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acmccarthy Feb 23, 2013 11:13 AM
Posted in group: Groundswell
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 20, 2013, at 1:03 PM, "Andrew C. McCarthy" <> wrote:
This is also noteworthy:
uld SecreLary of SLaLe Plllary CllnLon geL her false 8enghazl Lalklng polnLs Lhe nlghL of Lhe aLLack
from resldenL Cbama? lrom sLory below [usL posLed:
Cver the course of a week--from Ian. 8 to Ian. tr|ed to get the State
Department to s|mp|y say when exact|y on the n|ght of Sept. 11, 2012, the department |ssued
th|s statement. 1he State Department wou|d not respond. CNSNews.comca||ed aga|n 1uesday
to |nqu|re what t|me the statement was re|eased. 1he State Department aga|n d|d not
respond. nowever, the Assoc|ated ress conf|rmed to that at 10:S8 p.m.
Lastern t|me that n|ght, |t ran a story quot|ng from C||nton's statement ||nk|ng the 8enghaz|
attacks to "|nf|ammatory mater|a| posted on the Internet." A|so,, a pro[ect of
the Annenberg ub||c o||cy Center, has reported that the State Department re|eased C||nton's
statement "about 10:00 p.m."--wh|ch |s when Carney te||s Cbama phoned
C||nton. a|so po|nted out that MSN8C posted a keuters storyat 10:32 p.m. that
n|ght, wh|ch quoted C||nton's statement ||nk|ng the 8enghaz| attacks to "|nf|ammatory
mater|a| posted on the Internet."
[cnsnews Cbama Called Plllary aL 10M nlghL of #8enghazl ALLack--AbouL Same 1lme CllnLon
ubllcly Llnked ALLack Lo ?ou1ube vldeo hLLp://
WH: Obama Called Hillary at 10PM on
Night of Benghazi Attack--About Same
Time Clinton First Publicly Linked
Attack to YouTube Video
8y lred Lucas, lebruary 20, 2013
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( - resldenL 8arack Cbama called SecreLary of SLaLe Plllary CllnLon aL abouL 10
p.m. on Lhe nlghL of Lhe LerrorlsL aLLacks on Lhe u.S. faclllLles ln 8enghazl, Llbya, WhlLe Pouse
ress SecreLary !ay Carney Lold
1haL was more Lhan slx hours afLer Lhe aLLacks sLarLed, more Lhan an hour before 1ryone Woods
and Clen uoherLy were kllled--and abouL Lhe Llme LhaL CllnLon flrsL released a sLaLemenL llnklng
Lhe aLLacks Lo lnflammaLory maLerlal posLed on Lhe lnLerneL," a reference Lo an anLl-Musllm
vldeo on ?ou1ube.
Llke every presldenL before hlm, he has a naLlonal securlLy advlser and depuLy naLlonal securlLy
advlser," Carney Lold CnSnews.comon 1uesday. Pe was ln regular communlcaLlon wlLh hls
naLlonal securlLy Leam dlrecLly, Lhrough Lhem, and spoke wlLh Lhe secreLary of sLaLe aL
approxlmaLely 10 p.m. Pe called her Lo geL an updaLe on Lhe slLuaLlon."
Carney was respondlng Lo quesLlons from abouL who Cbama communlcaLed wlLh
on Lhe evenlng of SepL. 11, 2012. CuLgolng uefense SecreLary Leon aneLLa and Cen. MarLln
uempsey, chalrman of Lhe !olnL Chlefs, Lold Lhe SenaLe Armed Servlces CommlLLee Lhey flrsL
noLlfled Lhe presldenL of Lhe aLLack durlng a SepL. 11, 2012 meeLlng LhaL began aL 3 p.m. and ran
for abouL 30 mlnuLes. 1hey also Lold Lhe commlLLee Lhey dld noL Lalk Lo Cbama or anyone else aL
Lhe WhlLe Pouse afLer LhaL meeLlng.
u.S. Ambassador ChrlsLopher SLevens, SLaLe ueparLmenL lnformaLlon ManagemenL Cfflcer Sean
SmlLh, and former navy SLALs 1yrone Woods and Clen uoherLy, who worked for ClA, were kllled
ln Lhe 8enghazl aLLacks.
1haL nlghL, whlle Lhe aLLacks were sLlll unfoldlng, and before Woods and uoherLy were kllled,
SecreLary of SLaLe CllnLon released a sLaLemenL--enLlLled "SLaLemenL on Lhe ALLack ln 8engazl"--
llnklng Lhe aLLacks Lo an anLl-Musllm vldeo LhaL had been posLed on ?ou1ube. Some have
soughL Lo [usLlfy Lhls vlclous behavlor as a response Lo lnflammaLory maLerlal posLed on Lhe
lnLerneL," CllnLon sald. "1he unlLed SLaLes deplores any lnLenLlonal efforL Lo denlgraLe Lhe
rellglous bellefs of oLhers. Cur commlLmenL Lo rellglous Lolerance goes back Lo Lhe very
beglnnlng of our naLlon. 8uL leL me be clear: 1here ls never any [usLlflcaLlon for vlolenL acLs of
Lhls klnd."
Cver Lhe course of a week--from !an. 8 Lo !an. Lrled Lo geL Lhe SLaLe
ueparLmenL Lo slmply say when exacLly on Lhe nlghL of SepL. 11, 2012, Lhe deparLmenL lssued
Lhls sLaLemenL. 1he SLaLe ueparLmenL would noL respond. called agaln 1uesday
Lo lnqulre whaL Llme Lhe sLaLemenL was released. 1he SLaLe ueparLmenL agaln dld noL respond.
Powever, Lhe AssoclaLed ress conflrmed Lo LhaL aL 10:38 p.m. LasLern Llme LhaL
nlghL, lL ran a sLory quoLlng from CllnLon's sLaLemenL llnklng Lhe 8enghazl aLLacks Lo
lnflammaLory maLerlal posLed on Lhe lnLerneL." Also,, a pro[ecL of Lhe Annenberg
ubllc ollcy CenLer, has reporLed LhaL Lhe SLaLe ueparLmenL released CllnLon's sLaLemenL
"abouL 10:00 p.m."--whlch ls when Carney Lells Cbama phoned CllnLon. also polnLed ouL LhaL MSn8C posLed a 8euLers sLory aL 10:32 p.m. LhaL nlghL,
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whlch quoLed CllnLon's sLaLemenL llnklng Lhe 8enghazl aLLacks Lo "lnflammaLory maLerlal posLed
on Lhe lnLerneL."
1he 8enghazl aLLacks laLer were deLermlned Lo have noLhlng Lo do wlLh a proLesL over Lhe
?ou1ube vldeo--alLhough admlnlsLraLlon offlclals, lncludlng Lhe presldenL, conLlnued Lo make
LhaL lnference for days afLer Lhe aLLacks.
uurlng her !an. 23 LesLlmony Lo Lhe SenaLe lorelgn 8elaLlons CommlLLee, CllnLon sLaLed she
spoke wlLh Cbama Lhe nlghL of Lhe aLLack, buL dld noL say whaL Llme.
"l was noLlfled of Lhe aLLack shorLly afLer 4 p.m. Cver Lhe followlng hours we were ln conLlnuous
meeLlngs and conversaLlons, boLh wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL, wlLh our Leam ln 1rlpoll, wlLh Lhe
lnLeragency and lnLernaLlonally," CllnLon sald. Clven LhaL CllnLon was noLlfled shorLly afLer 4:00
p.m. of Lhe 8enghazl aLLack, she knew lL was golng on for abouL an hour before uefense
SecreLary Leon aneLLa noLlfled Lhe presldenL.
CllnLon wenL on Lo say, So lL was a consLanL ongolng dlscusslon and seLs of meeLlngs. l spoke
wlLh resldenL Cbama laLer ln Lhe evenlng Lo, you know, brlng hlm up Lo daLe, Lo hear hls
perspecLlve. Cbvlously, we kepL Lalklng wlLh everyone durlng Lhe nlghL. Larly ln Lhe mornlng on
Lhe 12Lh l spoke wlLh Ceneral uempsey, agaln wlLh [naLlonal SecurlLy Advlser] 1om uonllon."
Cn 1uesday, emalled WhlLe Pouse ress SecreLary Carney follow-up quesLlons
abouL Lhe Cbama-CllnLon 10:00 p.m. Lelephone call on SepL. 11. uld Lhe presldenL and Sec.
CllnLon dlscuss Lhe sLaLemenL she was abouL Lo lssue?" asked. "And dld Lhey
dlscuss Lhe lssue of 'lnflammaLory maLerlal posLed on Lhe lnLerneL?'"
Carney dld noL dlrecLly answer elLher quesLlon. lnsLead, he responded, AL abouL 10 pm, Lhe
resldenL called SecreLary CllnLon Lo geL an updaLe on Lhe slLuaLlon." also asked Carney abouL Lhe SenaLe LesLlmony of aneLLa and uempsey: aneLLa
and uempsey sald afLer Lhey were flnlshed wlLh Lhe 3:30 meeLlng--Lhe meeLlng from 3 Lo 3:30--
LhaL Lhey weren'L ln conLacL wlLh Lhe WhlLe Pouse."
Carney responded, no. 1hey dldn'L say LhaL. 1hey sald Lhey hadn'L spoken wlLh Lhe presldenL.
1he presldenL has a naLlonal SecurlLy Advlsor as has every presldenL before hlm daLlng back
many, many presldencles. Pe has a depuLy naLlonal securlLy advlser and remember he had
already spoken wlLh and meL wlLh ln person and dlscussed ongolng aLLack ln 8enghazl wlLh Lhe
secreLary of defense, wlLh Lhe chalrman of Lhe [olnL chlefs. Pe Lhen spoke wlLh Lhe secreLary of
sLaLe because afLer all, lL was a dlplomaLlc faclllLy LhaL was aLLacked and aL LhaL polnL, we were
geLLlng lnformaLlon LhaL Amerlcan llves had been losL. l Lhlnk LhaL answers your quesLlon."
AL a SenaLe Armed Servlces CommlLLee hearlng on leb. 7, Sen. kelly AyoLLe (8.-n.P.) asked
aneLLa: uld you communlcaLe wlLh anyone else aL Lhe WhlLe Pouse LhaL nlghL?"
no," sald aneLLa.
Carney sLressed LhaL Lhe SLaLe ueparLmenL's AccounLablllLy 8evlew 8oard (A88)--chalred by
reLlred Admlral Mlke Mullen and reLlred Ambassador 1homas lckerlng--sald, LhaL Lhe
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admlnlsLraLlon's response was adequaLe.
LeL me say agaln, Lhe A88 reporL speclflcally noLes LhaL Lhe lnLeragency cooperaLlon LhaL
evenlng was 'Llmely and approprlaLe,'" Carney sald. Maybe CnS ls challenglng Lhe credlblllLy of
Admlral Mullen and Ambassador lckerlng. robably, buL l don'L know."
Carney wenL on Lo read from page 37 of Lhe reporL LhaL sald, 1he 8oard found no evldence of
any undue delays ln declslon maklng or denlal of supporL from WashlngLon or from Lhe mlllLary
combaLanL commanders. CulLe Lhe conLrary: Lhe safe evacuaLlon of all u.S. governmenL
personnel from 8enghazl Lwelve hours afLer Lhe lnlLlal aLLack and subsequenLly Lo 8amsLeln Alr
lorce 8ase was Lhe resulL of excepLlonal u.S. governmenL coordlnaLlon and mlllLary response
and helped save Lhe llves of Lwo severely wounded Amerlcans."

On Feb 20, 2013, at 3:34 PM, Stephanie Arje wrote:
Contact: 202-646-5188
February 20, 2013

Judicial Watch Sues Office of the Director of National
Intelligence for Documents Describing Attack on U.S.
Consulate in Benghazi

Judicial Watch Seeks the Speaking Points Intelligence Memo Referencing
Link to Terrorism that was Allegedly Scrubbed by Obama Administration

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) lawsuit against the Obama Administrations Office of the Director of National
Intelligence seeking access to records detailing the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the
U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
Specifically, Judicial Watch seeks a controversial speaking points memo indicating that
intelligence officials believed from the outset that terrorists were behind the attack despite public
statements to the contrary issued by Obama administration officials, including UN Ambassador
Susan Rice and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The lawsuit was filed on February 14,
2013 (Judicial Watch v. Office of the Dir. of National Intelligence (No. 13-0198)).

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Judicial Watch seeks the following records pursuant to its October 19, 2012, FOIA request:

Any and all memoranda, assessments, analyses, and/or talking points regarding the
September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya and/or the killing
of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens produced by the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence between September 11, 2012 and September 20, 2012. This
request includes, but is not limited to, the speaking points memorandum referred to by
Senator Dianne Feinstein during a televised interview on October 17, 2012,
(see feinstein-intelligence-flaw-lax-

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged receiving JWs request on
October 19, 2012, and was required by law to respond by November 26, 2012. As of the date of
Judicial Watchs lawsuit, the agency has failed to produce any records responsive to the request,
indicate when any responsive records will be produced, or demonstrated that responsive records
are exempt from production.

Regarding the speaking points memorandum requested by Judicial Watch, according to
the CBS Affiliate in San Francisco: When asked by CBS 5 if there was an intelligence flaw,
the senior California senator [Feinstein] who hails from San Francisco replied: I think what
happened was the director of intelligenceput out some speaking points on the initial
intelligence assessment. I think that was possibly a mistake.

Former CIA Director General David Petraeus reportedly testified before Congress that the
initial speaking points produced by the CIA stated there were indications the attack was linked
to al Qaeda, and suggested the terrorism reference was removed sometime during an interagency
review process.

In the days and weeks following the Benghazi attacks, the Obama administration blamed the
incident on a rudimentary Internet video deemed offensive to Muslims. This false claim was
repeated by both Ambassador Rice and Secretary Clinton in multiple public statements and press
interviews. For example, at a September 14, 2012, event honoring the four victims of the
Benghazi attack, Secretary Clinton made the following statement: Weve seen the heavy assault
on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. Weve seen the rage and violence
directed at American embassies over an awful video that we had nothing to do with.

Later, when asked about the alleged discrepancy between the intelligence communitys
assessment and the Obama administrations public statements during congressional testimony,
former Secretary of State Clinton shouted, What difference does it make? I personally was not
focused on talking points, she stated.

With all of the Benghazi lies coming out of the Obama administration, the only way to get at the
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truth is to release these records immediately, stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. From
the beginning, the Obama White House has been more concerned with self-protection than to
disclosing the truth about Benghazi. The Obama administrations lawless Benghazi cover-up is a
disgrace and an insult to the victims of the attacks and their families. The Obama Benghazi
scandal makes Iran-Contra seem like patty-cake by comparison.

In December, Judicial Watch released its special report, The Benghazi Attack of September
11, 2012: Analysis and Further Questions from a Diplomatic Security Service Regional Security
Officer and Special Agent. The report closely examined the Obama administrations actions
before, during, and after the assault, as well as the State Departments commitment to protect
overseas diplomats.

In addition to Judicial Watchs Benghazi investigation, Congress also seeks answers from the
Obama administration. Republicans in the Senate have indicated they plan to put a hold on the
nomination of John O. Brennan, former Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security
and Counterterrorism, who is President Obamas pick to serve as Director of the CIA, until the
Obama White House releases more details on the Benghazi attacks, including the speaking points

Stephanie Arje
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