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WORDS & PHRASES IN OP REPORTS: A. Common opening sentence in operative reports: a.

The patient was taken to the operating room b. The patient was taken to the operating suite c. The patient was taken to surgery B. The patient was placed in the _____ position (one of the following common positions). a. The patient was placed in the supine position b. The patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position c. The patient was placed in the Sims position d. The patient was placed in the semi-Fowler position e. The patient was placed in the semiprone position f. The patient was placed in the reverse Trendelenburg position g. The patient was placed in the prone position h. The patient was placed in the Mayo-Robson position i. The patient was placed in the lithotomy position j. The patient was placed in the leapfrog position k. The patient was placed in the lateral recumbent position l. The patient was placed in the Fowler position m. The patient was placed in the dorsal position n. The patient was placed in the dorsal supine position o. The patient was placed in the lateral decubitus position p. The patient was placed in the sitting position C. The patient was given _____ anesthesia (one of the following common types of anesthesia) endotracheal anesthesia epidural anesthesia general anesthesia general via LMA IV sedation MAC anesthesia scalene block spinal anesthesia Wrist block anesthesia

D. Incision was closed using ______ sutures (one of the following common sutures) Sutures used: bioabsorbable suture Biosyn suture braided Ethibond suture braided Mersilene suture braided Nurolon suture braided nylon suture braided polyester suture braided silk suture braided Vicryl suture braided wire suture buried interrupted (2-0, 3-0, 4-0, etc) Vicryl sutures catgut suture chromic catgut suture chromic suture Dexon suture double-armed suture Dupuytren suture Ethibond suture Ethilon suture fast-absorbing plain gut suture figure-of-eight interrupted suture Gore-Tex suture Heaney suture horizontal mattress suture interlocking suture Kirschner suture Mersilene suture Monocryl suture Nurolon suture nylon suture. PDS suture Prolene suture pursestring suture silk suture stay suture subcuticular suture suture ligature Vicryl suture E. _____ dressing (one of the following) was placed:

4 x 4s ABD dressing Ace wrap Adaptic gauze bacitracin benzoin bulky dressing Bunnell-type dressing Coban wrap compression dressing dry sterile dressing fluff dressing iodoform gauze Jones dressing Kerlix dressing Kling Mastisol neoprene dressing nonadherent dressing Opsite dressing Polar Care ice pack pressure dressing Ray-Tec dressing saline-soaked Kerlix gauze scrotal dressing scrotal support sterile bulky gauze sterile compression dressing Steri-Strips Tegaderm dressing Tegasorb dressing Telfa gauze dressing thumb spica splint TubiGrip dressing Vi-Drape dressing Webril dressing wet-to-dry dressing Xeroform dressing/gauze Drains used: Blake drain Foley catheter to gravity Hemovac drain Indwelling double-J stent Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain

Penrose drain Incisions used: anteromedial portal incision Bruner incision curvilinear incision elliptical incision hemitransfixion incision inframammary incision infraumbilical incision Killian incision left upper quadrant incision linear incision longitudinal incision low transverse incision midline incision Pfannenstiel incision previously made incision punctate incision semielliptical incision splitting incision stab incision supraclavicular incision suprapubic incision umbilical incision vertical stab incision Weber-Fergusson incision Cautery used: bipolar cautery Bovie cautery electrocautery monopolar cautery Types of dissection: careful dissection deep dissection meticulous dissection sharp and blunt dissection Ending sentence in operative reports: The patient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged in stable condition to the recovery

room Other common phrases in operative reports: prepped and draped in sterile fashion hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery/bipolar cautery Esmarch bandage mmHg Foley catheter pneumatic tourniquet exsanguination bandage scissors gloves were changed hemostasis was obtained sponge, needle and instrument counts were correct x3

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