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Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

March 17, 2013 ............................... Vol. 43 - No. 11 Clergy

Rev. Henry J. Riffle . ........................................... Pastor Rev. Ren Tapel . ................................. Parochial Vicar Rev. Jose Tejada . ................................ Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Robert Simpson ................................. Deacon Mary L. Alber ......................Director of Faith Formation Patricia Hennessy . ....................... Parish Administrator Steve Overbaugh . .................... Facilities Administrator Richard Pipas .................................... Director of Music Mike Abatemarco . .................... Maintenance Assistant Barbara Alvarez ..................Youth Ministry Coordinator Les Bostick ............................... Maintenance Assistant Irene Collins................................Faith Formation Clerk Randi Hodgson .....................................MIS Technician Peggy Overbaugh . ............................ Accounting Clerk Terry Schoonmaker ........................Housekeeper/Cook Frank E. Whiffen II .............. Sacristan & MIS Specialist Mary Ellen Yost ..................................Parish Secretary Daily . .Monday-Friday, 7:00 & 8:00AM , Saturday 8:00AM Saturday Vigil ..........................................4:00 & 6:00PM Sunday .............................7:00, 9:00, 11:00AM & 1:00PM Thursday . ........................... 3:00 - 4:30 & 7:00 - 7:30PM St. James the Apostle . .............Saturday, 3:00 - 3:45PM Queen of Peace . .............. Saturday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM 727-868-5276 Fax 727-862-9187 8014 State Road 52 Hudson, Florida 34667-6763 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 12:00NOON & 1:00 - 4:00PM Saturday 3:30 - 6:00PM & Sunday 8:00AM - 12:30PM Bishop Larkin Catholic School ....................... 862-6981 Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School. ...... 857-2600

Hudson, Florida

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Monday, March 18th 7:00 AM Mary Cortese 8:00 AM Rita Bolduc Tuesday, March 19th 7:00 AM 50th Wedding Anniversary of William & Sharon Sincavage 8:00 AM Gail Haly Wednesday, March 20th 7:00 AM Bernice Josephine Stocker 8:00 AM Robert C. Simpson, Jr. Thursday, March 21st 7:00 AM Billy Baranowski 8:00 AM Joseph Zarnay Friday, March 22nd 7:00 AM Ernie Trefzer, Sr. 8:00 AM Marie Mulkern Saturday, March 23rd 8:00 AM Khoi Dam 4:00 PM For All Parishioners 6:00 PM Diane Rosenberger Thompson Sunday, March 24th 7:00 AM Chet (Czeslaw) Bonk 9:00 AM John Supernaw 11:00 AM The Maimone & Martino Families 1:00 PM Kathleen Sanders



Regular Mass Schedule

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Parish Office

The following members of our parish family entered eternal life during the past few weeks: Richard George Derr Anne Saas Kindly remember their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed in your daily prayers.


Religious Article Store Catholic Education

1st Reading....................................... Isaiah 50:4-7 2nd Reading...............................Philippians 2:6-11 Gospel ...................................Luke 22:14 23:56

Readings for March 24TH

The Sanctuary Candle for the week of March 17th was donated in loving memory of

Marie Mulkern

On Fridays during Lent, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be held at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel followed by Stations of the Cross at 3:30 p.m. in the church.

Lenten Devotions

the elephant in the room...

It's my fault that we have not talked about the elephant in the room here at Saint Michael Parish. To put it off will only make matters worse, so here goes. O u r 2 0 1 2 A PA g o a l wa s $242,897 and unfortunately, we were not able to reach our goal. We will have to pay $57,989.71 before the end of May. This is the amount left of our goal that parishioners did not meet. I am grateful for the 40% that helped us reach around 70% of our goal. The 60% that are choosing not to support the APA efforts are hurting the parish and it might soon have negative effects in the operation of the parish. In the last five years we have taken almost $250,000 out of savings to meet our APA obligations. That has to stop! I have encouraged participation. I have given weekly reports as they come in from the diocese. We have petitions in the prayers of the faithful every week. We use the diocesan input both in the bulletin and the introduction every week. I have challenged families that ask for the parish subsidy for their children to attend our Catholic Schools to see this APA effort as a part of their obligation to the parish. I have tried NOT to make it HE IS ALWAYS TALKING ABOUT MONEY. The 2013 APA summary for our parish for the week of March 1, 2013, shows that we have reached 50% of our $218,259 goal with only 37% participation. This translates that 577 families have responded to the appeal, but almost 2,000 have not. To those that have given so generously, I say THANK YOU! To those who are not able to give, PLEASE KEEP THIS EFFORT IN CONSTANT PRAYER. To those that need a wake up call to support your parish in this effort, PLEASE GIVE AS BEST YOU CAN. If those who have not given to APA would give $10 a month we would exceed our goal. Our offertory collection has also declined which does not surprise me as we have averaged over 200 funerals a year in the past five years. We have added many new families, but their contribution does not match the loss. Families today often hold down two, if not three, jobs to meet their needs at home. Seniors have seen their income decline as well. Connected to this decline in Offertory income are the FIXED COSTS that we must pay, like health insurance for staff and the property and liability insurances on our buildings. These have gone up almost 10% each year. The staff went two years without a raise while their fixed costs increased as did all of ours. Our parish has stayed out of financial trouble by special gifts from the Ladies Guild and the Knights of Columbus. We have also received bequests that were not restricted and applied to operating costs and the APA shortfall. We have reduced the staff by three people and reduced hours for others. The only actions to remain are further reduction of staff AND APPEALING EVERYONE TO TRY TO DO MORE. When I look at the finances, both with the Finance Council and the Parish Council, we see the challenges before us, but with your help, financially and prayerfully, we will not have to reduce staff and/or services to the parish, but will continue to meet our obligations and services to you as our parishioners.

Annual Comparison (includes offertory, special parish collections, holy days, holidays)
Fiscal year Families Income Increase (Decrease) APA GOAL Owed 2008-09 2737 $1,110,273.96 242,897.00 69,753.43 2009-10 2734 1,144,781.00 $34,507.04 212,752.00 14,388.46 2010-11 2736 1,080,144.96 (64,636.04) 223,603.00 36,889.17 2011-12 2566 1,016,916.14 (63,228.82) 234,892.00 55,665.04 2012-13 (July 12 - Feb. 13) 2471 572,860.35 242,897.00 57,989.71 2013-14 APA Goal is $218,585.00. To date $67,759 has been pledged leaving a balance of $231,716.

Priests from the surrounding parishes will join our clergy for this service. A Communal Penance Services will also be held on Monday, March 18th at 4:00 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish.

ST. Michael the Archangel WedneSDAY, mARCH 20TH 4:00 P.M.

Communal Penance Service

ALL of the Fridays of Lent, including Good Friday, are days of Abstinence. On days of abstinence, meat may not be taken. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics fourteen years of age and older. If members of the faithful are unable to observe the fast and abstinence regulations because of ill health or other reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of penance and self-denial suitable to their condition.

...will be held on Thursday, March 21st in the parish center at 11:00 a.m. A luncheon, hosted by the Ladies' Guild, will immediately follow. Those wishing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation are asked to arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. If you are homebound and/or disabled and did not receive an invitation, please call Sophie at 869-7229. Those attending are asked to R.S.V.P. to Sophie no later than March 19th.

Homebound & Disabled Mass

Would you like to remember a loved one by offering the altar wine, hosts or sanctuary candle in their loving memory? The altar wine and hosts are $50 a week each and the sanctuary candle is $12 a week. Please stop by or call the parish office at 868-5276 if you are interested.

attention all parishioners

The Youth Ministry Program will host a Catholic Seder Service on Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the parish center. By celebrating this seder, they hope to create a fuller understanding of Holy Thursday. Please note that this is a service only. Dinner will not be served. Light refreshments to follow. For reservations, call Barbara at 819-5134.

Catholic Seder Service

In the joy of Easter, we invite everyone to bring bells from home on Easter to be rung only during the Gloria.

bring your bells!

St. Michael Knights of Columbus #10377 is sponsoring the final Friday Night Lenten Dinner from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the parish center. Menu includes ravioli, dessert and a beverage. Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children and are available at the door. All proceeds will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

friday night LENTEN dinners!

St. Michael's has a ministry which maintains a supply of medical equipment which is available for parishioners to borrow. We are currently in need of wheelchairs, walkers, commode and shower chairs. If you have any of these items that you no longer need, please consider donating them to the parish so they will be available to help others in need.

medical supply ministry

Remember our troops

sail with the ladies' guild

An attempt is being made to update the list in the vestibule of Military Personnel from our parish who are currently serving on active duty. If you know of someone, please contact Marge at 819-1077 or email her at Be sure to include their name, branch and rank. As always, they and all the members of our Armed Services, will be remembered at daily Mass & Prayers.

...on their 17th Annual Fund-Raising Cruise aboard Princess Cruise Lines Royal Princess sailing November 3rd - 10th from Fort Lauderdale. Accompanied by Fr. Henry visit St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Princess Cays. Rates for this 7-day cruise start at $999 for an inside cabin and include a bon voyage luncheon, round-trip motor coach to Fort Lauderdale, all U.S. departure taxes and baggage handling. A valid passport is recommended and proof of citizenship is required. A deposit is required at time of booking. For info, call Goldmark World Travel at 862-3595.

Annual pastoral appeal

As we approach Holy Week, let us reflect on our many blessings. In gratitude from Father Henry, thank you to everyone who has participated in the 2013 Annual Pastoral Appeal. As we pray on the Passion of our Lord, remembering the unconditional sacrifice He made for us and our salvation, may we respond with grateful hearts and joyous generosity, remembering those in most need. 2013 Parish Goal .................................... $218,585 Amount Pledged .................................... $119,626 Total Number of Donors . .............................. 656 Average Gift ................................................... $182 Percentage of Goal ......................................... 55% Amount Received . ................................... $89,100 Percentage of Participation ........................... 27%
These figures current as of March 8, 2013.

...because WE are Catholic.

Offertory Envelopes $16,862.75 Loose Collection 5,908.00 Building Fund 287.00 Online Giving 437.50 Total Offertory $23,495.25 Thank you for your generosity and commitment to St. Michael Church. If you would like to sign up for EGiving, visit the parish website at and follow the link to Online Giving.




March 20th Regular Meeting GAME NIGHT! March 22nd KofC Lenten Dinner Hospitality 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. March 27th Seder Service 7:00 p.m. in Parish Center

For greater glory...

St. Michael Knights of Columbus have rented the Cinema Six Movie Theater on Monday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m. for an exclusive showing of the film FOR GREATER GLORY, the true story of an impassioned group of men and women who risk it all for family, faith and the very future of their country. Suggested donation $5.00 per person. For more information or tickets, please call Bill at 727-457-9313. Tickets also available in the parish office. Members of St. Michael Prayer Group conduct games on a regular basis at Bear Creek Nursing Home. They are in need of prizes. If you have costume jewelry or anything suitable for a nursing home resident that you no longer need, please bring it to the parish office. Thank You.

exclusive movie showing at the cinema six theater

REGULAR wednesday night youth group

7:15 p.m. High/Middle School Teens

prizes needed!

AA (Beginners) ............................. Thur./6:45-7:45PM Adult Catechism Study Group.......Tue./9:00-10:30AM Adult Choir. .................................... Thur./7:00-8:30PM Al-Anon. .......................................Tue./10:00-11:30AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy.......................... Sat./3:00PM Contemporary Music Group........Call for information Craft Workshop. ............................Mon./9:00-11:00AM KofC.................................1ST & 3RD Tue./7:30-9:00PM Ladies Guild............................... 2ND Fri./1:00-3:00PM Legion of Mary. ............................ Wed./9:00-10:30AM Prayer Group..........................................Thur./9:00AM Recovery Inc...................................Tue./2:00-4:00PM Respect Life.................................... 1ST Tue./10:00AM Rosary Makers.......................... Tue./11:30AM-1:00PM Youth Group...........................................Wed./7:00PM


If you had your photo taken for the directory, you may pick up your complimentary copy in the parish office during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

the parish directories are here!


Halogen light bulbs can get hot enough to be a fire hazard. To light your home more safely, replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs which use less energy and don't get as hot.

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