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US must rein in Israel's

nuclear arms
Obama needs to spell it out to the Israeli government: your weapons of mass destruction are
just as dangerous as Iran's

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o Gideon Spiro
o, Friday 22 May 2009 09.00 BST
o Article history

The surprise announcement by Rose Gottemoeller, a US assistant secretary of state, that

America would like every nation – including Israel – to sign the nuclear non-proliferation
treaty (NPT) has sent shockwaves through Tel Aviv, confirming the fears (or hopes,
depending on who you ask) that the Obama administration is initiating a major overhaul of
its policy on nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

The Israeli government will certainly challenge the Obama administration on this issue, as
Israel is not likely to co-operate, to put it mildly, with the state department's new logical, fair-
minded approach to non-proliferation.

It was none other than Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, who declared – with a
quite a bit of chutzpah – that the US government would adopt whatever policy Israel dictated.
But Israelis should realise that the American president cannot be reduced to a puppet of the
Israeli government.

Bearing in mind the possibility of an Israeli attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, it is critical
that the US pursue a robust non-proliferation policy, and demand that all countries in the
region sign and implement the NPT. This is the only way to prevent another war in the
Middle East.

When Israeli leaders talk about halting the Iranian nuclear programme, it is a barely
concealed threat of a military strike. Just last month, the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz published
an article by its senior commentator for military affairs calling for Israeli military action
against the Iranian nuclear project. When the most liberal daily paper publishes such an
article, alarm bells should start ringing.

Israel pushed the Middle East into a race for weapons of mass destruction. In 1986,
Mordechai Vanunu, the nuclear whistleblower, exposed the frantic bomb-making activity
going on behind the walls of the Israeli nuclear facility in Dimona. Experts on nuclear
proliferation estimate that Israel is armed with hundreds of atom and hydrogen bombs.
Adding to this the biological and chemical weapons that Israel produces in the Nes Ziona
biological institute, a frightening picture emerges: a state that is a powder keg of atomic, -
biological and chemical WMD.

Today we know that Israel developed nuclear arms while deceiving the US government.
President Kennedy was opposed to Israel acquiring or developing nuclear weapons because
of the dangers to regional and global stability. But Israel successfully deceived the American
inspectors sent to monitor the Dimona reactor.

An Israeli attack on Iran would be likely to produce catastrophic consequences, resulting in

long-term escalation of violence between the two countries. Other nations and proxies could
take sides leading, potentially, to a nuclear confrontation. But hostilities between Israel and
Iran would not remain a regional war; they would probably have profound global
consequences and cause serious damage to the US.

Barack Obama, however, can assume a historic leadership role and prevent this doomsday
scenario. He was elected as the harbinger of a new era of rapprochement between hostile
nations. To achieve these goals, the American administration needs to rein in Israel, compel it
to accept a regime of nuclear disarmament in our region and oblige it to open all nuclear,
biological and chemical facilities and missile sites to international inspection. The same holds
true for Iran and the other states in the Middle East.

The US and Israel are allies – a mantra repeated by virtually all American politicians, but not
carefully analysed. There is a "special relationship", though not in the conventional meaning
of the term as used by Aipac (the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee): the US
finances and arms Israel, and the latter is the (sometimes) grateful recipient of American
beneficence. Without US support, Israel would be reduced to a minor power. It would be
unable to finance the occupation, the settlements in the West Bank and, of course, its nuclear
arsenal. Using this leverage, the Obama administration can and should impose on Israel a
policy of nuclear disarmament.

In a volatile region like ours, in which Jews and Muslims claim a direct link with the
Almighty and even purport to speak in His name, the existence of nuclear weapons is a grave
threat to world peace. This is particularly true with regard to Israel and Iran, where elements
in each country believe in Armageddon as a prelude to redemption. Some of these religious
fundamentalists even serve in key governmental positions. This is why the Obama
administration must enforce a non-proliferation policy in the Middle East with both Israel and
Iran, thus preventing the disastrous consequences of a nuclear conflagration.

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Synagogue Bomb Plot -

Latest Zionist Publicity
By Michael Hoffman
Copyright ©2009 by Michael Hoffman

The round-up of patsies in the FBI/police-provoked "synagogue

bomb plot" (the ersatz weapons and explosives were, as per usual,
furnished by the cops themselves), is only the latest Zionist publicity
coup, timed to coincide with the hyping of the Iranian missile launch,
the visit of assassin-master Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu to the White
House, and Jeffrey Goldberg's Holocaustomania-drenched apologia
for Netanyahu's murderous racism, in the pages of the oh-so hip-
and-humane New York Times.

Dim-witted news anchors across the television and radio air waves
and satellite rays have confidently repeated the account of the NY
synagogue bomb plot exactly as told to them by "the police and the
FBI." Nary a dollop of skepticism do the media offer to salt this
goose, in spite of the fact that it is has been conclusively
documented that the Federal government from Bush and Cheney to
Condi and Colin lied to us big time concerning Saddam Hussein's
supposed weapons of mass distraction.

Loud mouth Cheney, who has taken a cue from the rabbis and
decided that the best policy is the chutzpagh tactic -- of lying
outrageously with a straight face about "enhanced interrogation"
and the "threat of terror" -- lied most outrageously during his time in
office, by claiming Saddam was mixed up with with Al Qaeda in the
9/11 attacks. In reporting Cheney's recent speeches defending
torture, nowhere have the major media reminded the people of
Cheney's most easily documented big lie -- about Saddam/Al

The little shadow play in Mayor Bloomberg's New York, with the-
suckers-who-would-be synagogue bombers (James Cromitie,
Laguerre Payen, David Williams and Onta Williams), is a harbinger of
our through-a-glass-darkly future, wherein any sustained rejection
by the American people of the Israeli sodomy of Uncle Sam, will be
met by a backpack-detonated nuke in downtown (pick your
radioactive poison): Seattle, Chicago or Houston; said backpack to
be detonated by an A-rab suicide bomber whose passport will
miraculously drift down from the mushroom cloud, and land intact at
the feet of Sean Hannity. The media will report this mother of all
terror acts exactly as the covert terrorists --which is to say U.S. and
Israeli intelligence --will want it reported, and that will end the peace
and populism movements, as well as the Bill of Rights as we know

The Cryptocracy permits us the safety-valve, playpen simulacra of

what we imagine to be petition, exposé, voting, organizing and
protesting, but since It owns the major broadcast and print media,
and commands the loyalty of the time-serving, mercenary
bureaucrats in law enforcement and intelligence, anytime it begins
to look as though We the People will actually revolt and seriously
alter U.S. policy toward the Israeli war machine, or the Carlyle
Group's military-industrial profit-complex, or the bankster's
speculative ability to raise oil prices in a time of falling demand for
oil, then the whole Yankee Doodle Spirit of '76 townhall populist
pitchfork rebellion will be locked down and locked up in a two-
pronged motion made possible by one big repeat of 9/11.

This can happen mainly because the scum of the earth, i.e. "news"
executives at the six main TV networks (CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX
and PBS), and at National Public Radio and the newspaper chains,
are all disproportionately staffed by agents and mouthpieces of the
police and security apparatus of the Zionist Occupation Government
(ZOG) itself.

As the curtain rises on today's comically contrived, off-Broadway

synagogue bombshow, confirmed and repeated with a sober and
straight face by a turkey flock of reporters and news execs, we are
seeing our future in microcosm - captive to the secret agents of the
state who fuel, feed, arm and direct the "antisemitic terrorists" and
"jihadists" who will bomb us to smithereens if we don't loyally
submit to the Dick Cheney apocalypse-now paradigm of Zionist-
goodness vs. Third World-wickedness -- the perpetual war for
perpetual peace dystopia.

The loudest alarm we should be sounding every day of our lives, in

every imaginable forum and street corner, if we would have any
hope of halting this black op, false flag, Arlington Road process, is
the clarion alert to all Americans that every domestic "terror" plot or
actual attack should always first be assumed to be a U.S.
government covert action, until proved otherwise.

Hoffman is the author ofJudaism Discovered, the only book about

Judaism ever banned by


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Israeli jets practice as tension with

Iran grows
Published Date: May 23, 2009

JERUSALEM: Israel's air force held a large-scale exercise simulating war on several fronts
with enemies that include Iran, Israeli defense officials said yesterday. The practice this week
involved Israel's entire air arm and was meant to prepare for an all-out war, including missile
attacks aimed at Israeli cities, the officials said. It lasted four days, ending Thursday. Israel
periodically conducts such exercises. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because
the details of the exercise were not
made public.
The military said it was part of its annual training program, using the word "routine" twice in
a brief statement sent to reporters. But it comes at a time of increasing friction surrounding
Iran's nuclear program, which Israel believes is aimed at producing a nuclear weapon it sees
as an existential threat.
Israel has said it prefers to block the Iranian threat through diplomacy, but will not rule out a
military strike. The military said the exercise included both regular army personnel and
reservists, releasing no further information. Israel plans a nationwide exercise next month
simulating missile attacks aimed at civilians.

On Wednesday, Iran test-fired a new rocket, the Sajjil-2, which it claims has a range of 1,200
miles (1,900 kilometers) -- meaning it could easily reach Israel. Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, who is seeking re-election next month, has suggested in the past that Israel
should be "wiped off the map." Israeli officials lauded the exercise. "I visited the exercise and
was very impressed," lawmaker Tzahi Hanegbi, who heads the Israeli parliament's defense
committee, told Army Radio yesterday. "It's no
secret that the time for decisions is approaching, in all of the world's leaderships." Defense
Minister Ehud Barak called the maneuver "important." "What we saw strengthens our
certainty that we have people we can depend on," Barak said in a statement.

Iran was one of the main topics of discussion at the White House this week when Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Barack Obama held their first meeting.
The new US administration has said it will engage Iran, reversing the policy of the Bush
administration. At the same time, the new US leadership is threatening to pursue more
international sanctions against Iran if those efforts fail. - AP

May 21, 2009 22:09 | Updated May 21, 2009 22:58

IAF holds drill simulating

all-out war
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Article's topics: Israeli Air Force, Ehud Barak, IDF, Iranian Threat

squadrons took part in a large scale drill simulating war on all fronts over the
Israel Air Force
past four days, Channel 10 reported Thursday.

An IAF fighter jet.

Photo: IDF [file]

SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World

Fighter jets, cargo planes and missile defense systems of the corps took part in the drill where
defense from a simultaneous attack against Israel from the south and the north was simulated.
Unlike previous drills, the air force did not train on long-range sorties, such as those that
would be carried out during an offensive targeting Iran's nuclear facilities; the drill this past
week focused on defending the country.

During the exercise, the scenario included war against Hamas in the South and war against
both Hizbullah and Syria in the North.

In early June, the Israeli home front will be practiced in the most far-reaching rehearsal for an
emergency rocket attack ever carried out. All Israelis will be instructed to enter secure spaces
and sirens will sound out throughout the country.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who received a briefing on the results of the past week's
exercise, was positively impressed and said "we have a strong air force and this gives us a
sense of security."

Referring to the Iranian test-launch of a long-range ballistic missile on Wednesday, Barak

said it was "more proof that we must develop means to confront" the Iranian threat.


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An Israeli F-4E Phantom Kurnass BUSTED by an Egyptian F-16 Arab nation!

THIS CAN HAPPEN if the LUNATIC, SATANIC Netanyahu says the GO to attack Iran!

Iran possesses squadron of F-14 Tom Cat that can carry RUSSIAN, very DEADLY
Air-to=Air, LONG RANGE missiles such as the AA-77s and/or AA-73s

The Israeli Air Force/IAF will deploy a maximum of ONE HUNDREN ECM/Elelctronic
Counter Measure F-15 squadron (vs Iranian radars and missiles launcher radars,
and the tens of its F-16 SUFA (long-range w/o refuelling). U can c it in the pic of
one of the reports.

EGYPT has some 220 F-16 fighters. Yet, I DOUBT if Egypt will have the balls to
HELP IRAN. U know folks, the US CONGRESS gives both IrsaHell et Egypt, each
gets some USD 3,5 billion ANNUALLY! Great! Ur TAX dollars at
work! How generous u r AMERICANS!

TWO IAF Kfirs r KAPUT v my Air-to-Ground (1 AGM) 65B. They were on RTB
(Return to Base) following their bombing raid on Egypt. Piloting my bird, I
chased them all the way home (Israel)

Below, an IAF F-15_BAZ is KAPUT as well!

Below, an IAF F-4E Kurnass IS BBQ-ed mid-air!!!
And the Israeli pilot screamed, “Mom, I am cremated. Long Live Israel!”
These type, insha Allah, will serves as fodders of
the NEW IRANIAN SS-300 Ground-to-Air,
Russian-made LONG-Range Missiles that are
capable of sniffing incoming bandits (IAF
squadron) from as far as NINETY miles away!
THE US, NATO and ISRAEL have no defence v this
SS-300! In addition, the IRANIAN forces have
their NEW, homemade various Air-to-Air missiles.

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