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Six Qaulities of a Spiritual Warrior

Six is known as the number of a man. The number of the Beast is six, six, six (666) or the fullness of humankind. Irenaeus identified the Beast of Revelation 13 as the AntiChrist, and was of the opinion that the numerical values of the letters of hs name would add up to 666 Many since early Christianity have tried to find out who the AntiChrist was or will be, but his existence will only be revealed in the day that he proclaims himself to be God on the final to be built in Jerusalem. Now unto the study. 1) The number one qaulity that rising warriors of God have is an innate knowledge that they were born for such a time as this. See Esther 4:14. That does not mean that everything goes perfect in their lives. Rather, like Jesus (prayed) we must say like the Lord, it is for this hour that I was put on this earth, that type of outlook should be our own. Acts 17:26 States this same concept. "...And [God] has determined the times before appointed, and their bounds of habitation." In other words, God already decided the best time period for you to live at. And that God has designed you to accomplish that which he asks you to do. 2) There will should be no doubt in your heart that God will back you up. Read Hebrews 11:1-6. Your battle with which you were designed for, you were assigned to rule over and conquer all the forces of the enemy (Romans 8:37). 3) You have to know the way of God and abide consistently in him (John 15:7). To know his way, you have to spend time with him. To recognize his way. To know that God created you to achieve a purpose that you alone would have the best chance and ability to complete. 4) Everything about you is designed to influence. Maybe you will not influence the president or anyone well known but perhaps your influence is meant simply for your neighbors or family. And the world will be better because of you, especially if your achieve your prophetic purpose and goal. 5) They will have an unfailing belief that God will prepare them. They may have the understanding that it may not be the way that they thought it would be. God has a way of not preparing a person in the manner that they expect. Sometimes God moves a certain way, but more often it is in an unexpected fashion. There's two side of most coin. And the way that God moves is always better than what we can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20). The qaulity that makes think that they want to be a warrior, also makes them think that they

are able to accomplish the task on their own strength (Proverbs 3:5-7). God called me, so I can do it seems to be the typical mindset (Matthew 22:14). That is the key to failure. As Moses killed an Egyptian to help deliver his people (Exodus 2:11-15). Jacob though that he had to deceive Isaac to gain the birthright (Genesis 25:31-34; 27:6-30). Joseph guessed that he had to control and tell all his brothers of his dreams, and when the day came for him to be in charge that they would respect and submit to him (Genesis 37:4-36). However, God had another way in mind for him. 6) Only real champions see that God is calling them to do something that they are incapable of doing without his aid. In Moses case, God told him that he was going to use him to take his people out the most powerful nation of his day, and deliver up ten other nations of which three were also far superior than his own. God often immediately frees us from sin (Acts 2:38; Matthew 4:1-13) and takes us where we confront something far greater than us. Sometimes we go through one battle, other times a hundred ones. But God will use the battle to make and mold you in the image that he wants. But the testing time is dependent upon how self sufficient and stubborn we are. If we submit to him, he will bring us out all the sooner (James 4:7-9). People tend to go through cycles of being self suuficient. Joseph was arrogant and that landed him in prison. Could Joseph gone another way into Egypt? Could he have gone into Egypt and interpreted someone's dream and then seen Pharoah? Yes. But because of the manner of his attitude God had to use Potifar's wife, the dreams and land him into prison by which eventually led him to meet the king of Egypt. Only when Joseph would no longer want to kill his brothers for their rash actions did God promote him. "They hurt his feet with fetters (chains), he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tried (tested) him." (Psalm 105:18-19) Here's what the Jewish Publication Society Bible says. "Until the prediction over his life passed, the decree of the Lord purged him." God cannot use us until he purges out all that would make you fail in your appointed destiny. Also He cannot use for his glory until the odds are nearly imposible for any way to overcome, but by him. When people can clearly see his hand in it all, then he can use for his glory. You will arrive at your destination then.

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