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Aug. 1%? 1949.

Filed April 15, 1946


4 Sheets-Sheet 1



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Aug. 16, 3949.

Filed April 13, 1946


4 Sheets~$heet 2




Aug 169 1949'

Filed April 15, 1946


4 Sheets-Sheet 3


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. E N Tm TL N V


- BY v v


Aug. w, 1949.
Filed April 13, 1946


I 2,479,176
4 Sheets-Shee? 4



Patented Aug. 16, 1949



George E. Meese, East C1eveland,=0hio-, assignor
to General Electric. Company, .3" corporation of
V I New York

Application Aprili 13, 1946; Serial" No; 6625042

,5 Claims. (01. 24061.05)

17 ' a .

My invention relates tolsearchlights andv more

Thef-rame Itcomprises lower'support members

I8: attached to a- bearing member I9 ontthe col. umn I4 (Figs. .1. and 3) and supporting the seat I6; the pivot posts I l and I2 and therewith the searchlights l- and'ZL A pair of brace members 2! and'22' extend upward from the lower members I8 and are attached to the upper bearing 23 011113118 column M (Fig. 6). Also fastened to the upper

particularly to mounts~ therefor. The principal

object ofv my invention is'to provide a mount having: a control. mechanism for apair of search

lights. by whichv the two projected beams may be aimed in tandem through 360 azimuthally and 20 to 30 above and below horizontal. An

other objectof the invention'is to provide a mount bearing 23 is'an elongated housing ztrwhichqsup having a control mechanism for a pair of search lights- by which the projected beams may be 10 ports the. mechanism for controlling the various movements of the-searchlights I and 2. caused. to diverge or converge and may be dis The mechanism for controlling the rotationof placed. in elevation with respect to each other. the support frame I3 about the column I4 com Still. further objects and. advantages of the

invention will appear. from the following detailed description of: species thereof and from the ac
companying drawing in which Fig. 1 is a front elevational view- of a Searchlight unit or. assembly

prises spiral gearing including a stationary gear 25 affixed to the upper endof the column I4 (Figs.

4; 5 and 6) and a-pworm- gear ZGaf?xed-to a shaft 2Tv journaled tea-1 clutch arm 28. the lower- end of

having. a control mechanism'embodying my in

which i-sattached to the frame I3 by a pivot rod 29v passing through. studs 30 on, said framev [3. vention;, Fig. 2. is a plan View. of. the searchlight The top. of the clutch arm 28 is attached to the 20 unit vshow-n'in Fig. 1; Fig. v3 is-a side elevational

View ofthe searchlight unit; Fig. 4 is anenlarged

top. plan. view of. part of the control. mechanism
shown inFigs. 1, 2and 3 ;. Fig. 51 is a front ele ' vational view of the mechanism shown in Fig. 4, with a part thereof broken away .and'lshown in .

housing bya clutch throw~out handle 3 [which is journaled to the clutch links 32 and the studs
33 on the clutch arm 2-8 and the housing ZAVreF

spectively (Figs. 4=to 6). Shifting of. the clutch

arm 28 froma position in which the worm gear 26. and thegear 25 are engaged (Figs. 4 to 6) to section; Fig. .6 is .a side elevational view of 'the a positiomshownin light broken lines in Fig. 5, mechanism shown in Fig. 4' rotated I30v degrees in which the gears 25. and 26 are disengaged is from the position shown in Fig. 4i and having a accomplished by. turning handle 3!. The. assem paritthereofbroken away; and Fig. '7 is a similar including frame I3 and the searchlights l view offpart' of the controlmeansshown in Figs. .30 bly and [thus may be quickly rotated through a large .4 to' 61' and turned 180' degrees from its position
in Fig. 6. ' ' '

Referring to Figs. 1, Z'and 3 of thefdrawingthe searchlight unit comprises. a pair of searchlights

Iand2imounte'dontrunnions at theendsilll and v I

angularv distance, such as 1809, by ?rst turning the handle 31 to disengage the gears 25 and

5, 6' of the cradle arms I, 8'and9fl? sothat" the

searchlights 'I and 2 may be tilted upwardly or downwardly on a; horizontal axis; The cradle

and then pushing on part of the assembly offset from the column 14. The gears 25 and 26 may be re-engaged'lby turning handle 3| to hold the as

sembly. in the new position. Adjustments of the

assembly in the new position may be made by turninghandle .34 on shaft 211 to accurately aim
desired."angnlardistance, of course. '

arms I, 8 and 9; II) are pivoted as shown at H and I2 (Fig. 1) on a supporting frame [3 so that 40 the searchlight beamsat the target. The gears ZBIandjZB'ma'y- be'used'to move the assembly any

thesearchlights I and 2 maybeturned on'ver tical axestow'ard or'away from ea'chother." The
supporting frame I3' isjjournaled" to. a vertical

' The means for tilting the searchlights so as" to

column or pillar I4 (Fig. 3) and-may be rotated

a full 360 to change the direction of the light

change'the ' position- of the projected light beams

beams projected'by the search-lights. The VET-

tlca'll'col'umn I4 vi's?xedtoa base 15'- which may be securedIto-the ?oor of a motor.v truck-body; theideckzof; a'zboat'por. thevlike. Averticaily adr
instable seat I6 .for the operator_ is . mounted: in

withrespectfto theh'orizontal and the means to change the tilt'ofthe' searchlights'with respect to
each other to cause the projected beams tofbe'dis placed in elevation is shown in Figs; 4' to 7' and comprises a gear box '35 mountedon top of the housing 21. .The. gear box 3.51s provided'withv a shaft villi'pzarssingthrough a stud 3''] on housing 24

back of the-searchlights and'onthef supporting

frame: I 3 in -,.a position" in which thecontrols for the searchlights are within easy reach of theope

and having a; handle 38 .within easy reach of the

operaton The shaft-36 turns a worm gear Which engages a sector gear inside :the box 35. These

crater. A. platform. I1 iswalso .provided-onathe

framezfor. theifeetxofi the operator. .

gears reduce-the rate of; motion and the sector

gear is mounted on a drive shaft 39 (shown in dotted lines in Figs. 4 and 5 and in section in Fig. 6) which protrudes from both sides of the gear box 35. The gears in the interior of the gear box 35 have not been shown for simplicity of illus
tration and since these are conventional. The

coupling means for said searchlights carried by said frame and including universal joints con-i
nected to the searchlight axles, one of said joints being arranged for rotary displacement with re= spect to one of said axles whereby the search
lights are tiltable at different angles, and in

connected to said joints and arranged to cause rotation of the searchlight supporting means in opposite directions about their vertical axes to axis and on the supporting arms I to ID as the toe the searchlights in or out. handle 38 of the shaft 36 is turned by the opera 2. In a searchlight assembly, the combination tor. The light beams thus may be directed up or 15 of a vertical column, a frame mounted to rotate down in tandem through the same angular dis on said column, a pair of searchlights having tance, such as 20 to 30 above and below the axles extending horizontally therefrom, means horizontal, by turning the handle 38 in the proper supporting said searchlights on opposite sides of direction. said column through their said axles and mount The universal joint 4| is ?xed to the shaft 39 ed on said frame for rotation on vertical axes, but the joint 42 is secured to the said shaft by a and coupling means for said searchlights carried pin 43 set into shaft 39 and passing through a by said frame and including universal joints con circumferential slot 44 in the part of the universal nected to the searchlight axles, one of said joints joint engaging drive shaft 39 as shown in Figs. being arranged for rotary displacement with re 4 and 5. The slot 44 is of sufficient length to al spect to one of said axles whereby the search low the universal joint 42 to be rotated approxi lights are tiltable at different angles, and includ mately 60 degrees with respect to the shaft 39 to ing also means engaging said joints for rotating change the position of the searchlight 2 with re the searchlight axles in the same direction about spect to that of the searchlight |. The projected their axes to tilt the projected light beams above light beams thus may be displaced vertically with 30 or below the horizonal, means for rotating the respect to each other by changing the relative axles of the respective searchlights in opposite di positions of the universal joints 4| and 42 on the rections about their axes to displace the light drive shaft 39. beams in elevation with respect to each other and The means for changing the relative positions means connected to said joints and arranged to of the joints 4| and 42 comprises a pair of lever cause rotation of the searchlight supporting arms 45 and 46 which are ?xed to the shaft 39 means in opposite directions about their vertical

axles 40 of the searchlights | and 2 pass through the trunnions on the arms 8 and 9 and universal joints 4| and 42 are splined to the axles 40. The universal joints 4| and 42 are attached to the end 10

cluding also means engaging said joints for ro

tating the searchlight axles in the same direction about their axes to tilt the projected light
beams above or below the horizontal and means

portions of the drive shaft 39 and rotate there with to tilt the searchlights about a horizontal

and the universal joint 42, respectively. The

free ends of arms 45 and 46 are provided with

pivoted collars 41 and 48, respectively, which en

gage a threaded shaft 49 provided with a handle

frame about said column, a pair of searchlights and thus relative rotary displacement of the uni having axles extending horizontally therefrom, versal joint 42 and the shaft 39. When the de means supporting said searchlights on opposite sired relative tilt of the searchlights l and 2 has 45 sides of said column through their said axles and been attained by turning the handle 5| the handle mounted on said frame for rotation on vertical 33 may be turned to elevate or depress the pro axes, and coupling means for said searchlights jected light beams simultaneously. carried by said frame and including universal The gear box 35 is held on the housing 24 by joints connected to the searchlight axles, one of a pair of guide rails 53 and 54 ?xed to the housing said joints being arranged for rotary displace 24 and engaging the base-plate 55 of the gear ment with respect to one of said axles whereby box as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The gear box 35 is the searchlights are tiltable at different angles, provided with a dog 56 which engages a threaded and including also means engaging said joints for shaft 51 (Figs. 5 and 6) journaled to the front rotating the searchlight axles in the same direc and back of the housing 24 and which may be 55 tion about their axes to tilt the projected light turned by the shaft 58 provided with the handle beams above or below the horizontal and means 59 to move the gear box 35 along the housing 24. connected to said joints and arranged to cause The movement of the gear box 35 is transmitted rotation of the searchlight supporting means in through the universal joints 4| and 42, which are opposite directions about their vertical axes to splined to the axles 40, to turn the searchlights 60 toe the searchlights in or out. I and 2 on the pivots H and I2. Thus, by turn 4. In a searchlight assembly, the combination ing handle 59, which is shown in Fig. 6 turned of a vertical column, a frame mounted to rotate about 90 from the position shown in Fig. 4, the on said column, drive means on said frame and searchlights may be turned to toe in or out and engageable with said column for rotating said to cause the projected light beams to diverge or
converge. What I claim as new and desire to secure by

5|. Rotating the handle 5| causes relative dis placement of the free ends of the arms 45 and 46

axes to toe the searchlights in or out. 3. In a searchlight assembly, the combination of a vertical column, a frame mounted to rotate on said column, drive means on said frame and

engageable with said column for rotating said,

Letters Patent of the United States is: 1. In a searchlight assembly, the combination
of a vertical column, a frame mounted to rotate on said column, a pair of searchlights having

frame about said column and clutch means on said frame for moving said drive means into and out of engagement with said column, a pair of

searchlights having axles extending horizontally

therefrom, means supporting said searchlights on opposite sides of said column through their said
axles and mounted on said frame for rotation on vertical axes, and coupling means for said search

axles extending horizontally therefrom, means supporting said searchlights on opposite sides of said column through their said axles and mount

lights carried by said frame and including univer

ed on said frame for rotation on vertical axes, and 75 sal joints connected to the searchlight axles, one


of said joints being arranged for rotary displace
ment with respect to one of said axles whereby the searchlights are tiltable at different angles, and including also means engaging said joints for rotating the searchlight axles in the same di rection about their axes to tilt the projected light
beams above or below the horizontal and means

arranged for relative rotary displacement with respect to the other whereby the respective
searchlights are tiltable at different angles, and drive means engaging said joints for rotating the Searchlight axles in the same direction about their axes to tilt the projected light beams above
or below the horizontal and to cause rotation of

connected to said joints and arranged to cause rotation of the Searchlight supporting means in opposite directions about their vertical axes to
toe the searchlights in or out.

the searchlight supporting means in opposite di

rections about their vertical axes to toe the
searchlights in or out.

REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the

5. In a Searchlight assembly, the combination of a vertical column, a frame mounted to rotate on said column, a pair of searchlights having

axles extending horizontally therefrom, means supporting said searchlights on opposite sides of said column through their said axles and mount
ed on said frame for rotation on vertical axes, and
' coupling means for said searchlights carried by

?le of this patent:

14,010 28,004



said frame and including universal joints engag 20 ing the searchlight axles, one of said joints being

Great Britain ____________ __ 1909 Great Britain ____________ __ 1907

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