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Name (s) ___________________________________________

Guest(s) ____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________
Phone (Home) ______________ Phone (work) ____________
Email ______________________________________________
Fax ________________________________________________
Federal law requires we ask the following:
Occupation _________________________________________
Employer ___________________________________________
Federal election law requires political committees to use best efforts to
report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of
individuals whose contributions exceed $200 during an election cycle.
Contributions to Morgan Griffth for Congress are not deductible as
charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Funds received
in response to this solicitation are subject to federal contribution limits.
Federal law prohibits contributions from the general treasury funds
of corporations, labor organizations or national banks. Contributions
from Federal government contractors and foreign nationals who lack
permanent resident status are also prohibited. Contributions must
be drawn on personal, not corporate, credit cards. Not printed at
government expense.
Paid for by Morgan Griffth for Congress
Yes, Morgan, we will participate in your event with
Gov. McDonnell on August 31st at The Virginian.
I wish to make a contribution at the following level:
q Co-Chair - $2,400 (10 reservations to the private
reception at 5:00 pm, the general reception at 5:30 pm
and special recognition as a Co-Chair)
q Benefactor - $2,000 (8 reservations to the private
reception at 5:00 pm, the general reception at 5:30 pm
and special recognition as a Benefactor)
q Host - $1000 (6 reservations to the general reception at
5:30 pm and special recognition as a Host)
q Patron - $500 (4 reservations to the general reception at
5:30 pm and special recognition as a Patron)
q Sponsor - $250 (2 reservations to the general reception at
5:30 pm and special recognition as a Sponsor)
q Single Tickets - $50 per person. I would like ____
reservations to the general reception at 5:30 pm.
q No, I cannot attend your reception, but I do want
to support your campaign for Congress. Enclosed is my
contribution in the amount of: __________ .
Credit Card Payment: Visa MasterCard Discover AMEX

Please charge my credit card # Exp. Date:

Amount: $4,800 $2,400 $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 other $

Name as it appears on card: 3 Digit Card Sec. Code:

6LJQDWXUH 6SRXVH6LJQDWXUH (Ior joint accounts):
Please make personal or PAC checks payable to:
Morgan Griffth for Congress
RSVP to Laura Bell at 276.870.1926
or Reply Card Enclosed
Steve & Debbie Smith, John Tickle,
Spike & Lisa Tickle, John & Becky Matney,
Blake & Suzanne McKinney, Mike Spiegler
J. A. & Barb Street, and Mark Walling
cordially invite you to a
reception honoring
The Honorable H. Morgan Griffith
Candidate for Congress,
Virginias 9th District
with special guest
The Honorable Bob McDonnell
Governor of Virginia
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Private Reception 5:00 5:30 PM
for Co-Chairs and Benefactors
General Reception - 5:30 PM
The Virginian
22512 Clubhouse Ridge Bristol, Virginia
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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