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The Handmaids Tale, part 5: Nap Summary: Thinking about: Not liking to wait around The hours of meditation

ditation she used to have and if they were meant to get her used to waiting. The day Moira was brought in as a handmaid and how happy she felt Testifying, where the girls had to tell others about something bad that happened to them. Janies story about being raped and having an abortion and how it was explained to her that it was her fault and that she led him on. The girls chants of her fault and teach her a lesson Hearing Janine tell the story another time, convinced it was her fault. Excusing herself on the pretext of going to the bathroom and meeting with Moira secretly so they could talk.

Dreaming about: How she used to think the could control her body, but now she doesnt (not pregnate yet) Being in her old apartment with clothes that arent her own Seeing Luke and thinking about the fact that he might be dead Running through the forest with her daughter and worrying they wont make it Being shot at and covering her daughters body with her own. Her daughter being taken away anyway

Waking up to the bell with tears on her face and thinking that that is one of her worst dreams. Symbol/Theme: Brainwashing The testimonials made the girls tell others things they normally didnt and kept telling them that it was their fault those bad things happened, that God allowed those things to happen to teach them a lesson. Eventually with after being told these things over and over the girls believe it themselves. Reaction: I thought it was cruel of the Aunts to blame everything bad that happened in the girls lives on them. Its not right that Janine was not only raped but that she now feels that it happened because she misbehaved and that she should feel guilty. Prediction: Meeting the commander Getting to know Nick Planning to someway to: change her life/ find her daughter/ rebel.

The Handmaids Tale, part 6: Household Summary: Attending the Ceremony: Sitting at the foot of Serena joys chair and waiting for the household to gather Feeling Nicks boot against her foot and moving his foot when she shifts away so their still touching. Being aloud to watch the news while they wait Remembering trying to escape with Luke using fake passports and telling her daughter they were going to have a picnic. The commander coming in and reading about childbearing in the bible and Serena crying Remembering hearing the story where she first became a handmaid (the red center) Remembering Moira trying to escape and her punishment (only whats inside of their body is important) Going to Serenas room and laying with her head on her Serenas stomach between her legs. Holding her hands while the commander has sex with her in an impersonal way. Being ordered out immediately after instead of resting 10 minutes to improve her chances of getting pregnant. Wondering who has it worst, her or Serena.

Rubbing butter she saved from her meal on her face as moisturizer (a form of resistance since handmaids dont need beauty) Deciding to steal something and sneaking into the sitting room Getting caught by Nick and sharing a kiss. Nick telling her the commander wants to see her in his office tomorrow. Symbol/Theme: Duty vs. desire Everyone is doing thats expected of them and what they need to do instead of what they want. Serena is letting the handmaids attempt to have children with her husband even if she doesnt want to, the commander is attempting to have a child with a handmaid although he does it with a sense of duty and Offred has become a handmaid even though she would rather follow her own desires. Reaction: I thought it was sad that by doing whats expected of them nobody in the household is happy. Prediction: Offred will meet the commander and find out that hes actually a nice guy but hes stuck playing his role are commander just like everyone else.

The Handmaids Tale, part 7: Night Summary: Lying on her bed remembering: Her baby kicking in her womb Luke making love to her

Imagining: Luke dead in the bushes where they ran to escape Luke in a prison Luke safe across the border One day receiving a message from him

She believes all three of these things that way nothing will surprise her and its her belief that one day the message will come that keeps her going. Symbol/Theme: Hope Not giving up hope that Luke is alive and that she will some day be free and they can find their daughter. Wondering if Luke still has hope. Reaction: I think its interesting how Offred can believe all three of those things at the same time. I dont think I would be able to convince myself that all of them are real and keep waiting for a message that might never come. Prediction: I think Luke is either dead or in Jail. Im more convinced that hes dead. I think that even though Offred might never see Luke again she will see her daughter.

The Handmaids Tale, part 8: Birth Day Summary: Deams of her daughter and her mother Birthmobile comes in the morning to get her (Janine/Ofwarren is having the baby) Remembering being told about how less women are fertile (Caused by chemicals) and about the way women used to give birth (with drugs for the pain). At the birth ceremonie: Wives and handmaids gather for the birth like a huge party. Remembering videos the handmaids had to watch (about violent sex/feminists) and being told thats how things used to be and how men treated women Thinking about her mother choosing to be a single parent and having a child at thirty. Remembering fighting with her mother because her mother didnt think she appreciated the things the feminists did to help women. Handmaids gather around to watch and encourage The wife is seated above the handmaid while shes giving birth much like during the ceremonies A Handmaid asking her if shes looking for someone in a whisper and telling her shell keep an eye out for Moira. Offred being interrupted before she can offer the same kindness. The baby being offered to the wife and names Angela Janine now unable to be declared an unwoman and sent to the colonies.

Remembering Moiras escape from red center by holding aunt Elizabeth hostage and deguising herself in her clothes and walking out. Telling cora about the child and knowing cora wants a birth ceremonie in their household Going to see the commander who just wants to play scrabble Him asking for a kiss before she leaves but saying sadly as if you meant it when she does kiss him. Symbol/Theme: A kiss Relationships are out of duty and sex is to have children so a certain kind of kiss is a symbol for the passion that people dont have much of anymore. Reaction: Totally shocked that the commander wanted to play scrabble. Wasnt expecting that at all. I was thinking h e wanted to talk to her. (Something about not liking the way the world was changing, something about her daughter, something about wanting a real relationship...) But scrabble? I guess the other things will have to wait until their second meeting. Prediction: Meeting with the commander again/ getting to know him Feeling guilty about wanting to see him again/ playing scrabble.

The Handmaids Tale, part 9: Night Summary: Deciding to forget the past and live for the present Thinking about how the commanders forbidden behaviour gives her a certain amount of leverage. remembering Aunt Lucindas implied messages about how men can be manipulated with sex. Suddenly finding what happened really funny and trying not to burst out laughing. Symbol/Theme: Power when the commander shows that he wants something that is a weakness. Offred does not hesitate to take what she knows about the commander, even if it isnt a lot, and think of ways it could be turned to her advantage. She sees opportunities and will take whatever power she can. Reaction: I didnt think her decision to live in the present was a good one. She has lasted this long without giving in and becoming compliant and accepting of the way things are done, so I dont think she should forget about the past or her daughter. Prediction: I dont think Offred will be able to live in the present for long, she has lost so much and some things cannot be forgotten. She has so many memories and spends so much time remembering that I dont think she will be able to stop.

The Handmaids Tale, part 10: Soul Scrolls Summary: Cora finds Offred sleeping on the floor and screams thinking shes dead. About the commander: Continuing to meet, developing a signal with nick to know when he wants to see her. (He understands if she cant always sneek by Serena.) Him being nothing but friendly and letting her read magazines and have hand lotion when she asks Sex being akward now that she knows him Becoming confortable around each other

Offred talks with ofglen and finds out there both in disagreement with the new laws and can trust each other Remembering: how things used to be (Paper money, woman with jobs) the day she lost her job and all her money and property became Lukes. how uncomfortable she felt that Luke owned everything, owned her. Thinking that he liked that.

Talking with the commander: nolite te bastardes carborundorum means dont let the bastards grind you down the previous girl got the phrase from a book in the commander room. The previous girl killed herself Cara found the body (thats why she screamed when she saw Offred lying on the floor) The Commander is trying to make Offreds life worth living.

Symbol/Theme: equality Offred no longer felt like she was Lukes equal when he owed everything and practically owned her. There relationship was no longer the same and Offred didnt feel comfortable. Reaction: I was surprised to find out that the previous girl killed herself but happy to know that the commander had such good and innocent intentions when it came to Offred. Prediction: I think Offred will eventually ask about her daughter. They seem to be more and more comfortable around each other and it seems to me her daughter is very important to her.

The Handmaids Tale, part 11: Night Summary: Seeing Nick though her window and feeling the attraction. Thinking about the day she tried to escape with Luke and her daughter and wondering who betrayed them. (Neighbour? Guy who sold the passports?) Praying and thinking of suicide. Symbol/Theme: Happiness Offred thought she was unhappy before but realises she was mistaken. Maybe you have to have felt real unhappiness to recognise happiness when you feel it. Reaction: I think its interesting how Offred looks back at the life she had and the moments where she thought she was miserable and correct herself. She knows better now. She wishes she could have known then that she was happy because she knows now what unhappiness feels like. Prediction: I think Offred will want to know more about Nick. Maybe she can find out why he agrees to be the sign for her meetings with the commander.

The handmaids Tale, part 12: Jezebels Summary: Finding out from Ofglen that mayday is a code word for the group of people who resist the new laws. Talking to Selena and finding out that she wants her to try having a child with Nick and told she can see a picture of her daughter if she agrees. She gets a cigarette as a reward when she does. Going to a group wedding ceremony with Ofglen: Finding out that Janines baby was deformed after all (so she wasnt accepted) Remembering Janines strange episode at the red center where she seemed to be living in a memory of her past and Moira having to slap her out of it. Knowing that daughters of 14 and older wed the young officers in the ceremony. (arranged marriage) Learning from Ofglen that the subversives know about her meeting with the commander and being told to find out anything she can.

Offred remembers the day she tried to escape again and Luke. She remembers how it felt to be in love. Selena shows her a picture of her daughter and Offred is sad, thinking that her daughter might hardly remember her. Night out with the commander: Putting on a skimpy outfit and makeup from the commander who says theyre going out. Wondering more and more what Nick thinks of her. (He doesnt acknowledge her anymore) Being sneaked into a secret club for officers where they have prostitutes. Seeing Moira and meeting her in the bathroom to talk. Telling Moira that the commander snuck her in and that shes just pretending to be a new girl. Talking with Moira and Hearing about her escape from the red center and how she hid in safe houses. She almost got across the border before being caught and offered a choice of a job as a prostitute here or the colonies. Being told that there are benefits to working at the club (3-4 years to live, drugs, hand lotion) and that she should consider it. Missing the rebellious Moira. Going into a hotel room Remembering what Moira told her about her mom being in the colonies. Knowing that the commander wants to have sex and seeing he is disappointed that shes not exited. Not being used to doing anything but lie still when with the commander (During the ceremonies) but telling herself she must.

Symbol/Theme: The Club The club, which goes against the new laws and rules of Gilead is a symbol of power. Powerful men can spend their nights doing things their not supposed to and get away with it. Being seen at the club is a sigh of power as well since it suggests that theyre above the law. Reaction: Im disappointed and kind of disgusted that the commander thinks he can just tell Offred to do something and she will. He should be asking her if she wants to go out to the club and if she wants to have sex with him. He seems to just be exited as he gives her the skimpy clothing and brings her to the hotel as if she should be grateful and that makes me like him a lot less as a character. Prediction: Nick and Offred will talk again, probably soon. Nick wont be nice and will treat Offred differently, maybe because of what he thinks shes been doing with the commander all this time. I think they will have an opportunity to really talk/fight and will end up being honest with each other about their situation.

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