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Number 1 i Winter 1972 Number 1 Winter 1972 $1.00 PUBLISHER Donald M. Dohler EDITORS Don Dohler Mark Estren ASSOCIATE EDITOR Britt MeDonough MAKE-UP EDITOR ro ss Britt MeDon lillerest Height Rory Palmieri Bill Schwarz PRINTING creative Pri Hyattaville, CINEMAGTC is pu e Subscriptions (4 issues) (payable én assume any responsibility for dressed, blance to duced in whole or copyright © 1972 by in CINEMAGIC Donald Me ternational Money Order). anped envelope for the r Dohler WV FEATURES Homemad: Animation Models - creating Yake-Up - listory - Quite an Bef FILM PROFILES Bill George and The FILMMAKER PROFILE Ernest D. Farino, Jz PHOTO CREDITS: CI cover; pages 12, 1 Britt MeDono\ MAGIC » 18 aff: inefde front 0, 21, 22, and 23, pages 4, 6, 9, 10, lert:' page’ 18. 16; ape on back cov- 28, 29, 30, and », . Rory P. 5 and pages 31. 21239, Single copy price $1.50. Subscriptions: § welcomed, all cannot, Please enclose a self-ad~ The film plots and c noted) and December, by Cinebug $1.00. 00 mmeda, Baltimore, Md. Foreign: Single ‘contri danage of turn of rejected material. is purely the written permission of ALL rights py loss 9 erial. unless otherwise and any resem Nothing heréin may be repro the publisher. Contents ret printing: Dee. 1972 coincidental.

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