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Our state is in the middle of nowadays and future challenge How about our country today?

A famous scholar has writen on his book about his commotion for our country condition today, and for its future. He quote Jared Diamond on his book collapse (2005); Thomas Lickuna (education professor of Cortland University, AS); and Louis Kraar who input Indonesia as a failed state. Their reason is Indonesia has realized the ten marks of failed state. Such as violence on a teenagers environment has increased, then make using bad language as a culture/habit, influence of loyalty to violence on teenagers strengthen than before. Then, behaviour of self-defeating like free sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. has increased too. And orientation of good and bad moral has run off in a teenagers environment. Indonesia is in crisis multidimensional with breakdown country. So we are worrying that Indonesia going to be a latest state on a pacific area. Achievements by achievements who achieved by our students on so many international event seems nothing. And it cant cover up our problems. So anxious. In the middle of multidimensional crisis which demolish our life, theres some future demands. Especially to face the global competition, this need more caution to fulfil it. We have analyzed then we found the future demands. Ten demands of the future: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Speed and responsive Creativity innovation Focus on competitive environment Leadership from everybody Control by vision and values Information shared Proactive and entrepreneurial Creating tomorrows market Interdependence Environmental concerns

This demands make sure of this country stakeholder needs for efficiency. Creativity and innovation for increase global competitiveness that gets more competitive day by day in a condition and situation unattached from multidimensional crisis. We need transformational leadership Demands to leave the multidimentional crisis and plus ten demands of the future make us have a terms of leadership model that ideal to lead us. Nowadays management master conclude that transformational leadership model was the best one. This model can continue increasing the efficiency, productivity, and innovation to increase the global competitiveness which going to be more competitive day by day. Leadership model that be considered agree with the product of study about leadership skilled which has amended since about 1900. There are five leadership models that has amended in the studying in the same manner as be ambranced by Daryanto and Daryanto (1999).

First, Traits Model of Leadership (about 1900-1950) that more of research about an individual nature which contained in the leader-selves, like perspicacity, honesty, ripeness, resoluteness, social status, etc. Second, Model of Situational Leadership (about 1970-1980) that more focus to the situation factor as a variable thing to make sure of leadership ability. Can change the situation that is different than before. Third, Model of Effective Leaders (1960-an-1980-an). This model advocates assumption that the effective leader is the leader that could handle organization aspect and the members at once. Fourth, Contingency Model (1960-an1980-an). Although this model is reputed more perfect than the models before on comprehension about leadership aspect in organization, but its not yet produce a clear clarification about effective combination betweeen the individu, manner, and the situational variable clearly. Fifth, Model of Transformational Leadership (about 1970-1990). The newest model, effective. The best solution of analyze the characteristic of the leader. It can integrate and complete the previous developed idea. Change peoples cogitation and bring the undergird alteration. Masters like Sarros and Butchatsky (1996) for example, they said that this leadership model (transformational leadership model) as a breakthrough leadership. They said breakthrough because, they seeing to the leaders who use this model has a skill to carry much changes for individual tough the organization itself with reinvent individual character in the organization tough reinvent the organization itself. Such as, start creating innovation, inspect the structural, process, and organization values in order to make the organization better than before and more relevant, with some exciting methods and challenging methods for every side who took a part in and who try to realize the organization destinations that all the time long considered as an impossible one. Leader can brought changes from the base and so much big in his followers because he has metanoiac think. (Meta = changes, nous/noos = think; Greece) Besides Sarros and Butchatsky (1996), theres some expert in management who gave same appreciation for transformational leadership model or this metanoiac. Such as Hater and Bass (1988), then Yammarino and Bass (1990), then Tichy and Devana (1990), then Bass and Avolio (1994), then the last one is Bryman (1992). From the experts belief, especially from Bass and Avolio (1994) known that this leadership model is the most ideal one. Why? Because this leadership model has four dimension of leadership which known as the four Is or four I such as.

1. Idealized Influence. The leader has behavior that can overawe in their fellow, makes them respect to him, and also gets their credence. 2. Inspiration Motivation. The leader must to can articulate the distinct expectancy about the achievement of his fellows, to demonstration his commitment about all of the organizations direction, and could to arouse teams spirit pass through emergence of enthusiasm and optimism. 3. Intellectual Stimulation. The leader could to grow new ideas, give creative solutions about the difficulties involved by his fellow, and give motivation to his fellows for cast about new phenomenological to implement the duties of organization. 4. Individualized Consideration. The leader wants mindfully to get a load of proposal of his fellow as well as specially for pay attention the requirement about development of career. For could to pull at this 4 dimension of leadership metanoiac, a certain person has to have some important condition ensuing. From Kotter (1997) and also Covey (2000), we get conclusion about 7 important condition that is intended before, that is : (1) Worldview, (2) Personal value, (3) Motivation,

(4) Having a knowledge about industry and organization, (5) Having a strong (6) Having a leadership. ability, like a to z business, management, organizational, communication, decision making, and another ability that can be supporting, (7) Having reputation and record script. Worldview or paradigm is the way to look of someone to look at (perception, understand, interpreted) the world. In other good manners could be said to be mafahim ani al-insan, wa al-kaun, wa al-hayat or the way to look grounded on comprehension about reality existence of human being, universe, and life. This way to look determines attitude or behaviour and sentiment. When we look with a different way as well we would think with a different way. Our tradition behold problem concentrically to principle, the most basic. Very extremely a worldview for life a person makes it as the first condition which undergirds the next requirements. Worldview would influence contents and direction authoritarian and motivation. Worldview would undergird how a person takes demeanour existence an organization and industry that he enters it, guide person to interlaced on it too. Worldview would arousing the spirit and extraordinary energy to learn and get of best of ability that is needed, as management, organizational, communicate, decision making, and another ability that can be supporting. And finally, worldview would guide the person to always keep watch reputation and script of record in order to appropriate with the principle that he is convinced about it. For the all of it, we can get the conclusion that now, transformational leadership is a requirement that unavoidable more for the all of stakeholder element in this country, and without the exception of the young generation. Learning from the situation and condition above, OSIS SMAIT Insantama regards important to organize The Highest Degree Training of Leadership and Management/Upper Training of Leadership and Management to Malaysia and Singapore. This program will corroborate basics knowledge of transformational leadership that has accepted by the paticipants on the ladder before, that is Basic Leadership Training (LDK) Taklukkan Cianjur on the first semester, and Intermediate Leadership and Management Training (LKMM) Problem Solving Masyarakat Desa on the third semester. And then, why must Malaysia and Singapore? Singapore is the smallest country in South East Asia that has a strategic character in ASEAN commerce, even the world. Whereas Malaysia is choosen because this country included both of little country which nearly to get impact of world crisis. Malaysia also could fold the condition from the country that send out it human resources to study in Indonesia at previously, now at the other way. Although by all means Malaysia has positive side and negative side, and yet with this two motives, at the least we could get much lesson what kind of leadership system is applied there until it could produce human resources which could compete in the world stage and local which computable enough it prosperity level. So, with crown Taklukkan Malaysia dan Singapura, OSIS SMAIT Insantama could practice the knowledge about transformational leadership that has got up till now and get directly knowledge about leadership that is applied in Malaysia.


(1) Coached applying transformational leadership concept, especially attitude of leadership quality, comprise capability to problem solving, communication, stages ot deciding, keep the team solidarity, and management of implementation event. (2) Study carefully about concept and practice of leadership and management that be applied in a variety of institution which paid a visit in Malaysia and Singapore. (3) Be interlaced of friendship between Indonesias student, Malaysia and Singapores student, and barter informations about expansion of student mouement in the three country. (4) Be interlaced of institutional relation between SMAIT Insantama with the institution that be paid a visit in Malaysia and Singapore.

1) To possess on result of draft study and practice of leadership and management are applied in a variety of institution that paid a visit in Malaysia and Singapore. 2) Be interlaced a friendship relation between students from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, along with alternation information about expansion of student mouement in the three country. 3) Be interlaced an institutional relation between SMAIT Insantama and the institution that paid a visit in Malaysia and Singapore.

1) To bring into reality model how to development of student mouement, especially for leadership aspect and competence of management directed, cohesiveness, and without interruption.

1) To bring into reality student that has a complete Islamic authoritarian, get of best of ability in Islam and science and technology, included in leadership aspect and ability of management, up to could be accepted in domestic institution advanced and in abroad. 2) To bring into reality high grade and excellent educational institute intermediate of Islamic in Indonesia.

All of activity in Training of Leadership and Management (LKMA) directed to corroborate foundations of transformational leadership that has be accepted by the students on the ladder of training before, that is Training of Base Leadership (LDK) Taklukkan Cianjur on first semester, and Training of Leadership and Management Intermediate (LKMM) Problem Solving of Villages Society on third semester. The series of program be done in organized as ensuing : 1) Practice of implementation organizing event from over planning, organization, implementation, and evacuation, included fundraising for finance of program. This section held while 11 months in the stage preparations on January 2013 (fourth semester), until implementation on November 2013 (fifth semester). 2) Attend the training of leadership and management in the institution which has paid a visit, that is : College (University of Malaya, International Islamic University, National University of Singapore, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Mosque (Masjid Negara/Persemakmuran, Masjid Besi Putrajaya), institution of religion (Majelis Ugama). 3) Visiting and discussing about student mouement/education in local Upper Secondary School and association Indonesias student in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. 4) Visiting and discussing about comparison of leadership and management in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia in Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Malaysia and Singapore.

This program manages at November 10th until 18th 2013.

LKMA will execute in some place at Malaysia and Singapore, namely : (1) University of Malaya, (2) International Islamic University, (3) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (4) Masjid Negara/Persemakmuran, (5) Masjid Besi Putrajaya, (6) Domestic Boarding School, (7) National University of Singapore, (8) Majelis Ugama, (9) Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia and Singapore. (10) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Beside that, for coordinating management event organizing practice, from planning and organizing especially fundraising for funding a event participle at Bogor, Jakarta, and the surrounding area.

This LKMA program is organized by OSIS cooperating with all of XII grade students Islamic Senior High School of Insantama.

The LKMA program joined with all of XII grade students of Insantama Islamic Senior High School, accompanied with Founder, Vice Headmaster School, Schools Teacher Staff, delegation from Students Parent Forum (Fosis), and National News Reporter with total 50 persons.

Fund Resource for this program to come from: (1) Insantama Foundation. (2) Sponsor (3) Contributor (4) Another halal creative fund (5) Students Saving

We said a million thanks to all elements that available to assist this program into success. Hopes this Leadership and Management training as active attempts of SMAIT Insantama students on increasing the competent and its roles inside context of development national human resources could be uses for development and building character in SMAIT Insantama particularly and Indonesia generally. Hopes Allah SWT bless our movement.

Bogor, January 31th 2013 Committee Organizer Leadership and Management End Level Training (LKMA) 2013 OSIS SMAIT Insantama



Muhammad Afifuddin Al-Fakkar

Fadhliyah Rahmah Natsir

Agreement, Chief of OSIS SMAIT Insantama Period 2012-2013

Ahmad Nazhif Rahmatur Rabbi

Agreement, Headmaster of SMAIT Insantama

SM Pertiwiguno, S.Pi

Protector Supervisor

: :

Ketua Yayasan Insantama Cendekia Direktur Bidang Kurikulum Dr. Muhammad Rahmat Kurnia Direktur Bidang Pengembangan SDM Dr. Muhammad Rimun Wibowo Direktur Bidang Pembinaan Siswa Ir. Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusuma, MA Kepala Sekolah SMAIT Insantama SM Pertiwiguno, S.Pi Mudir Asrama SMAIT Insantama Muhibbuddin, SHI

Chief Secretary Treasurer

: : :

Muhammad Afifuddin Al-Fakkar Fadhliyah Rahmah Natsir Hanifah Fadhilah Atika :

Jurisdiction, Presentation, and Documentation Division Muhammad Abdullah Sayid Maruf Fatimah Hazidah Najway Azka Ar-Robbaniy Syifa Nailah Muazzarah Hasna Ammaturrahmani Fauziyah Salsabila Niki Dwiyanti Astuti Hanif Ahmad Nugroho Fikriyyah Khairani

Ahsin Faradiba Nurisya Amalia Muhammad Saiful Islam Muhammad Naufal Luqmanul Hakim

Public Relations and Transportations Division Muhammad Fadhil Abdussalam Arini Nur Azizah Aulia Faricha Hidayat Fundraising Division : Maulana Ihsan Ahmad Nazhif R.R Muhammad Abduh Daymu Atika Marshahani Indira Sarasmitha B Latifatur Rosyidah Sri Seka Saputri Supplies Division : Abduljalil Hazzi Muhammad Almas Radifan Muhammad Fathir Mubarak Muhammad Afif Sholahuddin Abdurrahman Tarami Decorate and Publication Division Fakhri Akmal Hidayat Ziza Amira Syafini Anisyah Syafitri Food Preparation Division : Reka Anita Nabila Syifa Uzzuhrah Jihan Fadhilah Fatimah Azzahra H :

NO 1

DESCRIPTION Transportation a. Ticket Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur-Singapore PP (50 x Rp 2.000.000) b. Airport tax (50 x Rp 150.000,00) c. Bogor - Jakarta PP (50 x Rp 100.000) d. Malaysia - Singapore local (9 days x Rp 1.000.000) Administration/secretary a. Secretary, facsimiles and telephone (10 x Rp1.000.000) b. Proposal and report, include VCD format documentation (50 exp x Rp 250.000) c. Recalls memories (10 x Rp 100.000) d. Uniform (50 x Rp 150.000) Visiting documentation Passport Making (50 x Rp 250.000) Accommodations Living and Consumption (50 x 9 x Rp 250.000) TOTAL

ACCOUNT Rp.100.000.000 Rp.7.500.000 Rp.5.000.000 Rp.9.000.000 Rp.10.000.000 Rp.12.500.000,00 Rp. 1.000.000 Rp.7.500.000 Rp.12.500.000 Rp.112.500.000 Rp.277.500.000

3 4

1. Enlarging Logo 2. Lip Service 3. Including name or sponsor logo in: I. 3 banners II. 50 uniforms III. 50 pins IV. 50 sertivicate V. 50 Invitation card VI. 50 names tag 4. Advertisements in web media and OSISs blog 5. Rights to set exclusive banner at Insantama Senior High School

Sponsor Category No. Contraprestation Category: Diamond 200.000.000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Magnification of Logo A Distance Banner Formal Uniform Sertificate Lip Service Name Tag Invitation card Advertisement on OSISs website Exclusive Banner Pin 2x 4x 2x Platinum 150.000.000 1x Gold 100.000.000 Silver 50.000.000 Bronze 25.000.000

Numb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Kind Of Contapretation Banner (distance) Name Tag of Participant Formal Uniform Certificate Invitation Card



Gold Size in cm



50 X 50 2X2 5X5 4X4 4X4

22 X 22 2X2

15 X 15 1X1 1X1

3X3 3X3 4X4

2X2 2X2 2X2

2X2 2X2 1X1

1X1 1X1 1X1

Advertisement (website) 5 X 5 Exclusive Banner 400 X 100

The Committee puts up for cooperationss type as a unit sponsorship Numb Kind Of Contapretation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Banner (distance) Certificate Name Tag of Participant Formal Uniform Activity's Pin 3X4 Size 400 X 100 20 X 18 Total 3 50 120 50 160 Price of Sponsorship 500.000 500.000 500.000 9.000.000 500.000

1) Willingness to become Sponsor at the latest be accepted by the committee on October 30th 2013. 2) The dispatch of design (logo, slide, advertisement, etc.) and the payment for sponsorship measured up by time on October 30th 2013. 3) The committee does not close probability situation the cooperation type with sponsor side in another type that be on the market. 4) Sponsor item a. Sponsor item allocable by sponsor side and must to get agreement from the committee side. b. The committee not be responsible for the fault in if the publication item from sponsor is accepted by the committee in a finish form. c. Sponsor item do not be permitted to use words that can give recommend, like: lets eat, lets drink, lets buy, etc. d. Publication item must to be sent to committees address on the date that has been determinable. e. Publication item is sent to secretariat committee The committee of Training of Leadership and Management Hegarmanah IV Street, Gunung Batu, West Bogor, Bogor City. Phone. (0251) 227028 Contact Person : Muh. Afifuddin Al-Fakkar Muh. Abduh Daymu 085810844437 (Chief) 081617272759 (Fund of Trade)

E-mail : 5) Manner of Payment a. All of cooperation type could be agreed if doing with the first payment (uang muka) minimal as big as 50% from the all of total that must be paid, and be carries out the signing contract or a certificate of readiness for participation. b. The next payment is payment 50% from the all of total and could be in installments twice and be paid at the latest on October 30th 2013. c. The payment could be transferred pass through a bank account : Name : Muhammad Abduh Daymu Bank : Bank BRI

Number of Bank Account : 708101003356534

6) We also accept the sides that be ready to become a donor in this program.

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