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Rseaux & Tlcoms pour les non-spcialistes de lART Cameroun

Ce sminaire de synthse, ambitieux et intensif, la progression tudie pour tous, vous apportera les connaissances indispensables en matire de rseaux et tlcoms, quel que soit votre mtier :

une explication claire, sans dtails inutiles, des concepts et des technologies des rseaux et des tlcoms, accessible aux nonspcialistes pour dialoguer efficacement avec les spcialistes ; une prsentation des volutions des technologies, des protocoles, des standards et des principales innovations qui modifient profondment le large ventail des solutions disponibles ; un examen synthtique des offres du march pour comprendre le paysage, actuel et futur, des rseaux et des tlcoms ; une revue de nouveaux usages rendus possibles par les volutions des rseaux et des tlcoms et de leurs impacts sur les architectures des systmes dinformation ; une analyse des impacts des convergences, fixe et mobile, voix, donnes et images, informatique et tlcoms ;
PARTIEI : LESACTEURSDE TELECOMMUNICATIONSet TIC AU CAMEROUN Rappel historique Cadre juridique libral la concession l'autorisation Cadre institutionnel ladministration charge des tlcommunications lagence de rgulation des tlcommunications (ART) lagence nationale des technologies de linformation et de la communication (ANTIC) la coopration internationale Etat actuel de l'industrie des tlcommunications la tlphonie fixe l' Internet

la tlphonie mobile la radio tlvision

PartieII : La structuredu rseaudes tlcommunications II-1 RseauTlphoniqueCommut

Organisation du rseau tlphonique Le poste tlphonique La ligne tlphonique Trafic tlphonique Les commutateurs Les principes et concepts de base des techniques de transmission de donnes numriques Etude de cas rseau tlphonique de la CAMTEL II-2 Rseaux GSM et leur volution Principes de GSM Evolutions pour le GSM Principes de GPRS Principes du CDMA/CITY PHONE Etude de cas rseau MTNC et ORANGE Cameroon
PartieIII : Interconnexiondes rseaux

Aspects techniques Aspects conomiques Aspects rglementaires Les problmes dinterconnexion et leur rglement Le catalogue dinterconnexion
PartieIV : La notionde ressourcesen tlcommunication

Les frquences Le plan de numrotation

PartieV : La notionde serviceuniverselau cameroun PartieV : Les volutionsdansle secteurdes tlcommunicationsau Cameroun

La loi des tlcommunications De lAgence de Rgulation des Tlcommunications lautorit de rgulation des communications lectroniques Oprateur dinfrastructure au Cameroun Le dveloppement des ISP/IAP et des MVNO

Gestion du segment spatial et de laccs linternational

Networks & Tlcoms for the non-specialists of TRB CAMEROON

This seminar of synthesis, ambitious and intensive, with the progression studied for all, will bring to you essential knowledge as regards networks and tlcoms, whatever your trade: a clear explanation, without useless details, of the concepts and technologies of the networks and the tlcoms, accessible to the non-specialists to dialog effectively with the specialists; a presentation of the evolutions of technologies, protocols, standards and principal innovations which modify deeply the large range of the solutions available; a synthetic of the market offers to include/understand landscape, current and future examination, networks and tlcoms; a review of new uses made possible by the evolutions of the networks and the tlcoms and their impacts on architectures of the information systems; an analysis of the impacts of convergences, fixed and mobile, voice, data and images, data processing and tlcoms; PART I: ACTORS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS and TIC IN CAMEROUN Historical background Liberal legal framework the concession the authorization Institutional framework administration in charge of telecommunications the agency of regulation of telecommunications (ART)

the national agency of communication and information technologies (ANTIC) international cooperation Actual position of the industry of telecommunications fixed telephony the Internet mobile telephony radio television Part II: The structure of the network of telecommunications II-1 Commutated Phone network Organization of the phone network The telephone The phone line Telephone traffic Switches Basic principles and concepts of the digital techniques of data transmission Case study phone network of the CAMTEL II-2 Networks GSM and their evolution Principles of GSM Evolutions for the GSM Principles of GPRS Principles of the CDMA/CITY PHON Case study network MTNC and ORANGE Cameroon Part III: Interconnection of the networks Technical sides Economic aspects Regulatory aspects Problems of interconnection and their payment The catalog of interconnection Part IV: Concept of telecommunication resources Frequencies The plan of classification Part V: Concept of universal service in Cameroun

Part V: Evolutions in the sector of telecommunications in Cameroun The law of telecommunications Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications to the regulatory agency of the electronic communications Operator of infrastructure in Cameroun The development of the ISP/IAP and the MVNO Management of the space segment and the access to the international one

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