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AWT = abstract window toolkit

java.awt.event.* - needed for all listeners
javax.swing.* - needed for timer

ActionListener – needed for buttons
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae){
Object source = ae.getSource();

MouseListener – needed for clicking of mouse to work

public void mousePressed/mouseReleased/mouseEntered/mouseExited/mouseClicked
(MouseEvent me){}

MouseMotionListener – needed for dragging

public void mouseDragged/mouseMoved (MouseEvent me){}

ItemListener – needed for Choices

public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent ie){
Object source = ie.getSource();

AdjustmentListener – needed for scrollbars

public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent ae){
someBar = someBar.getValue();

badArrayIndexValue – value is outside array (ie. <-1 or >length of array)
nullPointer exception – have added add______Listener(this) but not initialized anything.

not declaring variable – do stuff in public void init() but not at the top.
not initializing variable – opposite of what is mentioned above.

inheritance (denoted by extends) – program inherits all functions/classes/other stuff
instance variables – things u declare at the very top of program (example is private int, private
double, etc.)
local variables – declared inside function
methods/member functions – example is public void distance (…){}
function overloading –
when u have public double ave (double a, double b){} and public int (int a, int b){} in the same
function…..this is legal.
function overriding – example is public void paint(graphics g){}…..rewritten in every applet.

(at top) private Button newButton;
(in init)
newButton = new Button(“New”);

(at top) private Choice newChoice;
(in init)
newChoice = new Choice();
newChoice.addItem(“whatever stuff u need to add”);

(at top)private Scrollbar newbar;
(in init)
newBar = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL,start value(this can be a
variable or number), 1(this always stays at 1), minimum, maximum);

(at top) private Label newLabel;
(in init) newLabel = new Label(“New Label” + new);

to change stuff inside label – newLabel.setText("New Label”+new);

(at top) private TextField newField;
(in init) newfield = new Textfield (width of textfield);
newField.setEditable(true or false);

Note –
If you want to fix where stuff goes yourself, do setLayout(null) in init and then after every
add(textfield,label,etc) do textfield.setBounds(x,y,width,height)

u do adapters because u don’t want to type out random methods u will never use. Adapters are in
init. Do NOT put the Listener of the corresponding adapter in the “extends implements …..” part

Here is an example of a MouseAdapter –

addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me){
if (nbr<x.length-1){
x[nbr] = me.getX();
y[nbr] = me.getY();
color[nbr] = (GL.randColor());
} );


addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {

public void keyPressed( KeyEvent ke) {
if (ke.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_UP){
} );

Fibonacci sequence –
public class fibonacci
public static void main (String [] args) {
long [] fib = new long [80];
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
System.out.print("What is the first number? ");
fib[0] = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("What is the second number? ");
fib[1] = sc.nextInt();
for (int ind = 2; ind < fib.length; ind++){
fib[ind] = fib[ind-2]+fib[ind-1];
for (int ind = 0; ind < fib.length; ind++){
if (ind >0 && fib[ind-1] != 0){
double ratio = (double) fib[ind]/fib[ind-1];
else {

Note - I included the whole program so u can review the other stuff in text based java as well

line function –
public static void line ( String ch, int howMany, boolean newLine){
for (int ind = 1 ; ind<= howMany; ind++)
System.out.print (ch +" ");
if (newLine)

slope function (from logo) – parameters – x1,y1,x2,y2

if ( :x2 - :x1) =0 [op “ undefined] [op ( :y2 - :y1 )/( :x2 - :x1)]

distance function – parameters – x1, x2, y1, y2

op sqrt ((power ( :x1 - :x2)2) + (power (:y1 - :y2)2))

area functions – parameters – d1, d2, d3 (d is each side)

make “s ( :d1 + :d2 + :d3)/2
op sqrt (:s*(:s - :d1)*(:s - :d2)*(:s - :d3))

Euclidean algorithm – this is same as gcf program (parameters – a, b)

make “r remainder :b :a
if :r = 0 [op :a stop] [ op gcf :r :a]
Pascal’s triangle – only thing you have to know is that we did it in class like this. otherwise it
should be easy.

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

public static void calculate (long [][] pas){

//top row
pas[0][0] = 1;
for (int row = 1; row < pas.length; row++){
//column 0
pas[row][0] = 1;
for (int col = 1; col < pas[0].length; col++){
pas[row][col] = pas[row-1][col]+pas[row-1][col-1];


To do random numbers –
int rand = (int)(Math.random()*(max no – min no +1)+(min no));

Magic square –

start at top middle (u will always have a square of odd length) and go up 1 right 1 and place next
number. if u reach edge, wraparound and continue. if you encounter multiple of side length,
place next number directly below the previous number.


printlist – pararemters – message

if empty? :message [pr “stop][]
type se first :message “
printlist butfirst :message

logo4 (mr oliver said this is going to be on test) – parameter – message

if (count :message) = 1 [pr :message][]
type se first :message [*]
logo4 butfirst :message

logo5 (this can also be on test) – parameter – message

if empty? :message [pr “ stop][]
type butfirst first :message
type first first :message
type se “ay “
logo5 butfirst :message


I assume u know what first, last, butfirst, butlast are.
type = does not go to next line
pr = go to next line

se = when you have 2 or more items to output

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