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Compensation Highlights for SAM Portfolios

SAM's unique compensation plan offers you participation in an ongoing fee sharing relationship with flexible pricing
alternatives and the opportunity to increase your fee income.
Class A Shares Class B Shares Class C Shares

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.\Jp.f'iQ~t~um 4.15% deal~L . • 4% up-front dealer reallowance

.~~::~'/; ". ..,' ;:::~'~~$t,]\

• CDSC over five years: 5-5-4-3-2-0%
··~r~;~~'~:;r~~ori~:; • 25 basis points: 12b-1 fee
(beginning after the 12th month,
. '-" ""'~- ~ ..'
-~!£' ~:'~~:;~~~%~:;:~~~~1:~?;~::'
- ","'"
paid monthly)·


latdV,'p.ll4.-~··'''>;'1f:'1 • 50 basis points: Advisor-Paid Fee ~t71~':';'f:'~~

(beginning immediately, paid

"The WM Group of Funds also pays 12b-l fees on its individual retail funds for each share class as noted above. The Advisor-Paid Fee. paid only on the SAM
Portfolios, represents a potential revenue sharing arrangement between WM Advisors Inc. and the selling broker/dealer. At the discretion of the broker/dealer, this
compensation may be provided to the selling Registered Representative.

Competitive Pricing
Today, more than ever, investors need flexibility, choice and ongoing professional advice. WM Group of Funds recognizes the
value of strong partnerships, and our flexible pricing alternatives are designed to offer the solutions you need to help
strengthen your relationships, accommodate individual dient needs, and build your business.
Class A Shares

Less than $50,000

$100,000 but less than $250,000
. 4.500/0


. 2.0i:i%'2.~''i
$500,000 but less than $1,000,000 2.00% 1.75% 2.00% 1.75% 2.000/0 1.75%
!!~~~gtQ!,~t . : . 0% 0%• " ocMJ: 0%.•' "x~ :.~",)~f

Class B Shares
Front-end Dealer Year of Redemption
Sales Charge Reallowance after Purchase CDSC
--------_ .. - _ .. _ - ­ --­ -----------­

Second 5%
. ",."),,•.:;.,.,., ''''mid'''' ·."'\if ~-"
Fourth 3%
Fifth·., .~",
Sixth and following 0%
Class C Shares
Front·end Dealer Year of Redemption
Sales Charge Reallowance after Purchase CDSC
----- ------_._­
-....•>.: i tkt" /'
"~,,~c~f~ First"',.
.. 1.()O%
~ "

"Will be subject to a 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) on redemptions within 18 months ofpurchase. Investors do not pay a sales charge at time ofpurchase
on Class A purchases of $1 million or more; however, WM Funds Distributor may pay authorized dealers commissions up to 1.000A> of the price ofsuch purchases. Please
see the prospectUS for details.
""For Short Term Income Fund Class B: 4-year CDSC (4-4-3-2-0%) and a 3% dealer commission.
" ""A contingent deferred sales charge (CbsC) will be assessed for Class B shares.that are redeemed within five years ofpurchase according to the table above. The CDSC
is waived for systematic withdrawals in amounts of 12% or less annually, based on the fund's value at the time the systematic withdrawal plan is established; death or
post-purchase disability of the shareholder; required minimum distributions from an IRA or other retirement plan made to a shareholder who is 70 th or older; or
involuntary liquidation by the Portfolio or Fund.
For Broker/Dealer Use Only

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