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html "THE GREAT WORK IN SPECULATIVE FREEMASONRY" THE DORMER MASONIC STUDY CIRCLE #47 "There can be no rational doubt, however, that the moral influence of Freemasonr y would be much more powerful and efficient if the sources of intelligence among st the Fraternity were augmented, and a higher grade of science substituted for the meagre outline which at present prevails in our Lodges." (Dr. George Oliver1846.) THROUGHOUT the ages the spiritual doctrine which is concealed within the archite ctural phraseology of our modern Craft system has undergone the influence of man y different traditions of the Ancient Wisdom. The student, therefore, who seeks to analyse Freemasonry as it stands to-day often finds himself lost in a bewilde ring maze of various tributaries of knowledge, and is apt to pore indefinitely o ver a mass of fragmentary facts without perceiving their inter-relation, or bein g able to coordinate them into one comprehensive scheme. In this Paper the attempt will be made to present, for the guidance of Masonic s tudents, an interpretation of the Egyptian metaphysical tradition in harmony wit h the teachings set forth in what are called the Mysteries; the Egyptian traditi on will then be briefly discussed in the light of its transmission and ultimate incorporation in Speculative Freemasonry; finally, reasons will be given in supp ort of the theory, which we hold to be valid, that the Great Work ("Magnum Opus" ) of the Rosicrucians and Spiritual Alchemists is the same as that which is symb olised in our Masonic legend of H.A. Thoughtful students may find in the referen ces to the Old Wisdom and the Mystery tradition an introduction to a great subje ct; nor should the Mysteries be thought of only as institutions long vanished in to the night of time; rather their re-establishment is to be accepted as inevita ble. In years to come a wiser generation will restore the sacred rites which are indispensable to the spiritual, intellectual and social security of the race. M eanwhile, preserving the witness, Freemasonry keeps burning the light of the per petual Mysteries in a dark age. If, in comparison with former witnesses, Freemas onry is but a "glimmering ray" rather than a powerful beam of light, it is none the less a true ray; a kindly light lit from the world's central altar-flame, an d sufficient at least to lead some aspirants on amid the encircling gloom until the existing "state of darkness" is dispelled by the dawn of a new era. It is now generally acknowledged by those competent to judge, that of all the an cient peoples the Egyptians were the most learned in the wisdom of the Secret Do ctrine; indeed, there are some who would have it that Egypt was the Mother of th e Mysteries, and that it was on the banks of the Nile that the Royal Art was bor n. We can affirm, without entering into any controversy on the matter, that the wisest of philosophers from other nations visited Egypt to be initiated in the s acred Mysteries; Thales, Solon, Pythagoras and Plato are all related to have jou rneyed from Greece to the delta of the Nile in quest of knowledge; and upon retu rning to their own country these illumined men each declared the Egyptians to be the wisest of mortals, and the Egyptian temples to be the repositories of subli me doctrines concerning the history of the Gods and the regeneration of men. To the earliest period of Egyptian metaphysical speculation belongs the fable of Is is and Osiris, and we find that the myth of the Dying God recurs in many of the great World Religions; also it is an established fact that the life, death and r esurrection of the immortal-mortal have become the prototype for numerous other doctrines of human regeneration. The fable, as it has descended to us in the account given by Plutarch, the celeb rated Greek biographer, has not been much amplified by modern research; nor has any new key been found to unlock this sublime drama, which may well be termed th

e "Passion Play" of Egypt. Plutarch himself, however, says that "the mystic symb ols are well known to us who belong to the Brotherhood," and this intimation sug gests that the interpretation of the myth as it is given by him in his "Isis and Osiris" will reveal its hidden meaning to students who are already familiar wit h the principles of the doctrine. Moreover, a perusal of the introductory remark s made by Plutarch discloses that these are of special significance, for if he, by any word or symbol, reveals even a small part of the sacred Mystery to the un initiated, we may fairly claim that such revelation is to be found in the follow ing excerpt from the text of his work :"Isis, according to the Greek interpretation of the word, signifies knowledge; a s does the name of her professed adversary Typhon; (signify) insolence and pride , a name therefore extremely well adapted to one, who, full of ignorance and err or, tears in pieces and conceals that holy doctrine, which the Goddess collects, compiles and delivers to those who aspire after the most perfect participation of the divine nature." We have in this passage a clear indication that Osiris is to be regarded as the personification of an Order of learning, because Plutarch identifies him beyond question with the "holy doctrine," or, in other words, the Mystery tradition. He nce, we may further deduce that since, in the Egyptian system, THOTH personifies the whole sphere of knowledge (and it was through THOTH that OSIRIS came into b eing), so Osiris embodies the secret and sacred wisdom reserved for those who we re proficients in the ancient rites. To the Elect, therefore, Osiris represented "primordial knowledge," and He signified not only divine "at-one-ment" with the Absolute (which is the end of all illumination), but by his life, death and res urrection, He also revealed the means by which mortal consciousness could attain that end. Stated alternatively, the personality of Osiris typifies the Institut ion erected by the ancients in order to perpetuate the deathless truths of the s oul. We will next examine the Egyptian historical tradition. According to this, Osiri s is the first of the five children of the Goddess NUT ; He therefore correspond s with the first of the five divine kings of China and the five exoterically kno wn Dhyana-Buddhas of Lamaism. The five children of NUT are otherwise the five tr aditional root races which have populated the five continents which have appeare d upon the earth. Isis is represented as being born on the fourth day, and is co nnected with the fourth race (populating Atlantis-see Plato "Timaeus" and "Criti as"), the tradition of Osiris (the primitive revelation of the first race) comin g into Egypt through the Atlantean Mystery School, of which Isis is the symbol. From the Egyptian account of the reign of Osiris as King we glean the following philosophical history; there was a time, the Golden Age, when truth and wisdom r uled the earth, and this aristocracy of wisdom was a benevolent despotism in whi ch men were led to a nobler state of being by the firm kindly hand of the enligh ted sage. This was the dynasty of the mythological Priest-Kings, who were qualif ied to govern humanity by reason not only of temporal, but of divine attributes; through his priests, Osiris, representative of the hidden tradition, ruled the entire world by virtue of the perfection resident in that tradition. If, then, w e may concede that Osiris is the positive pole of the universal life agent, Isis becomes the receptive pole of that activity ; He is the doctrine, She is the Ch urch; and as in Christianity it is customary to refer to the Church as the Bride of Christ, so in ancient Egypt the institution of the Mysteries was the Great M other, the consort of heaven itself. From this interpretation we gain a deeper i nsight into the symbolism of the whole Osirian cycle. Isis signifies the temporal order of the priesthood, the cumulative body of Init iates; She is personified as the Temple; She is the Mother of all good, the prot ectress of right, the patron of all improvement; She ensures nobility, inspires virtue, and awakens the nobler passions of the soul; like the Moon as reflector, She shines only with the light of Her sovereign Sun, even as the Temple can onl

y be illumined by its indwelling truth. In the Egyptian metaphysical system, TYPHON, the conspirer against OSIRIS, is th e embodiment of every perversity; He is the negative creation (the AHRIMAN of Zo roaster); He is black magic and sorcery, the Black Brotherhood and his wife, NEP HTHYS, is the institution through which He manifests. The traditional history re lates that TYPHON lured OSIRIS into the ark of destruction, stated to be it ches t or coffin (the symbol of material organisation-the imprisonment of the soul in a physical body), at the time when the Sun entered the house of Scorpio, i.e., the 17th day of the second month of the Egyptian year (corresponding to the mont h of November in our calendar); hence we know him to be the type of the eternal negative, the betrayer of the Lord, namely JUDAS. In the initiation rites Typhon is also the "tester" or "tryer" ("the Lord who is against us"), personifying am bition the patron of ruin. Typhon was assisted in his "impious design" to usurp the throne of Osiris by ASO (the Queen of Ethiopia) and seventy-two other conspi rators. These conspirators represent the three destructive powers, "the three ru ffians," which are preserved to modern Freemasonry as the murderers of the Maste r Builder; they are ignorance, superstition and fear. Thus the advent of greed a nd perversion marked the end of the Golden Age, and with the death of Osiris, Ty phon forthwith ascended the throne as regent of the world. It is further narrate d that in consequence of the material organisation of the social sphere which fo llowed upon the exile of Truth to the invisible world, Isis, the Mother of the M ysteries, was so defiled and desecrated by the profane, that her sages and proph ets were forced to flee into the wilderness to escape the machinations of the ev il one. At this stage, Isis, now represented by the scattered but still consecra ted body of Initiates, began the great search for the secret that was lost; and in all parts of the world the virtuous in "grief and distress" raised their hand s to the heavens, pleading for the restoration of the reign of Truth. Continuing their search in all parts of the earth and throughout innumerable ages, the con gregation of the just at last re-discovered the lost arcana and brought it back with rejoicing to the world over which it once ruled. In this manner, we learn, Isis by magic (the initiated priests were magicians), resurrected the dead God, and through union with him brought forth an order of priests under the collectiv e title of HORUS. These were the HERJ SESHTA (the Brothers of Horus), the chief of whom wore the dog-headed mask of ANUBIS. Anubis was the son of Osiris by NEPH THYS (the material world) and represents the divine man, or the mortal being who rose to enlightenment. Ambition, however, personified by Typhon, knowing that temporal power must die i f divine power, in the form of Truth, became re-established in the world, put fo rth all its might to again scatter the doctrine, and this time so thoroughly tha t it should never again be re-discovered. If, as Plutarch has suggested, Typhon in one of his manifestations represents the sea, then it would appear that the s econd destruction of Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge (alluded to in the dialogues of Plato) by which the doctrine was swallowed up or lost, and its fra gments scattered among all the existing civilizations of that time. According to the narrative, the body of Osiris (the Secret Doctrine) was now divided into fo urteen parts and distributed among the parts of the world; that is, it was scatt ered through the seven divine and seven infernal spheres (the "lokas" and "talas " of the Indian tradition), or by a different symbolism, through the seven world s which are without and the seven worlds which are within. The parts of Osiris w ere now scattered so hopelessly that Typhon felt his authority to be secure at l ast, but wisdom is not so easily to be cheated, and in due time, we are informed , Isis succeeded in recovering all the parts except one, the phallus, which had been thrown into the river and devoured by three fishes. Failing to recover the phallus, Isis is said to have substituted a golden replica for the missing organ . In our interpretation of this symbolism we must infer that mankind itself is r epresented by the fish, the phallus being the symbol of the " vital and immortal principle," and so used in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The phallus, therefore, deno tes the Lost Word (the three-fold generative power), and the golden replica of E

gypt, which was rendered alive by magic, is the equivalent of the three-lettered word of our modern Freemasonry, concealed (in the Royal Arch Degree) under the letters A-U-M. It should here be noted that in the Egyptian rites, Isis, by mode lling and reproducing the missing member of Osiris, gives the body the appearanc e of completeness, but the life power is not there; recourse is therefore had to magic and the golden phallus is brought to life by means of the secret processe s rescued from the lost "Book of Thoth." The allusion is to the restoration of d ivine power through the regeneration of man himself and the Initiation processes . Isis was the patroness of the magical arts among the Egyptians, but the use to w hich magic should be put is clearly shown in the Osirian cycle where Isis applie s the most potent of her charms and invocations to accomplish the resurrection o f Osiris. In other words, the magical power is used solely for the purpose of th e redemption of the human soul. Masonic students are recommended to study carefu lly such magical practices as evidenced in the various types of dramatic initiat ory ritual. To quote the eminent psychologist, Dr. Jung, from his commentary to "The Secret of the Golden Flower":"Magical practices are the projections of psychic events which, in cases like th ese, exert a counter influence on the soul and act like a kind of enchantment of one's own personality. That is to say, by means of these concrete performances the attention, or, better said, the interest, is brought back to an inner sacred domain which is the source and goal of the soul. The inner domain contains the unity of life and consciousness which, though once possessed, has been lost and must now be found again." In the Egyptian rites HORUS is the saviour-avengert son of ISIS, conceived by ma gic (the ritual) after the brutal murder of OSIRIS; hence he is the posthumous r edeemer. The destruction of TYPHON is to be accomplished by ISIS through her imm aculately conceived son, HORUS, which is a term concealing the collective body o f the perfected adepts who were "born again" out of the womb of the Mother-ISIS, the Mystery School. We can apply this analogy to our great modern system of Ini tiation, which has certainly perpetuated the outer form of the ancient rites. Fr eemasonry as an Institution is, in this sense, the modern ISIS, the Mother of th e Mysteries, from whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery of the s econd or philosophic birth. Similarly, all Masonic adepts (Master Masons) are, b y virtue of their participation in the rites, figuratively speaking, "Sons of th e Widow"; they are the offspring of the Institution widowed by the loss of the l iving Word, and theirs is the eternal quest-they discover by becoming. The metaphysical significance of the death and resurrection of the Egyptian demi -god has for the most part been lost to the Craft, notwithstanding the undoubted fact that Masonic scholars of the calibre of Pike, Mackey and Oliver are in gen eral agreement as to a definite association between the legend of Osiris and the drama enacted in the Third Degree. We may, however, attribute the failure of st udents to recognize the Egyptian origin of certain parts of Craft Lodge ritualis m and symbolism to the transmission of the legend by way of the Hebrews who, nat urally, superimposed their own terminology on the tradition they received from E gypt. In the Schools of Hebrew mysticism, the Mystery drama of the death and res urrection of Osiris became that of the slaying and raising of the Master Builder , and the Temple of Solomon took the place of the Egyptian " House of Light." Wi th the Rabbinical mystics the erection and subsequent vicissitudes of Solomon's Temple provided a great glyph or mythos of the upbuilding of the human soul, and this secret lore also found partial, although cryptic, expression in the Hebrew public Scriptures in terms of building. The next important influence affecting the ancient tradition was that of the Chr istian Mysteries, those rites of which Clement and Origen spoke so highly; and a s the course of Hebrew history advanced and the stream of mystical doctrine wide

ned into its Christian development, the same symbolic terminology continued to b e used. We find, therefore, that the Gospels, the Epistles, and the Apocalypse t eem with Masonic imagery and allusions to spiritual building. Indeed, it is in t hese that the human soul is expressly declared to be the real Temple which was p refigured by the earlier historic or quasi-historic structure, while a spiritual Chief-Cornerstone, rejected of certain builders, is mentioned. St. Ignatius, on e of the known pupils of St. John, is to be found expounding the teaching of the Mysteries in the following purely Masonic terms :"Forasmuch as ye are stones of a Temple, which were prepared beforehand for a bu ilding of God, the Father, being hoisted up to the heights by the working-tool o f Jesus Christ, which is the Cross, and using for a rope the Holy Spirit ; your faith being a windlass, and love the way leading up to God. So then ye are all C ompanions in the way, spiritual temples, carrying your Divine principle within y ou, your shrine, your Christ and your holy things, being arrayed from head to fo ot with the commandments of Christ." (Ignatius: "Epistle to the Ephesians") The pronounced Masonic imagery used by St. lgnatius (who was martyred at Rome in A.D. 107) tends to corroborate the tradition that the Square, the Level and the Plumb-rule, now allocated to the Master and Wardens of a Lodge, were formerly a ssociated with the Bishop, Priest and Deacon, when serving at the secret altars of the persecuted Christians. Put together, the three tools form obviously a Cro ss, which, on the worshippers being disturbed by the secular authorities, could be quickly knocked apart and appear as builder's implements. The Mysteries came to an end as public institutions in the sixth century, when f rom political considerations they and the teaching of the Secret Doctrine and ph ilosophy became prohibited by the Roman Government, at the instigation of Justin ian, who aimed at inaugurating an official uniform State-religion throughout the Empire. Since the suppression of the Mysteries, however, their tradition and te aching have been continued under various concealments, and to that continuation our modern Masonic system is due. To the early Middle Ages the inner Christian t radition appeared again in the Knight Templars and the Mysteries of the Holy Gra il, and it is significant that these henceforth become associated with Speculati ve Freemasonry. But, the most profound influence which went to make Freemasonry what it is today was that of the mysterious Order of the Rosy Cross. The memory of this Rosicrucian influence is preserved, not only in the Eighteenth Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, but also (and perhaps as much) in the Craft Degr ees, especially in the Third Degree. The exoteric history of the Rosicrucian Society commences with the year 1614. In that year there was published at Cassel in Germany a pamphlet entitled: "The Di scovery of the Fraternity of the Meritorious Order of the Rosy Cross, addressed to the Learned in General and the Governors of Europe." After a discussion of th e momentous questions of the general reformation of the world, which was to be a ccomplished through the medium of a secret confederacy of the wisest and most ph ilanthropic men, the pamphlet proceeds to inform its readers that such an associ ation is already in existence, having been founded over one hundred years earlie r by the famous C.R.C., grand initiate in the mysteries of Alchemy, whose histor y (which is clearly of a fabulous or symbolical nature) is given. The following year a further pamphlet: "The Confession of the Rosicrucian Fraternity, addresse d to the Learned in Europe" appeared, and in 1616, "The Chymical Nuptials of Chr istian Rosencreutz." This latter book is a remarkable allegorical romance, descr ibing how an old man, a lifelong student of the Alchemistic Art, was present at the accomplishment of the "Magnum Opus" (Great Work) in the year 1459. From the Masonic point of view, it was obviously not without adequate reason that Michael Maier, one of the greatest of the reputed Rosicrucians (born 1568), exhibited o n the title page of his book " Septimana Philosophica (et Arabias Regina Saba ne c non Hyramo Tyri Principe)," King Solomon imparting his riddles to the Queen of Sheba on his right hand, and Hiram on his left. And as early as 1638 we find Ad

amson declaring in his " Muses' Threnodie":"For we are Brethren of the Rosie Cross, We have the Mason Word and second sight." showing how intimately the two Orders were identified. We also have the later te stimony of Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom, who claims to have been initiated into the So ciety of the Rosicrucians on the Isle of Maritius on 12th September, 1794, by th e mysterious Comte de Chazal, and who has left extensive manuscripts setting for th his findings and opinions on matters of importance to Masonic students. The l earned Doctor describes the transition through which the Ancient Brotherhood pas sed in the process of externalising certain parts of itself in the system we kno w as Speculative Freemasonry. His conclusions agree with the available evidence, all of which points to the fact that one definite group was behind the movement which projected the Craft system. To trace the genesis of this movement, which came into activity some two hundred and fifty years ago (our rituals and ceremon ies having been compiled round about the year 1700), is beyond the scope of our present subject. It should, however, be stated here that the movement itself inc orporated the slender ritual and the elementary symbolism which, for centuries p reviously, had been employed in connection with the mediaeval Building Guilds, b ut it gave to them a far fuller meaning and a far wider range. We may regard it as certain that the Craft received from this source much that the old Operative Lodges had never possessed, such as the Third Degree (with its highly mystical O pening and Closing); the Craft Legend or Traditional History; the central part o f the Installation Rite (now observed in the Conclave or Board of Installed Mast ers); and many other allusions to occult science, mysticism, and even magic. We must emphasize at this stage that our present Masonic system is not one comin g from remote antiquity. There is no direct continuity between us and the Egypti ans, or those ancient Hebrews, of whom we have already spoken. What is extremely ancient in Freemasonry is the spiritual doctrine which is concealed within the architectural phraseology of the Ritual; for this is an elementary form of the d octrine taught in all ages, I no Matter in what garb it has been expressed. To p ut it another way: Freemasonry offers, in dramatic ceremonial, a philosophy of t he spiritual life of man and a diagram of the process known as regeneration. Thi s philosophy is not only consistent with the doctrine of every religious system taught outside the ranks of our Order, but it explains, elucidates and more shar ply defines, the fundamental doctrines common to all religions of the world, whe ther past or present. Allied with no external religion itself, Freemasonry is ye t a synthesis, a concordat, for men of every race, of every creed, of every sect , and its foundation principles being common to them all, admit of no variation. The function of every phase of Masonic routine, the avowed intention of its pri ncipal rituals, and the implication of its teaching, is to assist the genuine ca ndidate by his aspiration to find that unity of being which is variously describ ed as the Centre, the Kingdom of Heaven, the pure essence of Mind, the Buddha-na ture, the Inner Self, and the Christ within. In the light of the foregoing, it will be seen that Freemasonry depends for its life and strength on the Ancient Wisdom teaching which is enshrined in it; a Tea ching designed to answer those eternal questions as to the why, the whence, and the whither of all human existence. These, indeed, are the deepest problems of l ife, and ultimately we are concerned only with their solution, for sooner or lat er we are forced to enquire-why live at all, why exert ourselves in any personal or social endeavour, if we know not whither it all leads? The problems of the w hy and whither of human life are those which have ever occupied thinking men ; t hey are at the bottom of every philosophic system, and the systems themselves ar e but an attempt to answer them. And yet no words can ever fully answer these pr oblems, for no language can express the Reality of Life; this can only be experi enced by the living soul of Man. As Emerson truly says: "The soul answers never by words, but by the thing itself that is inquired after." It is in the experien

ce of Life that the answers are found, and only the man who has lived deeply is really wise. The wisdom of the sage is the sum-total of his human experience, bu t even he cannot impart his knowledge to others; they, in their turn, must first experience the realities of Life, for only by such means do they attain to a wi der consciousness. How, then, is it possible that anything so profound and intim ate as what Freemasonry calls "the Centre " in Man, can be held fast as a perman ent force acting in the world of phenomena? It is possible, in virtue of the spe cial power represented by tradition. A spiritual tradition is never objective kn owledge, nor practice which has become mechanical, but a living continuance of t he living impulse which created it. Every great Initiation system, so long as its progress is guided by enlightened minds, distinguishes clearly between its Ritual and oral tradition. It is on the oral tradition that the main stress is laid; tradition alone can teach how the text of the Ritual ought to be understood, which in the end is the only thing th at matters. Whosoever claims that he can extract the original meaning from the t ext of the Ritual without the help of tradition, is really only reading his own meaning in to it ; and it is only if the two minds are specially congenial, or t he one has a special gift for entering into the mind of another, that the new me aning in any measure coincides with the old. What is true of comprehension is ev en more generally true of being, for comprehension too is handed on as a state o f being. Here the universally valid law is manifest, that everywhere like works upon like ; hence the eternal validity of the relation of Master and disciple, a nd the traditional reference in our Masonic Lectures "To seek for a Master and f rom him to gain instruction" (First Section, First Lecture). The widening of consciousness gained by direct experience is so great that, as s hown in the traditional Ceremony of admission into the Craft, it is called an In itiation-" a new beginning." A new life does indeed begin for him who has been " regularly initiated" into the Mysteries; an actual change has taken place in him , and needless to add no words could ever accomplish as much. The candidate for Initiation in the Schools of the Ancient Mysteries, therefore, did not attain me rely by hearing and repeating words, but always by undergoing the process confer red upon him by already initiated Masters or experts, an experience which result ed in an expansion of his consciousness. St. Clement of Alexandria testifies to this when he writes:"But the Mysteries are delivered mystically, that which is spoken may be in the mouth of the speaker; not in his voice, but rather in his understanding. The wri ting of these memoranda of mine, I well know, is weak when compared with that sp irit, full of grace, which I was privileged to hear. But it will be an image to recall the archetype to him who was struck by the Thyrsus." (Stromateis: Bk. 1. ch. 28.) Such an experience was of necessity always reserved for the few, but notwithstan ding some shadow of it was also within reach of those who, although not fully qu alified to become Initiates, were none the less genuine seekers for knowledge. F or them there were the Lesser Mysteries, in which the actual change in conscious ness did not take place, but something of its meaning was conveyed to the candid ate by his participation in a series of rites in which the chief events of the G reater Mysteries were presented to him in dramatised form. We can now proceed to judge of what supreme importance the influence of the Rosy Cross was to Speculative Freemasonry. The mysteries of the Rosy Cross were the Greater Mysteries, as we know from the testimony of those who were admitted to t hem, and the contact of the Rosicrucians with Freemasonry undoubtedly resulted i n the gradual importation into Masonic Lodges of teaching derived from more hidd en and exalted sources. Many students of the Craft system are unaware of the gre at value of literary works attributed to Rosicrucian authorship. These works cal

l for our serious study because their contents are directly related to that body of science and doctrine concerning human nature and its perfectibility, which t he concealed Founders of the Craft system, subtly and under deep veils of phrasi ng, planted in the soil of Masonic ritual. The Hermetic Lore, as the body of the Rosicrucian teaching is often called, comprehends both a spiritual and a physic al science ; a Science of the Spirit, and a Science of Nature. Both of these ele ments of the Rosicrucian wisdom are also to be understood by the use of the term " Great Work "; and while it is true that the goal of the Hermetic philosopher included such knowledge as would enable him to transmute base metals, there was the higher or spiritual aspect in which the laboratory was Man himself, the base metals his own lower nature, and the transmutation, that change by which throug h mystic death ("putrefactio"), a Rebirth ("regeneratio") took place. Modern sch olarship, of course, still leaves unsolved the question of the correct classific ation of Rosicrucian alchemical treatises as mystical, magical, or simply primit ively chemical. The most reasonable view, however, is surely that which is prepo unded in the treatises themselves, namely that the physical problem of the trans mutation of base metals into gold is, in essence, the same as that of Man's phys ical regeneration. Michael Sendivogius alludes to this conception of the work in his treatise appropriately entitied " New Chemical Light," as follows:"The Sages have been taught of God that this natural world is only an image and material copy of a heavenly and spiritual pattern; that the very existence of th is world is based upon the reality of its celestial archetype; and that God has created it in imitation of the spiritual and invisible Universe, in order that m en might be better enabled to comprehend His heavenly teaching, and the wonder o f His absolute and ineffable power and wisdom. Thus the Sage sees heaven reflect ed in Nature as in a mirror; and he pursues this Art, not for the sake of gold o r silver, but for the love of the Knowledge which it reveals; he jealously conce als it from the sinner and the scornful, lest the mysteries of heaven should be laid bare to the vulgar gaze." ("New Chemical Light," Part 11, Concerning Sulphur.) The work for which the Craft was designed is described in the language of Alchem y as the "ERGON"-primary work; the work of natural science and the making of phy sical gold is but the "PARERGON"-secondary work. In the sense of the primary wor k Gold is the attribute of divinity and is closely connected with Fire as a spir itual emblem:"But he knoweth the way that I take; when he hath tried me, I shall come forth a s gold." (Job 23, verse 10). "Every man's work shall be made manifest; for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what so rt it is." (1 Corinthians 3, verse 13). The doctrine of Freemasonry in relation to the Rosicrucian mystery-teachings can best be appreciated after a preliminary statement of some of the basic principl es on which, it is affirmed, rests all progress in the Royal Art. There is, howe ver, independent evidence of the Rosicrucian influence on the genesis of the Cra ft system. Historical research indicates that the originators of Speculative Fre emasonry, the members of the so-called " Invisible Society," simultaneously with launching the Craft, arranged for the formation of the Royal Society, which bec ame chartered in 1662 for the advancement of scientific knowledge. Strictly in a ccordance with the Hermetic wisdom, therefore, the "Invisibles" projected two sy stems; one (the Craft) intended to be devoted to mystical studies and personal s

piritual development; the other (the Royal Society) aiming at the promotion of n atural science upon occult principles and under the guidance of qualified expert s. Science, in the popular mind, represents nothing more than the body of those bel iefs, conclusions, or generalizations, which individual scientists at various ti mes put forth in a tentative way as landmarks, so to speak, in their endless sea rch for increasingly valid formulations of Reality. It is to these conclusions, often called "facts," that we allude when we state that "science teaches" this o r that. But strictly speaking science does not "teach" anything at all. It is a method rather than a body of conclusions, and it is scientific method in Specula tive Freemasonry with which we are here concerned. Let us illustrate by a few sp ecific examples. We live in a world which the ordinary man accepts as a reality, existing quite independently of himself. To him it is supremely real, and to do ubt this fact would seem to be sheer madness. Yet he cannot fathom his own relat ion to this world, and he cannot adequately explain how he actually perceives it . Is it by means of the senses? If so, how does the sense impression affect cons ciousness? When we "see" an object, all we can be sure of is that something outs ide us has affected our eyes by means of vibrations of a definite rate; that our optic nerves convey the impression to the brain-cells; that a chemical change t akes place there, and then-we "see" the object; we are aware of a certain shape, various colours and textures. What mystery has taken place by means of which th e chemical change in the grey matter of the brain has created in our consciousne ss the image of the object? And, having "seen," as we say; what do we, after all , really know about the object? Similarly, in the attempt to formulate a philoso phical exposition of the world and life experience, almost any first statement w e may make can be seized upon and criticized as one-sided, and therefore untrue. The world is a unity; the world is pluralistic. Time is continuous; time is com posed of irreducible atomic elements. The world comes to the individual from wit hout; the world of the individual is a world of inner experience. Each of these premises is admitted to be true in one respect or another. But how are they true ? In what sense are they true? In what general point of view can be set up in ac cordance with which the apparent conflicts are resolved? Is this world a dream w orld-daily existence, friends, work-is it all a fantastic illusion. Yes and no. This is a paradox the world in which we live is Real and yet Unreal; the mystery of its relation to us and its measure of reality can only be disclosed in the d epths of our own consciousness. Plato compares ordinary men to prisoners bound i n a cave, of which they can see only the back wall. On this wall fall shadows ca st by those who pass the mouth of the cave. The play of shadows is the prisoner' s world; it is reality to them; but whenever one of them succeeds in freeing him self, and sees the entrance, sees the Light and the real beings moving in it, th en he realizes that he has lived in a world of illusion, that he has been "in a state of darkness," and that his eyes have been "hoodwinked." We must know ourse lves in order to know the world. The man, therefore, who becomes proficient in " that most interesting of all human studies, the knowledge of himself," renounces the popular world; and he gradually attains consciousness in a world described as "not to be touched by hand or to be seen by eye," but otherwise supremely rea l. Withdrawal from this world of illusion, however, involves a transition from t he ordinary natural state and standard of living towards what is @n as the regen erate state, with its correspondingly higher standard. A word now upon the facul ty to be employed in the apprehension of interior truth. It is often remarked @that a natural timidity affects those to whom is suggested a transition from old and familiar roads of study, comfortably charted and lit with the bright lamps of convention, to a new and unknown path of research strik ing away into the darkness of obscurity beyond the official boundaries of orthod ox systems of knowledge. The earnest seeker after Truth, however, fortified by t he imperative will to know, soon learns that the outer darkness on investigation reveals rare lights of its own, and is in fact but "darkness visible," although light of a quality hitherto undiscerned. In this difficult study, knowing depen

ds entirely upon doing; comprehension is conditional upon and the corollary of a ction " He that will do the will shall know of the doctrine " for the doing auto matically liberates an inward faculty capable of directly cognizing self-evident truth. We know not how to describe a faculty which when awakened, exists and fu nctions in complete independence of the physical organism. In our Masonic symbol ism, as in other treatises of arcane psychology, it is described, in analogy wit h the natural luminary, as "the Sun, to rule the day," whilst the logical unders tanding is "the Moon, to govern the night" and direct the merely temporal affair s of life. This latter, embracing as it does the reasoning faculty and tie lower or objective mind, is appointed to serve as a light in the natural world, but, the gift notwithstanding, it forms a cloud of darkness as regards light from the spiritual element that is both within and without us, and indeed, may obscure a ll spiritual vision. Not until a man has learned to relegate this "lesser light" to its appropriate use in the natural world, can he, walking in darkness, hope to see the great luminary, which, invisible to the physical sense, but present i n the central depths of his nature, lightens every man coming into the world, an d which, to those who having clean hands and pure hearts, are fitted to evoke it , manifests in mental illumination and expanded consciousness. We turn now from the psychologic to the metaphysical aspect of the Great Work. T he entire object of the Royal Art of the Rosicrucians and spiritual Alchemists i s said to be the uncovering of the inner faculty of insight and wisdom, alluded to above, and the removal of the veils intervening between the mind and dividing it from its hidden divine root. Not only does this science envisage an individu al in whom the several constituents of consciousness are united, but it aspires towards the development of an integrated and free man who is likewise building u p in the present life what is known in the technical language of mysticism as th e "resurrection" or "arch-natural" body. This is also the profound idea which go verns our symbolic craft of Masonry; the "raising of a superstructure, perfect i n all its parts and honourable to the builder." As to the metaphysical material of which these structures are to be reared, the Hermetic and Alchemical schools adopted the mystical terms of Scripture and called it a "stone," the "philosophe r's stone." It is, indeed, the "white stone" which is given "to him that overcom eth" the lower nature, as that Apostle did who thereupon received the name that implies "a stone"; for it is only then that the individual aspirant becomes a "f oundation," a "rock" upon which may be erected a "temple," a personal sanctuary of the Spirit whose abode is the souls of men rather than temples made with hand s. The teaching of the Alchemists demonstrates how this "stone" must be "confect ed," worked up in the individual by a "manual art" (like our Masonic "art" not t o be understood in the literal sense) from chaos to perfection. They describe th e work as undergoing three stages: the black, the white, and the red, which are the Alchemical equivalents of the three Degrees of Speculative Freemasonry. Thus as, psychologically, regeneration involves the three traditional stages of purg ation, illumination, and union, so, metaphysically, there are three correspondin g stages of corporeal development. To each of these may be added a fourth, altho ugh unlikely of achievement in this life; the attainment of divine union in perm anence, which during physical life can only be temporary and partial; and the co rresponding perfecting and consolidation of the arch-natural vesture perfect hol iness belongs only to the Lord." The first stage in Alchemy "the stone at the black in Freemasonry a poor candida te in a state of darkness"; is intended to typify the benighted mind and unclari fied state of the soul's vesture at the outset of the Great Work. At this stage the physical nature must be accounted an integral factor in the "work," and is t o be dedicated and employed accordingly. It is the vessel or crucible in which t he alchemic change is to be wrought, but the regimen enjoined is "the renewing o f your mind," not the maceration of the body; for, in a deeper than the familiar sense, "corpus sanum" will ensue surely enough upon "mens sana." The second sta ge ; in Alchemy " the stone at the white"; in Freemasonry "clothed in White Apro n and gloves as emblems of innocence"; signifies that the clouded mind and the s

oul's black vesture of "earth" have been cleansed by the baptism of "a fall of w ater"-the Alchemical remedy of "the Elixir of Life." The third stage in Alchemy "the stone at the red"; in Freemasonry the sublime Degree"; symbolises entrance into the sanctuary and denotes the aspirant whose purified soul enters the exper ience of the divine union. Following the Alchemical precedent Freemasonry recogn izes that the third stage involves two "operations," known in Alchemy as the ref ining of silver and gold, and accordingly the three Degrees of Freemasonry also "include the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem" as their climax. The clothing, theref ore, worn in the Master Mason Degree is distinguished by silver, the first of th e "noble" or "precious" metals; whereas in the Royal Arch Degree, "the completio n of the Master Mason Degree," it is adorned with gold. The transmutation has no w been effected ; in the Holy Royal Arch the soul is "all glorious within" and t he clothing is of wrought gold ; " wrought," since gold indicates that holy ulti mate substance, which, although always latent in each one of us, like gold-dust in common soil, needs mining, refining, and working up by skilful craftsmanship before becoming a "jewel" for the King's Treasury. Lastly, the "gold must be tri ed in fire"; the growing celestial body must be perfected and fixated until capa ble of eternal endurance in the burning heat of the Divine "penetralia." This pe rfecting is scarcely to be looked for in the present life, but its achievement, as the state attained by those who become "king and priests unto God," is symbol ically attested in Speculative Freemasonry by the robes worn by those who are ca lled to corresponding rank in the outer Chapter; the prince prelates of the Gran d Sanhedrin, represented " in the persons of the three Principals." Our thought in this Paper has reached high ground, but we have laboured to be lu cid in speaking of things exacting unwonted claims upon the normal understanding and that, although the subject of an abundant literature, have ever been expres sed in terms of great restraint and concealment. The understanding of these thin gs will be assisted by realising physical things to be in faithful correspondenc e with metaphysical, and that, as we advance from the one to the other, we emplo y in turn the self-blinded eye of sense, the closed eye of faith, and the opened eye of the soul. At the beginning of the Quest the aspirant is conscious only o f things of the physical order. Let him, however, commit himself, with bandaged eyes, to his instinct in the possibility of a great self-transfiguration, believ ing that "My covenant is with your flesh," and at the end of it, as with John, t he spiritual seer, the hoodwink is removed and faith passes into sight. His eyes "see" the salvation prepared before the face of all people, but hidden from the m by a passing blindness, and he can testify that in very deed "the tabernacle o f God is with men," and not elsewhere. We will conclude with a quotation from Pl otinus which may serve to illustrate the position of this Study Circle in relati on to our Brethren of the Craft:"If we speak and write, it is but as guides to those who long to see: we send th em to the place itself, bidding them from words to the Vision: the teaching is o f the Path and the Plan, seeing is the work of each Soul for itself." (Plotinus-Ennead VI, 9.4. tr. Stephen McKenna.) SO MOTE IT BE. WebSite Copyright 2000 Mark "Stryder" Stilwell From Darkness Into the Light All Rights Reserved Copyright Notice: All copyrights are reserved by the author of the document and not by this websit e. If you are seeking permission to use this document, you need to try and locat e the author. If you are taking the document from this website for use on anothe r, you need to consider that it is a CSS Style Sheet document, therefore, you wi ll loose certain aspects of the layout immediate as the definitions are containe

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Our Advertisers Represent Some Of The Most Unique Products & Services On Earth! Read Spiritual Economics To Learn Whats Going On And What To Do Lucifer Rising By Philip Jones 5-13-9

(Diagram From `Be Wise As Serpents` Fritz Springmeier.) Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe t o the inhabiter's of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto y ou, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Introduction. As an amateur researcher and writer, with perhaps too much time on his hands, I am fortunate to be able to devote many hours a day reading books a nd online articles relating to what I will call in this essay the Luciferian Con

spiracy. I make no pretensions that what follows is in any way original or even innovative. Most of it excepting my own personal observations can be found in mu ch greater detail elsewhere, and for that purpose, I have included a full biblio graphy and reference section at article's end. What I have tried to do here is c ollect information gleaned from reading the work of such exceptional researchers as William J. Sutton, Fritz Springmeier, William F. Jasper, Henry Makow, David Livingstone and Texe Marrs, and create a condensed summary of evidence which wil l show that as it says in the Bible verse above, Lucifer is amongst us, and the mayhem and chaos we are now experiencing on an international scale in this the f irst decade of the 21st century, is due to the culmination of many millenia of p lotting and planning by the eternal adversary as mentioned in the Holy Scripture s. If only four years ago, someone had made a similar assertion to me as that above , I would have raised an eyebrow or two, and politely or not, dismissed the idea . But all of my research these past few years has led me to believe just that; T hat Lucifer is real, and is here on earth, in this dimension, and through those who descend directly from his line, and their puppets, he is causing havoc and c haos in an attempt to seat himself, or his proxy on the throne of a World State, and to inaugurate a New Religion with himself it's sole deity. During my investigations into the Illuminati Brotherhood and their diabolical ma chinations to cull and enslave mankind, I had until quite recently been obliviou s to an aspect of the Global Conspiracy which in it's breadth, depth and scope i s like no other. I am speaking about the New Age Movement and it's plan to intro duce a World Religion. I have tried to be as brief and to the point as possible, and hope the reader will have the patience to stick with me. My ultimate intent ion here is to lead people to the work of those dedicated men listed above, whic h in turn will help others to truly come to terms with the realisation, that for all it's mystical hype and apparent diversity, what many now refer to as `The R ainbow Conspiracy` is in reality the `Luciferian Conspiracy`. Below, I have tried to connect as many of those `dots` as an article of this typ e allows, in order to draw a red line through each of the many interconnecting a spects of what the New Age terms `The Plan` and what Freemasonry calls `The Grea t Work Of Ages`. Call it what you will, by `essay's end` , it should become obvi ous that what we are dealing with is Lucifer's rebellion against God. The Far Pavillions. During the 1960s and '70s, large numbers of disillusioned in tellectuals, alienated students and others from the West, travelled to India and other points east seeking "truth, wisdom, enlightenment, and good karma" from a ready made supply of gurus, swamis, yogis, and other self styled "Illuminated m asters." Few understood that they were merely following in the footsteps of a wo man who a hundred or so years earlier had trodden a similar path and set out the foundations for the present occult revival being experienced globally, and whos e work is pivotal to the spiritual character of the United Nations today and the cause of a World Religion. That woman was Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891), widely regarded as the high prie stess of the modern New Age Movement. Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, and during her lifetime, established close relations with Freemasonry, receiving the Certificate of the `Rite Of Adoption` from Mason John Yarker in 1877. Blavatsky's Theosophy taught arcane "knowledge" (Gnosis), the u niversal brotherhood of mankind, and unity among all religions, except the monot heistic religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism , which she insisted could n ot be reconciled with what she termed "individual enlightenment." Blavatsky damned Yahweh as a "capricious and unjust." God. In her view, he was t he God of the Israelites and nothing more. She insisted that the Holy Scriptures were wrong, it was really Lucifer who was the `Good and Just God`, victimised b

y the harsh and unjust Yahweh. Blavatsky maintained that the the name Satan, bel onged by right to the first and cruelest "Adversary" of all other Gods, and not to the serpent which spoke only words of sympathy and wisdom. She somehow reason ed that Satan/Lucifer is GOD the Creator, the Savior, the Father; and that Jesus is "the first born brother of Satan." She wrote, "Satan, the Serpent of Genesis , is the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it is he ... who opened the eyes of the automaton (Adam) created by Yahweh, as allege d.... An adversary to him ... he still remains in Esoteric Truth the ever loving messenger ... who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality." She claimed to have had experience with astral projection and the ability to com municate with the spirit world. Her books, `Isis Unveiled` and her three-volume, `The Secret Doctrine` were supposedly channelled through her by the "Masters of Wisdom," Tibetan `holy men`, which any Christian, Jew or Muslim should recognis e as being synonymous with demons. In her book, `The Secret Doctrine` Blavatsky wrote, "Lucifer represents life, th ought, progress, civilisation, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Saviour" and "It is Lucifer who is the God of our planet and the on ly God", and she continues, "The celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time, for she is the ever loving benefice nt deity, but in antiquity and reality, Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucif er is the divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time". When Blavatsky died in 1891, Annie Besant, a militant feminist, co mason, and a member of the Fabian Socialist Society of England took over the reigns of leader ship. As a close friend of George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, and other leading Fa bians, she was in an excellent position to disseminate theosophical ideas in som e very influential circles. She took part in revolutionary street riots and wrot e numerous occultic works to complement those of Blavatsky. After Besant, came Alice Bailey and her husband, Foster Bailey, a 32nd Degree Fr eemason. Having assumed the leadership of the Theosophical Society together, the y formulated and built the foundations of what we now refer to as the New Age Mo vement. They made no effort to conceal their demonic sympathies, and created the `Lucifer Publishing Company`, along with the theosophical periodical `Lucifer`. Acknowledging that the Christian world at that time, had not been sufficiently u ndermined for their open preference for the Satanic religion, they renamed their project the `Lucis Publishing Company`. In 1922, they set up `Lucis Trust`, whi ch continues to serve as the umbrella organization for a multitude of One World Government/New Age/Occult sects,cults, organizations and programs that are the m ain players in the emerging new world religion. These include the Arcane School, World Goodwill, Triangles, Lucis Publishing, Lucis Productions, Lucis Trust Lib raries, and the New Group of World Servers. The `Plan` as revealed by her `Ascended Master` Djwhal Khul, is documented in he r twenty four books, which she says were channelled through her by Khul whilst s he was in a trance state. This `Plan`, was to usher in the "Harmonic Convergence," also known as the Omega , Mind Convergence, Fusion or Turning Point, which can occur only when nations p ut aside their differences in a "New World Order" of global unity. When world go vernment and religion are finally realized, the New Age, or the Age of Aquarius, will have dawned. Only then will the Avatar appear, and the implementation of t he New World Order fully begin. This "Christ" is also known as Lord Maitraya (se e below), said to be awaited also by Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, and Hindus, thoug h he is known by these believers respectively as the Messiah, Imam Mahdi, the fi fth Buddha, or Krishna. Bailey makes it very clear that there is to also be a world religion: "The spiri

t has gone out of the old faiths and the true spiritual light is transferring it self into a new form which will manifest on earth eventually as the new world re ligion. ...Judaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for t he spiritually-minded which cannot be better given by the new faiths...the Chris tian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder seeks to bring a new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere". In his book `Terrorism & The Illuminati`, Canadian author, David Livingstone's o wn investigations revealed that the Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees, whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefelle r, Norman Cousins, Robert S. McNamara, Thomas Watson, Jr. of IBM, and former U.S . Ambassador to Moscow, Henry Clauson, a Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite, and Henry Kissinger, thus tying B ailey's organization into the various Round Table groups, including the CFR, the Bilderberger group, and the Trilateral Commission. When one examines and researches the claims of the New Age Movement, it is all t oo easy to be sceptical and dismissive, but those leading the way forward in thi s modern day version of what is in truth `Mystery Babylon` renewed, are working hand in glove with the great and the powerful. Some of the most wealthy and infl uential men and women on our planet are openly identifying themselves with the N ew Age. From Bankers, Industrialists, Politicians, Celebrities, it seems everyon e is going `New Age` and they are bringing huge swathes of the population along with them. This `spiritual awakening` may be only one aspect of the Illuminati's goal towards One World Government, but it is a major one and may in time prove to be the core element in their plan. It would be foolhardy indeed to ignore the growing influence of the New Age, Occ ult, Satanist, Wicca, and Hedonist phenomena manifesting themselves all around u s, without acknowledging that if these trends persist, the day will not be too f ar off when these forces will be able to make good on their aims. As G. K. Chesterton once observed, "If man will not believe in God, the danger i s not that he will believe in nothing, but that he will believe in anything." `The Christ Is Now Here`! On April 25, 1982, millions of people across the world read the above headline in their daily newspapers, and that, "Throughout histor y, humanity's evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Maste rs of Wisdom, a Spiritual Hierarchy at the center of which stands the World Teac her, Lord Maitreya, known by Christians as the Christ." We were told "The Christ" was at that that very time living in the world and wou ld within two months reveal his identity to all mankind. At the same time, the B ritish Theosophist Benjamin Creme commenced a worldwide speaking tour and announ ced himself spokesman for "the Christ." In numerous interviews and speeches, he explained that it was not Jesus Christ he was acting on behalf of, but the "Mast er of Wisdom," of whom Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and others are disciples. Creme's messianic campaign was coordinated by his New Age religious organization, the T ara Center, from its offices in Los Angeles, New York, and London. As Creme's "L ord Maitreya` failed to appear, one would have expected that he and his `Christ, along with all his euphoric Aquarian propaganda would have become completely di scredited and irrelevant. But we do not live in an age of reason. Mr Creme is st ill revered as a leading light of the vast New Age network, and his arcane gospe l can be found around the world at UN conferences and programs where the Illumin ati Elite of the Club of Rome, Aspen Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, Wo rld Federalists, World Bank, etc. consort with New Agers of every imaginable kin d. The United Nations And The New World Religion. "The underlying philosophy upon w hich the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth i

n the books of Alice Bailey as channeled through her by the Demon Tibetan teache r, Djwhal Khul". Robert Muller (Former UN Assistant Secretary General) Many critics of the United Nations have described it as a modern day `Tower of B abel`. Most were referring to man's act of spiritual arrogance that the book of Genesis tells us earned God's displeasure. To support such an unflattering chara cterisation today, one might draw attention to the confusing and combustible ass ortment of tongues, cultures, ideologies, and politics for which the "house of p eace" has become justly infamous. The UN, along with its programs and policies, is ever more worthy of comparison to the Tower of Babel, as rampant idolatry and militant paganism thoroughly permeate the organization. The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion, a strange and e vil convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism, atheism, co mmunism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. The followers and disciples of this new faith include Cr ystal Worshipers, Astrologers, Radical Feminists, Environmentalists, Cabalists, Humanists, Eastern Mystics, Pop Psychologists, and "liberal" clergymen whom one would normally tend to associate with the counterculture of the 1960s. But today 's `worshipers` in this `New Age Movement` are just as likely to be scientists, diplomats, corporate presidents, heads of state, international bankers, and lead ers of mainstream Christian churches. The Rio Earth Summit. "Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advanc e the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, inc epted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance a one-worldreligion, based on the occult, or the New Age, as it is called". David Livingsto ne. In his book `Global Tyranny Step By Step`, William F Jasper writes " At the June 1992 UN Earth Summit in Brazil, the official UN Conference on Environment and D evelopment (UNCED) together with the Global Forum "Peoples Summit" showcased a b lending of pagan aboriginal rites with an ecumenical collective of `mystical` an d spiritual tenets from East and West to bring into being an unintelligible form of what was called a `Universal Faith`. Across the globe, the world media referred to the Rio Declaration and the 800-pa ge blueprint for government action titled Agenda 21 as "sacred" texts. Al Gore, the leader of the U.S. Senate delegation, called for a new spiritual relationshi p between man and earth. Actress Shirley MacLaine was in attendance in order to add her own strange brand of psychic spirituality to the proceedings. Those Mini sters from the World Council of Churches present, were there because of their af finity to the ecumenical "spirit" that uses the Hegelian Dialectic to combine a form of Christianity as thesis, with a pagan spiritualism as antithesis, resulti ng in a synthesis very akin to the Babylonian Mystery Religions. Another group a t the summit, The Union for Natural Environment Protection, an environmental ass ociation based in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, surprisingly declared the following abou t the true purpose of the W.C. of C's involvement: "The environmental movement is being used as a cover to promote a return to the creed of the Ancient Mysteries, in the form of the worship of mother-nature, a p agan notion that equates the goddess with earth, known among the ancient Greeks as Gaia. Originally, she is the Babylonian Ishtar, known to the Bible as Astarte , or the Egyptian Isis. This pantheistic idea has its origins in ancient paganis m, and is central to the Kabbalah and all Western occult tradition, including Fr eemasonry and the Illuminati. Plato wrote: "We shall affirm that the cosmos, mor e than anything else, resembles most closely that living Creature of which all o ther living creatures, severally or genetically, are portion; a living creature which is fairest of all and in ways most perfect." Known as Anima Mundi, the "So ul of the World", it is related to the concept of the Neoplatonists, the Logos,

or the Word, also known as the "Son of God", or the ancient dying God" It should be apparent to the reader that a `nexus` has been formed, connecting t he major players in the push towards the One World Dictatorship, with the United Nations, The New Age Movement, and the `Greens` all interlocking at the top, wi th the `hidden hand` of the Illuminati pulling the strings in the background as the driving force moving us all inexorably towards the New World Order. The Illuminaries. Canadian Multi Millionaire Industrialist Maurice Strong , a fo rmer trustee of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies and a member of the a dvisory council of Planetary Citizens, is a major force within the Environmental and New Age Movements. He sits on the board of directors and serves as director of finance of the Lindisfarne Center, which is located in the Episcopal Cathedr al of St. John the Divine in New York, and its operation all facilitated by gran ts from the Lilly Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Institute numbers among its faculty members the `Eco-Radical` Amory Lovins a nd Luciferian Adept and New Age author David Spangler. We can gain some apprecia tion as to what is being taught at this Rockerfeller funded institute by reading Mr. Spangler's books, such as `Reflections on the Christ`, wherein he writes: "Lucifer, like Christ, stands at the door of man's consciousness and knocks. If man says, go away because I do not like what you represent, I am afraid of you, Lucifer will play tricks on that fellow. If man says, "Come in, and I will give to you the treat of my love and understanding and I will uplift you in the light and presence of the Christ, my outflow," then Lucifer becomes something else ag ain. He becomes the being who carries that great treat, the ultimate treat, the light of wisdom. The reason man has come to fear Lucifer is not so much that he represents evil as because he represents experience which causes us to grow and to move beyond the levels where we have been.... Lucifer is literally the angel of experience." Spangler, Muller, Strong, and a host of other `names`, such as Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, Sir Edmund Hillary, Peter Ustinov, Kurt Vonnegut, Leonard Berns tein, Isaac Asimov, and Pete Seeger, are all listed as being original endorsers of the world-government-promoting Planetary Citizens. Founded by New Age luminar y and former UN consultant Donald Keys, and presided over for many years by the lateNorman Cousins (CFR), the Planetary Citizens Organization has brought togeth er and made very good use of the prestige of many leading world figures to suppo rt expansion of UN power and it's institutions.Keys, a self confessed disciple o f Alice Bailey, refers to the United Nations as "the nexus of emerging planetary values" and expresses the hope that it will establish a "planetary management s ystem.".(New Age Speak for World Government). Another original endorser of Planetary Citizens was Aurelio Peccei, the founder of the Club of Rome, which although initially recognised for its role in launchi ng "no growth" environmentalism in the 1970s, has `waxed` increasingly "spiritua l" in more recent years. Their quest for spiritual `wisdom` includes slavish adh erence to the Blavatsky mandate dictating that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are either excluded or denigrated. One of the primary avenues through which this lean toward oriental spiritualism has been spread is the Temple of Understanding, located at the same Cathedral of St. John the Divine that houses the Lindisfarne Luciferians. Begun in the early 1960s as the "spiritual counterpart of the United Nations," its founding sponso rs included the following odd assortment of Establishment Insiders, socialists, humanists, communist fronts, religious figures, and entertainment celebrities: John D. Rockefeller IV then-Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger IBM president Thomas J. Watson Socialist Party leader Norman Thomas Eleanor Roosevelt Time-Life president James A. Linen homosexual author Christopher Isherwood columnist Max Lerner entertainer Jack Benny With people such as the these in the vanguard, the U N's pagan spiritualism will grow ever more overt and assertive. The UN report entitled `The New Internation al Economic Order A Spiritual Imperative` proclaims; "Today a new understanding of spirituality is emerging which recognizes that all efforts to uplift humanity are spiritual in nature. Alice Bailey said, "That is spiritual which lies beyon d the point of present achievement...." ... Given this new understanding of spir ituality, the work of the United Nations can be ... seen within the entire evolu tionary unfoldment of humanity. The work of the U.N. is indeed spiritual and hol ds profound import for the future of civilization." The Pantheistic Smokescreen. "When you worship the sun, moon, stars, a statue, o r even yourself, Lucifer is leading you astray. You are not to worship things th at were created; instead you are to worship the creator. To worship anything oth er than the creator is giving heed to Lucifer". Fritz Springmeier `Be Wise As Se rpents`. Since "God" in the pantheistic metaphysical system is not the almighty God of th e Bible, but an impersonal, immanent force that occupies all things, then all th ings; the universe itself, every rock, every tree, everything, every man, every woman are "God." In this pagan world view, man is not a special creation of the one, true God, to whom, ultimately, he is answerable to. Nor is he endowed by hi s Creator with intrinsic, inalienable rights and duties. Thus pantheism "functio ns as an effective device in the undermining of a God-centered religion by trans forming religion into a man-centered belief system, and thereby giving a religio us sanction to the doctrines and programs of political collectivism. Pantheism c an be also be utilised as a step towards bringing humanity from theism to atheis tic materialism. In religion, pantheism is most often expressed as Naturalism; t he doctrine that religious truth is derived from nature, not revelation. The June 1941 issue of the occult journal `Rosicrucian Digest` predicted that "T he multiplicity of social states, countries, or nations will cease to be." That nations would be superseded by "The One United World State." The Rosicrucian's w ere correct in concluding that the `mystical-pantheism` they advocated would, if generally accepted, lead to a collectivist world state. And there are far too f ew people in the world today who understand the direct cause-and-effect relation ship between the two. Father Clarence Kelly, a noted authority on occult decepti on writes; "Pantheism is a favorite doctrine of collectivists, because it offers a concept of man which, on religious grounds, subordinates the individual to th e collective." Hitler And The Vril. It was Neo-Paganism that helped create the conditions which paved the way for the totalitarian collectivism of the Third Reich. The Nazi hi gh priesthood - Hitler, Himmler, Rahn, Rosenberg, Hess, Feder, Sebot, et al. wer e all ardent theosophists, and their esoteric societies (the Thule, Vril, Seeker s of the Grail) were steeped in the same occultism and pantheism so prevalent in today's New Age and environmental movements. There is a wealth of evidence that Hitler considered himself `chosen` and he is on record as having said; "I have seen the `New Man` and he is indeed terrible". It is evident that Hitler was deeply involved in the occult and that he believe d that his murderous reign of terror was a `divine` mission on behalf of what he termed the `Ancient Aryan Masters`. Dietrich Eckart, a master Adept of the Thul

e Society and Hitlers' occult mentor, wrote, "Hitler will dance, but it is I who will call the tune! I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his c enters of vision and given him means to communicate with the powers". In the final chapter of his book, `The Twisted Cross`, Joseph Carr draws frighte ning parallels between Nazism and the New Age Movement; "One cannot argue agains t the claim that the Nazi world view and major elements of the New Age Movement are identical. They should be, after all for they both grew out of the same occu lt root: Theosophy. Their respective cosmogony, cosmology and philosophies are i dentical". The New Age and the One World Government conspiracy are intrinsic and inseparabl e.. Although all the various sects and cults which make up `Pantheism` may appea r diverse and separate, all the basic elements are the same for the various gnos tic hierarchical religions, they just have a different focus. They operate off t he same principles and cooperate and function together. What are ostensibly sepa rate and independent religious groups are actually at the very top working toget her and run by the same cabal in the service of the same master. In his epic work on the One World Religion, `Be Wise As Serpents` Fritz Springme ier answers the question most of us have asked; "Do the leaders of the cults kno w what is going on? In authoritative fashion, Mr Springmeier answers, "Yes, they have been orally, emphasis on that word orally told exactly what is happening. The leaders of the New Age, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Latter Day Saints c hurch know what they are up to, and what their roles are in creating a one-world government". The Solar Logos. Throughout the Ancient World, the Sun was worshipped in many gu ises as God. In Babylon it was Nimrod, in Egypt- Osiris, the Canaanites worshipp ed Baal and in Greece, it was Apollo. The New Age Sun God is called the `Solar L ogos` or `The Word` thereby blasphemously counterfeiting the Biblical Jesus Chri st. In her book, `Rays and Initiations`, Alice Bailey reveals this Solar Logos a s Lucifer himself. Today, as in millenia past, the Sun God is being worshipped b y the New Age as divine. David Spangler, refers to the Sun God in these terms: "The light that reveals to us the path to the New Age `Christ` comes from Lucifer. He is the light giver. It is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness. The tr ue light of this great being can only be recognised when one's own eyes see with the light of the inner sun. It is an invitation into the New Age " The ancient doctrine of the Sun God or Solar Logos melds itself easily with Pant heism, which as we have seen is at the moment a core dogma of the New Age. By de nying the existence of a personal God, whilst insisting that the universe itself is God, New Agers declare that as man is part of the universe, man is also God. The Luciferian master plan cannot succeed unless people accept that there is no God who loves and cares for them. Therefore, accepting that the Moon, the Stars , the Galaxies are all Gods in themselves, the New Age Sun God or Solar Logos as humanity's master becomes a required tenet of belief and we can establish that throughout man's history, all `Sun God's have been nothing more than guises for the great deceiver, Lucifer. Witches believe that Lucifer is the God of the Sun, and the Sun God is also know n as the `Horned God` (Lucifer is also known as the "Angel of Light). Many of th e Witch's holy days revolve around the Sun such as the Yule. A large part of the ir belief system is the concept of the Sun weakening and the world dying, then o n the Winter Solstice the Sun God Lucifer is reborn and warms the Earth. To the Ancient Latin people's, Lucifer was the Sun God, father of Aradia and the brothe r and lover of Diana. To appreciate how this adversary of God has been able to clandestinely insinuate

himself into our lives, we only have to look all around at the plethora of paga n sun symbolism which now proliferate throughout society. One example of this ca n be found in the world of female bodybuilding, where each year, a trophy shaped in a design used to symbolize the worship of Lucifer is awarded at a major I.F. B.B. women's bodybuilding event. The meaning of this trophy is hidden from most everyone but a select few who are initiated. The trophy is in the form of an obe lisk, which to those unfamiliar is a tapering, four-sided shaft that has a pyram idal top. The obelisk is a symbol that definitely has connections to Freemasonry . The obelisk is important to Masons and has roots in ancient Egypt. It is the s ymbol of a god worshipped by believers involved in the ancient mysteries The obelisk represents the Sun God Lucifer. The sun is also a major Masonic symb ol. Albert Pike, who we deal with below wrote: "The sun is the ancient symbol of the life-giving and generative power of theDeity." Ralph Epperson, a historian and lecturer on the subject writes: "The sun was a s ymbol of something that only the believers in the religion...understood. These b elievers, ...knew that the people would not accept their mystery religion, so th ey had to conceal it from them. So the task became one of creating a religion ar ound a belief that they knew the people would accept. Their basic purpose was to create a popular religion as a cover for their secret worship. They would have to keep their beliefs from the people, and conceal their secret worship in hidde n symbols." Epperson continues: "The obelisk stands for the very presence of the sun god! And the sun god is Lucifer!" The World Religion Exposed. "The Gnostic religions are often called pagan. This pagan worship is often the exoteric cover that the first levels are initiated in to. The highest level is often the real esoteric worship, and often involves dir ect Luciferian or Satanic worship. In other words, the Sun worship of the Masons and other groups is a fig leaf for the worship by the highest levels of the Div ine Serpent Satan". Fritz Springmeier `Be Wise As Serpents `. "According to Alice Bailey, the Masonic movement will be the religion of the New System. Benjamin Creme, also believes Freemasonry will be the religion of the N ew Age. Lola Davis, another New Age leader, also sees Freemasonry as the New Age Religion" (Texe Marrs: Dark Secrets of the New Age). Alice Bailey wrote in 1957, "The Masonic movement... is the custodian of the law ; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its sy mbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved i n its work. It is a far more occult organization than can be realised, and is in tended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its cere monials lie hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man." "When the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is under stood-will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic orga nism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-m ost circles of esoteric societies." (Taken from `Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Sp ringmeier). Has Freemasonry been underestimated as a world religion? At least one Masonic au thor writing to Masons felt that Masonic religious power had been underestimated . He writes,"In the past Masonry has been condemned as a shallow substitute for religion. This the Masonic body has always denied but in fact the new age revita lised Masonry will be a paralleling evolutionary way of man's approach to God, a nd Masonry and religion will gladly cooperate." --The Spirit of Masonry, p. 129 Albert Pike (December 29, 1809April 2, 1891). Albert Pike was a Luciferian who co

nfessed Lucifer as his own God see (below quote). He was the former Sovereign Ge neral of The Supreme Council Of Grand Sovereign Inspectors, General of the 33rd Degree of The Scottish Rite. There is also compelling evidence that he founded t he Ku Klux Klan.. Pike can be justifiably regarded as the most influential Freem ason who ever lived. During the American Civil War, he was a confederate general who is said to have committed the most heinous atrocities of the war, yet his t omb is located just thirteen blocks from the Capitol Building in Washington DC. He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still revered by the New W orld Order Cabal. In his book `Morals and Dogma`, Pike confirmed for posterity that the God of the Illuminati and the New World Order is Lucifer. He wrote; "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (J esus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only ex ist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the p edestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. " Pike asserted boldly and unequivocally in his book that Freemasonry is identical to the ancient mysteries, which clearly means that all their teachings in all t heir books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries! Pike continues in Morals and Dogma " The true and pure philosophic religion is the b elief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evi l." Is Freemasonry The Worship Of Lucifer? There has been extensive debate as to who m the true god of Freemasonry really is. Below, I have listed some quotes from M asonic Authorities which will help clarify this piece of the puzzle. It should b e understood that most Blue Degree Masons are not in thrall to Lucifer, but high er level `initiates` must participate in rituals which involve drinking from sku lls whilst kneeling prostrate at a black alter adorned with serpents. We should furthermore take pains to know who Lucifer really is. The King James B ible records his fall from heaven following his rebellion against God thus: "How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are thou cut dow n to the ground which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine hear t, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I w ill sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I wi ll ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high, yet tho u shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit". Isaiah 14:12-15. The Scriptures name Lucifer as "That old serpent called the Devil and Satan, whi ch deceiveth the whole world". Revelation 12:9. Deception in Freemasonry is witnessed time and again as one goes ever deeper int o it's darkness. Albert Pike in his `Morals and Dogma writes," Masonry like all the religions, all the mysteries, conceals it's secret from all except the Adept s and Sages, or the elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of it's symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead. The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displa yed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally mislead by false interpretati ons. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended he sha ll imagine he understands them". Quotes affirming Lucifer as the God of Fremasonry: "First conjuration address to Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of rebellious s pirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode in what ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in thy name oh mighty living god, to appear without noise". The Book Of Bla

ck Magic by Arthur Edward Waite 33rd Degree Mason. "I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince Of Demons, that each year, I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as it may please him, and in return , Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him". Signed in blood, Manly Palmer Hall 33rd Degree Freemason from his book `The Secret Tea ching Of All Ages`. "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper ap plication of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft . The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwar d and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy". Manly Pa lmer Hall 33rd Degree `The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry`. " That which we must say to a crowd is; We worship a God, but it is one adores without superstition. To you Sovereign Grand Inspectors say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st, rees. The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the , maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine". Albert Pike . the God that General, we and 30th deg High degrees 33 rd Degree

" Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears the light, and with it's s plendours intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" A lbert Pike 33rd Degree. Freemasonry is truly the worship of Lucifer. Once this is understood, it becomes clear as to why they have been so anxious all these centuries to keep the lid o f secrecy tightly screwed down, for if people really understood that Masonry is a worship of Lucifer, no one would join, and the citizens of most communities wo uld rise up as one to demand that the organization be completely outlawed. Thus, you have secrets within secrets , wheels within wheels, just as the above quote s confirm. The Light Bearer Returns. Many believe that the New Age Movement is little more than a collection of old Hippies, Feminists and `wannabe` mystics chanting and p raying to who knows what or why. But that is so far from the reality of what is a dangerous and desperate situation, as the Illuminati and their co conspirators in the New Age, through use of all the weapons of media control and information available to them, drive their New World Order project to it's logical conclusi on, whilst we the people sleep walk into their `Aquarian` Dictatorship. In his book `Terrorism And The Illuminati`, the Canadian author David Livingston e writes: "The Illuminati claim to be descended of Fallen Angels, who taught the m the "Ancient Wisdom", also known as the Kabbalah, which they have been preserv ing throughout the centuries. These Fallen Angels are referred to in the Bible, Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or "Sons of God", and were said to have descen ded to earth and intermarried with human beings. Christian interpretations strug gle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into "mighty men". However, apocryphal Jewish texts explain that they were the devil and his legions, who w ere cast out of Heaven, and took wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced a race known as the Anakim". It is a well researched hypothesis that it is these `Anakim` or rather their des cendent's who now occupy all the positions of real power in our world. Whether t hey are truly the children of the Nephilim is irrelevant so long as they themsel ves believe that it is, and use this assumed `divine` right to rule in order to justify the increasing oppression, control and terror being enacted on all our l ives.

Conclusion: The Luciferian New Age of Aquarius is here right now and mankind has joined in rebellion against it's creator. We are giving to people, who now publ icly exclaim their worship of God and man's greatest and original adversary, fre e reign to lead us into hell on earth in the shape of a diabolical One World tyr annical state, and the United Nations is the international temple at which human ity, through it's political and religious leaders pays homage to him, the Light Bearer - Lucifer. "And he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignati on be accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done (Dan. 11:36). Reference and Further Reading. Robert Muller Wanda Marrs : New Age Lies To Women p34 ( Wicca Wicca Terrorism & The Illuminati by David Livingstone http://www.terrorism-illuminati. com/book/toc.html 666 Illuminati by William Josiah Sutton olitica/newage_illuminati/contents.htm Be Wise As Serpents by Fritz Springmeier. Global Tyranny Step By Step by William F Jasper. Any of the Books on the New Age by Texe and Wanda Marrs. The Holy Scriptures New English Bible and King James Version. The Hidden Secrets Of The Rainbow by Constance E. Cumbey.

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Wikipedia s users have described this remarkable manifestation of the Light as the following, Kundalini literally means coiled. In yoga, a corporeal energy an unconscious, insti nctive or libidinal force or Shakti, lies coiled at the base of the spine. It is envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent, hence a number of English renderings of the term such as serpent power . The kundalini resides in th e sacrum bone in three and a half coils and has been described as a residual pow er of pure desire. I have come to quite enjoy browsing Wikipedia and this seems to be no exception as it A graphical represenation of an experience of union with Lucifer characterizes, as best as possible, this serpentine energy. They wrote that it, h as been described as a residual power of pure desire and I think this is a very a ccurate representation. This is the primal and powerful connection with our long divorced right to wield the powers of the Light. This unconscious and ever-pres ent coiled snake resides in every one of us and when it experiences release it i s a life-changing experience. After a very brief search I came across some stories and descriptions of indivi duals experiencing this primal desire to experience the Power. A website called A nunda explains, The experiences people attribute to Kundalini are the mental awareness generated by the energy-lifeforce moving through the negative vortices in the cells, relea sing holding patterns of past limiting beliefs and trauma holding patterns. While this is obviously saturated with meaningless buzzwords used within the spir itual community, it is actually carrying a very accurate Luciferian message. Of c ourse, all of those engaging in these Works are interfacing directly with Him an d his all-encompassing Force, they are just told it is the Holy Spirit or an Angel r an Ascended Master . For those of the True and Only Brotherhood, the truly initia ted, it is a fact of life that these are nothing more than masks, serving the sa me purpose as the symbols replacing various deities in various religions. The fa cade has changed since the Dawn of Man, the Light behind the curtain, however, h as stayed the same. The most key part of the above quote is the mental awareness. As I believe I menti oned in a prior writing here, one of the most key aspects of Luciferianism is th e veneration and development of our Intellect. In this way, Atheists are without a doubt Luciferian as they worship the power of Reason to the point at which th ey can confidently say that they know exactly how the Universe works and that th ere is nothing other than Man. While they are sorely mistaken, the worship of Re ason above all else eventually, and without fail, leads the supplicant down the Great Path. I hope that my writings here will serve as the impetus to push some of you reading this to pursue the drives you have and I implore you to follow yo ur Will, as if these words ring True, you are meant to seek the Path. Carl Gustav Jung was an illustrious academic and a closet Luciferian although it was far from hidden to initiates around the globe as the concepts were nothing more than an exotericized version of what the Brotherhood has been talking about for countless centuries. Jung gracefully turned one of the Great Mysteries of a ll Ages into something accepted as regular in classrooms around the globe. We ar e well aware that the success of our Enterprise demands we prepare the youth to embrace and eventually move us toward the completion of the Great Work. Because of this, Jung and some others work is invaluable in our subtle, increment

al exotericization of the Secrets. Jung very skillfully revived the concept of A kashic Records, yet another crude attempt to fit the Light into a descriptive bo x. The Light contains the Akashic Records, the future, the past, every Universe, every being, every consciousness, every single thing that exists is a part of t he greater whole. By introducing the concept of a Collective Unconscious and rei nforcing the knowledge we already know to be true: the human race is greatly aff ected by the symbols around them. When they are aware of the true meaning of the symbol and direct their energy toward it, quite powerful things can happen. Eve n in the case of the average Joe surrounded by corporate logos and architectural symbolism, never consciously recognizing the true nature of the symbols he wors hips while subliminally drawing the symbol into his psyche and processing it usi ng our working connection with the Light: what is called our unconscious. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool in calling upon the Light to serv e your Will and the Plan, by dropping into the sea of our unconscious we are mor e susceptible to subtle connections to influences and bursts of insight attained through momentary connection with the Force of Lucifer. As above, so below. One of the most ever-present symbols and incidentally one of the most powerful i s the Seal of One of Kingsford's diagrammatic renditions of the Seal Solomon also known as the Star of David among many other names. This alchemical symbol is especially powerful as a subconscious influence upon the masses surrou nded by it because of its adaptability. The nature of the symbol is the hybrid o f two opposing forces which can take any form as we see in the accompanying illu strations by Anna Kingsford, a Theosophist scholar. This diametrically opposed paradigm of forces comes together to form the most po werful being, the force that encompasses both the feminine and the masculine, th e Left and the Right Hand Paths, death and rebirth, destruction and creation, et c. This being, this union of forces, is none other than that masked as A seal depicted with powerful alchemical symbols and an Ouroboros, yet another c ommon, powerful Luciferian symbol A Kingsford diagram Lucifer. I say masked because the True Nature of the Luciferic Force and Light i s continuously revealed throughout one s existence and throughout our spiritual ev olution. We will never know the most True Nature, the most Secret of Secrets, th e Ultimate Light and Word until we attain Godhood and eventually Union with the Great Lucifer. Through thousands of years of unconscious conditioning, conversion, control and even unconscious ritual and worship of symbols that give more power to the Great Work. Look at the smile on someone s face if you hand them some free money and yo u will see just a glimpse of the power these symbols have over you and others. Y ou might also try wearing a t-shirt with a Seal of Solomon (or Star of David if you d like to call it that) crossed out, in order to witness the profane among the Jewish community think you re a Nazi or some such nonsense. Of course the Jewish Mystics have done some of the most remarkable Works for the Light and the Plan, and once you realize what the Seal actually signifies, you realize the inexplica ble ubiquity of the symbol among the Jewish community and elsewhere is just evid ence of the powerful hand Brothers have had in the past shaping the future and l aying the foundation upon which we now are building.

I highly recommend you start attempting to pay as much attention as possible to the symbols and themes around you. You might just find them speaking to a deeper part of your Mind, slightly out of reach of conscious thought. Do not resist th ese strange impulses, insights, and drives. This is your True Will manifest, and your True Will is nothing more than a manifestation of the Light, a manifestati on which, if you Work hard enough, can progress beyond anything you currently th ink to be reality. Top Search Terms Used to Find This Page: lucifer symbol alchemy symbols and meanings alchemy symbols alchemical symbols lucifer symbols More at - rt-iii-symbols/#ixzz2JOlRRDF9 ================================================================================ ======= DSYJ Home Contribute End the Lie Independent News

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ew AFP Photo / Fabrice Coffrini Israel has boycotted the UN human rights forum o ver Rise in Federal Prison Population is Unprecedented, Says CRS Since the early 1980s, there has been a historically unprecedented increase i n the federal Justice/Injustice RSS Feed DHS estimates 136 snitch visa applications per year, could allow terrorists, m urders and more into U.S. DHS estimates 136 snitch visa applications per year, could allow terrorists, m urders and more into U.S. By Madison Ruppert Editor of End the Lie According to a notice published in New Google report reveals 68% of requests from U.S. government entities subm itted without warrants New Google report reveals 68% of requests from U.S. government entities subm itted without warrants By Madison Ruppert Editor of End the Lie While Google s tra nsparency report released in New York Safe Act has citizens up in arms New York Safe Act has citizens up in arms By Brent Daggett Contributing writ er for End the Lie On top of President Obama s Videos Advertise Alternative News Sources Books and Reading Material Contact Documentaries and Informative Videos Radio Store Conversations with Lucifer: Part II By Bro. L.V.X. I have been given some questions to address in this article and I will attempt t o answer them in the best way I can within my constraints. What is the difference between what he believes and a pantheist belief syste m? Pantheism is the view that the Universe (Nature) and God are identical.[1] Pa ntheists thus do not believe in a personal, anthropomorphic or creator god. The word derives from the Ancient Greek: p?? (pan) meaning all and ?e?? (theos) meanin g God . As such, pantheism denotes the idea that God is best seen as a way of relatin g to the Universe.[2] Although there are divergences within pantheism, the centr al ideas found in almost all versions are the Cosmos as an all-encompassing unit y and the sacredness of Nature. Wiki Pantheism could be an extremely crude representation of Luciferian beliefs altho ugh it would only describe the monistic aspect. It does not address the symbolic , intellectual, ritual and experiential aspects. Nature is also not sacred withi n Luciferianism as if our True Will and Great Work require the destruction of Na ture then it is in the Plan and it not of consequence to us. Again, what is the Great Work and why is it so enshrouded in mystery and enwra pped in what must be considered highly effective ritual, such as the Scottish an Q&A

d York rites, and what is the largest impediment to its progress? Has the Great Work progressed to the point where the individuals on the lowe r levels of Masonry are no longer required? Is that why Masonry, in terms of me mbership, at any rate, appears on the decline? Are the pawns, at this point, ex pendable? Keeping in mind that, as I only imperfectly understand, these craftsmen ofte n invert existing symbols, including those of the Bible, which they claim to rev ere, I wouldn t be surprised if, on some level, they consider the Verbum, Logos and d of God as equal to Lucifer and thus conclude that Lucifer is the Light of the W orld. If they think this, it stands to reason that practically everyone and eve rything, to them, is Luciferian. A question thus becomes who and or what is not L uciferian? I have explained the Great Work thus far in some of the most concrete language I can, but I will attempt to answer this in a bit more detail. The Great Work is the worldly and immediate action taken in accordance with the Plan. Spiritual ev olution requires a great deal of change to be made to what most people have beco me quite comfortable with and used to. The Great Work is the physical, political , operative action taken by those serving the Light to further the Plan. The Pla n is Lucifer s and His alone, we can only know part of this reality and it is the same with the astral reality. We know it is going to bring about massive change and evolution, eventually raising us to our rightful power we have lost and whic h has now become the stuff of legends and myths. The Blue Lodge would never be eradicated even if it was not required for the Gre at Work. However, it is very much still required. Masonry might seem on the decl ine to those in the dark but those Brothers out there reading this are well awar e that there has been a surge in Masonic membership recently. I cannot say why e xactly this is, but I believe it could be due to people waking up to the reality of our power and the extent to which the Brotherhood, in all of its forms, comm ands over the world. A common misconception is that people will be wiped out imm ediately were the Great Work to place the Capstone. All I can say is that this i s not the case, the pawns will need to be placed on the Chessboard for many more games in our near future. If you investigate certain realities that some people on sites like this cover, you might think that there would be some massive and sudden depopulation of Earth. If you dig deeper you ll see that this is not the tr uth and we are already so far in the Great Work that the many of the systems are already in place and being utilized as I write this. There will definitely be s acrifices but pawns will be necessary until the Great Work is totally and comple tely accomplished. The last paragraph of this question was quite insightful. Indeed the Luciferian Light is the Light of the World. The reality is that most people, conscious or n o, are Luciferian. Those who are not Luciferian are so few and far between that they usually end up forcing the Brotherhood to adopt their teachings and pervert them in order to control the message. One example I can give you is Jesus Chris t. I cannot get into detail on this issue but I can say this much: Christianity is ours, Jesus is not. Jesus original teachings have been mostly eradicated, wate red down, or warped. People think Christianity is under attack by the many incar nations of the Brotherhood but this is far from the case. That is all I can say on this issue at this time. Yes, I find this hard to believe too b/c if what this guy is saying is reall y true, then why are a good % of Masons Southern Baptists that are deacons AND p astors in their respective churches? Why are they putting out wolves in sheep s cl othing in the national spotlight like Rick Warren and Billy Graham to help Rome war against the church?


I find it incredible that the profane can be this blind to our Work. Reading sta tements like this always surprises me as I thought the nature of our Order was s omewhat known to those obsessed with conspiracy and truth . To answer this question w ould be no different than picking up a homeless drug fiend and bringing him to a Stated Dinner, I just cannot stoop that low. I would be derided and likely expe lled from most Orders if I were to answer any questions regardless of the fact t hat I am not revealing any of the true Secrets. I would be interested to know which, if any, of the following is most illust rative of the so called Great Work s success within the political sphere: 1) the c reation of America ex nihilo; 2) the toppling of the French Monarchy and confisc ation of Church property during the Reign of Terror; 3) Napoleon s following Volta ire s injunction to crush the infamy by imprisoning Pius VII; 4) H.P. Blavatsky s rep uted fighting for Garibaldi against the Papal States; 5) the abolition of the Is lamic Caliphate and the aggressive secularization of Turkey under Ataturk; 6) th e creation of first the League of Nations and later the United Nations; or 7) th e Bolshevik revolution and what Churchill called the worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization. More things spring to mind, but these would work for now. America was far from created ex nihilo. Nothing in America was a mistake, includ ing our first President being a Brother. The creation and governmental structure did not come from nowhere. The Reign of Terror was an illustration of the Great Work mostly in method, showing a perfect execution of ordo ab chao. Napoleon s Wo rk was meaningful and his brazenness was unmatched at the time. One must look no further than this painting to see what I mean: H.P. Blavatsky s contributions to the Great Work are rivaled by few. To reduce her widespread influence today in the social and political realm to that would be c rude to say the least. The abolition of the Caliphate in any nation is a triumph for the Great Work as Islam is a useful tool in the Plan but the Caliphate pose as an obstacle to the Brotherhood s control of the religion and the nations under its grasp. The League of Nations and the United Nations are some of the most sh ining illustrations of our Great Work s success, one might also point to the back of the one dollar bill to emphasize this triumph. The Bolshevik Revolution and t he entirety of the progression in Russia has been a success for our Great Work. If anyone needs confirmation, you must look no further than the leaders. Churchi ll s characterization was not genuine, Churchill was a devoted Brother and was wel l aware of the future of the Plan and the necessity of the erection (and collaps e) of the Soviet Union for the Great Work. These are all of the questions I am able to answer today. Read my last writing h ere. I am not sure what the next topic will be but I am sure that M. Ruppert wil l take questions from readers in order to give me some ideas. I have also sent h im one of my Masonic Bibles (yes they do exist) so maybe you will get to see som e images of that, perhaps even by the time this article is edited and posted. Top Search Terms Used to Find This Page: conversations with lucifer part ii conversations with lucifer part 2 how does napoleon tell us he is a hardworking writer of the napoleonic code in this painting luciferian beliefs lucifers lie america Help Spread Alternative News Medical Insurance New york hotels Federal Tax

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