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'The nighfis far spent, tFTe'day Fe'day i is at hand" . . . SEND THEM THE LIGHT NOW!



"iMfrjiJi] mmm]



Children's Evangelistic Meeting (Adult Audiences evco Larger)


At the missionary convention which was held in Kanoya Kagoshima, Japan, Brother Rickerson met with Brother Mark Maxey and Pastor Ikemiya and decided on a period in the early part of May for the Dendo (or evangelistic meeting). Due to the difficulty of getting all the red tape attended to, and an un explained delay in the evangelist get ting his passport, the meeting was delayed until May 21-29.

ing gone to so much trouble and expense? There are two main rea
sons. One is that these two men are



extremely busy, Mark Maxey is the A great deal of hard work went director of the Kyushu Christian into the preparation for the meet Mission in Kanoya and Brother Ike ing. A large banner was made and miya is the busy pastor of the Kan hung over the entrance to Ogden oya Church of Christ and is also Hall auditorium. This gave dates and busy in his ministry in a number of names of the Four Religious Films to
outposts. For that reason we were be shown here. Five thousand hand very fortunate to secure them even bills in the form of a personal in for so short an Evangelistic meeting. vitation were printed. Each day a
The second reason is that mission


of workers


the homes

aries and National evangelists have 2. WHY NOT A LONGER found that it is impossible to hold MEETING? more than a week of Evangelistic Some one may ask why did you Services where the objcclive is to not hold II longer meeting after hav reach large numbers.

and handed the handbill to the per son and extended them a warm per
sonal invitation to attend the mass

meeting that nighl. This plan was

Continued on page 2

Continued from page 1

followed each day. Announcements were made over the radio stations, there were newspaper items, and Mr. Ikemiya used his portable loud speak er to announce the meetings each day. For weeks prior to the meeting we endeavored to stir our people into

After the showing of the four films in Ogden Hall, the meeting
moved to the Hirara Church. Folk

who were really interested in learn ing more about Christianity came these four nights. About 80 folk at tended the first nightnot quite so many following nights. Nearly a|l of
these were in the church for the first time in their lives. This was one of

a concern for the indifferent and lost. the reasons for returning to the On the evening before the opening Church for the follow up meeting. meeting we held a special scrvice of The Ogden Hall meeting "broke the exhortation and encourangement, ice," so to speak and the people bringing a message on "The Need became acquainted with the mission Donald and Fay Rickerson of and Conditions for Revival." Sev aries, Evangelist, pastors and Chris eral trips were made to the schools tians, in a personal way. When the a term of furlough. They will be with special invitations, to attend. meetings were moved to the church available for speaking engagements. 4. THE ADULT MEETING IN the people were no longer strangers Their program consists of colored









slides and narrative describing the

field, the work that has been done and the work which is still undone.

building. At the close of the four CROWD OGDEN HALL. (The larg nights of preaching by Brother Ike est public auditorium in the City, miya there was a group who showed which seats about one thousand per some real interest. After a Bible sons). The four Moody Religious message, there was a question and Films shown attracted such crowds answer time each night. At the close that much of the aisle space on the of these four nights, Bro. Ikemiya

There will also be a display. Tentatively, their itinerary will be:

Sept. & Oct.In the Middle West ern States. Nov. & Dec.In Calif. Jan. & Feb.In Oregon. Marchin Washington. April-AugustAvailable

main floor and balcony was taken up by people who could not be seat ed. On the first night the film en
titled "God of Creation" was shown.

had to leave us. 6. THE THIRD PHASE OF OUR

for pulpit supply, camps, ad interim

pastorate, or speaking dates in the





The explanation or script was in Japanese as were all of the films shown. A Gospel message, with the use of a Bible chart, followed the showing of the film. At the close a question period was held. The ques tions were of great value to the evan gelist in guilding him in the con tent of his messages, and to meet
individual needs. The other films

The people of Miyako are steeped Cox, 1709 W. 71st St., Los Angeles in idolatry, and ancestor worship. 47, Calif. They need much teaching. Some of them attended all of the 8 meetings, others only a few. We felt that now we had a group that we could work BOULTONS TO GO TO
with. For this reason we are con

Donald Rickerson, c/o Mrs. W. H.

of the Deep, Dust or Des be very suc attracting the crowds but by this method of visual
education focused the attention of

presented were: Voice Hidden Treasure.s, and tiny. These proved to cessful in not- only

the Miyako people (the vast major ity of whom are idol worshipers) on
the one true God. We feel that this

is one of the very best methods of teaching the principles of Christian ity to these people. The films were shown by Bro. Maxey, the preach ing done by Brother Ikemiya. Bro. Maxey was with us for these first ton served tea and cinnamon rolls five nights of meetings. He was due and we had a nice time of fellow to leave the following morning, how ship. ever a storm delayed him, and we had the extra day for a little friendly visit. We took a picnic lunch and In August of this year, Donald showed him a little of our Island. and Fay Rickerson will have com 5. FOUR ADDITIONAL NIGHTS pleted a five year term of missionary OF MEETING IN HARARA .scrvice. on the Ishmti ol' Miyako, and will be returning to the States for CHURCH OF CHRIST

tinuing with a special series of Bible studies five nights a week. We have completed one week, and we trust that by the close of a second week that there will be a good group of earnest seekers who will be ready 10 accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and become truly born again. During the first week the aver age attendance of these new friends numbered about thiriy. You will be hearing more about them later. Our own Brother Isao lishimine is doing the Bible teaching. We are all attend ing and becoming acquainted with the people. After one evening serv ice, Mrs. Rickerson and Mrs. Boul-

By July I4th (or as soon there

after as the necessary visas can be obtained) the Boultons intend to be in Kobe, Japan to enroll in the Kobe

School of the Japanese language. A

year's experience on tlie field have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that two things are true. The first is that without a working know

ledge of the language of the people

it is virtually impossible to do the quantity or quality of work that
should be done. The second is that

because of the lack of a qualified teacher and the constant interrup

tions in our study of language learn ing the language on Miyako is go ing to take far too much time.

This move to

Kobe is going to
$300 in initial


cost about $250 to

expenses, moving, freight, month's rent, tuition, etc., $130 to $150 per month Only part of this money given or pledged, hut we in the faith that Christian

the first and about thereafter. has been are going people at





wisdom it.


called Mr. this does seem like quite a bit of H. and I also talked with him, but money, the savings in time will re 1 heard Miss B. talking. pay the investment several times Miss B. said: "Our school and over. our class are becoming good. I be Claire Boiilton lieve the reason is that Missionary
decision and underwrite

the seat near the group, so While third seat from them. I

I took the

Rickersons came to our school and


held Bible classes. We were taught the meaning of becoming good and righteous people. To be such people
we must first hear the Word of God.

Therefore, I am longing for every Friday when the Missionaries come

and teach us the Jesus stories and

songs. How about you?" With such words she kept on talking and other students agreed with her. Their looks expressed their thanks to the missionaries and they are expecting to hear the stories of
God from now on. And still their

By Shigcichi iNak:id;i (5th Crude School Teaclier)

talking was going on. Now they were discussing the resurrection of Jesus. They were asking what became of Jesus after he rose from the dead,
with Miss B. as leader. Each of them

It is raining again today. All the

students have been shut in the class

were thinking about it earnestly.

B. closed her talking by saying they

would hear about it on the next

Friday. wet weather. It seems that the ac I gained strength and encourage tive students are having a hard time ment by seeing my students have finding a way use up their energy. changed to good students and are I have stayed in the class room, even doing better class work because of

room for a few days, owing to the

at the resting hour, as 1 thought that this kind of a day would be a good

their Bible class." Note: Nakada-san had attended

time to observe the attitude of the

students. At first the students kept and became a Christian early in 1957. quiet because they knew the teach

services faithfully for many months,

Since that time he has helped in the er stayed here, but after a while J^irara Bible School, took the course they began to make unbearable noise. in Flannelgraph teaching, and taught The fifth grade is divided into
the Bible lessons to his own school

sereval groups, and Miss B's group room, in the village where he lives is especially lively. I noticed that she and teaches school. was talking very interestingly to her
group. She use to have inattention







seems to be a favorite with her pupils. 1 was interested in what she

was talking about. If she was just

keeping a good record in her stud ies. I would not have been so inter


One of the most effective works

of the Miyako Christian Mission, ested in what she was saying but 1 during these five years has been con could see she was showing more in ducted at the Leper Colony. The terest in her school. So I wanted same eight days of meetings were

to know what she was talking about and with what she made enjoyment for her pupils. But this was my ques tion, if 1 Joined them, would she keep on talking or not? If she stop ped her talking because I joined

held for Ihem. The films were shown

in (he late afternoon for four days, and then the four preaching serv ices were held on the succeeding four nightsearly enough for us to get back to Hirara for the evening meet

them, it would he better if 1 did ings here. Attenilance at the meet nol do so. So for a while I was ings varied fi'oni 2.'i() to 150, ihic thinking about what I should do. to the physical conditions of the pa To hear her 1 would have to get a tients, iheir duties, etc. The trip alone

took one hour of driving, and an major task to clear the auditorium additional half hour to set up the and get them to go home. Mothers
and Fathers with smaller children a came early for the adult services Church of Christ of twenty-five mem which followed, and added to the bers, who have become Christians congestion. Children were asked to during these first five years of our attend only their own meeting, so work here. The eldest Christian is that there would be all possible room Here at Nanseien we have
the Pastor who conducts services three times a week. In addition we

movie equipment, etc.

have held a special service for ihem every week. They have had a good sound teaching, and a number were having special Bible studies with Pas tor Shimozawga, having indicated
their desire to become

for adults, but even with every hu man precautionchildren streamed in through windows and every conceiv able opening. Children in the Orient are extremely noisy in public meet ings and even the schools allow much noise. Every night, even to the last,

Christians. the children crowded into the meet

On the closing day of the meeting ings. We secured a better picture of there were eleven who indicated their the children's meeting than of the desire to become Christians, two of adult, is the reason that it is pic these were in the Hospital so their tured here. However the adult meet baptism had to be postponed. Be ings drew even larger crowds. cause of Bro. Shimozawa's physical
condition he asked Bro. Rickerson to

do the baptizing. You can be looking forward to see


ing the picture of these new Babes in Christ, and of reading their testi
monies from lime to time, as we

prim them in this news-sheet. The

same will be true of those who be come Christians in Hirara City. RESULTS OF THE EVANGEL ISTIC MEETING . . . can never be

fully estimated.

People who have

heard for the first time of the one true God and of salvation thru the

Lord Jesus Christ, will

from time

to time come back to hear more. These will tell othersand the Good

News will spread. Please join us in Kuikei Yamazato (as told to Mrs. Rickerson) prayer that the Word of God shown in film, given out in tracts and

preached by word of mouth, will

bear precious fruit thru the






first child in the family, was born on years Miyako Jan. 2.5, 1923. He was a very serious minded boy and his father and grandfather were pleased
that he liked to walk to the hills and


From the picture you will see that there was a splendid response to the invitation to Miyako children to at tend the meetings at Ogden Hall.

cut pine trees and bring home for fuel. The neighbors called him a very diligent boy. When he had graduated
from middle school (which was sim ilar to our High School) he became

a grade school teacher, and taught

for six months. He then enlisted in

This was held from 7 to 8 each of two years. When the Film was shown and then a Bible

the army and was on Formosa for war closed he the four nights. The 45 minute Moody returned to Miyako and became a

policeman for three years. He thought

message, with use of the colored that it was very necessary to learn Bible chart, was given by our own English so he then went to language
Bro. Ishimine. Children's Bible chor extended lo all to allend the Hirara school on Okinawa for six months.

uses were sung and a warm invitation Again relin-ning to Miyako he taught

F.nglisli for one year each

in the

Jr. High school at Kaganiihara and ing in at dismissal lime and it was a ai the Agricultural High School.
Bible School. Children were still pour

Then he had the very special priv- ion is the reason 1 became a Chrisi'.uge of going to U, S. by the help tian. My belief in Christianity deepof the American government. For one ened in the U. S. when I saw faithful
year he majored in Education at Christians there. 1 am very sorry to Valparaiso Uni. in Valparaiso City, say that the New Testament was Indiana. Here he lived in a men's very hard for me to understand,

dormitory with about fifty other men. Therefore I hoped that we would get
There were about two thousand stu- a good teacher. 1 was very happy dents in the school, about fifteen of then when Missionary Rickersons

them being foreigners.

came to Miyako to teach us the Bible.

In the interview with Mrs. Ricic- I HAVE DETERMINED TO LIVE

erson, Yamazalo said: "The American people and American students were much more religious than I imagined, so I thought the dynamic relationship of U. S. with other nations was due to their religious spirit, They were less materialistic than I thought, so I trusted the American people heartily. I hope mutual understanding between the U. S. and the Ryukyus will be promoted. In America 1 was impressed that the women were as initiative as the men. They seemed to be equal to men. Most American people were kindness itself to me. I enjoyed college life very much. My most interesting impression much. My most interesting impressions

^ FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN, Note: Did you notice how many different positions were held by this young man? We have found the same thing to be true of the majority of young men. They will tell us of the fine job they have at the Post Office, for instance. In perhaps six months, we will miss them, and be
told they are working on Okinawa. a year they may be back on Miyako teaching school. The next year they may go to another of the Ryukyu Islands or be working at some other job. We questioned oui' co-worker, Mr. lishimine about this said: "Yes, Miyako men do not stick to one Jobthey like many

were that the American changes." The expression,

students were very diligent and custom" is used to explain any un friendly with the foreign students, usual procedure.
also that the teachers were very good.

The climate was too cold for me. and vCAM I had never seen snow before. Spring rUUK IlAKj A was very gentle, which I liked. FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN
When I returned to Miyako I was an interpreter for two months and . ^ ^

then became Program Director of the

for five years. Following this. I was

American-Ryukyuan Cultural Center

interpreter for the MCAT for six

months. Next I became English teach-

B .


er at the Hisamatsu Junior High

School for one year.

age. and was a Policeman, a friend

arrangements with her parents and

When 1 was twenty-six years of


' -"X-


introduced me to Haruko. I lold my parents about her, and they made

eldest son, I tooli my bride to the home of my parents lo live. Now th.s custom B out and I think It would be better for each family to have the.r separate home. We have four boys, Ke.ko age eleven, age 8, Yonezo age 6 and Kei'

we were married in Oct. 1945. According to Miyako custom, being the

p;sed four years since I became a Christian through God's protection and guidance, and was in,n,ersed into Christ by IMissionary Ri^kerson. During these four years [ have been attending the church meetings as much as possible. By the
brothers who had more experience than I. gradually I have come to know ihc love of God which is high, deep iind wide. Before I knew God, J did not know what a sinful man
teaching and leading of faithful

iSfe?" Ryoichi Fiikumuraa leper

I began to believe in Christianity in 1946. When I was 29 years of age, I became a Christian, during a meeting on Miyako. 1 though! [hat Christianity was the only true relig-

1 was. My only thought was: "A Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the human life is just a being, and then world that He gave His only son that
a man dies."

whoever believes in Him should not

why I thought this perish but have eternal life." Jo. 3:16, way is that I have lived here at Nan- Almighty God look pity on us who seien, the Leper colony for twenty were going to perish because of our years, and for eighteen years of that sins, and He sent His only Son to time my occupation was to take care this world. It is great thanks that of the dead body to cremate it. Even Jesus Christ who was so pure and when my friends were praying, I was had no sin, completed His work of doing this kind of which made me redemption on the cross for every think that life was entirely tran one of us sinners. sitory because a corpse was burned I have heard of salvation thru the and the bones bleached and kept in Lord Jesus Christ before the great a jar. So I thought the best way war, but 1 had never been repent to live is just to eat and drink and ant and I kept my life asirayed in live in comfort while we are living sin. But God did not forsake such
in this world, for that is all. There a sinful man and sent God's faithful fore my mind was always controlled .servants, Mr. and Mrs. Rickerson

The reason

by worldly things. But now, not so from far away America, to save 1 have come to believe that the my peiishing soul. To save my soui
Word of the Bible is true, which for eternal life from the eternal says: "thoughts by the flesh is death perishing I accepted Jesus Christ as
2 Cor. 3:6.

but thoughts by the spirit is life." my Saviour and I was immersed by Mr. Rickerson on May 21, 1956. The I am not as I was before, but now past flesh of sin died on the cross
was born

my mind is changed to have thanks with Jesus Christ and I

to God even for trifle things. My again to a new life with Jesus in mind has changed to a mind that resurrection. For celebrate my new whenever I notice a brother or sis birth that day, Mr. Rickerson and
ter who is weaker than I, I like to help them. But all of that is changed by God's guidance and I thank God for it. Ignorant as 1 am, hard to understand a meaning of the Bible well, but I understand and believe the Word which God has promised to rescue us from our sins and give us family and Mr. & Mrs. Boulton and the children, especially came from a long way to be here. I truly felt as happy as can be that they were
so kind.

I found love given by God to one in such unfavorable bodily condition as I was. What a delightful thing it eternal life to all who believe in Him is, beyond comparison. Jesus Christ and the 'Word which he says to us, said: "If your right eye cause you "Love Your neighbor as you do your to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better that you lose one self."Ryoichi Fukumura. of your members than that your


whole body go into hell." Matt 5:29,



1 have lived my daily life with

sorrow and trouble as cared for by

the government for my daily liv ing, but now that 1 am saved by
the love of Jesus and the sorrow and trouble which made me feel so

bad before has changed into joy and

hope. My future was covered by a

dark cloud but now has changed to

a bright future. A day breaks by

praying and a day closes by praise

and having my daily life with thanks. I pray always to be able to keep this

joy and thanks to God all my life

and that 1 may do a best work as
Saburo SakuRawaa leper

the Lord's servant. I pray that I can do the thing that God wants me to

(>otl has planned for me. ! pray God's blessing upon every Adam and Eve and Uiken away out of the world by redemption thru minister who works in the name of

Sin came to this world caused by do anil (hal

Christ, for God to save astrayed souls salvation and now I am having a in this world.Saburo Sakagawa. thankful day, every day. I feel noth Note; This man is now 53 years ing but just filled with thanks to
of age and has been a faithful Chris


tian for more than 2 yrs.

God who abundantly gives a bless ing upon me. Jesus said: "1 am the light of the
world, he who follows me will not
walk in darkness but will have the


"Alas that the Church has to so

large an extent lost its original mis Jesus Christ came from heaven to sionary vision, has not kept its eye this world as our Redeemer. Jesus on the circumference of the circle, Christ had suffering and shed His 'the uttermost part of the earth'! And
in the measure in which it has ceased world so much that he gave his only pressing on and out to the whole son. It is impossible for us to recomworld, the Lord's blessing has been pence for what God has done for withheld, and the miracle of His
blood for our sins. God loved the

light of life." John 8:12. The Lord

"Though he fall, he shall not be ha.s ceased. One hears of this and eous and eternal way which Jesus utterly cast down for the Lord upthat church being financially embar holdeth him with his hand." Ps. 37:24. showed us. rassed and not being able to make 1 desire you from my heart that I was asked to write my testimony, but_ ends meet. Wc venture to say that the word of God would spread to I don't know from where should I on investigation it will be found that every place on this Island of Miyako. write and how. When I look back up those churches have lost, or never It is my prayer that the Word of on my past life now I see it as a very have had, the evangelistic and mis God which shall be spread in this distressing one. It seems strange to sionary vision and outreach. How can Island would make a good fruit and me that I should even be alive to any church claim or expect the Lord's be alive for ever. Joy and peace be day. When I was very young my blessing while neglecting the very mother left me to join my father who with you,Seiji Tajima. object for which it was created? Note: Mr. Tajima is now forty was on Formosa, so that I was What interest has God in helping any years of age. He has been a faithful brought up by another person. I ex church 'make ends meet' merely perienced numerous troubles and Christian for 2^/^ years. around itself? We have yet to see often I went to the hills and to the

wonder-working power and increase

us. 1 can do nothing but show my thankfulness. I like to go the right

Mr. Keiko Simakawa

a truly missionary church struggling

for its own financial support. It still
remains true that when the Lord's

people 'seek first the kingdom of

God,' all these necessary things will

be added unto them."Author un



Sciji Tajiniaa leper I would offer my testimony as the Holy Spirit has shown me. I was a sinful man who committed many sins
before I became a Christian. I de

cided to become a Christian by the guidance and encouragement of the teachers. 1 was guided to the way of

sea and wept, for my unbearable hardships. Though I was young I How can we but love HIM? How walked on to the way of death, curs can we but seek His face? He has ing the world, cursing people and blessed us beyond all comparison. All cursing my parents that they had He is and has freely given unto us. forsaken me. I once decided to take Even now He is saying, "All things my own life because of physical and are yours." spiritual pain, but I was saved by a It is no wonder then that He asks kind man, and I was given the power us to give our all, our very self to to bear my many troubles. I began Him. Indeed, the true heart will ever to have a little hope, and the war seek His face, seek to dwell in His ended and I saw my parents again. secret place, and to enjoy the sun We lived happily together for a short shine of His smile. time, but because I had been separ If we are at all appreciative of ated from them for so long there was Him and His superabounding grace, no harmony now between us. I felt we will do always those things thai very sad every day for they did not please Him. We will listen to His treat me as they did others. Only faintest whisper and be ready to an mother took care of me, and even swer when He calls. mother's love had finally changed Let us rise up and get us away to to hatred because I began to have His garden of spices; let us sit under tuberculosis. I felt that if my par His shadow with great delight. How ents moved, I should move also. I deep is the sin of the one who wan wondered, "Why should I be troubled ders from His love and care. so much?" "Why did my mother ever If I turn from Thee away. bare me?" Again I fell into despair Fail to watch, and work, and pray, and hopeless darkness. I fell ill in If I e'er my praise withhold. January of 1952 and in April I was Keep from Thee my silver, gold, sent to the T. B. Hospital. There was What ingratitude is mine! no day that my pillow was not wet How unholy my design! with tears, for I was forsaken by May I ne'er put Thee to .shame. every person. T( is impossible to exMritig no stigma on Thy name. piess what my sufferinig was at (hat "Gems of God" time. My sorrow was the picture of a


pitiful man who didn't know God.

world and gave His Son, did not for the Lord, nor lose courage when you sake me. One silent night I heard a are punished by Him." 1 decided to beautiful melody with tears. The song have no fear as the Lord said. The was, "What a Friend y/e have' in Lord also said that "Man shall not

word in Heb. 12:5-13 "My son, do R- Ore. . , R. s.. Calif. BUT . . . God v^o loved the not regard hghtly the disciphne of c. S., Ore.
Total Receipts -- Bal. Brought forward
Roc'd thru Mrs. Cox



$1000.66 237.5a

(Rickerson's Forwording Sec.)

so warmwhat kind of a song was er is to be praised. Amen. No body it and who was singing it? I couldn't could test God's great power and

Jesus . . . and do thy friends forsake bread alone but by every theetake it to the Lord in prayer ^o^d that proceeds out of the mouth etc." That song that made my heart God. Matt. 4:4. Truly God s powsleep all the night! The following

Bol. on bond


Less debt
Net balance

$ -9.17

morning 1 told this to my friend the

My sickness caused me to have

who knows God s bless- EquipfTient &furniture

Living (3 mo.) ..




late Mr. Yamanouchi. He was pleas- ^ chance to know the Gospel, and to Bonk charges ^he right lelationship with ed and he told me everything. He told me that the song was a hymn and the true and righteous God and now ^.^kerson financiXl""re^^^^
then I came to know the true and

_J^7 $1364.78 ^
20.00 50.00

I am filled with joy. If 1 had not april_ may '58

loving God, and the light of God'.s become sick 1 would have walked in
presence came fully into my heart.
"Blessed are those who mourn for

Crenshaw Chr. Ing.ewood, Col.

my own way which is the way of Ladies Council, Conbv, Ore.

death and 1 would have sought after chu ofchrfs't,'^fs'e''r'or^":.

vain things. But the loving God saved

12.00 5.00 40.0J"' 20.00 20.00 10.00 190.00 30.00 110.00 15.00 55.00 20.00 5.00

ihc>" shall be comforted." Matt. 5:4^.

I was also consoled and given a de sire to live and to seek health, by _ encouragement 1 received from the , c . the Hirara Church of Christ memu u r. 1 i-. bers who came every Sunday afternoon to sing and preach at the Hos pital. From then on I kept going . . 1 .1. 1 j

W. Spkg. M.nn.

sinful me and turned me to the true

Mrs. Fisher, G. P., Ore.

way. Now God is with me and I can chr^Chu''.' Crobc'' Ore.'

valley of the shadow of death, 1 will , -i r u . -.i. fear no evil, tor thou art with me, '

'/.I' .

though I walk through the ^^^lond

thy rod and thy staff they comfort

McKinfev Prk Chr. lacomo, Wn Mrs. L. Cox, L. A. Col. -a i Maniev s F Col a. j. ryiqniey., r.. v.oi.


R$J3"3M.''ziiiSh'Wn"'' "?!."
Wn. ..

straight forward toward the Lord^

whoever is born of God overcomes

Ps. 23:4. I have also gained Chu. of Christ, Irving. Ore. , . , , , ., " = S. j ..... Sp., Ore. Mt. Vernon. peace and joy Ihru the unchangeab e chr Church w Seottle Wn

6.00 29.29 10.00

who said: "Come to me, all who la^ day, today and forever." Heb. 13-8. Jrs. Amiiv, Ore. bor and are heavy laden and I will , r ,I Chr. Church, Woooto, Wn. For the word of the cross is folly jr. c. E. Zilloh, Wn. (Bouitons) give you rest." Matt. 11:28. "For
the world; and this IS THE VIC of God." 1 hereby finish my testiTORY that overcomes the world, our mony praising God. FAITH." 1 Jo. 5:4. So I was given

'Jesus Christ is the s'^me vester^i^ Rickerson, cKur^! yesterBell,

29.24 4.70

to those who are perishing, but to us Friend"'^1!^'^^"' who are being saved it is the power j , | r
Totol Total

1.00 852.61 42.24 894.85 4.70 890.15 890.15 000.00

boI. Brought forward


ship and I began to have hopef^.^^^^^^^ financial REPORt'

days. I accepted the Lord Jesus^AR., Jesus marV APR.r& APR., & may, mayV'i9'58 1958 Receipts Christ as my Saviour and was bap;^^eca,j;r, 'm. (4) ti7ed How verv slad i I whsj Hobro, Colif. (5)(3) . uzea into inio Him mm. rtow very giaa Calif.
when 1 arose from Ihe water. I wobi flosemeod, Coiif ..

powerful faith to overcome a har^


Transferred to BocJ^ons'



j -e on,hand '."^30 Off-5225.00 ynpoid bills 1 ."'uftS.OO EXPENDITURE.

Mr. Ishimine, solory

entirely new born!

.4, u 1. J .!. /-M. .

ToJi'es Council (3)

Golden Rule Class (3)


Link-letter (2 famTliy) -Cor(2 family)

400.00 66.66 T3.25 45.00

I have been crucified with Christ, Crensshow, L. A., Calif. (4)



Rooftyphoon repoir Furlough fund

11.82 55.00

flooded me, and I stepped into the i'N'', 'wa^h'.''(3)

who lives in me." God's loving light Alvarodo,^L^ A^ v.ukM

33 no longer I Who live, but Christ

asm ^ Postage 8i office


Property woll

175.00 12.96 82:00


Cox, expenses --


new life in Him. The T.B. Hospital

but new and beautiful. I

c/o Mrs. Warmy^ Cox
1709 West

Book-keeping cords

Blockboord & tract cose

Personal Gifi,^|jsj^grl^rs)
0 0 0 0 0 0



which had been filled with sorrows

McMMion c. Y. (2)

for me now seemed to be nothing

was in the



Hospital for one year, however good health did not continue for long. A year later on my way home from a church service I became seriously ill. After that my body became weaker and weaker and I again gave in to despair. Then I prayed to the Lord and He gave me a powerful word:
"Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isa. 41:10. The Lord gave me another powerful


Los Angeles 47,


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