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and Applica7on of PHYDOTax: Santa Barbara Channel

Chris Schafer
Texas A&M University- Corpus Chris7

Dr. Raphael Kudela Jennifer Broughton Dr. Sherry Palacios Laura Judd

Importance o f P hytoplankton Phytoplankton

Understanding Phytoplankton
Essen7al in understanding marine ecosystems Monitoring carbon ow HAB detec7on and monitoring

Phytoplankton Func7onal Types (PFTs)

Conceptual grouping of phytoplankton
Size Taxa
PHYDOTax uses this


Why u se P HYDOTax? Why Use PHYDOTax?

PFT algorithm that discriminates taxon-specic biomass in remote sensing imagery (Palacios et. al) Unique spectral reectance library developed for Monterey Bay, CA Does not Require in situ data collec7on by user Dis7nguishes between Dinoagellates and Diatoms Many a[empts First to succeed PHYSAT
Only 4 classes Worse spectral resolu7on
Dierssen et. al 2006

PHYDOTax Applied in onterey Bay PHYDOTax Applied tM o Monterey Bay

A - Dinoagellates

B - Diatoms

Palacios et al. unpublished

Research E xpecta7ons Research Goals

Seek valida7on in Santa Barbara Channel Seek valida7on with AVIRIS imagery Modify PHYDOTax to u7lize ENVI, IDL, and MATLAB Modify PHYDOTax to be more user friendly

Data A cquisi7on Methods

Plumes and Blooms (UCSB)
June 5, 2013 April 11, 2013

AVIRIS Imagery
June 6, 2013 April 11, 2013

Adap7ng P HYDOTax Methods

Specic AVIRIS bands Specic bands from the unique spectral library IDL and MATLAB Run with a subset image of any spa7al dimension Receive an exported variable from ENVI Export data compa7ble with ENVI

Data Products
PHYDOTax Outputs
Individual PFTs distribu7on Individual PFTs percentage of the total popula7on Individual PFTs biomass
PFT Distribu7on June 6, 2013

Diatom Biomass April 11, 2013

Valida7on of PHYDOTaxs Predic7ons Versus Measured Data Results

Data Source Date Diatoms Dinoagellates Haptophytes Chlorophytes PHYDOTax Predic3on June 6, 2013 69% 4.2% 15.8% 11% In Water Measurements- Plumes and Blooms (UCSB) June 5, 2013 75% 3.8% 17% 4.2%

Santa Barbara Valida7on Results

Validated for Santa Barbara Channel
Successfully Iden7ed
Diatoms Dinoagellates Haptophytes Cyanophytes

Iden7ed be[er here than in Monterey Bay Plumes and Blooms doesn't compute


En7re California Current System?

Sensor V alida7on Results

Valid with two hyperspectral sensors
Currently being tested on HICO by Palacios et. al

Valid with lower spectral resolu7on imagery Possibili7es with hyperspectral and mul7spectral sensors
historical (SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS) exis7ng (VIIRS, SAMSON, AVIRIS, HICO) future (PACE, GEO-CAPE)


Describe temporal trends in phytoplankton distribu7on Be[er understand carbon ow Understand human inuences on HAB incidences Build con7nuity among the various sensor suites

Groundwork Laid For A PHYDOTax Tool Results

ENVI Compa7bility
Receive Images from ENVI as IDL variables Process using both MATLAB and IDL Creates output compa7ble with ENVI Increase ease of use and availability Available in image processing sokware
ENVI, SeaDAS, ArcGIS, etc.

Sokware based tool

Server side applica7on

Memory intensive Not 7me intensive

Valid in Santa Barbara Channel
Possibly en7re west coast of the US

Valid with mul7ple sensor types Possible applica7on to other sensors

Hyperspectral and Mul7spectral

Iden7fy individual PFTs from a total popula7on Compute biomass from a scene
Dis7nguish between Diatoms and Dinoagellates No in-situ data collec7on required Sokware based (ENVI, SEADAS, ArcGIS) Server side applica7on with webpage interface

Future development of a PHYDOTax tool

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
Dr. Raphael Kudela Dr. Sherry Palacios Jennifer Broughton Laura Judd Dr. Emily Schaller Rick She[er NASA JPL-AVIRIS UCSB- Plumes and Blooms Cruises NASA NSERC DAOF

References References
Interna7onal Ocean Colour Coordina7ng Group Palacios, Sherry, et al. "Discrimina7on of phytoplankton taxa in an op7cally complex aqua7c environment" Alvain, S., et al. "Seasonal distribu7on and succession of dominant phytoplankton groups in the global ocean: A satellite view." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22.3 (2008). De Moraes-Rudor, Natlia, and Milton Kampel. "Orbital remote sensing of phytoplankton func7onal types: a new review." Interna6onal Journal of Remote Sensing 33.6 (2012): 1967-1990. Finkel, Zoe V., et al. "Phytoplankton in a changing world: cell size and elemental stoichiometry." Journal of Plankton Research 32.1 (2010): 119-137.

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