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v v;

Field Address:

Forwairding Agent:
Mrs. Paul Daum

Publicity Agent:
.. ,

Hadville St Wl Ville
Georgetown, Guyana
South America

E!fe - Lot 75

Marion, OH 43302 ^

444 Evans Road

Oblong,. IL 62449



our united efforts since 1964, hitherto, 21 years of Ngj Really only Heaven can precisely evaluate and declare the true privileged labours. 1985 had been a very challenging year for this Mission
your generous and cohsisterit help, irtdre than you. realize, abled us to confidently face. If our 1985 ministry was a sj^ce^s. , but yours is the success? But'to Gtod be the glory. You certainly left^usno excuse for failure; unless failure is computed and success measured by

Name of Christ our Lord and King. All glory to Him by whose Nanje hope and life, peace ind rejoicing were brought to so many,^long^w four active preachers proclaiming the New Testament wayv; This the Lord did by

. sister London^^Snd^gra^^

greet you in

due to persistent financial constraints of national Pfoportipnrbut with

how many souls baptized and tangibles gained, and not by consistency
persistency and devotion to a cause.

On December 1984, the Church Board prayerfully charted our wurse for the year 1985; a strategy we faithfully followed as month by month with emphasis on evangelism. We sowed,but God gave tne in crease; however our monthly average baptism was a mere 3 and our dream ot conquering the whole of Guyana for Christ prpv^id most elusive. We sincerly thank you Brethren for supplies of literature, finance, food '^oxes^and
clothing, medical supplies and the Indispensable prayers on our-behalf and love letters of encouragement without such concern and proven love, ours would have been a ministry of glootn and not glory. A sad fact I nearly missed is the migration of 13 of some of our ablest members to other coun tries including the U.S. This shift is due mainly to the stubborn economic
stagnation of our country's economy.

Two of our young people. Brother Cecil Agard and wife Youland, are busy preparing to attend our Bible School in St. Vincent, West Indies, in preparation for a ministry on the Corentyne, probably No. 53, Village Church

the country we have the problem of continually training new men and women.
This is a situation affecting all Guyana,

of Christ, let us wish them peace. With most of our best members leaving

Most of you, Brethren, are aware of the fact that my gnawing concern for this Mission led me to "Project Gold Mining". How I long to lay a solid financial foundation for this Mission before I leave; but so far this
searching the Claim to find the vein but my health prohibits my going.

eludes my efforts. Inflexible setbacks plagued our expedition from time to time creating only minimal gain then absorbing it again. A crew is yet
^lanced-nyHPUn^to-make-^the^Missi-oa self supporting,__Time,Jn^duewurs^^
do this.

Please let me here and now thank all our Brethren who sanctioned and fi-

will prove us right. Yet perhaps the Lord has some other scriptual plan to
God willing, around March 1986, I intend to act upon advice of two
doctors that I should take a rest. For the first time Sister London and .

I should be traveling together and our address in the U.S. will be as fol lows: David & Eliza London, Box 476, Wbodbiner> ,New? Jersey,. 08272. Our phone number will be 609-861-5713.

Our Forwarding Agent and all our friends will be requested to contact us at tttis address ffojrr where we shall work with the Church Board in George-

townv-^y^rva; w^o^<W

in turn will keep us posted on all developments in the

left in charge along with my assistant Minister,

Please pray for us! May 1986

Church, which we shall then forward to you.

bring you great peace and progress as Heaven's choicest blessings.

' David & Eliza London


Our balance on the property now stands at $5,000.00 U.S. Will you' '
Only $125.00 is now the balance.

please help us wipe this off before.March 1986, before going on leave.. Simultaneously we were paying $3,50.0.00 U.S-. for grill work to secure: the

Vdo/L F/uemM oi Bto. London:

A6 you cait i^om tliu nQi06leMvi iondon and Vifu. London iMt . ^ be Xsx tm Unltzd StaX<L6 Xii i<icuick o^ yzaji, Jkdjj \aitt be. hcAe, to takz

irnnti ^fU may. li you oJiz lnt<uiQJitejd in havlnQ^ tkejn at youA dwicJi you
again and a^k that you pKay ^oft tkz texideA^, o^ ike. cf^ck in Georgetown 04 t/ie Londom a/tz ab6e.iit \ them.

a mdi needed ^e6t and probably mil not 6e ^laadi/

any Apeofe-uia enoage-,

may contact me o^ HoKma Vaam and we uUZt bo. back tn todck mXk you to o/lftangz a 6pcaktng engagement. We -Coofe {,onwa/id to ^ee^ng tkm in the. 6tate.&.

in Geo^igetown du/iing tki6 pa^t yza/t. Vou uiitl note, that B^o. London .i&^ vQAy apotogeXic oveA the. ^act-that /tkoAe. were only an average o^ 5 baptized

We p/Loi^z God 'i'oA the. 4oa^ that kave been added to the. body o^ ChuUt^

into ChivUt per month but tl%u m ^eeC ^ a vert; good record .^Jor a m^4-con
^iztd and one tkat many akuAchc6 in our countn.y woutd be. pte.a6e.d uiitk.
We a6lz that you continue, tkz ^uppoKt o^ tlvu mn.k and that be 6e.nt to Worma Vaxm 06 in the poAt, Vou ujHI note t^iot iSro. a6ked oor fieCp to era4e tke indchiedne^^ on the pn.opefity i^lvLch at only $5000, It wottd be good i^ we could take ca/ce o^ thiA

all donation6 London ka& now 6tand6 and i^ you

again ^or youA continued 6uppofit and. we oik tkat you p^ay ^or the London^
Bob Timky

have ,any additional ijundi that could be u6ed toujon-d tkU you can 4end them eitheA to my-tieZ'^ or to Worma Vaum ma/ilzed jjor the building iund\ Tkank you
ijor t/iavQZing m^c.lQ6 a6 thdy come to the United States oMnly in thi6 yeoK.


First Christian Church

Bulk Rate

P.O. Box 125

Oblong, Xi 62449 "

U.S. Postage


; " ' Permit No. 40

Oblong, IL 62449

Ozark Bible College ,:.-i ' Joplin, MO 64801 ,

North Main St,

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