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9/11 And

The North American Military-Industrial Complex:

The Descent Into Dictatorship

A Citizens Rep ort By: Andrew M arshall

Table Of Contents

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Introduction The 9/11 Question The Milit ary-Industrial Complex

Page 1 Page 4 Page 29

Deep Int egration Or A nn exation? Page 59 Con clusion: What Hope We Have Sources Page 84 Page 88

This report is not a government document, nor is it written by a think-tank or an interest group. This is a citizens report, designed to give the opinion of an ordinary voting Canadian citizen to the ear of government, the media, think-tanks, interest groups or any other organization or person that would care to listen. It is an effort to help those in power or with influence to understand some important needs and questions Canadian citizens have and would like answered. My name is Andrew Marshall, and I am a 19 year old, voting Canadian citizen living in Vancouver, Canada. I currently go to school and am studying Political Science and Economics. I am writing in the hopes of helping all politicians live up to their claims. See, time and time again, we hear politicians citing common political phrases such as youth are the greatest natural resource we have. Well now its time to tap into that resource, and this is what I am offering. I am offering a chance to hear and respond to the concerns of a young Canadian citizen whose peer age group represents the future of this country. And it is that exact topic which is the object of this report: the future of this country. As current crises occur in the Middle East, Israel recently at war in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, tensions increasing between Syria, Iran and the United States, not to mention the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, of which the Canadian forces are active participants, I cannot help but show some concern over the future of Canadian foreign policy, and for that matter, domestic policy as well. With recent arrests in Toronto on the basis of suspected planning of terrorism against Canada, it raises an important question being why are we now a terrorist target? Five years ago, before 9/11, Canada did not carry a reputation internationally nor domestically as being a nation that represents an ideal target for terrorism, however, now we are clearly a target for terrorist attacks. So it raises the issue of how we became a target since 9/11. US President George W. Bush and the rest of his administration would have the world believe that America is the target of international terrorism because it represents democracy at its finest and stands for freedom around the world, and that the terrorists hate freedom. Well this proposal of a reason for the US being a target is preposterous in every sense of the word. In a May, 1998 interview with ABCs John Miller, (Source 1) Osama bin Laden, before being interviewed by Miller, answered a few questions from his followers, one of those questions was What is the meaning of your call for Muslims to take arms against America in particular? Bin Laden responded by saying, The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target. Why then, if Bin Laden openly declares his reasons for opposing the United States, does George Bush and his administration continue to stress an incorrect point?

This point is key to understanding the issues I will be discussing. As Canadian foreign policy, and in fact all policy is so greatly influenced by the US, as it is impossible to be outside the sphere of influence of such a huge and powerful nation, especially since we are their closest neighbors. So, by understanding the United States role in the world, is to help understand our current role, and where we may be going. Since 9/11, Canada has added its name onto the list of potential terrorist targets around the world. Why? Because we have since altered our foreign and domestic policies to support that of the United States. 9/11 plays a key role in understanding this conflict, since it brought Canada into a US-led coalition war in Afghanistan. Currently, large questions that raise serious conflicts have been raised and are continuously being raised by concerned citizens around the world on 9/11 itself. The official 9/11 Commission Report put out by the American government was a white wash piece of top official propaganda. It refused to raise any questions or facts that reflected poorly on the administration and other top officials during the time of 9/11. It neglected to take on any issues that raised possible conflicts of interest or any questions that were directed to the administration and its officials. These facts and questions include the fact that the Bush White House has refused to release the report given to him on August 6th, 2001, entitled Bin Laden determined to strike in US. (Source 2) The administration refused to release this document to the US Congress, twice. The same government is also destroying all the physical evidence from the World Trade Center and Pentagon and has refused to release the tapes from the black boxes of the planes. There are also questions regarding why the surveillance cameras from the Pentagon and nearby gas stations and hotels that may have caught the attack on the Pentagon on film were all confiscated and the only two videos released to the public werent able to clearly show a plane and were both from the same angle, the second just a few feet further back, not displaying anything different of any importance. Why isnt the public able to view these videos, especially since everyone has seen so much footage of the planes hitting the towers? When FBI agents told authorities inside the government on and before 9/11 that the US was going to experience terrorist attacks within the near future, the World Trade Center being a primary target, why were they told to be quiet or else they would be arrested? All questions revolving around confusion of the 9/11 tragedy reflect that treason had occurred somewhere in the high ranks of the US administration and government. This statement has been confirmed and will be further discussed later in the report. Since, however, no one has been persecuted for such acts or been tried as having committed treason or fired or demoted for massive incompetence, then the forces that have hidden the truth and that either committed treason or were massively incompetent are still running policy in the administration and government. This is a massive concern to Canadian citizens, especially now that we have a US-friendly Conservative Government. We must go back and question our role and policies with our neighbor to the South. We cannot support a treasonous government, nor should we hand huge foreign and domestic policies over to an enormously incompetent government. I will address key concerns regarding 9/11, however I have no answers to provide. This is because this is in part a proposal to push for the Canadian government and all others to do what they can to try to find answers. I am not stating that I know exactly what happened on 9/11, what I am stating is that I know facts that prove things that are contrary to what the world was told about 9/11 and that those that told us these things, are

the very ones that know the most about that event, and incidentally refuse to release any information regarding that event. This is a reason for mistrust in ones government. Thusly, it is a reason for concern over our countrys relations with an untrustworthy government. From discussing 9/11 and the controversy behind it, I will take aim at discussing the immediate results of 9/11, such as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which have Canadian involvement. Here, I will discuss possible conflicts of interest regarding these two wars in the Middle East that many in power, who were making decisions have also profited from going to war. These same institutions in the US that pushed for and profited from war are also pushing for similar things inside Canada. The key issue here is drawn out of reflection upon US President Eisenhowers farewell address as he left office and warned the US, and as such, the world, about the military-industrial complex and the danger it poses to all of society around the world. Eisenhower was referring to the integration of profit in war. When multinational corporations such as the military and oil corporations are able to profit to set record highs in human history from war, and those that make the decisions to go to war are so well connected to these same corporations, there is a conflict of interest that can become ingrained in the political system which ultimately creates a system of war in which the solution to every societal problem is war, and thereby is increased military spending, thusly increased corporate profit. War is the most profitable industry in the world, and since those that profit form war are the most influential organizations in the world, and since they are legally designed to only attempt to achieve maximum profit, it is in their best interest as declared by law to pursue a sustainable profit environment, which is only defined as continuous, non-stop war. I will examine the role the military-industrial complex has played in the US, as well as the additions into the complex relationship, including think tanks, interest groups and intelligence organizations. Furthermore, I will then discuss the slow but steady creation and formation of a secure Canadian military industrial complex. I will discuss those institutions and organizations, which are pushing for such a thing in Canada to become as influential in Canada as its American counterpart is in the US. We must re-examine the reasons for our new policies and relations, and thusly define our role in the world. I will lastly examine the eventual annexation of Canada by the US, which is in plans and has been already under way by organizations and influential people on both sides of the border. I will identify why these organizations are pushing for what they call deep integration with the United States, but what every rational, ordinary Canadian citizen would call the rape of our constitution, disintegration of our freedom and democracy and loss of our Canadian identity and state. We do not want to become Americans, and I will put forth an argument for such a case as to back out from any further deep integration to create a North American State, which is previously discussed in the aims of the military-industrial complex on both sides of the border. In conclusion I will examine how all these important events and issues relate to one another so inexplicably and undeniably that it is a vast and immediate danger to our nation, our security, our sovereignty, our identity and most of all, our future. As a current student and young Canadian, I represent the future of this country, and my greatest concern, is that that future disappears before I get there. This is a citizens report, and in effect, a citizens desperate plea, that all who read this try to help me realize a future in which I may look forward to as a Canadian, a future

that isnt bleak or terrifying, a future that has hope for all Canadians and can stand as an example to the rest of the world for what a developed country should really be.

The 9/11 Question

In my research on the military-industrial complex, I could not help but continuously come upon interesting facts and evidence that brought the very question of the truth behind 9/11 into view. I at first, for the previous 5 years since September 11, 2001, was incredibly skeptical of any conspiracy theories, since I knew that an event this massive and significant would draw all kinds of attention from all kinds of areas, most especially, I thought, from conspiracy theorists. I assumed that all theories would be speculation and have little or no substantial proof. However, when finally I put down my defenses and allowed myself to listen to, watch and read about questions that came about as a result of the 9/11 attacks. After heading into unfamiliar territory, I became very conflicted, because as I read and researched more, I could not help but now see that there are some significant problems arising out of this issue based on the honesty of government. Namely, that the official story of what happened on that day, is simply not possible by scientific standards. What happened that day is shrouded in great secrecy and confusion. What happened that day is something that has defined the world since its occurrence, therefore we must know the truth. What really happened that day? Before casting my report away as damaging speculation, give it a chance and continue to read the following questions that are raised from the events on that day, and remain unanswered still. I am not offering a conspiracy theory here, what I am offering is evidence of conspiracy having occurred. Important Questions And Concerns: * After the events of 9/11, important figures from the highest levels of government, including the FBI, CIA, Pentagon and the Bush Administration itself all declared that never before had anyone imagined that people would use planes as weapons in an effort to attack the United States. This is simply not true (Source 1.a). Not only were all these agencies and groups informed about such plans possibly taking shape, but many of them have been involved in shaping such military plans in the past. * Operation Northwoods (Source 1.b) was a plan made by officials inside the Pentagon during the Presidential tenure of JFK in which it outlined the plan for a pretext to take America to war with Cuba by hijacking US commercial jets and flying them into targets in New York and Washington and framing Cuban terrorists as the offenders in order to get the public support for war. However, Robert MacNamara, the Secretary of Defense, and Kennedy threw out the proposal on the basis that it was extremely wrong and unconstitutional, not to mention, criminal. * The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a very predominant think tank in the US, headed by such figures as Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, L. Lewis Libby, Jeb Bush and other prominent political players (Source 18) wrote a report called Rebuilding Americas Defenses in September 2000, in which they proposed America to be formed into the unchallenged world empire by increasing military spending enormously, as well as invading Iraq to secure oil for America and to help the interests of Americas ally, Israel in the region. The report, however, further stipulated that the

American public would not simply accept this as a reason to go to war, unless there was some catalyzing and catastrophic event - like a new Pearl Harbor. Roughly the same amount of people died on September 11, 2001, that died at Pearl Harbor. (Source 19) * Before 9/11, no steel building anywhere in the world had ever collapsed as a result of fire, but why, then, on 9/11, did three buildings fall, supposedly due to fire damage? These buildings were the two towers and World Trade Center 7, a 47-story steel building located at the World Trade Center complex. (Source 3.a) * Why did building 7 collapse if it wasnt hit by a plane and had no jet fuel in it that supposedly stood as the main cause for the collapse of the two towers? (Source 2.a) * George W. Bushs younger brother, Marvin Bush, was head of security for the entire World Trade Center complex on the day of 9/11 (Source 3.b). Why then, after recent bomb threats to the building, were all the bomb-sniffing dogs removed from the World Trade Center the Thursday before 9/11? (Source 5) * Larry Silverstein, the owner of the entire World Trade Center complex had just seven weeks before 9/11, purchased a record insurance policy on the complex, which reportedly made him $3.5 billion dollars. Why did Larry Silverstein say, on a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, that he and the firemen decided to pull building 7? Pulling a building is an industry term used to describe imploding a building with the use of explosives? (Source 2.c) * Why does the official FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) report on the collapse of the World Trade Center state that the collapse is unknown? (Source 2.b) * Why did the 9/11 Commission take an exceedingly long time in order to be formed at the constant opposition of the Bush administration? And when it was finally formed, why did George Bush personally appoint the members? (Source 3.c) * After initially appointing Henry Kissinger to head the commission, there was a public outcry against the proposal due to Kissingers many conflicts of interest. After Kissinger stepped down, Thomas H. Kean took his place. (Source 2.d) * Why were conflicts of interest not considered important in appointing the Commission, since the Commission chair had affiliations with several corporations, including Amerada Hess Oil, a prominent oil company that also happened to profit immensely from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? (Source 2.e) * Why was the Executive Director, Phillip Zelikow, who personally wrote over 90% of the report, a member from within the Bush Administration itself and had coauthored a book with Condoleeza Rice? (Source 2.f) * Why did FEMA, who was in charge of handling the damage control at the World Trade Center site, arrive in New York on the evening of September 10, 2001 in order to conduct emergency exercises regarding terrorist attacks on New York City? (Source 2.h) * Why did FEMA remove all of the building debris, and therefore evidence from the site only in order not to investigate and study it, but rather destroy, melt and sell it off to foreign countries like China? (Source 2.b) * Why, on the morning of September 11, 2001, were there 5 different Pentagon and CIA exercises going on which simulated planes being hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center and Pentagon? Who was controlling these exercises that led to the confusion and slow reaction of NORAD on the day of 9/11? (Source 2.g)

* Why were no jets scrambled in time to shoot down the planes before hitting their targets when there were reportedly 67 previous cases in the year of 2001 when planes, after having gone off course only a small degree and for a short amount of time have US jets flying beside them within 15 minutes? (Source 2.i) * Why were these planes able to fly around, make complete 180 degree changes in direction and fly around for up to an hour and forty-five minutes? * Who told NORAD to stand down and not scramble jets to interpret the hijacked planes, as is proper procedure? * If the events of 9/11 were, as they state in the 9/11 Commission Report, a result of failed intelligence and lack of foreknowledge, why did no one get fired? And why were so many instead promoted, some receiving medals of honour? * If we, the public are supposed to believe that the towers fell as a result of jet-fuel fires inside the towers, then we must look at science to prove or disprove this fact. To melt steel, fires need to be in excess of 2700-3000 degrees Fahrenheit and be burning at that temperature for several hours. Thermal photographs (Source 20) taken of the World Trade Center indicate that the hottest spots in both towers did not exceed 1700 degrees F. How is it possible that burning fuel at a temperature significantly lower than the required temperature to melt steel somehow managed to defy science and reason and melt steel not only in one building and not only in two, but in three buildings that day, one of which wasnt even hit by a plane? * Why, after jets finally were scrambled to attend to the imminent threat, were they scrambled not from Andrews Air Force base, just outside of Washington D.C, or any other base that was closest to the targets and planes themselves, but rather from an air force base farther away from the events? (Source 2.j) * Another key question about Bushs presence at the elementary school was that after the first plane hit the first tower, it was known that the plane had apparently been hijacked, which would have immediately been a national security issue, yet Bush has been reported to have said that he will just continue with the whole reading thing. Why would the Commander in Chief, the President, knowing fully about a multiple hijacking in progress, and according to his own testimony, knew about the first tower being hit, continue to go through with a photo-op in an elementary school instead of acting like the leader. (Source 3.d) * Also, with the second tower being hit, and the knowledge about hijackings having taken place, the United States President was able to sit in a classroom for nearly 20 minutes without being immediately ushered out of the building and area by the Secret Service, which is exactly the kind of situation that the Secret Service is trained to handle. Why would he have sat around, on national television, in a classroom, putting a class full of small children at risk? Why would they not have rushed the president out of there unless they knew he wasnt a target? (Source 3.d) * Why did George W. Bush twice say that he saw the first plane hit the first tower on television before entering the classroom that day, when in fact there was no footage o the first plane hitting the first tower, except that which was filmed by two French brothers making a documentary on New York firemen and was not seen by the public or on television until the day after the event? How is it possible that Bush saw what didnt exist? (Source 3.d)

* The principal of the elementary school where Bush was, confirmed that Bush did not see any television before entering the classroom while he was inside the school, which is where Bush previously declared he had seen the footage, because the principal said that there was no TV on anywhere before Bush entered the class. (Source 3.d) * Why was George H. W. Bush in a meeting with the Carlyle Group in Manhattan on the morning of September 11, 2001, with a member of the Bin Laden family? (Source 2.k) * Why, after grounding all flights in the country, were special flights chartering members of the Bin Laden family and other Saudi families used to take them out of America, without being questioned at all, and safely to Saudi Arabia? (Source 2.l) * Why did George W. Bush, after taking office, demand that all FBI investigations into Bin Laden and Saudi Arabia be halted indefinitely? (Source 3.e) * Why was Dick Cheney in charge of America while in a deep underground bunker on 9/11? Why, as Norman Mineta (Secretary of Transportation) who was in the bunker at a certain point, reported to the 9/11 Commission that a lower-ranking official in the bunker said to Cheney that the plane was 50 miles out, 30 miles out and when he got to saying 10 miles out he asked of Cheney, Do the orders still stand?, to which Dick Cheney responded, Of course the orders still stand, did you hear otherwise?! What were the orders? Why, after the brief confrontation, was the Pentagon supposedly hit by a plane? (Source 3.f) * Why was no plane wreckage found at the site of the Pentagon, apart from small plane pieces belonging to a much smaller military plane possibly made by Raytheon Corporation? (Source 2.m) * Why was the lawn in front of the Pentagon free from damage, which is common for any crash landing of a commercial airliner? (Source 2.m) * Why is the hole in the Pentagon significantly smaller than the diameter of a commercial jetliner? The initial hole in the Pentagon was 16 feet in diameter, which is very difficult for a 124 foot-wide wingspan to fit into. How is this possible? (Source 2.m) * Why was there no damage to the building where the wings of the plane would have come into contact with the building? (Source 2.m) * Why were the higher floors of the Pentagon above the point of impact in tact, when a commercial jetliners height alone, and especially tail would have clearly cut a path through the upper floors? (Source 2.m) * Why did the FBI show up within minutes of the explosion at a nearby hotel and gas station that had cameras facing the Pentagon and immediately confiscate the footage and told all spectators to not talk about what they saw on the tapes in the name of national security? Why have we not seen what was on these tapes? (Source 2.m) * Why was the part of the Pentagon that was attacked also the part that was under construction, newly built and had the fewest amount of people inside when apparently the hijackers had so well researched their targets and destinations? Why was the more senior official area, where Donald Rumsfeld was located, on the opposite side of the building? Why did the plane risk a near-impossible maneuver to hit that section instead of crashing onto it from above, which would have caused worse damage and greater loss of life, which was what we have been told was the ultimate goal of the terrorists? (Source 2.m)

* Why is it that the only footage revealed from the Pentagon crash doesnt clearly show a plane, but rather a much smaller object entering the screen from the right and causing the large explosion? (Source 2.m) * Why is it that since the Pentagon, which is one of the most heavily secure and surveillance-ridden buildings in the world, only see it fit to release footage that does not clearly show a plane hitting the building? Why did the defense systems not shoot down the supposed planes? (Source 2.m) * We, the public were all constantly told that there were several cell phone calls being made from the hijacked planes that day to loved ones and others on the ground. When a Professor in Ontario conducted an experiment in which he brought on several different phones from several different companies onto a plane that traveled at the height and speed of those planes on that day, he found that it was not possible to make a call from any cell phone. How is it possible that these cell phone calls were made when it is proven that they simply could not have happened? (Source 7) * Why were the cell phone conversations so peculiar? For example, the most famous phone call was from passenger on Flight 93 over Pennsylvania, in which he called his mother and stated, Hi, mom, its Mark Bingham, your son. I dont know about anyone else, but when I call my mother, I dont say, Hi, mom, its Andrew Marshall, your son. He then continued describing that there were hijackers on his plane and then continuously asked, You believe me, dont you? You believe me, right? (Source 10) * It has been proven that voices can be reconstructed from a sample voice recording of a subject. (Source 7) * Why did spectators in the town of Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the plane went down, say that they saw the plane pass overhead, catching their attention since it was flying so low, and say that they saw an explosion on board the plane and then a US jet, and in some cases two US jets fly overhead? (Source 8) * Why did the mayor of Shanksville repeatedly state that when he arrived at the crash site, there was no plane there? All plane crashes leave wreckage; this is irrefutable. Wreckage is recovered from plane crashes at sea, yet a crash in a rural field leaves nothing? How is this at all possible? (Source 9) * Why was no plane wreckage and no burning jet fuel found at the crash site, which just showed a very large hole in the ground? (Source 3.g) * The official explanation of what happened at this crash site is that upon impact, the plane and jet fuel vaporized. There was no burning jet fuel at the sit, only a large, smoking hole. How is this possible? Has there ever been a precedent of such an event occurring? (Source 3.g) * Why is it that there was plane wreckage from a commercial plane found 8 miles behind the crash site, when the official explanation states that the plane was not shot down, but was brought down by the passengers? Is it possible for upon impact with the ground, plane wreckage to be rebounded off the ground, instead of being vaporized, and bounce backwards, as opposed to the direction of velocity pushing forwards, and at that, 8 miles backwards? (Source 3.g) * The official story of the crash states that an engine from the plane bounced off the ground upon impact and forward into a forest. Why is it that the only people who were ever able to see the engine and investigate that wreckage were FBI agents? (Source 3.g)

* Why does a military official, Lt. Col. Don De Grand-Pre state that the plane was shot down and that he knows one of the pilots that shot it down that day? (Source 6) * Why is it that this same official stated that the Pentagon was not hit by a commercial airliner but rather a US missile? (Source 6) * BYU Physics professor Steven E. Jones wrote a report on the fact that through simple physics, he proved that the two towers and building 7 did not fall as a result of the story most known to us all. Yes, the two towers were hit by planes, everyone saw that, but that isnt how they fell. Steven Jones stated that since each tower fell in less than 10 seconds, that they fell in free fall speed. Meaning that if you were to drop a grand piano off of the top of one of the towers at the same time the tower began to collapse, both the tower and the piano would hit the ground at the same time. This disproves the widely believed Pancake theory of how the towers fell which proposes that the weight from the burning floors and collapsing upper part of the towers applied so much pressure onto the lower floors that they simply pan-caked down. For this to be possible, there would need to be a brief pause at each floor, since each floor the tower crashes through would pose resistance to the rate of the falling towers. If this occurred, then it is not possible that the towers fell in under ten seconds; it is simply scientifically impossible. Why is this the story we were told? Why are we told to believe that which is scientifically impossible? (Source 11) * Why did building 7 fall in the same fashion of free fall, even though it was only on fire for a few hours and wasnt structurally damaged by the debris of the towers, nor hit by a plane? Why does the middle of the building fall first, as you can clearly see in any footage of the building collapsing, which is common to demolished buildings? (Source 11) * Why, on the confession video of Bin Laden, does Bin Laden appear to look very different than he does in all of his other videos? His nose is a different size than in any future video. How did his face change shape, if we are expected to believe this tape? How would he be able to get plastic surgery in a cave in Afghanistan? Why is he wearing a gold watch and ring, which is forbidden by Islamic religion? Is it possible that a man determined to carry out a holy Islamic war against America forget that his religion forbids such jewelry? (Source 12) * Why, in the confession video, is Osama bin Laden writing something down with his right hand, (Source 12) when it clearly states on the FBIs most wanted list, regarding Bin Laden, that he is left handed? (Source 13) * On the FBIs most wanted list, under Bin Laden is says that he is wanted in connection with the bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and continues by saying that In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world, yet it makes no mention of the events of 9/11. At the bottom of the page it clearly states Poster Revised November 2001. When a reporter saw this anomaly, he decided to call up the FBI and ask about it. The FBI spokesperson that he spoke with stated that it doesnt mention 9/11 because The FBI has no hard evidence to prove that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the events of September 11, 2001. He went on to explain that it is the job of the FBI to collect evidence regarding such events and forward it to a court in order for bin Laden to be properly indicted, as he was for the crimes in Tanzania and Kenya. Why does the FBI not consider the confession video

hard evidence? Why does the FBI not have any evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11? (Source 14) * The Bush administration reported shortly after 9/11 that they had hard evidence that proved it was Osama bin Laden responsible for the attacks on 9/11 and that they would release that evidence when appropriate. Why has the public not seen that evidence? Why has the FBI not seen this? Why have Congress not seen this? Why has no one been able to see this evidence that is the basis for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? * Why, directly after the attacks were reports coming out of Osama bin Laden being behind the attacks if there was indeed, no prior knowledge to the events in the US government? (Source 2.n) * Why were photos and names released of all the apparent hijackers the following days after 9/11 if there was no prior knowledge of the events of that day? Why was so much known about the suspected hijackers directly after 9/11, yet nothing was done before that day to prevent it? (Source 2.n) * Why did some the flight instructors who taught and flew with the supposed hijackers state that they were terrible pilots and incapable of generic flying skills? (Source 2.n) * How is it that these incompetent pilots were able to hit 75% of their targets and pull off very difficult maneuvers even by expert pilot standards? (Source 2.n) * Why is it that these supposed terrorists used US military and naval bases as their home address when filling out forms at the flight schools? (Source 2.n) * Mohammad Atta was the apparent ringleader in the hijackings that day and was reported to have flown the first plane into the first tower. If this is true, then why did Mohommad Attas father in Saudi Arabia state that he got a phone call from Atta on September 12, 2001, one day after he apparently flew United Airlines flight 11 into the first tower? (Source 15) * How is it possible, that in the explosion and impact into the building, was one of the suspects passports found in the streets below completely unscathed and unburned, when the flames were apparently too hot for even the black boxes to be recovered? (Source 64) * Why is it that two firemen reported helping the FBI load three of four black boxes from the World Trade Center site into an FBI vehicle and were told not to talk about it? (Source 63) * Why is it that firemen reported throughout the entire day that when inside the building, they heard and felt explosions going off inside throughout many different floors and levels of the buildings? They reported these events after the time of the initial explosions of the planes, so its not possible that it was the planes suddenly exploded again on floors they didnt hit. (Source 16) * Why was the lobby of the World Trade Center blown up, with windows blown out, and the entire lobby and people in it covered in a thin layer of dust congruent to the aftermath of an explosive device? (Source 17) * Why was the official explanation of this event that a fireball from the planes impact traveled down the elevator shafts and exploded into the lobby several minutes after the planes initially impacted the buildings? (Source 17)

* Why do maintenance workers who were under the buildings in the basement and parking garages underneath report being thrown down into the ground from an explosion from within the garage? (Source 17) * Mike Pecoraro, an operating engineer who was in the 6th level subbasement of World Trade Center North Tower when the first plane hit. Mikes co-worker noticed that the lights flickered. After contacting a superior, they were told that the whole building shook and there was a report of an explosion. They were, however told by their superiors, to remain where they were until further notice. Then, they reported that the room they were in, in the basement started to fill with a white smoke. He said it smelled like it could have been a car-fire in the underground garage a few floors above them. They decided to head up to the C-level above them to the machine shop where two fellow co-workers were supposed to be working. However, when they got there, to their amazement, the machine shop had vanished. There was nothing except debris and rubble. Mike was quoted as saying, Were talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press gone! They called for their co-workers but got no response. The smoke was very thick in this room and so they decided to venture further up into the parking garage. When they got to the parking garage it was also destroyed and gone, leaving debris on the ground and the air thick with smoke. They traveled up further hoping to get to the lobby, however when passing another basement level, to their astonishment, they came across a 300 pound steel and concrete door that was ripped off its foundations and crumpled up like aluminum foil. By this point the only building that was hit was the tower they were in, which meant that the other tower had not yet fallen, and so could not have caused any such damage to the basement levels. Pecararo, who was present in the buildings during the 93 attack recalled similar instances back then and was convinced that bombs had gone off inside the basement levels of the trade towers. The plane crash was nearly 100 floors above them and so could not have caused explosions in the basement. How is this possible? Why was the testimony to the 9/11 Commission given by the firefighters, policemen and other workers inside the Trade Center towers who reported hearing many explosions throughout both towers completely left out of the final report and not even mentioned at all? (Source 17) * Why is it that steel doors were destroyed and ripped from their hinges and contorted on the lower levels of the building, so far below from the initial explosion of the planes impact? How can an explosion nearly 100 floors above make a steel door appear like a crumpled up piece of aluminum? (Source 17) * The lobby of the tower, by the time they reached it, was also blown up, with the windows exploded outwards and a fine layer of white dust covering the area and everyone in it, which is very typical of the scene after a high explosive device sets off. People in the lobby also recall an explosion and some were even injured. Video footage of the lobby after the explosion confirms the thin layer of dust and wreckage resulting from what was later explained as jet fuel that fell down the elevator shaft to the lobby causing the explosive damage. However, there was no burning jet fuel anywhere in the lobby, nor any reports of such a thing. So how is this possible? Why was this not mentioned in the Commissions report? (Source 17) * Why have several of the supposed 19 hijackers turned up alive and well in Saudi Arabia and around the Middle East and been giving interviews with the BBC and other news agencies stating that they are simply pilots for Saudi Airlines and some have stated

they have never even been to New York or the US? How is it possible that these people are alive and well after blowing themselves up in commercial airplanes? How is it possible that they never were in the US if all the hijacked planes took off from inside the US? (Source 21) * Why do the passenger lists released by United Airlines and American Airlines, the two airlines that were hijacked that day, clearly show that there are no Arab names on the lists? How did these apparent hijackers board the planes without names or identification? Since there are also no fake names on the lists or fake identities being used by the supposed hijackers, then that would mean that 19 foreign men from the Middle East were able to board 4 separate commercial planes in the US with no identification at all. How is this possible? Since one of the suspects passports was found by the FBI in the streets of New York on 9/11, why would he have carried his real passport when his real name, nor any fake name, was on the list of passengers? (Source 2.n) * A construction manager for the World Trade Center stated that the buildings were designed to retain multiple impacts from the largest jetliners. How is it possible that it was jets that thusly brought them down? (Source 22) * Before the towers collapsed, in some footage you can clearly see a golden molten metal pouring out the side of one of the towers near the crash site moments before the collapse. The official reasoning of this was that it was melted aluminum. Yet, if this were true, the molten metal would be silver, like aluminum, instead of golden, which it clearly was. How is this possible? What was the molten material since it could not have been aluminum? Why are they lying about what it was? (Source 65) * Professor Steven E. Jones stated that in spite of most of all the evidence of the towers being systematically destroyed and sold, he was able to get his hands on some from a few World Trade Center memorial sites throughout the country that have pieces of steel from the towers. He was given a sample from the steel and discovered and interesting substance on the steel towers. He discovered traces of thermite, a highly explosive compound found in C4 explosives. However, he also found traces of sulphur mixed in with the thermite. This mixture, he states, creates a third compound, called Thermate. When sulphur is mixed with thermite, the result is that the compound known as thermate becomes so hot that it has the ability (and this is the purpose of this explosive) to cut through steel like a hot knife through butter. It is possible that this is what was pouring out of the side of the tower moments before it collapsed? Thermate creates a molten gold-coloured liquid when it is ignited as a result of the steel being melted. Could this have been the molten substance pouring out the side of the building moments before it collapsed? (Source 11) * Why was there extremely hot molten steel found underneath the rubble of the Trade Center towers that was burning for up to weeks? This is not scientifically possible from the temperatures of the jet fuel to cause such a reaction. However, it is documented that the compound of thermate has the ability to result in continuously hot and burning steel for long periods of time, in fact, melting the steel. Why was this substance found under building 7 as well as the two towers, since building 7 was not hit by a plane and therefore had no burning jet fuel inside of it? (Source 11) * The black box recording released from Flight 93 presents the pilots of the flight talking until the apparent hijackers enter the cockpit. A struggle is heard, and then eventually the hijackers have control. You hear them discussing when to take down the

plane. Then, you hear the passengers from the flight on the other side of the cockpit door discussing what to do, and finally deciding they have to get into the cockpit. How is it possible that this recording was able to hear through the cockpit door onto the other side where the passengers were clearly enough to comprehend what they were saying? (Source 25) * Mohommad Atta was the alleged ringleader of the hijackers that supposedly flew the first plane, American Airline Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. However, it was reported that Atta was known to be able to drink his fair share of vodka. He was also reported to be gambling and frequenting strip clubs, which is forbidden by Islamic law. However, if one is willing to kill oneself and many thousands of innocent lives in the name of ones religion in an act of Holy war, or Jihad, then wouldnt that person abide by the simple, basic rules put forward by the religion that they are willing to kill for? In this case, why would Atta be known to like vodka, when in Islamic law as determined by the Koran, it is a sin to even touch alcohol? (Source 23) * Why did top US officials, such as the then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, stop flying commercial aircraft after a CIA warning? (Source 27) * Why was the mayor of LA told on September 10, 2001, the night before 9/11, not to fly on commercial aircraft on September 11? (Source 26) * On September 8th and 9th, 2001, World Trade Center Tower 2, the second one hit and first one to fall, had a massive power outage of more than 60% of the upper half of the tower. During this time, hired workers and maintenance personnel would have been working in the tower without being under video surveillance. It was reported that they were hired by an undisclosed corporation to conduct unknown objectives during the blackout. This was a massive power outage that sat as unprecedented in the history of the World Trade Center. The only time in the past where power outages with close to the same size took place was in 1993, before the first attack on the World Trade Center. (Source 62) * The day before 9/11, on the Chicago stock exchange, the largest trading activities took place on the stocks of United Airlines and American Airlines, the two commercial airplane companies that were involved in the attacks. These activities consisted of some people buying massive amounts of put options on the two airlines, which means that those who bought the put options would be gambling on the basis that the stocks of those two companies would be plummeting in the short-term future. After the attacks, and the stocks did indeed plummet, this led to a multi-million dollar profit for those that bought the options, yet they to this day remain anonymous and the money remains unclaimed in Chicago. Who bought these put options? How did they gain insider knowledge of what was said to be a massive failure of intelligence? (Source 24) * Dr. Morgan Reynolds, who served as a member of George W. Bushs first term cabinet in the labour department as the Chief Economist, has publicly come out after no longer being a part of the administration (which he quit soon after 9/11), and said that 9/11 was indeed orchestrated by George Bushs government and small sectors of the upper echelons of the US government. (Source 28) * A construction worker named Phillip Morelli, was working in the fourth subbasement of the North Tower when it was struck by the plane. He describes being thrown onto the ground by two separate explosions in the basement level. The first one occurred at the moment of the planes impact and the second shortly after. The second one, he

said, also blew out walls in the basement level. He fled to the sub-basement of tower two and was under there when it was struck by the plane, resulting in similar explosions in the basement level. How is this possible, given that the plane struck the tower nearly 100 floors above? (Source 17) * There was a letter written by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to one Frank Gayle who worked for the national Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Underwriters Laboratories is the company that had previously certified all the steel that was used to build the Trade Center Towers and all the other World Trade Center complex buildings. He stated that all the steel that his company examined passed all requirements necessary. He further stated that Underwriters Laboratories had conducted tests, which attempted to explain how jet-fuel fires collapsed the buildings and they concluded that all the buildings should have easily been able to withstand the heat caused by pools of jetfuel on fire. He explains how many apparent experts, such as Dr. Hyman Brown reported that the towers collapsed due to the burning jet fuel at a temperature of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. However, Ryan explains, the steel in the towers met the specifications to withstand such a fire, as he explained how even un-fireproofed steel would take hours at temperatures of and above 3000 degrees Fahrenheit in order to make the steel hot enough to bend. The steel in question, however, was fireproofed. Ryan further examines that the official explanation of the collapse was that the outer perimeter of the towers buckled after being softened by the fire. However, even according to Frank Gayles previous studies, the outer perimeter of the towers never saw temperatures greater than 500 degrees Fahrenheit, roughly 2500 below the temperature needed to melt weaker steel than that which was in the towers. According to the official account, not only did these low temperatures manage to soften this certified steel, but it resulted in the collapse of not only the upper floors but the entire buildings literally crumbling to dust. How could this happen? Why were these temperature statistics not discussed in the Commissions report? (Source 29) * Why did the 9/11 Commission begin their investigation with the conclusion, that the events of 9/11 were orchestrated by 19 Muslim hijackers who outwitted the US government, and simply wrote the report filling in the blanks that made sense for their conclusion, leaving out all information that raised questions about the official story and pointed blame towards government officials? Could it be that the Commission was appointed by George W. Bush, and that the Executive Director of the Commission was in the Bush administration and was very close with Condoleeza Rice? (Source 66) * A report by NBC on the day of 9/11, in comments with FDNY Chief of Safety, who was one of the first people on the scene, roughly 10 or 15 minutes after the first crash, stated that there were secondary devices, or other explosions that took place, several minutes and even over an hour after the initial crashes. He stated that he suspected that there were explosive devices planted throughout the towers. (Source 30) * A former German Defense minister, Andreas Von Bulow, confirms that there was CIA involvement in the 9/11 attacks and has even written a book on the matter which is in the process of being translated into English. (Source 31) * in the 1993 bombings of the World Trade Center that attempted to bring down the towers with a truck full of explosives in the parking garage underneath one of the towers, failed because the truck was not parked up against a major support beam which it was supposed to be. FBI involvement has been confirmed in this instance since it was an FBI

agent who trained the apparent terrorists and supplied them with the explosives. Why has the FBIs involvement in the first World Trade Center attacks been ignored? (Source 32) * A large conference held in Portugal in 2003, organized by former top Pentagon arms salesman Lt. Col. Don De Grand-Pre and consisting of many different commercial and military pilots with the conference lasting a successive 72 hours in intensive study of the events of 9/11. They unanimously concluded that the flight crews of the four commercial planes involved in the 9/11 attacks did not have control over their planes. (Source 6) * He also asserts that there were no hijackers on the planes that day, and said that there were also no cell phone calls made form on the planes, as that is an impossibility. He further stated that everyone on board the planes was most likely knocked unconscious from between 8 to 18 minutes from takeoff, possibly from gas emissions within the aircraft, killing or knocking them unconscious immediately, allowing for the planes remote control to take over and pursue their selected targets without interference from the flight crew or passengers. (Source 6) * He states as another possibility that though the planes were piloted by remote control, the planes that everyone saw fly into the towers were not the commercial jets in question, but rather unmanned military drones, military planes that fly by remote control that were painted over to appear more like a commercial flight. To back this up, there were reports that there were no windows on the plane that hit the second tower, which would contradict the point that it was a commercial plane. He continued and said that the real planes were most likely at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. He further stated that these accusations are based on knowledgeable speculation, meaning that it is the opinion of the large group of pilots at the meeting that these are the most likely theories of what took place based upon what they studied to be impossible to have taken place. There was also a large 3-dimensional object underneath the plane that hit the second tower, which is not on Boeing 757s, but is located on military planes. (Source 6) * He further declares that this is what is called an Administrative Coup Detat. A coup detat usually is military, taking the form of a renegade General or military official that destroys, kills or eliminates in some way replacing the commanding infrastructure of society ie) the political, financial and military heads/commands (Source 6) - by this explanation, if we examine what took place on 9/11, the attack upon the World Trade Center, the financial symbol of America, as well as the Pentagon, the military command and the final plane was said to be either heading for the US Capitol or the white House, which represents the political commands and heads of the US. That is, in essence, a coup detat, now the question is, who was the renegade commanding the coup? Was it a radical Muslim in a cave in Afghanistan or the Administrative heads of the Executive branch (President, Vice President, other White House officials) as well as administrative heads of the military sector (Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, as well as some top military officials) and heads of the intelligence community (Director of CIA, FBI and NSA, among others)? * De Grand-Pre has also discussed the point that at least 70% of the military and Pentagon is made up of honest officials who believe in protecting America, and not the President and believe in Democracy. He stated the possibility that there might at some point be an attempted counter-coup, meaning that the honest military officials may orchestrate a coup detat in an attempt to reclaim the nation from the renegade

administrative officials before they can take the US into any more wars or into a state of martial law and totalitarianism (Source 6) * He insisted that the military personnel are tired of having to sit and take orders from corporate controlled politicians, and he said, I think those days are coming to an end. The military aint gonna take it any longer. (Source 6) * he said that if the military is successful in taking back America for the people and not the corporate and political elite, then military tribunals will try US public officials and then he said that when that happens, Cheney, I reiterate, is toast. He named Cheney to be the one man who most likely has the most knowledge about the real events of 9/11. (Source 6) * he outlined that the 9/11 attacks were meant to be a psychological attack (or Psyop Psychological Operation) on the American people that would trigger them into a patriotic state in which they would blindly follow the government and that the ultimate goal was to create a global government by eliminating national sovereignty across the globe, be it through invasions or annexation (Source 6) * he further concluded that to do this, we would need to be taken into another World War and said that in order for drastic steps to be taken in this direction, martial law will have to be declared in the US (Source 6) * after a short time in air, the supposed jet that hit the Pentagon had disappeared from surveillance, meaning that the transponder inside the plane was turned off this action always (until the morning of 9/11) resulted in US military aircraft being scrambled up to accompany the jet to a nearby landing base. Also, very few commercial pilots themselves know how to turn off a transponder since it is designed to be extremely difficult to deactivate. How would incompetent pilots such as the supposed hijackers who were said to have been unable to fly small Cessna aircraft manage to turn off the planes transponder? (Source 3.h) * the 757 and 767 planes made by Boeing are the only Boeing planes that have the ability to be flown by remote control, and it was Boeing 757s and Boeing 767s that were used in the attack on 9/11. Based on this fact, it is not an impossibility that this is how the planes could have been used as weapons, in fact, when examining all the available evidence, it is much more plausible than the official explanation. (Source 2.p) * other important questions about 9/11 surround President Bushs behaviour that day, as he was in a Booker T. elementary school classroom for much of the attack. It is confirmed by Bush himself that he knew about the first tower being hit by the first plane before going into the classroom, where he proceeded with a photo-op as children in the class read a book called My Pet Goat. Bush, when asked after 9/11 by a little girl where he was when he heard about the events of 9/11, stated that when he got to the school, the TV was on and before going into the class he saw the first plane hit the first tower on TV. Yet, if we analyze this response in accordance with actual facts and reality, we can determine that Bush did NOT see the first plane hit the first tower, at least not on television, as no one saw the first plane hit the first tower until the only footage of it came out the next day, which was filmed by the Naudet brothers who were making a documentary about New York City firemen on the day of 9/11 and managed to catch the first tower being hit. Bush repeated this incident in another public event later on, in which he again said he saw the first plane hit the first tower. Now, a counter argument for this could be that perhaps Bush had a slip-of-the tongue, or was confused and had meant to

say that he saw the second plane hit the second tower, yet, from official public statements again made by Bush this can easily be disproved, because when watching the footage of Bush in the classroom at one point we see Andrew Card, Bushs then Chief of Staff, lean in to Bush and whisper something in his ear, what Bush later said was A second plane hit the second tower, America is under attack. This means that the apparent first plane Bush saw could not have been the second plane hitting the second tower because he didnt know about that until it was told to him in front of local media who caught the moment on tape. So, an important question here is, how did Bush see the first tower get hit? If it wasnt possible, then why is he lying? (Source 3.d) * Many FBI agents who were involved in tracking and investigating terrorism and namely, Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, have publicly stated that when Bush became President, they were told to either back off investigating the Bin Laden family or their investigations were somehow deterred or frustrated (Source 3.i) * Many FBI whistleblower agents have also stated that they reported to senior FBI officials about the possibility of an attack on the US involving Osama Bin Laden, yet, FBI director David Mueller had stated after 9/11 that if only there was any pre-warning about something like the events of that day being able to happen (Source 3.i) * On the morning of 9/11, Porter Goss, a House Intelligence chairman was having breakfast with Pakistans security chief, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, the head of the Pakistani ISI (which was created by the CIA and is the Pakistani equivalent of the CIA). Florida Senator Bob Graham was also at the breakfast. (Source 3.j) Porter Goss later said, when he was pushing for war with Iraq, that, Iraq has expanded its weapons of mass destruction capabilities against its pledge not to. It still has deadly chemical weapons hidden throughout the country, and it has tried to develop nuclear devices as well. All of his statements have turned out to be utterly false or completely taken out of context, as the case for the nuclear technology, which was completely abandoned by Iraq several years previous to the invasion of Iraq (Source 33) * What was so significant about Goss meeting with the head of the ISI? Well, it turns out that General Ahmad had wired $100,000 to Mohommad Atta, the apparent ringleader behind the 9/11 attacks, which would implicate Ahmad as the money-man behind 9/11. Yet, despite these facts, this breakfast meeting was not only not discussed in detail and inquired about by the 9/11 Commission, but it was also completely ignored and there was no mention of it whatsoever. This is a very important issue that should be examined, so why was it ignored? (Source 4.a) * Porter Goss was later made director of the CIA (Source 35) and remained in that position until he was only recently replaced by former head of the NSA General Michael Hayden, (Source 34) who while heading the NSA, was responsible for overseeing the highly controversial and recently declared illegal and unconstitutional NSA wiretapping and surveillance program, which uses illegal techniques to spy on citizens and wiretap them and has recently compiled the largest database in human history consisting primarily of phone records. (Source 36) * Why is it that the only footage that was ever released from the Pentagon explosion does not only not show an identifiable plane, but also has the date listed as September 12th, as opposed to September 11, the day the Pentagon was hit? (Source 37) * Why have the firemen at the World Trade Center and Pentagon been given gag orders and were told they are not allowed to discuss what they were witnesses to that day

on the basis of national security? By breaking a gag order one can face sever legal punishment resulting in prison sentences. (Source 38) * Why did Columbia University record seismic activity underneath the Trade Center towers moments before they collapsed that registered nearly a 2.0 on the Richter scale? It is not possible that these recordings picked up the impact of the buildings collapsing onto the ground, as the seismic evidence also shows the moments where the towers hit the ground, which was briefly after the seismic activity. Also, the recordings only pick up underground vibrations, so that to be able to record a 2.0, it cannot be a result of something hitting the surface of the ground, but rather that the activity had to come from under the ground to be registered as it was. Why was this never discussed in the official account? Why can the official story not account for this? Why was this excluded from the Commissions report? (Source 39) * Why, during a press conference did Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, say that the plane over Pennsylvania was shot down? Was this simply a mistake, or is it possible that this was a little slip-up? (Source 40) * How is it possible that many of the alleged hijackers were able to get into flight school and take courses without properly filling out registration forms? For instance, failing to list where they live? And for those that did list where they lived, why was it that they said they lived at US military bases? How is this possible? Why hasnt this been looked into or properly investigated, and instead ignored? (Source 1.c) * How is it possible that some apparent hijackers trained at US military bases? (Source 1.c) * How is it possible that 6 months after 9/11, two of the hijackers that apparently flew the two planes into the two towers had Visas delivered to the flight schools where they trained? How were they able to obtain Visas from the US government, and whats more, 6 months after they apparently killed themselves in a suicide terrorist attack? (Source 41) * Why was an FBI memo regarding warnings about Arab men training at US flight schools ignored by superiors in the FBI? (Source 42) * Why did FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) arrive in New York City at the port near the Worth Trade Center on the evening of September 10th, 2001 in preparation for practice drills of terrorist attacks on New York City? What did these drills entail? (Source 43) * On a previous FEMA report, discussing terrorist attacks, which came out long before 9/11, pictured on the front cover was an image of the World Trade Center towers with a target crosshairs symbol over them. These cover forms were later recalled and replaced. (Source 44) * After the supposed Al-Qaeda bombing of the USS Cole (American Destroyer ship), why did Bill Clinton, even though he had knowledge of Bin Ladens whereabouts, fail to take action against him? (Source 45) * The Taliban had offered to hand over Bin Laden to the US government in 1998, why was this not accepted? After the US bombed some places in Afghanistan, the offer was then withdrawn. Why would the offer have not been accepted? (Source 46) * According to a high official FBI whistleblower, Bill Clinton cancelled a plan to try to infiltrate Al-Qaeda. Why would he cancel this plan after Al-Qaeda had been known to be a terrorist group? (Source 47)

* Why was the entire Bin Laden family in the United States flown out of the country by the US government to Saudi Arabia on September 11, 2001 when everyone else in North America was not permitted to fly? Why were they not questioned or subpoenaed? Why were simple procedural rules and regulations not followed, and instead had the entire family of the #1 suspect, Osamam bin Laden, flown to safety? (Source 49) * Why were there several plans to attack Afghanistan before 9/11 for the purpose of laying down a pipeline through the country that would become very valuable and a huge money making opportunity for companies like Enron, Halliburton and Unocal? Why were there US troops outside Afghanistan to be prepared for an invasion several weeks prior to 9/11? Why would they be planning to attack a country without 9/11 having occurred, which was the expressed reason for going into Afghanistan? (Source 50) * Why was the appointed President of Afghanistan after the US invasion a former Unocal advisor, who now remains President today? (Source 51) * Timothy McNiven, a US Defense Department operative said that in 1976, he was a part of a very secret unit whose said purpose was to investigate security problems regarding terrorist attacks by plotting the perfect terrorist plot but he said that the real purpose was to brainstorm what the best means of carrying out a terrorist attack would be. The unit came up with a plan to hijack US commercial jets with box cutters and fly them into targets such as the World Trade Centers twin towers. How is this massive coincidence possible? (Source 48) * McNiven said that he was given orders by higher-up officials that they had to make the targets for the terrorist attacks to be the twin towers. He said he had become very concerned about coming up with a plan to attack and destroy targets in his own country. This led him to tell his superiors that if these plans were ever executed then he would go public with this information. After this, he was later physically assaulted and was told never to reveal anything about what they were doing regarding the twin towers. Later, another superior told him that if what they planned out ever occurred, then he should and must go public with this information, which is exactly what he has done. Since he has been going public since 9/11 and been trying to spread this information as much as possible, why has the media ignored him? (Source 48) * Why is a former British Minister, Michael Meacher, publicly saying that the war on terror is bogus and that 9/11 was a pretext for the wider amount of wars dictated by the PNAC members? (Source 52) * The United States Space Command came out with a report titled Vision for 2020, in which it promotes dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect US interests and investment. This means that the purpose of this proposed $1 trillion dollar venture would not be to protect America itself, but to protect American financial interests around the globe. They propose what is called Global Battlespace Dominance, which is designed to further implement American dominance of the world by having the only armed space force to be able to stand alongside Americas current land, sea and air military dominance. Today the term given to this is now Full Spectrum Dominance. They decided that the previous term, Global Battlespace Dominance was too aggressive. Only part of this program has been more widely known as it came into public awareness with the Missile Defense Shield. This, however, is only one part of three in this proposed program. The other parts include implementing surveillance equipment into space to help acquire a global police state, with the government having

total information awareness. The third part of the program is most widely known as the Star Wars initiative. This part proposes placing actual weapons into space including laser cannons. Part of the purpose of weaponizing space would be to prevent any other countries from following suit, so it is essential in the eyes of those who wrote the report to implement it as soon as possible before any other countries begin doing so. 9/11 provided the reason to begin implementation and increase immense military spending. (Source 3.k) * On January 11, 2001, 9 days before Donald Rumsfeld became Secretary of Defense under the George W Bush administration, he issued a report called the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization which was also known as the Rumsfeld Commission. Other members of the commission include Paul Wolfowitz, also a member of Project for the New American Century as well as being appointed Deputy Secretary of Defense 9 days after issuing the report. Another member included then CIA director James Woolsey. This commission advocated an intense reorganization of United States defense and military under the Space Force. To do this, however, they stated that, a disabling attack against the country and its people a Space Pearl Harbor will be the only event able to galvanize the nation and cause the US government to act. 9/11 provided Rumsfeld and all other advocates of this proposal a reason to begin implementation, 9/11 was the space Pearl Harbor since the attacks came from the air. That gave the impression that America was vulnerable and undefended. (Source 3.k) * Another known advocate of an immensely militarized space and in particular the Space Command, was its commander, General Ralph E. Eberhart, who was in charge of air traffic control and responses on 9/11 as he was commander of NORAD. (Source 3.k) * The Acting Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11 was General Richard Myers, who was previously head of the US Space Command and was now in the process of becoming the actual Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff, the highest military position in the United States. This would mean that he, too, was a known advocate of the militarized space program. In fact, Myers was in charge of the US Space Command during the time that the Vision for 2020 document was written. (Source 3.k) * From the above few points made, we can conclude that the three people in the positions of having the most power to handle emergency situations and national defense, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Commander of NORAD General Ralph E. Eberhart and Acting Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers, were all known advocates and sponsors of an incredibly increased defense and space weapons program. This means that the three people most responsible for defense on 9/11 also happened to be three people who most needed 9/11 to get what they had always wanted. * A military official who worked for US CENTCOM (Central Command), Lauro Chavez, was at CENTCOM on the day of 9/11, and has recently come out publicly saying that he was privy to some very important information. His job with the military was a computer analyst, and has worked on the personal computers of top Generals and officials, such as General Tommy Franks, who was the leading General for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq until 2003. Chavez said that there were drills going on that morning that simulated the same attacks that were going on at the same time they were really occurring. He said everyone was very confused where he worked, once the first tower was hit. At this point, he and many others were desperately trying to figure out if US jets

had been scrambled to handle the problem. When they approached a more senior official with this question, he responded by saying that NORAD was told to stand down. Chavez then describes how a few months prior, George W Bush made it so that the Vice President, Dick Cheney, is the only person with the authority to scramble jets and have authority over NORAD. After Chavez came out publicly with this information, currently no longer working with the military, but rather a computer company, he was fired for undisclosed reasons. (Source 53) * Professor Steven Jones, who wrote about and studied the thermate explosives that were used in the towers, was put on leave from his University, BYU, for having different opinions and beliefs. This is how these people work. If you speak out, and tell the truth, they will do whatever they can to deter you, from pressuring your employers to fire you, or much worse. (Source 54) * Hunter S. Thompson, the famous Gonzo journalist, who was most notable for writing Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which was later turned into a movie, with Johnny Depp playing Thompson, died in 2005. Right before he died, he called a fellow journalist friend who worked at The Globe and Mail in Canada, and said that he was working on a very important story about 9/11 and said that he had hard evidence to prove that the towers were brought down with explosives and not by the planes, and that he feared that they might try to suicide him. He said that he knows how they work, and that he fears they may try to silence him. Within a few days, he killed himself, while talking on the phone with his wife. (Source 55) * John ONeill was the FBIs leading expert on Al Qaeda for 6 years and had been warning senior members of the FBI about the immense threats posed by the terrorist group. However, his warnings were ignored time and time again until he resigned. He got a different job as a security head at the World Trade Center and began his first day on the job on September 11, 2001, where he died in the collapse of the towers. (Source 56) * Even the Chairman and Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission have come out and wrote a book describing that they were lied to by the Pentagon regarding many events of 9/11, including the sequence of events that occurred. They do not, however, question their official story. Could they be coming out public about the lying to relay the blame from them, as they have been continuously bombarded for their report, to shift the blame to the Pentagon and Administration for withholding information? Why didnt they come out earlier with this information? (Source 57) The purpose of raising all of these questions and points is not to say that I know what really happened that day, but rather that none of us know what really happened that day, and that the only ones who do are the same ones who are systematically destroying all the evidence and attacking all those who ask questions as well as refusing any attempt to gain access to information under the pretense of national security. For the sake of argument, lets say that I live in a house with 4 or 5 other people. One morning, two of the people I live with are killed in their room. Now, what does it suggest to you if I were to immediately state that those responsible for the deaths were a few houses down the block and at the same time I am the only one that is, by my decree, allowed to be in the room where they died so that I could gather all the evidence? Now what if I began destroying all the evidence, burning it up, hiding the bodies, and telling everyone in the house not to talk about any of it to anyone for the sake of home security

from those people down the block? Would you then, blindly follow me to go attack and kill all the people at the other house, and then another house on another block, and so on, and so on? Lets say someone from within my house began asking questions about the initial deaths, to which I responded that they are idiotic, and terrible people and that they should probably leave the house for good if they feel like asking such stupid questions. Questions that, I say, are only causing more damage than help. What does that suggest about me? Are those who still live with me now safe from any further threats? What Im trying to say here is that, destruction of evidence, pressure for silence and personal attacks on those who ask questions does not suggest innocence, nor does it suggest ignorance or incompetence, but rather complicity and guilt. I have extensively researched, read and investigated the events of that day and those surrounding it and it is my opinion, and I am not alone here, that the official explanation delivered forward by the 9/11 Commission is not scientifically or reasonably possible. It is IMPOSSIBLE. This suggests that we have been lied to. Who has the ability and power to carry out not only such attacks, but hide the information so well from getting out? Does Osama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan have the power to silence the entire media of North America from asking any questions? Does Osama bin Laden have the power to make NORAD and all other defenses stand down? Does bin Laden have the ability to close down the towers before 9/11 and evacuate them and plant high explosives throughout, all from a cave in Afghanistan while on dialysis? NO. Who does? If I were asked to name names from what Ive researched and read regarding who seems to bear the most responsibility for the events of and since that day, I could only speculate as to the exact perpetrators, since they have the power to hide the actual proof. The legal term, qui bono (Who benefits?) must be applied as it is applied in all criminal cases. This term suggests that those who benefit the most from the crime are most likely guilty of the crime. What science and reason and motive point to is that it was the highest levels of government, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, John Ashcroft, Richard Armitage, as well as the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA and the heads of the Pentagon such as Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. Other prominent figures who keep coming up in my research include Henry Kissinger, Larry Silverstein, the Rockefeller family, and George HW Bush, as well an many others. But along with these people, I can name corporations that have benefited the most from the events on and after 9/11, such as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who also have significant connections with all the above-mentioned people and positions in government and who I would consider to be on a list of suspects. They have the motive, the means and the ability to carry out such an attack. These corporations include the military corporations such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grummun, and Raytheon, as well as the oil giants Halliburton, ExxonMobil, Enron, Shell, Chevron, British Petroleum, and Unocal, Enron and the media conglomerates such as General Electric, NewsCorporation, TimeWarner, AT&T, Walt Disney Corporation and Verizon. After all, if the media has refused to ask any questions revolving around such issues and the above mentioned, easily accessible yet never heard questions, then are they not acting as accessories after the fact? At least it should be investigated. All those who come out asking questions and raising important facts are often targeted for criticism questioning their character and sanity, blasting them as rabid conspiracy theorists blaming aliens for 9/11. I am not a rabid conspiracy theorist, in fact,

I refused to address any such conspiracy theories revolving around 9/11 for nearly five years since the event. I took what I saw that day, and heard then on from the US government and the media, and that is what I took as truth. And for nearly five years I believed a lie about the most significant event thus far of this century. I refused to address any theories because since the events of that day were so important and enormous that I just assumed that there would of course be crazy people with crazy theories. It wasnt until I had begun investigating and researching into the military-industrial complex in the US and Canada and the power and influence of corporations in our societies that the events of that day began to appear in small places and in small doses regarding some interesting questions. I had always distrusted the administration since George W. Bush was appointed President by the Supreme Court, which his father appointed. I never believed what they, in the administration, said. I thought that George W. Bush was simply an, idiot with too much power and too many smart and secretive people around him. However, though Bush comes off as simple-minded, he must play on this demeanor because it is his very care-free, simple ways that make so many believe that there is no way he could be behind such a thing. Since when in our societies of these so-called developed countries does stupidity erase complicity? I believe it to be true that George W. Bush is not, by any means the master mind behind the operation, it just would not be a smart maneuver for those really in power to be in the public eye, but rather have a dimwitted puppet take the brunt of opposition and react claiming Incompetence! Incompetence! Well, there is only so many lies one can take without having to stand up and confront the liars. These people are very competent, they know what theyre doing and theyre doing it meticulously. What they lack is not competence, but rather morality and ethics; what they lack is humanity. What do we, the people get from all of these actions they, in power take? They orchestrate the events of 9/11 in order to pursue their goals of becoming the unchallenged world empire by invading and attacking countries half a world away. They have used 9/11 to create a war on terror and pass the Patriot Act, which took away constitutionally guaranteed rights of US citizens in the name of National Security. Thomas Jefferson said, Those who give up freedom for security, deserve neither. How do ordinary citizens benefit from anything they have done? There are no benefits for the ordinary person, the real citizen. All we get from what they do is a loss of rights, justice, freedom, lives and a future. We have everything to lose and nothing to gain from these people, these criminals. What do they have to gain? What do they get from what they have been doing? They get unrestricted power and unimaginable wealth. What is the main reason behind most crimes in the world? Greed. Is it impossible to imagine that when massive greed meets massive power massive crimes can be committed? Of course everyone who speaks out will be attacked, they have much to lose from those who wish to speak and take it. Their power only rests in us, the people. They only control us so long as we let them. They have created this fictional war on terror, disguising the reality of it as a war on Muslims around the world, much like Hitler used the Jewish people as a scapegoat for Germanys problems. In fact, the relation between Hitler and Bush, both figuratively and literally is quite disturbing. In difficult times like these, we must examine our history, not simply as a single nation, but as a civilization. We must examine and review the times in our world history where great tragedies and crimes occurred in order so that we can wake up and

stop history from repeating itself. The time to wake is now. In 1933, Hitler and the Nazi party were democratically elected into government in Germany. In 2000, Bush was elected into power by the Supreme Court. In Germany in 1933, the Reichstag (German Parliament) burned down. It is widely agreed upon by historians that this fire was started by the Nazis, quite possibly even Goering, himself, Hitlers second in command. However, Hitler blames the Communist terrorists for the fire and passed the Enabling Act, which provided Hitler with the ability to cast aside the constitution and seize dictatorial powers in the name of National Security because Germany was in too much danger from the Communist threat. (Source 2.q) In 2001, on September 11, the predominant economic and military institutions were attacked by agents within the United States, not in a cave using a laptop thousands of miles away. Dick Cheney, the second in command in the US was the main person in control of the United States on September 11, 2001 while the Commander in Chief, George W. Bush was reading a book about a goat. The event was blamed on radical Islamists, who are unidentifiable as apart from all other Muslims, so they all share the harsh reality of this racist war on Islam and Muslims. Then the Patriot Act, as I mentioned above, was passed allowing Bush to gain dictatorial powers that allowed him to cast aside the US Constitution to which he twice swore a public oath to protect, all in the name of National Security. Now some may say that the Hitler/Bush comparison is somewhat hyperbolic, considering that Hitler had concentration camps in which he killed millions of people. This is true, but what is rarely spoken of, but not denied in any way, in fact I found this information in a press release from Halliburtons website in which it states that it had received a $385 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security to create a large amount of Prison Camps inside the United States. The declared purpose of these camps is to hold illegal immigrants in forced prison labour, however, many believe that this is simply a lie. It may, in part, be true, as many immigrants are already in prison camps inside the US, but it is not strictly for them. In the Patriot Act 2, which was recently passed by the do-nothing for the people everything for the Fuhrer Congress, a new definition for Terrorist was established. It describes a terrorist as essentially anyone who represents an opposition to the standing US government and its policies. This includes peace activists, and anti-war demonstrators as well as academics, artists, scientists and alternative media. The first people who disappear and who suffer in any society when it starts to turn to a totalitarian state are the artists, academics and scientists. Who are we seeing being alienated for having opinions today that are not of the status quo among the uninformed? When people try to inform others of the reality of our current global situation, why is it that they are alienated and attacked? Why is it that they are personally attacked rather than their views examined? Is it that those in power fear that when up to scrutiny, their version of history does not stand as tall as truth, so they must discredit the individual rather than confront the issue? George W. Bush said himself in a speech to the United Nations regarding the events of 9/11, Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the eleventh. Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves. Away from the guilty. (Source 58) Yes, I agree. Lets all of us, never tolerate OUTRAGEOUS conspiracy theories. Why not start with the most outrageous conspiracy story. The one put forth by the government concerning 9/11. This conspiracy theory, as a conspiracy is defined as two or more people planning to commit a

crime, claims that 19 hijackers from the Middle East, under the command and control of Osama bin Laden, a dialysis ridden Saudi Arabian living in a cave using a laptop in Afghanistan were able to outwit and outmaneuver the USs $40 billion dollar per year defense budget and hijack four planes and crash them into two towers in a very difficult, if not impossible flight maneuver, which resulted in the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, defying the laws of physics and reason, as well as into the Pentagon, the most protected buildings in the world, and a field in Pennsylvania. When in comparison to the questions raised and evidence reviewed, this is not even a possibility. This is an insult to any free-thinking person. Let us not tolerate it. Bush said it best, Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves. Away from the guilty. That is what those lies did, as they shifted the blame away from the guilty, the real terrorists holding office as President, Vice-President and so-on and instead tried to make us all believe that a few people from a distant underdeveloped country in a war ravaged region thought it would be a good idea to attack the heart of the most powerful country in the world. Just because these people dont live in the West does not make them unintelligent, to think that they could attack the foundations of the mightiest force in the world and not feel any repercussions is absurd. Why would these people, who have been through war after war want to openly invite another one? Why, when what they hate most about America is its interference into their political and social affairs, would they want to give an excuse for America to destroy and take control of their political and social affairs and to invade and control their countries? Does this make any sense at all? No. It is a lie; they are hiding the truth because they have so much to gain from doing so. They have everything to gain, and we have everything to lose. The more they gain, the more we lose. If we stay asleep too long, we wont ever be able to wake up. The Muslim world to us, is what the Jews were to the Germans in the 1930s; a scapegoat, a patsy, a mysterious and seemingly invisible enemy. People often ask how the Germans were able to fall for Hitlers propaganda machine and believe that the Jews were the problem and that they didnt know what was really going on. Well, before asking that question, look at yourself. Look at our society. We all believe that it is the Muslim faith that is responsible for attacking our way of life, our freedom, and we thusly refuse to see anything else. We are the Germans in the 1930s, except now it isnt just one country under the influence, its the Western World, blinded by fear and the unknown that we accept what is instantly given to us. The only difference is that Hitler called it propaganda; we call it the mainstream media. Hitler called it Jews; we call it radical Islamic extremists. Hitler called them concentration camps; we call them forced labour and prison camps. They have learned well from Hitlers mistakes and have been able to create the illusion of democracy and debate and opposition, whereas the Democratic party is almost equally responsible as it has been acting as an accessory after the fact to mass murder by not asking real questions and demanding answers. They have mastered the art of rhetoric and Orwellian doublespeak. We have much to fear, but not from Muslims, in fact, the main guiding principle of Islam is peace. Our fear should rest not in ethnic differences, which promotes nothing but hatred and racism, but rather our fear should rest in those who wish us to fear. Those who want us to fear, those who make us fear, those with the power to create and manipulate fear. We must not give them our fear, because they will take our freedom with it. We must only give them our strict disobedience to their crimes and remove them from power before they go any further. We must speak and be heard while

we have the remaining rights to do so. If we stay silent, like so many in history had under parallel circumstances then we will not have the ability to speak in the future when their crimes are more evident. If we understand that those who perpetrated these terrible crimes are the very people with the most powerful positions in the world, then we must listen to what they say very closely and use that as a warning for our future. Ever since 9/11, top officials in the US government have constantly said and repeated that there will be more terrorist attacks on US soil, that they will be bigger and worse than 9/11 and that they are inevitable. We must heed these warnings because they are coming from the terrorists themselves, and if we all as a civilization do not confront these terrorists and oppose them, we will see their warnings and threats materialize. They continuously warn and strike fear in the public with the threat of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in cities. With the coming Congressional elections in November of 2006, the administration is likely to lose some of its power, as it is most likely that the opposing Democratic party are said to most likely take the majority in Congress. This is a great threat to Bushs dictatorial aims, as it is expected that in that case, Bushs unconstitutional and criminal laws and goals would not be so easily passed through Congress. The Neo-Conservative power-holders in the US government cannot risk losing their goals of global domination of the American Empire, which would most likely be somewhat restricted, although not deterred by a Democratic majority. The former Commanding General of the US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, Tommy Franks, said that after the next terrorist attacks on American soil, the next step would be martial law. This would mean that there would be military rule over the United States with the military deployed in cities and states. Martial law also suspends all constitutional rights in the name of national security. So essentially, after the next terrorist attacks, all freedoms and rights evaporate and are replaced with a military presence in the streets and a totalitarian regime, a dictatorship that will emerge from the Presidential office. It is very likely that these next attacks will occur before the November elections, that way, Bush will have the ability to declare martial law, suspend the elections and take total power over the people. If they do not occur before then, it is likely that they may occur before the Presidential elections in 2008. The further stated purpose of the concentration camps that Halliburton is building is not only for illegal immigrants, for any displaced populations as a result of large disasters, man-made or natural that occur in cities. These camps are being made to be able to hold millions of citizens, this is not my opinion, this is their stated purpose. In the event of martial law, we will most likely see a recurrence of what happened after the attack on Pearl Harbor when the Japanese population was rounded up and sent to internment camps, except that it would most likely initially be the Muslim population in the US and across North America. After that, as a result of the Patriot Act 2s description of terrorists and terrorist supporters and sympathizers, many political and ideological oppositions to the Bush regime, such as peace and anti-war groups may also be rounded up and sent to camps, labeling the participants as enemy combatants. (Source 59) The next attack would also instigate a nuclear war against Iran, as Dick Cheney already introduced an order to the Pentagon that states that in the event of another domestic attack like 9/11 the immediate response would be to nuke Iran, whether or not they had anything to do with it. (Source 60) Make no mistake, Iranians are not idiots, they wont

sign their own death warrant by making the first move against the US, which they know would result in the destruction of their country and murder of their people. Iran is currently 10 years away from being able to make a nuclear weapon, yet the media in North America seems to make it seem as if they are weeks away, as does the administration. Why would Iran give the US an excuse to eliminate it? It doesnt make sense. In the event of an attack, we must not believe these malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty. If we believe what Bush says about the terrorist threat inside the US, we are beyond nave, for he stated that there are potentially 350,000 terrorists in the US, which was his reasoning for pursuing the illegal NSA spying programs. If we believe this absurd lie, then we must believe that a literal army of terrorists larger than twice the size of the US military presence in Iraq is roaming free inside the US, without having been arrested, charged and having not acted on anything in the past 5 years. Are we supposed to believe that there is a virtual army of sleeper cells inside the US? It is beyond preposterous. Before 9/11, Islamic terrorists posed a very minimal threat to US citizens and the US itself, and then all of a sudden after the events of that day, there are armies of terrorists who have remained inactive for the past 5 years, just biding their time waiting to attack freedom. Hitler said, in the primitive simplicity of their [the publics] minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. (Source 61) Since this emerging and already present threat is so great, and so imminent as in it represents a very real possibility of taking shape within the next few weeks and months, we must act now and act quickly in spreading the truth and justice. Time is not on the side of morality and humanity at the moment, but we have the power to change that. If enough people know the truth about 9/11, it may deter them from pursuing any future attack. It is also possible that these attacks wont occur, and that they would rather replace the government with a Democratic administration to make the people submissive again, since the Republicans have made people very angry and have begun to mobilize. They would still, however pursue the war on terror. Though this is an alternative to the attacks, I still see the coming attacks as much more plausible and probable. We must review history and realize that it is a dangerous thing to say that what I have suggested thus far is outside the realm of possibility. After all, Hitler had aims of World domination, this is widely known. So did Napoleon, the Romans and the British Empires. However, the only difference now is that for the first time in history, as a result of massive advancements in technology, it stands as a possibility. Not only that, but the huge advances in technology also allow for the materialization and formation of a totalitarian police state far advanced than any precedent in history. Imagine what the world would be like if Hitler had nuclear weapons and the ability to wipe out any opposition in the world simply by pushing a few buttons. Well, we may not have to imagine such a thing, as it is taking shape before our very eyes, yet we chose to live in denial about the situation. People chose to stay in a state of denial because it is easier to pretend than to face the truth. However, denial is empty and vacant, truth, whether or not it is happy or sad, good or bad, truth is fulfilling and complete. Truth is hope. Truth is our future. Truth is all we have against these criminals. We must use and search for the truth.

I am not stating that I know exactly what happened on 9/11 and who did what. What I am stating is that none of us know that happened on 9/11 and who did what. The only ones who do know what happened and who did it, are the ones that are hiding and destroying all the evidence that leads to these needed answers. That is why I listed those that destroy the evidence and profit in power and wealth from the event itself and those that followed are suspects in the mass murder that took place on 9/11. If it has been proven that these people have lied about almost every important event and hidden the truth about the most important subjects since that day in September, such as lying about reasons to go to war in Iraq, and the fact that no one at Guantanamo Bay who are supposed terrorists have actually been charged with anything, why do we believe what they say about that day itself, which stands as the precursor and pretext for all of these other things to take place? If they have lied about virtually everything important since that day, why should we believe what they say about that day? It doesnt make sense. It isnt logical. After previously stating a number of people and corporations that are suspects in the events of 9/11, I will further examine the role of such people and organizations in our societies. Through this, I will examine that not only do these people and corporations have the ability to carry out such attacks, but they also have the motive, unlike foreign Islamic terrorists. I will discuss the strength and influence of the military-industrial complex in both Canada and the US. I will examine a brief history of this very powerful and widely unknown influence in society and where they are hoping to take us in our nottoo distant future.

The Milit ary-Industrial Complex

On January 17, 1961, Republican President and former leader of the Allied forces against Hitler in Europe, Dwight D. Eisenhower, gave his farewell speech to the nation before leaving office. In this farewell address, Eisenhower said, when discussing the newly formed arms industry in America, This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence economic, political, even spiritual is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. He then went on to make the very important and famous following statement, In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. Let me ask you, do you think we are currently an alert and knowledgeable citizenry? Do you personally know about and understand the current and historical role of the military-industrial complex? If your answer is no, then you are in the wide majority, and the grave warnings of Eisenhower has gone unheard. Eisenhower coined the term military-industrial complex in this statement. What did he mean by this term? The term was used to describe the intense relationship between industry, such as corporations, with the military establishment, such as the Pentagon. What Eisenhower was warning everyone about what that we, the people, must always watch out for the power and influence of the military-industrial complex in our societies and that as long as great profit can be made in war, those in the position of power to go to war, do. If war is the most profitable industry in the world, which it is, and the largest corporations in the world are the ones that profit the most from war, then they will pursue war with all their influence and power. Corporations, by law, are to hold profit and the goal of immediate short-term high profits as the most vital and predominant principle of their institutions. This means that the goal of achieving great profits is held above environmental rights, human rights, law, morals and ethics. Since corporations are by law a legal person (allowing them to buy and sell other corporations and property as well as sue and be sued), we must analyze them as such. These are a very particular type of person that holds no accountability to anyone except its shareholders, who are only concerned with immediate short-term profits. These persons also have no humanity, but have the rights of all free humans. This inhumane institution has grown to positions of such prestige and power that they have engrained themselves as a part of our culture and way of life, and at the same time have made us believe that they have little, if any influence in government. This is, of course, a lie. If law dictates that these inhumane mammoth entities must be concerned only with profit, and if the largest of these mammoths, the most powerful and most influential all profit the most in times and situations of war, then undoubtedly their aims are to create a climate of sustainable war,

and thusly, sustainable profit. They will use their influence and power to press for nonstop war. However, the general public would not be so willing to die and be killed and kill for immense sustainable profits for the largest corporations of the world unless a great reason was manufactured by the political and corporate elite of the world. After all, what, can you imagine, would be the greatest situation for the largest corporations in the world? I have spent much time researching this question, because naturally, they are likely pushing for it. After all, wouldnt all people of the world naturally want to use whatever ability they had to pursue the best situation for themselves, be it financially or otherwise? If you have the ability to get a job where you can make more money to buy what you want and pay for what you need, wouldnt you take that job? Its essentially the same concept, except on a much larger and more sinister scale. These giant multinational corporations have thought on what they could do that would make the world the best for them. Thats why over the past many years we have seen the rise of globalization. Globalization is the little-understood, yet highly-influential event of corporate global expansion. Globalization, with the help from pro-Globalization international entities such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization, have made it possible for corporations to expand the globe and do as they will. Agencies like the World Bank and IMF (International Monetary Fund), large financial organizations, also known as AID organizations, give financial aid to undeveloped countries that open up their countries to foreign (North American and European) corporations. The World Bank and IMF state that if they (the undeveloped countries) are to get any financial help they must abide by the strict rules and regulations set out by the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization. These rules essentially dictate that the foreign corporations have the ability to enter these developing countries, exploit their resources, be it oil, gas, water, timber, agriculture or anything of any value, extract the resources cheaply from the incredibly poor countries, using cheap labour from natives of the country, who arent paid enough to feed themselves three times a day yet alone feed money into their economy, which is the supposed purpose of the institutions like the IMF, World Bank and WTO. From there, the resources are shipped to the developed, western countries of the world where they are sold for an enormous price compared to what it cost to extract. Also as a result of these organizations rules and regulations, the poor countries must also guarantee that they purchase goods from the developed, western countries, so that their economies flourish, leaving the poor, undeveloped countries worse off then before the help of the aid organizations. Globalization is what allows corporations to close factories in North America, which employed hard working citizens, and send the jobs to Asia, South America, Africa and anywhere else where they have the legal ability to pay workers fractions of pennies for their labour. These actions lead to a loss in jobs for citizens of developed countries, such as Canada and the United States, as corporations close up shop and go over-seas. They also lead to a sustained situation of poverty in the undeveloped, poor countries of the world, as they use their cheap labour to guarantee enormous profits for the corporation alone, leaving the workers starved and sick. Yet, we are all told by our politicians and the corporate elite that Globalization is a God-send handed down from the heavens by the corporate heroes to the poor and desolate, so that they may have a chance to reach the heavens. Then, they call these globalization programs what they arent. They

use a manipulation of language and clever rhetoric that would make Orwell spin in his grave, using such names as the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. There is nothing free about these except that because of them, the largest corporations of the world are free to do as they please. So back to the question of what is best on a global scale for these global-sized corporate people. We have established that they have the power and ability to pursue large goals that benefit them, including globalization. Globalization is usually a hard to define term, using description words like free-market, however, I find it safe to say that a reasonable definition for Globalization would be easily defined as corporate imperialism. Imperialism is the desire for Empire, the goal of owning vast lands and people. Corporate Imperialism is a safe description for Globalization since as a result of globalization, corporations have crossed the oceans and are in every continent and nearly every country. They are global, and see the world as small. It is not in their interest to have to deal with hundreds of different small countries and governments with individual regulations and rules. The corporate world thrives in exploiting the poor countries of the world, as the leaders of these countries, most often dictators and totalitarian governments are in the pocket and have their strings held by the giant multinationals. This is evident in many countries around the world, such as Nigeria, where the oil giants, particularly Shell, ChevronTexaco, Bp and ExxonMobil, act as they please, even employing personal armies and police forces to rape, torture, beat, and kill all native Nigerians who oppose the rape of their land and destruction of their environment. As a result of these exploits, Shell and the others maintain enormous profits, selling off all the oil to the developed countries of the world, acting as one of the chief importers of oil for America. In Indonesia, Exxon and the other oil giants have execution camps where they show peasants and natives mounds of skulls warning them they will be added to the pile unless they stop questioning Exxon. The very province that sees these terrible exploits in Indonesia, the Province of Banda Ache, was the same province and region that was hardest hit by the very recent December 26 tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people. Venezuela used to be exploited by the oil companies at the expense of their people until a socialist leader, Hugo Chavez, was elected by the people for the people and acted in such a way, as he has been the first leader in the history of the world to use all the oil profits from his country to help the poorest people of the country, being most of the population, by providing them with free health care, (which Canada once proudly stood as an example for the world) and free post secondary education. Since the returning of the profits to the people, for the first time in Venezuelan history, there is a 100% literacy rate, even the elderly in rural communities being taught how to read and write for the first time ever. But of course, in the North American media, predominantly the US, in line with the US government, Chavez is depicted as an evil dictator reminiscent of Hitler. Hugo Chavez, incidentally, has also voiced the possibility of attempting to sponsor an international group of nations and organizations whose purpose is to investigate the truth behind 9/11. Hugo Chavez also recently stated that it is more likely the Bush administration was behind 9/11 as opposed to radical Muslims. He also stated at the recent UN General Assembly that Bush was the Devil and is pursuing an imperial goal of world domination. However, the mainstream media only focused on the fact that he called Bush the Devil as opposed to what he talked about through the rest of his speech.

So what is the best thing for these corporations? The answer is simple, yet hard to believe: A one World government, particularly, a Global Corporate Dictatorship. That way, the powerful corporations dont have to worry about rules and regulations, since they would be dictating the rules and regulations of the world. They would be able to finalize the eradication of the middle class, which has been underway for a long time now, and if you are a member of the middle class you will notice this. Ordinary citizens and families go into debt easily because they cannot afford to sustain the life that once was so sustainable. They want to eliminate the idea of the middle class, leaving only the rich, powerful elite and the polarized, desolate poor and hungry. Is it, then so hard to believe that giant multinational corporations may want to try to push for such a thing that would provide them with such an ideal situation? They use their power and influence to push for this New World Order of corporate and political elite, that thrive on the fact that they control our information in the free world, and hide behind the illusion of democracy. As long as people think that the people they elect are in power, then they will be ignorant and unaware of what is going on and where we are headed. This New World Order is not a conspiratorial crackpot theory made up and concocted in the realms of the internet, it is real, it is fact, it is here. In this section, I will examine how the military-industrial complex should be seen as the prime suspect in the mass murder of 9/11. However, today, the military-industrial complex has grown to proportions almost beyond recognition. Today, it is safe to add in that not only is it a combination of the military corporations and oil corporations and their relation with making profit from war, but other entities have been added into this group as well. Included, the media corporations, of which under fifteen corporations own roughly all the media in North America, as well as prominent think-tanks and interest groups in both Canada and the United States. I have reviewed documents and reports written by Canadian and American interest groups, think tanks and government organizations that openly discuss their plans for global domination and the methods of attaining them. They simply hope that the public does not take notice of what they say and do, but I have taken notice, will you? The following is a list made up of facts and questions surrounding the military industrial complex and its influences in society. When discussing the military-industrial complex, it is important to discuss as well key political players who have facilitated and maintained this intense power as being the ultimate power behind our current Western political atmosphere and arena. This is so, because without these political figures, it would not be possible for the military industrial-complex to be in the position of ultimate power, which it is currently in today since its coup detat on 9/11. Important Comments And Questions About The Military Industrial-Complex * The advent of the military industrial complex began after World War 2 with the extensive war machine that had been built in the US * President Eisenhower coined the term of the military-industrial complex in 1961 during his farewell address to the nation in which he attempted to warn the US against the power of the complex and its influence (Source 1) * Two years later, in 1963, on November 22, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while on his parade route in Dallas, Texas

* New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garisson stands as the only person to ever bring a case to court to try and convict someone of the murder of JFK, which he blamed upon the military-industrial complex, including the CIA, FBI, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the corporate backers (Source 2) * Madeline Brown, a woman who had a 21 year long affair with President Lyndon Johnson (Vice President under JFK) reported being at a social gathering at Texas oil man, Clint Murchisons house, on November 21, 1963, in Dallas, where she worked as an advertising executive, and said the other members at the gathering included then FBIdirector, J. Edgar Hoover, Deputy Director of the FBI, Clyde Tolson, Val Imm, an editor for the Dallas Times Herald, Chairman of the Ford Foundation and advisor to JFK, John J. McCloy, as well as soon-to-be President Richard Nixon, R. L. Thornton, former mayor of Dallas until 1961 and a prominent businessman, and H. L. Hunt, a known Dallas oil man and head of the Hunt Oil Company, which is today run by his son, Ray L. Hunt (Source 3) * Madeline Brown stated that later on in the evening Lyndon Johnson showed up, and they all went behind closed doors, and once they emerged Lyndon told her that After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise. (Source 3) * Madeline Brown further stated that a few weeks after the assassination, she mentioned to Lyndon that many people in Dallas thought he was involved, to which he replied by becoming very violent and said that it was American intelligence and oil that were behind it (Source 3) * Retired Brigadier General Russell S. Bowen wrote a book called The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed. In this, he claims to have been in the services of George H W Bush as a General and in the CIA. In this book he stated that George H. W Bush was a member of the CIA and was in Dallas the day Kennedy was killed and that he most likely had a part in the assassination (Source 4) * He also states that George HW Bush probably had a part in the assassinations of Robert Kennedy, the brother of JFK as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. Interestingly enough, George HW Bush always denied ever being in the CIA during this time and had an oil business called Zapata Oil. However, it is common for CIA operatives to hold high positions in business as a front for being in the CIA, as it is most common for members of the CIA to deny being such a member. Also very interestingly, a CIA operation at the same was called Operation Zapata, which involved covert operations in Cuba, which also coincidentally, was a very short distance away from a Zapata Oil rig where the CIA launched the Bay of Pigs invasion that resulted in a massive failure. (Source 4) * A declassified memo written on November 29, 1963, released through the use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1977-78 provided key evidence that George H W Bush was a member of the CIA and personally received a full briefing of the Kennedy assassination the day after it took place. The memo was written by FBI director J Edgar Hoover. (Source 5) * The Warren Commission was the Congressional commission set up to investigate the assassination of JFK, like the 9/11 Commission was to investigate 9/11, and like the 9/11 Commission, came up with an utterly false official story (Source 6) * The Warren Commission claimed it was the lone shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot and killed Kennedy from the Book Depository. The members of the

Commission include Representative Hale Boggs, Senator John Sherman Cooper, former CIA director Allen Dulles, Representative Gerald Ford, John J. McCloy and Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (Source 6) * Hale Boggs was a Democratic representative who mysteriously died while in a small Cessna plane with a fellow Democratic Representative, Nick Beglich, when their plane disappeared and was never found to this day, even after a 39 day search by the US military, Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force in the single largest search expedition ever orchestrated by the US government. (Source 7) * Senator John Sherman Cooper was a Republican Senator from Kentucky and a member of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale, whose other distinguished members include George H W Bush, George W Bush, William Howard Taft, and former Presidential candidate John Kerry, the Democratic opposition candidate to Bush in the 2004 elections. Both Bush and Kerry have admitted to being members of Skull and Bones, yet both have stated that its so secretive they cant discuss anything about it. (Source 8) * Gerald Ford is the only surviving member of the Warren Commission today, who later went on to become Vice President under Richard Nixon, and after Nixon resigned following the Watergate scandal he became President of the United States. He received great criticism for pardoning Nixon of all crimes he committed while in office. He appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be his Vice President, (Source 10) who was the grandson of John D Rockefeller, arguably the most prominent businessman in history who owned Standard Oil corporation, which was later forced to be broken up into many different corporations that became known as ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Amoco (now BP) and Marathon, among others. The Secretary of State under Ford was Henry Kissinger, (Source 11) who was later appointed by George W Bush to head the 9/11 Commission, although after making the appointment, as a result of public outcry, Kissinger resigned. The Secretary of Defense under Ford was Donald Rumsfeld, the current Secretary of Defense under George W Bush. On November 22, 2004, Gerald Ford, along with other former Presidents Jimmy Carter, George H W Bush and Bill Clinton were appointed as honourary members of the board to rebuild the Word Trade Center. (Source 9) * John J McCloy, was a former Deputy Secretary of Defense who was criticized for opposing the bombings of the railways that led to the concentration camp of Auschwitz and the gas chambers inside the camps. In 1949, he became head of the World Bank, much like how todays current head of the World Bank is Paul Wolfowitz, who was also Deputy Secretary of Defense. In 1951, he ordered the release of two German industrialists who were convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg. (Source 15) This is the same John J McCloy that Madeline Brown said was at the social gathering and secret meeting taking place the night before Kennedy was shot. (Source 3) * Senator Richard Russell, Jr. was a Democratic Senator who was a mentor to Lyndon Johnson and had co-authored the Southern Manifesto which was a manifesto that stood in opposition to civil rights, which was what Martin Luther King, Jr. was struggling to obtain. (Source 16) * Allan Dulles was the director of the CIA until 1961 and was the brother of John Foster Dulles, who was the Secretary of State under President Eisenhower. Under the direction of Dulles, the CIA was involved in orchestrating the coups of foreign leaders

such as Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran in 1953, who was overthrown because he wanted to nationalize Irans oil and save it from western oil companies, as well as President Arbenz of Guatemala who was removed from power in 1954. During JFKs Presidency, Dulles headed the CIA when it made several attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro, the President of Cuba, and after the CIAs failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Dulles was fired by Kennedy. (Source 17) * After the Bay of Pigs fiasco and massive failure, not only was the Director of the CIA fired, but also the Deputy Director of the CIA, Charles Cabell, was fired. Cabells brother, Earle Cabell, was the mayor of Dallas when JFK was assassinated there. Charles Cabell was later accused by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (the only person to ever bring a case to court against someone for the assassination of Kennedy) in the fact that he had a part in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy (Source 18) * In 1973, an official Senate Committee was created whose purpose was to investigate the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. and the relation to the CIA. (Source 19) * This committee was known as the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee). The Committee uncovered evidence to prove that the CIA had been involved in attempted assassinations of Cuban leader Fidel Castro and yet they failed to mention that fact to the Warren Commission, which was investigating the assassination of a leader of a country. This, also on top of the fact that the previous CIA director, Allen Dulles, was a member of the Warren Commission and had knowledge of this since he oversaw the CIA at the time of the CIAs involvement in assassination attempts, yet saw it necessary to maintain that it was not common knowledge. (Source 20) * George P. Shultz served as Secretary of the Treasury under Richard Nixon. He currently stands as a member of the board of directors of the Bechtel Corporation, Charles Schwab Corporation and Gilead Sciences as well as being considered a key strategist for the Republican party and a political mentor for President George W Bush. He also served as Secretary of State under President Reagan. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Source 21) * In a speech given by Cynthia McKinney, a US Congresswoman, she stated that Robert F. Kennedy, while running in the direction of being a Presidential candidate, the time in which he was assassinated, was considering asking Martin Luther King, Jr. to be his running mate for the Vice Presidency. Ms. McKinney then made the statement, Now imagine the America we might have had, indeed, imagine the world in which we would be living. (Source 22) * According to General Russell S. Bowen in his book, The Immaculate Deception, a public record of the conversations between President Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H. R Haldeman, regarding a transfer of funds from what Nixon referred to as the Texans to the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), through which it was then passed on to the Watergate Plumbers (the men arrested bugging the Watergate building, which was the national headquarters for the Democratic party). Bowen said that Bush was very concerned over Nixons mention of the Texans because he was one of those being referenced. This would imply that George H W Bush was involved in the paying off of known CIA agents and assets who were arrested for bugging Watergate. (Source 4)

* General Bowen further went on discussing how in the Watergate tapes of Nixon, the Texans were also used in reference to photos that Nixon apparently wanted to obtain from the Watergate building that were taken in Dallas on the day Kennedy was assassinated. This would imply that the main reason may not have been, or at least one possible reason for the break in at Watergate may have been to try to attempt to retrieve these photos. (Source 4) * One leaked photo shows the front of the Book Depository in Dallas, the supposed building where Lee Harvey Oswald was said to have single-handedly fired three shots at Kennedy, wounding him and Governor Connally, and ultimately killing Kennedy. In front of the building entrance we see many police officers and men in suits, possibly FBI or CIA, and some question as to whether or not the man in the suit on the far left of the photo is George HW Bush. I personally, have seen this photo, but find it difficult to tell whether or not it is Bush since it is too small for me to be able to personally verify. (Source 23) * Frank Sturgis, a known CIA agent, who was involved in gun smuggling into Cuba during the 50s, as well as a failed attempt to poison Fidel Castro and took part in helping the CIA organize the disastrous Bay of Pigs Invasion. Sturgis was a member of what was known as Operation 40, which Sturgis himself later described as saying, This assassination group would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either the members of the military or the political parties of foreign countries that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents. (Source 24) * On December 4th, 1963, Jim Buchanan wrote an article that was published in the Florida Sun Sentinel, in which he claimed that Sturgis met Lee Harvey Oswald in Miami shortly before JFKs assassination. (Source 24) * On June 17th, 1972, Sturgis, along with four others, was arrested by police while breaking into the Watergate building. (Source 24) * In the address books of the burglars, the phone number of E. Howard Hunt was found, a CIA agent. (Source 24) * In 1973, Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt and many others were all convicted of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping. (Source 24) * In prison, Sturgis gave an interview with one Andrew St. George, who, in his article, wrote that Sturgis said that all the Watergate burglars arrested were given orders to find a particular document in the Democratic Party headquarters. Sturgis said the document was a secret memo from the Castro government in Cuba, which detailed CIA covert operations, which were so secretive that apparently many US political leaders were unaware of them. (Source 24) * Marita Lorenz, the woman famous for being an undercover CIA agent in Cuba and having an affair with Fidel Castro during that time, as well as being involved with Sturgis in the plot to poison Castro, said in a 1977 interview in the New York Daily News, that a group known as Operation 40, which included Frank Sturgis and Lee Harvey Oswald as its members, were involved in the assassination of Kennedy and attempted assassination of Castro. (Source 25) * Also in 1977, Marita testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the committee made to investigate the assassinations of JFK and MLK (Martin Luther

King, Jr.), and in that testimony, she stated that Frank Sturgis himself was one of the gunmen that shot JFK in Dallas. (Source 25) * In September 1992, Sturgis, in a meeting with a whistleblower for the Savings and Loan scandal, Stewart Webb, said that George HW Bush was also at the meeting that took place on November 21, 1963, at Clint Murchisons house, the well known oil baron, which Madeline Browne discussed (Source 24) * Frank Sturgis told the San Francisco chronicle in a May 7, 1977 interview that The reason we burglarized the Watergate was because Nixon was interested in stopping news leaking relating to the photos of our role in the assassination of President John Kennedy. (Source 24) * Frank Sturgis was killed from a poisoning in 1992 (Source 26) * George DeMohrenschildt was a name that continuously came up as having had been involved with the Kennedy assassination according to the Committee on Assassinations. DeMohrenschildt lived in Texas and in his personal address book, had the name and address of George HW Bush. (Source 26) * George HW Bush has stated on public occasions that he does not remember where he was on November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was killed. (Source 4) Another person who states that they dont know where they were on the day Kennedy was killed was Richard Nixon, who was present at the meeting at Clint Murchisons house the night before the assassination. (Source 3) * General Bowen was once a member of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in the 1940s where he worked with George HW Bush, former Secretary of State under Nixon and Ford, Henry Kissinger and former CIA director and member of the Warren Commission, Allen Dulles. (Source 4) * Also revealed in General Bowens book is Bush family involvement in the IranContra affair as well as illegal drug running activities in South America. (Source 4) In 1987, Bowen attempted to make public the Bush families involvement in drug smuggling when he rerouted a Boeing 707 full of cocaine which was headed for Homestead Air Force Base in Governor Jeb Bushs state, Florida. Bowen contacted media and federal officials regarding the whereabouts of where he was to land in order to expose the Bush families involvement in the illegal drug trade. Yet when he did, he was arrested by federal agents and sent to a prison in Springfield, Missouri, which was known as Siberia, USA. Here, Bowen was put into a codeine-induced coma for nearly five years, while his wife still received payments of his Generals salary as well as was told to stay quiet or she would be killed. (Source 26) * After a prison riot at Siberia, USA, Bowen was released where he then fled from the United States after his book publisher, a US Marine Colonel was killed after publishing the Immaculate Deception. (Source 26) * Bush has denied being involved in the Iran Contra affair, which was the illegal scandal in the 1980s that resulted in the conviction of officials from the Reagan administration being involved in the illegal sale of arms to Iran, during a time which there was an embargo on any dealings with Iran. In this scandal, Admiral John Poindexter, who was appointed as National Security Advisor under Reagan, was involved in the sale of arms to Iran after a proposed plan to do so was set forth by a US military aide named Lt. Col. Oliver North. (Source 27)

* Both Oliver North and John Poindexter were indicted on multiple counts in 1988. Oliver North was indicted on many counts and Poindexter was convicted in 1990 of several felony counts including lying to Congress, altering and destroying documents considered evidence in the investigation as well as obstruction of justice and conspiracy. (Source 28) * Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was also criticized for his actions regarding involvement in the scandal. He was also indicted for lying to the Independent Counsel but was later pardoned by President George HW Bush in 1992. (Source 27) * Caspar Weinberger died in March of 2006. He had served for five years from 1975-80 as Vice President and General Counsel of the Bechtel Corporation shortly before beginning his role as Secretary of Defense. After he left the Pentagon, Weinberger became publisher of Forbes Magazine and became chairman of Forbes Inc. in 1993. Upon his death, both President George W. Bush and current Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld issued statements declaring Weinberger a friend, and excellent statesman who as Rumsfeld stated, left the United States armed forces stronger, our country safer and the world more free. (Source 29) * Oliver North today has written many books and now has his own show on Fox News, called War Stories with Oliver North and is also a Fox News military commentator. (Source 30) * John Poindexter after the Iran-Contra affair worked for several corporations including serving as co-founder of TP Systems Inc, which made software for IBM. From 1996 to 2002, he served as Senior Vice President of SYNTEK Technologies, a defense contractor corporation. In 2003, Poindexter briefly served as Director of the DARPA Information Awareness Office, under the current George W Bush administration, whose purpose was to create total information awareness so as to protect the United States from perceived terrorist threats. (Source 31) * From 1998-2003 the top contractors in the United States that made the most money from Pentagon contracts were as follows: 1) Lockheed Martin 2) Boeing Corporation 3) Raytheon Corporation 4) Northrop Grumman 5) General Dynamics 6) United Technologies 7) General Electric 8) Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 9) Carlyle Group 10) Newport News Shipbuilding (Source 32) * Other top contractors include: Halliburton Corporation (#14) BAE Systems (#22) Bechtel Corporation (#23) DynCorp (#24) FedEx Corporation (#29) Exxon Mobil Corporation (#35) Dell Computer (#43)

British Petroleum (#44) Motorola Inc (#45) AT&T Corporation (#69) Royal Dutch Shell (#71) IBM Corporation (#79) (Source 32) * In Lobbying the Federal Government, the oil industry has invested massive amounts of money into politics. From 1998-2004, the oil industry had spent more than $354 million dollars on lobbying. (Source 33) * Recently, former CEO of Exxon Mobil Lee Raymond left his position as CEO in 2005 with a retirement package worth about $400 million dollars. He was the CEO of ExxonMobil that was questioned at the Senate Hearings in 2005 as to whether or not oil companies were involved in price gouging as well as to whether or not he, or his company were present at Dick Cheneys Energy Task Force meetings in 2001, which leaked documents show that maps of Iraqi oil fields were used. (Source 35) * Also in the period between 1998-2004, the oil industry spent more than $67 million dollars in campaign contributions, $1.7 million of which went to George W. Bush. (Source 34) * US-based oil corporations have over 900 subsidiaries in tax-free corporate havens such as the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. (Source 34) * Dick Cheney, the current Vice President of the United States has a very interesting history in the political and corporate world. He started out in 1969 in the Nixon White House administration as a White House Staff Assistant and Deputy Assistant to the President. (Source 38) * After the Watergate scandal resulting in forcing Nixon to resign, Gerald Ford became President, and Dick Cheney became the youngest White House Chief of Staff in history while Donald Rumsfeld was then as he is now, Secretary of Defense (Source 36) * Then Dick Cheney ran for Congress and was elected in 1978, where among some of the things he voted for was voting against allowing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday to become a national holiday and against the creation of the Department of Education and was against imposing economic sanctions on the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 80s, which was imposing segregation of the Black and White populations, where Nelson Mandella was imprisoned for attempting to gain freedom for black people in South Africa. (Source 37) * Dick Cheney became Secretary of Defense in 1989 until 1993 under the George HW Bush administration and was director of the US military operations in Panama and Operation Desert Storm, which was the first US war against Iraq in 1991 (Source 37) * Dick Cheney is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (Source 36) * The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy at this time was Paul Wolfowitz, who Cheney worked closely with, and was later a co-member with in the Project For the New American Century (PNAC). (Source 39) * Cheney chose General Colin Powell to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who later became Secretary of State under the first term of current President George W Bush. (Source 37) * Before becoming Vice President in 2001, Dick Cheney worked for Halliburton, an oil and military contractor as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and when he resigned to

become Vice President, he received an enormous severance package including huge amounts of shares in the company, which later went on to receive the most no-bid contracts for any corporation from the US government, which means that there wasnt any competition to gain the contracts, they were simply offered to them (Source 37) * Lockheed Martin Corporation, the largest military corporation in the world and one of the corporations that have profited the most from the War on Terror (which includes Afghanistan and Iraq), had, as a member of its board of directors, Lynne Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheneys wife, until she had to resign with a good severance package and extensive stock in the company when her husband became the Vice President of the US in 2001. (Source 40) * the corporation DynCorp, which has received incredible amounts of contracts from the government has been known to be taking part in the illegal sex trade of young girls and women in Bosnia and other countries and has been profiting a great deal from those illegal acts, yet, they still continued to get government contracts. Halliburton has also been accused of these same crimes as being involved in the sex trafficking of women and children. (Source 41) * DynCorp has also been contracted the responsibility, along with Halliburton, of vaccinating US soldiers before they go off to fight the War on Terror in Iraq or Afghanistan, and has thusly lead to the death of some soldiers before even leaving the US. The vaccines have been reported to have caused this, yet they still get government contracts to do so. (Source 42) * The Carlyle Group is an investment group that primarily invests in military corporations, like United Technologies, which made many of the tanks used in Afghanistan and Iraq, and other similar corporations. Members of the investment group included George HW Bush, the current Presidents father and former President, as well as Frank Carlucci, former Defense Secretary and member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), and a brother of Osama bin Laden, who had all been meeting in New York City, in Manhattan on September 11, 2001, when the Trade Center Towers were hit and demolished just a little ways away from where they were having their meeting with other members of the Carlyle Group, which went on to become one of the most profitable corporations as a result of the War on Terror (Source 43) * A member of the board of directors of Lockheed Martin, the worlds largest military corporation, is also a member of the board of General Electric, the largest media corporation in the world. This signifies a direct link in leadership from the military corporations to the big media corporations. (Source 44) * General Electric also happens to be a military corporation as well, and has made enormous profits from the War on Terror through government contracts (Source 45) * GE is also a security corporation, this past year having recorded making close to billions of dollars for contracts to build and implement technology for the police state, as in creating high-tech security cameras and other surveillance equipment (Source 46) * Since this, the largest of the media corporations, also profits enormously from weapons and security contracts, any voices of dissent in the media against militarization of the country or criticism of foreign policy (ie: wars) will be silenced or in the very least hushed to simply give the illusion of a free press and democracy. They have no reason to tell the truth if they have so much to gain from promoting the lies.

* When testifying in front of Congress in 2005, the oil executives, the CEOs of the largest American oil corporations were brought in to discuss the recent and non-stop increases in the price of oil as well as other related topics to the oil corporations. The CEOs of Exxon Mobil, Shell Oil (US Subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell), ConocoPhillips, Chevron, and BP America were all called in to testify. However, when called in under the particular committee of the Senate to discuss these issues, the Chairman of the committee, Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, made the decision that the CEOs did not have to stand and swear an oath to tell the truth to Congress. This was to avoid a similar photo to the one taken of the CEOs of the big tobacco corporations back in the 90s when they were called into Congress and lied about their knowledge of the addictiveness of cigarettes. Yet, there was a photo of them all standing with their right hands raised swearing an oath to tell the truth. However, the oil executives did not have to have such an incriminating photo-op take place. (Source 47) * A Democratic Senator on the Committee suggested that the committee should vote to determine whether or not the CEOs should swear an oath, at this point, however, Ted Stevens began screaming at the other Senator about that fact that since he is Chairman, and the rules state that the Chairman is the only one who can make that decision, and since he made the decision, there would be no change. Needless to say, the CEOs did not have to swear an oath to tell the truth to Congress. (Source 47) * When asked about price gouging and who determines the price of oil the executives, obviously lead by the leading corporation Exxon Mobils CEO, Lee Raymond, continued in a very confusing manner of trying to get around explaining such things, to which many of the Senators continued to openly question the understanding of what the CEOs were saying (Source 47) * At the hearing, when asked whether or not their corporations were involved in the Secret Task Force meetings, the CEOs of Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips all said that their companies did not participate in the meetings, the CEO of BP America said that they didnt take part to his knowledge and the CEO of Shell Oil said that he was not CEO then so he doesnt know. (Source 47) * Dick Cheneys secret Task Force meeting in early 2001, when he first became Vice President, was to discuss the Alaskan Wildlife Reserve and how to get in and get to the oil. Environmental groups like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club were denied access to these meetings, which were designed to outline the United States Energy Policy for the coming years. The meeting took place between Cheneys Energy Task Force, which he appointed from various government positions as well as representatives from all the big oil corporations. Much controversy came about regarding these secret meetings, which the government still today, refuses to release transcripts and information about, predominantly because of the fact that Cheney was determining the US Energy Policy based on meetings with the big oil corporations, which have an extremely obvious bias in the matter. Also, documents released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), have shown that maps of Iraq were examined at the meetings detailing the oil rich areas of the country and how to divide it up. This is very controversial because this meeting took place before 9/11 occurred, which meant that there was no public discussion of invading Iraq, yet in this meeting, the oil corporations were carving up Iraqs oil fields for their profit. As well as other maps examined included maps of the oil fields and reserves of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Why would these maps be used

in a meeting and task force whose purpose was to formulate Americas energy policy? It seems more like this meeting could have included formation of Americas foreign policy, which would implicate the big oil corporations as being directly involved in foreign policy decisions. (Source 48) * The document that came out revealing the fact that officials from Exxon Mobil, Shell Oil, BP America and ConocoPhillips had in fact taken part in the meetings at the White House. When confronted with this, the corporate spokespersons said either that they continue to deny their presence at the meetings or that they were unaware at the time they testified of such facts or as a spokesperson of Shell Oil said that she didnt know whether Shell officials had met with the task force, but that Shell officials often meet with the administration. (Source 48) * Every year, in fact, every quarter of the year, when the quarterly corporate profit reports come out, the oil corporations break record profits every time, meaning that every quarter year, they make more money than ever before in the history of their existence, every single time. This also means that these corporations are breaking corporate profit records, outside of just their own corporations or oil sector, they are the most profitable corporations in the world. Exxon Mobil, is the most profitable corporation in the world, with more money than all but 21 of the Worlds most developed and rich countries. It is the 24th largest economic entity in the world, preceded in the corporate world only by Wal-Mart, which is the largest corporation in the world, but not the most profitable and BP, which is the 23rd largest economic entity in the world. Number 25 is of course Royal Dutch Shell. (Source 49) * Each of the above mentioned oil corporations, Exxon Mobil, BP and Royal Dutch Shell have more money than Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Israel, Venezuela, New Zealand, and the list goes on. (Source 49) * As of 2005, of the Worlds 150 largest economic entities, 95 were corporations. That means that approximately 63% of the Worlds largest economic entities are not countries, but rather multinational corporations. This means that the majority of the worlds most powerful and rich organizations are not countries (although countries make up the top 21) but rather corporations. To deny their power and influence in our world is beyond ignorant, its incredibly dangerous as we now can see. (Source 49) * All the big oil corporations have also made enormous amounts of money off the War on Terror as they profit from disaster, and get to carve up the countries that are targets. They get enormous contracts to extract the oil from these countries and supply it to the United States, and as conflict increases in the Middle East, the price of oil only shoots higher, which makes them even more profitable * When an oil company closes down a facility or there is an explosion at one of their facilities (BP currently holds the record as having the most employee deaths and accidents at their facilities more than any other oil corporation) the price of oil will again reach a new high, which means that the oil companies, by closing down a few or one facility or if there is an explosion at another facility, then they only stand to gain, to reach record profits and have more money than ever before and make more money than any other corporations in the world * When the most profitable and powerful corporations in the world, each with more money and influence than most countries in the world profit from disaster and wars, death and destruction, then it is in their interest to see that there is continuous war,

continuous death and destruction. It is the legal basis of a corporation to be driven by profits, this means that the primary and main legal concern a corporation has is to make the most profits in the shortest time possible, to be concerned for the quarterly reports more so than for the future impact such drive for profits will have upon our world. This is corporate law. Profits, dictated by the principles of efficiency and effectiveness (ie: making the most money as fast as possible), are legally held above morals and ethics and human rights. * If international and national laws get in the way of allowing a corporation to achieve maximum profits, and the penalty for breaking that law is less than the profit of what the corporation will gain from breaking the law, then it is simply a business decision of whether or not to break the law. For example, Shell is the single corporation responsible for more gas flaring than any other corporation in the world. Almost the entirety of their gas flaring takes place in Nigeria, where environmental laws are fairly non-existent and where the governments are always run by the big oil corporations, Shell being the biggest and most powerful in the area. Shell may be fined a penalty for its excessive 24/7 gas flaring from within meters of small native Nigerian villages. However, if the fine they are forced to pay is less than the amount of profits they made from breaking the laws, then they will make the decision and see paying the fine as a mere business expense. If they hire the right lawyers, and the oil corporations have very good lawyers, they can even overturn or delay paying of any fines. For instance, Exxon Mobil has still managed to avoid paying for the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska many years ago. (Source 50) * Royal Dutch Shell has a very interesting history in Nigeria as a tyrannical and ruthless corporation. Throughout its history there, Shell has been above the law, as one dictator takes over another, the oil companies, and predominantly Shell will offer wealth beyond the comprehension of any rational person to those leaders in return for doing as they please. In Nigeria, one of the worlds most oil rich regions and one of the top oil exporting countries for the United States, most of the oil is in the Niger Delta region, which is populated predominantly by the native Nigerian tribes and people, such as the Ogoni people. (Source 51) - in the Delta regions in the remote villages of the native Nigerians, they live off the land and water, as you have to travel in boats to get everywhere, everyone surviving off of the fish in the water for food as well as fishing itself for being the main source of income and primary occupation for most inhabitants. However, because the Shell facilities are able to flare as much gas as they want, and all the oil pipelines in poor countries are above ground, because its cheaper for the oil companies, and most of them are in disrepair having been made in the 60s, they often break and crack, leading to huge oil spills. The spills are often let to spill out for days at a time, spilling into the streams and rivers and water that the people survive off of. (Source 51) - Because of Shell in the region, particularly the region known as Ogoniland, home to the native Ogoni people, a slow genocide was taking place, poisoning the waters, eliminating the fish populations and thusly eliminating the source of income and food for the Ogoni people. When it would rain, black soot would pour off the huts, the sky was often permanently dark, and oil spills would be attended to by a few locals given buckets and shovels. (Source 51)

- When the Ogoni people could take their dire situation no more, an organization was formed, called Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), lead by fellow Ogoni writer, Ken Saro-Wiwa, who would travel the world in the 90s spreading the truth about Shell in Nigeria (Source 51) - As Ken Saro-Wiwa pushed for peaceful protests of Shell facilities in Nigeria and their atrocious acts in the country, the government, at the time headed by a military general in the government form of a dictatorship responded to the call of help, not by the Ogoni people, but by Shell (Source 51) - Major Okuntimo, one of the dictators top military officials was given the task of leading special military forces, made up of trained combat units supplied with weapons, bullets, trucks, helicopters, boats, meals, housing and payment paid for by Shell. The purpose of these groups was to ruthlessly suppress any opposition to Shells operations so to be able to continue with normal procedures. The force, which was known by the locals as the Shell Police was responsible for the beatings and torturing of thousands of innocent Ogoni and other native Nigerian people, as well as raping thousands more women and girls and murdering several thousand people, as well as burning down and completely eradicating around 27 villages. (Source 51) - In other areas, the other oil companies, Shell still included as the primary one, had other personal police units designed for the same purpose, which were known by locals as the Chevron Police and other such corporate military forces.(Source 51) - When Ken Saro-Wiwa was spreading this truth around, Shell looked bad, so in 1995, Ken and eight other leading members of the organization MOSOP were arrested for inciting murder in another village, which is not possible since they were only ever a peaceful group proposing to apply methods used by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, and they were put on trial. At the trial actual evidence against them was brought in by Shell representatives and as international reporters at the event recall it being the biggest sham trial in history only comparable to Stalins mockeries of trials under his Communist dictatorship in the Soviet Union. (Source 51) - the CEO of Shell Nigeria at the time, Brian Anderson, met with Kens brother, Owens Wiwa, and said that he could make it so that Ken and the other 8 would be freed if they all agreed to stop talking about Shell and say everything they were doing is fine. Owens took the proposal to his brother in jail, who refused, and so Ken and the other 8, as they all came to be known as the Ogoni 9, were sentenced to death and on November 10, 1995, they were all publicly hung (Source 52) - Brian Anderson today, has his own corporation, called Anderson Energy, whose specialization is to help countries and corporations around the world gain access to oil rich countries in the developing world, most especially Nigeria, stating that he has excellent access to government in these countries and prominent influence (Source 53) * In the United States, there is a case pending in courts brought forth by dozens of native Indonesians against the corporation of Exxon Mobil for its actions in Indonesia. Exxon Mobil did the same things in Nigeria that Shell did, just to a lesser degree. However, in Indonesia, Exxon is the ultimate tyrant. The case includes testimony from many native Indonesians from the poorest region, the Banda Ache Province, (which was also the single area that was hardest hit by the Tsunami in 2004). Much of the testimony describes the Exxon Police, another military force designed to oppress those who oppose Exxon in the region. There are several reports of the police force arresting and

kidnapping many individuals, torturing them for months and in one case, one man, after several months of torture was shown a huge pit of skulls and decapitated heads and was threatened his head would be added. Many of the other defendants include wives who are suing Exxon because they kidnapped their husbands who are currently missing or dead, possibly one of the thousands of decapitated heads. (Source 54) * The above described vicious, serious crimes of mass murder, torture, rape, oppression, kidnapping and other such crimes committed by the most powerful and profitable corporations in the world gives little credibility to these corporations standards of ethics and morals anywhere in the world. These instances are small, national incidents contained within single, however, several, countries around the world, including countries in Asia, Africa and South America. However, the advent of globalization, which is the spreading of corporate influence across the globe, allowing one corporation to essentially be anywhere in the world, everywhere in the world, allows the big corporations to have even more power. Globalization is essentially corporate colonialism. Since such acts described above are widespread and cross many different corporate sectors and are across the world, the next logical step is to pursue corporate rule through the most powerful country in the world, the United States of America, the very same country the modern corporation originated from. * Its well known that dictatorships are great for corporations, so whats better for profits than the most powerful country in the world being turned into a dictatorship through the corporate owners, for the corporate owners with the ultimate goal of gaining world empire? If corporations by law are required to be concerned only with profit and the drive for the most efficient and effective way to produce continuous ever-escalating profits, then it is more effective to push for a One World Government, one government to rule the entire globe, ruled by the corporate elite. Globalization has facilitated this to be a much more plausible reality than anyone wants to believe, because already without world empire, the corporations are everywhere, all that is needed is one country, acting as a sort of front-man for the corporate elite, preferably the most powerful country in the world, to begin the campaign of slowly merging the countries of the world under one government. * The people of the world, however, do not find this to be a very moral, let alone just plan, so, there needs to be a reason, an excuse. The only way to justify invading one country after another is if there was global war, which would, as these corporations hope, allow them to be invaded one after another. It is necessary to start by taking control of the oil rich regions of the world in order to control the worlds oil supplies and thusly be able to build the war machine that is necessary to maintain global empire. Then, other resource rich areas would be targeted. However, since most of the oil in the world is in the Middle East, and most of the population of the Middle East is Muslim, then it would be necessary to create an excuse to go to war, not against a single, definable country, but rather a religious and ethnic group. * To do this, you need to stage an attack on the major country you are using to achieve global empire, and frame it on Muslims. Then, the people and the world would stand back and allow the invasions to begin. Muslim populations in the world spread from Asia, through the Middle East and into Africa, covering much of the continent, including Nigeria, which has one of the largest Muslim populations in the world, and Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world of any country. Since the

Muslim population of the world covers the most oil rich regions of the world, it is the perfect plan to frame them for attacks on the country to justify a complete takeover of all their countries. * However, the Muslim population itself poses a threat to the established elite since they would be adamantly opposed to such actions and most likely more aware of the reality of the situation than the rest of the world, since the barrel of the empires gun is pointed at them, while the rest of the world is for the time, safely to the side. Therefore it is necessary to equate all people from the region as being enemies, terrorists, and to equate the Muslim population in the western world in the same way in order to silence opposition at home, where the people can make a difference and really change the way things are. This also means that it would be necessary to link all political opposition within the western world to being enemies and terrorists, which would therefore justify their oppression by the elitist government. * During the Iran-Contra Affair, another interesting story surfaced. Lt. Col. Oliver North, the man accused on many counts such as conspiracy as well as now currently having his own show on Fox News, also in the time leading up to the arms-smuggling scandal came up with a secretive plan, named REX 84. This plan constituted of creating a large amount of prison camps inside the US and to use the excuse of a mass exodus of immigrants crossing the border into the US to round up all political dissidents and immigrants into the camps. (Source 55) * Halliburton recently got a $385 million dollar contract from the Department of Homeland Security to make hundreds, thousands of detention facilities and prison camps that would have the purpose of being able to hold millions of US citizens in the event of another terrorist attack on the US (Source 56) * These, camps, essentially concentration camps, will most likely be used to house the entire North American Muslim population after the next attacks, and either at the same time or shortly thereafter, the political dissident and opposition to the Bush government will be sent to the camps (Source 57) * The thousands of camps currently being made and reconstructed are either restored internment camps, converted former military bases and reconstructed factories and many are just being built from scratch (Source 58) * The camps all have train stations leading up to them and passing through them with special loading and unloading zones as well as they are all heavily fenced with barbed wire on the tops pointing inwards to keep people in, not out. As well as that, they have loading docks for large trucks and some even have small airports at or beside them, (usually the former military bases). (Source 58) * There are already hundreds of constructed camps, and the contract to Halliburton, which is the very company that received the contract to build the Guantanamo Bay Prison Camp, was given to the company just after the turn of the year in 2006, and is documented on Halliburtons website press releases. (Source 56) * George W Bush, on September 6, 2006, in a speech he gave about the War on Terror admitted for the first time the use of formerly secret CIA prisons in and around Europe in which they are holding unknown amounts of people without any trials or evidence being presented against them (Source 59) * The secret camps are often located in many countries where torture is permitted to acquire information, although it is widely known that torture is not a useful method of

acquiring information because people will admit to anything under torture to make it stop. Any evidence gained under the use of torture, is considered inadmissible in court. Theoretically, through the use of torture, you could get me to admit to discovering America hundreds of years ago, even though I am 19 years old and was born in 1987, and thusly, it is an impossible and idiotic claim. Yet, its through the use of torture that the US attains its intelligence regarding terrorists. * The CIA is known to kidnap civilians in other countries around Europe and many other countries outside of Europe in the name of the War on Terror. Recently in Italy, several CIA agents have been declared wanted by the government for kidnapping Italian citizens. (Source 60) * When the CIA was still under the leadership of CIA director George Tenet, who was director during 9/11, he managed to pass a new program, which would allow for expanded CIA covert operations in over 80 countries in Africa and the Middle East and Asia. The title of this new plan is the Worldwide Attack Matrix. (Source 61) * Henry Kissinger, the original politician that was initially chosen by George W Bush to be Chairman of the 9/11 Commission had several financial connections to Saudi Arabia, including a direct connection to the Bin Laden family as well as oil companies throughout the Middle East. After some of these conflicts of interest began to surface, it became clear that Kissinger would have to reveal his direct connections before proceeding as Chairman. However, rather than reveal his connections to Saudi Arabia and oil corporations, he decided to step down from the nomination. Kissinger, a longtime associate of the Rockefeller family, and good friend of Nelson Rockefeller, former Vice President under Ford, he is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as well as being a Bilderberg member. (Source 62.a) * Bush chose another candidate, who did become the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Republican politician Thomas Kean. However, as it turns out, Thomas Kean is a member of the Board of Directors of Amareda Hess Oil Company, an oil corporation with large interests in Asia and the Middle East and which has also greatly profited from the War on Terror. Kean also has had business relations with Khalid bin Mahfouz, a known Saudi billionaire who has been accused of financially supporting Al Qaeda. Kean is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (Source 62.a) * The Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, the man who literally wrote roughly 95% of the actual finalized 9/11 Report document and book, was Philip D Zelikow. Zelikow served in the Reagan administration in the US Department of State. Under the George HW Bush administration in the late 80s and early 90s, Zelikow worked in the National Security Council at the same time that Condoleeza Rice did. Condoleeza Rice and Philip Zelikow later went on to co-write a book together. Zelikow also served on George W Bushs Transition Team in 2000-2001, which oversaw the transition of government from Clintons administration to George W Bushs. After Bush became President and began his first term, Zelikow was appointed to the Presidents Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The 9/11 family Steering Committee and 9/11 Citizens Watch, two organizations representing families and other such people who were affected by the September 11 attacks had demanded Zelikows resignation when he was appointed Executive Director of the Commission because he was a member of the Bush administration who would be overseeing and writing the final report on the attacks. However, despite outcries for him to resign, he did not.

* Lee Hamilton, a Democratic Representative was the Vice-Chairman appointed to the 9/11 Commission, who now serves on Bushs Homeland Security Advisory Council. Hamilton was, in the past, Chairman of the Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran, following the Iran-Contra scandal. However, Hamilton chose not to investigate either Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush because it wouldnt be good for the country. Hamilton is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (Source 62.a) * Richard Ben-Veniste, another member of the 9/11 Commission is also a lawyer who works for Mayer, Brown, Rowe and Maw, a law firm that works for corporations in the energy sector as well as military contractors. (Source 66) * John Lehman, another member of the 9/11 Commission, signed a Project for the New American Century (PNAC) think tank letter to George W. Bush, 9 days after 9/11 took place, in which he and the other PNAC signatories and members called for drastic increases in military spending. (Source 65) Lehman is President of J.F Lehman & Company, a consulting firm for military corporations. (Source 63) He was also a national security aid to Henry Kissinger. (Source 64) * Jamie Gorelick, another 9/11 Commission member, and former Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clintons administration, also happens to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and on the board of an oil corporation, Schlumberger. (Source 62.a) * Condoleeza Rice was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1986, which is arguably the most influential and powerful think tank in the United States. She then later went on to work for George HW Bush in his National Security Council. Rice was also a member of the Board of Directors of Chevron Corporation, as well as Hewlett Packard and many others. When she left the Board of Chevron, the company decided to name an oil tanker after her, the Condoleeza Rice. After some controversy after the naming of the tanker, it was later renamed. (Source 67) Rice was also a board member of the International Advisory Council of J.P Morgan (now J.P Morgan Chase), the giant bank which used to be owned by David Rockefeller, and now Lee Raymond, the former CEO of Exxon who left with $400 million dollars, is on the board of directors of J.P Morgan Chase. (Source 68) The Rockefeller family owned Standard Oil which was the oil monopoly that was forced by the government to be broken up, one of the largest companies that came out of it, was Exxon. * The current J.P Morgan International Advisory Council (formed in 2001) is headed by George P. Schultz, (former Secretary of State and board member of Bechtel Corporation), as well as members of the Council include Karen Katen (Chairman of Pfizer, worlds largest pharmaceutical corporation), Henry Kissinger, L.R. Wilson (Chairman of CAE Inc., military corporation), Richard Bressler (CEO of Time Warner Digital Media giant media corporation), David DeVoe (Chief Financial Officer of News Corporation giant media corporation), Archie W. Dunham (CEO of ConocoPhillips oil corporation), John B. Hess (CEO of Amerada Hess Oil corporation, of which 9/11 Chair Thomas Kean is a board member), as well as many top executives from Verizon Communications, AT&T, Kmart, Dow Chemical, and dozens of others, as well, of course, another main advisor is David Rockefeller. (Source 69) * Canada, since 9/11, now stands as the worlds 7th largest defense spender (Source 70)

* The Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries (CADSI) is a large Canadian interest group and business representative organization that represents about 500 corporations whose business area is defense and security. CADSI says that their members are important partners with the Canadian government saying that they are responsible for supplying 70% of Canadas Department of National Defense (DND) requirements, annually making upwards of $7 billion dollars. (Source 71) * The policy positions CADSI supports are sustained re-investment in Canadas military and national security agencies as well as strengthening Canadas innovation and technology development. Another few key policy positions they take is supporting emerging technology companies and reciprocal access to foreign markets for defense and security and a coordinated Canadian industrial strategy for the defense and security sector. (Source 72) * Some of the corporate members of this group include Raytheon Canada, Lockheed Martin Canada, General Dynamics Canada, IBM Canada, BAE Systems, Bell Canada, Bell Helicopter Textron (Canada), Boeing Aerospace, Northrop Grumman, Bombardier, General Electric Aircraft Engines Canada, Hewlett Packard Canada Ltd, Honeywell, Michelin North America, Microsoft Canada, Rolls-Royce North America, SNC-Lavalin, and Telus. This list is not the entire list of corporate members, rather it is a small percentage, however, these are some of the most well known corporate members. (Source 73) * Some other non-corporate members of this organization include Carleton University, the Embassy of Korea, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Saskatchewan Industry and Resources. (Source 73) * The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) is the most influential and powerful interest group in Canada. The members of this group are the CEOs of Canadas 150 largest corporations. They are very proud and vocal of their role in pushing Canada into the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) which has allowed for corporations, such as Ford, to close its factories in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada and relocate to Mexico or overseas where labour is much cheaper. NAFTA has also allowed for all corporations in North America to have equal opportunity to bid on contracts in Canada, which means that there is no favouring of Canadian corporations or businesses because US corporations have an equal opportunity to bid on our government contracts. (Source 74) * Some of the most prominent corporate members of the CCCE include the CEOs of Air Canada, Alliance Atlantis Communications, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bombardier (military contractor), Bell Canada, BMO Financial, CAE Inc (military contractor), Canadian Tire, CIBC, CN, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, CanWest Global Communications Corporation (largest media corporation in Canada), DaimlerChrysler Canada, Ford Motor Company of Canada, General Electric Canada (military contractor owned by largest media corporation in the world), General Motors of Canada, HewlettPackard Canada (defense and security contractor), Honda Canada, Home Depot Canada, HSBC Bank of Canada, IBM Canada, Imperial Oil (aka Esso which is owned by Exxon Mobil), Imperial Tobacco Canada, Kodak Canada, Mitsubishi Canada, Microsoft Canada, National Bank of Canada, Petro-Canada, Power Corporation of Canada, Rogers Communications, Royal Bank of Canada, Shell Canada, SNC-Lavalin (military corporation), Sun Life Financial, Suncor Energy, TD Bank, TELUS, Toyota Canada,

Xerox Canada and Yellow Pages Group. These corporations are a selection of the most well-known corporate members of this interest group. There is probably no one who would have read the above list of members and not have had any sort of affiliation with any of these corporations. Many of the above corporations are also members of the Canadian Association of Defense and Security Industries (CADSI). (Source 75) * Another of the most influential think tanks in Canada is the Canadian Defense and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI), which is a think tank that focuses on topics such as Canadian Foreign Policy, Defence Policy and National Security. They claim on their website that Primary funding sources are Canadian corporations. (Source 76) * Their Board of Directors includes Robert J. S. Gibson, Robert Booth, Brian Flemming, Jack Lawrence Granatstein, Rudyard Griffiths, R. Michael Mears and Robert S. Millar. (Source 77) * Robert J.S. Gibson, a Canadian Colonel, is also a member of the Board of Directors of an oil corporation, called Precision Drilling Corporation (Source 78) * Robert Booth is a member of the board of Canadian Utilities Ltd, a power and energy corporation. (Source 79) * Brian Flemming is a member of the Board of Directors for Sypher Inc, a consulting firm whose clients are aviation and real estate corporations. On top of this, he was also a member of the Trilateral Commission, (Source 81) which was founded and created by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served under the Carter, Reagan and George HW Bush administrations. Flemming also has served as a member of the Board of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) as well as Noranda Inc, a mining corporation. (Source 80) * R. Michael Mears served as a Merchant Marine with Imperial Oil (Exxon Mobil) as well as having spent 10 years with the Bank of Nova Scotia. (Source 77) * Robert S. Millar served as President of ERIC Technologies Corporation, a healthcare, biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporation. He also used to serve a senior position at Husky Oil Ltd, a large Canadian oil corporation. (Source 77) * A member of the Advisory Council to CDFAI is Perrin Beatty, who used to be President and CEO of CBC until August of 2005. (Source 82) * Another member of the Advisory Council is Jocelyn Coulon, who has written a variety of books, included among them one called The New World Order. (Source 82) * Another member of this council is Natasha Hassan, Deputy Comment Editor of the Globe and Mail after leaving the National Post (owned by CanWest Global Communications Corporation), where she served as Comment Editor for 6 years. She is also a fellow of LEAD International, founded by the Rockefeller Foundation. (Source 82) * Another member of the Advisory Council is General Paul Manson, who served as Chief of the Defence Staff from 1986-1989. After that, he became President of Paramax Corporation, a large aerospace corporation until it became Lockheed Martin Canada, where he serves as Chairman. (Source 82) * Another Advisory Council member, Bob Nicolay, was President and CEO of ENMAX Corporation, an electric company. He also worked for Amoco Canada Petroleum, a subsidiary of BP (British Petroleum), one of the top 3 largest oil corporations in the world, (alongside Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell). (Source 82)

* David Pratt, another advisor and Canadian politician and former member of the House of Commons, served as Canadas Minister of National Defence from 2003-2004. (Source 82) * Gordon Smith, another advisor, also served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to NATO (North American Treaty Organization). (Source 82) * The Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) has prepared a variety of reports on issues relating to the need to increase military spending and cooperation with the US in the areas of defence and security. (Source 84) * One of their reports, National Defence, National Interest: Sovereignty, Security and Canadian Military capability in the Post 9/11 World was prepared by CDFAI for the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) to address the key strategic defence and security issues facing Canada. The overall focus is on what Canada needs to do both to defend its own people and sovereign territory and to contribute to the defence of North America and to global peace and security. (Source 83) * In the report they make 18 recommendations: 1) Ensure Canadas forces are well-funded, equipped to the highest standards, and recruited and trained to fight alongside the best, against the best. 2) the CF (Canadian Forces) must be financed, equipped, trained, and maintained in sufficient numbers as to be capable of helping the United States defend the North American Continent on land, at sea, in space, and in the air, and of helping to fight international terrorism and maintain international peace and democratic values. 3) Future funding must be maintained at levels which will enable the CF to ensure cutting edge training of all its elements and command structures and to guarantee that major combat, logistics, and communications components of the CF and interoperable with those of the United States military. 4) it [the CF] must identify the specific specializations it wishes to develop to complement or supplement United States requirements, such as the Navy has done regarding anti-aircraft protection capabilities for United States carrier battle groups. 5) Canadian governments must play as full a part as possible in the defence of North America and should stress that the most important mission of the Canadian Forces is not only to protect Canada, but also the United States. 6) The government must put an end to interminable delays and arbitrary interludes between Defence White Papers. 7) The rejuvenation of the CF must include a thorough examination of alternative force structures, niche roles, and other reforms. 8) When the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) opens at CFB Wainwright the Canadian army should train at a much higher tempo, with larger formations, for both conventional and asymmetric warfare. 9) The Canadian Forces must, without delay, acquire strategic lift capability aimed at achieving the goal of sending a combat ready battle (battalion) group overseas, by air, on short notice (no more than 7 days) to be followed by a full brigade, by sea, within 60-90 days. 10) Canada needs to build or buy both new ships and aircraft for the Canadian Forces and the Coast Guard. 11) Whenever the United States views a particular defensive measure (such as ballistic missile defence) as vital for the defence of the United States, and proceeds

with that project, Canada should consider an active and positive role in the project in order to best protect Canadian national interests. 12) A national surveillance policy must be developed that coordinates Canadian security information gathering both inside and outside the country. The policy should aim to coordinate all of the means of intelligence gathering available to the government from the use of space surveillance to human intelligence. 13) Canada must develop a comprehensive policy on the securitization of space without delay 14) The government should mandate that, consistent with the maintenance of a national character of the Canadian Forces, Canadas military should strive for interoperability with United States military forces. 15) Canada should take the lead in seeking to establish an overall military command structure for continental defence that will bring all land, sea and air forces devoted to such defence under one new bi-national command system that will operate in tandem with the United States NORTHCOM [Northern Command]. 16) Locally-available Canadian Forces response assets- essentially regular and reserve forces-should be adequately trained for response roles. 17) Canadian Forces disaster national units-essentially the Disaster Assistance Response Teams and the Joint Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Company of the Canadian Forces must have adequate capabilities, be transportable quickly, and be able to supplement and work effectively with local first responders, other Canadian Forces response assets, and other Canadian Government departments. They should train regularly with their United States counterparts and be capable of instant deployment on either side of the Canada-United States border. 18) Designated Canadian Forces response units should be capable of acting quickly and effectively with United States agencies in cross-border situations. (Source 83) * Most of the above suggestions infer a need for a drastic and immense increase in military spending, to facilitate the large surveillance, militarized space and larger forces that the Institute recommends. * Because of NAFTA, which allows for US corporations and their subsidiaries to receive equal opportunities to bid for certain Canadian contracts, this has allowed for an unprecedented privacy risk. The recent Census Canada was contracted out to Lockheed Martin-Canada, the Canadian subsidiary of the largest military corporation in the world. (Source 85) What is particularly disturbing about this fact is that the information on the Census is extremely important to everyones personal privacy, it contains extensive amounts of information, such as income, religion, ethnicity, sex, how many people live in the same home, age groups, and many other detailed pieces of information. Under the US Patriot Act and recently passed Patriot Act 2, the US government has the power to demand information not only from US companies, which is what has led to the enormous NSA illegal surveillance program getting records from AT&T, Bell and Verizon, among others, but also has the permission to demand information from subsidiaries of US corporations. If they refuse, they could face heavy penalties and fines and risk not receiving any more contracts from the government. This means that the US government can, if it has not already, demand Lockheed Martin-Canada to hand over information regarding Canadian citizens. Lockheed Martin has much to lose if it refuses, since it is

today the Pentagons top corporate contractor, making the predominant amount of its multi-billion dollar profits from the Department of Defense in the US, it wouldnt want to risk losing any future contracts. It could also face severe charges against it from the US government if it refuses to comply. On top of this, if Lockheed Martin-Canada willingly hands over the information, then they have much to gain. They will be rewarded with future contracts and will profit an enormous amount as the US Empire only seeks to expand and grow. Another further concern of this is that any company that is approached and demanded to hand over records or information, through the Patriot Act, is actually, by law, not allowed to discuss or admit that they were approached for the information because of the risks posed to national security. So by law, we are not allowed to know what companies are doing this and they are required by law to lie if they are, and say they arent. All the above-mentioned facts point to the role that the military-industrial complex has played in our societies in the past half century. From what I have examined and presented, it is impossible to deny that the military-industrial complex has great influence and has exerted that influence in often unseen or at least, widely unknown ways. When we examine our recent history in Canada and especially the United States, it is important to acknowledge that no one person, group, organization or state has had more motive to commit the terrible acts of violence and death that I have above allocated to the role of the military-industrial complex. The motive, pure and simple is greed: Greed for unrivaled wealth and riches, and greed for unprecedented power and authority. The only manifestation or organization capable of attaining such goals and aims is the military-industrial complex. When we examine the rise of Hitler in Germany, it is important to especially note those who helped him rise to power. Without the enormous corporate interests from giant multinational American corporations, Hitler would not be a name as infamous as it is today. Without the help and support from Henry Ford (Ford Motor Corporation) and Walt Disney (Disney Corporation) among many others, Hitler would have possibly been removed from power before any war began. It is the support of the industry elite in North America that permitted a growing fascist state to have the time it did to build a war machine capable of starting a World War. The American industry pressured Western politicians to remain unopposed to the rising Nazi state. Why, because fascism is the ideal form of government for corporate interests. Hitler and the Nazis made many industrialist and corporate Americans very rich. The Italian dictator who Hitler borrowed fascist ideals and concepts from, Benito Mussolini, was quoted as once saying, Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power. Coca-Cola was, in World War 2, the official Allied drink, the drink of the Americans and British and all who opposed Hitler and the Nazis. However, the CocaCola Corporation wanted to gain maximum profits, so they came up with the official Nazi drink, Fanta. (Source 86) There are no party lines and ethics codes for corporations, as much as their public relations propaganda campaigns (ie: commercials) try to make us believe they are responsible and caring. Albeit, there are some good corporations out there that do good and provide services and products that are necessary to our lives, however, the largest and most influential and powerful corporations are not among these

select few. IBM helped Hitler organize the Holocaust. (Source 87) How did they do this? Well, the Holocaust which resulted in the death of at least 6 million Jews and millions of countless others, gypsies, ethnic minorities, homosexuals and communists and all other political opposition, was not possible without a very sophisticated form of organization; the type of organization that would only be possible through a computer system. However, there were no computers in the 1930s and 40s. So, what was the next best thing? Punch-card machines. These machines, made by IBM, categorized all the groups of people that Hitler had chosen to persecute and execute and eradicate and would apply certain numbers on each punch card for each person selected. Each person who would be chosen to be sent to concentration camps had a punch card. They received a certain number determining if they were Jewish a gypsy or any other select group. Then, in other columns on the cards, more numbers would be applied, determining what type of treatment that person would be subject to, categorizing between forced labour, to be shot or special treatment the gas chambers. Then the numbers were tattooed onto the subject whom they were meant for. That is why Holocaust survivors today all have tattoos of select numbers on their wrists. IBM created the punch-card machines, many of which were found at the infamous Auschwitz extermination camp with the IMB logo clearly and proudly present on the center of the machine. There are photos of the thenCEO of IBM sitting down with Hitler discussing business. IBM today, states that the information regarding their role in the Holocaust has been greatly overstated. To what degree has it been overstated? Did they simply provide the machines to Hitler and let him and the Nazis figure out how to use and apply them to the Final Solution of the extermination of the Jews? Even if that is so, which is very unlikely as the evidence points to a more direct involvement, that is still immoral, unethical and wrong. Another interesting link to the Nazis and Hitler through American business interests lies in the family history of a very prominent politician today, in fact, the most prominent politician in the world, George W Bush. The London Guardian newspaper reported that George W Bushs grandfather, Prescott Bush, helped the Nazis and Hitler come to power in Germany in the 30s and 40s. (Source 12) Prescott Bush was a shareholder and director of many different companies that financially supported the Nazi party. The proof of all this information lies in the US National Archives. The only reporter in history to go through all the related articles and archives is one John Buchanan. John Buchanan wrote an article for the New Hampshire Gazette in 2003, which covered this subject. (Source 13) In this article, Buchanan explains that Prescott Bush was a business partner of and was the main U.S banking operative for the primary financial backer for Hitler, the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen. This relationship between Prescott Bush and Fritz Thyssen lasted from roughly 1926 until 1942, the year that the US Congress forced Prescott Bush to sever his ties with the Nazis. Many of the documents that Buchanan examined were declassified documents from the US Department of the Treasury as well as the FBI. Fritz Thyssen made his fortune in the steal and coal business, the equivalent of the oil industry today. Thyssen funded Hitlers rise to power from the mid 1920s. In Thyssens autobiography, titled I Paid Hitler, he detailed the fact that he had a direct personal relationship not only with Adolf Hitler himself, but also Joseph Goebbels and Rudolf Hess, two of the most senior Nazi officials. The primary corporate interest was that of the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) in New York City. Prescott Bush was a managing director of the bank, which served more as a

Nazi money laundering enterprise than a bank. The documents that Buchanan examined showed that even though Prescott Bush and others involved in the bank were shareholders in the bank, they were, however, what is referred to as phantom shareholders, meaning that they acted not in the interest of their personal financial interests in the bank but rather they acted on the direct instructions from Thyssen. The Congress finally took action in 1942, invoking the use of the Trading With the Enemy Act and seized control of the Union Banking Corporation. Congress later continued to seize other assets belonging to the Thyssen-Bush investments. These included the Hamburg-American Line, Holland-American Trading Corporation, Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, and Silesian-American Corporation. SilesianAmerican Corporation worked with another company, I.G. Farben. I.G Farben is infamous for profiting from salve labour at the Auschwitz extermination camp, the worst concentration camp under Hitlers rule, which is the same that thing the SilesianAmerican Corporation was seized for. Another thing that Buchanan examines is that Prescott Bush took part in sending to their overseas investors valuable US assets, among them gold, steel, coal and war bonds along with bonds from the US Treasury. All this was done in preparation for Hitler to invade Poland and incite WW2. Also according to Buchanan in his article, many of the mainstream media, print and television alike, were presented with the documents with all this information confirmed and all of them refused to investigate the story. These mainstream media outlets included The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, and the Washington Times, as well as NBC News and ABC News. As well as this, Buchanan said that a Newsweek correspondent twice refused to accept an exclusive story based on all the evidence presented to him. This man was Michael Isikoff, who made his name reporting the big story of the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal. Buchanan finishes his article by explaining that after all the seizures were settled by the US government, Prescott Bush was given $1.5 million dollars in compensation for the seizures. Almost a decade later, in 1952, Prescott Bush became a member of the US Senate. Why would, in the many election times of Bush family members, (including Prescott Bush, George HW Bush, George W Bush and Jeb Bush), there never be any mention in the Democratic Party opposition or the media of all this very easily accessible information? This is a serious issue that should be addressed because the fact that the family fortune of the very man leading the most powerful country in the world spawned from aiding in and profiting from Hitlers rise to power as well as labour in the Auschwitz extermination camp should be enough to warrant great concern. The article published by the Guardian in the UK said that two Auschwitz camp survivors in Germany were taking a multibillion-dollar legal suit against the Bush family. Interestingly enough, another prominent, arguably the most prominent family in America, was also involved in Nazi business dealings. This was, of course, the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers, who owned Standard Oil (oil monopoly corporation), were investigated during World War 2 for their involvement in supplying the Nazis with oil. They, too, were involved in many business relations with I.G. Farben. (Source 2.o). This is the same Rockefellers who founded the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921, founded the Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brezhinski, and is a top member of the Bilderbergers, which is the largest grouping of the corporate

and political elite that meet secretly every year, and who are never allowed to disclose what they talk about. The Bilderbergers last meeting was in Ottawa, and some members there included the CEOs of BP and Shell, as well as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, the top shareholder in Shell. Another top shareholder in Shell is Queen Elizabeth of the English Royal Family. (Source 51) David Rockefeller, the current head of the elite family, was quoted in his autobiography, titled Memoirs, For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon wellpublicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. (Source 14) After examining that the Bush family has undeniable Nazi ties and affiliations with profiting from the most infamous extermination camp in history, is it really so hard to imagine the truth of whats going on today? Is it so hard to imagine that George HW Bush lied about his involvement in the CIA and is hiding the truth about the Kennedy assassination? Many still doubt that there could be a government conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK, yet, if you simply examine what evidence there is out there, as well as examine the official story, and compare them both, the official story does not add up or even seem remotely plausible. If you look, you will see. The truth about the assassination has not come out yet because those who were involved are only more powerful today than they were at the time of the assassination. JFK posed a threat to the military-industrial complex, he was planning on withdrawing from Vietnam before the US became too involved, and he was quoted as well as saying that he will shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and cast them into the wind. This is no doubt a threatening statement to some very important and extremely powerful people. Is it any surprise then, that many of the same figures involved in the assassination of JFK were also involved in the Watergate scandal, as it has been irrefutably proven? And yet, the Watergate scandal ended with a Presidential pardon given to Nixon from a man (Ford) who was a figure involved in the covering-up of the Kennedy assassination. Many of these same political figures of these scandals only climbed the ladder in power to today, where they stand as former Presidents, the Vice President, Secretary of Defense and other high profile government positions. One could equate their influence and role in our societies to that of a virus, infecting those they come in contact with, and only spreading and getting worse. What happens if you ignore a virus that eats at your body? What happens if this virus threatens your life and yet you refuse to even acknowledge it exists? Yet, if you look for this virus and identify it and find out about it and search for the truth behind it and information on it, well, you might just have a chance to survive and be healthy again, free of this infection. But if you do nothing, well, nothing will get better, only worse, and depending on how bad the virus is, it could eat away at you until it kills you. Forgetting and ignoring history is one of the most dangerous things that we, as people, can do. Hitler and the Nazis came to power in a Democratic state by being elected. They werent even extremely popular until after they staged a terrorist attack

(burning down the Reichstag) on their own country and blamed it on political enemies. They were able to slowly erode freedoms and rights of the people by making them fearful for their lives. Fear is arguably the most powerful tool that governments have at their expense, because you can make people do anything if theyre afraid enough. However, a scapegoat is always needed so that the people have somewhere to place their hate that is only incited by their fear. For Hitler, it was the Jews, for us, in the Western World, it is the Arabs and Muslims. How convenient is it that the very scapegoat we now have also happens to be the religious and ethnic group that happens to occupy the largest oil reserves in the world? Another very important event in US history to examine when discussing the type of things going on today is a widely-unknown although completely proven attempt to stage a military coup detat in the US in the early 1930s to overthrow President Roosevelt and implant a military dictatorship owned and operated by the corporate elite. (Source 88) Major General Smedley Butler, was, at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in the history of the US. Among those decorations he received the Medal of Honor twice, one of only 19 people to ever do so. General Butler came in front of Congress in 1934 to warn them about a coup that was planned by some wealthy industrialists in an attempt to oust Roosevelt and his plans for corporate controls and government aide to the people. Butler came forward with this information because he said that the plotters had approached him to attempt to recruit him to be the military leader that would lead the coup. It is essential for the corporate elite, when staging coups, to act through others, simply holding the strings to them from above, because the corporate elite do not have the loyalty of the armed forces and general population. The Congressional Committee that was formed to investigate the claims found that there was such a plot. However, there were no further investigations or legal action taken. Thusly, it was simply forgotten and is widely unknown to the general population today. Butler was told that he would be supplied with 500,000 men to march into Washington DC, $30 million dollars to finance the coup as well as a friendly media which the industrialists would control. Butler explained to Congress that the idea was to implement a new Presidential cabinet position, a type of super-secretary whose purpose would be to take some weight off the Presidents soldiers, as in taking over Presidential authority. This position was to be filled by Butler. Then Butler said that they were planning to wage a media campaign in which they would create stories about how Roosevelts health is deteriorating and he is very sick and Butler quoted one of the men who came to him with this plan as saying and the dumb American people will fall for it in a second. The backers of this fascist plot were the corporate elite, with the leading families, Rockefellers among them, and heads of J.P Morgan banks, the Du Pont dynasty as well as Goodyear. This implemented some of the most prestigious families in the US with corporate empires. However, nothing was ever done to pursue punishment against those individuals. It was simply forgotten into the back pages of history. General Butler, however, ended up writing a book, titled War is a Racket (Source 89) which detailed the industry of war in the early 1930s as the power of the military-industrial complex began to mold and take shape and how US foreign policy is implemented in the interest of big business. He also discusses how a fascist state is designed on the principle of never

attempting to maintain lasting peace, but rather sustain lasting and never-ending war, which is when those in power profit the most. If you ignore history, you are only destined to repeat it. We are seeing all the same signs now that we were seeing during the rise of Hitler. The only difference is that now everything is much more advanced and technological. They wont be needing IBM punch-card machines when they have phone records, emails, banking records, Census forms, credit records, and all other information about everyone. The largest databases in human history have been created by the National Security Agency (NSA) since 9/11. For what purpose are these records? Could they only be looking for Muslims to frame, as we have examined that 9/11 was not committed by Islamic radicals but rather the government itself? Why are they creating the most enormous and secretive databases in history to simply look for a non-existent enemy? Could it be possible that they are creating records for another purpose? If history has taught us anything, it is that we cannot afford to ignore great warning signs of impending totalitarianism and we cannot underestimate the willingness of governments to kill their own people. History stands as a precedent for the proof that governments can and do kill their own people, can and do commit terrorists acts, can and do lie and they can and do commit genocide and other atrocious acts of crimes against humanity. If the entire history of the world, in fact if the last century of history on our planet has left us with any profoundly accurate statement, its that it can happen anywhere. From what weve seen, it also only seems to get worse and worse each time. The last World War saw the greatest amounts of deaths caused by war in history. The First World War, before it held that title until the second came to be. We cannot wait to see if the third World War will only get worse. But imagine, if it happens, its hard to conceive that it wouldnt be worse, after all, Hitler never had the ability to push a button and make cities disappear under mushroom clouds. However, now we hear about plans to use nuclear weapons in war from a government with plans, actions and a direction that more and more reflects those aims of Hitler. Hermann Goering, Hitlers second in command, said, during the Nuremberg Trials after World War Two, where the Nazis were put on trial for their crimes against humanity, that, Naturally, the common people dont want war; Neither in Russia, not in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and its always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. (Source 2.o) Einstein once said, I know not with what weapons World War Three will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

Deep Int egration Or A nn exation?

As we further examine the intricate relationship between big business and government and the true authorities of our countries, it continuously leads to the topic of the creation of the North American Union through the elimination of sovereignty for Canada, the United States and Mexico. They would be molded together to form a large continental country, make no mistake, an Empire. The political and corporate leaders of Canada, the United States and Mexico have all signed on to implement the North American Union. Reports published and written by the leading US think tank whose membership encompasses political figures, the media and corporate elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), as well as the leading interest group in Canada, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) whose membership consists of the CEOs of Canadas 150 largest corporations and the equivalent organization of corporate elite in Mexico. The primary focus of this area will be to what effect this will have on Canada in particular. Many other groups and think tanks and other organizations that wield great influence in Canada, such as the CD Howe Institute and the arguably most prominent Canadian think tank, the Fraser Institute, have also written many various reports on the need to mold together with the United States and Mexico. Not only has there been sufficient documentation to prove that the corporate elite of North America are pushing for this to occur, and by 2010, no less, but there is actual government involvement now in the implementation for this to be created. Yet, barely anything about this is ever mentioned in North American media. The corporate elite and governments have allocated to referring to this process not as annexation, (the takeover of one state by another) but rather have referred to terming it deep integration. The following is a list of comments and questions examining the documentation and evidence that points to a plan to form the North American Union. These comments will also cover various aspects of how this fits in and relates to the broader goals of global US Empire and totalitarian, dictatorial rule. If what I say sounds outrageous and accusatory, and quite possibly fiction, I simply ask that you examine the list and decide for yourself. I also ask that you do not blindly believe your governments or media, history has proven only all to well that both have undeniable potential to lie, which often, if not always, leads to devastating consequences. But along with this request of the reader, I also ask that you do not blindly believe me, but rather look at what I have written, question and examine it, and look into my resources where I got this information, read it all for yourself, do your own research, teach yourself the truth, find the truth. I only ask that you read the following with an open mind and do not simply deny what is presented simply because it seems too exaggerated or reads like the work of a science fiction writer. One of the very reasons why science fiction writers have written books and other works about dystopian, totalitarian societies is to act as a sort of warning in what could be. Perhaps if George Orwells 1984 were only called 2001 or 911, people might be paying a little more attention to what is so obviously going on today.

Comments And Questions About Deep Integration And Its Repercussions On Our Future * An April 2000 report by the Pacific Council on International Policy, a think tank which is the Western Partner of the Council on Foreign Relations, the largest and most influential think tank in the United States, composed of the corporate and political elite, was titled The North American West in a Global Economy. The Board of Directors of this think tank during the time this report was written includes many senior members of the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as the President of CNN Business and Financial News, several journalists, senior officials of Dow Jones & Company Inc, a United States Court of Appeals judge and several senior officials and professors in Universities in the United States. (Source 1) * The concluding observations of this group is that, Rapid changes are occurring in the North American West, partly attributable to globalization and partly to unprecedented technological change. It then states, The North American West is far from being a cohesive unit, but some collaboration must occur among regional governments, their respective national governments, and the private sector to solidify the Wests overall competitiveness. Well, this report was written before September 11, 2001, and since then, all of these suggestions have been not only implemented, but to a much further degree than suggested. (Source 1) * A January, 2003 report by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), the most powerful interest group in Canada made up of the CEOs of Canadas 150 largest corporations, was titled, Security and Prosperity Toward a New Canada-United States Partnership in North America. In this report, it begins with saying, Canadian business leaders believe that the time has come for the next big step forward in the Canada-United States relationship. After briefly stating that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) changed the relationship between the two countries, they then said Economic integration is now irreversible, but in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, it also has become clear that North American economic and physical security are indivisible. Within the first paragraph, they used the events of 9/11 to justify a reason for imposing greater integration between Canada and the US. This stresses the point that without understanding the events of 9/11, it is even more difficult to understand the reasoning behind deep integration. (Source 2) * the report continued by outlining the main proposals which the council advises upon under their program they launched named the North American Security and Prosperity Initiative (NASPI). They outlined that they call for action to be made on 5 fronts: 1) Reinventing borders: here they say that it is best to eliminate all internal borders and focus on the North American borders as a whole. This essentially means that Canada, the US and Mexico would cease to exist as separate nations, but rather a whole North American nation, or union. (Source 2) 2) Maximizing Economic Efficiencies: here they recommend harmonizing a wide range of regulatory regimes, meaning that they want economic regulations, corporate regulations to be minimized in harmony with the United States (Source 2) 3) Negotiation of a Comprehensive Resource Security Pact: here they suggest making changes in handling of resources between the two countries with reference to agriculture, forestry, energy, metals and minerals. This would imply that, for

example, the resources of Canada (which is one of, if not the most resource-rich country in the world) would then belong to the North American community (Nation). (Source 2) 4) Rebuilding Canadas Military Capability: here they suggest a great increase in Canadas military capabilities to defend our own territory and to do our share in ensuring continental and global security. This would imply that they are proposing a greater increase in military and defense spending, which would directly profit most of the corporations that are members of the CCCE, as many of them are defense contractors. Here, the role of the military-industrial complex is also quite evident. (Source 2) 5) Creating a New Institutional Framework: here, they suggest a reorganization of our governing structures. They say, however, that its not to be based on the European model, meaning the European Union, but on cooperation with mutual respect for sovereignty, perhaps using joint commission models to foster coordination and to prevent and resolve conflicts. This is a very contradictory element of their suggestions, as it suggests that we coordinate our interests and structures with the US to a higher degree than with countries in the European Union, however, at the same time we would apparently be respecting each others sovereignty. How is it possible to respect anothers sovereignty if what you are proposing is an elimination of that sovereignty? Unless of course they are referring to the respect of a new sovereignty of one North American nation. (Source 2) * The council goes on to explain who they are, stating that they are Canadas business leaders committed to the shaping of sound public policy in Canada, North America and the world. They also point out that combined, the members have $2.1 trillion Canadian dollars in assets and have annual revenues of more than $500 billion Canadian dollars (Source 2) * also in the report, the Council suggests developing shared approaches to commercial processing, infrastructure, intelligence and policing, a North American identity document and a shared institution to provide oversight. The shared infrastructure suggests a possible abolition of the current Parliament and Congress into a new governing body. The identity document would most likely be something every North American citizen would have to carry around at all times, as is typical in totalitarian states. (Source 2) * A quote in this report under the heading of Ensuring Resource Security, the Council said, The security of our countries depends on the assurance of uninterrupted flows among us. What is needed is a major initiative aimed at removing the threat of trade disputes. The so-called threat of trade disputes would be seen more as a threat that the border represents to the corporate elite, as the less border restrictions there are, the easier it is for them and thusly, they become more profitable and able to do as they please. That means that to remove this threat the best thing to do would be to remove the borders. (Source 2) * Under the heading, A North American Defence Alliance, the council made the suggestion of saying, Canada must both reinvest in its defence capability and ensure the interoperability of Canadian and United States armed forces on land, at sea and in the air, which means that they are advocating the implementation of a much stronger and more profitable military-industrial complex in Canada that, however, they also recommend that we essentially merge or converge, (unify) our military with that of the

US, supposedly not into one force, but in a unified force, essentially uniting the militaryindustrial complex in both Canada and the US, ultimately creating a more dominant North American military-industrial complex. (Source 2) * Arguably one of the most interesting things they had to say was, The new structure would expand our alliance to defend the continent from missile attacks and other airborne threats, share naval protection of the approaches to North America, protect critical infrastructure such as pipelines, electronic networks, railways, bridges and transmission lines; and enable us to react together to natural and man-made disasters on both sides of the border. The use of the terms, airborne threats suggests that we are very unprotected in the skies and would allow for a massively increased budget and would be able to facilitate the implementation of the Space Weapons and Star Wars program. Suggesting to share naval protection would mean that US naval warships can patrol our waters, say, here in Vancouver, and to say protect critical infrastructure would mean that the unified armed forces would have the ability to militarize our countries into a police state, where military officials guard and protect pipelines (to secure the oil corporate interests behind them), electronic networks (this is a very generic and undefined term which could encompass a wide range of elements), railways, bridges and transmission lines (again, to protect financial interests and advance a police state). Think of how many bridges and railways there are here, even just in Canada, and now imagine that they were all heavily guarded by military forces. How do you define a police state? How do you define a militarized country? How do you define tyranny? Now how do you see your country, right now? Do you want to see what it will be like under the execution of the suggestions put forth by the CCCE? (Source 2) * then, after the above mentioned topics, the CCCE said, An enhanced Canadian homeland security capability within North America will enable Canada to contribute more effectively to the global war on terror. This seemingly simple statement actually has a lot behind it. First off, the use of the term homeland security, instead of the more logical and widely used, national security, connects a reference to the newly created US government organization, the Department of Homeland Security, which was created in 2003 and consists of almost 2 dozen government agencies, including FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and has the responsibility of allocating billions of dollars to private corporate contractors, like Halliburton and other, for huge security projects, like building prison camps. The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is also the biggest government department in history. The initial reference to homeland security suggests that this is the term that the corporate elite prefer to national security, since national security invokes too much reference to Canada as a nation, as opposed to a member of North America. Also, the use of the term may suggest that that particular agency could be a part of the shared government bodies they are hoping to implement to provide oversight. Later on in the statement, they used the term, Global war on terror, which is very interesting, since they did not just simply state war on terror but felt it necessary to stress the point of it being global, which would help ease the molding of Empire in the eyes of the colonizing countries (the West). Also, the invoking of this further suggests their push for global war, as they only fit to profit immensely from it. Let me ask you this, do you want global war, which is, in fact, World War, and thusly, World War Three? What will you gain from this, personally? What will you gain as a society? The very rich, will become much richer, everyone else will become poorer,

more fearful, oppressed and without freedom, in the name of homeland security. (Source 2) * The Council later states that The Council attaches great importance to Mexicos role as a North American partner. This is of course a core part of the plan, after all, the North American Union would encompass all of North America, Mexico included. The Mexican political and economic elite are as well, playing a key role in the formation of this union. Mexico is important to this because we must take into account the very cheap labour and low living standards that encompass Mexico. Mexico is a haven for corporations because they get cheap labour and profit greatly from that advent, as well as the fact that they have very little corporate restrictions in Mexico. We must take into account that it is in the corporate interest to merge the wages of North Americans to that which Mexicos currently now stand. This would also greatly help the US as a superpower and empire compete more directly with China. This is so because in China there is rampant abuse of labour and rights for the corporate welfare. Chinas incredibly low wages allow it to become a greater beacon for corporate interests, as not only does the wage level allow for profits to be made, but the fact that China is an emerging giant, a challenge to the American Empire, and currently has the fastest growing economy in the world, would move the corporate elite of America, currently in charge, to push for this change to allow for a more competitive environment, and thusly, become more profitable and take interests away from China and instead into America, or the North American Union. The formation of the North American Union would attract immense corporate and financial interest across the world because the size of what would be the Union is immense in itself. An entire continent, under one government, with incredibly low wages and a corporate leadership as well as being highly militarized and an ever-expanding empire, represents the ideal and absolute utopia for corporations. The work force would be expanded by tens of millions of people, the wide range of resources would be cheaply available to corporate interests, such as the oil sands in Alberta, which hold the second largest proven oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia, and of which Shell is already a mammoth investor. A North American Union would undoubtedly be the most resourcerich nation in the world. (Source 2) * This also has another very important implication to explain. The US dollar currently is struggling, in Canada we see our dollar rising and coming close to leveling with the US dollar. This is getting us ready to accept a common currency, (which will be discussed more later) but will have strong implications upon the economy. There is a strong belief that we are headed to a great recession, perhaps a much greater depression than the last one, as the US goes trillions and trillions of dollars into debt, literally selling its country to China and other interests around the world, which creates economic instability. War, however, is what took the world out of the last depression, but this time it appears that it could be war that is only further leading us into a state that can facilitate a depression. Further and possibly one of the greatest contributors to the emerging economic crisis is the amount of countries in the world currently changing their systems to the Euro, the currency of the European Union, as the union of one currency for such a vast area and massive population attracts great economic and financial interest. One of these countries planning on converting to the Euro is Iran, one for the most oil rich countries in the world. If Iran were to alter to the Euro, it would have massive implications upon the current US economy. Another country discussing converting to the

Euro is Venezuela, another one of the worlds most oil-rich nations and another top supplier of oil to the US. The formation of the North American currency would provide great reason for countries all across the world to convert to that currency, as then it would encompass an area with a much greater amount of resources and influence and would deter countries form converting to the Euro, as the North American Union currency would represent great opportunity. (Source 2) * The next section is truly intriguing, as they continue in the report by saying, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives has carried out studies, consulted widely and established a working group with our CEO counterparts in the United States and Mexico. We believe the time has come to transform ideas into action and are advancing the strategy described here in order to generate both discussion and real progress toward the goal of forging an unassailable economic and security alliance between our two countries. Here they admit that they have formed groups or a group with their corporate counterparts in the US and Mexico, which means that they are serious about making this happen and implementing it to be as soon as possible. They use the word, unassailable to suggest that it will be a permanent and structured economic and security alliance over all of North America (Source 2) * they end the report by saying, our two countries have never been more interdependent, and now it is vital to integrate the economic and security aspects of the relationship. (Source 2) * An April 2004 report by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), titled, New Frontiers: Building a 21st Century Canada-United States Partnership in North America also follows suit in proposing advancement of integration between the North American countries (Source 3) * The main points put forth by the CCCE in this report is to further integrate security and economic ties with the United States. The CCCE report says, in the conclusion, Canadians understand that sovereignty is not an abstract goal, but a tool to be used in serving our interests and doing our duty as citizens of the world. In the rhetorical sense, I agree with this statement, sovereignty is not the goal, but is the means through which we can achieve our goals, which are to be good citizens of the world. But to use this tool, we must preserve and protect it, from enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. Like all tools, you cannot use them if they are broken. You must continuously take care of them and protect them from rusting or damage. We must guard our sovereignty carefully because if we lose it, we lose democracy, we lose freedom, we lose our history and home and head into a dark and uncertain future. We must use this tool of sovereignty in order to act as citizens of the world in the ways in which we want to see ourselves acting. To preserve our once-proud notion of a peaceful country, we must preserve our sovereignty, and reverse the process of deep integration with the United States, which will only lead to more violent times and more wars than we have yet seen. (Source 3) * The report also brings up the concept of competition with large emerging nations, both countries [Canada and the US] face a constant need to innovate and improve productivity in order to support the continued growth of our standard of living as major emerging countries such as China, India and Brazil increasingly compete for business in the service as well as manufacturing sectors. This is a very important point to discuss as it is vital to note that the CCCE mentioned that we must raise our standard of living.

Well, through deeper integration with the United States, in all essence, annexation into the United States and Mexico under a North American border and continental state, our standard of living would not grow at all. We must be very considerate of the repercussions of integrating with the North American countries, because Mexico has a low standard of living compared to the US and especially Canada. Among their low standard of living is the fact that they have such low wages and very few labour rights. The point of deep integration is not to raise the standard of living for Mexicans, but to achieve greater security, and further integrated economies as well as profits and competition with developing countries around the world. The only way to compete with these countries is to vastly increase the population, as a North American super-state would certainly do, as the US currently is close to 300 million people, Mexico has more than 100 million and Canada has a little more than 30 million people. Combined, it would almost be 450 million people, over twice as much as the population of Brazil, nearly half the population of India and roughly 1/3 the population of China. Imagine if this newly integrated population would lower its wages to what currently stands in Mexico, as well as eliminating many labour restrictions and rights. The North American super state would attract incredible investment from corporations and countries around the world, which would, as the CCCE suggests being the goal, lead to a higher standard of life, but only for those who own and run the corporations and countries, the standard of living for everyone else, would most certainly plummet. (Source 3) * In January 2004, the C.D. Howe Institute, a prominent Canadian think tank, published a report titled The Prospects for Deeper North American Economic Integration: A U.S Perspective in which they described the necessity and means for a greater integrated society with the US. Included among their suggestions are to implement a Common External Tariff, enhance energy supply [between the US and Canada], and a joint proposal from Canada and Mexico for deeper economic integration. (Source 4) * In this report, CD Howe says, It is indeed plausible to foresee acceptance of a Common External Tariff (CET) in the NAFTA region [Canada, US, Mexico] for a wide range of merchandise by the end of this decade. This again stresses the goal of achieving this by 2010. (Source 4) * In discussion about energy flow between NAFTA countries, the report states, Development of oil and gas fields, as well as construction of new energy distribution channels, is a high priority though for somewhat different reasons in Canada and Mexico, as well. (Source 4) * A large issue that is often discussed in the American political arena today is the issue of immigration, most especially illegal immigration from Mexico into the United States. The report touches on this issue by saying, As a cooperative prologue to work on the thorny problem of migrant workers, we believe that Ottawa, Washington and Mexico City can forge common visa standards for most non-NAFTA visitors and immigrants. This goal is highly significant from a security standpoint. For people arriving from outside the NAFTA region, the North American countries need a shared system for excluding non-NAFTA nationals who pose a security threat. This is very interesting that they mention this, because while it stresses the point of needing a common visa for nonNAFTA members, this would mean that the North American countries would have to be more integrated in our relation to one another, making it easier for us to travel between

North American countries. But since there is constant discussion of border security in these types of reports and in the political arena, this would mean that if we were to be able to move more freely between the North American countries, then we would have to have merged, or integrated security and border measures. This would imply that we hand over our own sovereign right to protect our own borders to a greater North American perspective. (Source 4) * Another interesting fact that the report points out relating to a common currency is that, the United States would insist on calling the shorts on monetary policy if the three countries get together on a common North American currency. (Source 4) * A 2005 report issued by the Task Force on the Future of North America, which is sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States in association with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales (COMEXI) in Mexico, the equivalent organization there to what the CCCE is in Canada and the CFR is in the United States, was titled Creating a North American Community. (Source 5) * In the introduction of this report, under the heading of Chairmans Statement, the report states, In the energy sector, Canada and Mexico are now the two largest exporters of oil to the United States. Canada alone supplies the United States with over 95 percent of its imported natural gas and 100 percent of its imported electricity. This is a very important statement, as it stresses the reliance of the United States upon Canadas resources and energy. This makes it all the more necessary, in the eyes of the elite, to form this union, which is vital for an expanding Empire. After all, after Hitler took the Ruhr and Rhineland (oil-rich areas), he annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia. We must remember that Alaska, to the north of Canada, is an American state, and thusly it only makes sense that the US would want to extend their reach up to meet it. (Source 5) * The reports introduction puts one particular statement in bold, saying To build on the advances of the past decade and to craft an agenda for the future, we propose the creation by 2010 of a community to enhance security, prosperity, and opportunity for all North Americans. This is a very concerning statement as it actually, though vaguely, states that they propose the creation of a North American Nation by 2010. They further state, The boundaries of the community would be defined by a common external tariff and outer security perimeter. This means that essentially the borders would be made to now just represent the exterior of North America, with the national borders we now have just acting more as checkpoints. (Source 5) * Further in the introduction, the report states that currently there are three common challenges that the North American community faces. (Source 5) * The first of these three challenges is Shared Security Threats, focusing on terrorism and the fact that terrorists will try to cross Canadian and Mexican borders into the United States. In this section, the report states, future terrorist assaults could target sites in any of the three countries, and even an attack aimed exclusively at an American city or installation could spill over to Mexico or Canada. This stresses their idea that to cling to national sovereignty is a threat to our security from terrorists. But given the reality of the situation since they are the real terrorists, integration is a much greater threat to our personal safety and freedoms than anything else. (Source 5) * The second of the challenges they state is Shared challenges to enhance our competitiveness. Under this heading, the report states, we need to address issues that

today place burdensome restraints on our ability to compete. Unwieldly rules of origin, increasing congestion at ports of entry, and regulatory differences among the three countries raise our costs instead of reducing them. This implies that they are proposing a complete merging of our economies and borders, thusly, our border restrictions on trade and other such activities so that it will become easier for the supply of goods to go back and forth throughout North America. (Source 5) * The third challenge they state is Shared interest in broad-based development. Under this heading they state, Low wages and lack of economic opportunity in parts of Mexico stimulate undocumented immigration and contribute to human suffering. They continue, As a matter of their own national interests, all three countries should do more to encourage broad-based economic development in Mexico. This statement raises certain questions and concerns, as it is not in the interest of the corporate elite to raise the standard of living in Mexico, which has acted as a haven for corporate interests to close factories in Canada and the United States to relocate to Mexico where wages are cheaper. Why would these same corporate elite propose better development of Mexico to the degree that the US and Canada currently stand when they only stand to gain more if they rather lower the standard of living in Canada and the United States to that of Mexico. I would suggest that this statement is a complete lie designed to make us ignorant of whats really going on. (Source 5) * The report then states, We focus our recommendations on the creation of a single economic space that expands opportunities for all people in the region, and the establishment of a security zone that protects the region from external threats while facilitating the legitimate passage of goods, people, and capital. They later state that there are six main recommendations that they propose. (Source 5) * The first of these is to Create the institutions necessary to sustain a North American community. Under this heading they state, We propose further the establishment of a North American Advisory Council to prepare and monitor action to implement the decisions made at these summits [tri-national summit meetings]. (Source 5) * The second recommendation is to Immediately create a North American Border Action Plan. Under this they state, The governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States should articulate as their long-range goal a common security perimeter for North America. Further on they state that the three countries should Enhance law enforcement cooperation and Expand defense cooperation, under which they recommend, The most important step is to expand the binational North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to make a multiservice Canadian-US command with a mandate to protect the maritime as well as air approaches to North America. (Source 5) * The third main recommendation is to, Adopt a common external tariff. It later states under this heading that, The three countries should develop a secure North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers. Here we see the common recommendation of a North American ID Card as well as using DNA and other highly technological methods of identifying North Americans, thus, being able to discriminate against people not only through how they look, what religion they are or countries of origin they are from, but rather the make-up of their genetic code. (Source 5)

* The fourth recommendation is to Stimulate economic growth in Mexico. Under this section they state, the United States and Canada should support Mexico by establishing a North American Investment Fund. (Source 5) * The fifth recommendation is to Develop a North American energy and naturalresource security strategy. Under this they suggest, A reliable supply of key natural resources is essential to the regions long-term security and prosperity which they further state that the three governments should develop a comprehensive joint plan to expand and protect energy infrastructure and to fully develop continental reserves. (Source 5) * The sixth and final recommendation is to Deepen educational ties. Under this, they suggest the development of a network of Centers for North American Studies in all three countries, and cross-border training programs for elementary and secondaryschool teachers. This is very concerning, as now they recommend a North American educational program, which would allow them to have total control over what children and students are taught and what teachers can teach, across North America and thusly, what information they have and how they understand the world. This allows for immense censorship and regulations of freedoms. This is a characteristic typical of fascist regimes. (Source 5) * A press release Fact Sheet from the Department of Homeland Security in the United States titled, Security and Prosperity Partnership: Implementation Report Security Agenda was released on June 27, 2005. (Source 6) * The opening statement of the report says, On March 23, 2005, the United States, Canada and Mexico entered into an unprecedented trilateral Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) to establish a common security strategy and promote economic growth, competitiveness and quality of life. (Source 6) * It continues by saying, At their meeting in Waco, Texas, President Bush, President Fox [Mexico] and [former] Prime Minister Martin pledged to: establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared borders. This proves that even with the Liberal government in power in Canada, our national leaders were pursuing deep integration with the United States without consulting the Canadian citizens, or even discussing this as a national issue. (Source 6) * The Homeland Security report continues by giving a list of ways to be able to better implement the goals attributed to our common North American security: - implement common border security and bio-protection strategies - enhance critical infrastructure protection and implement a common approach to emergency response - implement improvements in aviation and maritime security, combat transnational threats, and enhance intelligence partnerships - implement a border facilitation strategy to build capacity and improve the legitimate flow of people and cargo at our shared borders (Source 6) * The above suggestions should warrant caution from everyone, as what is meant by bio-protection is most likely the use of DNA/genetic technology to be applied to identify everyone, not simply criminals and those with criminal records. Other methods

can be applied under bio-protection, including retina scanning for identification, fingerprinting and many other possibilities that technology can be capable of. (Source 6) * The Homeland Security report continues under a heading titled, North American Trusted Traveler Program, in which they state, All three countries have agreed to create a single, integrated program for North American trusted travelers by 2008. It continues, The U.S. will also be working cooperatively to identify Western Hemisphere travel document standards required under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 [Patriot Act 2]. What the above statements mean is that all North American citizens will be issued a North American document, or ID Card, that we will most likely have to carry with us at all times, most notably when traveling, as we will be traveling under a new single program that is set to be created by 2008, which will determine what travelers are to be trusted and which are not. (Source 6) * Under the heading, Preparedness and Incident Management Systems Integration, the report said that all three countries in North America have agreed to transform North American preparedness for response to large-scale incidents by establishing protocols for incident management that impact border operations within 12 months. Protocols will also address maritime incidents, cross-border public health emergencies and cross-border law enforcement response. This means that in the event of emergencies, be it terrorist attacks, viral outbreaks, natural disasters or any other large threat, that a single response will be carried out by the North American countries in a joint force, as opposed to each country responding to its own emergencies. (Source 6) * It continues by saying, The SPP countries have also committed to ensure interoperable communications systems and to participate in preparedness exercises. It further states that all three countries will participate in a preparedness exercise in anticipation of the 2010 Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympics. What they do not say is when they will be taking part in this exercise and what the emergency response is designed to be in response to. It would be very interesting to try to find out what type of exercise it is, as from what we have examined previously, every terrorist attack (9/11, 7/7 in London, Madrid train bombings) coincidentally happens to take place at the same time as government drills are going on and the emergency exercises that are taking place tend to simulate the exact same things that are really going on at the same time they are taking place. (Source 6) * Under the heading, Shared Watchlists and Integrated Traveler Screening Procedures, the report says that Canada, the US and Mexico have, agreed to establish compatible screening standards for land, sea and air travel to identify and prevent high risk travelers and cargo before they depart. It continues, Additionally, recommendations will be made on the enhanced use of biometrics in screening travelers destined to North America. Essentially the recommendations for security that have been set out by the Department of Homeland Security described here, and being implemented by the governments of the North American countries is a police state security operation, a dystopian society, the type that George Orwell tried to warn us about in 1984, the Homeland Security State. (Source 6) * Under the heading of SPP Accomplishments The First 90 Days, the report said, United States and Canadian officials conducted three exercises to evaluate joint response capability to terrorist attacks in the Great Lakes area. Again, they do not

specify what the supposed terrorist attacks entailed or what the responses were. (Source 6) * The Bi-National Planning Group is a joint government agency between the United States and Canada that was created and implemented in December 2002. It was built in response to diplomatic exchanges between the US and Canada in order to enhance military cooperation between the two countries. (Source 7) * The stated purpose of the creation of this agency, according to a report the agency released on March 13, 2006, was that both countries responded to the new threat environment after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. (Source 7) * The group drafted new bi-national contingency plans to respond to threats, attacks and other major emergencies in Canada or the US; analyzed information sharing practices; designed and participated in exercises and joint training; and establishing coordination mechanisms with relevant Canadian and US Federal departments and agencies. This means that in the event of say, a terrorist attack in Canada, we would see a response enacted not only on the part of the Canadian government, but would see an American intervention in our emergency responses. Given the intense failure, either deliberately or accidentally, of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans in which thousands and thousands of people were stranded and abandoned (all were predominantly poor and black), it can be evaluated as a very dangerous endeavor to rely so heavily upon the United States for support and participation in response to Canadian emergencies. (Source 7) * The Head of the Bi-National Planning Group (BPG) is a Canadian LieutenantGeneral named Eric A. Findley. (Source 7) Findley, interestingly enough, was the director of Operations at NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) on September 11, 2001, during the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon when NORAD was stood down so as to allow the planes to hit their intended targets. According to the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, the one put forth by the government and media, the 9/11 attacks took place due to massive and highly coincidental incompetence on the part of the FAA, CIA, FBI, NSA, and most especially NORAD. So, given that no one was fired or demoted due to incompetence, as is usual for any incompetent failure, let alone a massive failure that resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians, and instead those in positions that would have been considered to be incompetent were actually promoted and given medals of honour. One of these people was Lt. General Findley, who received an medal for his response on September 11, 2001. Then, as we can now see, he was later promoted to head the BPG. (Source 11) * The beginning of the BPG report, titled, Bi-National Planning Group: The Final Report on Canada and the United States (CANUS) Enhanced Military Cooperation, starts by pointing out, The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 changed the international defense and security environment forever. (Source 7) * It describes the relationship between Canada and the US, whose 5,525 mile common border separates two culturally like-minded nations, whose economies are intertwined more closely than any other two nations in the world. (Source 7) * The report discusses how since 9/11, the focus of NORAD was repositioned and advanced, and that both Canada and the US created new defense and security organizations. In the report they advise, It is imperative that these new organizations (and other existing ones) improve their coordination and communication with each other

to reduce seams and gaps between them. The Bi-National Planning Group (BPG) believes that this would best be done through a Canada- United States agreement. (Source 7) * The report also states, The Bi-National Planning Group encourages the development of an agreed Canada US vision statement, from the Governments of Canada and the United States, to provide direction and authority for enhanced coordination and cooperation among our foreign policy, defense and security organizations. The goal should be to achieve the level of cooperation that now exists in NORAD in all other domains. This is a very worrisome statement, as this is not simply a think tank suggesting these things, but it is a government agency. We must take these statements very seriously, as it is a direct threat to Canadas, as well as the USs sovereignty to merge these sectors of our societies. What is most disturbing is the fact that they suggest coordination and cooperation of foreign policy. Given the United States current foreign policy consisting of the wars in Afghanistan, (of which Canada is also a dominant force) and Iraq, as well as the current escalation towards war with Syria and especially Iran, not to mention North Korea and Venezuela, it is a dangerous and extremely immoral and wrong position to make our Canadian foreign policy reflective of the US. Canada is not a warring nation, nor do the people of Canada consider or desire to be a violent and aggressive force in the world. Canadians sincerely aligned themselves with the idea of being the peacekeeping country of the world, which is a position that most Canadians desire for Canada to maintain, however, currently, because of the disastrous and ever more violent war waging in Afghanistan, we have erased that title from our culture. Aligning our foreign policy with the US will not only further eliminate that idea and concept, but will almost definitely completely eradicate our peaceful reputation across the globe for ever. (Source 7) * The report continues after the above suggestion by outlining it further, The Agreement would provide guidance, direction and authority for: - development of deliberate plans for the joint and combined defense and security of North America as well as bi-national civil support - conduct of seamless bi-national information sharing - development of command, control, communications and computer architectures to support information sharing - conduct of joint and combined training and exercises - development of coordination mechanisms, including agreements among the military stakeholders and the homeland security and foreign policy communities (Source 7) * The above recommendations should be considered with extreme caution and concern, as to coordinate Canadian government agencies with the US Department of Homeland Security is not only a severe risk and violation to all privacy rights and freedoms of Canadians as well as Americans as guaranteed to us by our constitutions, but it is also a immense threat to our personal security and rights to have freedom to peacefully exist. What I mean by this, is the fact that, for instance, the organization FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), under the Department of Homeland Security has contracted out a $385 million dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton (Dick Cheneys former corporation) to build thousands of prison camps in the US whose purpose is to contain millions of American citizens in the event of a man-made or natural

disaster in US cities. (Source 8) Specifically large-scale terrorist attacks, particularly nuclear, biological or chemical attacks on civilian populations. The idea would be to round up all threatening people or suspects and security-risk citizens into these camps as well as housing displaced citizens. Many of these camps are already built and manned by full-time guards, several are even currently in use, housing evacuees and refugees from the Hurricane Katrina disaster in closed, fenced and heavily guarded camps. FEMA was the agency whose job it was to respond to the Katrina disaster, which utterly failed. Many believe that in the event of any future attacks as discussed above would result in the Muslim population of America being rounded up and sent into camps, as they may pose a security threat since they are predominantly of Middle Eastern descent. A precedent of this type of action has been set during World War 2, in Canada and the US, when all Japanese citizens were put into internment camps and lost all their property and possessions. Since I have examined the events of 9/11 as not being related to a Muslim threat, then we can assume that Muslims would not be behind any future attacks, as it is well documented that they are the most heavily and dominant group of people that are under intense surveillance and observation, as well as being submitted to massive illegal and unconstitutional spying and violations of freedoms. Then for any Muslim person in the US to be planning any such related terrorist activities, it can be well assumed that they would never be able to go through with the planning stage, let alone the execution of such acts. We can determine these facts from the point that the NSA (National Security Agency) also under the Department of Homeland Security, has created the largest information database in human history, composing of the phone records and various other records, including banking and email records, which the US (and other involved) government(s) admit is predominantly monitoring those individuals in the US who are of Muslim and Middle Eastern backgrounds. To imagine that a Muslim American would be able to execute a large-scale terrorist attack on the United States in todays extreme surveillance society is not only nave and ignorant, but beyond possibility and reason. Therefore, if any future attacks take place, they would without a doubt, have been executed by the US government to further its imperial ambitions and domestic destruction of civil rights and freedoms. * So, to how this recommendation by the BPG of coordinating Canadian agencies with the Department of Homeland Security is a threat to our right to live a peaceful and free existence takes form in the sense that that would surely mean that there would be FEMA camps in Canada, or in the very least that Canadian Muslims would face a shared fate as American Muslims in the event of another attack. This would be even more definite if there are attacks in Canada, and most especially in Canada and the United States, simultaneously, which would allow for the rounding up and internment of all North American Muslims. If this is not a threat to ones right to live and exist, then what is? * Worse, still, it is not simply Muslims and people of Middle Eastern descent that face such a future, but many other groups can be placed into this category of being labeled an enemy combatant which is the label that is attributed to any person whom the US government arrests without warrant, reason or evidence as dictated by the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act has created the term of enemy combatant, which they could apply to any possible threat and simply by labeling someone with that term gives the US government the legal right to arrest and detain them indefinitely and without any

evidence or trial. This is the term that has been applied to all inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, which, incidentally, was also built under contract by Halliburton, and who have never received a trial or have had any evidence presented against them, yet have been held for years and continue to be held indefinitely. The Patriot Act also redefined the term terrorist, which now has a very broad definition to include essentially anyone who represents a threat, be it political, security or otherwise to the US government. This means that anyone who represents an opposition to the US government in any way can be considered a terrorist threat, whether or not they are actual terrorists, they can be considered to be aiding terrorists by opposing the authority of the leadership of the US government. This broad new definition includes peace activities, antiwar groups, political opposition parties and members, as well as many other citizens who oppose the current US government. By this definition, I, personally, can be considered a terrorist or terrorist supporter, be labeled an enemy combatant, and thusly be taken without trial, reason or evidence to a FEMA prison camp, because by writing this report, I have made vocal and in writing my opposition to the current US government and represent a threat to its authority and power. It does not matter whatsoever that I consider myself to be a peaceful person, never advocating violence to resolve any situation whatsoever, holding people such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi as my ideal type of leadership, both of whom always stressed the absolute dedication to non-violence and peace, never resorting to violence in any situation. The fact that I would never take part in or advocate any form of terrorist activity against anyone does not matter to whether or not I can be labeled an enemy combatant or terrorist supporter. The very fact that peace groups and antiwar groups can be arrested for advocating peace and non-violence should be enough for all free people of the world to be extremely concerned about the current situation in which we all now are subjected to. * In the conclusion of the BPG report, they said, the BPG has emphasized the need for a combined vision from the senior leaders of both countries. That combined vision would serve as the catalyst for enhanced coordination among our defense and security organizations. (Source 7) * A White House memo released on March 31, 2006, titled, The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America: Progress gives a short summary of what has been done so far in the SPP to mark its one year anniversary since its creation. (Source 9) * The memo states that the SPP provides a framework for us to advance collaboration in areas as diverse as security, transportation, the environment and public health. (Source 9) * The memo further states, We have discussed how we can ensure North America is the most economically dynamic region in the world and a secure home for our citizens. Today, we exchanged views with the private sector leaders on how to enhance the competitiveness of North America. It is important to consider whether or not the corporate leaders have ever been in favour of higher wages for workers and more labour rights, and any research into the history of the corporation or the history of labour rights would tell you that corporations predominantly do not favour, or even like labour rights and higher wages, as it can get in the way of profits. We can therefore assume that the White Houses discussion with enhancing the competitiveness of North America will not include discussion of increasing wages for workers or creating more rights, but rather the

complete opposite, so that we would be able to compete with lower-wage and developing countries around the world, to which corporations flock to for those every reasons. (Source 9) * Further, the memo states, We are pleased to announce the creation of a North American Competitiveness Council (NACC). The Council will comprise members of the private sector from each country and will provide us recommendations on North American competitiveness, including, among others, areas such as automotive and transportation, steel, manufacturing, and services. The Council will meet annually with security and prosperity Ministers and will engage with senior government officials on an ongoing basis. This is a very worrisome statement, as it implies that policy and decisions relating to economic aspects of our societal lives will be recommended to governments by the corporate leaders and that these same corporate leaders will have enhanced access to the highest positions of government power continuously. We are essentially handing over policy to corporations. (Source 9) * The memo, under the title, North American Emergency Management, says, A disaster whether natural or man-made in one of our countries can have consequences across national borders. Our vision for a North American response, relief and recovery strategy would ensure that critical equipment, supplies and personnel can be deployed expeditiously throughout North America. This means that a disaster anywhere in North America would see a single response from a unified force. This could mean that a disaster in Canada could see US troops in our country. (Source 9) * Another title in the memo reads, Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza, under which it states, Today, we have agreed to develop a comprehensive, science-based and coordinated approach within North America to avian influenza and human pandemic influenza management. It continues, officials will develop, as an immediate priority, incident management protocols to ensure that we are well prepared in advance of an outbreak in North America. For instance, we have agreed to work together to accelerate research, development, production, and availability of human pandemic influenza vaccines, and develop a strategy to best facilitate the sharing of information to enhance the availability of vaccines to the region. (Source 9) Again, we see the use of describing information sharing as being used to protect us from outside threats. However, this point raises serious caution, as one of the largest shareholders in the vaccine that is determined to be used in the event of an Avian flu outbreak, Tamiflu, is Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Further, any other influenza outbreaks also warrants caution when discussing vaccines, as it has been reported time and time again that regular flu vaccines have within them, Mercury, and many have been found to have cancers in them. So rather than help us, vaccines are more likely to infect us, make us sick and even kill us. They are used as a tool to decrease the population. After all, David Rockefeller has written that he suggests the world population should be decreased by 80%. When one looks at the records of those in our societies, who dont let their children be vaccinated, are the very rich. Why would they refuse to use the vaccines that their pharmaceutical corporations manufacture? Fairly recently, information has come about regarding the pharmaceutical corporation, Bayer, the maker of Aspirin. Bayer manufactured a drug treatment for hemophiliacs that was said to be able to treat the disease. However, when it was released into the United States market, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) said Bayer must take it off the US market because it turned out that the vaccine was

contaminated with the AIDS virus. However, this meant that Bayer was to lose a good sum of money, so the FDA allowed them to release it onto foreign markets in Japan, France and elsewhere. Since then, many people who have taken the drug have also happened to get the AIDS virus, leading to many of their deaths. However, we should not worry, because as Bayer said, everything they did was perfectly legal. Well, that makes it fine then, doesnt it? (Source 12) * Under the heading of North American Energy Security, the memo reads, A sustainable, secure and affordable supply of energy is key to fueling the North American economy. Collaboration in the areas of innovation, energy efficiency, and technology development, including moving these technologies to market, promotes energy security. (Source 9) Again, this reinforces the idea of merging our economies and energy supplies with the entirety of North America, which would be immensely beneficial and necessary to facilitate the further creation of a war economy. When Hitler sought to begin World War 2 by invading Poland, he first needed to secure energy supplies and natural resources, especially oil, to facilitate the formation of a war machine capable of initiating a World War as well as attempting to achieve global domination, of which Hitler got scarily close to achieving, as he managed to colonize almost the near entirety of Europe, an entire continent. To do this, Hitler first had to annex the Rhineland and the Ruhr, both formerly parts of Germany until the Versailles Treaty after World War 1 revoked their possession from Germany. Why did Hitler have to take these places? Because they were the oil rich and resource filled regions around Germany. You cannot build a military force capable of global domination and a war economy without extensive access to oil. Then, Hitler annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia before invading Poland. Many state that the war in Iraq is for oil, well, this, to a degree is very true. This is why the Middle East and Muslims have been demonized, because they happen to occupy the most oil rich regions in the world, covering the entire Middle East, North Africa and into Asia. The war in Iraq, however, is not simply about oil. It is about securing oil to facilitate the construction of a war machine capable of wider aims and goals, aims of global domination, starting with the other oil rich regions of the world. This is why we see Iran currently being demonized, as it has some of the largest oil reserves in the world, and the fact that the alleged hijackers of the planes on 9/11 were predominantly from Saudi Arabia, the most oil rich country in the world, will allow for future reason to invade and occupy and colonize Saudi Arabia. Also, the fact that the country is run by a benevolent and despotic Royal family, guilty of tremendous crimes against humanity will further give the US public support to occupy. However, from what we have seen so far in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have more reason to believe that a US occupation would only further destabilize the country as well as facilitate further crimes against humanity. * Under the heading, North American Smart, Secure Borders, the memo reads, Our vision is to have a border strategy that results in the fast, efficient and secure movement of low-risk trade and travelers to and within North America, while protecting us from threats including terrorism. (Source 9) Interestingly enough, Canada happens to have the second largest proven oil reserves in the world outside of Saudi Arabia. Canada does not, however, have an extremely large supply of crude oil, which is the more easily accessible oil that can be pumped out of the ground by drills, such as the oil that occupies the Middle East, but there are massive deposits of oil sands. The oil sands are literally sand, which is dark and heavy and needs to go through an expensive process of filtering

out the oil from the sand, and out pours the incredible profits. Currently the largest corporation that has invested in the oil sands in the Canadian province of Alberta is Shell Canada. * Under describing how to improve security, trade and travel across and into North America, the memo reads, coordination on infrastructure investments and vulnerability assessments, screening and processing of travelers, baggage and cargo, a single integrated North American trusted traveler program, and swift law enforcement responses to threats posed by criminals or terrorists. (Source 9) * The memo ends by stating that, President Fox and President Bush were pleased to accept, on behalf of their countries, Prime Minister Harpers invitation to host the next trilateral leaders meeting in Canada in 2007. We, in Canada, can no longer afford to ignore the implications of where we are heading and who is taking us there. Our elected officials are not working in our interests, they are working in the interests of the corporate elite that fund them and who they are so intertwined with, the think tanks, interest groups and foreign leaders that are all backed by the same people. (Source 9) * Currently, there is work underway on the planning and implementing of what is called the NAFTA Superhighway, which is exactly as it sounds, an immense, unprecedented highway in its size that goes from Mexico, through the United States up to Canada, directly, in order to better facilitate the flow of goods across the three countries as well as further integrate our communities. This highway would have checkpoints located on it, most likely where our national borders currently are, which would further implement deep integration. (Source 10) All the above facts, questions and concerns are designed to make the reader aware of the very real and current process of the corporate and political elite of the North American countries attempting to form a North American Union right under our very eyes. They do not try to hide the fact that they are doing these things, since it is all documented in these reports I have discussed, which actually represent only a small percentage of the total amount of publications, which describe and recommend such activities. They are only able to get away with what they are planning and doing because they have a masterful understanding of the manipulation of rhetoric, to which they change the meaning of words and ways in which they are applied. Deep integration is a key example of this rhetoric, as it suggests that it is a positive policy process as opposed to calling it what it truly is, annexation. If they are successful if achieving these recommendations, which we have every reason to believe they will be, then Canada, the United States and Mexico will cease to exist as independent nations. They state in these reports that they advocate such immense integration of our countries and policies and ways in which we live, yet at the same time they stress the importance of preserving each countries sovereignty and respecting their individuality. But nothing about what they are suggesting and implementing preserves sovereignty and respects individuality, but rather completely erases and eliminates any notion of such things. I, for one like being able to say that I am Canadian. I like the fact that Canadians see themselves as separate from Americans, and Im sure most Americans feel the same way. It is not about taking a position of America-bashing, or vice-versa, but rather of being proud of ones own nationality, being proud of ones own country.

I would likely suspect the prestigious Rockefeller family as being the top backers and leaders in this New World Order, under which we currently live, along with the Royal Families in Britain and the Netherlands, as they all take part in the secret societies such as the Bilderbergers, who had their last meeting in Ottawa, where the Queen of the Netherlands was present, who is the largest single shareholder in Royal Dutch Shell, whos CEO was seen and photographed talking to the Queen, along with other executives. (Source 13) The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, is also a Bilderberg member, however, he did not attend the last meeting in Ottawa, because he was then serving as Prime Minister. The meeting he did attend was before he was elected as Prime Minister. (Source 17) These groups and secret societies, among many being the Bohemian Club and Skull and Bones, are very closely aligned with the Trilateral Commission (founded by Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski) as well as the most dominant group of corporate, media and political figures, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which was founded by John D. Rockefeller. The Bohemian Club secret society includes prominent artists, such as Bono from U2, who admits to having met with and discussed important issues with Rockefeller. Other members include the Bush family, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Bob Woodward, one of the two reporters who uncovered the Watergate scandal leading to Nixons resignation, recently wrote a book titled, State of Denial, (Source 14) in which he says that Henry Kissinger constantly meets with the Bush administration, primarily Dick Cheney, on a monthly basis. As well as this, it is well documented that the Bush family is very close to the Rockefellers, as they have a history of being in business relationships with each other. (Source 15) It is likely that the Bush family was chosen to be the public figureheads for the New World Order, with the big industrialist and banker families, such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers pulling the strings behind the scenes. Also, it is well known that Bill Clinton is a close friend of George HW Bush, as they often vacation and spend time together. Another interesting fact is that the Clintons, both Bill and Hillary, often meet with Roger Ailes, the CEO of Fox News, and Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of NewsCorporation, one of the largest media corporations in the world which owns Fox News. (Source 16) Bill Clinton has also publicly stated that he agrees with George HW Bush, in his September 11, 1991 speech, that there is a chance for a New World Order to take shape and that he fully supports this new order. After all, Clinton is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, whose main objective is to create a One World Government. This further shows that Republicans and Democrats are on board and under the control of the New World Order. Some may see the claim of the involvement of Royal families in the New World Order as being absurd, but take into consideration the notion of The Divine Right of Kings, which is the belief that the Royal family, most especially the King or Queen, were placed on the thrown by God, and therefore have the divine right to rule. These people are raised to believe that they were given the authority to rule directly by God. They would never give up their power, but rather only make it appear as if they have, but pull the strings from behind the scenes. Many people whom I have explained the impeding North American Union plans to have all responded by saying, Well, that cant happen because no Canadians will support it. Well, I agree with this statement, to a degree, as the only Canadians that agree with it are those that lead our political and corporate institutions, the ones that run

the country and have the ability to implement such a thing. However, I too agree with the fact that generally all Canadians would vehemently oppose any implementation of such as Union, especially as it is being planned to be created before the year 2010. However, my response to others statements that we will not stand for it is that we might end up openly welcoming it. Does this sound ridiculous to you? Well, it did to me until I looked deeper into further plans for the future. I touched on this point earlier when I discussed a possibility of future attacks. When you look back to the events of 9/11, then perhaps you will remember the fact that immediately thereafter the entire United States was united in grief and anger. They were united in the fact that it was an attack upon them as a nation, and had immense repercussions on the psyche of the nation as a whole. That day, everyone became New Yorkers. That day, everyone became one. This is an imperative point to note, because a much larger attack, as we are constantly told by those in power is not only possible, but inevitable, across North America as a whole, predominantly in the United States and Canada, and possibly Mexico, will psychologically erase the borders that currently stand between us as we will all see ourselves as equal, see ourselves as one. Fear and grief will unite us together, and thusly we will welcome US soldiers into our streets to protect us from the terrorist threat. However, another disturbing factor of the future attacks is that they must be made to make 9/11 look like a spoke on a wheel, a speck of dust in the grand history of our civilization. This is so for many reasons, being that there is an immensely increasing distrust of the official story of 9/11, to which many recent polls have reported that 36% of Americans believe the US government had a hand in the events of 9/11, and a larger percentage of Canadians think so. An event that dwarfs 9/11 would make the official events of 9/11 historical fact and irrelevant to current issues, as larger attacks would focus all energy on them and leave the events of 9/11 as being cemented in history, and thusly fade from any future discussion. Other reasons to make the future attacks much larger is that it would create much greater fear among the people across North America and as we saw after 9/11, fear is a powerful tool to take peoples freedoms and rights and control them into making them submissive to their governments, as most people see their governments as an authority/parental figure who is there to protect them. Where would you turn to for help in the event of massive attacks? To your government. 9/11 allowed for the ability of North American and in fact most westernized governments to take away rights and freedoms of the people in the name of national security through the threat of terrorism. Hitler once said that, The greatest political tool is terrorism. You can make people do anything if they are afraid enough. Widespread, massive attacks would allow the immediate implementation of a North American Union to be able to protect the whole of North America from terrorist threats. As the leaders of our nations, predominantly the US, have repeated time and time again, the greatest threat we currently face is the threat of terrorist attacks through the use of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons on cities and civilian populations. We must note that biological weapons can include the Avian flu or the vaccines that would be made mandatory to protect us from the Avian flu, or any other pandemic. It is also important to remind you that there are plans already in place to round up significant portions of the civilian population into FEMA [Halliburton] Camps in the event of attacks on cities. Through the already in place coordination of North American military and emergency response establishments, in the event of any attacks throughout

North America, in any one of the three countries, all of North America is under the control of joint command between the three countries. In the event of future attacks, we will most likely see the entire Middle Eastern/ Muslim population of North America be rounded up and sent into FEMA camps. Either at the same time or shortly thereafter they will round up all political dissidents and opponents so that the truth will not get out about what is really going on, and will also make anyone who is thinking of opposing what the governments are planning to do too afraid to speak out, and thusly, stay quiet and submit to the total control of the government. Also, if you have paid any attention to current events, you will note that the drums of war are beating once again for war with Iran and Syria. However, the international community and North American population will not currently stand for any war with Iran as it is widely understood and known that it would make the war in Iraq look like a walk in the park. So they need another reason to go to war. Several leaks have explained that the war in Lebanon over the summer was pushed by the United States leaders (specifically Dick Cheney) as a test run for the imminent war with Iran. We are seeing all the same lies being told to get us to rally behind war with Iran that we saw with Iraq. Although, as Condoleeza Rice said in preparation for the Iraq war, we cannot wait for the smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud to get us to invade Iraq. Now, they need that smoking gun. In fact, Dick Cheney has already issued a decree to the Pentagon that states in the event of another terrorist attack on US soil the immediate military response would be to nuke Iran. This is unprecedented in the fact that it is determining the use of nuclear warfare on another country based on blaming that country for something it hasnt done regarding something that hasnt happened. Also, as those who have looked into the current Iran issue will know, Iran currently does not have the ability to create nukes for another 10 years, that is, assuming they are even trying to do so, to which there is actually no physical evidence to prove other than the fact that the US government and mass media simply states that they are. That means that Iran would have had to get the nuke from another country, say, North Korea, which has previously been listed as a member of the Axis of Evil. That way, it would allow the US to strike Iran and North Korea at the same time. As well it is most likely that the terrorists that will be framed for the attacks will not be foreigners, but rather North American citizens that are simply inspired by Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, which would allow the North American governments to have reason to crack down on the rights and freedoms of its own citizens. Another possibility to a response to future attacks would be to blame Venezuela for smuggling the weapons to these inspired citizens from Iran, of which Venezuela is a close ally, through Mexico, (which would allow for Mexico to be annexed in the name of national security), and that way Venezuela could also be invaded. Venezuela is one of the most oil rich nations in the world, also vehemently anti-American government, and whose leader, Hugo Chavez often relates the actions of George Bush to that of Hitler and has often stated that it is more likely that the US administration orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 rather than Muslims. Upon reviewing all the available evidence, it is most likely that the next attacks would occur very soon. This is so because in early November of this year, there are Congressional elections, in which it is most likely that the Democrats will win. Even though Democrats would win, they would not pose a substantial opposition to the ruling Administration. However, they would make it harder for Bush to pursue his Imperial

aims, although not deter them altogether. However, there are several Democratic candidates who are expected to win in their district elections who are running on the basis of the fact that there is a government conspiracy behind the events of 9/11 in which the current Bush administration is involved as well as many others are running on the pretext of attempting to Impeach Bush for not only his involvement in the events of 9/11 but also for the lies that were told to get America to go to war in Iraq. For these reasons, it is necessary that the attacks occur before the next elections so that Bush will have the legal right to suspend the elections indefinitely as they would be a natural target for further terrorist attacks. This way Bush and his administration could maintain political power and continue their imperial ambitions. This would be the moment where Bush would declare martial law across North America and thusly be able to maintain his position as the head of state and suspend all the relevant constitutions, thus, essentially making himself dictator. Recently, in late September, a new bill was passed, called the Military Commissions Act 2006, which essentially expands upon the Patriot Acts in a much more negative sense. It redefined the term enemy combatant, allowing it to essentially apply to anyone, US citizen or foreign citizen, who opposes the Bush administrations policies, and through this bill, allows those persons declared an enemy combatant to be arrested and detained for life, tortured brutally, or to be sentenced to death without a trial or evidence. This bill is worse than Hitlers Enabling Act, which was the legislation that officially made Hitler dictator, so essentially because of this Bill, Bush is now, on paper and in law, above the law and a dictator. A further attack would only provide reason to begin abusing these new and increased powers. The US government is lying an incredible amount concerning this bill, as Congress, both the House of Representatives and the Senate, passed the bill unanimously, saying it was a defeat to Bush, however, it clearly is not since it places him above the law as a dictator. The Bill has within it, provisions that make the Bush administration itself, immune from any of the charges discussed within it, such as torture crimes, war crimes and terrorist crimes; crimes against humanity. Its interesting that Bush has made his government immune form being charged or convicted of terrorist activities, which could absolve them from any involvement in 9/11. Its also interesting that many members of Congress publicly stated that this Bill can affect American citizens as well as the fact that it is a great threat to the Constitution, as it essentially eliminates it, yet, when the time came to vote on the Bill, almost everyone voted for it. Some have suggested that this is so because the members of Congress were blackmailed by the Bush Administration to pass the bill. It is also a very important to note that in October, on the 17th and 18th days of the month, there are drills that the US government is undertaking in which nuclear terrorist attacks are being simulated on American cities. This is very important because as is previously discussed, every attack coincides with government drills that simulate the exact events of what is going on in real life at the exact time that those events are going on, which succeeds in confusing and deterring all honest government employees from carrying out their regular duties and to help quash any regular emergency responses. It is important to also look into the history of certain dates which are of significance, as 9/11 has historical significance, being the same day several years earlier when the CIA orchestrated a coup detat against a foreign government that was politically unfriendly to the United States. As well as this, 10 years prior to the day of 9/11, on

September 11, 1991, then President George HW Bush gave a speech in which he stated that a New World Order is emerging. (Source 18) Along with this, 60 years prior to the exact minute that the Pentagon was struck and exploded, ground was struck on building the Pentagon. Also, on September 11, 1906, Mahatma Gandhi began his non-violence campaign. So, to the history of October 17th, 45 years prior to the October 17th that is coming up, for the year 2006, in France, as a result of Frances imperial excursion in Algiers to which a large Muslim population was oppressed by the French, the Muslim population of France itself rose up to protest the French imperial rule. As a result of this protest, a massacre took place in which nearly 400 Muslims were killed by the French government, with many thousands of others being rounded up and placed into prison camps around France. (Source 19). The police chief in Paris that was responsible for the massacre was, also interestingly enough, a Nazi collaborator. This, as you can clearly see, carries a very prominent significance to the events which we are currently seeing today. This is why I have predicted that October 17th, 2006, will be the likely day of the next government terrorist attacks. The most likely targets of these attacks will cross several countries, especially the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Israel. Other countries that may experience attacks could be Mexico, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain, among a much wider possible list. The most likely method of attack would include nuclear weapons being used on certain cities, as well as chemical and biological weapons on others, which may include the spreading of Avian flu. The cities that will most likely experience some sort of large scale attack in the United States would be New York, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco and Las Vegas. I am not saying that all of these would be hit, but these would be the list of most likely targets, however, it is important to note that several of them would most likely be hit simultaneously. In Canada, the most likely targets would be Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal and possibly cities further out east such as Halifax so as to better create a feeling of widespread chaos, leaving people feel that no one is safe no matter where they are located. In Great Britain the top target would be London, to which there are already plans to completely evacuate Londons population into internment camps in the result of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack on the city. In Israel there are several possible targets, however, Tel Aviv, the largest populated city in Israel stands as the most likely target. For these reasons, I am writing this report. So that in the possible event that I am correct, and these attacks occur, that the population does not blame Muslims or people of Middle Eastern descent but rather the governments that orchestrated the previous largescale terrorist attacks and have continuously warned us all that further, larger attacks are only imminent. It is also possible, and hopefully so, that there will not be attacks on my hypothesized date, however, in this case, I would still stand by the claim that they would be planning to orchestrate these large scale attacks before the 2008 Presidential elections. It is easier for all who read this to cast me off as a conspiracy theorist and misguided radical. However, the entire history of mankind has only taught us that it is too dangerous a thing to ignore the possibility that people in power may take advantage of that power for their own personal gain, most notably the most powerful positions in the world. It does not matter if you call your country a democracy or authoritarian nation, power is power, anywhere you see it. Where power stands, those who wish and seek to

take advantage and manipulate it will rise up and in almost all cases in history, they do so in the name of a greater good or in the name of the nations interest, the name of national security. So you may choose to cast my opinions and understandings of our current state of world affairs as wildly outrageous and far exceeding reality, but I point out that in the past when societies turned to the fascist and authoritarian way of rule, they only were able to do so through fear and ignorance of the majority of the population. The transition from democracy to fascism and totalitarianism is often a gradual process, driven by wars and paved across lies and deception, sped up by the use of terror and fear. So I ask you to consider, if you are ready to so easily cast what I have said away as a fantastical fiction of a delusional mind, then what I have to say is this: if what I have warned against comes to pass, and I appear to be correct, what will you do then? What will you think then? If I am right, then it may be too late to act on what you feel and know is right and just. Martial law casts our constitutions, and thusly our rights and freedoms into the wind, shattered into pieces. Whereas legislation like the Military Commissions Act 2006 and the Anti-Terrorist Act in Canada make our Constitutions and rights legally irrelevant, martial law is the time in which we, the people, learn that all our freedoms are gone, and that we do not even hold the right to fight for them any longer. All it takes is the signature of George W Bush or Dick Cheney to make this happen. Do you think that they will at all hesitate to do so? What then would we be fighting to protect? If we are fighting to uphold our freedoms and our democracy, then why do we destroy and slowly erase our freedoms and democratic institutions in order to protect them? It is the equivalent of cutting off your arms to preserve your limbs; it doesnt make sense. When things on such a large scale (that involve our rights to live the ways in which we choose and our rights to freedom) dont make sense, it is our moral and ethical duty as people of this world to stand up for those freedoms and ask questions until what we are told starts to make sense; until what we do starts to make sense. This is our human obligation, to ask questions, demand answers and seek the truth. This is what I am attempting to do here, this is why I have written this report, this is why I am trying to spread the truth as I know it, because what I have uncovered here, to me, makes more sense in explaining the way things currently are and are heading than what we have been told, which only serves to leave us in the dark in a state of fear and uncertainty. I do not hope Im right, in fact I hope I am misguided and completely and utterly wrong. If I am right, and what I say is true, then where we are heading will have significant repercussions upon my personal self, let alone the fact that many of my friends, some of whom are Muslim, will also be threatened. I do not want to be right if the cost of such is that our way of life will change so drastically and head into such dark times. There is no glory in being right about something so utterly wrong. So, ask yourself, why would I say and write these things, if all I have to gain is nothing, and all I have to lose is everything? I have to write these things because as I looked into them and discovered them to the best of my knowledge to be true. If what I have predicted to come becomes a reality and I have done nothing to try to prevent it form occurring, then I would not be able to live with myself. That is why I have chosen to write this lengthy report, at the age of 19, when there are other things that I can devote my time and energy to. I have to do whatever I can to try to spread awareness of what I believe to be true, because the world in which my dreams for my personal future take place is not possible in the world in which we are heading. I want to be a writer, both novelist and

screenwriter and director for film. Yet, I cannot write what I want to write and direct what I hope to direct in a world in which I do not have the rights and freedoms to express what I choose. I do not want to be a propagandist, I am an artist, and want to practice my freedom of expression. But I cannot continue with my life as it is and ignore the current situation we are in, if what is at stake is my future itself. I am doing this for my personal future as well as the future of all. I have Muslim friends whom I am worried for if what I say is true. I do not want to see them disappear. I do not want our freedoms and rights to vanish before our eyes. I can honestly say that I have never put as much effort into anything in my life as I have put into this report. I do not consider myself to be someone who would ever devote my life to something I feel to be untrue, yet, I have chosen to commit my life to this. You can choose to see this as irrelevant to your personal self, or you could take it for what I have taken it, to be a serious matter pertaining to us all and to our future, not simply as a nation, or people, but as a civilization. I do not wish to make you fearful of where we are and where we are going, even though what I have covered is highly depressing and disturbing, but I simply wish to spread what I have found to be the truth. Truth is the only weapon we have as a people, so I am attempting to use it to fight what I see to be the problem. However, I also wish to provide some sort of hope for our future, as I do not consider myself to be a pessimist and negative person. I have a personal belief in the great possibility that humanity holds, I have and always have had great hope for humans and their ability to do absolute good when faced with absolute evil. I have hope for humanity still, which is what I seek to convey in the next section.

Con clusion: What Hope We Have

Though what I have previously outlined has been of a very depressing nature, I still believe there to be hope for many things. First of all, I believe our hope lies in the truth, throughout history, that is all that the people have ever had as their greatest hope and strength. Our hope is the truth behind what you know to be right and just and the truth of the fact that the people have the real power. When you look at events in history where people stood up for what they truly believed in, when people came together and stood up for what is right and stood up against what is wrong, truth always prevails. When Mahatma Gandhi, a lawyer dedicated to the peaceful pursuit of justice, stood up for what he believed in and refused to stand down in the face of any foe, no matter how strong, he succeeded. His foe for his struggle for the independence of India was the British Empire, which had colonial rule over India, not to mention half the world. Gandhi stood up to one, if not the mightiest Empire history has ever known, and only through the use of non-violence and peaceful opposition, was he able to not only defy, but also defeat the British Empire and achieve independence for India. Martin Luther King, Jr., an African American Reverend from the southern United States took a stand for what is right and just, and also through non-violence and peaceful opposition, he stood up for the rights of black people in the United States and was successful in his campaign for freedom. Interestingly enough, Kings inspiration was Gandhi. Again, he was successful only due to his strict dedication to the use of nonviolence and peaceful opposition. Gandhi stressed the point that the only way to achieve such goals was through the use of peaceful techniques and non-violence, no matter how violent and oppressive the force you are combating is. This is so, because as Gandhi once said, if you remain peaceful in the face of violent opposition, the violence they commit against you will only reflect their injustice off of you for the whole world to see. This is why the Iraqi people are in such a terrible place, as they are retreating to the use of force and violence to oppose the Imperial power which occupies their country, and thusly allows the colonial force, America, to manipulate the purpose of their actions and so we all see those who oppose the United States in Iraq as terrorists and radicals, when really they are people fighting for their freedom. Just think, if the Iraqi people were only to use non-violence in their opposition to the United States colonial occupation of their country, then do you think that anyone would still support the Iraq war? Do you think anyone would be able to get away with calling them terrorists? The whole world would see the injustice that the United States is committing in that country if the Iraqi people were to use non-violence in their opposition. When a country is colonized, the best thing for the colonial power to do is to try to make the occupied fight each other, so that they first of all can kill many of each other off as well as take the anger and focus off of fighting the colonial power. This is why there have been so few US military deaths in Iraq as opposed to civilian Iraqi deaths. Another thing that colonial powers do is that they redraw borders and separate people, which is one thing that the US has planned. There has already been talk in the political arena about dividing Iraq up into three different countries. There are some reports of maps that are in place that contain a completely redrawn Middle East. One of these was shown in a military journal written by a retired General and presented at a

NATO meeting, outlining the US goals for the Middle East in recreating borders, creating new countries and using techniques of ethnic cleansing and genocide to do so. George W Bush has twice sworn an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign AND domestic, yet since then he has systematically been destroying the Constitution, which is reason enough to immediately impeach and imprison the President. What happens though, if the enemies of the constitution and state are not simply terrorists abroad or foreign countries, nor domestic enemy factions, but the President himself? Then who do we look to, to protect the constitution and the people? It is the duty of every person, no matter what country you live in, to protect your own rights and freedoms and the rights and freedoms of all people. If we do not stand to protect our freedoms, then we are only destined to lose them. I for one, enjoy my freedoms and rights, and do not wish to see them vanish before my eyes. I refuse to stand by and do nothing as right before me, I see my freedoms disappearing. Will you stand and do nothing as your rights and freedoms slowly but surely are dismantled and destroyed? One of the founding fathers of the United States said, The cost of eternal freedom is eternal vigilance. Another founding father once said, Anyone who gives up freedoms for security deserves neither. The worst aspect of this statement in relation to our current situation is that we arent even giving up our freedoms for security, since the ones we are giving them up to are the terrorists themselves, we are giving up our freedoms to those that ARE a threat to our security and our lives. So now we must arm ourselves with truth and fight with non-violence. One of the greatest tools we have at our fingertips is the truth about 9/11, because this truth exposes the real terrorists behind the event. When we know and spread the truth about the events of 9/11, then we can see any future attacks and actions that those in power take for what they really are, and further expose the criminals and real terrorists for who they really are. We have to come to terms with the truth that the real terrorists are not Muslims and Arabs hidden in our own populations, but rather Prime Ministers and Presidents that lead our countries and strip us of our freedoms and rights. In this War on Terror, which we are continuously told is going to be a long war, longer, in fact, than the Cold War, which lasted nearly half a century. In this long war, we are also told it is the aims of the Islamic terrorists to destroy our freedoms, as they are freedom haters. Yet, no Islamic terrorist anywhere in the world has succeeded in taking away our freedoms, yet in the name of protecting our freedoms, our own governments have slowly been erasing and ignoring and dismantling our freedoms. How does this make sense? Once you really examine the reasoning and responses to this War on Terror, and the fact that they take away our freedoms in order to protect them, is it really so hard to believe that they are behind the events of 9/11? Is it really so hard to believe that they are and have been continuously lying to us? Since we all know that they all lied to get America to go to war in Iraq, which has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people, why do we believe what they say about the events of 9/11, which resulted in the deaths of a few thousand innocent people? Do we simply not care just because the larger numbers of deaths are Muslim people, as opposed to Americans? I do not think that this is true, I think that they have to make us identify Muslims as being responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans so that we will turn a blind eye to the deaths of countless tens of thousands more innocent Iraqis. And this is what they have done. Iraq, as most see as a disaster, is really going according to plan for the administration. Why

else would Donald Rumsfeld still be in charge of the Pentagon even after so many calls for his resignation, among them, eight Generals. So why, since time and time again these people have been proven to be liars, do we continue to believe anything they say? Why do we believe what they say about the events of 9/11 if they lied about the events afterwards which 9/11 stood as a reason for? Are we simply too scared to look into these events for fear of what we might find out? President Franklin Roosevelt once said, The only thing to fear is fear itself. Well, it is now time to stand up to your fears and face the facts. If we live in ignorance, we will only live to see things get worse. Ignorance is bliss in the sense that it is safe to walk through a minefield while blindfolded. Just because you cant see the threat, doesnt make it disappear. Personally, Id rather have sight when walking through a field of mines, I may still be at risk, but I have a better chance of getting through it alive. So now we all must ask ourselves some pivotal questions. We must ask ourselves what we are willing to do, if anything, to protect our rights and freedoms, and the rights and freedoms of others. Only by looking out for one another would we be able to preserve and sustain peace. Think about it, if all the free thinking people of the world truly had a say in the way things are, do you think we would be seeing war after war? Most violence is only in response to previous acts of violence, thus, perpetuating a neverending cycle that will only lead to greater despair than ever before. Somewhere along the line someone must make a stand and stop what is inevitably to come if we continue. Somewhere along the line someone must say, No more and end this viscous cycle. Any time someone stops a violent act or prevents one from occurring, they thusly prevent future violence from occurring, as all violent acts instigate violent reactions. Peaceful, non-violent acts then will instigate further peaceful acts in the future. This is a cycle, which all the people of the world will gladly enter into. As long as profit can be made in war, and those that profit are in power, we will not see peace. So it is up to us, the people, to pursue peace. Peace is possible. We are just made and conditioned to think it isnt so that when violence erupts we see it as inevitable and unstoppable. This is why we are not properly educated on what Gandhi and Martin Luther King accomplished, because they did it through peace, and defied the idea that peace is not possible. So now I ask you, will you stand, or will you lie down? Will you speak, or silently obey? Will you fight, not with guns, but with words and knowledge, or will you disappear into the pages of a shameful, dark history of what we call humanity? A question you must now ask yourself is if you value humanity. If there is any person in your life who you care about, friend, family or lover, then the answer to that question should be easy. The value of humanity is life itself and I refuse to sit and watch it drift away. We must not spend our time denying and forgetting human history, for then, we are only bound to repeat it. The history of the Nazis and the Holocaust is not simply the history of the Germans and the Jews, but its the history of humanity in its darkest days. Its the history of a hell on earth. We must stand, speak and fight to close the gates of hell that now, again begin to open, because the longer we stay silent, the wider those gates open and the harder they are to close. So let us all now, while we still can, stand, speak, shut and lock them closed for good. Our hope rests in peaceful civil disobedience, when the people stand up and unite, though they may suffer great tragedy and losses along the way, nothing and no one can stop them. In the end, the people always succeed and

conquer those who oppress them. When the people stand and speak together, no force can get in their way, all attempts to stop them or destroy their efforts only makes them stronger and more indestructible. Its like the saying, What doesnt kill me only makes me stronger. My only hope rests in every single person, in what they KNOW is right and wrong. My hope is in the strongest part of humanity, that part which no matter how beaten, bruised and hurt protects itself for all time, through any struggle, that part we call morality, that part we call our selves. My hope is in you, I just wish you hope that, too. We are all one and many, we are all individual and a people, but if you separate the individual from the people, you separate the soul from the body. They thrive together, but suffer when alone. So stand and be an individual that will speak for all the people. If you do this, you will see the greatest things humanity is capable of. If you do nothing, you will experience the horrors of humanity at its absolute and total worst. So will you fight to see the best, or wait and feel the worst? Our future is determined by what we do now, or what we refuse to do. Our future begins today, so why sit and watch it fade away? Stand, speak and be heard. Its now, or never.

October 13, 2006 Andrew Gavin Marshall

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