Sie sind auf Seite 1von 29

People in attendance:

Fin, Polaris, Marxus, SomeGuy, Zarif, Prairie, Tyro, Manu, adri

The handout:

The goal of this meeting was outlined in the handout.

Session Start: Wed May 27 12:24:47 2009

Session Ident: #HeroesMeeting
[12:24] * Finn is now known as FinnishFighter
[12:25] <Sir_Polaris> Allright so the first meeting is in session.
[12:25] <Sir_Polaris> Hopefully you all have the handout provided open.
[12:25] <someguywho> what handout?
[12:25] <Sir_Polaris>
[12:25] <someguywho> thank you
[12:26] <Marxus> thank you
[12:26] <Sir_Polaris> The first block is what we will be covering.
[12:26] <PrairieGhost78> back so what's this meeting about?
[12:26] <Sir_Polaris> :(
[12:26] <ZaRiF215> .....
[12:26] <ZaRiF215> want me to cut a new line?
[12:26] <PrairieGhost78> lol
[12:26] <Sir_Polaris> No, it fine, continuing
[12:26] <Sir_Polaris> The top block is what we will be talking about
[12:26] <Sir_Polaris> Goals of this meeting:- Remove non partispating members and
non existant members- locate protental problems with:- Members- Serivces
[12:27] <Sir_Polaris> Analyze the protental problems.- put into action a plan to
correct these problems/or make action against it to correct the issue.
[12:27] <FinnishFighter> may i ask a question
[12:27] <Sir_Polaris> go for it.
[12:28] <FinnishFighter> is it supposed to be potential problem ? since protental
is new word for me
[12:28] <Sir_Polaris> its finding potential problems
[12:28] <FinnishFighter> copy dat*removes protental from wordlist*
[12:29] <Sir_Polaris> My spelling is horrible (why I'm on mibbit) and notepad
doesn't help me :D
[12:29] <ZaRiF215> :)
[12:29] <Sir_Polaris> So please take a moment to scan down the handout.
[12:29] <Sir_Polaris> I have included some lists for who has done what recently.
[12:30] <Sir_Polaris> At the very end I noted the status of our services and my
personal todo of what I think is most needed
[12:30] <Sir_Polaris> I will be taking suggestions later on to augment what you
guys feel is important to the communitys/Heroes/OFP2's growth.
[12:30] <FinnishFighter> todo list: Buf Helios. i lolled
[12:30] <FinnishFighter> bug*
[12:31] <Sir_Polaris> There is some outstanding issues CM needs to address, and I
needed a reminder to 'bug' him. :D
[12:31] <PrairieGhost78> Does anyone else find it hard to find the hereos group on
the forum?
[12:31] <Marxus> nope
[12:31] <FinnishFighter> nope
[12:31] <someguywho> no
[12:31] <PrairieGhost78> Maybe I'm an idiot lol
[12:31] <ZaRiF215> click your name and its under social groups
[12:31] <FinnishFighter> comunity
[12:32] <PrairieGhost78> See I didn't know that
[12:32] <FinnishFighter> and social groups ,. ur groups
[12:32] <someguywho> i click my name
Session Close: Wed May 27 12:36:42 2009

Session Start: Wed May 27 12:36:42 2009

Session Ident: #HeroesMeeting
#02[12:36] * Disconnected
#02[12:36] * Attempting to rejoin channel #HeroesMeeting
#03[12:36] * Rejoined channel #HeroesMeeting
#03[12:36] * Topic is 'First Heroes Meeting - Topic: Members, problems, the future
- Handout:'
#03[12:36] * Set by Sir_Polairs on Wed May 27 11:42:30
[12:36] <FinnishFighter> ohnoes
#03[12:36] * Sir_Polaris (mibbit@ has left #HeroesMeeting
[12:37] <Marxus> ?
[12:37] <FinnishFighter> there went he log
[12:37] <FinnishFighter> :D
#01[12:37] <Pol_LogBot> Humm
[12:37] <ZaRiF215> Anyway.. pol?
#01[12:37] <Pol_LogBot> give me a second my net is cutting out
[12:37] <ZaRiF215> ok
#01[12:37] <Pol_LogBot> perfict timing eh :D
[12:37] <FinnishFighter> there are quite a few thats not here but are online
#03[12:37] * Sir_Polaris (mibbit@ has joined #HeroesMeeting
[12:38] <adi|lunch> thunder sucks
[12:38] <someguywho> yes
[12:38] <Sir_Polaris> Ok and Im back.
[12:38] <FinnishFighter> good
[12:38] <FinnishFighter> but it dosnt have to be that they dont want to be here.
sum may not have the time or just left the browser open
[12:38] <Sir_Polaris> So looking at the member list, lets start on the first
person. You may wish to split your window 30 IRC and the rest webstie
[12:39] <ZaRiF215> ??
[12:39] <Sir_Polaris> Thats correct FinnishFighter and this is where its gets hard
[12:39] <Sir_Polaris> 30% IRC 70% browser
[12:39] <ZaRiF215> ok
[12:39] <Sir_Polaris> ok so first up is Ado
[12:40] <Sir_Polaris> What to do is to quickly look at last view, and to then go
to statisics and view posts.
[12:40] <Sir_Polaris> Look at how the person talks and reacts to things.
[12:40] <Sir_Polaris> What we are looking to remove are people who are actively
not participating.
[12:41] <Sir_Polaris> not because they don't know about events or postings, but
for what ever reason choose not to - or may not be smart enough to see a post in a
area they should be checking.
[12:41] <Sir_Polaris> no one other then a few we will get are inactive (forum
viewing wise), but they dont post or parisitpate.
[12:42] <Sir_Polaris> Now we must keep in mind people have lives outside the
heroes, but they must also renember we need to be able to depend on them.
[12:42] <ZaRiF215> Tyrokiller is here btw. in the OFP2 chat
[12:42] <Sir_Polaris> Making a small post or signing up to a small thing take
little effort.
[12:42] <Sir_Polaris> Thanks for the heads up I'll msg
[12:42] <ZaRiF215> np
[12:42] <adi|lunch> lol we're doomed
[12:42] <FinnishFighter> lol i have a hard time reading the irc
[12:42] <ZaRiF215> lol
[12:42] <ZaRiF215> his ginger lovage.
[12:43] <ZaRiF215> we're All doomed adire.
#03[12:43] * Tyrokiller (~broiyoche@ has joined #HeroesMeeting
[12:43] <Sir_Polaris> Maturity please.
[12:43] <ZaRiF215> rgr
[12:43] <Sir_Polaris> Can you continue Fin?
#06[12:43] * Tyrokiller enters and locks door behind him
[12:43] <FinnishFighter> wellcome tyroid
[12:43] <Sir_Polaris> What can I do to help?
[12:43] <Tyrokiller> Maturity finn :P
[12:43] <PrairieGhost78> Like me I'm working right now so flipping back and forth
[12:44] <Sir_Polaris> Tyro this meeting is being logged the topic has a handout to
[12:44] <Sir_Polaris> We are looking at members now, and going to vet them.
[12:44] <Tyrokiller> ok
[12:45] <Sir_Polaris> You might want to take notes in notepad or not.
[12:45] <Sir_Polaris> There will be a action plan formed near the end.
[12:45] <Sir_Polaris>
[12:45] <Marxus> Sorry - no matches.
[12:45] <Tyrokiller> Same
[12:45] <Sir_Polaris> sorry
[12:45] <ZaRiF215> same
[12:46] <Tyrokiller> Ok ill open MS word and C+P
[12:46] <Sir_Polaris>
[12:46] <adi|lunch> pol read irc pm
#03[12:46] * adi|lunch is now known as adireflex
[12:46] <Sir_Polaris> go to statstics and click view all posts.
[12:46] <Sir_Polaris> "find all posts"
[12:46] <adireflex> ado right?
[12:47] <Sir_Polaris> correct.
[12:47] <Sir_Polaris> I will remain neutral but put your judgments with my own and
weigh a verdict or poll if its a close call.
[12:47] <PrairieGhost78> He so horny ... That's what I get from the first post
[12:47] <Sir_Polaris> I would like to know quickly (as there is many to go though)
the quality of the person.
[12:48] <Marxus> check the second one
[12:48] <Sir_Polaris> We are trying to see if this person should represnt us, and
if the person has potental to do community work.
[12:48] <Tyrokiller> Ok well Ado I havnt really seen or talked to via forum etc...
much so I cant realy comment on any problems
[12:48] <someguywho> I was thinking that Marxus
[12:48] <ZaRiF215> same here tyro.
[12:48] <ZaRiF215> but judging by the second post.. its going to have to be a no.
[12:49] <ZaRiF215> :(
[12:49] <adireflex> well his last posts weren't very mature
[12:49] <Sir_Polaris> Read more into the person then a few posts, kick to the
other pages and scan quickly.
[12:49] <ZaRiF215> ok
[12:49] <Sir_Polaris> I will wait here.
[12:50] <adireflex> i don't think that he should be in the heroes
[12:50] <adireflex> he's last posts weren't very helpful or mature
[12:50] <ZaRiF215> ^^ agree.
[12:50] <Sir_Polaris> Whats the general feeling?
[12:51] <Sir_Polaris> 2 no -
[12:51] <FinnishFighter> who we talkin about ?
[12:51] <Marxus> ado4evah
[12:51] <someguywho>
[12:51] <someguywho> not much but he has done something
[12:51] <Sir_Polaris> good find.
[12:51] <adireflex> could you stop it. god dammit all i see is you complaining
[12:51] <adireflex> this isn't ver mature
[12:51] <ZaRiF215> brb
[12:52] <Sir_Polaris> We need to keep moving, if you would like to approche this
at a later date just abstain.
[12:52] <someguywho> but generaly no not very mature
[12:52] <Sir_Polaris> Yes, N - Abstain.
[12:53] <adireflex>
[12:53] <someguywho> no
[12:53] <Tyrokiller> abstain
[12:53] <adireflex> 3 :0 :1
[12:53] <Marxus> abstain
[12:53] <adireflex> yes no abstain
[12:53] <adireflex> 3 :0 : 2
[12:53] <FinnishFighter> dammit i gotta google abstain
[12:53] <adireflex> :)
[12:53] <PrairieGhost78> abstain
[12:53] <Sir_Polaris> Neutral*
[12:54] <Marxus> you dont wanna vote
[12:54] <FinnishFighter> aah.
[12:54] <FinnishFighter> well he hasnt reallty behaved that bad
[12:54] <FinnishFighter> give him a warning
[12:54] <someguywho> now i look a dick
[12:54] <Sir_Polaris> but has done nothing to increase the heroes.
[12:54] <FinnishFighter> vboting for a stay
[12:54] <Sir_Polaris> Well the mass message 5 days ago was a warning.
[12:54] <Sir_Polaris> everyone got it, and he never acted on it.
[12:54] <someguywho> did he respond?
[12:55] <FinnishFighter> ok. well then
[12:55] <FinnishFighter> kick
[12:55] <Sir_Polaris> i dont think so, check the document.
[12:55] <Marxus> nope he didn't
[12:55] <Sir_Polaris> 4:0:2
[12:55] <adireflex> majority wins
[12:55] <Sir_Polaris> 2 non votes. me and the bot, 1 missing
[12:56] <ZaRiF215> back
[12:56] <adireflex> wb
[12:56] <Sir_Polaris> then its done.
[12:56] <Tyrokiller> wb
[12:56] <FinnishFighter> send hima gift basket aswell. so he ownt get to hard
[12:56] <ZaRiF215> who we up to?
[12:56] <FinnishFighter> adohoe
[12:56] <adireflex> ado4evah is removed from the heroes
[12:56] <adireflex> l0l
[12:56] <Sir_Polaris> for alexvesten, please give me 2 good things and 1 negative
thing about him.
#06[12:56] * ZaRiF215 cries
[12:56] <Sir_Polaris> if you need to see his posts, look him up.
[12:57] <Tyrokiller> Vestin has made multiple graphic work for the heroes
[12:57] <FinnishFighter> good photoshops, swedish, negativ. he is swedish
[12:57] <Marxus> finn..
[12:57] <adireflex> lol finn
[12:57] <adireflex> he's visiting the irc
[12:57] <Sir_Polaris> to be clear I'm not kicking him, but I'm doing a peer
preformance review.
[12:57] <ZaRiF215> AlexVesten, Nice Photoshopper, Eggz,
[12:57] <adireflex> i vote for him to stay
[12:57] <Tyrokiller> lol eggs
[12:57] <ZaRiF215> :D
[12:57] <FinnishFighter> vote for stay
[12:57] <Sir_Polaris> please be professional, people will be reading this.
[12:58] <ZaRiF215> eggs.
[12:58] <Sir_Polaris> He is not up for vote FinnishFighter :D
[12:58] <adireflex> 0:2:0
[12:58] <Sir_Polaris> As noted, I am just doing a preformance review, on the "not
at risk"
[12:58] <Tyrokiller> Its mainly he's graphics work that helps us out from he's
side more than anything, and possible modding work he could commit too in the
future pol.
[12:58] <someguywho> As much as I know about him good guy
[12:59] <Sir_Polaris> As for my turn, he is great grapicly but gone for 3-5 days
at a time. Hard to get work out of him, but his work is mind blowing and quick.
[12:59] <Sir_Polaris> and he is nice :D
[12:59] <ZaRiF215> yeah
[12:59] <Tyrokiller> haha yep
[12:59] <Sir_Polaris> On to ArmyDude
[12:59] <ZaRiF215> Funny guy. i like him.
[12:59] <adireflex> alexvestin stays
[12:59] <Tyrokiller> Obstain
[13:00] <ZaRiF215> he has dissapeared lately though
[13:00] <Tyrokiller> Abstain*
[13:00] <adireflex> reviewing
[13:00] <adireflex> also guys read peoples threads also
[13:00] <adireflex> not just the post
[13:01] <Sir_Polaris> He did reply to the message however has not been active. He
seems to have potental.
[13:01] <Tyrokiller> Oh ok well on a reviewing part then he hasn't really done
much from my viewpoint, he used to be an active IRC'r but not anymore. He's
performance standings have gone negative the past few months
[13:01] <someguywho> Abstain
[13:02] <Sir_Polaris> 0.02
[13:02] <Sir_Polaris> 0.0.2
[13:02] <FinnishFighter> okey . may i say a quick word here.
[13:02] <Sir_Polaris> go for it.
[13:02] <adireflex> he's funny, mostly posting at the OT subforum, sometimes
[13:02] <FinnishFighter> about this voting. may we elave the abstain out.
[13:02] <FinnishFighter> jsut yay or nay
[13:02] <ZaRiF215> what is abstain?
[13:02] <Tyrokiller> Undecided.
[13:02] <ZaRiF215> oh
[13:02] <Sir_Polaris> Its "I would not like to vote"
[13:03] <adireflex> abstain
[13:03] <ZaRiF215> yay or nay would be better
[13:03] <adireflex> shut up and vote
[13:03] <Sir_Polaris> we will vote on these people, just if it's to hard to figure
out right now, I am leaving the option to abstain.
[13:03] <FinnishFighter> coz no one would really want to vote. but we have to
[13:03] <adireflex> let's keep this organised
[13:03] <Sir_Polaris> If you dont vote now, you'll vote later.
[13:03] <adireflex> 0:0:3
[13:03] <Tyrokiller> Well I would say nay but then if hes performance gets better
by next month then let him stay if not out.
[13:04] <Sir_Polaris> Recommendation to review?
[13:04] <Sir_Polaris> in favor?
[13:04] <Tyrokiller> yes
[13:04] <ZaRiF215> yes
[13:04] <FinnishFighter> yes
[13:04] <PrairieGhost78> yep
[13:04] <adireflex> yes
[13:04] <someguywho> yes
[13:04] <Sir_Polaris> its done.
[13:04] <adireflex> lol i feel like in court (OT Message) :)
[13:04] <ZaRiF215> :)
[13:04] <Sir_Polaris> Next Brave 2 hart.
[13:05] <Sir_Polaris> He is on my cutlist for being AFK for over a month.
[13:05] <FinnishFighter> (feel like a big bompus club like the maceners)
[13:05] <Sir_Polaris> We are reviewing out peers to ensure the best people are
with us.
[13:05] <FinnishFighter> nay
[13:05] <adireflex> REPORT: alexvestin online on the forum
[13:05] <ZaRiF215> he seems to know what he's on about.
[13:06] <Sir_Polaris> ZaRiF215: he has been afk for a month though
[13:06] <ZaRiF215> i guess..
[13:06] <ZaRiF215> Nay
[13:06] <someguywho> didn't reply to hero message
[13:06] <FinnishFighter> 2.0.0
[13:06] <someguywho> no
[13:06] <Sir_Polaris> because he been gone for a month :D
[13:06] <adireflex> abstain
[13:06] <FinnishFighter> 3.0.1
[13:06] <Sir_Polaris> just to be clear, the no - are for a kick?
[13:06] <FinnishFighter> ya
[13:06] <Sir_Polaris> so Yes - kick
[13:06] <FinnishFighter> no
[13:06] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[13:06] <FinnishFighter> lol. what
[13:06] <ZaRiF215> ???
[13:07] <adireflex> ^^
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> Ok hold up
[13:07] <ZaRiF215> Yes means stay
[13:07] <adireflex> >.<
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> Yes-> kick
[13:07] <ZaRiF215> not means kick?
[13:07] <FinnishFighter> i thought we vote for how stays?
[13:07] <adireflex> yes means kick
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> No -> stay
[13:07] <adireflex> no means stay
[13:07] <adireflex> yes means kick
[13:07] <adireflex> no means stay
[13:07] <FinnishFighter> ok
[13:07] <ZaRiF215> ok
[13:07] <someguywho> ok
[13:07] <FinnishFighter> i vote yay
[13:07] <Tyrokiller> yes
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> 1 to kick
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> 2 to kick
[13:07] <adireflex> stop
[13:07] <Marxus> yes
[13:07] <ZaRiF215> yes
[13:07] <someguywho> yes
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> 34
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> 5
[13:07] <Sir_Polaris> Done
[13:07] <adireflex> let's do this like this
[13:07] <adireflex> to vote type the vote like this *yes *no *abstain
[13:08] <adireflex> so we know if you voted or not
[13:08] <Tyrokiller> ok
[13:08] <adireflex> k?
[13:08] <FinnishFighter> ok
[13:08] <adireflex> proceed
[13:08] <ZaRiF215> K
[13:08] <Sir_Polaris> *yes tesing
[13:08] <FinnishFighter> #vote Yay
[13:08] <Sir_Polaris> #Yes
[13:08] <Marxus> ok
[13:08] <ZaRiF215> #vote yes
[13:08] <Sir_Polaris> that stands out
[13:08] <Tyrokiller> ok
[13:08] <adireflex> *YES
[13:08] <ZaRiF215> #ys
[13:08] <ZaRiF215> #yes
[13:08] <FinnishFighter> like ofp1
[13:08] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[13:08] <someguywho> *vote
[13:08] <someguywho> #vote
[13:08] <Sir_Polaris> so we vote like #this or like * ?
[13:09] <Sir_Polaris> what is prefered?
[13:09] <Tyrokiller> #this
[13:09] <ZaRiF215> #this
[13:09] <adireflex> * better
[13:09] <FinnishFighter> #vote yes
[13:09] <Marxus> #
[13:09] <someguywho> #this
[13:09] <Tyrokiller> saves me pressing shift :P
[13:09] <Sir_Polaris> Sorry adri :D
[13:09] <ZaRiF215> :P
[13:09] <adireflex> ok
[13:09] <adireflex> np :)
[13:09] <Sir_Polaris> Next Che Guevara 67
[13:09] <adireflex> #yes
[13:09] <Sir_Polaris> very active but never partispates
[13:09] <adireflex> #yes
[13:09] <ZaRiF215> #yes
[13:09] <adireflex> he's very rude
[13:09] <Sir_Polaris> any nice things to say?
[13:10] <adireflex> he was rude at helios at the beggining
[13:10] <adireflex> nope
[13:10] <ZaRiF215> nope
[13:10] <FinnishFighter> #vote no
[13:10] <Sir_Polaris> he seems like a community person, but I dont see him acting
on it.
[13:10] <adireflex> 2:1:0
[13:10] <Sir_Polaris> So 2 in favor of removal and 1 to stay.
[13:10] <someguywho> #abstain
[13:10] <adireflex> 2:1:1
[13:10] <Tyrokiller> #abstain
[13:10] <adireflex> 2:1:1
[13:10] <adireflex> 2:1:2
[13:11] <adireflex> sry
[13:11] <Tyrokiller> lol
[13:11] <Marxus> #abstain
[13:11] <adireflex> it's the keyboard
[13:11] <adireflex> 2:1:3
[13:11] <FinnishFighter> well he took up the thing about cheking wiki
[13:11] <FinnishFighter> for the being bullshit
[13:11] <adireflex> review?
[13:11] <Sir_Polaris> 7 voters - 4 is majorty.
[13:11] <adireflex> Further review?
[13:11] <Tyrokiller> prairie isnt here atm lunch
[13:11] <ZaRiF215> Polaris what you think?
[13:12] <FinnishFighter> further review
[13:12] <adireflex> Further review? vote
[13:12] <FinnishFighter> further review #vote yes
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> I thinking about axeing him, I'v never seen any help from
[13:12] <Tyrokiller> #Month review like armydude
[13:12] <someguywho> #yes
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> If it's really inportant he can re apply.
[13:12] <ZaRiF215> #/axe
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> Well army at least is trrying.
[13:12] <someguywho> good point
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> I dont think he cares.
[13:12] <FinnishFighter>
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> I vote to axe
[13:12] <Sir_Polaris> and swing that vote.
[13:13] <adireflex> hey what about me
[13:13] <adireflex> was i skipped? :)
[13:13] <someguywho> your here
[13:13] <ZaRiF215> :)
[13:13] <Tyrokiller> Na we voted ina serperate chat ur axed adire :P
[13:13] <FinnishFighter> lol
[13:13] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[13:13] <adireflex> :P
[13:13] <adireflex> :)
[13:13] <FinnishFighter> maturity please
[13:13] <Sir_Polaris> indeed.
[13:13] <Sir_Polaris> So the vote is 4:0:2 ?
[13:13] <adireflex> #bin post unneeded things here
[13:13] <adireflex> :)
[13:13] <Sir_Polaris> 3:1:3
[13:14] <FinnishFighter> confused now.
[13:14] <Sir_Polaris> it is 3 to kick
[13:14] <ZaRiF215> we need TJays view
[13:14] <FinnishFighter> not anymore
[13:14] <ZaRiF215> oh
[13:14] <Sir_Polaris> Any abstains wish to come over?
[13:14] <someguywho> #kick
[13:14] <adireflex> nope
#03[13:14] * adireflex is now known as adi|afk
[13:15] <adi|afk> afk proceed without me
[13:15] <Sir_Polaris> Allright then he holds for now.
[13:15] <adi|afk> pol votes for me
[13:15] <ZaRiF215> ..
[13:15] <Marxus> you can just vote for yourself adi
[13:15] <Sir_Polaris> he is afk :D
[13:15] <ZaRiF215> use the force to contact us adi
[13:15] <FinnishFighter> lets move on
[13:15] <Sir_Polaris> I wont dual vote. I'm looking for feeback here.
[13:16] <Sir_Polaris> and agreed FinnishFighter
[13:16] <Tyrokiller> Shouldnt people who astain not be counted? and the vote still
be based on yes/no?
[13:16] <FinnishFighter> yes
[13:16] <ZaRiF215> ok lets go.
[13:16] <someguywho> so whats happening to Che Guevara 67?
[13:16] <Sir_Polaris> Review
[13:16] <someguywho> ok
[13:16] <Sir_Polaris> to many abstains.
[13:16] <ZaRiF215> yeah i think the people who astain shouldnt be counted.
[13:16] <someguywho> in me notes
[13:16] <FinnishFighter> closealdo?
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> thoughts?
[13:17] <ZaRiF215> Total Posts 16
[13:17] <ZaRiF215> ...
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> he is new, to the heroes as well.
[13:17] <FinnishFighter> dosnbt have right avatar
[13:17] <ZaRiF215> doesnt have avatar
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> Helios hasn't got to him.
[13:17] <Marxus> just wanted to say the same pol
[13:17] <Tyrokiller> hmm
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> Like Sir
[13:17] <Marxus> cant judge on him because of that
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> indeed
[13:17] <Sir_Polaris> It gives us less to look at, but judge him by his posts
[13:18] <ZaRiF215> lets have a look at performance then
[13:18] <Sir_Polaris> you need to try to see the person
[13:18] <Tyrokiller> #no
[13:18] <FinnishFighter> #vote no
[13:18] <someguywho> #no
[13:18] <Tyrokiller> 0.3.0
[13:18] <ZaRiF215> wait.. is yes no still?
[13:18] <adi|afk> #abstain
[13:18] <Sir_Polaris> hold on
[13:18] <Sir_Polaris> Wait till I at least call the vote
[13:18] <Tyrokiller> ok lol
#06[13:19] * FinnishFighter smells the smell of thar. aah the smell
[13:19] <Sir_Polaris> So Who is in Favor a kick?
[13:19] <someguywho> no means stay
[13:19] <ZaRiF215> oh lol
[13:19] <Tyrokiller> #no
[13:19] <adi|afk> yes
[13:19] <FinnishFighter> #vote no
#03[13:19] * MaNu_SoLo ( has
joined #HeroesMeeting
[13:19] <someguywho> yes means kick
[13:19] <MaNu_SoLo> hello
[13:19] <Sir_Polaris> 1:2:0
[13:19] <ZaRiF215> #yes
[13:19] <Sir_Polaris> 2:2:0
[13:19] <adi|afk> no means stay
[13:19] <someguywho> #no
[13:19] <Sir_Polaris> MaNu_SoLo: we are vetting members, please review the above
document in topic.
[13:19] <Tyrokiller> hi manu
[13:19] <adi|afk> #abstain
[13:20] <adi|afk> hi
[13:20] <MaNu_SoLo> hi all
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> 1:3:1
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> My vote is on no.
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> and its settled
[13:20] <FinnishFighter> he stays
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> Next
[13:20] <ZaRiF215> 1 hour and we've gotten through 3 people.. long night ahead.
[13:20] <Tyrokiller> good
[13:20] <Tyrokiller> lol
[13:20] <FinnishFighter> indeed
[13:20] <adi|afk> POL speaks here
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> lol ZaRiF215 once it is done it's done.
[13:20] <ZaRiF215> xD
#02[13:20] * Marxus ( Quit (Ping
[13:20] <adi|afk> we only type #yes #no #abstain
[13:20] <adi|afk> POL speaks here
[13:20] <adi|afk> we only type #yes #no #abstain
[13:20] <adi|afk> !!!
[13:20] <Sir_Polaris> then we will vet at the door, and be done.
[13:20] <ZaRiF215> exactly pol speaks here so stfu lolol
[13:21] <Sir_Polaris> please,
[13:21] <Sir_Polaris> maturity :D
#03[13:21] * Marxus ( has joined
[13:21] <ZaRiF215> :P
[13:21] <Sir_Polaris> dangmypoons
[13:21] <Marxus> sry :/
[13:21] <adi|afk> proceed
[13:21] <Sir_Polaris>
[13:21] <MaNu_SoLo> maturity... :p
[13:21] <Marxus> hey manu
[13:21] <MaNu_SoLo> hello
[13:21] <Sir_Polaris> So manu to catch you up why they review.
[13:22] <FinnishFighter> #vote no
[13:22] <Sir_Polaris> hold on fin :D
[13:22] <FinnishFighter> lol i got a graduation party coming up :D
[13:22] <ZaRiF215> what is MAG?
[13:23] <Sir_Polaris> Basically review the person based on his posts and think if
he could inprove or is a strong member for the community.
[13:23] <ZaRiF215> game or something
[13:23] <Sir_Polaris> Ok Yes for kick?
[13:23] <someguywho> Massive action game
[13:23] <ZaRiF215> oh
[13:23] <Tyrokiller> #no
[13:23] <FinnishFighter> #vote no
[13:23] <ZaRiF215> #no
[13:23] <adi|afk> bye guys g2g
[13:24] <MaNu_SoLo> #no
[13:24] <adi|afk> #abstain
[13:24] <Tyrokiller> bye
[13:24] <Sir_Polaris> see ya
#03[13:24] * adi|afk ( has left
[13:24] <someguywho> #no
[13:24] <Marxus> byebye
[13:24] <someguywho> bye
[13:24] <Sir_Polaris> over 4 no's he stays
[13:24] <ZaRiF215> lol who's going
[13:24] <MaNu_SoLo> adi
[13:24] <Tyrokiller> adire
[13:24] <ZaRiF215> ooohh
[13:24] <ZaRiF215> cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[13:24] <Sir_Polaris> Note that people we keep, may still not partispate in the
[13:24] <ZaRiF215> exactly
[13:24] <Sir_Polaris> only 15 or so read and replyed to the message.
[13:25] <ZaRiF215> i think #yes
[13:25] <FinnishFighter> well should we make it easy ? and kick those who didn
[13:25] <FinnishFighter> since they shoudl ahve seen it if they are active
[13:25] <ZaRiF215> ^^
[13:25] <Sir_Polaris> but we dont know if they missed it.
[13:25] <ZaRiF215> You cant miss it
[13:25] <FinnishFighter> indeed
[13:25] <Sir_Polaris> I would agree.
[13:25] <someguywho> shouldn't have
[13:25] <ZaRiF215> firstly.. it was a Message to all profiles
[13:25] <Tyrokiller> What if you was gone for a month?
[13:25] <Marxus> indeed
[13:25] <ZaRiF215> secondly.. it was a thread
[13:25] <Sir_Polaris> manu missed it :D
[13:26] <FinnishFighter> manu is french
[13:26] <MaNu_SoLo> oh
[13:26] <ZaRiF215> thirdly it was on adireflex's Signature
[13:26] <MaNu_SoLo> right
[13:26] <Sir_Polaris> :D
[13:26] <FinnishFighter> e cant ear stuff
[13:26] <ZaRiF215> and other people's signatures
[13:26] <ZaRiF215> So thats my argument for "you cant miss it"
[13:26] <Sir_Polaris> and I spammed every ones vistor box.
[13:26] <ZaRiF215> (Y)
[13:26] <FinnishFighter> vote to sack non replyers ?
[13:26] <Sir_Polaris> So whats peoples take then? - do we wait, remove or leave?
[13:27] <FinnishFighter> exept exeptions
[13:27] <Marxus> yep, and everyone should be smart enough to see that there is "1
unread notification"..
[13:27] <Sir_Polaris> lets do it person to person basis, I think a mass sweap from
57 to 15 members is harsh
[13:27] <ZaRiF215> i agree finn
[13:27] <ZaRiF215> oh cmon..
[13:27] <FinnishFighter> it will take forever :D
[13:27] <Sir_Polaris> Really?
[13:27] <ZaRiF215> yes
[13:27] <ZaRiF215> Look..
[13:27] <FinnishFighter> 5 people 1 hour
[13:27] <FinnishFighter> over 1 hour
[13:27] <ZaRiF215> in the past hour and a half we have done 5 people
[13:27] <Sir_Polaris> Whos in favor of it - axing 42 people?
[13:28] <ZaRiF215> Me.
[13:28] <FinnishFighter> #vote yes
[13:28] <Sir_Polaris> Not because we are lazy?
[13:28] <Tyrokiller> #no
[13:28] <ZaRiF215> #yes
[13:28] <Marxus> no
[13:28] <ZaRiF215> its a legitimate reason.
[13:28] <Marxus> #no
[13:28] <Sir_Polaris> 2:3:0
[13:28] <someguywho> If there that bothered they'll want to find out why and join
back up
[13:28] <Tyrokiller> an unfair reason theres multiple reasons why someone might
not of seen the message
[13:28] <ZaRiF215> who's the third?
[13:28] <FinnishFighter> if they are heroes they woulda anserd
[13:28] <ZaRiF215> Exactly what you set out to do..
[13:28] <Tyrokiller> Holidays etc...
[13:28] <Sir_Polaris> Although in fairness Tyrokiller they should be bright.
[13:28] <Sir_Polaris> naa Tyrokiller
[13:29] <Sir_Polaris> they viewd the fourms
[13:29] <Sir_Polaris> all of them
[13:29] <ZaRiF215> If they were "ACTIVE" they would have replyed.
[13:29] <FinnishFighter> the heroes are best in a small swuad size group
[13:29] <ZaRiF215> see what im getting at.
[13:29] <Sir_Polaris> humm
[13:29] <Tyrokiller> Well then Bye prairie
[13:29] <Sir_Polaris> tough call.
[13:30] <Sir_Polaris> Well I could ask both PrairieGhost78
[13:30] <Sir_Polaris> and MaNu_SoLo
[13:30] <Sir_Polaris> why they missed it?
[13:30] <Tyrokiller> prairie isnt here atm
[13:30] <ZaRiF215> yeah.
[13:30] <MaNu_SoLo> well, for me we have to keep them in the group even if we
would like to see them (and me) more actives
[13:30] <FinnishFighter> [20:26:48] <FinnishFighter> exept exeptions
[13:30] <ZaRiF215> i like prarie he's a sound guy.
[13:30] <ZaRiF215> xD
[13:30] <Sir_Polaris> manu is a mod so he is free :D
[13:31] <someguywho> the only way to be sure is to go through everyone
[13:31] <FinnishFighter> and prairie is a prairie dog.
[13:31] <ZaRiF215> Have fun then.
[13:31] <Marxus> but this is not about "i can't stand him, let's kick him" or "i
like him, let him stay"
[13:31] <Tyrokiller> Still it doesnt matter the way we are going about this is
that everyone gets a fair hearing what you guys are suggestion is that everyone
gets axed therefore prairie gets axed
[13:31] <MaNu_SoLo> but for next ones, would be good to explain that involve to be
part of the group
[13:31] <Marxus> imho
[13:31] <Sir_Polaris> MaNu_SoLo: as of around 48 members I was cracking down
really hard
[13:31] <FinnishFighter> im voting to sack them but not to sack the exeptions
[13:31] <Sir_Polaris> now I need to see potental or active work or your not
getting in.
[13:32] <Sir_Polaris> How come we only have 15 people on a mailing list, or only
16 or so replying to a mass message?
[13:32] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah, I understand you Pol, but when they join the group,
nothing was asked to them
[13:32] <Sir_Polaris> how hard is it to hit a key.
[13:32] <Sir_Polaris> rules where allways there.
[13:32] <Sir_Polaris> But agreed I didn't push then.
[13:33] <Sir_Polaris> The other problem we have is people wont leave.
[13:33] <ZaRiF215> we are going to be done in 11 hours and 40 minutes if we carry
on at this rate.
[13:33] <Sir_Polaris> He got a soild group of people, no one is going to self
[13:33] <Sir_Polaris> ZaRiF215 it's not helpful.
[13:33] <ZaRiF215> sorry. just stating a fact.
[13:33] <Tyrokiller> We can end this session and continue over multiple days if
need be zarif
[13:33] <Sir_Polaris> Should we prose pone this session?
[13:33] <Sir_Polaris> and do this a more suiting time, over a few days?
[13:33] <FinnishFighter> or
[13:34] <FinnishFighter> we do a quick vote
[13:34] <ZaRiF215> i think what we need to do is each go away.
[13:34] <Sir_Polaris> we have other matters to attend to.
[13:34] <ZaRiF215> look at everybody individually
[13:34] <ZaRiF215> and then do a PM or something
[13:34] <ZaRiF215> prarie's writing btw.
[13:34] <MaNu_SoLo> can you cancel the group Pol ?
[13:34] <MaNu_SoLo> delete it
[13:34] <Sir_Polaris> yep
[13:35] <MaNu_SoLo> or , you can delete it, and say after ops... wrong key
[13:35] <MaNu_SoLo> and create it back
[13:35] <someguywho> start again and this time push the rules
[13:35] <ZaRiF215> will we have our avatars still?
[13:35] <Sir_Polaris> well we are the 02 group ever made, I rather axe then lose
that status forever :D
[13:35] <MaNu_SoLo> like this only motivated people will be able to join it
[13:35] <Sir_Polaris> Yes ZaRiF215.
[13:35] <ZaRiF215> oh..
[13:35] <Sir_Polaris> humm
[13:35] <Tyrokiller> Then mass message everyone about the re-creation and give all
current members 20 days to join, if not they will have to go under review before
[13:36] <PrairieGhost78> As far as I go ... I run my own business I have more
important emails coming in that have to be replied to. So a mailing list email is
far down the list compared to me running my business.
[13:36] <Sir_Polaris> humm
[13:36] <ZaRiF215> think about it polaris. who do you want to keep and what basis
would you like to keep them on.
[13:37] <Marxus> but i can understand pol's position because of "02 group ever
made", would react in exact the same way if it would be my group.
[13:37] <ZaRiF215> hmm...
[13:37] <MaNu_SoLo> so we have to let the group how is it
[13:37] <Sir_Polaris> see I think almost it's best to boot anyone who didn't sign
up for things or has done nothing.
[13:37] <MaNu_SoLo> in social group, you have people more social than others
[13:37] <Sir_Polaris> but I cant read minds,
[13:37] <Tyrokiller> Well I think we should annex all people who didn't reply and
then give them 10 - 20 days to re-join before we start making the ex members go
under review before joining
[13:37] <Tyrokiller> that way you can restart the terms to stay in etc...
[13:37] <Sir_Polaris> people do have lives, but over 6 days I need some feedback.
[13:38] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah, but for studient it's a busy time
[13:38] <Sir_Polaris> This is the major problem of drawing the line.
[13:38] <PrairieGhost78> Then just boot me out bro
[13:38] <Sir_Polaris> PrairieGhost78: your doing fine.
[13:38] <MaNu_SoLo> they have exams soons
[13:38] <PrairieGhost78> It's that easy lol
[13:38] <Marxus> i'm a student as well and about to fail, but i'm still here
[13:38] <FinnishFighter> exams
[13:38] <FinnishFighter> have bin
[13:38] <ZaRiF215> yah.
[13:39] <Sir_Polaris> Show up and be counted, and act when you can and if it's
never we let the person go.
[13:39] <ZaRiF215> i need to revise for my geography exam loads.
[13:39] <MaNu_SoLo> I understand you Marxus, but in a forum or on a social group,
people don't act as ourself
[13:39] <Sir_Polaris> can should be some time in week or two.
[13:39] <Marxus> yep i know
[13:39] <Sir_Polaris> Anyone can clearly see the top preformers
[13:39] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah
[13:39] <MaNu_SoLo> nobody is blind
[13:39] <Sir_Polaris> us here, and top of the list.
[13:40] <PrairieGhost78> Nothing is going to change for me I work all day at the
computer and then at night I go watch tv or play a 360 game to just relax. So I'm
never going to be able to do what you're wanting. I'm working right now.
[13:40] <MaNu_SoLo> good job to be able in the same time to be on irc ;-)
[13:40] <ZaRiF215> ;)
[13:40] <MaNu_SoLo> j/k
[13:40] <someguywho> took seconds to sign up to the mail ist and such
[13:40] <Sir_Polaris> most tasks are really not that hard.
[13:41] <PrairieGhost78> I work at home running my own Judgment Recovery business
[13:41] <Sir_Polaris> and we are talking about peopel here that cant see or make a
[13:41] <MaNu_SoLo> rgr prairie
[13:41] <Sir_Polaris> or sign up 2 lines of text.
[13:41] <Sir_Polaris> but as noted, we cant tell why they missed it
[13:41] <Sir_Polaris> or chose not to act.
[13:41] <Sir_Polaris> but if they choes not to, I dont want them.
[13:41] <MaNu_SoLo> maybe because they have nothing to say
[13:41] <Marxus> agree
[13:42] <Sir_Polaris> I directly asked for "please post you seen this"
[13:42] <MaNu_SoLo> but were happy to join the group
[13:42] <FinnishFighter> i dont talk that much but when needed i press those keys
[13:42] <ZaRiF215> agreed manu
[13:42] <Sir_Polaris> ok my other two cuts where:
[13:42] <Sir_Polaris> xXhellasmokeXx - PenguinsBowl -
[13:43] <Sir_Polaris> for being AFK
[13:43] <Sir_Polaris> I think we will have to reapproch this issue of members, at
a later time. Perhaps on a personal basis each indiviuality.
[13:43] <FinnishFighter> well sry to say this i gotta be going soon. got loads of
shits to do here
[13:44] <Sir_Polaris> by the 31st it will be 10 days, if they havent shown up and
read it then - I think it's fair to say they are not bright.
[13:44] <FinnishFighter> but i shall be idle to later check what was what where
and when
[13:44] <Sir_Polaris> Rgr FinnishFighter it's understandable
[13:44] <MaNu_SoLo> ok finnish
[13:44] <Sir_Polaris> and thanks for showing up and giving time guys
[13:44] <Sir_Polaris> It's helpful and i want you to be a part of this group :D
[13:44] <ZaRiF215> so.. what happens now..
[13:44] <Sir_Polaris> review the above two
#06[13:45] * FinnishFighter looks at Sir_Polaris and thinks its ment privatly to
[13:45] <ZaRiF215> sorry have been afk
[13:45] <Marxus> both nearly a month..
[13:45] <Sir_Polaris> A vote to kick#
[13:45] <someguywho> #kick
[13:46] <ZaRiF215> who?
[13:46] <Sir_Polaris> xXhellasmokeXx - PenguinsBowl -
[13:46] <ZaRiF215> umm..
[13:46] <ZaRiF215> #yes
[13:46] <Sir_Polaris> A vote to kick hellasmoke:
[13:46] <Marxus> #yes
[13:46] <Sir_Polaris> 1
[13:46] <someguywho> #yes
[13:46] <Sir_Polaris> 2
[13:46] <Tyrokiller> #abstain
[13:46] <Sir_Polaris> 2:0:1
#02[13:47] * someguywho ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client#)
[13:47] <MaNu_SoLo> #no
[13:47] <Sir_Polaris> Reasoning?
[13:47] <MaNu_SoLo> I'm a cool guys
[13:47] <MaNu_SoLo> ok
[13:47] <Tyrokiller> :P
[13:47] <Sir_Polaris> in a seriousness should we keep month long old members?
[13:47] <MaNu_SoLo> I try to explain why
[13:48] <ZaRiF215> 00
#03[13:48] * someguywho ( has joined #HeroesMeeting
#02[13:48] * PrairieGhost78 (mibbit@ Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client#)
[13:48] <ZaRiF215> brb turning the heating on.. guess my answer for me please
[13:48] <someguywho> sorry about that
[13:48] <Sir_Polaris> You typing MaNu_SoLo ?
[13:48] <MaNu_SoLo> yep
[13:50] <MaNu_SoLo> because the only one thing we can speak about them is You must
be active in the community"
[13:50] <MaNu_SoLo> this is the only one rules they can break
[13:51] <MaNu_SoLo> but just reading the forum could be an activity
[13:51] <MaNu_SoLo> I understand that this situation is unconfortable
[13:51] <MaNu_SoLo> I would prefer to see more members actives
[13:52] <MaNu_SoLo> but maybe a social group has to manage with this kind of
problem too
[13:52] <Sir_Polaris> could we not aruge that they are being disrecpectful for not
assisting fellow members on tasks?
[13:52] <Sir_Polaris> and thus also harming the growth of the community
[13:52] <MaNu_SoLo> wich tasks are you thinking ?
[13:52] <MaNu_SoLo> go in irc
[13:52] <MaNu_SoLo> give an answer to your pm
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> Help out on the FAQ?
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> which very little did.
[13:53] <MaNu_SoLo> if they speak english yeah
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> which is a requirement
[13:53] <MaNu_SoLo> for exemple , on this point I can't help you
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> The ability to type readable English.
[13:53] <MaNu_SoLo> ok, cu
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> I presume they can read it :D
[13:53] <MaNu_SoLo> lol
[13:53] <Sir_Polaris> well your a mod
[13:54] <MaNu_SoLo> for french community
[13:54] <Sir_Polaris> so your there because for your status and your will to help
the people.
[13:54] <MaNu_SoLo> I don't care about my status
[13:54] <Sir_Polaris> normal members, I exspect to help eachother out as to help
propel projects forward.
[13:54] <Tyrokiller> bk
[13:54] <Sir_Polaris> wb
[13:54] <Marxus> you can write readable english MaNu, if you wouldn't, we won't be
able to communicate at the moment
[13:54] <ZaRiF215> wb
[13:54] <Marxus> wb
[13:55] <Sir_Polaris> humm, this is quite the issue and these points are more then
vaild :D
[13:55] <Sir_Polaris> as you see the difficulty I have weighing this in my head :D
[13:55] <Sir_Polaris> If I knew the clear and best path I would not need to ask
but here we must weigh, potental against what we know, and try to guess the mind
set of people.
[13:56] <Sir_Polaris> I think ZaRiF215/Fin may have it correct with nailing people
for not being able to notice such a simple thing.
[13:56] <Sir_Polaris> but as Pari noted.
[13:56] <Sir_Polaris> Not all people have time.
[13:56] <ZaRiF215> oh.. now you say its a good idea.
[13:56] <ZaRiF215> :)
[13:56] <Sir_Polaris> But as also noted, the Heroes are about people with time.
[13:56] <Sir_Polaris> We are as strong as our weakest link.
[13:57] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah, but maybe some of them thought that OFP will be release
in May, and with the delay, with studies... they can come less on the forum
[13:57] <Sir_Polaris> If these people don't preform then why are they with us?
[13:57] <Sir_Polaris> if our group is about action?
[13:57] <ZaRiF215> preform?
[13:57] <ZaRiF215> im confused.
[13:57] <Sir_Polaris> "to do" "to make action"
[13:57] <MaNu_SoLo> maybe for some of them for their ego
[13:57] <ZaRiF215> Perform.
[13:57] <ZaRiF215> ohh.
[13:57] <MaNu_SoLo> sounds cool to be part of a social group
[13:57] <Sir_Polaris> sorry :D
[13:58] <Sir_Polaris> I know a few are, and I been trying to root them out.
[13:58] <Sir_Polaris> I was hoping this would go faster today but I looks like we
will have to move on.
[13:58] <Sir_Polaris> So, I guess I'll formulate some plan for a one on one vet.
[13:58] <Sir_Polaris> if it's very inportant to them they will rejoin.
[13:58] <Marxus> "Remember if at any time you which to no longer participate
please depart from the social group. You free to rejoin later as so long you where
not removed."
[13:59] <Sir_Polaris> should read forcablity removed.
[13:59] <Sir_Polaris> as in "gtfo dont come back"
[13:59] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah, but it's never happen like that
[13:59] <Sir_Polaris> You never know
[13:59] <MaNu_SoLo> we're on internet..
[13:59] <FinnishFighter> ok back
[13:59] <ZaRiF215> xD
[13:59] <Marxus> wb
[13:59] <Sir_Polaris> we might get a gulityspark or somthing that just snaps.
[14:00] <ZaRiF215> right. whats the plan of action.
[14:00] <Sir_Polaris> read ZaRiF215 :D
[14:00] <Sir_Polaris> So it looks like then we shall move on.
[14:00] <ZaRiF215> i am.. we is just blabberings.
[14:00] <ZaRiF215> :)
[14:00] <Sir_Polaris> I'll take a quick vote to move this on to a later date
[14:00] <MaNu_SoLo> or create a sub social group, with avatar with a star or
[14:00] <FinnishFighter> talking da gibbernieser
[14:00] <Sir_Polaris> Yes for - no aganist.
[14:00] <ZaRiF215> What are we voting FOR.
[14:00] <FinnishFighter> and we making anew heroes ?
[14:00] <Sir_Polaris> no
[14:00] <MaNu_SoLo> something who can make a diference between the active and
inactive ones
[14:00] <ZaRiF215> !subject
[14:01] <ZaRiF215> a logo
[14:01] <Sir_Polaris> I'll take a quick vote to move the voting of people to a
later date
[14:01] <Sir_Polaris> Yes for - no aganist.
[14:01] <ZaRiF215> perhaps a silver one
[14:01] <FinnishFighter> yes
[14:01] <Sir_Polaris> no abstaining.
[14:01] <Marxus> #yes
[14:01] <Marxus> or w8
[14:01] <Tyrokiller> #yes
[14:01] <ZaRiF215> Wtf?
[14:01] <FinnishFighter> what zarif
[14:01] <MaNu_SoLo> #yes (because it's too hard for me to explain why I'm always
against :p )
[14:01] <Tyrokiller> lol
[14:01] <ZaRiF215> i dont get what we are voting for
[14:02] <Sir_Polaris> "to move the voting of people to a later date"
[14:02] <MaNu_SoLo> (vote yes as me�
[14:02] <FinnishFighter> prostponing the voting
[14:02] <Sir_Polaris> and its a pass anyways.
[14:02] <ZaRiF215> no
[14:02] <FinnishFighter> prostboning
[14:02] <ZaRiF215> lol
[14:02] <Marxus> i'll stay with my answer: #yes
[14:02] <Sir_Polaris> Allright then, on my handout.
[14:02] <Sir_Polaris> I would like to know what people think are potentioal
problems in the comunity/Heroes/OFP2 in general
[14:03] <FinnishFighter> messiness
[14:03] <ZaRiF215> not enough activenessness
[14:03] <Sir_Polaris> please note what your speaking of.
[14:03] <Sir_Polaris> I got manus notes on the Heroes rules.
[14:03] <Sir_Polaris> and some personal notes about recuitment control.
[14:04] <FinnishFighter> meybe start a voting on who gets in
[14:04] <FinnishFighter> make a council
[14:04] <Sir_Polaris> I will be.
[14:04] <MaNu_SoLo> maybe the next members will be get in after have an invitation
[14:04] <FinnishFighter> 3-5 guys who vote
[14:04] <MaNu_SoLo> and not ask to be part
[14:04] <MaNu_SoLo> I mean:
[14:05] <MaNu_SoLo> The goal is to grow up the community
[14:05] <Sir_Polaris> (OFP2)
[14:05] <Marxus> Community: most of them are impatient, many start trolling, they
tend to start flaming very fast, The SUPERSTICKY doesen't seem to be viewed by new
[14:05] <MaNu_SoLo> so, I think will be good that members will be invited to join
group after we saw how they act on the forum
[14:05] <Sir_Polaris> Who here thinks invite only is a good idea?
[14:06] <Marxus> that's how i experience the community since the last weeks...
[14:06] <Marxus> #me
[14:06] <FinnishFighter> invties and requests could work.
[14:06] <Sir_Polaris> so yes for fin?
[14:06] <FinnishFighter> requests being exeptions
[14:06] <ZaRiF215> me
[14:06] <FinnishFighter> #yes
[14:06] <FinnishFighter> im in need of proper snus
[14:06] <Sir_Polaris> Humm.
[14:07] <Sir_Polaris> The only problem with invite only is that the people
inviting need to know whats good.
[14:07] <Sir_Polaris> However with soild members, we don't have this problem
[14:07] <Marxus> But we should note that if anyone want's to be a part of us, that
he should show something to get our attention and get invited.
[14:07] <Sir_Polaris> and we could allways bote on it.
[14:07] <Tyrokiller> #yes
[14:07] <MaNu_SoLo> just need to see their post on the forum
[14:07] <ZaRiF215> i think people shouldnt Apply for it
[14:07] <Sir_Polaris> True Marxus
[14:07] <ZaRiF215> i think we should choose certain members
[14:07] <Marxus> not directly apply
[14:08] <Sir_Polaris> Allright I'll sleep on that idea, and weigh it but I like
[14:08] <ZaRiF215> abit like a gangsta crew
[14:08] <Sir_Polaris> gimmi a sec to make a note
[14:08] <MaNu_SoLo> are they here for be part of a community, are they here for
spam, make flamewar, say I have a biggest dick than you..
[14:08] <ZaRiF215> we find dem not dey find us ya here me breddah
[14:08] <MaNu_SoLo> the forum is a nice place for me to have an idea about who
they are
[14:08] <Sir_Polaris> Think about the idea of making the community invite only
selecting only the best. However let people apply but then watch them. Have a vote
on invites.
[14:09] <Sir_Polaris> How that sound
[14:09] <MaNu_SoLo> it could be like a "medal" to join the group
[14:09] <Marxus> but if they think "hey, i also want to be a hero" and just start
participating in the community, making interessting things so we see "hey, this
one is very ambitious" (hope you know what i mean, have a lack of expression atm
[14:09] <Sir_Polaris> People will preform better knowing they need to ern it.
[14:09] <MaNu_SoLo> they can make request, and we can say, we'll status, we'll see
how you act
[14:09] <Sir_Polaris> I agree maxus that exsactly what I was thinking
[14:10] <Sir_Polaris> CM will like it as it will inspire general goodness.
[14:10] <Sir_Polaris> Only problem is that we might seem eliteist.
[14:10] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah and ?
[14:10] <Sir_Polaris> thats the number one problem groups like us.
[14:10] <Sir_Polaris> bad image?
[14:10] <ZaRiF215> lol so
[14:10] <MaNu_SoLo> who can grow up a community ?
[14:10] <ZaRiF215> nahh
[14:10] <ZaRiF215> People will aspire??????
[14:10] <ZaRiF215> to be in it
[14:11] <Sir_Polaris> allright thats noted.
[14:11] <ZaRiF215> rgr
[14:11] <Sir_Polaris> So we are all in favour of people earning there right to the
#03[14:11] * ZaRiF215 is now known as ZaRiF|McDo
[14:11] <MaNu_SoLo> When I see the rules of the group, as moderator this is the
type of people I want to see on the forum.
[14:11] <ZaRiF|McDo> oui oui
[14:11] <Marxus> yep
[14:11] <Sir_Polaris> others?
[14:11] <MaNu_SoLo> eliteist... maybe, maybe an other adjective
[14:11] <ZaRiF|McDo> thats yes in english :D :D
[14:11] <FinnishFighter> polaris. u gotta know we are elitist lol
[14:12] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol
[14:12] <MaNu_SoLo> you can't say it
[14:12] <ZaRiF|McDo> i think the majority says yes
[14:12] <FinnishFighter> we are top gun of ofp2
[14:12] <Sir_Polaris> > are all in favour of people earning there right to the
[14:12] <MaNu_SoLo> you can be an elit, but can't say your eliteist
[14:12] <ZaRiF|McDo> the dogs *********
[14:12] <Sir_Polaris> its 3 yes.
[14:12] <ZaRiF|McDo> pyjamas
[14:12] <FinnishFighter> #vote yes
[14:12] <ZaRiF|McDo> #vote yes
[14:12] <FinnishFighter> 4 in favor . passed
[14:13] <FinnishFighter> 5 in favor
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> allright
[14:13] <MaNu_SoLo> you are the people the more involved in the OFP DR community,
that's all
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> indeed
[14:13] <FinnishFighter> we are what people call
[14:13] <FinnishFighter> top gun
[14:13] <Marxus> hm wouldn't say that manu
[14:13] <FinnishFighter> me plays top gun theme
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> but we need to surround our self with preformers or we slack
[14:13] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol
[14:13] <Marxus> i barely post on the forums :P
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> but your active in IRC
[14:13] <ZaRiF|McDo> you showed your awsomeness with the FAW though
[14:13] <ZaRiF|McDo> FAQ*
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> indeed
[14:13] <Marxus> but when i have the chance to, i do
[14:13] <Sir_Polaris> 7 pages
[14:14] <Marxus> 5 pages actually
[14:14] <ZaRiF|McDo> i was really impressed dude and im sure most of the community
was too
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> shh Marxus
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> the spaceing made it 7
[14:14] <Marxus> k ^^
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[14:14] <ZaRiF|McDo> how much spaces? lol
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> a few
[14:14] <ZaRiF|McDo> carry on..
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> yep
[14:14] <Tyrokiller> Zarif you still need to sign up to the Jumpgate evolution
beta invite
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> Ok
[14:14] <Sir_Polaris> so any protentional problems people see?
[14:14] <ZaRiF|McDo> i already did didnt i??
[14:15] <Tyrokiller> nope
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> spammers are down,
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> noobs are on the decrease
[14:15] <ZaRiF|McDo> wtf? yes i did i got an email
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> I for see a COD rush
[14:15] <Marxus> ah pol!
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> but i think we are fine.
[14:15] <Marxus> the faq should be in the Supersticky, he isn't
[14:15] <Tyrokiller> yes but you havnt accepted the fine print :P
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> Noted
[14:15] <FinnishFighter> i se one problem
[14:15] <ZaRiF|McDo> yes i have.. omg ok
[14:15] <Tyrokiller> Members who have signed up:
[14:15] <Tyrokiller>
[14:15] <Tyrokiller>
[14:15] <Tyrokiller> Members still to sign up:
[14:15] <Tyrokiller>
[14:15] <Tyrokiller>
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> Tyrokiller - ZaRiF|McDo - PM it please
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> ....
[14:15] <FinnishFighter> omg
[14:15] <Tyrokiller> sorry
[14:15] <FinnishFighter> maturity please :P
[14:15] <Sir_Polaris> come on Tyrokiller :D
[14:15] <ZaRiF|McDo> Tyro.. MSN mate
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> If you guys can
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> push the community serives
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> services.
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> like the FAQ
[14:16] <ZaRiF|McDo> sorry polaris.
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> in the document handout
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> you can see all areas are falling
[14:16] <Marxus> yep i did in my last two post :P
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> but the mailing list.
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> and the toolbar (but thats because it's new)
[14:16] <MaNu_SoLo> just a stupid question, how old are you ?
[14:16] <Sir_Polaris> 21.
[14:17] <ZaRiF|McDo> you dont sound it pol.
[14:17] <ZaRiF|McDo> no offense
[14:17] <MaNu_SoLo> I know for you Pol, and the others ?
[14:17] <FinnishFighter> ZaRiF|McDo how old r u ?
[14:17] <FinnishFighter> im 12
[14:17] <FinnishFighter> 21
[14:17] <FinnishFighter> *
[14:17] <ZaRiF|McDo> 13
[14:17] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[14:17] <FinnishFighter> lol im 12. fail
[14:17] <MaNu_SoLo> 40..... for me....
[14:17] <Sir_Polaris> Fllickr (and some what Tube) are the best resources for OFP,
and they should be pushed as a result. Ask people to use "Community links"
[14:17] <ZaRiF|McDo> fail
#03[14:18] * Retrieving #HeroesMeeting modes...
[14:18] <Marxus> 18
[14:18] <Sir_Polaris> So any ideas what our future needs are?
[14:18] <Tyrokiller> 17
[14:18] <Sir_Polaris> any speculations as to demand in the future?
[14:18] <Sir_Polaris> the FAQ was more then needed.
[14:18] <ZaRiF|McDo> im teh youngest hero
[14:19] <Sir_Polaris> We will need to put a system in place to collect new FAQ
[14:19] <Tyrokiller> As of yet no polaris
[14:19] <Sir_Polaris> I think a thread that can be spammed in the heroes area will
do go.
[14:19] <Sir_Polaris> think that would work?
[14:19] <MaNu_SoLo> now for all who have under 18, I want to be sure that you are
under the consent of yours parent(s) of guardian(s)
[14:19] <ZaRiF|McDo> in the heroes area
[14:19] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[14:19] <MaNu_SoLo> loool, sorry it's the rules
[14:19] <Marxus> yep, i was thinking of: every new fact/information we're getting
from Helios or an preview, --> right after release into the faq
[14:20] <MaNu_SoLo> 2. Use of the Forum by Children (those over the age of 12 but
under the age of 18) is subject to the consent of their parent(s) of guardian(s).
We advise parents who permit their children to use the Forum that it is important
that they communicate with their children about their safety online. Children who
are using the Forum should be aware of the potential risks to them and of their
obligation to comply with these rules
[14:20] <MaNu_SoLo> when using the Forum.
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> or when some one asks a question and Helios replys.
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> into the FAQ
[14:20] <ZaRiF|McDo> :(
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> then it's never lost.
[14:20] <MaNu_SoLo> loool, sry, I was just joking
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> ZaRiF|McDo: btw I'm your father.
#06[14:20] * ZaRiF|McDo walks away
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> problem solved
[14:20] <Marxus> yep, after updating the old faq, we just need to extend it with
every news
[14:20] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[14:20] <Tyrokiller> Manu of course I have parental approvement :D
[14:20] <Marxus> great
[14:20] <Sir_Polaris> Indeed Marxus
[14:20] <ZaRiF|McDo> ofcourse.. my rabbit says hello.
[14:20] <MaNu_SoLo> I know that ! ;-)
[14:21] <Tyrokiller> Here come stand with me by this pack of grenades whilst I go
to the bathroom I shall show you my proof
[14:21] <Tyrokiller> :D
[14:21] <Sir_Polaris> Ok, so any speculation or ideas to improve the community
[14:21] <MaNu_SoLo> in anyway, you all seem mature. congratulations
[14:21] <ZaRiF|McDo> put me in charge of facebook.
[14:21] <ZaRiF|McDo> whoops wrong window
[14:21] <Sir_Polaris> I know OFP2 is going down a bit, but we are losing on all
our service.
[14:21] <Marxus> hmm
[14:22] <Sir_Polaris> People are going other places rather then a centeral place,
which will only make our work harder in the long run.
[14:22] <MaNu_SoLo> I don't think is going down. It's just hard till the release
date of the game
[14:22] <ZaRiF|McDo> hmm..
[14:22] <Sir_Polaris> all my stats shows a decrease
[14:22] <ZaRiF|McDo> yeah in all fairness we dont have Much to work on..
[14:22] <Sir_Polaris> even website hits.
[14:22] <MaNu_SoLo> and many players don't take info on an official forum
[14:22] <Sir_Polaris> Yep
[14:22] <MaNu_SoLo> or don't participate
[14:22] <Sir_Polaris> We can reach out to the other sites, but I'll get nailed for
stolen content.
[14:23] <Sir_Polaris> al la youtube
[14:23] <Sir_Polaris> :D
[14:23] <ZaRiF|McDo> xD
[14:23] <ZaRiF|McDo> shutdown.
[14:23] <Sir_Polaris> So everyone things things are fine then?
[14:23] <ZaRiF|McDo> yeah.
[14:23] <MaNu_SoLo> yes
[14:23] <Sir_Polaris> No pressing issues to deal with ?
[14:23] <Tyrokiller> nope
[14:23] <MaNu_SoLo> give time to time
[14:23] <Sir_Polaris> I personally think the FAQ and toolbar should help.
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> Toolbar will premote everything we got
[14:24] <MaNu_SoLo> FAQ, yeah
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> and the FAQ will crush the noobs.
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> IF people cant find things, push the toolbar.
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> if they miss news push the mailing list.
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> I'm going to work on getting it so you guys can mail out
[14:24] <ZaRiF|McDo> rgr
[14:24] <Sir_Polaris> in time things will happen so fast I wont be able to put a
dent in it.
[14:24] <Marxus> k
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> As allways if anything inportant happens
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> mail me and I'll rush to it if I'm online.
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> if not it hits my PDA
[14:25] <ZaRiF|McDo> oki
[14:25] <FinnishFighter> pol- u to should get a mobile irc:er
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> im looking into that
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> but my batterys will die
[14:25] <ZaRiF|McDo> finn how much?
[14:25] <FinnishFighter> aah.
[14:25] <Sir_Polaris> ZaRiF|McDo: everything is free
[14:26] <Sir_Polaris> :D
[14:26] <FinnishFighter> there is a invention called recharger
[14:26] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[14:26] <FinnishFighter> :P
[14:26] <ZaRiF|McDo> in mcdonalds land
[14:26] <Sir_Polaris> FinnishFighter: not alot of plugs in the outdoors :D
[14:26] <Sir_Polaris> So our sponosrs
[14:26] <ZaRiF|McDo> y'see polaris is a lumberjack
[14:26] <Sir_Polaris> They are happy at this time.
[14:26] <FinnishFighter> sponers?
[14:26] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol
[14:26] <Marxus> lol
[14:26] <Marxus> gameserver?
[14:26] <ZaRiF|McDo> i nearly hosed my drink everywhere
[14:26] <Sir_Polaris> What can we do to make the OFP1 server more popular or bring
more attention to ?
[14:26] <FinnishFighter> sponsors?
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> Play on it
[14:27] <FinnishFighter> aah.
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> Lets roll.
[14:27] <Sir_Polaris> Yes Sponsors
[14:27] <MaNu_SoLo> make an event
[14:27] <FinnishFighter> spam forum
[14:27] <FinnishFighter> new event everynight
[14:27] <Marxus> i have the website in my sig
[14:27] <MaNu_SoLo> a small tourney
[14:27] <Sir_Polaris> Which is a great help.
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> yeah.. new event evernight
[14:27] <Marxus> but.. i'm not posting very much
[14:27] <Marxus> :/
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> delt
[14:27] <Sir_Polaris> ZaRiF|McDo: and Fin people will burn out
[14:27] <Marxus> so it isn't a great help anymore
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> delta wars :P
[14:27] <FinnishFighter> im already burned out
[14:27] <Sir_Polaris> This Friday is a event.
[14:27] <ZaRiF|McDo> im on Fiiiiiiyaaaaah
[14:28] <MaNu_SoLo> why not making a small tourney ?
[14:28] <Marxus> We can try making it popular in the clan-section?
[14:28] <FinnishFighter> lol. im actually hatin all games atm. dont want ot play
att all
[14:28] <FinnishFighter> :(
[14:28] <ZaRiF|McDo> we can do loads of publicity in 2 days???
[14:28] <Tyrokiller> Im hating you finn :D
[14:28] <MaNu_SoLo> too short in 2 days
[14:28] <Sir_Polaris> Marxus: you think there is enough people with OFP1?
[14:28] <ZaRiF|McDo> just run to the far corners of the interwebs
[14:28] <MaNu_SoLo> Pol, we can do a tourney with 16 people
[14:28] <Marxus> for what?
[14:29] <ZaRiF|McDo> Sir_polaris from what i have seen many people on our fourms
are new to the OFP series.
[14:29] <MaNu_SoLo> 4 teams of 4 players on saint pierre
[14:29] <Marxus> i was talking about :D
[14:29] <Sir_Polaris> I can push Helios to make the server known on a mass e-mail
or somthing. "or the community website" they have planned.
[14:29] <ZaRiF|McDo> :O
[14:29] <MaNu_SoLo> play against an helios team
[14:29] <MaNu_SoLo> play with some CM mates
[14:29] <ZaRiF|McDo> play against a codemasters team
[14:29] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah
[14:30] <ZaRiF|McDo> that would be awsome
[14:30] <Marxus> i don't think they have time to
[14:30] <ZaRiF|McDo> after work
[14:30] <ZaRiF|McDo> ooohh
[14:30] <Sir_Polaris> humm I could ask but I tihnk Marxus is correct
[14:30] <ZaRiF|McDo> Codemasters "after hours"
[14:30] <MaNu_SoLo> it wont be a pb of time
[14:30] <MaNu_SoLo> they are players
[14:30] <MaNu_SoLo> they worked in gaming society
[14:30] <MaNu_SoLo> work
[14:30] <someguywho> Hi guys. I see that alot has been discussed. Reading it now
[14:30] <Marxus> asking doesn't cost anything of course
[14:30] <ZaRiF|McDo> rgr
[14:31] <Sir_Polaris> just my soul *crys*
[14:31] <ZaRiF|McDo> :P
[14:31] <Sir_Polaris> Ok, well that aside the server is doing well
[14:31] <MaNu_SoLo> it could be a good thing for CM too
#06[14:31] * ZaRiF|McDo finds soul tissue
[14:31] <Sir_Polaris> the weekly matches have done great
[14:31] <Sir_Polaris> adding more mods and addons (my fault here) will help
[14:31] <MaNu_SoLo> make a event, be in touch with a hosting server house
[14:31] <ZaRiF|McDo> just a quick one.. anybody up for a few games laters?
[14:31] <Sir_Polaris> allready done MaNu_SoLo we have a server :D
[14:32] <MaNu_SoLo> I know that Pol :p
[14:32] <someguywho> sure
[14:32] <Sir_Polaris> Ok, so next issue
[14:32] <MaNu_SoLo> I mean for CM could be good for their game to make a team for
a night game event
[14:32] <Sir_Polaris> any ideas on how to get more PC people to vote in that
thread in my sig?
[14:32] <MaNu_SoLo> for them *
[14:33] <Sir_Polaris> I want to approch ATI/Nvidea about hardware/discount
[14:33] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah donation
[14:33] <MaNu_SoLo> need a 295 GTX
[14:33] <MaNu_SoLo> thx Pol
[14:33] <ZaRiF|McDo> hmm i could do with a graphics card
[14:33] <MaNu_SoLo> An idea
[14:33] <ZaRiF|McDo> i have a NVidia Geforce 6150se.
[14:33] <Sir_Polaris> it dosn't hurt to ask and for a large premotion they would
love it.
[14:33] <ZaRiF|McDo> Thats bad.
[14:33] <MaNu_SoLo> start to think about a league
[14:33] <ZaRiF|McDo> coming up to the release of OFPDR have a OFP1 League.
[14:34] <MaNu_SoLo> be able to offer a league for the game for its release could
be good
[14:34] <MaNu_SoLo> really
[14:34] <ZaRiF|McDo> :/
[14:34] <Marxus> hm..
[14:34] <Sir_Polaris> I can talk to Frantic
[14:34] <Marxus> what just came to my mind
[14:34] <Sir_Polaris> him and the TNT people.
[14:34] <ZaRiF|McDo> :\
[14:35] <MaNu_SoLo> I have a good mapper too in my clan, frantic know him (Matz)
[14:35] <Marxus> armaII will be released soon, so the question is: how many
community users will still play ofp1 then?
[14:35] <MaNu_SoLo> TNT
[14:35] <Sir_Polaris> very few, unless they hate ARMA
[14:35] <ZaRiF|McDo> --- PyroMan Dan is in Chat
[14:35] <ZaRiF|McDo> OFP2.
[14:35] <Sir_Polaris> but it's going to be dead with OFP2
[14:35] <Sir_Polaris> for a month or two
[14:35] <MaNu_SoLo> it's useless for me
[14:36] <MaNu_SoLo> summer time...
[14:36] <MaNu_SoLo> only english with their rain can play summer time :p
[14:36] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[14:36] <ZaRiF|McDo> :(
[14:36] <Sir_Polaris> allright well this has gone on for a long time.
[14:36] <MaNu_SoLo> j/k :D
[14:36] <Marxus> i can play in summer time to :P
[14:36] <Sir_Polaris> few more questions and I'll let you guys fo
[14:36] <Sir_Polaris> go*
[14:36] <Marxus> and i'm not english :P
[14:37] <Sir_Polaris> Do you think the Heroes could maintain a foothold in
[14:37] <MaNu_SoLo> what do you mean ? sry
[14:37] <Sir_Polaris> We could invite in the best, and have 'heroes' teach people.
[14:37] <ZaRiF|McDo> i can use photoshop. :D not exactly modding but you know..
[14:37] <Marxus> hm. I don't know. i can just speak for myself
[14:37] <Marxus> and i can't handle 3d tools
[14:37] <Marxus> just a little bit of blender
[14:38] <Marxus> but models... no way.
[14:38] <Sir_Polaris> with the right people would it be somthing we should aim
[14:38] <Marxus> but i always wanted to learn it :P
[14:38] <MaNu_SoLo> modding and mapping involve too much competences
[14:38] <Sir_Polaris> helping grow the mapping/modding community?
[14:38] <MaNu_SoLo> I mean, will be better to focus on easier thing
[14:38] <Sir_Polaris> now we do this by taking in members or by providing
[14:38] <MaNu_SoLo> you'll have website for that
[14:39] <MaNu_SoLo> I still thinking, the best thing we could do, it's to be able
to run a league for OFP DR for its release date
[14:40] <ZaRiF|McDo> i can run a consoles league if you want.
[14:40] <ZaRiF|McDo> ??
[14:40] <MaNu_SoLo> if possible, with donation; one month server free etc...
[14:40] <Marxus> for the community?
[14:40] <someguywho> One for each platform
[14:40] <MaNu_SoLo> why not making a league multi platorm
[14:40] <ZaRiF|McDo> yeah.
[14:40] <Sir_Polaris> We will have a rack of servers for OFP2 pending this game
dosn't flop and they still like us till then.
[14:40] <someguywho> how would it work?
[14:41] <MaNu_SoLo> server in canada ?
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> NY
[14:41] <MaNu_SoLo> or in europe too ?
[14:41] <MaNu_SoLo> ok
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> but can get it world wide
[14:41] <MaNu_SoLo> nice
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> I was thinking one EU one AUS
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> main being NA NY as its 1 hop to london
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> and fair for both sides of the pond.
[14:41] <Sir_Polaris> America left and UK
[14:41] <ZaRiF|McDo> pond
[14:42] <MaNu_SoLo> and amsterdam
[14:42] <ZaRiF|McDo> and azerbaijan
[14:42] <MaNu_SoLo> no lol
[14:42] <Sir_Polaris> ok. So looking at my tasks at the bottom of the handout
[14:42] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol j/k
[14:42] <Sir_Polaris>
[14:42] <MaNu_SoLo> but gameserver have server in amsterdam
[14:42] <ZaRiF|McDo> ok.. manu :F
[14:42] <Sir_Polaris> We dont see many problems with the community that need
plugging, it seems I'v nailed the most :D
[14:42] <ZaRiF|McDo> :L*
[14:43] <Marxus> yep, i think that's one hop from london isn't it?
[14:43] <Sir_Polaris> I know CM needs to exspand modding.
[14:43] <Sir_Polaris> as the heroes need to be aware of filming and scripting.
[14:43] <Sir_Polaris> but we can seek out members for that.
[14:43] <MaNu_SoLo> yeah, but the OFP community know the tools for modding and
mapping on ofp. With OFP DR, it will be diferent
[14:43] <Sir_Polaris> I know we are doing well on all accounts other then bloated
[14:43] <Sir_Polaris> and inactive members.
[14:44] <Sir_Polaris> Known MaNu_SoLo which is why we need CM to inform us :D
[14:44] <Sir_Polaris> which is my e-mail later today.
[14:44] <Sir_Polaris> I will be writing.
[14:44] <Sir_Polaris> So on all accounts we are doing well it seems.
[14:44] <Sir_Polaris> Looking at the todo you'll see what I had layed out to do.
[14:44] <ZaRiF|McDo> i feel sick from my Mcdo's
[14:45] <Sir_Polaris> The news team is not fully formed but Its allmost done.
[14:45] <ZaRiF|McDo> who is the "news taem"?
[14:45] <Sir_Polaris> Any ideas how I can get people from using non community
[14:45] <ZaRiF|McDo> team*
[14:45] <Sir_Polaris> Posters on
[14:45] <ZaRiF|McDo> A Reward system
[14:45] <ZaRiF|McDo> give them a cookie everytime they get something right.
delivered by UPS. or FEDEX.
[14:45] <Sir_Polaris> Shaz right now posts everything from his areas,
[14:46] <Sir_Polaris> I know he likes the hits but I need people to be locked into
one area (which happens to be mine because CM is slow)
[14:46] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol..
[14:46] <MaNu_SoLo> CM slow... ?
[14:46] <MaNu_SoLo> lol
[14:46] <Sir_Polaris> and I dont want to forward everyone to shaz incase he leaves
in the night.
[14:46] <someguywho> lol
[14:46] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol
[14:46] <Sir_Polaris> that and CM dosn't borrow videos :D
[14:46] <MaNu_SoLo> I'm just waiting for a community officer for french since....
[14:46] <ZaRiF|McDo> well it is the genrall rule of thum
[14:46] <MaNu_SoLo> 6 months...
[14:47] <ZaRiF|McDo> leave during the dawn Coo Coo!
[14:47] <Sir_Polaris> I have a few members out on LUA/3dmax tutorial patrol
[14:47] <ZaRiF|McDo> lol
[14:47] <Sir_Polaris> but untill I know a little bit more I'm not going to dive to
[14:47] <ZaRiF|McDo> LUA Patrol
[14:47] <Sir_Polaris> Demo and groups is going to be a big one.
[14:48] <Marxus> i can't remember anymor.. but i think i used 3dmax for C&C
Renegade maps..
[14:48] <Marxus> anymore*
[14:48] <Marxus> but that's years ago :D
[14:48] <Sir_Polaris> before the demo hits, I want it hammed into everyones skulls
that video uploads should go to the YouTube Group and Image to the Flickr Group.
[14:48] <ZaRiF|McDo> Stickied.
[14:48] <ZaRiF|McDo> ??
[14:48] <Sir_Polaris> It will be utter mahem and massive lost opperunitys if we
dont achive that.
[14:48] <ZaRiF|McDo> another thing polaris..
[14:48] <Sir_Polaris> and we only get one shot.
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> Our FAQ needs to be stickied.
[14:49] <someguywho> Need to keep it all in one place
[14:49] <Sir_Polaris> I have that noted
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> Its currently on Page 2
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> thats not good enough :(
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> rgr
[14:49] <Sir_Polaris> lol
[14:49] <Sir_Polaris> A blacklist
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> Guiltysaprk343
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> 1
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> ?
[14:49] <Sir_Polaris> is another idea, some way to keep IP's of bad people out of
[14:49] <ZaRiF|McDo> ohhh..
[14:50] <Marxus> what if they use dynamic ip's? ^^
[14:50] <Marxus> just like me?
[14:50] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[14:50] <ZaRiF|McDo> Hax0R L33t.?
[14:50] <Sir_Polaris> but it would need to be expanded. I think weekly counsel
meetings like this is not a bad idea to vote on things like this.
[14:50] <Sir_Polaris> Ban a range :D
[14:50] <Sir_Polaris> *.*
[14:50] <Sir_Polaris> problem solved
[14:50] <Marxus> than you probably would ban a few players ;D
[14:50] <MaNu_SoLo> 0
[14:50] <ZaRiF|McDo> O.o
[14:50] <MaNu_SoLo> to works fine :p
[14:50] <Sir_Polaris> IRC stats and scripting cannot be done by you guys
[14:51] <Sir_Polaris> nor can the other things.
[14:51] <Marxus> then*
[14:51] <Sir_Polaris> I want to get a printed map - that will be Alex when ever he
[14:51] <Marxus> agreed @weekly meetings
[14:51] <someguywho> yes
[14:51] <Sir_Polaris> Cleaning up and exspanding
can be done at any time.
[14:52] <Sir_Polaris> Yes, meetings - im used to all 12-16 year olds.
[14:52] <Marxus> will you add the rss into the site?
[14:52] <Sir_Polaris> and they cannot sit for a hour without "lolol om lol alwas
[14:52] <ZaRiF|McDo> :(
[14:52] <Sir_Polaris> its nice to see ZaRiF|McDo and others making use of this
[14:52] <ZaRiF|McDo> :l
[14:52] <Sir_Polaris> Marxus: as soon as some one can "find" me a ticker
[14:53] <Marxus> k
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> I gave up learning PHP to get on community projects
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> and thats thats.
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> -s
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> Can anyone think of anything else.
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> things can be running this well :D
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> vant*
[14:53] <Sir_Polaris> cant*
[14:54] <MaNu_SoLo> no more idea
[14:54] <Sir_Polaris> oh I never got feedback on how to push the community pages.
[14:54] <Sir_Polaris> other then a reward system
[14:54] <Sir_Polaris> which I dont know how to implement.
[14:54] <Sir_Polaris> Can we guilt or inspire people?
[14:54] <Sir_Polaris> or perhaps get people thinking, or knowing the benifits?
[14:54] <MaNu_SoLo> I don't understand what you mean...
[14:55] <Marxus> how many people are using the toolbar now after it's update?
[14:55] <Sir_Polaris> I'm trying to get people to link to flickr and my Tube
rather then other sites.
[14:55] <Marxus> 16?
[14:55] <Sir_Polaris> so the hits and stats stay in one place.
[14:55] <Sir_Polaris> Marxus: about that
[14:55] <Sir_Polaris> geting exact stats
[14:55] <Marxus> and before the update? 7 or something? you told me but i cant
remember :/
[14:56] <Sir_Polaris> 34 active users - 85 installtions.
[14:56] <Marxus> ok, doesn't matter, let's continue
[14:56] <Marxus> k thx :)
[14:56] <Sir_Polaris> new users over the last 4 days
[14:57] <Marxus> we need to get some publicity...
[14:57] <Sir_Polaris> 310 click or 29.78% of click are the main link menu, then
fourm main, ticker and latest news.
[14:57] <Marxus> but as you said, we will get probs
[14:57] <Sir_Polaris> social pages useage is up 1200% though
[14:57] <MaNu_SoLo> publicity for
[14:58] <MaNu_SoLo> ?
[14:58] <Sir_Polaris> well our standing in the community looks like its declining.
[14:58] <Sir_Polaris> I would like to go global.
[14:58] <Tyrokiller> Ack my fingers are dead
[14:58] <Sir_Polaris> but we will get axed.
[14:58] <Marxus> yup
[14:58] <Tyrokiller> Ctrl c and paste
[14:58] <Sir_Polaris> Fansites like will help us.
[14:59] <Sir_Polaris> but wont
[14:59] <Sir_Polaris> and we have lost favor with the smaller sites
[14:59] <ZaRiF|McDo> :O
[14:59] <Sir_Polaris> which all host there own content.
[14:59] <someguywho> fansite wars
[14:59] <Sir_Polaris> The key to winning them back will be being the best, and the
[14:59] <Sir_Polaris> with unique content, and we will be.
[14:59] <Marxus> maybe...
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> just not now with the current CM information release style.
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> We will have projects that will drive unique content.
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> like OFP racing.
[15:00] <Marxus> CM could put in a good word for us at ign ;D
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> allright, well I wont keep you any longer
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> Thanks for comming out and I think we will do this more
[15:00] <ZaRiF|McDo> :)
[15:00] <Sir_Polaris> 5pm GTM is good for people?
[15:01] <someguywho> yes
[15:01] <Sir_Polaris> GMT*
[15:01] <ZaRiF|McDo> yes
[15:01] <someguywho> that too
[15:01] <ZaRiF|McDo> oh wait yes means no.
[15:01] <MaNu_SoLo> depending if I have my daughter or not.
[15:01] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[15:01] <Sir_Polaris> well for Marxus we can do 5:30 GMT
[15:01] <MaNu_SoLo> I'm a bit busy..
[15:01] <ZaRiF|McDo> rgr manu
[15:01] <Marxus> it was a pleasure ;D
[15:01] <Sir_Polaris> If you can or cant make it MaNu_SoLo we wont kil you :D
[15:01] <Marxus> every wednesday?
[15:01] <Sir_Polaris> no no
[15:01] <MaNu_SoLo> lol Pol
[15:01] <Sir_Polaris> I'll pick a better time
[15:01] <MaNu_SoLo> that's me who kill you in game :p
[15:02] <Sir_Polaris> I just needed to clear people out and needed feed back on
[15:02] <Marxus> but 5:30 should be ok in most cases when i'm at school :)
wednesday is my longest day in school
[15:02] <Tyrokiller>
[15:02] <someguywho> does this mean we have to be active :O
[15:02] <Tyrokiller> Phew >.<
[15:02] <Sir_Polaris> I'll make a resolution to figure out what to do about the
other people.
[15:02] <Sir_Polaris> Think about it, and if you want pre vet them from the
[15:03] <Sir_Polaris> print it out and Y N A them
[15:03] <ZaRiF|McDo> i joined Ty
[15:03] <MaNu_SoLo> cu all, I gonna eat. Maybe I'll be on the server after for
some games. Some of you will play tonite ?
[15:03] <ZaRiF|McDo> yea!
[15:03] <Sir_Polaris> perhaps I got to sleep/LUA all this thinking made me tired
[15:03] <Tyrokiller> Nope college tomoz :D
[15:03] <Sir_Polaris> anyways thanks again for the time :D
[15:03] <someguywho> i'll try an get on
[15:03] <FinnishFighter> bakk
[15:03] <Sir_Polaris> really appreciated it :D
[15:03] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[15:03] <ZaRiF|McDo> Rgr
[15:03] <someguywho> thank you pol :)
[15:03] <MaNu_SoLo> that's normal
[15:03] <MaNu_SoLo> nothing else
[15:03] <FinnishFighter> did i miss anything special or is it jsut giberneies
[15:03] <MaNu_SoLo> cu all
[15:04] <ZaRiF|McDo> -----meeting adjourned?-----
[15:04] <Sir_Polaris> #yes
[15:04] <Sir_Polaris> :D
#02[15:04] * MaNu_SoLo ( Quit
(Quit: Quitte#)
[15:04] <FinnishFighter> #no
[15:04] <FinnishFighter> :(
[15:04] <Sir_Polaris> Vetoed
[15:04] <Sir_Polaris> See you guys around :D
[15:04] <Tyrokiller> #yes
#03[15:04] * Sir_Polaris (mibbit@ has left #HeroesMeeting
[15:04] <Marxus> yep, cu in ofp2 ;D
[15:04] <Tyrokiller> byes
#03[15:04] * Marxus ( has left
[15:04] <ZaRiF|McDo> :D
[15:04] <someguywho> bye
#02[15:04] * someguywho ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client#)
[15:04] <ZaRiF|McDo> #yes
[15:04] <ZaRiF|McDo> byes
#03[15:05] * Pol_LogBot is now known as Sir_Pol|LUA
[15:05] <ZaRiF|McDo> OFP Anybody?
Session Close: Wed May 27 15:05:40 2009

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