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Dielectric liquids - Liquides dilectriques

CAPACITORS: Jarylec C101 and C101D Launched in 1982 at CIGRE session[1] and used worldwide since then as main capacitor liquids, homologated by major capacitor manufacturers and also by national electrical utilities, Jarylec C101 and C101D belong to the last generation of dielectric fluids. Jarylec C101(D) provide outstanding performances: high voltage resistance as indicated by the high partial discharges emergence level; strong partial discharge extinction rate as revealed in low temperature overvoltage tests; operating savings due to a very low loss level (W/KVAR), function of gradient and temperature. Jarylec C101(D) are also used in other electrical equipments such as CVTs, bushings, On Load Tape Changers (OLTC) and embedded capacitors for furnaces.
[1] CIGRE Report 15-82(WG-02) - Jay-1 : "Ugilec C100 - A non-chlorinated hydrocarbon liquid for high voltage capacitors".

CONDENSATEURS : Jarylec C101 et C101D Lancs en 1982 au CIGRE et utiliss depuis lors dans le monde entier comme principaux liquides dilectriques pour les condensateurs, homologus par les fabricants majeurs de condensateurs et aussi par les grandes compagnies de production dlectricit, les Jarylec C101 et C101D offrent des performances exceptionnelles : rsistance aux tensions leves, mise en vidence par les seuils dapparition des dcharges partielles ; grande vitesse dextinction des dcharges partielles, mise en vidence dans les tests de surtension basses tempratures ; conomie de fonctionnement, grce un trs faible niveau de perte (W/KVAR) fonction du gradient et de la temprature. Les JarylecC101(D) sont aussi utiliss dans dautres quipements lectriques tels que les transformateurs de mesure, les traverses, les changeurs de prise en charge, et les condensateurs intgrs pour fours.

ELECTRICAL CABLES: Jarylec DBT Jarylec DBT used in formulations with other chemical components increases the electrical strength of the solid insulating materials.

CBLES LECTRIQUES : Jarylec DBT Le Jarylec DBT utilis en formulation avec dautres composants amliore la tenue lectrique de lisolation solide.


Specific gravity at 20C 100C

ASTM D1810 ISO 3675 ASTM D1903 ISO 3104 ISO 3016 20C 100C 20C (1) CEI 814 CEI 814 ISO 2592

g/cm3 mm2/s C torr g/g g/g C

1.01 0.95 7.4x10-4 6.5 100

Thermal expansion coefficient (20 - 100C) Kinematic viscosity at 20C -30C Pour point Vapor pressure at Water solubility at Water content Flash point

< -65
2.5 x 10-3 1.0 300 40 144


Dieletric constant or Permittivity at 25C Dielectric losses or Dissipation factor (5O Hz-90C) Volume resistivity at 90C Breakdown voltage 25C VDE electrodes 2 mm gap Gassing property

IEC 247




IEC 247

x cm kV l/min.

< 0.004 > 1014 > 70


0.001 1014

IEC 247

IEC 156 IEC 628-A

90 -174

TRANSFORMERS: Jarylec GA and T The quality of nowadays mineral oils has significantly changed to meet health and environment requirements and to minimize corrosive sulfur content of these oils. Thus, mineral oils are today highly refined and natural aromatics and other unsaturated compounds are partially or completely hydrogenated. Such mineral oils are gas evolving and unable to absorb the gases which are produced following different types of problems (partial discharges, over-heating). Today, Arkema offers a simple and economical solution to improve the gassing tendency of such dielectric oils by adding Jarylec GA or T as complement to mineral oils. Jarylec GA and T would also contribute to a higher electric strength and a better resistance to oxidation and therefore a much better performance of the transformers. Jarylec GA or T are used at levels of 3% to 8% in mineral oils to reverse the gassing tendency of gas evolving liquids. Jarylec T can be used as such in sealed transformers and any transformers application where the gassing tendency needs to be negative to avoid degradation, failure, explosion or fire risks. The electrical performances of Jarylec demonstrated in HV capacitors would allow to design smaller transformers with the same power and to reduce losses in comparison with transformers filled with mineral oils. TRANSFORMATEURS : Jarylec GA et T La qualit des huiles minrales daujourdhui a significativement chang pour rpondre aux besoins de la sant et de l'environnement et pour minimiser la teneur en soufre corrosif de ces huiles. Ainsi, les huiles minrales sont aujourdhui hautement raffines et les composs aromatiques naturels et autres composs insaturs sont partiellement ou compltement hydrogns. Ces huiles minrales sont gas evolving et ne sont pas capables dabsorber des gaz issus des dcharges partielles. Aujourdhui, Arkema offre une solution industrielle conomique pour amliorer labsorption des gaz par rajout du Jarylec GA ou T comme complment aux huiles minrales. Jarylec GA et Jarylec T amliorent aussi la rigidit lectrique et la rsistance loxydation et, par consquent, permettent une bien meilleure performance des transformateurs. Les Jarylec GA ou T sont utiliss comme additifs au niveau de 3 8% dans les huiles minrales pour inverser la tendance produire du gaz. Le Jarylec T peut tre utilis en tant que tel dans les transformateurs scells et dans tous les cas o une huile dilectrique avec un gassing ngatif est ncessaire pour viter les risques de dgradation, de claquage, dexplosion et de feu. Les performances lectriques du Jarylec, prouves dans les condensateurs haute tension, permettent de concevoir des transformateurs plus petits de mme puissance, avec des pertes rduites compars ceux remplis lhuile minrale seule.


CH2 CH3 Benzylated toluene


CH2 R 1= H ; R 2 = CH3 R 1 = CH3 ; R 2= H R1 Dibenzylated toluene R2

The basic composition of Jarylec is MBT: 75 % 5 % DBT: 25 % 5 %

OUR TEAM OF EXPERTS: Arkema - CRRA rue Henri Moissan - BP63 F-69493 Pierre-Bnite Cedex Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 39 80 51 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 39 88 64

OUR COMMERCIAL OFFICE: Arkema 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves Tel.: +33 (0)1 49 00 80 80

For ordering or getting technical and commercial information about Jarylec range, it is also possible to contact the numerous commercial offices of ARKEMA Group in Philadelphia (US), Sao Paulo, Moscow, Istanbul, Mumbai, Singapore, Shanghai, Tokyo and Seoul. The detailed list of current sale manager contacts is given on the website or by e-mail: A global chemical company and Frances leading chemical producer, Arkema consists of three business segments: Vinyl Products, Industrial Chemicals, and Performance Products. Present in over 40 countries with 13,800 employees, Arkema achieved sales of 4.4 billion euros in 2009. With its seven research centers in France, the United States and Japan, and internationally recognized brands, Arkema holds leadership positions in its principal markets. Premier chimiste franais, acteur de la chimie mondiale, Arkema regroupe trois ples dactivits : les Produits Vinyliques, la Chimie Industrielle et les Produits de Performance. Prsent dans plus de 40 pays avec 13 800 collaborateurs, Arkema a ralis en 2009 un chiffre daffaires de 4,4 milliards deuros. Avec ses sept centres de recherche en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Japon, et des marques internationalement reconnues, Arkema occupe des positions de leader sur ses principaux marchs.

The information contained in this document is based on trials carried out by our Research Centres and data selected from the literature, but shall in no event be held to constitute or imply any warranty, undertaking, express or implied commitment on our part. Our formal specifications define the limit of our commitment. No liability whatsoever can be accepted by Arkema with regard to the handling, processing or use of the product or products concerned which must in all cases be employed in accordance with all relevant laws and/or regulations in force in the country or countries concerned. The statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof. Since the conditions and methods of use of the product and of the information referred to herein are beyond our control, ARKEMA expressly disclaims any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or reliance on such information; NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE CONCERNING THE GOODS DESCRIBED OR THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be applicable when such product is used in combination with other materials or in any process. The user should thoroughly test any application before commercialization. Nothing contained herein constitutes a license to practice under any patent and it should not be construed as an inducement to infringe any patent and the user is advised to take appropriate steps to be sure that any proposed use of the product will not result in patent infringement. See MSDS for Health & Safety Considerations Les lments contenus dans ce document rsultent dessais de nos Centres de Recherche, complts par une documentation slectionne : ils ne sauraient toutefois constituer de notre part, ni une garantie, ni un engagement formel. Seules les spcifications prcisent les limites de notre engagement. La manipulation des produits, leur mise en uvre et leurs applications restent soumises la rglementation rsultant de la lgislation en vigueur dans chaque pays et ne peuvent mettre en cause la responsabilit de notre Socit.

420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves 92705 Colombes cedex - FRANCE

Arkema - Socit anonyme au capital de 612 793 970 euros. RCS Nanterre 445 074 685 DIRCOM - 4139FE/07.2010/10-CPVC - Photos Arkema - Conception/Ralisation :

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