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PAPER-I REPEATED QUESTION OF PSYCHOLOGY I PSYCHOLOGY & SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT 2001: Critically evaluate different schools and systems

of psychology, Discuss their status in Contemporary Psychology. 2002: How BEHAVIOURISM differs from earlier schools of psychology? What were the main objections of the Gestalt Psychologists about Behaviorists? 2003: What makes STRUCTURALISM stand out as different from other schools and how it fits in recent trends in psychology? Discuss. 2004: Describe the aims and methods of STRUCTURALISM and FUNCTIONALISM. 2005: Comment on RECENT TRENDS IN PSYCHOLOGY, as viewed by BEHAVIOURISTS. 2006: Comment on RECENT TRENDS IN PSYCHOLOGY, duly supported by factual data. 2007 Define Psychology , give its scope and write in brief about various schools of psychology 2008: What are the modern approaches or prospective in modern psychology. 2009: Define Psychology, give its scope and write in brief about various schools of psychology. 2010: Define Psychology as Science of Behavior. List various schools and systems used in psychology. 2 2007: Write down the function of central and peripheral nervous system and briefly give the function and structure of the cell. 2008: Identify and describe the major functions of hind-brain, midbrain and forebrain. 2009: Write down the function of central and peripheral nervous system, and briefly give the function and the structure of the cell. 2001: Describe Central and peripheral nervous system and their impact on the human behavior. 2002: What is endocrine system, Discuss the role of various hormones in regulating normal human development? 2003: Describe and explain the role of PHERIPERAL nervous system in determining the overt behavior of an organism. 2004: Name and define the three major subdivisions of the brain and describe their functions.

3 Describe the significance of learning in life of an individual referring to different theories of learning. (2007,2009). 4 Define Motivation. List the various theories of Motivation and explain any one of them. (2007,2009) 2006: Give a comparative account of various theories of MOTIVATION. 2010: Describe the significance of motivation in human life referring to any one theory of motivation. 5 Define the Personality. Write in detail the Psychoanalytic theory of personality. (2007,2009) 6 Explain the process of socialization. Write down the stages involved in formation of Opinions, attitudes and prejudices.(2007,2009) 7 2001: Explain what takes place in perceptual process once the information from the situation is received by the individual. 2002: What are the main determinants of the perception? Explain the effects of learning and motivation on perception. 2003: Elucidate determinants of PERCEPTION (any 5 out of listed 7) lodged within the individual alone. 2004: Define PERCEPTUAL CONSTANCY. Explain the influences that allow us to perceive constant size, shape and brightness. 2005: What is meant by DETERMINANTS OF PERCEPTION ? Describe at least 5 out of 8 such major factors. 2008: Explain How Persons needs beliefs; emotions and expectations can influence his or her expectations. 2010: Define perception and sensation and explain how five senses specially vision and hearing operate. 8 2008: Describe the process of classical conditioning and recognize the principles in real life situations. 2003: Give a comprehensive account of primary (major) and secondary parameters for including a desired response through conditioning. 2004: Compare and contrast the principle of OPERANT and CLASSICAL conditioning and describe the impact of classical conditioning on everyday life. 2006: What is AVOIDANCE CONDITIONING? Describe as to how, if at all, this can be used to reduce the alarming rate of road accidents. 2010: Differentiate between classical conditioning and operant conditioning in context of human learning. 9 2007 : What is Group Dynamics? Write down the structure and function of Group

referring to the group norms. 2000: Discuss the nature of Groups? Also explain Riots, and social Loafing. 2005: what is GROUP DYNAMICS? Describe the role, in your opinion; it can play in diffusing the tension at National and International Level. Discuss. 10 2001: Critically analyze the theories of Prejudice with special reference to social Learning, and Motivational approaches. Also suggest two social psychological techniques for reducing various aspects of prejudice and stereotyping. Read more: Psychology Paper-I Exam Sample Paper Repeated Questions answers

GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT & MATURATION 2010: Define Growth and Development and discuss the basic processes and stages of development; highlighting the nature and nurture theory. 2009: Define Growth, development and maturation and explain the role of biological and socio-cultural factors in the process of development. 2008: Define Growth, development and maturation and explain the role of biological and socio-cultural factors in the process of development 2001: What are different methods of Developmental psychology and how do psychologists employ theory and research to answer question and hypothesis of interest. 2002: Discuss why growth, maturation, and learning are considered important to our understanding of human development. 2003: Highlight the self-evident milestones in the process of development of logical thinking stage in early childhood. 2004: Differentiate between Growth and Development. Describe the influence of nature and nurture on development. .

DEFINE & LIST VARIOUS THERAPIES 2. 2010 Define therapy. List various therapies used in psychology and write about any one briefly. 2009: List various therapies used in psychological treatment and write about any in Detail. 2001: Describe the milestones of Gestalt therapy and Humanistic- Existential

therapy, In your opinion which therapy you would employ for treatment. 3. 2009: Describe the role of biological and sociological factors in development of maladjustment and criminal behavior and explain the treatment strategies. 4. 2007: What is the role of Psychology in industrial setting? Write down the significance of group dynamics in improving work situation. 5. 2007: Define Intelligence. Emphasis the role of I.Q testing in Identification of Mental Retardation referring to a few tests of intelligence testing. 2009: Define Intelligence in reference to factors of intelligence and write how intelligence test can be used for identification of disability in general and mental retardation in specific? 2001: Define Intelligence and Mental retardation. Differentiate between IQ and EQ. 6. 2002: what is chromosomal abnormality? Discuss the causes and consequence of abnormalities for later development. 7. Describe the principles and stages of Piagets theory of Cognitive Development. 8. 2004: Discuss biological and psychological theories that attempt to explain Schizophrenia. State the major criticism for each theory. 9. 2010 explain the concept of abnormality. Briefly describe the goals of clinical diagnosis and write about either personality or behavioral assessment What are different sources of information in clinical diagnosis? Why training and official permission is essential for practicing psychotherapist. 10. 2010: Explain the pre-natal development and infancy period of development. Write down the role of genetics and heredity in chromosomal disorder or abnormality. 2005: Highlight and describe the Developmental irregularities during pre-natal period of development and their probable causes. 2008: Explain the environmental influences adversely affecting the development of NEONATE. Read more: Psychology Paper-I Exam Sample Paper Repeated Questions answers

EXPECTED QUESTIONS FOR PSYCHOLOGY CE- 2011 (TOP TEN SERIES) 1. GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND MATURATION 2. DEFINE & LIST VARIOUS THERAPIES? 3. Biological and sociological factors in development of maladjustment and criminal behavior. 4. Psychology in industrial setting. 5. Define Intelligence and Mental retardation. Differentiate between IQ and EQ. 6. What is chromosomal abnormality? Discuss the causes and consequence of abnormalities for later development. 7. Describe the principles and stages of Piagets theory of Cognitive Development 8. Explain the pre-natal development and infancy period of development. Write down the role of genetics and heredity in chromosomal disorder or abnormality.

9. ( DISORDERS) How will you differentiate between psychoneurotic and psychosomatic disorders? Give an account of anxiety disorders. 10. What is Abnormality? Discuss the ways in which abnormal behavior has been defined. Describe the criteria that can be used to distinguish between "normal" and "abnormal" behavior. What are the different sources of information that you will recommend for clinical diagnosis? Read more: Psychology Paper-I Exam Sample Paper Repeated Questions answers

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