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Islamic Mysticism Contested

Thirteen Centuries of Controversies & Polemics Editedby Frederick de Jong &BerndRadtke


Table of Contents Acknowledgements A Note on Transliteration Preface FREDERICK DE JONG & BERND RADTKE: Introduction Tribulations, and Transformations I. Perimeters and Constants and Heresy 2. FLORIAN SOBIEROJ: The Muctazila and Sufism 3. MICHEL CHODKIEWICZ: he proces posthume d'lbn

V IX X XI 1 22 45 45 68 93 124 145 162 174

JOSEF VAN ESS: Sufism and its Opponents. Reflections on Topoi,

1. GERHARD BOWERING: Early Sufism between Persecution


4. WILFERD MADELUNG: Zaydi Attitudes to Sufism Eighteenth Century 6. BERND RADTKE: Kritik am Neo-Sufism II. Al-Andalus, North Africa, and the Middle East

5. ESTHER PESKES: The Wahhabiyya and Sufism in the

1. MARIBEL FIERRO: Opposition to Sufism in al-Andalus... 174 2. VINCENT J. CORNELL: Faqih Versus Faqir in Marinid Morocco: Epistemological Dimensions of a Polemic ....207 3. TH. EMIL HOMERIN: Sufis and their Detractors in Mamluk Egypt. A Survey of Protagonists and Institutional Settings 225



4. KAMEL FILALI: Quelques modalites d'opposition entre marabouts mystiques et elites du pouvoir, en Algerie a I'epoque ottomane Mahdi and the Sufis dix-neuvieme 248 267 5. R. SEAN O'FAHEY: Sufism in Suspense: The Sudanese 6. PIERRE-JEAN LUIZARD: Les confreries soufies en Iraq aux et vingtieme siecles face au chiisme 283 310 324 ordres soufis en Afrique de I'Ouest post-coloniale between Sufi Brotherhoods and Islamic 324 Reform 341 357 386 416 416 duodecimain et au wahhabisme Century Egypt (1900-1970). A Preliminary Survey III Africa

7. FREDERICK DE JONG: Opposition to Sufism in Twentieth-

1. OUSMANE KANE: La polemique contre le soufisme et les 2. ROMAN LOIMEIER: Political Dimensions of the Relationship Movements in Senegal Nigeria: The Doctrinal and Intellectual Aspects Sufism in South Africa IV The Indian Subcontinent Shattarl Sufism

3. MUHAMMAD S. UMAR: Sufism and its Opponents in 4. JACOBUS A. NAUDE: A Historical Survey of Opposition to

1. CARL W. ERNST: Persecution and Circumspection in 2. BRUCE B. LAWRENCE: Veiled Opposition to Sufis in Muslim South Asia: Dynastic Manipulation of Mystical Brotherhoods by the Great Mughal 436



3. MARC GABORIEAU: Critizing the Sufis: The Debate in Early-Nineteenth-Century India 4. ARTHUR F. BUEHLER: Charismatic Authority: Naqshbandl Response Mediational Sufism in British India V Central Asia and China Versus 452 Scriptual of 468 492

to Deniers

1. DEVIN DEWEESE: Origins and the Critique of Sufism: The Rhetoric of Communal Uniqueness in the Manaqib of Khoja cAll cAzizan Islam: Sufism in Soviet Central Asia Turkistan oriental Ramitani 492 520 541 2. JO-ANN GROSS: The Polemic of "Official" and "Unofficial" 3. MASAMI HAMADA: he Sufisme et "ses opposants" au 4. JONATHAN N. LIPMAN: Sufism in the Chinese Courts: Islam and Qing Law in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries contre le soufisme en Chine? VI Anatolia, Iran, and the Balkan l'Empire ottoman aux quinzieme et seizieme siecles Twelver Shiism 3. MANGOL BAYAT: Anti-Sufism in Qajar Iran 553 576 603 603 614 624 5. LEILA CHERIF-CHEBBI: L'Yihewani, une machine de guerre

1. AHMET YASAR OCAK: Oppositions au soufisme dans 2. NASROLLAH POURJAVADY: Opposition to Sufism in

4. NATHALIE CLAYER ET ALEXANDRE POPOVIC: Les courants anti-confreriques dans le Sud-Est europeen a



I'epoque post-ottomane Yougoslavie et de I'Albanie VII The Malay-Indonesian World

(1918-1990). Les cas de la 639 665 665 687

1. AZYUMARDI AZRA: Opposition to Sufism in the East Indies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Nineteenth-Century Indonesia Involving the Sufi Orders in Twentieth-Century Indonesia 4. WERNER KRAUS: Sufis und ihre Widersacher Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts Postscript List of Contributors Indices 1. Personal Names 2. Place Names 3. Concepts 4. General 705 in 729 757 761 765 765 795 803 812 2. KAREL STEENBRINK: Opposition to Islamic Mysticism in 3. MARTIN VAN BRUINESSEN: Controversies and Polemics

Kelantan/Malaysia. Die Polemik gegen die Ahmadiyya zu

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