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Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Ruben Bermudez Lopez 349457 June 14, 2013

Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

1. Implementation As I couldnt achieve a working krr-class, I wasnt able to try out the cross-validation function. In any case, I had added here a capture of the results a get when running both tests (kkr-test and cv-test). The biggest problem was to nd out how to predict with kkr.

Figure 1: kkr-test results

Figure 2: cv-test results

Ruben Bermudez Lopez June 14, 2013 Page 2 of 10

Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

2. roc-curve For my roc-curve, I have decide to choose 6 points to make 6 dierent classication and moreover, I get the analytical from the distributions parameters and also made a classication with this point. Finally I got the following roc-curves:

Figure 3: Roc-curves for n=100

Figure 4: Roc-curves for n=1000

Ruben Bermudez Lopez June 14, 2013 Page 3 of 10

Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

Figure 5: Roc-curves for n=10000 As we can see, in all cases, the analytical solution achieve a good classication. On the other hand, the empirical values give us sometimes a really good classication (i.e. 2.6875 for n=10000) or a really bad one (i.e. -1.3909 for n=10000).

Ruben Bermudez Lopez

June 14, 2013

Page 4 of 10

Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

3. Code ps3

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ps3 PUT YOUR NAME HERE: Ruben Bermudez Lopez

Write the functions cv zero one loss krr Write your implementations in the given functions stubs!

(c) Daniel Bartz, TU Berlin, 2013 import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la import itertools as it import time import pylab as pl from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import sys def zero_one_loss(y_true, y_pred): Compute the zerooneloss Param: y true: Classes classication y pred: Predicted classication Return: zerooneloss ypred = y_pred.copy() number = ypred.shape[0] ypred[ypred>0]=1 ypred[ypred<0]=1 return (1./number)*np.sum(ypred!=y_true) def cv(X, y, method, params, loss_function=zero_one_loss, nfolds=10, nrepetitions =5): Compute crossvalidation Params: X: (d x n) data set y: (1 x n) data labels method: Class with methods Fit and Predict to perfom cv params: Parameters for the t function of method loss funtion: Function to calculate the error of the predicted classication nfolds: Number of folds to devide the dataset nrepetition: Number of repetition to perfom on each nfolds Return: method with the cvloss value and the optimal values for params found during cv e = 0. d,x = X.shape Xcopy = X.copy() Ycopy = y.copy()

Ruben Bermudez Lopez

June 14, 2013

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Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

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indexkernel= indexkernelparam = indexregularization = 1 kernel = kernelparams = reglarization = [] # Get params for training if kernel in params: indexkernel = params.index(kernel)+1 kernel = params[indexkernel] if kernelparam in params: indexkernelparam = params.index(kernelparam)+1 kernelparams = params[indexkernelparam] if regularization in params: indexregularization = params.index(regularization)+1 regularization = params[indexregularization] parameters = list(it.product(kernel,kernelparams,regularization)) enew = e = float(sys.maxint) timenew = time.time() kaux = 0 for k in parameters: for i in range(nrepetitions): folds = np.arange(x) np.random.shuffle(folds) idx = np.array_split(folds,nfolds) for j in range(nfolds): Trainset = np.delete(Xcopy,idx[j],1) Trainlabel = np.delete(Ycopy,idx[j]) Testset = X[:,idx[j]] if len(k) == 1: method =,Trainlabel,kernel=k[0]) elif len(k) == 2: method =,Trainlabel,kernel=k[0], kernelparameter=k[1]) elif len(k) == 3: method =,Trainlabel,kernel=k[0], kernelparameter=k[1],regularization=k[2]) else: method =,Trainlabel) method = method.predict(Testset) enew += loss_function(y[0,idx[j]],method.ypred) enew = enew*(1./(nfolds*nrepetitions)) if enew < e: e = enew optimalkernel = method.kernel optimalparameter = method.kernelparameter optimalregularization = method.regularization optimalalpha = method.alpha optimalypred = method.ypred timenew += time.time() print Tested %d casus out of %d. Running time: %f, Expected remain time: %f %(kaux+1, len(parameters),timenew,(len(parameters)*timenew*1.)/( kaux+1)timenew) kaux+=1 method.cvloss = e method.kernel = optimalkernel method.parameter = optimalparameter method.regularization = optimalregularization method.alpha = optimalalpha method.ypred = optimalypred return method

class krr():

Ruben Bermudez Lopez

June 14, 2013

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Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

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Class to perfom Kernel Ridge Regretion def __init__(self, kernel=linear, kernelparameter=1, regularization=0): self.kernel = kernel self.kernelparameter = kernelparameter self.regularization = regularization self.alpha = None self.cvloss = None def oneout(self,K,Y): regparams = np.arange(0.,0.1,0.004) err = float(sys.maxint) regparam = 0 n = K.shape[0] L,U = np.linalg.eig(K) aux1 =,L) for c in regparams: aux2 = 1/(L+c*np.eye(n)) S =,aux2),U.T) SY =,Y.T) num = Y SY den = 1,np.ones((n,1))) sume = ((num*1.)/den)**2 errnew = np.sum(sume)/(n*1.) if errnew < err: err = errnew regparam = c return regparam def gaussiankernel(self,X): d,n = X.shape res = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=np.float64) for i in range(n): x = X[:,i][:,np.newaxis] aux = xX aux = aux**2 aux = np.sum(aux,axis=0) const = 2*d*(self.kernelparameter*self.kernelparameter) res[i] += np.exp((1.*aux)/const) return res def fit(self, X, y, kernel=False, kernelparameter=False, regularization=False) : Train kkr Param: X: (d x n) Train dataset y: (1 x n) Real class classication of data in X kernel: Kernel to use to perform kkr kernelparameters: Parameter to use with Kernel regularization: Regularization parameter Return: self with all the attributes needed to perform a classication Y = y.copy() if kernel is not False: self.kernel = kernel if kernelparameter is not False: self.kernelparameter = kernelparameter if regularization is not False: self.regularization = regularization if self.kernel == linear: K =,X) elif self.kernel == polynomial:

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Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

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K =,X)+1. K = K**kernelparameter elif self.kernel == gaussian: K = self.gaussiankernel(X) else: raise Exception(Wrong kernel found) d,n = X.shape if regularization == 0: self.regularization = self.oneout(K,Y) alpha = K + regularization*np.eye(n) self.alpha =,Y.T) self.x = X.copy() self.weight =,self.alpha) return self def predict(self, X): if self.alpha is None: raise Exception(Fitting not made) else: self.ypred =,self.weight).T return self

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ps3 PUT YOUR NAME HERE: Ruben Bermudez Lopez

Write the functions roc curve krr app Write your code in the given functions stubs!

(c) Daniel Bartz, TU Berlin, 2013 import numpy as np import pylab as pl import random # import matplotlib as pl # from mpl toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from scipy.stats import norm import os import sys import pickle

import ps3_implementation as imp imp = reload(imp) def predict(data,threshold): res = np.zeros(data.shape) for i in range(data.shape[0]): if data[i] <= threshold: res[i] = 1 else:

Ruben Bermudez Lopez

June 14, 2013

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Kernel Ridge Regression, Cross-validation

Machine Learning and Data Analysis

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res[i] = 1 return res def roc_curve(n): Plot the analytical and empirical roccurves Params: n: Number of samples numpos = n/2 numneg = nnumpos sigma = 1.0 muneg = 0.0 mupos = 2.0 datapos = np.random.normal(mupos,sigma,numpos) dataneg = np.random.normal(muneg,sigma,numneg) labelpos = np.ones(numpos) labelneg = np.ones(numneg)*1 data = np.concatenate((datapos,dataneg)) labels = np.concatenate((labelpos,labelneg)) colors = [b,g,r,c,m,y] indexes = np.random.randint(0,len(data),size=6) tries = data[indexes] legends = [i for i in tries] legends.append(1.0 Analytical) copylabel = labels.copy() #empirical solution for i in range(len(tries)): predictions = predict(data,tries[i]) indexs = np.argsort(predictions)[::1] copylabel = copylabel[indexs] tp, fp = 0.0,0.0 fp = 0.0 aux = predictions.copy() aux[aux==1] = 0 pnum = np.sum(aux) aux = predictions.copy() aux[aux==1] = 0 nnum = np.sum(aux)*1 xy = [] for j in range(n): xy.append([fp/nnum,tp/pnum]) if 1 == copylabel[j]: tp += 1 elif 1 == copylabel[j]: fp += 1 pl.plot([x[0] for x in xy], [y[1] for y in xy],colors[i]) #analytical solution predictions = predict(data, 1.0) indexs = np.argsort(predictions)[::1] copylabel = copylabel[indexs] tp, fp = 0.0,0.0 fp = 0.0 aux = predictions.copy() aux[aux==1] = 0 pnum = np.sum(aux) aux = predictions.copy() aux[aux==1] = 0 nnum = np.sum(aux)*1 xy = [] for j in range(n):

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Machine Learning and Data Analysis

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xy.append([fp/nnum,tp/pnum]) if 1 == copylabel[j]: tp += 1 elif 1 == copylabel[j]: fp += 1 pl.plot([x[0] for x in xy], [y[1] for y in xy],k) pl.ylim((0,1)) pl.xlim((0,1)) pl.xticks(pl.arange(0,1.1,0.1)) pl.yticks(pl.arange(0,1.1,0.1)) pl.grid(True) pl.xlabel(False positive rate) pl.ylabel(True positive rate) pl.legend(legends,fancybox=True, shadow=True, loc=4) pl.title(ROC curve)

def roc_fun(y_true, y_pred): your header here!

def krr_app(reg=False): your header here!

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June 14, 2013

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