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What Each Sign Finds Most Distressing

Marlena Applebaum | Jun 04, 2013 | Comments 0

(The following is not comprehensive just some observations. And it is important to recognize that no one is a pure archetype. The Sun sign holds a central place in the personality but other important factors in the birth chart especially the rising sign, the Moon sign, and strongly placed planets combine to make us each unique and complex.)

Aries : to be held back from acting on an impulse, to be suppressed, to be prevented from expressing contentious and/or passionate energies, to be slowed down. Taurus : to be rushed, lack of financial or emotional security, to be deprived of touch, to be deprived of beautiful sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. Gemini : boredom, lack of information, being out of the loop or cut off from communication, pressure to commit to one thing, having to stay still. Cancer : no one to nurture and protect, no one to be nurtured and protected by, thwarted from cultivating ones baby, not having a safe and comfortable home. Leo : no loving audience, not being seen, not being appreciated, not being adored, not enough attention, cold-heartedness. Virgo : lack of attention to detail, skipped steps, orderless chaos, not adhering to thorough technique and proper procedure, lack of refinement, lack of purity.

Libra : having to go it alone with no one to bounce off of, having to make a quick decision without being able to weigh the pros and cons, that which is unjust or unfair, insensitivity, lack of empathy, inconsideration, ugliness. Scorpio : superficiality, inauthenticity, feeling powerless, revealing vulnerability, failing to do ones deep inner work, lack of emotional intimacy, lack of meaningful bonding. Sagittarius : the everyday routine with nothing exotic mixed in, lack of freedom, lack of access to philosophical perspectives, lack of ethics, narrow-mindedness, a life with no adventure. Capricorn : that which is unrealistic, inefficient, wasteful, impractical, or theoretical only; losing status, losing authority, lack of mastery, lack of having a respectful place in the world. Aquarius : conformity, exclusive hierarchical systems, social inequity, being confronted with ignorance, selfcenteredness, or drama queens/kings.

Pisces : the mundane details of life, no way to escape ordinary reality, lack of inspiration, lack of vision, lack of art, lack of feeling connected with the divine

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