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Manual on Medical Terminology

radiograph radiation therapy heat ionization radiation therapy all of the above chest, abdomen, skeletal structure, gastrointestinal tract inject a contrast medium internal medicine radiation therapy to detect breast cancer early Both visualize anatomy in sectional planes A technologist applies knowledge to problems encountered on the job registered nurse Wilhelm K. Roentgen brain true His wife's hand false true registered technologist (radiographer) 10

The film record produced to visualize the internal structures of the body A discipline that involves visualizing a patient's organs by the introduction of a radiopharmaceutical Which of the following are forms of energy? mechanical, nuclear, electromagnetic, heat or all of the above Any process by which a neutral atom gains or loses an electron Which discipline uses high-energy ionizing radiation to treat malignant diseases Radiography images what part of the body? Chest, abdomen, skeletal structure, gastrointestinal tract, all of the above To image the blood vessels in the body, the physician must The branch of medicine that studies disease of internal organs of the chest and abdomen is called Which of these radiography departments uses ionizing radiation: Magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic medical sonography, radiation therapy, all of the above Mammography was established What is the relationship between MRI and CT What is the difference between a technician and a technologist Which of the following is an example of a person who provides direct patient care under the supervision of a physician? Registered nurse, surgeon, health information technologist, medical technologist Who was responsible for the discovery of x-rays? Electroencephalography provides images of the electrical activity of sound is a form of nonionizing radiation What was the first radiographic image Wilhelm K. Roentgen took A physician whose job includes interpreting a radiograph for purpose of diagnosis is called a radiographer Diagnostic imaging of the breast is called mammography The professional title RT (R) indicates How many individual body systems comprise the human body

206 Sternum 80 humerus carpal Epiphyses anatomic position radiographic image median or midsagittal plane midcoronal plane plantar dorsum manus false Trendelenburg recumbent Sims' position Left lateral RPO Dorsal decubitus


How many separate bones are found in the adult human body Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton: radius, hip bone, clavicle, sternum How many bones are there in the adult axial skeleton Which of the following bones is classified as a long bone: carpal bone, scapula, cranium, humerus Which of the following bones is classified as a short bone: vertebrae, phalanges, scapulae, carpal Where does is the secondary growth center for endochondral ossificaton AN upright position with the arms abducted, palms forward, and head forward describe A representation of the patient's anatomic structures that can be obtained, viewed, manipulated and stored digitally is The vertical plane that divides the body into right and left halves A longitudinal plane that divides the body into equal anterior and posterior parts The sole of the foot The posterior or back aspect of the hand A lateromedial projection is where the lateral aspect of the anatomical part is closest to the image receptor (IR) Position which the head is lower than the feet lying down in any position A recumbent oblique position in which the patient is lying on the left anterior side rotated anteriorly, with the right knee and thigh flexed A patient is erect with the left side directly against the image receptor. The central ray enters the right side of the body. What is this radiographic position A patient is lying on her back facing the x-ray tube. The right side of her body is turned 20 degrees toward the image receptor. What is this radiographic position A patient is lying on her back. The x-ray tube is horizontally directed with the CR entering the right side of the body. The image receptor is adjacent to the left side of the body. What is the radiographic position A patient is erect facing the image receptor. The left side of the body is turned 45 degrees toward the image receptor. The CR enters the posterior aspect of the body and exits the anterior. What is this radiographic position

tangential Lordotic pronation Modified Sims' the foot plantar flexion circumduction contralateral path or direction of the central ray False True false patient condition false Two true false pelvis Ensuring correct gonadal shield placement two two

A projection in which the CR skims a body part is What is the general term for a position in which the long axis of the body is angled in relationship to the image receptor rather than the central ray (example: a special chest projection Opposite of supination Which position is often used to insert a rectal enema tip before a barium enema A dorsoplantar projection would be a radiographic study of Moving the foot and toes downward Movement in the form of a circle Opposite of ipsilateral Projection is defined as According to the ARRT Code of Ethics, a radiologic technologist may render a diagnosis during a radiographic examination if requested by the patient According to the ARRT Code of Ethics, radiologic technologist must participate in continuing education activities throughout their professional career According to the ARRT Code of Ethics, a radiologic technologist may discuss any patient's clinical history with another health professional Which of the following is not one of the radiographic criteria used in the evaluation of images: Patient condition, structures shown, collimation and CR, Exposure criteria It is legally acceptable to write right or left on a radiograph if the anatomic side marker is not visible A patient enters the emergency room with a piece of wire in the palm of the hand. What is the minimum number of projections required to be taken for this radiographic study The radiographer has the responsibility of communicating with the patient to obtain pertinent clinical info The radiographer may provide a preliminary interpretation of the radiographic study if requested by the patient Which of the following radiographic procedures often requires a single AP projection is taken What is the final step taken before making the exposure during a positioning routine What is the minimal number of projections taken for a study of the femur What is the minimal number of projections taken for a study of the right hip

two true false true false transthoracic lateral lordotic

right lateral decubitus

Right Lateral AP, erect RAO LPO radiograph erect, face forward, arms down, and palms forward Oblique

What is the minimal number of projections taken for a post reduction (to realign a fracture) study of the ankle It is common practice to view a PA or PA projection with the patient facing the viewer in the anatomic position PA or AP oblique projections are placed on the view box with the patient's right side of the body facing the viewer's right When placing radiographs of the hand on the view box, the digits should be pointing upward When placing radiographs of the lower leg, the toes of the foot must be pointing upward A patient is erect with his left side of the chest placed against the image receptor. The central ray enters the left side of the chest and exits the right. Which position has been performed A patient is erect and leaning the shoulders backward 20 to 30 degrees toward the IR. The central ray is perpendicular to the IR. What specific position has been performed The patient is lying on her right side on a cart. The anterior surface of the patient is against the image receptor. A horizontal central ray enters the posterior surface and exits the anterior surface of the body. What specific projection/position has been performed Patient lying on the right side on x-ray table with the tube overhead and film under the patient Patient standing with back flat against the chest film with x-ray tube in front would be a ____ projection and an _____ position Patient facing the chest film with x-ray tube behind, turned slightly with the right shoulder against the film would describe what position Patient lying supine on the x-ray table and rolled slightly up onto the left side is what position The correct term for an x-ray film after it has been exposed, processed and contains an anatomical image The correct description of the anatomical position Term describing the position of the hand when it is rotated 45 degrees from a PA or an AP

Referring to a tube angle away from the head end of the patient The position a patient would be in if turned halfway between a PA and a Right RAO Lateral Posterior or dorsal Term used to refer to the back side of a patient mid-sagittal Plane dividing the body into equal left and right halves All radiographs must be identified with which of the following: radographers ID, Patients ID, side markers patients ID, side markers pronation Rotation of the hand so the palm is facing down flexion Movement whereby the angle of the joint is decreased transverse The body plane dividing the body into cephalic and caudal portions false-- only hand radiographs are placed fingers Hands and wrist radiographs are placed on the illuminator with the fingers pointed to up the ceiling proximal Is the elbow located proximal or distal to the wrist distal Are the fingers located proximal or distal to the wrist inversion An inward stress movement of the foot position The physical placement of a patient is termed Angle the central ray 10 degrees caudal entering The symphysis pubis is located directly anterior to the coccyx. Describe how you pelvis midsagittal plane 2 inches above cold prevent the symphysis pubis from superimposing the coccyx on an AP symphsis pubis projection of the pelvis by manipulating the x-ray tube A minimum of how many positions or projections is required in diagnostic two radiography With the patient lying on his back with the film holder against his right side and the dorsal decubitus x-ray tube on his left using horizontal beam describes the what position three How many projections would be needed for a radiographic examination of the wrist posterior In the anatomical position, is the plantar surface of the foot anterior or posterior eversion An outward stress movement of the foot hyperextension Straightening a joint out beyond the normal position plantar flexion The movement of the foot as you move your toes down as far as possible What body habitus type has long shallow thorax, will demonstrate the heart nearly asthenic vertical and midline coronal An plane which divides the body into a front part and a back part The position a patient would be in if he is turned exactly halfway between a PA and a 45 degree oblique Right Lateral position


the invisible change on radiographic film that is caused by x-radiation or light is made visible by latent image development of the film The change on x-ray film that becomes visible when the latent image undergoes chemical manifest image processing axial projection Any projection which requires a tube angulation with the long axis of the body is superimposition of anatomic structures (may not show up on film), localization of lesions or List three reasons for requiring a minimum of two projections as closely to 90 foreign bodies (find exact location), degrees from each other as possible determination of alignment of fractures density, contrast, resolution, distortion, Name 7 characteristics of an optimal radiographic images brightness, exposure index, noise Cannot obscure the essential anatomy that is being demonstrated, Chest-top margin of the IR, 3 guidelines that are followed when determining the best location to position the and abdomens-lower margin of the IR, Space identification plate provided by lead block on film cassette The process by which a beam of x-ray photons is altered as it passes through matter attenuation is known as primary radiation The beam of radiation as it exits the x-ray tube and before it reaches the patient kilovoltage peak The chief controlling factor of radiographic contrast is 20 mAs What mAs value would result using the 500 mA setting at .25 second A radiograph is made using 40 mAs at 40 inch SID. If the image must be repeated at 130 mAs 72 inch SID, what mAs value is necessary to maintain the same exposure kilovoltage peak The 15% rule helps explain the effect of _________ on exposure Which of the following is not a radiographic contrast medium: barium compounds, Water air, iodine compounds, water motion The most common cause of radiographic unsharpness is computed tomography Which of the following uses x-radiation to produce a digital computer image digital imaging, fluoroscopic imaging, Name the three major classifications of diagnostic radiographic imaging film/screen radiography primary radiation The beam of photons, before it interacts with the patient, is called photons The individual packets of energy contained in the primary beam are called

remnant radiation scatter radiation attenuation radiolucent radiopaque latent 1.5 minutes mAs, kVp, SID the tube and the image receptor density contrast detail distortion increase kVp 15% and 1/2 mAs true false false true true false false false true true false true false true false true

The beam that exits the patient is called Radiation that is nondiagnostic is called The process by which the nature of the primary beam is altered as it travels through the patient is called Materials that allow x-ray photons to travel through easily are Materials that are not easily traversed by x-ray photons are The invisible image record on a film that has not been processed is what type of image Automatic processing of radiographic images requires approximately how much time The radiographer has control of which one of the following technical factors The SID is the distance between The overall blackening of the film is called The visible difference between densities is called The distinct representation of an object's true borders is called The misrepresentation of an object's true size or shape is called To change kVp while maintaining the same exposure kVp is the chief controlling factor of contrast High contrast has a short scale with wide latitude Scatter can be controlled by using an automatic processor The primary beam can be modified through the use of filtration and beam limitation The inverse square law states that the intensity of a beam of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance form the source Doubling the kVp doubles the exposure As mAs increases, density decreases Contrast is the chief controlling factor of exposure and density The degree of attenuation depends on tissue characteristics Kilovoltage peak directly controls the quality of the x-ray photons produced Milliampere-seconds directly control the quality of the x-ray photons produced Detail is affected by patient motion The large focal spot is used when fine detail is required Both the size and shape of an object can be distorted on a radiographic image The fluoroscopic image is a static image Digital imaging requires a filmless system

false true false false true false increase by a factor of 5 high kVp/low mAs 2.5 mm Al/Eq dose eliminate the need for gonadal shielding all; the whole body, certain tissues, certain organs all; primary radiation, secondary radiation, useful beam both scatter radiation and leakage radiation within 5 cm of the primary beam 5000 stochastic .5 mm NRC

According to the NCRP, the monthly equivalent dose limit for the embryo should not exceed 5 rem The risk for fetal malformations significantly increases above control levels at doses above 15 rad The size of the x-ray beam should always be restricted to the size of the image receptor, not the area of clinical interest high-energy photons are absorbed by the patient, resulting in an increase in patient dose A pregnant radiation worker should wear two dosimeters, one at the neck and one at the waist Pregnancy is a cause for termination of employment for a radiographer For an individual to reduce exposure by a factor of 25, the distance between the individual and source of ionizing radiation should Which of the following technical factors are chosen to minimize patient dose The NCRP recommends a minimum total filtration of ___ for x-ray equipment operating above 70 kVp Radiation exposure limits pertinent to the protection of radiation workers are known as_____ limits Proper collimation does each of the following except: reduce patient dose, improve radiographic quality, eliminate the need for gonadal shielding, reduce scatter radiation Dose limits are specified for: the whole body, certain tissues, certain organs, all of the above Primary barriers can be struck by: primary radiation, secondary radiation, useful beam, all of the above Secondary barriers can be struck by: scatter radiation, leakage radiation, both, none Special gonadal shields should be employed any time the gonads are The annual effective dose limit for an occupational exposure to ionizing radiation is _____ mrem When no threshold dose for radiation exists, the effect is known as For fluoroscopic procedures with a kVp of 100 or more, the protective apron must possess a minimum of _____ lead equivalent Which one of the following agencies is a regulatory agency responsible for

AP skull structural protective barriers 5 increase 4 .5 decreases 8 to 15 weeks 10 day rule cancer .25 to 1 mm 210 mSv wear the radiation dosimeter at the collar x-ray tube anode and cathode collimator positive beam limitation tilting, free floating, adjustable true

protecting both the public and occupationally exposed individuals from the effects of ionizing radiation The lenses of the eyes will receive the greatest dose during which of the following procedures: AP pelvis, PA hand, AP skull, PA skull Protective devices include all of the following except: lead aprons, lead gloves, lead glasses, structural protective barriers The annual effective dose limit for an occupational exposure to ionizing radiation is ____ rem The use of a grid in a radiographic procedure will result in an increase or decrease in patient dose If the distance between the individual and the source of radiation is doubled, the exposure to the individual will be reduced by a factor of The annual effective dose limit for an individual in the general public for infrequent exposure to ionizing radiation is _____ rem As the speed of the image receptor increases, patient dose A fetus is most radio sensitive during _____ post conception To minimize possible exposure to an embryo in the earliest days of pregnancy, the _____ was recommended by several advisory agencies Deterministic effects of ionizing radiation include all of the following except: sterility, cataracts, skin erythema, cancer protective aprons and gloves are usually made of lead impregnated vinyl within the range of What is the dose limit for a 21 year old radiation worker To reduce an individuals exposure to ionizing radiation, each one of the following principles should be applied except: reduce the amount of time spent in the vicinity of the radiation source, increase the distance between the individual and the radiation source, wear the radiation dosimeter at the collar, interpose a shielding material The part of the radiographic system that produces the x-rays is the The primary components of the x-ray tube are the What is an example of an x-ray beam limiting device Most x-ray machines are equipped with an automatic collimation system known as X-ray tubes are classified as A 90-90 table can tilt from a horizontal position to a complete vertical position in

true kilovoltage peak, milliampere, time 30 to 150 volts 1/1000 ampere 100 and 400 MA begins the exposure tube stand longitudinal, transverse, vertical manual and electrical under the table image intensifier spot film device mobile equipment anode cathode

either direction A cassette tray is also called a bucky tray The control panel consists of Control consoles may range from One milliampere is equal to Most diagnostic radiography is done between The rotor-exposure switch does what The device that supports the x-ray tube and allows it to be moved in different directions is the The directions of tube travel are X-ray tubes have what type of locks Where is the x-ray tube located in a fluoroscopic unit In the fluoroscopic unit, the x-ray tube moves iwth the Which device allows the radiologist to obtain static radiographs during a fluoroscopic examination Which piece of equipment is used when radiographic equipment must be taken to the patient positive electrode of the x-ray tube negative electrode of the x-ray tube

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