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Operating Principles Inductive Capacitive Magnetic Photoelectric Connector Cord Sets NEW Value Line Proximity Sensors


Totalizing Preset Length Measuring Mechanical Multifunction

Inductive prox im ity se nsors a re use d for non-conta ct de te ction of m e ta llic obje cts. Their ope ra ting principle is ba se d on a coil a nd oscilla tor tha t cre a te s a n e lectrom a gne tic fie ld in the close surroundings of the sensing surfa ce . The pre se nce of a m e ta llic obje ct (a ctua tor) in the ope ra ting a re a ca uses a da m pe ning of the oscilla tion a m plitude. The rise or fa ll of such oscilla tion is ide ntifie d by a thre shold circuit that change s the output of the se nsor. The ope ra ting dista nce of the se nsor de pe nds on the a ctua tor's sha pe and size a nd is strictly linke d to the nature of the m a te ria l (Ta ble 1). Click he re for inductive se nsor product inform ation

Need the greatest operating range in the industry for shielded inductive sensors?

C apacitive sensors with a low profile at a great price $39.00 each

Hour Meters Elapse Time Preset Multifunction

Sensor Power Supplies Timing Controls Rotation Controls

Ta ble 1. Se nsitivity whe n diffe re nt Sn = ope ra ting distance. Fe 37 (Iron) Sta inless ste e l Bra ss - Bronze Alum inum Coppe r Outputs: DC Voltage

m e ta ls a re pre se nt. 1 x 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.4 Sn x Sn x Sn x Sn x Sn

Diffused photoelectric sensors at great prices. $35.00 each

2 wire DC: The se se nsors conta in a n output am plifier with the function N.O . or N.C. tha t ca n pilot a loa d conne cte d in se rie s. In this system a re sidua l curre nt flows through the loa d e ve n whe n in the open sta te a nd a volta ge drop occurs to the se nsor when it is in the close d sta te . Atte ntion m ust be pa id to the se re strictions whe n se le cting re la ys or ele ctronic controls to be used with the se se nsors. The y are com pa tible with P .L.C. units.

12mm diameter stainless steel Inductive Proximity Sensor at a great price. $28.95 each

3 & 4 wire DC: The se a m plifie d D.C. se nsors conta in a n output a m plifie r. The y a re supplie d a s 3 wire with function N.O . or NC a nd a s 4 wire with com ple m enta ry outputs (NO + NC) in the type s NP N a nd PNP . Sta ndard ve rsion include prote cte d a ga inst short circuit, prote cted a ga inst polarity a nd pe a k s cre ate d by the disconne ction of inductive loads. The y a re com pa tible with P .L.C. Units

Battery powered LC D counter at a great price. $28.95 each

High operating temperature inductive sensors 120C / 248F Click here for full product details and info on other special offers.
A nalog & Linear: In the se 3 wire a m plifie d se nsors a curre nt or volta ge output va rie s in proportion to the distance be twe e n the se nsor a nd a m e ta llic obje ct.

NA MUR: The se a re 2 wire non-a m plifie d se nsors whose current va ries in the pre se nce of a m e ta llic obje ct. The diffe re nce be twe e n these se nsors a nd tra ditiona l se nsors is the abse nce of am plifier trigge r stage s. The ir curre nt a nd volta ge lim its a llow the m to be use d in ha zardous (e x plosive ) e nvironm e nts whe n use d with a pprove d a m plifie rs. In sta nda rd a pplica tions (norm a l a tm osphe re s) the se nsor m ust be use d with a m plifie r units ALNC, ALN2 or sim ila r.

A C Voltage 2 wire A C: The se are two-wire sensors tha t conta in a thyristor output a m plifie r. In this syste m a re sidua l curre nt flows through the loa d e ven whe n in the ope n sta te a nd a volta ge drop occurs to the se nsor whe n it is in the close d sta te . Atte ntion m ust be pa id to the m inim um switching curre nt, re sidua l curre nt a nd voltage drop whe n se le cting low consum ption re la ys or high im pe da nce e le ctronic controls to be use d with these se nsors. The y a re com pa tible with P .L.C. Units

Fig. 1

Definitions: NO (normally open): A switch output that is ope n prohibiting curre nt flow whe n a n a ctua tor is not pre sent a nd close s a llowing curre nt flow whe n a n a ctua tor is pre se nt. NC (normally closed): A switch output tha t is close d a llowing current flow when no a ctua tor is pre se nt and ope ns prohibiting curre nt flow whe n an a ctua tor is pre se nt. NPN Output: Tra nsistor output tha t switche s the com m on or ne gative volta ge to the loa d. The loa d is conne cte d be twee n the positive supply and the output. C urre nt flows from the load through the output to ground whe n the switch output is on. Also k nown as curre nt sink ing or ne ga tive switching. PNP Output: Tra nsistor output tha t switche s the positive volta ge to the loa d. The loa d is conne cted be twe e n output a nd com m on. Curre nt flows from the de vice 's output, through the loa d to ground whe n the switch output is on. Also known a s current sourcing or positive switching. Operating Distance (Sn): The m a x im um dista nce from the se nsor to a squa re piece of Iron (Fe 37), 1m m thick with side 's = to the dia m e te r of the se nsing fa ce , tha t will trigger a cha nge in the output of the se nsor. Dista nce will de crea se for othe r m a te ria ls a nd sha pe s. Te sts are pe rform e d at 20C with a consta nt volta ge supply. This dista nce doe s include a 10% m a nufa cturing tole ra nce . Power Supply: The supply volta ge ra nge tha t se nsor will ope ra te a t. Max Switching Current: The a m ount of continuous current a llowe d to flow through the se nsor without ca using dam a ge to the se nsor. It Fig. 2


se nsor without ca using dam a ge to the se nsor. It is give n a s a m a x im um va lue . Min Switching Current: It is the m inim um curre nt va lue, which should flow through the se nsor in orde r to gua ra nte e ope ra tion. Max Peak Current: The Ma x pe ak curre nt indica te s the m a x im um current va lue tha t the se nsor can be a r in a lim ite d pe riod of tim e . Residual Current: The curre nt, which flows through the se nsor whe n it is in the ope n state . Power Drain: The am ount of curre nt re quire d to ope ra te a se nsor. Voltage Drop: The volta ge drop a cross a se nsor whe n driving the m a x im um loa d. Short Circuit Protection: Prote ction a ga inst da m a ge to a se nsor if the load be com e s shorte d. Operating Frequency: The m ax im um num be r of on/off cycles tha t the de vice is capa ble of in one se cond. According to EN 50010, this pa ra m e te r is m e a sure d by the dyna m ic m e thod shown in fig. 1 with the se nsor in position (a ) a nd (b). S is the ope ra ting dista nce a nd m is the dia m e te r of the se nsor. The fre que ncy is give n by the form ula in fig. 2. Repeatability (%Sn): The va ria tion be twe e n a ny va lues of ope rating dista nce m e a sure d in a n 8 hour pe riod a t a te m pe ra ture be twe e n is 15 to 30C a nd a supply volta ge with a <= 5% de viation. Hysteresis (%Sn): The dista nce be twe e n the "switching on" point of the a ctua tor a pproa ch and the "switching off" point of the actuator retrea t. This dista nce reduce s fa lse triggering. Its va lue is give n a s a pe rce nt of the ope ra ting dista nce or a dista nce . See Fig. 3 Flush Mounting: For side by side m ounting of flush m ount m ode ls re fe r to Fig. 4a . Non-flush m ount m odels ca n be em be dde d in m e ta l according to Fig. 4b. for side by side re fe r to fig. 4c. Sn = ope ra ting dista nce . Protection Degree: Enclosure de gre e of prote ction a ccording to IEC (Inte rna tiona l Ele ctrote chnica l Com m ission) is as follows: IP 65: Dust tight. P rote ction aga inst wa te r je ts. IP 67: Dust tight. P rote ction aga inst the e ffe cts of im m e rsion


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