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Study of Matthew; from Bible Stories for Bedtime by Daniel Partner and added questions by Mrs. Schulze.

Matthew 1 What did the angel tell Joseph that Jesus would do? Where was Jesus born? Matthew 2:1-10 What were the men from the East looking for? How did the priest know where Jesus would be born? Matthew 2:15-23 Why did Herod kill the children of Bethlehem? Why did Joseph go to live in Nazarath? Matthew 3 What happened when Jesus was bapized What did God say about Jesus? Matthew 4 What were Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus called them? What were James and John doing when Jesus called them? Matthew 5 What kind of people inherit the earth? What kind of people are called children of God? Matthew 6 What should we do to those who have sinned against us? Where should you store your treasures? Matthew 7 How can you identify false prophets? Where will those who do the will of God enter? Matthew 8 What did Peters Mother-in-law do after she was healed? Why did Jesus say his disciples had such little faith in the boat? Matthew 9 What does the Son of Man have authority to do? What was Matthews profession? Matthew 10

Jesus gave his disciples authority to do what? Matthew 11 Where was John the Baptist at? Jesus denounced the towns because they didnt______________. Matthew 12 What will either acquit you or condemn you? The Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days. What is this a reference to? Matthew 13 What will those who listen to Gods teaching, be given? A mustard seed is small but grows very large. What is it compared to? Matthew 14:1-12 What did John the Baptist do for Jesus? Why are the littlest in the kingdom greater than John? Matthew 14:13-18 Why did the disciples want to send the people away? What did Jesus want the disciples to do? Matthew 14:22-36 What did the disciples think when Jesus came walking on the sea? Why did Peter begin to sink? Matthew 15 At first, Jesus wouldnt help the woman. Why? What did the woman say that showed Jesus she had faith? Matthew 16 Who did Peter say Jesus was? What was going to happen to Jesus in Jerusalem? Matthew 17:1-8 What did Peter want to do when he saw Jesus changed? What did God want Peter to do? Matthew 17:14-21 Why couldnt the disciples cure the boy? Why were the disciples worried about Jesus? Matthew 17:24-27

Why would Jesus not have to pay the temple tax? What kind of person enters into the kingdom of heaven? Matthew 18 Peter wanted to forgive seven times. How many times did Jesus say to forgive? What is the lesson of Jesus story? Matthew 19 What did the young man want? What did the young man want to keep? Matthew 20 Where will the Son of Man be betrayed? Those who want to lead must first do what? Matthew 21:1-11 How much was Judas paid to betray Jesus? What did Zechariah say about Jesus ride into Jerusalem? Matthew 21:12-17 God wanted the temple to be a house of prayer. What had it become? Why were the priest afraid of Jesus? Matthew 21:33-46 Who will be given Gods kingdom? Why couldnt the priests arrest Jesus? Matthew 22:1-14 What did the invited guests do instead of going to the feast? Who did the servant invite from the street? Matthew 22:15-22 What did Jesus say we should give to God? Why was the widows gift more than everyone elses ? Matthew 23 Why did Jesus say not to follow the examples of the Pharisees? Matthew 24 What did Jesus say would happen to the temple? What can we learn from the story of the bridesmaids? Matthew 25

Jesus said the people did good things for him. Who did they really help? What did Jesus give these people? Matthew 26 The woman poured the perfume on Jesus. What did the disciples want to do with it? When is the story remembered? Matthew 26:26-28 What does the loaf of braid represent? What does the cup of wine represent? Matthew 26:30-46 What did Jesus ask the Father when he prayed? What did the disciples do while Jesus was praying? Matthew 26:47-56 How did the crowd know who Jesus was? What name did Jesus call Judas? Matthew 27:1-10 What did Judas tell the priest about Jesus? Why wouldnt the priest give Judas money to the temple offering? Matthew 27:45-54 What happened when Jesus stopped breathing? What did the Roman captain say about Jesus? Matthew 27:57-66 Who was the man who helped Joseph bury Jesus? Why did the priest put guards at Jesus tomb? Matthew 28 What happened when the angel moved the stone away from Jesus tomb? Where did the angel say Jesus was waiting?

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