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INBOX: Investigative Timetables; NY Move Copy |This message to r

Document Request (8 of 143) SB
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Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 14:30:33-0400
From: jfarmer@9-11<S
To: pzelikow@9-11^P1,^',<S'
GC: team8@9-1^, team9@9-1 1commission.gov4?
Subject: Investigative Timetables; NY Document Request

I thought it would be useful! in constructing a timetable for completion of our

teams' projects! to "work backwards" from the anticipated completion of our
work on May 30-, E D O H - I am sharing the projected timetable with you! as I
believe it carries implications for the timing and urgency of our document
request protocols- My tentative timetable is as follows:

May 3n! EDDM -- adoption of the Report by Commission

April IT SDOM -- presentation of draft report to Commission

January IT 2DOM -- begin drafting of Report

December 3D-, 2DD3 -- completion of interviews

September In EDD3 -- begin interviews

August 31n EOD3 -- complete review of documents! begin preparation

of interviews

Present - August 31i EDQ3 -- obtain and review relevant documents

pursuant to approved work plansi in anticipation of scheduling formal

Let me know whether this rough outline comports with your long-term
thinking. If SOT we may need to insist on rapid turn-around from the federal
agencies! and be willing to resort to legal action (or at least the threat of
legal action) relatively early in our dealings with New York- A quick
question: do Congressional investigative committees function with point-of-
contact protocols! or do they consider themselves free to avail themselves of
executive agency source information? I'm thinking in particular of
information -- such as the "whistleblower" memorandum written by the FBI's
counsel in Minnesota -- that might never have seen the light of day if it
hadn't been "leaked-" I assume that we are proceeding in accordance with an
established model for these types of investigations! how do we obtain that kind
of source information using these protocols? (This will be particularly
relevant in New York! where we are being encouraged by various interested
parties to speak with "lower level" people with "whistlebower"-type
information. How formal do these contacts have to be? Can sources of
information remain anonymous (akin to confidential informants)! and will the
Commission be willing to pay for certain kinds of information?

I know it may seem premature to raise issues of this nature! but if I am

correct about the general timetable for completion of this project! I think we
need to think these issues through in advance- In any event! let me know what
you think• 5/2/03
iiivcsugauvc iimeiauics, IN i uuuumcm jxcquesi rage /. ui /.

A final question: Team 1 will be attending a conference on emergency

management lessons learns sponsored by NYC next week- I anticipate that
someone from the corporation counsel's office will attend- I would like
permission to inform them of our desire to review -- at a m i n i m u m -- the
interviews and documents informing the two McKinsey Reports- I realize that
our workplan isn't approved yet-> but the evidence compiled in these reports
will be central to any work that we do- Their reaction to my request will also
be a good early barometer of our future relations with the city- Thanks
again- Sorry for the lengthy message- John

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