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THE ENERGY MATRIX OF CREATION 4: Spiritual Resurgent Atavism And The Journey To Our Origins By Ty John Gregorius in THE

TEMPLE OF ASCENSION (Files) Edit Doc An important part of connecting with the Energy Matrix of Creation is through th e acceptance and experiencing of Spiritual Resurgent Atavism . . . on a physical level we experience Resurgent Atavism culturally and this is noticeably manifes t when a country and its peoples feel a strong pull back to its roots and ancien t history. Many Pagans feel this keenly, not only being connected to the land and nature on an elemental level, but also sensing an atavistic call to the roots of the land and the residual energies held within it which echo that lands specific history and cultural origins. This form of Atavism is considered to be regressive by some who point out it can lead to uprisings such as the Third Reich in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, th is is a misconception however, for although there was an obvious resurgence in n ational pride and a sense of history at this time it was inaugurated by the mind of a zealous tyrant who stimulated the resurgent atavism through racial hatred and national egotism. When Resurgent Atavism a very positive thing spiritual ancestry and oples origins to merge nce. happens naturally in a type of cultural rapture it can be reuniting a people within its heritage, its physical and this in turn can bring forth the very essence of those pe with their modern evolution in a union of great significa

It is very often the case on an individual level however that a person can sense such a case of atavism, a sense of bonding with a culture, a land, a history wh ich is in no way connected to the habitat of the curren incarnation. This is a very personal rapture within, an individual form of Resurgent Atavism which happens when the soul remembers somewhere on a deeper level of a past inca rnation or incarnations in which it inhabited a mortal shell within the land whi ch is calling to it in the present incarnation. I have often felt a pull toward ancient Rome and Greece as well as Babylon, know of two authors (one brought up in New York) who felt a constant call to the lan d of the ancient Celts and in particular (in the one case) to Arthurian legends, another friend/teacher who resided in California was captivated by such an atav ism connected to India. This form of Resurgent Atavism is an important way of connecting with our Soul's personal journey through the Energy Matrix of Creation and the manifold time sp heres held within it . . . for all which exists within this Matrix or has existe d remain contained within it on varying levels of manifestation, by opening ones elf to this form of Resurgent Atavism we are connecting with the trace memories and residual aspects of former selves held within the Energy Matrix and so conne cting with the source of all memory and thought at its centre . . . we are in fa ct retracing our spiritual footsteps back to the gestating force of the Architec tural Fire. This is inner path of Spiritual Resurgent Atavism . . . the listening to the inn er voice of our own soul and the words it may speak regarding lives it has under taken before within other earthly incarnations, by letting these past echoes rea ch our conscious mind we are reconnecting not only with the wisdom we have accum ulated over past lives but also with the wisdom which was prevalent at the time we undertook these incarnations but which may have been lost in descending centu ries.

We are also connecting through a reversed journey within ourself with the memory channels of the Earth itself, the residual memories contained within the very f ibres of everything living upon this planet . . . we see the potential of this i n the psychic art of Psychometry where residual imprints are left on an item by its owner which the Psychometrist can read by touching that object . . . these r esidual imprints lie within the Earth itself, within the trees of its forests, t he waters of its oceans and the mountains which carve its landscape . . . indeed in all things. When the Neophyte of the Arcane Mysteries begins their journey into the explorat ion of the Occult and Spiritual Esotericsm they often find themselves drawn to c ertain paths of practice, certain deities and pantheons of deities . . . these d eities do not always resonate with our present cultural and spiritual surroundin gs. I became fascinated with Mythology at an early age (around seven years old) and was intrigued by the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece, the legends of their heroes and the whole intricate beauty of the Myths surrounding them . . . my jou rney into the Occult began at the age of fourteen and at this time my interests still lay in the beauty of Greek Mythology but had spread to the Myths of Rome a nd Egypt, for no apparent reason the most potent call came from the Goddess Dian a and it is with this Goddess that my first ever Ritual/Magickal experience mani fested. This call came to me unexpected, a true atavistic call from across time and spac e, it was as if I had known this Goddess before, could see the ancient times in which Her Rites and Worship spread across Europe . . . probably all practitioner s of the Arts have experienced this kind of calling and probably with more than one Deity, or with more than one cultural Pantheon of Deities . . . the Gods/God desses of Rome, Greece and Egypt called to me with equal love and rememberance. I have a strong connection with Celtic legends and Mythology also, especially th e Arthurian legends and the music of the Celts yet have never felt the deep call to practice with the Deities of the Celtic Pantheon as with those already menti oned. All these connections, memories, callings are a part of the way of Spiritual Res urgent Atavism . . . it is the way our soul seeks to reconnect its present vehic le with the memories and life times of its previous journeys, the way in which i t seeks to continue its journey with some consistancy that it may utilize the wi sdom already accumulated and enhance it for its evolution in future journeys. If we regard the Energy Matrix of Creation has the foundation for a Magickal sys tem formulated to embrace a new Aeon of Esoteric Evolution, one which be able to be utilized by seekers of all Magickal paths and Religous denominations then we may see the path of Spiritual Resurgent Atavism as residual paths within that M atrix which we may walk to connect with our ancestral soul lives and kindred, to connect with the Gods and Goddesses which have manifested as flaming reflection s of the Architect of Fire, the Creative Flame at the core of the Matrix and wit h the Architectural Fire itself. All Gods and Goddesses are manifestations of the Creative Fire . . . they rise a nd fall in importance . . . they drift into the memories of legend and myth or r ise to become the monotheistic figureheads of world religions . . . no matter wh at their destinies hold, they are in truth emanations of the core flame of the M atrix of Creation given guise by our own cultural, spiritual and psychological p erceptions and by the manifest creations of entities beyond our own understandin g.

They are points of connection within the Matrix of Creation with the source of o ur genesis, with this in mind we shall see that Spiritual Resurgent Atavistic ra pture is the opening of a path to connect with these emanations, portals by whic h we may connect with this source . . . . The Energy Matrix of Creation is the ever manifesting web which spiritually bind s the connection in all things on all levels . . . to journey it and reconnect w ith the Architectural Fire of creation we must find relevant points of contact, relevant spheres of manifestation upon that web . . . these may be the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Pantheons, the celestial bodies of our own Solar system, th e Chakra/power centres with ourselves, the subconscious mind . . . each connecti on leads to another sphere and yet another connections - the quest of the Occult Explorer, the Esoteric Journeyman is to traverse this Arcane Maze and find the truth of its Mysteries. Spiritual Resurgent Atavism is the spiritual memory's symphonic way of reaching forth throughout this Matrix to remind our soul of its gestation, its journeys a nd impressions which have been left upon the Matrix and our markers to find our way back to its divine light (the Architectural Flame) and beacons to lead us to continue the evolution of this sacred web across the infinity of the yet unwove n abyss . . . for as the Gods and Goddesses our emanations of the Creative Fire, we are emanations of divine higher forces . . . all flames manifesting from tha t first divine spark . . . we are all as Gods on our own path to creation! Ty John Gregorius (c) Copyright 2013

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