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Psalms 4-Change unlucky patterns 5-To cleanse your business of possible blockages from evil 6- For safe travel

at sea 7-Protection from enemies who try to cross you and used for court cases 8- Successful business transactions 10- Used to rid of demons from a person 11- Protection from evil and overcome fear 13- Protect the body from harm and unnatural death 14- Protection from enemies, slander and mistrust 16- To find a thief,Change sorrows to joy 17- For a safe travel 19- For a safe childbirth, and for guiding children to a successful life, and to drive out evil spirits 20- To avoid persecution and jail from a judge 22- For safe travel, especially at sea 23- Good luck, success, fortune, guiding visions and dreams 26- To release a prisoner from prison 28- Reconciliation with an enemy 29- To cast out evil and evil spirits 31- Protection from slander and gossipers 32- Used for reconciling with a friend or love, to gain love, respect 33- For protection of a newborn child to be recited before and during pregnancy 35- Protection from lawsuits 36- Protection from slander 37- Protection from enemies and slander and gossip/used to break crossed conditions or jinxes 38 & 39- Protection from slander and the law 40- To cast out evil spirits and protect yourself 41&43- To regain your spoiled reputation of a mistrusted business associate 45 & 46- Both used by husband. 45 is used over his own body with anointing olive oil. 46 oil and prayer is used over wife. Both are to cool an angry wife. 47- To be loved and respected by all 48- To protect from jealousy and envy 51- To be cleansed of sin 52- To reverse hurtful slander and deceitfulness 53- To quiet enemies and slander 54- To revenge the enemies from psalm 53 56- To help protect the self from committing a sinister act or habit 57- For success and fortune in all matter 60- For protection for the militant person 61- For blessing a new home 65- For success and fortune in all matters 69 & 70- To be freed of bad habits 70- For matters to be resolved quickly 71- To free a prisoner

85- To be reconciled with a former friend who has since become ill with you 89- To heal the sick quickly and free a prisoner 91- To release a prisoner, to rid of evil and demons in a person 94- Protection from enemies 96-98- For peace, joy and happiness in the home and family members 108- For successful Business 109- For revenging an enemy 112- For luck in money matters such as getting a new job, grant or loan 114- For success in Business 120- For protection from persecution from a judge 121- For safe travel 126- For a safe pregnancy and safety for children, to protect from the demon Lilith 127- For safety for newborn child and children 128- For safety for pregnant woman 132- For forgiveness for breaking your word or lying and to prevent from doing so again 133- To protect friendships and relationships and gain more friends 134- For students to be successful 138- To gain love and friendship 139- To hold onto loving marriage 140- To reconcile a marriage 141- To rid the self of fear PRAYERS Prayers for love work are spoken to the spirits you are working with or energies that are being worked with. Prayers are recited during candle burnings, doll work, and Saint workings. Prayers are spoken over amulets, mojo bags, or other items that are used during the love work. Prayers that I like to personally use in love work, depends on the type of work I am doing. For reconciliation work I use the Psalms 32, 85 and 140. For love drawing I use 47 or 138. Other prayers used can be portions taken from Solomons Prayer, the Divine Hummingbird prayer, a Kamadeva (hindu God of Love and Desire) prayer, or the Universal Love Prayer in Buddhasim. You can also use prayers to God, prayers to a Saint you are working with for your situation or you can always create your own love prayer, write a poem to use as a prayer or chant in your work. find it very important to make a page set aside specific for this topic because I get so many questions about this service. So with the growing number of emails on the topic, it demands one point of contact for all to go to and save time on the initial what to expect and what to begin to be prepared for when hiring a root worker to work rituals and light settings on your behalf. We will start with What cases I will consider: 1. Love Me Cases that do not involve divorce work unless one spouse is the client at hand I am working with, including reconciliation, return to me, and heated sexual love spells

2. Peaceful Home 3. Court Cases 4. Healing 5. Protection 6. Cleansing and uncrossing 7. Money Draw, Better Business, Job Hunting 8. Hot Footing, Move Out, Binding an enemy 9. Break up work when it involves an at risk party, or the client themselves wish to break up their own relationship. What I will not consider: 1. Any illegal requests such as anything that might be considered as sexual misconduct, neglect, or violating personal space 2. Work that jeopardizes the well being of a minor child 3. Divorce or break up when the client isnt the petitioner (I sell these Break up items for you to handle on your own. ) 4. Death or illness brought to your enemy The next thing to consider is your root workers back ground and beliefs, which have been laid out for you through out this website. Now, if you begin to work with me and chat with me to feel me out, as best as possible through this cyber barrier we call our computer screens, you will soon realize how much each one of my clients means a lot to me. While getting to know me, you will notice that I lay out specifics for your case, I am a friendly individual, and you can count on building trust in our working relationship. HOWEVER, in every relationship we have to draw a boundary for ourselves in order to maintain focus, and that focus is the goal at which we are aimed to succeed in, your work. What this means is this: while I do care and take my work seriously, I can not hand hold my clients throughout your entire work in progress. Many come to me with very emotional cases, I am deeply compassionate in those times, I am fully aware of the dire needs, the desperate situations and so forth. HOWEVER, we are human beings, with limits, and while you are needing my support by answering your questions, it draws my attention away from actually DOING and FOCUSING my part in your work. If I can not get back to you that same day I will be back with you shortly afterwards, please consider that I too have a family that needs my attention. Some clients will panic at the first time their email is not immediately answered, which means I am not sitting at my computer or by the phone to answer calls. One thing that I caution folks when beginning work, is to not obsess over your work being done, you have to allow it to manifest and integrate into your life, if you sit and obsess you are hurting your situation and not working with the energy that is changing, manifesting, or coming through channels to you. When you obsess over the work, you are not living your life and being open to the outcomes that will come from your situation, this sends negative and blocking energies out that will prevent you from moving forward in life or your goals. Keeping positive and sending positive energy out, you get back positive energy. In other words you get back what you put into your work. Many people do not realize that magick works on more than the physical plane, it affects more than just our honey coming home it works from the inside out, and it can stretch far into the cosmos and aethyrs into the invisible and unknown. So to help your situation and build a good working relationship with any root worker it is best that when you come to present a situation to your root worker, to have details of time limits, details of what to expect or not expect, etc. to be discussed PRIOR to beginning work. This cuts back on the well I think I changed my mind or are you sure this is going to work. To these two things I say, if you have an ounce of doubt in the beginning, you will most likely have the same doubt come up again. So, it is best to evaluate

your state of mind, and set realistic goals. This even applies to simple setting of lights on the altar. Now, as for setting realistic goals, for spells, I get the same question a hundred times, and sometimes from the same client, a hundred times. And this is even AFTER a tarot reading showing success, and also after stating that while NOTHING in life is guarantee, I can say honestly, if you dont see results at first, this is normal. It could take months to see a manifestation for several different reasons. Which I think most are obvious if you look hard into your situation. As time goes on, circumstances may come into play. Does this mean forfeit the work, NO. But being patient and open minded is a good idea. Will a spell always be successful, definitely NOT. This isnt my choice to have a successful spell each and every time, if I guaranteed that kind of work, I would also guarantee that I will win the 750 million jack pot this year. Nothing in life is guarantee, no doctor or lawyer can guarantee that a surgery or a court case will be successful. IF a worker guarantees a work to be successful, RUN like hell the other way because they are a fraud and most likely they just charged you $2000.00 to guarantee you man was going to come back to you in April. I will not deny that YES, us workers can see things with our inner eye, intuition, cards, yada yada, BUT even if that outcome is to be successful, and that man comes back, he MIGHT come back with an attitude you need to adjust for him, or he might come back with that same annoying habit of not putting his dirty socks in the laundry. Whatever the case may be this doesnt mean however, you need to give up. So, first goal is to set realistic outcomes and temper the desires to obsess over your situation. Trust the spirits and trust your root worker. The one thing that I WILL guarantee, is that I will work hard on your case, my clients know I go above and beyond for them, I am respectful, I am an honest peach. I guarantee that I will guide you to seek outside help if you need it, I can be a darn good friend and give really good advice but I am not licensed to give therapy. I guarantee confidentiality, I guarantee that I will make sure you set realistic goals too, just as any friend would do. The next thing is to know when to set a time limit on work. When I tell a client to set a time limit on their work, this means, exactly that, SET a time limit on your work. IF you dont see results, and nothing is budging, after a whole spell, a back up light, 7 weeks of bathing 3 times a week (this is pretty extreme, but you see my point?), then it is time to reevaluate the angle, and set a time limit. You dont want 4 months of back and forth, back and forth with the ex. Setting the time limit, give it a date on when its time to move forward onto a better life and goal is very important. You might even want to just reevaluate your situation after 6 weeks or so depending on the aggressiveness of the ritual or approach you have taken and try something new in regards to your situation. But you can set a time limit at ANY time prior to beginning ritual, during ritual, or after the ritual. During that time limit, you give yourself that one more try, if it fails, you have to move forward! Now this works different for lets say money goals, job hunting, you dont set a limit and say never mind, forget, I didnt want that job anyway, but you keep your options open, and if one job turns out to be a sham and a no go, then have your back up plan to move forward with plan B without a time lapse. So the three things to learn here is this A: Make a list of ALL questions up front before work begins B: Realize that sometimes answering and beckoning to what ifs, or when wills, etc.takes focus and time away from the intent C: Set realistic goals and deadlines

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