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Setup for Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 (R12) An Oraclo White Peper March 2007 ORACLE Advanced Global Intercompany (AGIS) TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW lvTRODUCTION 3 SCOPE 3 oveRvIEW 4 SCENARIO: DATA ELEMENTS ° 1, PART ONE- SETUP 7 2. PART TWO- TRANSACTION PROCESSING et 3, PART THREE - REPORTS AND RECONCILIATIONS "7 ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW “The purpose of his document so provide Users an overview of Advanced Global Ineicompany (RGIS) Is Setup In Release 12. This document has Three Parts‘ it 1] Setup alscusses the details or the setups required for seting up AGI tunctionaliy Transaction Processing- discusses in delals about the processing of he transactions 2] Reports and Reconliatons- discusses about the reparts in AGIS and reconciliation feature INTRODUCTION ‘AGIS i avast improvement of he Global Intetecmpany System (GIS) functionalty in GLin Release 11. + Interaction vith subledaers faciitating irvoicing using Receivables and Payebles ~ Avoranc naw, ingenious and robust security modo! = Facials tansaciion plocessing between cfrant Legal Ents, undar ane or more Ledgers = Completely perated fom SSNAPages (Web Pages) without any forms SCOPE “The scope ofthis documents to ep In understanding what are the setups required or using the AGIS tunctonally, how the transactions are processed in AGIS, what are the teports avaiable in AO'S. The information provided inthis whitepaner is relevent to Oracle Applicatons Raleasa 12 ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 ovERvIEW PartOne an setups oftere a hicad view of how AGIS is setup in R12: “The setuns are divided ino fourmain atts, 1 Enironmant Setups 2 General Ledger (GL) Setups 2.Recshvables (AR) and Payables (RP) Setups 4 Advanced Global Intarcampary (GIS) Setups Part Two on Transaction Procassing discusses the stops those are roquirod for processing a ransastion in AGIS Transaction Processing in AOIS: “Tha summary of stops those are used for AGIS tancaction processing is 2¢ follows: 4. Iniaion of a transacion by an intercornpary organization 2 Completion of accounting rom the Iniater side ‘3 Completion ofthe accounting by he Recipient side 4. Approval of the transaction by the Recipient rine Invoicing Is opted fo, in wansaction type setups, tne, 5 Processing oft invoice from Receivables (forthe Iniator Subsidiary sid) «Processing cttnainvoleg in Payables (or he Recipient Subsiolary side) ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 OVERVIEW continued. Part hrge discusses tne reports in AGIS and reconetiation features in AIS Repos and Reconciialions in AIS. ~ Stendard Feportsavallaote in AGIs = Reconcliation Feature in AO'S ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 SCENARIO: DATA ELEMENTS “Tho setup stops are avolained in tha eubsequant soctins, trom startta nih. “The details ofthe example that is used in this session as follows: + Iniator Subsidiany- ACE Singapore Intetcompany Croerization. Ths organization is a patt the ACE Singapore Legal Ent’ “Thc legalanty uses only C7" balancing sagmart lus, The user ets having acsase to tho Inbatar Subsidiary is callod ACE_s* Recipient Subsidiaty- ACE Japan IC Oro} This is part of ACE Japan Legal Entiy. This legal entity uses only C2" balancing ssegmentyalue, The usar that's having access tothe Reciplent Substclary is called ACE 4" Hote that inthis acample lacth the Logel Enily ate attachad te tha samo lodger calad NCE Ledger’ Also tne intoreompany ‘iganiations form part ofa shila Securly Prote, So that means ha Payaoles and Recalvables pari ofthe ansactians can be handled fiom a single Payables and Receivables respensislly each, Btn te users access the same responsibilities for Payables and Recowables. ORACLE ORACLE ey = leLxd Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (QVS Sse ss SOPAAAGAIAS? People:Enter and Mairtsin Enter people, assignments, and ap] Enter agd Mairtain Maintai sing Templald Salary Management Eeneits Serice Center Teta Comp Patisiptin Total Comp Enrollment Reimbureernant Reeves Tetal Comp Canttaton Events and Bookings Delete Perscnal Record Manage Contacts Mass Updates far Person Shuent Ewrninwee ‘You may now ype the 2 key in onen People- Enter end Maintain ') Fecore: 1 tt I |_| oso ET So alaixl Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AYO |S 2GsRi xe (2A 8 DRI? 2 = Descrston cf the sstupthatis used inthis vewlet is as fellews One Ledger called ACE Lecget Pecple:Enter ar} Tyo Lagel Enitias undrthat|odgar,callad ACE Japan and ACE Singapore Enter people, ag 70 Operating Unils- ACE Japan Operating Unit and ACE Singapore Operating Lnitrespectvay Note that seting up Receivables responsiuliyis mandatory for using the invoicing functionality. And for setting up Receivables, tis mandatory tat Inventory Organizations are created 2s well | [petasactes ints samp ae assures apes tn RCE Sapo REpan 8] Since this is between two Les, 1 qualftes for baing an AGIS transaction Sal end. Forthoss tno eros erat to Emplooos: ACE, capanandACE, Singapore Tuy) TaoUsns aces andace) Greate responsi or Resavables + Tata Fein) Note thatifone wants to use invoicing options then seling up ofthe Receivables is mandatory. Use of “+ Tetal] Operating Unite will alse oceme mandaton. Even| Dek InAOIS. we also setup two intercompany Organizations called: SJACE Singapore intarcompary Organizaton and Many 2]ACE Japan IC Ora + Mas 4 Sn Allthes® stups ate explained hencefonh wr the help or step-by-stan screenshots with navigatons and explanatons nn ‘You mar now tye the 2 key o oven People Enter and Maintain ) Record: 1 Lt I I [ 080» Aistar| | Cowce | Drestle. | Goud... [Zoak. | 6G DSSCWSEARSS SE com file Eo Yow Foliar Toole Window Holo slaixd ORACLE tb SO Os SSP) Ce tl AO Do 1? @ Nevigaior- Human Resources, Vision Entervise Documents People:Enter and Mairtsin Enter people, assignments, and applications Top Ten List 1. Define Organization ales (2. Peonle Ener and Maintain Fist Step is cefntion of Employees in HRMS. These employee defintions are used latoron in Sceutty Sotup for AGIS Navigation: Human Resources Responsiolly People» Enter and Maintain Total Comp Cantriaution Events and Bookings Delete Persenal Records Manage Contisete “+ Mass Undates for Person + Shirent Finnlowee ‘You mar now tye the 2 key o oven People Enter and Maintain Record: 1 Lt I I [ 080» Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| Elle eit Yew Foldor Tools Window Hels ORACLE (42 01@S8S58 XO Ya 45095 GER? Name Gonder Male ~ Action | Parson Type far Action Last Firs: [Singapore Person Types Title K Fmninvee Pret Define an employee called ACE, Singagor=’ This Suits person will bo atiachedto tho user inating tna UWansavton in AGIS. In our example, tansaction ies ero) ets initated ay ACE Singapore. octal Sacurty 175 Hote thal when aransaction fs crated by ACE Employment Of] Singerots to oe ranstoredto ACE Japan, ACE Name Macical Other Benefits Singepote'isInvator oftanszcton and ACE Binh Date [araa) Y2Pan"is Reveibien ot transaction = Town of Bich wae Region of Bith Nationality County of Bich Fegictored Disabled Eective Datos From OiANZ who tata Stan oate frwanoncrge | 1 | Record: 1 I I [ 080» Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (42 01@S8S58 XO Ya 45095 GER? Name —— Gander Female ~ Action ad Last Prsan Type far Aetion rist [lpn —S=«SSS*dSCSCé ron Types Title za a Pref Deine employee or he eset iteergans gpnizton ACE Lopan) Sule as well >| 1876 Mile lal Security 121252121 Emplaymant Office Derails Applicant Background Rehite FurharName Macical ther Eenetts BithDae franii950 ay “om of ith status Ragin of Bith Nationality Coury oF ith Fagistead Disabled Eective Datos From DinJAN-2000 Te Latest Stan Date [01-JAN-2000 iO Record: 1 LI I [ 080» ) I Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »|

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