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UML Rubric

SNo. 1.

Criteria Use Case Diagram Use Cases

Poor Use cases dont cover any of the desired features mentioned in the requirements document for the ENB Tool Project.

Average Use cases cover some of the desired features mentioned in the requirements document for the ENB Tool Project.


Class Diagram Classes

No indication of the various classes in the class diagram.

Classes are divided into Boundary, Entity and Controller but not identified properly.

Good Use cases cover most of the desired features mentioned in the requirements document for the ENB Tool Project but doesnt provide a great understanding of the Tool Functionality. Classes are well identified and divided into Boundary, Entrity and Controller.

Excellent Use cases cover all the desired features mentioned in the requirements document for the ENB Tool Project and provides a great understanding of the Tool Functionality.

Classes are well identified and demonstrates understanding of why each class falls into the category of Boundary, Entity and Controller. All classes are mentioned in the diagram with their methods, attributes and relationships are well presented.


Class Diagram Relationship & Attributes

Class diagram shows no relationship between the various classes.

Some classes are in the diagram and a lot of missing methods, attributes and relationships missing.

All classes are mentioned in the diagram with their methods, attributes and relationships but

the layout and presentation is a bit confusing. Depicts most of the scenarios properly using appropriate arrows but with a few flaws in notations. Activity diagrams shows the procedural flow of all actions in an activity that explains the business level functions but has minor flaws with the notations and presentation.


Sequence Diagram

Very unclear and doesnt depict any scenario from the Use Cases.

Depicts a few scenarios properly but most of the diagram is confusing and doesnt make sense.


Activity Diagram

Activity diagram doesnt show the flow of the actions.

Activity diagrams shows the procedural flow of most of the actions but doesnt clearly explain the business-level functions.

Depcits all the scenarios from the Use Cases in a clear manner using appropriate arrows. All notations are correct and well presented. Activity diagrams shows the procedural flow of all actions in an activity that explains the business level functions in a clear manner. All notations are correct are well presented.

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