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Zeroing of the Humanity and Transcending Adulteration of the Nation.

A Surreal Studies in Devi Nepal

[Published in Molung Research Journal, Vol. 3, No 2. Kathamndu: Molung Research Centre,
July, 2012]

Atindra Dahal
Human beings have been indulging to enjoy the peak of civilization and ace of the advancement.
Science and technology, which is assumed to be the gift for miraculous changes on the humans
lives and world scenario, is paid profuse panegyric for this outstanding success. Throughout the
globe, there has been given an overwhelmingly warm response to the pace of civilization and to
science, which has caused a life with the paradigmatic shift to the people.
But together with positive advantages and some remarkably notable outputs of science, it has
generated some disgustingly harrowing outputs too. Human evils, crimes, perversion are rife and
being facilitated a lot with the misuse of science.
Science, despite being paid high level accolade for its boon and advantages in progress of human
society, can never be exempted for its horrible, baneful and destructive nature. Such hellish side
of science has recompensed the world by wrecking morality of people and grooming them in
path of having zero humanity. Growth of humans as uncompromisingly selfish and self centered
as well as aggressively unfriendly to each other has been abetted by science; and that is
germinated in mode of having love towards extremely materialistic life. The humanity, love,
cooperation, justice, virtues, truth, conviviality, amity, affability, brotherhood, fraternity, which
are supposed to be human qualities, are null and void, in many and majority of people. Being
close to the fact, human values and quality in humans beings are being gradually eroded. We are
growing with zeroing in the humanities. Love, brotherhood, fraternity and amalgamation are in
great crack. Only aggression, discord, disharmony, boastfulness, inclemency are critical
benchmarks of todays people. Or as the author Goshgarian uses the word zeroing as the
categories are just that neat [dont have separate standard quality or difference](162) to sketch
the blurring of lines between science and non science fiction, the demarcations between human
and machine have blurred; and humanity is being zeroed. We are growing with nil of human
qualities. Such humans cause adulteration of the nation than advancement in practical sense.
Even the peril or crush of the nation relies on perverted, corrupt, unethical, immoral human
beings. Morality defined as Morals are as much as to collective habit, experienced and
judgment as to go the creative ethical genius of the individual( Mukharjee: 115) is sensed
having a great crack in people of these days. In contrary, people are growing unethical and
corrupt rather.
Stressing on the need of people, who have moral qualities, Aivanhor writes, But why are all the
gifts and talents and skills unable to save the world? Because that is not what we needed[] the
world needs the people who are capable of manifesting moral qualities far more than it needs
artists, scientists, athletes, etc (93). In opposition, in reality, the people in present world are
grossly lacking such qualities and growing otherwise; the same concern is the strikingly focused
idea in poems by Nepal.
Rather than love and cooperation, people are attracted towards sins, evils and unethical dealings.
Century after century the church has been telling the world that man is contaminated by
original sin and can never be pure again, nor ever transmit anything sin from generation onto
generation, man is covered in sin, born in sin, and there is no remedy (143) justifies the concept
Human are not only of and for material success. They need to have certain other feelings and
qualities what is called humanity. Realizing the fact, Raju says, Man lives in a world of culture,
not merely in the world of physics (31). Here the author stresses an individual, as human, to
grow for society, social needs, values and culture too, where mutual response and respect can be
But these all aspects, which are supposed to be in humans, are getting eroded in todays many
individuals. They are growing as like machines where no human values are noticed. Rather they
are less helpful and more harmful. Qualities of humans are zeroed in on them. The humanity has
depleted and gone to track of sheer absence.
The emerging poet of Nepalese literature, Mr. Nepal has succinctly presented the same situation
of people and similar destiny of the nation through his latest anthology of the poetry, Mato ra
Mutu . He has tried to locate and embody the minute and acute realties or bitter truth about
depletion of humanity in the humans through his literature as like surreal studies does and deals
About the Poet
Having got his birth in 2030, in family of Manmaya and Kubernath, in Goldhap of Jhapa district
in eastern Nepal, Mr. Nepal has been contributing to enrich the literary store of Nepal since long,
right from his student life in the school. Formally he began to add the beauty and values of
Nepalese literature from 2057, with publication of his first creation Shradanjali. Besides the
participation in literary activities, he has been unleashing his better efforts in order to aid the
skilled and practical human resource generation by educating the youths. Since the Chinese
proverb reads if you have to plan for a year, cultivate paddy; if you have to plan for decade
plant the tress; then if you have to plan for the century, educate the people, it can be irresistibly
said that he has been helping the nation plan and march for the centuries by educating the people
because he has been extending his guileless efforts in teaching as the assistant professor of
Nepali for couple of years.
In short span of time, Mr. Nepal has made an enviable progress that is worth assimilating and
investigating to the emerging individuals, who feel of having love and affinity at literature. His
15 different books (poetry, essays, children stories, commentaries and other types) are published
and read with wider interest and interpretations. He has even written text books more than two
dozen in numbers those are taught to different levels of formal education i.e. school, and
universities. The series of wide acclaims and appreciation with awards and prizes are
continuously having favor at him. Different 13 types of national, international awards are already
offered to him in recognition of his outstanding and accelerating contribution in literary store of
the nation. At present, he is being shouldered with responsibility in decisive posts and profiles in
seven different national and regional literary associations.
In compendium, he is the person of early blossom in field of literature. His texts clearly represent
the society and adopt the picture of it from different angles. They are exact prototype of the
human behavior and social practices.
His latest poetry anthology, Mato ra Mutu, is with solid blend of zeroing in the humanity and
transcendently adulterated world.
Western philosophies and literature have had a premeditated aggressive attack on this mode of
mechanization of human beings. Right after industrialization and modernization, lives are not
only supported for goods but also worsened a lot. World literature made minute analysis of
unwarranted modes then added an acute objection towards it. Highlighting about severe fall and
decline in human qualities and values, Nissani writes: the quality of life, and the value we place
on human life, will continue to erode (32). He means that humans have been not living as
humans. They have missed all the attributes a human should have. Comparing the latest
American generation with engine and rocket machine, Simpson writes: As the tip of the fly rod,
and their sons were as smooth as a V-8 engine [.] found the heart misplaced, and seeds as
black as death, emitting a strange odor (33). He means humans and machine have had a blur
now in terms of qualities. There can be drawn a lot of similarities between humans and
machines. Negating human qualities and ethos, humans have transformed self to machines. From
consciousness and rationality of living beings, we have set ourselves into nonliving objects like
V-8 engine, which has no heart and no feelings. The more advanced and developed we proclaim
ourselves to be, the more selfish, awkward, egoistic and myopic we are growing. We have not
only negated human values and benchmarks of being rational, rather we have smeared the world,
impure and adulterated it totally. Explaining about the situation poet Hopkins writes: And all is
seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil and wears mans smudge and shares mans smell:
the soil is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod (69); and it highlights the degradation in
humanity and promotion of selfishness, cruelty and indifference because of trade and commerce.
Nepals poetry anthology too rightly notes many of such points, where human have been shown
as deserted and discontented. Insanity, horror, madness, cruelty, brutality, spitefulness,
overbearingness, callousness, rivalry, enmity, disharmony and discord are rampant in present
humans. Righteousness, virtues, well wishing to others, feeling of goodness to others are rare or
in short. People are busy to trap rest, to isolate fellows, to defame others, conspire against each
other and remain indifferent at pains and agony of all except of self. Swimming in the pond of
greed, complying with avariciousness, fascination at evils and insatiable hunger for wealth or
materialism have fueled people with extremes of offenses, follies, felony or fanatics.
Poet Nepal draws due and correct picture of such vulnerable and deplorably sordid aspect of the
humanity in his work. Besides some advantages, the chronic bronchitis of science in society and
social lives, as humans with zeroed humanity, has marred us that are clearly projected in his
Nepal in His Text
- =++ --=- = =- =- ,- - --= -+ | - = ,===+ +-
+===+ =+ | ,=- ! + |= +- = == -:- | (), unmakes succinct explanation
on retardation and deviation in human qualities. He compares and contrasts the past scene and
present situation very well. The child who was innocent, selfless, not interested at wealth, not
manipulated by greed, having no credulity, no temptation, no aggression and no brutish attitude
has shown to be grown up as fragmented, distorted and corrupt individual today. He assumes
todays position that those human values and qualities, which the persona had in past, are
distorted and smashed. His total features of as good and the being of the virtue have had a
complete crash and wreck. The full swing changes in qualities of human from good to worst,
from sociable to unsociable, from productive to detrimental, from humanly to demonic are
depicted through these lines.
The line -= -+ +== --c == () embodies the same feelings and further
strengthens the assumption carried out by the expression of the earlier lines. He has clearly
presented the surreal feature of society that every human has turned selfish and self centered.
People have mere malice, hatred, and disharmony toward each other. Conspiracy and contumely
are unfettered; and those are making grip in human hearts. Humans terribly lack the sympathy
and empathy for others. Philanthropic attitudes and characteristics are in great split.
Writing -- - +- === - c:= - :, +- - +:= c =: (), Nepal rightly
points out the grim picture about nation and characteristics of present human society, as it has
grown hallow and impious a lot. Peace and accord in society are a rare phenomenon. Only the
fight, battle and cleansings are on widespread. These like of fearful and frightening activities are
being appealing to people. Inconsonance and disharmony are being aestheticized (romanticized)
in present society. Human love violence; then state of peace in society are anestheticized

=-= - =- - -- - =--, - - =- - -- - +- () succinctly enumerates the
dark and dim picture and deplorable reality of the advanced society. Poet acknowledges the fact
of having humans sans humanity or quality of being humans. Human beings have been living
denigrating the human values, ethics and qualities. Rather activities to satiate the greed, cruelty,
dianosyianistic (in terms of Nietzsches definition that stands for love of mob culture, group-ism,
destruction and hullabaloo) domain, and destructive instincts are making a grip on human. Deep
fascination and ingrained interests towards fouls, evils, unclean and polluted works are major
focus that poet presents with note of dissent and worrisome.

The news --= - = = ==-+ == -= =+ == =+- : =-, - ==
-= - + -= or - =- +-++ +- --= =+- - c-=: == =:
| pithily and lucidly indicate degree of abject and dismally wretched activity of the human
beings at present. These types of inhuman, demonic and animalistic attributes are presented by
people since the degree of humanity is zeroing, slowly and gradually. The poet has frequently
paid concerns and extended his agonizing response toward deviation in human qualities and
humanity. The thing that makes him profusely worried and struck about ongoing changes in
humans is the way we are mechanizing ourselves and paying off attention towards human

-=+ = == =-= , -- = +-s () metaphorically insinuates the situation
there humans are living with nil human qualities. He projects the heart as dead, having no
sensation and cruel and indifferent towards outer world. People hardly have time and feeling to
care about others. Indicating the similar situation the poet, talking about sheer indifference of
humans, again has written, -- -- - ++== c = -- , == : = = - ==-+ ===,
+== +=c - +- =-+ ===, =-- == = - += c=+ --= (). This is the way
how we generate nil responsibility towards other. Each one is deaf and dumb for rest of people.
Humans veered off from embodying consciousness to acknowledging only the command.

-++ c- + -= ==- == = , == == +=+= == == c-=, =c - - =-- ==
== = -= (-) is the explanation about most dirty and filthy way of ruin in humanity.
The cruelty, madness, and fascination towards sin have transcended the boundary and completely
surpassed human imagination. People have even started to indulge extremely inexcusable,
horrible and horrendous offense like killing the mother and destroying the motherland. Such
deadly sins and heartrending crime are taking place since the level of humanity is nil in people.
The symbol of killing the mother is true substantiation, assertion and panoply of the feeling that
people rose as soulless humans.

Sheer apathy towards good conducts, admissible behaviours and accepted or expected morality
have ventured for the adulteration of this world. People love to promote violence, conspiracy and
plotting. Sense of irresponsibility, frivolity, crime, fouls, delinquency exist everywhere. Being
selfish and avaricious of personal growth, people dont even hesitate to maltreat, spoil, mar and
torture others. Ragging rest and tormenting them often appeal todays modern humans. Going
with dirty aspects of lives, which has eroded human qualities and values, are features of present
humans. Unsound in mind, awkward in feeling, antisocial in nature, corrupt and depraved in
behavior are some indicators of people. Further, it cements the reality of corrupt, crooked,
dishonest and flawed humanity of people. Because of such substandard humanity and blemished
mentality of people, the entire world is crushed and taken into way of great impasse or morasses.
++=+ += =++ =- , ++ +=-- +- == , +-- -= == () highlights the
murky reality and agonizing evils of the society and human beings. Positive virtues, forbearance
and acknowledgement of others are in irrecoverable deficit. Only the things that exist are
mistrust, hatred, abrogation, jealousy, ill thought and so on. Poison is found where nectar was
expected. =c= +- c- += == =+ =r- =, =c =c c == =-= = -= =r- =
(-) speaks the most meanest and stupidest quality that todays humans have. They are not only
being apathetic and indifferent towards pain and agony of others, not only negating others
sentiment but blatantly plotting and working for extinction of each others. Humans are acting
and loving to degrade humans. Deliberately, humans have been spending their efforts and
attempts on against of selfs welfare. Even animals too love the fellows of the group, in contrast,
we have acted for destruction, pollution of self or owns group. Human beings are eager and
active for destruction and raze of the human beings that is objectionably pathetic and nerve
taking phenomenon, which indicates spoilt and substandard level of humanity in present species
of the humans.

t= +-c- = -== =-c =c +- = () further cements poets feeling about
degeneration and fall in human qualities. Taking about the substitution of human hearts with
stone, he raises the issue about loss of human qualities in people. The symbol represents the
surrealistic presentation of human values which are converted into chaos, fright, scuffle, bedlam,
invective and objectionably foul treatment to each other.
Besides the unique intellectual way to present the grim and gloomy scenario of present world
that is represented by age of heartless and age of sympathyless people, he has deliberately
managed the sequence of poems in the same way. The first poem Purbasmriti is very suitable
placing to recall the past joys, appreciative humanity and bountifully gregarious human values or
humanity of the bygone age. Slowly he begins observing the decline in this quality in each later
ordering. Finally he places the poem Chitabat that stands for total absence of humanity, which
is irreparably over and completely dead. Since humanity has died and entombed at cemetery, our
society has only the cruelty, selfishness, rascality, interpersonal tyranny and craziness; and the
poet made minute acknowledgement of such feelings and points in his poems and indexing as
In this way, poet Nepal has brilliantly noted the degraded humanity and retarded sociable skills
or arts in human beings. Toadys world faces the same problem. Despite having a good academic
position, a well off financial status, enviable social outreach, being a good human is an exacting
aspect to many people. The serious and critical fluctuation and stagnation in humans in terms of
presenting humanity is the point of emphasis in Nepals poems. He has remarked the same foul
as the cause for complete fiasco of the nation and adulteration of the society. He has alluded that
the success of the nation and prosperity of society is polluted and adulterated because of the
same fate. It is exacerbated and worsen day after night. Hence, he infallibly makes a surrealistic
study of the world in his poems, which have shown zeroing in the humanity then leading at
transcending or unending adulteration of the world.
Aivanhor, Omraam Mikhael. Golden Rules for Everday Life. France: Prosveta; 2001.
... Hope for the World: Spiritual Galvanoplasty. France: Prosveta; 2001.
Goshgarain, Gray. Zeroing in on Science Fiction. Encounter: A prose Reader. Ed. Shreedhar
Lohoni, Ramshwor Adhkari, Abhi Subedi. Nepal: Ratna Pustak Books; 1998. P+159.
Hopkins, Gerald Manley. Gods Grandeur. The Heritage of Words. Ed. Shreedhar Lohoni,
Ramshwor P Adhkari, Abhi Subedi. Nepal: Ekata Books; 2010. P+69.
Mukharjee, Radhakamal. The Social Structure of Values. India: R.K. Printers; 1965.
Nietzsche, Fredric. Apollonianism and Diynosyanism. Essays on the Creation of Knowledge.
Edt. Shreedhhar P Lohoni, Rameshwar P Adhikari, Abhi N Subedi. Nepal: Ranta Pustak
Bhandar; 1996. P+..
Raju. P.T. Introduction. The Concept of Man. Ed. S. Radhakrishnan and P.T. Raju. UK:
George Allens & Unwin Lt; 1960.
Simpson, Louis. The Inner Part. Generations, Thematic Anthology of Poems. Ed. Shreedhar
Lohoni, Padma P. Devkota. Nepal: Educational Enterprises; 2001. P+32.
- += - == == +:=: , |--, ++- --
+-+, --= - --, +-+ +=+-, --+-, +s=:, -+=

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