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Annals of Mathematics

Semi-Simplicial Complexes and Singular Homology Author(s): Samuel Eilenberg and J. A. Zilber Source: The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 51, No. 3 (May, 1950), pp. 499-513 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 28/01/2011 13:26
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Vol. 51, No. 3, May, 1950







27,1949) January (Received two properties:(a) each q-simplex A simplicial complex has the following q - 1, (b) the facesof a simplexdetermine q + 1 facesofdimension determines the simplex. theoryof topologicalspaces [1] and homolhomology Recent workin singular ofabstractgroups[2] have led to abstractcomplexes theory ogy and cohomology ofthis (b). We shall give a generaldefinition satisfying whichsatisfy(a) without of homology theory class of complexesand show how the various constructions etc.) can be carried cup-products, (includinghomologywith local coefficients, out just as forsimplicialcomplexes. complexis the singularcomplex The chiefexampleofsuch a "semi-simplicial" S(X) of a topologicalspace X. Althoughthis complexis very "large" it is posthat S(X) of S(X) whichcontainall the information sible to findsubcomplexes fromthe point of view superfluous carriesbut whichare strippedof everything of homotopy.The existenceand uniqueness of such minimalsubcomplexesis are the main tool in the paper of S. Eilencomplexes established.These minimal following. berg and S. MacLane [4] immediately complexes 1. Semi-simplicial complexK is a collectionof elements {f} called simplexes A semi-simplicial The firstfunctionassociates with each simplex togetherwith two functions. a-an integer of a; we then say that a is a q-simplex. q _ 0 called the dimension associates with each q-simplexa- (q > 0) of K and with The second function 0 ? i ? q a (q - 1)-simplex a() called the ith face of a, subject to each integer the condition
[0()J0(i) = [OfW]U-4)

for i < j and q > 1. of two distinct does not excludethe possibility We observethat thisdefinition If 0 ? ij < faces of ar by iteration. We may pass to lowerdimensional in < q then we defineinductively
0,(il,--,in) = [OU2,in)] (il).

q-simplexes a and Xwith



for i = 0,



This is a (q
to {il

If 0 ? jo < n)-simplex. , in} then we also write




q is the set complementary

called the ithvertexof a. We shall In particulara(i) for0 < i ? q is a 0-simplex and (rol) as the leadingedge. also referto a(o) as the leadingvertex





of simplexesof K with the property L of K is a subcollection A subcomplex that if a e L thenall the faces of a are in L. The group of q-dimensional(integral) chains Cq(K) is definedas the free homoThe boundary of K as freegenerators. abelian groupwiththe q-simplexes morphism 0: CQ(K)


by settingforeach generator is defined


Ej (-1)ta.

of cycles, to the definition readilythat0a = 0. This leads directly One verifies boundaries,and of the homologygroup Hq(K). Followingthe usual procedure abelian coeffigroupsHq(K, G) withan arbitrary we may also definehomology cient group G as well as relativehomologygroupsHq(K, L, G) modulo a subcomplexL. as a homomorphism either cochainfe C2(K, G) maybe defined A q-dimensional of K with f: Cq(K) -* G or as a function f(o) definedon the set of q-simplexes values in G. The coboundaryis definedby

(f)(o) E= E (-_)tf'f('(i))

groups H'(K, G). foreach (q + 1)-simplexa of K. This leads to cohomology cochains groupsHq(K, L, G) are obtained by considering Relative cohomology whichare zero on everysimplexof the subcomplexL. by the Alexanderformula may be defined forcohomology The cup-products just as in the case of a simplicialcomplexwith orderedvertices.Let the groups G1and G2be paired to the groupG and let cochainsf' e C'(K, G1),f2 e Cq(K,G2) be given. Define the cochain fi <, f2 e C"+' (G) by setting
(fl 'y f2)(of)

o ofK. The usual coboundary formula forevery(p + q)-simplex

B (f1




+ (-1)

fl A'


is then valid, and the pairing of the cohomology groups H'(K, G1) and H'(K, G2)to the groupHp+'(K, G) is defined. and results of the Following the same procedureall the formaldefinitions in a complex. be carried out semi-simplicial can of [6] Steenrod theory _,-product complexK into anothersuch A simplicial map T: K-- K1 of a semi-simplicial complexK1 is a functionwhich to each q-simplexa of K assigns a q-simplex i = 0, -. -, q. Clearly T X = T(a) of K1 in such a fashionthat r(i) = T(oPW), of the homologygroupsof K into those of K1 and of induces homomorphisms preserve the cohomology groupsofK1 intothoseofK. The latterhomomorphisms the products.




2. Local coefficients Steenrod's theory of homologyand cohomologywith local coefficients [5] in a semi-simplicial complex.Let K be such a can be built very conveniently only. we shall discusscohomology complex.For the sake of brevity A local systemG = {G(a), y(Q) of groupsin K consistsof two functions; the first assignsto each vertex(i.e. O-simplex)aof K a group G(a), the second ofK an isomorphism assignsto each edge (i.e. 1-simplex)fi
G@(O?)) ,y0O: G(0(1,) ---

subject to the condition

7(0f(0, 1))Y(0(l, 2)) =

7(a(o, 2))

oa. foreach 2-simplex } be a local systemof abelian groupsin K. A q-cochain Let G = {G(a), -yQ() a of K assignsan element whichto each q-simplex f of K over G is a function associatedwiththeleadingvertexc(o) ofa. The q-cochains f(o-)ofthe groupG(o-(o)) 6f is a (q + 1)-cochaindefined an abelian groupC'(K, G). The coboundary form by
q+1 (6f)(0) = 7(O(o.1))f(0Aa)



that b5f= 0. The group Z'(K, G) of cocylesis thendefined It is easy to verify as the kernelof 5:Cq - C+ whilethe group Bq(K, G) of coboundariesis the The qth cohomology groupof K over G is image group of 5:Cl _ Cqa. Hq(K, G)
= Z(K

G)/B(K, G).

Let T: K1 -* K be a simplicialmap. From the givenlocal systemG in K we a local systemT*G of groupsin K1 as follows:T*G = {G(T(a)), -y(T I)) define forverticesa and edgesd in K1 . Iff e C(K, G) we define (T*f)(ar) = f(Ta) a ofK1 , and find that T*fEC(K, forq-simplexes so that a homomorphism is obtained.

T*G). Clearly6(T*f)= T*(af)

T*: H'(K, G) --)Hq(Ki 2 T*G)

3. Singularhomology

complexesare encounteredin singular Typical examples of semi-simplicial theory. homology Select foreach dimensionq a fixedEuclidean q-simplex A, with orderedvertices do < * < do. Consider the simplicialmaps
e :,Aq^-_* i=O-=0,

and map ,- onto the face of Aqopposited . whichare orderpreserving






q-simplex A map T: A, -*> X of Aq intoa topologicalspace X is called a singular defined as faces of T are in X. The T() = Te':4.1X. complex S(X) The singular simplexesof X thus make up a semi-simplicial called the total singularcomplexof X. If A is a subspace of X, S(A) is a subgroupsof the pair (X, A) are complexof S(X); the homologyand cohomology defined to be those of the pair (S(X), S(A)). From now on we shall assume that X is arcwiseconnectedand that a fixed point x* of X has been selectedas base point. A singular simplexT: Aq + X such that T(Aq) = (x*) will be called collapsed.We denote by Sn(X) the subcomplex of S(X) consistingof all singularsimplexesT such that all faces of q < n, S(X) contains T of dimension< n are collapsed. Thus fordimensions the one. namely collapsed only one q-simplex, it should be remarked that a local system to local coefficients With reference X on the complexS(X) a of the local system groups yields of groupson space on each of the comIt also determines a local coefficient system and vice-versa. plexes S,(X). On the complex S1(X) the local systemreducesto one group G of S1(X) definesan automorphism of this group. - G(x*), and each 1-simplex the in which and are determined fashion determine, These automorphisms by, the fundamental group7r1(X)(withx* as base point) operateson G. In the comare all identitymaps and the local plexes S,(X), n > 1, the automorphisms coefficient systemcollapses. 4. Minimal complexes if Two singularq-simplexesTo and T1 in a space X are called compatible theirfaces coincide: T"t) = T(t) fori = 0, **, q. If in addition To and T1 are membersof a continuousone parameterfamily Tt, 0 < t < 1, of singular all of whichare compatible,we say that To and T1 are homotopic. q-simplexes, are compatible, and since X is assumedto be arcFor q = 0 any two simplexes wise connected, they are also homotopic. A subcomplexM of S(X) will be called minimalprovided: (4.1) For each q thecollapsedq-simplex T:A, --* x* is in M. M contains all ofwhose faces are in M, then (4.2) If T is a singularq-simplex to T. T' compatible withand homotopic a unique singularq-simplex exist we proceedby induction.Assume To show that minimalsubcomplexes only simplexesof that a subcomplexM(') of S(X) has been definedcontaining (4.1) and (4.2) forq ! n. Considerall (n + 1)dimension<n and satisfying simplexesin S(X) all of whose faces are in Men). Divide these simplexesinto as equivalentiftheyare compatible two simplexes equivalenceclasses,counting and homotopic.Select one simplexout of each equivalence class with the probe one ofthoseselected.DefineM(+') visionthat the collapsed (n + 1)-simplex This yieldsa "dimension by adjoiningto M(') theseselected(n + 1)-simplexes. of a minimalcomplexMl. by dimension"construction







in S(X) are compatibleand homotopic, Since everytwo 0-simplexes M contains only one 0-simplex, namely the collapsed one. This implies M of S(X) is a subcomplex (4.3) Everyminimalsubcomplex of S1(X). More generallywe have minimalsubcomplex then (4.4) If thehomotopy group xr,-1(X) vanishes, forevery M of S(X) we haveM n Sn1(X) C Sn(X). PROOF. Let T be an (n - 1)-simplex of M n S.-1(X). Since all the faces of T are collapsed,T is compatible withthe collapsed(n - 1)-simplex To, and since = srn-l(X) 0, T is homotopicto To . Thus by (4.2) T = To and T is collapsed. As a corollaryof (4.4) we have (4.5) If thehomotopy groups7ri(X)vanishfor i < n thenevery minimalsubM ofS(X) is a subcomplex complex ofS,(X). 5. The main homotopy We shall considerprisms lIqA,-, X I, q> 0

whereA,, is the (q - 1)-simplex used to define singular(q I is the closed interval0 < t ? 1. The maps

1)-simplexes while

AQ-2 -Aq1,

1 0i =

q -1

--> 11g Pg I11q-1

by settingp(x, t) = (ea l(x), t). have the maps We further qb:Aq-,-IIq, I 0


t _1

by b'(x) (x, t). The maps b' and b' are ofspecial interest. defined A continuousmapping


is called a singularq-prismin X. The singular(q





is called the ill face of P, i = 0.**, P(t)=Pbq:Aq1--X,

1. The singular(q 0


in particularP(O) and P(1) will be called the lowerand the will be considered, of base the upper singularprismP. X an Let be arcwiseconnected (5.1) space and letM be a minimalsubcomplex e some X. X to base There is then a function relative toeach of pointxs {PTI which






T in X assigns a singular(q + 1)-prismPT in X subjectto singularq-simplex thefollowing conditions

(ii) PT(O) = T. M, (iii) PT(1) is in the subcomplex (iv) If T e M then PT(t) = T forall O ? t ? 1. deconditions(i)-(iv) will be called a homotopy A function{PT} satisfying
(i) PT($ = PT

forming S(X) into M. of PT with the dimensionzero. A 0-simplexT in We begin the construction X is represented by a point x e X; we then select PT to be a path joining xt and x, withthe provision that PT is the collapsedpath ifx = x*. that PT is definedforsimplexesT of dimension<q Suppose, by induction, in X. If T is in M we define so that (i)-(iv) hold. Let T be a singularq-simplex Pr by (iv). We may thus assume that T is not in M. Considerthe following
subsets of Ilq+1

A = ka X (0) U Aq X I,

B = A

U Aq X (1),

whereAqdenotesthe boundaryof Aq. Conditions(i) and (ii) definea mapping f:A -*X such that fp+l = PT(i) fori = Oy. , q. Since A is a retractof HI+1, thereis an extension fb+1 = T,
f,: lq+il X.

The map T1 = f b+1,: Aq -* X is a singularq-simplex.The ith face of T1is PTW (1) and thus in M. Since the faces of T1 are in M, thereis in M a unique q-simplexT2 which is compatibleand homotopicwith T1. We define


so that f2 = fi = f on A and f2bq+l = T2 . The map f2 is then homotopicwith all over 7I+1 , thereis an extension fi (considered only on B). Since fi is defined are then easily verified. >- X off2. Define PT = f3 ; conditions (i)-(iv) f : Hq+1
If we denote

eptT= PT(t),

0 _. t < I,

then for every singular q-simplex T in X, ((otT) (p) is continuous simultaneously in 0 ? t _ 1 and p e Ag , and conditions (i)-(iv) can be rewritten as follows. (i)' 'pt: S(X) -- S(X) is simplicial, (ii)' po is the identity, (iii)'
(iv)' e M, =M0T VptT =T for T e Mk and 0 -< t '_ 1.







Thus in a sense (,. is a retraction of S(X) onto M while {JOt} is a homotopy connectingthis retraction with the identitymap. Thus we may say that M is a deformation retractof S(X). 6. Applications of the main homotopy We shall use the main homotopyto comparethe homologyand cohomology of the complexS(X) with those of a minimalsubcomplexM. By a suitablesimplicial subdivision ofH. one can define (see [1, ?16]) a function which to each singularprismP: Hq -> X assigns a q-dimensional chain c(P) in S(X) such that

Oc(P) = P(1)


E (-1)i c(P(")).

of ?5 and define DT = C(PT) Now let PT be the main homotopy T of S(X). There resulthomomorphisms foreach q-simplex


D: Cq(S(X))
such that


IDT + DdT =o1T


Consequentlywe have (6.1) The inclusion simplicial map i:M -- S(X) and the simplicial map while epji:M -* M is the identity S(X) -* M are such thatthecomposition 8P1: to theidentity. ip1: S(X) -* S(X) is chainhomotopic thecomposition A corollaryof (6.1) is (6.2) The inclusionmap i: M -* S(X) induces isomorphisms of thehomology M. and cohomology groupsof thespace X withthoseof theminimalcomplex of PT and C(PT) it followseasily that if T is a q-simplex From the properties -inSn(X) then D(T) is a (q + 1)-chainin S,(X). Thus (6.1) and (6.2) may be restated with S(X) and M replaced by Sn(X) and M n Sn(X) respectively. (6.3) If thehomotopy group-7r,,(X) vanishesthenthe inclusionmap j:S., (X) and cohomology ofthehomology S8-(X) inducesisomorphisms groupsof Sn(X) thisalwaysapplies tothemap S1(X) -* S(X). -with those of Sn_1(X).In particular PROOF. Considerthe inclusion maps

M n S,(X) M


4 Sn-1

n Sn(X) = M n SnI(X), it followsthat jin = in-l Since by (4.4) we have 1M1 is the inclusionmap in1 M n Sni(X) -* Snl(X). Since both in and in-i of the homology and cohomology the same applies induce isomorphisms groups, to j. of (6.3) we have As a corollary (6.4) If thehomotopy groups7ri(X) vanishfor i < n thentheinclusionmap and cohomology of thehomology groupsof sS,(X) - S(X) inducesisomorphisms S(X) withthoseof S,(X). asserted in (6.2)-(6.4) are also valid for cohomology All the isomorphisms As an example we shall indicate the reasoning groups with local coefficients. of (6.2). leadingto the analoguLe






in X (i.e. in S(X)) and let G' be the induced system Let G be a local coefficient local systemin M. The inclusionmap i:M -- S(X) induces homomorphisms:

i*: H'(X, G) --.H'(M, G').

in X with To definean inversemap proceedas follows.Let T be any q-simplex in X which leading vertex T(o) . Then PT(o) may be regardedas a 1-simplex yields an isomorphism
: G(,rlT(o)) p(T) = y[<p(T(o))]


e C'(X, G) by setting Now forany cochainf e C(M, G') we definea cochainO'f

(4Jf)(T)= p(T) f (spjT).

= qP15f that 84,f and thus 46 induceshomomorphisms It is easy to verify

4[*:H"(M, Gf)-+H2(XI G).

the identitymap. To examinethe composii* iP*is evidently The composition of the chain DT = C(PT) e C,+'(S(X)) definition tion Ski* we mustexaminethe DT is linear combination of simplexesall of whichhave the a and observethat same leadingvertexas the simplexT. Thus foreach f e C'(X, G) we may define D*f E C-1(X, G) by setting D*f(T) = f(DT) foreverysingular(q

l)-simplex T. The coboundaryformula aD*f + D*6f = 4'*i*f-

- f is Thus iff is a cocycle it followsthat i*j*f then followsby computation. the is that identity. a coboundary, sl*i* proving we briefly discuss As an exampleof anotherapplicationofthe main homotopy the maps of a simplicialcomplexinto the space X. .s of Let K be a simplicialcomplexwith orderedvertices.For each q-simplex onto K thereis a unique simplicialmap T, : Aq-4 K whichmaps Aqsimplicially the orderof the vertices. s and preserves Let f : K -> X be a continuousmap and let M be a minimalsubcomplexof S(X). The map f will be called minimalif foreverysimplexs of K the singular simplexfT8 is in M. thehomotopy toa minimalmap. Further mapf: K -* X is homotopic (6.5) Every f is minimalthen of K on which At may be so chosenthatif L is a subcomplex pointy e L. ot(y) = f(y) forevery PROOF. Let {ept} be the homotopyretracting S(X) onto M as definedin ?5. For each simplex s of K considerthe homotopy

ot,e =


on each simplexs, together yield the desiredhomoThe homotopies At a defined topyAt.







7. Uniqueness of minimalcomplexes Suppose that in the arcwise connectedspace X we have, in addition to the minimalcomplexM, anotherminimalcomplexM1 (constructed relativeto some

(7.1) The simplicialmap (p of ?5 maps theminimalcomplex Ml isomorphically M. ontotheminimalcomplex Use will be made of the following elementary lemma, the proofof whichis left to the reader. (7.2) If P1 and P2 are twoq-prisms in X such thatP"i) = P(K) fori = 0, ... q - 1, thenPI(0) and P2(0) are homotopic if and only if Pi(1) and P2(1) are homotopic. In orderto establish(7.1) we shall proveby induction that501 maps the q-skeleton M(') of M1 isomorphically onto the q-skeleton M(') of M. For q = 0 the propositionis obvious. Suppose inductivelythat the propositionis valid for in M, and suppose that (AT1 = (PT2 = T. Let T1 and T2 be two q-simplexes Then sp(T(s) = T(") = v1(T(t)). Thus by the inductivehypothesis T(t) T(") = = q T1 and are fori = 0,. fori P") , i.e., T2 compatible. 0,*, q SinceP(Tj) and PT1(1) =PT2(1) it follows from(7.2) that PT,(0) and PT2(0) are homotopic. and since they are both in the minimalcomplex Thus T1 and T2 are homotopic, = T1 . that it follows T2 M, Let now T be any q-simplexof M. By the inductivehypothesis there is for in M1 such that sp1Tjeach i = 0., *- , q a unique (q - l)-simplex TX T=). ConsiderthesubsetA = Aq X (1) u AqX I of Hl+q wherea, is theboundary of simplexT together definea map Aq . The singularprismsPT, and the singular

base point x4).


f:Asuch that
fb'41 = T,;fp'? = PTi

X fori = 0... ,q.

Since A is a retractof ll+, the map f can be extendedto a singularprismP. Considerthe singularq-simplexT = P(o). Since Tji) = Ti, the faces of T there is in M1 a (unique) q-simplex T' compatible are in M1 and therefore with T. For the prisms P and PT' we then have p"i) = P(T?) for and homotopic i = 0, , q and P(O) and PT'(0) are homotopic.It follows that P(1) = T and in Since are both are PT'(1) =pT' homotopic. they M, we conclude that T = (p1T'.This concludesthe proof. 8. Completesemi-simplicial complexes We write [mlforthe orderedset (0, 1, , n), wherem is an integer? 0. monotone function By a map a: [mi]-> In] will always be meant a weakly from monotonewill be called degenerate. [m] to [n]. A map whichis not strictly A map a: [m] -* [n] induces a simplicialmap &: Am-* An. Thus for every X the composition Ta is defined;we shall write Ta singular simplex T:A, -An





instead of T&. This operationTa could be used, in place of the conceptof the face,as a starting pointofthe definition of S(X). The corresponding abstract theorywill now be outlined. A complete semi-simplicial complex K is a collectionof "simplexes"o-,to each of whichis attached a dimension a and each q > 0, such that foreach q-simplex an m-simplexaa of K, subject map a: [m]-- [q],where m > 0, thereis defined to the conditions a E, = a. (8.1) If evis theidentity map [q] [q],then (8.2) If A: [n]-* [m],then(ata): = c(ac). Wheneverthe relationa = ra subsists,we say that a lies on r. A completesemi-simplicial complex is semi-simplicial (?1) in the following sense. Let ~0i<q Eq:[q -l[q]

be the map which covers all of [q] except the integeri. Then the definition o is a q-simplex, cr4 where =k turnsK into a semi-simplicial complex; moreover,one verifies readilythat the simplexa(j0, ... iq-n) of ?1 may be written op, wherep: [q- n] -> [q] is defined by p = ii i <_q-n. 0 < i With this understanding, all of the discussionof ?1 and 2 applies, except that on a subcomplex the requirements and a simplicialmap becomemorestringent: L C K is a subcomplexif o e L impliesaa e L; and T: K -> K1 is simplicial if and a any map of [m]into [q],where T(aa) = (Ta)a. Here a is any simplex, dim a = q. For every integer m >- 0 introduce a complete semi-simplicial complex of K[m] is any map a: [q] -* [m]. For everymap K[m] as follows.A q-simplex a: [n] -> [q]the simplexoa is definedas the compositemap. a is degenerate A q-simplex ifit has a factorization ra, wherea is degenerate. (8.3) A q-simplexcrof a complete semi-simplicial complexK has a unique "minimal" factorization wherea is a map onto,and r is a non-degenerate Tra, simplex.The dimension of r will be calledtherankofa. r'a' wherea': [q] PROOF. Because of (8.1), a has at least one factorization Let m = m(a) be thesmallest such m' and [m'],m' < q and r' is an m'-simplex. let Ta be the corresponding factorization. We assertthat r is non-degenerate and a is onto. Indeedifr is degenerate thenr = r'/where I: [m]-> [m']is degenerate. Then /3 : [m"] -* ['] with may be factoredinto 3 = &ywherey:[m] -[i"], [ In" < m. Consequently a = Tra = -r'/a= (WS)(ya) where ya: [q] -+ [m], contrary of m. Similarlyif a is not onto then a = To where/: [q] > to the definition [m'], y:[m'] -> [m] and m' < m. Hence a- = r(yy) - (ry)/ with /3:[q]- + [m'] form' < m. This showsthe existence ofa factorization assertedin (8.3). To prove the uniquenesssof this factorization, suppose that a = rial with T1 non-degenerate and a, a mappingof [q] onto [ml].We shall show that 1 = r and a, = a. Since both a and a, are onto thereexistmaps
-> [q], /3:[m]

/3:[ml]-* [q]








au,1 -


= Cm . This impliesr = ri-. Suppose that Consequently ml = m and al3 =43o forsome i X [q] we have a(i) 5 ai(i). We may select,3so that fla(i) = i, then a =a, . a, = CEm . Consequently aigai = ali 5 ai contradicting is theid' faceofa. aNoticethatif a: [ml-* [q],thena E K[q] and a.(7 forany q-simplex a-we have (aa) -r (aC = Therefore (aCm) = abet). Thus

Sincerjax = ira wehave -iaiI3= ra = TECm=r andsimilarly ia(39 = ri . Since the maps al3 and a,43 both X and r1are non-degenerate are non-degenerate.


(o a-)


a: [q] -+ [ml onto nowthata = ia is theminimal factorization ofa with Suppose If a(') is ontothenio(t) = o-( is theminimal and r non-degenerate. factorization of a() and rank aa = rank a. If a) : [q - 1] [mlis not ontothen aci) = Em x is onto.Thus where 3:[q - 1] -* [m - 11
(i) =

either a(" is onto, given factorization (8.5) If a = -a is theminimal by (8.3) then and thenra(t) is theminimal or a(') is not onto and then rank a of (t) factorization a'W< ranka. suchthat (8.6) If a and a, are degenerate q-simplexes at a-_j) fori = 0, ...* q, thena- = a. be minimalfactorizations with a:[q] PROOF. Let a = ia, a1 = i-1a1 [m], -> a exist such is onto there at Since and least two indices degenerate a,: [q] [ml]. j

a") < dim7-(a) < dim rank that and since( is ontoit follows we have marizing



__ -

ai Tat = -C




of(8.5) weprove As an application

thata(") is onto.Thenby (8.5)


rank a = rank a(J( =rank a(-' < rank ai



we provethat mi < m. Thus m = Similarly Tlal'). Thus r = and a(

a2(:) a(i) is onto for thesamevaluesofj for which a- andtherefore is onto. Forsuch factorizations ra '3 and a value ofj the simplex a) = a() has two minimal

rank aWConsequently


thisis true for at leasttwoindices thata = a, . Thusa ], itfollows

a(i). This impliesa(i)

ao(i) fori F j. Since



9. Complete inimal complexes in?8,thetotalsingular As was already remarked early S(X) ofa space complex X maybe regarded as a complete to minimal semi-simplicial complex. Turning to require it is natural thattheminimal subcomplexes complex M, be a subcomas a complete plexofS(X) regarded Thusan additional semi-simplicial complex. has to be imposed: condition ofM and a: [ml-* [qithenTa is an m-simplex (9.1) If T is a q-simplex ofM. in in the construction It willbe shown thata slight ofM described change






First observethat in view of (8.6) two ?4 will insurethis additional property. are equal. Thus the equivalence are that compatible of S(X) simplexes degenerate simplex. at M(n+l) in ?4 each contains mostone degenerate classesused in defining is one there whenever selected be simplex We shall requirethat the degenerate of a case The holds. (9.1) that prove now We must class. equivalence in the of choice = T't for a suitable Ta ...m) then since trivial is non-degenerate ... a Ta are and therefore also degenerate. then that Assume < is-m. il < i2 is valid form = 0 since then a is not degenerate.Suppose, by The proposition is in M holds form - 1. Then (Ta)(") = Tac(0) the that proposition induction, all of its faces in with is a Ta simplex Thus in degenerate and therefore M(ml). in M. it Ta is follows that of the construction modification M(m-1). By our so as to Turningto the main homotopyof ?5, we modifythe construction in the sense of semi-simplicomplete a be map simplicial insurethat each map cpt cial complexes.Thus we must replace the condition

condition by the stronger (**)

Pt(T() = ('ptT)(t)

f t(Ta)


and a: [m]-* [p]. whereT is a singular p-simplex forall singularsimplexesT of dimenSuppose thenthat (ptThas been defined the conditionsof ?5 as well as condition(**) for sion < q and that it satisfies T. Let T = q-simplexes the degenerate singular m < q and p < q. First consider r where non-degenerate is a (8.3) by "minimal" factorization given the be Tra and a: [q] -* [mlis onto withm < q. Define m-simplex =pjT= ('ptr)a. define forall degenerate q-simplexes 'PtTforthe nonAfter 'ptThas been defined non-degenerate all for is assured in Thus as (*) ?5. exactly q-simplexes degenerate the also for holds q-simplexes. that show degenerate shall We (*) q-simplexes. Indeed we have (Pt(T"') = 'pt(Ta() = ('ptr)a() = (ptT) We nowprove(**) for Ta, a: [m] -> [p],m _<q, p < q. Firstconsider q-simplexes In this case (**) followsfrom(*) since Ta the case when a is non-degenerate. - q-m) the case forsuitableindicesii < i2 < ... < i-m . Next consider is T".i of T thenTa = r (Oea)is whena is onto. If T = ,r1is the minimalfactorization of Ta and therefore the minimalfactorization

'Pt(Ta) = pt(TrIa)= ((ptr)13a= ('pT)a.

into a = ala2 whereal is nondegenerate Since any a: [q] -> [m]may be factored that (**) holdsforall a. and a2 is onto,it follows







10. Normalization complexand G = {G(a), ey(j) a local Let K be a completesemi-simplicial systemof abelian groupsin K. A cochainf e Cq(I, G) will be called normalized a ofK. It willbe shownin q-simplex providedthatf(a) = 0 foreverydegenerate the sequel that the coboundaryof a normalizedcochain is again normalized. group obtained using only normalized Let Hq (K, G) denote the cohomology let H' (K, G) = Zq (K, G)/B' (K, G), whereZ' is the group cochains.Explicitly of normalizedq-cocycleswhile B' is the group of coboundariesof normalized (q - 1)-cochains.The inclusionsZ' C Zq and B' C Bq then yield a natural H', H. The main resultof this sectionis homomorphism onto: H'(K, G) -+ H(K, G) is an isomorphism (10.1) The homomorphism
(K, G) nq

Hq(K, G)

of the normalization As will be shown in [4] this theoremis a generalization theoremin cohomologytheoryof groups [3, ?6] [2]. The proofof (10.1) that of that of [3]. followsis a directgeneralization In addition to the identitymap cq: [q] -- [q] and its faces eq:[q [q], themaps i = 0, * ,q we shallalso consider
77q [q][q -1 i = O. -q1

j _ i and yj = j - 1 fori < j. We note that defined by 7qj = j for totalityofall themaps of[q]onto[q - 11. will constantly be used identities The following

is}iS the

?q4q =
7q 71E

?Eq- 7aq=77q

for j < i

77 71'1?1q q_1

for i + 1 <j

7qa-17 q =

j ? i

2-l= 77q1

7-1 7_q

for i < j.

a- = rq for cr form if and onlyif it has the ofK is degenerate (10.2) A q-simplex , q-1. somei = 0, If a-is degenerate PROOF. Since 11 is degenerate, then rnq mustbe degenerate. Thus a(i) = a(i + 1) it factorsinto a = ra wherea: [q] -* [m]is degenerate. 1. It followsthat a factorsinto a = f3q' where for some i = 0, - , qas desired. 1] [m].Thus a- (r13)X [q identity 1(1) = 3(0) and y(l3)is the 1-simplex ofK then (10.3) If 1 is a degenerate -> G((o)). map G(f3(1)) 0 PROOF. By (10.2) 1 must have the form = a-q wherea is a 0-simplex. The then imply1(0) = a = #(l). Considerthe 2-simplex identities 0q2 = W702 * By we have ofa local system, definition
I I y ( 2)ay(avji?0e?)





all giveacl inparentheses thattheexpressions It follows from theidentities

Thus y (j) = identity. (i A cochainf e C'(K, G) willbe called i-normalized



* , q) if

for all j



are in viewof (10.2) cochains The q-normalized Everycochain is 0-normalized. cochains. the normalized then so is 8f. (10.4) If f is i-normalized, PROOF. Let k < i. Then




ei+l) E (- 1)'f(WOt+I

= f((ftCrl 1) - 0 leading edgeof r*+i. Forj < kwehavef(anT+ieq+i) where , isthe A = f(Cer'-nI) = 0 for + 1 < j. since Similarly f is i-normalized. f(u_7k+lic+1) Forj = k, k + 1 we have

f(u_0+,4+i) = f(or) = fo


the Thus we obtainthat (6f)(akil+) = 0 if k > 0. For k 0 thereremains 13 is degenedgeofo +1. Since : is theleading expression y(f)f(f) - f(o), where and thetwoterms thaty(Q) is theidentity cancelout. (10.3)implies erate, cochain there is a cochain bfis normalized, f e Cq(K, G) suchthat (10.5)For every

g e C'-(K, G) suchthatf- Sgis normalized. cochainsfo, cochainf e C' construct


The proofdependson the following withthe Starting algorithm.

, fE CE

as induction

and go, *,

1 e C'-' by

o = f,

fi+1 = A -


= 6fforall i. Since fq = f -g, fori = 0, * , q -1. Then clearly fti =fo + gq-l it suffices to showthatfq is normalized. We shall where g = go+ thatfj is i-normalized. This is clearly validfori = 0. We proveby induction and assume that Sincefor j < i wehave proceed by induction fi is i-normalized. gi(ang'-) =) (-1)( fa(un 1-q) = 0,

is i-normalized andtherefore Thusby (10.4)6gi giis i-normalized. +1isi-normalwe use the is ized.To show that I + identity fig (i 1)-normalized


theidentities and thefact follows which computation using by straightforward theright handsideis zero. Sinceefc= Bfis normalized, thatfi is i-normalized. This concludes of the proof Thusfi+j(a-q')= 0 andfj+jis (i + 1)-normalized. (10.5). of (10.5). Indeediff e Z then consequence Theorem (10.1) is an immediate and (10.5) yields a cochain g e CG suchthatf - bgis 5f= 0 is normalized is H' -I thatthehomomorphism Sincef - g e Z? thisshows normalized.







nowthath e Z' and thath = bfforsomef e Cq'-. Since5) =h onto.Assume Thus h is the is a g e c2 suchthatf - 6g is normalized. there is normalized thatH' -+ H' is an isocochain ofthenormalized f - 6g, showing coboundary morphism. (10.1) a more we can givetheorem to simplecoefficients, ourselves If we limit ifit is a linear combination ofK degenerate Call a chain interpretation. intuitive as in (10.4)shows thattheboundThe sameargument simplexes. ofdegenerate chain.Thus thedegenerate chains is a degenerate simplex ary ofa degenerate ofK (regarded D which is a subcomplex as a chain complex form a chain complex groups cohomology complex).The normalized and not as a semi-simplicial groups cohomology elsethantherelative nothing H' (K, G) arethen H'(K, D, 6). sequence If we examine the cohomology

-* H"(K, D, G) - H(K

G) -> H(D

G) -> H+'(K

D, G)*-

= image > thatH'(K, D, G) H-(K, G) implies property) (kernel theexactness ontoforall valuesofq if and onlyifH(D, G) = 0 forall is an isomorphism thatthis theorems coefficient universal from wellknown dimensions q. It follows Hq(D) vanish. groups homology holdsforall G if and onlyif all the integral with thisis equivalent thestatement zerochains, no non-trivial SinceD contains with is equivalent for coefficients Thus(10.1)stated simple only thatD is acyclic.

chain complexD of a complete complex semi-simplicial (10.6) The degenerate is acyclic.

butthen(10.1)wouldstillhaveto be of (10.6) couldbe given, A direct proof forlocal coefficients. proved


ill S. [2] [3] S.

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