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English Conversation Group Task


An abridged conversation between JOHN & YOTENUS !
John : Hi… good morning, Tenus. Nice to meet
you this morning ?
Yotenus : Good morning . Nice to meet you, too .
John : I think this is a good chance for us
Yotenus : What do you mean ?
John : I need you to tell me something !
Yotenus : What is it ?
John : I want you to can to describe or tell me
your favorite teacher between the teachers
in PGRI Senior High School ? .
Yotenus : Oh I see . Maybe My favorite teacher is
Mr. Nugroho
John : Why do you like him ?
Yotenus : Because he is a good teacher and teachs us
English as well as possible as the
international language .
John : Why do you said like that ?
Yotenus : Because his way of teaching is started
from the elementary to the advanced level .
If we getting any trouble, he always
explain us well.
John : Then, have you ever understood easily
when you were being taught ?
Yotenus : Yes, of course sometimes . and you ?
John : So am I
Yotenus : If so, alright .
John : Thank you for your kind and for telling me
your favorite teacher because yesterday I
was getting bored about it.
Yotenus : that’s alright . You’re welcome .
John : See you next day
Yotenus : See you, too . May God Bless YOU & ME .

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