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Class 2: El Presente Simple El Presente Simple es un tiempo de verbo que se usa para las acciones habituales, las que

hacemos todos los das a manera de rutina: Me levanto muy temprano todos los das y/o para horarios fijos de antemano: El tren parte a las 15:30. Tambin se puede usar como presente histrico: San Martn cruza los Andes en 1917 o como futuro: Juan viaja a Londres maana EJEMPLOS: Afirmativo: I walk to school every day. Camino a la escuela todos los das. You sing very web. T cantas muy bien. He gets up at 7:00 every day. l se levanta a las 7:00 todos los das. She brushes her hair every morning. Ella cepilla su cabello todas las maanas. The shop opens at 5:00 oclock. El negocio abre a las 5:00 en punto. We study a lot of English. Estudiamos mucho ingls. You and your friends work very hard. T y tus amigos trabajan muy duro. They go to work by car. Ellos van a trabajar en auto. NOTA: La tercera persona del singular se conjuga agregando s o es al verbo. Esto no se repite en caso de negar o preguntar, ya que se usa el auxiliar does. Negativo: Para formar el negativo del Presente Simple usamos el auxiliar do not y does not o dont y doesnt, en sus formas abreviadas. Ejemplos: I dont walk to school every day. No camino a la escuela todos los das. You dont sing very well. T no cantas muy bien. He doesnt get up at 7:00 every day. l no se levanta a las 7:00 todos los das. She doesnt brush her hair every morning. Ella no cepilla su cabello todas las maanas. It doesnt open at 5:00 oclock. No abre a las 5:00 en punto. We dont study a lot of English. No estudiamos mucho ingls. You and your friends dont work very hard. T y tus amigos no trabajan muy duro. They dont go to work by car. Ellos no van a trabajar en auto. Interrogativo: Do I walk to school every day? Camino a la escuela todos los das? Do you sing very well? Cantas muy bien? Does he get up at 7:00 every day? Se levanta l a las 7:00 todos los das? Does she brush her hair every morning? Se cepilla ella su cabello todas las maanas? Does it open at 5:00 oclock? Abre a las 5:00 en punto? Do we study a lot of English? Estudiamos mucho ingls? Do you and your friends work very hard? Trabajan muy duro t y tus amigos? Do they go to work by bus? Van a trabajar ellos en colectivo? Ejercicios: Traduzca al espaol con la ayuda del glosario e incluya negativo e interrogativo: 1. Jamie takes her daughter to school every morning.

2. Cindy likes golf. 3. The music teacher sings with her students. 4. My friend Mary works at a bank. Traduzca estas oraciones: 1. John travels a lot during the year. 2. She is a very rude person. 3. Do you like dogs? 4. You dont know anything about this. 5. Louise is such a generous person. 6. Frank writes terrific poems. 7. David doesnt rely on Barbara. 8. Sicilia captures the tourists heart. Traduzca estas oraciones: 1. My mother gets up at 6 am and goes to work by bus. 2. Paul drives his car very fast. 3. Susan enjoys her students company very much. 4. Johnson runs along the road with the wallet in his hands. 5. Chester hired a fantastic lawyer. 6. People think that she is crazy. 7. That company is polluting the whole city. 8. Cant you see I am busy with these projects?

Traduzca estos prrafos con la ayuda de un diccionario: MARTIN SCOTT Martin Scott is a dentist. He cures caries. He likes football and rugby. He goes to the club every Saturday but he doesnt play on Sunday. He usually gets up at 6:30. He takes a shower, brushes his teeth, washes his face and combs his hair. He lives with his mother and father. His mother makes toast for breakfast. After that, he goes to his office and sees patients all day. In the evening he goes to the cinema with girls or stays at home and watches TV. He doesnt love any girl in particular but he has a lot of friends. BRITNEY SPEARS My name is Britney Spears. Im 22 years old. Im a very famous singer. I sing pop music. I go to the gymnasium every day, but I dont run. I usually get up at 8:00. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. I always eat cornflakes in my milk, toast and eggs. After that I take my bicycle and go all around the city. I live in New York, a very large and beautiful city. Everybody says Hi! to me when I ride my bike. People, especially youngsters, love me a lot because they like my music.

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