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SOUNDS OF RUNES, OR RUNE MANTRAS Up to this point, you have learned to use the sounds of the Rune names

in your R une practice. If you are a student of the 0rder, then you may have the tape on R une mantras. If you do not have it, then you are limited to using the names as m antras. However, there is much more to the singing of Runes than the singing of their names. If you compare the Runes to colors of the spectrum, then the various intonations of the Runes would give you the many shades and hues of a sub spectrum for ever y Rune. Experience will tell you how to use these slightly different shades of R une energies, and which sound connects with which specific bundle of energies of the Rune Realms of Creation. Even that gentle hint should make it clear that what lies before you is an exten sive amount of Rune practice, and only consistent and preferably daily practice will lead to a mastery of the many shades and sub-shades of the Rune spectrum. A t the beginning, exercise the Runes, one at a time, with a specific sounding of the name. It is useful, you will find, to recite the Song of the Rune before pra cticing ifs mantras. Next you introduce variations: a) Change pitch and loudness of sound. Hold the same pitch, increase power of vo ice, and then decrease again. Then change pitch from low to high, and back to lo w. Practice with high pitch alone, and then with low. Get the feel of the differ ences. Find as many combinations as possible. b) Practice with the hand positions changing them from close together fingered p ositions to the extended finger positions. c) Do it again with the palms down positions and the palms up positions. d) Hear the sound of the Rune with your inner ear and visualize the symbol with your inner eye while inhaling. This will be easy after you have practiced establ ishing your inner Rune Realm. Now it is different because you practice hearing t he different pitches. By this means, you introduce the many hues of Rune sub-spe ctrums into your inner Rune Realm. This practice of visualizing while inhaling h as especially strong effects on your chakras, if you project the appropriate Run e energies into those spiritual centers during the practice. e) Change and vary the sounds of the Runes by substituting vowels, or diphthongs . f) Next, focus on specific key-symbols of Runes, such as "root, healing" with UR , "projection, activity with THORN, etc. g) Then include the body positions, changing from Rune to Rune, adjusting to the pitch, from which eventually a Rune dance develops. This will make you capable of drawing and modifying Rune energies more powerfully, and with more versatilit y than you can dream of as a beginner. Eventually, when you are a Rune master, y ou will develop your own background music for your practices. About pronunciation Vowels in Rune Mantras are the pure vowels: a is pronounced as in f-a-ther e is pronounced as in wh-e-y i is pronounced as in ant-i-que o is pronounced as in b-o-at u is pronounced as in g-oo-se You find the mantras in the section of the access keywords.

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