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Degrees & Principles

Temple of Hiphop Dr. El Hiphop Amunallah Djihuti 7/21/2011

Dr. Hiphop Temple of Hiphop I am Hiphop Djihuti pen name Dr. Hiphop. I am a ordained minister by the Universal life Ministries. Hiphop is the culture and way of life I've incarnated into to prefect, protect, and persistently evolve with our planet. As our Mother Orb speeds and heats up to take on her next journey into the higher realms..... We will and are the Aiders of the Most High! Allah including our orbic residence Tiamat (Earth)
Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion. For here are inculcated disinterestedness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and .Charity. Here we meet as brethren, to learn to know and love each other.


(in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually

denoted by (the degree symbol), is a measurement of plane angle, representing 1360 of a full rotation; one degree is equivalent to /180 radians. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit for angles is radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit. When that angle is with respect to a reference meridian, it indicates a location along a great circle of a sphere


is a law or rule that has to be, or usually is to be followed,

or can be desirably followed, or is an inevitable consequence of something, such as the laws observed in nature or the way that a system is constructed. The principles of such a system are understood by its users as the essential characteristics of the system, or reflecting system's designed purpose, and the effective operation or use of which would be impossible if any one of the principles was to be ignored.

Degrees and Principals

The degrees represent stages of personal development. No Templist is told that there is only one meaning to the allegories; as a Templist works through the degrees and studies their lessons, he interprets them for himself, his personal interpretation being bounded only by the Constitution within which he works. A common symbolic structure and universal archetypes provide a means for each Templist to come to his own answers to life's important philosophical questions.

Elementary principles Is where one learns of and about existence and its creation in the most simplest and basic form complex 1-5 Pre kinder garden

Is where one learns 1) social development, (2) physical development, (3) emotional development, and (4) cognitive development; They commonly follow a set of organization-created teaching standards in shaping curriculum and instructional activities/goals. The term "preschool" more accurately approximates the name "pre-kindergarten", for both focus on harvesting the same for child development areas in subject directed fashion.

Pre: before

Kinder: kind or relative including family, heritage, and race

Garden: a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are


Enter Templist 1

The Entered Templist should always be ready to use his (symbolic) tools. Freemasonry is not only for the lodge room but as a primer (a book of basic rules) as to how best to live your life.

Fellow Templist 2

As fellow Templist, we should apply our knowledge to the discharge of our respective duties to Allah, our neighbors, and ourselves; so that in old age, as Master Templist, we may enjoy the happy reflections consequent on a well-spent life, and live in the life of glorious immortality.

Master Templist 3

This Degree is the crown of the Templist Lodge.

It is the culmination of

all that has been taught to the candidate in the two preceding degrees. At this point the candidate has symbolically, if not actually, balanced his inner natures and has shaped them into the proper relationship with the higher, more spiritual parts of himself. developed to a high degree. His physical nature has been purified and He has developed stability and a sure

footing. His mental faculties have sharpened and his horizons have been expanded. The candidate is now ready to approach the portal of the Sublime lessons and Degree of Master Templist.

Secret Temple Master 4

In this Degree, my brother, you are especially to learn the duty of obedience to the Temple and nature's law. There is one true and original law, conformable to reason and to nature, diffused over all, invariable, eternal, which calls to the fulfillment of duty, and to abstinence from injustice, and calls with that irresistible voice which is felt in all its authority wherever it is heard. This law cannot be abrogated or diminished, or its sanctions affected, by any law of man. A whole senate, a whole peo/ple, cannot dissent from its paramount obligation. It requires no commentator to render it distinctly intelligible: nor is it one thing at Egpit, another at Amexem; one thing now, and another in the ages to come; but in all times and in all nations, it is, and has been, and will be, one and everlasting

Perfect Temple

Master 5

THE Master Khu_ru_m (Anu) is an industrious and an honest man. What he was employed to do he did diligently, and he did it well and faithfully. He received no wages that were not his due. Right knowledge and honesty are the virtues peculiarly inculcated in this Degree. They are common and

homely virtues; but not for that beneath our notice. As the bees do not love or respect the drones, so nature neither loves nor respects the idle and those who live by their wits; and least of all those parasitic acari that live upon themselves. For those who are indolent are likely to become dissipated and vicious; and perfect honesty, which ought to be the common qualification of all, is more rare than diamonds. To do reasonably and steadily, and to do lovingly and honestly that which we have to do--perhaps this when looked at from every point of view, of including the whole body of the natural law; and even in their commonest and homeliest application, these virtues belong to the character and actions of a Perfect Temple Master.

5-6 kinder garden 5+6=11/2 is where one learns


Nature or manner; way a natural group or division [the rodent kind]: sometimes used in compounds [humankind] essential character sort; variety; class



planted area of ground: a plot of ground where plants

such as fruits, vegetables, or flowers are grown 2. park: a park or recreational area for the public, generally planted with flowers, bushes, and trees 3. farming region: a fertile well-cultivated region

Templist secretary 6

You are especially taught in this Degree to be zealous and faithful; to be disinterested and benevolent; and to act the peace-maker, in case of dissensions, disputes, and quarrels among the brethren.


6-7 1 Grade/ School of Thoth 6+7+1=14 /5

is where one learns the mechanics and operations of water(personification) and its properties and functions
KnowledgeThe accumulation of facts thru observing, learning, and respecting. Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence, for it must be "known" in order to make it manifest. Knowledge is the "light" given off by our SUN, which is the foundation of our Solar system. Also the Original Man whom is the foundation of ALLAH's family. KNOWLEDGE=SUN=ORIGINAL MAN.

Prevost Order and Judges7

The lesson which this Degree inculcates is Justice, in decision and judgment, and in our intercourse and dealing with one's family and nature

Element: hydrogen

7-8 2 Grade/ School of Thoth


7+8+2=17/ 8

is where one learns of and about The element air or wind (Shu). One learns of and about the transformation of elements into one another. Just as everything liquid solid or gases breaks back down to hydrogen

Intendment of building 8

In this Degree you have been taught the important lessons, that none are entitled to advance in the Ancient and Accepted Nubian Rite, who have not by study and application made themselves familiar with Omniversive learning and jurisprudence. The Degrees of this Rite are not for those who are content with the mere work, ritual, and ceremonies, and do not seek to explore the minds of wisdom that lie buried beneath the surface. You still advance toward the True Light, toward that star, blazing in the distance, which is an emblem of the Divine Truth, given by El Kuluwn to the first men, and preserved amid all the vicissitudes of ages in the traditions and teachings of Masonry. How far you will advance, depends upon yourself alone. Here, as everywhere in the world, Darkness and light struggles for power, and clouds and shadows intervene between you and the Truth.

Element: Helium

8-9 3 Grade/ School of Thoth

Is where one learns of and about the mechanics and operations of the Earth and its properties and functions!

8+9+3=20/2 Elite of Nine 9

Originally created to reward fidelity, obedience, and devotion, this Degree was consecrated to bravery, devotedness, and right knowledge; and your obligation has made known to you the duties which you have assumed. They are summed up in the simple mandate, "Protect the oppressed against the oppressor; and devote yourself to the honor and interests of your culture."

Element: Lithium

9-10 4 Grades/ School of Thoth 9+10+4=23/5

is where one learns of and about the mechanics and operations of lights and fire, its properties and functions

Temple Elite of 15 10

This Degree is devoted to the same objects as those of the Elite of Nine; and also to the cause of Toleration and Liberation against and from Fanaticism and Persecution, political and religious; and to that of Education, Instruction, and Enlightenment against Error, Barbarism, and Ignorance. To these objects you have irrevocably and forever devoted your hand, your heart, and your intellect; and whenever in your presence a Chapter of this Degree is opened, you will be most solemnly reminded of your vows here taken at your Temple's altar.



beryllium is a Group 2 (IIA) element. It is a metal and has

a high melting point. At ordinary temperatures, beryllium resists oxidation in air. Beryllium compounds are very toxic. Its ability to scratch glass is probably due to the formation of a thin layer of the oxide. Aquamarine and emerald are precious forms of the mineral beryl Its chemistry is dominated by its tendency to lose an electron to form Be2+. As this ion is so small it is highly polarizing, to the extent that its compounds are rather covalent. Its small size means that its complexes tend to be tetrahedral rather than octahedral

10-11 5 Grades/ School of Thoth 10+11+5=26/8

is where one learns of and about the mechanics and operation of the noble gases (ethers). Which are gas densities and which gases states are and is!

Elite of 12 11

The duties of a Templistare, to be reasonable, true, reliable, and sincere; to protect the people against illegal impositions and exactions; to contend

for their political rights, and to see, as far as he may or can, that those bear the burdens who reap the benefits of the Natural Government.


boron is a Group 13 element that has properties which are

borderline between metals and non-metals (semi metallic). It is a semiconductor rather than a metallic conductor. Chemically it is closer to silicon than to aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium. Crystalline boron is inert chemically and is resistant to attack by boiling HF or HCl. When finely divided it is attacked slowly by hot concentrated nitric acid.

The Middle principles degrees

Also known as the Middle Path or narrow path to some (most Christians) of God or Allah. Though there are many paths to the most high!

11-12 6 Grades/ School of Thoth


11+12+6= 29/3

is where one learns of and about creation. The mechanics and operations of creations its properties and function

Master Architect 12

The great duties that are inculcated by the lessons taught by the working-instruments of a Grand Master Architect, demanding so much of us, and taking for granted the capacity to perform them faithfully and fully, bring us at once to reflect upon the dignity of human nature, and the vast powers and capacities of the human soul; and to that theme we invite your attention in this Degree. Let us begin to rise from earth toward the Stars.


carbon is a Group 14 element and is distributed vary widely

in nature. It is found in abundance in the sun, stars, comets, and atmospheres of most planets. Carbon is found free in nature in three allotropic forms: amorphous, graphite, and diamond. Graphite is one of the softest known materials while diamond is one of the hardest. Carbon, as

microscopic diamonds, is found in some meteorites. Natural diamonds are found in ancient volcanic "pipes" such as found in South Africa. Diamonds are also recovered from the ocean floor off the Cape of Good Hope.

12-13 7 Grades/ School of Thoth 12+13+7=32/5

is where one learns of and about self. And the mechanics and operations of the ecological and celestial bodies

One receive major keys to the matrix arriving at this degree The Royal Temple Arch 13

We know that for many centuries the Hebrews have been forbidden to pronounce the Sacred Name; that wherever it occurs, they have for ages read the word Adona instead; and that under it, when the esoteric points, which represent the vowels, came to be used, they placed those which belonged to the latter word. The possession of the true pronunciation was deemed to confer on him who had it extraordinary and supernatural powers;

and the Word itself, worn upon the person, was regarded as an amulet, a protection against personal danger, sickness, and evil spirits. We know that all this was a vain superstition, natural to a rude people, necessarily disappearing as the intellect of man became enlightened; and wholly unworthy of a Mason. The legend of this Degree is thus, partially, interpreted. It is of little importance whether it is in anywise historical. For its value consists in the lessons which it inculcates, and the duties which it prescribes to those who receive it. The parables and allegories of the Scriptures are not less valuable than history. Nay, they are more so, because ancient history is little instructive, and truths are concealed in and symbolized by the legend and the myth. There are profounder meanings concealed in the symbols of this .Degree, connected with the philosophical system of the Ancient Egpitians


nitrogen is a Group 15 element. Nitrogen makes up about

78% of the atmosphere by volume but the atmosphere of Mars contains less than 3% nitrogen. The element seemed so inert that Lavoisier named it azote, meaning "without life". However, its compounds are vital components of foods, fertilizers, and explosives. Nitrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and generally inert. As a liquid it is also colorless and odorless.


When nitrogen is heated, it combines directly with magnesium, lithium, or calcium. When mixed with oxygen and subjected to electric sparks, it forms nitric oxide (NO) and then the dioxide (NO2). When heated under pressure with hydrogen in the presence of a suitable catalyst, ammonia forms (Haber process). Nitrogen is "fixed" from the atmosphere by bacteria in the roots of certain plants such as clover. Hence the usefulness of clover in crop rotation.

13-14 8 Grade/ School of Thoth 13+14+8=35/8

is where one learns of and about the dynamics of the atmosphere and sounds throughout the omniverse

Elite Temple Perfection 14

It is for each individual Templist to discover the secret of Masonry, by reflection upon its symbols and a natural consideration and analysis of what is said and done in the work. Masonry symbolism does not inculcate her

truths. She states them, once and briefly; or hints them, perhaps, darkly; or interposes a cloud between them and eyes that would be dazzled by them. "Seek, and ye shall find," knowledge and the truth.


oxygen is a Group 16 element. While about one fifth of the

atmosphere is oxygen gas, the atmosphere of Mars contains only about 0.15% oxygen. Oxygen is the third most abundant element found in the sun, and it plays a part in the carbon-nitrogen cycle, one process responsible for stellar energy production. Oxygen in excited states is responsible for the bright red and yellow-green colors of the aurora. About two thirds of the human body, and nine tenths of water, is oxygen. The gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Liquid and solid oxygen are pale blue (see picture above) and strongly paramagnetic (contains unpaired electrons).

The Higher Principles

Also known as Higher learning or High sciences. This is where one begins his or her journey home to the Most High for his or her is pre paring for their trip back home! ONENESS!

14-15 freshman/ School of Thoth 14+15+9=38/2 is where one learns Temple Knights of the sword 15

How completely the Temple of Solomon was symbolic, is manifest, not only from the continual reproduction in it of the sacred numbers and of astrological symbols in the pre historical descriptions of it; but also, and yet more, from the details of the imaginary reconstructed edifice, seen by Ezekiel in his vision. The Apocalypse completes the demonstration, and shows the natural kabalistic meanings of the whole. The Symbol Architectonical are found on the most ancient edifices; and these mathematical figures and instruments, adopted by the Templers, and identical with those on the Gnostic seals and abrax, connect their perceptions with the Chaldean, Syrian, and Egypitian philosophy. The

secret Pythagorean (Ancient Egypitian)doctrines of numbers were preserved by the monks of Tibet, by the Hierophants of Egypit and Eleusis,

at Jerusalem, and in the circular Chapters of the Druids; and they are especially consecrated in that mysterious book, the Apocalypse of Saint John.


fluorine is a Group 17 element. Fluorine is the most

electronegative and reactive of all elements. It is a pale yellow, corrosive gas, which reacts with practically all organic and inorganic substances. Finely divided metals, glass, ceramics, carbon, and even water burn in fluorine with a bright flame. It is not uncommon to see fluorine spelled incorrectly as fluorine

15-16 Sophomore/ School of Thoth 15+16+10=41/5 is where one learns of Prince of Zion 16

We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole world is our Temple, as is every

upright heart. To establish all over the world the Natural Law and Reign of Love, Peace, Reason, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to Nature, in erecting which Masonry is now engaged. No longer needing to repair to Jerusalem to worship, nor to offer up sacrifices and shed blood to propitiate the Deity, man may make the woods and mountains his Churches and Temples, and worship some God with a devout gratitude, and with works of charity and beneficence to his fellow-men. Wherever the humble and contrite heart silently offers up its adoration, under the overarching trees, in the open, level meadows, on the hill-side, in the glen, or in the city's swarming streets; there is this false god House and the so called New Jerusalem (Zion). The Princes of Jerusalem no longer sit as magistrates to judge between the people; nor is their number limited to five. But their duties still remain substantially the same, and their insignia and symbols retain their old significance. Tho justice and Equity are still their characteristics. To reconcile disputes and heal dissensions, to restore amity and peace, to soothe dislikes and transform prejudices, are their peculiar duties; and they know that the peacemakers are blissful.


neon is a very inert element. Neon forms an unstable

hydrate. In a vacuum discharge tube, neon glows reddish orange. Of all the

rare gases, the discharge of neon is the most intense at ordinary voltages and currents. It is present in the atmosphere as 1 part in 65000. Liquid neon has over 40 times more refrigerating capacity than liquid helium, and more than 3 times that of liquid hydrogen.

16-17 Junior/ School of Thoth 16+17+11=44/8 is where one learns of Knight of the East West Temple 17

This Degree, like all others in the , is symbolical. Based upon Pre- historical truth and authentic tradition, it is still an allegory. The leading lesson of this Degree is Fidelity to obligation, and Constancy and Perseverance under difficulties and discouragement. Nature weapon Masonry as she is engaged in her crusade, against ignorance, intolerance, fanaticism, superstition, uncharitableness, and error. She does

not sail with the trade-winds, upon a smooth sea, with a steady free breeze, fair for a welcoming harbor; but meets and must overcome many opposing currents, baffling winds, and dead calms.


sodium is a Group 1 element (or IA in older labeling styles).

Group 1 elements are often referred to as the "alkali metals". The chemistry of sodium is dominated by the +1 ion Na+. Sodium salts impart a characteristic orange/yellow color to flames and orange street lighting is orange because of the presence of sodium in the lamp. Soap is generally a sodium salt of fatty acids. The importance of common salt to animal nutrition has been recognized since prehistoric times. The most common compound is sodium chloride, (table salt).

17-18 Senior/ School 17+18+12=47/2 is where one learns of


Knight of Rose Garden 18

Each of us makes such applications to his own faith and creed, of the symbols and ceremonies of this Degree, as seems to him proper. With these special interpretations we have here nothing to do. Like the legend of the Master Khu_ru_m, in which some see figured the condemnation and sufferings of Christ; others those of the unfortunate Grand Master of the Templers; others those of the first Charles, King of England; and others still the annual descent of the Sun at the winter Solstice to the regions of darkness, the basis of many an ancient legend; so the ceremonies of this Degree receive different explanations; each interpreting them for himself, and being offended at the interpretation of no other.


magnesium is a grayish-white, fairly tough metal. Magnesium

is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust although not found in its elemental form. It is a Group 2 element (Group IIA in older labeling schemes). Group 2 elements are called alkaline earth metals. Magnesium metal burns with a very bright light.


Magnesium is an important element for plant and animal life. Chlorophylls are porphyries based upon magnesium. The adult human daily requirement of magnesium is about 0.3 g day-1.

The Universal Principles degrees 18-19 freshman/ School of Thoth 18+19+13=50/5 is where one learns Temple Pontiff 19

The true Templist labors for the benefit of those who are to come after him, and for the advancement and improvement of his culture and creed. That is a poor ambition which contents itself within the limits of a single life. All men who deserve to live, desire to survive their challanges, and to live afterward in the good that they have done mankind, rather than in the

fading characters written in

memories. Most men desire to leave some

work behind them that may outlast their own day and brief generation. That is an instinctive impulse, given by God, and often found in the rudest human heart; the surest proof of the soul's immortality, and of the fundamental difference between man and the wisest brutes. To plant the trees that, after we are dead, shall shelter our children, is as natural as to love the shade of those our fathers planted. The rudest unlettered husbandman, painfully conscious of his own inferiority, the poorest widowed mother, giving her life-blood to those who pay only for the work of her needle, will toil and stint themselves to educate their child, that he may take a higher station in the world than they;--and of such are the world's greatest benefactors.


pure aluminum is a silvery-white metal with many desirable

characteristics. It is light, nontoxic (as the metal), nonmagnetic and no sparking. It is somewhat decorative. It is easily formed, machined, and cast. Pure aluminum is soft and lacks strength, but alloys with small amounts of copper, magnesium, silicon, manganese, and other elements have very useful properties. For instance, many high tech alloys such as Tachart aluminum alloys are important to the aerospace industry. Aluminum is an abundant element in the earth's crust, but it is not found free in nature.

The Bayer process is used to refine aluminum from bauxite, an aluminum ore.

19-20 sophomore/ School of Thoth 19+20+14=53/8 is where one learns

Master Templist of symbols 20

THE true Templist is a practical Philosopher, who, under religious emblems, in all ages adopted by wisdom, builds upon plans traced by nature and reason the moral edifice of knowledge. He ought to find, in the symmetrical relation of all the parts of this rational edifice, the principle and rule of all his duties, the source of all his pleasures. He improves his moral nature, becomes a better man, and finds in the reunion of virtuous men, assembled with pure views, the means of multiplying his acts of beneficence. Masonry and Philosophy, without being one and the same thing, have the same object,

and propose to themselves the same end, the worship of the Grand Architect of the Universe, acquaintance and familiarity with the wonders of nature, and the happiness of humanity attained by the constant practice of all the virtues.

As Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges, it is your especial duty to aid in restoring the science of Masonry to its primitive purity. You have become an instructor. Masonry long wandered in error. Instead of improving, it degenerated from its primitive simplicity, and retrograded toward a system, distorted by stupidity and ignorance, which, unable to construct a beautiful machine, made a complicated one. Less than two hundred years ago, its organization was simple, and altogether moral, its emblems, allegories, and ceremonies easy to be understood, and their purpose and object readily to be seen. It was then confined to a very small number of Degrees. Its constitutions were like those of a Society of Essenes, written in the first century of our era. There could be seen the primitive Templist, organized into Masonry, the school of Numbers (Pythagoras) without incongruities or absurdities; a Masonry simple and significant, in which it was not necessary to torture the mind to discover reasonable interpretations; a Templist at once religious and now philosophical, worthy of a good citizen and an enlightened philanthropist



silicon is present in the sun and stars and is a principal

component of a class of meteorites known as aerolites. Silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth's crust by weight, and is the second most abundant element, exceeded only by oxygen. It is found largely as silicon oxides such as sand (silica), quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, agate, flint, jasper and opal. Silicon is found also in minerals such as asbestos, feldspar, clay and mica. Silicon is important in plant and animal life. Diatoms in both fresh and salt water extract silica from the water to use as a component of their cell walls. Silicon is an important ingredient in steel. Silicon carbide is one of the most important abrasives. Workers in environments where silicaceous dust is breathed may develop a serious lung disease known as silicosis.

20-21 Junior/ School of thoth 20+21+15=52/7

Is where one learns

Novian Temple Knight 21


You are especially charged in this Degree to be modest and humble, and not vain-glorious nor filled with self-conceit. Be not wiser in your own opinion than the Deity, nor find fault with His works, nor endeavor to improve upon what He has done. Be modest also in your intercourse with your fellows, and slow to entertain evil thoughts of them, and reluctant to ascribe to them evil intentions. A thousand presses, flooding the country with their evanescent leaves, are busily and incessantly engaged in maligning the motives and conduct of men and parties, and in making one man think worse of another; while, alas, scarcely one is found that ever, even accidentally, labors to make man think better of his fellow.

Slander and calumny were never so insolently licentious in any country as they are this day in ours. The most retiring disposition, the most unobtrusive demeanor, is no shield against their poisoned arrows. The most eminent public service only makes their vituperation and invective more eager and more unscrupulous, when he who has done such service presents himself as a candidate for the peoples suffrages.


phosphorus is commonly misspelled "phosphorous". It is an

essential component of living systems and is found in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm. Phosphorus exists in several allotropic forms including


white (or yellow), red, and black (or violet). White phosphorus has two modifications. Ordinary phosphorus is a waxy white solid. When pure, it is colorless and transparent. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulphide. It catches fire spontaneously in air, burning to4O10, often misnamed as phosphorus pent oxide. When exposed to sunlight, or when heated in its own vapor to 250C, it is converted to the red variety. This form does not ignite spontaneously and it is a little less dangerous than white phosphorus. The red modification is fairly stable and sublimes with a vapour pressure of 1 atmosphere at 417C.

21-22 Senior/ School of Thoth 21+22+16=59/5 is where one learns Knight of the Royal Temple 22

SYMPATHY with the great laboring classes, respect for labor itself, and resolution to do some good work in our day and generation, these are the

lessons of this Degree, and they are purely Masonic. Masonry has made a working- Templist and his associates the Heroes of her principal legend, and himself the companion of Kings. The idea is as simple and true as it is sublime. From first to last, Masonry is work. It venerates the Grand Architect of the Universe. It commemorates the building of a Temple. Its principal emblems are the working tools of Masons and Artisans. It preserves the name of the first worker in brass and iron as one of its pass-words. When the Brethren meet together, they are at labor. The Masteris the overseer who sets the craft to work and gives them proper instruction. Masonry is the apotheosis of WORK. It is the hands of brave, forgotten men that have made this great, populous, cultivated world a world for us. It is all work, and forgotten work. The real conquerors, creators, and eternal proprietors of every great and civilized land are all the heroic souls that ever were in it, each in his degree: all the men that ever felled a forest-tree or drained a marsh, or contrived a wise scheme, or did or said a true or valiant thing therein. Genuine work alone, done faithfully, is eternal, even as the Almighty Founder and World-builder Himself. All work is noble: a life of ease is not for any man, nor for any God. The Almighty Maker is not like one who, in old immemorial ages, having made his machine of a Universe, sits ever since, and sees it go. Out of that belief comes Atheism. The faith in an Invisible, Unnamable, Directing Deity, present everywhere in all that we see, and work, and suffer, is the essence of all faith whatsoever.


the spelling of sulphur is "sulfur" in the USA and now that

IUPAC has decided it has jurisdiction over the British English language (as distinct from American English) as well as nomenclature, so we in the UK are expected to use the f word. Sulphur is found in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. It is recovered commercially from "salt domes" along the Gulf Coast of the USA. Jupiter's moon Io owes its colors to various forms of sulphur. A dark area near the crater Aristarchus on the moon may be a sulphur deposit. Sulphur is a pale yellow, odorless, brittle solid, which is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disulphide. Sulphur is essential to life. It is a minor constituent of fats, body fluids, and skeletal minerals. Carbon disulphide, hydrogen sulphide, and sulphur dioxide should be handled extremely carefully. Hydrogen sulphide in very small concentrations can be metabolized, but in higher concentrations it can cause death quickly by respiratory paralysis. It is insidious in that it quickly deadens the sense of smell. Sulphur dioxide is a dangerous component in atmospheric air pollution and is one of the factors responsible for acid rain.


Supreme Degrees and principles

23 Chief of the Tabernacle

Nature is as free from dogmatism as from tyranny; and the earliest instructors of mankind not only adopted her lessons, but as far as possible adhered to her The Anti-Masons, Templist and traitors and perjurers some, and some method of imparting them. They attempted to reach the understanding mere political knaves, purified Masonry by persecution, and so proved to through the eye; and the greater part of all religious teaching was conveyed be its benefactors; for that which is persecuted, grows. To them its present through this ancient and most impressive mode of exhibition or popularity is due, the cheapening of its Degrees, the invasion of its Lodges, demonstration. The Mysteries were a sacred drama, exhibiting some legend that are no longer Sanctuaries, by the multitude; its pomp and pageantry significant of Natures change, of the visible Universe in which the divinity is and overdone display. A power that ruled without antagonism and without revealed, and whose import was in many respects as open to the Pantheist, concurrence, and consequently without control, proved fatal to the as to the Templist. Beyond the current traditions or sacred recitals of the Sacerdotal Royalties; while the Republics, on the other hand, had perished temple, few explanations were given to the spectators, who were left, as in by the conflict of liberties and franchises, which, in the absence of all duty the school of nature, to make inferences for themselves. Such, my Brother, hierarchically sanctioned and enforced, had soon become mere tyrannies, is the doctrine of the first Degree of, the Mysteries, or that of Chief of the rivals one of the other. To find a stable medium between these two abysses, Tabernacle, to which you have now been admitted, and the moral lesson of the idea of theHierophants was to create a society devoted to abnegation which is, devotion to the service of God, and disinterested zeal and constant by solemn vows, protected by severe regulations; which should be recruited endeavor for the welfare of men. You have here received only hints of the true by initiation, and which, sole depositary of the great religious and social objects and purposes of the Mysteries. Hereafter, if you are permitted to advance, you will arrive at a more complete understanding of them and of the sublime doctrines which they teach. Be content, therefore, with that which

secrets, should make Kings and Pontiffs, without exposing it to the corruptions of Power. In that was the secret of that kingdom of lucifer, which, without being of this world, would govern all its grandeurs.


chlorine is a greenish yellow gas which combines directly with

nearly all elements. Chlorine is a respiratory irritant. The gas irritates the mucous membranes and the liquid burns the skin. As little as 3.5 ppm can be detected as an odor, and 1000 ppm is likely to be fatal after a few deep breaths. It was used as a war gas in 1915. It is not found in a free state in nature, but is found commonly as NaCl (solid or seawater).

24 Inspector Inquisitor Commander

To hear patiently, to weigh deliberately and dispassionately, and to decide impartially;these are the chief duties of a Judge. After the lessons you have received, I need not further enlarge upon them. You will be ever eloquently reminded of them by the furniture upon our


Altar, and the decorations of the Tribunal. El Holy Qumran will remind you of your obligation; and that as you judge here below, so you will be yourself judged hereafter, by One who has not to submit, like an earthly judge, to the sad necessity of inferring the motives, intentions, and purposes of men [of which all crime essentially consists] from the uncertain and often unsafe testimony of their acts and words; as men in thick darkness grope their way, with hands outstretched before them: but before Whom every thought, feeling, impulse, and intention of every soul that now is, or ever was, or ever will be on earth, is, and ever will be through the whole infinite duration of eternity, present and visible. The Square and Compass, the Plumb and Level, are well known to you as a Mason. Upon you as a Judge, they peculiarly inculcate uprightness, impartiality, careful consideration of facts and circumstances, accuracy in judgment, and uniformity in decision As a Judge, too, you are to bring up square work and square work only. Like a temple erected by the plumb, you are to lean neither to one side nor the other. Like a building well squared and leveled, you are to be firm and steadfast in your convictions of right and justice. Like the circle swept with the compasses, you are to be true. In the scales of justice you are to weigh the facts and the law alone, nor place in either scale personal friendship or personal dislike, neither fear nor favor: and when

reformation is no longer to be hoped for, you are to smite relentlessly with the sword of justice. The peculiar and principal symbol of this Degree is the Tetractys of Pythagoras, suspended in the East, where ordinarily the sacred word or letter glitters, like it, representing the Deity. Its nine external points form the triangle, the chief symbol in Masonry, with many of the meanings of which you are familiar.


argon is a colorless and odorless gas present to a very

small extent in the atmosphere. Argon is very inert (indeed it is referred to as one of the noble gases) and is not known to form true chemical compounds. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air and less reactive than N2. Today, the chemical symbol for argon is Ar but until 1957 its symbol was simply A.

25 Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

THE Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry


potassium is a metal and is the seventh most abundant and

makes up about 1.5 % by weight of the earth's crust. Potassium is an essential constituent for plant growth and it is found in most soils. It is also a vital element in the human diet. Potassium is never found free in nature, but is obtained by electrolysis of the chloride or hydroxide, much in the same manner as prepared by Davy. It is one of the most reactive and electropositive of metals and, apart from lithium, it is the least dense known metal. It is soft and easily cut with a knife. It is silvery in appearance immediately after a fresh surface is exposed. It oxidizes very rapidly in air and must be stored under argon or under a suitable mineral oil. As do all the other metals of the alkali group, it decomposes in water with the evolution of hydrogen. It usually catches fire during the reaction with water. Potassium and its salts impart a lilac color to flames.

Supreme Council


33Sovereign Grand Master Templist

Sovereign Grand Master Templist - This Degree is conferred by the Supreme Council upon masons of the 32 in recognition of distinguished Masonic or Public service. It cannot be applied for, but is conferred by invitation only.


calcium as the element is a grey silvery metal. The metal

is rather hard. Calcium is an essential constituent of leaves, bones, teeth, and shells. Calcium is the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust and makes up more than 3% of the crust. Calcium does not occur as the metal itself in nature and instead is found in various minerals including as limestone, gypsum and fluorite. Stalagmites and stalactites contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Calcium carbonate is the basis of the cement industry. Calcium is classified chemically as one of the alkaline earth elements (that is, in Group 2 of the periodic table. The metal is rather reactive. It readily forms a white coating of calcium nitride (Ca3N2) in air. It reacts with water and the metal burns with a yellow-red flame, forming largely the nitride.

The Ancient Future Degrees


34 Degree


scandium is a silvery-white metal which develops a slightly

yellowish or pinkish cast upon exposure to air. It is relatively soft, and resembles yttrium and the rare-earth metals more than it resembles aluminum or titanium. Scandium reacts rapidly with many acids. Scandium is apparently a much more abundant element in the sun and certain stars than on earth.

35 Degree


titanium s a lustrous, white metal when pure. Titanium

minerals are quite common. The metal has a low density, good strength (for instance, many high tech alloys such as Tachart titanium alloys are important to the aerospace industry), is easily fabricated, and has excellent corrosion resistance. The metal burns in air and is the only element that burns in nitrogen. It is marvelous in fireworks.
Titanium is resistant to dilute sulphuric and hydrochloric acid, most organic acids, damp chlorine gas, and chloride solutions. Titanium metal is considered to be physiologically inert.


Titanium is present in meteorites and in the sun. Some lunar rocks contain high concentrations of the dioxide, TiO2. Titanium oxide bands are prominent in the spectra of M-type stars.

36 Degree


chromium is steel-gray, lustrous, hard, metallic, and takes

a high polish. Its compounds are toxic. It is found as chromites ore. Siberian red lead (crocoites, PrCrO4) is a chromium ore prized as a red pigment for oil paints. Emerald is a form of beryl (a beryllium aluminum silicate) which is green because of the inclusion of a little chromium into the beryl crystal lattice in place of some of the aluminum ions. Similarly, traces of chromium incorporated into the crystal lattice of corundum (crystalline aluminum oxide, Al2O3) as a replacement for some of the Al3+ ions results in another highly colored gem stone, in this case the red ruby.


9 Born

The completion of all in existence. To manifest from Knowledge to Born, this is the law of mathematics. To be complete in itself. (O)Cipher-

Is a whole or complete cycle. 360 degrees of knowledge (mentality) (120) WISDOM (120) & UNDERSTANDING (120). All in existence pertains to a cipher. P.E.A.C.E.!!!

360 Degrees of Knowledge and Wisdom I Self rest in Love Allah. My physical degree is wisdom-understanding.


Word from Dr. Hiphop

Hello my fellow Hiphoppas I Dr. Hiphop will be available for consulting and advice to any and all! Lets answer all your questions and everyone whos seeking the truth. You can reach me at I will answer any questions or needs you may have!


Dr. Hip-hop Allah


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