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1 Sourc es of rene wable energ y, and poten tial for growt h

Curre ntly, the faste st-gr owin g sourc e of elect ricity gene ratio n using new rene wabl e sourc es is _____ ___. solar wind hydr o natur al gas coal A n B
O b 21.1

Diff :1

Right behin d the corre ct answ er in the prece ding quest ion as the seco nd faste stgrowi ng sourc e is _____ ___. solar wind hydr o natur al gas coal A n A
O b 21.1 Sourc es of rene wable energ y, and poten tial for growt h

Diff :1

prim ary motiv ation to devel op the new rene wabl e ener gy sourc es come s from _____ ___. those who belie ve cons ervat ion is impo rtant those who belie ve hum an healt h is impa cted by smog and pollut ion those who belie ve fossil fuel depe nden ce is suici

One of the obsta cles to the rapid repla ceme nt of nonr enew able ener gy sourc es with rene wabl e ener gy sourc es is _____ ___. the impr ovem ent in the infras truct ure for using rene wabl e ener gy sourc es the lack of gove rnme nt and priva te

rooft op solar panel s OTEC phot ovolt aic cells rooft op flat-p late solar colle ctors A n A
O b 21.2 Solar energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :1

Solar repre sents a minu scule porti on of U.S. ener gy prod uctio n beca use of _____ ___.

poor outlo ok for pote ntial for this ener gy sourc e pote ntial for pollut ion from this sourc e of ener gy A n B
O b 21.2 Solar energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :1

A majo r adva ntag e of solar powe r is that _____ ___. cost is prohi

O b 21.2 Solar energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :1

A majo r disad vanta ge of solar powe r is _____ ___. its costeffec tiven ess comp ared to other types of powe r its effici ency level comp ared to other types of powe r the

21.2 Solar energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

10) Prior to 1950 , the main use of wind mills in the Unite d State s was for _____ ___. ener gy gene ratio n grind ing grain for brea d pum ping water for irriga ting crops draini ng

highe r, to mini mize turbu lence and maxi mize wind spee d lower , to mini mize turbu lence and maxi mize wind spee d highe r, to mini mize the num ber of birds that interf ere with blade turni ng lower , to incre ase heat conv ectio n from the grou nd highe

that peopl e can use a singl e mill or devel op a large-scal e wind farm the initial start up cost that land can be lease d for wind powe r devel opme nt A n D
O b 21.3 Wind energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :2

13) A majo r obsta cle to the

the lack of large land areas need ed to const ruct wind farm s A n B
O b 21.3 Wind energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :1

14) Offsh ore wind farm s are being serio usly consi dere d beca use _____ ___. they are more aesth etical ly pleas ing they

21.3 Wind energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

15) The curre nt pract ice of geot herm al powe r gene ratio n may not provi de a pract ical rene wabl e ener gy sourc e beca use _____ ___. in many cases , the heat ed grou ndwa ter is used much faste r than it is recha rged in many cases , the mag ma is used

moti on of curre nts, wave s and tides; ocea n ther mal ener gy solar reflec tion light ning strike s in salt water mag netic field gene rator s A n B
O b 21.5 Ocea n energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :2

17) One majo r reaso n for the

the lack of techn ologi cal adva ncem ent the lack of politi cal supp ort A n A
O b 21.5 Ocea n energ y: how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :2

18) The large st probl em with adop ting the new techn ology of rene wabl e resou rces is _____ ___.

evalu ating the scien tific and econ omic impa cts that the startup costs are high that longterm main tena nce costs are highe r than those for fossil fuels that techn ologi cal adva nces have not been made in the last 30 years to meet our ener gy need s

21.1 Sourc es of rene wable energ y, and poten tial for growt h

20) Fuel cell techn ology has been used in the Unite d State s since the 1960 s beca use _____ ___. it was origin ally slate d for use in cars by Ford it was used widel y in NASA 's spac efligh t

is not prop erly unde rstoo d is less effici ent than fossil fuels requi res a fuel that is a nonr enew able resou rce requi res an ener gy inves tmen t to begin the proce ss has highl y volati le and dang erous comp onen ts A n D
O b 21.6 Hydro gen

Diff :1

how the hydr ogen is extra cted gove rnme ntal incen tives for resea rch this is not corre ct; hydr ogen is alwa ys clean er A n C
O b 21.6 Hydro gen fuel cells and future optio ns

Diff :1

23) One adva ntag e of using hydr ogen fuel cells is _____ ___.

ntial for prod uctio n of gree nhou se gase s the ease of trans porti ng and stora ge the ener gy effici ency that they are nonp olluti ng the low impa ct on atmo spher ic ozon e A n D
O b 21.6 Hydro gen fuel cells and future optio ns

Diff :2

21.6 Hydro gen fuel cells and future optio ns

25) Mary Ann is looki ng at alter nate ener gy sourc es for her home in the count ry, parti cularl y wind and solar. She need s to consi der _____ ___. impa ct of air pollut ion on the com muni ty the amou nt of yearroun d suns hine wher e she lives, wind spee ds,

creat es gree nhou se gase s but no acid depo sition can be prod uced wher e and when elect ricity is need ed conv erts the kineti c ener gy of earth proce sses to elect rical ener gy alrea dy has an infras truct ure in place for using hydr ogen as fuel A n C

the West the Florid a Keys A n A

O b 21.4 Geoth ermal : how harne ssed, adva ntage s, disad vanta ges

Diff :1

28) Wind will not be a majo r ener gy resou rce in _____ ___. the SE the NW Califo rnia Texa s the NE A n

21.3 Wind ener gy: how harn esse d, adva ntag es, disad vanta ges

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