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INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR PRECODING Orhan Gazi Electrical and Communication Engineering Department Cankaya University, Ankara/Turkie Abstract: The channel knowledge at the transmitter site can be effectively used for better communication. Most of the available systems assume that the channel knowledge is available at the receiver. Recently there is a trend towards the studies which accepts that the channel knowledge is available at the transmitter site also. It is shown that designing systems with the channel knowledge at the transmitter site, data transmission with higher capacity can be achieved compared to the transmission system which assumes channel knowledge only available at the receiver side. The usage of the precoder decoder matrices during data transmission can be used for IBI elimination at the receiver. The precoder and decoder matrices can be designed using the channel knowledge, or even they can be designed also without the channel knowledge. The usage of the transmitter power can also be handled more intelligently using the precoder matrices hence efficiency and quality of the transmission increases. The precoded transmit data can be use to design blind equalizer at the reciever. In this paper I will shortly introduce the usage of the channel knowledge for precoder and decoder designs. The role of the precoder and decoder matrices in IBI elimination and transmitter power allocation. The process is applied to SISO channels, however it is expended to the SIMO, MIMO channels in some studies. Introduction: Linear precoding is nothing but a linear transformation. Information carrying bit sequence blocks s(n) 0n<M-1 is mapped to signal sequence u(n) 0n<P-1with a transformation matrix F i.e. u(n)=Fs(n). Here P is greater than M. Hence some redundancy is introduced into the data sequence before the transmission. This is similar to the error correcting coding. However some differences arise, error-correcting codes are introduced to correct the bits that have errors. Linear precoding is used to cancel the ISI between transmitted data blocks and is used also for channel estimation and equalization in time and frequency dispersive channels. Linear precoding is already used in some systems. Orthogonal frequency multiplexing (OFDM), coded OFDM (COFDM), discrete multi-tone (DMT), time division multiple access (TDMA), frequency division multiple access, code division multiple access transmission systems all use precoding idea with different precoding matrix F.

The general system is shown in Figure A. The serial data sequence s(n) of length M, that is to be transmitted is converted into parallel data sequence and stacked into a column vector, multiplied by the precoding matrix FPxM, hence redundant information is inserted to the column vector. A longer data vector is obtained. This data vector is convolved with the channel impulse response; additive noise is added to the data sequence finally it is decoded using another matrix GMxP, and estimated input sequence se(n) is obtained.

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(3) The precoder matrix F can be a time varying matrix or it may be a time-invariant matrix. If the transmit channel is time invariant then the precoding matrix is also time invariant. Once transmit channel information is obtained at the receiver, this information is feeded back to the transmit side, and precoding matrix is obtained from transmit channel matrix. The time varying precoding matrix is shown by Fn,i of size PxM. Fn,i is constant for transmitted information block vector n at the time instant i. It changes from block to block, but during a block transmission it is constant. We call such matrices as quasi-static matrices. In other words precoder matrix can be assumed order 1, i.e. Fi=F0d(i). The channel matrix H is defined as,


A general precoder decoder system can be implemented using filter bank structures. In fact some of the single and multi-user modulation schemes fall under the filter bank model as shown in Fig B.

In this structure the transceiver filters fi(n) and gi(n) are columns of the encoder matrix F and decoder matrix G respectively. Matrix multiplication effects of precoder and decoder matrices F and G are realized by using FIR filters and appropriate up/down samplers.

The Single/Multi User Systems That Use Filterbanks and Uses Precoder And Decoder Matrices

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{F0}n,m= m=0,M-1 n=0,P-1 P=M+L, L is the length of the FIR channel filter h. From the channel matrix definition and accepting the filter length as L, the channel matrix can be written as Hi=H0d(i)+ H1d(i-1) ; i.e. the channel order is 2, precoder order is 0. The signal at the channel output is x(n)= H0Fs(n)+ H1Fs(n-1). From this equation it is clear that the channel IBI occurs between two consecutive blocks. Only the first L samples are affected from IBI . The first L samples are affected and so design the decoder to discard the first L samples. Its form is as in [1]; G0=(0MxL DH-1G) DH is a diagonal matrix with entries {DH}m,n=H(ej2pm/M), (m=0,..,M-1) and H(ejw) is the channel spectrum , and {G}m,n={F0}*n+L,m ; n=0..M-1, m=0..M-1. Neglecting the noise the output/input relation is given as se(n)=G0H0F0s(n)= DH-1GHF0s(n) H is the MxP Sylvester matrix as shown below. (5)


If DH-1GHF0=I then se(n)=s(n). i.e. if DH is invertible, in other words if the channel has no zeros on ej2p/M. If channels have such zeros or zeros close to ej2p/M, severely attenuated signals will be received, and it will not be possible to equalize such signals.

DMT: If the channel is known at the transmitter side, the frequencies corresponding to the channel nulls can be avoided by transmitting the information over the non-faded frequencies (sub-channels). The resulting so called DMT transmission is used in ADSL applications [1] [2]. COFDM is used if the exact channel information is not available at the transmitter. In this case efficiency is decreased but errors arising at the faded sub-channels are recovered. COFDM is used in Europe as a standard in digital audio and video broadcasting applications. Other multi-user modulation schemes (TDMA/FDMA/CDMA) [1] [2]: TDMA: {F}m,n = d(m-n) F is of size PxM and P=M+L, where L the guard interval greater then or equal to channel length. FDMA: {F}m,n=ej2p(fm)n, where fm is the carrier frequency assigned to the mth user.

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CDMA: {F}m,n=cm(n), where cm(n) is the mth users discrete time equivalent code ( at chip rate)

The Usage Of The Precoder Matrix For FIR Zero-Forcing Equalizer Design [1] [2]: The precoder matrix is of order 1 (Q=1) and the decoder matrix is order Q. And also equalization in the absence of noise will be investigated.

i.e. Fi=F0d(i) and

we assume that the filter is of length L, hence H can be written as at time i as, Hi=H0d(i)+ H1d(i-1). And also P>M, P>L. The addition of the redundancy affects the decoder matrix structure. If P=M+L, i.e. redundancy is equal to the length of the filter, the decoder matrix becomes order 1. If the redundancy is less than L then the order of the decoder matrix increases. For simplicity assume P=L+M, which also corresponds to the minimum order, and thus reduced complexity decoder (filterbank equalizer) design.

The received signal is x(n) = H0F0s(n) + H1F0s(n-1). IBI occurs between two consecutive blocks. Looking at the above channels we see that the first L received symbols are affected from the last L symbols of the second block. There are two methods to eliminate IBI. One is the addition of the quard interval (zeros) between data blocks, the second is the addition of prefix(suffix) vectors to the front(end) of the data vectors. Addition of quard interval (zeros): We can design our precoder matrix such that H1F=0, hence eliminating the IBI. The form of the F is defined below


rank(F)=M and P=M+L, there exists a zero-order (Q=1) ZF equalizer matrix G of zero order such that , x(n) = H0F0s(n) + H1F0s(n-1) = H0F0s(n) = HTZFs(n) se(n)=Gx(n)=GH0F0s(n)=GHTZFs(n)

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For perfect recovery GH0F0 = I, ZF equalizer matrix is G = pinv(H0F0) = F-1pinv(HTZ),


Prefix method : The precoder matrix form is defined as,

(9) rank(F) = M , is a prefix generating LxM matrix. The first L rows of F0 are a linear combination of the

last M rows of F. The decoder matrix is designed as to eliminate the first L samples of the received symbols. It is defined as, G0 = [0MxL GMxM]. The received signal is se(n) = G0H0F0s(n)+G0H1F0s(n-1) = G0H0F0s(n) = GHLZF0s(n), the matrix HLZ is called as the leading zeros matrix of size MxP and is shown below [1] [2],


Optimal Precoder Decoder Design in The Presence Of The noise At The Receiver. In previous works noise effect is not taken into account. This time noise is available at the receiver. The precoder, channel and decoder matrices are defined as, Fi = F0d(i); Gi = G0d(i), P>M>L, P=M+L, Hi = H0d(i)+H1d(i-1), the received signal becomes

se(n) = G0H0F0s(n)+G0H1F0s(n-1)+G0v(n). It is clear from the matrix structures that IBI occurs between two consecutive data symbols. To prevent IBI we should design our precoder and decoder matrices such that the second product term in the received signal expression becomes equal to zero, i.e. G0H1F0=0. This may be achieved via two approaches. First approach: Design the matrices as, F0=[FT 0]T, F is a MxM matrix and 0 matrix size is MxL. G0 = G, where Gsize is MxP. (TZ approach (Trailing transmitter zeros)). Second approach: G0 = [0 G]. G is an MxM matrix and 0 is a MxL matrix. In this case F0 = F with F being a PxM matrix

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(LZ approach(Leading zeros at receiver)). Both methods guarentess G0H1F0=0. Hence IBI is eliminated. The received signal becomes se(n) = G0H0F0s(n)+G0v(n). Lets use a general model for the received signal. Since the precoder and decoder matrix effects can be achieved by just modifying the channel matrix H. The received signal then becomes se(n) = GHu(n) = GHFs(n)+Gv(n). Our aim here is to try to design precoder and decoder matrices so that the effect of noise at the reciver side is decreased. For this different criterias are considered during the design of the matrices so that error effect is minimized at the reciever side. MMSE Error Criterion with ZF constraint : The signal error at the receiver is e(n) = se(n)-s(n) = (GHF-I)s(n)+Gv(n). The aim is to minimize this error using the MMSE under the zero forcing constraint, i.e. , GHF = I. The input signal and the noise is uncorrelated. The input signal and noise autocorrelation matrices are known at the receiver side. MSE is given as G(F,G) = tr(E{e(n)e(n)H}) = tr((GHF-I)Rss(GHF-I)H)+tr(GRvvGH) The first term vanishes, i.e. G(F,G) = tr(GRvvGH). The problem reduces to the following,

subject to The solution is ;[1]


The constant c is used to control the transmitter power. The total power available at the transmitter is tr(FRssFH) = P0. The ZF constrained solution is useful when SNR is high. For intermediate SNR cases ISI may be tolerated, to achieve less MSE. This time transmitter power constraint is chosen as criteria. And the problem is formulated as follows. subject to The solution is given as [1], tr(FRssFH) = P0

F is a diagonal matrix, with entries as

To guarantee that |Fii|2 > 0; P0 should satisfy the following inequality,

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If the above inequality is not satisfied, then it is understood that some of the symbols are not received correctly at the receiver site. The method is not good to transmit such symbols, available power is used to transmit other symbols. Some of the Fii s are selected as zero and total power P0 is distributed among the other diagonal entries. To achieve this, another diagonal matrix Ln is constructed by discarding the entries of Lwhich correspond to zero (Fii), Ln is used instead of L for the redistribution of the available power. Blind Channel Estimation Using The Precoder Matrix [2]: Training based methods causes the inefficient usage of the sources. To overcome this disadvantage blind estimation techniques has taken great attention in last decade. Redundancy introduced to the transmit data in the form of trailing zeros by the precoder matrices can be used to design blind identification systems. The system model is y(n) = x(n) + v(n) = HFs(n) + v(n) where F is the MxM precoder matrix and H = HTZ ( Trailing zeros channel matrix)

.. to be continued..

References : [1] G. B. Giannakis, Y. Hua, P. Stoica, L. Tong, Signal Processing Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications Volume1 : Trends in Channel Estimation and Equalization , Prentice Hall, 2000. [2] A. Scaglione, G. B. Giannakis, S. Barbarossa, Redundant filterbank precoders and equalizers Part I : Unification and optimal designs, IEEE Transactions on Signal Procesing, vol 47, pp. 1998-2006, July 1999. [3] A. Scaglione, G. B. Giannakis, S. Barbarossa, Redundant filterbank precoders and decoders Part II : Blind Channel Estimation, Synchronization and Direct Equalization, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol 47, No : 7, pp. 2007-2022, July 1999. [4] Civelek Furkan, Kanal Esitleme Icin Dogrusal Onkodlama, Ms Thesis, Baskent University 2003.

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