended in
form of pills? Do these pills con- PIN get the good-looking bracelet I front of them, they are not giving
tain some strange new vitamin she is sporting around? It couldn't I the Nazi salute, but are only show-
that will put more vim, vigor, and be from that navy man-or could II ing off their new senior rings,
Vitality into the veins of our it? which they received Monday at
Valorous valiants? WILBERT MILLER escorted I noon.
The answer almost knocked our EUNISTINE BRADFORD about This year the rings are some-
reporter silly. The yellow pills the past week. It seems that the what different, but they still have
Were only surphur and cream of underclassmen are showing the the school crest in the middle and
tartar tablets to prevent boils. senior boys just what is what. the panthers on both sides.
Kitten Schedule
Edinburg B*-there--Sept. 18.
San Benito B*-here-Sept. 24.
Mission-there--Oct. 2.
P. S. J. A.-there-Oct. 9.
Edinburg B*-here--Oct. 16.
McAllen-there--Oct. 23.
Donna- here--Oct. 30.
Mercedes-here-Nov. 6.
San Benito-here--Nov. 13.
*These are the scrub teams
of the senior squad. The junior
high teams are not competing
for a championship, but are
playing for experience and for
the fun of the game.
Edinburg Kittens
Defeat Weslaco
Juniors 20-0
From The
(Bob Curbo)
The Weslaco High School foot-
ball team consisted of 20 boys
that were able to play last Fri-
day night. Surely with a progres-
sive school like Weslaco, with
458 students, there should be
more than 20 boys representing
Weslaco in the senior athletic
F amiliar Yells,
Songs, Resound
In Pep Meeting
Once again the walls of th
auditorium vibrated as days of
old, when Catherine Farina was
presented as the Panthers' Sweet-
heart of 1941-42 at the first pep
rally of the year.
Jean Shuford, losing candidate,
told the Panthers that she was
presenting them with the best
sweetheart they had ever had.
The band then led off with the
pep. song, 'Round the
Mountain." Several yells and
. . . songs followed, but the two most
The whole town of Weslaco was rousing ones were the school yell,
well pleased with the Panthers "Purple and White" and that good
and their coaches Friday night. old "Barbee Yea Team."
Although the score did not show Coach Little gave a short talk
it, the statistics showed that Wes- on school spirit. More yells fol-
laco outplayed the Eagles all over lowed and then a cornet trio play-
Size and weight proved too the field. ed the school song, after which the
much for those fighting Kittens . band and student body joined in.
when they bowed to the over- In the Sportlight: Calvin Voel- The students left the auditorium
whelmingly large Edinburg Bob- kel, Weslaco High School three- to the strains of a rousing march
kittens last Thursd.a
afternoon to I letter man, is entertaining his last played by the band.
a score of 20-0. year of sports for Weslaco High. 0-----
. plaY ' ?f the I He is seventeen years of age, six Farina, Sweetheart
the mIghty mIdgets fIghtmg WIth feet tall, and weighs 156 pounds. '
that . "Never Say Die" attitude. I He has earned his letters in foot- Presented to Team
game was played on a soggy, ball, basketball, and baseball. He : On Barbee Field
fIeld; however: very few fumbles! played end on the football squad,
could be blamed upon the wet , guard in basketball, and center I Catherme Farma, Panther
grass. . . field in baseball. He was a first- was presented to .the
Hartness and MIllIken proved to . stringer in each of these sports.' publIc Fnda3:" September 19, Just
be very promising for the coming Calvin' s example of starting out before j;he kIck-off and the Wes-
season, as played a bang-up i in junior high sports should be game. The band
game,carrymg the ball most of followed by all junior high boys. the :fIeld once and formed
the time. Voelkel is also a charter member m front of the Weslaco stands;
Only two minor injuries occur- of the newly organized Letter- while the band played
red in the game when "Corn- man's Club. Commg Around the Mountain,"
bread" Cleckl,;r was hurt in a 0 the Panthers ran in to form a
body block, and Donald Jenkines R b S semicircle.
received a slight leg injury in a .0 ertson ponsors Principal A. C. Murphy escorted
line drive. Both recovered before Debate; Credit Given; Catherine to the field and intro-
the game ended. T. p ' . d duced her to the spectators. After
Although the Kittens lost their riPS rOmISe the captain ' of the football team,
first game, they are anxious to Herman "Pete" Hall, presented
get back and show everyone they The debate group this year the sweetheart with a bouquet of
haven't even started yet. will be under the sponsorship of purple asters, the band gave in-
--- --'0-- ___ Mrs. Fred Robertson. The ques- dividual yells for the Panther
. N d tion for debate this year will be: Sweetheart and Panther team and
o.J'anslng ame "Resolved, That the Federal Gov- then played "Let Me Call You
Choral Club President ernment should adopt the policy Sweetheart," followed by "Coming
of equalizing educational oppor- Around the Mountain," to leave
tunity throughout the nation by the :lJ.eld.
Martha Sansing was elected
president of the Choral Club,
sponsored by Miss Geraldine
Blumberg, at the regular meeting
last Thursday.
The other officers elected were
as follows: vice-president, Billie
Marie Daney; secretary-treasurer,
Geraldine McMullin; reporter,
Vera Mortensen.
means of annual grants to the sev-
eral states for public elementary
and secondary education." Mrs.
Robertson stated that this year' s
debate team will probably take
one or two trips besides the county
meet trip.
Underclassmen are urged to
take debate in order that they
may receive the experience this
year and take the lead in debate
next year. Students taking debate
this year will receive one half
credit if they have not taken
speech; however, even if they
have taken speech, one half a lo-
cal credit will be given.
HINGLE TO HEAD. \ Panthers Invade
Cards Home Grid
Tomorrow Night
Panthers After
First Victory
Of Season.
Weslaco's light Panthers will
run into plenty of trouble tomor-
row night when they invade Har-
lingen for a non-conference en-
gagement with Baker, Grant.
White and eight other Cards.
Baker was the speedy fellow
who ran touchdowns of 10, 70, and
30 yards against Donna two weeks
ago. This triple- threater snagged
a paS3 for a 30-yard touchdown
against Mercedes last Friday. Be-
sides running and snagging passes
Baker is a defer-sive standout.
While Baker goes around the
The business manager of the ends. fullback Grant plunges
1941-42 "La Palma" is Pat "Per-
through the center of the line, a
sonality Plus': Hingle. one of the trick which has been good for
most boys on the two touchdowns. Quarterback
pu.s. Ever .Pat presented hIS White specializes mostly on pass
bright .and shmmg i
to .w,es- throwing. which has been effec-
laco HIgh. has p .lm-
tive with Baker on the receiving
portant role m school ac:hvlhes. end
Two years ago Pat was rated' c
most popular boy in Senior High, Chandler and are
and his election last year as Ju- due to do the ball carrymg for
nior Class president proved that Weslaco. The. Panthers haven't
his popularity had not waned. yet scored thIS . but the
Pat is an outstanding member law of mdlCates a
of the band Little Theatre Ro- of condihon tomorrow evemng.
liki Club and the Senior Curbo and Whitlock, Weslaco's
The J;urnalism class is fortun- fighting guards, are the defensive
ate to have such a go-getter bus- stars. " .
iness rnanaoer for the 1941-42 an- The purp e and whIte lads are
nual. " out to avenge a 19-0 trouncing
- ---u---- -
Pennants to Sell
For 50 Cents Each
Two hundred purple and white
given them by the Cards last
year, but the red and white boys
intend to keep their goal un-
crossed. and a battle of battles is
on deck tomorrow night.
pennants have arrived and will A good explanation was given
be sold at 50c apiece by members the other day by one of the
of the Lettermen's Club, Each teachers when he 'explained why
pennant is one foot wide and he drew on the board instead of
Since the editorship of the high
school annual is one .of the most
important responsibilities of ', the
entire year, it is no great wonder
that Margaret Lucas was selected
for the position. Margaret's orig-
and dependability have
been evident at all times during
her past journalistic endeavors,
and her leader shi p in both club
and school work prove that she
has the ability to keep the annual
staff "on its toes."
Margaret is president of the
Valley High School Press Asso-
ciation e>. nd of the local Quill and
Stroll Chapter, honors which in-
dicate her fitness to be head of
the La Palma staff.
Under Margaret's leadership
the student body expects the best
annual in the history of Weslaco
W.H.S. Ex-Students
Join College Paper
thirty inches long, with a white lecturing. This explanation : "Well, Margaret Godfrey, Donald
background and purple letters. you see, if I tell you about it, it Hewlett, Robbie Good, and Billy
topped off by a snarling panther. will go in one ear and out the McWhorter are on the staff of the
The proceeds of the sale will go other, but if I draw it on the board, Edinburg "Campus Beacon." the
in the "w" fund, to be, used for it goes in through your eyes and Junior College paper. Margaret
amusements and -to buy a watch has no place to get out-(Our col- Godfrey is ' editor of the paper,
for the Panther captain at the end umnist)-Maybe. "Dalhart Hi- but the others have not been
of the season. . Times. . elected to permanent offices' yet.
Good Morning
Your cheerful little columnist is
here again with all the bright and
cheery comments on this week's
Sweetheart Dance
We, for one, think that a wring-
er should have been furnished at
the dance Friday night .. Why? To
wring out all the shirts and dress-
es that were soaking wet after ev-
ery "jive" number, such as
"Whatcha Know, Joe?" We might
add that we hope none of the
Weslaco students ever learn to
"jive" like Bennie Mitchell.
Have you planned to buy ' an
annual this year? It's something
to think about, because it's go-
ing to be the best annual Wes-
laco High School has ever pub-
lished.Why don't you make a
down payment now and get a
good start, 'U lIuy a subscription
to the "Hi-Life", which will de-
duct twenty-five cents from the
cost of the annual?
Hit Parade
Come what may,
Jitterbugs have had their day;
That fast music called jive
Took a spin and a dive.
The slow music is on tops
"You and I" even made the
show stop.
Next came "Yours" and "Till
And we are just the ones to
If you saw A C. "Absent-
Minded Professor" Murphy last
Saturday looking as though he
had lost his last friend, you
need::t't have worried. It- was not
a, friend, only a bunch of keys.
Saturday when he started to
refill the "coke" machine, the
small key" was gone.
Monday it was still gone.
However, after racking his brain
for hours, he finally remember-
ed where he had left his keys-
so Monday. afternoon cold coca
colas were again being dispens-
Adios and 30.
.JS '':2
- _ . _ __ ._1
"We have a definite purpose in calling our annual La Palma,
because the palm truly represents the branches of our school. The
five branches on our tree are School Spirit, Love, Loyalty, Industry,
and Activities. In this annual we have endeavored to present to you,
through pictureS! and c6pies of the Hi-Life, a oook that is truly rep-
resentative of our sl;!hool life; and if. in later years, this book en-
ables you to recall with pleasure the days you spent in Weslaco High
School, we shall feel that our aim has been accomplished."
Do you recognize this quota,t ion? It is taken from the Foreword"
of the 1939 La Palma, but it states completely the aim of 1941 Jour-
nalism Class for our annual this year. We all'e endeavoring to pub-
lish the type of book you want: by having the Hi-Life bound in the
back, by having more snapshot pa.ges, and by asking for your sug-
gestions in planning the contents.
'We're trying to please you; }Von't yoU help by subscribing for
your annual now? rhe price is only $2.00, and that includes a year's
subscription to our school paper. Pay your dollar before October 15
and thus show your loyalty to ]){Jth the Hi-Life and the . La, Palma.
Short, Short, Short, Short Story
Car less.
Six. weeks' examinations will
be given next week, announced
Principal A. C. Murphy. The
Hi-Life Member
Compose Staff of
'42 "La Palma"
I Catherine Farina
1 Named Honoree
By Juniors, Seniors
Cather ine Farina, Panther
Sweetheart, was honored with a
dance sponsored by the Junior
and Senior classes at the Cortez
Ballroom Friday evening. About
thirty-five couples attended.
A nickelodian, playing the lat-
Plans for Book
Being Made ; Work
To Begin Soon.
Chaperons for the affair were
est tunes, furnished music for the
dancing feet.
The organhation of the staff for Miss Willie.rnette Andrus and Mrs.
the 1941- 42 annual was complet- Lelia Oarrothers, senior and ju-
eO. last Friday. Previously, Mar- nior sponsors. Home room moth-
garet Lucas was appointed as ers who assisted were Mesdames
editor and Pat Hingle business M. R. Hufty, Olell Solether, Pat
manager. Cannon, N. V. Sidener, C. W. Sav-
Other members of the staff are age, Fred Rives, M. T. Shuford,
as follows : and Lola C. Keeney.
Assistant editor, Letty Lou Can-
non; assistant business manager, 0>------
Dorothy Lee Drawe; art, Gene W H S' E 1 h
Lofton, Vera Mortensen. features, s ng IS'
Catherine Farina, Phyllis Hufty; I Department Ranks
snapshots, Bob Compere, Luci- FO E II
claire Rankin: Florene Bell; or- lrst In nro ment
ganizations, Irene Yoder, Eleanor
Mortensen; student photograph-
ers, Bette Bell, Clara Mortensen,
Marion George; make- up, Mar-
jorie Sidener; sports, Paul Ful-
kerson, Tony . Guerra, Bob Curbo,
Robert Chandler; sponsor, Miss
Louise Black.
Plans are already being made
by the staff, and work will begin
as soon as the book of instructions
is received from the Steck Com-
p2ny, Austin. publishers of this I
year's La Palma.
A deck of playing cards is one I
of the very few places where
you'll find a king still on top.
According to a survey made
concerning the enrollment in the
various courses in the Senior
High, the English department
ranked first with 214 students.
The other statistics are as fol -
Commercial (typing, secretarial
training, bookkeeping) - 146.
History- 115.
Mathematics- 97.
Band- 90.
Home Economics- 77.
Ohoral Cluh>--40.
Any of you kids who have ever I (which means picking up every-
had a grudge against your former thing that isn't tied down, includ-
vocal teacher can forgit it now! ing rocks on the parade grounds.)
Mr. Barringer is really getting his Then we drilled from 7:30 until
share of a blitzkrieg of "army- 12 o'clock. Lunch! Then back to
diSCipline." You see he got 'caught more of the same from 1. o'clock
in the draft.' until 4:30, after which we were
This buck private sent Mr. and free to do as we pleased, unless
Mrs. Kay a letter last week, in they found some special, detail
which he stated: for us."
"At first, all we had to do was Mr. Barringer has been work-
~ o get up at 6 o'clock in the morn- irig for "expert" rating in riflery.
lUg, sweep and mop the floors, So far, he lacks only five points.
n'ake our bunks, eat breakfast, That's petty good, don't you think?
and police the barracks grounds He says that this week he is to
Girl Reserves
End Rush Week
Sunday Night
Church Service
Closes Drive for:
New Members.
Girls of 9I and 9Il were the
objects of the Girl Reserves' rush
v'eek program. Small tags were
given to the prospective members
stating "We want to be Girl Re-
Rush week started with a meet-
ing .Monday at noon to explain the
plans to the older members and
tJ introduce the new ones; the
informal initiation, at , Maidel
Robbins' home was held Wednes-
day night.
The girls will become full-
fledged members Sunday night
when they take part in the formal
initiation, the Candlelight service,
at the Baptist church.
If a fellow tries to kiss a girl
and gets away with it, he's a
man; if he tries and doesn't get
away with it, he's a brute; if he
'I doesn't try, but would get away
with it if he tried, he's a coward;
but if. he doesn't try' and wouldn't
h&ve got away with it if he tried,
he's w'se.
test his gas mask by going through
the gas chamber. I'll bet that he
hopes it works well!
Mr. Barringer is stationed at
Camp Walters near Mineral Wells,
and he's pretty lonely for news of
W. H S. Why don't some of you
former choral clubbers take time
out to drop him a line?
Weslaco high has missed Mr.
Barringer, his friendly smile, and
jolly manner, and hope that when
his Uncle Sam turns him loose, he
will come back to visit,
Panthers Bow 21-0
To Heavy Bulldogs
Coach Little' s snappy but light
W.H.S. Kittens Down
San Benito 7-6;
Joe Wren Scores
Panthers found the McAllen
Bulldogs a little bit too tough and In one of the most thrilling
games in junior football history,
From nooks and crannies of our a 21- 0 drubbing last those powerful half-pints of Wes-
dear ole campus comes again, by mght on the McAllen grIdIron. laco, led by Captain Eddie Allen,
way of the backyard fence, the. The was non- conference. turned on their steam Thursday
"Washline's" weekly gab on guys fIrst .was a to beat the San Benito Bobkittens
and gals of W. H. S. No adJecbve can descrIbe 7-6.
Peep a little closer, inmates, Its slow tempo and d1:lllness, ex- The first quarter saw both
and we'll tell you of the flash date cept for two consecutIve runs of teams playing heads up football;
of the week. It was none other 20 and 30. yards respectively by however, no large gains were
than BOBBY "HALFPINT" COM- Par:ther McMullen late in the made. Cleckler proved his ability
PERE and MARGARET "HER- perIod. . as an excellent center and line-
CULES" KELLUM who did a HeavyweIght Strohmeyer, the I backer by k '
swell job of slicing 'the carpet Fri- with the 100 tional mg some excep-
day night drIve, took charge of thmgs m the As the second quarter started,
. second half. He did as he pleased
Also seen at the Sweetheart with the Panther line, and after William Rogers, the Kittens' fleet-
Dance was my Sweetheart and working the ball fr0m mid-field, est back, aided by smooth inter-
your Sweetheart, (JOE included, went over from the five-yard line. fere?ce from Hartness, AI.len, and
too) , CATHERINE, who was es- Kelly place-kicked the point. MIllIken, rIght end
cor ted by JOE BARBEE, EILEEN Minutes later in the third quar- a large QUlckly follow-
ROGERS and KLARE, MARION ter, Kelly, Strohmeyer' s running up end sweep :was
and BOBBY, CLARA LOU and mate, ploughed from the 3-yard I tmy mIghty S. D.
HOYT, HOYT, CLARA MAE and stripe for another score. Stroh- who wIggled and
ROBERT, LETTY LOU and her meyer place-kicked. ,way throug? the Bobklttens lme
college man, FLORINE and WAT-. . I to run the fIrst and secondary de-
SON, BETTY BELL and WALLY, WIth two mll:lUtes to play, once : fenses crazy.
JEAN SHUFORD and WAYNE Strohmeyer the I The Kittens started the second
WHITLOCK, SAM JONES and from t?e I.-foot lme. Agam ; half fighting hard; however, a
PHYLLIS HUFTY, ROY BROCK- Strohmeyer s faIthful worked. reinforced San Benito team
ETT and MARGARET EZEKIEL, The heavy McAllen lme held checked Weslaco and in return
DOTTY LEE and BOB HAGER, the. Panthers to two first downs, began a march resulted in
"DUGIE" ami GENE, and WIL- whIle McAllen chalked up 12. a sixty-yard touchdown dash. The
BERT MILLER and CARL threw 7 passes, complet- try for extra point failed. The
JONES. That sophisticated group mg 2 for 4.0 yards. Weslaco threw Kittens came back with a thirty-
of stags that kept the girls going 7, 5. McAllen was five yard dash by McDaniels,
were BYNUM "Come Hither, penalIzed 55 yards, and Weslaco which again started the midgets
Girls" HATLEY, TOMMY SOLE- 60. marching. A twenty-five yard
THER, ALBERT WHITE, CARL 0 pass from Barnett to Jackson end-
FITZGERALD, and ARCHIE New Members Try ed the third quarter.
JENKINES. Out for Little Theatre
Saturday' s couples at the wag-
Weslaco started the last quar-
ter, touchdown bound, and the
on were PAT HINGLE and DOR-
WAGNER enjoyed a thrilling time
at the midnight show Friday.
At the Mercedes Country Club
Sunday morning HOYT and
KLARE enjoyed themselves by
losing balls' and breaking clubs.
again. This time, none other than
MARION GEORGE. A good time
was had at the Wagon, it was
The school's oasis (coke ma-
chine to you) is a howling suc-
cess Keep it up, chums, and re-
member, the proceeds go to
make your annual bigger and
Tryouts were made by prospec- climax of the game came in the
tive members at the Little The- last two minutes of play when
atre meeting Wednesday night in hard-hitting Joe Wren swept wide
the lunchroom in order to make around end to score for the Kit-
them eligible for membership in ,; tens. The extra point was credited
this club. again to Wren's end sweep. The
Johnny Hewlett, president, took remainder of the game was play-
charge, and the regular business ed in mid-field.
was disposed of, after which the
tr'youts were held.
Two-thirds of the club's votes 124. The part of the constitution
are necessary to put a member in concerning the qualities and num-
and all persons "voted in" by the ber of new members was read at
club will be notified the latter that time.
part of this week. New members may be elected
-----0 into the civic club by having a 13
Holiki Club Plans average and by being a good Jead-
er :md a good schf\Ql citizen. Other
Members ip Drive students with outstanding leader-
Prospective members were dis- ship but without 13 average may
cussed by the Roliki Club at their Leapproved by tIle faculty for
meeting Wednesday, September mcmbership in the Roliki Club.
G. R. Candlelight Panthers to Meet Tri-City Bears
Service Held
Sunday Night
23 New Members
Admitted in Girls'
Service Club.
"Breaking' down Barriers,'
was the subject of the sermon by
Rev. H. A. Anderson of the Pres-
bvterian church at the Girl Re-
Candlelight service Sun-
day evening in the First Baptist
An organ recital by Miss Ger-
aldine Blumberg preceded the
program. The invocation was pro-
nounces by Rev. F. P. Bishop,
pastor of the Methodist church.
Special number for the occa-
sion was a musical reading,
"Happiness," by Mrs. C. R. Scott,
who was accompanied by Miss
The beautiful and impressive
cmdlelight service formed the
initiation for the new members.
Margaret Lucas, president of
the club, presided as keeper of
the light and offered the flame
to the new members who wished
to become a part of the circle of
Those lighting their candles
were Frances Powell, Mary
Louise Bailey, Tommy Gene
Rives, Leah Gallion, Billie Mae
lIoge, June Mitchell, Carol Jones,
Margaret Harris, Virginia Lynch,
Barbara Fisher, Loydell Steven-
son, Eileen Bishop, Alma Lee
Bryant, Betty Clevenger, Jane
Weber, Juanita Hood, June Ko-
beck, Alma Mae Conner, Alma
Dean Johnson, Jo Nell Bryant,
Helen Archer, and Billie Marie
Miss Clarence Herron is local
Girl Reserve sponsor.
- ----0------
Roliki Club Elects
Eight New Members
Eight new members were elect-
ed last Wednesday, at the week-
ly luncheon of the Roliki Club.
Invitations were issued to the
following boys: Bobby Curbo,
Paul Fulkerson, Glenn Cleckler,
Gene Lofton, William Rogers, S.
D. McDaniels, B. R. Guess, and
Jack Frizzell.
On Barbee Field Friday Night
Game to' Open Conference Schedule
For Purple and White Scrappers;
Panthers Scheduled to Win.
Weslaco's up-and-coming Panthers raise the curtain on their
chase for the District 40-A pennant tomorrow evening on Barbee
Field, when they get their first real test of the season against the
P.S.J.A. Bears.
Last year the Panthers defeated the Bears in a 14-12 thriller.
Robert Chandler scored both Panther tallies, with the winning
margin coming on a safety.
Journalism Class
To Write for Star
The Journalism Class has
been made school news report-
er for the Valley Morning Star
and will receive 5 cents for
each published inch, according
to Miss Louise Black, sponsor.
Coach Decker's Bruins certain-
ly haven't forgotten that defeat.
This season they have dropped
non-conference games 'to McAllen
and Edinburg. Donna ran over
them last week with a 39-0 de-
feat in the first conference game
for each team.
Feeling that the Weslaco
schoolS were not recelvmg
enough publicity, Fred E. Kay,
superintendent, contacted the
Star and made the arrange-
ment stated above.
"A.t Last I Am a
Initiates Breathe
Sigh of Relief
"Ouch! please don't step on my
bare foot ." "Ooops! My hat fell
off." "My! what messy finger-
nails!" "Couldn't you polish them
Those were a few of the com-
ments heard on the campus
Thursday morning after the in-
formal initiation of the Girl Re-
The purple and white boys
have lost three non-conference
affairs, with Brownsville, McAl-
len, and Harlingen, respectively.
However, in each game they have
outplayed their opponents. They
happen to be the lightest team in
the Valley, but play with more
fire than any other. They boast of
a seven-letterman line -and ex-
perienced backs, among them
shifty Chandler and promising
Keith McMullen.
The Panthers look better than
the Bears on paper, but the
Decker men are out to erase that
14-12 defeat; and each team is
gunning for its first victory of
the season.
____ --
Orchids to "Tiger"-
Courtesy "Hi-Life"
serves held Wednesday. October The Hi -Life extends congratu-
1, at the home of Maidel Robbins. I lations to The Tiger, Mrcedes
The new :nembers were take.n I high school publication, on their
through varlOUS ordeals by thelr I first issue, which appeared Sep-
"big sisters." Following this en- tember 30.
tertainment. refreshments of I Last year the Tiger, which is
punch, cookies.. and mints were I an independent publication, was
served to all Glrl Reserves. I a smsll five-column, six-page
The following morning various paper. This year it is a larger-
and sundry costumes were seen four-page paper with six col-
on exhibition about the compus; umns, and is published semi"1
the costumes consisted of a tow monthly.
s2ck, man's hat, one high-heel For the past two years, The Ti-
shoe, garter, and a dress worn ger has won first place honors in
wrong-side-out and backwards; the contest sponsored by the
in addition, each "little sister" Valley High -School Press Con-
had to buy her "big sister" a ference for the best paper in this
"coke." section. ,
WHS Kittens Down
Eaglets, 13-0,
At Mission
The Weslaco Kittens won their
second game of the season when
tbey trounced the Mission Eagles
13-0, Thursday night at the
"Home of the Grapefruit" city.
Led by Captain Dewey Barnett,
the midgets of Weslaco outplayed
Mission in every respect; how-
ever, no scores were made the
first half of the game. Rogers,
Wren, and Hartness kept the
Mission boys running ragged.
The third quarter was bardly
two minutes old when Barnett
threw a 30-yard pass to the arms
of Jackson, who sped ten yards
tc the 'Promised Land." Try for
point failed. ,
A blocked kick by Weslaco in
the middle of the last quarter
started a drive on the Mission
twenty-yard line that ended in
a perfectly timed fake center-
plunge, with Eddie Allen skirt-
ing around left end to score again
for the midgets of Weslaco. A
power house plunge by Hartness
for extra point was successful.
The remainder of the game saw
every man of the Kitten squad
playing, even to that whirlaway
flash, Billy Solether.
It's All Up to You Now!
Mr. Kay approves.
Mr. Murphy approves.
Miss Black approves.
The rest of the faculty approves.
The Journalism approves.
The student body approves.
Yes, everyone likes the idea, l::ut it"s up to you and everyone
else in the student body to put the annual drive over with a bang.
Our aim is 150 subscriptions by October 15. Why not make your
down payment now and avoid the last minute rush?
In Victory or Defeat We'll Stand
Tomorrow night on Barbee Field the Weslaco High School
Panthers have their first important game of the season-they play
their first conference game with the Bears of Pharr-San Juan-Alamo.
The Panthers lost their first three games, but let us remind
you that they put up a fight which will long be remembered by
the opposing teams. We are just as 'proud of our boys when they
lose as when they win if they have fought a good fight .
With these thoughts in mind, let's all be out on Barbee Field
tomorrow night at 8 o'clock and help the Panthers win a victory
in their first conference game.
If you open a popular magazine community garden club. Other is her husband's niece, who plans
sometime soon and find an ar- entertainment features she is to get married October 16, 1941.
ticle titled "Teaching as a Prep- looking forward to are the play,
aration for Marriage," you will be "Hellzapoppin," "Buli Javenese At the announcement party, Mrs.
looking directly upon the effect Ballet," and the play, "The Doc- Grace was asked to be in charge
we (the school) had upon Mrs. tor's Delimma," with Katherine of flower arrangements, an art
Will P. Grace, formerly Miss Cornell. she learned while sponsoring the
Doris Thompson. An excited kid seeing his first Weslaco Girl Reserves.
That popular teacher of Eng- circus has nothing on "Miss T." Her husband's nephews come
lish and sponsor of G. R.'s for The circus that is coming to Dal- over often to get help from her,
the past several years has been las soon will have a royal wel- and, she says, they remind her
transferred into woman's natural come as far as the Graces are of the Niles-Jones combination.
occupation-marriage and home- concerned!
making. Living in Dallas, "Miss Mrs. Grace' s house is a light-
T, " as the students called her, colored brick Colonial house with
has found the Valley "hard to get green shutters. (Can't you just
out of my system," as she put it. see "Miss T" puttering around the
Although Miss Thompson is garden of her home?) From her
spending her time entertaining description of the furniture, she
and taking care of the home, she h2.s selected it with excellent
still has time for some club work. taste.
She is having her membership Maybe you can take a teacher
in Delta Kappa Gamma, women away from the girl, but you can't
teachers' club, transferred to the take the girl away from the
Dallas chapter, has been invited teacher! She will always find an-
to join the Dallas Woman's For- other one. Filling the position left
urn, and is a member of the open by the Weslaco Girl Reserves
"Tonight," she wrote, "we're
going to cut film, as we've been
taking movies all summer and
have just had them developed."
Mrs. Grace included in her
newsy letter a request to greet all
the teachers (and named them
off one by one) and the "kids"
(referring to us.)
Being . of the firm belief that
variety is the spice of life, we're
sure that our former teacher is
having a grand time in her neW
career. Here's wishing her the
best of luck in everything.
After the game Friday DOR-
SKAGGS had a slumber-(less)
party, and from the tales that
were told, a good time was had
br all.
. Tht Frenesi dinner at the
Rancho Grande Saturday night
was the big event over the week-
end. Among those that attended
JOHNNY and MILLER, Dancing
at the Wagon followed.
Six easy lessons on how to be-
come a graceful cheer leader are
yours for the asking. See MR.
KAY for fUrther information.
JERRY GIBSON journeyed to I
San Antonio to see her One and
only, IVAN SNOWDEN, play
football over the weekend. The !
result was that she came home I
with a good-looking bracelet. I
NEY was fl ying like a bat out I
of the unknown Saturday night
in his 1941 Chevrolet when a
familiar sound floated through
his window, the kind made by itty
bitty sirens celonging to the Tex-
as Highway Patrol. The rest we
leave up to your unworked brain
to figure out.
WHS Goes Modern
As Studes Hear Ball.
Game in Study Hall
"Rousseau winds up with
that peculiar swing of his and
-it's a strike!"
"Wbpn two straight lines in-
tersect, the opposite angles are
"It s a hit! Listen to that
crowd cheer."
"She should have died here-
after; There would have been
a time for such a word."
"He's out on first. That's
two on base and two out for
the Bums!"
Gone are the days of the
three R's and the little red
school house. The modern
student gets the World Series
broadcast in his study hall
while cramming geometry
theorems and Macbeth into
his head.
How do you like that? You
can support your favorite team
and argue with your neighbor
across the aisle about that
American history chart at the
same time.
When the bell rang at
noon last week there was a
mad dash for the front seats
in study-hall. A radio had I
been placed there so that the
sports-minded students could
hear a really good ball game.
Tile Company Offers
$50 in Essay Contest
F or Valley Pupils
E. B. HODGES again made his
debut to the fair belles of the
Sophomore Class over the week-
end. We wonder why is the in-
The date of the week goes to Fifty dollars cash is first prize
HOYT HUGHES and TOMMY in the Valley Brick and Tile Com-
GENE RIVES. pany' s Essay contest on "Why I
Seen enjoying the thrilling Prefer a Brick Home."
game at Harlingen Friday night Second prize is $25 cash; third
were ARTHUR JOHNSON and prize is $10 cash; and $1 cash
OLLIE MAE. will be given for the next 15
"Absence makes the heart grow prizes. In addition, $50 for the
fonder" (for somebody else) has purchase of books will be given
been found true in reference to to the high school library of the
the NILES-SKAGGS romance. high school whose student wins
It seems that the Yanks are the first prize.
still going strong; this time it's Rules for the contest closing
a Chicago Casanova who keeps up November 15, 1941, are posted on
a hot correspondence with EI- the school bulletin boards.
LEEN ROGERS (Too bad, Gene). This contest is being sponsored
Before we go, girls, remember, to promote interest in better
football boys must be in by 10:30, built homes in the Rio Grande
so don't forget. Bye now! . Valley.
Fight 'Em!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
That's exactly what the Pan-
thers are going to be doing Fri-
day night when they play their
first conference game against
P.-S. J .-A. Let's get in the
spirit, studes, and "get a bear!"
New Yell Leaders
Boy! that Kay-Murphy com-
bination can't be beat for lead-
ing yells. Weslaco High has a
superintendent and principal
who don't mind letting their hair
down and plenty of
school spirit. Although Mr. Kay
did a graceful tumble, he got
the idea over to the student
To all you boys who are un-
I have some advice that will
raise your hair.
This is the news you've not yet
Donald Anderson has just re-
A month in a sawmill and he's
strong as an ox,
And somewhere there' s a bar-
ber who has cut his locks.
So to all you boys who have
eyes on Phyllis,
You better get the heck outia
More Pennants
Are you a pennant wearer?
We don't mean the pennants
that are being sold by the "W"
Club, but the ones that are be-
ing issued by the annual staff
to good little boys and girls
who make a down payment on
the "super-duper" 1941-42 an-
nuals. How about making a
payment now and avoid the
Rand to Present
The band is to present a patri-
otic drill at the game tomorrow
night. Uncle Sam, in his high
hat and . striped trousers, will
stride out onto the field with
Miss Liberty.
Gold Trophies
For Outstanding
Work Donated
Best Blocker,
Tackler Awards
To be Made.
Two gold-plated bronze tro-
phies of football players in ac-
tion will be presented at the con-
clusion of the football season for
the best blocker and the best
tackler on the Panther Squad, ac-
cording to Osborne Little, coach.
The ten-inch trophies, which
were presented to the school by
Fouad Mattar, local businessman,
have a metal plate on which the
name of the winner and his po-
From The
(By Bob Curbo)
Ha,ts off to the Weslaco Pan-
thers for the swell game they
played against the Class AA
Harlingen Cardinals ..
Joe Barbee got so excited in
last Friday night 's game that he
ran out on the field before he
noticed he didn't have on a uni-
form. Was his face red when he
crept tack to the sidelines!
The Panthers start their con-
ference schedule tomorrow
night when they meet the
strong Pha.rr-San Juan-Alamo
Bears. The game will be played
on Barbee Field.
sition will be engraved. In the SportIight: Robert
Panthers are also eligible, of Chandler, flashy Panther back,
course, for the several Valley tro- . stands 5 feet 8 inches and weighs
phies. 140 pounds. He well deserves our
Furthermore, profits derived praise for the heads-up ball game
from the pennants sold by the he played last Friday night. He
Letterman's Association will be ",;as seen all over the field and
used to buy gold watches for the was in on every play. The Car-
co-captains at the end of the d.inals thought they were playing
year. the Weslaco Chandlers instead of
"Any other trophies will be the Weslaco Panthers! Robert is
welcomed as donations from a member of the Weslaco Letter-
other businessmen," stated Coach wan's Club.
Journalism Class
Honored at Banquet
Members of the Weslaco Jour-
nalism Class were honor guests
at an informal banquet given by
fhe Cactus 'Chapter of Quill and
Scroll, Thursday evening, October
3, in the school cafeteria.
Menus and programs were
printed' on small flags. The pa-
ty'iotic theme was fUrther carried
out With red and blue paper dec-
orations on the table. while bowls
of red roses were' used; as cen ter-
Margaret Lucas, president,
acted. as toastmistress. Preceding
the banquet. the group sang sev-
.---0--__ _
He had never had such a tough
time in all his life. First, he got
angina pectoris, followed by ar-
teriosclerosis. Just as he was
recovering from these he got
pneumonia, followed by pulmon-
ary phthisis and tuberculosis.
Somehow he got over them just
in time to get appendicitis, to say
nothing of pyorrhea. All in all, he
never knew how he pulled thru.
It was the hardest spelling test
he's ever taken!
en,l peppy songs. briefly on why she wished to be-
The program consisted of talks come a member of this club.
on the history of Quill and Scroll, The humorous reading, "Will
bv Dorothy Lee Drawe; qualifi- Bradley's Budget'" by Miss Dene
rations for membership, by Betty Booth, speech teacher, and adver-
,To Smith; and what the Quill and I tising and "old sayings" contests
Scroll had meant to him, by Tony formed the entertainment fea-
Guerra. Marjorie Sidener spoke tures of the evening.
Panthers Drop Game
To Cards, 19-6, Late
In Fourth Quarter
For the third time this season
Weslaco' s light but fighting Pan_
thers, the "galloping ghosts" of
Valley football, fell to a Class AA.
team. This time it was to the
heavier. highly touted Harlingen
Cardinals, defending Valley Class
AA champs, by a 19-6 count.
The only serious threat in the
first half came in the second
quarter when a Panther drive
bogged down on the Card 4.
Throughout the first half Pan-
ther linemen, Curbo, Keeney, and
Cleckler. displayed some deadly
A much inspired Panther elev-
en scored in the third period,
Chandler slipping through left
tackle for the tally. Guess' place-
ment-kick failed.
The Panthers had the Cards
whistling in the dark, when sud-
denly with 6 minutes to go, a
Card pass clicked to place the
pigskin on the Panther 24. Three
plays later Baker went over. The
punt kick was m i s ~ e d .
Weslaco took the kickoff and
punted; and on Harlingen's first
play, Grant gave the oval a 40-
yard ride for another touchdown.
Again the try for the point failed.
The Panthers ran one play af-
ter the kickoff. A Panther pass
was intercepted by Corso, who
ran 34 yards for a touchdown,
only to be called back to the 7.
However, bulky Grant went over
in a second plunge. Amidon
The White Flash, Robert
Chandler, stamped himself as
possible all-Valley material by
bis running and tackling during
the contest.
Voelkel, playing and punting
for the first time this season in
the Panther backfield, averaged
48 yards on 7 punts.
Powell Named Fish
Instramural Manager
Bill Powell, now attending A.
&. M. College, has been appoint-
ed. by the Seniors of Troop D,
Cavalry to be "Fish" Intramural
Manager of that troop. He will
supervise all freshman entries in
the various sports, of which there
are about twenty. If the "Fish"
win. Bill will receive .an A. & M.
Panthers Drub
Bears 25-0;Game
Conference One
Panthers Pass
And Intercept
To Win Tilt.
Weslaco's mighty men of mite
chalked up victory No 1, 25-0, at
the expense of the P.S.J.A. Bears
in a conference tussle on Barbee
Field last Friday night.
Weslaco's light line put up a
gallant fight against a husky
Bear line. During the first half
the Bear line helped roll up four
first downs to one for the Pan-
A lone Bear threat in the first
Annual Assured;
Goal of 150 Met
We're going to have an an-
nual! Weslaco High has gone
over the top again! The goal
has been reached; 150 down
payments have been made;
and work on the annual will
get under way immediately.
Already a beautiful cover
has been chosen, supplies have
been received from the Steck
company, and plans for various
sections of the book are being
worked out.
Picture taking will begin
next week.
Smith Predicts U. s.
Entry in War in Near
Future at Assembly
quarter was the onlv Bear threat "It won't be long before the
in the whole game. 'Big, burly St. . United States is fighting Ger-
John carried the ball deep into many, so that democracy will be
Panther territory where the safe. for Germany is violating all
Panther line held the shad- rights," predicted Brad Smith,
ows of their goal posts. KRGV news commentator, when
Click Last Half he spoke to the combiToted assem-
A new Panther team, in spirit bly of the h1gh school,
at least put across a touchdown Wednesday mornmg, October 8.
in nin ' plays after the kick-off Using as a basis for his talk
Guess to Block, who the Bill of Rig?ts of Consti-
standing over the goal. Barbee's Mr. Sm1th rev1ewed. the
placement failed. pnv1leges
On the second play of the that do not In the fifteen
fourth quarter Guess intercepted conquered nabons of
one of Murphy's passes for a namely, and polltlcal
40-yard touchdown Again Bar- freedom, the nght to own' arms
bee;s toe failed. . for protect.ion, the right of pri-
Minutes later Guess who had vate domam, and the guarantee
the Bears guessing during the of . a trial by jury. these
game ran back another intercep- thmgs allowed Amencans and
tiol" 'for 60 yards. Once more denied people living under Nazi
Barbee' s toe failed. rule, the world has becon:e too
On the first play after the small for the two countnes to
kickoff Cleckler Panther cen- exist as they now stand, declared
ter. back interception Mr. Smith.
for a 40-yard tally. Barbee place- "Although conditions are not
kicked, and the game ended with perfect here, these United States
Weslaco 25, P.S.J.A. O. have developed a system of fair
--------- '0---------
Too Risky
"So you're a salesman now, eh,
Sambo? Do you stand behind the
products you sell?"
"No, sah, ah. sho' don't."
play called Americanism, which
we may be forced to fight for to-
morrow," concluded Mr. Smith.
Group singing of "America"
and "God Bless America" was
led by Miss Geraldine Blumberg.
Watson Keeney acted as chair-
"Why, Sambo, I'm surprised at man.
yeu. What are you selling?"
"Well, sah, you see, ah sells
Always keep your word,
no one else wants it.
Panther, Hounds
Meet Here In
Non-Conf. Game
Panthers Out
After Second
A high-spirited Weslaco foot
ball team will take on the San
Benito GreYhounas on Barbee
Field tomorrow night in Weslaco's
last non-conference game of the
Perked up because of their vic
tory over Pharr last week, the
Panthers are out for their second
victory. Last week t he Panther
ground attack was completely bot
tled up by the Bear .line. The
Panther line, however, put up as
usual a valiant fight against a
bigger line. Coach Little has four
versatile first string backs, who
will run any defense crazy, once
they get started. Tomorrow night
Keith McMullen ought to see
service, and he is the back to
watch for thrills.
In Fox and Brady the Grey
hounds come into town ready to
put on aerial as well as ground
attacks that are worth seeing
Fox is the pitching back, and
Brady is a powerful runner and
a defensive standout The line is
led by 190-lb. Pena, who. it is
said, is a one-man team line ..
A gaze into the crystal indicates
a Panther victory mainly be
cause of the fight the Panthers
put up, and also because Chand
ler ?nd McMullen are out to do
a little ball carrying on their own
--- ----0---- --
John Emery Heads
4-H Club for '41-'42
John Emery was elected presi-
dent of the 4-H club at a meet-
ing last Wednesday in Room 202.
Ted Martin, assistant county
agent, took charge of the meet-
ing till the president was elected
The other officers elected were as
follows: vice president, Alvin
Hansen; secretary, R. L. Aldridge;
. reporter, Cecil Truitt.
!..-.--C h a tt
Well, studes, that fatal day
has arrived-the day that comes
but once every six weeks, and
only six times a year; but what
a day! Yep, you're right--it's
report card time. Will you get
your car Friday night? Can you
have that date with Bill? These
questions will be answered to-
day when the "pa-y-off" period
comes, so goed luck to you!
Sissy Britches Win!
The "sissy pants" boys of the
Panther football team ran rough-
shod over the P.S.J.A. Bears Fri-
day night to the tune of 25-0.
We, for one, would like to know
if the Bears are going to send
the Panthers another telegram.
To Mr. Kay
Your cute little jingles are
really a hit,
They are very amusing and
give us a fit .
I know mine are punk, and
sour as a lime,
But can't you make yours have
just a little more rhyme?
Did You Know?
Did you know we had a prom-
ising young flyer in W'alter
Hope Baxter? Walter Hope
spent his vacation in Grand
Prairie, where he met C. M.
O'Neil, the man who started
the Weslaco high school band.
He now has almost two and
one-half solo flying hours to
his credit.
Extra Point
After the last touchdown Fri-
day night. the team promised Joe
Barbee fifteen laps (three and
three-fourths miles) if he missed
the point after touchdown. Bar-
been now has one point to his
Good-bye until next week,
and don't forget the football
- - - - - - - - ~ o ~ - - - - - -
Mr. Chandler: "I see you're
letting your son drive the car."
Mr. Fulkerson: "Yes, he' s too
young to be trusted as a pedes-
Congratulations, T earn!
The Panthers are rolling!! Now that they are started, let's keep
them that way! By "us" I mean every student-both boy and girl-
that has his name on the W. H. S. roll.
There is one thing everyone of us can do. We can't all make
the honor roll, we can't all play football. and we can't all be in
the pep squad-but we can all attend the football games.
It's up to you and me to yell a good game-even if we can't
all play.
But, rememJ:;er, in victory or defeat we'll stand--
Attention, Panthers!
At Friday night's football game with Pharr, did you notice the
ovation given their players as they left the field of play?
If you did, you saw their entire team stand and cheer each
player as he returned to the sidelines.
All over the Valley complimentary comments have been heard
about our school spirit; Our stands always show appreciation, but
let's have a rising football team from now on.
What do yo usay, Panthers?
VOC. Ag. Boys Build
Annex, Workshop
And Receive Tools
The boys of the Vocational
Agriculture Class are adding an
annex to their building south of
Barbee Field. The room will be
used as a class room, and a work-
shop will be erected soon on the
other side of the building. All
the work is being done by the
Tools used by NYA workers on
the Stephen F. Austin school pro-
ject have been donated to the
agriculture department. How-
ever, there is still an insufficient
number of tools to do the re-
quired work.
Drum Major Uniform
Arrives Monday
The drum major uniform that
was ordered for Archie Jenkines
arrived Monday afternoon and
will be worn at the game with
San Benito Friday night. The
uniform is white, trimmed in
gold and green, the band's colors.
Future Homemakers
To Attend Laredo
Meet Saturday
Approximately 60 members of
the Future Homemakers' Clu!J!
and their sponsor, Mrs. Charles
Ferguson, will attend an area
meeting in Laredo Saturday, Oc-
toeer 18. They will leave Wes-
laco at 4 a. m., and will return
about 7:30 o'clock that evening.
A trip into Mexico will be one
of the highlights of the trip.
- - - - - - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
SheUhamer to Be
R. G. Representative
.Vera Mae Shellhamer was
elected as junior representative
from the Valley to go to Glen-
rose, a state-wideG R. Camp, the
last week-end in October by the
interclub council at the fall con-
ference held in Rio Hondo last
Others attended irom Weslaco
were Eleanor Mortensen, Mar-
jorie Sidener, Irene Yoder, Mar-
garet Lucas, and Miss Clarence
Heron, sponsor.
Hi, neighbors! We're here again
with the usual grabs from the
grapevine-so let's go!
The date of the week goes def-
initely to PHYLLIS HUFTY and
jiving Friday night.
Seen celebrating the first win
of the Panthers Friday night
along the high spots of the Val-
ley were EILEEN ROGERS and
What Mission Romeo seems to
be captivating the heart of GER-
It is rumored, mind you, that
"Casanova" COMPERE (not
BOBBY but BOOTS) has his
girl situation well in hand. VIV-
are their names.
MURLENE JONES had a sim-
ply marvelous time riding around
town Saturday afternoon with
Conference Sets
October 28 As
Banquet Date
Cup to be Given
At Social Event
For Best Annual.
October 28 was the date set for
the fall press banquet of the Val-
ley High School Press Confer-
ence, according to Margaret Lu-
cas, Weslaco, president of the
conference. Plans for the meeting
were discussed by the executive
committee, which met in the mu-
sic room of the Mercedes high
school journalists. It is hoped
that a speaker from Austin can
be obtained for the occasion.
Highlight of the evening will be
the presentation of a silver lov-
ing cup for the most outstanding
annual published in 1941 by a
member of the conference school.
If at first you can't recite, stall,
stall again.
______ O - - - - - - - - -
MARJORIE SIDENER was all W.H.S. Presents Hit
a-dither Thursday morning when i Pdf C
a certain Amarillo male floated ara e 0 urrent
down to see just her (and the Popular Songs
rest of t he student body.)
ed a thrilling time over the week-
end at t he Wagon, also accom-
That little CLARA LOU is
really getting around, this time
with HOYT HUGHES at the
Donna skating rink.
doing all right Sunday night with
a tall, dark, and handsome guy
fr om McAllen.
Saturday night saw PAT HIN-
ROGERS enjoying the floor of
the Valley's most popular night-
The fleet came in over the
week end, especially for MARY
McALPIN. His name was FRANK
Current popular songs have
brought to mind the activities and
students of this school. In fond
remembrance of such things, we
dedicate the following songs:
"Wasn't It You"--who passed
the six weeks' test?
"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy"--
Neil Chandler.
"Ching Ling Low is Feeling
High"--Hoye Hughes since he
met Clara Lou Hartness.
"Until Tomorrow" -- Catherine
and Joe.
" I Guess I'll Have to Dream the
Rest "--Ann Frizzell, as far as
Tony Bradford is concerned.
"Do You Care"--whether we
have an annual or not?
"From Taps till Reveille"--
Bruce Edwards, Mr. Barringer,
Bill Hayes, and others.
"Time Was"--when it was va-
cation, and you could stay out till
three if you wanted t o.
"Yours"--until someone else
Get book--
Don't look.
Say, "bunk!"
Then flunk.
Moral : Why not study?
--Edinburg "Kampus Kat."
Congratulations to McAllen!
They will have an annual this
year, since they have reached
their quota of 250 copies as set
by the business staff.
Edinburg has just completed
their new gymnasium at the cost
of $20,000. The playing area of
this building is 105 by 55 feet.
Grace Delemeter of McAllen
will have one of the leads in their
high school production, " Our
Town." Last year, Grace won the
place as second best actress of
the county.
When twenty minutes of your
time is worth $1,000, that' s some-
thing! Such was the case when
the president of the Piper Air-
craft Corporation donated a cub
to the British War Relief Cause.
It takes just twenty minutes'
,production to assemble this air-
--Edinburg "Campus Beacon."
Our high school exchanges are
increasing more and more each
week. Among those of the Valley
are as follows : Edinburg "Cam-
pus Beacon," Mission "Eagle, "
McAllen "Wheel," Edinburg
"Kampus Kat," Mercedes "Ti-
ger," and the San Benito "Grey-
hound Growls."
comes along.
"You and I"-ought to buy an
"I Don' t Want to Set the World
on Fire"- Robert Chandler.
"You Are My Sunshine"--till it
star ts to rain.
" Good-bye Now"--from me, to

r-;' :' ..... Visw, E !'!AA%-U-@3
(By Bob Curbo)
Our cheers for the Kittens for
their victory over P.-S. J.-A.
Cubs and for the 110 pounders
for victory over the La Feria
little 'uns.
After a very poor first half,
the Panthers came back to win
over P.-S. J.-A. last Friday
night 25 to O.
The Panthers always dread to
play the Bears because of their
after-tackle punching and gener-
al eye-poking. For further refer-
ence, Calvin Voelkel's eye.
In the Sportlight: B. R. Guess.
charging 155-pound fullback,
stood out last week for his bril-
liant run backs of intercepted
passes. Guess is 16 years old
and 5 feet 11 inches high. B. R.
is a possible nominee for the
KRGV honor of All-Valley
blocker and a member of the
Letterman's Club. "Silent"
Guess' motto is: "Action speaks
louder than words."
I used to eat Wheaties for
breakfast every morning. I'd
split open t he top of .the
acre with a bread kmfe, sprm-
kie a quantity of the cereal in
an ordinary oatmeal dish, pour
in just enough cream, and
coat the mixture with some
plain white sugar. It wasn't so
bad when, grasping the edge of
the bed to pull myself out
mornings, I'd tear the bed to
bits under me. I didn't mind
particulaly when the steering
wheel of my car crumpled un-
der my hands, and we turned
over three times in the ditch.
But when I tried to kiss the
only girl I ever loved and
broke her neck. I went back
to Grapenuts.
Panthers Will Win,
History Shows!
Let's Help Them .
Will We beat San Benito
Friday? History says "Yes!"
In reference to the Septem-
ber 29 game of 1938, the fol-
lowing head line appeared:
game was won by the Pan-
thers by three penetrations,
compared to the San Benito's
The headline following the
September 20 game of 1939
All three touchdowns were
made by Ray Stevens during
that game.
Now, let's take our eyes from
the and look into the fu-
ture. Can we safely predict a
Panther victory in tomorrow's
We think so! Get your ticket
and come out Friday night to
help us yell! Your yelling won't
be in vain. .
Coach Little's Men of Might
Weslaco Panthers, fight,
fight, fight!
Brunton, Burnette
Send Greetings
To W. H. S.
From California comes news
that two of W. H. S.'s former
students, Virginia Brunton and
Helen Burnette, have started thei.r
senior year in California schools.
Kittens Swamp Cubs
30-0 at Pharr
The Weslaco "midget" Kittens
won their third straight Victory
by swamping the P.S.J.A. Cubs
30-0 in a spectacular exhibition
of speed and precision Thursday
night on the Pharr gridiron.
Weslaco recevied the ball on
the Cub's 45-yard line. William
Rogers made the first touchdown
of the game on the third play.
The try for point failed.
The Kittens kicked to the
Cubs, but a fumble followed. and
Wren raced 30 yards for the sec-
ond score. Kick for extra point
again failed.
The second quarter began with
an 83- yard drive, which ended
with Barnett going over for the
third score. The extra point fail-
ed, and the half ended.
In the second half Pharr re-
ceived the kick- off, but Jackson
soon intercepted a pass, thus
giving Weslaco the ball. Rogers
. made the fourth score by running
28 vards for a touchdown.
At the beginning of the last
quarter, Barnett threw a 10-yard
pass to Jackson, who raced 50
vards for the fifth score of the
game. The extra point failed.
Both Pharr and Weslaco sent in
their second and third string
. players, and two new Kitten stars
were born. McLeaish and Sole-
the proved themselves dangerous
ball carriers in the half-pint class
when they started a drive, only
to be stopped by the final whis-
tle of the game.
Henry, Boyd, Barnett,
Goss, Cox. to Attend
National FF A Meet
Virginia is attending. high Herman Henry, Carl Boyd, Cle-
school in Redlands and states tus Goss, Rayford Barnett and
that she likes it almost as well Garrett Cox were chosen at the
as she does the Valley; however, last regular FFA meeting to rep-
she says that she misses all of resent Weslaco at the National
her old chums and wishes that Future Farmers of America con-
she could see them again. Vir- venti on to be held in Kansas City
gi nia is exchange editor of the during the week of October 20.
high school paper, the Hobachi ; They will leave Weslaco either
consequently, the Hi -Life has I Friday afternoon or Saturday
put the Hobachi on its exchange , morning and will return a week
list. later.
Helen is a senior in Burbank Although the boys will not take
high school and is the assistant an official part in the
to her English teacher. She also they will attend all busmess
has a private English class of I meetings, exhibit.s and livestock
four students. shows.
Panthers Drop Game
21.13 to Heavy
San Benito Hounds
The Panthers went down scrap-
ping Friday night on Barbee
Field in a hard-fought game with
the Class AA San Benito Grey-
hounds, the final score being
21-13 in favor ,of the heavy
Mission T earn U nscored On This Season;
Fighting Panthers Ready for Fray.
The first tally of the game came
in the first quarter when the
Purple and White boys took the
ball on their own 40 and with
Chandler, Voelkel, and Guess al-
ternating on the ball- carrying,
went over for the score, Guess
being responsible for the final
gain. Barbee's attempted conver-
sion was wide.
One of the most important games will be played to-
morrow night at Mission when Weslaco's in-and-out Panthers go
against the Valley's NO.1 team and defending District 40-A cham-
pions, Mission's high-flying Eagles.
The Eagles no doubt deserve the No. 1 rating. They have swept
over all opposition so far this season, and are the only team yet
Weslaco's second touchdown
Weslaco-San Benito
Bands Have Joint
Drill During Halves
came seconds later when Voelkel A feature of the
intercepted a Greyhound pass Benito game Friday, October 17,
and ran 45 yards to score. Bar- was the joint drill formed by the
bee's kick was good. Weslaco and San Benito bands
However, the Greyhounds were between halves.
Dot to be denied. After Each band did a separate pre-
recovered a on Weslaco s sentation; then the two groups
42, the San Bemto and came on the field in
over .the .goal m a series I fanfare position. The ba:,nds
of lme-smashmg. plays. The try marched through each other
for the extra pomt was good. I twice, divided to different sideS of
'. The . Greyhounds " scored once I the field, and then made a block
more m the last few plays of I formation in front of the Weslaco
the first half, with this touch- stands, where they played "Mili-
down drive originating on Wes- tary Escort."
lnc.o's 36 .. The. try for the extra Following this, the field was
pomt was agam good. darkened, and the bands formed
The final San Benito score the United States flag with the
came in the last quarter. After assistance of red. white, and
Brady on a 33-yard run had plac- blue flashlight bulbs. While Mr.
ed the ball on Weslaco's 13, two Busby, with means of a flash-
short passes were ?ood for the light baton, directed the massed
score and extra pomt. band, in playing "The Star Span-
The longest run of the year for gled Banner" red white and
the entire Valley was made in the blue spot-lights were on
closing, minutes of play. Tom So- the American flag, carried by
lether took a punt on his own 2, Merry Fern McCasland.
dodged half of the Greyhound
team, and raced 98 yards to score,
only to have the play called back.
Frances Betts to Be
Band's New Twirler
Frances Betts, junior, is now
one of the twirlers of the band.
She received this place as a re-
sult of eliminations held last
year. Frances, who has received
the uniform used by Archie Jen-
kines, marched first as a twirler
at the game with San Benito.
-------- 00---------
Buy a Pennant?
Only 47 Left
Forty-seven pennants remain
to be sold from the original two
hundred, Bobby Curbo, presi-
dent, announced at the Thursday
meeting of the "W" Club.
An invitation was given the
"w" Club by the Mercedes "M"
Club to get together and have a
stunt night. No definite date,
however, has been set.
<$>unscored on. They boast of five
all-Valley players in their line:'
up, including the back of the
year, Tommy Landry. Coach Mar-
tin's Eagles, eager for another
pennant, are capable of putting
on a versatile attack- on, the
ground or in the air. Mission,
however, is a one-man team.
Should Landry be hurt, Mission's
chances would be as small as an
As to the Panthers, it is known
that they have the lightest but
the scrappiest team in the Val-
ley. The Panthers have dropped
four games, all to Class AA clubs.
The Panthers realize that this is
their zero-hour game, ,and ,. fans
can expect Coach Little's gang to
put on a razzle-dazzle show.
Overalls, Gingham
Dresses to Feature
Barn Dance Oct. 31
Where are your overalls and
gingham dresses? Don' t say you
haven't any, for you must have
some to attend the Future Home-
makers' barn dance, October 31,
Hallowe'en night, at the Odd Fel-
lows' hall.
Boys, you're getting a break!
The girls are buying the tickets
for you. Buy your tickets, girls,
and get it over, for thirty cents
isn't much to pay for t hree and
a half hours of enjoyment (from
8:30 to 12:00).
A prize will be given to the
most attractively costumed lad
and lassie.

Mr. Lesko (in the ' laboratory):
"What's that funny smell?"
Sam Jones: "Oh, someone just
opened the window; it' s fresh
This week your chatter column-
ist would like to pass out a few
pats on the back, congratulations,
and what-have-you. First in line
is Tommy Solether for his 98-
yard run in the San Benito game.
Even though the run was called
back, it caused plenty of excite-
ment around Weslaco.
Tommy Gene Rives is a top-
notch student director and de-
serves a pat on the back for her
directing in pep rally Friday
The rough and tough 110-
pounders rate space in this col-
umn for being the scrappiest team
in the Rio Grande Valley.
Win or lose, the P:lllthers
. have som,ething to look forward
to after every game. The boys
are all taken to Bailey's Grill
and a big "feed" is enjoyed.
The dinner is paid for out of
the gate receipts of the game
preceding the affair.
Hot Lips
Neil ."Booglie Wooglie Bugle
Boy" Chandler is fast making a
name for himself around the
Weslaco High campus. When the
band plays "Any Bonds Today,"
Neil can make any jazz hater
get up and jitterbug like Bill Rob-
Mission vs. Weslaco
Tomorrow night the Panthers
play one of the most important
games on their schedule, A win
would make the boys top con-
tenders for Class A champs; also
a win would make the outcome
of the Donna game more de-
cisive as to the winner of the
Class A race. How about that
twelfth man?
Have Cornstalks?
Help P. T .A. Out
Don't plow them under!
"The P.T.A. wants all the
cornstalks you can bring
them," states Mrs. T. F. Rives.
They are needed to decorate
the exhibit hall for the P.T.A.
Carnival. If you have corn-
stalks, please give your name
to Mr. Murphy or Miss Black.

Are You One of the J J J?
Last week marked the end of the first six weeks; and out of
our enrollment of 584 students, only 111 had grades high enough
to be placed on one of the three honor rolls. There were 17 on the
Superior Honor Roll, 39 on the Honor Roll, and 55 on the Honorable
Mention list. ,
Many of W. H. S.'s students had one C on their report cards,
which prevented them from being on any of the honor rolls.
If you made all A's and one B, can' t you bring that B up to an
A and rate that superior honor roll? Or if a lone C marred your
card, why not swap it for an A or a B? Remember, now's the time
to settle down and reaUy go to work.
Carrothers Speaks
To Girl Reserves
At Regular Meeting
to the Girl Reserves Tuesday
night, October 21, at Tommy
Gene Rives' home.
Mrs. Carrothers said also that
the right approach must be fol-
lowed, because a wrong approach
."We must gain the friendship always cools friendship. "We must
of our neighbors, the Latin-Am- guard against misunderstanding
ericans, in order to convince and work toward common ideals
them of profound sincerity in for our future," she concluded.
regard to their defense as well as Following Mrs. Carrothers'
ours," stated Mrs. Carrothers, ju- t 8lk, several Mexican numbers
nior high teacher, when she spoke were given .
III Students Make
WHS Honor Rolls
Six Weeks
Seniors Place 6
On Superior Roll;
Juniors Have 5.
Of the 485 students enrolled in
the junior-senior high school, 111
had averages high enough to be
placed on one of the three hon-
er rolls, according to A. C. Mur-
phy, principaL There were 70 on
the honor rolls at the same time
last year.
The seniors ranked highest
with 6 students on the superior
honor roll; the juniors came next
with 5; and the eighth and ninth
grades followed with 3 each.
The complete honor rolls for
the first six weeks are as fol-
Looking for Fun?
Attend the P.T.A.
Carnival Oct. 3 1
Scads of fun is just around
the corner, kids! One week
from Friday night will be a
date to remember, 'cause it's
the date of the big P.T,A. Hal-
lowe'en Carnival at the exhibit
Now don't get excited. It's
not one of those droopy-droop-
ed, half-started affairs. It's
really something! They will
have grab-bags, bingo, fish
pond, penny pitching, hitting
the negro, cake walk, peanuts,
popcorn, fortune-telling, paper
hats, noisemakers, and all sorts
of other doo-dads to help you
enjoy yourself.
Don't miss this super-dy-
namic, fun- loaded evening of
Hallowe'en festivities, 'cause
you'll be sorry if you do!
Good morning, all you Panther
supporters; how be you?
Here's some unpleasant news
for the casanovas of our campus.
"Glamour Girl" ISHAM is "go-
ing steady" with JOE DAVISON.
was down over the week-end.
Some fun!
Flash! They've done it again.
PATSY and CALVIN have decid-
ed to call it quits. (Would any-
one like to be time-keeper?)
Friday night BOBBY COM-
were at the Wagon.
If your Saturday morning sleep
was interrupted, inmates, it was
none other than EDWARD
"BOTSY" NILES, who was greet-
ed by his swell friends of the
band, not to mention BEBE
Superior Honor Roll Bennet, Nancy Allen, Edward
(All A's) Koester, John Griffin, Rowena "An old flame never dies," said
12th: Dorothy Lee Drawe Carl Doris Schupp, Ann Wil- JOHNNY HEWLETT, after his
Fitzgerald, Archie Jenkines,' Mar- hams. Friday night date with PATTY
garet Lucas, Shirley McCasland. OGDEN. (The lilies go to BEBE
Mary Louise Mustain. Honorable Mention this time.)
Ith: Armando Cuellar, John (No grade below B) W I W
12th: Bette Bell, George Brad- e saw you. e saw you,
Emery, Howard Findley, Anto- HOYT and SIDENE'R . d
ford, Mildred Brixey, Jack FrI'z- ' WIn ow
nio Guerra, Sam Jones. ' h' g S t d . ht ' M Al
10th: None. zell, Kareene Gary, Marion WIS. m a ur ay mg m , c -
George, Johnny Hewlett, Pat HI'n- len. This is getting bad!
9th : Billie Marie Daney, John W
Knapp, Jane Weber. gle, Phyllis Hufty, Calvin Lyons, ho owns that out-of-town car
Mary McAlpin, MarJ' orie Mc- that has monopolized the space
: Billie Louise Batson, Mary , f
Bride, Geraldine McMulll' n, Ve- m rant of DUGGIE' s house?
nn Burton, Bob Dennison.
Honor Roll ra Mortensen, Dwight Randolph, "Speedboy" KEENEY and
(3 A's, other grades B) Luciclaire Rankin, Eileen Rog- FLORINE were hitting it off at
12th: Margaret Ezekiel, Wat- ers, Margie Lee Sansing, Tom the Green Room Saturday night.
son Keeney, Marjorie Sidener Solether, Rachel Sugg. The date of the week was
Betty Jo Smith, Ollie Mae 11th: Maria Aguilar, Walter MERRY FERN and MARVIN
nea, Albert White. Baxter, Robert Bradford, Neil ARCHER, a new one on us.
11th: Joy Baker, Frances Betts, CGhandleAlr, , GarrHett Cox, B, R. Seen at the show in Harlingen
Naomi Card, Hoyt Hughes, Verna H
, M
an sen, Herman over the week-end were DON-
P 1
enry, erry Ferne McCasland, ALD ANDERSO'N and OLLIE
. ae ur, Dorothy Shull, Irene S D
Yoder, Maurice Talbert, Eleanor . ,McDaniel, Ralph Milliken, MAE. (Does she get around??)
Kenneth Ryan, Robert Wagner. ' , . ..
Mortensen. 10th: Carroll Davidson. I Who IS the femmme creature
10th: Gerald Gholson. 9th: Ethel Anderson Helen who has captured the heart of
9th : . Mary Louise Bailey, Den- Archer, Joyce Hingle, Ca;ol Jones, I "silent man" GUESS. (Hint, she
nis Gnffen, Hercilia Garza Ruth June Kobeck, Bob Rankin, Don was runner-up for Sweetheart!)
Pinson, Frances Powell,' Bebe Ransom, Jack Worbass, Bobby Flash! Why does CATHERINE
Skaggs, Loydelle Stevenson, Tony Rogers, Theo Haas, Walter Bach, have a stiff neck? Could it be
Bradford, Miller Armstrong, A. J. Boese, Renato Cuellar, Dan fr om watching a certain football
Amelia Cirilo, Clara Lou Hart- McCants, D. W. Nichols, Jimmie player Friday night? Could be!
ness, Bettie Marie Carr, Otto Fay Norton. , The students of W.H.S. extend
McFarland. Yvonne Thompson, 8th: Alma Hays, Bobby Frank ' their best wishes to KATY
Mildred Schreck. I Koester, Charles
8th: Ida l\.'Ise Allen, Ballard Cecil Rives,
Pollakowski, ROGERS. Good luck!
G'bye now!
HStrike Up the Band!"
'Botsy' Niles Gets
Royal Reception
'. "It's coming!" "I just heard it
whistle!" "Strike up the band!"
To the tune of "Coming Around
the Mountain," the 7:45 train
pulled into the depot and slowed
to a stop. A blushing figure in a
blue uniform stepped to the
platform, and the band burst
forth with "You're in' the Army
Mrs. T. F. Rives thrust a bou-
quet of red flowers-into the
hand of Edward Niles as he
walked around the station plat-
form listening to his brass band
welcome. "Botsy" had just ar-
rived in Weslaco for a short stay
after six weeks in T. M. 1.
A few minutes ',later "Botsy"
and the reception committee
climbed into cars and went to
the Niles residence, where they
were served breakfast; the group
then went over to the band
house and had a "jam session,"
which was immediately followed
by a chocolate cake and ice
cream party at the home of Mar-
jorie Sidener. The party was
topped by a dinner at the home
of Tommy Gene Rives.
Such was the reception given
"Botsy" by his friends in Wesla-
co Saturday morning, October
18. He returned to T. M. 1. Sun-
day evening.
Kittens Lose 13-7
To Edinburg Pups
The Weslaco Kittens were de-
feated 13-7 by a hard-hitting
Edinburg team Wednesday after-
noon in a thrilling game of the
1l0-pound class.
Edinburg's initial score came in
the first quarter after a power-
house drive, which began im-
mediately after the Bullpups re-
ceived possession of the ball. The
Kittens fought back, and in the
early part of the second quarter
scored, to tie with Edinburg 7- 7.
The third and last touchdown
of the game came early in the
second half, when one of Edin-
burg's star backs raced 60 yards
to pay- dirt. Weslaco fought back
for the remainder of the game but
was unable to make any large

Shreck Elected
Blue Triangle Head
Mildred Schreck was elected
president of the Blue Triangle at
a meeting held Tuesday at 4
o'clock in Room 1 of the high
school building.
Other officers chosen were as
follows : vice-president, Willa-
dene McAlpin; secretary, Ann
Frizzell ; treasurer. Vivian Nell
Dean; song leader, Yvonne
The thirty-six members and
their sponsor, Miss Pearl Young-
blood, attended.

.-:..'J>-. "
By Bob Curbo
The 110 - pound scrappers,
spa.rked by S; D. McDaniels
and Billy Solether, were de-
feated by the Edinburg Bob-
kittens 14 to 7. Jim Moyer was
outstanding in t he line.
The Kitten game with the
Mercedes juniors was called off
last week because of bad weath-
er. They will take on McAllen in
McAllen tonight.
Lost: One game to San Be-
nito. Finder please return t o
Weslaco Panthers.
Congratulations to Tommy So-
lether for his 98 yard run, al-
though it was called back for a
roughing penalty. His run was t he
longest in the Valley this year. He
was aided by beautiful down-the-
field blocking.
In the SportIight: The smallest
member on the Weslaco team,
Tommy Solether. Tommy is 5 feet
41f2 inches tall, weighs 121
pounds, and is 17 years old. He
served as captain in the first con-
ference game with P.-S. J .-A. He
is a member of the Lettermen's
Club and president of the Senior
Class. His motto is "Dynamite
comes in small packages. "
Those participating in the
event were Bebe Skaggs, Tom-
my Jean Rives, Letty Lou Can-
non, June Gudmanson, Marjorie
Sidener, Luciclaire Rankin, Hoyt
Hughes, Gene Lofton, Boots Com-
per,e, Tony Bradford, and Carl

0---- -- itz Melchoir Saturday night, at
VERA MORTENSEN a banquet given at the Cortez ho-
SINGS FOR MELCHIOR tel for his benefit. Vera sang
Vera Mortensen had the honor "Am apollo" and "God Bless Amer-
of singing before the great Laur- I ica."
q .. ?nen! .. 12e()e't
. "Help!" came a screech from I napping case, but only the Little
out of the night. "Take these Theatre initiation which took
bindings off me," it continued. place on Wednesday night. Twen-
Silence followed. A dark fig- ty new members were given the
ure bent over and lifted a sec- "third degree" by eleven old
ond figure into the trunk of an ones.
automobile and then drove it off After driving the blindfolded
at a rapid pace. Arriving some victims up and down and all
time later in the shadows of a around Weslaco, the "old" Lit-
huge house far from the lights of tle Theatre members finally let
the city, the first figure emerged the initiates see light again at
from behind the steering wheel the high school campus, where
and gently but firmly took the the rest of the initiation stunts
second figure out of the trunk. were carried out. A delightful
No, it wasn't an exciting kid- picnic supper was enjoyed by the
old member s, while the new ones
looked on hungrily. They wer e
allowed to eat what was left.
Those initiated were as fol-
lows: Alma Mae Conner, Maidel
Robbins, Gene Griffen, Vera
Mae Shellhamer, Dennis Griffin,
Mary Louise Bailey, Dorothy
Miller, Sam Jones, Loydelle Ste-
venson, Gerald Gholson, Bobby
Compere, Carl Sims, Jean Shu-
ford, Jo Ann Egloff, Neil Chand-
ler, Klare Teegarden, Carol
Jones, Joyce Hingle, Barbara
Fisher, and Billie Marie Daney.
November 3-7To
Be Defense Stamp
Week In w.n.s.
Students Urged
To Contribute
for U.S.A. Needs.
The week of November 3-7 has
been set aside as Defense
Week in Texas schools, accordmg
to an announcement made by
Coke Stevenson, Governor of
Texas. All schools are expected to
participate in this program.
Written material has been to
superintendents of the variOUS
schools throughout Texas. Differ-
ent departments are asked to
present special programs pertain-
ing to Defense Stamp Week.
Weslaco High School will take
part in the celebration of Defense
stamp Week. Students are urg:<i
to start saving their money m
order that Weslaco High will
make a contribution to this
project. . .
The purpose of thIS program IS
to better acquaint students with
the present need of funds for
national defense. It should serve
to enlighten students to the fact
that their nickels and dimes are
needed and appreciated.
Mother: "Why are your grades
so low after Christmas?"
Catherine F: "Well, you know
everything is marked down after
the holidays."
Drum Clinic Starts
Saturday Series
A Valley-wide drum clinic
sponsored by the Texas Music
Educators' Association was held
Saturday morning, Oct. 25, at the
Weslaco band house, according to
William Kreuledat, band director.
The clinic was the first of a
series of such clinics to be staged
in this section, each to feature
a different instrument.
Mr. Krauledat served as direc-
tor of the gathering, and Hoyt
Hughes Weslaco drummer, gave
demonstrations on the rudiments
of drumming and of a group of
solos to be used in the 1942 in-
strumental contests.
Panthers Go Down
47-0 Before Eagles
In Friday Game
Mission' s undefeated, untied,
unscored-on Eagles, led by 'Thun-
dering' Tom Landry, the Valley's
leading scorer, thumped Weslaco's
white-clad Panthers by the lop-
sided score of 47-0 in a Class A.
Landry practically had a field
day, since he scored four. of
Mission's touchdowns. In the fIrst
Panthers To Meet
La Feria Lions
Here Tonight
Both T earns Eager
To Hike Rating
In Conference.
and third quarters he scored two The fighting Weslaco Panthers
dashes of 35 and 64 yards, re- will meet the La Feria Lions here
spectively, both around right end. tonight on Barbee Field in a con
Twice in the second quarter he ference game that promises to be
went over from the four and one a well-matched, hard-fought bat-
yard stripes. tIe.
In the second period center So far La Feria and Weslaco
Mehis intercepted Solether's pass have dropped only one confer-
for a 35-yard score. Ward, Mis- ence game apiece, the Panthers
sion's top-notch extra point spe- losing to Mission, while the Lions
cialist raced 22 yards for another were defeated by Donna; conse-
tany in the third quarter. Mis- quently both teams will be out
sion's last score came in the to stage a come-back tonight.
final period when second-stringer Moreover, the Panthers will be
Hedges slipped over for a 10-y.ard I determined to avenge the. 7-6 up-
marker. Ward kicked all pomts set handed them by the LIOns last
but the last two tries. year.
It wasn't Landry or Ward that The Lions have a strong team
beat the Panthers, r.ather .the which, through its versatile at-
r.eavier, stubborn MISSIOn lme. tack has placed itself among the
Had not the Mission backs had high'-scoring teams of the Valley.
such excellent the story The Panthers feature the tradi-
might have been dIfferent.". "tional Panther fighting spirit, a
Weslaco's own Tom Tmy good defense, and one of the
Solether, 120-lb. and trickiest offenses of any team in
Weslaco's only man the Valley. Again the fast, light
far this season, dlsplay,ed h.IS Panthers will be out-weighed
running ability several tImes. m considerably; but judging by all
returning Eagle punts and kICk- of their past performances of this
oUs. year, they certainly will not be
Junior Patrol
Goes on Duty
The Junior Patrol went on
Choral Club to Go
To Harlingen Clinic
duty at crossings .near the The Choral Clubs will attend
school Monday mormng, the vocal clinic which is to be held
cording to A. C. Murphy, prm- in Harlingen November 3, ac-
aipal. Badges and belts have cording to Miss Geraldine Blum-
arrived and will be worn by berg, director.
members of the patrol as em- The leaders of the clinic select-
blems of their position. Flags ed the numbers which the various
are used as signals. chroal clubs of the Valley are to
Members of the patrol ll:re sing. The mixed chorus must be
as follows: Odell Godwm, prepared to sing four numbers
captain; Bob Dennison, lieuten- and the girls' chorus and the
ant; Thomas Moore, Dan Mc- boys' chorus must learn one
Cants, Arthur Cuellar, and song each. Any reason-well!
Renato Cuella.r. School buses will be used to
'--------------. take the groups to Harlingen
Good Morning
Has everyone made plans for
a big week-end? A win over the
La Ferfa Lions tonight would put
everybody in a good frame of
mind for the dance and carnival
Friday night; also it would coun-
teract the loss to the Mission
Eagles last Friday night in Mis-
sion. How about coming out to
'see the Panthers beat the Lions?
Jack of all Trades
Not only is Catherine Farina
the Panther Sweetheart, col-
umnist for the IIi-Life, yell
leader, and staunch backer of
, Joe Barbee; she has now taken
up the duties of sports editor
, for . the jun!or football team.' .. .
Going My Way?
;Last Thursday night four
, boys enrolled in Harlingen high
school painted the McAllen
red. Two of the
hoys, in a hurry to reach Har-
lingen, decided to hitch-hike .
. , The boys caught a ride, but it
> wasn't until after they were in
the car that they realized they
were riding in a patrol' car with
. two oWcers. The four boys
spent the day Friday washing
red painifrom the ' McAllen
, school building. The paint was
,the same kind used on the Wes-
, laco bleachers and scout house
before the Weslaco-Harlingen
,,, gaUl,e.
Personal Ad
Paul "Posta" Fulkerson wish-
es to infor m all girls in Weslaco
High School that he is still open
for dates to the Homemakers'
dance. If interested, please see
Adios and "30".
-----0--. - - '-
"How is your radio, Joe?"
"Why, I got Italy so loud last
' night I could piCk spaghetti off
the aerial."
- -------0-------
The school has ' recently pre-
sented the history department
with a cOurse called "World News
of the Week." The world situa-
tion is shown each, week in '; the
form of a map with comments.
"Keep 'em Flying"
The roar Of , an airplane is heard
Here in America "Mr. Average
Citizen" shrugs and says "So what?"
He feels safe because he knows
t hat as an American he will be '
protected by the national defens'es'
of the United States. ,
The r eaction presented in the
unfo:'tunate nations of Europe is
someWhat different, however. There the rear of an airplane meam
death and destruction. We here in America have yet to experienCE
the feeling of terror a British boyar girl has when' he)s ' awakeneq
in the dead of night to scamper into an air-raid shelter, leaving his
every poSses'sion to be,blown to bits by a Nazi bomber. " , .
The week of November 3-11 has been set aside :fol' Texas high
school to concentrate -Dn the sale of defense stamps. We are for-
tunate that money is all Amerieansare being asked for.
Why not buy .a qefense stamp today and. "keep 'em flyjng'?
That's AU Right,Boys
Well, team, you lcst a conference game but not a bit of the
support of your fans, you fought till the very end of the
game. We realize that yeu played against a much stronger team;
however, you put up such a fight that the opposing team realized
you had something, that something being nothing else but school
spirit. ' ,
If every ' studeht inW. ,Ft. S. had this sa!De school spirit, our
school would grow to be more, outstanding as the go by.
So, studes, let's show some of OUR school spirit by being out
on Barbee Field at 8 o'clock to help the Panthers win a vic-
tory over the La Feria Lions in this, their third conference game.
Local Boys Return '
From Na.tionaI
Meet in Kansas
Carl Boyd, Garrett Cox, Ray-
ford Barnett, Herman Henry; and
Harvey Cleckler, who returned
last Saturday, r eported a ,mosten-
joyable and profitable trip to
Kansas City and the National
Future Farmers of Americacon:-
vention.Going in Raymond Mills"
car, the boys stopped at the Will
Rogers Memorial at Claremore,
Oklahoma, on the way to ' Kan-
sas City.
While in Kansas City the boys,
attended the American RQal
Stock Show ' end the American
Royal Horse. Show. .They , were
also taken through the packing
the ' largest in the) United
States, and the stock yards.
Closing the convention was a
banquet ' attended by 1700 boys
from every state in the Union,
Hawaii, and Puerto Reo.
On the 'way home t he vit-
ited ' Brackenridge

,.Mother: "Why are . grades
-so low after Christmas?"
.' "Well, you kno:,,"
ever:yti:!:ng is marked dcivm after
the holidays."
s tudes, have , you been Everyone wins a cake
saving your, nickels? If ' sometfme, so itinight as
you haven't, you will well be you.
surely be sorry, ' cause, S d'd t ' Goodmorning, kids, here we go
chillun, tomorrow night's ay, 1 , you , ever ge '
the -night. -And I do' mean bored hearing other peO- again for another cleaning!
THE night for the- big pIe talk -of the big ones Flash, Super Flash! Too late,
P. T. A. Carnival at the that got away? If you girls. "Triple Threat" has finally
Exhibit Hall. have (and who hasn't? ), surrendered his heart to Cupid.
The festivities will get then be sure to visit the She is none other than SHIRLEY
under way at 5:30. So fish pond, where you're l\IIcCASLAND. In other words,
go home for supper? , ' guaranteed a fish - every they are going steady.
,Come on out, ' cause for time for only 5c. Fish of The midnight show drew a lot
,25c you can buy a ham- <:,11 sizes can be caught in of our students. ISHAM and her
burger, a cheeseburger, this extraordinary pool, "steady," HEWLETT and FERN,
or a hot dog, a bowl of from suckers to whales. EILEEN and GENE, PATSY and
chili, a bowl of Mr. John Don't miss this ' opportu- CALVIN.
Petty's famous , beans, a nity to get revenge. : ' And what does Mercedes have
slice of pie, and a glass Besides all this,: there that we dop't? We are referring
of milk, a cup of coffee, will be a freak house to four football heroes-'-POSTO,
or ' a cold drink. Whatta and other wonders, bingo, BOBBY, B. R., and MARVIN.
bargain! Then there'lL be miniature , horse racing, BETTY and WALL Y,6ur old
home-made candy, ice penny pitching, witch reliables, were Seen at the Greefi
cream, peanuts (maybe ' booths, sideshows, and a , Hal over the week-end.
p-op corn) , chewing gum, sllper spook parade at 7 MURLENE and EMERY are
and cold , drinks on sale ,o'clock. getting to be a habit! (Some
all evening. "Can't ,YOu _, Come on, folks! Bring Habit.)
just smell those freshly your very best girl. This SAM'S party Thursday night
roasted peanuts, still is to be t he biggest and put the -spot light on ' dancing as
hot? best carnival ever given SWEENIE and SAM,COMPERE:
Bes:des all ' this ' lus- in our city. And to make and SHIRLEY, DOT and PAT,
cious ,food there will be your evening complete"a LOGAN and DANEY; ' TONYand
entertainment, galore! big (and I do , mean h ig.) , BETTS Were- Seen giving it all
If you feel light foot- dance will be given at they have.
ed and would like to do tne Odd Fellows' Hall -for , A slumber-less party celebrated
some high stepping, then all studes lucky enough Mary LOUISE'S and CLARA
just step right on down to get an invitation from LOU'S birthday Friday night. Did
to the big cake walk. a Homemaker. they have a good time? What do
you think?
F.H.T. Sponsor Barn Seniorsto Have PAT HINGLE hasn't been
""..... F O.J N "ht PI"ctU' re,s, 'M", a" d'e ,;"asting any time in getting dates
un,,'re 1t_'Qay X!'"o .' -th DOROTHY LEE T' _ WI " ' '. Ime
At Odd FeUo'\oV's' ,Han ' For "La Pahna" waits for no one, eh, PAT?
Weslaco High School has lost
Little AGner and Daisy , Mae Seniors will have their pictures CDe of- its most popular boys,
will fird themselves represented GENE LOFTON. Our loss is the
in colorful costumes at the Fu- fOl' the annual at Edring- N"vy's gain. Best or luck to you,
ture Homemakers' barn ,dance, ' on s Studio between Monday, N -
October 27, and Monday, Novem- GE . .,
October 31, Hallowe'en night, at ber 17, a period' -- of three full Enpym
__ the Jyn:or game in
the Odd Fellows' hall. ' weeks. No senior- pictures:' which McAllen Thursday mght were that
,This big event will start at are made after November 17 willi ever-popular coach HENSON and
8 :30 an_4will end at 12 o'clock. be put I' n th an 1 It . . IVJ:ARIE MOORE' of Donna. Mmm
. 1 b' tl t k e nua . IS POSI- l'k
, e glr s are uymg 1e , IC - tively ' the dead-I'n ' b . -we 1 e her.
ets f th' < , Ie, ecause JU- Th T R' d
.or e:r escorls: ' :" , nior pictur es will be made after . e exas- Ice game r_ew
PrIzes be '" for t?ed that date. qUIte a number of Weslaco HIgh
most attractIve costumes. 'I T- h' , . ' ", I fans; COMPERE and SOLETHER
, ,- , e pIcture for the annual and I
0---'- ' -'" -additional picture in -a folder ---------
;. The Triaugledid not hold : for i,he ,:,ill cost. $1.00. Mrs. Edrington stated that she
Af formal initiatfon _ prIces WIll be gIven for I would make pictures on Saturday,
because of t,h, e co, addltl,o.nal photographs. , land that she was open until 9
the Future Homemakers -meeting. _ Seniors who can, are urged to o'clock on Saturday nicrht
The date othe inItiation has not have their pictures made during I The annual staff , ur;es . all se-
yet been set, acc?rding to", Miss afternoor: study lialls by niors to have their pictures made
Pearl Youngblood, sponsor. ' gettmg a permIt from Bette Bell. as soon as possible.

While over Tuesday Night
the practice field, ye editor Prizes for Annuals
heard these nicknames: "Doc"
Cleckler, "Windy" Whitlock Announced; Lucas
"Triple - Threat" Chandler P' d f G
"Posto" Fulkerson, "Sorry 1st'; reSl ent 0' roup.
LaDuke, "Sorry 2nd" Ryan, Twenty members of the Jour-
"Talley" Talbert, "Arch" Ar- nalism and annual staff, ac-
cher, "All-Valley" Keeney, compamed by their sponsor Miss
"Pete" Hall, "Tom Thumb" So- Louise Black, attenaed th'e fall
lether, "Hairy" Johnson, "Eggy" meeting of the Valley High School
Egloff, "Touchdown" Block Press Conference at McAllen
"Silent" Guess, "Limpy" Tuesday evening, October 28.
Mullen, "Glamour-Boy" Voel- Margaret Lucas, president, pre-
kel, and "One-point" Barbee. SIded at the meeting.
The program included a talk
Aided by excellent blocking, by Brad Smith, KRGV news com-
the Mission Eagles clawed the mentator. Special Hallowe'en en-
Weslaco Panthers 47-0 in last tertainment features, planned by
Friday night's game. the host group, were enjoyed.
. Highlight of the occasion was
More attention should be given the presentation of a silver lov-
to the Weslaco Kittens and 110 ing cup to the school having the
pounders. They are the future best annual in 1940-41. A cash
Panthers and are doing a good award of $2.50 and a ribbon were
job at their present positions. I given to second place winner
The Kittens won a 14-0 victory I a ribbon to thIrd place.
over the McAllen Bull-pups last HI-Life went to press before the
Thursday night. I cor..ference was held; consequent-
. ly the winners cannot be given.)
In the Sportlight: Watson R. C. Whitmill of Weslaco was
'All-Valley" Keeney, 154 one of the judges. Mrs. Whitmill
pound tackle, served as captain attended the conference as a
in the San Benito game. Wat- guest of the Weslaco group.
son has served as center, back, The following journalists from
and taekle on the Pa,nther W. H. S. attended: Vera Morten-
squad in the last two years. sen, Marjorie Sidener, Letty Lou
He is a prominent student in Cannon, Marion George, Eleanor
Weslaco High and is a member Mortensen, Luciclaire Rankin
of various clubs, including the Irene Yoder, Clara Mortensen'
Letterm.en's club. He acquired Bobby Compere, Pat Hingle'
his nickname by making second Catherine Farina, Rotert
string on last year's AU-Valley ler, Bob Curbo, Paul Fulkerson
team. Betty Bell, Dorothy Lee Drawe'
-----10 Margaret Lucas, Phyllis Hufty'
HaIIowe' en Play to Be and Edith Rankin and Ruth
Young, former journalism stu-
, ssembly Feature dents.
'One Awful Hallowe' en Night"
directed by Miss Dene Boothe is
the title of the play to be
in the combined assembly today
at the fifth period. '
The play, which deals with the
usual haunted house theme, has
the following cast: Ruth Bartley,
Bess Mears, Joe Raggi, Margaret
Ann Hewlett, Mary Ann Burton,
Charles Pollakowski, Mary Jane
Roberson, Od.ell Godwin, Edwin
Fisher, and Mary Ann Jones.
___ . __ _
G. R. Theme Is Topic
Of Anderson's Talk
"It is up to the youth of Amer-
ica today to break down the bar-
riers which the past generation
has built up," stated Rev. Har-
vard Anderson when he spoke to
the combined assembly of the
Weslaco High School, sponsored
by the Girl Reserves Thursday af-
ternoon, October 23.
WHS Kittens Defeat
McAllen Pups 14-0
The Weslaco Kitt ens came ou
on top last Thursday night in
McAllen, taking a win of 14-0
from the Bullpups.
first quarter brought a
serIOus threat from the
as . they r:-eared the Kitten goal
stripe. Usmg all the power they
the Kittens held them and
possession of the ball.
Late m the second quarter Bar-
nett passed to Hartness, who
went over standing up for the
first tally of the game. Joe Wren
crashed center for the extra point.
The second tally came early in
the fourth quarter when Rogers
went off right tackle for a 90-
yard run to pay dirt. Again
went over for the extra
During the remainder of the
game both teams fought back and
forth, but neither gained much
much yardage.
Has Anyone Seen
A Pair of Shoes?
Lost: One pair of shoes. If
found, please return to Mar-
garet Lucas.
Friday morning, as the band
had to march in the wet grass
everybody's shoes got wet. OU;
smart friend took off her
shoes at the beginning of the
next period and set them on
the porch to dry. It wasn't lm-
til noen that Margaret noticed
the absence of the footwear.
Over five blocks of hot pave-
ment and small, cutting rocks
she trudged barefooted to bor-
row a pair of shoes from Rob-
bie Good.
An announcement was made
during assembly Friday after-
noon requesting the return of
her shoes. After assembly Pat
Hingle humbly appeared with
the missing "gunboats."
"The government can not break
down in a few weeks barriers
that have been formed over a
long period of time," stated the
speaker. "A more perfect friend-
ship can be formed only by a
more perfect understandin<1 be-
tween the people of the Ameri-
Panthers Lose 60
To La Feria Lions
In Close Game
The powerful maroon and yel-
low waVe of La Feria High School,
led by a trio of speedy backs op-
erating behind a staunch line,
squeezed a 6-0 conference vic-
tory from Weslaco's shifty Pan-
thers on Barbee Field last Fri-
day night.
This victory puts the Lions in
a tie for second place with Don-
na, and sends the Panthers into
third place in the District 40-A
The only threat in the first
half bogged down on the Panther
10 yard line when McNear's fum-
ble was recovered by Weslaco af-
ter La Feria had marched down
the field following the kickoff.
In the third quarter, Gonzalez,
Lion field general and broken
field wizard, took the ball on his
own twenty on a fake reverse,
slipped through right tackle and
went side-stepping and dodging
tacklers to midfield. Three plays
later he ran twenty yards to Wes-
laco's 25. Five plays later he
shot across from the _ one yard
stri pe. Cook's point kick was
Weslaco Rallies
With two minutes' of play re-
maining, Weslaco rallied for its
only penetration, only to lose the
ball on downs on the Lions' 15
yard line as the game ended.
Voelkel's booting for the Pan-
thers pulled them out of holes
time and again, punting for the
neat average of 45 yards in 9
La Feria rolled up 10 first
downs, holding the Panthers to 7,
penetr ated twice to once for the
Panthers and were penalized 45
yards to 25 for Weslaco.
- - - - - - - - ~ . - - - - - -
Musick to Be in
W.H.S. Nov. 1213
J . O. Musick, highway patrol-
man, will speak to the English
classes of both junior and senior
high school next Wednesday and
Thursday, November 12 and 13,
Panthers To Meet Donna Redskins
On Barbee Field 'November "11
In Annual Armistice Day Game
Purple and White, Outweighed by Indians,
Will Offer Stiff Resistance to Team
Beaten Once in Conference Play.
Donna's heavyweight Indians will be on the war-path next
Tuesday when they invade Barbee Field fora try at the scalps of
Coach Little's snarling Panthers.
Being the first team to score on Mission and the first one to out-
play the title-bound Eagles, Donna moves into town highly favored.
Meanwhile, the Panthers go into this grudge battle decidedly the
Chief L. J . Cox leads the powerful Indian ground attack whiCh
has torn all defenses apart so far this season. The passing attack
is led by the Frase-to-Frase combination. Donna's immovable for-
ward wall is led by Robertson, 190-lb. scrapping tackle, and Ter-
veen, barrel-shaped 210-lb. tackle.
The Panther running chores are
Booster Club
To Be Formed
By Parents
Meeting Called
For November 1 0
At Music Center.
A meeting of the parents of
choral club members and others
interested in choral work has been
called for 7:30 p. m. Monday, No-
vember 10, at Music Center. Mrs.
Lola Keeney will preside.
The purpose of the meeting is
to effect an organization similar
to the Band Parents' Club. A con-
stitution will be presented for ap-
proval, and officers for the organi-
zation will be elected.
The general aim of the group
will be to stimulate interest in
the vocal . department of the
school. The immediate aims will
be to increase the libraries of the
choral groups and to secure vest-
ments for them.
equally divided by Solether,
Chandler, Guess, and Voelkel.
The first two go around ends,
while Guess and Voelkel are used
as line smashers. Solether a.nd
Guess pass. Voelkel punts.
Weslaco's light line is bolstered
by 165-pound tackle Hall, get-
ting fine support from Cleckler,
Curbo, and Keeney.
Running over Brownsville and
La Feria, teams to which the
Panthers lost, arid fielding a line
averaging 185 pounds, 40 pounds
per man heavier than the Panther
line, Donna gets the nod; but the
4,000 fans or more who will jam
Barbee Field for this royal battle
of Armistice Day, can feel sure
that eleven Panthers will be on
the grid ready for what may
Small in Stature,
New Cheer Leader
Knows How It's Done
How do you studes like our new
cheer leader? We think he is
The Rogers family scored
on "The Work of the Highway 0)------
again last Thursday in pep rally
when Jimmy Rogers was intro-
duced to the student body as W.
H. S.'s new cheer leader for 1941. Patrol." Emphasis will be put on "I couldn't serve as a juror,
safe and better driving. judge. One look at that fellow
Mr. Musick is no stranger to convinces me he's guilty."
Weslaco High, as he has spoken "Sh'h! That's the district at-
in assembly a number of times .. torney!"
Although Jimmy is only eight
years old and in the third grade,
he knows how to lead those yells
like a veteran.
Are you a book thief? Did you
return the library book tha.t
you checked out last week?
Miss Herron, afte,r counting the
missing books, has decided that
funny litUe signs might bring
back some of the literature that
drifted from the library shelves
the last six weeks. We wish her
guod luck.
George Bradford has made up
his mind to send a book of direc-
tions on "How to Push a Water
Cart." This all came about when
George executed a beautiful swan
dive over the Panther water cart
last Thursday night at the La
Feria game.
Hallowe'en Play
The play staged by the sixth
grade Frida,y afternoon was very
good and deserves mention. It
was nothing at all to see a ta-
ble or person disa.ppear from
the room, and return in a few
minutes. The sixth grade gets a
pa.t on the ba,ck.
Mr. Murphy gave a good de-
scription of the halls in the senior
high school building when he
made announcements in assembly
Friday. How about it, studes?
Can't we hold down our speed
just a little from now on?
Donna vs. Weslaco
Although Donna came close
to defeating Mission, the Pan-
thers will be out there fighting
on November 11. How about
tha,t ' twelfth man? The Pan-
thers need you more than e'ver
right now.
Adios and 30 .

A new Cola Cola machine has
,been put in the hall of senior high
school to replace the one remov-
ed two weeks ago. This new dis-
penser is larger and much better
mechanically. It has a capacity of
64 bottles and a disc to show that
the box is empty.
- The Journalism class has charge
of the machine, and all profits go
into the annual fund.
McAllen Wins
Annual Contest;
Harlingen Second
McAllen "El ' Espejo" was the
winner of the 1940 annual con-
test sponsored by the Valley High
School Press ' Conference, as an-
nounced at the fall meeting held
at the Casa de Palmas in McAllen
Tuesday night of last week. The
Harlingen HEl Arroyo" won second
place, and Brownsville's "Pal-
metto" placed third.
A silver loving cup was Mc-
Allen's award; Harlingen receiv-
ed $2.50 and a ribbon; and
Brownsville was given a ribbon.
The spring conference is to be
held in Mercedes next April, but
no definite date has been set.
"Eve's dropping again," cried
Adam as his partner fell out of
the tree."
A thought for a one-handed
driver : When you see a car com-
ing, let go your clutch.,
Four W.H.S. Alumnae
Have New Jobs
Four former students of Wes-
laco High School have
changed jobs. Fay Wallace is
now employed by Gaylord Box
Company; Lorene Strickland is'
secretary for the teachers at
Stephen F. Austin grammar
school ; Dorothy Ferguson is em-
ployed by the Agricultural Ex-
change; and Josephine Halstead is
working at the Mission Air Base
under civil service. None of these
students have had additional
training other than that received
in Weslaco schools.

Dorothy Carpenter, graduate of
1937, is to play the part of Lady
Macbeth in the Baylor produc-
tion of "Macbeth" on November 6.
Dorothy was prominent in dra-
matic productions in Weslaco
High during her last two years
in school.

Is Another November 11 Coming?
November 11, 1918. Amid the ringing of bells and cheering of
people, the announcement of the signing of the Armistice ending
the war fought to make the world safe for democracy was made.
November 11, 1941! Today the world is facing another crisis,
one even greater than the last. The power of the Nazi war machine,
which has overcome Europe, is today endangering the security of
Americans. Questions concerning the future fill our minds: "When
will the war be over?" "Will our boys be sent to fight in a foreign
war?" "What would a Nazi victory mean to America?"
How long will it be before the people of this country and the
countries overseas will be celebrating anohter November 11?
Will You Be There?
Next Tuesday, November 11, the Panthers play what has be-
come their most important game of the season, this being the game
with the Donna Redskins.
Our boys have played their best during their preceding games
and have shown us what school spirit really is. Although they have
lost six games so far, they have put up a good fight at each one,
and we have not been discouraged by the score.
So, studes, let's be out on Barbee Field Tuesday afternoon at
2:30 and see if we can't do our part to lend mOral support to the
Panthers when they clash with the Donna Redskins.
Here we go for another gab
session. All names mentioned are
not fictitious.
The Homemakers should be
congratulated on the swell-ele-
gant dance they had. Among those
present were: RAY LOGAN and
We wonder where MISS HER-
RON was when her San Perlita
"friend" came to see her.
By the way, GRACE, how long
did it take you to read that letter
in shorthand from A. and M.?
"The latest way to go after your
date is by way of tractor," says
FRANCIS. How did you like the
ride, CANNON?
Doing all the good in the world
was HUFTY and a newcomer
from Laredo, ED.
The date of the week was .NAN
BREWER. Did they cut a rug, or
did they cut a rug?
were t ogether over the week- end.
What' s the matter with our Wes-
laco boys, lVIARJ9RIE?
Who was the villain that inter-
rupted the slumber party of
in the wee hours of Saturday
The two most dreaded names
around our campus are ANDER-
SON and BELL. Boys, beware!
Enjoying the Mission-Donna
game were PATSY antJ CALVIN,
Bavlor ' s homecoming drew
GENE GRIFFIN' S heart is
a-fl utter. The reason is that a
certain boy came to see her from
For our information, which one
of the MORTENSEN girls has
captured the heart of a boy from
Mer cedes?
That' s all, kids, so 'bye, and
don't be good or we won't have
anything to write about!
,NOVEMBER 6 1941
Boston Bull Forgets
Love of Music; Sign
Takes Spotlight
You' ve all seen that little
Boston bulldog that has adopt-
ed the schoul as his romping
grounds, the little pup that
wandered upon the stage and
curiously watched Miss Blum-
berg play her violin solo a few
weeks ago.
Well, music seems to be his
weakness, because Friday
morning he was out at the
Band Hall waiting for the mu-
sic to begin. It didn't start as
soon as he had expected, so he
restlessly started exploring the
hall. During this excursion he
discovered the mallet used to
play the "Glocks." Thinking
that it might make a good sub-
stitute for a bone, he took it
between his teeth and made a
dash for the door. But, alas, he
had been seen! He was inter-
cepted at the door and his
prize removed.
However, this pup was not
the type to sulk. His eager lit-
tle eyes had already spotted the
brightly colored sign used on
the field Thursday evening to
advertise the carnival. His love
for music forgotten, he joyous-
ly spend the rest of the period
removing all the orange and.
black crepe paper from the
KRGV Offers Trophy
For Outstanding Work
In Journalism
A trophy for some outstanding
phase of JOUrnalism work will be
presented to the Valley High
School Press Conference by radio
station KRGV at the spring con-
At an executive meeting follow-
ing the banquet held at the Casa
de Palmas in McAllen Tuesday
night, Brad Smith, news commen-
tator , made the announcement.
The executive committee will de-
cide for what purpose the trophy
shall be given before the spring
"1 guess I'll cut in on this
dance'," said the surgeon, as he
chloroformed the St. Vitus pa-
30 Girls Join
Blue Triangle
Club Tonight
Candle Service,
Talk to Feature
The Candlelight service will be
the feature of the formal initia-
tion of the new members of the
Blue Triangle Thursday night at
7 :30 in the junior high audito-
rium, when thirty girls take the
oath of the club. .
"Prepare Today to Live To-
morrow" will be the subject of a
talk to be given by Mrs. Pat
Cannon, guest speaker. Other
numbers on the program include
an explanation of the meaning of
the triangle, by Yvonne Thomp-
son; the meaning of the code, by
Imogene Vernon; and a piano
solo, by Doris Long.
Girls to be initiated by the pres-
ent nineteen members of the club
are as follows : Gloria Ann Brixey,
Nena Cavazos, Carmen Garcia,
Alma Hays, Margaret Ann Hew-
lett, Geneva Kennedy, Lorene Le
Grande, Maria Lopez, Patsy Mc-
Bride, Bess Mears, Vivian Min-
ton, Diane Moore, Maria Perez,
Joan Price, Angela Rodriguez,
Evelyn Ross, La Verne Roye,
Nancy Allen, Billie Louise Bat-
son, Mary Ann Burton, Ruth
Bartley, . Alene Cade, Margaret
Eoff, Marjorie Grace, Rowena
Haas, Dorothy Henrickson, Donna
Nell Keatley, Wilma Minton,
Mona Swinnea, and Delia Thomp-
Miss Pearl Youngblood is spon-
sor of the group.

"I Get the A rmy Up",
Writes Edwards
Bruce Edwards, graduate of '41,
is "in the army now" at Wash-
ington, D. C. To the age-old
question of " If t he bugler wakes
up the army, who wakes up the
bugler?" he has a precise answer,
because he is the bugler. The
"No I ." guard is responsible for
waking the bugler. Now all
that' s bothering us Is--who wakes
up the ' guard? (Gruesome, isn't
it? )
School to Observe
Old . Thanks giving
November 27 -28
The Weslaco schools will ob-
serve Thanksgiving holidays
November 27 and 28, accord-
ing to an announcement by
Superintendent Fred E. Kay.
The holidays were recently
changed from November 20
and 21 to the last Thursday in
November because of a dec-
laration by Governor Coke R.
Stevenson that Texas would ob-
serve the old date and because
other schools and Valley
Chambers of Commerce are
falling in' line with the gover-
nor's proclamation.
Amateur Scribes
To Receive Check
NOlvember 2-8 to Be
Book Week in W.H.S.
November 2-8, which has been
declared National Book Week by
the National Association of Book
Publishers, will be observed as
such in Weslaco High School, ac-
cording to Miss Clarence Herron,
librarian. "Forward with Books"
is the theme for 1941.
Exhibits will be posted in class
rooms, study hall, and downtown
sections; and tentative plans have
been made for an assembly pro-
gram to carry out the theme.
This observance of National
Book Week was begun in 1919 to
encourage reading among both
young and old citizens.
Weslaco Kittens
Down Donna
Papooses, 7-0
Displaying speed, good block-
ing, and power, the Weslaco Kit-
A total of $7.50 was earned by I' added an?ther vcitory to their
the J ournalism class for stories lIst by defeatmg the Donna Pap-
published in the Valley Morning looses on Barbee Field 7-0 Wed-
Star during the month of October. nesday afternoon, October 29.
This sum represents 150 column The first real threat came early
inches at five cents an inch. in the first quarter when the Kit-
The stories, most of which con- tens recovered the ball on the
cerned activities of the school Donna ll-yard stripe. The Kit-
were written by various tens, unable to gain the necessary
of the class. Not only does this yardage, gave up possession of the
project furnish valuable experi- ball on downs.
ence for the amateur scribes, but Early in the second quarter
it also gives the schools more Parker, left tackle, tore through
publicity in the Valley. the Donna line and blocked a
The money will go to the an- punt. Covering the ball behind
nual fund. the goal was Haas, left guard,
-----(0 giving Weslaco the first tally of
rr'l::"--"'?'.....:--..... the game. Joe Wren smashed
"Did you hear about the man
that fell out of the. airplane?"
"How unfortunate."
"Yes, but there was a hay-
stack directly under him."
"How fortunate."
"Yes, but there was a pitch
fork in the haystack."
"How unfortunate."
"Yes, but he didn't hit the
"How fortunate."
"Yes, but he didn't hit the
haystack either."
through for the extra point.
The third period of play began
another drive by the Papooses to
the Kitten goal stripe. Hartness
intercepted a Donna pass, putting
the Kittens back into action. The
rest of the game brought a series
of intercepted passes, both teams
fighting hard for yardage.

Miss Dene Booth, speech teach-
er, talked before the Future
Homemakers at their regular
meeting Tuesday night, on "How
to Make a Speech."
Following Miss Booth's talk,
Mrs. Charles Ferguson discussed
School to Close
For Armistice Day
The Weslaco schools will be
dismissed Tuesday, November
11, in honor of Armistice Day,
according to Fred E. Kay, su-
The Donna-Weslaco football
game will be played on Barbee
Field at 2:30 on Armistice Day.
Tentative plans for a joint pa-
triotic drill of the Weslaco-
Donna bands between halves
have been made.
An Armistice Day program,
arranged by the music depart-
ment, under the direction of
William Krauledat and Miss
Geraldine Blumberg, will be
presented Monday afternoon
at 3:30 in the auditorium.
"Thanks for Ice,"
Says Junior Class
The Junior Class extends its
appreciation to the Central Pow-
er and Light Company for the
ice they have donated, amounting
to approximately 500 pounds per
game, according to G. W. Sansing,
Every year the juniors have
charge of the cold drink stands
in order to raise money for the
Junior-Senior banquet.
Gold Cup to Be Given
Outstanding Junior
Patrol Boy
A gold-plated lovIng cup will
be awarded the most outstanding
Junior Patrol boy from Weslaco
High School for the year 1941-42
by the local 20-30 club, Principal
A. C. Murphy said recently.
The cup, which is to be pre-
sented at the conclusion of the
school year, will be engraved
with the name of the boy who is
at his pest every morning, takes
good care of his Safety Sally, and
carries out the other duties of
his office.
parliamentary procedure. The
program was concluded with a
song by Joyce Hingle.
During the business meeting
preceding the program, plans for
the Hallowe'en Dance were com-
f "e d Panthers Scalp Red-
, as or Upt skins on PO'sters (and
Goes to College"
W k' got no scalp. What? Oh, it's just
BegIns or
" a picture. Too bad!
, W. H. S. has started an art gal-
Three-Act Comedy
To Be Presented
December 18
The cast for "Cupid Goes to
College," a three-act comedy, was
announced at the Little Theatre
meeting last Thursday night, ac-
cording to Miss Dene Booth, di-
rector. The play is to be presented
December 18 in the high school
The characters chosen were as
follows : Tom Arsdale, who is
girl-shy - Johnny Hewlett; Oke
Stimson, who isn't-Pat Hingle;
Caroline, Tom's aunt - Maidel
Robbins ; Anthony Arsdale, Tom' s
father-Carl Sims; Sylvia Web-
ster, Tom's pet aversion-Marjorie
Sidener ; Dean Marlow, dean of
college-Bobby Compere.
Peaches Carter, Tom's present
weakness- Ollie Mae Swinnea;
Asma, a colored "wash lady" -
Jo Ann Eggloff; Birdie Laverne, a
movie aspirant-Bebe Skaggs;
Barbara Sanford (Babs), herself
- Dorothy Lee Drawe; Alfred
Tennyson Murgatoyd, the college
poet-Sam Jones; and Chuck
Mayo, Birdie's late affinity -
DenIlis Gr:iffin.
lery de luxe.
Did you studes notice those
beautiful posters hanging around
in the hall last week and this?
Coach Whitmill's commercial
students have blossomed into up-
and- coming young artists. More
power to 'em. They did loads of
good to promote the spirit of
the twelfth man for that Donna
game. (They were also respon-
sible for the "Beat Donna" rib-
bons and footballs).
Redskins'pants were torn, their
scalps were removed, etc., (on
the posters) . Since the paper goes
to press before the game, it's not
safe to say whether or not it
really happened, but here's hop-
Maidel Robbins, one of those
artists, had trouble making the
Panther on her poster look fe-
rocious enough to suit the stu-
dent body. She received all sorts
of advice.

G. R. Group Attend
Interclub Council
A devotional program was the
main event of the Girl Reserve
Interclub Council meeting held
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the
P. S. J. A. band house. The host-
essgroup arranged the program.
An old darky from "way
down South" was wandering
around New York City one
bitterly cold night and lost his
way. At a late hour he was
found upon a doorstep appar-
ently frozen to death. The city
authorities, not knowing who
he was nor where he lived, de-
cided to cremate his body. So
he was placed in a hot oven for
that purpose. A few hours later
someone opened the oven door
to take out the ashes, and was
startled when a strong voice
inside yelled, "Shet dat door,
boss : Ah feels a draft on mah
feet ."
Home Rooms Observe
Defense, Book Week
In Programs
Defense Week and Book Week
were the themes for most of the
high school home room programs,
Thursday morning, according to
the various teachers of the home
room sections.
The Senior Class had as its main
feature a talk on "Defense Sav-
ings Stamps" by S. N. McWhor-
ter. Other classes had book re-
views, poems, and histories of
songs, flags, and Book Week, giv-
en by various students.
Next time you feel the urge to never entered my mind." JOHNNY HEWLETT: "Who,
park, refer to this for the name DOROTHY LEE DRAWE: "It me? Well ..... "
of your date. It might save a ain't whatcha do; it's the way NEIL CHANDLER: "Oh, I think
black eye or broken tooth! whatcha do it!" it's O. K. Yippee!"
To the question "What do you PAT HINGLE: "It is good pub- FRANCES BETTS: "Just de-
think about parking?" we receiv- licity." pends on whom you are with."
ed everything from nice rosy JACK FRIZZELL: "I don' t do TONY BRADFORD: "Ditto."
blushes to these quaint answers: it." CLARA LOU HARTNESS: "I
ALBERT WHITE: "I refuse to EILEEN ROGERS: "Uh, Uh, I think it's plumb silly."
be quoted!" don't like it." , TOMMY GENE RIVES: "De-
VERA MORTENSEN: "I just pends on how far you go."
MARION'CEORGE : "Why ask would not know!" "POSTO" FULKERSON: "It's
me?H;ow should I know?" JOE BARBEE: "Me? Why, I all right with me."
HOYT HUGHES: "Hmmmmm" never touch it!" BOB CUREO: "It is kind a dan-
(with dynamic effects). TOMMY SOLETHER: "I al- gerous."
ELEANOR MORTENSEN: "Ask ways get caught." MISS BLACK : "I don't know.
Margaret; she ought to know." SAM JONES: "Chihuahua! You I haven't much experience
MR. McWILLIAMS: "It has can't beat fun. " recently."

Hi, Doc!
Talk about having school spirit!
The students in Weslaco High
surely can put it over. The busi-
ness men in town thought that
another gas explosion had occur-
red last Monday when the parade
reached the business district. As
this column is written on Monday,
we can't say much about the out-
come of the Donna-Weslaco foot-
ball game; but we can say that
the Redskins surely had a rough
bunch of fighters against them.
Ode to a Player
Maybe once in a lifetime a boy
makes a beautiful touchdown run,
only to have it called back. Here
is our description of one of these
The ball went in the air and
rolled to the two.
Tommy picked it up and away
he flew.
He side-stepped a man and
spun from another,
Hall blocked an end and Curbo
took another.
Tom crossed the fifty, the forty,
and the thirty.
The blocking he got was really
After 98 yards he crossed the
A run that put San Benito right
back in a hole.
This is the part that comes un-
der glory;
But if you saw the game, you
know the story.
So if you need some advice, take
a little from me.
Always use a man to
block the
Armistice Day Program
The program given in assembly
Monday carried out the theme of
Armistice Day very impressively.
To everyone who was on the pro-
gram goes a word of praise. The
student body deserves credit for
their seriousness and good con-
duct during the program.

I think that I shall never see,
A billboard lovely as a tree,
Perhaps, unless the billboards
I'll never see a tree at all.
--Campus Chronicle.
We Knew You Would!
Well, Panthers, you did it, and the whole school joins in to say
"We knew you could!"
Tuesday's game was indeed an upset for the football fans here
in the Valley. Although the odds had been placed against you, we
put our faith in you; and you, the team as ot whole, did what we
expected of you.
We can admit, now that it is over, that we had a moment or
two of doubt when we looked at the line-ups-"Donna, 180, 190,
175, 181, 205; Weslaco, 160, 130, 146, 155, 139." But then we remem-
bered what Coaches Little and Henson had said-that weight wasn't
the only factor and that you could beat Donna if you wanted to;
and we knew' that you did want to "Beat Donna."
Taking the advice of the coaches, we singled you out and
matched individual players. We saw in your every movement in every
minute of the game that you were playing clean, heads-up football.
You played well individually, and you played well as a team.
.We're proud of you, Panthers!
Are You a "John"?,
The bell rings! John rushes out of his class into the hall shout-
ing and otherwise making all the noise he can. He is anxious to get
to his next period class; therefore he runs through the hall in order
to get there first. As he is on his way, he sees Mary. He must stop
and talk to her; consequently he applies his "brakes" so suddenly
that he upsets a group of his fellow mates, and there is a scramble
while his friends try to pick up their bocks. Finally, John resumes
his journey to the other end of the hall. When he arrives at his
classroom, he continues talking until the last bell has rung and
then he slowly becomes quiet.
How many "Johns" do we have in W. H. S.?
Hughes Elected
President "13 Club"
Hoyt Hughes was elected pres-
ident of the newly organized "13"
Club at a meeting held Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 in the band
house, Other officers chosen were
as follows: Randy Becker, Donna,
vice-president; and Dorothy Ann
Ransome, Brownsville, secretary-
The pupose of the club, which
is composed at present of the
outstanding drummer from each
Valley town, is to promote bet-
ter drum technique in the Valley.
The name of the club is based on
the fact that all drum rudiments
are based on the thirteen or orig-
inal fundamentals.
Citrus Exhibit
Takes Second Place
At Kingsville Show
The community citrus exhibit.
consisting of sixteen varieties of
fruit, arranged by the Weslaco
Vocational Agriculture class, won
second prize and a cash award at
the South Texas Livestock and
Agricultural show at Kingsville,
Saturday, November 8.
The exhibit was arranged by
Carl Boyd, Carol Davidson, Her-
man Henry, and Van Rousseau,
who went to Kingsville last Wed-
nesday, accompanied by Austin El-
lison, instructor.
Other prizes will not be an-
nounced before the end of this
"! lJ/ \Jf ,\r '1 I
, FROM THE I Kittens Claw
(' ,(. 20-0 Thursday Night
Ii. L l 1..-4
Buenos Dios, Amigos, and all
that stuff. Let's hang out this
week's wash.
.. On Barbee Field
Chalking up another victory,
the Weslaco Kittens defeated the
Mercedes Cubs 20-0 on Barbee
Field Thursday night.
Enjoying the Mission-McAllen
game F'riday night were: B. R.
and JEAN, WAYNE and MAR-
Flash! The dates of the week!
TY. This younger generation!
Have any of you boys seen the
new co-ed from Wisconsin?
HILDA BAIR were seen enjoying
themselves at the Ritz theatre ov-
er the week-end.
Church is a popular place to
take your date. Ask PAT HIN-
GLE, who escorted "DOT"
DRA WE Sunday morning.
Mercedes was honored Friday
night by the presence of CAL.
JIM ED WEBB, from McAllen,
took GENE GRIFFIN to church
Sunday night. It looks as if Mc-
Allen has taken over GENE.
Who was the boy from Mer-
cedes that was over to see WILA-
DEEN McALPIN Saturday?
ther or not ALMA RUTH'S theme
was interesting. We thought study
hall was a place to study!
In getting ready for the Don-
na game, Coach Henson and
Coach Whitmill took active part
in the Panthe'rs' scrimmage ses-
sions. One Thursday Coach Hen-
sen ran 98 yards for a rubdown.
Coach Whitmill's practice pants
were padded with feather pil-
lows, and with the aid of his toe
dancing and spinning he fan-
danced 52 yards for a touch-
Last Thursday night the Wes-
laco Kittens defeated the Mer-
cedes Tiger Kittens 20-0. Touch-
downs were scored by Ryan, Jack-
son and Allen.
In the Sportlight: Hard-hit-
ting, pass snatching, 165 pound,
5 feet 11 inches describes Har
Ion Block, right end for the
Panther line. Although this is
hIS first year In Weslaco High
School and his first year of
athletics, he is probably one of
the morst a,thletes in
the Valley. He will be one of
the returning lettermen for the
Panthers next yea.r. As a hint
to you students, don't mispro-
nounce his first name, Harlon,
Harlem. For a football motto,
Harlon uses his last name.

Defense Guard
Marches at Donna-
Weslaco Game
the steady list, boys. SEIBERT
and she have decided to call it
quits. After so long.
A look of relief observed The marching of the Weslaco
upon LETTY LOU'S face when Unit, Company D, of the Texas
Francis was brought home from Defense Guard was the highlight
the hospital. between halves of the Weslaco-
Congratulations, JOE, for the Donna Armistice game Tuesday,
lovely birthday bracelet that you November 11.
gave to CATHERINE. (What The Company of Defense
brand of pop corn gives that kind Guards marched while the band
away?) furnished the music. Their close
That was a swell game you order drill was brought to a stop
Panthers played. We're plenty in front of the stands. While Neil
proud of you. Chandler played "Taps" and t he
MARION and BOBBY, FERN band played "Star Spangled Ban-
and DONALD attended the Sadie ner," the stands faced the west
Hawkins dance in Edinburg Sat- during the presentation of arms in
urday night. honor of those who died for their
What's this we hear about JOE country.
WREN an MARJORIE McMUL- Company D of Weslaco is com-
LEN? manded by Captain J. T. Ellis, Jr.,
What interest does Donna hold Ohter officers are First Lieuten-
for TALLY TALBERT? Don't get ant Charles Bennett, and Second
scalped, TALLY. . Lieutenant George Magee.
The first period of play proved
slow, with neither side gaining
much yardage.
Late in the second quarter Wes-
laco recovered a Mercedes fum-
ble, and a pass from Barnett to
Ryan gave the Kittens their first
touchdown of the game. Try for
extra point failed.
Starting the second half, the
Kittens showed much man power.
Blocking a Mercedes kick, the
Kittens took possession of the
ball, and a short position behind
center and circled left end, going
over for a Kitten score.
Early in the fourth quarter
Eddie Allen ran the extra point.
Both teams fought hard the re-
mamder of the game, but neither
made any serious threats.
Motor and the girl. motors with
you; walk and you walk alone.
Panthers to Play
Tigers at Mercedes
Tuesday night
Next Tuesday night Weslaco's
Panthers and the rapidly-improv-
ing Mercedes Tigers tangle on
Tiger Field in a conference skir-
mish that promises to be one of
the best games in the Valley this
Both elevens seem to be evenly
matched, with Capt . Bonner lead-
ing the Tiger offense, and Hino-
josa and McGee the defense.
The Panthers have four equal-
ly good backs to offer the Tiger
defense. Hall, Cleckler Curbo
and Keeney lead the
With one-man gang Dalton
leading them to victory, the Ti-
gers handed the Panthers a 13-0
last year. However, that
was m 1940 B. C. (before Chand-
ler), and now in 1941 A. D. (af-
ter Dalton) the purple and white
boys seem to have the better
Armistice Day Dope Bucket Upset When 'Little's
Commemorated Mighty Mites Tie Heavy Redskins
In Joint Assembly 0-0 In Armistice Day Game
Impressive Program
Presented by Music,
Speech Dept.
Commemoration of Armistice
Day, 1918, by Murlene Jones and
the description of Armistice Day,
1941, by Jo Ann Eggloff were
features of the joint assembly pro-
gram Monday morning at 11:30
in the high school auditorium.
After group singing of one
stanza of "America", the flags
were posted as three cornets
played "To the Colors."
In honor and memory of those
who made the supreme sacrifice,
that of giving their lives during
the first World War, the audience
stood quietly facing the west as
a trio played "My Buddy,"
followed by "Taps."
"I Ain't Gwine Study War No
More" and "Gloria Patri" were
sung by the mixed chorus under
the direction of William Kraule-
The singing of "Spirit o ~ Wes-
laco High" by the audience closed
the program.
The program was arranged by
Miss Geraldine Blumberg and
William Krauledat. Pat Hingle
was chairman.
- - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
"W" Club to Present
Sweaters to Junior
F cot han Players
The Weslaco High School "W"
Club has decided to award sweat-
ers to the Junior High players,
according to Bobby Curbo, presi-
The Kittens have agreed to sell
the remaining pennants at a dol-
l ar apiece, in order to get money
for the sweaters. It has been
agreed that only one Junior sweat-
er may be issued to a boy during
his entire football career. Year
after year this practice of giving
sweaters will be carried out.
The "Wizard of Oz" and Houdini had nothing compared to
Coach Little's scrapping Panthers as they seemed to use black magic
and pull rabbits out of hats in holding to a scoreless tie and upsetting
their old rivals, Donna's Redskins, in their annual Armistice Day
grudge battle before 4,000 fans on Barbee Field.
Weslaco was full of inspiration and fight from feet to head,
from end to end, and from line-backer to safety, Seldom has a Pan-
ther eleven exhibited such fighting spirit.
Valley fans got the thr ill of the year by seeing a decidedly weak-
er and lighter team, . the Pant!J.ers, come up and upset the Valley's
heaviest team composed of several all-Valley candidates. It is
doubtful if a better game has been played on Barbee Field, and no
doubt this is the Valley's major upset.
---------------+ SoIether,' Frase Shine
Seniors! Deadline
For Pictures Is
Almost Here!
Seniors! Don't fail to have
your pictures for the annual
taken as soon as possible. On-
ly 45 stUdents have had pic-
tures made, leaving a remain-
ing 40, almost one half the
class. The time is growing very
short-only three days left!
Hl.lrry! Hurry! The 41-42
"La Ealma" will not be com-
plete without 100 % of the Se-
I niors' pictures in it . . '
G.R.'s Discuss Church
Conduct at Meeting
A religious program was the
feature of the meeting of the
Weslaco Girl Reserves held Tues-
day night, November 4, at the
home of Mildred Brixey.
"What Is Expected of a Guest
at My Church" was the subject
of seven two-minute talks given
by the following: Ilene Bishop,
Kareene Gary, Gene Griffin,
Phyllis Hufty, Eleanor Morten-
sen, Josephine Fawcett, and Mil-
dred Brixey.
Plans were made for the Red
Cross Drive which the Girl Re-
serves sponsored.
_ Refreshments were served by
the hostess.
Tommy Solether, Weslaco's 119
lb. quarterback and the Valley's
smallest player, got the cheers
from the crowd by his occasional
shifty. running as he played his
1::f'l't game for the purple and
Rollin Frase outshone Cox,
sparkplug of the Indian attack, by
his jitterbugging around ends,
furnishing the best running of
the game.
Indians Threaten
Donna' s only serious threat in
the second IJalf was stopped cold
when Voelkel intercepted a pass
on Weslaco's 15.
Hall, Keeney, Curbo, and Cleck
ler played their hearts out as they
held the big' Donna line when in
scoring position.
Voelkel's punting provided the
thrills of the game, aver;lging 40
yards on 10 punts,and twice punt
ing 60 yards.
Robertson and Terveen, big
guns of the Donna Inje, shared
Redskin defensive honors.
L. J. Cox, one of 'the Valley's
best backs, was second only to
Frase with his all-round play in
running, passing, and punting.
The' game goes to Donna by vir
tue of their eleven first downs to
the Panthers' three. '
- - ~
Mr. Murphy: "Why are there no
insane people in Arabia?"
BettY .B,ell ;, "Nomad people live
The Weslaco Kitten team end-; left to right, the boys are as fol-
ed their season Thursday nIght, ' lows:
November 13, by defeating the Front row, Kenneth Ryan, Bob
San Benito Pups on Barbee Field. Rankin, Maurice James
The Kittens have lost only one Cleckler, Thea Haas, Douglas
game this season, having beim Par ker, Ralph Milliken, Eddie
defeated by the Edinburg B team Allen, Willi am Rogers, Joe Wren,
20- 0 early in the season. The Kit-j Robert Bradford, Robert E emp-
tens have scored 109 points to
their opponents' 32. Reading from Back row: Donald Jenkines,
.Ti mmy Laredo, Ballard Bennett,
Ray LeGrande, S. D. McDaniel,
c ob Dennison, Radine Purl, Billie
Joe Ryan, Hershal Peddicord, Den-
ni s Griffin, Edward McLeaish,
Vast ine Ross, Lowell McAlpin,
Ol in P arker, Cecil Ray Rives,
Billy Puckett, Bobby Frank
Koester, Moyer, Billy So-
lether. R. C. Whitmill, coach, is
pictured behind the team.

Hi-Life to Enter Panthers to End
T H S P Contests '41 Season \Vith
This Week Bearkat Game
Individual News
Feature, Sports,
Club Stories Sent
The Weslaco HI-LIFE will en-
t er the contests sponsored annu-
ally by the Texas High School
Press Association, to be held this
year at the Texas State College
fer Women December 5- 5.
The HI-LIFE will enter the di-
VlSlOn called "Page in Local
Newspaper;' in which it will com-
pete with other papers of this
type, according to Margaret Lu-
cas, editor. All issues must ob-
serve entry deadline of Novem-
ber 22.
Twelve Seniors
To Play Last Time
Tuesday Night
Twelve boys, Marvin Archer,
Joe Barbee, Robert Chand;er,
Bob Curb 0, Paul Fulkerson, Pete
Hall, Watson Keeney, Keith Mc-
Mullen, Tommy Solether, Royal
Taltert, Calvin Voelkel, Wayne
Whitlock will play their last foot-
ball game for W. H. S. next Tues-
day night when Raymondville's
speedy Bearkats and Weslaco's
Panthers go against each other on
Barbee Field in both elevens last
game of the season.
This game, a conference one,
will 1:e dedicated to these twelve
In the individual contests of stories, feature stories, sports
t his convention the HI-LIFE also stories, society or club stories,
plans to enter editorials, news sports column, and columns.
Robert H. : "Did you take
J. W. Mauldin: "No, who
t eaches it?"
boys. They will be withdrawn
from the game in a group two
minutes before the game ends.
features two of
the Valleys speediest backs in
Par ker and Gonzaba. The all-let-
t ermen Bearkat forward wall is
better than good, and the boys
from the city of onions have been
putting on some razzle-dazzle
playing this season.
In Marvin Archer Coach Little
has discoveerd a new passing star.
In Calvin Voelkel he has an ex-
cellent punter. In Solether, Guess,
and Chandler he has three good
backs. All-Valley Hall and Kee-
ney, together with Chandler and
Curbo, lead the Panther defense.
The Panther s look better on
paper , but that doesn't mean vic-
t ory; however, the above men-
tioned seniors, as well as the rest
of the squad should make it very
unint eresting for the boys from
the "City of Onions."
THE WBSLAC"o-nr:LIFE; -NOVEMBER 20, ,1941- . -'.( -..
Figure This Out!
These Tuesday football games
have us going in circles as much
as anyone in school. The deadline
for the paper is Monday morning
and the Donna game was play-
ed on Tuesday afternoon; there-
fore we could not mention the out-
come of the game on Thursday
following the event, because the
column was written on Monday.
This means that nine days after
the game we say something about
it, but the Mercedes game has
already been played- and the
Donna game is old news; hence we
write up the Mercedes game, but
it's nearly two weeks until you
read about it and the Raymond-
ville game has been played. Any-
way, two weeks after the game is
over, this column will say some-
thing about the Raymondville
game. Oh, brother!
Alas, dear studes, exams are
The saddest days of all the year.
If I had these six weeks to do
once more,
I'd study history and English IV.
Oh, why did I stay at the show
so late?
And why did I have that Wed-
nesday night date?
I didn't know we had a ques-
tion on Kings,
Why dont my teachers tell me
these things?
Now turn, dear students, and
listen to me,
Here is a verse you never did
The saddest word of tongue or
Are those that go "You flunked
Do yon have a date for No-
vember 29? If you don't, you
had better rustle one. The Ro-
liki Club is sponsoring the big-
gest dance of the year, featur-
ing the music of Johnny Barry
and his orchestra.. Make your
plans now for a swell time on
November 29.
The Raymondville game is our
last game this year; how about a
Twelfth man? .
Adios and 30.
More Tax on Natural I Junior Pictures
Resources Debated F or Annual Begun
At Club Meeting This Week
"Resolved, That Texas Should
Increase the Taxes on Natural
Resources" was the subject of a
debate given by Cather ine Farina
and Helen Pace, negative, Albert
White and Carl Fitzgerald, af-
firmative, at a meeting of the De-
bate Club Wednesday, November
12, in Room 12.
In order that the new club
members might learn more about
debate, there was a brief discus-
sion about how to organize a de-
The new members of the De-
bate Club are Jo Ann Egloff,
Bebe Skaggs, Mildred Brixey,
Walter Baxter, Ray Le Grande,
John Emery, and Alvin Hansen.
Juniors will have their pictur es
made for the annual at Edring-
ton's Studio l::etween Monday,
November 17 and Saturday, De-
cember 6, according to Clara Mor -
tensen, La Palma staff member
in charge of the pictures.
Juniors will be made the same
proposition as the seniors had: A
picture for the annual and one
additional picture in a folder for
the student will cost $1.00. Re-
duced prices will be given for ad-
ditional photogr aphs.
Juniors who can, are urged t o
have their pictures made during
their study hall. Permits may be
secured from CIEfa Mortensen.
The annual staff urges all ju-
niors to have their pictures made.
A Toast to the Kittens!
"Kittens End Season with Clear Record in their Class!"
That headline tells only the outside story of a successful year.
for the 35 boys and their coach who made an out standing record
in junior high football this year.
However, no mention is made in it of the many hours of hard
work, the after- school pleasures given up for practice, the "early-
to-bed" hours kept by the boys, or the candy and other rich
foods that have been eliminated fr om their diets because they "cut
the wind" of a football player.
Then too no mention is made of the appreciation of every
meml::er ~ f t h ~ student body and faculty for the sacrifices they have
made to bring glory to Weslaco High. Although the games played
by the Panther s have received bigger headlines and more important
places in the Hi-Life, we do realize what they have done, and take
this opportunity to say "Thanks" to each of the 35 boys who are
the future Panthers and to their coach,R. C. Whitmill.
Let's Have it Again!
Next Tuesday night the Panthers play the last game of this
season. Twelve of these boys will play their last game of high
school fooball .
They have shown us what real football is during this year.
The game with the Donna Redskins was a good example. The rea-
son for this was probably the increased school spirit around the
If school spirit caused such an exhibition,let 's be out on Barbee
Field Tuesday night with a lot of . it when we play Raymondville.
Jenkines Names
Play Committees
Committees for the first pro-
duction of the Little Theatre,
"Cupid Goes to College," were
announced this week by Archie
Jenkines, assistant director.
The committees chosen are as
Property-Billie Marie Daney,
chairman; Gerald Gholson, Carol
Jones, Rachel Sugg, Mable Cleck-
Publicity - Vera Mortensen,
chairman; Eleanor Mortensen,
Gene Grfifin, Jean Shuford.
Tickets-Vera Mae Shellham-
mer, chairman; Mary Louise Bai-
ley, Clara Mortensen, Loydelle
Program - Josephine Fawcett,
chairman; Dorothy Miller, Dug-
gie Conner.
Hoyt Hughes is stage manager;
while Miss Andrus will be ticket
desk manager.
0,------- -
. Six Weeks' Exams
To Be Held Today
A nd Tomorrow
Six weeks' exams will be
taken Thursday and Friday of
this week, according to A. C.
Mllrphy, principal.
The odd period exams will
be on Thursday and the even
period exams will be on Fri-
Renort cards will be given
out Wednesday of next week.
i Panthers Win
Conference Game
From Tigers 12-7
Surprise Assembly
Honors Panthers
The ringing of bells and the
Eleven heavily-loaded r ifles playing of band music summoned
went off in the second and fourth the students of junior and senior
quarters, and as a result blasted high school toa special assembly
their way into a tie with Ray- Wedesday honoring the football
mondville for fourth place in the boys, who held Donna to a score-
District 40-A race. less tie for four quarters Tues-
With Marvin Archer passing, day afternoon.
Solether and Block receIving, and Short talks by the three coaches,
Curbo and Block recovering two Little, Whitmill, and Henson,
opportune Tiger fumbles, Coach Principal Murphy, and Superin-
Little' s tiny mites defeated Mer- tendent Kay were the features of
cedes' battling Tigers by a 12- 7 the program. Each expressed his
count in a vacuum- tight confer- admiration for the team.
ence tilt on Tiger Field last Tues- The assembly ended with the
day night. group singing "The Spirit of Wes-
Twice in the first half Weslaco laco High."
penetrated to the 10 and 15 yard I
stripes, only to lose the ball on - .
downs as the charging Tiger line I one, and also went over for the
held. . point.
Late in the first half, Harlon Panther guard Curbo recovered
Block, speedy Panther right end, Bonner's fumble on Mercedes' 35.
recovered a Tiger fumble for Wes- Archer passed to Solether and
laco's first tally. Barbee's point- Block for 15 and 12 yards respec-
kick was wide. tively. Four plays later Guess
At half time first downs were ploughed over from the one. Bar-
Weslaco 5, Mercedes 2, and Wes- bee's attempted point-kick was
laco 8, Mercedes 6 at the end of blocked.
the game. Mercedes failed to reach Bonner, who seemed to do ev-
Weslaco's 40 yard line in the erything, was easily the out -
first half. standing back on the field for his
Bonner, Guess Score hard running, tackling, and ex-
Mercedes got its only penetra- cellent quick- kicking.
tion of the game in the fourth Block, by recovering a touch-
quarter when Tiger center Mc- "'own fumble, and Curbo, one
Ghee intercepted Archer's pass for that paved the way for another
10 yards up to the 15. Bonner I Panther score, stood out as de-
went over in five plays from the fens've stars.
Hello, everybody! This is your' a date. him feel inferior.
Weslaco High reporter bringing (4) When you arrive at the
yoU th latest dope on how to make dance, dash off to jitterbug with
a hit with your Juliet (or Romeo, the "new girl." Leave her to put
as the caSe may be) up her own coat and find a seat
Romeos, have YOl! l:::een dis- in the wall-flower section.' She
tressed lately over the cold shoul- might "want to be alone."
der your Juliet h:?s been giving (5) Dont let anyont cut in
you? You have! Well, here's a when you dance with her. She
;little advice on how to thaw out doesn't want to dance with other
that shoulder: guys, anyWEy.
(1) For that "skin she lovesot 1.6) After the dance, take her
touch" (and look at), you might home the long way. She won' t get
try forgetting to shave. in bad with her folks, even if she
(2) Be about thirty minutes ('<oes get home an hour late.
late for your next few dates. Give I Now, what can be done for you
her more time to primp. I JUliets? Here are six points that
(3) Don't go to the door after I I'.1ight help you capture Romeo's
her! Sit out in front and honk. I heart :
That attracts attention and lets (1) Wear spike heels so that yOU
all the neighbors know she has will be taller than her. Make
(2) Don't start dressing until
your date arrives. He'll enjoy hav-
ing thirty minutes to read the pa-
(3) .Introduce him to all the
relatives and let J unior entertain
(4) Rush to the powder room
when you get to the dance. Stay
there until you look your best. He
likes to escort the best-looker.
(5) Don't save any dances for
Romeo. He wants to dance with
other girls, anyway.
(6) Insist on going to get a
steak after party is over. He has
money to burn.
Goodbye now, kids. Don't for-
get to ('ome to your reporter for
advice. It's given free!
Hello, friends, and howdy,
neighbor. Your washwoman has
her wash out early, for she had
a helper. A few pieces of the
wash this week came from the
pages of Bagga's cherished phone
The prize piece of Wash, the
date of the week, was MARTHA
and E. W., as they invaded Mex-
From Bagga's book-She is a
Blonde senior, and will answer
if you call number 310W.
Mexico also drew another Wes-
laco girl, GENE GRIFFIN, and
her former McAllen boy friend.
How was the football game
Friday, Marj orie and Wayne? We
only asked about Friday, but we
saw yOU Saturday night, too.
The mix-up of the week was
at the Wagon Friday night. DOR-
GLE got back into that old
groove, and DOROTHY LEE and
BOBBY weren't doing so bad.
Another of those pages! If you
call number 170, a tall , blonde
senior with a very nice voice will
OLLIE MAE said she h?d a
good time this week end. Who
wouldn't jf th",v could go with
ALDRIDGE all in three days?
Among the shorter pieces of
wash, better known as the young-
er set. who were seen cuttine: the
mg Fridav. were J. W. and CAR-
OL. BYNUlVI. who was the out-
of-town girl who made it a four-
It seems that BILL SEIBERT'S
car just can' t keep swav from
Wef;l aco! How l'lbout it SHIRLEY?
see'" enjoying the show Friday.
So pjrl we!
tre few hnme girls who rl'lt-
ed SOIT'A flowers to wear to the
November 11. We wonder
jf the male is the one from Don-
Just one IT'ore page-She is a
cute little senior, whose hE'?r t
belong'S to Donna. You mi ght
h?ve a chance bv calling 252M.
We need more wash, for how
C"TI we ever make our 60 inches
if vou don't g'ive us anything to
write about? See you next week!
I -

Starting with a nucleus of nine -
lettermen, the Weslaco Kittens, (By Bob Curbo)
There comes a time in every
coached by R. C. Whitmill, began
high school foot ball player's
their season with a loss to a heav- career, a time that each dreads
Ier Edinburg "B" team, 20 to O.
Not letting their initial defeat
dampen their spirits, they gained
momentum and defeated San Be-
nito, 7 to 6; Mission, 13 to 0;
Pharr, 30 to 0; McAllen, 14 to 0;
Donna, 7 to 0; Mercedes, 20 to 0;
San Benito, 18 to 6.
The Kittens showed their scor-
ing superiority by rolling up 109
-playing his last football game.
Next week on Tuesday, Novem_
ber 25, this times comes for
Bob Curbo, Wayne Whitlock,
Watson Keeney, Pete Hall, Mar-
vin Archer , Calvin Voelkel,
Royal Talbert, Tommy Sol ether,
Joe Barbee, Keith l\IcMullin,
Paul Fulkerson, and Jack Friz-
points, while holding their oppo- Last Thursday night, November
nents to a total of 32 points. 20, the Weslaco Kittens finished
Kittens Play for Experience their sec:son with an 18-6 victory
Although the t eam worked as a over the San Benito Junior High
unit sever al boys stood out. Wil- Club. The Kittens were defeated
liam' Rogers was the "Jack Crain" only once during the season. This
of the Kittens. Many a time he I 20-0 Cl efeat was handed to them
thrilled the crowd with his spec- I at their first game of the season
tacular running. Every team in I by the Edinburg "B" team.
the Vc. lley that played the Kit- --
tens was afraid to punt to him. In the SIlortIight: Marvin Ar-
He was ably assisted by Joe I cher, who 5 feet 11
Wren a brilliant backfield per- tan and weIghs 140 pounds, IS
Eddie Allen one of the the Panther s' left end. Not only
finest junior quarter- is he able to snag passes from
backs, and Billy J oe Jackson, the !!.ny angle, he cat;'- .throw
Valley'S hardest tackler at end. t hem, also, whl IJh he did In the
Because there wasn' t a junior Donna He is a main cog
high conference this season, the in tbe Weslaco defense. This is
Kittens played for experience, Archer's and last ye?r
preparatory to advancing to the of senior football. Marvin is a
Senior high squad. If there had three-sports letterman, ha,ving
beo.n a conference, the Wesl:lco I leHer ed ' n f ootball, basketball,
Kittens would have won it h 'mds and baseba ll.
down. No other junior high team
in the Vaney came close to E'qual-
ing the Kittens in scoring or
games won.
Coach Whitmill h2s done an ex-
cellent job in his first year, 8.nd
he is looking forward to a suc-
cessful season next year.
B'est Bark, Lineman
To Get Footballs
Two gold footballs will be pre-
sented in the near future to the
best lineman and the best back
on the Kitten team, according to I
R. C. Whitmill, junior coach. I
School to Close
November 26 for
November 27 and 28 will be
observed as Thanksgiving holi-
days this year, according to
Fred E. Kay, superintendent.
The Weslaco schools will be
dismissed on Wednesday, No-
vember 26.
Originally, it was planned
that the school would celebrate
Thanksgiving on November 20
and 21; however, in keeping
with most of the other Valley
schools, plans were changed,
and the schools will observe
the old holidays.
The footballs, which were pre-
sented by Fouad Mattar, are en-
graved with the words "1941 I
Champions." =----------------
Talbert, Keeney,
Frizzell, Voelkel,
Curbo, Whitlock, Hall, Archer, Barbee,
McMullin, Sol ether, Play Last Game Here
Pictured above are the eleven
Panthers who played their last
game against the Raymondville
Bobcats on Bartee Field last
. Panthers Lose
Game, 31 to 12,
To Bearkats
Seniors Play Last
Time on High
School Grid.
Twenty-two tiny stars glitter-
ed momentarily last night, sud-
denly ceasing to shine.
These stars were extremely
unique in that they could play
football. Then, to their dissp-
POintment, the thick cloud passed
through the atmosphere and
eClipsed them from view. The
cloud was the final whistle of the
final high school football game
for almost a dozen seniors who
composed Coach Little's 1941 pur-
ple and white Panthers, the light-
The boys, reading from left Marvin Archer
to right, are as follows : Back row : Joe Barbee, Jack
Front row: Royal Talbert, Frizzell, Calvin Voelkel, Keith
Watson Keeney, Bob Curbo,
Wayne Whitlock, Pete Hall, McMullin, Tom Solether.
- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
est but scrappiest Panther eleven the kick-off Puente slipped
put out yet. through the whole Panther team
B:v losing 31 to 12 the Willacy for a 60-yard gallop to goal.
county champs, Raymondville, Richmond's try was blocked.
Weslaco finished its season in In the last quarter Richmond
Uth place in District 40-0 stand- ploughed over from the one, and
ings. later, Parker passed to Parr for
Recovering Raymondville's another score. Richmond' s tries
fumbled kick-off on its 43, the failed twice.
Panthers plugged down the field "Bouncing" Bob Curbo, Glen
on nine plays to send Barbee over Cleckler, Pete Hall, and Watson
from the four on a reverse play. Keeney, Panther jack-of-all-
Barbee's try was blocked. trades, played a heads-up defen-
Late in the second quarter sive game. Jernigan, Atkiesson,
shifty Lloyd Parker plunged from and Evans starred for Raymond-
the six-inch stripe after a trip- ville.
ping- penalty had placed the ball Parker gets " the nod as the out-
on the 8. Richmond converted. standing back of the evening for
Archer Scores his excellent mail carrying.
In the third period Puente Tommy Solether, tiny Panther
sk'rted right end for a 25-yard quarterback, Joe Barbee. and
t ally. Richmond's try was " wide. Robert Chandler wound up the
The Panthers, however, re- season in good fashion by their
sponded with a 40-yard touch- shifty running.
down pass from Chandloer to Ar- Raymondville rolled up 13 first
cher. Chandler failed to go over downs and penetrated five times.
for the point. to 9 first downs and three pene-
On the second play following trations for Weslaco.
Como Ie va?
Today we have a treat for you.
No poems. But we would like to
look back to a column in a 1938
Hi-Life which went like this:
"Is your girl so dumb that she
That a cow catcher is a cattle
That a beef steak is a post to
tie a cow to?
That bacteria is the back en-
trance to a cafeteria?
That a cow shed means that a
cow is losing hair?
That skull a medi-
cal term?
Ex-students will be drifting
in from 'various colleges ' and
universities for the i,l'hanksgiv-
ing holidays, and we would like
to welcome them home. ,uPlug", ..
They, along with the 'ex-Ro-
Fkians, are invited,to attend the
Roliki Thanksgiving
Dance; November 29, to be held
at Manley's<,Club ' house four
miles north of Mercedes. (Turn
north one block east of the light
on Main st.) "unplug."
If some freshman had walked
in the senior home room last
Thursday and seen the seniors
hopping and jumping around the
room, he would have been utterly
disgusted with the whole bunch,
Mr. Whitmill had the "upper
classmen" un-jumbling words.
walking backwards to see who
could go forward the ' fastest, and
runnin races while holding an-
kles. There wasn't a drawback in
the room.
Happy Thanksgiving and all
that st.uff.-Adios.
ThePeo Squad presented Patsy
Ruth Laurence, senior cheer lead-
p.r. with a gold-shaped vanity.
Monday afternoon at a Pep Squad
in the auditorium. The
Frenesi Club presented her with
a cameo locket Monrlay at
a farewell party held in her hon":
or at Catherine Farinp's' home. ,
Patsy left this morning" to make
her home in Brownwood, Texas.
Thanksgiving, 1941! The Creed of the Pilgr ims may be given
credit in the following ways for our great nation today:
Love of God--In the list forming the Pilgrim' s Creed, the num-
ber one spot held by "Love of God," for tliey succeeded in sur-
viving by placing their faith in God and trusting in him for the
Love their homes the Pilgrims found peace, hap-
piness, and security. It was here that they, with their families, com-
muned with God and laid the basis for the religious freedom we
enjoy today.
Love of Freedom-The Pilgr ims in their "Love for Freedom"
secured for us freedom of religion, speech, arid pr ess. It was they
who paved the way to the freedom we ' enjoy today.
Love for Fellowmen-In their "Love for Fellowmen" the Pil-
grims were united in order to get their freedom. They learned that
all men are created free and equal and that together they stood, but
divided they fell. This unity brought them the success they were
Love of Industry-The foundation for the modern factories that
make the United States the greatest industrial country in the world
is this love of industry. Away back in the Pilgrims' time, this feeling
began, and it grew and grew until we have reached today's high
Individual, Group,
And Sport Pictures
Are Made: for Annual
Greetings, friends!
Work on pictures for the an-
nual is progressing nicely, ac-
Have a cording to Margaret Lucas, edi-
Even our teachers are waking
up to the realization that out-of-
town boys are robbing the cradle
of W. H. S.
Hark! Hark! Our own Don Juan
of the Campus, the Clark Gable
ofW. H. S., none other than
SAM JONES, is getting to be our
Campus Romeo. It is rumored
that a certain gal from California
is on his list. '
tor of "La Palma."
The individual senior pictures
were completed November 15,.
while the individual junior pic-
tures will be finished by Decem-
ber 6. Pictures of junior and se-
nior football players were taken
last week, and others were made
this week. The Future Home-
makers, the Girl Reserves, and
the Pep Squad pictures were tak-
en by Frank Yoder last Friday on
from the athletic Faculty pic-
Wisconsin is opening a few male tures will be finished before the
eyes in this school? Could be! Christmas holidays.
Could it be that JUDY
" Attention! The date of the The first shipment of copy will
week. Hold your breath - Yes, be sent to the Steck Company in
you' re right; it was the football Austin by January 10.
hero, LEO LaDUKE and FRAN-
"By the dawn's early light." So
said NED JOHNSON as he tramp-
ed wearily home Monday morn-
ing, after celebrating a good
f riend's return.
left the Wagon Friday night and
went to the game at McAllen?
Could it be girl trouble?
If you see a tall, good-looking
bov walkin g bf' side JEAN SHU-
FORD constantly, it must be B.
R. Incidentally, they were at the
McAllen-Edinburg game Friday
n ight.
We know th8t CHANDLER was
with SHIRLEY Friday and Sun-
dav nights, but the auestion is.
"Where was he Saturday night?"
'T'hh; combim1,tion of BOBBY
AVANT of Mercedps is getting to
he auite re<1ul"r. They' were at
the "Wagon" Friday night.
Another re!!Ular twosome is
J8ck Friz7.pll ;o\nd Oll'ie Map Swin-
nea. Wonder if this' is getting se-
thou<1ht was still carrvitlg 'a torch
for is menr'line- r.;s hne-
Iv heart bv elating EILEEN ROG-
ERS as much as possible}' Lucky
gU"! '
Why ones HEBE SK AC1GS con-
jure a day-dreamin
look when-
Pvpr she sees a 'soldier uniform?
T. M. 1., here I cOIl"e!
CI,,1t worrving. b"vs; BETTE
B'RLL rlieln'tel<'ne. She was only
sick. Thank goodness!

Parker, Barnett Win
F oothans for Work
On Kitten Team
Douglas Parker, who was voted
the best junior high lineman, and
Dewey Barnett, best junior high
back, were presented gold foot-
balls in pep rally Tuesday by R.
C. Whitmin, junior coach.
The senior football boys chose
the two by a majority to receive
the footballs donated by the
Mattar Brothers.
Both boys have been out for
junior football for three years,
and they were imnortant factors
in the record made by the Kit-
tens this year.

F oothan Awards
To Be Presented
At G. R. Banquet
The highlight of the banquet to
be given by the Girl Reserves for
the football boys, December 5, at
7 :30 at the Methodist church
will be the presentation of the
awards for the best blocker and
tackler on the Panther team.
The program will include a
reading by Miss Dene Boothe and
violin selections by Miss Geral-
dine Blumberg.
After" the banquet the group,
which will consist of approxi -
mately 75 couples, will attend the
show at Donna.
(By Bob Curbo)
These Tuesday football games
and Thursday papers have driven
ye columnist nuts. If he makes a
comment on the outcome of a
game, it is two weeks old by the
time it is read.
Football has ended, and the
popular game of basketball
looms up on the horizon.
Coach Little has ordered all the
school's jerseys and socks back
before measurements are taken
for football awards. This action
will destroy such , collections as
the Hall and Archer Collection.
In the SportIight: Joe Barbee,
5 feet inches, 140 pounds of
hard charging half back, makes
all af our extra points. Jae was
out ,at the first of the season
with a broken arm, but he has
shown remarkable spirit in try-
ing. Joe infonns us that he has
a for all sweets (exclud-
ing Ca,therine) and likes to go
to bed early. This is Ba,rbee's
last year of senior athletics. He
is a member af the ''W'' Club
and the Roliki CluD.

A bachelor is a man who
wouldn't take "yes" for an an-
, 0-----'-
Pigskin Jubilee
Held- in Donna
The annual Music Ju-
bileeand Texas Music Educators
Associetion marching contest will
be held on the ' Donna Athletic
Field Thursday, ' December 4, at
8 o'clork.
The grand entry will contain
more than 1.000 band students of
the Valley b.=mds which are par-
p2ting. The Valley hie:h school
bands are then allotted five min-
utes each for a msrching contest.
Last on the program will be
the . annual massed band, directed
by Colonel Earl D. Irons, cornet
teacher in NTAC, Arlington, Tex-
Donna is making preparations
to accomIl"onate the crowd by
erecting 3,000 more seats on the
athletic field.
What Price Fame!
Groan Victims
Of Grassburrs
"Ouch! That -*?!! grassbur sure
has sharp ends. What? Move again
and get a new supply of thorns?
Not on your life, bud!"
"Now, smile and pretend you
don't feel them sticking." ClIck!
"It's all over; now you can get
Boy, what a person will go
through just to get his mug in
the annual!
The announcement sounded
simple enough; just "G. R's and
Future Homemakers will have
their pictures made." But once
you got out there, the problems
surely did stack up. The first
problem was how to change your
skirt with the senior football boys
one on side of you and the juniors
on the other. This, however, was
solved when all the girls formed a
circular screen with Dorothy Lee
and "Pinky" in the middle mak-
ing the exchange of garments.
After that, everything ran
smoothly until Mr. Yoder got the
bright idea that the picture would
look better if all sat down. Now,
I ask you, could you smile and
look "purty" when you were sit-
ting on a thorn? Of course not!
That's why we called on Miss
Black to make funny faces.
Well, it's just an incident that
happened and will be soon for -
gotten until the G. R.'s and Fu-
ture Homemakers make another
group picture.

Ezek.iel Is Honoree
At Farewell Party
Margaret Ezekiel was named
honoree at a farewell luncheon at
the home of Letty Lou Cannon
last Thursday noon.
Margaret, who left Saturday to
make her home in Cullman, Ala
bam a, was presented with several
"going-away" gifts.
Those who attended the cour-
are as follows: Tommie Gene
Rives, Dorothy Lee Drawe, Mar-
jorie Sidener, Gene Griffin, Phyl-
lis Hufty, Margaret Lucas, the
honoree, and the hostess.
Wife: "Darling, a moth was in
my bathing suit."
Hubby: "Well, it must have
looked very well on him."
Band to Present
Concert Friday
At Harlingen
Hour Program to
Be Held at 7 p. m.
Outside Auditorium
The Weslaco High School band
will present its first concert of
the year at the Valley Mid-Win-
ter Fair in Harlingen Friday, No-
vember 28, at 7 p. m.; according
to William Krauledat, director.
Rug-Cutter? Hedge-
Hopper? Attend the
RoIiki Dance
Where? Manley' s Club House
on Seay's Hill.
Why? Six Valley Honorees.
Music? BARRY'S
When? Saturday, November
29, from 9 o' clock till-
Script? 75c (plus tax) .
Everyone is invited to at-
tend this Thanksgiving Dance
sponsored by the Weslaco Ro-
liki Club. All of you gates and
hep-cats come on out, and
let's do some sleek rug-cutting,
hedge-hopping, and syncopat-
If the weather permits, the
concert will be held on the fair
grounds near the auditorium. If
not, the band will play inside.
The following program has Weslaco Teachers
been announced: A C
Star Spangled Banner. ttend cnvention
National Defense-march- November 20-22
Prosperi. Fred E. Kay, A. C. Murphy,
Youth Triumphant-overture- Mrs. Hazel Blackwell, O. R. Scott,
Intermezzo (Souvenir de Vien- Miss Elizabeth Murphy, and Miss
Williemette Andrus represented
ne)-Provost. the Weslaco schools at the State
Holiday-march-Cummings. Teachers Convention in Houston
Balaton Overture-Buchtel. November 20, 21 and 22. National
In the Mystic Land of
Defense was the general theme of
Southland-march-Holmes. the convention, and all talks were
Gaucho SC:!renade-Bandance _ mHde on some phase of this sub-
Outstanding speakers were
Any Bonds Today-Berlin.
March Yam- Irons. Will Durant, world traveler, lec-
o turer, and author; Major George
-A--C-h--( W Fielding Eltot, and M. K. Doug-
" . .. apter Ins las, according to Superintendent
Cash Award in Fruit Kay. Durant spoke on "Capital-
ism, Communism, Fascism, and
Show at Kingsville Democracy," while Major Eliot's
Notice has been received by subject was "Need We Fear Ja-
Austin Ellison that the Weslaco pan?"
F. F. A. Chapter won a total of Miss Murphy, Stephen F . Aus-
$11.50 in the fruit show at Kings- tin speech teacher, made a talk
ville, on November 8. before the convention's speech
The prizes were as follows: section. Miss Andrus was a rep-
First prize: Washington Navel resentative of the Weslaco schools
oranges, Marsh Seedless grape- to the House of Delegates.
fruit, .Ruby Blush grapefruit,
Hamlin oranges, tangelo, War- Choral Group Sings
neco tangerine. F G d CI b
Second prize: Ruby Blush ' or ar en u
grapefruit, Algerian tangerine, The Girls' Choral Club, under
Temple oranges. the diredtion of Miss Geraldine
Third prize: Marsh Seedless Blumberg,. sang at the meeting of
grapefruit, Parson Brown oranges, the Club last Thursday at
Foster Pink grapefruit. . the home of Mrs. J . N. Hager.
------'0 The numbers given by the Choral
Science may accomplish many Club were "0 Come," "The AI-
things, but television never will phabet," and "Gardens in the
replace the key hole. Sea."
Weslaco Band 121 Students Place on Honor Rolls
To March Friday For Second Six Weeks; Juniors
In Jubilee Lead With Six on Superior List
Massed Concert
To Contain About
63 Girls, 58 Boys Attain Distinction
of B or Above in Every Subject
I ,000 Musicians 1 0: the 485 enrolled in the junior- senior high school,
Because it won first division in 121 held averages hIgh enough to be placed on one of the three
the national meet at Waco last honor rolls, according to A. C. Murphy, principal.
spring, the Weslaco Band will not The juniors ranked highest with 6 students on the superior
be required to enter the marching honor roll; the seniors came next with 5; and the ninth grade fol -
contests at the Pigskin Jubilee, lowed with 4.
which is to J::e held on the Donna
athletic field Thursday, Decem-
bed 4, at 8 p. m. However, the
band will present an exhibition
of about five minutes.
Other Valley bands which en-
ter the marching contest will pre-
sent two minutes of required
maneuvers and three minutes of
special maneuvers.
The complete honor rolls for the second six weeks are as follows :
Superior Honor Roll
(All A's)
12th: Margaret Lucas, Carl Fitzgerald, Betty Jo Smith, Mar-
garet Ezekiel, Dorothy Lee Drawe.
11th: Joy Baker, Armando Cuellar, John Emery, Sam Jones,
Verna Mae Purl, Irene Yoder.
10th: None.
9th: John Knapp, Loydelle Stevenson, Frances Powell, Billie
Marie Daney.
8th: Billie Louise Batson, Mary Ann Burton.
Honor Roll
(3 A's, other grades B)
Approximately a thousand stu-
dent s are expected to participate
in t he massed concert, according
to Hermann Wren, McAllen band I
director and chairman of the ju-
bilee. He also stated that all Val- 12th : Watson Keeney, Murlene Jones, Archie Jenkines, Letty
ley bands, with the exception of I Lou Cannon, Kareene Gary, Ollie Mae Swinnea, Lucic1aire Rankin,
Edinburg's, would enter the ju- Shirley McCasland.
bilee. 11th: Eleanor Mortensen, Dorothy Shull, Frances Betts, Antonio
Guerra, B. R. Guess, Neil Chandler.
Honor Roll May 10th: Jo Ann Egloff, Gerald Milliken, Neva Jean Riley, Ken-
Be Incomplete Gholson. neth Ryan, Maurice Talbert, Wal-
9th: Ruth Pinson, BebeSkaggs, ter Hope Baxter, Robert Bradford,
Jane Weber, John Mears, Jimmy
Honor roll may-
Because of the fact that sever-
al repol't cards were incomplete
on account of absences caused by
illness. it was impossible to de-
termine whether some few stu-
dents should be placed on the
honor roll or not.
If any names were unintention-
ally omitted, the Hi -Life will be
glad to add them at a later date.

Plans for Year Made
By Girl Reserves
Plans were made for the rest
of the year at a cabinet meeting
of the Girl Reserves at the home
of Margaret Lucas Tuesday night,
December 2.
The Football Banquet, Sweet-
heart Banquet, Sadie Hawkins
Dance, and other events of the
year were discussed.
Moyer, Otto Fay McFarland, Mil- Howard Findley, Alvin Hansen.
dred Schreck, Yvonne Thompson, 10th: Betty Clevenger, Zela
Imogene Vernon, Hercilia Cam- Mae Dietrich, Leo Jones.
pos, Miller Armstrong, Tony
Bradford, Theo Haas, Donald
Dorman, Amelia Cirilo, Bettie
Marie Carr.
8th: John Griffin, Doris Schupp,
Ann Williams, Nancy Allen, Bob
Dennison, Zane Etter, Ballard
Bennett, Dorothy Henrickson, Ed-
ward Koester.
Honorable Mention
(No grade below B)
12th: Dwight Randolph, Keith
McMullin, Mary McAlpin, Calvin
Lyons, Phyllis Hufty, George
Bradford, Roy Brockett, Mildred
Brixey, Jack Frizzell, Marion
George, Johnny Hewlett, Eileen
Rogers, Tom Solether, Rachel
11th : S. D. McDaniel, Ralph
9th: Carol Jones, June Kobeck,
Marjorie McMullin, June Mit-
chell, Lynette Stahl, Bill Solether,
Charlie Krause, Jose Laredo, Ma-
ria Lopez, Dan McCants, Willa-
dene McAlpin, Jimmy Norton,
Ethel Anderson, Mary Louise Bai-
ley, Leonard Emery, Concho Gar-
za, Robert Lee Donalson, Helen
Archer, Therman Eoff, J . D.
Brixey, A. J . Boese.
8th: Ann Brixey, Arnulfo Cano,
Gilberto De Leon, Guestavo De
Leon, Bobby Frank Koester, Mar-
garet Hewlett, Doris Long, Donna
Nen Keathley, Odell Godwin,
Eobert Barter, Marjorie Grace,
Howena Haas, Cecil Rives, Myra
Dell Stewart, Dalia Trevina,
Myrtle Gene Vaughn.
Big Week-end
If any of your friends came
to school Monday with a pair of
drowsy eyes and a big yawn for
every class, don't wonder why.
A mixture of football games,
carnivals. mid-winter fairs,
shows, and dances would make
anybody yawn just a bit. We
mentioned this because Bobby
Compere fell asleep in journal-
ism just about four times Mon-
Congratula tions!
The band attracted much at-
tention with their concert Friday
night at the Mid-Winter Fair in
Harlingen. Congratulations to Mr.
Bill and the boys and girls who
worked hard to give this concert.
The Raliki Dance Saturday
night was super-coHossal, swell,
a. hit, and a succe!'s . Nice going,
Roli.kians. (Weslaco Hi g h
School has more "jitterbugs"
tha.n we thought.)
The football boys are looking
forward to a good time starting
tomorrow at noon. Very few teams
are lucky enough to .get to see a
college football game. esnecially
a game between Texas U. and
Oregon D. Calvin Voelkel has
his mops spread trying to figure
out a way through Brownwood
enroute to Austin.
While attending a frea.k show
at the carnival in Harlingen
Friday night, a small boy point-
ed toward "Posto" and said,
"What's that supposed to be,
Adios End 30.
A. W. Dittmore, National Police
Instructor. will speak on "The
Shadow of Death" to the com-
bined in the high scbool
auditorium. Tuesday morning, De-
cember 9, at 11 :15.
Mr: Dittmore, who was for
eight years a gangster and who
has served a prison term, will
describe the actual scenes that
take place behind prison walls,
and solitary confinement and its
There will be no admission
We're Proud of You, Panthers!
Last week marked the end of the Panther football season of 1941.
The Panthers put up a good sbowing, not so much in the total
number of points scored as in the fighting spirit displayed in every
contest. They were outweighed In every game, but that fact did
not cause them to stop fighting.
When the t ime came, every boy did his job t y showing us
what he could do; consequently we wish to offer our congratulations
to the following buys who went cut for football this year and also
to Coaches Little and Henson for their fine work with the tesm:
Hall, Keeney, Whitlock, Block, Archer, Curbo, Cleckler, Guess,
Voelkel, Chandler, Barbee, Fulkerson, Frizzell, McMullin, Egloff,
Solether, Ryan, Bropst, Johnson, Garza, Sooter, LaDuke, 2nd Talbert.
Do You Have an Open Date?
December 4-Pigskin Jubilee in Donna.
December 5-Football boys go to game in Austin.
December 10-G. R. Football Banquet.
December 12-Weslaco's Birthday Style Show.
December 18-Little Theatre Play.
December 19-5chool is dismissed for Christmas holidays.
If the abcve calendar of events were punctuated with private
social events, play rehearsals, and n: eetings for work to plan the
main events, it would probably leave little, if any, time for school
However, when we give the matter a l ittle ' thought, we realize
the: t our primary purpose is to "learn something."
Do you suppose we can work in a few lessons between social
events t ill the Christmas holidays tegin?
Letterman's Club
Votes for Captains,
Tadder, Blocker
Bs,llots for the best tackler and
best b ,ocker on the Panther team
and for two captains were cast
by memters of the Letterman's
Club in a meeting held last Wed-
nesday noon, according to Bob
Cur bo, president of the club.
Results will not be announced
until the Girl Reserve Banquet,
which has been postponed , from
December 5 to December 10,
Trophies presented by Fouad
Mattar will be awc:rded the best
tackler and blocker at that time,
while gold footballs will te pre-
sented by the Letterman's Club to
the two captains.
----'--01---- -
Pedestrians should be seen and
not hurt.
0n Receives
F cotbaII Trophy
At Banquet
For the third success2ve year,
the McAllen Coca Cola Bottling
Co. awarded the football trophy
to the winner of the Class A
championship in Football District
40-A. The trophy this year went
to the Mission Eagles, a team
that was not t ied or defeated dur-
ing tbe current football season.
This trophy was presented to
Fred E. Kay, chairman of the
executive committee of Football
District 40-A, and it was present-
ed to the Miss,' on coach and team
at the annual banquet held in
Mercedes on December 2. The tro-
phy is a gold-ray football of reg-
ulation size, placed on a large
stand, making the trophy 18
inches high.
F oothall Awards
To Be Presented
At G. R. Banquet
Home Ec. Girls
Honor School
Board Members
The presentation of awards to
the best blocker and tackler on
the Panther team and to the two
captains, will be the highlight of
the banquet to be given by the Winter Theme Used
Girl Reserves for the football In Dl'nner Give'n
boys, December 10 at 7:30 at
the Methodist church. Tuesday Night
A reading by Miss Dene Boothe Meml:ers of the school board
and violm selections by Miss
Geraldine Blumberg will com- and their wives, Superintendent
and Mrs. Fred E. Kay, and Prin-
pnse the program.
The theme of the annual affair cipal and Mrs. A. C. Murphy, were
the honor guests at a dinner giv-
will be "football," which will be
carried out by the use of the en Tuesday evening, December 2,
at 7 o'clock, in the home econom-
ics department by the third-year
small footballs. homemaking class. Mrs. Charles
Guests for the night will be Ferguson is instructor.
Superintendent and Mrs. Fred E. The three hostesses for the af-
Kay, Principal and Mrs. A. C. fair which was given to show the
Murphy, Coaches Osborne Little appreciation of the department for
and Buck Henson, Coach and Mrs. the four new stoves and the re-
R. C. Whitmill, Mr. and Mrs. frigerator recently p':lrchased by
Dick Bailey, Miss Dene Boothe, board, were Lee San-
Miss Gel'aldine Blumberg, Miss smg, Martha Sansmg, and Irene
Marie Moye, Royce McEver, I Yoder. . .
Robert Lynd, and Conly Bell. ' ' I A Chr:stmas wmter th.eme
After the banquet most of the was carned out m the decoratlOr. s.
couples will attend' the show at The, program was opened by a
Donna I speech of welcome by Irene Yo-
. ' 0---- -- del" followed by two duets-
"I'm thinking of starting a
picture theatre," said a lonely
"Well, there's good money
that bus;ness."
"Maria Elena," and "Yours," -
sung by Geraldine 3J'1d Marjorie
McMullin. Kareene' Gary gave a
humorous leading.
Mem bers of the school ' board
3re Fra"k E. Crandler, Walter F.
"It isn't money I'm after.
I would like to see my wife
children once in awhile."
But Bach, R. R. Talbert, M. K. Betts,
and I R. A. Dennison. Harry Sol ether.
A. F. Fisher, and A. S. Pike.
Carr Is Speaker
At F.H.T. Meeting
Monday Night
"How to Make the Most of the
Year" was the subject of the talk
' given by Reverend F. W. Carr of
the Christian church at a Future
Homemakers' meeting Monday
night at the home of Maidel Rob-
Other numbers on the program
consisted of a piano solo by Grace
Milliken and a vocal solo by
Irene Yoder.
Following the program refresh-
ments were served.

Ex-Students Return
For Thanksgiving
Dinners, Holidays
Roaming around the town over
the week-end were a good many
ex-studes. Among the students
that returned to big Thanksgiv-
ing dinners were Doyle Betts, Bill
Lee, Joseph Schoen, Carson Hoge,
Ned Solether, Bill Powell, How-
ard Lombard, Willard Glass. Rob-
bie Jane McCants, Fred Keeney,
Jclmny Ring, Donald Fleming,
Alene Holman, and Millicent Yo-
rler. They were here only a few
days, but they will be back for
longer time at Christmas.

"Why don't you settle the C3se
out of court?" asked an Irish
judge to the litigants before him.
"Sure, that's what we were
doing, my lord, when the police
came and interfered.
7ime Was Had all
Not a dull moment was had by
any during the Thanksgiving
holidays, according to the answers
given to the inquiring reporter.
That "morning after" look was
Very evident Monday morning
When the reporter asked the ques-
t 'on "What did you do during the
Thanksgiving holidays?"
Some of the answers received
will surprise you, so proceed with
your reading and see for your-
self :
most of the time eating turkey,
keeping Posto out of trouhle, and
going to the Roliki dance."
t urkey on Thursday, then spent: EILEEN ROGERS: "I slept, ate
the rest of the time recuperating." I turkey and went to the d n .,
the army camp to see my soldier
boy." had a good time!"
turkey, turkey, and more turkey." of turkey. went to the dance, and
PAT HINGLE: "Worked, and killed time."
spent the rest of the time with BOB COMPERE: "Nothing but
Carson and Bill." work, eat, sleep, and dance. Oh,
MISS BLACK: "Tried to get yes-went to the fair."
rid of my lean and hungry look GENE GRIFFIN: "I spent my
by eating two Thanksgiving din- vacation telling Jimmy and Jim
Lers." Ed not to come back to see me.
MR. McWILLIAMS: "Just un- MARION GEORGE: "I didn' t
laxed." do quite that well, but almost."
MISS PINSON: "Just stayed at I MARVIN ARCHER: "I worked
home." -(and slept?)

, ' . i:'.

The approach of basketball re-
minds us that Weslaco needs a
gymnasium; nevertheless, a prom-
ising season awaits the Panthers,
with four returning lettermen.
The Panthers will miss "Hawk-
.Eye" Skidmore, '''Long-armed''
Kiedinger, and "Tuffy" Powell,
all of whom graduated last year.
Calvin Voelkel will also be missed
at th first of the season from the
result of a broken hand (and a
broken heart).
As a result of a drive of the
coaching staff, 52 jerseys, an as-
sortment of socks, and various
other football equipment were
returned to the doghouse last
In the Sportlight: The unsung
hero, Paul Fulkerson, weighs 140
pounds and is 5 ft. 6% inches
tall. Paul states that his favor-
ite diversion is eating, sleeping,
and watching football games
(college games) . Paul is a loyal
member of three sports, football ,
basketball, and track. Paul tries
hard and is the hero of many
junior high boys. He is a member
of the Roliki Club and the Letter-
Panthers to Attend
Texas-Oregon Game
In Austin Saturday
The Weslaco High School
Panthers will leave by bus for
Austin at 12:30 p. m., Friday,
where they will witness the
Texas-Oregon game on Satur-
day, December 6 . .
The team will arrive in San
Antonio late Friday night and
will spend the night, leaving
there early the next morning
and arriving in Austin in time
for lunch. Immediately after
the game the Panthers will
leave for San Antonio, where
they will spend Saturday night.
They are expected home late
Sunday afternoon.
Accompanying the boys on
the trip will be Coaches Little,
Henson, and Whitmill and
Principal A. C. Murphy.
Panthers End Season
With Two Wins, One
Tie, Seven Losses
Although the Panthers do not
have an outstanding record in Greetings, gates and hepcats,
games won or lost or in points too.
scored during the season just Congratulations to the Roliki
ended, they can feel proud of Club for the big way in which
holding most of their opponents, their dance was put over. A few
all of whom were much heavier, of our students seen there were
to low scores. ROBERT WAGNER and MARY
Panther opponents piled up 152 LOUISE BAILEY, WILLIAM
points to 68 for the Panthers. The ROGERS and JOY BAKER,
purple 2nd white boys won two SHIRLEY and ROBERT, BETTY
games, both conference ones, BELL and BOBBY, TALLY and
tied Donna, and lost seven. EV ALENE, JOHNNY and BEBE,
One thing which marked the PAT and DOROTHY LEE, AR-
Panthers throughout the season CHIE and EILEEN.
their clean-fighting spirit. Our ex-students made a good
Several Are Outstanding showing at the dance. Among
It wculd be hard imd unfair to lbrse tr.ere were CARSON, BIL-
pick the outstanding player oi LY. HOWARD, ROBBIE JANE,
te:: m. In the line, the most BlLL, . NED, MILLICENT, REX,
inspired and consistent playing FRED. JOHNNY, and DONALD
."".s done by guard Bobby Curbo, (HEWLETT and FLEMING).
closely pushed by Glen Cleckler, Have you been missing a cer-
the team's best tackler. Last tain smile, a giggle,
year's all-Valleys, Hall and Kee- half-pint blonde, and a cute kid?
ney, get credit for outstanding Yes, we' r e talking about PATSY.
defensive work, especially in the CALVIN seems to be consoling
Brownsville, Harlingen, Pharr, himself with MARY McALPIN.
and Donna garres. Wayne Whit- From all reports they were having
lock, and ends Harlan Block and a super time Friday and Saturday
Marvin Archer, the latter doing nights.
the passing in the last three OLLIE MAE is officially going
games. teamed with Cur eo, Cleck- steady with MAURICE VANDE-
ler, Hall, and Keeney in occa- VER of Edinburg.
sional good line play. EILEEN ROGERS is keeping
The outstanding back? Tbey the mail man busy since GENE is
are equally good-Solether, smart in California.
quarterback and shifty runner; How do you like the brother
Guess. tesm's best blocker, good combination. JEAN? Or should
defensive player, and excellent we ask FRED and WATSON?
.line smasher; Voelkel, outstand- We think TOMMY and CHAR-
ing punter, line smasher, and LENE make a cute couple. Don't
good on defense; and Chand- you think so, COMPERE?
ler, deadly ta.ckler and speedy PINKY MILLER says she has
back. a new love. Could it be a certain
Of th;s year's first string team, blonde? Could be.
Guess, Cleckler, and Block are SAM JONES isn't in favor of
sure to come back next year, and CLARA MAE' S going steady. We
the"'e is a possibility of Whit- wonder why!
lock's returning. Sorry to hear that HUFTY

Library Receives
New State Books
The library has recently re-
ceived 500 books from Mission in
exchange for 500 state books that
were borrowed from the state
last year.
This new group includes all
kinds of books, and some very
worthwhile ones in both fiction
was sick and missed the dance.
What we can't figure out is why
"BOTSY" didn't take BEBE to
the dance! Can anyone tell us?
PHYLLIS seemed to have en-
joyed herself at Browmvood over
the holidays.
and non-fiction. These books are
for .the use of the public as well
as the school, according to Miss
Clarence Herron, librarian.
Noted Authors
To Debate Dec.
17 In Edinburg
"Can It Happen
Here? " Discussed
By Lewis, Browne
Sinclair Lewis and Dr. Lewis
Browne will be presented in a
debate-discussion entitled "Can
It Happen Here?" in the Edinburg
Junior College Auditorium Wed-
nesday, December 17, at 8 o'clock.
Dr. Browne, who appeared in
a Cultural Arts Forum Series in
1940, is widely known for his
non-fiction best seller, "This Be-
lieving World," and for other
books, such as "Stranger Than
Fiction," "That Man Heine," and
his recently completed "Some-
thing Went Wrong." Dr. Browne
is also a brilliant speaker.
Sinclair Lewis, whose "Main
Street," "Babbit," "Arrowsmith,"
"Dodsworth," and other novels
llave become classics, was award-
ed the Nobel Prize for Literature
in 1930. This merely showed that
his reputation was as firmly es-
tablished abroad as in the United
States. Always deeply interested
in contemporary affairs, Mr.
Lewis has spent considerable time
in stage and screen work. He has,
from time to time, deserted his
typewriter and turned to the lec-
ture platform, where his caustic,
yet witty, comments on current
problems have brought him fresh
Admission prices are 55c for
students and 99c for adults if tick-
ets are bought before the lecture.
Tickets are now on sale at the
Schools to Recess
December 19
The Weslaco schools will be
dismissed for Christmas holi-
days Friday, December 19, at
4 p. m., according to Superin-
tendent Fred E. Kay. Work
will be resumed Monday, Jan-
uary 5.
Weslaco Hi-Life Takes Top Honors
In Division Of Contest Sponsored
By Texas Press Association
"El Espejo" Wins First in .Yearbook
Section; Winners of Individual Entries
To Be Announced at Future Date
The Weslaco HI-LIFE won first place in the page-in-local-paper
division in the cor.test sponsored yearly by the Texas High School
Press Association, according to word received here Tuesday from
the headquarters of the association at T. S. C. W., Denton.
"El Espejo," McAllen High School Annual, won first place in
the lithographed division for yearbooks.
The conference, which sponsors contests for all Texas high school
newspapers, yearbooks. and individual entries, was held this year
from DecemJ:er 4 tc Divisions in the newspaper contest are as
follows : weekly, A and B Bi-Weekly, Mimeographed, and
---------------+ The Hi-Life entered seven of
W H S d H
' the individual contests; namely,
. .S. tu ents ear editorial, news stories, feature
President's Speech stories, sports stories, society or
club stories, sports column, and
special column. Although incom-
plete receipt of results made it
impossible for winners to be an-
nounced in this issue, they will
be published at a later date.
Monday morning at 11:30 the
students of Weslaco High School
gathered in the study hall to hear
President Roosevelt's speech to
Not one word was uttered by
anv student during the entire
and when the National
Anthem was played, all of the
students rose (whiCh is not cus-
tomary when it is played over
the radio) without a moment
hesitation and stood in silence
while the strains of the music
floated out.
- ----0------
Committees Make
Plans for Play
Discussion of various details
for the Little Theatre play, "Cu-
pid Goes to College," was the
main feature of the Little The-
atre meeting last Wednesday,
December 3.
Chairmen of the property, pub-
licity, ticket, and program com-
mittees met with Archie Jen-
kines, assistant director, to dis-
cuss their plans.
Prices for the play are 15c for
stUdents and 30c for adults, ac-
Awards were presented at the
final meeting of the convention
heJd Saturday morning.
This is the second year that
the Hi-Life has entered this con-
Band Drill Honors
Col. Earl D. Irons
'\ At Band Jubilee
The Weslaco high school band
drill for the Valley Pigskin Mu-
sic Jubilee at Donna, Thursday
night, December 4, was dedicated
to Colonel Earl D. Irons, head
of the instrumental department of
N. T. A. C., Arlington.
The Weslaco Band marched
from a fanfare position in con-
l:'ecutive order to form regular
ranks and then different letters.
The formations dedicated to Col.
Irons included "Yam," the name
of a march written by Col. Irons;
"Col." and "E. D. L" to repre-
sent his name.
----------____ --1 . cording to Miss Dene Boothe.
In spite of the wind and cold,
the crowd attending was estimat-
ed to be 2,500.
Good Morning
The Chatter column this
week is decicated to all of the
football boys that did not get a
date in San Marcos Saturday
night. (That leaves very few
Now listen, girls, and take my
You'd better get out and rustle
a gent,
Ole Uncle Sam has declared a
So grab a guy and forget the
The younger the boy, the long-
er you'll have him,
The older the boy, the sooner
they'll have him.
The ratio now is about one to
ten, I
And good looking boys appear
only now and then,
So get a rope and a justice of I
And sign some guy for a life- .
long lease.
While attending the game in
Austin, Mr. Kay, Mr. Murphy,
Coaches Little, Whitmill and
Henson decided to buy some
cute little toy dogs that ran
around in a circle and barked.
About the middle of the game
they wound up their dogs and
prepared for a laugh. The dogs
ran around in circles all right,
but no barking was heard. The
ma,n who sold them the toyS
was a ventriloquist and an ex-
pert at barking. Coach Little
bad "chumped" off fifty cents
on two of them. Oh, brother!
The football boys have made
up their minds to take swimming
lessons. When the boys stayed in
San Marcos Friday and Saturday
nights, half of them were prowl-
ing around until early hours of
the morning throwing buckets of
water in the cabin windows. For
further information, see Lloyd
Help Others at Christmas-Buy a Seal
Now that war has started, it is our duty as loyal Americans to
help protect our country in every possible way. The health of our
nation is an important factor in times such as these, and one which
everyone should strive in helping to keep.
Tuberculosis seals have now been put on sale all . over Texas.
These seals cost only a penny apiece, and the money derived from
the sale of these stamps goes to a fund for the combatting of this
terrible disease,
Our tuberculosis sanatorium, located at Sanatorium, Texas, gets
a portion of this fund, which can be used effectively.
So remember, by buying these seals, you are helping to prevent
the death of some person, maybe one of your friends.
December 8, I 94 I
April 6, 1917! U. S. Declares ,War on Germany." And with a
feeling of regret and a burst of national pride the United States
went to war with Germany.
December 8, 1941! "U. S. Declares War on Japan." And with a
similar turstof pride the United States repeated the process and
went to war with Japan.
Today as we enter the Second World War, our problems seem
to envelop us, for we are confronted with a serious situation. In a
few years, even months, the people who are near and dear to us
may be separated in the various forces of our great nation, fighting
for one cause-to make the world safe for democracy ..
Shouldn't we face this problem and realize that each of us can
find some way, even though it may seem insignificant, in which we
can help? Let's do our part-now!
Col. Irons Directs
Cornet Clinic
Dec. 4 at Donna
A cornet clinic under the di-
rection of Col. Earl D. Irons was
held in the First Baptist church
in Donna, Thursday, December 4,
at 3:00 o'clock.
Col. Irons, head of the instru-
mental music at N. T. A. CoO is a
member of the American Band
Masters' Association and a certi-
fied national adjudicator. He di-
rected the massed band concert,
feature of the Pigskin Jubilee in
Donna Thursday evening.
The absent-minded professor
called his biology class to order
shorny after the lunch hour.
"Our special work this after-
noon," he said, "will te cutting
up and inspecting the inward
workings of a frog. I have a frog
here in my pocket to be used as
a specimen."
Adios until next Thursday.
Those attending from Weslaco
were Neil Chandler, Tommie
Gene Rives, Margaret Lucas, Ar-
chie Jenkines, Thomas Earl Boyd,
Otto Fay McFarland, and Hilda
I Marie Bair.
He reached into his pocket and
pulled out a poper sack, shook its
contents on the table and out
rolled a nice-looking ham sand-
wich. The professor looked at it,
perplexed. scratched his head and
muttered: "That's funny! I
tinctlv remember eating my
lunch! "
Hello, everybody. Let's go
The "Washline" has plenty of
red hot news from the football
trip to Austin. Does San Marcos
have beautiful girls. Or does San
Marcos have beautiful girls? If
in doubt, ask some of the good
looking Panthers, who really
found out Saturday night.
KERSON wasted little time in
meeting some future teachers.
CHANDLER had one from La
Feria, "POSTO" had one from
Junction, and NED had one from
CATHERINE won' t like this,
but JOE really had a wonderful
time, eh, girls?
Poor little B. R. just had to
write JEAN SHUFORD every
night, between water fights.

The Weslaco high coaches,
managers, team, principal; and
superintendent enjoyed the Tex-
as-Oregon game in Austin Sat-
urday. Incidenta,uy, the score
was 71-7 in Texas' favor.
The highlight of the game was
"Posto" Fulkerson's carrying off
the Texas team on hiS-shoulder.
According to Paul, he and Robert
met and talked to Pete Layden,
"Bo" Cohenour, and Jackie Fields
before the game.
When the Texas Aggie-Wash-
ington score was announced to
the fans at the Texas Stadium,
the entire Texas stands rose
and cheered. This shows the
sportsmanlike a.ttitude of the
Texas University students.
CALVIN, MARVIN, and BOB- Question: Why didn't the foot-
BY CURBO i.nforrr:
that they I ball boys stay in San Antonio
met a glrl m the end- Friday and Saturday nights?
zene at Austm. She was DOR- Answer: Too many lights.
OTHY WELCH from Round This dialogue was heard at a
Rock. meeting of the football boys last
LEO RYAN and LLOYD week.
BROPST succeeded in getting
their dates' addresses and prom-
ises to write. In the SJXlrtlight: Leo La,-
It seems that ELEANOR MOR- Duke, hard charging, rough and
TENSEN had a good time at Don- rugged Panther substitute
na over the weekend. For infor- guard, who is playing his first
mation ask certain members of year of senior sports. He is a
tbe Donna band! va.luable asset to the team. He
At the White Front, popular will also play on the basket-
dance place at San Marcos, TOM ball team and participate in
SOLETHER was really cutting- track. Besides befng a rough-
a-rug, and did he have an "eye- neck on the football field, he is
filling" date? well known on the campus as
CARL FITZGERALD spent a ladies' man, having several
Saturday afternoon with his sis- good looking girls at his heels
tel', DORIS, and PATSY RUTH at all times. Leo Ekes t o visit
LAURENCE in Brownwood. Sort carnivals and play football. His
of renewing their old acquain- favorite expression in "Beg
tance. Pardon."
BY" is a friend of the whole fam-
ily. He recently went deer- hunt- DOROTHY LEE and BOB;
ing with Mr. George. CLARE TEEGARDEN and MAR-
COMPERE will play. He went RIE DANEY and ARCHIE; MA-
with AVANT over the week-end. RION and BOBBY; and ROBERT
Seen enjoying themselves at CHANDLER and RICHALENE
the "Wagon" over the week-end HOLMES of Donna.
were PS follows : CLARA LOU I Well. adios, amigos, until nex t
WHS to Have Senior
And Junior Squads
In Basketball
Nine boys reported to Coach
Osborne Little for basketball
practice on Monday, December 1.
They are as follows: Marvin Ar-
cher, Jack Frizzell, Watson Kee-
nEY, Leo Ryan, Leo La Duke, Har-
lan Block, Tom Solether, B. R.
Guess, and Bob Curbo.
Each school may have three
teams-senior squad, B squad,
and junior squad. Conference
games will begin at 3 :45, with the
junior squad playing first. The
B squad will follow the senior
Weslaco will have no B. squad,
since not enough boys !lave re-
ported to make two teams.
The boys are getting ready for
the La Feria tournament, which
I will begin January 8. The first
conference game will be played on
January 20.
"Forestry" is Topic
Of Schwedes' Talk
To Roliki Club
Exciting adventures in the
wilds of Minnesota an<L uninhab-
ited lands of Canada were de-
scribed by Dr. Carl H. Schwedes,
local dentist, at the Roliki Club
Wednesday, December 3.
Dr. Schwedes told of his many
thrilling experiences when he
was studying forestry in the tim-
ber country of Minnesota. He told
the club of an injury he had re-
I ceived in a gang fight with the
citizens of the local community.
He said that most boys in the
bigh schools of today coul dn't
stand the l:ardships and exposure
of the elements in the climate of
the timber land. His supplies on
a three- week camping trip could
not include anything of weight or
non- essential s.
Dr. Schwedes said he saw
moose, deer, beaver, bear and
other types of wild game. He
once took a picture of a deer by
holding its tail to keep it from
running awa".
George Bradford was in charge
of the program.
Salesman: "Little boy, is your
mother engaged?"
Little Boy: " I think she's mar-
Scribes Excited,
But Paper Goes
To Press On Time
"Boy, we'll clean up on those
Japs!" "They haven't a chance!"
"I'd like to choke an ambassador
or two!"
These and a few other remarks
were broached in journalism
Monday morning as the paper
staff tried to edit a paper and
carryon a heated discussion about
the war at the same time. Miss
Black, however, reminded the
staff that the paper must go to
press, war or no war; consequent-
ly, the class quieted down and
began to work.
Even- now and then an exclam-
ation ~ o u l d be heard such as, "I
pity the Japs!" But, on the whole,
the class was pretty good. If you
should, however, find some kind
of cuss words or something simi-
Three-Act Comedy
To Be Presented
December 18
Weslaco High School's Little
Theatre will present its first per-
formance of the year when the
three- act comedy, "Cupid Goes to
College" is given in the high
school auditorium Thursday eve-
ning, December lB.
Work is going along on sched-
ule, and all of those planning to
attend are promised an evening of
fun, laughter, and real entertain-
--------0 ________ _
The Home Economics girls are
giving Red Cross demonstrations
in nursing at their regular classes.
lar in one of these stories, you'll
know that someone just wrote
while talking and overlooked the
Schedule for 1942
Basketball Games
Jan 20 Weslaco vs. LaFeria
at La Feria.
Jan. 22 Weslaco vs. Pharr
at Weslaco.
Jan. 27 Weslaco vs. Ray-
mondville at Weslaco.
Jan. 30 Weslaco vs. Mission
at Mission.
Feb. 3 Weslaco vs. Donna
at Donna.
Feb. 6 Weslaco vs. La Feria
at Weslaco.
Feb. 10 Weslacl) vs. Pharr
at Pharr.
Feb. 13 Weslaco vs. Ray-
mondville at Raymondville
Feb. 17 Weslaco vs Mission
at Weslaco.
Feb. 20 Weslaco vs. Donna
at Weslaco.
Tiny bronze footballs with '1941' I and a reading was given by Miss
engraved on them were present- Dene Booth. The presentation of
ed to the football squad and awards followed t he program.
coaches Wednesday evening, De- I The menu was as follows : fried
cember 10. at the annual Girl I chicken, baked potatoes, English
Reserve Football Banquet in the peas, pineapple salad, pickles and
Methodist church. The presenta- olives, cocoa, hot rolls,and ice
tion came as a complete surprise cream.
to the boys. After the banquet the picture
Glen Cleckler and B. R. Guess show, "Swing It, Soldier', was
received the best tackler and enjoyed by the group.
blocker awards for their work on Those attending the banquet
this year's team. Bob Curbo and were as follows : Dorothy Lee
Pete Hall, as co-captains of this Drawe, Pat Hingle; Margaret Lu-
year's team, received solid gold cas, Royal Talbert; Ollie Mae
foot balls. The blocker and tack- Swinnea, Jack Frizzell; Catherine
ler awards were given to the Farina, Joe Barbee; Shirley Mc-
school by Fouad Mattar, local Casland, Robert Chandler; Ma-
business man, while the Letter- rion George, George Bradford;
man's Club presented the two Kareene Gary, Keith McMullin;
footballs. Coach Osborne Little Eunistine Bradford, Harlon Block;
made the presentations. Eileen Bishop, Ralph Milliken;
The basement, which was deco- Billie Marie Daney, Robert Hart-
rated with purple and white, car- ness; Mildred Brixey, Leo La-
ried out the football theme. The Duke; Gene Griffen, Pete Hall;
speakers' table contained a min- Jean Rousseau, Bill Bunch; Nan
iature football field. Paper foot- Hensarling, Ray Logan; Vera Mae
balls with the menu and the pro- Shellhamer, B. R. Guess; Mar-
gram in them served as place jorie Sidener, Wayne Whitlock;
cards. Dorothy Miller, Johnny Hewlett;
The welcome was given by Neva Jean Reily, Maurice Tal-
Margaret Lucas, G. R. president, bert.
while Bob Cmbo made the re- Jean Shuford, Calvin Voelkel;
sponse. Miss Geraldine Blumberg Alma Ruth Hood, Ray Moore;
played several violin selections, . Committees make-
Mary Louise Bailey, Don Ran-
som; Carmen Gonzalez, Joe Gar-
za; Eleanor Mortensen, Marvin
Archer; Duggie Conner, Paul Ful-
kerson; Ferne McCasland, Donald
Hewlett; Jane Weber, Jackie
Solether; Loydelle Stevenson,
Robert Lee Donaldson; Josephine
Fawcett, Buddy Crist; Frances
Powell, Robert Wagner; Phyllis
Hufty, Bob Curbo; Barbara Fish-
er, Ned Johnson; Grace Milliken,
Watson Keeney; Mabel Cleckler,
Juan L. Brewer; Bebe Skaggs,
Tommy Solether; Tommy Gene
Rives, Neil Chandler ; Billie Mae
Hoge, Dennis Griffin.
Ernestine LeGrande, Bob Com-
pere; Clara Mortensen, Wilt ern
Bishop; Frances Betts, Walter
Baxter; Evalene Bradford, Elmer
Egloff; Leah Ruth Gallion, Dean
Gallion; Vera Mortensen, Archie
Jenkines; Phyllis Hoge, Glen
Clockler; Irene Yoder, Leo Ryan;
Coach Osborne; Coach Buck Hen-
son, Miss Marie Moye; Coacb
Whitmill. Mrs. Whitmill; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred E. Kay; Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Murphy; Miss Clarence
Herron, Conly Bell; Miss Dene
Boothe, Royce McEwen; Miss
Geraldine Blumberg, Robert
Lynd; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bailey;
Vernon Schreck.
Engraved Plaque "Cupid Goes to College" Hilarious
Sent to Hi-Life Comedy, to Be Given Tonight
By T. H. S. P. A.
Trophy Represents
First Place Winner
In One Division
A beautiful plaque, which was
the award given by the Texas
HighSchool Press Association to
the Weslaco Hi -Life as first place
winner in the page-in-local paper
division of high school papers,
was received last Friday and is
now in the journalism room.
The thirteen-inch trophy is
made of mahogany and is in the
form of a shield containing a sil-
ver plate engraved with the
words "State Champion, Page- in-
local-Newspaper, 1942, Texas
High School Press."
The 1941-42 convention was
held December 4-5 at Texas State
College for Women, Denton, head-
quarters of the association. ,
Christmas Program
To End School Days
Until Jan. 5, 1942
A play, "Thirty Minutes with
Santa Claus," will be the fea-
ture of the combined asembly
to be held Friday" December
19, at 3 o'clock ill '- the high
school auditorium.
Members of the eighth and
ninth grades compose the cho-
rus that will sing Christmas
carols at intervals during the
Cast of the play is as fol-
l ows: Joan Price, Edward
Koester, Imogene Vernon, Ru-
bin Minton, Refugio Garza,
Zane Etter, Evelyn Ross, Hers-
chal Peddicord, Joe Raggi, and
Miller Armstrong.
Little Theatre Cast to Appear
In First Production of Year ; New Actors
Vie With Experienced Thespians
A display of Weslaco High's dramatic talent will be made when
the Little Theatre presents, as its annual . production, a three- act
comedy entitled "Cupid Goes to College." The play will be held in
the school auditorium tonight, December 18, at 8 o' clock.
Many new and old faces will be seen over the footlights tonight
Newcomers to the stage such as Jo Ann Egloff, Bebe Skaggs, Sam
Jones, Carl Sims, and Bob Compere will take an active part m
the play.
Also Dorothy Lee Drawe, Ollie
- - ------ - - - - -- Mae Swinnea, Maidel Robbins
High School Classes
Vote to Help Defense
By Buying Stamps
The Senior, Junior, Sophomore,
and Freshman classes have de-
cided to buy individual Defense
Stamps this year instead of ex-
changing gifts as has been the
custom of previous years.
All classes voted to buy- De-
fense Saving Stamps during
home room periods Monday morn-
Fitzgerald, Hingle
Appear in Radio
Contest Over KRG V
, Carl Fitzgerald .and Pat Hin-
gle, Weslaco High School seniors,
participated on the weekly KRGV
Marjorie Sidener, Johnny Hew
lett, Dennis Griffin; and Pat
Hingle, whose faces are familiar
to all play- goers, will be on hand
to help with the activity. Archie
Jenkines and Hoyt Hughes are
assistant director and stage man
ager; respectively.
The pick of the Little Theatres.
talent will furnish an entertain
ment for young and old, accord
ing to Miss Dene Boothe, director
Admission prices are set at 15
and 30 cents.
Vera Mortensen will sing be
tween acts.

Story, Poem, Essay
Awards to Be Made
In English Class
program, "So You Want to be an Again tqis year the English III
Announcer," last Tuesday . night class, taught by Miss Louise
at 8 o'clock. Two other Valley Black, is having a contest dealing
boys also took part on this thir- with stories, eSi?ays, or poems
ty-minute broadcast. ' .
Each contestant was allowed about Christmas. The stories are
from 6 to 7 minutes, at which restricted to 500 words in length
time he was required to read a and the essays to 300 words; the
poems ,must contain a minimum
short piece of copy, pronounce of 20 lines.
several words, and do a great
deal of "ad libbing." , The students winning first
This program has two primary second, and third places will re
purposes. One is to help the ceive five extra. points on their six
Valley students who might want weeks' grades, stated Miss Black
Mother: "Now, Jackie, wouldn't to make radio announcing a ca- The papers will be judged by dis
yoU like to give your bunny as a reer get a start toward the right interested persons.
Christmas- present to that poor goal. The other is to better ac- Papers were -handed in Tues
little boy who hasn't a father?" quaint KRGV with Valley talent. day, and the winners will be an-
Jackie S. (clutching rabbit): I Archie Jenkines and Johnny I nounced Friday at the fifth pe-
"Couldn't we give him Father, Hewlett will be on the program riod, during a Christmas program
instead?" at a later date. planned by the English III class.
. Merry Christmas
First of all we would like to '
congratulate our paper, the
HI-LIJi'E, for winning state
championship in the page-in-
local newspaper division. If you
want to see an accommodating
bunch of guys and girls, just
walk in the journalism class
and ask if you might see the
plaque they received for win-
. ning first place.
Christmas Spirit 4
As a few of the boys in Weslaco
High put it, the girls are getting
their hopes too high. We heard
that when B. R. Guess saw Jean
Shuford looking at a Buick con-
vertible, ,he packed his suit-
case and headed for the recruit-
ing office. "Posto" got wise and
quit havIng dates six months ago.
Joe Barbee sent in his application
to the R. A. F., and Wayne Whit-
lock has been missing three days .
. In 1940 Lopez, a famous pro-
phet, predicted that Franklin D.
Roosevelt would be elected for
a third term; that Hess would
take flight from Germany, and
that Germany would invade
Russia, June 21, ' 1941. For 1942
he said that Japan would be-
come the -ally of the United
Clara Mae Isham : "I'm going
to cut down on my list of boy
' Bobby Curbo: "I'm going to
read the sports section in the
BrownsvIlle Herald more."
Clara Lou Hartness: "I'm going
to fix my hairlike I want it, arid
not like Hoyt , wants it."
. MerryFern McCasland: "I'm
going to make out a time sched-
ule for Marvin and Donald.
Things are getting too mixed up."
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.
"Christmas comes but once a
Once is quite a plenty.
We'd be daffy did it appear
Fifteen times or twenty.
Christmas, ]'941'
"Merry Christmas!"
How many times do you suppose you will repeat that phrase
before this time exactly a week from today?
Before we begin this next week preceding Christmas, let's
pause ' in our to think seriously for a few minutes .and
ponder over the real meaning of Christmas. We all know the beau-
tiful story connected with the birth of Jesus; but in the past, has
it ever slipped your mind in the joyous celebratings?
"Why the Chimes
Rang", Xmas Story,
To Feature Party
The telling of the story "Why
the Chimes Rang" by Mrs. T. W.
Glass and the reading of the
Biblical account of the birth of
Jesus by Diane Moore will be
the features of the annual Blue
Triangle Christmas party to be
held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock
in the high scohol auditorium.
Names have been drawn, and
simple gifts will ' be exchanged
by club members.
In keeping with the general
idea of investing money for rec-
reation in defense stamps, no re-
frshments will be served, ac-
cording to Miss Pearl Youngblood,
Shop Boys Making
Christmas Gifts
Of Various Kinds
Many boys of .the Laboratory
of Industries in Weslaco High
School have been working on va-
rious projects to give as Christ-
mas gifts or to sell, according to
L. K LeMaster, instructor .
Among the article.s being made
are metal trays, lamps, cookie
cutters, ' cedar and walnut chests,
medicine cabinets, bookcases"end
tables, corner shelves, waU rqckS,
foot stools, bookends, tin funnels,
note fook .covers, wastepaper
baskets, and dining table.
On individual projects boy
works out his own design . . For in-
stance one .lamp, being construct-
ed by J. W., Mauldin, has 36 pieces
of wood iIi ' the base alone.
Good morning, students, let's
kill a Jap!
Have you seen that Redskin
jacket PHYLLIS has been wear-
ing? (Don't be envious, girls;
there are plenty more to go
ROBERT and "POSTO", not
having sufficient funds for dates,
went to the show in Mercedes ,to
see John Kimbrough.
Getting to be a regular two-
some are JACK FRIZZELL and
' na.
, Will some ope please inform us
who JOE GARZA'S latest heart
beat is?
According to SIDENER, HOYT
HUGHES is a homing pigeon that
always comes home. (What is
, Date of the week was the of
HOLMES were together as were
SHIRLEY and 1=. J. COX over
the week-end. Oh, brother --
what a miX-Up!
belle of the style show. You real-
ly looked swell, VERA ..
Have you seen OLLIE MAE'S
wings? It seems to be quite the
style these days. .
With this new draft law going
into effect, there are a few boys
on our campus that are getting
pretty worried. (We're in the
army n()w).
Celebrating Christmas early
were CLARA MAE and JOE. And
the wrist watch really works!
church Sunday with a good-look-
ing aviation cadet. Also along
Who is the good-lookingcasa-
nova HARTNESS is taking to
the Homemakers' dance?
Special Christmas note to San-
ta Claus from ELMER EGGLOFF:
Dear Santa: I would like a lit-
tle doll with blond hair, weigh-
ing about 120, who closes her eyes
and says "Daddy."
Remember, students, "Let's Set
the Rising Sun."
(By Bob Curbo)
The Weslaco cagers went to
the Mercedes gym last Thursday,
where they scrimmaged Mer-
cedes and Lyford. Archer, Guess,
Ryan, and Solether showed up
well for the Panthers.
Oh Brother!
While listening to conversa-
tion at the doghouse last week,
it was mentioned that the au-
thor of the Chatter column
reads "On the Limb" so much
that he is now using Gordon
Stratchen's phrase, "Oh, Broth-
er," in his column; (See last
week's . Hi-Life.)
At the first basektball game of
the season last year, Johnny Ring
was sent in the last. quarter of
the game with the instructions
"to shoot". He rushed in, grab-
bed the ball, and shot a beauti-
ful "crip" shot. The crowd roar-
ed, and Johnny shook his hands
over his head in fighter style,
After the game, Johnny modestly
held off the congratulating fans.
It was not until he had dressed
that he found out that he had
made a basket for Harlingen!
Dear Santa: If you realized
how cold it can get in Weslaco
with the rain, fog, and wind,
and how much could be accom-
plished with a gymnasium, you
would . bring us one. Signed:
Coaches, boy and girl P. E.
classes, and all junior and se-
nior athletes.
- - - - - - - - ~ o ~ - - - - - - - -
Future Homemakers
Sponsor Annual
Dance January 2
Robt. Wagner Speaks
Before Roliki Club
Robert Wagner, junior, gave a
ta:lk on "My Trip to North and
South Carolina" as a feature of
the Roliki Club luncheon Wed-
nesday, December 10, in the Home
Economics room.
The club discussed the war sit-
uation and listened to the lat-
est war bulletins over the radio.
Thanks and appreciation of the
honorees for the Thanksgiving
dance acknowledged to the club
were read by the honoree com-
- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -
Orchids to Winners
of T.H.S.P.A. Contest
Congratulations go to the Mer-
cedes Tiger, McAllen Wheel and
El Espejo, and Marjorie Schwarz
of.' Mercedes from the Hi-Life. El
Espejo won first place in the
yearbook division, and the Tiger
and Wheel made aU-state ratings
in their division in the contests
sponsored by the Texas High
School Press Conference. Marjorie
won second place in column writ-
Intelligence Examination
I 1. If 50 sheets of typing p a ~ e r
cost 10c, how many can you bor-
row from your neighbor?
2. Puopnxz lktrnf indlrytu
nrtgtity ote. (True or false?).
3. Do you believe in Santa
Claus? (1) Yes, (2) Yowsah,
(3) Oui, (4) Si.
4. For . your schoolgirl com-
plexion use (1) Bon Ami, (2) Gold
Dust, (3) Shinola, (4) Simonize.
5. "Wahoo" was written by
(1) Paderewski, (2) Sousa, (3)
Tschaikowsky, (4) Mozart.
6. The most har.dsome man in
The annual New Year's dance, the United States is (1) Hunch-
sponsored by the Future Home- back of Notre Dame, (2) Jimmy
makers, will be held January 2, Durante, (3) Harpo Marx, (4)
1941, at the Manley Country Club I Frankenstein, (5) Robert Chand-
north of Mercedes, according to ler. .
Eleanor Mortensen, president. 7. "Honesty is the best policy"
A nickelodian will furnish the I was the business -code of (1) Sam-
music and prices are to be 40 centsJ uel Insull, (2) J. P. Morgan, (3)
per couple or stag. ! Al Capone, (4) Dillinger.
Christmas Baskets
To Be Distributed
By School
Gifts in the form of Christmas
baskets for underprivileged fam-
ilies will be distributed during
the Christmas season by the Girl
Reserves, Future Homemakers,
and Future Farmers.
The Girl Reserves will get their
list of families through the Red
Cross and give out the gifts that
were collected, under the Christ-
mas tree placed in the hall, at
their meeting Tuesday night, De-
cember 22, at the water pump.
Last week. upon entering the
Journalism office, we discovered
that some of the students had
mistaken our room for the post
office and had "mailed" their
' letters there. , Upon opening these
letters, we discovered that the
students were serious and had
written 'their letters to Santa
Claus with the real intention of
receiving the gifts requested. We
publish these letters in the hope
tbat someone will give them
these gifts.
Dear Santa:
Please send me a nice big check
to pay for my new car.
Thank you,
John. Lesko.
Class A Basketball
Schedule Changed
All Class A basketball sched-
ules wil be moved up one
week in order to compete the
schedule by February 14. On
this date the Class A state
championship tournament will
be held. This year the Class A
schools do not compete with
Class AA schools for cham-
Band Gives Concert,
Plays for Style Show
The Weslaco High School Band
directed by William Krauledat'
appeared in concert Friday night
at 7:30 o'clock on Barbee field.
The concert preceded the Style
Show. The Band also played dur-
ing the Style Show.

pionship. One farmer went out to his
turkey roost and asked his finest
gObbler : "How would you like to
Even' the woodpecker owes his I fill in at our Christmas table?"
success to the fact that he uses To which the turkey disdainfully
his head. replied: "Don' t ax me!"
Dear Santa :
Please drop a note in Mr.
Sansing's sock telling him that if
he doesn't stop giving such easy
( ?) assignments, we're going to
desert him.
The Solid Geometry Class.
Dear Santa:
I'm glad that the draft age has
been changed to 19. Now I'll have
"My Bobby" for Christmas, so
you won't need to bring me any-
thing else.
Marion George.
Dear Santa:
Please give me a new freshman
to love; my campaign with Clara
Lou has been slipping lately.
Hoyt Hughes.
Dear Santa:
Please install a bomb-proof
shelter at the water plant.
Letty Lou Cannon.
Dear Santa:
You can just leave Dorothy Lee
Drawe in my stocking.
Pat Hingle.
Dear Santa :
Please drop a Mercedes
girl in my stocking.
"Doc" Talbert.
Dear Santa:
Please send a certain guy nam-
ed Yehudi to me.
Judy P>-egenzer.
Dear Santa:
like to have a nice
large can of silver polish to keep
P.S. Also bring me a can of De;e
wax to keep it shiny.
Please bring me some kind of
vitamin pills that will make me
grow tall and big.
. Billy Solether.
Dear Santa:
I want a new "steady." Maurice
is leaving for the Air Corps.
. Ollie, Mae Swinnea.
Dear Santa:
Please put Hedy Lamarr in my
stocking. .
Jackie Solether.
Dear Sarita:
Please move Weslaco to Cali-
fornia or vice versa.
Eileen Rogers.
that new plaque shining.
As ever,
The Journalism Class.
Dear Santa:
Please give a certain Air Corps
boy a Christmas furlough, and
please send me a little white kit-
Dorothy Lee Drawe.
Dear Santa: .
Dear Santa:
Please bring me some Spanish
II stUdents that don't study as
bard as my present ones do.
Mr. McWilliams .
Dear Santa:
. Please send us eighty- five pairs
of green long underwear to wear
under our uniforms on cold
The Band.
Please dispose of Richalene Dear Santa :
Holmes. ' How about a wife?
Shirley McCasland. Bill Krauledat.
Little Theater
Play Scores
Hilarious Comedy
Appeals to Crowd;
Cast Well Chosen
The hilarious comedy, "Cupid
Goes to College," given by the
Little Theatre in the high school
auditorium Thursday night, . "De-
cember 18, was pronounced" a
success by the large and appre-
ciative audience which attended.
Johnny Hewlett, as the girl-shy
collegian, and Pat Hingle, who
definitely wasn't, were very con-
vincing in their stellar roles.
Their performances demonstrated
the fact that they could play
comedy parts as well as the more
serious type which they have
hitherto taken.
Dorothy Lee Drawe only had
to be her natural-self to charac-
terize Barbara Sanford, a sophis-
ticated but charming young lady
who was out to get Johnny Hew-
Pat's current weakness was ex-
cellently portrayer by Ollie Mae
Swinnea, while Marjorie Sidener,
the attractive home town girl,
was Johnny's pet aversion.
The dean of the college, Bobby
Compere, played with dignity op-
posite Maidel Robbins, vivacious
aunt of the much-sought Johnny
while Carl Sims got down to bus-
iness as the stern father who op-
posed Johnny's choice of a fi-
Bebe Skaggs portrayer an en-
thusiastic movie aspirant, while
her late affinity, Dennis Griffen,
just couldn't figUre it all out.
Sam Jones was the college poet,
dreamer, and chief book-worm
(there's one in every college)
while Jo Ann Egloff, the negro
wash lady, ' proved that her past
life in the North had no effect
on her ability to enact the part
of a '"'colored lady." ,
Between acts of the play Miss
Dene Boothe, director, was pre-
sented with a pair of boudoir
lamps, and Vera Mortensen sang
several popular songs.
Semester Exams to Be Given
As Climax to Week's Activities"
Tests to Be on Thursday and Friday,
According to Schedule; " Attendance
Will Not Be Included in Exemptions.
First semester examinations will be the highlight of next week's
activities, the mid- term tests to be given Thursday and Friday,
January 15 and 16, according to Principal A. C. Murphy.
The schedule as announced by the principal's office is as follows:
Thursday, January 15
8:50 to 10:20- first period classes.
10:30 to 12:00- second period classe&.
1:00 to 2:30-third period classes.
Friday, Jan. 16, 8:50 to 10:20,
fifth period classes. 10:30 to 12:00,
sixth period classes. 1:00 to 2:30,
fourth period classes.
Cagers to Enter
In La Feria
Contests to Be Held
January 8, 9 and 10;
Awards Offered
The Weslaco High basketball
team has entered the annual La
Feria basketball tournament,
which will be held January 8, 9;
and 10.
Weslaco will be represented by
Marvin Archer, Calvin . Voelkel,
B. R. Guess, Tom Solether, Bob
Curbo, Watson Keeney, Leo Ryan,
Leo La Duke, Harlon Block, Joe
Garza, and Cletus Goss.
The drawing was held Tuesday,
January 6, at a banquet held for
the coaches at La Feria.
A seventeen inch trophy and
ten miniature basketballs will be
awarded the first place team.
A fifteen-inch silver trophy
and ten silver miniature basket-
balls will be awarded the second
place team.
For third place a five-inch sil-
ver trophy will be awarded.
The process of double elimina-
tion will be used in the tourna-
- - - - - - - - I O ~ - - - - - -
He flew through the air
With the greatest of ease;
But the funny part was,
He forgot the trapeze.
Exemptions Decreased
This year, foe the first time in
more than twelve years, perfect
attendance will "lot count toward
exemption from examinations.
Only those students who have
two A's and one B will be excused
from the tests. " This change has
been made upon the recommenda-
tion of the State Department of
Education. It is believed that tak-
ing mid-term and final examina-
tions in high school will be a val-
uable preparation for tests which
must be taken in college.
New Courses Offered
Schedule changes for the sec-
ond semester will be made from
2:30 to 4:00 o'clock Thursday and
Friday afternoons of" the exam
week, stated Mr. Murphy.
New half unit courses to be of-
fered are commercial geography,
commercial law, sociology, and
economics. In order for these
courseS to be offered, however,
there must be a minimum of ten
students in each course.
All junior high school students
taking art and literature will take
literature the second semester in-
stead of art.
A talk on Christmas by Irene
Yoder, and a humorous reading,
the Christmas program given in
"Maggie and Jiggs," constituted
Homemaking HI c1assWednesday.
December 1, at the sixth period.
After the program, refresh-
ments of tomato juice cocktail
and cookies were served by the
social chairman, Maidel Robbins.
THE WESLA:CO"HI'::L1FE, ' J'ANUARY 8, 1942 '
No Gossip
. Resolution NQ. 1
Since ,the "Washline" covers
the gossip around our campus"
there is . not much we can say
about the scandal in our f city
of Weslaco. However,there is
onEi ' thing we would like to com- "Happy New Year! "
ment on, and this is not. Maidel Yes, it may be a little late to greet' you with the phrase that
Robbins, although eVeryone, in- w:as new a week ago today; however we would like to remind you
eluding the garbage mall, knows that another year has begun-and that means resolutions!
by now, is engaged. It's a known So right here and 'now let's' make Resolution Number 1: that, by
fact that if the diamond she is keeping up with our lessons, our extra-curricular activities. and
wearing was set under a strong . our responsibilities, thii yearwiIl have the biggest and best finish of
light it would blind ' the b. esf of
ar:y school year yet!
The Homemakers' Dallcelast
:Friday night , made a hit with
the boys and ' girls who were ' "1.' . .. Father Ti:ne ?a .. 's again reca.l.led. on'e of his children, the year
present. that' it was Gf .1,941, and In hIS place has substItuted a small babe called the
a hol:day event, there 'was a year of 1942, who has 365 days to live upon this earth.
good crowd who assembled "to . .. . .' .. . '. ' ., . .'
make with the jive." As we 10?k' ye'cr, we can see ,the mistakes that
, \lre have made in the previous year. Like all mor, w e wish that
. Headlines in paper a week i we might have .the. chance' to."do it all but knowing
ago said that Hitler hS.d rushed l plat that is impossible, \ve' shOuld try to profit by these mistakes.
to the battIe lead ' .. his " We have a whole year ahead of us in 'which to do worthwhile
army to . victory. Maybe it can .. be things and have good time;;; let-'s ' ailrrak-e' thl s year a better one.
called the front , but his head- than the last one. . . '.
quarters , ate 150 m.iles'. behind' the f . . " And as New l:esolutions seem 'to be. the order of the
hnes, The reports say that the I cIa>,. we of the Hi-Life staff resolve, to , trY to give you a better
only re,ason Germans aren't Hi-Life each week!
killed is that the Russtans can' t Pc a' . ' .
catch them. ' " . may we also V{lsJ:r /ou a ve7 happy Year!

H.e Lef t' EI ti'
The 1- .' l e . 0 : . eel Why Have a Paper?
"From the "Sidelines" .ma(}e . a . ' , 'G S1 N b
crack in theiitsi "fssue of the S.. taff .. :" .N ext' .. ,W"e"" ek [I eSetPaYff' . UII).
. Hi-Life about. yo,"r';, 'truly read- -
iDg t he sports . , page: in .the , . I ..
Brownsville ' Herald "so much I The' :n,ew' Hi..:Lifestaff for the! . The day was cold and dreary.
that the BrQth- .se.mester ,'will be chosen ' I' COld., red .. -nosed reporters fill-
er" has been adopted. How did next Tuesday mOrn1ng at the sec- ed into a not-so-much.,warmet
my friend know . that ... :'Oh ond period. . . " reom, " where their beaming
Brother" was used in the s,tudent in the Journalism sponsor voiced a warm wel-
. aid? To even thil).gs weare , class will hand in .: a choice slip . come but followed it with the
chaUenging .the of "From this Friday stating what thteegrirri ' fact that a paper must be
the wrltell-. position:s they,. would like to hold put out.
line poem for next week's Hi- on the paper: in the order of ' Right then I believe that if
Life. We will do the ' same a . their preference. .Then . Tuesday someone had suggested it, all.
week later, a.l).d ,.the" students morning the class will elect the would have vote(! "aye" to the
will be the two . staff; taking in . consideration the bill, "Wesl2.,CO should be a
poems. positiqns, thai the. 'students would .small school with neither jour-
- --'----'0 . " , like to hold. nalisrtl class nor school paper!"
FF A Club ' Purchases' A complete .list of the new ' But such a bill was not intro-
staff 'wilh:appear ,in next week's duced, so they gently but firm-
$50 Defense Bo:p.d Hi-:-J,.iie. ... . .. j ' ly took pencil and pad in
The Future. Farmers , pur"",' o. hand, propped their feet upon
chased a $50 !:iefense oond, .ac- Mr: Kay:' "Caddy, why are you the radiator, and set to work.
cording to Keith' McMullins, pres- constantly ,looking at your Results? See for yourself.
ident. who made theanhOunce- watch?" .
mentin ' assembly Friday, De- . Caddy: "Watch! Heck, this is a
cember 19. ' . ,,, co,mpass.",.
;Flattery is 90 per cent soap-
And soap is 90 per cent lye ..
F acuIty Members
Spend Varied
Many of the teachers. of . Wes-
Local 20-30, Club laco High spent the Christmas
. , '" ... ,:''''.T.p Spo .. n.,so,r , ,Pr,oj e. . hol.idavs out. cif' the Valley, w.hile
Just before we were dismissed .. J
for the holidays, I accidentally The' of Weslaco is irfew stayed in Weslaco .
. a' inovement to finger Coach R. C. Whitmill and' Mrs.
(on purpose) ran illto a crystal , piinhthe stUdents of Whitrhill, Miss' Pearl Youngbl.oo. d,', "
azer, who ' foretcild' . . .
schoo:s. A lUimeographed form and Miss Geraldine Blumber . g'
what would happep. ,during the ....., .
. " . ,' wasgi'ven to a11 students Monday, sp'ent Christmas in San Antonio. ,
coming two weeks. is Janua17 5; ' for' fhe Signature of , i\l[r. and Mrs, A. Murp'hy',
his truthful predIctions,:.. c.'. .. ... "' .... ,
, that wish to allow their visited in Temple an'a Midland,
"Allah ce praised, T see in my l' J b f" , t d .
d::i dren to e . ,lnger-prm e " while M'r.and Mrs. Fred Kay "
little white ball the coming en- These signed forrns. should be had a ver.y nice time'
gagement of lV,AIDEL ROBE-INS. turned not later than MondaY,;in .Weslaco. ," .' J '.
A lucky catch, IIl;Y friends." : . January 12. The actual Miss 'Willierriett
"What is this I see? No; it can't printing will begin next week in in Houston, Dallas, (Jryst'al
be true. Yes, it is. Why it is lit-' the Junior-Senior High :School, City. ' : . ','/!,' .'.'
tle JIMMIE MOYER abciut to ' and will be' continued in the Mrs. Fred Robertsonspenf
t"ke VIVIAN NELL LEE to the gramhlarschools as soon as pos- Qhristmas day bria in Fal::':
Homem2kers' Dance. Keeping up s;,ble. . ' ....furrias; ' J. W.McWilliari!s yisiteq
the MOYER name, I presume. :,' "This is a rather worthy under- in North Texas and PariS,
"My little glass ball now taking, and contrary to the .com- Miss. Clarence Herron spent tl}e
the familiar ' face of ROBERTmon Idea thli.lfinger-ptinting is holidays in Atlanta ,and Daytgti;
CHANDLER. Hefs destined to for 'the detection' of criminals, 'but Texas; Miss Deile' Boothe ' visite<i .
f:rid out that- a certain' girl's smile is valli,able as a means cif in her home town, Orange' Grove'; '
is not a basis 'for trl,le 10vE(. . .', ., fication' and is recognized as" .be-, Miss Louise Black spent Christ-
"LETTY LOU CANNON doesn't in:g more valuable during t imes ' mas:'in Blossam; -"l'vIrs: Johtr ' Ben,.
know it, but she is going to goof emergency. It is hoped that nett visited in Dallas; J , N': 'Les'::"
to Laredo for the New Year's parents wdll see fit, to take . ad:, ko, .. sP'ent '. the ,holidays ' in'\'V!,!st
Dance, and then a short ' visit to vantage of :this effort on theJ,Jart, Texas and attended " a ' scien'ce
San Antonio with FRANCES of Weslaco's ycungest . meeting in Dallas' Mrs. . Virgil
HAMLIN and her family. club," stated Sa:ff '
"A. certain girl from Donna is K Kay. .. . : ,'$an. Marc.o',s, !and GonZales';
going to take up all of JACK 0 Buck Henson honeymooned with
"The" f1?ing snake is found : , bride in Stan .' f&1, ' Texas.
FRIZZELL'S. " time during the '. .
ly in .Tava and Mala.sia":...........n.ews Mrs ... C:, H. Hbge,':Coach- Osborne
Christ.mas liolid,ays. . ". ' ..." ' -- ..
item. Now we can add ;rlipah . ., . LJttle; . Miss Sil.tah Mrs . .
"What a . surprise "DOT' ; 0 .. , '. Charles Ferguson, Mrs. Leilit
DRAWE will get when PATHIN- He kissed her in the gardEm, ,, ' K. Le Master, William:
GLE presents her with a cute lit-It was a moonlight ' night, . Kra;uledat; Austin 'Ellison, ,;;., and
tle toy lamb. " . .', She was a G. W. Sansing spent tlie l'i6lrtlays
"I see that MARJORIE SIDE., . And i'J1e ' was a little tight.: in and -around Weslaco.
NER will not see as . much.. of
Texas Freshman as she did dur-
ing the Thanksgiving holidays.
"CALVIN VOELKEL will. spend
several days in Brownwood,
where he will see his beloved

F.H. T.
New', Vear ,D'ance

CQach HensoI;l:"What's this ' you
are servnig," dear? Is . it d'eviI's
food?" . ,;
. Mrs. Henson: "Yes. " I intehd&d
it for , angel food; but' it felL; "

"I have advance information A CI M .. k ......
that BOBBY COMPERE will be The Future rt ' :asses' e
made to feel like two cents by nualNew Year',s , Dance at the< ChTlstmas Cards ,
a certain girl. " . ' . Manley Club house ' :F'riday, ' Janu- '
"A sensational prediction! ary 2, drew about thirty couples,. The art classes of the eighth and
"DUGGIE" CONNER will have The hall was 9B, .gra,des:made Christmas cards
two dates in one night. The last mony with the times, for ?I::d decorateg the , wi..ndows . of
one is ' very mysterious. ' H,d white crepe p8per streamer>' the art room.
"Many of the college boys will were draped from" the walls to The Christmas cards were made
be dating most of our fair sex, the light fixture and red hai':"by wanted
B. R. Guess will be mighty loons were tied to the ceiling. Mu- and then chiseling it out on , a
loriesome while DONALD FLEM-sic for: the occasion was furnish- " block ':Of linoleum. l'aint was roll-
ING is in town. Eh, JEAN? ed by anickelodeon.ed into the" lin,oleum block; then
Well, there are' the predictions. Chaperoris were Mr. and Mrs. the paper was pur into it and run
Who knows if they are right or N. V. Sidener and Mr. and Mrs. I through ' a wringer. The naper
wrong? What 'dO' you say? ., Char1es Ferguson. . ., . was' pulle'd' off to let the
1. .
F WHS Studes
Return for Vacation
From various parts of Texas
and other states former Weslaco
High students returned to the
Valley for the holidays.
From Texas University came
Doyle Betts, Roy Henrickson,
Howard Lombard, Bill Lee, Grace
Dixon, Carson Hoge, Donald
Fleming, Bobby Jones, Joseph
Schoen, Willard Glass, Bill Rob-
ertson and Ralph Fitzgerald.
Millicent Yoder, Betty Compere,
Hazel Emmons, Frances Hamner,
Marjorie Trott, and Eileen Barr
returned from T. S. C. W., Den-
(By Bob Curbo)
The only athletic event that
happened during the bolidays was
the paving the way for a boxing
tournament by Coach Henson,
with Mr. Henson on the losing
end. If you don't get what I
mean, Mr. Henson plunged into
the ring of matrimony. Congratu-
lations, Coach!
"I am the captain of my
fate; I am the master of my
ton. The senior basketball , players
"I'm going thrpugh with it
this time," M/sii'id to himself.
He'd show them. There was
no doubt about it. His courage
would not fail now. But as he
approached the fatal spot, he
hesitated and drew back. If
only he had a friend to com-
fort him in his hour of need.
Courage! He must not quit
now. Again he marched to-
ward his destination. Boldly
he thrust his had in his pock- _
et and drew out a coin. . . . A
few moments later Bill Lang
emerged triumpbantly from the
telephone booth. At last he had
secured a date.
M. K. Betts came from Baylor, IShowed up the three coaches, Lit-
while Robbie Jane McCants re- tle, Henson, and Whitmill, and
turned from business school in i several "B" squad members in
Austin. . I two scrimmage games during the I
. Evidna Downing. and Andrew I holidays.
Downing were home from A. and
1., Kingsville, while Frances Berry
came from Teachers College at
Lyle Morgan, Ned Solether, and
Bill Powell came from A and M.
From Schreiner Institute, Kerr-
ville, cafue David Donaldson,
while his sister, Jean, returned
from .Sophie Newcomb in New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Virginia Ransom was home
from Tulsa University, Oklaho-
From Edinburg Junior College
came Bobby Moyer,Robby Good,
Margaret Godfrey, Welborn
Bishop, Doris Nix, Frank Milli-
ken, Van Blackwell, Donald Hew-
lett, Bennie Mitchell, and Lupe
Calvin Voelkel, Bob Curbo, and
B. R. Guess had the honor of
staying at the Howard Payne
"Barn" for several nights in H" L"f S ff S d
Brownwood. I 1- 1 e ta en s
Among the that will be Thanks to Study Club,
given away at the La Feria Tour- I Mrs" Gordon Kethley
nament are gold basketballs and The members of the Hi-Life
a trophy for the winning team, staff wish to extend thanks to
silver basketballs for the second the Women's Study Club for their
team, a trophy for high scorer of letter of congratUlations and to
the tournament, and a trophy for Mrs. Gordon Ketbley for having
the free-throw winner. the Hi- Life editor as guest on her
- - - --iO radio program Saturday, Decem-
Richalene Holmes: "Do you ber 27.
know what happened to tbe girl Mrs. Kethley, who was guest
who ate dynamite?" speaker at the Journalism class'
Robert Chandler: "No." Christmas program, questioned
Richalene: "Her hair grew out Margaret Lucas about the prob-
in bangs." lems of publishing a school paper.
Resolutions? They Make 'Em And Break 'Em
"I hereby resolve--. Oh, never
mind. It won't do me any good."
Have you ever heard such re-
marks? You have! How strange!
Well, bere are a few more to
bore you with-We specialize in
boring people, you know:
Albert White: "I'm a good boy,
I don't need to make any resolu-
Clara Mortensen: "I'm be.
sweeter to my sisters. (Like fun)".
Miss Sarah: "I'm going to dis-
appear if you're going to talk
about resolutions."
Miss Herron: "1 resolve that
I am going to read more books."
Dorothy Lee Drawe: "I resolve
not to' feed my pussy-cats vinegar
to stunt their growth."
Phyllis Hoge: "I resolve to buy
a U. S. Defense stamp every
Posto Fulkerson: "I'll stop
worrying Miss Herron in study-
Miss Andrus: "My New Year's
resolution is to make a good sec-
retary of Phyllis Hoge."
Pete Hall: "I'll be nicer than
ever to 'Cotton'."
make a good hen-pecked hus-
Leo La Duke: "I resolve not to
study so hard in English."
Carlene Robertson: " My reso-
lution is to be sweet to my Pete."
Marion George: "Bobby and I
both resolve to go steady all this
Carl Fitzgerald: "For one
thing, I resolve to study less and
to go more places and do more
Maidel Robbins: "I'll quit flash-
ing my diamond ring around."
Pbyllis Hufty: "I promise
study biology every day."
Coach Henson: "I resolve
to Eleanor Mortensen: "I resolve
to be nice to Soldiers, especially
to to those at Moore Field."
Coach loosened his . collar and young lungs shouted, "I want my
got another drink of water. "I daddy." There was no mistake
have to be calm,'.' he. said to him- now. This was it. Coach started .
self as he sat down and pretend- down the hall on the run, only
ed to read. "Doggone that stork," to be stopped on the tWenty by a
he thought; "I'll bet he got the body-block from a young interne.
wrong address." A white-clad "I'm very sorry," the young
nurse came up the hall. Coach man said. "Say, you're Coach
put on his bravest smile and Little," he added, "I have a note
asked, "Now?" for you." He handed coach a slip
"No, bud, not now," the nurse of paper and then hurried on his
February 13 Is
Date Set by G. R's
For Banquet
Valley Divided;
Weslaco to Attend
Banquet at McAllen
answered. way. I Friday, Feb. 13, was the date
Suddenly the Coach's alert ears The note was as follows: "Dear set for the Girl Reserve Sweet-
heard a faint, far-off cry. Could Coach: I must say that you're heart Banquet at the G. R. inter-
it be? Yes, it could be, but it very inconsiderate of us storks. club council held in Mission Sat-
wasn't. To make matters worse, This is mighty cold weather, and urday, January 10, at 2:30.
a loud yell of "Es una ninita bo- that son of y?urs weighed 8 Ibs. A plan was adopted to divide
nita" came from the source of the Anyway:-You re gonna be the Valley into two sections this
cry. The awful truth dawned up- Your fnend, Sammy Stork. year in order that all girls might
on him. It was a field-goal for the Well, students, now you know. attend. Since there were too many
Mexican parents in Ward three. If Coach seemed by couples for the accommodations
Coach had given up all hope. a Monday, It really available last year, this plan was
The world seemed dark and deso- wasn t hiS fault. Any. you believed to be the best way to
late. "I might as well leave," he leok at the matter, Its mIghty solve this problem.
thought. But just as he started to keen for him to have a future
go out the door, two healthy I fullback. All the Valley clubs from Wes-
Where's the Aspirin?
Headaches Order
Of Exam Week
"If two spheres intersect, their
lines of intersection form a cir-
ele. The Battle of Bull Run took
place in July, 1861. An epic is-?"
"Oh, fudge! Why didn't I study
these when the class did?"
English note cooks, history book
reports, typing contracts, chemis-
try workbooks, and many other
demons of the mid-term confu-
sion have begun their war of
nerves. With nothing more than
forty dozen things to do every
day of this week, these demons
have a good chance of making a
mess of this weekend.
Besides all of that, the teach-
ers seemed to have ganged up on
us and promise us "the test of
the year." Just ask any of them
what they are going to include on
the test, and they begin to read
off a list as long as your arm.
The following paragraph is
for students ONLY!
Students, the only suggestion I
can give you on how to pass the
mid-term test is "get exempts!"
Five New Courses
To Be Offered
Second Semester
Sociology, trigonometry, eco-
nomics, commercial law, and
commercial geography will be of-
fered the second semester, ac-
cording to A. C. Murphy. princi-
Mrs. Fred Robertson will t each
sociology; G. W. Sansing, trigo-
nometry; Buck Henson, econom-
ics and commercial geography;
and R. C. Whitmill, commercial

Mrs. Hoge Fractures
Knee-Cap in Fall
Mrs. Charles Hoge, teacher of
social studies in the Junior-Senior
High School, received a fractur-
ed knee-cap when she fell down
laco on up the Valley towards
Mission will hold their banquet
in the Casa de Palmas hotel at
McAllen, while the clubs from
Mercedes to Brownsvile will hold
their canquet at Harlingen, ac-
cording to Margaret Lucas, local
Those atending the council
rr.eeting from Weslaco were as
follows: Miss Clarence Herron,
sponsor; Margaret Lucas, presi-
dent; and Josephine. Fawcett and
Mildred Brixey, cabinet members.

Credit Certificate
Is Received
For V.I. H. S.
A nicely embossed certificate,
certifying that the Weslaco High
School is a member of the South-
ern Association of Colleges and
Secondary SchOOls for the scho-
lastic year of 1941-42, has been
received by Supt. Fred E. Kay.
the five steps between the hall This certificate is always fram-
and the west door, Friday, Jan- ed and placed where those visit-
uary 9. ing the school may see it. This
Mrs. Hoge will be confined to certificate is in recognition of
her bed for ten days, after wllich the work done by the Weslaco
her knee may be placed m a High School, which entitIes stu-
o cast and she will be allowed to dents that graduate from or that
Remarkable but true: When . transfer from the school, to scho-
Cupid hits his mark, he generally move about in a wheel chaIr, ac- lastic recognition wherever they
Mrs. it. - cording to the doctor's report. _ may go.
THE WESLACO ,liT.,.LIFE, JANUARY 15,lg42 ' ..
Good Morning!
To Mrs. Hoge the faculty and
student body of the junior and
senior high schools extend wishes
for a very speedy recovery. When
leaving the building Friday after-
noon, Mrs. Hoge slipped on a step
and received a serious injury to
her knee. Mrs. Hoge has seen
many boys and girls enter junior
high school and in the years to
follow watched them as they re-
ceived their diplomas. She has
found a place in the hearts of
all who know her and we are all
looking forward to her return.
Since it's not news by now,
we aren't going to give Coach
Little a big write-up; however,
we will congratulate him and
hope that he has an All-Valley
football player in about fifteen
This column would like to men-
tion that about three years ago
the Roliki Club adopted a bench
as their project for that certain
year. Don't be surprised if ' you
happen to be walking across the
campus in the next four and a
half months and see a beautiful
bench under one of the trees.
Here's all we can say for the
mid-term exams.:
Mrs. Fulkerson: Why are you
beating "Posto" like that?
Mr. Fulkerson: Well, I have
to leave town tonight, and he
gets his semester grades tomor-
Our column today is the last
one this year for us. I can say
one thing in favor of the next
"Chatter" columnist; this column
can't possibly go from bad to
- - - - - - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
"You say this woman shot her
"Oh, look! There's Charles McCall. You remember him, don't
you? He used to sit next to me in geometry class."
Oh, yes. And there' s Sally. She's now working for the War
Department in Washington."
Such will probably be a conversation between two ex-students
of Weslaco High in abDut eight or ten years hence as they are look-
ing over the "La Palma" of 1942.
Because of the present war conditions and the improbability of
having an annual next year, this year's annual will be a prized
possession of its owner. A great many of the boys now in school
will likely be in some sort of military service before long, and you
will be only too glad that you have an annual by which to remember
your fellow classmates.
Consequently, if yeu haven' t made a down-payment on an an-
nual for yourself, the only wise thing to do would be to bring your
dollar to Pat Hingle or one of the journalists before Wednesday,
January 21. If you do, you will receive a free subscription to the
Hi-Life for the rest of this year in addition to your copy of the
"Adios and 30!"
With this, the final edition of this semester's Hi-Life,
present staff says "Adios and 30."
Although we are willing to exchange places with the other
members, it is with a feeling of regret that we give up our present
We have all worked hard, for a paper can't come out once a
week, every week, unless the staff is wide-awake and on its toes
all the time. We've had your Hi-Life for you every Thursday since
school started, and we sincerely hope you are satisfied and well-
pleased with what we have done.
So it is, that we sign "30" and wish the new staff the very
best of luck. .
Panthers Now Have
Both A and B Squads
At the beginning of basketball
season Coach Little reported that
there were not enough boys out
for basketball to have both an A
and a B squad; however, since
that time, enough boys have re-
ported to have the two squads.
The B teams play after the A
Students Say They're
Cold, So Professors
Dismiss School
Brrrr--but it's cold here -- It
must be freezing! 57! Why can't
we go home? It's too cold to study.
husband with this pistol and at
close range?" asked the coroner
of the eye witness to the colored
The qualifications for a B team
are the same as those for the A
squad. A boy is eligible to play
powder marks on his on both the A and B squads, pro-
Are there
These utterings were heard
many times by the various stu-
dents as they sat huddled around
the radiators Monday, January 5,
the first day of school after the
At the end of the fourth pe-
riod, Tuesday, January 6, Mr.
Murphy dismissed school for the
remainder of the day, and every-
one went home to sit in front of
the welcome fire. (Oh, yeah?)
"Yahhuh. Das why she
shot vided he does do so the same
. afternoon or night.
Have you teen keeping up with
who goes with whom? Try your
luck. If you get 7 our of 14,
you're missing out on something;
if you get 14, you should be writ-
ing this column!
What senior girl, who is mourn-
ing for a certain draftee, is con-
soling herself by renewing old
acquaintances with a certain Pan-
t her?
What certain coach
papa? (Give up?)
What certain boy
hook, line and sinker
tain Chicago girl?
is a proud
is falling
for a cer-
What group of boys are dis-
playing some fancy new jackets
and are plenty proud of them?
(Oh, boy, are you dumb?)
What certain boy is going
with a girl in Weslaco but think-
ing about a girl in McAllen.
What boy is monopolizing the
attention of a pr etty, brown-eyed
girl whose residence is in Donna?
What cer tain boy spends a lot
of time over at his girl's house
cecause of his shor t working
Who is going to write the
Washline next week?
What certain junior boy that
pl ays football has centered his
attentions on a certain twirler of
t he band?
Kay Presents
Awards in Surprise
Assembly Thurs.
Sixteen members of the Kitten
squad were awarded jackets with
letters at a surprise assembly
Thursday, January 8, by Fred E.
Kay, superintendent.
The jackets, which are gray
gabardine trimmed with purple
and white and the word "Jr." on
the purple W, were purchased
with funds from the treasury of
the Letterman's Club. Each junior
football player may receive only
one jacket during his time as a
member of the Kitten squad.
Those who received the awards
were Theo Haas, Dewey Barnett,
Douglas Parker, Kenneth Ryan,
Eddie Allen, Robert Bradford,
Maurice Talbert, Bob Rankin,
Ralph Milliken, Joe Wren, Billie
Jo Jackson, Robert Hartness,
James Cleckler, William Rogers,
S. D. McDaniels, and Walter Bax-
ter .
Play to Be Assembly
Feature Thursday .
What club was told they would "Factual Advertising Goes on
have to study a lot more before t he Air," a t ake- off on advertis-
t hey can make a trip to Houston? ing programs, will be the feature
What certain Donna girl has of the aseembly program to be
captured the heart of a certain presented Thursday, January 22,
"triple-threat?" at the second period, according to
What certain boy from Harlin- Mrs. Charles Ferguson, who is
gen gave a senior girl in our high in charge of the program.
school a bracelet for her birthday? The advertising agency of Hy-
(His name is the same as her per hole, Exaggerated, and Pre-
initials.) posterous, Inc., will broadcast
What boy is going with the especially to brides and brides-to-
sister of the girl he formerly went be. (Of course it's O. K. for their
with? mothers and maiden aunts to lis-
Well, 'bye for this week. ten in.)
- - --- 0 Characters in the sgit will be
An ash tray is something to as follows: Miss Downy Comfort,
put cigarette butts in when the Mary Louise Bailey; Miss Soft-
room hasn't a floor. skin, Theresa Farina; Miss Truth,
-----0 Martha Sansing; Mrs. Slimson,
Roy Brockette says: "I visit my Rachel Sugg; Miss Form, Clara
friends occasionally just to look Lou Hartness; and the sponsor,
over my library." . La Vonne Dempsey.
(By Bob Curbo)
Three Points
Three points put the Weslaco
Panthers out of the La Feria
Tournament. The Brownsville
Eagles won by one point in an
over-time period, and the Donna
Redskins beat the Panthers by
two points. The Panthers scored
seventy points during the tour-
nament to their opponents' forty-
two points, but two losses put a
team out of the tournament.
In answer to "Chatter's" chal-
lenge, here is a poem:
In the Donna game, if you'll
Robcrt Chandler had the ball,
The crowd was tense, the pep
squad yelled,
But Jl{Jor ole Robert slipped
and fell.
(This incident actually hap-
pened in the 1941 Donna game.)
Can you beat this, Chandler?
The Panthers started their bas-
ketball conference January 13,
when they met the La Feria Lions
at La Feria. In the only other
game this week for the Panthers,
the P. S. J. A. Bears will
to Weslaco Thursday.
Because of the possible new
rule elimina,ting semesters for
Class A schools, which will put
them on the same footing with
class AA schools, several Wes-
laco seniors may be back next
year. It will prove valuable to
the Panther teams if such a rul-
ing is passed.
Fingerpr.inting is
Begun Tuesday
Approximately 160 students
will be fingerprinted as a result
of the drive sponsored by the
20-30 Club for fingerprinting civ-
ilians. Work began Tuesday morn-
ing, January 13, at 10 o'clock in
the Senior High School, accord-
ing to A. C. Murphy, principal.
The fingerprints, which are to
be filed with others from all sec-
tions of the nation in Washington,
D. C., will be used in locating
persons injured, killed, or suf-
fering from amnesia.
A chump: a boy who sends
flowers to his girl when she
has a date with someone else.
A pal: one who will let you
copy his final exams.
A patriot: any flea that
thinks he is on the most won-
derful dog in the world.
A blooming idiot: one who
thinks soldiers are very dis-
honest because a sentry is re-
lieved of his watch every night.
Divorce-a graduated flea.
Neck: a collar rack, and also
an amusement for passing
away an evening.
Personal efficiency: wearing
socks that can be put on from
either end in order to save
Parking station: where you
leave your car to have the fen-
ders smashed.
Otter: to give voice to your
Paunch: to hit or strike.
Pepper: a printed news or
Pidgeon: the act of tossing
Cagers Lose to Donna;
Brownsville to Drop
From Tourney
The 1942 edition of the Weslaco
Panther basketball five, coached
for the first time by Osborne Lit-
tle, made its debut in the Mer-
cedes Gym last Thursday night
by bowing to the Brownsville
Eagles, defending Valley champs,
in a 14-13 overtime count in the
annual La Feria Lettermen's Bas-
ketball Tournament.
Once more history repeated it-
self. Last year, also at the Tiger
Gym, the Eagles and the Panthers
17 Boys Report
F or Basketball
Age Limit is Set
At 16; Whitmill
Named Coach.
Seventeen boys have reported
to roach Whitmill for junior bas-
met in the tournament for the To be eligible for junior bas-
Valley title. The score was also ketball, a boy must not be classi-
tied at 13 all, &nd the Eagles fied higher than the ninth grade
proceeded to win in the overtime and must be under 16 years of
pericxl 17- 15. age.
The purple Panthers capitalized Those out are Dewey Barnett,
on free shots, 3by Guess and one Eddie Allen, Ray Le Grande,
by Solether, to lead at the inter- Jce Wren, Newell Talbert, Jim-
mission by 4-3. my Moyer, Billy Solether, Billy
The second half showed al Jo Ryan, Donald Jenkines, Jimmy
change of pace and field goals Laredo, Marion Gonzales, Ed-
poured in occasionally. ward McLeaish, Ballard Bennett,
With a few seconds remaining Bobby Frank Koester, Tom Moore,
and the Eagles trailing 13-11, Lee Cecil Rines.
Dale Jones connected with a
basket to tie the count. In the
overtime pericxl Maldonado made
good a gift toss for the clincher
and a heart-breaking loss for the
- - - - - ' - - - o > - - ~ - - -
______________________________ . Panthers. .
15 Local Students
To Be in All-Valley
Clinic Band
Hi-Life Free Second
Semester; $1 Down
Payment Needed
A special offer of a free sub-
scription to the Hi-Life for the
second semester is being made
to anyone who makes a down pay-
ment of $1.00 on a "La Palma"
by Wednesday, January 21.
Twenty or thirty years from
now the annuals of 1941-42 will
be treasured by their owners, for
these years through which the
world is passing and will pass
will doubtless be among the great-
est in American history. Ten, fif-
teen, and twenty years from now
the lives of the men and women
who are now high school juniors
and seniors will be teeming with
the memories of these significant
"How far do you get on a gal-
"All depends on what's in the
On Friday evening the Rio Hon-
do Bobcats were the victims of
an attack led by Captain Bob
Curbo, who connected for 16
points for high scoring honors.
The final score was Weslaco 42;
Rio Hondo 11.
the hands of the wild Donna Red-
Another heart-breaking loss at
skins, 17-15, eliminated the ,Pan-
thers from the tourney on Satur-
day morning.
Forming of Valley'
Club Discussed
By Rolikis
Projects of the year were dis-
cussed at the regular meeting of
the Roliki club Wednesday, Jan-
uary 7.
Different projects were put
before the club for discussion. The
Weslaco Club decided to contact
other Valley schools to see
whether high school boys are in-
terested in a valley- wide Roliki
The first all-Valley band clinic
was held in the Mercedes Junior
High School auditorium at 9
o' clock, Saturday, January 10.
The band was formed solely for
the purpose of reading contest
music and helping Valley high
school musicians. This 110-piece
band is made up of the best play-
ers of various Valley bands, chos-
en by the Valley band directors.
The members from vVeslaco to
.participate in this clinic are as
follows: Carl Sims, Pat Hingle,
Archie Jenkines, Hoyt Hughes,
Margaret Lucas, Neil Chandler,
Albert White, Bob Compere, Dor-
othy Shull, Dorothy Lee Drawe,
Marjorie Sidener, Walter Bach,
William Bach, Luciclaire Ran-
kin, and Mary Francis Betts. Be-
cause of an oversight on the part
of the secretary, the last seven
members were not notified and
therefore did not attend the clin-
ic last Saturday.
Another clinic will be held the
same place, Saturday, Januar.y 24,
at 9 o' clock.
Gray Jackets As
Year's Rewards
Coaches Presented
Fountain Pens by
Football Squad.
Football jackets were awarded
to 22 football boys and their
managers by Superintendent Fred
E. Kay at a called assembly Mon-
day, January 19.
The jackets were gray with
purple collar, cuffs, and pocket
trim. A large white W on the left
side contained the stripes indi-
cating the number of years play-
Boys receiving jackets were
J ack Frizzell, Bob Curbo, Royal
Talbert. Glen Cleckler, Wayne
'Whitlock, Watson Keeney, Leo
Lr, Duke, Robert Chandler, Keith
McMullin, Joe Barbee, Harlan
B'ock, Robert Sooter, Marvin Ar-
cher, Calvin Voelkel, Leo Ryan,
Herman Hall. B. R. Guess, Tom-
rry Solether, Paul Fulkerson, Ned
Johnson, Vernon Schreck, man-
ager for two years, and George
Bradford, assistant manager.
The football boys presented
Coaches Little and Henson with
an eneraved Parker fountain pen.
Little, Henson. and
WhItmill, and senior cheer lead-
ers Catherine Farina and Patsy
Laurence, will receive jackets,
but they have not arrived.
New Patriotic Film
To Be Assembly
Feature Thursday
Vera Mortensen, newly elect-
ed editor of the Hi-Life, is an
active member of the Seni or
Class, for she is president of the
Pep Squad, vice-president of
the Little Theatre, and member
of the Gir l Reserves, Future
Homemakers, Junior Music
Club, and Choral Club.
BennY-.l\llen Feud?
No, Chandler and
Curbo at it Again
S:nce the "Chatter" columnist,
who challenged the writer of
"From the Sidelines" to a four-
line poem, is no longer the "Chat-
ter" columnist, he is in a predica-
A member of the Future
Homemakers, Girl
Junior Music Club,
and the
band, is none other than Mar-
jorie Sidener, who has been
elected assistant editor of the
Hi-Life for the last semester of
' 41-'42.
Staff for Hi-Life
For Second Semester
Chosen Last Week
Vera Mortensen, senior, was
chasen editor- in-chief of the
H)-LIFE for the second semester,
and Marjorie Sidener assistant
ment. The challenge was answer.- editor in an election held Tues-
eel by dear old Bib Cur to; there- d ay morning, J anuary 13, at the
fore, if it isn't returned, he will
in all of his glory and say, "Da The r emainder of the staff is
declare a defeat, and come forth second period.
"This Amazing America," a da da de do dum," which means 2S follows: Headline wr iter, proof
film in tecl1nicolor, will be shown in h' s simple language, " I won." reader, lVI5rgaret Lucas' circula-
to the student body in the Junior- The pr.event. this, a poem has tion manager, Eleanor
Senior High School on Tuesday, been wntten 111 order that the _. .
January 27, according to Fred E. challenge will be complete. Bob's n:ake-u
. edItor, Irene Yoder ,
Kay, superintendent. I talents as a poet have been With-I sports ed itors, Tony Guerra, Bob
This film, which was released by held; 'tis a shame that he does I Curbo, Catherine Farina; fea-
the Motion Picture Bureau, a di- not write poems more often. Here tures, Robert Chandler, Marion
vision of the National Council, Y. is the answer: George; columnists, P at Hingle,
M. C. A., is 1200 feet long. The The score was two to two, Letty Lou Cannon, Bob Compere,
picture tells of the grandeurs of Curbo grabbed the ball and Paul Fulkerson; exchange, Cl ara
America and is well-flavored with away he flew. Mortensen.; humor, Bette Bell; so-
patriotic lines. He shot at the basket; in went ciety and organizations, Luci-
There will be no admission the score: daire Rankin; . assembly, Irene
charge. 'Weslaco two, visitors four. I Yoder; typist, Clara Mortensen.

The approach of basketball re-
minds us that Weslaco needs a
gymnasium; nevertheless, a prom-
ising season awaits the Panthers,
with four returning lettermen.
The Panthers will miss "Hawk-
.Eye" Skidmore, "Long-armed"
Kiedinger, and "Tuffy" Powell,
all of whom graduated last year.
Calvin Voelkel will also be missed
at th first of the season from the
result of a broken hand (and a
broken heart) .
As a result of a drive of the
coaching staff, 52 jerseys, an as-
sortment of socks, and various
other football equipment were
returned to the doghouse last
In the Sportlight: The unsung
hero, Paul Fulkerson, weighs 140
pounds and is 5 ft . 6 % inches
tall. Paul states that his favor-
ite diversion is eating, sleeping,
and watching football games
(college games) . Paul is a loyal
member of three sports, football ,
basketball, and track. Paul tries
hard and is the hero of many
junior high bo:vs. He is a member
of the Roliki Club and the Letter-
Panthers to Attend
Texas-Oregon Game
In Austin Saturday
The Weslaco High School
Panthers will leave by bus for
AUstin at 12:30 p. m., Friday,
where they will witness the
Texas-Oregon game on Satur-
day, December 6 . .
The team will arrive in San
Antonio late Friday night and
will spend the night, leaving
there early the next morning
and arriving in Austin in time
for lunch. Immediately after
the game the Panthers will
leave for San Antonio, where
they will spend Saturday night.
They are expected home late
Sunday afternoon.
Accompanying the boys on
the trip will be Coaches Little,
Henson, and Whitmill and
Principal A. C. Murphy.
Panthers End Season
With Two Wins, One
Tie, Seven Losses
Although the Panthers do not
have an outstanding record in Greetings, gates and hepcats,
games won or lost or in points too.
scored during the season just Congratulations to the Roliki
ended, they can feel proud of Club for the big way in which
holding most of their opponents, their dance was put over. A few
all of whom were much heavier, of our students seen there Were
to low scores. ROBERT WAGNER and MARY
Panther opponents piled up 152 LOUISE BAILEY, WILLIAM
points to 68 for the Panthers. The ROGERS and JOY BAKER,
purple 2nd white boys won t wo SHIRLEY and ROBERT, BETTY
games, both conference ones, BELL and BOBBY, TALLY and
tied Donna, and lost seven. EV ALENE, JOHNNY and BEBE,
One thing which marked the PAT and DOROTHY LEE, AR-
Panthers throughout the season CHIE and EILEEN.
r their clean-fighting spirit. Our ex-students made a good
Several Are Outstanding showing at the dance. Among
It would be hard imd unfair to tbrse trere were CARSON, BIL-
pick the outstanding player oi LY. HOWARD, ROBBIE JANE,
,", e te2m. In the line, the most BlLL, NED, MILLICENT, REX,
inspired and consistent playing FRED. JOHNNY, and DONALD
.v". s done by guard Bobby Curbo, (HEWLE.TT and FLEMING).
dosely pushed by Glen Cleckler, Have you been missing a cer-
the team's best tackler. Last tain smile, a slap-happy giggle,
year' s all-Valleys, Hall and Kee- half-pint blonde, and a cute kid?
ney, get credit for outstanding Yes, we're talking about PATSY.
defensive work, especially in the CALVIN seems to be consoling
Brownsville, Harlingen, Pharr, himself with MARY McALPIN.
and Donna garres. Wayne Wbit- From all reports they were having
lock, and ends Harlon Block and a super time Friday and Saturday
Marvin Archer, the latter doing nights.
the passing in the l ast three OLLIE MAE is officially going
games. teamed with Curbo, Cleck- steady with MAURICE VANDE-
ler, Hall, and Keeney in occa- VER of Edinburg.
sional good line play. EILEEN ROGERS is keeping
The outstanding back? Tbey the mail man busy since GENE is
are equally good-Solether, smart in California.
quarterback and shifty runner; How do you like the brother
Guess. te3.m's best blocker, good combination. JEAN? Or should
defensive player, and excellent we ask FRED and WATSON?
Ene smasher; Voelkel, outstand- We think TOMMY and CHAR-
ing punter, line smasher, and LENE make a cute couple. Don't
good on pass defense; and Chand- you think so, COMPERE?
ler, deadly t8.ckler and speedy PINKY MILLER says she has
back. a new love. Could it be a certain
Of th;s ye8r's first team, blonde? Could be.
Guess. Cleckler, and Block are SAM JONES isn't in favor of
sure to come back next year, and CLARA MAE' S going steady. We
is a possibility of Whit- wonder why!
lock's returning. Sorry to hear that HUFTY

New State Books
The library has recently re-
ceived 500 books from Mission in
exchange for 500 state books that
were borrowed from the state
last year.
This new group includes all
kinds of books, and some very
worthwhile ones in both fiction
was sick and missed the dance.
What we cant figure out is why
"BOTSY" didn't take BEBE to
the dance! Can anyone tell us?
PHYLLIS seemed to have en-
joyed herself at Brownwood over
the bolidays.
and non-fiction. These books are
for .the use of the public as well
as the school, according to Miss
Clarence Herron, librarian.
Noted Authors
To Debate Dec.
17 In Edinburg
"Can It Happen
Here? " Discussed
By Lewis, Browne
Weslaco Hi-Life Takes Top Honors
In Division Of Contest Sponsored
By Texas Press Association
"El Espejo" Wins First in .Yearbook
Section; Winners of Individual Entries
To Be Announced at Future Date
Sinclair Lewis and Dr. Lewis The Weslaco HI-LIFE won first place in the page-in-local-paper
Browne will be presented in a division in the contest sponsored yearly by the Texas High School
debate-discussion entitled "Can Press Association, according to word received here Tuesday from
It Happen Here?" in the Edinburg ..
. C 11 A d t Wed the headquarters of the assocIatIOn at T. S. C. W., Denton.
Jumor 0 ege u 1 onum - . .
December 17 at 8 o'clock. "El Espejo," McAllen High School Annual, won fIrst place lh
nes ay" . .
Dr. Browne, who appeared in the lithographed divlslOn for yearbooks. .
a Cultural Arts Forum Series i? I The conference, which sponsors contests f?r all Texas hIgh. school
1940, is widely known for hIS newspapers, yearbooks. and mdlvldual entnes, was held thIS year
non-fi ction best seller, "This Be- from DecemJ::er 4 tc Divisions in the newspaper contest are as
lieving World," and for other follows: weekly, A and B Bi-Weekly, Mimeographed, and
books, such as "Stranger Than page-in-Iocal-paper.
Fiction," "That Man Heine," and ----------_____ The Hi-Life entered seven of
his recently completed "Some- W H S d H 'the individual contests; namely,
thing Went Wrong." Dr. Browne .5. tu ents ear editorial, news stories, feature
is also a brilliant speaker. President's Speech st ories, sports stories, society or
Sinclair Lewis, whose "Main club stories, sports column, and
Street," "Babbit," "Arrowsmith," Monday morning at 11. :30 the special column. Although incom-
"Dodsworth," and other novels students of Weslaco High School plete receipt of results made it
have become classics, was award- gathered in the study hall to hear impossible for winners to be an-
ed the Nobel Prize for Literature President Roosevelt's speech to nounced in this issue, they will
in 1930. This merely showed that Congress. be published at a later date.
his reputation was as firmly es- A wards were presented at the
Not one word was uttered by
tablished abroad as in the United final meeting of the convention
any student during the entire
States. Always deeply interested and when the National held Saturday morning.
in contemporary affairs, Mr. Anthem was played, all of the This is the second year that
Lewis has spent considerable time the Hi-Life has entered this con-
students rose (whiCh is not cus-
in stage and screen work. He has, test.
tomary when it is played over
from time to time, deserted his the radio) without a moment - --- .-0
typewr iter and turned to the lec- B d D II H
hesitation and stood in silence an rl onors
ture platform, where his caustic,
yet witty, comments on current while the strains of the music I Col. Earl D. Irons
problems have brought him fresh floated out. A B d J bl
laurels. - - --0------ 11 . t an u 1 ee
Admission prices are 55c for I The Weslaco high school band
students and 99c for adults if tick- Committees' Make drill for the Valley Pigskin Mu-
ets are bought before the lecture. PI sic Jubilee at Donna, Thursday
Tickets are now on sale at the Plans for ay night, December 4, was dedicat ed
college. to Colonel Earl D. Irons, head
--------- - -,---- Discussi on of various details
for the Little Theatre play, "Cu- of the instrumental department of
pid Goes to College," was the N. T. A. C. , Arlington.
Schools to Recess
December 19
The Weslaco schools will be
dismissed for Christmas holi-
days Friday, December 19, at
4 p. m., according to Superin-
tendent Fred E. Kay. Work
will be resumed Monday, Jan-
uary 5.
main feature of the Little The- The Weslaco Band marched
from a fanfare position in con-
atre meeting last Wednes ay,
secutive order to form regular
December 3. ranks and then different letters.
Chairmen of the property, pub- The formations dedicated to Col.
licity, ticket, and program com- Irons included "Yam," the name
mittees met with Archie Jen- of a march written by Col. Irons ;
kines, assistant director, to dis- "Col." and "E. D. 1." to repre-
cuss their plans. sent his name.
Prices for the play are 15c for In spite of the wind and cold,
stUdents and 30c for adults, ac- t he crowd attending was estimat-
----------------1 . cording to Miss Dene Boothe. ed to be 2,500.
Panthers Defeated
By La Feria Lions;
Win From P.S.J.A.
Coach Little's Weslaco Panther
quintet opened their Class A con-
ference schedule by journeying to
La Feria last Tuesday afternoon
and losing in an overtimepeiod
to the Class A favorites, the La
Feria Lions, by a 23- 19 score.
Trailing 11-2 at the end of the
third period, the Lions matched
the Panthers point for point and
tied it at 19 all at the end of the
regulation time.
In the overtime period, Cook
and Moran, Lion forwards, looped
a goal each for the victory.
Previous to this game the Wes-
laco B team dropped a 9-8 de-
cision to the La Feria B's, and the
Weslaco Juniors defeated the La
Feria Juniors 11-7.
With Captain Bob Curbo hitting
the basket for 16 points, and
with an alert defense aiding the
cause, the purple Panther quint
won its first home game of the'
season by outpointing the P. S.
J. A. Bears 33-4 in a conference
game last Friday.
Up to the third period the vis-
itors hadn't scored, until Sullivan
made good a free shot. Adams
goaled and Risinger free- shot in
the last quarter for the visitors'
part of the game.
- ---0-----
Speech Department
To Give Puppet Show
"The Terrible Prince with the
Terrible Nose," a three_act puppet
show, will be presented by the
speech department in approxi-
mately six weeks.
The puppets, costumes, and the
scenery will be made by the stu-
dents. There will be ten charac-
ters and four changes of scenery,
according to Miss Dene Boothe,
- - - - - - - o ~ - - - - - -
Ho. Ec. Playlet to Be
Postponed a Week
(By Bob Curbo)
The Weslaco Panthers would
like to take this opportunity to
challenge the men teachers of
the school to a basketball game,
with the losers treating the win-
ners to a movie.
We understand that the new
Weslaco fullback has been given
the handle of Osborne Morgan
Little, Jr. This is a fine way
of treating a poor defenseless
baby, Coach.
It seems that the Paenthers are
unable to win an overtime game.
In the course of the past two
years, Weslaco has played in 4
games with overtime periods, and
have been unable to win any of
these games. .
The Panthers lost to the La
Feria Lions Tuesday of last
week 23-19 in an overtime pe-
riod. Thursday of last week, the
Panthers defeated the P. S. J. A.
Bears 34-4.
The Kittens did very well in
their first game with Edinburg,
although they lost 11-7. The af-
ternoon before the game was the
first practice they had had.
Junio,rs Win One,
Lose One Last Week I
Led by nimble Dewey Barnett,
the junior basketball team came
out even last week with a vic-
tory against La Feria, 11-7, Tues-
day, and a defeat from Edinburg,
7-15, Monday.
In the course of play in the
Edinburg game, Joe Wren, for-
ward, chalked up two points for
his opponents. After the Edinburg
forward shot, Joe received the re-
bound and was so excited that he
shot at the wrong goal.
The B team scrimmaged with
La Feria and Edinburg, but did
not play full time games.
The play, "Factual Advertising 00------
Goes on the Air," which was Doctor : "I've got rid of my
scheduled for today, January 22, chauffeur-he nearly killed me
has been postponed until Thurs- four times."
day, January 29, according to A. Wife: "Oh, give him another
C. Murphy, principal. - chance!"
Call Made for 20,000
Cadets; High School
Diploma Not Needed
A call has been made for 20,000
aviation cadets each month, ac-
cording to a letter received by
Superintendent Fred E. Kay from
Major Raymond L. Hiles.
Requirements for - Navitation-
Bombardier officers now permit
young men without high school
and college transcripts to become
officers. Birth certificates and
three letters of recommendation
must accompany applications. The
age limit is between 18 and 26
This call gives young men the
opportunity to become officers
rather than privates. The pay of
aviation cadets is $75 per month,
and the ration allowance is $1
per day. The government pro-
vides a paid-up life insurance
policy for $10,000 during train-
ing. Transportation to the train-
ing center. necessary uniforms,
medical and dental attention and
hospitalization are taken care of
by the government.
A mental test to be given to
all applicants covers the follow-
ing: Knowledge of the meaning of
words, multiple choice; ability to
read and understand printed mat-
ter; seventh grade arithmetic and
algebra; current events with em-
phasis on the present war; me-
chanical aptitude.
For further details, students
are to call at the high school of-
fice, stated Mr. Kay.
Coach Plays Hookey
Has Swell Time!
Where was our junior coach
last Thursday and Friday when
all of the rest of the slaving
teachers were givinG those hor-
ritle mid- term exams? Why,
Coach Whitmill was at home
just resting up. In fact, he was
having a SWELL time!
Yes, studes, our poor teacher
was at home with the mumps!
We're sorry that we didnt
have time to take him some
sour pickles, but the rest of
the teachers were feeling fine.
(Darn it!) We don't mean it,
All joking aside, we hope he
gets back to school soon. And
very soon, too.
116.Students Are Placed On Honor Assembly Hears
Rolls For 'Third Six Weeks' Term Vivid Account
List Includes 64 Girls, 52 Boys;
Juniors and Seniors Each Have
Five on Superior Roster
The honor roll for the third six.Louise Mustain, Betty Jo Smith.
weeks includes 64 girls and 52 11th: Armando Cuellar, John
boys, a total of 116 students who Emery, Howard Findley, Verna
made grades high enough to be Mae Purl, Irene Yoder.
placed on one of the three honor ' 10th: None.
rolls, according to A, C Murphy, 9th: John Knapp, Frances Pow-
principal. The complete list is as ell, Jane Weber.
follows: 9B: None.
Superior Honor Roll 8th: Mary Ann Burton, Bob
(AlIA's) Dennison, Ballard Bennett, Billie
Louise Batson.
12th: Carl Fitzgerald, Margaret Honor Roll
Lucas, Shirley McCasland, Mary (3 A's; others B)
Five Senjors, Two
Juniors to Join
Quill, ,and
Five ' seniors and two juriiors,
members of the Journalism Class,
have been recommended for mem-
bership in Quill and Scroll, na-
12th: Letty Lou Cannon, Doro-
thy Lee Drawe, Pat Hingle, Ar-
chie Jenkines, Murlene Jones.
Watson Keeney, Grace Milliken,
Luciclaire Rankin, Eileen Rogers,
Marjorie Sidener, Ollie Mae Swin-
11th: Maria Aguilar, Joy Baker.
Walter Baxter, Frances Betts, An-
tonio Guerra, Alvin Hansen, Joy
Jackson, Eleanor Mortensen, Jean
Shuford, Maurice Taltert, Eleanor
Of Bombings
Eye-Witness Tells
Of Sunday Raid
On Pearl Harbor
, An eye-witness account of the
bombing of Pearl Harbor and
Hickam Field was given by Mrs.
Dru Heard, wife of a captain in
the Air Corps stationed in the
Philippines, ilnd formerly of Don-
na, in assembly Friday morning,
January 23, at 10 o'clock.
"Sunday morning, December 7,
at 7:55 o'clock the first group of
100 Japanese planes started
bombing Harbor and Hickam
Field, followed by two more
groups of 100 planes," stated Mrs.
In describing how the Ameri-
cans felt, she said that they could
hardly believe it was really war.
Tbey thought the raid was maneu-
As Mrs. Heard had taken a Red
Cross first aid course; she volun-
teered to help after the raid. At
first she helped ,take care of the
" tior:cal honor society for high
school journalist,so' These are as
foliows: Marion ! George, Luci-
claire Rankin, Marjorie Sidener,
Letty Lou Cannon, Pat Hingle,
seniors, and Irene Yoder and
Eleanor Mortensen, juniors.
10th: Barbara Fisher,

Gerald women and children in a bomb
These students have met the re-
quirements f 0 rmembership;
namely, they stand in 'the upper
third of their classes scholastic-
ally; they have published 60 inches
or more in the school paper, and
they have been approved by their
local sponsor. These records, with
specimens of their journalistic
work, will be sent to the national
executive secretary; and upon his
approval the seven will be candi-
dates for initiation into the organ-

Robby Good to Edit
College Paper
Rotby Good, graduate of Wes-
laco High, has been appointed
editor of the "Campus Beacon,"
Edinburg Junior: -Col1ege paper.
Robby was a member of the
Hi- Life staff last year.
9th: Mary Louise Bailey,
Marie Daney. Hercilia Garza.
Ruth ,Pinson, Loydelle Stevenson.
June Kobeck, Bebe Skaggs.
9B: otto Fay McFarland, Jim-
my Moyer, Yvonne Thompson,
Imogene Vernon, Miller Arm-
strong, Tony Bradford, Bettie Ma-
rie Carr, Donald Dorman, Clara
Lou Hartness.
8th: Ida Mae Allen, Nancy Al-
len, Dorothy Henrickson, Mar-
garet Hewlett, Edward Koester,
John Griffen. Rowena Haas, Cecil
Ray Rives, Doris Schupp.
Honorable Mention
(No grade below B)
12th: Joe Barbee, Bette Bell,
George Bradford, Alice Cirilo,
Bobby Compere, Marion George.
Albert White, Clara Mae Isham.
Calvin Lyons, Mary McAlpin,
Keith McMullin, Dwight Ran-
dolph, RachelSugg.
shelter, which had been blasted
out of a mountain. Here she stayed
Monday night and Tuesday morn-
Mrs. Heard then went back to
the field, the first woman to go
back, and was on hospital duty
for eight ., days . . ' She had known
that she ' would have to leave the
islands and"on Cl1tistmas day she
'received notice that she would
san for the United States in two
hours. The ship was convoyed
by two carriers, two cruisers, and
one ' destroyer. She arrived in San
Francisco on New Year's Day.
"The Japanese have American
planes and American-trained pi-
lots," stated Mrs. Heard.
She declared that she wouldn't
trust Japanese of even the second
or third generation, as she be-
lieved that they would still be
loyal to Japan, Even the Filipinos
do not trust the Japanese. A Fil-
ipino does not associate with nor
Neil marry a Japanese, she said.
11th: Robert Bradford,
Chandler, B. R. Guess, Herman
(Continued on page 3)
After Mrs. Heard's talk, the
students asked numerous ques-
Hi, there, fellow young Ameri-
cans. Laughing keeps the chin up.
We've been wondering about
that dark coloring that has re-
cently appeMed around the vi-
cinity of one of Coach Henson's
twinkling eyes. His statement
concerning that matter is, (and
I quote,) "Dem little mugs we
played last Friday slugged me
one on da blinker." When yours
truly reminded him of his re-
cent marriage, he replied, "Aw,
da little woman is as gentle as
a lamb." Hm-mighty thin.
Well, Percy, What Do You Say?
Such exclamations as "Curses!" "Foiled again!" "Missed by a
hair!" and "Woe is me!" drifted down the corridors of this educa-
tional institution last week we received our report cards. Did
papa spank, or did he merely say, "No allowance this week, Percival"?
Ah, yes, you have been told many times to burn some midnight
oil, but isn't it better to rack the brain than to spend another year
in school as a result of low grades?
O. K., so you would rather have fun than study; however, papa
will be very angry when you take your report card home next time
(if you are brave enough to take it home.)
So, studes, let's break the record and raise those grades!
By the way, any time you want
a good laugh, ask Thomas Dud-
ley Solether what he' s most afraid
of. The crimson haze that emerg-
es from his unhappy face will
kill ya.
Congratulations, faculty! We didn't think you had it in you.
You played a good game, despite the fact that you lost. The
senior boys will, no doubt, . enjoy their reward thoroughly.
.... Note to aU students: Air raid
drills took place this week a,nd
may be held any other week to
follow. These drills must be
taken seriously. The first one
was a success. Let's keep on
that way. The signal for a prac-
tice-. drill is no different from
No one can say that our teachers can't let down their hair every
now and then. They're just as good sports as any of the boys (of
course we overlook "Sharpshootin'" Kay's and "Dead-eye" Mur-
phy's methods of substituting.) But seriously, we all enjoyed the
game, and are looking forward to another-if you men can stand
the strain.
-, that ,'of the real thing. You are
not psychic. It is imperative for
us to be able ,to - meet any
emergency. Remember Pearl
Essay Contest Opens
To All Students; "
Awards to Be Given
"What Democracy Means to Me
-a Texan" will be the subject of
an essay contest sponsored by
Meet the Faculty_: the American High School Educa-
Much against her our tional ASSOCiation, publishers of
first victim is Miss "Who's Who Among High School
Miss Black's incessant personality Students in Texas," according to
- is as much a part of -the ' school information received by Principal
' as is the front door. To top that, A. C. Murphy.
she was teaching here long be- , First prize of $25 cash will be
fore the front door Her given, or the association will send
age? Well, chum, if you want to the winner a check for $5 each
cash in on your life-insurance, month for nine months, beginning
you ask her. Personally, I love with the da,te of enrollment, in a
- life. Texas college- or university and
is admired by aU. ending nine months thereafter.
she remarks skep- In addition, the winner will re-
tically):. It seems necessary for ceive an appropriate medal, and
her to rush -through life at a fast the high school will receive II
gait in order to get everything beautifully engraved trophy. '
done; moreover, she's the only Second and third prizes will be
person lever knew who could do medals for the winners and tro-
three things at the same time. She phies for their high schools.
simply adores punctuality. (Don't For the rules of the contest,
I know!) which is open to any high school
That's all for now. Careful, boy or girl, see the bulletin board
bunch, 'cause I've got my eyes on in Miss Black's office. The con-
you. ' test closes Match 1, 1942.
Not Tyrone Power,
Kids, Hathaway
Is the Name
Hathaway. Do you know him?
Why, he's the man about the
campus of ye old high school.
The other day in assembly
when Mr. Kay was giving those
wonderful football jackets to the
football boys, we found out the
hated oione of the
boys. (Most of those names are a
pain in the neck to all of us.)
Some middle-mimes do not
seem to suit the person they are
attached to, but in this case, it
fits perfectly. This boy "hath a
way" with all of the teachers be-
cause of his witty sayings. With
that twinkle in his eyes, he def-
initely hath a way with the girls.
And , because of his having such a
good natjJre, he hath a way with
everyone on the c-ampus.
In order not to embarrass him
further, we'll just give a descrip-
tion of him. He's a junior - tall,
blonde, and handsome. Give up?
Well, his inuitialSare L. H. L.
But that's positively all the infor-
mation we can give.
(Continued trom page one)
Henry, Douglas Parker, Clarence
Parker, Tommy Gene Rives, Ferne
McCasland, Dorothy Shull.
10th: Carroll Davidson, Zela
Mae Dietrich.
9th: Ethel Anderson,
Archer, Leonard Emery,
Garza, Billie Mae Hoge,
Hood, Rob Rankin.
9B: William Bach, A. J. Boese,
Ann Frizzell, Charles Hensarling,
Dan McCants, Jimmy Norton,
Olan Parker, Raydeen Purl,
Roberto Rodriguez, Mildred
Schreck, Lynette Stahl, Newell
' 8th: Frank Garnet, Refugio
Garza, Odell Godwin, Doris Long,
Rubin Minton, Jerry Waggoner.
John Sawyer.

"Bring me another sandwich, I
"Will there be anything else?"
"Yes, a paper weight. The last
sandwich blew away."
Purple Panthers
Down Doughty
F acuIty Five
Courageously, the honorable
gentlemen of the faculty oiled
their rusty muscles, adjusted their
super bull's eye shooting, ,don-
ned any available garrrient, and
amid the tooing and cheering of
the suckers who had assembled to
witness a basketball game, trotted
to match the Weslaco Panthers in
a basketball game with
color, thrills, and spills (and
plenty of them!)
From start to finish it was
either "Can't Miss" Kay riding a
Panther, "Take it Easy" Ellison
running into somebody, or "Mer-
' ciless" Murphy and "Let Me at
' Em" LeMaster punching a de-
fenseless Panther.
Not to be outpunched or out-
slapped, however, were the Pan-
thers. The fairly clean playing
(?) of Calvin Voelkel and Bobby
Curbo kept the purple lads in
pace with the men of learning. (?)
As could be expected, "Long"
Little led the scoring in the more
or less wrestling match by pluck-
ing 20 points for the "wise" men.
Curbo looped 14 to lead the boys.
Incidentally, this supposed-to-
be game was played last Thursday
at Weslaco with the Panthers
routing the gentlemen by a 46-39
(By Bob Curbo)
With the county meet coming
up, the tennis players should be
getting in readiness. Mr. Mc-
Williams will be in charge of
the tennis groups again this
The Kittens were defeated by
the Raymondville Juniors, 22- 7,
while the Panthers downed the
Bearkats; 14- 13. This win gave
the Panthers two wins and one
In the yell, "Two-Four-Six-
Eight. WhO: do we appreciate?
Team, team; team," Miss Black
finally had" a chance to change
the "who" to "whom" at the
, Student-Fa.culty game last
Thursday afternoon . . Miss Black
and Mrs. Robertson were the
faculty ' cheer leaders.
Hay Muy BabIes Mente y Car-
: cajada-Translated-":Hi, "gate."
Well, well,- 01' "HEP-CAT"
FULKERSON was out "jiving"
with a certain POLLY RING-
LAND at the college dance Fri-
"Hit' em, Black-Jack" - PAT
DRA WE were watching the prize
fight in Pharr Friday night.
keeping the "Friendly Neighbor"
policy alive by going with a Ca-
nadian from Pharr Sunday.
This PETE KARAM from Mc-
Allen was really monopolizing
and Saturday.
What boy was a sick "duck"
Friday night? Uh-huh.
Ouch! How did you like the
belt-line, CARL and JOE? JOE
' is just a "SUCKER" for a pic-
In the Sportlight: The ebntire place is all right, isn' t it!
faculty team, are a rave RAY LOGAN and MARJORIE
of men WIth lots Of. dete:- SIDENER were out, "tripping"
put a good fIght In Saturday night! '
theIr gan:
WIt? the Panthers. What's this about BOB CURBO
We admIre t?err , courage, but receiving a mysterious phone call
admIt they have met from the lower-end of the Val-
theIr match. 1 ? '
Boy vs. Girl Program
Out Theme
In G. R. Meeting
ey. ,
It's nice to see the football
sweaters, and now the cheer-
leaders have them.
News about our alumni includes
were home for a visit, and TOM-
"Breaking Down Barriers Be-MY CURBO and LETA SMITH' S
tween Boys and Girls" was the marriage Friday night.
subject carried out in the program Two "Little Foxes" in Harlin-
at the regular Girl Reserve meet- gen Sunday; namely, SAM SIM,...
ing held Tuesday night, January SON and ,SHIRLEY McCAS-
20, at 7:30 at the home of Joy LAND. ,
Baker. This DONNA situation is
In the absence of Ernestine Le ting bad. J . o . .. FRIZZELL
Grande, program leader, Vera Mae RAY LA GRANDE know
Shemiamer presented Pat Hingle, about these Donna girls.
who talked on the subject from DONALD SHRAM from Donna,
the boy's point of view, while has 1::een seeing something inter-
Catherine Farina represented the esting in Weslaco. Ask ERNES-
girls. Kareen Gary presented a TINE if she knows what we mean.
humorous reading entitled "A Paging ROBERT WAGNER;
Heart for Sale--$2.20." DON RANSOM had a Sunday date
Preceding the program, a short with MARY LOUISE BAILEY.
business meeting was held. Plans Slipping. ROBERT.
for the place cards for the Sweet- FLASH! Three Weslaco girls
heart Banquet, which Weslaco has rated convertibles Sunday. "DUG-
charge of, were made. GIE" CONNOR. "DOT" DRA WE.
The hostess served refreshments and CLARA MAE ISHAM all
of punch and cookies. , had one each. Good going, girls,
15 Students Attend
Second ' AIl-V
Band Meeting
The second all-V;aJley
clinic was held Saturday,
ary . 24, at the Mercedes Junior
High School auditorium at 9
This nO-piece band, made up
of the best players of various
Valley bands, was formed solely
for the purpose of reading contents
music and helping Valley h igh
school musicians.
The members of , the Weslaco
band who attended this clinic
Saturday were as follows: Mar-
garet Lucas, Francis Betts, Jua-
nita Hood, Marjorie Sidener, Lu-
ciclaire Rankin, Dorothy Shull,
Dorothy Lee Drawe, Hoyt Hughes,
Tony Bradford, Bob Compere,
Pat Hingle,Walter and William
Bach, Archie Jenkines, and Carl
Albert . White and Neil Chand-
ler, also members of the all-
Valley band"and William Kraule-
dat, Wesaco director, were unable I
to attend the meeting.
Pictures of the ban'd will be
taken at the next meeting, to be
held February 7,:whep all mem-
bers ' will attend in full
: .- '
.Bob, Compere: "What 's that
gurgling noise I hear?"
, Ollie Mae: "It's me, trying to
swallow that.line Of yours."

Some boys . itt , Kansas City showing, ' a Texas rancher
.tbe dq you think.
oL our stockyards?:' they
ed him.
"Oh, they're all right, but 'we
have branding corrals in Texas
that are bigger,'; he said. '
. That night they put some
snapping . turtles in his bed.
When he turned back the cov-
er, . h ell,sked what they were
bed " ;bugs," they
replied. ' .. _
He peered at them .for a mo-
ment. "So they are," he decid-
ed. "Young uns, ain't they?"
SPQ ' Downs FFF,
Despite Efforts of
Brainy F acuIty
Weslaco, Texas
.January 22, 1942.
Members of Sr. Team:
We can understand your am-
bitious challenge. But we can-
not understand why you tax
yourselves to escorting us to
a movie. It is quite evident you
have never seen "Sharp Shoot-
ing" Kay and "Dead Eye" Mur-
phy burning the net off the
goal. Mr. Ellison, having rest-
ed all his life, is in excellent
Feeling we would not be do-
ing justice to the GENTLE-
MEN of the Faculty if we did
not accept the free pass to the
show, we will be ready! Thurs-
day afternoon, four o'clock,
January 22, the year of nine-
teen hundred and forty-two, at
the Weslaco field house.
The gentlemen of
the faculty.
P . S. If you decide to with- ,
draw your offer. ' we promise
to keep the challenge a secret,
thus saving you the shame of
The letter you have just read
was presented to Bob Curbo
by Coach Little and 'Dead Eye'
Murphy a few minutes after
the HI-LIFE had been releas-
ed last Thursday morning.
As, yes, the letter was very
original; but the gentlemen of
the faculty were inclined to be
a bit too hasty and optimistic.
Not only were they too hasty,
but they failed to mention the
talents of "Speedy" Henson
and "Long John" Little. How-
ever, even though the senior
team beat the faculty 46-39,
the game was hard-fought and
verv exciting.
Hats off to the Furious Fac-
ulty Five.i and the Speedy Pan-
ther Quintet.
91 Students Eni"oll
In New Courses "
.'. ':.; :3)
A total of 91 students ihave, en-
rolled in the four new: courses for
the second semester,accc-rding to
a ,statement from Principal A. C.
Murphy's office.
Panthers' Nose
Out Bearkats
14-13 Tuesday
Victory Places
Cagers in Second
Place in District
In one of those occasional low-
score basketball games, known
better as "defensive games,"
Coach Osborne Little's purple
Panther quintet, sparked by Bob
Curbo's one- hand shooting, mixed
luck with a creep shot and
plucked the fat from the fire in
the last minute of play by nosing
out in a pboto-finish contest the
classy and mighty fast-breaking
Raymondville Bearkats, a team
of championshp calibre.
In fact, the game was won as
the final whistle blew. With the
Panthers training 13-12, both
teams," battled for the ball under
I the Panther goal. Out of the mad
scramble Captain Curbo recover-
ed the ball. and in a do-or-die at-
tempt shot a breath-taking, one-
hand shot for the clincher.
Panthers in Second Place
This fateful . shot put the Pan-
thers in place in district
standings with 2 wins and 1 loss,
and sent the to the cellar.
Handicapped by the absence of
Gonzaba, aggressive Bearkat
guard,the Bearkats were not up
to usual form, Bobby Richmond,
spirit of the Bearkats and a hot-
shot forward, was kept well un-
der cover by the alert guarding
of Curbo and Calvin Voelkel. A
fast-:breaking forward, Rich-
mond's low points .were attributed
to the failure of his mates of feed-
ing him the ball.
Voelkel, Ryan Goal
Both fives continually missed
shot after shot during the game.
Trailing 13-8. Voelkel and Ryan
sank field goals , for the Panthers,
later to be climaxed by Curbo's
life-saving shot.
Curbo was easily the outstand-
ing player of the tilt. Besides his
winning goal, he put on a good
floor show by closely guarding
Richmond .and tying Richmond
for high-point honors with 6
points each.

Cobk,Ctirbo Star
In Upset Leaving
W.H:S. in 3rdPlace
" Atyphoonof speed swirling out
of La Feria ,. High School and
headed, by Ed Cook, landed on the
localco'urts last Thursday after-
rioon, only to be' 'repulsed by Bob
Curbo and his Panther mates.
to Begin
Monday, Will:End February 20
Most Beautiful Girl, Handsomest Boy,
,Belle, Beau to Be Chosen-for Annual
F rom I 8 Contestants
Candidates for the Popularity Contest were choseri Wednesday
at home room periods from the nmth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth
Each class except the sophomores chose one candidate for each
of the following honors: the' belle and the beau of the high school,
the most beautiful girl, arid the handsomest boy. Because of the
smallness of the Sophomore Class, they nominated only two candi-
dates. "Belle" and "beau" will correspond to most popular girl and
The candidates selected are as follows:
With that o1ettitne ' defeat of
three weeks ago still fresh, Wes-
1aco's' Paiitherquirit'et surprlsed Most beautiful girl: Clara Mae Isham; senior; Merry Ferne Mc-
everybody but " themselves, rally- Casland, junior; Judy Pregenza, 'sophomore; Betty Pugel, ninth;
ing in the third quarter of their Clara Lou Hartness, ' 9B.
game with the league-leading Most handsome , boy: Marvin
Lions, and thus ,h, ,andi,ng. the vet- , A h r n'or' Le' 0 LaDuke J' u '
eran Lion quintet its first confer:" 31 FFABoys Receive e 'H;artness,
ence defeat Of the season, 32-28, a Pins at Initiation" Dewey Barnett, ,9B. , , '
jolt in their quest ' for the Class ,A '" ' Belle of class:' 'Margaret Lucas,
pennant, Friday Morning senior; ' Dorothy Miller, junior;
This:',unexpected ' defeat leaves ' " ' ,,' Bebe Skaggs, sophomore; Mary
the Lions a.tthe head of the con- A totai ,of 31 boys were ,pre- Louise Bailey, ninth; Vivian Nell
' serrted \\;ith Future Farmer pins .,
fe,rence' with a .800' percentage,and Dean 9B
the Panthers holding third with at the formal initiation of the ' Vo- of class: Bobby'Curbo, se-
a ,.600 standing.cational Agriculttlte Class, Fri- nior; Maurice', Talbert, junior;
" Cookvs. " Curb'; daY,January 30. ' Bynum Hatley, ninth; Ne\yell
; Pitting , the high1y-touted Ed Four"boys were presented with Talbert, 9B.
Cook agaInst Bob Curbo, ' the ' tnt Future Fartner pins who ' had , The , contest will begin on, MQn-
was a neck-and-neck affair from earned twenty-five dollars' profit clay, 'Febmary9, and wilr'
start to finish. , ,,' on their last year's project, while on Friday, February 20. " ,
The Lions foun'd ' the scoring green-hand pins were , given to Votes will cost aile c:,ent eac!l.
ran'ge to hold a 11-10 margin at ' new members of the F. F. A. Voting boxes will be ,prepared
the end of ' the first quarter, ih': Those that ' received Future for each of the 18 :candida'tes, ',and
creasing it 16.:13 'at the mtermis- Farmer pins wer.e Carrol David- a pennyciropped "into a candi-
sion. son, Keith McMullin, Carl Bo;yd, da,te's bo}C will mean one yqke:,for
Came the third quarter, ' and, and Herman Henry. Boys that re- that candidate. Voting will .take
came the Panther, rally. Cook ceived the Green-handpins"were I place in, the Jour , ' ,n,. aHsmo, an, ,d
goaled to start the scoring. Then as follows: ,Rayford Barnett, ,J. , D. on the campus, Results of the
came disaster to the Lions. " Be- Brixey, Harvey Cleckler, James' contest will be ' announced in'" a
fore they realized what had' hap- Cleckler, Garrett Cox" Haskell! special assembly Friday, Febru-
pened, the Purple and Whites had Cox, Norman Davidson, Leonard ary 20. " , ,' , "
poured in 11 points. At last, de- Emery, Roy Goss, Cleetus Goss,' Full page pictures of the four
feat had ' grabbed tne Lions. Robert Henricksen, Glen " Jones, ' winners will be put in the Annual.
Cook stars Leo Jones, Howard Kelly, J.W. Classes wisllihg to present' arba,-
Cook grabbed high-scoring hon- Parks, M. B. Parks, Darwin Pem- teur hOurs or otlier types of en::'
ors withlll points. He put on an elton, Raydeen Purl, Van Rosseau, tertainment ' in speCial assemblies
offensive show seldom seen here. Andon Saldivar, George Sens, Ar- will see Mr. Murphy to a
His sure-shooting and hustle are thur strickland, Cecil Truitt, Roy time.
no doubt the ' reasons for the Vaughn, George Gross, Clarence
Lions' brilliant season so 'far. Parker, and Billie Joe Jackson.
Guards Sibson and McNear ex-
hibited excellent ball-l;1andling.
Likable Bob Curbo, the one-
hand specialist arid spirit oftqe
Panthers,accounted for only 12
points, yet his defensive game
was a continuous nuisance ' to the
Lions. B. R. Guess put on the best
defensive show by his leaping in
the air and grabbing of rebounds,
something essential to a winning
basketball team.

' Pat : "We're "going ',to have a
swell time tonight. r ' havethree
tickets to the :" - ', .' .. ,
Dorothy Lee: "But why three
Pat: "One for your 'father.
mother, and the housekeeper." ,
Hello, Everybody!
V . . . -
Do we look like dopes?
We, the students, walked around
with our heads up in the air, be,-
cause the Senior High School
bought almost $30 of Defense
Stamps, Mr. Kay put a pin in our
balloon when he said that the
grammar school had purchased
$127.05 in stamps. (The moral)
Today is "Stamp Day." Bring your
money, and show the grammar
V -
Who'll Win the Popularity Contest?
Are you loyal to your class? Are you going to help put over the
popularity contest? Do you want the candidates of your class to win?
If you answer "yes" to those three questions, you will be very
valuable to your cl,ass at this crucial time.
Is the Junior Class going to change the course of its luck in this
combat? Will the Senior Class repeat its success of the Panther Sweet-
heart contest? We know that these questions will be answered only
by the amount of work and thought each stUdent puts into the elec-
A class should be proud to say that its members cooperate 100
per cent in this contest.
Students, shall we make this popularity contest one that will be
remembered for the amount of class cooperation and good sportsman-
ship that was displayed in it?
Congratulations to you, Swin-
neal Students, in case you haven't
heard, her picture was entered iI;l '
'a "Girl I left behind" contest by
her Navy boy friend, and it won
the unanimous approval of the
judges. Nice going.
V ... - Are We Doing Our Part?
Have you read all about our "Only those are fit to live who are not afraid to die!
two-week contest? start thinking This statement was made by 'General Douglas McArthur, the
about whom you are going to put gallant commander of the American forces in the Philippines.
up in your class; then think about If he would say this to his men, who are fighting and dying for
a way to raise money. You may
even have to clear away some of their country, then ,what would he say to us, the average American
those cobwebs and allow a thought high school student? We cannot give our lives for our country as
to creep in, for every class wants those men have, but we can help.
its candidates' pictures in the We have changed our school defense stamp day here from Wed-
feature section ' nesday to Thursday. Let's do our part! Let's bring our dimes or
V : .. - I quarters. We of the HI-LIFE staff will help by publishing a little
Now, your reporter brings the reminder every Thursday morning.
girls a note on style. The First ______ _________ - - --:::--::--:--:-:---=----::--:--::-::--::-::-:-
Band to Take Part
party. She said, "I am cutting In Charro Days her was like a pearl to me."
,doWn every way possible." Calvin: "Did that impress her?"
V . . . - Again this year the Weslaco Robert: "No, she told me to, quit
Good pye and "Remember High School Band will continue stringing her along."
Pearl Harbor." its old custom of attending the

Annual Staff to Send
14 Pages in Second
Shipment to Printer
A total of 14 pages Of the an-
nual will be ready for the second
,to , the , Steck Company
by February 7, according to Mar.,
garet Lucas, editor.
These pages will include the
following: one page of seniors;
the dedication page; Roliki Club;
two pages of juniors; concert and
marching band; annual staff; two
snapshot pages; group pictures of
9BI and II, 91 and 911, SI, SII,
SIll; and the title page ,for ac-
annual Charro Days in Browns-
ville. Because of the fact that Voc.Ag. Boys Finish
most Valley towns have done Trailer Project
away with their own celebrations
this year, Charro Days will be
bigger than ever. All school bands
have pledged their participation.
The band will march in the pa-
rade Saturday morning and will
remain for the massed Charro
Days Jubilee, which takes place
All Valley bimds will congre-
gate in a body to play a concert
for those attending the Jubilee.
Full particulars concerning this
concert have not yet been receiv-
ed. '
A trailer, class project of the
Vocational Agriculture boys, was
completed Tuesday of last week,
according to Austin Ellison, in-
Every student was required to
make scale drawings C\nd was
taught the proper method of fig-
uring a bill of The
trailer was first used to weigh the
F. F. A. calves that are to be
shown and sold at the Mercedes
Livestock Show in April,
Library Receives
New Set of Books
Cagers Drop Game
32-18 to Redskins
On Tuesday of last week Coach
A six-volume set of Carl Sand- Little's Panther five journeyed to
burg's "Abraham Lincoln," a Donna to lose a conference game
four-volume set of James Trus- by a 32-18 score to the tall Donna
low Adam's "The March of De- Redskins.
mocracy," and two copies of Win- However, the "B" team did the
ston's dictionary are the most re- opposite in winning a 16- 14 con-
cent additions to the high school test over Donna's "B" squad.
library, according t o Miss Clar- On Thursday the Weslaco Ju-
ence Herron, librarian. niors dropped a 11- 9 overtime de-
The first two volumes of the cis ion to the La Feria Juniors.
Sandburg biography are called The "B" squad also lost a 2-
"The Prairie Years," while the point game to the La Feria "B's"
last four are entitled "The War by a 12-10 score.
Years." Accompanying "The
March of Democracy" was a loose
leaf volume, and a ten- year an-
nual service from the publishers
will keep this set up to date.
Recently the history department
r eceived eleven copies of "Historic
Currents in Changing America,"
Carman, Kimmel, and Walker.
This makes five different types of
r eference material used in the
American history classroom.
Helen Reagh Sends
Regards to W. H. S.
Helen Reagh, alumna of Wes-
l aco High, sends her regards to
the students of the school in a let-
t er to the Hi-Life staff. Helen is
working in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, but
plans to return to Texas for a
short visit next summer when she
and a friend tour the country.
Helen, who reads the Hi-Life I
each week, sent congratulations I
to various students and organiza-
Ungramma.tical Love
Me love have flew;
Him done me dirt;'
Me did not know
Him was a flirt.
So to all love,
Let me forbid
Lest you get dood
Like I've been did.
She has went; she has gone;
Her has left I all alone.
Must me always gO' to she?
Can her never come to I?
Alas! It could never was!
"Ever since I met you, Shirley,
can't eat, I can't go out nights,
can' t do anything!"
"I'm broke."
Pictures of Band
Taken Last Week
Pictures of the band were taken
Wednesday, January 28, at the
first and second periods.
Although the sun was bright
and the uniforms were hot, shots
; of the marching band, concert
band, drum major, twirlers, of-
ficers, and steer ing committee
were taken.
- - - - - - - - ~ o ~ - - - - - - - -
Beware! Friday,
13th, Comes Twice
Are you superstitious? Are you
leery of black cats, walking under
ladders, and getting up on the
wrong side of the bed? If you
are, we're warning you ahead of
time of the bad luck that is to
fall upon you. Not only do we
have one FRIDAY the THIR-
TEENTH this year, but, woe be
unto us, we have TWO!
And girls, the night of the
Sweetheart Banquet falls upon
one of these Fridays and the Sa-
die Hawkins dance comes on the
other. It looks as if bad luck has
surely got it in for us this year!
Last year, this journalist put a
horseshoe over the door, and the
thing fell off on a friend's head.
Then, we went out to get some
four-leaf clovers, and there was a
bee in the midst of them. To top
it all off, a black cat crossed our
path, and we ended up in bed.
This year we're going to start out
that way. Yes, you're right -
we're staying in bed. ( I bet it
collapses! )
Have you noticed lately that
every time you pick up a news-
paper there is something about a
German spy (or fifth columnist)
being rounded up by the F. B. !.?
After a few months of research
work, our special agents have re-
ported on a few of our own fifth
There' s the doubles partner in
tennis who runs all over the court
batting the ball clear out of the
park, and then blames his partner
for losing the game.
Then there's the guy on the
dance floor who thinks he's a
combination of Fred Astaire, John
Kimbrough, and an army truck,
thus making the dance floor
regular terror.
a at dinner time, runs over a few
sixth graders, and drives away
from the school like mad.
Continuing with the dance floor,
there's the fifth columnist who or-
ders his drinks and leaves his
best pal at the table to pay the
Now we approach the main
street driver. This guy thinks he' s
ina race and is determined to
break somebody's neck before
he's through. He sits on the horn
and scares the living day- lights
out of little kids, just because he
heard there was one tire left at
the city garage.
Coming fifth on the list is the
guy who gallops down the school
The special! In every commu-
nity there' s the person who sits
greedily by the radio waiting for
the announcement of a shortage
on some commodity. Flash!
There's a shortage on sugar.
Qui ckly, Mr . Greedyfingers r un
to his motorcycle, which is park-
ed in front of the house r eady to
go, and speeds to the grocery
store. He buys a hundred pounds
of sugar, and with a satisfied look
he returns to his chair beside the

For Banquet
. :Names of persons, dead or alive,
mentioned in this column . are
purely intentional and do not re-
flect the sentiments of this writ-
Ah hal It looks like a bad caSe
of spring fever (we may be
Event to" Be Held
At Casa dePalmas
friday, Feb, '1 3
wrong) between .KEE- Have you ever eaten any "True
NEY and JEAN SHUFORD. Love"? They say it isquite' " a
While browsing around, " this treat, for it has been selected as
columnist happened to see "DOT" tl:J.eqpening dish at the Girl Re-
DRAWE having one swell time, ' ser veb'ariq,uet to beheld Febr'uary
Saturday night, with a mysterious 13 lit ' the Casa de Palmas. 'The
gent from--. committee has released, in code
Stop me if you've heard this form, the following :menu for the
one, but we knew it would. hap"- occasion:
pen. CHANDLER and SWINNEA True Love
are back together again. Is this Heart' s Desire
another walkout, COMPERE? Magical Moonlight 'Romance '
.. When CARSoN "LONGHORN" Lovebirds with ' Red;' Scarfs
ROGE caine home, over the' week- First Meeting
end, MARJORIE SIDENER was Lover's Delight
observed to be all a-flutter} What The program, which you can
did Ol}! .,. . " \' understand more; easily, is,):o be
If It Isn' t bemg too nosey, who as follows: ' ,
takes MISS BOOTHE . home in Reserves .'.
the afternoons? Henry Ford's go" Sweetheart Greetings - Martha
ingto get you. Rumbel ..
. Hark! ' Hark! Let the bugles, Fondes't Replies":"':'Thomas Wade
. bloW. Let the 'drums roll. :' ' stu'" Landr ' , . . .. '" '. ' :
dents,y(}u'llneverbelieveik Balla'ds MlssionSex-
JOE "ONE GIRL" '. BARBEE' tette ' '. , . .
had a ,. date with someone .' else ' Affairs of ' the . 'Fieart ..:...:.' Gloria
over the weekend. The 'world ' is ' J eah Wingert
.slowly disintegrating. Interlude of Nonsense '-: "Bar-
A truewom:im hater if .'. . . : . 'bara Ewing and Ella France$
ever vias one, ' That's, . 'Tomme . ,. .-,.
tionof BYNUM' "SONJA HENlE" StarlightSered<i:de -Marian
HATLEY because of his .'iricessarit Cramer
habit of skating alone at Donna. Fond Farewell _ "Let Me' Call
Oh, SHIRLEY! .Did you have a ', .. , ... YouSweeth;eart" '
good time the other night? :He,s .. _, .
short, ,. good-l.oqkih', .and ' hails 'Ko, ; r. . 'C"'b
from McAllen. ' ittens '" ose to ' US
We neVer kne'.V it before, but InOver,;,Time, 14-12,'
LAVONNE; DEMPSEY is a "kill-
er-diller"with the boys. ", " " . IIi an overtime game with ' the
We have ; information . that La Feria Cubs, the Weshlco ' Kit-
JACK FRIZZELL h8:s ' got aU the tens were defeated '12-10 last
gravel on the road blown off <illd Thursday on the local ' basketball
all the trees 'from court.
bJell king speed records .to DonmL ,Two points was tbe determining
Paging Wilbur Shaw! factor in the game . between the
Every time "POSTO" gets ' a 10caLB, squad and La Feria's B
date with tl::tat girl from Falfur- squad. La Feria won 14-12 in,ari
rias, . I mean .. Alamo, "he . puts iri overtime play.
gasoline and provisions to .. .. 0-_---
last a week. . , .. " If little Red Riding Hood were
You , lucky thingIDOPHENE living today, all the girls would
CROW, you didn't miss the bUs scorn 'er.
when you rated a datewitn She only had to meet one wolf,
DWIGHT RANDOLPH. " not one on every corner.
(By Bob Curbo)
The Panthers are still in the
race for Class A ba's'ketbaU cham-
pionship . .. They dowIiedthe high
flying La Feria Lions by 34-28.
The Panthers play two more
games, one being at Raymondville
the other with Donha at
next Tuesday . .
The Gentlemen teachers are al-
waysaJibyirig, ,.
Personally, I amtired 'of hear-
ing their crying,
Their stars ' were ahsent; they
felt very low,
, By the way, "gents, ' where is
.. that show?
Weare glad to see Coach Whit-
mill back in school. His pep; a:rtd
vigor has 'Certainly been missed.
In "the Basketball Sportlight:
B. R . . Guess, ' the .,tall, stooky
Pantll er guard, hIts the ' sport-
light .. this week fo,r his outstand-
ing game with La Feria. B. R.
can always ' be counted. on for the rebounds in ' every
game. He is an . outstandIng
guard and' good bali ' handler.

Book' Given
For Homemakers, ;
Yecir Books Issued
A revIew ' of the ' book "'Red
Heels," by Mrs. N. V. Sidener and
a .reading ' by Carol Jones 'were
features" of the Future Homemak-
ers_ m-eeting Tuesdaynigbt, Janu-
ary 27, at the home of Mary Louise
Bailey .. ,, .
" Peppy club songs opened the
rneetingatid .. plans to buy ari
Defense ': Bond and also to
form a "draft list" of girls who
were willing to take care of small
childreri in order that . mothers
might be allowed to attend De-
fense meetings were made during
the tusihess .. sessh'm; " .
. '.' The issuing.
edthe business session after
which delicious ' refreshments '. of
spiced tea and small iced ' cakes
with F. H. T. written on them
were served by the " hostess to
about fifty members who attend-
Clinic Band
To Give Concert
February 22
All-Valley Clinic
Group to Perform
In Mercedes
Definite plans for a concert to
be presented by the all-Valley
clinic band at the Mercedes Ju-
nior High School auditorium at
3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
February 22, were made at the
third meeting, held February 7,
in the Mercedes auditorium. The
concert, under the supervision of
Marion Busby of San Benito, will
consist of contest music for Class
B schools and will be directed by
several d;rectors from Valley high
school bands.
Pictures of the band, whose
rr:embers appeared in the uniform
of their respective schools, were
also made at this meeting. Only
those students who appeared at
this rehearsal are eligible for the
Members of t he Weslaco band
who attended are as follows:
V>'illiam Krauledat, band dIrec-
tor, Margaret Lucas, Luciclaire
Rankin, Frances Betts, Marjorif'
Sidener, Dorothy Lee Drawe,
Juanita Hood, Dorothy Shull.
Tony Bradford, Hoyt Hughes, Pat
Hingle. Bob Compere, 'Walter 8nd
William Bach, Carl Sims, Neil
Chandler, and Archie Jenkines.
- - - - ~ O r - - - - -
Kay, Scott to Attend
Teachers' Conference
As Delegates
"And Tell of Time"
Has New Meaning
To W. H. S. Studes
"This mOl'mng I got up at
7:30 o'clock, but it was really
6:30. I mean I should have got
up at 6:30, I mean 7:30, but I
didn't get up 'till 7:45- 1 mean
6:45. This put me very late to
school, which now starts at 9:15
o'clock, I mean 10:15; or is it
8:15? Nevertheless, I didn't get
up in time to reach my first
period class!" I
Dn Monday, February 8,
Weslaco Schools began observ-
ing day-light saving t ime by I
moving the schedule ahead
thirty minutes, a,ccording to
Fred E. Kay, superintendent.
School now starts at 9:15, re-
cesses for lunch from 12 to 1
o'clock, and dismisses at 4:15
o'clock. Buses begin running
thirty minutes later according
to day-light saving time, which
is thirty minutes earlier by the
old time.
Is everything clear now?
In the parlor there were three,
He, the parlor lamp, and she,
Three's a crowd, without a doubt,
And so the paiI'lor light went out.
- --- - 0
Vocal Groups, Solos
To Enter Music Meet
At San Benito Mar. 6
7 Seniors Make
"Who's Who"
.From '42 Class
Ten Others Receive
Honorable Mention
In F acuIty Ballot
Letty Lou Cannon, Margaret
Lucas, Carl Fitzgerald, Pat Hin-
gle. Watson Keeney, Tom Soleth-
er, and Albert White were chosen
from this year's Senior Class to
represent the school in "Who's
Who Among Texas High Schools."
These students, all of whom are
outstanding because of their
scholar ship, leadership, character,
sportsmanship. and participation
in extra-curricular activities,
were elected by a faculty com-
Other seniors nominated for the
honor were Dorothy Lee Drawe,
Catherine Farina, Luciclaire Ran-
kin, Marjorie Sidener, Betty Jo
Smith, Rachel Sugg, Bob Com-
pere, Bob Curbo, Johnny Hewlett,
and Archie J enkines. .
Names and brief sketches of
the activities of students will ap-
pear in the book issued by the
American High School Education-
al Association, Baylor University,
- - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
Miss Youngblood (rapping her
desk): "Order, please."
Sam Jones (at the back of the
Approximately 45 members of
room) : "Pepsi-cola for me."
the vocal department, directed by
Miss Geraldine Blumberg and -----0
William Krauledat, will go to ShIrley McCasland
San. Benito March 6 to attend the To Represent W.H.S.
mUSl<:! meets. I DAR pOI 0
Entries for the contest will I:;e ' n . 0 1 grlmage
E.S follows: boys' ensemble, girls' Shirley McCasland has been
chorus, senior mixed chorus. elected as the local representative
Fred E. Kay, superintendent of girls' sextet, girls' trio, boys' quar- in the annual D. A. R. Pilgrimage,
schools, and O. R. Scott, principal tet, mixed quartet, two soprano according to Miss Williemette
at North Ward school, have been solos, Vera ]I,Tortenser., Irene Yo- Andrus, senior sponsor.
elected a'S delegates to represent del'; two alto solos, Tommy Gene At a home roo mrneeting Wed-
the Weslaco Schools at the annual Rives, Carol Jones; one bass solo, nesday morning three candidates
meeting of the South Texas State Pat Hingle; and one tenor solo, were elected by the Senior Class.
Teachers Association to be held ":liatson Keeney. ,Shirley was selected by the vote
in Brownsville March 13, 14, and Each chorus will sing three se- of the faculty. Her name was sent
15. lected numbers, and the small en- to the state D. A. R. Pilgrimage
Mr. Kay and Mr. Scott, who sembies will sing one selected Committee in Austin; and if she
were elected by the faculty, will number. The solos are selected is chosen, she will go to Wash-
participate in the business meet- numbers taken from a list fur- ington.
ing composed of the delegates nished by the National Music Other nominees were Ollie Mae
from very district in South Texas .. Educators' Association. Swinnea and Dorothy Lee Drawe.
Hi there, fellow young Ameri-
cans! Have you smiled today? It
doesn' t hurt; try it-
An incessant hum-drum of
activity took the place of dull
school routine when the annual
popularity contest started last ,
Monday. The contest will run
for two weeks. During that time
various classes will endeavor to
raise money in almost every
conoeiva-ble manner.
Hats off to the high school
classes. Your choice of candidates
was extra swell.
Apology to Shakespeare
There once was a class called
English IV,
Who tried to put on a play;
The play was "Hamlet" and a
stark tragedy, you know
in its own quaint little way.
Not that the thing was very bad,
For it contained - both noble and
But I'm sure if he heard that
massacre there
Dear Shakespeare whirled in
his grave.
With fire in their eyes and a
cry of revenge on their lips, the
Faculty Quintet settled their feud
with the Weslaco Panthers. Those
fellows are good.
Meet the Faculty
Today for your pleasure, we
present one of the most radiant
personalities in school. This
st riking figure is none other -
than Principal A. C. Murphy,
affectionately known to his bas-
ketball mates as "Deadeye."
Lines of worry and slight pale-
ness around the ears mark him
as a typical Roliki sponsor. His
words of wisdom are enjoyed,
if not needed, by all students.
Our principal, though in his
first year at Weslaco, fits in
perfectly with the spirit and
friendHness that characterize
Weslaco High.
"Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue-"
"In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of
love," and on Valentine's Day his thoughts turn not only to love, but
to his pocketbook, also.
If she is only a passing fancy, a card will do-but if she is the
" apple of your eye" nothing less than a gaily decked box of "sweets
for the sweets" will suffice. Sad to say, there are only two more
days for you boys to make your wallet look as though the mice
hadn't been in it!
The only thing to do is give in- and give! Besides, Valentines
Day is a good time to find out if it is you or that other guy she
likes better by comparing your valentines.
To \Vhom It May Concern!
Are you concerned with the contents of this editorial? If you
are, you shouldn't be!
Do you remember the attractive bench the Roliki Club put
on our campus just outside the Senior High building? That bench
was not only a scenic addition to our campus, but it would have
teen treasured schcol pr operty for years. Now, we are sorry to say,
we have several forlorn looking pieces of concrete.
If the RoLki boys can repair tbat bench, we students can try
to see that no more such acts of vandalism occur.
The destruction of that bench was pretty hard to tEke, and we
only hope it doesn't show a lack of pride in our grounds and school.
Defense Posters
l\1ade by Class
A total of 17 National Def"nse
have been compl eted in
the Junior Business Training
Class, accon iing to R. C. 'Nhit-
mill, instructor.
Th e pos ter s, which are the re-
sult of a class project, d escribe
present world conditions ",nd
vocate the buying of jefense
stamps and bonds. They ar e to t e
clisplayed in the school at the
Farm Vlorkers' Oommunity Cen-
ter next week, and will later be
placed in the halls and rooms of
the senior and junior high build-

Jewell Archer, alumnus of Wes-
laco High, was home over the
week-end on leave from Kelly
F'eld in San Antonio. Jewell has
been transferred to Lake Oharles,
Louisiana, where, in addition to
his army work, he will play in a
swing orchestra.
Expect Anything!
Support Everything
The Contest is On!
With the beginning of the pop-
ularity contest, Monday, the in-
genuity of all the classes and
sponsors began to manifest itself
in a concoction of various ideas.
The SCll001 will be fairly hum-
ming with activities and four or
five big assemblies. Just what
these assemblies will be is a deep,
dark secret, tut you can bet that
each class will try to put on a
program which will top the oth-
ers and bring in the "filthy
In addition there will be raf-
f'es and sales galore. "Oh, -that we
had a new tire to raffle; wbatta
gold mine, " say the Seniors.
Come on, studes-open your
pocket-books and shell out the
dough, because the full support
of all is greatly needed by the
Annual Staff in order that they
may give you the kind of annual
you want.
HOlt, H amlel, Wltal H
?noans q ltosl ot
To Award Prizes
In Contest
Shakespeare might have writ-
ten "Hamlet," but not the way
it was presented in assembly
Thursday morning, February 5,
for that was a streamlined mod-
ern version called "Oh, Hamlet,
Where Have You Been?"
The characters presented their
modern lines in songs such as
"We won't Go Home Till Morn-
ing,' "Massa's in the Cold, Cold
Ground," "Oh, Where, Oh Where
Has My Little Dog
"Aloha," "Hot Time in the Old
Town Tonight," "Solomon Levi,"
" My Bonnie Lies Over the
Ocean," "Juanita," "Reuben and
Rachel," "Old Black Joe," Scot-
l:::nd's Burning," "Sweet and
Low," and "John Brown's Body.'"
The blanket-draped, queerly-
costumed figures of the guards,
Paul Fulkerson, Robert Chandler,
and Sanford Lucas, with their
wooden swords and improvised
shields, received a hearty laugh,
especially when they trembled
visibly and added to their m' li-
tar.\' tread a modern dance step.
sang a song.
Johnny Hewlett, as the melan-
choly Hamlet, sang the famous
"To Be or Not To Be" to the tune
of "Juanita," and scorned the love
of the faithful Ophelia.
Annual Oratorical
Tourney to Be
Held by March 7. Dorothy Lee Drawe stole the
show in her part as Ophelia when
she tripped across the stage in I The American Legion of Texas,
her "mad' scene. I co-operating with the National
To the tune of "John Brown's Americanism Commission of the
Body" was sung a verse about the American Legion, is sponsoring a
duel between Laertes (Carl Fitz- High School Orat0rical Contest in
gerald) and Hamlet (Johnny Texas. The local Giles Fort Post
Hewlett) . In the pantomine duel of the American Legion will pre-
with wooden swords both were sent $5, $3, and $2, respectively,
kmed. to wim:!ers of the first, second,
Stage manager Pat Hingle, who and third places in the local con-
L;sed cards to announce acts and kst.
scenes, stabbed himself when he The Constitution of the United
saw that Laertes and Hamlet were States will be the general theme.
dead. Each contestant is to become
Other characters of the stream- familiar with each article and
lined skit were as follows: Vera amendment thereof, specifically
Mortensen as the Queen; Archie <'S it &ppl ies to the subject for
Jenkines as Claudius, the king; 1942-"Provide for the Common
and Albert White as Polonius, Defense."
King's Counselor and father of The contest will be divided into
Ophelia and Laertes; Tom Sole- two parts: Prepared oration,
ther and Joe Barbee as players: : w.hich must be the original effort
and Marion George, Paul Fulker- I of each, contestant and must not
son, and Sanford Lucas as spec- require less than ten minutes,
tators. nor more than twelve minutes for
The sheet-shrouded figure of
Bobby Compere as the ghost of
Hamlet's father stalked across
the stage at intervals and even
______ ---------------------------- delivery; and the extemporaneous
Scribes Approved oration, which must not require
Seven applications for member-
F or Quill and Scroll John Mears Sends less than four, nor more than
Greetings to W.H.S. six minutes for delivery.
Appropriate awards will be
ship in Quill and Scroll made by John Mears, former Weslaco
Miss Louise Bls ck, local sponsor, student, has sent a "Hello" back
have been approved by Edward to .... '1. H. S. from San Diego,
Nell. National Secretary of the v<.'here he is in the naval training
made to district, division, state,
and national winners.
The county contests will be held
on or before March 7, at such
place as may be directed by the
District Chairman.
organization. station.
Mr. Nell commented favorably John wrote to Miss Pearl
on the samples of work submit- Youngblood, his English teacher,
tf' d to him and congratulated the while here, to tell her of his ex-
HI-LIFE staff on winning first periences as a recruit. He is ex-
place award in "Page in Local pecting his company to move on
Paper" division of the state con- to an undisclosed destination soon.
test held at Denotn. John commented on the nice.
He also presented! Miss Black short haircut the navy had given
with a Quill and Scroll Life him, and said that he wondered
Membership card as a token of why they issued combs to every-
appreclation of her interest in the one. He also told of how his com-
work' and progress of the organi- pany had to drill for three
zation. The membership cards re- straight hours as ' punishment for
flect the standing and prestige of
Quill and Scroll, international breaking ranks and! running on
honorary society for high school the way to the barracks one eve-

Panthers Lose Race
F or Class A Title
In Friday's Game
The Ra,mondville Bearkats, led
by Bob Parr, blew the Weslaco
Panthers out of a chance at the
Class-A title by handing the pur-
ple Cagers their third defeat of
the season, a 20-11 setback. The
game was played Friday at Ray-
The Bearkats were already out
of a shot at the title, since they
had been handed three , defeats.
One Act Play Cast is
DeeD in Rehearsals
On Contest Drama
"Will You Be Mine
o Valentine?" It's
That Time Again
Rehearsals are well under way Every year on Fetruary 14
on the third act of the play, "The comes Valentine,
Dm sleepy!- Could it be this Enemy," which is to be present- The time "Little Boy Cupid
new war time schedule? ed in county meet in March. raises his dart,
"Hut-Sut", "Rose O'Day," and Members of the cast have been And pierces the words, "Will
"B-I-By". Do we sound "nuts" to selected, but de.';'nite parts have YOU be mine?"
you? Well, if there were no fee- not been assigned to all of the each and "'very little heart.
ble-minded people in the world, players, according to Miss Dene Pardon this reporter, but we
who would write the words that Bocthe, director. can't help it when it's such pretty
go with popular dance music and The play tells the story of a weather, spring is in the air, and
this column too? typical Austrian family in the everyone's in love. Whoops!
It is nice to have one's boy- World War of 1917. Their hard- We're getting in that "old rut"
friend home. Just ask GENE ships are vividly described in the again. We must be feeling very
GRIFFIN; she knows. dynamic lines of the play. romantic. Er-something! But
Well, JOE, you really are back Two definite types of characters don't you think that those little
in circulation. If you don't think are illustrated in the male roles. lrcy hearts with sentimental
so, ask LORENE VALDEZ and The first is a kindly professor r:othings on them are pretty?
OLLIE MAE SWINNEA. who because of his pacific be- Do any of you really know why
This NEIL CHANDLER. and liefs, had been dismissed from his on that particular day that young
JUDY PREGENZER affair is be- dutes at a large university. The lY'en and women pick their best
coming serious. Saving tires by other is an arrogant merchant friends, or "valentines" ! If not.
having a nice neighbor, NEIL? who is rapidly gaining a vast we'll try to enlighten you on the
Seven couples seemed to have (ortune I::y selling short. His meth- subject.
a very nice time at RAY LO- ods are depriving the poorer Aus- Two men by the name of this
GAN'S party Saturday night. Nice ..rians of money that they need secular celebration. One was a
going, RAY. for the purchase of food. He and martyr, 8t. Valentine, beheaded
How was the trip to Corpus, bis kind are indirectly responsible during a siege of persecution in
DOROTHY LEE? You didn't see for starvation that takes place Rome long ago. The other was a
any army of Navy boys, did you? there. bishop who ch'oked to death on a
I'll bet not! The feminine lead is the daugh- fish bone.
We have a special report from tel' of the professor and much We are sure that you will let a
Donna concerning ROB E R T tl: e same type of person as tear roll down your cheek for this
CHANDLER. It was sent from _ She has a baby and IS _ good saint and will ponder on the
HICHALENE HOLrv!ES' father to do all her power. to "grandeur that was Rome" when
stE. ting that there was too much keep hIm well durmg the trymg rOll receive your Valentine this
gr ass dead from CHANDLERS times. The play ends as the fam- ye:1L
feet tramping to the door. ily l earrs that one of its members
TOM SOLETHER was keeping been killed in action. '
the "'Vagon" alive Friday and
Sunday nights with his presence.
The lucky girls were SHIRLEY
fair or spring fever was over in
a hurry. He dated EILEEN Fri-
night. EILEEN who?
Well, guys and gals, spend
your weekly allowances for your
class candidates, and have a swell
time at the banquet.
Hearts and candy seem to mix
Around this time of year.
But I don't even have a dime
Boy, I am in a fix.
I know it doesn't rhyme.
----- u--' - -
Catherine: "But what has your
boy friend's army career got to do
with his star ing at every pretty
girl he sees?"
Dottie Lee: "Oh, he's in the ob-
servation "corps."
I Marrh 2 Deadline
For Reservation
Of Annual
When the HI-LIFE came out
last week, a mistake was dis.,
covered in the headline of a
story dealing with the final
date for reserving an annual.
The headline stated that a
clown payment must be made
by February 2, while the body
of the story said March 2. The
final date in MARCH 2, and
the HI-LIFE staff wishes to
correct the mistake and to urge
all students who wish an an-
nual to make a down-payment
if they have not already done

Faculty Five Turn
Tables on Purple
Panthers, 56-50
Not forgetting their humiliating
defeat of two weeks ago, the
Weslaco Furious Faculty Five be-
came more furious, it seems, and
polished their shooting. to turn
the tatles on the high ,school
Panthers by defeating them by a
56-50 score last Wednesday af-
Panther Archer started the scor-
ing with a field goal. But, aided
greatly b ythe debatable officiat-
ing of R. C. Whitmill, the Furious
Five, led by "Long John" Little,
responded with a shower of goals.
From there on, the faculty was
never headed.
"Long John" Little was high-
point man with 37 points. Curb a
led the Panthers with 14 points.
50 33 Local Couples Attend Annual
To Be Purchased Girl Reserve Sweetheart Banquet
F or Choral Club
Green, Gold Robes
To Be Used March
in Local Contest
Valentine Theme Used in Decorations,
Program for Colorful Event Held
Friday for Clubs
Approximatel7 two hundred and eighty Girl Reserves and their
escorts attended t he Upper Valley division of the Annual Sweet-
heart Banquet sponsored by the Valley Girl Reserve organizations,
held at the Casa de Palmas Hotel in McAllen Friday night, February
13, at 7:30.
A Valentine theme was carried out in the programs, which were
pink and white leaflets trimmed with tiny hearts printed with "You
and Me" on the ends of the ribbon. The tables were decorated with
Fifty green and gold vestments
will be purchased for the Wes-
1aco vocal department in the near
future, accordnig to Miss Gerald-
ine Blumberg and William Krau-
ledat, directors of the vocal de-
partment. bridal bouquets of pastel flowers.
The robes, which are to be made Martha Rumbel, Valley Girl Reserve president, welcomed the
by parents of the Choral Club guests, and the response was given by Thomas Wade Landry of
members, will be solid green with Mission.
a gold stole printed with a green Decorations for the banquet were arranged by Pharr- San Juan-
"w" as trim. The garments are. to I Alamo. Mission was in charge of the program, and Weslaco made
be made with full body, flowmg the place cards.
sleeves, and square yoke. ,Following the banquet, a dance, sponsored by the Donna Girl
Purchase of the robes made Reserves, was given in the Chamber of Commerce building. Music
possible by the appropnatlOn of for the occasion was furnished by Lee Kohlenberg's orchestra.
$300 the school board and a Those attending from Wesla,co were as follows: Letty Lou Can-
donatlOn of $100 from the Parent- F H ml ' . .
. . non, rances a m, Tommy Gene RIves Robert Wagner ' Marion
Teacher AssocIatIon. . . ' ,
niforms will George, Bobby Moyer, Dorothy MIller, Nell Chandler; Judy Pregen-
xpenses on e u C I F ' t ld E . v B
be paid by dues to be collected zer, ar 1 zgera ; radford, Juan L. Brewer; Neva Jean
from Choral Club members. The Riley, Harlon Block; Nan Hensarling, Billy Joe Taylor; Dorothy
robes are expected to be complet- Lee Drawe, Pat Hingle; Billy Lynn Clark, Joe Allen; Mary Louise
ed by March 6, the date set for .
the Region 9 Vocal Contest and Faculty Softball BaIley, Don Ransom; Shirley
will be used in joint concerts with T earn Organized ,. McCasland, L. J . Cox; Betty Bell,
the high school band. Compere; Frances Betts,
----<0 Others to Be Formed Maur,ce Talbert; Joy Baker, Roy-
Formation of three softball al Talber t ; Vera Mae Schell-
teams from the women faculty hamer, B. R. Guess; Kareene
members of the Weslaco schools Gary, Stevens.
Panthers Lose Last
Game of Season
To Donna, 41-20
The Donna Redskins shot their
way to the District A title by
defea,ting the Weslaco Panthers
by a 41-20 score last Friday af-
ternoon in the Mercedes Gym.
Leading the conference for the
first time this year, the Redskins
needed this victory for an undis-
puted claim to the title. This
was the fourth defeat of the sea-
son for the Panthers, who ended
in third place.
was announced by Mrs. Fred Rob- Jo Ann Egloff, Archie Jenkines;
ertson, chairman, Monday. Ernestine Le Grande, Paul Ful-
High school girl teams repre- kerson; Marjorie Sidener, Al-
senting such organizations as bert White; Luciclaire Rankin
Girl Reserves, band, journalism, George Bradford; Merry
etc., will be organized soon, and I McCasla.nd, Donald Hewlett; Mil-
possibly clubs composed of wo- dred Bnxe.\' . Walter Hope Baxter;
men from various clubs in the city Frances Powell, Knapp;
will also be formed. Norma Crawford, Elmer Egloff;
Games, which will follow a Carol Jones, Bynum Hatley; Car-
schedule now being planned, will leene Robertson, Pete Hall ; Bebe
begin at 5 o' clock on the high Skaggs, J 6.cki e Solether; Grace
school athletic field. The school Milliken, Wilburn Bishop; Mar-
will furnish equipment and ref- garet Lucas, Pete Karam; Maidel
erees, according to Coach Osborne Rotbins, Glen White; Barbara
The Panthers were
the services of their
without Little, who is responsible for the F:sher, Ralph Milliken; Duggie
defensive organization of the teams. Conner and Jolmnv Hewlett
star, Calvin Voelkel, because of These games will continue un- St b'd . .
a finger injury. til spring training for football be- ag 1 s were received by
Rupert Frase looped 21 points gins in about five weeks. stated Jack Frizzell, Wilbert Miller, and
for high scoring honors. . Mr. Little. Ray Logan.
Hello, kind people ..
. V ...
Excuse us. today if we seem
sleepy, but the Sweetheart ban-
quet and Charro Days . all in one
week-end are too much for
your high school reporter.. The
banquet Friday night was
the Charro parade
spoke for. itself (rather our feet
did). This was all topped by the
massed band program ' Saturday
. V .. . _
Now, we want to settle a long
disputed question: " When asked
the proper pronunciation of her
family name, Mr s .. Roosevelt,
"It isa little ' diffiCult to explain
the pronunciation ' of my name
without being able to say it.
However, if you ' think of the
flower, rose, ' a'ndcontTnueas I
am spelling it here-Rose-e-velt
- you will l).ave it right.,"
V." . .
Now that everything ;:hasgone
on a war footing, so have some
of our 'high for
they are wearing: anklets; . how'
ever, some of the other teacllers
are Wearing cott'orihose.. H"RtS
off to you; teachers; .. '
V ...
.:...--- - r=

. . .
( . ... .

Keeping Freedom Alive
From Valley Forge to Wake Island.
From December 1778 to December 1941..
FJ;om Minute Men to Marines,
We have protected our freedom against all oppress::)I"s, l{e-
cently the small handful of men &t Wake Island fought , sacrificed,
and worked for the freedom of our nation.
It was a good thing high I
school was not on fire the other
day Wren' Mr.. Murphy gave the
fire "bell and the students . and
teachers' thought it was ' an air
raid alarm: While we are ob. the
subject, ' during ' air raid. alarms . in
one town in the stu-
dents Sjlg "Deep in the Heart of
Texas',', to keep the morale up ..
You figure . it o ut for yourself.. ago, for the same cause, Washington and his men went
V.. .. .. into winter auarters at Valley Forge. Their march could be traced
"Remember Pearl Harbor," and in the snow by the blood that oozed through the worn shoes of the
r emember " that today 'is "stamp soldiers.
day; truck :1nto the office and buy '" Al::ove all at this critical time we must be loyal to our flag, our

Pictures .for. Annual
Taken This Week
country, . and our ideas, for this is War- a war for the protection
"of our most prized possession, freedom, the pride and heritage of
(Overy one of us. May we always deserve it; may we always have it.
" " Mr. McWilli2ms: "Wi fie, dear,
why. ha::Ven't y' ou . mended these
Pictures of the 4-HClub,
F., the Letterman's socks?".
club; ' and the -basketball team ' Mrs. ' McW.: "Hubby, darling,
were taken this week for the did you buy me that coat for
nual by Irene .Yoder, annual pho C . t .. d?
tographer. The" pictures will be . hns mas, as you promlse ." .
mounted ahd sent to the Steck " .. Mr. McW: "N- o."
Company in the next shipment,! Mrs. McW.: "Well, if youdon,'t
which will leave on February 27. give a wrap, I don' t give a darn."
Quill and Scroll
Initiation to Be
February 23
The Quill and Scroll initiation,
scheduled for Monday, February
16, was postponed. The initiation
will be next Monday, February
23, at 7:30 at the home of Mar-
jorie Sidener ..
Weslaco High
Loses First
Student in War
The war was brought very
close to home last week, when
notification of the death of Fred
Sooter, graduate of 1940 and
member of the Panther footbafi
squad, was confirmed by the Na-
vy Department.
Fred enlisted in the Navy in
June, 1940. At the time of the
Pearl Harbor attack by the Jap-
a nese, he was radio man, third
class, on the U.S.S. Arizona.
On behalf of the Weslaco High
School faculty and student body,
the ill-LIFE extends sincere
sympathy to Fred's parents and
brother, Robert, now e nrolled in
Weslaco High.
Reserve an Annual
This Is Last Chance
Reservations for LA PALMA
must be made by 'the deadline,
March 2, according to Pat Hin-
gle, business manager.
To date, 187 copies have been
reserved; however, the annual
staff is working very-diligently
to reach the, goal of 200 by the
deadline. " ' '
If you want an annual be-
fore it is too lat e, bring your
dollar by March No extra
copIes will be ordered. This
wiil probably be the last an-
nual printed during the dura-
tion of the war.
SOSI We Need Your
Snapshots; Why Not
Come Across?
Do you want your picture in
the snapshot section of the
annual? Well, if you do, bring
the snapshot editors your snap-
shDts by the first of next week.
It is humanly impossible for
the snapshot editors to take
pictures of about 500 students
on or off the campus.
The annual staff will , use
your pictures if they are the
least bit good; in addition, they
will pay the cost of taking the
Remember what you looked
like in your school days! Bring
your snapshots tomorrow.
l\/Ioney to Be Placed
Monday for Contest
Feature Class
Special activities in connection
with the popularity contest got
under way last Tuesday, Febru-
ary 10, when the Senior Class, un-
der the direction of Pat Hingle,
presented "The School's on Fire,"
a farce somewhat on the style of
"Hellzapoppin' ," in a fifth period
On Thursday, February 12, at
the fifth and sixth period, the
Sophomore Class sponsored a
feature length picture in the
auditorium. The sophomores are
also selling chances on ' an annual.
Sections 91 and 9Il of ' the
Freshma,n Class had charge of the
assembly, Monday, February 16,
which featured "Quiz-kid" Lesko,
"Stump - me - not" McWilliams,
"Ask-me-another" Krauledat, and
Winners of the popularity con- _ Little on a
test will be announced in a quiz The freshmen also
special assembly Monday, ac- had a game party at the city hall
cording to an announcement made Wednesda,y night of last week.
by A. C. Murphy, principal, 3t The Junior class was in
the junior assembly program Fri- charge of the entertainment , of. ,",
day morning. Wednesday, February 18" , and a
Friday afternoon is the "dead- dance which is to be given at the
line" set for making money for 1. O. O. F. hall on Friday night;
the various candidates in the ' an-
nual popularity contest, and all
money must be in by 5 o'clock
Friday, Mr_ Murphy stated.
One exception was made for
the benefit of the Junior Class.
In view of the fact that their
dance is not until Friday night,
the money made on that dance
may be placed in the ballot boxes
after the dance.
A combination of a. musical and
a quiz program was presented
Tuesday, February 17, by the 9B
Small admission prices , were
charged for these programs, and
the proceeds will go to the sup-
port of the various C class candi-

"You're a bunch of bums! " nett. it" Hatley. ,
Could this be the once-timid "Neck and neck" describes ' the With a ringing finish, the five
freshmen talking to a group of race between Clara Mae "You've
mighty seniors: Well, it is! When got nothing on me" Isham, Judy
a popularity contest (commonly "I'm the mest beautiful Yankee
known as the "Mid-House Scram- you've ever seen" Pregenzer,
ble") is held in Weslaco High, it's Clara "Lu Lu' Hartness, Betty
everyone for himself. "Lamar" Pugel, and Fern "Sweet-
Leading the pack of beauties, er than Apple Cider" McCasland.
belles, beaus, and handsome boys Coming into the stretch we find
are Marvin "Tyrone" Archer and the nine candidates for belles and
Leo "Clark Gable" La Duke; beaus. Running a good race is
however, these two blonde Ro- Bobby Curbo, the boy for whom
meos have nothing on the ever- the telles toll (Wow!). Making
handsome Robert "Good Looking" ole Bob hustle is Maurice "The
Hartness, who is having tr,ouble Red" Talbert, Newell
with Dewey "Pretty Beak" Bar- Talbert, and Bynum "You name
belles will take their seats to see
who won. Locking fine will be
Margaret "Belle of the Ball" Lu-
cas, Dorothy "Liberty Bell" Mil-
ler, Bebe "The school bell"
Skaggs, ' Mary Louise "A Bailey
there ever was one" (get it?'
Bailey, and Vivian "Bell" Dean.
So with all of these candidates
and a day to go,
You had better forget tomor-
row's show,
Just put your money on the
one you choose,
Al)d you'll feel pretty certain
that you just can't lose.
Good morning, Beaus and
Belles. Glad to see your
faces after such a gorging and .JIV-
ing session as the one last Fnday
night at the Sweetheart Banquet.
Boy did we clean up the place-
but ' seriously, wasn't it swell?
That reminds me. I'll have to
go back to McAllen and get my
breath, for the beauty of MA-
RION GEORGE completely took
it away.
Weslaco's fancy don of the
dance floor, BOBBY "BOOGIE
in the act of giving the
beauties of the Valley dancmg
lessons. He's the boy to do it.
For our part, we think that
Hollywood missed a bet by not
seeing BETTE BELL in her black
lace evening gown. Gorgeous!!
Not to get off the subject of
beauty didn't OLLIE MAE
SWINNEA look alluring in that
taffeta evening gown? Now for the
$64 question, CHANDLER.
Never knew it before, but AL-
BERT WHITE is equally as good
in the ballroom as he is in the
banquet hall.
Although L. J. COX of Donna
had a date with SHIRLEY, you
never would have known it, be-
cause of her overwhelming popu-
larity with the other boys.
shindig with "JO" BENNETT,
and they seemed to be having
plenty of fun.
We can't seem to figure it out.
Why don' t the boys open their
eyes and take notice of BETTY
PUGEL? After all, studes-
Imagine our surprise when a
little bird dropped out of the sky
and told us that WAYNE "SULLY
date with MARY McALPIN. Bet-
ter get busy, MARJORIE.
your gold locket that you got as
a Valentine present. He's in the
army, isn't he?
of another couple's ap-
petite, "PAT" and "DOT" al-
Band Gives Concert \ FROM I
At Lions' <;Iub Show
Tuesday Night . 7.) ;!
The Weslaco high school band, - !
under the direction of William With the humiliating 41-20 de-
Krauledat, presented a thirty- feat by Donna last Frida.y af-
minute concert February 17 at ternoon in the Mercedes Gym,
the Lions' Club Talent Show in came the end of the basketball
the Stephen F. Austin auditorium. season. Playing their last game
The following program was for Weslaco were Marvin Ar-
presented: cher, Jack Frizzell, Tom Sole-
"Star Spangled Banner" (Pre- ther, Bob Curbo, Watson Kee-
sentation of Flag). ney, and Cleetus Goss.
"Stars and Stripes Forever"-
march- Sousa.
"Youth Triumphant" -overture
- Henry Hadley.
"America's Flying Legion"
march- Earl D. Irons.
"Varanne" - symphonette
Morton Gould.
"America- Love It, or Leave
It"-march-Harold Levy.
"Any Bonds Today?" - march
- Berlin.
"School's on Fire,"
Hingle Hit,
Starts Shows
"School's on fire! " given by the
seniors Tuesday, February 10, was
the first of the brainstorms given
by the different classes to raise
money for their candidates.
On the order of "Hellzapoppin,"
jokes were cracked from differ-
ent parts of the auditorium, in-
cluding the balcony, by several
of the seniors.
Other stunts pulled were Ollie
Mae Swinnea's running across the
stage looking for Oscar, who was
Royd Talbert, and Marvin Ar-
cher's walking across the stage
calling for Miss Louise Black. At
first. Marvin carried a little pup;
and every time he came out, his
pup was larger until it finally was
almost as big as he was. Wayne
Whitlock, the escape artist, wasn't
so good at escaping as he was
built up to be, for he had two
chances and didn't get loose. He
met his doom when Pat fed him
a bite of popcorn ball sold by the
The master of
Pat Hingle, who
ceremonies was
also wrote the
Calvin Voelkel ends each sea-
son, it seems, with an injury that
keeps him out of the last game of
that sport.
Since the county and district
meets will be held in Weslaco,
much work will be required in
order to make them run smooth-
ly. The "W" Club is counting
on the squad members and the
juniors to help.
Track takes the sportlight. Wes-
laco has plenty of fast boys that
should go places this season. You
will probably hear more of
"Speedy" Chandler, Keith Mc-
Mullin, Lloyd Brobst, and B. R.

Cards, Invitations
Must Be Ordered
By March 6
March 6 will be the final day
for graduating seniors to place
their orders for personal cards
and invitations. according to Miss
Andrus, Senior Class
Ordering cards and invitations
is optional, the seniors are
not required -to do so; llOwever,
seniors that do place orders must
place them by Friday, March 6.
------0 -------
Band Participates
In Charro Days
most broke up in Brownsville. a date with LYNN YANTIS from
The Weslaco High School Band
appeared in the Charro Days pa-
r ade held on February 14 in
Brownsville. The band also par-
ticipated in the massed entry and
C0ncert held that night at the
Erownsville athletic field. Be-
cause of sickness, which took sev-
enteen members from their ranks,
the band did not give an individ-
ual performance. -
Why can't people be satisfied? Brownsville.
MARJORIE SIDENER has been Remember, studes, whatever
stepping out on us, boys. She had I you do, we'll find it out.
Softball Schedule
Schedult:s for the intramural
softball tournament, which began
Tuesday, were announced by
Coach Osborne Little last Friday.
Ten women and girls
have organized, as follows: Ju-
I'or-senior high school faculty,
Stephen F. Austin faculty, Wo-
men's Motor Corps, Girl Reserves,
Most Handsome Boy and Beau
Chosen by Seniors; Sopbs Get
Beauty, Belle
Total of $259.08 Netted for La Palma;
Seniors Lead Class With $63; Juniors
Contribute $54 to End Second
Pep Squad, Band, Blue " Triangle, Bebe Skaggs, sophomore, was elected belle of the school; Judy
Journalism, Home Economics, and Pregenzer, sophomore, most beautiful girl; Bob Curbo, senior, beau
20-30 Sally Anns. of the school; and Marvin Archer, senior, most handsome boy in
Games will begin promptly at the Popular:ty Contest which ended last Monday. A total of
five o'clock on the high school $209.08 was raised by the five competing classes.
athletic f :eld and will last seven The impatient c.udience twisted and squirmed in their seats
innings. All equipment with the while A. C. Murphy, principal, announced that Bynum Hatley won
exception of individual gloves
the free annual, and that B. R. Guess won the theatre gift book.
will be furnished by the school.
The tournament will last sev- Mr. Murphy devised furiher delay by announciIlg several miscel-
eral weeks, games to be played ic.neous details about t he contest.
every week from Monday to Fri-I F.nally, c.fter so "long a time, the winr;ers were announced
day, inclusive. and introduced to the audience.
Seniors Lead in Funds

Mr. Murphy announced the
amounts raised by the classes to
be as follows: Seniors, $63; Ju-
niors, $54; Sophomores, $44.61;
91 and 9Il, $30.77; and 9IB and
::lIIB, $16.70.
Marvin Archer, senior, was
elected the most handsome boy in
high sohool. Marvin is particular-
l y interested in sports and has
participated in junior-senior foot-
ball, senior baseball, and senior
basketball. He is also a member
of the Letterman's Club.
Judy Pregenzer, a relatively
new student of Weslaco High and
formerly of Delavan, Wisconsin,
W2S elected the most beautiful
The four winning candidates
will be given full page pictures
n the feature sect ion of La Palma.
"Dedsions Important
It may be asked why the Ju-
nior Class, whioh had $54, did not
elect a single oandidate. The
situation is this:
It is a requirement that classes
distribute their funds E.mong their
candidates in percentages of 50,
25, 15. and 10, the class or a
class committee deciding which
percentage shall be placed on
each candidate. It thus behooves
one class either to have a much
Inger fund or to outguess the
other clcsses.
This year, however, because of
the smallness of the Sophomore
Class, which has an enrollment
of only 32 as contrasted with the
in the P?pularity Contest. 180 or 90 members of the other
year she IS a member of the I classes, that class was allowed to
GIrl Reserves and Pep Squad. choose only two candidates ane.
"Belle of the School" is another to distril::ute their funds on a
title that can be added to the list 75-25 percentage.
of Bebe Skaggs' accomplishments.
Bebe, a sophomore, is a member
of the Girl Reserves, Little The-
atre, Future Homemakers, Band,
and tennis.
Bobby Curbo, senior, and win-

reI' of the contest for "Beau of
the School," is president of the
Letterman's ClUb. He is active in
senior football, basketball, Rolile
Club, Annual Staff, HI-LIFE
Staff, and junior-senior track.
Monday was certainly a big
day in the life of little ole W.
H. S., a day of many hopes,
joys, and surprises. We would
like to extend the heartiest of
congratulations to the winning
contestants and to remind ev-
eryone that the annual is the
real winner.
To you that have not bought an
annual, may we say that you are
making the mistake of your life.
In fact, you're nothing short of
a "dope." However, you still have
one week-end in which to buy the
best annual we ever published.
We would like to predict a
degeneration of Weslaco High's
glamor. The organizati()ll - of
g:rls' softball teams is to
bring about skinned that
even the. whitest ,of powders
can't cover up. '
Thanks to Everybody!
Did your candidate win?
The staff is very happy that the Popularity Contest that
ended last Fnday was the most successful one Weslaco High School
has had in recent years.
The friendly rivalry of the cl Bsses, and yet the way in which
they cooperated with each other, is truly commendable.
Many different metheds were used in order t o make money
-,-or the annual. Fun as well as money was the result of these
schemes. The various sponsors' close collaboration w;th the mem-
bers of the.r classes enabled Weslaco high to set a new record i
the financial success of a yearly event. n
As a result of this contest, the annual staff will be able to com-
plete its project without -the aid of ,my additional money-making
Spring Has Sprung-Almost!
Spring 112s almost come, and you know what happens then-
a young man's (and a young girl's) fancy lightly turns to thoughts
of love.
Kids, it's only natural, but don't let it get you down, for six-
Definite efforts are being made weeks' exams are staring you in the face.
by everyone to put the tottering Turn your thoughts to chemist ry, alget,ra, physics, or history;
old school back on its feet. The after you ar e safely through these trying ordeals, you can go
old boy has been knocked reeling back to your puppy-love affairs.
by the splurge of activity which
has surrounded the school for the - What's This School
past two weeks. Seriously, bunch, C . T"') M 'M ,
let's settle down and pass our ,omIng o. y. y.
School Mystery
What became of our junior anJ
senior Cas; novas last Monday?
What unknown destination was
the goal of Leo and Marvin when
they silently stole away into the
midst of early morn ?, Two honor
credits will be given ' by "Sher-
lock" Murphy, investigator on the
case, to any student aiding in the
recapture of the culprits,
Meet the Faculty
Step up and salute Superin-
tendent Kay, our jolly victim
this week. Mr. Kay was once
principal of this high scho{)l and
gained hrs present . position
through ability and hard work.
His ingenious poems and stunts
were missed by all during the
football season. Although not a
great deal can be said for his
basketball ability, his dancing
A practical demonstration of
folk ways and customs occurred in
Mrs. Fred Robertson's sociology
class Tuesday.
The class had been discussing
customs, recipes, remedies, etc.,
that had come down from gener-
ation to generation. When Mrs.
Robertson mentioned an old fam-
ily recipe for chess pie containing
corn meal as one of its ingredi-
ents, the class scoffed at the idea
of putting meal in ' a pie and de-
manded "proof of the pudding."
The instructor's objection that the
price of sugar arid ' eggs prohibit-
ed her from giving a demonstra-
tion was met by the offer of va-
rious members to furnish these
Tuesday Mrs. Rohertson's class
ate chess pie!
routine is superb. _ All in all,
he's A-I!
I'll be with you again.
for me, will ya?
So wait
Junior Dance Proves
Enjoyable Affair
Approximately one hundred
pee-pIe attended the Junior Dance
held Friday, February 20, at 8:30
in the Odd. Fellows' Hall. -
, Musicwas furnished by Randy
Becker's Orchestra, and a nick-
elodian was used during intermis-
Chaperons for the .dance were
l'/Jesdames G. W. Savage, F. J.
Wagner, IJ.. Lantz, Norris Richey,
and Lelia Carrothers, class spon-
Lettermen's Club
To Sponsor Meet
The Weslaco High School Let-
termen's Club will sponsor the
county track meet that is to be
held on Barbee Field March 21.
If agreed to by the district com-
mittee, the district track meet will
also be held in . Weslaco, two
weeks after the County Meet. All
Class A and Class AA schools are
eligible to compete.
Well, with our shining faces
battered from those boxing
matches last Thursday and Fri-
day, we are ready to get back to
the hum-drum of school life. Our
pocket books need a rest, too.
Just ask JIMMY MOYER and
BILLY SOLETHER how they lik-
ed the fights.
ing the out-of-town girls the line
over the week-end. No, not their
techniques, just spaghetti. Inci-
dentally, the girls were POLLY
That "HATHAWAY" boy and
jiving and swinging at that ju-
nior dance Friday night.
Odd Fellows' Hall was host to
a swell dance Friday night, so we
hear. Nice going, juniors.
The seniors also gave a dance
Wednesday night in the school
cafeteria. Nice place for a dance,
showing that beauty, JUDY
PREGENER, around at the hop,
seeing too much of that boy from
Brownsville. He was at Mercedes
Sunday afternoon to hear her
play in the band concert. What's
his name, MARJORIE?
giving the girls a good ride for
their money Sunday afternoon.
Could they have been VIVIAN
CLECKLER had a wreck in Mer-
cedes Sunday afternoon. These
telephone poles really get in the
way, don't they, HILDA?
SUE (MERT) were really cuttin'
a rug at the Junior Dance. Was
that you, MERT?
giving the members .of RANDY
BECKER'S orchestra a break by
dancing with DICK WHITE) and
RANDY himself.
Keep the slates clean, and we'll
see you next week.
W.H.S. Not to Enter
Hard Baseball
League This Year
After several conferences, the
question of whether Weslaco High
School should enter a Valley hard
baseball league, was definitely
settled, with the administrators
and coaches concurring in the
opinion that it would be unwise
to participate in the sport this
Among the many reasons ad-
vanced for not entering baseball,
are the excessive cost of equip-
ment, time that will be taken
from other sports, the fact that it
does not reach enough boys, and
would interfere with a general
spring intramural program which
should , reach every boy of high
school age.
The transformation of the dog-
house and surrounding vicinity is
astounding. The doghouse under-
went a thorough cleaning as the
result of a fresh coat of paint in
the office. New shower heads
were installed, and part of the
showers underwent a painting.
The pick and shovel crew in-
dustriously dug a new pit and
filled up the old one, while the
rest of the athletes helped Coach
Henson layoff the track.
The lettermen were put in
charge of different committees
with several squadmen and ju-
niors under them.
With all this work, Weslaco
"During these times of emer-
gency, when our government is
stressing a more far-reaching pro-
grs.m in physical education, some
forms of competitive athletics will should have a good place to hold
be forced to step aside, and with I the track meets. There is still
athletic debts to pay, baseball more work needed, however.
The tennis players will sta,rt
working out with Mr. McWil-
liams the latter part of ihis
week or the beginning of next
will have to be the victim," stated
Superintendent Fred E. Kay.
"Weslaco plans a rather exten-
sive spring track program, which I
does not bring up the problem of I
transport E tion that hard baseball I _______________ _
requires. This will be followed by
spring training period n football, I .
with the last month of school be-
ing devoted to a softball intra-
mural program for all boys,"
Students! Notice!
When you try to order paper
towels from practically every
agency in the country and you
receive the same answer in ev-
ery instance, you begin to real-
ize that we are at war, and
that there is a real scarcity in
certain materials that before
were considered common. WE
TOWELS, so help us conserve
the supply that we have on
hand, because when those are
all gone you will have to use
your petticoat or shirt sleeve.
REMEMBER, to make every
towel last to the utmost.
- Fred E. Kay,
-Fred E. Kay, Supt.
Many stories are told of a .
certain section of the South
where the inhabitants are not:"
ed for their longevity, but none
better illustrates the view the
n atives take of the matter than
"Your father must be get-
ting pretty well on in years,"
said a cousin from the city to
a farmer.
"Yes; pap's nigh on to nine-
"Health good?"
"No; not just now. He ain't
been feeling himself for some
time back."
"What seems to be the trou-
"I don't know. Sometimes I
think farming don't agree with
him any more."
THE WESLACO HI-LIFE; ,OtEBRttARY'26, 19'42 0-,
Scribes Initiated
In Quill and Scroll
l'Itonday Night
Seven members of the Journal--
ism class were' formally and in-
formally initiated into Quill and
Scroll, honorary journalism socie-
ty, at a meeting held at the home
of Marjorie Sidener, Monday eve-
ning, February 23.
Margaret Lucas, president of
the local chapter, was in charge
of the ceremony, with Betty Jo
Smith, Dorothy Lee Drawe, Mar-
tha Purl, Robhy Good, Mary
Louise Guenther, Tony Guerra.
and the sponsor, Miss Louise
Choral Clubs
To Give First
Concert Sunday
Sacred and Secular
Numbers to Form
The Weslaco vocal groups will
present their first public con-
cert Sunday, March 1, in the Ste-
phen F. Austin auditorium at 3
o'clock, according to William
Krauledat and Miss Geraldine
Blumberg, directors.
Black, ass:sting. The girls' chorus, consisting of
Following the impressive can- 34 members, will sing the fol-
dlelight ceremony, which consti- lowing numbers:
tuted the formal initiation, the "The Old Woman and the Ped-
new members were put through dler" _ EngLsh folk melody.
various ordeals signifying their "Chorale (Jesu, Joy .of Man's
informal entrance into the club, Desiring) " _ Bach.
after which refreshments of "Lullaby" _ Noble Cain.
cheese sandwiches, chocolate The selections for the boys' cho-
cakes, and fruit punch were rus hc:ve not-as .ret-been defi -
served. nit ely choSen, stated Mr. Kraule-
Membershp cards were pre- da;.
sented to Letty Lou Cannon, Ma- 0.-----
rion George, Luciclaire . Roliki Club Plans
Eleanor Mortensen, MarJone Sld-
49 Vocal Students
To Enter Contest
In San Benito March 6
Approximately forty-nine Wes-
laco High students will go to San
Benito March 6 to attend the
music meet.
Entries for the contest will be
as follows:
Girls' sextet - Jean Shuford,
Ilene Bishop, Martha Sansing,
Ruth Pinson, B]lie Marie Daney,
Geraldine McMullin; mixed
::;uartet - Howard Findley, Al-
bert White, Vera Mortensen,
Tommy Ge:1 e Rives ; girls' trio -
Irene Yoder, Marjorie McBride,
Carol Jones; boys quartet-Niel
Chandler, Pat Hingle, Watson
Keeney, Albert White.
SopraI'o solcs - Vera Morten-
sen, Irene Yoder; alto solos -
Tommy Gene, Carol Jones; bass
solo - Pat Hingle; t enor solo -
Watson Keeney; girls' chorus ; se-
nior mixed chorus.
Each chorus will s'ng two re-
quired and one selected number,
and the small ensembles will sing
two selected numl::ers. The solos
I e selected numbers taken from
I a 1:st issued by the National Mu-
sic Educators' Association.
ener, Irene Yoder, and Pat Hin-I Campus PrOject
gle. As has been the custom for Projects for improving the n>-----
several years, the Quill and' campus were discussed at the WID H ld
Scroll pins will be - presented in regular meeting of the Roliki es aco, onna 0 ;;
assembly. Club, Wednesday, February 18. Practice Debate
The club rrembers. w:ll t ake
time from their school work to
engage in the project that will
be specified next week.

Sixteen Students
Appear in Contest Altert White, president, ap-
po:nted a committee consisting of
A total of 16 local band stu- Joe B2.rbee, Tom Solether, J chn-
dents pc:rticipated in the concert ny Hewlett, and Bob Compere to
given Sunday afternoon, Febru-'
ary 22, in the Mercedes high
schGol auditorium at 3:30, accord-
ing to William Krauledat, direc-
submit different ideas for pro-
jects and the cost of each.
Paul Fulkerson, Robert Wag-
ner, Joe Barbee, and Carl Fitz-
gerald were then run through the
belt line for disorderly conduct.
A practice debate was the fea-
ture of a joint meeting of the .Wes-
laco and Donna debate teams,
Wednesday, Februsry 18, in Room
12 of Weslaco High.
"Resolved, That the Federal
Government should adopt the pol-
icy of equaliz:ng educational op-
portunity throughout the nation by
means of annual grants to the
several states for public elemen-
tary and secondary education,"
Was the subject of debate.

The smoke has cleared, and the students who roam the halls of
sound of battie has faded into a our school. There'll come a day
distant rumble. At last the cam- when Bobby Compere's name will
pus of dear old W. H. S. has a be engraved on the heavyweight
chance to catch its breath and ut- ' champions' belt, and La Duke
ter "All's well that ends well." will be asked to join Earl Car-
Not only did the contest de- roll's dancing beauties.
cide who would hold the four ti- Coach Little is destined to be
tles, but it also uncovered hidden s;tting with Franklin Adams, John
talents among the teachers and Kieran, and Oscar Levant on the
program "Information, Please/';
and Mr. Lesko will be matching
ris br?in with that of the " Quiz
Kids." What could be more like-
ly than Pat Hingle as master of
ceromon; es for "Eatum Andgag
Tootsies" on a national hookup?
Mert's name will be .put in lights
from Hollywood to Broadway as
"Mert, the Second Hepburn" and
the "First Lady of the Stage."
15 Ho. Ec. Girls
Complete Home
Nursing Study
Students Finish
35-Hour Course
With Test Tuesday
Fifteen Homemaking IV girls
are finishing their home nursing
course with a three-hour test ex-
tending from Wednesday, Feb-
ruo.ry 25, through Tuesday, March
3, according to Mrs. R. B. Han-
kal, school nurse, who has been
giving the ' course.
Classes were held twice a week
until recently, when they have
been given every day. Although
it was supposed to have been a
twenty- hour course, the girls
have taken approximately thirty-
five hours.
Many Subjects Taught
Subjects studied were as fol-
lows: nutrition, the care of the
teeth, the care of the body, the
count of the pulse, the reading of
a thermometer, the making of
sanitary tandages in an emer-
gency, and artificial respiration.
They also learned how to make a
bed with a patient in it and to
bathe a patient in bed. Improvis-
ing home equipment, infant care,
and preparation of food for the
sick were also studied.
Project lliustrated Course
A miniature hospital and bat-
tle field were made by Margie
L ee Sansing, Rachel Sugg, Maidel
Robb:ns, and Irene Yoder as a
project to put in the bookcase.
The hospital was made out of
cardboard with leaden soldiers
in five-cent beds to represent the
wounded patients. The back-
ground of t he battle field was
painted by Maidel Robbins.
Red Cross certificates will be
irsued to t hose st udents who make
above 75 on the test.
Gir ls taking the course are
Kareene Gary, Martha Sansing,
Maidel Robbins, Margie Sansing,
Rachel Sugg, Faye Whitlock, Ma-
bel Cleckler, "Gerry" Gipson,
Irene Yoder, Geraldine McMul-
lin, Gertie Nell Dillard, Jean
Rousseau, Carmen Gonzales, Elo-
ise Zuniga, Isabel Alvarez.
Voc. Ag. Boys Build
Station, Learn
Blacksmith Trade
A miniature experiment station
is being conducted by the voca-
tional agriculture students under
the supervision of Austin Elli-
son, instructor.
Just south of the agriculture
building an acre of tomatoes has
been planted. Four varieties -
Rutger s, Master Marglobe, Stokes-
dale, and Valient-have been us-
ed in an effort to determine
which is best for this section of
the state.
West of the building some 300
sour orange trees have been bud-
ded. Those have been sold and
will be moved in a few weeks.
To the east, nine acres of corn
will be planted, different varie-
ties of seed being u sed.
In addition to crop experimen-
tation, a good deal of blacksmith
work is being done by the boys.
A campaign to repair farm ma-
chinery has been begun. Any
farmer who needs repair work
done on his tools is asked to bring
them to the Vocational Agricul-
ture building. The boys will do
the work for a nominal price.
They will also buy old equipment
and repa:r it or sell it for junk.
--------' 0--------
Boothe Names Final
Cast for Play
After weeks of deliberation and
trial casting, a definite one-act
play cast has been chosen, ac-
cording to Miss Dene Boothe, di-
rector. Miss Boothe made the an-
nouncement l Est Wednesday night
at play rehearsal.
Parts are to be taken as follows:
Catherine Farina will play Pauli,
the feminine lead. The Professor,
a gentle mantut a determined
lover of j ustice, will be portrayed
by Pat Hingle. Mizzi, Pauli's
rather embittered friend, will be
taken by Bebe Skaggs. Grace
Milliken will appear as Baruska,
the country maid. Behrend, the
arrogant father-in-law of Pauli,
is to be characterized by Johnny
Hewlett. Archie Jenkines will be
seen as Jan, a shell-shocked Aus-
trian soldier.
The play will be presented in
assembly soon and will be enter-
ed in the One-Act Play contest in
. March.
"Things Worth
Keeping" 'r opic
Of Talk Friday
Dr. Wm. Wallace
To Speak to
Joint Assembly
Dr. William H. Wallace, .Jr.,
pastor of the First Methodist
church of Corpus Christi, will
speak tomorrow to the general as-
sembly on "Things Worth Keep-
ing.' He has spoken on this
ject on a great many occasions.
Dr. Wallace is one of the best
speakers in South Texas, and he
is well-known throughout the
Weslaco High has secured this
privilege because of the fact that
he is to be in town to speak at
the annual Chamber of Commerce
banquet Friday night.

Softball Games
End First Week;
Games to Continue
The . Women's Motor Corps, the
Home Ecnomics girls, Blue Trian-
gle, and the Pep Squad were the
winning teams in the first week
of play in the softball tourna-
ment, according to Coach Osborne
The Motor Corps defeated the
Scr :bes 36-6 Tuesday afternoon
of last week and they defeated
the Girl Reserves 20-10 Monday
afternoon of this week. The fac-
ulty team went down before the
Home Economics girls Wednes-
day, 22-10. In a close game be-
tween the Girl Reserves and Blue
Triangle Thursday, the Blue Tri-
angle won, 12-11, While on Fri-
day the Pep Squad handed the
Band a 34-5 defeat .
Other games to be played this
week include the Homemakers
and the Bandon Tuesday, the
Journalism and Faculty on Wed-
nesday' the Blue Triangle and
Pep Squad, Thursday, and the
Motor Corps and Band FridaY.
Hello, Everybody!
Now, that the six weeks' exams
are over and the students have
relaxed until the end of the next
six weeks, we, the students, have
begun to notice Nature's doings
around the campus. The trees are
coming out, the grass is green,
and the flowers are blooming.
Look around. Our campus is one
of the prettiest in the Valley.
Don't you think so?
V ... -
According to Lawrence Tib-
bett, sections like the Valley
have become more musically-
minded. This seems to hold true
in Weslaco. for more and more
students have been seen at the
concerts. The crowd at the all-
Valley Band was almost all stu-
dents, and Sunday the Choral
Club had a fair attendance from
the high school.
V . .. -
Have you kept up on the latest
fad? These open shoes (or are
they shoes?) are a big piece of
leather with two or three straps
to hold them on. They are natural
colored and have small gold buck-
Here's to You!
Well, what do you know?
It's March again- contest time is just around the corner.
The Choral Clubbers will be off Friday for their meet, and we
want them to know that they, like the Panthers, ,have a twelfth
man on their team.
Then, too, tennis is getting under way, the t and is working
on its numbers, and the debaters are going to Yoakum Thursday
at noon.
Everybody's 100% behind you, gang, and all we can say is,
"More power to you!"
Did You Make the Roll of Honor?
Are you going to be on the honor roll when those cards come
out today,!
Time has flown by these last few months, and here the time
h2s arrived for report cards. Will your papa be awfully angry when
you take your r eport card home today?
Each year along about this time subjects become boring, l ec-
tures become monotonous, and everyone is drowsy. But just think,
if you are able to keep your grades up, you may not have to remain
in school another year.
Just because spring is here and with spring comes fever, let's
not forget to be stUdious studes.
les. For further information, see ' Schools to Dism.iss
Dorothy Lee, Marion, Merry M h 13
Want Your Picture
In the Annual?
Just Tell Us!
Ferne, or anyone of a number of FrIday, _arc , .
our Weslaco belles. The Weslaco schools will be
-----0 dismissed on Friday, March 13, in
Universities Join order that the faculties may at-
I D f Eff
tend the annual meeting of the
n e ense ortSouth Texas Teachers' Associa-
Because of the war, the Texas tion, according to Fred E. Kay,
Agricl,lltural and Mechanical Col- superintendent.
lege of College Station and Tex- Mr. Kay and O. R. Scott, prin-
as Unversity of Austin will con- cipal at the North Ward school,
tinue school throughout the sum- will be Weslaco's official dele-
mer in order to accelerate the gates to the house of representa-
- - - - - - - - ~ o ~ - - - - - - - -
education of those students who tives.
wish to finish college in two
To Attend First
years and eight months.
The University of Texas has
established a Naval R.O.T.C. unit
so that students may receive
training in this type of work;
however twelve month attendance
is not compulsory.
Report cards will be given out
at home room periods Thursday
during the last half of the sixth
period, according to A . C. Mur-
phy, principal.
Q. & S. Meeting
A brief business meeting will
follow a luncheon of the Quill
and Scroll Club to be held in
Room 203 today at noon, accord-
ing to an announcement made by
Margaret Lucas, president. This
meeting will be the first meeting
to be attended by the seven new
members who were initiated only
last week.
Ten years from today, would
you like to look back at your
school annual and see picture
after picture of your friends-
But None of Yourself? Well.
here's your chance to avoid it!
Since there are to be eight
more pages of snapshots in the
annual, many more pictures
must be taken. If you want
your picture included, just let
the snapshot editors, Luciclaire
Rankin and Bobby Compere,
know, and they will see to it
that it is taken.
Pictures of boys who have
graduated from Weslaco High
and are now in the service of
their country are also wanted
in order to prepare a page just
for them. Pictures in uniform
are preferred. If you have any
or know of anyone who has
any, please send them to Lu-
ciclaire Rankin, Weslaco.
Faculty Committee
To Pick Text Books
For 1942-43 Term
Faculty Committee--
A committee consisting of six
faculty members will choose the
textbooks to be used for the
1942-43 school term in English
compositiOl:;, Spanish, general
science, and biology at a meeting
to be held this week, according to
Fred E. Kay, who is head of the
The books will be chosen for
the above courses from a multi-
ple list issued by the State Board
of Education.
The textbook committee con-
sists of Miss Louise Black, Miss
Pearl Youngblood, J . W. McWil-
liams, John Lesko, A. C. Murphy,
and Fred E. Kay.
"Our Part in Defense"
Is Feature Talk
At F. H. T. Meeting
"Our Part n Defense," a talk
given by Chester Fitzgerald,
Commander of the American Le-
gion, was the chief feature of the
regular Future Homemakers'
meeting Tuesday night, Febru-
ary 24.
At the opening of the meeting
30 Ann Egloff played two piano
Debate Students
To Leave Today
For Yoakum
J 2 Pupils, Teachers
To Attend 4-Day
Nine members of the Debate
Club will leave today at noon for
Yoakum to attend a debate tour-
nament for Southwest Texas.
The debaters and teachers ac-
companying them will be guests
in Yoakum homes.
Two cars will take the follow-
ing contestants: Helen Frances
Pace, Betty Jo Smith, Catherine
Farina, Jo Ann Egloff, Marjorie
Sidener, Mildred Brixey, Carl
Fitzgerald, Walter Hope Baxter,
and Alvin Hansen.
Teachers accompanying the
group will be A. C. Murphy, John
N. Lesko, and the sponsor, Mrs.
Fred Robertson.
Typhoid Shots to Be
Given to Students
Tuesday Morning
Vocal Groups, Solos
To Enter Contests
Friday, Saturday
Senior choral groups of the 10-
eval vocal department will jour-
ney to San Benito this week end
to participate in the annual Re-
gion IX Vocal Contests to be held
Friday night and Saturday morn-
ing, according to William Kraule-
dat and Miss Geraldine Blumberg,
Girls' chorus are scheduled to
begin at6 o'clock Friday eve-
ning. Boys' chorus and the mix-
ed chorus will sing later in the
Solo and small ensemble events
will take place Saturday morn-
ing. In solos Weslaco will te rep-
resented by the following: Vera
Mortensen, Irene Yoder, soprano
solos; Tommy Gene Rives, Carol
Jones, alto solos; Pat Hingle, bass
solo; and 1,lI1atson Keeney, tenor
Since the material for the green
and gold vestments did not ar-
rive, the girls will wera floor-
length dresses, and the boys dark
suits, white shirts, and how tie.
------0)-- -----
l \ l n ~ s Pirson: "Is
mother' s signature?"
Joe Barbee: "Yes,
I could write it."
this your
as nearly as
solos and Alice Haley sang sever- Typhoid shots will be given Students are asked to turn in
al numbers. Tuesday morning to any students their names at the office if they
Following the program, Mrs. who wish to take them, by Dr. I wish to have these shots in or-
Charles Ferguson handed out Joe May, county health doctor, der that the doctor will know how
choice sl'ps to girls that would according to Mrs. R. B. Hankal, much material to bring.
like to hold an office next year. school nurse. I Anyone who does not know
After the program and bUSi-1 This is a series of three shots, whether or not he has had the
ness meeting, Letty Lou Cannon, and all three must be taken for i shots last year may check with
I' ostess, . served refreshments. any results. ' Mrs. Hankal in her office.
Interviewing Lawrence Tibbett,
f amous baritone of the Metropoli-
tan Opera Company, was a thrill-
ing experience to the three jour-
nalism students, Letty Lou Can-
non, Marjorie Sidener, and Irene
Yoder, who went to Edinburg
Wednesday morning, accompanied
by A. C. Murphy, principal.
The reporters found Mr. Tibbett
to be a very handsome and friend-
ly person. He has just finished
his eighteenth year with the
Metropolitan Opera Company and
his seventeenth year on the con-
cert stage.
Although Mr. Tibbett is a strong
advocate of presenting operas in
the English language, his favor-
ite operas are "The Master Sing-
ers" by Wagner, and "Simon Boc-
canoga," by Verdi.
Not only does Mr. Tibbett sing
in operas, but he has made seven
movies, which he has enjoyed
very much, though he would rath-
er sing before an audience.
Mr. Tibbett made his first pub-
lic appearance in 1917 in Los
Angeles, and his first engagement
with the radio was in 1922.
He was born at Bakerfield,
California. Mr. Tibbett enjoyed
talk:ng about his five sons. His
oldest boy is in the army, while
another one is in Yale University,
and one in the University of Cali-
fornia. His 8-year-old son is tak-
ing violin lessons from Jascha
Heifetz' s father, who taught
Jascha how to play. Mr. Tibbett
h2S a 100-acre farm in Connecti-
cut, as well as a large home in
New York.
Good morning, Mr. and Mrs.
"Want to know it all?" Let's go to
press and tell off on some of the
Flash! It has been rumored and
now officially -confirmed that
LAND, after several weeks of
lonely separation; are again so so
about each other. Shucks, that
isn't news.
Hold it, everybody; we have
some hot news for you all. Af-
ter prying around for several
hours, we finally choked the
news out of "SWINNEA" that she
has given JACK KYLE, from
Edinburg, a "steadY-' date ott Fri-
day night.
It might be noted in the girls'
softball games that the appear-
ance of the player is first ; the
game comes second. A broken
fingerpail gains more attention
from the players than a home run.
After explaining the term
"walk" to a player, Coach
Whitmill was asked, "Is that
good for our side?"
Tryouts will be held tomorrow
for track and field events. Under
the guidance of Coach Little,
Coach Henson, and Coach Whit-
mill, Weslaco's tracksters have
good possibilities for county and
d:strict meets.
"Wanted!" A job nearer Wes-
laco. so i can see MARJORIE I
MCM'tJLLIN ..... f.or if you don't, w .. e'll .
tell everybody that you used to
grind show tickets up with your
Members of the tennis team
who have started working out
are Catherine Farina, "Be be"
Skaggs, Dorothy Lee Drawe,
Watson Keeney, Carl Fitzgerald,
Hilda Bair, Royal Talbert, Wil-
bert Miller, Hoyt Hughes, Alvin
Hansen, John Emery, Hilda
Bail', Molly Hinojosa, Charles
Pollokowski, Bob Dennison, and
Boots . Compere. Tryouts will be
held this and next week.
While at the McAllen Sub,..Deb
Dance Friday night, we were de-
lighted to see several prominent High School couples
there. Giving the dance floor fits
were PAT and "DOTTIE LEE,"
HOYT and MARJORIE, and that
man abouftown, BOBBY COM-
PERE, who hardly had time to
dance, what with a crowd of
girls gathered around him every
moment of the. time.
Can you keep a secret? You
can? Well, LEO "HATHAWAY"
LaDUKE has finally come arounq
to the point where he even no-
tices that DOROTHY MILLER is
enrolled in our fair school.
That reminds us: CATHERINE
CARINA, you owe this column 15
cents and you'd better pay it, or
Our favorite song, now that
JUDY PREGENZER has won the
"Most Beautiful Girl" title, is
"I Don't Want to Walk Without
You" !
We wonder which one of the
Bradford twins "TALLY TAL-
BERT has fallen head over heels
for? The right girl is very lucky,
if you want our opinion, (Oh! you
- - - - ~ - - - o ~ ~ - - - - -
Vocal DelOartment
Presents First
Concert Sunday
An appreciative audience at-
tended the Weslaco Vocal De-
partment's Lrst concert last Sun-
day afternoon in the high school
The program consisted of num-
bers by the' Mixed Chorus; the
Girls' Chorus, and the Boys' Cho-
rus. Other selections were ren-
dered by soloists and small en-
sembles. The entire concert was
under the combined direction of
William Kreuledat and Miss Ger-
aldine Blumberg, who also acted
as accompanists.
For the concert girls wore
floorlength dresses, while the
boys wore . dark suits, white
shirts, and black bow ties . .
"What a Price to
Pay!" Groan Quill
and Scroll Initiates
"Hear yeo Hear yeo The seven
tonored pre-scribes are all invit-
ed to attend the del ightful (oh
yeah?) party to be given in hon-
or of them. (And talking about
-being embarrassed. You know-
as if you had gone to a prom
shirtless or had handed a note to
the wrong boy! That isn't the
half of it when one boy ended up
with six girls at this party!)
"The menu is to be as follows:
But first, you must crawl under
the dining room chairs. That is to
get your appetite up er some-
thing. You will have a delightful
mixture of clabber milk, olive oil,
soda, and all of the "test goodies."
Then, a gently smeared layer of
honey all over your f ace with a
fine coating of flour will be your
"Oh, yes, you shall wear some
pretty (preferably slept in) pa-
jamas, a-la- blanket draped grace-
fully about your shoulders. Cover
your little tootsies with some
house shoes and wear a necktie
around your neck. Also have a
very fresh look with the wind-
bown type of hair (no combing)
and the innocent looking face (no
cosmetics) ."
The above was the very, very
formal invitation that was sent to
the seven scribes to be initiated
into the Quill and Scroll Club. We
could say more, but we are one
of the initiated and- well-
- - - - - - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
Annual Adds Pages
As Result of Drive
For Reservations
An extra eight pages of snap-
shots will be added to the LA
PALMA as a result of the suc-
cessful campaign, which end-
ed Monday at 1 o'clock with a
total of 225 subscriptions.
The last shipment of pic-
tures for the annual, which is
SCheduled to be sent by March
24, will be followed in April
by copies of the HI-LIFE to
be bound in the back of the
book. The annual will be ready
for distribution some time in
May, according to Pat Hingle,
business manager.
G irls'Debate
Teams Reach
Farina, Pace, Smith,
Brixey Compose
Winning Groups
Two of the girls' debate teams
reached quarter-finals in the
tournament held at Yoakum Fri..,
day and Saturday, March 6 and
7, according to Mrs. Fred Rob-
ertson, sponsor. The third girls
team and the boys' team were
eliminated in the preliminaries.
The group left Weslaco Thurs-
day at noon, arriving about 7
o'clock in Yoakum, where they
stayed in private homes.
The preliminaries, which were
held Friday, consisted of five de-
bates, t hree of which must be won
before a team was eligible for the
quarter- finals.
Friday night the group attend-
ed a hot- dog supper sponsored
by the Chamber of Commerce and
a dance held later in the evening.
Catherine Farina and Helen
Frances Pace made up the A
team; Mildred Brixey and Betty
Jo Smith composed the B team;
Marjorie Sidener and Jo Ann Eg-
loff constituted the C team; and
Carl Fitzgerald, Alvin Hansen,
and Walter Baxter alternated to
make up the boys' team. Albert
White was unable to make the
trip because of the conflict with
the vocal contests.
The group was accompanied by
A. C. Murphy, principal, John N.
Lesko, and Mrs. Robertson.
Honor Rolls Are Largest Of Year;
Total Of 126 Students Listed
Rolls Include 66 Girls, 60 Boys; Seniors
Lead Classes With 30; Juniors Have 21
Sophs Make Superior for First Time
The honor rolls for the fourth six weeks totaled 126 students, ac-
cording to A. C. Murphy, principal, Of this number, 21 achieved the
superior honor roll, 51 the honor roll, and 54 honorable mention.
Students making the honor rolls are as follows :
Superior Honor Roll (All A's)
12th: Carl F;tzgerald, Watson Keeney, Margaret Lucas,
Smith, Rachel Sugg, Albert White.
11th: Frances Betts, Armando Cuellar, John Emery.
10th: Jo Ann Egloff, Jean Hall.
91: None.
Betty Jo
9Il: John Knapp, Ruth Pinson, Frances Powell, Loydelle Steven-
son, Jane Weber.
9BI: Donald Dorman.
9BII: Imogene Vernon.
81: Mary Ann Burton, Bob Dennisop..
81I: Dorothy Henderson.
8III: None.
Holor Roll
(3 As; other grades B) II Harriet Boese, Roy Brockette,
12th: Luciclaire Rankin, Eileen Bobbs' Compere, John L. Cox.
Rogers, Dorothy Lee Drawe. Jack Frizzell, Marion George,
11th: Douglas Parker, Dorothy [. Phyllis Hoge, Vera Mortensen,
Shull, Maurice Talbert,Eleanor. Johnny Hew. lett, Calvin Lyons,
Vos, Irene Yoder, Joy Baker, Wal- Marjorie McBride, Shirley Mc'-
tel' Hope Baxter, Robert Bradford, I Casland Keith McMullin Ger-
Howard Findley, Antonio Guerra. ! aldine 'McMullin, Mary' Louise
10th: Zela Mae Dietrich. Bar- I Mustain, Royal Talbert, Pat Hin-
bara Fisher, Gerald Gholson, J u - gle, Archie Jenkines. l\1ary McAl-
dy Pregenzer, BebeSkaggs. pin.
91: Mary Louise Bailey, Herce- 11th: Ralph MilI:ken. John Os-
La Garza. borne, Kenneth Robert
9Il : Carol Jones. Wagner. Maria Aguilar, Alvin
9BI-Ann Frizzell, Clara Lou. Hansen, Herman Henry, Joy
Hartness, Walter Bach, Bettie Jackson.
Marie Carr, Amelia Cirilo, Theo 10th: William Rogers.
9BIl- Yolando Johnson, otte..
Fay McFarland Mildred Schreck
yv"onne Jimmy Moyer.
Inspector Visits
Weslaco Schools
'Olen Parker.
91: Dawn Akerman, Helen Ar-
cher, Arturo Cuellar, Billy Marie
Daney, Leonard Emery, Dennis
John D. Hayes, deputy state
sUperintendent for South Texas,
visited in the local public schools
Thursday afternoon March 5, ac-
cording to Fred E. Kay, superin-
Although this was not an of-
ficial inspection, Mr. Hayes visited
in the library, shop department,
and at the newly- established
school at the Farm Workers' Com-
munity. !
8I- Ida Mae Allen, Nancy Al -
len, Kathryn Ault, Ballard Ben-
nett, Gustavo De Leon, Alma
Hays, Bobby Frank Koester.
8Il : Refugio Garza, Odell God-
win, Margaret Hewlett, Doris
8IlI- Baker Osborne, Liby Dale
Covington, John Griffen, Rowena
Haas, Dora Sandoval, Doris
Schupp, Ann Williams.
Honorable Mention
(No grade below B)
12th: Joe Barbee, Bette Belle,
9Il : Margaret Harris, Ruth Rob-
erts, Juanita Hood, Bobby Rogers.
9BI-Lupe Castra, Miller Arm-
strong, A. J. Boese, Jacqueline.
Crawford, Boots Compere.
9BII : Willa Dene Thorpe, Ray-
deen Purl, Arthur Strickland,
Newell Talbert.
81: Margaret EoH.
8Il : Lorene La Grande,
8III: Marjorie Grace,
Dell Stewart.
-Q\t\) . FROM THE '

, '"\:
=" . - ----- - - --
(Bob Curbo)
The Junior Kittens have add-
ed several coaches to their staff.
Coach Whitmill assigned the old
members of the Junior team to
take charge of the new mem-
bers in exerciSes and laps. All
boys with track ability of any
kind are welcome to come out.
With all the extra activity of
the county meet, everyone should
have something to do. .If some-
one has not entered some extr a
activity, track is still open, since
the county meet is still one week
Will It Happen Again Next Six Weeks?
"Girls make better grades than boys! "
This is an actual fact which has been proved many times; and
it has been demonstrated again in this six weeks' 1'sts, for there
wer e 66 girls and only 60 boys on the honor rolls. Also, on the
superior honor roll there were 13 girls and 8 boys ; the honor roll-
28 girls, 21 boys ; the honor able mention-28 girls and 27 boys.
Well, boys, why not try to break this record next six weeks?
We dare you to!
Congratulations, Choral Clubbers, Debaters
Say, congratulations really are in order! For whom? Why, the
Choral Club and the debaters, of course.
They really carried the "Spirit of Weslaco High" on high in
A practice track meet was their contests and t ournaments last week.
held with Edcouch-Elsa last Does this show you that Weslaco High really does live up to
Monday afternoon at Elsa. An- those words " In victory or defeat we'll stand, unmoved by friend
other track meet will take place or foe" ? It certainly does, and we ar e all proud cif that fact.
at Donna today with all Valley I We know that, in all contests to come, "The Spirit of Weslaco
schools invited. The annual Don- h
. . High" will te carried on in the manner ()f w ich we are all so proud.
na Relays wIll probably not be
held this year: . I Amateur Athletics
Weslaco's star track man, Lloyd Suffer Casualties,
Probst, has been out with the B C 0
mumps; however, . it is expected ut arry n
that Lloyd will participate in the "Hey, don't push me around l ike
q:mnty meet, which will be held that! YOt.! might hit the bruise on
in Weslaco. my leg! "
. . Wait j ust a minute until I
Much work is still needed to get get my arm bandaged, will you?"
Weslaco's track in shape-lining Easy, easy, dont jar her . in
and grading the track, painting picking her up."
signs, and many other things. Oh, these poor people! You
wouldn' t think anyone could
have her arms bandaged, her
f ingers bandaged, and a bandage
on her toe, and still live, would
We would like t o take this
opportunity to thank Donald An-
derson for his assistance in fill -
ing the pits with sand. Donald
furnished his truck and labor
free of charge.
Have you noticed that cute lit-
tle mustache on Calvin Voelkel's
lip? How did it get there? Well,
according to Calvin, it started
growing at the beginning of the
hundred-yard dash; and when
Calvin crossed the finish line, it
had grown that long;
- - --- 0>--- ---
Miss Youngblood: "Pete, how
many seasons of the year are
Pete Hall : Three-football, bas-
ketball, and track."
But these great stars (?) did
live. And they are still playing.
What str ength! What . vitality!
Yes, you wondering studes, the
girls' baseball teams are still
"bringing home the bacon" for
their teams with HIGH scores.
- - --- 0>------
Tom Solether: "Say, aren't your
socks inside out?"
Watson: "Yes, my feet got so
hot I turned the hose on them. "

Son: "Daddy, who was Hamlet?"
Dad: "Aren't you ashamed of
your ignorance? Bring me the
Bible and I'll show you."
Boy Friend in Army?
Let's Have a Picture
If He's an Ex-Stude
A drive fer snapshots of boys
in service and students now en-
gaged in defense work has been
begun by the snapshot editors
of the LA PALMA, high school
annual, according to Luciclaire
Rankin, snapshot editor.
Pictures of ex-students now
in the U. S. armed forces will
form one page, and directly
opposite will he a page pictur-
ing students and teachers now
working in home nursing, Wo-
men's Motor Corps, Home De-
fense Guard, and other war-
time efforts.
--------- 01---------
Play Cast to Give
"The Enemy" Mar. 19
Rehearsals for the Little Theater
one-act : play, "The Enemy," are
being held regularly each day and
the play will be presented in as-
sembly March 19, according to
Miss Dene Boothe, director.
The play will be entered in the
One-Act Play contest to be held
in Edinburg March 28.
were on your trails again this
past week-end, and did they get
friend was down to see her! Ain't
love grand?
Was that MARION and "her
BOBBY" we saw walking along
the avenue Sunday night? Could
Choral Groups
Score Second
Rives Given First
In Solo; Others Get
Second or Third
One first, nine second, and
two third divisions were scored
by the vocal department Friday
and Saturday, March 6 and 7, at
the Region Nine vocal music meet
held at San B'enito.
I Blue Triangle, Band
Scribes, Motor Corps
Win in Week's Play
The Women's Motor Corps,
Band, Scribes, and the Blue Tri-
angle, were the winning teams
last week, which was the second
week of play, in the softball tour-
nament, according to Coach Os-
borne Little.
We have heard! Yes, we have
went to visit a certain girl in
Yoakum. (You were there to de-
bate, CARL) .
The Motor Corps defeated the
Girl Reserves 20-10 Monday af-
ternoon; the Home Economics
girls went down before the Band
girls Tuesday 24-l'0. In a dose
game between the Scribes and
Faculty Wednesday, the Scribes
won a 16- 13 defeat. Friday the
Motor Corps defeated the Band
The results for the entries are 36-8.
Who in the world was CATH-
as follows :
ERINE FARINA in such' a hurry Soprano solos - Vera Morten-
to get home to see Saturday sen, second div:sion; Irene Yoder,
night? third division.
Paging Mrs. Lesko! Paging Mrs: Alto solos- Tommy Gene Rives,
Murphy! Mr. LESKO and Mr. first division; Carol Jones, second
MURPHY were not lacking part- division.
ners while at the dance in Yoa- Tenor solo--Watson Keeney,
kum with the debaters Friday second division,
night. Bass solo - Pat Hingle, second
MISS BLUMBERG, who came division.
This week's schedule will in-
clude games played between the
Fiwulty- Scribes and the Girl Re-
serves, Motor Corps and Pep
Squad, Band and Faculty-Scribes,
and Home Economics girls and
Blue Triangles.
- - - - - o ~ - - - - -
Quill-Scroll Has
Business LUllcheon;
Picture Taken
down from BROOKS FIELD? (We Girls' trio, second division;
just wondered), I girls' sextet, third division; boys'
What a mix-up! BETTE BELL quartet, second division; boys' en- Minor changes in the coristitu-
and DONALD ANDERSON were ' semble, second division. tion of the Cactus Chapter of Quill,
together during the week-end, Girls' chorus, second division; and Scroll were made at a .com",
while PHILLIS HOG'; and MAR- mixed chorus, second division. I' bined . luncheon an. d busin. e. S5
VIN ARCHER were having a good Most of the solo events were meeting of the club held Thurs-
time, too. held Saturday while chorus com- day, March 5, in the junior ' high
JUDY PREGENZER, who was petition occurred Friday night. lunch room.
that you were with? Could it have a The luncheon was attended by
been ELMER EGLOFF? the seven new members, five old
GENE GRIFFIN went with I Egloff Fitzgerald members, and the sponsor. Marion
RAY LOGAN and with GLEN I' ~ ~ h 'E A' I George was chosen to fill the of-
BAIRD over the week-end. (Some .... 'mIt nter nnua fice of program chairman left va-
gal!) Speech Contest cant by Phyllis Hufty. A commit-
RACHEL JOYCE and HOW-tee consisting of Dorothy Lee
ARD FINDLEY seem to have a Jo Ann Egloff, Carl Fitzgerald, Drawe and Marion George was a1-
severe case of "puppr-Iove. " (As and Betty Jo Smith were the so chosen to price a candelabrum
if you hadn't noticed). I three local entries in the tryouts which will be. purchased as the.
"HATHAWAY" and "PINKY," of the American Legion Contest club's project for this year.
SAM and OLLIE MAE, BOBBY I in the high school auditorium Pictures for the annual of these
and BETTE, and ROBERT. and earlier this week, according to 1 twelve students and three others,
DOROTHY LEE were seen jiving Mrs. Fred Robertson, history Vera Mortensen, Bob Compere,
at the "WAGON," I teacher. and Bette Bell who . were recom-
DICKIE WHITE of Donna has The theme of the talks was ' mended for the club Thursday,
been showing EILEEN ROGERS "Provide for Common Defense. " I were taken after the luncheon.
a good time. Each contestant had to give a 0>-----
A good many feminine hearts prepared talk of ten to twelve Father: Why is it that you are
were beating a bit faster after minutes and an extemporaneous always at the bottom of your
DALE ,HACHENBURG had come speech of five minutes. First sec- class?
to school in that Navy uniform ond, and third place awards of Leo LaDuke: It doesn't make
Monday. (Hum!) $5, $3, and $2 were given. The any difference, Dad, because they
Bye now, and be good, kids, for winners will go to district, since teach the same thing at both
we'll be Snoopin' Around. no county meet is to be held. ends.
Girls, notice!!!! Look at your
hair ribbon-then read this ar-
fic1e. , " __
White bow means -'-- Keep
away, boys; -'I'm going steady.
Pink -, Don't bother: me;
I'rri in love.
flirt 'with them all.
Red-Beware, I'm dangerous. '
boyfriend is in the, -'
Black-I'm disappointed in
love. ' '
Brown-My boy friend has ',
left town.
Aqua-I'm not dated up to,;;
night. ' -'
your ti ou- '
bles a'nd I'll understand.
Gray-I'm a man hater.
want a football
hero; ' "
Yellow-I'm engaged.
Plaid - I can take 'erri or
leave 'em:
If, you wear your ribbon on:
Right side-you go steady.
Left side-'--::you are in love.
Both sides - desperate for
Open top--open for dates.
- Swiped.
Committee to Plan
VHSPC' Conference
Thursday Evening
Plans for .the annual spring
banquet will be made at an ex-
ecutive meeting of the Valley High
School Press Conference to be
held Thursday evening, March 12.
in the m:us-ic room of the Mer-
cedes High -School, at 8 o' clock,
according to Margaret Lucas,
The trophy offered by KRGV
to the association at the fall con-
ference will be d:s:::ussed_
Other officers of the conferencE'
are Martha Magee, Harlingen,
vice-president ; Marjorie Schwarz,
Mercedes, secretary; Hilda Cha-
leff, McAllen, treasurer; and Elsa
}"illingstadt, Brownsville, histo-
Cantrell's Magic
l\1ystifies Members
Of RolikiClub
T. O. Cantrell, local magician,
was the guest performer at the
regular meeting or the Roliki Club
Wednesday, March 4, in the Home
ECOl;lOmics room.
Mr. Cantrell gave many mysti-
fying' tricks, among which were
ii-icluded the Hindu rope trick,
pulling money out of the air, cut-
ting an , arm _ in two, and trans-
fqt ming a: piece of paper into an
The new initiates of , the club,
(\rch:e Jenkines and Ralph Millf ..
ken, were attired in blankets and
bathing suits.
Paul ' Fulkerson was in
of the program.
During . the business session , the
project of improving and beauti,;
fying the entrance gate of Barbee
Field was approved. The gate
proper will be: repa:red and filled
in with purple Or black tile let-
ters spelling "Barbee Field." The
ticket-office will ,also undergo a
painting and cleaning. Approxi-
mately $18 will be spent on this

Vestment Material '
Arrives Monday
Green and gold material for .the
Choral Club vestments arrived
Monday of this wee.k, accordIng
to Fred E. Kay, superintendent.
The material, which was order-
ed from New York, is to be made
into fifty robes for the boys'and
girls' chorus. The robes wiU "be
solid green with a gold stole
printed with a green "W" 'as
The uniforms, when completed,
,,,t ill te worn by the chorus in its
New Tools Granted
Vocational Group
A total of $1000 worth of Flato
-tools" was granted the local Vo-
cational Agriculture department
by Charles Parker, Vocational
Agriculture supervisor, during an
official visit made in the high
school Thursday, March 5,ac-
cording to Fred E. Kay, superin-
Biology? No, Mine
Is for Study Hall
Have you noticed any ofyo!-l-r
classmates running up and down
with encyclopedias un-
der their arms? Do they tell you
that they are writing a four-page
theme on "The Art of Growing
Black Peas," or a six page essay
on "Vegetable Vines and How
They Came Into Existence"?
No, these themes are not for
biology or vocational agriculture.
This is just Miss Herron's way of
punishing bad boys and girls who
cut capers in st udy hall ; hence
our advice is to wait until the
teacher turns her back before you
throw the next book.
Track Team Defeats
Yellowjackets, 73-33
The Weslaco PDnther track
field team iourr,eyed to Ed-
couch last Monday afternoon to
defeat the Edcouch-Elsa Yellow
Jackets, 73 to 33, in a dual meet.
Weslaco captured 11 first places
cut of a possible 15. Bob Curbo
made the test showing, winning
3 firsts, pole vault, shot, and ty-
ing Jack Frizzell for high jumP.
He also ran in the winning mile
relay team.
William Rogers showed good
form, winning the 440 yard dash
and running in the 440-yard re-
lay and tnile relay.

Fire Drills O. K.'d
Approval of the fire drills of
the Weslaco junior-senior high
schools was voiced Monday by
Miss Anna Belle Ellis, represen-
tative from the Fire Insurance
Division of the Board of Insur-
ance Commissioners, Austin,
Texas. A demonstration drill was
characterized by Miss Ellis as
"well conducted.'"
Themes or posters from the
eighth grade and themes from
the sophomore and senior Classes
will be sent to Austin before
June 1.
Style Show to Be County Track Meet to Be Held
Feature of Kid In Barbee Field Saturday, 21
Day Program
April 1 Date
Set for Annual
Senior Frolic
Letterman's Club to Sponsor Annual
Athletic Contest;T rack Being Put
In Readiness for Events
For the first time in the history of Weslaco High School, the
county meet will be held at Weslaco. The entire meet, which is
sponsored hy the Letterman's Club, will be held on Saturday,
March 20, with the softball games coming in the morning, the junior
A style show will be the main
and ward school events in the afternoon, and the senior track and
attraction of Kid Day this year,
to be held April 1 in the high field events at night. There will be a small admission price at the
school auditorium. Appropriate night track meet. Judges for the meet will be furnished by the coun-
"tiny-tots" music will be played ty; in additi on a loud speaker will be reserved.
for the "junior style" models. A Members of the Weslaco team
prize will he given to the boy and T racksters Make who are entered in the track and
girl who have the best costumes. Showing at Donna field events are Leo Ryan, mile
No definite plans have been run; Tom Solether, 120 yard high
decided upon for the seniors to Invitation Meet hurdles and 200 yard yard low
spend the r est of the day Be- hurdles; Joe Barbee, 100 yard.
cause of the rubber situation, Coach Little's tra<:k and 220 yard dashes; Lloyd
they will be unable to go to Boca and field partiCIpated m Brobst, 100 yard, 220 yard dashes;
Chic a as they first planned. If Donna IllvJtatlOnal track . broad jump, and 440 yard relay;
Cescade Pool at McAllen or the I field meet .last Thursday, pllmg Glen Cleckler, discus and 440
Harlingen pool is open, the seniors I up 8 1/3 pomts. yard dash; B. R. Guess, 100 yard
are rr:aking pl ans to spend their The meet served as a pr eview dash, 440 yard relay, and mile
day at one or the other place. to the various County Meets to relav' Kenneth Rvan mile run;
be staged in a week or two. The ' Ralph Milliken, 880' yard run;
Hidalgo County Interscholastic William Rogers, 440 yard dash and
League meet will be held in Wes- mne relay.
Who Wakes Bugler?
Who Makes
laco Friday and Sat urday of this Talbert, 880 yard run; Leo La-
week. Duke, 880 yard run; Robert 800-
Lanky Leo Ryan turned in tel', 440 yard dash and mile re-
Who keeps the sergeant-at- ' Weslaco's best individual per- lay; Marvin Archer discus and
arms in line? The members of fermance, placing second in the 880 yard run; Jack Frizzell. shot
the Roliki Club have long pon- mile run and losIng to Wood of put, high jump, and broad jump;
dered over this question. Is it Harlingen, a veteran of the cin- Calvin Voelkel. 120 yard high
fair for Watson Keeney, the ders. "Jump'ng" Jack Frizzell hurdles, 440 yard relay, and 2QO
hard-hearted sergeanL-at-arms, tied Donna's Finch and Gonzalez yard low hurdles; Robert Chand-
to sit back in his chair a. nd of La Feria for ; ourth place in leI', 220 yard dash, broad jump,
take the names of boys who tl,e high jump. 440 yard relay, and mile relay;
talk, thus sending them through The Raymondville Bearkats, Carl Sims, shot put; Bob Cureo,
the celt lines? who won the meet with 30 points, pole vault, shot put and . high
The Roliki Club finally won the 440-yard c:nd the mile re- jump.
found the answer to this ques- !3YS, in which Weslac0 placed In getting ready for the county
tion at their last meeting third and second respectively. meet. the track was graded and
when Carl Fitzgerald made the I - . ---0 marked off, two pits were dug
motion that the strictly non- 3nd filled with sand, discus and
believer in Keeney activities, He memakers Hear I shot put areas were marked, hur-
Joe Barbee, be given the power Ta.lks on Gardens dles were cut down, and a con-
to send Watson through the cess;on stand was built.
belt line if he was caught cut- "Different Types of Vegetables I 01------
ting up. You may be sure that and. Their Cultivation" the ; Choral Cluhs Sing
if no "brother-in-law" stuff is subject of the three senes of I F L 'C
pulled, the Roliki Club will be talks Austin Ellison gave during I or Ions lub
the victim of numerous belt the school hours on Monday,l The senior high school choral
lines in the near future. Tuesday, and Wednesday to the i clubs furnished the music part
o girls planning to make victory \ of the program for the Weslaco
"Posta" doesn't care what he gardens. All girls in the home- Lions' Club Tuesday, according to
does with his money as long as making classes are expected to Superintendent Fred E. Kay, club
he doesn't spend it. take part in this class project. president.
Hello, everybody!
V . .. -
'Did that Thirteenth jinx get
you? If not, you are lucky, for
some of our number suffered
from sunburn, torn dresses,
wrecks, and a great many minor
things. A former ' student of
Weslaco High, Jack Potter,
broke his beck in an accident
in Hadingen September 13,
1941, and suffered a broken jaw
and 'several cuts about the face
Friday, l\!larch 13, in an auto
acoident. Thank goodness, this
is the last Friday 13 for a
V . . . -
Just a tip to some of ;) _ . 1 girls!
The reason that screen heroes are
not marked by glamour girls'
kisses on the screen is that the
lipstick is "set." This is done 'by
blotting the lips with cleansing
tissue; then they are dusted with
a thin film of powder.
V .. . -
Here we wish to call atten-
tion to one of the newer mem-
bers of our student body. She
really needs no attention called
to her, for she is well known to
most of us. Her smile is always
there, audit seems that shenev-
er forgets a face! In case you
haven' t guessed, she is Mert,
,who was ' just elected the most
athletic girl of the Junior Class.
(And can she play baseball!)
V .. . -
. Riddles! .
And you can't cheat because
the answers are upside down!
What is it that has big ears,
two tusks, a long trunk, and can-
not walk?
A dead elephant.
What is it that has no nose
but smells?
A very dead elephant or maybe
this column.
What is it that has two feet,
feathers, and likes to sit down, in
Spring Is Here Again
Spring has really sprung!
The trees are leafing out in all their finery. The little birds
twitter overhead in their nests. The sky is blue, and the air is
balmy. Yes, spring has really come to the Valley.
But-W. H. S. has noticed several bad signs along with this.
Everyone seems a little dazed by the sunshine and lies around day-
dreaming rather than keeping his eyes and t houghts on studies.
Don't let it get you down, kids, for though it happens every
year, we always pull through.
Finders AREN'T Keepers
"I've found it!" This expression could be heard more often if
each student would turn in everything he finds to the lost and found
The lost and found department is used by students who want
to know if their l ost articles have been turned in more than by
students who have found something and want to turn it in-meaning
that there are more things lost than turned in.
The articles that are in the lost and found now are as follows :
Keys to Chevrolet Performance, a green plaid wool scarf, a blue
baby hood, a white comb, a black and green fountain pen, a car-key
arid a tute of lipstick.
If you are the owner of any of these articles, please call for
them at once.
If , everyone would cooperate with the lost and found and
turn in everything he finds, there would not be as many articles
parted from t heir owners.
Last Eight Pages
Of Annual Planned
By Editors
Final plans for the eight ad-
ditional pages of the Annual were
made Saturday by the editors,
snapshot editors, and sponsor. A
list of winners of the snapshot
"Who's Who" contest was pre-
pared, and plans for txese pages
were made.
Further plans were made for
the completion of the much,
licized "Sweetheart's Page" and
other impor tant pages; namely,
the page of boys in government
service, the Home Defense page,
Egloff, Smith Win
Ame'rican Legion
Speaking Contest
Jo Ann Egloff and Betty J
Smith won first and s e c o n ~ plac
es respectivelY in the local Am
eric an Legion Contest held
the study hall Wednesday, Marc
11, according to Mrs. Fred Rob
ertson, social science teacher and
sponsor of the contestants.
PFmp p<l.rn V Interscholastic League page, class-
Each contestant had to give a
prepared talk of ten to twelve
minutes and an extemporaneous
speech of four to six minutes on
the theme ,"Provide for Common
Defense," based on the Constitu-
ton of the United States.
What is it that has two legs, no roem activities, and a rniscella-
feathers, and does strange things neous sports page.
like reading upside down? o - ~ - - -
V . .. - 'noX Mr. Murphy: "Who is this
Goodbye, and remember today I speaking?"
is Stamp Day! Catherine: "This' is my father: '
Jo Ann was awarded $5 for
first place winner and Betty Jo,
$3 for second place winner.
Good morning, everybody, let's
see what our faithful following
has been doing to rate the news
during the past week.
Well, to start we'll give recog-
nition to several of the charming
beauties and their escorts Friday
night, at Harlingen. Among the
"lucky" were as follows: "DOT"
Softball Games
End Third Week
The third week of play brought
the Women's Motor Corps, Girl
Reserves, Faculty-Scribes, and
Blue Triangle teams on the win-
ning list.
The Faculty-Scribes fell before
the Girl Reserves 11-10 in a close
game Monday afternoon; the Mo-
tor Corps defeated the Pep Squad
17 -4 Tuesday afternoon; The
Faculty-Scribes defeated the Band
21-13 Wednesday afternoon; and
the Blue Triangle won over the
Homemakers Thursday afternoon
-----0-- ----
G. R.' s Give Picnic
Dance March 17
VERA MAE SHELLHAMER, Approximately .. thirty couples
WILBERT MILLER; and MERRY attended the Girl Reserve picnic
FERN McCASLAND, DONALD and dance, which was held Tues-
HEWLETT. day night at 7 o'clock at the Mer-
May 8 Set as Banquet
Date; Theme, Place
To Be Chosen Soon
.. May 8 has been set as the date
for the annual Junior Senior ban':'
quet, according to Mrs. Lelia
Carrothers, co-sponsor.
Members of the committee who
are to plan and make arrange-
ments for the banquet include the
following: Vera Mae Shelhammer.
Chairman; Hoyt Hughes, Joy Ba-
ker, Tommy Gene Rives, Sam
Jones, Wilbert Miller, and El-
eanor Mortensen.
The theme for the banquet
and the place in which it will be
held will be decided at a later

W.H.S. to Enter Seven
Contests in Meet
To Be Held March 28
Say, boys, what do you say we cedes country club. Contestants in declamation, ex-
save all our nickels and dimes I The informal get-together temporaneous speech, debate,
.md buy ourselves a . bicycle; I opened with a picnic on the ready writing, typing, shorthand,
then we can help the faIr dam-, grounds near the club house. Each and one-act play will be entered
sels enjoy spring nights. girl brought food for herself and from the junior-senior high
Saturday mght we happened to her escort. A dance followed the I school in the Hidalgo County In-
rotice a strange person wearing , p;cnic. Music was furnished by a League contests to
MARVIN ARCHER'S football nickelodian. ! be held in Edinburg March 28, A.
j acket. On clos2r inspection, it Chaperons were Miss Clarence I C . . Murphy, princ;pal said Wed-
turned out to be none other than Herron, sponsor, Mr. and Mrs. nesday.
BETTE BELL. Spring is here. Dick Bailey, and several mem- As the high school has had no
We hear that BYNUIV[ HAT- bers of the faculty. activity period this year. teach-
LEY has been giving the girls of 0 ers have not had an opportunity
Mercedes fits and the boys trou- Members of the senior Speech to train students for the spelling
ble. More power to you, bud. Class have begUn a study of and arithmetic contests.
Hev "Glamor Boy" HART- make-up during the fourth pe- . 01-----
NESS: are you ever going to keep riod class, according to Miss Dene
that date with CHARLENE Booth, instructor. Stage make-up
AVANT from Mercedes? If you I in contrast with regular day
ain't, then move over. make-up is used on various mem-
Orders from Headquarters are I bers Of . the class.
hurry up and decide between ! CAROL JONES for a while t6 find
MONA SWINNEA and ROSALEE out that her thoughts are on Ba-
LIVELY. . taan Peninsula. Lucky BILL
The coming of spring has found HAYES.
several prominent Weslaco cou-I Can you beat it? Here we all
pIes enjoying themselves at a thought WILBERT MILLER was
Friday picnic. Those present a stay-at-home, but at the Har-
were BOB and MARION, ROB-llingen dance Friday night hardly
ERT and SHIRLEY, "DOT" and a number was played that he
PAT, FERN and DON. didn't swing out on. WILBERT,
Asked what he thinks about who was that "butterfly" you
MULLEN rose to his full height We sorrowfully close this ses-
and replied, "I could answer that sion with this reminder, "Ye un-
question, but it would only lead fortunates who didn' t get your
to bloodshed." names in this week, don't give up
I '11 d "
You just have to be around ; hope. There WI come a ay.
Solether Chosen
Head of Athletic
Club for Juniors
BJly Solether was elected preS-
iden t of the newly-formed Junior
Athletic Association at a meeting
held Wednesday afternoon, March
11, other officers elected were
Billy Joe Ryan, secretary-treasur-
er, and Alan Parker, reporter.
The president appointed Jimmy
Moyer, Ray Le Grande, and Alan
Parker to draw up a constitution
to be used by the club for elect-
ing members.
Other rr.embers of the club are
Edward McLeaish, Donald Jen-
kines, Jimmy Larcho. Junior
Coach R. C. Whitmill is sponsor
of the group.
1942" . . --
J nniors, Seniors
Select "Who's
Who" Candidates
Snapshot Pages
To Show Results
Of Class Ballots.
Candidates for "Who's Who" of
the snapshot section for the Ju-
nior and Senior classes in LA
PALMA, school annual, were
chosen Thursday, according to
Luciclaire Rankin, snapshots edi-
tor. Tabulations of mimeographed
ballots revealed the following
Course in Library
Science Offered
Freshman Groups
A course in library science,
lasting seven days, was recently
given by Miss Clarence Herron,
librarian, to Miss Pearl Young-
blood's freshman English classes.
The course consisted of a unit
on the Dewey-Decimal system, lo-
cation of books in the library,
readers' guide, and reference
books. The students were given
general information on the use
of books .in any library as well as
the local department. .
Miss Youngblood kept study
hall while the course was being
Shirley McCasland
Ch.osen to Represent
Weslaco at Dance
Spring Conference
Date Set by VHSPC
April 28 has been set as the
definite date for the annual
spring banquet sponsored by the
Valley High School Press Con-
ference, according to Margaret
Lucas, president.
Feature of the banquet, which
is to be held in the Mercedes high
school cafeteria, will be the pre-
sentation of a plaque given to the
conference by radio station KRGV
to the paper judged first place
winner by the -journalism depart-
ment of the University of Texas.
Judges for the individual en-
tries will be Mrs. Agnes Kethley,
Weslaco; John L. Stone, Harlin-
gen; and Brad Smith, Weslaco.
Tennis Entries
For County Meet
Chosen Friday
Most popular boy - Bob Cur-
bo, senior; Maurice Talbert, ju-
nior; most. popular girl - _Mar-
garet Lucas senior; Dorothy Mil-
ler, junior; most ambitious boy-
Carl senior; Armando
cuellar, junior; most ambitious Shirley McCasland, recently I A tournament was held on the
girl _ Margaret Lucas, senior; elected D. A. R. candidate from local tennis courts last Friday to
Joy J.ackson and Frances Betts, the Weslaco schools, \Vas selected determine the Weslaco entries in
juniors; best athletic boy- Bob- last Thursday morning a.t a senior the county meet, according to J.
by Curbo, senior; B.R. Guess, ju- homeroom meeting to represent W. McWilliams.
nior; bes.t athletic girl - cather- I. Weslaco High School, at the an- Royal Talbert will represent the
ine Farina, senior; Mert Jones, Dual Valleyanna Dance sponsored senior boys' singles while other
junior; most talented boy - Pat by the McAllen High School, to entries wil be senior boys' dou-
Hingle, senior; Neil Chandler, ju- he held March 27, according tv bes, Watson Keeney and Carl
nior; most talented girl Mar- Tom Solether, senior -president. Fitzgerald; senior girls' singles,
garet Lucas, senior; Irene Yoder, Robert Chandler will be her es- Dorothy Lee Drawe; senior girls'
junior. cort. doubles, Catherine Farina and
Handsomest hoy _ Marvin Ar- On the program A. C. Molly Hinojosa; junior girls' sin-
cher, senior; Leo LaDuke, junior; prmclpal, talked to the gles, "Bebe" Skaggs; junior boys'
prettiest girl- Clara Mae Isham about the present day sit- singles, Walter Bach; ward school
senior; Merry Ferne McCasland: and the responsibility of boys' doubles, Bob Ford and L.
junior; best natured boy-Bobby hIghschool boys and girls in the G. Tisdale; and ward school boys'
Curbo, senior; Neil Chandler, ju- war. singles, Bob Dennison.
nior; best natured girl _ Shirley 0 The county meet tennis tourna-
McCasland, senior; Neva Jean Ri- ment will be held in Edinburg,
ley, junior; _ Paul Ful- IVlortensen. Compere, since Weslaco does not have the
kerson, senior; Vernon Shreck, tennis facilities to take care of
junior; best dressed boy _ Bobby Bell Are Eligible the meet. The exact date of the
Compere, senior; Robert Wagner, For Quill and Scroll tournament has not been an-
junior; best dressed girl _ Dor- nounced.
othy Lee Drawe, senior; Dorothy Three additional members of
Miller and Frances Betts, juniors; the Journalism class have become Four Senior Girls
best all-round boy - Tom So- eligible -for Quill and Scroll, M d I MAIl
lether, senior; Maurice Talbert, honarary society for journalism 0 e In c en
junior; best all-around girl - students, according to Miss Louise Style Show
Margaret Lucas, senior; Dorothy Black. sponsor. These are Vera Dorothy Lee Drawe, Shirley
Miller, junior; wittiest - Paul Mortensen, Hi-Life editor, Bette l\TcCasland Marion George, and
Fulkerson, senior; Sam Jones, ju- Bell, and Bob Compere, all of Phyllis Hoge, members of the
nior. whom are seniors. Senior Class, were models of
-----0 Initiation rites for these con- Junior Misses Clothes at the an-
A ship is always referred to as didates will be held some time nual spring style show Thursday,
"she" because it costs so much to next week, stated Margaret Lu- March 12, at the Casa de Palm as
keep one in paint and powder. cas,president of the local chapter. Hotel; McAllen.
Panthers Take
Second Place
In Track Meet
One-Act Play Contest, to Be Held
Tonight, Starts Literary Meet
Donna Wins First;
Mission Gets Third;
Other Teams Trail
Entrants Named for Extemporaneous
Speech, Shorthand, Essay, Spelling,
Debate, Declamation, and Typing
Entries in the literary events of. ception of the one-act play con-
the Hidalgo County Interscholas- [est, will be held in Edinburg
tic League, which, with the ex- Saturday, March 28, have been
Donna's Redskins, led by the
superlative running and depend-
able arms of L. J . Cox and Billy
Jack Robertson, accumulated
58Y2 points to take the annual
Hidalgo County Interscholastic
track and field meet held Satur-
day for the first time on Barbee
Field, Weslaco.
Weslaco placed second with
2872, Mission third with 36%,
Mercedes fourth with 11, and Ed-
couch-Elsa fifth with 91f2.
Cox was high individual man
with 19 1/4; and "Big Boy" Rob-
ertson third with 10 1/4.
Thrilling Mile Relay
"Pee-Wee" Jackson
Scores Applause
From Spectators
Then there are the amusing
stories that the track meet
brings about. One incident that
drew a laugh from the stands
during the county track meet
Saturday was the winning of a
hundred-yard dash by little
Buster Jackson of Weslaco.
Buster, ape ewe e who
wouldn't scale five feet, no
matter how you stretched him,
gained the admiration of the
spectators when he gracefully
It was Donna from start to fin- sped down the track five yards
ish, and there was no doubt that ahead of six giant boys who
they would take the meet. How- could easily pass as seniors.
ever, going into the final event, Some believed that "Little
the mile relay, Mission and Wes- Streak" Jackson had to run be-
laco had 36Y2 and 33% points re- tween the legs of the other
spectively. There was a possibil- r:ontestants in order to gain the
ity of a tie, as you can see. Con- lean.
sistently the Donna relay team
gained on the field, with Weslaco
running a slow second. In the fi- Weslaco second with 22Y2, Monte
nal lap, the Donna anchor man, Alto third with 11 and Edcouch-
diminutive Junior Washer, had Elsa fourth with 7.
approximately a 70 or 80 yard Senior Results
lead on Robert Sooter, Weslaco 120 yard high hurdles: Voelkel,
anchor. The Panther express fcurth.
started slow, keeping a good 100 yard dash: Brobst, second;
stride. In the last 200 yards he Guess, fourth.
put up what it takes with an ex- Discus: Archer, fourth.
cellent kick to nip Washer by a Broad jump: Frizzell, first.
few yards and to give Weslaco 440 yard dash: Chandler, third;
second place and fans the thrill of Sooter, fourth.
the evening. Sooter ran his lap Pole vault: Curbo, second.
of 440 yards in 52.4. 220 yard low hurdles: Voelkel,
Ward School First, fourth.
Juniors Second 440 yard relay: Weslaco, third.
In the ward school division 880 yard dash: Milliken, first.
Weslaco won first place with 35 Hlgh jump: Frizzell-Adams
points. Monte Alto placed second (Donna) tied for third and
with 1472, Edcouch-Elsa third fourth.
with 13%, and Donna fourth 220 yard dash: Brobst, third.
with 1. Mile run: Ryan, first.
In the junior high division Don- Mile relay: Weslaco, first (Rog-
na won first with 251f2 points, ers Guess Chandler Sooter).
mailed to the director general, H.
A. Hodges, stated A. C. Murphy,
principal, Monday. The one-act
play will be given in Edinburg
Thursday night.
The complete list of students
to compete is as follows :
One-act play: Catherine Farina,
Bebe Skaggs, Johnny Hewlett,
Pat Hingle, Grcae Milliken, Ar-
chie J enkines.
Debate: Girls-Helen Frances
Pace, Betty Jo Smith; boys-Carl
Fitzgerald, Albert White.
Ready writing: Senior - Pat
Declamation: High School ju-
nior girls-Mary Ann Burton;
Libby Dale Covington, alternate;
high school junior boys - Edward
McLeaish; Cecil Ray Rives, al-
ternate; senior girl - Catherine
Farina; senior boy - Pat Hingle.
Extemporaneous speaking - Jo
Ann Egloff, Albert White.
Shorthand - Ollie Mae Swin-
nea, Margaret Lucas; Shirley Mc-
Casland, alternate.
Typing-Ralph Milliken, Maria
Aguilar, Armando Cuellar.
The Stephen F. Austin school
will enter the followingcontes-
Declamation: Sub juniors-
Richard McCollum, Nancy Ann
Solether; junior - Hal Potts,
Patsy Keene.
Spelling, 5th and 6th grades-
Betty Jean Roc-ertson, Peggy Kir-
gan, Kathryn Adkins, Mary Nell
Choral Club to Give
Conce-rt Sunday
The girls' chorus and the boys'
cborus will give a concert in the
First Methodist church Sunday
night, March 29, at 8 o'clock.
The girls' and boys' choruses
wlII wear formals, while the
mixed chorus will make its first
appearance in the new vestments.
, T.!i:E_ WESLACO -- HI-LIFE;-MARCH 26, 1942
Hi, there, fello<w young Am-
ericans-Two months more of
Congratulations, tra.cksters.
You guys really burnt up that
ole cinder track (well, it would
be a cinder track if we put cin-
ders on it) last Saturday. Our
other county meet contestants
are going to have to put on the
steam to keep the pace yoU set.
Ah, yes. Spring is truly in the
air. The days are getting longer
and warmer, and trees long bare
have put on their Sunday best.
Little Dan Cupid has gone on
the warpath again and is claim-
:ng many innocent young hearts
with his deadly arrows. Oh, well,
a young man's fancy has to light-
ly turn somewhere in the Spring.
Why not to love?
I don't like to be a gossip.
But did you see Ma,rgaret Lucas
last Wednesday? There she was,
beating poor Miss Black on the
back, dancing the St. Vitus with
Cletus Goss, and knocking piti-
ful Posto's only false tooth out
on the dirty old floor. The rea-
son for the mirth? Well, Mar-
garet's little step-brother went
off to prison, oh, I mean col-
lege, last Wednesday. (Clever
way of sayin' the annual went
to press, ain't it?) By the way,
folks, Margaret was the little
girl that really made the annual
what it is. Drop her a word of
County literary meets are com-
Ing up this week. Let's put Wes-
laco on the map this year. No
matter whether we're debating, -
typing, declaiming or acting, let's
give it all we have. There are
bigger schools than Weslaco high,
but no better ones. Hey, bunch?
Meet the Faculty!
Today we present one of
Wesla,co High's unsung heroes,
G. W. Sansing. Mr. Sansing's
initials might well stand for
George Washington; for we're
sure that if he ever cut down a
cherry tree, he told his father
about it.
Mr. Sansing's name has been
"Lick a Stamp and Lick a lap!"
The main aim of our lives is to be good citizens, so why don' t
we start working toward that goal now? Let's begin taking advan-
tage of the wonderful educational and defense opportunities which
our public schools afford.
Right here, waiting for us to take advantage of it, is the buying
of defense stamps. If every individual bought one defense stamp
instead of buying a bar of candy or a package of gum, this would
be one step toward licking the Japs. Let us remember that we are
the backbone of our great nation, and in us is the true light of
what our nation really is. It is up to us to help support our nation;
so let us start this Thursday and let our patriotism speak.
Well Done!
"Come on, gang, we're with you!"
Did you ever feel a time during the track meet Saturday night
when you would l ike to have cut leose with that old yell? That
mile run, that 880 yard dash, that mile relay, the broad jump- all
represented the "Spirit of Weslaco ' High" in a way that can never
be topped. Our boys plunged ahead that night to top Mission for
second place, and will be able to go on to district.
Although the twelfth man was enthusiastic, the crowd wasn't
as large as it should have been. People need to realize that football
is not the only sport; they need to come out for track, basketball.
baseball, and other sports.
To the boys, we can only saY, " \Vell done!"
Egloff Wins Third
Place in Contest
Annual Staff Sends
Final Twenty Pages
Jo Ann Egloff won third place - T ~ k C
' in the American Legion Speaking 0 ...,tee ompany
Contest at San Antonio Saturday
night, lVIarch 21. Her subject was
"Provide for Common Defense"
Accompanying JoAnn on the
trip were Betty Jo Smith, Judy
Pregenzer, Mrs. Leland Carroth-
ers, Caroline Carrothers, and Mrs.
Fred E. Kay.
mentioned in many a student's
evening prayers in connection
with trig, algebra, and geom-
etry tests. Anyway, he may be
G. lV. Sansing to Uncle Sam,
but he's just plain "Pop" San-
sing to us.
Mr. Sansing has for years
been co-sponsor of the Junior
Class, and a large part of the
funds for the junior-senior ban-
quet has come from the pro-
ceeds of the concession stands,
which he has had charge of.
The last shipment of the annual
was sent to Steck Company Wed-
nesday afternoon, March 24.
The twenty pages that were
sent included the following: Most
handsome boy, tennis, track, de-
bate, Choral clubs, Lettermen's
Club, basketball, Pep Squad, In-
terscholastic League contestants,
Home Defense Boys in service
(2 pages), classroom activities,
Junior Who's Who, Senior Who's
Who, Sweethearts, Pals, title
pages for features and snaps, and
a page of -miscellaneous snaps.
Copies of the Hi-Life to be
bound into the annual will be
shipped April 18, and annuals are
expected to be r eady for distribu-
tion around May 12, stated Mar-
garet Lucas, editor.
Well, gates, grab your slates,
'cause here we are again.
MR. SAM JO'NES surely has
been lapping at everything. How
was MERT'S cooking, SAM?
CHANDLER was too busy with
the (track meet?), SHIRLEY, to
worry about such a matter as a
Who's been receiving love let-
ters from all points West? None
other than laziest, wittiest, and
noisiest "RO'MEO''' FULKERSQN.
These girls just can't keep from
admiring you, PQSTO'.
comb for DQR-
GLE. They both went to the Girl
Reserve Picnic in a convertible.
(P. S.) They had to push home.
Anybody have a flash-bulb?
Pool 01' HO'YT was so interested
in MARJQRIE that he wasted two
whole bulbs on nothing. It's not
worth it, HO'YT, MARJQRIE had
a date with HARLO'N Friday.
The climate in the Valley is
VErY unpleasant to poor WIL-
LIAM RQGERS. "The climate
and the belt-lines are too hot in
this Valley," said WILLIAM.
This here column wants to her-
ald a new-comer to its list.
GEQRGE BRADFQRD is eligible,
since he had a date with MAR-
GARET KELLUM Friday night.
TER finally obtained a date with
the one and only NEVA JEAN
RILEY. Congratulations, HO'PER.
wander around a little bit. Qne
night with KEITH and the next
with JO'HN. Nice if you keep it
quiet. ALVIN HANSEN and
DO'RO'THY SHULL were <11so
sepn with them slowly straggling
Thanks to Mr. Kay, the junior-
senior banquet will be held in
VT eslaco. This is swell and will
save the badly worn tires and
Get your bikes shined for to-
morrow night's date and don't
get kilt. We have to have some-
ODe to read this here column.
Rasta la smoochie.
The almost spell- bound atten- phies of war.
tion which the combined assembly The role as the wife of Carl, a
gave to the presentation of the soldier off to war, was well pre-
third act of Channing Pollock's .sented by Catherine Farina. She
"The Enemy," Thursday morn- played most effectively the part
ing, March 19, at 9:45 in the of the mother with a small baby,
auditorium was evidence of the whom she was trying to keep alive
excellent work which the one-act during the war. She tried her best
play group has done in prepara- to prevent friction between her
tion for the Interscholastic League fHther, the professor, and Carl's
contest in Edinburg tonight. father, the merchant.
The highly dram8tic play, The part of Mizzi was excel-
which deals with the lives of a lently interpreted by Bebe Skaggs.
typical Austrian family during She played with great feeling the
the last World War in 1917, gave part of a wife also waiting for her
the actors and actresses a chance husband to return to her.
to bring out every detail of their
parts, and each member of the Grace Milliken and Archie Jen-
cast took full advantage of the kines were both convincing in
their smaller roles. Grace success-
Pat Hingle was much at home fully played the part of the new-
in the role of the kindly profes- ly rich country woman able to
ser, who fought against the hate Luy the treasures of the profes-
and fury of any war. sor's family, who exchanged them
Johnny Hewlett was equally for eggs and milk. Archie was
convincing in the part of an ar- deeply sincere and moving in his
rogant merchant who was rapid- part as the soldier who had come
ly gaining a vast fortune by se11- back to tell Catherine that her
ing short. The scenes between husband was dead.
him and the professor contrasted Miss Dene Booth directed the
very effectively their two philo so- cast.
"p ... ll's Fair in Love
And Debate" Proved
By Senior Girls
"What does a fe,\, million dol-
lars mean?"
"What does a few million dol-
lars mean! Why it's- "
"The ladies of the opposition
"Why, they have no proof of
their statement!"
Last Tuesday it was---!ound
that's "All's fair in love and girls'
debates." Things r eally became
heated when those four girls got
dovv-n to arguing in that ole audi-
torium. Words "vere tossed back
and forth among them as they
presented their entirely different
views. And what we mean is dif-
But, in the end, we "dummies,"
meaning students, didn' t know
whether to agree with the nega-
tive or the affirmative. So we'll
just let them fuss it out until we
can catch on to the drift.
c. C. Pictures Taken
F or Annual Monday
In New Vestments
Pictures of the mixed chorus in
their vestments, just completed
after two weeks of labor by the
choral mothers, were taken Mon-
day morning, March 23, in the
auditorium. This was the first
time the members of the chorus
have worn the vestments.
The girls' chorus and the boys'
chorus will be pictures in formal
dress in the v.nnual.
Kid Day Postponed
To Later Date
I n a short meeting of the Se-
nior Class following assembly
Tuesday, Kid Day was postponed
from April 1 to some date after
April 15.
The principal reason for the
postponement was that Valley
swimming pools will not be open
before April 15; and a trip to
the beach is inadvisable because
of the tire situation.
.. , ... IjIlP
(By Bob Curbo)
Everyone was well pleased with
the County Track meet. Many
thrills were witnessed, especially
the mile relay.
For the information of all I
those who were not there, the
mile relay was the last event;
moreover, Weslaco needed a
first place to win a second place
in the meet. The third member
of the relay team, Robert
Chandler, brought up the baton
some ten yards, but still left
Weslaco about twenty yards be-
hind. Robert Sooter, the fourth
member of the relay team, put
on the steam to win the race by
two yards. Wow! Was it excit-
Weslaco won foul' first-plac-
es, two seconds, three third-
phwes, one tie for third, and
five fourth-places for a total of
38% points.
Congratula.tions to the tennis
players! Weslaco was well rep-
resented at Edinburg last Sat-
R. C. Bonner of Mercedes came
to witness the track events last
Saturday. The track beys per-
suaded him to run the mile dash
(?). Bonner won third place and
lost his dinner.
Spring traIning started Mon-
day. All boys eligible for foot-
ball next year are urged to come
out. Too many boys wait until
their senior year to come out
for football; then they expect to
become fl}otball heroes.
Band to Play Brief
Concert Frio Night
The Weslaco Band will present
a concert between 7:45 and 8:15
Friday night, March 27, at the
Stephen F. Austin School. The
concert is part of the Boy Scout
Court of Honor planned by the
District Court of Honor Chairman
A. C. Murphy.
Weslaco Wins First
In Ward; Gets Second
In Junior Event
Massing 36 points, Weslaco
ward school contestants carried
off first honors in the athletic
events Saturday. The girls' soft-
ball team won first place and the
boys' team, third. Individual win-
ners were as follows:
50 yard dash-Lackey, second;
Jackson, third.
100 yard dash - Lackey, first;
Laredo, second.
440 yard relay - Lackey, La-
redo, Etter and Jackson. first.
Broad jump - Lackey, second;
Laredo, third.
High jump - Laredo, first.
Pull-up - Lackey, first; Etter,
In the j unior division, Weslaco
took second place, with the fol -
lowing results :
50 yard dash - Newell Talbert,
third; Barnett, fourth.
50 yard dash - Newell Talbert,'
third; Barnett, fourth.
100 yard dash - Newell Tal-
bert, fourth.
440 yard dash -- Talbert, Ped-I
dicord, Hartness, and Barnett,'
Broad jump - Newell Talbert,
second; Hendrickson, third.
High jump - Peddicord, first.
Pull-up Barnett, second;
Talbert, third; Hartness, fourth.

Stamp Drive Ends
Vvith Bicycle Ride
And Picnic
A picnic and bicycle party,
which was held Tuesday night at
the Progreso Lake, was the climax
of the seven- week drive for the
sale of defense stamps in the ju-
nior business training class, ac-
cording to R. C. Whitmill, in-
The picnc was promised to the
group if 100 per cent of the class
purchased at least one ten- cent
stamp on stamp day last Thurs-
day. The sales amounted to $7.15.1
This amount brought the total to I
$21.60 for the period.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitmill were
Approximately 22 members at-
Sixteen Boys Report
F or Spring Training
Spring training for football oe-
gan Monday afternoon of this
week with sixteen boys reporting.
Two others will participate as
soon as track is over.
Boys out were ae follows: Glen
Cleckler, Harlon Block, Leo La-
Duke, Carl Sims, Leo Ryan, Dew-
ey Barnett, Douglas Parker, Rob-
ert Hartness, Ralph Milliken,
Kenneth Ryan, Elmer Egloff, Wil-
liam Rogers, Walter Baxter, Rob-
ert Bradford, Johnny Osborne,
and J. O. Frizzell.
To whom it may concern-
"When I was a little child,"
the sergeant sweetly addressed
his men at the end of an ex-
haustive hour of drill, "I had
a set of wODden soldiers. There
was a poor little boy in the
neighborhood; and after I had
been to Sunday School one day
listening to a stirring talk on
the beauties of charity, I was
soft enough to give them to
him. Then I wanted them back
and cried, but my mother said,
'Don't cry, Bertie, some day
you'll get your wooden soldiers
"And believe me, you lop-
sided, mutton-headed, goofus-
brained set of certified rolling
pins, that day has come."
Schools to Have
Holiday April 3
Weslaco schools will be dis-
for a holiday Friday,
April 3, according to Superin-
tendent Fred E. Kay. This pre-
Easter holiday has been ob-
served for the past several
years, stated Superintendent
A number of faculty mem-
bers are planning to go home
for the holiday weekend or to
visit in various places.
chaperones for the party. I
tended the picnic. . ----------_____ .
Weslaco Band 121 Students Place on Honor Rolls
To March Friday For Second Six Weeks; Juniors
In Jubilee Lead With Six on Superior List
Massed Concert
To Contain About
63 Girls. 58 Boys Attain Distinction
of B or Above in Every Subject
J ,000 Musicians 1 Of the 485 enrolled in the junior-senior high school,
Because it won first division in 121 had averages hIgh enough to be placed on one of the three
the national meet at Waco last honor rolls, according to A. C. Murphy, principal.
spring, the Weslaco Band will not The juniors ranked highest with 6 students on the superior
be required to enter the marching honor roll; the seniors came next with 5; and the ninth grade fol-
contests at the Pigskin Jubilee, lowed with 4.
which is to J:e held on the Donna
athletic field Thursday, Decem-
bed 4, at 8 p. m. However, the
band will present an exhibition
of about five minutes.
Other Valley bands which en-
ter the marching contest will pre-
sent two minutes of required
maneuvers and three minutes of
special maneuvers.
The complete honor rolls for the second six weeks are as follows:
Superior Honor RoH
(All A's)
12th: Margaret Lucas, Carl Fitzgerald, Betty Jo Smith, Mar-
garet Ezekiel, Dorothy Lee Drawe.
11th: Joy Baker, Armando Cuellar, John Emery, Sam Jones,
Verna Mae Purl, Irene Yoder.
10th: None.
9th: John Knapp, Loydelle Stevenson, Frances Powell, Billie
Marie Daney.
8th: Billie Louise Batson, Mary Ann Burton.
Honor Roll
(3 A's, other grades B)
Approximately a thousand stu-
dents are expected to participate
in the massed concert, according
to Hermann Wren, McAllen band I
director and chairman of the ju-
bilee. He also stated that all Val- 12th: Watson Keeney, Murlene Jones, Archie Jenkines, Letty
ley bands, with the exception of I Lou Cannon, Kareene Gary, Ollie Mae Swinnea, Luciclaire Rankin,
Edinburg's, would enter the ju- Shirley McCasland.
bilee. 11th: Eleanor Mortensen, Dorothy Shull, Frances Betts, Antonio
-----(0 Guerra, B. R. Guess, Neil Chandler.
Honor Roll May 10th: Jo Ann Egloff, Gerald Milliken, Neva Jean Riley, Ken-
Be Incomplete Gholson. neth Ryan, Maurice Talbert, Wal-
9th: Ruth Pinson, BebeSkaggs. ter Hope Baxter, Robert Bradford,
Honor roll may-
Because of the fact that sever-
al report cards were incomplete
on account of absences caused by
illness. it was impossible to de-
termine whether some few stu-
dents should be placed on the
honor roll or not.
If any names were unintention-
omitted, the Hi-Life will be
glad to add them at a later date.

Plans for Year Made
By Girl Reserves
Plans were made for the rest
of the year at a cabinet meeting
of the Girl Reserves at the home
of Margaret Lucas Tuesday night,
December 2.
The Football Banquet, Sweet-
heart Banquet, Sadie Hawkins
Dance, and other events of the
year were discussed.
Howard Findley, Alvin Hansen.
dred SChreck, Yvonne Thompson, 10th: Betty Clevenger, Zela
Imogene Vernon, Hercilia Cam- Mae Dietrich, Leo Jones.
pos, Miller Armstrong, Tony 9th: Carol Jones, June Kobeck,
Bradford, Theo Haas, Donald Marjorie McMullin, June Mit-
Dorman, Amelia Cirilo, Bettie
Marie Carr. chell, Lynette Stahl, Bill Solether,
Charlie Krause, Jose Laredo, Ma-
8th: John Griffin, Doris Schupp, ria Lopez, Dan McCants, Willa- .
Ann Williams, Nancy Allen, Bob dene McAlpin, Jimmy Norton,
Dennison, Zane Etter, Ballard Ethel Anderson, Mary Louise Bai-
Bennett, Dorothy Henrickson, Ed- ley, Leonard Emery, Concho Gar-
ward Koester. za, Robert Lee Donalson, Helen
Honorable Mention Archer, Therman Eoff, . J . D.
(No grade below B) Brixey, A. J. Boese.
12th: Dwight Randolph, Keith 8th: Ann Brixey, Arnulfo Cano,
McMullin, Mary McAlpin, Calvin Gilberto De Leon, Guestavo De
Lyons, Phyllis Hufty, George Leon, Bobby Frank Koester, Mar-
Bradford, Roy Brockett, Mildred garet Hewlett, Doris Long, Donna
Brixey, Jack Frizzell, Marion Nell Keathley, Odell Godwin,
George, Johnny Hewlett, Eileen Bobert Barter, Marjorie Grace,
Rogers, Tom Solether, Rachel Howena Haas, Cecil Rives, Myra
Sugg. Dell Stewart, Dalia Trevina,
11th : S. D. McDaniel, Ralph Myrtle Gene Vaughn.
EI IT orro
Greetinks and saladlations, my
little friends. Dis is de Kolyum
of de page of culcher and refine-
Speakin' of fines, as soon
principill of dis dump pays . hIS
fine, he goin' to git outa da Jug.
(Dat's where he wuz Monday) .
Yours trulie go dis info from
"Long John" Solether. And
guy auto no, 'cause dey're hangm
his little bud Tuesday.
Now we're gonna take up a
serius mather. Dis is meant most-
ly for G. W. (Gee Whiz) San-
sing, Pearl (I loves ta beat . lit-
tle fat babies in da head wId a
poker) Youngblood, and Louise
(You'll see me at church on
Easter and Christmas) Black. Da
mess sage is dis. We gotta quit
shootin' craps in da hall. It' s
o. k. to play poker in the lie-'
berry, but dese golf
balls have got to stop 'rollin down
da hall.
Roses to da lung ladys who just
joined da "If Your Husband
Drinks Beer Bash Him in Da Pate
with a Baseball Bat Club." Da
girls were "Fatty" Mortensen,
"Buck teeth with gaps between
the front two" McCasland, "I've
worked all year and glad that
darn annual's gone" Loucuss, "It
comes from ridin' horses," Drawe,
and "My feet are sO big that
even alum won't shrink urn"
S' dener . Miss "I wonder where all
me'n my age are hiden' "
Hairrun is da club sponsors.
Crowds' of Weslaco's more un-
tellactchual sitisens was down at
Kay' s Pool Rool to hear the ad-
dition of Clettuss Gause, famed
barely tone. The . sung
"He found a bed bug m hIS Ro-
liki dinner" in G sharp, Opuss
2222 divine, by Merty Sue Jones,
and "The knock-kneed pidgeon to
the big, gray rat" from the fam-
ous show "Who stole the lock off
the hen-house door?"
_________0 __ -------
$200,000 REWARD - I've . lost
two pounds since last FrIday.
Please, please, help me find
they- June Mitchell.
Students Aren't Noisy Enough!
Students are acting like timid mice while in the auditorium and
this must stop. Of all places on the campus, students should cer-
tainly act natural while in the auditorium and not sit in cowed
silence while announcements and speeches are being made. The
principal, superintendent, and teachers would be glad if they could
only hear a few scattered whispers, but they would be overjoyed
if students would raise the roof every once in a while. Mr. Murphy
is also disappointed in the way the students sing- they always
sing in tune and it is becoming monotonous. We would like to hear
the stUdents sing off-key and not in unison. Other suggested im-
provements in chapel behavior are that students should be late
every day; they should eat and drink while .inside and leave their
bottles on the floor; they should stick chewing gum about on the
seats; when they feel it, they should scream, yell, or stomp the
floor, they should boo down the speakers they don't like, and they
should get up and leave assembly when they are bored.
You Ain't Gotta Do It!
Flash! Some of our proud maminas and pappas have been
talking to our hard-hearted teachers and have finally convinced
them that all of us kids are being worked to death.
Mr. Kay, therefore, issued a declaration that all students are
to report to class only when they have had plenty of rest and
feel that htey are up to the task.
Mr. Kay has, therefore, issued a declaration that all students
are to report to class only when they have had plenty of rest and
feel that they are up to the task.
Mrs. Roberson and Miss Black decided, amid many bitter tears
shed when they realized how hard they were being on their popular,
how hard they were being on their pupils, that anyone bringing
a piece of gum to class' may chew it i:l' he or she will give half the
stick to the teacher.
The moral of this brilliant editorial is that anyone who tries
can get enough pull behind him to put over his point to anyone
mistreating him.
Know All Reveals
W. H. S. Studes, 1960
We -who can see all, know all,
hear all, and forget all, look far
into the future with a strange
magic power.
As we look into our crystal ball
we see Evelyn Card, the famous
dancing star, known as Eleanor
Powell II.
Sam Jones showing Lloyd
Brobst how to run the mile. .
Bob Compere thinking he is
Joe Louis.
Bob Curbo pinch hitting for
Robert Taylor in his most dar-
ing scene in "Billy the Kid."
The three Mortensen sisters, now
known to be the immediate suc-
cessors of the Lane sisters, num-
ber one box office attraction.
Luciclare Rankin winning na-
tion-wide fame in bathing beau-
ty contests.
Irene Yoder training fleas for
photographic purposes.
Robert Chandler is now work-
ing in a glass factory, blowing
glass bubbles with the wind which
he formerly gave the fair dam-
Heil, my friendly friends of
the gooch. Happy April Fool's
Students, this column wants to
be the first to tell you of the
unexpected elopement of MA-
RION and BOB. Could it be caus-
ed by the "draft" board?
What do you know? PETE
HALL was deferred from the Ar-
my because he was too thin, pale,
too short, flat-footed, broken
arches, deaf, and can't hear.
PETE can't still see how he was
If you see JAC KFRIZZELL out
in the back yard blowing his
feet to pieces, you'll know he'd
do anything to get out of fight -
Two future tracksters were
seen chasing the beaus of Wes-
laco around the campus last week.
They were none other than MIL-
CARD. Watch out. boys; these
girls are plenty fast.
seen again dating his one and on-
ly RUTH PINSON. Seems as if
they had it bad. Nice going, PAUL.
"SHORTY' CLARK had an-
other date with "big shot" FA W-
CETT over the weekend. She's
just your type, GEORGE.
"'Vho stole my heart?" so says
pines for BOBBY "Smoothie"
COMPERE, who is teaching alge-
bra to the soldiers.
What's this we've been hear-
ing a1::out MERT'S and TOM SO-
LETHER' S passing notes during
For two weeks the F. B. 1. has
been searching for JUDY PRE-
GENZER, who suddenly vanished
into thin air while sitting in the
Ritz theatre balcony. A $10,000
reward is offered.
MISS HERRON has just receiv-
ed an offer from the Old Maid's
Association in Elaskie.
We'll leave you alone until
next year and see you then. April
Fool's joke, Uh- huh. '
----- 01------
LOST-One special delivery pos-
tage stamp. Must be found, or
Maurice will not get a letter
from Ollie Mae this week.
Pictured above are four of the I was never late with his work,
students who will fill the positions and the first letter of the alpha-
so recently vacated by former bet was the only one ever seen
faculty members. on his report card.
Bob Curbo, whose . wrathful Bebe 'Skaggs will take the
ways have made him a much- place of Pedro, who recently va-
feared young fellow, takes the cated to join the Mexican air
job of principal. All students are force.
warned to step lively. Weslaco's athletic department
Because of his superior work is ' to be headed by Judy Pregen-
in English, Marvin Archer was zero The football team should go
appointed head of that depart- far next year under this able
ment. You will remember that he coach.
News Flashes by
Retlaw LLeheniw
Joe Barbee has just received a
call from President Franklin D.
Roosevelt asking him to take the
LOST-One girl friend. Finders
keepers. Could use another,
FOR RENT- My technique with
women, all in ten easy lessons.
Klare Teegarden.
Presdient's place as Commander- LONELY-All my boy friends
in-Chief of the United States are gone to work for Uncle
Army. The president had seen Sam. Dorothy Lee Drawe.
pictures of Barbee and is con-
vinced from looking at them that
no person in the nation could be
so capable of filling this post as
Joe. Students should now be sure
to conduct themselves with the
proper amount of deference and
respect to our Commander-in-
PERSONAL-Anyone wishing to
take my p'cture, please see me
immediately.- Watson Keeney.
Mr. "Bill" is to be commended
for his perseverance and his
continuity of purpose-it isn't
every high school that has a head
William Krauledat has at last 'of its music department who can
accomplished the one ambition of play such a difficult composition.
his lire, at which he has been Mr. "Bill" states that he plans to
work, ing for twenty- five yearS-I devote the remainder of his life
he can now play "Chopsticks." to memorizing "Old Gray Mare."
THE' WESLACO 1, 1942
LaDuke Suffers
Breakdown Due
To Overwork
It is with sincere regret that
we announce to the stUdent
body the nervous breakdown
suffered by a popular and
ha:ndsome . beau of the high
school, Leo LaDuke. The break-
down was caused by overwork.
Leo has been devoting his time
,t()' his studies so continuously
that he will not even attend
some of his classes. He has
perfectly indifferent to
gir!s; :his chief ambition has
,seert:red . to get on the superior
11l'nlor Toll.
" ,Suchan ambition on the part
of _oile so young and attractive
is indeed to be deplored,and
it is hoped that the complete
:rest ithat Leo is taking , will '
create, in his mind a .. normal
attitude-that is, an attitude
that pleasure should come first
and work last.
Voelkel, Cleckler,
Archer, Curbo Take
T exasRelays
F renesiGir IsU se
Skillful T echniqtie
To 1:Ielp Tracksters
Here is news! Weslaco has been Those gushy-mushy Frenesi
were at It again
put on the map by our four ver-
satile young Carvin The dateless wonders were )'bi-
Voelkel, Bob cyCle riding after their meeting
Curbo, and "Doc" . Cleckler. Like Monday night, when Phyllis Hoge,
everyone else, we thought the one of the rowdiest members, hit
boys went to Austin last week to upon a " wonderful plan.
watch the Texas Relays, but in The girls ambushed a group of
reality they went to run in them. track and football boys who were
When the fina:l point standings strolling innocently around af-
were listed, Weslaco had 420. ter supper. They bound and gag-
Curbo ran and jumped himself ged the boys, loaded them on the
into 120 points by winning the handlebars of their bikes, and rode
mile run in2 minutes flat. Ten out to the pumping plant. Here
minutes later he cmae back to the luckless boys were turned
win the 2 mile event in 6 min- loose and instructed to head for
utes, a new world record. His town. They turned and started
time would have been better, but walking, slowly toward the city,
he stopped on the ' sixth lap to still too bewildered to know ex-
pole vault for a first place, and actly what to do.
a new record of 27 :)feet. Curbo This, however, didn't afford
completed his day by ' tossing the enough excitementJor the Frene-
I shot put over the stadium press sis. TIley took their six-shooters
box. '. . from their belts and started fir-
!..;..'---_ .. ___________ -l Following in footsteps ing at the boys' feet. Wow! did
W8.S Calvin Voelkel, 'who amazed those guys run! They set recor.ds
. SchoolSuppIies the crowd with his ' endurance. never before seen in W. H. S.:
Students WI"th' Calvih started - the mile relay' As a result of thiJl bit of ex-
_ ," _ however, when he completed c.itement, Coach Little has en-
in Class Taps . Curbo Cleckler ' and Ar_bsted the help of the Frenesi
No one will have to worry che; had th'ree blondes girls to go to the district trcak
about getting called into theof_iilto the stands and Calvin had to meet. Their duties will be sim-
f,ice . for a short lecture from A. carryon. Showing the never-die I pIe. They are simply to . appear
C. Murphy for cutting classes any spirit, Voelkel ran all . four laps on the scene as the bo.ys are. l.1
more, because _now a student can \indwon the event in '3 minutes ed up at the startmg pomt.
:finish his sleep and meet "seconds: Calvin; however, ' Coach hopes that when the boys
was put out of action when he se.f; these comely damsels, they
p 11
A report has come from Mr. mistook one 'Of the goal posts for WI run"--tbe other way.
Kay's -office that-the order for 'a hurdle. ----lr----
JunIors To Throw
Annual Blo'wout
June 31
1,000 army cots has just arrived, ' Archer and Cleckler attracted
and the cots _being installed in much attentior:l when they teamed
the' classrooms-. No one should be up on the half-mile event. Ar-
disappointed, Jor are cher just ran. "Doc" followed the
enough cots to go around, with other contestants with a club and
pillows and wool blankets for laid tllem low; hence Weslaco won
everyone. first and second. The end came After' very careful considera-
Plans for pillow fights should when the four boys ran through tion, the Junior Class decided to
be made immediately. All who the gate, mistaking a blonde for spend only six of the eight hun-
wish to engage in combat must see the Jinish Jilte. dreddollars earned while ' selling
Mr. Murphy for rul es, prizes, and toba:cco "and intoxicating drinks at
the of individuals whom the basketball games, on the an-
they wish to fight each day. around between naps. Those who nual failure called the Jr.-Sr.
Besides being made of the fin": do not care to listeh .to the pro- Banquet to be held June :31.
:est quality and most durable steel fessor's ' morning lecture are ask- The class decided to be con-
on the mar_k;et, the cots are of the ed to bring along portable radios. trary by having the banquet at
. standard . length, so that However, the students are not the Vocational Buildi,ng;- especi-
Bobby Compere and Pete Hall to get the idea that the pleasure ally when tires are so plentiful.
. will be comfortable. is all -theirs. The professor is to Invitations will soon be on their
, The best is yet to come! Copies be provided with his personal cot, way to the homes of each indi-
.' of Vogue and Esquire and boxes where he can recline .in true, Ro-j vidual in either the Junior or the
ofch.acolates are to be passed. man fashIOn,. Semor Class.
APRIL 9, 1942
I'm In The Army Seven Students To Represent
Now" Chosen W. H. S. In Literary Events Apr. 11
As Senior Play
Double Cast Begins
Work on Comedy;
All Parts Equal
Cast for the "Senior play, "I'm
in the Army Now, " a comedy in
t hree acts by Ned Albert, which
is to te presented Mya 1, has
been announced by Miss Dene
Boothe, director.
The story tells of the compli-
cations which arise when a dot-
i ng mother tries to find a way
for her son to escape the draft.
Oharacters selected are as fol-
lows: Pat Hingle, Margaret Lu-
Others Winning Second and Third
Places in County Meet Ineligible
For San Benito Contests
Seven students winning first and second places in the County
Interscholastic League contest are eligible for the district contest
to be held Saturday, April 11, at San Benito.
Those stUdents who placed first in the county meet and who
are eligible for the district contest, are as follows :
Mary Ann Burton, junior girls' declamation ; Jo Ann Egloff, ex-
temporaneous speech; and Ralph Milliken, Maria Aguilar, Armando
Cuellar, typing. The typists will not be entered as a team but as
indi vid uals.
First FF A Project
Show Well Attended
By VaHey Boys
cas, Betty Jo Smith, Johnny Hew- The Wesaco Chapter of Future
l ett, Ollie Mae Swinnea, Cather- Farmers of America held their
ine Far ina, Marion George, Paul
F ulkerson, Bobby Compere, Mil- first annual proj ect and judging
The debate teams, composed of
Helen Frances Pace, Betty Jo
Smith, Carl Fitzgerald, and Al-
bert White, will go directly to
district meet without having gone
through the county meet as a
result of an agreement with the
only other county team, Donna.
Mar garet Lucas and Ollie Mae
Swinnea, shorthand team which
won second place in county
meet, will also be entered as in-
dred Brixey, Phyllis Hoge, Rachel contest from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Sugg, and Archie Jenkines.
Saturday, April 4, at the voca-
Members of the second cast in- t ional agriculture building.
clude J ack Frizzell, Letty Lou
Cannon, Murlene Jones, Robert
Chandler, Kareen Gary, Eileen
Rogers, Tom Solether, Cary Seale,
Grace Milliken, Dorothy Lee
Drawe, Vera Mortensen and
J . D. Brixey, Jr., was the
owner of the grand champion
Hereford beef calf in the show,
while the calves of Roy Goss and
Gl en Jones were r anked among
the best four in the show.
Marvin Archer.
Grace Milliken is to be assis- Leo Jones, Clarence Parker,
t ant dir ector , and Klare Teegar- Cecil Truett, and Raydeen Purl
den has been selected stage man- owned the second four best
Rehearsals began Monday on
tl:e first act . The play has no par-
ticular leads, all parts being of
e qual importance.
~ - - - - - - - o - - - - - - - - -
Roliki Club Gives
Rotary Program
A t alk on the activities of the
boys' organization by Carl Fitz-
gerald, several numbers by the
boys quartette, consisting of Al-
bert White, Pat Hingle, Neil
Chandler , and Watson Keepey, a
tenor solo, by Watson Keeney,
and a drum solo by Hoyt Hughes
were features of the program pre-
sented before the Rotary club by
the Roliki Club last Thursday.
calves ; and Harvey and Ray
Cleckler, Cletus Goss owned the
third best eroup.
Weslaco took a ~ l four places in
the fourth best cl ass, while the
last place class included calves
cf Van Rousseau and Garrett
The Weslaco FFA club also
won the softball tournament.
Representatives from Santa
Rosa, San Benito, Harlingen, Ed-
couch- Elsa, Mercedes, . Raymond-
ville, and Edinburg attended the
Six weeks' exams for the odd
period classes will be given to-
day, Thursday, while the even
period classes will have tests on
Other students who won places
in t he meet but who ar e not eli-
gible for the district meet are as
Johnny Hewlett, Pat . Hingle,
Cat herine Farina, Bebe Skaggs,
Grace Milliken, Archie Jenkines,
one-act play; Pat Hingle, ready
writing; Oatherine Farina, senior
girls' declamation ; Pat Hingle,
senior boys' declamation; and Ed-
ward McLeaish, j unior cays' dec-
- - - - - - - - o ~ - - - - - - -
Murphy Presented
Gift l:y Roliki
Club Thursday
A. C. Murphy, sponsor of the
Roliki Club and principal of the
high school, was presented with a
small token of appreciati on of his
work at a special called meeting
held the last ten minutes of the
fifth per iod Thursday, April 2.
Since Mr. Murphy was to leave
Friday, the Roliki boys wished
to give him some expression of
their gratitude and remembrance.
The gift was a folio of stationery.
Hello; everybody!
V - - --
Now that we -have hidden and
rehidden all the little kids' Eas-
ter eggs and had more fun than
they, we settle down for those
six weeks' exams! Just think,
we'll have to take only one more
six weeks of -it, and then we'll
be out for another three months!
(Are you glad?)
V ... -
We really meant it when we
said spring was here, for some
of our Weslaco girls came home
and proved it to us.
Grace Dixon said, "I do!" to
Prescott Allen Saturday, April
4, at high noon.
V ... -
Allene Holman, who alIso
ch()se that date, married a boy
from Moore Field. Sorry, we
didn't get his name. (Maybe it
is a military secret.)
V ... -
Something you should know.
Word came from McArthur
that mail now goes to the boys in
the war zone, an dhe gave some
tips about writing these letters.
We pass them on to you in hope
that you'll put them to good use
in the very near future.
First, write lots of short let-
ters rather than one long one.
The shorter ones get first atten-
tIOn fro mthe censor.
Tell the boys about home, for
that is really what they want to
hear about.
Use thin paper, and write on
only one side, for the censors clip
out the censored parts.
V ... -
The Easter parade was quite
something this year!
The guys and gals of W. H. S.
really turned out. Even the
boys put on their brand new
bibs and tuckers, and took their
best girls to church.
"Dot Lee" looked swell in a-
red and white outfit. Frances
Betts wore tomato red with tan
accessories. (Oh, boy!) Bebe's
dress _ was navy blue, while
Merry Ferne wore a lighter
blue. We could go on all night,
but we'll just say everyone
looked very, very nice.
Do You Miss Something?
If you notice a certain something lacking when you go into
the office, if you miss the sound of a certain voice during assemblies
-in fact, if you miss a certain personality on our campus, you will
only find one solution to your problem-the loss of our principal,
Mr. Murphy, to the army.
The Hi-Life staff, on behalf of the student body, wishes to
express its regret at Mr. Murphy's leav:ng. We can truthfully say
that we have enjoyed his stay in Weslaco immensely and are only
sorry that he is not able to, stay with us longer.
Here's to you, Mr. Murphy. May you carryon in the army
as successfully as you did in Weslaco High.
Can You Do It?
How are you going to do it?
Are you going to do it?
Yes, we mean are you going to be able to pass those exams?
They are staring you in the face right now.
You know that contests are still under way, meetings of various
clubs are being held at night, groups are going here and there for
programs and entertainment; still school is going on, too.
Remember that a really good student can keep up both types
of activities-his studies and his activities.
Alumni in Service
To Have Two Pages
A total of 52 pictures and snap-
shots of Weslaco High School
alumni now in the armed forces
were collected in the successful
drive for pictures of this kind by
members of the staff of LA
PALMA, high school annual, ac-
cording to Luciclaire Rankin and
Bobby Compere, snapshot editors.
These pictures, which include
graduates from 1929 to 1941,
were used on the doul:le page
dedicated to local boys now in
service. The pages were included
in the final shipment recently
sent to Steck Company, publish-
Essentials for a good date
gathered from W. H. S. boys:
She doesn't eat much.
She is beautiful.
She doesn't eat much.
She has personality.
She doesn't eat much.
She is a good dancer.
She doesn't eat much.
Speech Class Busy
Finishing Puppets
F or Marionette Show
Work is well under way on the
marionettes and stage properties
for "The Terrible Prince with the
Terrible Nose," a puppet show,
to be presented by the students
of the ninth grade Speech Arts
Class in May, according to Miss
Dene Boothe, instructor.
The class has been divided, and
each division has been assigned
some particular phase of work
for the semester project. The
girls are completing the clothes
and bodies for the heads made
at t he first of the term.
The boys in the class are mak-
ing the furniture and stage, which
will be lighted and furnished
with miniature curtains.
Backdrops and string attach-
ments for the puppets will be
made by the entire group, pend-
mg completion of the stage and
How did 01' Easter Bunny treat
you ? Did he leave any "yeggs"
for you?
Among the many "Yeggs" home
from college for Easter were
the following: BOBBY JANE
In San Benito
All Events Except
Mile and 880 Run
To Draw Entries
Under the training of Buck
Henson, track coach, ten boys will
enter the Dsitrict Track and Field
Meet, which will be held in San
Benito, Saturday, April 11. The
ten boys and their events are as
BETTE BELL hit the jack-pot
this Easter. Two whole boxes of Marvin Archer, discus ; Tom So-
chocolates were sent by boys with lether, hurdles and 440 relay;
initials WALLY BELL and MAR- Lloyd Brobst , 110 yd. dash, 220
VIN ARCHER. yd. dash, 440 relay; Jack Frizzell,
BOB JONES, Texas University, broad jump, high jump, and both
relays; Joe Barbee, dashes and
rated with the girls of Weslaco.
MARJORIE SIDENER was the utility man; B. R. Guess, 440 yd.
relay; Paul Fulkerson, broad
date Monday night. That's bad on jump; Robert Sooter, 440 yd. dash
school nights, MARJORIE, es-
. 'I ft . t t' and both relays; and Bob Curbo,
peCla" y a er an llll 12 lOn. 1 It h' h . d 'I
JOE and CATHERINE seem to po e vau, 19 Jump, an ml e
be "hitting it up" nice and strong relTa
S d . I t Th ' th I e ,-oys are concentrating on
un ay 1 . , e
re on e the t wo relays, especially the
eam agam. 'lId h ' t t k
POSTO FULKERSON didn't ml e re an are opmg 0 a e
give anybody a thrill over the honors In the dashes.
Mechanics or Males?
Question Arises As
Girls Visit Bases
Folks, you know I always
thought that boys were interested
in airplanes, but it seems that
that isn't the case. Just be com-
fortable, and I'll tell you a lit-
tle secret.
Did you know that almost a
third of the girls pulled up anchor
and went to the open houses held
at the army airports? Why? Well,
the poor tired brains of us jour-
nalists have not been able to fig-
ure out yet.
It is quite evident, however,
that the girls must be intensely
interested in the mechanized de-
vices attached to the modern in-
vention, known as the airplane.
It couldn't ,be the good-looking
boys that were up there? (I've
been giving a lot of thought to
the question, and maybe it could
be) .
Anyway, it's well that the girls
are learning a bout planes, for
there's no telling who'il be flying
t hem before long.
- - --- 01-----
Debate Team Win
Excellent, Good
Ratings at Meet
holidays. Your public requires 0
you to date more than two nights, Parkinson Ensemble An enviable record was won by
POSTO, Feature of Program t he local girls' and boys' debate
JOHNNY RING had SHIR- teams in the San Marcos School
, LEY all dated for Friday, Sat- Held Thursday For ensic Institute, sponsored by
urday, and Sunday nights. Many queer and unusual in- the Teachers' College held March
FLEMING and JEAN SHUFORD struments, as well as a cornet, a 27-28, according to Mrs. Fred
were seen each night "slingin' " Huegel horn, and an euphonian Robertson, coach, who received
a wild foot, too. were played by members of a the critic judges' ratings Monday.
DONALD HEWLETT and Parkinson Ensemble in assembly No decisions were rendered in
MERRY FERNE McCASLAND Thursday, April 2, in the high any of the debates; instead,
made up. You just can't drop school auditorium. ' speakers were judged by judges
yourself like that, DONALD. Ensemble numJ:ers and solos and awarded r atings.
We were sorry to hear of MAI- were before, between, and The girls' t eam, consisting of
DEL'S broken engagement. after interesting facts were given Helen Francis Pace and Betty Jo
LETTY LOU CANNON and about musical instruments, used Smith, received a rating of ex-
FRANCES HAMLIN went to La- hundreds of years ago up to the cellent and ,,\'ill receive certifi-
redo for the Easter holidays. present day instruments cates, while Albert White and
CANNON had a lot of fun just Approximately fifty things Carl Fitzgerald, who compose the
looking at the soldier boys. were played, ranging from a boys' team, were rated good.
PAT HINGLE was out dating twelve-foot pipe to an ordinary The two groups will be entered
with OLLIE MAE SWINNEA sea shell by Jean Ella Short, Vir- in the district contest to be held
Friday night. "From one love to ginia Carlisle and Carmen Wil- Saturday, April 11, in San Be-
another," eh, PAT? cox. A few other things that nito.
Keep your slates clean, kids, made a tune were a Texas long Out of a total of 81 individuals
'cause we'll be "snoopin' around" horn, an angle horn, a slide ent,ered in the debates, only three
again next week. I'll be there smaller than the present day were rated superior; 47 received
when you say, "Is dot you, trombones, and "sweet potato" excellent ratings; while 30 receiv-
Chosef?" flute. " ed good.
APRIL 9, 1942
Defense Corps Wins
Baseball Series;
G.R.' s Take Second
The Women' s Defense Corps
were the victors in the softball
tournament which ended last
week, according to Coach Osborne
Having won six and lost none,
the Defense Corps had a perfect
record. The Girl Reserves ran
second, having won four and lost
Other rat ings included Scribes-
Faculty, won three, lost three;
Pep Squad, won three, lost three;
Blue Triangle, won three, lost
three; and Band, won one, lost
Murphy, LeMaster
Leave to Join U. S.
Armed Forces
War struck Weslaco High
School this week when Princi-
pal A. C. Murphy and L. K.
LeMaster, shop instructor,
were called to the colors.
Mr. Murphy, whose draft
board at Hamilton, Texas, re-
fused to defer him until school
was dismissed, left Friday to
enlist in San Antonio in some
branch of the army service.
Mr. LeMaster, who is leav-
ing for Houston Saturday, will
enlist in the carpenter' s divi-
sion of the Navy.
100 Students See
Drothy Carpenter
In "Macbeth"
Approximately one hundred
students and teachers of , Weslaco
High attended the Baylor Univer-
Spring training is progressing sity Touring Company's presen-
rapidly. It won't be long until tation of "Macbeth" at the Edin-
the Junior-Senior game, which burg Junior College Tuesday
will be held on Thursday, April night, April 17.
16. All seniors who expect to After the closing curtain drop-
play must come out for practice ped, Miss Dorothy Carpenter,
not later than Monday. If pos- 1938 graduate of Weslaco High
sible, come out sooner. ,School, was presented a bouquet
Weslaco will have entries in
every event of the district con-
test except the mile and 880
of orchid and yellow gladiolas as
a token of Weslaco High's pride
in Miss Carpenter' s dramatic suc-
cess. The bouquet was presented
by Johnny Hewlett, president of
the Weslaco Little Theater.
Carl Sims is a new addition to Two school buses were used to
the football crew this year. Carl take the students to the presen-
has been showing up very well, tation.
but he regrets that he didn't come I ----- 0
out sooner to gain more experi- Barringer Sees
ence. Take his advice and come ,\1:T ld Th h
out for spring training the rest 'IV or,- -- roug
of this week and next. Train Windows!
"Flash" Chandler is dying for
a chance to show up L. J. Cox
of Donna in the district meet.
"Flash" informs us that he will
beat Cox even if he has to bor-
row a, motorcycle.
- - - - o ~ - - - -
"Shoe shine, mister?"
"I can shine 'em so you can
see your face in 'em."
"I said no."
Reed Barringer, private first
class. stated in a letter to Fred
E. Kay, superintendent, that he
had been in 22 states since he had
left Weslaco.
Mr. Barringer said that he had
seell most of the states through
tTain windows, but that he knew
New York City thoroughly.
A large number of students of
Weslaco High visited Moore Field
in II/fission on Army Day, Mon-
day, April 6.
"You'r in The Army Now" Theme of Farewell Party
Mr. Murphy paused at the door
of the high school building. With
a look of bewilderment he gazed
at the group of sad- f aced seniors
that were gathered around him.
"What makes this bunch of se-
niors think they can stay out of
first period classes?" thought Mr.
Murphy. "Of course it's All Fool's
Day, and maybe they think it's
their day to cel ebrate."
Suddenly a small band com-
posed of Bobby Compere, Mar-
garet Lucas, Neil Chandler, Hoyt
Hughes, Albert White, and Mar-
jorie Sidener burst forth with
"You're in the Army Now." When
the band had completed the
piece, Tom Solether, president of
the Senior Class, boldly walked
up to Mr. Murphy and s3id
"Uh- "
This was the beginning of the
surprise farewell party given to
Mr. Murphy by the Senior Class
last Wednesday morning. After
the laugh that followed Tommy's
"uh" had died down, the red-
faced president began his speech.
"Mr. Murphy, as a token of our
appreciation of your leadership
throughout the school year, the
seniors are happy to see you go-
er, I mean, t h e seniors are sorry
for the army that they got you-
I mean we' re sorry thU\t you have
to leave us; therefore we are giv-
ing you a farewell party, any-
After this, the band played an
army song while the students
sang. Following the song, a poem
entitled "An Ode to Mr. Mur-
phy," was read; then the mem-
bers of the class presented the
"soldier principal" with numer-
ous gifts of onions, toy tanks, po-
tatoes, paring knives, and the
Mr. Murphy then expressed his
gratitude to the seniors and ask-
ed the boys not to enlist, but
wait until they are called. With
this, Mr. Murphy exchanged fare-
wells with the students, and
classes were resumed.

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