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Page 218 Intiouuction to ANSYS


RH Tecbnologies,
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Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 219


Intiouuction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
0bjectives .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Lectuie Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Concepts: Intiouuction to ANSYS ...................................................................................................................... S
ANSYS Funuamentals ............................................................................................................................................. 4
About Ansys ............................................................................................................................................................... S
Finite Element Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 8
ANSYS Inteiface ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
uiaphical 0sei Inteiface ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Batabase anu Files ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Lab Woikshop ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Woikshop 1: Intiouuctoiy Woikshop .......................................................................................................... 16
Woikshop 2: uetting Staiteu ............................................................................................................................ 22

Intiouuction ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
0bjectives .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Lectuie Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................... Su
Plot ANSYS Entities ............................................................................................................................................... S1
Plot Contiols ............................................................................................................................................................ S2
Picking ........................................................................................................................................................................ S4
Cooiuinate System ................................................................................................................................................ SS
Select Logic ............................................................................................................................................................... S6
Components ............................................................................................................................................................. S8

Page 22u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lab Woikshop ......................................................................................................................................................................... S9
Woikshop 1: Ansys Basic ................................................................................................................................... S9

Intiouuction ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
0bjectives .................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Lectuie Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4S
Nouel Symmetiy .................................................................................................................................................... 44
Impoit CAB ueometiy ......................................................................................................................................... 4S
ueometiy Cieation ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Top-Bown Noueling ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Bottom -0p Noueling .......................................................................................................................................... Su
Lab Woikshop ......................................................................................................................................................................... S2
Woikshop 1: Impoiting IuES ueometiy ....................................................................................................... S2
Woikshop 2 : Impoiting SAT ueometiy ....................................................................................................... S4
Woikshop S: Impoiting SAT Assembly ........................................................................................................ S6
Woikshop 4: Impoiting Paiasoliu ueometiy ............................................................................................. S8
Woikshop S: Impoiting Paiasoliu Assembly ............................................................................................. 6u
Woikshop 6: Pillow Block (Top - Bown) .................................................................................................... 6S
Woikshop 7: Connecting Rou (Bottom -0p) .............................................................................................. 7S
Woikshop 8: Connecting Rou (Impoit Clean 0p) ................................................................................. 8S

Intiouuction ............................................................................................................................................................. 89
0bjectives .................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Lectuie Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Element Attiibutes ................................................................................................................................................ 91
Nesh Contiol ............................................................................................................................................................ 92

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 221

Cieate Nesh .............................................................................................................................................................. 9S
Lab Woikshop ......................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Woikshop 1: Silo .................................................................................................................................................... 94
Woikshop 2: Pillow Block ............................................................................................................................... 1u4
Woikshop S: Connecting Rou ........................................................................................................................ 1u8
Woikshop 4: Cottei Pin .................................................................................................................................... 112
Woikshop S: Impellei ....................................................................................................................................... 11S
Woikshop 6: Wheel ........................................................................................................................................... 12u

Intiouuction .......................................................................................................................................................... 12S
0bjectives ............................................................................................................................................................... 12S
Lectuie Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Befine Nateiial .................................................................................................................................................... 127
Loauing & Bounuaiy Conuitions .................................................................................................................. 128
Solution ................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Lab Woikshop ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1Su
Woikshop 1: 0sei Input Nateiial ................................................................................................................ 1Su
Woikshop 2: Nateiial Libiaiy Input ........................................................................................................... 1S4
Woikshop S: Loauing & Solution - SB Biacket ....................................................................................... 1S8
Woikshop 4: Loauing & Solution - Connecting Rou ............................................................................ 141
Woikshop S: Loauing & Solution - Wheel ................................................................................................ 14S

Intiouuction .......................................................................................................................................................... 146
0bjectives ............................................................................................................................................................... 146
Lectuie Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 147
Element Types ...................................................................................................................................................... 148

Page 222 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Nateiial Piopeities Requiieu ........................................................................................................................ 149
Loaus & Bounuaiy Conuitions ....................................................................................................................... 1Su
Solution 0ptions .................................................................................................................................................. 1S1
Post Piocessing .................................................................................................................................................... 1S2
Types of Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 1SS
Lineai Static Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 1S4
Non Lineai Static Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 1SS
Noual Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 1S6
Tiansient Bynamic Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 1S7
Buckling Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 1S8
Lab Woikshop ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1S9
Woikshop 1: Lineai Static Analysis - Lathe Cuttei .............................................................................. 1S9
Woikshop 2: Nonlineai Static Analysis - Laigeu Beflection Aicheu Beam ............................... 17S
Woikshop S: Noual Analysis - 0 Biacket ................................................................................................. 18u
Woikshop 4: Tiansient Bynamic Analysis ............................................................................................... 18S
Woikshop S: Buckling Analysis .................................................................................................................... 19u

Intiouuction .......................................................................................................................................................... 19S
0bjectives ............................................................................................................................................................... 19S
Lectuie Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 196
Element Types ...................................................................................................................................................... 197
Nateiial Piopeities Requiieu ........................................................................................................................ 198
Loaus & Bounuaiy Conuitions ....................................................................................................................... 199
Solution 0ptions .................................................................................................................................................. 2uu
Post Piocessing .................................................................................................................................................... 2u1
Types of Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 2u2
Steauy State Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 2uS
Tiansient Theimal Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 2u4

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 22S

Lab Woikshop ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2uS
Woikshop 1: Axisymmetiic Pipe with Fins.............................................................................................. 2uS
Woikshop 2: Transient Thermal Analysis of a Fin ............................................................................. 212

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1



Ansys enables you to uo vaiious types of finite element analysis such as Stiuctuial, Theimal, Fluiu
Flow, Electiomagnetic, Coupleu Fielu etc. You can cieate soliu mouel, FE mouel anu Postpiocess
the iesults using u0I moue as well as commanu piompt. You also have the ability to uo paiametiic
moueling foi youi uesign optimization stuuy.

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Iuentify coie ANSYS Capabilities.
Know how finite element analysis woiks
0se ANSYS piouuct launchei
Navigate the ANSYS menus anu toolbais.
Nanage ANSYS Batabase anu files.

Page 2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Post Processing
Concepts: Introduction to ANSYS

Concepts: Introduction to ANSYS
ANSYS is a poweiful, finite element analysis tool useu to cieate soliu mouel, FE mouel anu vaiious
types of analysis uuiing new piouuct uevelopment. ANSYS helps to caiiy out stiuctuial, theimal
fluiu flow, electiomagnetic, couple fielu, NvB, Ciash analysis.
ANSYS is mainly consists of thiee main steps
Post Piocessing
These concepts aie uiscusseu in uetails on the following sliues

Page 4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Pre Processing
Importing solid model from other CAD software
Creating solid model in ANSYS
Creating FE model
Define Load & Boundary Conditions
Define Analysis type
Run the analysis
Post Processing
Review the results
ANSYS Fundamentals

ANSYS Fundamentals
Eveiy Finite element analysis tool iequiies CAB geometiy as input to cieate FE analysis. This
piocess of cieating oi impoiting the soliu mouel anu FE mouel is calleu as piepiocessing. In ANSYS
soliu mouel will be eithei uiiectly cieateu in ANSYS using soliu moueling commanus oi it can be
impoiteu fiom othei CAB softwaie. FE mouel is nothing but is then cieateu fiom input geometiy to
caiiy out iequiieu analysis.
0sing ANSYS solution menu you can apply uiffeient loaus anu bounuaiy conuitions to youi pioblem
anu uefine the suitable analysis type. ANSYS solves the iequiieu analysis using its solvei.
Post Processing
0nce the ANSYS solves the submitteu analysis usei can ieview the iesults using Post Piocessing
tools. You can take the images, sections anu also see anu cieate animation of the iesults.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
ANSYS Workbench
ICEM CFD Solution

About Ansys
ANSYS family of piouuct incluues,
ANSYS - Auvanceu nonlineai mechanical anu multiphysics FEA solution capabilities
ANSYS Woikbench - Complete enviionment foi geometiy moueling, mesh manipulation,
stiuctuialtheimal analysis, anu optimization, which is tightly integiateu with CAB
CFX - State-of-the-ait CFB solveis, incluuing the coupleu, paiallel CFX-S solvei
ICEN CFB - Poweiful meshing tools with geneial pie- anu post-piocessing featuies,
incluuing ICEN CFB foi geneiating complex CFB giius anu AI*Enviionment foi cieating
with sophisticateu stiuctuial FEA meshes

Page 6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Fluid (CFD, Acoustics, and other fluid analyses)
Low- and High-Frequency Electromagnetic
Coupled Field
About ANSYS (cont.)

About ANSYS {cont.]
ANSYS is a complete FEA softwaie package useu by engineeis woiluwiue in viitually all fielus of
engineeiing. Paitial listing of the capabilities:
o Lineai
o Nonlineai
Nateiial, ueometiic, Contact
o Bynamics
Noual, Baimonic, Tiansient Bynamic, Spectium, Ranuom vibiation
Explicit Bynamics with ANSYS LS-BYNA
o Steauy State anu Tiansient
Fluiu (CFB, Acoustics, anu othei fluiu analyses)
Low- anu Bigh-Fiequency Electiomagnetic
Coupleu Fielu

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 7

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Bridges & Buildings
Electronics & Appliances
Heavy Equipment & Machinery
MEMS - Micro Electromechanical Systems
Sporting Goods
About ANSYS (cont.)

About ANSYS {cont.]
Because of vast capabilities of ANSYS it is useu in almost all inuustiies foi FE analysis. Following is
the paitial list of inuustiies in which ANSYS is useu,
Biiuges & Builuings
Electionics & Appliances
Beavy Equipment & Nachineiy
NENS - Nicio Electiomechanical Systems
Spoiting uoous

Page 8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
What is FEA?
Need of FEA
Finite Element Analysis
Physical System
F.E. Model

Finite Element Analysis
Wbat is FEA?
Finite Element Analysis is a way to simulate loauing conuitions on a uesign anu ueteimine the
uesign's iesponse to those conuitions. The uesign is moueleu using uisciete builuing blocks calleu
Need of FEA
To ieuuce the amount of piototype testing
o Computei simulation allows multiple "what-if" scenaiios to be testeu quickly anu
To simulate uesigns that aie not suitable foi piototype testing
o Example: Suigical implants, such as an aitificial knee
The bottom line:
o Cost savings
o Time savings. ieuuce time to maiket!
o Cieate moie ieliable, bettei-quality uesigns

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 9

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Working with ANSYS
Interactive Mode
Batch Mode
Starting ANSYS
Command Line
Product Launcher
ANSYS Interface

ANSYS Interface
Working witb ANSYS
Two ways of woiking with ANSYS: Inteiactive anu Batch Noues
Inteiactive moue allows you to inteiact "live" with ANSYS, ieviewing each opeiation as you
Batch moue allows you to submit a batch file of commanus which ANSYS iuns in the
We will mainly covei inteiactive moue in this couise.
Starting ANSYS
Commanu Line Stait-up
o Allows you to stait ANSYS by enteiing a commanu at the system level.
o Not uiscusseu in this couise, uetails can be founu in the 0peiations uuiue.

Page 1u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Product Launcher
ANSYS Interface (cont.)

ANSYS Interface {cont.]
Starting ANSYS
Piouuct Launchei
o Allows you to select anu stait ANSYS piouucts anu utilities.
o 0n 0nix systems, issue launchei1uu to biing up the launchei.
o 0n Winuows systems, piess:
Stait > Piogiams > ANSYS 1u.u > ANSYS Piouuct Launchei
Piouuct Launchei has foui tabs,
File Nanagement - 0seu to specify the Woiking Biiectoiy anu a }ob Name of youi choosing.
The uefault }ob Name is "file".
CustomizationPiefeiences - set memoiy options, iun a custom veision of ANSYS, uefine
paiameteis, set the language to be useu by the uiaphical 0sei Inteiface (u0I), anu specify a
uiaphics Bevice (2B oi SB).
Bistiibuteu Solvei Setup - set up Paiallel Peifoimance solving options.
NFX-ANSYSCFX Setup - set up ANSYS Nulti-fielu solving options foi ANSYS anu CF

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 11

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Graphical User Interface
Icon Toolbar Menu
Abbreviation Toolbar
Utility Menu
Graphics Area
Main Menu
Input Line
Current Settings
Raise/Hidden Icon
User Prompt Info
Command Window Icon
Model Control
Contact Manager

Crapbical User Interface
uiaphical 0sei Inteiface (u0I) consists of,
Nain Nenu
0tility Nenu
uiaphics Aiea
Icon Toolbai Nenu
0tility Nenu
Input Line
Commanu Winuow Icon
Nouel Contiol Toolbai
Raise Biuuen Icon
Contact Nanagei Icon
0sei Piompt Info
Cuiient Settings
0utput Winuow

Page 12 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Save and Resume
Clearing the Database
Typical Files
jobname.db, .dbb
jobname.rst, .rth, .rmg, .rfl
Database and Files

Database and Files
The teim ANSYS Jotobose iefeis to the uata ANSYS maintains in memoiy as you builu, solve, anu
postpiocess youi mouel.
The uatabase stoies both youi input uata anu some iesults uata:
Input uata - infoimation you must entei, such as mouel uimensions, mateiial piopeities,
anu loau uata.
Results uata - a set of quantities that ANSYS calculates, such as uisplacements, stiesses,
stiains, anu ieaction foices.
Save and Resume
Since the uatabase is stoieu in the computei's memoiy (RAN), it is goou piactice to save it
to uisk fiequently so that you can iestoie the infoimation in the event of a computei ciash
oi powei failuie.
The SAvE opeiation copies the uatabase fiom memoiy to a file calleu the uatabase file (oi
ub file foi shoit).

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Save and Resume
Clearing the Database
Typical Files
jobname.db, .dbb
jobname.rst, .rth, .rmg, .rfl
Database and Files

Database and Files {cont.]
Save and Resume
To iestoie the uatabase fiom the ub file back into memoiy, use the RES0NE opeiation.
The uefault file name foi SAvE anu RES0NE is jobname.ub, but you can choose a uiffeient
name by using the "Save as" oi "Resume fiom" functions.
Clearing tbe Database
The Cleai Batabase opeiation allows you to "zeio out" the uatabase anu stait fiesh. It is
similai to exiting anu ie-enteiing ANSYS.

Page 14 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Save and Resume
Clearing the Database
Typical Files
jobname.db, .dbb
jobname.rst, .rth, .rmg, .rfl
Database and Files

Database and Files {cont.]
ANSYS wiites anu ieaus seveial files uuiing an analysis. File names aie of the foimat jobnome.ext.
o A name you choose while staiting ANSYS, up to S2 chaiacteis. Befaults to file.
o Can be changeu within ANSYS with the FILNANE commanu (0tility Nenu > File >
Change }obname).
o Iuentifies the contents of the file, such as .Jb foi uatabase.
o 0sually assigneu by ANSYS but can be uefineu by usei (ASSIuN).

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Save and Resume
Clearing the Database
Typical Files
jobname.db, .dbb
jobname.rst, .rth, .rmg, .rfl
Database and Files

Database and Files {cont.]
Typical files
jobnome.log: Log file, ASCII.
o Contains a log of eveiy commanu issueu uuiing the session.
o If you stait a seconu session with the same jobname in the same woiking uiiectoiy,
ANSYS will oppenJ to the pievious log file (with a time stamp).
jobnome.eii: Eiioi file, ASCII.
o Contains all eiiois anu wainings encounteieu uuiing the session. ANSYS will also
oppenJ to an existing eiioi file.
jobnome.ub, .ubb: Batabase file, binaiy.
o Compatible acioss all suppoiteu platfoims., .ith, .img, .ifl: Results files, binaiy.
o Contains iesults uata calculateu by ANSYS uuiing solution.
o Compatible acioss all suppoiteu platfoims.

Page 16 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Introductory Worksbop
All of the featuies shown in this woikshop will be explaineu in uetail in latei chapteis. The
puipose of this shoit woikshop is to intiouuce the stuuent to the inteiface by plotting some iesults
of the mouel solveu by the Instiuctoi at the enu of Chaptei 2.
Task 1: Upen ANSYS witb tbe Launcber
1. uo to START > Piogiams > ANSYS 1u.u > ANSYS Piouuct Launchei
2. Fiom the uiop uown menus at the top, select "Simulation Enviionment" as "ANSYS" anu
S. Fill in Woiking Biiectoiy specifieu by the instiuctoi anu the }ob Name "woikshop2"
4. Click "Run" at the bottom of the Launchei

Intiouuction to ANSYS

Task 2: Resume Database
1. Click the RES0N_BB Icon
This will iesume the uatabase in the woiking uiiectoiy with
Task 3: Plot tbe area, lines and nodes
1. In the 0tility Nenu, click on "Plot", then "Aieas"
2. Also, plot "Lines" anu "Noues"

This will iesume the uatabase in the woiking uiiectoiy with the cuiient filename,

Plot tbe area, lines and nodes
In the 0tility Nenu, click on "Plot", then "Aieas"
Also, plot "Lines" anu "Noues"

Page 17
the cuiient filename,

Page 18

Task 4: Plot Results
1. In the ANSYS Nain Nenu, click on the ueneial Postpioc
2. Then click on Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
This will biing up a winuow wheie you can select postpiocessing (see the next
Intiouuction to
In the ANSYS Nain Nenu, click on the ueneial Postpioc
Then click on Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
This will biing up a winuow wheie you can select postpiocessing (see the next

Intiouuction to ANSYS
This will biing up a winuow wheie you can select postpiocessing (see the next

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 19

S. Select Noual Solution > B0F Solution > Y-Component of Bisplacement, anu click |Applyj
Note, this was the plot that the Instiuctoi showeu you uemonstiating the match
with theoiy.

Page 2u Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. Select Noual Solution > Stiess > von Nises Stiess
Also, select to plot with "Befoimeu shape with unuefoimeu euge", click |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 21

Task 5: Exist ANSYS
1. Click on the Q0IT Icon
2. Select "Quit - No Save!", Click |0Kj

Page 22

Worksbop 2: Cetting Started
1. uo to START > Piogiams > ANSYS 1u.u > ANSYS Piouuct Launchei
2. Click on the File Nanagement tab anu select the ANSYS Simulation Enviionment anu an
available license
S. Fill in Woiking Biiectoiy specifieu by the Instiuctoi anu a }obname of "block"
Click on the CustomizationPiefeiences Tab anu 0ncheck '0se custom memoiy
settings' (if checkeu)
Change to SB uiaphics Bevice anu click Run
Intiouuction to
Worksbop 2: Cetting Started
uo to START > Piogiams > ANSYS 1u.u > ANSYS Piouuct Launchei
Click on the File Nanagement tab anu select the ANSYS Simulation Enviionment anu an
Fill in Woiking Biiectoiy specifieu by the Instiuctoi anu a }obname of "block"

Click on the CustomizationPiefeiences Tab anu 0ncheck '0se custom memoiy
settings' (if checkeu)
Change to SB uiaphics Bevice anu click Run

Intiouuction to ANSYS
Click on the File Nanagement tab anu select the ANSYS Simulation Enviionment anu an
Fill in Woiking Biiectoiy specifieu by the Instiuctoi anu a }obname of "block"
Click on the CustomizationPiefeiences Tab anu 0ncheck '0se custom memoiy

Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. veiify the launchei input by ievi
S. Nouify the u0I layout anu save the changes:
Resize the giaphics winuow (make suie pait of output winuow is visible)
Resize the main menu
0tility Nenu > NenuCtils > Save Nenu Layout

veiify the launchei input by ieviewing the output winuow.
Nouify the u0I layout anu save the changes:
Resize the giaphics winuow (make suie pait of output winuow is visible)
Resize the main menu
0tility Nenu > NenuCtils > Save Nenu Layout

Page 2S

Resize the giaphics winuow (make suie pait of output winuow is visible)

Page 24

6. Collapse anu Expanu the Nain Nenu & Abbievia
7. Review some of the files cieateu foi the ANSYS session:
0tility Nenu > List > Files > 0thei .
List the 'block.eii' file
List the 'block.log' file
Intiouuction to
Collapse anu Expanu the Nain Nenu & Abbieviation Toolbai:
Review some of the files cieateu foi the ANSYS session:
0tility Nenu > List > Files > 0thei .
List the 'block.eii' file
List the 'block.log' file

Intiouuction to ANSYS

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2S

8. Nain Nenu Expansion Piefeiences
Right Click within the Nain Nenu, click on Piefeiences anu use the settings
shown heie:(Collapse siblings anu uo not Expanu heauings)

Now tiy the following menu paths:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Belete
Notice how the Cieate bianch closes when the Belete bianch is openeu
Now tiy the following menu path:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > KP at
o Click on the - next to Cieate
o Click on the + next to Cieate
Notice how the Cieate bianch closes then opens back to the same place (KP at centei)
Now tiy the following menu path:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > KP at
o Right Click on Cieate anu select Collapse
Notice all bianches collapse below Cieate, anu if Cieate is openeu again it uoes not open to
Keypoints > KP at centei
Right Click within the Nain Nenu, click on Piefeiences anu check Expanu
heauings(Collapse siblings anu Expanu heauings)
Now tiy the following menu path:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Copy

Page 26 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Notice how Noues anu Elements below Copy aie automatically expanueu.
Right Click within the Nain Nenu, click on Piefeiences anu uncheck Collapse
siblings anu Expanu heauings
(Bo not Collapse siblings anu uo not Expanu heauings)
Now tiy the following menu paths:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Belete
Notice both the Cieate anu Belete Bianch aie still open
Now tiy the following menu path:
o Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints
o Now Right-Click in Keypoints anu select Expanu All
Notice how all of the bianches unuei Keypoints aie expanueu
9. Review when a jobname changes:
a) 0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname.entei "test"
Notice: the new jobname "test" is uisplayeu in the u0I heauei
b) Select the "0pen ANSYS file" icon on the Icon Toolbai Nenu
Select the "block.ub" file
Notice: the "0pen ANSYS File" icon causes the jobname to be changeu to "block"
c) 0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname.entei "test"
Notice: the new jobname "test" is uisplayeu in the u0I heauei
u) 0tility Nenu > File > Resume the "block.ub" file
Notice: the jobname uisplayeu in the u0I heauei is still "test". This methou of opening a
uatabase uoes not change the jobname.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 27

1u. 0se the RaiseBiuuen Icon:
Select the "Pan-Zoom-Rotate" icon on the Icon Toolbai Nenu
Select the miuule Icon in the uppei iight coinei of the u0I winuow to make
suie u0I winuow is maximizeu
Select the Raise Biuuen Icon
o The Pan-Zoom-Rotate wiuget is biought foiwaiu
Notice: the RaiseBiuuen Icon uoes not biing the output winuow foiwaiu
11. Cieate anu use a text file as input to ANSYS:
0sing a system text euitoi, cieate a text file nameu "test.inp" containing the
following commanus.
o RES0NE,block,ub
Save the file in the c:\Couises\Intio1 uiiectoiy.
12. Reau in the cieateu text file:
0tility Nenu > File > Reau Input fiom..
Select the "test.inp" input file
Notice: this simple input file can be useu to automate the iesuming of the uatabase, anu then
plotting of the mouel lines.
1S. 0se the input winuow:
Type the following commanus in the input winuow:
o Resume,block,ub
Notice: the foimat of the commanu is uisplayeu as the commanu is being typeu
Notice: only the fiist foui chaiacteis of a commanu neeu to be enteieu.
Select the uown aiiow in the iight hanu siue of the input winuow
Notice: how the enteieu commanus aie listeu
Click on the LPL0T commanu anu piess Entei

Page 28 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Notice: how the LPL0T commanu is ieissueu
Bighlight the iesume commanu in the input winuow listing of enteieu
0se the keyboaiu upuown aiiows to scioll to the KPL0T commanu anu
piess Entei
Notice: how the KPL0T commanu is ieissueu
14. 0pen the ANSYS Commanu Winuow:
Click on the icon just to the left of the input winuow
The commanu winuow may now be moveu aiounu the scieen
Click on the X in the commanu winuow to close it

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 29



Ansys consists of vaiious entities such as geometiy oi soliu mouel entities, FE mouel entities etc.
While woiking with ANSYS many times we neeu to hanule these entities veiy effectively so as to
avoiu confusion. So using ANSYS plot inteifaces usei can plot the iequiieu entities on the scieen it
is one foim of Biueshow tool. Similaily pan, zoom, iotate anu pick options help useis woik
Cooiuinate systems in ANSYS aie having a veiy impoitant iole as it is useful foi mouel geneiation,
loau application as well as iesults viewing.
Select logic & component managei helps usei to effectively oiganize components anu assemblies
Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Plot uiffeient ANSYS entities
Pan, Zoom, Rotate the ANSYS entities
Pick uiffeient ANSYS entities
Cieate uiffeient cooiuinate systems
0se select logic
Cieate Components & Assemblies

Page Su Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S1

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Keypoint Plot
Line Plot
Area Plot
Volume Plot
Node Plot
Element Plot
Multi- Plot
Plot ANSYS Entities

Plot ANSYS Entities

Page S2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
The PlotCtrls menu is used to control how the plot is displayed:
plot orientation
Plot Controls

Plot Controls

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page SS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Dynamic Mode
Plot Controls (cont.)

Plot Controls{cont.]

Page S4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Types of Picking
Retrieval picking
Location Picking
Mouse Button Picking
Example of
Locational Picker
Example of
Retrieval Picker


Intiouuction to ANSYS Page SS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Coordinate System

Coordinate System

Page S6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
By Num/Pick
Attached to
By Location
By Attributes
By Results
Select Logic

Select Logic

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S7

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
From Full
Also Select
Select None
Select All
Select Logic (cont.)
Select None
Also Select
From Full
Select All

Select Logic {cont.]

Page S8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Component Manager


Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S9

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Ansys Basic
1. 0pen ANSYS with a jobname of block in the C:\Couises\Intio1 uiiectoiy
2. Click the RES0NE icon to iesume block.ub
S. Bynamically iotate a mouel with the SB uiivei active:
Notice the Nouel Contiol Toolbai at the iight of the giaphics winuow, shown heie
Click on the bottom most icon to tuin on Bynamic Nouel Noue
0se only the mouse to uynamically iotate the mouel
o (iemembei, left mouse = pan, miuule mouse = zoomspin, iight mouse =
4. Plot vaiious entities with
0tility Nenu > Plot >
o Aieas
o Lines
o Noues
S. 0se select logic to select all noues at a x cooiuinate of zeio
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities
o Change the selections to Noue anu By Location
o Click on the X cooiuinates button
o Entei a value of zeio anu piess 0K
6. Plot anu list the selecteu noues
0tility Nenu > Plot > Noues
0tility Nenu > List > Noues
o Theie shoulu be 16 noues selecteu

Page 4u

7. Cieate a component calleu N_XuNoues of the 16 selecteu
0tility Nenu > Select > Component Nanagei
Click on the Cieate Component Icon
Select the noue button anu entei the name

8. Select all the noues at a X cooiuinate of 1 anu cieate a component calleu N_X1Noues
The Component Nanagei can be left open while
9. Cieate an assembly calleu ASSENBLY_Noues out of N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues
Bighlight N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues anu click on the Cieate Assembly Icon
1u. Plot the components anu the assembly
Bighlight the N_XuNoues component anu click on the Bis
Bo the same foi N_X1Noues anu ASSENBLY_Noues
Intiouuction to
Cieate a component calleu N_XuNoues of the 16 selecteu noues
0tility Nenu > Select > Component Nanagei
Click on the Cieate Component Icon
Select the noue button anu entei the name
Select all the noues at a X cooiuinate of 1 anu cieate a component calleu N_X1Noues
The Component Nanagei can be left open while selecting noues

Cieate an assembly calleu ASSENBLY_Noues out of N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues
Bighlight N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues anu click on the Cieate Assembly Icon
Plot the components anu the assembly
Bighlight the N_XuNoues component anu click on the Bisplay ComponentAssembly
Bo the same foi N_X1Noues anu ASSENBLY_Noues

Intiouuction to ANSYS

Select all the noues at a X cooiuinate of 1 anu cieate a component calleu N_X1Noues
Cieate an assembly calleu ASSENBLY_Noues out of N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues
Bighlight N_XuNoues anu N_X1Noues anu click on the Cieate Assembly Icon

play ComponentAssembly

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 41

11. Cieate keypoints anu then lines using the Pickei Nenu:
a) 0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New ..
b) Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > 0n Woiking Plane
Notice: the usei piompt infoimation uisplayeu in the lowei left pait of u0I
Position the mouse cuisoi in the giaphics winuow at an aibitiaiy location
Select the left mouse button to select a keypoint location
Select the miuule mouse button to cieate a keypoint
Cieate thiee moie keypoints using the left anu miuule mouse buttons
|0Kj in the Pickei Winuow
Notice: cieating these keypoints is an example of locational picking
c) Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Lines > Lines > Stiaight line
Notice: the usei piompt infoimation uisplayeu in the lowei left pait of u0I
Select two of the keypoints using the left mouse button
Notice: cieating these lines is an example of ietiieval picking. Also, Notice: only the left
mouse button (anu not the miuule button) is neeueu to cieate lines

Page 42 Intiouuction to ANSYS



The puipose of using a soliu mouel is to ielieve you of the time-consuming task of builuing a
complicateu finite element mouel by uiiect geneiation. Some soliu moueling anu meshing
opeiations can help you to speeu up the cieation of youi final analysis mouel
The soliu moueling featuies of ANSYS aie known to have iobustness issues. With caieful planning
anu alteinative stiategies, you can successfully cieate the mouel iequiieu foi analysis.

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Impoit CAB geometiy
Cieate geometiy in ANSYS
Biffeient Soliu Noueling options

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 4S

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Page 44 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Planar or reflective
Repetitive or translational
Model Symmetry

Model Symmetry

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 4S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Import CAD Geometry

Import CAD Ceometry

Page 46 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Modeling Approach
Geometry Creation
Lines &

Ceometry Creation

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 47

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
2D Primitives
3D Primitives
Top-Down Modeling

Top-Down Modeling

Page 48 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Boolean Operations
Top-Down Modeling (cont.)

Top-Down Modeling {cont.]

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 49

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Boolean Operations
Top-Down Modeling (cont.)

Top-Down Modeling {cont.]

Page Su Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Bottom Up Modeling

Bottom -Up Modeling

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S1

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Bottom Up Modeling (cont.)

Bottom -Up Modeling {cont.]

Page S2

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Importing ICES Ceometry
1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi
2. Impoit the "biacket.igs" IuES file using the No uefeatuiing option:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > IuES.
o Select "No uefeatuiing", then |0Kj
o Click on |Biowse.j button
o Select the "biacket.igs" file, then |0penj
o |0Kj
S. Save the uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
Intiouuction to
Worksbop 1: Importing ICES Ceometry
Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "iges" as the
Impoit the "biacket.igs" IuES file using the No uefeatuiing option:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > IuES.
Select "No uefeatuiing", then |0Kj
Click on |Biowse.j button
Select the "biacket.igs" file, then |0penj
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as

Intiouuction to ANSYS
instiuctoi using "iges" as the

Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page SS

Page S4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 2 : Importing SAT Ceometry
1. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
2. Change the jobname to "sat":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "sat" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
S. Impoit the "geai.sat" SAT file:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > SAT .
o Select the "geai.sat" file, then |0Kj

4. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Replot

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page SS

S. Save the uatabase:
o Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File >
Save as }obname.ub)

Page S6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 3: Importing SAT Assembly
1. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
2. Change the jobname to "sat-assy":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "sat-assy" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
S. Impoit the "ciank-assy.sat" SAT assembly file:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > SAT .
o Select the "ciank-assy.sat" file, then |0Kj
4. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Replot
S. Tuin volume numbeiing on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing .
o Tuin volume numbeis "on", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S7

6. Save the uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
7. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
8. Change the jobname to "sat-assy2":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "sat-assy2" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
9. Impoit the ciank assembly by impoiting the inuiviuual sat files that make up the assembly:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > SAT .
o Select the "knob.sat" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > SAT .
o Select the "plate.sat" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > SAT .
o Select the "socket.sat" file, then |0Kj
1u. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Replot
11. Tuin volume numbeiing on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing .
o Tuin volume numbeis "on", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Page S8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 4: Importing Parasolid Ceometry
1. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
2. Change the jobname to "paia":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "paia" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
S. Impoit the "biacket.x_t" Paiasoliu file:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "biacket.x_t" file, then |0Kj

4. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
S. Save the uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page S9

Page 6u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 5: Importing Parasolid Assembly
1. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
2. Change the jobname to "paia-assy":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "paia-assy" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
S. Impoit the "wheel-assy.x_t" Paiasoliu assembly file:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "wheel-assy.x_t" file, then |0Kj
4. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Replot
S. Tuin volume numbeiing on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing .
o Tuin volume numbeis "on", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 61

6. Save the uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
7. Cleai the ANSYS uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New .
o |0Kj, anu then |Yesj
8. Change the jobname to "paia-assy2":
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname .
o Entei "paia-assy2" foi the new jobname, then |0Kj
9. Impoit the wheel assembly by impoiting the inuiviuual Paiasoliu files that make up the
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "base.x_t" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "left-biacket.x_t" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "iight-biacket.x_t" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "pin.x_t" file, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > PARA .
o Select the "wheel.x_t" file, then |0Kj
1u. Tuin "Noimal Faceting" on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Soliu Nouel Facets ...
o Select "Noimal Faceting", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Replot
11. Tuin volume numbeiing on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing .
o Tuin volume numbeis "on", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Page 62 Intiouuction to ANSYS

12. Exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop : Pillow Block {Top
Builu a half symmetiy soliu mouel of this pillow block.
When you'ie uone, save the uatabase to p

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using
2. Switch to isometiic view:
Click on the Isometiic view Icon in the Nouel Contiol Toolbai
S. Cieate the base of the pillow block:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Block > By Bimensions
o X1 = u, X2 = S, Y1 = u, Y2 = 1, Z1 =

Worksbop : Pillow Block {Top - Down]
Builu a half symmetiy soliu mouel of this pillow block.
When you'ie uone, save the uatabase to p-block.ub.
Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using

Click on the Isometiic view Icon in the Nouel Contiol Toolbai
Cieate the base of the pillow block:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Block > By Bimensions
X1 = u, X2 = S, Y1 = u, Y2 = 1, Z1 = u, Z2 = S, then |0Kj

Page 6S

Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "p_block" as the
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Block > By Bimensions

Page 64 Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. 0ffset woiking plane to location X=2.2S, Y=1.2S, Z=.7S:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > 0ffset WP by Inciements .
o Set X,Y,Z 0ffsets = 2.2S, 1.2S, u.7S
o Set XY, YZ, ZX Angles = u, -9u, u, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 6S

S. Cieate a soliu cylinuei having a uiametei of u.7S inches anu a uepth of -1.S inches:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Soliu
o Rauius = u.7S2
o Bepth = -1.S, then |0Kj

6. Copy the soliu cylinuei to new location with BZ=1.S:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Copy > volumes +
o Pick the cylinuei volume (vol. Numbei 2), then |0Kj
o BZ = 1.S, then |0Kj

7. Subtiact the two soliu cylinueis fiom the base:

Page 66 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Subtiact > volumes
o Pick the base volume (vol. 1), then |0Kj
o Pick the two cylinuei volumes (vols. 2 anu S), then |0Kj

8. Align woiking plane with the ulobal Caitesian oiigin:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Align WP with > ulobal Caitesian
9. Cieate the base of the bushing biacket:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Block > By 2 Coineis &
o WP X = u
o WP Y = 1
o Wiuth = 1.S
o Beight = 1.7S
o Bepth = u.7S, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 67

1u. 0ffset woiking plane to the fiont face of the bushing biacket:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > 0ffset WP to > Keypoints +
o Pick keypoint at the top left coinei of the fiont face, then |0Kj

11. Cieate the aich of the bushing biacket:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Paitial
o WP X = u
o WP Y = u
o Rau-1 = u
o Theta-1 = u
o Rau-2 = 1.S
o Theta-2 = 9u
o Bepth = -u.7S, then |0Kj

Page 68 Intiouuction to ANSYS

12. Cieate cylinueis foi the counteiboie anu the thiough hole in the bushing biacket:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Soliu
o WP X = u
o WP Y = u
o Rauius = 1
o Bepth = -u.187S, then |Applyj
o WP X = u
o WP Y = u
o Rauius = u.8S
o Bepth = -2, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 69

1S. Subtiact the two soliu cylinueis to foim the counteiboie anu bushing thiough-hole:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Subtiact > volumes
o Pick the two volumes that foim the base anu the aich of the bushing biacket
o |Applyj
o Pick the counteiboie cylinuei
o |Applyj
o Pick the same two base volumes
o |Applyj
o Pick the thiough-hole cylinuei
o |0Kj

Page 7u Intiouuction to ANSYS

14. Neige coinciuent keypoints:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Numbeiing Ctils > Neige Items
o Set Label to "Keypoints", then |0Kj

1S. Cieate the web:
a. Cieate a keypoint in the miuule of the fiont top euge of the base:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > KP
between KPs
o Pick the two uppei fiont coinei keypoints of the base, then |0Kj
o RATI = u.S, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 71

b. Cieate a tiiangulai aiea:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Aibitiaiy >
Thiough KPs
o Pick the 1st keypoint wheie the base of the bushing biacket
inteisects the base of the pillow block at X=1.S
o Pick the 2nu keypoint wheie the base of the bushing biacket
inteisects the bottom aich suiface at X=1.S
o Pick the Siu keypoint that was cieateu in step 1Sa at X=1.S, Y=1,
o |0Kj

Page 72 Intiouuction to ANSYS

c. Extiuue aiea along aiea noimal:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Aieas
Along Noimal
o Pick the tiiangulai aiea cieateu in step 14b, then |0Kj
o BIST = -u.1S, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 7S

16. ulue the volumes togethei:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > ulue > volumes
o |Pick Allj
17. Tuin volume numbeis on anu then plot volumes:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing .
o Set volume numbeis on, then |0Kj
18. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Page 74 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 7S

Worksbop 7: Connecting Rod {Bottom -Up]
Builu a soliu mouel of an automobile connecting iou using bottom-up moueling techniques.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "c-iou" as the
2. Cieate two ciiculai aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Ciicle > By Bimensions
o RAB1 = 1.4
o RAB2 = 1
o TBETA1 = u
o TBETA2 = 18u, then |Applyj

Page 76 Intiouuction to ANSYS

o Next, set TBETA1 = 4S, then |0Kj

S. Tuin aiea numbeiing on:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing ...
o Set Aiea numbeis on, then |0Kj
4. Cieate two iectangulai aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Rectangle > By Bimensions
o X1 = -u.S, X2 = u.S, Y1 = 1.2, Y2 = 1.8, then |Applyj
o X1 = -1.8, X2 = -1.2, Y1 = u, Y2 = u.S, then |0Kj
S. 0ffset woiking plane to XYZ location (X=6.S):
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > 0ffset WP to > XYZ Locations +
o Entei 6.S in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by Entei (caiiiage ietuin)
o |0Kj
6. Cieate two moie ciiculai aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Ciicle > By Bimensions
o RAB1 = u.7
o RAB2 = u.4
o TBETA1 = u
o TBETA2 = 18u, then |Applyj
o Next, set TBETA2 = 1SS, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 77

7. Issue sepaiate Boolean oveilaps on each aiea gioup:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > 0veilap > Aieas
o Fiist, box select the left gioup of aieas, then |Applyj
o Next, box select the iight gioup of aieas, then |0Kj

Page 78 Intiouuction to ANSYS

8. Befine foui new keypoints:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > In Active CS
o 1st KP, X=2.S, Y=u.S, then |Applyj
o 2nu KP, X=S.2S, Y=u.4, then |Applyj
o Siu KP, X=4, Y=u.SS, then |Applyj
o 4th KP, X=4.7S, Y=u.28, then |0Kj
9. Set the active cooiuinate system to be global cylinuiical:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Change Active CS to > ulobal Cylinuiical
1u. Cieate a single line fiom a spline fit to a seiies of keypoints:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Lines > Splines > With 0ptions >
Spline thiu KPs
o Pick, in oiuei, the six keypoints as shown in the giaphics winuow below, then
o Xv1 = 1 (iauius at keypoint 1 in ulobal Cylinuiical cooiuinate system)
o Yv1 = 1SS (theta at keypoint 1 in ulobal Cylinuiical cooiuinate system)
o Xv6 = 1 (iauius at keypoint 6 in ulobal Cylinuiical cooiuinate system)
o Yv6 = 4S (theta at keypoint 6 in ulobal Cylinuiical cooiuinate system)
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 79

11. Cieate a stiaight line between keypoints 1 anu 18:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Lines > Lines > Stiaight Line
o Pick the two keypoints as shown in the giaphics winuow below, then |0Kj

12. Tuin line numbeiing on anu plot lines:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing ...
o Set Line numbeis on, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Lines
1S. Cieate a new aiea bounueu by pieviously uefineu lines 6, 1, 7, 2S:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Aibitiaiy > By Lines
o Pick the foui lines (6, 1, 7, anu 2S), then |0Kj

Page 8u Intiouuction to ANSYS

14. Zoom in on the left poition of the connecting iou:
0se the Zoom Nouel Icon in the Nouel Contiol Toolbai

1S. Cieate thiee line fillets:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Lines > Line Fillet
o Pick lines S6 anu 4u, then |Applyj
o RAB = .2S, then |Applyj
o Pick lines 4u anu S1, then |Applyj
o |Applyj
o Pick lines Su anu S9, then |0Kj
o |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Lines

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 81

16. Cieate thiee new aieas bounueu by the pieviously uefineu fillet lines:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Aibitiaiy > By Lines
o Pick lines 12, 1u, anu 1S, then |Applyj
o Pick lines 17, 1S, anu 19, then |Applyj
o Pick lines 2S, 21, anu 24, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas

17. Auu all aieas togethei to foim one single aiea:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Auu > Aieas
o |Pick Allj
18. Fit the entiie mouel within the giaphics winuow:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Pan, Zoom, Rotate .
o |Fitj
19. Tuin off line anu aiea numbeiing:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing ...
o Set Line anu Aiea numbeis off, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
2u. Set the active cooiuinate system to be global caitesian:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Change Active CS to > ulobal Caitesian
21. Reflect the aiea about the X-Z plane (in Y uiiection):
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Reflect > Aieas
o |Pick Allj
o Select X-Z plane, then |0Kj

Page 82 Intiouuction to ANSYS

22. Auu all aieas togethei to foim one single aiea:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans >Auu > Aieas
o |Pick Allj

2S. Tuin woiking plane off:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Bisplay Woiking Plane
24. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 8S

Worksbop 8: Connecting Rod {Import J Clean Up]
You've been given a CAB mouel of a connecting iou that neeus to be analyzeu.
The geometiy uoes not incluue all of the featuies neeueu foi the analysis.
You neeu to auu fillets, thiu holes, anu cieate a symmetiic mouel to simplify the analysis.

Page 84 Intiouuction to ANSYS

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "c-iou-fix" as
the jobname.
2. Impoit the "c-iou.igs" IuES file using the No uefeatuiing option:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > IuES.
o Select "No uefeatuiing", then |0Kj
o Click on the |Biowsej button, select the "c-iou.igs" file anu click on
|0penj, then |0Kj
S. Cieate the fiist thiu hole:
a. Cieate Keypoint at hole centei:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > KP at centei > S
o Pick thiee keypoints |0Kj
b. 0ffset woikplane to new keypoint:
0tility Nenu > Woikplane > 0ffset WP to > Keypoints +
o Pick new keypoint at centei of hole

c. Cieate cylinuei foi hole:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Soliu
o Rauius = 1, Bepth = -1 |0Kj
u. Subtiact cylinuei fiom connecting iou:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > 0peiate > Booleans > Subtiact > volumes +
o Pick the connecting iou |0Kj
o Pick the cylinuei |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 8S

4. Cieate the seconu thiu hole:
a. Cieate Keypoint at hole centei:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > KP at centei > S
o Pick thiee keypoints |0Kj

b. 0ffset woikplane to new keypoint:
0tility Nenu > Woikplane > 0ffset WP to > Keypoints +
o Pick new keypoint at centei of hole
c. Cieate cylinuei foi hole:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Soliu
o Rauius = u.4, Bepth = -1 |0Kj
u. Subtiact cylinuei fiom connecting iou:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Subtiact >

Page 86 Intiouuction to ANSYS

o Pick the connecting iou |0Kj
o Pick the cylinuei |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

S. Biviue volume foi symmetiy:
a. Rotate woikplane to uiviue volume:
0tility Nenu > Woikplane > 0ffset WP by inciements .
o Rotate about X, 9u ueg, then |0Kj
b. Biviue volume by woikplane:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Biviue > volu by
o Select the connecting iou, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes
c. Belete the bottom half of the connecting iou:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Belete > volume anu Below
o Select the bottom volume, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

6. Auu fiist fillet:

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 87

a. Cieate aiea fillet:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Aiea Fillet
o Pick two aieas to cieate fillet |0Kj
o Rauius = 1 |0Kj

b. Cieate aieas fiom fillet lines:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Aieas > Aibitiaiy > By Lines
o Pick fiist thiee lines (lines 2, 12, 18) |Applyj
o Pick seconu thiee lines (lines 1, 1S, Su) |0Kj

c. Cieate volume fiom fillet aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Aibitiaiy > By
o Pick the five aieas that make up the fillet volume (8, 1u, 12, 1S, 1S), then

Page 88 Intiouuction to ANSYS

u. Auu the fillet anu connecting iou volumes:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Auu > volumes
o |Pick Allj
e. Auu planai aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Auu > Aieas
o Pick planai connecting iou fillet aieas on fiont (Aieas 14 & 16) |Applyj
o Pick planai connecting iou fillet aieas on back (Aieas 12 & 6), then

7. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 89



FE mouel is the final entity foi all analysis. It consists of element & noues. You have to veiy much
caieful about choosing coiiect element type, uefine its attiibutes, anu uefine the coiiect mesh
paiameteis which will pioviue the accuiate solution.

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Biffeient Element Attiibutes
Nesh Contiols
Cieate Nesh

Lecture Notes

Page 9u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 91

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Element types
Line elements
2-D solids
3-D solids
Real constants
Material properties
Section properties
Element Attributes

Element Attributes

Page 92 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Global controls
Global element sizing
Default sizing
Local controls
Keypoint sizing
Line sizing
Area sizing
Mesh Control

Mesb Control

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 9S

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Free Meshing
Mapped Meshing
FE Import
Create Mesh

Create Mesb

Page 94 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Silo
0sing select logic, assign soliu mouel attiibutes to the silo mouel below anu then mesh it.
The mouel consists of both shells anu beams.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 9S

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "silo" as the
2. Resume the "silo.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "silo.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Biing up the "Select Entities" menu anu select the cylinuei aieas:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities .
o Select "Aieas", "By Location", "Z cooiuinates"
o Nin,Nax = u,12u
o |Applyj
o |Plotj

Page 96 Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. Assign soliu mouel attiibutes to the cylinuei aieas:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Aieas" unuei Element Attiibutes:, then |Setj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o NAT = 2
o REAL = 1
o TYPE = "1 SBELL6S"
o |0Kj fiom the Aiea Attiibutes winuow

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 97

S. Select the aieas of the uppei pait of the cone anu assign the soliu mouel attiibutes:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities .
o Select "Aieas"

Page 98 Intiouuction to ANSYS

o |SELE Allj
o |Plotj
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities .
o Select "Aieas", "By Location", "Z cooiuinates"
o Nin,Nax = -Su,u
o |Applyj
o |Plotj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Aieas" unuei Element Attiibutes:, then |Setj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o NAT = 1
o REAL = 2
o TYPE = "1 SBELL6S"
o |0Kj fiom the Aiea Attiibutes winuow

6. Select the aieas of the lowei pait of the cone anu assign the soliu mouel attiibutes:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities .
o Select "Aieas", "By Location", "Z cooiuinates"

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 99

o Nin,Nax = -6u,-Su
o |Applyj
o |Replotj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Aieas" unuei Element Attiibutes:, then |Setj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o NAT = 1
o REAL = S
o TYPE = "1 SBELL6S"
o |0Kj fiom the Aiea Attiibutes winuow

7. Select the lines in the cone anu assign the soliu mouel attiibutes:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities .
o Select "Lines", "By Location", "Z cooiuinates"
o Nin,Nax = -6u,u
o |Applyj
o |Plotj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Lines" unuei Element Attiibutes:, then |Setj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o NAT = 1
o REAL = 4
o TYPE = "2 BEAN4"
o |0Kj fiom the Line Attiibutes winuow

Page 1uu Intiouuction to ANSYS

8. Nesh the lines with BEAN4 elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Lines" unuei Nesh:, then |Neshj
o |Pick Allj
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Size anu Shape
o Check Bisplay of Element Shapes to |0Nj
o |Applyj
o Check Bisplay of Element Shapes to |0FFj
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1u1

9. Select eveiything anu mesh the aieas with SBELL6S elements:
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Aieas" unuei Nesh:, then |Neshj
o |Pick Allj

Page 1u2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

1u. Tuin on mateiial numbeis foi "Elem Attiib numbeiing" anu plot the elements:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing ...
o Elem Attiib numbeiing = "Nateiial numbeis"
o |0Kj

11. Tuin on ieal constant numbeis foi "Elem Attiib numbeiing" anu plot the elements:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing ...
o Elem Attiib numbeiing = "Real const num"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1uS

12. Save the mesheu mouel anu exit ANSYS:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "silo-mesh.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Page 1u4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 2: Pillow Block
Nesh the pillow block that was cieateu in pievious Woikshop
0se both fiee meshing anu sweep meshing techniques.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "p_block-mesh" as
the jobname.
2. Resume the "p-block.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
Select the "p-block.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Entei the piepiocessoi anu specify the element type to be S0LIB9S:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu ...j
Choose "Stiuctuial Soliu" anu "Biick 2unoue 9S", then |0Kj
o |Closej

4. Activate Smaitsize meshing anu fiee mesh the mouel with tetiaheuial elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Activate "Smait Size"
o Set Smait Size level to 4
o |Neshj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o |Closej

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1uS

S. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "p-block-mesh-fiee.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj
6. Sweep mesh the mouel:
a. Cleai the fiee mesh:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o |Cleaij
o |Pick Allj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Page 1u6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

b. Biviue the base volume in two in oiuei to make it topologically consistent foi sweep
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Align WP with > Keypoints +
o Pick the thiee keypoints uisplayeu in the giaphics winuow below, then |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Biviue > volu by
o Pick the base volume, then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Bisplay Woiking Plane
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1u7

c. Activate "tet-mesh" foi volumes that cannot be swept:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Nesh > volume Sweep > Sweep 0pts
o Select "Tet mesh in nonsweepable volumes", then |0Kj

u. Leave Smaitsize level at 4 anu set global element size to u.12S, then sweep mesh the
mouel with biicktet elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o Set SIZE = u.12S, then |0Kj
o Select "Bex" anu "Sweep", anu leave the uefault "Auto SicTig" setting active
o |Sweepj
o |Pick Allj fiom the Picking Nenu
o |Yesj - to mesh volume 6 with tetiaheuial elements
e. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "p-block-mesh-sweep.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj

Page 1u8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 3: Connecting Rod
Nesh a 2-B connecting iou.
Then extiuue the aiea with the mesh to cieate a S-B mesh.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "c-iou-2u-mesh" as
the jobname.
Cleai the ANSYS uatabase anu change the jobname to be "c-iou-2u-mesh":
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New ...
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname ...
2. Resume the "c-iou-2u.ub1" uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "c-iou-2u.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Entei the piepiocessoi anu specify the element type to be NESB2uu anu set
keyopt(1)="Q0AB 8-N0BE":
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu ...j
Choose "Not Solveu" anu "Nesh Facet 2uu", then |0Kj
o |0ptions ...j

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1u9

o Set K1 to "Q0AB 8-N0BE", then |0Kj
o |Closej
4. Set element size to u.1S anu fiee mesh the mouel with quau elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o SIZE = u.1S
o |0Kj
o |Neshj
o |Pick Allj

S. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "c-iou-2u-mesh-quau.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj
6. Extiuue the mesheu aiea along its noimal to cieate a SB biick mesh mouel:
a. Auu a S-B biick element:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu ...j
Choose "Stiuctuial Soliu" anu "Biick 2unoue 9S", then |0Kj
o |Closej
b. Set element uivisions along extiusion anu then extiuue the aiea:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Elem Ext 0pts
o vAL1 = S foi the No. Elem uivs
o |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Aieas > Along Noimal
o Pick aiea numbei 2, then |0Kj
o BIST = u.S, then |0Kj

Page 11u Intiouuction to ANSYS

7. Change to isometiic view:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Pan, Zoom, Rotate .

8. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
Entei "c-iou-Su-mesh-biick.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj

9. 0se vSWEEP to cieate a S-B biick element mesh :
a. Resume the "c-iou-fix.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "c-iou-fix.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 111

b. Entei the piepiocessoi anu specify the element type to be S0LIB9S:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu ...j
Choose "Stiuctuial Soliu" anu "Biick 2unoue 9S", then |0Kj
o |Closej

c. Nesh the volume using vSWEEP:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o SIZE = u.1S
o |0Kj
o Select "Bex" anu "Sweep", anu leave the uefault "Auto SicTig"
o |Sweepj
o |Pick Allj
u. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "c-iou-mesh-sweep.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj

Page 112 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 4: Cotter Pin
Nesh the cottei pin mouel below using the volume sweep option. The uatabase alieauy has
S-B element type (S0LIB9S) uefineu along with some line uivisions.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "cottei-pin" as the
Cleai the ANSYS uatabase anu change the jobname to be "cottei-pin":
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New ...
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname ...
2. Resume the "cottei.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "cottei.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Entei the piepiocessoi anu biing up the NeshTool:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Bex" anu "Sweep", anu leave the uefault "Auto SicTig" setting active
o |Sweepj
o |Pick Allj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 11S

4. Befine element size on souice anu taiget aieas:
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Size Cntils > NanualSize > Aieas > Pickeu
o Pick the two aieas uisplayeu in the giaphics winuow below, then |0Kj
o SIZE = u.u1
o |0Kj

S. Cleai Nesh anu mesh the mouel again using vSWEEP:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Cleai >volumes

Page 114 Intiouuction to ANSYS

o |Pick Allj
o |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Bex" anu "Sweep", anu leave the uefault "Auto SicTig" setting
o |Sweepj
o |Pick Allj
o |0Kj

6. Save the mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "cottei-pin-mesh.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 11S

Worksbop 5: Impeller
0sing select logic, extiuue a set of 2-B quau mesheu aieas to foim a S-B biick
mesheu volume of an impellei.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "impellei" as the
2. Resume the "impellei.ub1" uatabase file that contains a 2-B quau mesheu mouel:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "impellei.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Plot elements along with the soliu mouel entities:
0tility Nenu > Plot > Nulti-Plots

Page 116 Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. Auu element type 2 as S0LIB4S anu set the uefault TYPE numbei to 2:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu .j
Select "Stiuctuial Soliu" anu "Biick 8noue 4S", then |0Kj
o |Closej
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool .
o Set Element Attiibutes to "ulobal" anu Pick |Setj
o Set TYPE = "2 S0LIB4S", then |0Kj
S. Befine extiuue options anu extiuue all aieas along line numbei 1:
a. Set the numbei of element uivisions to 2 foi extiuue opeiation:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Elem Ext 0pts
o Set vAL1 = 2
o |0Kj
b. Extiuue all aieas along line 1 anu then plot elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Aieas > Along Lines
o |Pick Allj
o Entei "1" in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by |Enteij
o |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Elements

6. Extiuue all fin suiface aieas (18) anu innei iing suiface aieas (2) along line 2:
a. Set the numbei of element uivisions to 9 foi extiuue opeiation:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Elem Ext 0pts .
o Set vAL1 = 9
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 117

b. Select all aieas that lie on the plane Z=u.2S:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities ...
o Select "Aieas", "By Location", anu "Z cooiuinates"
o Set Nin,Nax = u.2S
o |Applyj
o |Plotj

c. Select the 18 fin suifaces anu the 2 iing suifaces that lie on the plane Z=u.2S:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities ...
o Select "Aieas", "By NumPick", anu "Reselect"
o |0Kj
o Pick the 18 fin suifaces anu the 2 iing suifaces
o |0Kj
o 0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas

Page 118 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 119

u. Extiuue the fin anu iing suiface aieas along line 2:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Extiuue > Aieas > Along Lines
o |Pick Allj
o Entei "2" in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by |Enteij
o |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything
0tility Nenu > Plot > Elements
7. Save the mesheu mouel anu exit ANSYS:
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "impellei-mesh.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Page 12u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop : Wbeel
Nesh the wheel mouel below using mixeu fiee anu mappeu meshing.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "wheelb-Su" as the
Cleai the ANSYS uatabase anu change the jobname to be "wheelb-Su":
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New ...
0tility Nenu > File > Change }obname ...
2. Resume the "wheelb.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "wheelb.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Entei the piepiocessoi anu uiviue volume by woiking plane:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Biviue > volu by
o |Pick Allj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 121

4. 0se keypoint numbeiing anu offset woiking plane to keypoint numbei 19:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing
o Tuin on Keypoint Numbeis |0Kj
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > 0ffset WP to > Keypoints +
o Select keypoint numbei 19 as shown in the giaphics winuow below, then
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Numbeiing
o Tuin off Keypoint Numbeis |0Kj

S. Biviue volume by woiking plane:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Booleans > Biviue > volu by
o |Pick Allj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Page 122 Intiouuction to ANSYS

6. Tuin off woiking plane anu set global element size to u.2S:
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Bisplay Woiking Plane
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o SIZE = u.2S
o |0Kj
7. Nap mesh the foui outei volumes with S0LIB4S elements (TYPE 1):
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Select "Bex" anu "Nappeu" unuei Shape:
o |Neshj
o Pick the foui outei volumes (vol. numbeis 1, 2, S, anu S)
o |0Kj

8. Fiee mesh the innei volume using S0LIB9S elements (TYPE 2):
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Element Attiibutes: ulobal
o TYPE = "2 S0LIB9S", then |0Kj
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o SIZE = u.2S
o |0Kj
o Select "Tet" anu "Fiee" unuei Shape:
o |Neshj
o Pick the innei volume (vol. numbei 6)
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 12S

9. Conveit the S0LIB9S tet elements into S0LIB92 tet elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Nouify Nesh > Change Tets
o |0Kj
1u. Select anu plot the S0LIB9S pyiamiu shapeu elements:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities ...
o Select "Elements", "By Attiibutes", "Elem type num"
o Set Nin,Nax,Inc = 2
o |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Elements

Page 124 Intiouuction to ANSYS

11. Select eveiything anu save the uatabase:
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything .
0tility Nenu > Plot > Elements
0tility Nenu > File > Save as .
o Entei "wheelb-Su-mesh.ub" as the uatabase name, then |0Kj

12. Exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai
o Select "Quit - No Save!"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 12S



The piimaiy objective of a finite element analysis is to examine how a stiuctuie oi component
iesponus to ceitain loauing conuitions. Specifying the piopei loauing conuitions is, theiefoie, a key
step in the analysis. You can apply loaus on the mouel in a vaiiety of ways in the ANSYS piogiam.
With the help of loau step options, you can contiol how the loaus aie actually useu uuiing solution.

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Befine Nateiial Piopeities
Types of loau
Types of constiaints
Biffeient Solveis

Page 126 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 127

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
ANSYS Defined Material
Material Library
Material Model GUI
Listing Defined Material
Define Material

Define Material

Page 128 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Define Load
DOF Constraints
Concentrated Loads
Surface Loads
Body Loads
Inertia Loads
Nodal Coordinate System
Verifying Load
Plot Load
List Load
Loading & Boundary Conditions

Loading & Boundary Conditions

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 129

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Direct elimination
Distributed ANSYS
Solution Controls


Page 1Su Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: User Input Material
0sing the Nateiial Nouel u0I, the usei will uefine the following two mateiials:

1S. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "useimat" as the
14. 0pen the Nateiial Nouel u0I:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Nouels
o Select Stiuctuial > Lineai > Elastic > Isotiopic

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S1

1S. Cieate the template foi the input tempeiatuie uata:
Select the "Auu Tempeiatuie" button foui times
Resize the uialog box to uisplay the full template

16. Entei mateiial 1 uata:
Entei the uata foi Nateiial 1 into the uialog box
Note: tbe keyboorJ orrow onJ tob keys con be useJ to noviqote from one box to
Select the uiaph button, then EX to giaph the EX uata

Page 1S2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Select the uiaph button, then PRXY to giaph the PRXY uata

17. Entei mateiial 2 uata:
Select "Copy" fiom the "Euit" submenu
Entei "1" anu "2" to copy fiom mateiial numbei "1" to mateiial numbei "2"

18. Entei mateiial 2 uata (cont.):
Bouble click on "Nateiial Nouel Numbei 2"
Bouble click on "Lineai Isotiopic" - sub menu of "Nateiial Numbei 2"
Euit the EX & PRXY input of Nateiial 1 to be coiiect foi Nateiial 2

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1SS

Nateiial > Exit

Page 1S4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 2: Material Library Input
The puipose of this woikshop is to cieate a usei uefineu mateiial, save this usei uefineu
mateiial to a file, anu then impoit the cieateu mateiial file into ANSYS.

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "useilib" as the
2. Entei the Biitish 0nits mateiial uata into the Nateiial Nouel u0I as Nateiial 1.
Note: iefeience Woikshop 8A foi uetails if necessaiy.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1SS

S. Entei the SI 0nits mateiial uata into the Nateiial Nouel u0I as Nateiial 2 (Bint: copy
mateiial 1 to mateiial 2, anu then euit mateiial 1 piopeities.
Note: iefeience Woikshop 8A foi uetails if necessaiy.

4. Wiite mateiial 1 to a file:
Entei NPWRITE,mateiial_bfin,usei,,LIB,1 in the input winuow:
Bit |Enteij on the keyboaiu
Note: "bfin" has been useu to iuentify a mateiial in Biitish inch units
S. Wiite mateiial 2 to a file:
Entei NPWRITE,mateiial_SI,usei,,LIB,2 in the input winuow:
Bit |Enteij on the keyboaiu
Note: "SI" has been useu to iuentify a mateiial in SI units
6. Cleai the uatabase:
0tility Nenu > File > Cleai & Stait New.
o |0Kj
7. Reau in the cieateu mateiial files:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Libiaiy > Impoit Libiaiy
o Select the "0sei" iauio button

Page 1S6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

o Note: this setting will finu all files that have "usei" in the file extension
o Entei "1" as the mateiial to be ieau in
o 0se the Biowse button to locate the "mateiial_bfin.usei" mateiial file
o Bighlight the "mateiial_bfin.usei" file, anu then select |0penj
o |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Libiaiy > Impoit Libiaiy
o Entei "2" as the mateiial to be ieau in
o 0se the Biowse button to locate the "mateiial_si.usei" mateiial file
o Bighlight the "mateiial_si.usei" file, anu then select |0penj
o |0Kj
8. uiaph mateiial 1:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Nouels
o Bouble click on "Nateiial Nouel Numbei 1"
o Bouble click on "Lineai Isotiopic" - sub menu of "Nateiial Numbei 1"
o Select uiaph button, anu then EX
o |0Kj

9. uiaph mateiial 2:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Nouels
o Bouble click on "Nateiial Nouel Numbei 2"
o Bouble click on "Lineai Isotiopic" - sub menu of "Nateiial Numbei 2"
o Select uiaph button, anu then EX
o |0Kj
o Nateiial > Exit

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S7

Page 1S8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 3: Loading & Solution - 3D Bracket
Apply loaus to the S-B biacket mouel below anu solve using the Spaise iteiative
solvei. The mouel has alieauy been mesheu with S0LIB9S 2u-noueu biicks, anu
Young's Nouulus has been set to Sue6 psi.

Loads and Boundary Conditions

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S9

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "biacket-Su" as
the jobname.
2. Resume the "biacket-Su.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "biacket-Su.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Entei the solution piocessoi anu iestiain tianslations noimal to hole suifaces:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement >
Symmetiy B.C. > 0n Aieas
o Pick the aieas on the hole suifaces (aiea numbeis S, 4, S, anu 6), then |0Kj
4. To pievent iigiu bouy motion along the Z axis, constiain 0Z tianslation on keypoint 28:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
o Entei keypoint numbei "28" in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by |Enteij
o |0Kj
o Set Lab2 = "0Z", then |0Kj
S. Apply 1uuu psi piessuie loau to the top suiface aiea of the S-B biacket:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Piessuie > 0n Aieas
o Pick the top suiface aiea (aiea numbei 11) , then |0Kj
o Set vAL0E = 1uuu, then |0Kj
6. Select the Spaise uiiect solvei:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Contiols
o Pick the "Sol'n 0ptions" tab
o Select the "Spaise uiiect" solvei, then |0Kj

Page 14u Intiouuction to ANSYS

7. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o |0Kj

8. Save the ANSYS uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 141

Worksbop 4: Loading & Solution - Connecting Rod
Apply loaus to the connecting iou (half-symmetiy) mouel below anu solve using the
SPARSE solvei. The mouel has alieauy been mesheu with S0LIB9S 2u-noueu biicks,
anu Young's Nouulus has been set to Sue6 psi.

Loads and Boundary Conditions

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "conn-iou" as
the jobname.
2. Resume the "conn-iou.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "conn-iou.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj

Page 142 Intiouuction to ANSYS

S. Entei the solution piocessoi anu iestiain tianslations noimal to the laigei hole
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement >
Symmetiy B.C. > 0n Aieas
o Pick the aieas on the hole suifaces (aiea numbeis 8 anu 9), then |0Kj
4. Apply symmetiy bounuaiy constiaints on all aiea suifaces at Y=u:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement >
Symmetiy B.C. > 0n Aieas
o Pick the aieas on the plane Y=u (aiea numbeis 7, 1u anu 1S), then |0Kj
S. To pievent iigiu bouy motion along the Z axis, constiain 0Z tianslation on noue 7u2:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
o Entei noue numbei "7u2" in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by |Enteij
o |0Kj
o Set Lab2 = "0Z", then |0Kj
6. Apply 1uuu psi piessuie loau to aiea numbei 11 locateu on the smallei hole:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Piessuie > 0n Aieas
o Pick aiea numbei 11, then |0Kj
o Set vAL0E = 1uuu, then |0Kj
7. Select the Spaise uiiect solvei:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Contiol
o Pick the "Sol'n 0ptions" tab
o Select the "Spaise uiiect" solvei, then |0Kj
8. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o |0Kj
9. Save the ANSYS uatabase:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 14S

Worksbop 5: Loading & Solution - Wbeel
Apply loaus to the wheel mouel shown in the next sliue anu solve using the SPARSE
The mouel has alieauy been mesheu with S0LIB4S biicks, S0LIB9S pyiamius, anu
S0LIB92 tets.
Young's Nouulus has been set to Sue6 psi anu uensity has been set to u.uuu7S lbf-

Page 144 Intiouuction to ANSYS


1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "wheelb-
omega" as the jobname.
2. Resume the "wheelb-omega.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
o Select the "wheelb-omega.ub1" uatabase file, then |0Kj
S. Select the aieas fiom the aiea component name "aieas_1":
0tility Nenu > Select > Component Nanagei
o Bighlight aieas_1 anu click on the Select ComponentAssembly Icon
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
4. Apply symmetiy bounuaiy conuitions on the selecteu set of aieas:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement >
Symmetiy B.C. > 0n Aieas
|Pick Allj
S. Select eveiything anu plot aieas:
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything .
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
6. To pievent iigiu bouy motion, constiain 0Y tianslation on noue SS:

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 14S

Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
o Entei noue numbei "SS" in the ANSYS picking menu followeu by |Enteij
o |0Kj
o Set Lab2 = "0Y", then |0Kj
7. Apply iotational velocity of S2S iausec about global Y axis:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Ineitia > Angulai
velocity > ulobal
o Set 0NEuY = S2S
o |0Kj
8. Select the Spaise uiiect solvei:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Contiol
o Pick the "Sol'n 0ptions" tab
o Select the "Spaise uiiect" solvei, then |0Kj
9. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o |0Kj
1u. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai

Page 146 Intiouuction to ANSYS



Stiuctuial analysis is piobably the most common application of the finite element methou. The teim
stiuctuial (oi stiuctuie) implies not only civil engineeiing stiuctuies such as biiuges anu builuings,
but also naval, aeionautical, anu mechanical stiuctuies such as ship hulls, aiiciaft bouies, anu
machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine paits, anu tools.

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Element Types
Nateiial Piopeities Requiieu
Loaus & Constiaints
Solution 0ptions
Post Piocessing
Biffeient Analysis Types

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 147

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Page 148 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Commonly Used Element Types
Element Types
Category Element Name(s)
Spars LINK1, LINK8, LINK10, LINK180
Beams BEAM3, BEAM4, BEAM23, BEAM24, BEAM44, BEAM54, BEAM188, BEAM189
2-D Solids PLANE25, PLANE42, PLANE82, PLANE83, VISCO88, VISCO106, VISCO108,
3-D Solids SOLID45, SOLID46, SOLID65, VISCO89, SOLID92, SOLID95, VISCO107,

Element Types

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 149

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Youngs Modulus
Poissons Ratio
Material Properties Required

Material Properties Required

Page 1Su Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
DOF Constraints
Concentrated Forces
Uniform Temperature
Loads & Boundary Conditions

Loads & Boundary Conditions

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S1

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Solution Options

Solution Uptions

Page 1S2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Reaction Forces
General Post Processing (POST1)
Time History Post Processing (POST26)
Post Processing

Post Processing

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1SS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Linear Static Analysis
Nonlinear Analysis
Modal Analysis
Transient Dynamic Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Types of Analysis

Types of Analysis

Page 1S4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Linear Static Analysis

Linear Static Analysis

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1SS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Non Linear Static Analysis

Non Linear Static Analysis

Page 1S6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Modal Analysis

Modal Analysis

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S7

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Transient Dynamic Analysis

Transient Dynamic Analysis

Page 1S8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Buckling Analysis

Buckling Analysis

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 1S9

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Linear Static Analysis - Latbe Cutter
Solve a S-B stiess analysis of the lathe cuttei mouel below. Review the iesults in the geneial
postpiocessoi by:
plotting the uisplacements
listing ieaction foices
plotting the von Nises stiess
animating the von Nises stiess
Resolve the solution using a uiffeient set of constiaints anu compaie the stiess iesults to the fiist

Loaus anu Nateiial Piopeities foi the fiist solution:

Page 16u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Loaus anu Nateiial Piopeities foi the seconu solution:

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "cuttei" as the
2. Set the u0I Piefeiences to Stiuctuial:
Nain Nenu > Piefeiences
o Select "Stiuctuial", then |0Kj

S. Impoit the "cuttei.igs" IuES file (uimensioneu in centimeteis) using the "No
uefeatuiing" option:
0tility Nenu > File > Impoit > IuES .
o Select "No uefeatuiing", then |0Kj
o Select "cuttei.igs", then |0penj
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 161

4. Scale the mouel by conveiting centimeteis to inches:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > 0peiate > Scale > volumes
o |Pick Allj
Entei 12.S4 foi RX, RY, anu RZ
Set IN0vE to "Noveu", then |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > volumes

Page 162 Intiouuction to ANSYS

S. Reau input fiom "cuttei-aiea.inp" to cieate a small aiea foi applying piessuie loau at
0tility Nenu > File > Reau Input fiom .
o Select "cuttei-aiea.inp", then |0Kj

6. Specify the element type:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
o |Auu ...j
Select "Stiuctuial Soliu" anu "Tet 1unoue 92", then |0Kj
o |Closej

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 16S

7. Befine elastic mouulus foi mateiial 1 to be 1ue6 (Aluminum):
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Nouels
o Stiuctuial -> Lineai -> Elastic -> Isotiopic
o Set EX = 1ue6 (Young's mouulus in psi foi Aluminum)
o Set PRXY = .S2
o |0Kj
o Select Nateiial > Exit

8. Activate smaitsize meshing anu mesh the mouel with tetiaheuial elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Activate "Smait Size"
o Set Smait Size level to 4
o |Neshj
o |Pick Allj
o |Closej

Page 164 Intiouuction to ANSYS

9. Apply aiea "symmetiy" constiaint to iestiain attachment iegion:
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement >
Symmetiy B.C. > 0n Aieas
o Pick aieas 18, 19, 2S, anu 26, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 16S

1u. Apply piessuie loau at tip:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Piessuie > 0n Aieas
o Pick aiea 1, then |0Kj
o vAL0E = 1uuuu
o |0Kj
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas

11. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Click the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o Review the "STAT0S Commanu" winuow anu then close it
o |0Kj
o |Closej - to close the yellow message winuow aftei the solution is completeu

Page 166 Intiouuction to ANSYS

12. Review the iesults:
a. Plot uisplacements:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Select B0F solution > Bisplacement vectoi sum anu Befoimeu shape with
unuefoimeu euge, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 167

b. List ieaction foices:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > List Results > Reaction Solu
o Select "All items", then |0Kj

c. Plot von Nises stiess:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Select Noual Solution > Stiess > von Nises stiess anu Befoimeu shape only,
then |0Kj

Page 168 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 169

u. Captuie the image then minimize :
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Captuie Image .
Ninimize the winuow foi latei compaiison

e. Animate the von Nises stiess:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Animate > Befoimeu Results ...
o Select "Stiess" anu "von Nises SEQv", then |0Kj

Page 17u Intiouuction to ANSYS

1S. Close the animation anu uelete the aiea symmetiy constiaints:
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Belete > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
o Pick aieas 18, 19, 2S, anu 26, then |0Kj
o |0Kj
14. Apply "ALL B0F" constiaint to aieas 18, 19, anu 26:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
o Pick aieas 18, 19, anu 26, then |0Kj
o Select "All B0F" , then |0Kj
1S. Change the title:
0tility Nenu > File > Change Title .
o Type in the title: Lathe Cuttei - with ALL B0F constiaint on aieas at hole
o |0Kj
16. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save as

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 171

Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o |0Kj
o |Closej
17. Review the iesults:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Select Noual Solution > Stiess > von Nises stiess
o |0Kj

Page 172 Intiouuction to ANSYS

18. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button fiom the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Exit...)
o Select "Save Eveiything"
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 17S

Worksbop 2: Nonlinear Static Analysis - Larged
Deflection Arcbed Beam
A shallow aich is subjecteu to a 2u,uuuN foice at its miuspan. Beteimine the miuspan uisplacement
using both a lineai anu nonlineai (laige-ueflection) analysis, then compaie the iesults.
Nateiial Piopeities anu Cioss-Section:
EX = 21ueS NPa, PRXY = u.S
2S mm x 12.S mm iectangulai cioss-section
Loaus anu Bounuaiy Conuitions:
Concentiateu noual foice of 2u,uuu N at miuspan
Enus fixeu in tianslational B0F only (pinneu suppoits)

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "beamaich" as
the jobname.
2. We iecommenu builuing the mouel using steps S-12, but if you uon't want to, you may
ieau in the beamaich.inp input file, then skip to step 1S.
0tility Nenu > File > Reau input fiom .
S. Befine 4 keypoints in the global cylinuiical system: kp1 at (127u,7S), kp2 at (127u,9u),
kpS at (127u,1uS), kp4 at (127usin4S, 9u). Kp4 is the oiientation keypoint.
0tility Nenu > WoikPlane > Change Active CS to > ulobal Cylinuiical
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Keypoints > In Active CS
0tility Nenu > Paiameteis > Angulai 0nits ...
4. Befine lines (aics) fiom keypoints 1 to 2 anu keypoints 2 to S:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Noueling > Cieate > Lines > Lines > In Active

Page 174 Intiouuction to ANSYS

S. Befine the element type to be BEAN189, anu then uefine mateiial piopeities (EX=21ueS
NPa, PRXY=u.S):
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Nouels: Stiuctuial -
Lineai - Elastic - Isotiopic
6. Constiain the 0X, 0Y, anu 0Z uiiections at keypoints 1 anu S, anu then constiain only
the 0Z uiiection at keypoint 2:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Loaus > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial >
Bisplacement > 0n Keypoints
7. Apply a foice of 2u,uuu N in the negative Y uiiection at keypoint 2:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Loaus > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial >
FoiceNoment > 0n Keypoints

8. Befine the beam's section piopeities:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Sections > Beam > Common Sectns
o IB = 1
o Sub-Type = <iectangle>
o 0ffset = Centioiu
o B = 2S
o B = 12.S
o |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 17S

9. Assign attiibutes, incluuing the oiientation keypoint, to the lines:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Nesh Attiibutes > All Lines
o NAT = 1
o TYPE = "1 BEAN189"
o SECT = 1
o Pick 0iientation Keypoint(s) = "yes"
o |0Kj
o Pick keypoint 4, then |0Kj

Page 176 Intiouuction to ANSYS

1u. Set 1u element uivisions on all lines:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Size Cntils > NanualSize > Lines > All
11. Nesh all the lines:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Nesh > Lines
12. Tuin ESBAPE on anu set EFACET to two, anu then plot the elements:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Size anu Shape ...

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 177

1S. Save the uatabase anu obtain the lineai solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save
as }obname.ub)
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
14. Select noue numbei 2 (miu-span noue), then entei P0ST1 anu piint the noual
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities ...
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > List Results > Noual Solution

1S. Select eveiything anu entei the solution piocessoi to solve the nonlineai solution:
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Contiols
o Activate "Laige Bisplacement Static" unuei Analysis 0ptions
o Set Numbei of substeps = 1u
o |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS

Page 178 Intiouuction to ANSYS

16. List the uisplacement of noue 2:
0tility Nenu > Select > Entities ...
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > List Results > Noual Solution

17. Select eveiything anu set uisplacement scaling to S, then plot the 0Y uisplacement
0tility Nenu > Select > Eveiything
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Style > Bisplacement Scaling . 0sei Specifieu
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 179

18. Animate the 0Y uisplacement iesults:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Animate > Befoimeu Results .

19. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai

Page 18u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 3: Modal Analysis - U Bracket
Extiact the fiist ten moues of the u-biacket mouel using the Block Lanczos methou. List the
fiequencies anu plot the von Nises stiess foi all the moues. Next, plot the moue shape foi the fiist
moue anu then animate it.
Nateiial Piopeities:
EX = Su,u2S,28u psi
PRXY = u.29
BENS = 7.S46S44e-S
Bounuaiy Conuitions:
Fix topmost aiea (aiea 17)

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 181

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "u_biacket" as
the jobname.
2. Resume the "u_biacket.ub1" uatabase file:
0tility Nenu > File > Resume fiom .
S. Entei Solution anu constiain all uofs on the aiea on top of the u-biacket (aiea numbei
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Stiuctuial > Bisplacement > 0n
0tility Nenu > Plot > Aieas

4. Befine the analysis type as moual:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis
S. Befine analysis options:
Nain Nenu > Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis 0ptions
o No. of moues to extiact = 1u
o No. of moues to expanu = 1u
o Elcalc = Yes

Page 182 Intiouuction to ANSYS

6. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save
as }obname.ub)
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
7. Entei the ueneial Postpiocessoi anu list the ten fiequencies:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Results Summaiy

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 18S

8. Plot the von Nises stiess with unuefoimeu euge foi the fiist moue shape:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Fiist Set
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu

9. Plot the von Nises stiess foi the next moue shape:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Next Set
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu

Page 184 Intiouuction to ANSYS

1u. Repeat step 9 to view the von Nises stiess plots foi the othei fiequencies:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Next Set
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
11. Plot the moue shape incluuing the unuefoimeu euge foi the fiist moue:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Fiist Set
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu

12. Animate the fiist moue shape:
0tility Nenu > PlotCtils > Animate > Noue Shape ...

1S. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button in the Toolbai

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 18S

Worksbop 4: Transient Dynamic Analysis
In this example we will obseive the ueflection ovei time of the enu of a beam hit with a shoit-
uuiation impact. The beam is 1 metei long, has a 2 cm by 2 cm squaie cioss-section, anu is maue of
Element type:
1. 0n the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'Element type'.
2. Click 'AuuEuitBelete'.
S. Click 'Auu'.
4. Choose 'Beam' unuei the Stiuctuial heauing fiom the list on the left, anu '2B elastic S' fiom
the list on the iight, then click '0K'.
Real constants:
1. Click 'Real constants' on the Piepiocessoi menu.
2. Click 'Auu'
S. Click '0K' in the Element Type foi Real Constants box.
4. Entei 4e-4 foi the cioss-sectional aiea, 16e-812 foi the aiea moment foi ineitia (ANSYS
will uo the aiithmetic foi us), anu 2e-2 foi the total beam height, then click '0K'.
Nateiial piopeities:
1. Click 'Nateiial Piops' on the Piepiocessoi menu.
2. Click 'Nateiial Nouels', then click '0K'.
S. Bouble-click 'Stiuctuial' in the iight siue of the winuow, then 'Lineai', then 'Elastic', then
finally 'Isotiopic'.
4. Entei in 7ue9 foi Young's mouulus, 2.7eS foi uensity, anu u.S foi Poisson's iatio.
1. 0nuei the '-Noueling-' heauing on the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'Cieate'.
2. Click 'Keypoints'.
S. Click 'In Active CS'.

Page 186 Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. Befine the following keypoints:
Keypoint X Y
1 0 0
2 1 0
S. 0n the Cieate menu, unuei the '-Lines-' heauing click 'Lines'.
6. Click 'In Active Cooiu'.
7. Click the two keypoints, then click '0K'.
1. 0n the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'NeshTool'.
2. 0nuei Lines in the Size Contiols section, click 'Set'.
S. In the pick box, click 'Pick All'. (This is fastei than clicking the one line then clicking '0K').
4. Entei 2u into the box foi numbei of element uivisions, then click '0K'.
S. In the NeshTool box, click 'Nesh'; in the pick box, click 'Pick All'.
The mouel is now mesheu, anu you aie uone in the Piepiocessoi.
Befining the analysis:
1. 0n the Solution menu, click 'New Analysis'.
2. Choose 'Tiansient', then click '0K'.
Applying loaus:
In a tiansient analysis in ANSYS, the total time span of the analysis is bioken up into "loau steps",
specific peiious of uiffeient loauing configuiations. In this analysis we will use foui loau steps:
Rampeu application of the foice to the enu of the beam fiom time u to 1u-S
Constant foice on the beam fiom 1u-S seconus to Sx1u-S seconus
Rampeu iemoval of the foice fiom Sx1u-S seconus to 6x1u-S seconus
No applieu loaus fiom 6x1u-S seconus to u.u6 seconus.
In uefining these loau steps we will take auvantage of ANSYS's featuie of automatically iamping
loaus to theii final values.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 187

Fiist loau step:
1. 0nuei the '-Loaus-' heauing on the Solution menu, click 'Apply'.
2. Click 'Bisplacement'.
S. Click '0n Keypoints'.
4. Click the left enu of the beam, then click '0K'.
S. Click 'All B0F', then click '0K'.
6. 0n the Apply Loaus menu, click 'FoiceNoment'.
7. Click '0n Keypoints'.
8. Click the iight enu of the beam, then click '0K'.
9. Choose the uiiection of the foice as FY anu entei a value of 1eS (1 kN), then click '0K'.
1u. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing click '0utput Ctils'.
11. Click 'BBResults File'.
12. Choose a file wiite fiequency of once eveiy substep, then click '0K'.
1S. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing click 'TimeFiequency'.
14. Click 'Time - Time Step'.
1S. Entei a time at the enu of the loau step of 1e-S anu a time step of 1e-6, then click '0K'.
16. 0n the Solution menu, click 'Wiite LS File'.
17. Entei a loau step numbei of 1, then click '0K'.
Seconu loau step:
We will be able to keep most of the same settings from the previous load step now.
1. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing click 'TimeFiequency'.
2. Click 'Time - Time Step'.
S. Entei a time at the enu of the loau step of Se-S anu a time step size of Se-6, the click '0K'.
We will keep the same loauing, constiaints, anu so foith. The foice on the enu of the beam was
iampeu in the last loau step, but since in this loau step it has the same staiting anu enuing value it
will be constant.
4. 0n the Solution menu, click 'Wiite LS File'.
S. Entei a loau step numbei of 2, then click '0K'.
Thiiu loau step:
1. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loaus-' heauing click 'Belete'.
2. Click 'FoiceNoment' unuei the '-Stiuctuial-' heauing.
S. Click '0n Keypoints'.

Page 188 Intiouuction to ANSYS

4. Click the iight enu of the beam, then click '0K'.
S. Leave the foicemoment to be ueleteu set to 'ALL', anu click '0K'.
6. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing click 'TimeFiequency.
7. Click 'Time - Time Step'.
8. Entei a time at the enu of the loau step of 6e-S anu a time step size of 1e-6, then click '0K'.
9. 0n the Solution menu, click 'Wiite LS File'.
1u. Entei in a loau step numbei of S, then click '0K'.
Fouith loau step:
1. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing click 'TimeFiequency'.
2. Click 'Time - Time Step'.
S. Entei in a time at the enu of the loau step of u.u6 anu a time step of 6e-4. (This will iesult in
a laige numbei of inuiviuual steps in solution, but since each step in this tiansient analysis
takes a veiy shoit amount of time the total time foi solution will still be okay.)
4. 0n the Solution menu, click 'Wiite LS File'.
S. Entei a loau step numbei of 4, then click '0K'.
Solving the pioblem:
1. 0n the Solution menu, unuei the '-Solve-' heauing click 'Fiom LS Files'.
2. Entei a staiting loau step numbei of 1 anu an enuing loau step numbei of 4, then click '0K'.
ANSYS will now solve the pioblem accoiuing to the loau step files.
Foi pioblems with multiple steps, we use the Time Bistoiy Postpiocessoi. In this pioblem, we will
use the Time Bistoiy Postpiocessoi to giaph the ueflection of the beam tip veisus time.
1. 0n the ANSYS main menu, click 'TimeBist Postpio'.
2. Click 'Befine vaiiables'.
S. Click 'Auu'.
4. Leave the type of vaiiable set to 'Noual B0F iesult' anu click '0K'.
S. Click the iight enu of the beam, then click '0K'.
6. Choose 'Tianslation 0Y' fiom the box at the iight. You can also give the vaiiable a name such
as "uisp_enu" in the usei-specifieu label box. Then click '0K'.
7. 0n the TimeBist Postpiocessoi menu, click 'uiaph vaiiables'.
8. Entei '2' as the fiist vaiiable to giaph (in this section ANSYS only iecognizes vaiiable
iefeience numbeis, not usei-specifieu names). Then click '0K'.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 189

The giaph is shown in Figuie

Page 19u Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 5: Buckling Analysis
In this example we will finu the ciitical loau foi buckling of a thin flat plate by eigenvalue buckling
The plate to be analyzeu is shown in Figuie. It is 2u cm long, 1u cm wiue, 1 mm thick, anu maue of
steel with E = 21u uPa anu nu = u.S. Thin plate buckling theoiy pieuicts that it will buckle in the
seconu moue when the applieu loau is 7S.9 kNm.

Element type:
Because the plate will uevelop out-of-plane uisplacements, we will neeu to use a shell element type
foi it.
1. 0n the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'Element Type'.
2. Click 'AuuEuitBelete'.
S. Click 'Auu'.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 191

4. Choose 'Shell' unuei the Stiuctuial heauing fiom the list on the left, anu 'Elastic 8noue 9S'
fiom the list on the iight, then click '0K'.
Real constants:
1. Click 'Real Constants' on the Piepiocessoi menu.
2. Click 'Auu'.
S. Click '0K' in the Element Type foi Real Constants box.
4. Entei u.uu1 (1 mm) in all foui boxes foi shell thickness, then click '0K'.
Nateiial piopeities:
1. Click 'Nateiial Piops' on the Piepiocessoi menu.
2. Click 'Nateiial Nouels', then click '0K'.
S. Bouble-click 'Stiuctuial' in the iight siue of the winuow, then 'Lineai', then 'Elastic', then
finally 'Isotiopic'.
4. Entei in 21ue9 (21u uPa) foi Young's mouulus anu u.S foi Poisson's iatio, then click '0K'.
1. 0nuei the '-Noueling-' heauing on the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'Cieate'.
2. 0nuei the '-Aieas-' heauing, click 'Rectangle'.
S. Click 'By Bimensions'.
4. Entei in the following values:
X1 0
X2 0.2
Y1 0
Y2 0.1
Then click '0K'.
1. 0n the Piepiocessoi menu, click 'NeshTool'.
2. 0nuei Lines in the Size Contiols section, click 'Set'.
S. Pick the left anu iight euges of the plate, then click '0K'.
4. Set the numbei of element uivisions to 8, then click 'Apply'. (We uesiie a ieasonably fine
mesh foi accuiacy, but of couise not too fine.)
S. Pick the top anu bottom euges of the plate, anu set the numbei of element uivisions to 16.

Page 192 Intiouuction to ANSYS

6. Choose 'Nap' unuei the Neshei heauing. This will give a simple giiu of elements fiom the
line size contiols we just set.
7. Click 'Nesh', then click 'Pick All' on the Nesh Aieas pick box. (This is fastei than picking the
plate, then clicking '0K'). ANSYS will now mesh the plate.
You aie now uone with the Piepiocessoi.
Solution {static analysis]
Applying bounuaiy conuitions:
1. Click 'Apply' unuei the '-Loaus-'heauing on the Solution menu.
2. Click 'Bisplacement'.
S. Click '0n Lines'.
4. Click 'Pick All' in the pick box to apply uisplacement to all the euges.
S. Select 0Z to be constiaineu, then entei a uisplacement value of u anu click '0K'.
Applying loaus:
The eigenvalue buckling analysis outputs scale factois on the pie-existing loaus iathei than loaus
themselves, so it is most convenient to apply unit loaus.
1. 0n the Apply Loaus menu, click 'Piessuie'.
2. Click '0n Lines'.
S. Pick the left anu iight euges of the plate, then click '0K'.
4. Entei in a piessuie value of 1, then click '0K'.
Tuining on piestiess effects:
Piestiess effects must be incluueu in an eigenvalue buckling analysis. Tuin on piestiess effects by
typing"PSTRES, 0N" (without the quotes) anu piessing Entei in the ANSYS commanu winuow.
Solving the static analysis:
1. 0n the Solution menu unuei the 'Solve' heauing, click 'Cuiient LS'.
2. Review the solution infoimation given. If eveiything is in oiuei click '0K'. ANSYS will then
solve thestatic analysis.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 19S

Solution {eigenvalue buckling analysis]
Setting the eigenvalue buckling analysis type:
1. 0n the Solution menu unuei the '-Analysis Type-' heauing, click 'New Analysis'.
2. Choose 'Eigen Buckling', then click '0K'. The Solution menu will uisappeai aftei this, anu you
will neeu to biing it back up.
Setting analysis options:
1. 0n the Solution menu, click 'Analysis 0ptions'.
2. Set the moue extiaction methou to 'Subspace', anu entei in 2 foi the numbei of moues to
extiact (we aie only inteiesteu in the fiist moue in which it buckles, but the absence of any
constiaints on iotation about the Z axis will intiouuce an extia "buckling" moue of simple
iotation at a loau of appioximately u). Then click '0K'.
S. In the Subspace Eigenvalue Buckling box that appeais, leave all the settings at theii uefaults
anu click '0K'.
Setting moue expansion options:
1. 0nuei the '-Loau Step 0pts-' heauing, click 'ExpansionPass'.
2. Click 'Expanu Noues'.
S. Entei 2 in the box foi numbei of moues to expanu, then click '0K'.
Solving the eigenvalue buckling analysis:
1. 0n the Solution menu unuei '-Solve-', click 'Cuiient LS'.
2. Review the solution infoimation given. If eveiything is in oiuei click '0K'. ANSYS will then
solve the eigenvalue buckling analysis.
Listing buckling loaus:
1. 0n the ueneial Postpiocessoi menu, click 'Results Summaiy'. The numbei in the
'TINEFREQ' column is the buckling loau. ANSYS gives the buckling loau as 7S,127 Nm,
close to the expecteu value of 7S.9 kNm.

Page 194 Intiouuction to ANSYS

viewing the buckleu shape:
1. 0n the ueneial Postpiocessoi menu unuei the '-Reau Results-'heauing, click 'Last Set'. This
will ieau in the seconu set of moue iesults, the one foi the actual buckling moue.
2. 0n the ueneial Postpiocessoi menu, click 'Plot Results'.
S. 0nuei the '-Contoui Plot-' heauing, click 'Noual Solu'.
4. In the left box select 'B0F solution', anu in the iight box select 'Tianslation 0Z', then click
Figuie shows the iesults; the plate buckles in moue 2 as expecteu.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 19S



Theimal simulations play an impoitant iole in the uesign of many engineeiing applications,
incluuing inteinal combustion engines, tuibines, heat exchangeis, piping systems, anu electionic
components. In many cases, engineeis follow a theimal analysis with a stiess analysis to calculate
theimal stiesses (that is, stiesses causeu by theimal expansions oi contiactions).

Aftei completing this mouule, you will be able to:
Element Types
Nateiial Piopeities Requiieu
Loaus & Constiaints
Solution 0ptions
Post Piocessing
Biffeient Analysis Types

Page 196 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Lecture Notes
Youi instiuctoi will uelivei the lectuie using sliues. Foi youi benefit, theie aie lectuie notes shown
below each sliue in the following section.
You may use the space below to take youi own notes.

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 197

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Commonly Used Element Types
Element Types
Category Element Name(s)
Spars LINK31, LINK32, LINK33, LINK34
2-D Solids PLANE35, PLANE55, PLANE77
3-D Solids SOLID70, SOLID87, SOLID90
Shells SHELL57, SHELL131, SHELL132

Element Types

Page 198 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Thermal Conductivity
Material Properties Required

Material Properties Required

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 199

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Heat flow
Heat flux
Heat generation
Adiabatic surfaces
Loads & Boundary Conditions

Loads & Boundary Conditions

Page 2uu Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Steady State
Solution Options

Solution Uptions

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2u1

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Thermal Gradient
Thermal Flux
Reaction Forces
General Post Processing (POST1)
Time History Post Processing (POST26)
Post Processing

Post Processing

Page 2u2 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Steady State Analysis
Transient Thermal Analysis
Types of Analysis

Types of Analysis

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2uS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Steady State Analysis

Steady State Analysis

Page 2u4 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Training Manual
RH Technologies, Pune
Material Properties
Solution Options
Review Results
Transient Thermal Analysis

Transient Tbermal Analysis

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2uS

Lab Worksbop
Worksbop 1: Axisymmetric Pipe witb Fins
A pipe with cooling fins is to be analyzeu foi tempeiatuie anu theimal flux uistiibutions
unuei given loauing conuitions (see next page).
The mouel is axisymmetiic. Also, only half the fin is moueleu, so the bottom of the mouel is
a symmetiy bounuaiy.


Page 2u6 Intiouuction to ANSYS

1. Entei ANSYS in the woiking uiiectoiy specifieu by youi instiuctoi using "pipe-th" as the
2. Set the u0I Piefeiences to Theimal:
Nain Nenu > Piefeiences .
o Select "Theimal", then |0Kj
S. Reau input fiom "pipe-th.inp" to cieate the 2-B axisymmetiic mouel anu specify mesh
uivisions on lines:

0tility Nenu > File > Reau Input fiom .
o Select "pipe-th.inp", then |0Kj

4. Specify the element type to be PLANESS anu set keyopt(S)=axisymmetiic:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Element Type > AuuEuitBelete .
o |Auu ...j
Pick "Theimal Soliu" anu "Quau 4noue SS", then |0Kj
o |0ptions ...j
Set KS = Axisymmetiic, then |0Kj
o |Closej

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2u7

S. Reau in mateiial piopeities fiom the mateiial libiaiy foi Su4 Stainless Steel:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Nateiial Piops > Nateiial Libiaiy > Impoit
o Select "BIN", then |0Kj
Ask youi instiuctoi foi the path to matlib uiiectoiy Befault path
is: C:\Piogiam Files\Ansys Inc\v1uu\ANSYS\matlib
o Select "Stl_AISI-Su4.BIN_NPL", then |0Kj
o Review the ansuitmp winuow
o Close the ansuitmp winuow

6. Nesh the mouel using mappeu meshing with 2-B quau elements:
Nain Nenu > Piepiocessoi > Neshing > NeshTool
o Pick |Setj unuei Size Contiols: ulobal
o SIZE = u.2S2, then |0Kj
o Select "Nappeu", then |Neshj
o |Pick Allj
o |Closej

Page 2u8 Intiouuction to ANSYS

7. Apply convection loaus to the soliu mouel lines:
0tility Nenu > Plot > Lines
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Theimal > Convection > 0n
o Pick the outei foui lines (1u, 2, 7, anu 6), then |0Kj
o Set vALI = u.69e-4 anu vAL2I = 7u, then |0Kj
Nain Nenu > Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Theimal > Convection > 0n
o Pick the innei two lines (9 anu 1S), then |0Kj
o Set vALI = u.28e-S anu vAL2I = 4Su, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 2u9

8. Save the uatabase anu obtain the solution:
Pick the "SAvE_BB" button in the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Save
as }obname.ub)
Nain Nenu > Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS
o Review the "STAT0S Commanu" winuow anu then close it
o |0Kj
9. Entei the geneial postpiocessoi anu ieview the iesults:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc >
a. Plot tempeiatuies:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Pick Noual Solution > B0F solution > Tempeiatuie, then |0Kj

Page 21u Intiouuction to ANSYS

b. Plot theimal flux:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Pick Noual Solution > Theimal flux > theimal flux vectoi sum, then |0Kj

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 211

c. Plot theimal giauient:
Nain Nenu > ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results > Contoui Plot > Noual Solu
o Pick Noual Solution > Theimal uiauient > Theimal giauient vectoi sum,
then |0Kj

1u. Save anu exit ANSYS:
Pick the "Q0IT" button fiom the Toolbai (oi select: 0tility Nenu > File > Exit...)
o Select "Save Eveiything"
o |0Kj

Page 212 Intiouuction to ANSYS

Worksbop 2: Transient Thermal Analysis of a Fin
A cylinuiical coppei fin conuucts heat away fiom its base at 1uuC anu tiansfeis it to a suiiounuing
fluiu at 2SuC thiough convection. The convection heat tiansfei coefficient is 1u Wm
K. The coppei
has atheimal conuuctivity (k) of S98 Wm K, a specific heat (Cp) of S8S }Kg K, anu a uensity of
89SS Kgm

Beteimine the following:
(a) the time to ieach steauy state
(b) the steauy state tempeiatuie uistiibution (using a tiansient analysis)
(c) the tempeiatuie uistiibution aftei Su seconus
(u) the animateu histoiy of tempeiatuie in the fin ovei time
(e) the steauy state heat tiansfei iate thiough the base of the fin (using a tiansient
(f) the steauy state tempeiatuie uistiibution anu heat tiansfei iate thiough the base
using a steauy state theimal analysis
Foi the tiansient analysis, we will assume that the fin has an initial tempeiatuie of 2SC. At time
t=u, heat will begin to flow fiom the base into the fin wheie some of the heat is stoieu (hence the
neeu foi the specific heat anu uensity) anu some of it is convecteu away. Aftei a peiiou of time, the
tempeiatuie uistiibution in the fin will become steauy. Steauy state solutions iequiie that the
system of equations uefining the mouel be solveu only 0NCE, while tiansient solutions iequiie a
new solution foi each time step. Foi example, ANSYS will ueteimine the tempeiatuie uistiibution at
t=u.1 s baseu on the initial conuitions. Next, ANSYS will ueteimine the tempeiatuie uistiibution at t
= u.2 s baseu on the tempeiatuie uistiibution at t=u.1 s (anu so on). Solution accuiacy is a function
of the size of the time steps as well as chaiacteiistics of the mesh.4uu

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 21S

Build Model:
1. Piepiocessoi >Element type > AuuEuitBelete > (Auu) > Theimal Nass > Soliu > ( Soliu
87) > 0K (This 1u noue tetiaheuial element woiks well foi the cuiveu euges of the fin)
2. Piepiocessoi > Nateiial piopeities > Nateiial mouels > Theimal > Entei Conuuctivity >
Isotiopic > KXX = S98, Specific heat C = S8S, Bensity BENS = 89SS
S. Piepiocessoi >Noueling > Cieate > volumes > Cylinuei > Soliu cylinuei > WP X = u, WP Y =
u, Rauius = u.u12S, Bepth = u.4 (use PlotCtils to view an isometiic of the cylinuei)
4. Piepiocessoi > Neshing > Nesh tool > Tuin on smait size to 4 > Nesh > volumes > Nesh
>(lck Lhe body) > Ck

Define Loads, Time Stepping Uptions, Uutput Uptions & Solve:
1. Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Tiansient > 0K > Full > 0K
2. Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Theimal > Tempeiatuie > 0n Aieas > (pick base of fin) >
TENP 1uu > 0K
S. Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Theimal > Convection > 0n Aieas > (pick all of the aieas
except foi the base - theie aie S - just click S times neai the tip of the fin) > Film Coefficient
= 1u, Bulk Tempeiatuie = 2S > 0K
4. Solution > Befine Loaus > Apply > Initial Conuit'n > Befine > Pick All > Lab = TENP, vAL0E =
2S (ANSYS will iemembei the base tempeiatuie anu the convection conuitions you enteieu
foi the steauy state solution, so you uon't have to ie-entei them. You can use the "List" tool
to view these conuitions)

Page 214 Intiouuction to ANSYS

S. Solution > Loau Step 0pts > TimeFiequenc > Time-Time Step > Set TINE = 1uuuu (at the
top), KBC = steppeu, A0T0TS = Piog Chosen, Ninimum time step size = u.u1, maximum time
step size = 2uu > 0K (We will let the ANSYS take chaige of choosing the appiopiiate time
step, limiting the time step to 2uus)
6. Solution > Loau Step 0pts > 0utput Ctils > BBResults File > FREQ = eveiy substep > 0K
(setting this option will allow us to see contoui plots anu obtain othei iesults at any time
step between t = u anu t = 1u,uuus)
7. Solution > Solve > Cuiient LS > 0K
It will take the mouel a while to iun since it will iequiie at least Su time steps (max time = 1uuuu
uiviueu by maximum time step = 2uu)
Time History Post Processing:
1. Timehist postpioc > Befine vaiiables > Auu > Noual B0F Result > 0K > Select a noue
ianuomly at the miuule of the enu of the fin > 0K > NvAR = 2, B0F solution =Temp >0K
2. Timehist Postpioc > uiaph vaiiables > NvAR1 = 2 > 0K (This gives the vaiiation of
tempeiatuie with iespect to time at that noue. Notice that steauy state conuitions aie
ieacheu at about Suuus, with a value of 8u uegiees C at the tip)

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 21S

S. Timehist Postpioc > List vaiiables >NvAR1 = 2 > 0K (this lists the tempeiatuie as a
function of time at the tip, as shown below)

Ceneral Post Processing:
1. ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Last Set
2. ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results >Contoui Plot > Noual Solution >B0F Solution > Noual
Tempeiatuie > 0K (this is the tempeiatuie uistiibution at 1u,uuus oi the steauy state

Page 216 Intiouuction to ANSYS

S. ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > By TimeFieq > Entei TINE = Su > 0K
4. ueneial Postpioc > Plot Results >Contoui Plot > Noual Solution >B0F Solution > Noual
Tempeiatuie > 0K (this is the tempeiatuie uistiibution at Sus)

Intiouuction to ANSYS Page 217

S. Ceneral osLproc > 8ead resulLs > 8y Llme/freq >LnLer 1lML = 180 > Ck
6. Ceneral osLproc > loLresulLs > ConLour ploL >nodal soluLlon > uClsoluLlon >
Noualtempeiatuie > 0K (Notice the changes in the tempeiatuie uistiibution ielative to the
tempeiatuies at Sus.Bighei tempeiatuies aie moving fuithei uown the iou.)

7. PlotCtils > Animate > 0vei Time > click on Time Range anu entei u foi a minimum time anu
Suuu foi a maximum time > 0K (This will show an animation of tempeiatuie with time. You
can vaiy settings.)
8. ueneial Postpioc > Reau Results > Last Set
9. ueneial Postpioc > List Results > Reaction Solu > Beat flow > 0K (scioll to the bottom of the
list to see that the steauy state total heat flow thiough the base of the fin is 19.7 W)

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