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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.

h> // Create a structure that stores a player's name (up to 20 characters) and scor e (# of wins) // Call the struct Player typedef struct { char name[20]; int score; }Player; void info(void) { printf("\nname\nassignment\ndate\n\n"); } void display(char pos[3][3]) { char c; int k; fflush(stdin); printf(" COL 0

2 \n");

for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { printf(" ROW -------------\n"); printf(" | | | |\n"); printf(" %d | %c | %c | %c |\n", k, pos[k][0], pos[k][1], pos[k][2]); printf(" | | | |\n"); } printf(" -------------\n"); printf("Press Enter to Continue..."); scanf("%c", &c); fflush(stdin); } void move(int m, char pos[3][3], Player * p1, Player * p2, FILE *f) { char piece; int row, col; do { if(m % 2 == 0) { piece = 'X'; // Print the Player 1's name printf("%s\n",p1->name); } else { piece = 'O'; // Print the Player 2's name printf("%s\n",p2->name); }

printf(", enter your move (row 0 - 2) (col 0 - 2): "); fscanf(f, "%d %d", &row, &col); printf("%d %d\n\n", row, col); } while(!isValid(row, col, pos)); pos[row][col] = piece; } int isValid(int r, int c, char pos[3][3]) { if((r < 0) || (r > 2) || (c < 0) || (c > 2) ) { printf("Illegal Move\n"); return 0; } else if(pos[r][c] != ' ') { printf("Illegal Move\n"); return 0; } return 1; } int winner(char pos[3][3], Player * p1, Player * p2) { int k, p; char win = ' ', str[4]; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { strncpy(str, pos[k], 3); str[3] = '\0'; if(!strcmp(str, "XXX") || !strcmp(str, "OOO")) { win = pos[k][0]; break; } if((pos[0][k] != ' ') && (pos[0][k] == pos[1][k]) && (pos[0][k] == pos[2][k] )) { win = pos[0][k]; break; } } if((win == ' ') && (pos[0][0] != ' ') && (pos[0][0] == pos[1][1]) && (pos[0][0 ] == pos[2][2])) { win = pos[0][0]; } if((win == ' ') && (pos[0][2] != ' ') && (pos[0][2] == pos[1][1]) && (pos[0][2 ] == pos[2][0])) { win = pos[0][2]; } if(win == 'X') { // Print the Player 1's name printf("%s\n",p1->name); // Increment Player 1's score (p1->score)++; return 1; } else if(win == 'O') { // Print the Player 2's name printf("%s\n",p2->name);

// Increment Player 2's score (p2->score)++; return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int i, k, loop = 0, won = 0; char c, ch, pos[3][3], datafile[20], player1Name[20], player2Name[20]; FILE * ifp; printf("Enter Player 1's name: "); gets(player1Name); printf("Enter Player 2's name: "); gets(player2Name); // Declare two structs of type Player, p1 and p2. Player p1,p2; // Initialize the score value of each Player p1.score=p2.score=0; // Copy the name of each Player in the player's structure name, // the first player's name is in player1Name and // the second player's name is in player2Name strcpy(,"player1Name"); strcpy(,"player2Name"); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { pos[i][k] = ' '; } } info(); printf("What is the name of the data file? "); gets(datafile); ifp = fopen(datafile, "r"); fflush(stdin); display(pos); while(loop < 9) { // call the function move, pass in the: // loop number, // positions of the board, // two players, and // file pointer ifp // move(loop, pos, ___, ___, ifp); move(loop,pos,&p1,&p2,ifp); display(pos); loop++; // call the function winner, pass in the: // positions of the board, // two players // place the result into won

// won = winner(pos, ___, ___); won = winner(pos,&p1,&p2); if(won || loop == 9) { if(!won) { printf("\nThere is no winner, you have tied!\n\n"); } printf("Would you like to play again (y or n)? "); fscanf(ifp, "%c", &ch); while(ch == '\n') { fscanf(ifp, "%c", &ch); } printf("%c\n\n", ch); if(ch == 'y') { loop = 0; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { pos[i][k] = ' '; } } display(pos); } else { fclose(ifp); // Print the name of the both Players and their total scores printf("Player 1: %s, Total Score: %d\n",,p1.score); printf("Player 2: %s, Total Score: %d\n",,p2.score); loop = 9; } } } }

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