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New Miami Middle and High School Tiers of Behaviors and Corrective Responses

Tier One
Talking back/disrespectful with staff Lying Failure to comply Sleeping in class Inappropriate/profane gesture Inappropriate language (isolated) Disruptive noise making Spitting Vandalism (ex. Writing on desk) No homework, not completing classwork Not coming prepared to class Running in the school building Out of location without teacher permission Throwing objects (no safety concern) Off task Cheating Excessive talking Not cooperating with others Not following classroom or school rules Horseplay Name calling Teasing (isolated) Not keeping hands/feet to self Eating in class

Appropriate Corrective Responses

3 Teacher Consequences/Responses before a discipline referral Suggested Order of Correction: 1. Verbal reprimand 2. Proximity correction/conference with student 3. Record behavior (examples include: checklist, behavior log, assignment sheet, etc.) 4. Consequences through teacher behavior system (reflection sheets, detention, etc.) 5. Parent contact (can also happen at any point) Other Correction Ideas: o Restitution (restoring, repairing, apologizing) o Call/send letter to parent or guardian o Conference with student o Loss of privilege o Individualized instruction o Teacher-based detention o Think Sheet or Reflection Sheet Techniques to Reduce/Encourage Positive Behavior: o Model and reinforce correct behavior o Teach/re-teach expectations o 3:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions o Reflect on relationship with student o Viking Bucks o Class-wide positive behavior system

Tier Two
Repeated level 1 infractions Stealing Violation of technology policy Damaging property/Vandalism Profanity/vulgarity toward staff or students Bullying Leaving classroom without permission Disruption to the learning environment Verbal confrontation Repeated violation of bus rules

Appropriate Corrective Responses

Corrective Ideas: o Continue Tier 1 consequences that have not been implemented o Contact parents o Referral to counselor o Discipline Referral o Behavior Intervention Plan o Collaboration between teacher/staff and administration if needed o Loss of privileges o Time out/reassignment in another classroom (typically 15-30 minutes) o Additional consequences implemented by administration may include, but not limited to lunch detention, detention, Thursday school, reassignment to another classroom, and After School Assignment Techniques to reduce/encourage behaviors: o Continue positive reinforcement strategies o Behavior Intervention Plan or behavior contract o Collaboration with teachers and support staff o Peer mediation

Tier Three

Appropriate Corrective Responses

Corrective Responses: o Discipline Referral o Call office is student refuses to go, or if immediate assistance is needed in maintain the safety of students or staff o Administration will implement further consequences including but not limited to detention, Thursday school, After School Assignment, emergency removal, suspension, recommendation for expulsion, community service, filing charges Techniques to reduce/encourage behaviors: o Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plan o On-going consultation with support staff and administration o If student is talking about hurting himself/herself, contact counselor or administrator immediately o Re-entry conference

Presence of firearms or weapons (As stated in

Student Handbook: A weapon is any device that may be used for offensive or defensive purpose, including but not limited to conventional objects such as guns, pellet guns, knives, or club type implements. It may also include any toy that is presented as a real weapon or reacted to as a real weapon. Possession and/or use of a weapon may subject a student to expulsion and possible permanent exclusion. A knife is defined as any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle, a razor blade or any similar device that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.

Inappropriate sexual behavior Threat of harm to self or others Inappropriate sexual/racial comments Physical aggression Severe bullying Spitting at someone Leaving building/campus without permission Fighting Illegal drugs/alcohol/possession/use Student is a MAJOR disruption in the learning environment (after adult intervention and redirection, prolonged/severe disruption occurs) Profanity or vulgarity toward staff and peers (also on tier two list)

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