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Forma frases con las palabras entre parntesis y pon ' s ' / 'of ' segn convenga.

I I 135678910- What is UNIT 1 1. Grammar flash I check what you know (Yo verifico lo que t sabes) a. Complete verb to be (Completa el verbo Ser/estar) Present Simple Positive Subject pronouns Complem ent Short form (forma corta) like Philip's car. ( the cried at the end of the film. ( Do I What What Which you hate is was is ? ? ? like ( (the ( ( ? the first the the car the film ( Anne car day price bag Philip the end coat Bob the the ) ) ) ).

-the -

2- Put his name at 4- The bar opens at

(The end - the page ). ( the end - the winter ). month) flat Craig ). ).

is not very interesting. ( the Church - the Holy Grail). is not far from de sea. ( the flat - Andy ). ? ( the size- this T-shirt )


I (yo)


I'm (yo de EU)


He (l) She (ella) It (ello)

is From USA (de EU)

He's (l es de EU) She's (Ella es de EU) It's (Ello es de EU)

We (nosotro s/as) You(t/uste d/ustedes) They (ellos/ as)


We're (Noso tros somos de EU) You're (Uste des son de EU) They're (Ell os son de EU

Los pronombres personales sujeto (Subject pronouns), como su nombre lo indica, pueden reemplazar a un sustantivo y ser el sujeto de una oracin.

Negative Subject pronouns Verb Complement Short form (forma corta)

am not

I'm not (yo no soy de EU)

He She It

is not

From USA (de EU)

He's not = He isn't (l no es de EU) She's not = she isn't (Ella no es de EU) It's not = It isn't (Ello no es de EU)

We You They

are not

We're not = We aren't (Nosotros no somos de EU) You're not = You aren't (Ustedes no son de EU) They're not = They aren't (Ellos no son de EU)

Question Question word Verb Subject pronouns Preposition


Where (Dnde)


He She It

from? (de?)


We You, they

En este caso la preposicin (from=de) se escribe al final, pero se traduce al inicio.

Traduccin literal: Dnde soy yo de? Equivale a: De dnde soy yo...?

Caso particular: La forma corta o abreviada, interrogativa negativa que corresponde a Am I not? (No soy yo?) es Aren't I? b. Complete with possessive adjectives (Completa con adjetivos posesivos).

What is = What's

This is

my (mi) your (su/tu) his (su,de l) her (su,de ella) its (su, de ello) our (nuestro) your (vuestro) their (de ellos)


(Cul es mi nombre?)


(Esta es mi casa)

c. Question words (Palabras interrogativas): Complete (Completa) What is your phone number? (Cul es t/su nmero telefnico?) Where are you from? (De dnde eres t?/De dnde es usted?) How are you? (Cmo ests t?/Cmo est usted?) Q: How old are you? (Cun viejo eres t? = Cuntos aos tienes t/usted?) A: I'm 20 = I'm 20 years old = I'm twenty (No debemos responder: I'm 20 years or I have 20 years) d. Use indefinite articles: a (un/una), an (un/una). ticket (boleto) newspaper (peridico) magazine (revista)

It's a

It's an

apple envelope English Hour

(manzana) (sobre) dictionary

I'm a doctor (Yo soy un doctor) NOT: I'm doctor ("Yo soy doctor" uso en espaol) I'm a student (Yo soy un estudiante) NOT: I'm student.

En los ejemplos, los sustantivos doctor y estudiante estn actuando como predicativo por lo tanto deben llevar si o si, el artculo indefinido en el ingls. e. Colours (Colores) Q: What are these colours? Make a list. Cules son estos colores? Hacer una lista: 1 rojo, 2 verde, 3 azul, 4 negro, 5 blanco, 6 amarillo, 7 rosado, 8 marrn, 9 naranja, 10 prpura, 11 violeta, 12 celeste, and 13 gris. A: One is red, two is green, three is blue, four is black, five is white, six is yellow, seven is rosy/pink, eight is brown, nine is orange, ten is purple, eleven is violet, twelve is light blue/sky blue, and thirteen is grey. f. Demonstrative pronouns. We use this/these to talk about people/animals/things that are near to us. Nosotros usamos this (este/a/o) / these (estos/as) para hablar sobre personas/animales/cosas que estn cerca de nosotros.

I like this ice-cream. Me gusta este helado. o This is my brother. Este es mi hermano. o These are my friends. Estos son mis amigos. We use that/those to talk about people/animals/things that aren't near to us. Nosotros usamos that (esa/o/e) / those (esas/os) para hablar sobre personas/animales/cosas que no estn cerca de nosotros. o That is your car. Aquel es tu coche. o What's that? It's a computer. Qu es aquello?. Ello es una computadora. o Look! Those are happy children. Mira! Aquellos son nios felices. o I want those shoes. Yo quiero aquellos zapatos. g. Genitive apostrophe ('s) tambien llamado Possessive 's

Se usa para indicar que algo es de (suyo, de su propiedad, o que le pertenece). Para sustantivos terminados en s se agrega solamente el apstrofe (').

My wife's name is Judy. (Traduccin literal: Mi esposa su nombre es Judy = El nombre de mi esposa es Judy). That's Andrea's dictionary. (Aquel es de Andrea su diccionario = Aquel es el diicionario de Andrea). Students' room. (Estudiantes su saln = saln de estudiantes).

2. Exercises a. Verb to be: Short answers (Respuestas cortas)

Answer these questions about you. Responde estas preguntas sobre ti. (Recordamos que si la respuesta es breve y afirmativa, se utiliza solamente laforma larga, en cambio, si la respuesta es breve y negativa o respuesta larga, podemos utilizar la forma corta o larga del verbo to be). 0. Are you girl? Eres t una chica? No, I'm not. No, yo no soy. 1. Are you tired? Ests t cansado? No, I'm not. No yo no estoy. 2. Are you a student? Eres t un estudiante? Yes, I am. Si, yo soy. b. Verb to be: questions (Preguntas) Write the question for these answer. Escribe las preguntas para estas respuestas. 0. Q: Are you American? Eres t americano? A: No, I'm not American. No, yo no soy Americano. 1. Q: Are you from Japan? Eres t de Japn? A: No, I'm not from Japan. No, yo no soy de Japn. 2. Q: Are you very small? Eres t muy pequeo? A: No, I'm not very small. No, yo no soy muy pequeo. c. Verb to be: Complete the sentences (oraciones) Use am, is or are. 0. How are you? Cmo ests t?

1. I am fine, thanks. Yo estoy bien, gracias. 2. Peter is my brother. Peter es mi hermano. 3. We are both 23 years old. Nosotros somos (tenemos) ambos 23 aos de edad. 4. Lucy and Peter are married. Lucy y Peter estn casados. d. Verb to be plural: question and plural of nouns (Preguntas y plural de sustantivos) Write the sentences in the plural. Escribe las oraciones en el plural. 0. Where is he from? De dnde es l? Where are they from? De dnde son ellos? 1. Is she at home? Est ella en casa? Are they at home? Estn ellas en casa? 2. The teacher isn't new. El profesor no es nuevo. The teachers aren't new. Los profesores no son nuevos. 3. Where is the video? Dnde est el video? Where are the videos? Dnde estn los videos? 4. What is this? Qu es esto? What are these? Qu son estos? 5. The name isn't Japanese. El nombre no es japons. The names aren't Japanese. Los nombres no son japoneses. 6. I'm not hungry. Yo no estoy con hambre. Atencin: se usa to be. We aren't hungry. Nosotros no estamos con hambre. Atencin: se usa to be.

7. Where am I? Dnde estoy yo? Where are we? Dnde estamos nosotros? 8. What is the right answer? Cul es la respuesta correcta? What are the right answers? Cules son las respuestas correctas? 9. Who is the actor? Quin es el actor? Who are the actors? Quienes son los actores? e. Verb to be: Complete the question with "question words" Question interrogativas) words (palabras Answers

What (Cul)

is her surname? is her job? is her address?

Svori (her: su, de ella) She's Expert Computer. 66, Irigoyen Street.

Where (Dnde)

is she are you are they



Who (Quin)

is is she?


She's Luis' daughter (Ella es de Luis su hija = ella es la hija de Luis)

How old (Cun viejo)

is are you?


Twenty-two (22)

How much (Cunto)

is an ice-cream?

One pound 50p.(Una libra 50 peniques)

When (Cundo)

are your English lesson?

Tomorrow (maana).

f. Surname (apellido), job (trabajo), address (direccin). g. Nota: Si preguntamos con Why? (Por qu?), responder con Because... (Porque...) h. Rewrite the sentences. Use the possessive 's (Reescribe las oraciones. Usa el posesivo 's) 0. Jane + book: Jane's book. (Jane su libro). 1. My friend + bag: My friend's bag. (Mi amigo su bolso). 2. My family + house: My family's house. (Mi familia su casa). 3. Jon + son: Jon's son. (Jon su hijo). 4. Andrea + brother: Andrea's brother. (Andrea su hermano.) 5. His wife + name: His wife's name. (Su esposa su nombre). 3. Useful phrases Excuse me. (Escseme). Thanks/Thank you. (Gracias/Gracias a ti).

Thank you very much. (Muchas gracias). It's great to be here! (Es grato estar aqu!). Nice to meet you. (Lindo encontrarme contigo). That's very nice of you (Es muy lindo/amable de tu parte). I'm fine. Thanks. (Yo estoy bien. Gracias). Good. (Bueno). Hello!/Hi! (Hola!). Hey! Look out! (Eh! Pareces afuera!). Sorry! (Perdn/lo siento!). That's OK. (Eso est bueno/perfecto). See you! (Obsrvalo t!). I must go. (Yo debo ir). Sure. (Bueno, correcto, positivo). You're welcome. (T eres bienvenido/a). Wait a moment. (Espera un momento). How do you do? (Cmo haces t?). What do you do? (Qu haces t?). Where do you do it? (Dnde lo haces t?). I don't know. (Yo no s). 4. Prepositions (Preposiciones) Where are you from? De dnde eres t? I live in a house in Resistencia. Yo vivo en una casa en Resistencia. What's this in English? Cmo es esto en ingles? This is a photo of my family. Esta es una foto de mi familia. It's good practice for you. Ello es buena prctica para ti. I'm at home. My mother and father are at work. Yo estoy en casa. Mi madre y padre estn en el trabajo. I'm in class with eight students. Yo estoy en clase con ocho estudiantes.

I live with an English family in an old house. Yo vivo con una familia inglesa en una casa vieja.

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