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Professional VFX Tutorials

by Cornelia Bader

Object/Geometry Tracking with PF Track: Human Head

March 28, 2012 at 2:13 pm Filed under 3d tutorials, FaceGen Modeller, PFTrack, tracking, vfx tutorialsand tagged: automatic face modelling, cornelia bader, face modeller, face tracking, facegen modeller, facial tracking, geometry tracking, human head, object tracking, pf track, pftrack, photo modelling, tracking, tracking moving scene, tracking object with moving camera, tutorial

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Cornelia Bader

In this tutorial I will show you how to tr a c k a n o b je c t in your cam era shot (in m y case a hum an head) with P F T R a c k . It does not m atter if your cam era is m oving or stationary, because the steps for object tracking stay the sam e. However, with a m oving cam era you will have to track your cam era m ovem ent on top of tracking your geom etry if you need to place other objects in the scene.

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I am a digital artist who is specialised in Color Grading, VFX and 3d, but my passion and knowledge also include film editing, motion graphics, PHP/MySQL, HTML/CSS, printdesign, game design, being creative and teaching those things. My Company My other Blog 3d & VFX Tutorials Follow me on Twitter: CornLand Linkedin: Linkedin
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You can d o w n lo a d th e P L E for PFTRack here. The only lim itations in PFTrack 4.1 PLE are the ability to export cam era and im age data. Projects created in PFTrack 4.1 cannot be opened in the retail version, lim iting PFTrack 4.1 PLE to noncom m ercial use. (infos here) 1. Im p o r t your footage.


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2. Tell the C a m e r a wether it is static or a free m ove or just rotation (Cam era > Cam era Param ters). If you have a m oving cam era and if you need to place other objects in your scene besides the head, you should track the scene first (and solve the cam era) before bringing in your tracking geom etry. After your scene is tracked go to Tracking > Groups and m ake a new one. Highlight the new group in the left window and com plete the following steps: 3. Im port a tr a c kin g g e o m e tr y the object should m atch as good as possible with the actors face.

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You do not have to m odel the actors face yourself, just use the F a c e G e n M o d e lle r instead (it is available for $299 USD and if you are an student you can buy 4 licenses for the sam e prize). Within the FaceGen Modeller it is also possible to let the program m odel for you by using photographs:

Just use a front im age and two side im ages and off you go. I used it to recreate m y actors face which gave m e this nice result:

If you do not use the free version of FaceGen you can now export the face as an obj m odel and bring it into PF Track (see above), where you should line up the head with the actor (therefore use Shift+Mouse buttons). 4. Paint w e ig h ts where the new geom etry is too big or where the actor m oves his eyes or lips. If you highlight the m odel in the option box on the left you will get this shelf:

Where there now is written wirefram e chose weights, click on -W and paint those areas red where the actor m oves his/her eyes or m outh and where the m odel is too big/sm all (chin, eares,). It is im portant that you align and paint the face on the fram e from which you want to track forwards or backwards.

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5. Go to the fram e on which you painted the weights and aligned the face, and press the >> button to track forward or the << button to tr a c k backwards. You will find those on the sam e shelf where you chose to paint the weights. And voil, your geom etry m oves along nicely with your face.

6. And finally: E x p o r t your tracking geom etry (go to Cam era Exports, right click, new, chose your software, say that you want to export your tracking geom etry as well,).
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