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Year 7 Curriculum/Home Learning Information Autumn Term 1

Home Learning Guidance

Why Home Learning?

Home Learning [homework] checks that you have understood what you have done in class, and helps you prepare for something that you might be doing in the next lesson for that subject.

When doing your Home Learning activities you will learn:

Independence How to work at your own pace Organisation How to explore your own interests

What is Home Learning?

Home Learning could be any of the following: Preparing for a lesson Research - finding out facts Writing an essay or report Learning for a test

What if Home Learning is not set?

If Home Learning is not set you should do some background reading or research for the subjects in your Home Learning timetable.

Frequency of Home Learning Activities 2013/2014 Year 7

Maths Science L4L PE Art Design & Technology Drama English French/Spanish Geography History ICT RE Note: In addition to the above arrangements, subject teachers reserve the right to set extra home learning activities when the need arises Frequency of Home Learning Activities Weekly Fortnightly Half-Termly [ Extended Writing/Project Work] Subjects

KSSC Home Learning Expectations

To listen carefully to the Home Learning activity instructions in class. Copy down the Home Learning activity and deadline date into your planner Ensure that all Home Learning activities are completed and handed in on time Attempt all Home Learning activities to the best of your ability, paying attention to your subjects Minimum and Challenge Targets. Take care of your work presentation. Inform your Subject Teacher of any difficulties before the lesson so that further support can be given.

Subject Teachers
Set Home Learning activities according to the Home Learning timetable. Give full and comprehensive instructions and ensure that students record home learning activities in planners. Set deadlines for completed work and ensure that they are met. Provide feedback and return all Home Learning activities promptly. Provide help and support.

Provide a table, chair and a quiet place to work. Negotiate when Home Learning activities are to be done. Check the time spent on individual activity. Ensure that outside clubs do not affect the quality of work produced Check the presentation and content of all Home Learning activities being returned to school. Sign the planner each week. Provide the school with information about any problems through the student planner or by contacting the appropriate Subject Teacher/Achievement Leader directly.

Year 7 English
What will be studied this term
YR 7 will study Biographies. For writing: Students will write in a range of simple and complex sentences. Ideas are often sustained and developed in interesting ways, with organisation appropriate for purpose. Vocabulary choices are often adventurous and words are used for effect. Spelling, including that of polysyllabic words that conform to regular patterns, is generally accurate. Full stops, capital letters and question marks are used correctly, and pupils are beginning to use punctuation within sentences. Handwriting style is fluent, joined and legible. Some will be able to demonstrate the use of connectives and a wide range of punctuation. For speaking and listening: Students will talk and listen with confidence. Their talk is adapted to the purpose: developing ideas thoughtfully, describing events and conveying their opinions clearly. They listen carefully in discussions, making contributions and asking questions that are responsive to others ideas and views. They adapt their spoken language appropriately and use some of the features of standard English vocabulary and grammar Some will present their work with flair and confidently respond to questions.

How will work be assessed

During the Autumn term, students will complete a series of activities and unit tests. During the unit, your child will complete a controlled assessment to track their progress. There will be opportunities to improve the controlled assessment level when appropriate. Assessment activities and the controlled assessment will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy and also the criteria outlined above. Students will be set a task to create a shoebox project where they will be expected to research a person of interest to prepare for a biographical speaking and listening task in lesson. Differentiated additional skills based tasks will be given according to the needs of the groups. Homework tasks and resources are available via the facultys website, BeENGspired, which can be found through the school website. Standard English. Encouraging students to use and understand more ambitious vocabulary. Language skills such as: explore, explain, describe and create. Key words include (and not exclusive to): Biography, Fact, Timeline, Childhood, Achievements, Opinion And Information. Library BeENGspired Home reading Debate Mate (spoken skills) Bite size

What needs to be done at home

What Key Language will be developed

Where can extra help come from

Year 7 Maths
What will be studied this term
During the autumn term students will be taught the following topics. Number Properties Recognise and use multiples, factors, primes (less than 100), common factors, highest common factors and lowest common multiples Recognise the first few triangular numbers, squares of numbers to at least 12 12 and the corresponding roots Calculations Understand and use the rules of arithmetic and inverse operations in the context of positive integers and decimal. Use the order of operations, including brackets. Make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations Use efficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to two places Strengthen and extend mental methods of calculation to include decimals, fractions and percentages, accompanied where appropriate by suitable jottings; solve simple problems mentally Carry out calculations with more than one step using brackets and the memory; use the square root and sign change keys

Topics will be taught with a functional element, relating them to real life situations.

How will work be assessed

During the autumn term students will complete a series of assessment activities and module tests. At the end of each term, your child will complete a controlled assessment to assess their progress. Assessment activities and the controlled assessment will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy. Home Learning varies across the department and will be issued by the class teacher. Factor Multiple Prime Square Calculation Triangular

What needs to be done at home

What Key Language will be developed


Where can extra help come from

Useful Websites: For any other help, please do not hesitate to contact the Maths Team.

Year 7 Science
What will be studied this term
Photosynthesis Selective breeding Fit and healthy

How will work be assessed

Exam questions throughout the unit End of unit test Assessment activities will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy.

What needs to be done at home

Additional exam questions Worksheets Research/presentation Revision and preparation for end of unit test

What Key Language will be developed

Nutrients, Malnutrition, Breathing, Respiration, Circulation, Heart Rate, Skeleton, Hinge Joint, Antagonistic, Nerve, Drugs, Carcinogen, Variation, Inheritance, DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, Selective Breeding, Genetic Engineering, Photosynthesis, Glucose, Stomata

Where can extra help come from

KS3/GCSE Bitesize Revision guides which can be purchased from large book shops. The school library stocks many relevant books, see the read, return and recommend poster in the Science department

Year 7 Art
What will be studied this term
Portraits During this term you will gain an understanding of the following. The proportions of the face How to draw an accurate portrait How the portrait is interpreted by different artist You will begin to develop a better understanding of secondary & primary source material Understand the importance of Looking, Comparing and Correcting when drawing from a source other than your imagination. Gain an understanding of some facts about the artist like Chris Ofili and Julian Opie Develop a greater understanding of how a piece of artwork should progress

How will work be assessed

You will be given continuous verbal feedback and also given the opportunity to both self and peer assess. Formal major written feedback will be given on a half termly basis. All work will be marked in accordance with the Schools assessment and feedback policy and students will be made aware of this. As a dedicated Art student you should be creating artwork and refining your skills all the times. The more time an artist spends on honing their craft the more successful the work they produce will become. Even when homework is not set students should be working on extending their portfolio further. General homework will be set every other week at present and it will relate to the starter activity that has been set in the lesson.

What needs to be done at home

What Key Language will be developed

Line Tone Texture Colour Shade Shape Scale Proportion Composition

Where can extra help come from

Useful Websites:

It is also worth looking thought the many creative web sites available on the world wide web including Gallery sites and image sharing sites such as Flickr, Deviant art and many others. I would also suggest watching TV programmes based on art especially Sky Arts if possible.

Year 7 Drama
What will be studied this term
Year 7- Scripted Shakespeare Students will be assessed to gain a drama specific level. Students will look at basic stagecraft and experiment with the most common genre of naturalism.

How will work be assessed

Students are formally assessed at the end of each term through a process of teacher, peer and self-assessment. Key pieces of class work will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy. All performances are filmed for moderation purposes.

What needs to be done at home

The students will be required to spend time at home learning lines and reviewing their rehearsal notes from lessons.

What Key Language will be developed

Drama vocabulary; rehearse, stage left and right, voice projection and enunciation, characterisation, semiotics and basic stage craft.

Where can extra help come from

Parents/carers and students should watch quality television drama and documentaries and news programmes and encourage your child to read as much as possible. Parents/Carers and students should visit the theatre and/or watch performance work in other spaces/venues. Parents should encourage their child to participate in extra-curricular activities such as the school show, drama and dance clubs. Students should complete all homework set by the given deadline.

Useful website:

Year 7 French
What will be studied this term On y va! - Lets get going!
Introductions and greetings Classroom language/instructions Numbers, ages and birthdays Alphabet Days of the week Colours

Students will begin to develop the key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

How will work be assessed

During the topic students will complete a number of short assessment tasks in addition to their regular classroom activities. Assessment activities will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy.

What needs to be done at home

Students need to make sure they learn key vocabulary and revise the main grammar points. A Home Learning project to reinforce the work covered in class will also be set.

What Key Language will be developed Main Grammar points

Pronunciation Instructions/commands Masculine, feminine, singular, plural

Where can extra help come from

Useful Websites: (username and password available from MFL department) (username and password available from MFL department) MFL teachers are also available after school Wednesday - Friday to offer any extra support needed.

Year 7 Geography
What will be studied this term
Atlas Skills Baseline Test Introduction and importance of Geography in todays society What are the three types of Geography? Where are places in the world How do we use an atlas to find out information about places Using other sources effectively to develop independence and resilience What countries make up the British Isles

Throughout the topic they will develop the following key skills: Communication skills Graphical and cartographical skills Technological skills including ICT and GIS Interpersonal skills through debate and discussion Literacy and Numeracy Problem solving Entrepreneurial and awareness of career opportunities Personalised and independent learning

How will work be assessed

Student progress will be measured using a range of assessments that will be held at the end of each topic studied. This piece of work is levelled and shared with the student to track and monitor their progress, in line with their MT (minimum target) and CT (challenge target). Within lessons the teacher will also use a variety of AfL (assessment for learning strategies) that will ensure the teacher is adapting activities to cater to the needs of all students and make sure progress is being made within individual lessons. Assessment activities will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy.

What needs to be done at home

Types of home study that will be set Project based activities that compliment learning in school and the classwork which encourages the development of research skills and independent enquiry

What Key Language will be developed

Physical, Names Of Places, Capital Cities, Terrain, Human, Environmental, Climate, Weather, Populations, Development, Longitude, Latitude

Where can extra help come from

AQA B- Geography Website Bite size Geography S-Cool: Revision Website Learn on the net: Revision

Year 7 History
What will be studied this term
1) 2) History skills How do we find out about the past? What is chronology? Using Primary and Secondary evidence. Being a history detective. The Romans How did Rome Begin? How did the Roman Empire expand? What the Roman Republic was? How the Roman Army was structured? Why the army was such a good fighting force How the infrastructure and trade routes were maintained? How the Roman army invaded Britain? What a Roman city was like? What a Roman Villa was like? What family life was like? What forms of entertainment there were? Students complete a written assessment essay on Why the Roman army was so successful? Use of sources/ interpretations. Use of writing frame and self- assessment cover sheets and the assessment will be marked according to the Schools assessment and marking policy.

How will work be assessed

What needs to be done at home

Half termly project to be handed in by the end of the term. Project 1: Robin Hood Fact or Fiction? A description of who Robin Hood might have been and what he looked like. The period of history he lived in. (Can you find out who the King of England was?) You will need to include different stories about him. Try to find as many different Robin Hood stories, films and pictures that tell his story. Use You tube to find and watch different films based on Robin Hood Find as much evidence as you can about whether Robin Hood was real. Using all this evidence tell your teacher whether you think he was real or not and why you think this. The project will be marked in accordance with the schools assessment and marking policy

What Key Language will be developed

Evidence, Primary, Secondary, Chronology, Bias, Interpretation, Empire, Emperor, Republic, Gladiator, Centurion, Legion,

Where can extra help come from

There are many history websites like the ones below that will help you. Also there are many clips on you Tube about the Romans such as What have the Romans ever done for us? You can also watch films such Gladiator Useful Websites:

Year 7 ICT
What will be studied this term
Students will be completing an extended project that will be developed around the topic of Apple(s). This initial project focusses on finding, awarding and presenting information. The programs that will be used include the Internet, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher and Blogs, and will develop independent enquirer skills.

How will work be assessed

The work will be assessed via circulation and assistance, peer-assessment, self-assessment. Once the final work has been produced, it will then be teacher assessed against Key Stage 3 levels for ICT understanding and ICT skills. Assessment activities will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy and also the criteria outlined above.

What needs to be done at home

A Home-Based Independent Learning workbook (HBIL) will be issued on the first lesson of the unit. This supports the keywords introduced in this unit, and the gets students use them to explain what they have done in the unit.

What Key Language will be developed

Presentation, Layout, Picture Tools, Research, Sourcing Information

Where can extra help come from

Practicing with the above packages, especially Microsoft Office programs, at home would also be beneficial (as an additional home learning activity).

Year 7 PE
What will be studied this term
Rugby / Badminton / Hockey / Netball

Select and apply key skills that can be applied in various sporting Learn how to observe and analyse performers identifying areas of strength and areas for development. To apply skills consistently and accurately To understand how to warm up effectively and the impact living a healthy life can have on the body. To explain why a cool down helps the body recover after exercise. To describe why physical activity is good for their health and well being To develop leadership skills by delivering practices in small groups.

How will work be assessed

During the first week of each activity students will be given a baseline line assessment of their current grade. Students will then be assessed at the end of each unit and hopefully have made the required two sub levels progress (i.e. start grade of a 4c and an end grade of 4a for that sport). The assessments will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy.

What needs to be done at home

To attain higher grade students will have to apply tactical knowledge in a game situation. Students are directed towards the library to read the rules, regulations and scoring systems for each sport. By simply watching games of rugby or hockey will help students to understand the requirements of each sport and can see what the specific skills look like.

What Key Language will be developed

Warm up Tactics Compare Techniques Accuracy Fluency Understanding Performance Consistently Analyse

Where can extra help come from

School Library Home: Watch live games, highlights of appropriate events.

Useful Websites:

Year 7 RE
What will be studied this term
Looking for God

Students will explore arguments for and against believing in God. Students will be expected to explain and share their own views. They will also study different religious experiences and the design argument for the existence of God.

How will work be assessed

Written assessments each half term. These will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy. Students progress will be discussed with them verbally as well as in the form of written feedback.

What needs to be done at home

A project based Home Learning activity will be issued. Students will have a choice of task. Students will be expected to record their homework in their planners.

What Key Language will be developed

Atheist, Agnostic, Believer, Religious Experience, Miracle, Design, Evidence

Where can extra help come from

Useful Websites:

Year 7 Spanish
What will be studied this term En clase/Quin eres?
Greetings/Introductions Classroom language/Instructions School equipment Numbers/ages/birthdays Nationalities Students will begin to develop the key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

How will work be assessed

During the topic students will complete a number of short assessment tasks in addition to their regular classroom activities. Assessment activities will be marked according to the Schools assessment and feedback policy.

What needs to be done at home

Students need to continue to learn key vocabulary and revise the main grammar points. A Home Learning project to reinforce the work covered in class will also be set.

What Key Language will be developed Main Grammar points

Commands/instructions How to use the/a/some Masculine/feminine Introduction to the present tense

Where can extra help come from

Useful Websites: (username and password available from MFL department) (username and password available from MFL department)

MFL teachers are also available after school Wednesday - Friday to offer any extra support needed.

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