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How to Enjoy Heavenly Kingdom (5)

Gifts and Crowns Being Added Daily

** Starting Words

** Scripture Reading: Heb 11:1, 8-10, 13-16, 12:1-2;James 1:5-8, 17-18;Mt 25:14-30(21,29);Lk 19:11-27;Ph 1:12, 20-21, 2:1-5,
3:7-16, 20, 4:1-7, 10-13, 19;Ac 26:16-23;2 Ti 4:7-8
1. In their days on earth, all those people belonging to the heavenly kingdom received the evidences of grace continuously adding
upon grace in their lives
1) <Heb 11> The lives of the forefathers of faith: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham/Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, etc
- Blessed saints throughout generations, such as, Rahab, Gideon, David, Daniel, Mordecai, Esther, Nehemiah, Ezra, Paul,
Martin Luther
→ [For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. <v. 10>, [All these
people…only saw and welcomed from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth…Instead,
they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has
prepared a city for them <v. 13, 16>
2) They all received the [vision from heaven] <Ac 26:16-23> = Message last week
① Heard [the voice of God’s calling]—Starting from the moment you respond, will clearly see the guidance of the Lord, and
receive the blessings of meeting
② Received the [best gift]—The best gift is one which [fathoms the power of the cross gospel]. Explain and judge with [the
cross] the building of life, whole Bible, history, all the things and circumstances that I encounter in my life / When you
receive more anointing, more beautiful and greater threshing floor is already prepared for you
③ Saw [the holy people prepared by the Lord] [ministry of the era raised by the Lord]—people with mission were gathered,
churches were established, the era received grace
3) In their days on earth, they all saw [gifts, rewards] being added upon them everyday <James 1:5,17,3 Jn 2,Mt 25:14-30,
Lk 19:11-27>
- [and the Lord will give to him] <James 1:5>, [every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the
heavenly lights] <James 1:17>
- [good servant, because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities] <Lk 19:17> / [For
everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be
taken from him.]→ gifts (money) <Mt 25:29>, reward (cities) <Lk 19:26>
- Spirit and soul get along well → everything goes well → good health: [Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health
and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. <3 Jn 2>
= Abraham <Gen 24:1> [the Lord had blessed him in every way]/ Isaac <Gen 26:28> [we saw clearly that the Lord was with
you…]/ Jacob <Gen 35:10> [your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel]/
Joseph<Gen 39:2> [the Lord was with Joseph and he prospered]/ the final blessings Moses pronounced on the Israelites
before his death <Deu 31-33>/ the final blessings David gave his son Solomon before his death <1 Kings 2:1-4> and the
testimonies of his whole life <Psalms>/ the testimonies of Paul <Ph 1-4, Ac 26:16-23> [what has happened to me has really
served to advance the gospel…now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death…should receive
the heart of Christ…the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus…becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to
attain to the resurrection from the dead…learned the secret…and my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious
riches in Christ Jesus]
4) All the holy people belonging to Christ, are connected to the eternal inheritance of Israel, and are also the inheritors of today
<Ep 2:1-22,4:1-16>
= Abraham, Moses, David, apostles, and the lives of saints, are all the body of Christ, the inheritance of Christ, the works of
- One Father, one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism, one body, one hometown, one inheritance, one promise, one message, one
goal, one faith, one way
- The saints of today inherit [the lives, testimonies, inheritance of pioneers], and continue to carry out the works of [exalting
the King, gathering holy people, building kingdom] that God prepared today, and will pass the [inheritance and testimonies
accumulated in their whole lives] on to future generations…
= The inheritance received by Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, is the foundation of my life today. Their testimonies are my
testimonies today. The power which they enjoyed before is the power I should enjoy today
- For every era, every church, every family, every person, God has determined the [eternal unique inheritance belonging to
=> Today, every saint who already resolved to [use his whole lifetime to attain the inheritance belonging to himself] and who
sees that gifts and rewards are added upon him daily, is truly blessed
2. Those evidences can be seen [in one’s inward and outward lives]
1) In the inner life, there are 3 [must have] evidences
① Maintain good relationship with the Lord and with man <2 Cor 3:17-19,Ga 2:20,Ro 8:31-39,Ep 3:15-21>
- In the whole Bible, entire history, my personal lifetime, the most perfect will of the Lord is [love God, love man]
- With the Lord: Build eternal relationship → willing to follow the Lord forever → always converse with the Lord, preserve
the heart and perspective of being loved
- With man: Bless, anticipate, complement, compassion, tolerance, care and concern, help, wait…
→ If today build [the loving relationship with God and with man], will see that tomorrow is surely better, the blessing of all
things working for the good…
(Prayer must be [center on preserving the perfect relationship], continue to learn and expand in this, then will surely prosper
in all things)
② Through the wisdom, power, gifts received from the [cross gospel message] and the [anointing of the Holy Spirit] <1 Cor
2:1-5,Ph 1:20,2:5,3:11-12,4:12-13>
- The only secret to saints receiving power lies in [willingness to die] (give up oneself, gentleness, be still and watch = test
and approve, submit to, rely on, commit to, wait upon)
- First, life must build the heart’s temple on foundation (life ideology, living operating system), then can see the anointing of
Holy Spirit…
- Every day, treat everything as teaching material and in the process of continual training, receive more beautiful and deeper
answers, perspectives, power, gifts
→ Master the spiritual mysteries of [relying on Holy Spirit, casting out demons, enjoying heavenly kingdom] more and
more. Thinking, words and actions all have authority and power…
③ Enjoy [the various wonderful fruits bore by the Holy Spirit] <Ga 5:22-23,1 Th 5:16-19,Ph 4:4-7,Ep 5:15-21>
- [But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control]
- The result of saints receiving the Lord’s love, perfect will, anointing of the Holy Spirit in all things, and their willingness to
surrender themselves, submit and commit, is [blessings of heavenly kingdom]
- When saints ponder upon or ask for [certain things] in their prayers, if they receive peace in their hearts, that is [evidence of
the Lord’s favor and acceptance]…
→ Already saw the fruits given by the Holy Spirit in their lives, will surely be greatly used by the Lord (absolute guarantee)
2) In the outward life, also have 3 [must have] evidences
① A living and interpersonal relationship centered on the altar, brethrens, church ministries <Mt 12:46-50,Ep 4:1-16,Ac
2:41-47,James 5:13-18,1 Jn 5:13-17>
- Those who share [one Father, one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism, one body], are then my true eternal [parents and brethrens]
- In the spiritual family, then can learn that [the gospel is the great power of God], expand by absolutely centering on
[confessing sins (wrongdoings, weaknesses) to one another, intercession]
- No matter how many people there are in a fellowship or church, that is the [perfect number] arranged by God. In that group
of people, there are the [gifts, roles, positions, ministries] that God prepared based on the personal and fellowship
timetable. When join together with all their hearts and all their strength, and grow together in Christ, will receive together
the blessings of [good and faithful servant, you have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many
things] <Mt 25:21>, [for everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have,
even what he has will be taken from him] <Mt 25:29>…
② [(Family, relatives and friends) whom we love in our hearts] and [(colleagues, neighbours) who are always together with us]
gradually receive grace
- When a saint continues to receive grace in a spiritual family (fellowship, church), will have power to influence people
whom he loves and always intercedes for, or those who are always with him (all are arranged by God)…
- Bring their names to the prayer altar of the fellowship or church, and when pray together with brethrens, see more
wonderful effect; and can use the manpower and gifts of the entire church to bless the target of intercession prayers…
③ Through [blessings of meetings], life network of contacts, boundaries, influence continue to expand
- The [messages and power of Christ gospel and testimonies of life] received by blessed fellowship gets more and more, and
when the people in the life network of contacts of every saint become more and more blessed, doors of evangelism will
expand swiftly
= This is the testimony of the Book of Acts, the testimony of the ministry of Paul; in any era, if only a blessed and
God-called Christ fellowship can restore the promises, prayers, power of the Holy Spirit, brethren living mentioned in
<Ac 1-2>, the same life ministry of the era will surely rise up
3. [What have my life attained] today, [where should I head]? <Ph 3:16>
1) What is the [vision from heaven] which I received? (lifetime goal and prayer topic)
- Through the perspective of the promise [4 gospelisation] given by God to the father of faith, Abraham, test and approve the
conditions, background, gifts, experiences that God gave me, then I can discover the [unique vision] that God arranged for
2) In my past, how many [especially blessed turning points which brought about entry into another timetable] do I have?
- Born again and getting baptised → made a covenant with God and serve → after knowing the message of [Christ Immanuel],
received the anointing of the Holy Spirit doubly → how the process of serving in accordance to gifts has developed → in the
evangelism ministry, how the boundary of serving has expanded through meetings, intercessions → how the present and
future equipping, anointing and ministry will develop, etc… = Just like the 30 [40 years] of Moses/Paul’s lifetime
testimonies / Rev Lee Chull’s many testimonies (12 years old, 20 years old, 33 years old, 37 years old, till now, future)
3) Till now, in my inner life, how many wonderful evidences have I received? Are my gifts being added on continuously?
- How is my relationship with the Lord? How is my relationship with brethrens (neighbours)? To what degree do I love to
converse with God? To what extent am I able to receive the perfect will of God in all things? To what extent can I preserve
[thanksgiving, joy, freedom]? Especially in the midst of problems, to what extent can I enjoy [relying on the Holy Spirit,
casting out demons, enjoying the heavenly kingdom]?
4) Where is the focal point of my living and interpersonal relationship? At present, what is the state of my interaction and
bonding with brethrens? What ministry am I involved in right now? How is the development of the ministry?
- What benefit do I get from the [church altar and brethren living] every week, every day? What contributions have my life and
power brought to [fellowship or church]? In the operation of the church, why is it that [my serving cannot be do without]? In
the church, when I see someone not pleasing to my eyes, what methods would I use to resolve this?
5) For the gospel ministry concerning [which persons, ministries, regions] am I interceding for right now? In which ministry
should I continue to be involved in future, and how should I expand the ministry?
- What is the extent of the blessedness of my family members at the moment? How should my intercession for them be
strengthened? How is my intercession for the intercession targets brought by brethrens? How is my intercession for the
church pastors, preachers, elders, workers of the gospel ministry? In the missionary ministries of the region, China, world,
for which ministry has God given me the burden to intercede, equip and expand the ministry?

** Closing Words

Prayer topics for this week:

1. Confirm the 5 points under main point 3: 1) What is the [vision from heaven] which I received? 2) In my past, how many
[especially blessed turning points which brought about entry into another timetable] do I have? 3) Till now, in my inner life, how
many wonderful evidences have I received? Are my gifts being added on continuously? 4) Where is the focal point of my living
and interpersonal relationship? At present, what is the state of my interaction and bonding with brethrens? What ministry am I
involved in right now? How is the development of the ministry? 5) For the gospel ministry concerning [which persons, ministries,
regions] am I interceding for right now? In which ministry should I continue to be involved in future, and how should I expand the
2. Confirm more seriously: In my inner life, are the 3 [must have] evidences present? In my outward life, are there also the 3
[must have] evidences? Share and intercede more together with members of the small group!

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