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Mike Cechanowicz 2008

Hidden Agenda
The Revolution of Consciousness

2008 Mike Cechanowicz

Version -11.02.08 Internet edition

The Internet edition of this book is free of charge. It is being made public so that a greater number of people may become informed about what is really going on in the world. This work completes a book series that is all about enlightenment. I suggest that you first read The Game of Games, than A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology, before you start with Hidden Agenda. That is just my suggestion. Read what you want when you want. Even though my first language is English, I usually spend my time talking and thinking in Norwegian. You might see some evidence of that in my writing. I would like to have your feedback if you find any typos that need to be corrected. I have placed a higher value on getting this information out than perfection. If any reader has contacts with publishers in any country, please let me know if someone is interested in publishing this work. I can be reached by e-mail:

2008 Mike Cechanowicz

Hidden Agenda ..............................................................................................................1 The Revolution of Consciousness..................................................................................1 Index ..............................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1 What is real?...............................................................................................8 Freedom and reality ...................................................................................................8 Becoming unstuck......................................................................................................9 The advantages and disadvantages of having insight ..............................................10 Hypnosis in your every day reality ......................................................................11 Assumptions.........................................................................................................12 Presuppositions ....................................................................................................13 Implications..........................................................................................................14 Repetition of assumptions - Propaganda..............................................................14 Shock....................................................................................................................16 Negative commands.............................................................................................17 Fear ......................................................................................................................17 Becoming unhypnotized ......................................................................................19 The uncoupled theory of everything ........................................................................19 The consequences ................................................................................................22 The solution an alternative to fragmentation ....................................................23 Assault on the illusions ........................................................................................25 Mass hypnotism in modern time..............................................................................26 Terror and hypnosis .............................................................................................27 The trail of evidence around the events of 9.11...................................................30 Waking up to 9.11 is a gigantic wake-up call ......................................................35 The demolition of democracy ..............................................................................36 Where all of this is going .....................................................................................42 Chapter 2 What function does society really have?..................................................44 Serious flaws of psychological understanding.........................................................45 Emotions usually repressed...............................................................................47 Edward Bernays the worlds first spin-doctor ..................................................48 Troubled times in relationship to social steering .................................................52 A glimmer of light in the dark cave .....................................................................57 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 3

Psychology after Freud ............................................................................................57 Control and domination is the hidden agenda of government .................................60 Embracing stupidity .............................................................................................60 Chapter 3 Our external environment.........................................................................62 Basics about acids ................................................................................................62 Poison in our food....................................................................................................65 Poison in your bathroom..........................................................................................67 Chemicals in our everyday life ............................................................................68 Sick nature ...........................................................................................................69 The Tobacco industry ..........................................................................................69 Medicines and vaccines .......................................................................................70 DU Depleted Uranium ......................................................................................72 Gene modified food .................................................................................................73 Chemtrails ............................................................................................................74 Biological terror ...................................................................................................78 Electromagnetic pollution....................................................................................79 Attitudes that reflect stupidity..............................................................................80 Chapter 4 The Infrastructures of Society ..................................................................82 What makes the world go around - money ..............................................................82 The principal of investment .................................................................................83 Assumption Capitalism is good for society ......................................................84 Thats progress.....................................................................................................86 Dependency..........................................................................................................89 Capitalism thrives on local poverty .....................................................................90 Assumption growth is absolutely necessary for a healthy economy ................91 Assumption competition is good ......................................................................91 Assumption technological development gives us advantages ..........................92 Political forces work more to protect economic interests than human interests..95 An enslaving infrastructure..........................................................................................96 Globalization one of the biggest threats to freedom .........................................98 When they all pull together..................................................................................99 Chapter 5 Energy that enslaves and pollutes you ...................................................101 Uneven access to energy guarantees political unrest.........................................104

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Chapter 6 - War and other challenges.......................................................................105 Other challenges.................................................................................................107 Chapter 7 The deep structure of reality and the reason for life ..............................113 The nature of human consciousness is no longer a mystery..................................114 Conscious and subconscious resources..............................................................118 Some of the spiritual principles that regulate physical life....................................119 The Law of One .................................................................................................119 Densities of consciousness.................................................................................119 Duality................................................................................................................120 Free will .............................................................................................................121 Balance and karma morality ...........................................................................121 Relating to fear...................................................................................................122 Higher Self .........................................................................................................123 What is love?......................................................................................................123 The principle of insight......................................................................................126 The principle of integration ...............................................................................126 What are our lessons on the physical plane? .....................................................127 Few ways of getting it right the straight and narrow ......................................128 Some short conclusions......................................................................................129 Chapter 8 - The rest of the universe...........................................................................131 Historical evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence...........................................131 Modern evidence................................................................................................132 Is the universe an open or closed system ...........................................................136 Growing planets .................................................................................................138 Chapter 9 The greatest of all paradoxes..................................................................141 The surface structure of society and mankinds place in society...........................143 The near future .......................................................................................................145 Earth changes .....................................................................................................146 Trying to get there ahead of time.......................................................................147 Foot notes...................................................................................................................149

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Even though medical science has gone so far that they can photograph your mind and body in three dimensions, mankind has barely moved forward towards increasing self-awareness during the last thousands of years. Even though your cell phone has more computing power than the first Apollo landing craft that went to the moon, it still seems impossible to create a society that can live together in peace. Even though science can look far out into other galaxies and study the universe in larger parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, we are still wondering about the question, Are we alone in the universe? We seem to have acquired an enormous amount of knowledge in the last couple hundred years. At the same time, there appear to be enormous gaping holes in our ability to comprehend the bigger picture about the nature of our existence. Those holes make us very unbalanced, very lacking in wisdom. My contention is that it is very possible to develop that part of our knowledge that has been neglected all this time. I want to tell you why it is very important that we do that right now. The way I see it, the destiny of mankind is just as uncertain as a small curious child playing with a live hand grenade. We have too much technology and too little insight. When the first atom bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand melted into a sheet of green glass. When this became known in the scientific community, it gave a group of archeologists something to think about. A dig in the Euphrate valley had uncovered a layer of culture that was known to be 8,000 years old. Under the first layer, they found another layer of culture that was even older. This culture was based on domestic animals. Even further down, they found a caveman layer of civilization. Under that, they found a layer of green melted glass. The same kind of pattern has been found in France, Turkey, the Middle East and Scotland. Was there an ignorant child that had played with a live hand grenade thousands of years ago? It certainly looks that way. Do not breath easier if you believe it isnt going to be your problem, but your childrens problem. You are very wrong. It will be your problem all the way up to the time that you discover how things really work in this world. It is not necessary to take the long path through fear, pain and lack of insight before you start to understand. Today, it is possible to create a greater balance between technological knowledge and the insight we need to have in order to survive 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 6

our selves and learn what we really are here to learn. We will all get there sooner or later. If you are one of those that are tired of going through the same old school over and over again, you want to get off the train that is going around in circles welcome to a better future. Hidden Agenda will introduce you to some of the more hidden aspects about the society we all live in. There may be some information here that will greatly challenge your existing beliefs about that society. If you should become disturbed by what you read, consider that your previous illusions were only holding you in a state of mind that is not in your own best interests. The deciders, the rulers, and the authorities that govern your life would really prefer that you never knew about the contents of this book. They want you to be ignorant about yourself, who you really are, what society really does and how the universe functions as an important part of your practical reality. You will discover how your unawareness has functioned as a jail without walls. You will discover how it has been possible to impound your consciousness in an iron grip that could last for an eternity. This insight will give your self the possibility to decide if you want to stay or go somewhere else. You will also get a glimpse into the next step of development, should you want to go that way. This book is mostly about the greater society and the greater universe. This is only part of the story. Another book, A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology will teach you all you need to know about your personal and spiritual resource. It is written with enough documentation that you dont have to worry about taking depending on blind faith anymore when it comes to those more difficult questions about life. You can learn to know. Both books were designed as a set to give you a well-rounded form for enlightenment. Welcome to the great wake-up call! Mike Cechanowicz

2008 Mike Cechanowicz

Chapter 1 What is real?

Freedom and reality
Virginia Satir was one of the worlds most influential family therapists. She meant that people could never be psychologically strong without being honest with their own feelings. She used the term congruence to illustrate what happens when the intellect and feelings are in agreement with each other. She created up a set of 5 freedoms that we all could practice in order to claim our right to personal congruence. The first of those five freedoms is, The freedom to see and hear what is here, instead of what should be, was or might be. In other words, you cannot have power and influence in your world if you dont relate to reality! Byron Katie, author of the book, The Work, said it this way, If you have a conflict with reality, you are going to always loose. Reality will always win. Its just another way of saying that we need to understand what reality really is. Most people will insist that they already know what is real. I disagree. There are a number of challenges that make reality a lot more difficult to perceive than most people realize. There are two solid obstacles in front of us if we really want to come to grips with reality. The first one is that you have been lied to, manipulated, conned, duped, psyched out, propagandized, spun, held back, fooled, deceived and tricked into believing in a reality that simply doesnt exist. In addition to that, you have been tricked into believing that reality has only one simple structure. The fact of the matter is that reality is multidimensional and that means reality has substructures that you never heard about. No wonder its difficult to become empowered! In order to become empowered you will first need to get past the lies you have been told about the surface structure of reality, then you need to know what the more hidden structures of reality are all about. You need to know how these work together and what that has to do with you. Your world will never be the same again. These conditions have existed for ages. The greater majority of people have never been told about anything else than the superficial surface structure of reality. Only hints of different conflicting beliefs have been provided. You have been told that the true deep, underlying structure of reality can never be known. Therefore most have chosen to believe that it simply does not exist. The Handbook shows you that this way of thinking is wrong. Knowing about that structure enriches life and the ability to live life in a much more powerful way. Free of fear, you can apply resources 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 8

only a handful of people have had fantasies of. The difference reminds me of the contrasting worlds between the Muggles and the Magic people in the iHarry Potter books. Who has been deceiving you? They are ultimately hidden from view high up in societys hierarchy of power and influence. They have filtered down lies that are different at every level. Even those that are paid to educate you believe that the lies are the truth. Therefore you can ultimately expect to hear that what you are reading now, the truth, is a lie, another deception - a conspiracy theory. It is very difficult to deal with the superficial and the deep structure of reality at the same time. Therefore, I will be informing you about the superficial structure first, then the deeper structure and at last how they both fit together. I am sure you will be surprised at what you discover. There is a very interesting paradox that appears when we work with both of these levels of reality at the same time. On the one side, it would appear that reality is terribly rotten, manipulative and repressive. At the same time it is exactly the way it has to be its perfect. Getting you to understand that this is the nature of reality and how it is possible is my task with this book.

Becoming unstuck
When something has been stuck for a while, it usually takes a great amount of force to get that first bit of movement. Anybody that has tried to remove a rusted nut from a bolt knows exactly what Im talking about. The greater majority of people in the world are just as stuck as a rusty nut and bolt. I am not trying to be arrogant when I say that. Its a miracle that anybody ever becomes unstuck from the deception created by mass society. The system is designed to keep people stuck. I am sure you will agree with me after I have shown you a few of the hidden mechanisms for deception that I have discovered. I think it is worth the time to lay down a solid foundation from which we can understand a very old institution in a very new perspective. The first step in regaining your freedom is to understand that you never were free in the first place. This is the most ingenious method for imprisoning great numbers of people for a very long time by creating a prison that is perceived as freedom while it enslaves consciousness. It is something like being in the grip of an iron fist that is wearing a velvet glove.

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The advantages and disadvantages of having insight

The process of waking up to the truth has advantages and disadvantages. Lets talk about the downside first. As soon as you discover that you have been lied to, tricked, duped and betrayed by those very institutions that you hypnotically placed on the shelf for holy truth you can count on becoming mad, even very mad enraged. When you meet other sleeping people who are still in their comfort zones, you can count on feeling very alone even lonely. It will not be easy to lose yourself in mindless consumption, or gorging your mind on stupid, meaningless reality films. You wont think anything else is fun to talk about, except your newfound discoveries. Your friends will call you a conspiracy theorist. You might even be labeled paranoid. You wont get invited to the most fun parties in the future. Get the point? For some strange reason, people in the comfort zone do not like to be rudely disturbed by your uninvited revolutionary discoveries. One thing you need to know is that you really dont have to save anybody from anything that they dont want to be saved from. Its not your job to become a missionary. Remember that you can only take responsibility for leading the horse to the water. You cannot take responsibility for getting the horse to drink the water. It is not a good idea to give the horse salt either even though it would feel good sometimes! Your own personal interests and values will also change. When you discover what the lies are, what the truth is all about, your definition of meaningful and meaningless will change. You will have to make new friends to make up for the ones that still want to sleep. You might spend a lot more time on the Internet, and less time in front of the global media controlled entertainment/news/propaganda machine. During the process of waking up, you may become more fearful than you were from just not knowing what the truth really was about. When you begin to realize that you have been manipulated to become afraid of things you really didnt need to be afraid of all you are doing at its worst is trading unreasonable fear with reasonable fear. Dont worry. The fear trip is very temporary. You will soon learn that fear is something you need to have conquered anyway. When you learn that you dont need to be afraid of dying, than all you need to do is conquer the fear of living. I will show you how to do that. The upsides to waking up are much greater than the downsides. The sleeping individual often considers life to be circumstantial happening, sometimes even an

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accident that wasnt meant to have happened. As such life is essentially meaningless. For the individual who has managed to become spiritual awakened and informed, life is known to be a choice and full of meaning. For each individual there is a unique agenda and lessons to be learned. At this point, there is an exponential level of progress towards enlightenment. First and foremost, when you learn that your life is meant to have a certain direction, most people start moving in that direction. The conflicts between intellect and emotions that often badger the sleeping individual disappear as soon at there is an understanding that these two parts of the personality actually belong together to help each other. The enlightened individual will, sooner or later, discover Higher Self as a helper, protector and co-creator of reality. Where fear of death and other certain dangers runs the life of the sleeping person, the informed person will have dumped the fear and replaced it with calmness and clarity. The greatest advantages of spiritual awakening come from having self-awareness, knowing how you function on the inside and what resources you have available. Insight about the society you live in and the universe only serves to build upon that model of reality that proves that everything fits together. The life of the sleeping individual is very poor, no matter how much money they have managed to accumulate. If you want to become rich with insight, read on. Hypnosis in your every day reality I have clinical training in hypnosis. I have also integrated the theories into a practical methodology that I have used for many purposes since 1990. Hypnosis is a method to reach out to the subconscious mind for the purpose of gaining information or placing information with the subconscious. Hypnosis is the tool of choice for cleaning up and sorting through previous beliefs that have been placed there by others or through the uncritical acceptance of ideas from other sources. Based on my background knowledge of hypnosis, I consider that that most people are actually hypnotized into believing in a reality that is an illusion. That illusion creates the perception of a reality that is repressive, false, limiting and self-destructive. Most people have what is called a critical factor as an inherent part of their conscious resources. This is the part of you that needs to judge ideas and suggestions critically before you accept or reject them. This is for your mental and emotional protection. There are times when critical factor gets in the way and this is when it is good to have hypnosis to get past our artificial limitations. The same

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mechanism can be used against you if someone uses hypnotic techniques to get past your critical factor when you havent been asked. First of all, you need to know that there are certain laws that say hypnosis can only be used by doctors, psychologists, and sometimes dentists. At the same time, one of the most well respected clinical hypnotic experts in the world, Milton Erickson, said that families are the most important hypnotic institutions we have in this world. That means that there is a conflict between the law and reality. I know that hypnotic techniques are used with utter abandonment in the fields of entertainment, advertising, politics, religion and propaganda/public relations. That means that you, as an uninformed individual, dont have a chance at defending yourself from being hypnotized by people you dont even expect are trying to hypnotize you. It is my understanding that certain people think this is a good way of keeping you boxed up in an artificial reality. After careful consideration, I have concluded that the legal regulation of hypnosis has been created to keep a larger number of people from discovering the positive benefits of this wonderful method of communication with the subconscious mind. Any suggestion, idea or thought that passes through your critical filter, will have a tendency to live its own life, without ever being challenged for legitimacy. In a way, its like an uninvited party crasher, who sneaks past the gatekeeper. Once in, the party crasher starts to mingle with the other guests and becomes well known. Nobody ever challenges the party crasher after that - just part of the crowd. I am going to let you in on some hypnotic secrets so you can at least have some form for self-defense. Since this book has a lot to do with becoming dehypnotized, you will want to know a little about how you became hypnotized in the first place. The first hypnotic pattern I want you to know about is by the use of assumptions, presuppositions and implications. You can call an assumption for an assumed truth. A presupposition is an assumption that is not stated directly, but something one has to conclude from the way the statement is worded. An implication is an indirect implied truth. Implications can be very buried deep in the meaning of something that could seem very innocent. Assumptions An assumption is an assumed truth, or proclaimed truth. Assumptions can be delivered by a number of different language patterns. Common to them all is the idea

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that they carry the truth. Assumptions are the starting point of beliefs and convictions that are an important part of our inner mental map. We navigate in our life, based on the information contained on that map. This is how you create a large part of your perceptions about reality. Assumptions that are not confronted about the truth of their content have a nasty habit of living their own lives in our subconscious mind. This is why it is useful to spend a while learning about assumptions and how they affect you. You come in contact with three variations of assumptions in your every-day life. Each form will be discussed separately. The first one is a direct assumption. The assumed truth is delivered directly, Global warming is made by people. Your best protection against mistaking an assumption from a lie is to use your critical senses. You can also try to find out about the credibility of the source for information. This is not an easy task. I will be showing you shortly how some of our more trustworthy institutions and organizations actually base their existence on many different layers of lies. Presuppositions When an assumption is created indirectly by the sentence structure of the message, it is called a presupposition. These can be difficult to detect. I have discovered over 40 linguistic patterns in the English language that create presuppositions. A funny joke demonstrates what a presupposition actually is and how it works. The lawyer was badgering the witness in a court case. He insisted that the witness answer all of his questions with a simple yes or no answer. The witness refused. The judge leaned over and said to the witness that he was obliged to answer as requested. To this the witness said, okay, but only if you answer one of my questions with a yes or no answer. To this the judge said, okay. The witness asked the judge, Have you stopped taking bribes? Answer me Yes, or No. It is not stated directly that the judge ever started taking bribes. This must be assumed because we say, stopped. This kind of language structure has a very hypnotic affect on the mind. By using three or more of this kind of language pattern one after the other, you can guarantee that the conscious mind will have difficulties challenging each and every presupposition. This technique is very hypnotic and would be a natural theme to focus on if this had been a course in hypnosis. The following

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statement demonstrates the power of presuppositions: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. This statement was made by G.W. Bush after the events of September 11, 2001. The presupposition in this sentence has to do with the number of choices that are available in this situation. There are only two choices. But that isnt true at all, we have an infinite number of choices concerning who we sympathize with, or where our loyalties are. The fact that there are a great number of people in the world that are saying that 9/11 was an inside job makes the sentence even more difficult to comprehend. If that is the case, we have no choice because each choice leads us to Bush. Perhaps that is what he really meant! Implications Presuppositions are formed by the implications that we have to conclude from the way the sentence is put together. The form I am discussing now is even more difficult to discover. It is buried deeper in the structure of the sentence. A good example is from the following question, What do you see when you look in the mirror? The answer to the question implies something about the model of reality used by the person answering the question. The obvious answer for most people would be, My self- of course! This answer implies that your identity at a subconscious level is closely linked with the image of your body. If your reply is, I see my body, the implication is that your identity is closely linked with your consciousness. The difference is actually quite important. When identity is linked to your body, you disappear when you die. When identity is linked to consciousness, you are much more likely to ask the question about what happens to consciousness after the body dies. These issues have an important effect on how we perceive our reasons for life, our values, capabilities, responsibilities, morals and behavior. Repetition of assumptions - Propaganda When any form for assumption gets repeated over time, it will have a tendency to be hypnotic. When experts, advertising, news bulletins, books, politicians and show business all start saying the same thing, its called the band wagon. Usually, there is someone paying a lot of money so that you will believe whatever message these people have. Some of these messages are: Diseases are a natural part of living Only medicines can cure a disease If it is a medicine, than its good for you

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Vaccines make you immune Medicine companies are working very hard to find a cure for cancer Your mind is what the brain does When a child is sick it needs antibiotics Hospitals are safe and clean Milk is a good source for calcium Vitamin C is the same as Ascorbic acid The prime concern of the health industry is your health The Federal Drug Administrations job is to protect consumers from the medical establishment Being pregnant is a serious medical situation Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are effective cancer treatments. Fluoride in your water, toothpaste and tablet form protects your teeth. Your government wants to protect you The military will take care of its own soldiers when they become damaged goods Depleted Uranium is depleted of harmful radioactivity therefore it is safe to use as armor piercing weaponry Soya is a healthy alternative to source of protein Eating meat increases global warming Electronic voting machines make the democratic process both more accurate and safer. Privatization makes the infrastructures of society more effective and cheaper to run. Competition brings out the best in people and products Globalization is just as natural as summer following spring Giving up your freedoms makes you more protected Homosexuality is a disease and unnatural God created man first they are therefore superior to women Democracy and free market economies are a good combination for a healthy society Depression is a disease If you are depressed you need medicines

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All of these common sense mantras are total lies. Massive amounts of money have been used to manipulate governments and other agencies in order to promote these slogans for mass consumption. All you need to do to discover the truth is to do a little research on your own. Critical thinking, while using the Internet would be advisable. Here are a couple more of my favorites: Shock The next hypnotic technique that is often used by lovers and governments is called the shock technique. The method is very simple. The best way to get a Homogenized milk is safer and more healthy to drink Margarine is better for your heart than butter If your child is very active and not paying attention in school, you need to get the child on Ritalin Gene modified crops are healthy for any animal to consume Coding of chemicals used in foods is used so you can easily figure out if it is dangerous or not. Artificial sugar is safe to eat and drink The war on terror is about fighting fundamentalist Muslims who want to overtake the world. The world is in the middle of an energy crisis Those long weird-looking clouds that almost never go away, that come from airplanes high up in the sky are just condensation from the hot exhaust gasses. That fancy food coloring that makes candy and food designed for children look so nice does not make them hyperactive God is on our side We have to have lots of foreign workers in the system because there are not enough people here to do all the jobs that need to be done. Atomic energy is a good alternative for saving the planet from global warming Plastic is safe to drink from Everyone gets the same treatment under the rule of law The chemicals in your skin and hair products are safe for you to use What is good for the economy is good for you If you question your government, you are being unpatriotic

Are you getting worried yet?

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persons critical facilities to disappear for a shorter or longer period of time is to put them out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally or in any combination of above. This happens when we get into accidents. It happens when someone tells or shows us something that is shocking. It happens when we become injured. Of course it applies to those who are electronically shocked by Tasers used by police and others. Simply being tripped, pushed over or slipping, you will have lost your critical facilities, until you regain your balance. When this happens, you will be extremely susceptible to hypnotic suggestions. The suggestions may be anything that will help you regain balance, understand what is going on, or relieve the uncomfortable situation of confusion. The suggestions do not have to be true at all. They slip right past the gatekeeper because the gatekeeper is gone. This is used by many a manipulative lover often known as psychopaths. That is why their victims have such difficulty leaving the relationship because it is based on hypnotic suggestions to stay. Governments are also known to make use of this technique. Anything that shocks the victim will do. Of course any power structure can make use of this technique to manipulate whomever they want to. At a government level, this technique is often used to convince large groups of people to support wars and changes in the society that they normally would say no to. I will elaborate on that shortly. Negative commands Another hypnotic method that effects you in your everyday life is called, negative commands. The unconscious mind does not know how to work with negative words. Dont worry, this is not dangerous at all, gets interpreted to mean, Worry, this is dangerous! Dont get sick of the flu. We dont think you should have to worry about losing your health. Thats why we provide you with all the medicines you will ever need. If you want to improve the effect of your own communication, stay away from negative commando-words. Rephrase with a positive statement that says exactly what you want. Instead of saying, Make sure you dont fall from that tree! Try saying, Climb down from that tree carefully! Fear Fear is not commonly recognized as a hypnotic technique, at least in psychotherapy. By defining hypnosis as having a very narrow and limited focus of

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attention, and the susceptibility to accept suggestions, than fear is absolutely a hypnotic technique used by bullies, authority figures and governments. Fear is the tool of choice for keeping people occupied, compliant and suggestible. People who are afraid are easy to control. They will do what you ask, as long as you can promise that the fear will go away. This way they will ask for protection and give up liberties, money and freedom. This is why there is always some sort of war going on the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on poor schooling, the war on terror, the war on cancer, the war on disease. In some countries, that are especially prone to using fear to manipulate and create a compliant citizenry in respect to the authorities, the police are working at a local level, not to protect and serve, but to bully and intimidate. By using military assault weapons, tactical gear, black uniforms and tasers, the police become an object of fear themselves. People that are confronted by all the aggression that an officer of the law can project, have little choice but to comply or suffer injury or death. This is all part of the bigger program. In the future, you can expect to have a couple of new things added to your list of fears. Expect to be afraid of global disasters like earthquakes, tsunami waves, super volcano eruptions, pandemics, asteroid collisions with earth and even alien invasions. All of this is scripted into the program for the future. The more enlightened you become, the less susceptible you will be to being manipulated by fear. You will find out why later on in this book. Fear is hypnotic because it is an automatic response to your environment that is normally outside of your conscious control. Fear is irrational. It is a part of your fight or flight responses. There are a number of ways to get fear more under your conscious control. The first step is to learn to recognize the difference between real and imagined danger. As a part of any form for spiritual development you will learn that death is nothing to be feared. That helps a lot. After that you only have to deal with the fear of living. Learning how your emotions are a part of your subconscious sensory communication system will help you understand how you can deal with fear on a conscious level. This is usually an important part of any training in NLP, or Neuro-linguistic Programming. Anchoring techniques are also an important part of the NLP tools that you will learn. These are especially useful to transform fear to something more useful. Remember that fear is not useful for anything.

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Becoming unhypnotized That which has entered the mind through hypnosis, can leave the mind, the same way. In addition to that, by challenging assumptions and beliefs that might not be true, you dont even need hypnosis. Its more about unlearning and relearning. Just reading this material will help you get started. If what you read shocks you, remember, I am also suggesting answers that help you get your balance back. At the same time, I would remind you that you must feel free to challenge the assumptions that I provide you with. In general, you might like to apply a simple rule to this process. If you become more empowered and have more choices, you are making good choices. When I first started writing, I used systems thinking methods to discover the most important question that could resolve mankinds most frequent and grave problems. I discovered that the root cause of mankinds greatest problems was the confusion about the nature of consciousness. Science hasnt been able to answer the question fully and religion leaves a trail of conflicting belief systems that are incomplete at their very best. My experiences the last twenty years told me that it was possible to get past belief about consciousness. Today, we can know what it is and how it is structured. That is why I wrote the book, A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. After recovering from two years of writing that book, another question started to bother me. I asked myself, How has it been possible for society to deliver information to the masses in such a way that they would have great difficulties discovering their real spiritual identity? I have found the answer to that question. It is probably the greatest hypnotic effort ever made on mankind.

The uncoupled theory of everything

Imagine the following. High up in the hierarchy of power and influence, during the early days of civilization, a plan was created to keep the greater masses from ever knowing the truth about them selves, their world or their place in the universe. All information was to be treated in one of two ways. A certain class of information that contains the secrets, knowledge and codes to understand the mysteries of mankind and the universe was to be kept hidden from the masses. This body of knowledge is called esoteric and occult. Access to this knowledge was to be made extra difficult by infusing it with a combination of fear and ridicule. All

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other information was to undergo a process called fragmentation, which means to cut off from the whole, to break up into unrecognizable parts that do not fit with other parts. The intention of the decree was to create confusion. And it worked! The method of fragmentation became a habit for all but those at the very highest levels of the hierarchy of humanity, the controllers. By the time it became a habit, no one was able to figure out who it was that started this method of thinking and understanding. Two foundations of information are considered to be holy sources of the truth, science and religion. If both of these sources become infected with a thought virus, confusion will spread itself quit naturally throughout the rest of the collective database of information used by the masses. The process becomes complete when the following methodologies are used at the same time in any combination. 1. Reductionism to understand wholeness. This means that parts of the whole are isolated from each other and studied as single elements. Reductionism celebrates specialization. This is why scientists dissected Einsteins brain when they tried to find out how he got to be so smart! Reductionism is deeply rooted as a useful methodology in the scientific process. 2. Materialism to understand the whole. This means that anything that is not physical is not allowed into the realm of science. This is why science can only study the brain and not consciousness because consciousness is not physical. Since science refuses to take the realm of the non-physical seriously there is a certain legitimacy for ridiculing anybody that would want to research anything to do with spiritualism, ghosts or even paranormal phenomenon. 3. 4. Importing a mechanical paradigm to understand the human body, reducing health-care to the art of fixing or replacing worn down or broken parts. Rationalism to understand the whole. Rationalism is associated with the leftbrain intellectual resources that use sequential logic to form conclusions. This means that thinking process move from A to B before they get to C. This process is opposed to the irrational thought processes, which are a part of the right brain hemisphere. The irrational mind is also associated with the subconscious mind and as Freud discovered for a hundred years ago, this is a leftover from our animal past. This is where violent tendencies and sexual impulses emerge. Even though Freuds theories have been proven to be wrong

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in this respect, traditional psychology has embraced them as the truth and built upon these ideas to further understand the nature of consciousness. Therefore are many of these attitudes still a part of modern psychological understanding. 5. Focus on the value of thinking about systems that are closed. Closed systems have no interaction with anything outside the system. This makes things very easy for science. No complicated messy arrangements. This is like a battery driven toy that can only run out of energy. Its called entropy. This has led to the scientific understanding that even the universe is a closed system. Since cosmology is the mother of all science, all the other branches have a tendency to follow suit. 6. Segregation By splitting wholeness apart, it makes things easy. We keep the boys from the girls, the Muslims from the Christians, the French from the Germans, etc. This way nobody gets to talk to each other if they are different in any way. 7. Fixing the symptoms instead of finding the root cause. This is like taking medicines for depression also known as fire fighting because as soon as one fire is extinguished, another starts somewhere else. This is the premise of most problem solving solutions especially politics. 8. Get the people to believe that competition is better than any form for cooperation. This will ensure that people will think of each other more as enemies than friends. It means that will hold secrets from each other because that means it is easier for someone to win. 9. Provide user directions with nominalizations that make understanding impossible. A nominalization is a way to make a dynamic verb to act as a noun thereby making it a static thing. When this process is used to describe problems or solutions it is very easy to become stuck with the static identity instead of describing the dynamic activity. Example: I have a problem. My marriage is on the rocks. I guess there wasnt enough love in the relationship. Words in italics are used as nouns, when they are actually dynamic processes. A better expression would be: I am relating to my wife/husband in an unloving way. In the first example, the person is a victim. In the second example change is possible.

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Demand and reward specialization as a symbol of authority and knowledge. This way we learn more and more about less and less. Until we know everything about nothing! The more specialization the greater the status in the professional world. This will help the masses to become focused on the parts and not the whole. This is extremely useful when it comes to hospitals and universities. Specialization = competence.


Mix parts of true information with other parts that are half-truths, misinformation and disinformation. That will create enough confusion to keep them busy for a while.


Deliver information in bits and pieces that dont add up or really belong together. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. When a certain percentage of these techniques are used together as an

integrated whole, fragmentation becomes perfected and all unification of information disappears. Hypnotizing the masses to assume that science is more or less a holy institution for the truth guarantees that the masses will always be misinformed and uninformed about what really counts. The consequences The technology that mankind is able to create is a lot more advanced than the collective understanding that mankind has about self. Fragmentation seems to further our ability to create material technology. Most people seem to expect the same kind of results when it comes to understanding nature, mankind and human systems. Science has always held a special position when it comes to wisdom and insight. Because the scientific method has self imposed limitations concerning objectivity and materialistic evidence it becomes impossible to use science to understand consciousness. It is not physical but spiritual. Science is stuck with the brain when it needs to understand what mind is all about. Due to inertia that science and society are plagued with; I dont see any revolution on the horizon when it comes to changing our fragmented understanding of reality. A lot of people understand that something is wrong. The symptom has been identified. Just as Bob Dyllans song from the 60s There is something going down, but you dont know what it is. Do you Mr. Jones? The root cause of our problems are twofold. The first is that we use fragmented information to understand consciousness.

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The second is that consciousness has never been collectively understood. Mankind is still living in a spiritual Dark Age. The exponential increase in technological insight creates an exponential increase in the tempo of change in society. Short term thinking and treating the symptom has become a collective habit. The world has started to rotate so much quicker and more and more people are having difficulty hanging on. We have become victims of a fragmented society. All of our attempts to fix the problems that plague us just make the problems worse. The situation seems to apply to each and every human institution we have. Mankind has yet to be able to deal with the serious challenges we face concerning nature and our climate. The methods we use to create energy, our economic systems, our culture, technological infrastructures, institutions for health and education are dysfunctional and defect. We have become slaves to the technology that we have created with our fragmented world perspectives. We have too little self-knowledge and that means we dont know how to relate to each other or nature in any constructive manner. If we dont change our ways and our understanding of life, our future will surely be very much a disaster. The solution an alternative to fragmentation The last time I used a Windows operating system on a computer, there was a maintenance program called defragmentation that needed to be run on a regular basis. When you work with large files, the hard disk stores the information in different sectors that are available at that moment. After a while, the computer hard disk has to work a lot harder to collect all the information that has been stored here and there. Defragmenting the hard disk collected all the information at the same physical place and made the computer a lot more effective. You can say that defragmentation means that all the information that belongs together is together. You might be asking yourself the question, What is the alternative to fragmentation? Where will I find a body of knowledge outside the system? The opposite of fragmentation is probably the term holistic. When you want to bring holistic principles into the arena of understanding reality you need the following tools and attitudes: 1. Systems thinking approaches to problem solving and structuring information a rare ability. This includes thinking about systems in an

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interactive way. It means that we need to understand the goal of the system and the necessary prerequisites for its existence. This means we also need to measure the systems effectiveness according to its goal. We need to understand the long chain of causes and effects before we can discover root causes. 2. Support and rewarding generalized learning and patterns of behavior that are similar to each other. This supports the principle from Hermes Thismegistus patterns in the micro-cosmos are the same as the macrocosmos. As is above, so is below. 3. Support and rewarding of Meta-thinking. If the first subject students learned at school was about the process of effective learning, the rest of school would be a lot more effective. Meta means to go up to a higher logical level. Meta learning is learning to learn. Meta communication is communication about communication. Meta competence is competence about competence. NLP is a good example of set of meta skills. 4. Include integration as an important principle in the process of development. 5. The study of open systems learning about synergy effects, interaction between systems, positive and negative feedback loops. 6. Change the way we use language get those static phrases back into their verb form so we can better understand what is really happening. 7. Including the invisible (multidimensional) and subjective experiences into the scientific method. 8. Supporting cooperation a lot more than competition 9. Clearing up all the models of understanding that have internal conflicts. The conflicts are a sign that there is something that we dont understand. 10. Support truthfulness because it sets us free. 11. Support long term thinking This is what you need to know about if you are serious about understanding how you, the world and the universe all fit together. This would introduce you to the substructure of reality that few people really are aware of. Most people dont even know it exists. By the time you are finished with this book, you will have become informed about what that substructure is all about. With these tools, anybody would

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have what they needed to start gathering information and dealing with it in a more useful way. In the computer world this process is called defragmenting that means organizing the information on a computer hard disk in such a way that information that belongs together comes together. This is something we all need to do to become informed. Assault on the illusions You have now been provided with some suggestions to the effect that what you might have considered as a reality is in actuality an illusion. This will be especially true if you are living in a democratic nation. If you have been living under the assumption that your government is ultimately a benevolent institution, or that society as a whole is a benevolent institution, you may be in for a serious shock. The series of information that I am about to provide you with will hopefully change your perceptions about life on this planet forever. Remember what I wrote early in this book. You have been lied to, fooled, tricked, duped, scammed, cheated, oppressed, repressed and hypnotized into believing in an illusion. The nature of that illusion is designed to keep you passive, ignorant, compliant and available for duty when called upon by your handlers. This observation is entirely within the surface structure of reality. I have found that knowledge of the true nature of the surface structure of reality is very necessary because it really makes sense when you discover the nature of the deeper structure of reality the spiritual nature of life and living. As I start to introduce a number of thoughts and idea about society I will ask you to hold a certain framework in mind. This framework is about polarization between good and evil forces in this world. I am not talking about the religious understanding of this idea. I define good as a greater than 50% focus on serving other people. This form for serving is by providing greater choices, not through manipulation. I define evil as a major focus of self-service at the expense of others. I will define these terms much more specifically at a later time. I have discovered that our physical reality is all about the dynamics of duality. There are a fairly low percentage of people that are consciously polarized either towards service to others or service to self. The greater majority of people fall in the group I call undecided. Both of these polarized types of people will provide each and every individual with the opportunity to experience the consequences of these two different ways of operating in the world. These experiences gradually teach the

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greater masses of undecided polarization to choose sides at some time during their development. I have found that much of the negatively polarized aspects of society are very much hidden from view. By creating doubt, confusion, misinformation and propaganda fragmenting everything you perceive they can continue to do their work, serving their hidden agenda, while you are busy living your life under the illusion that everything is just fine, the way it is. For that reason, I will be informing you about those secrets that the dark side would prefer you remained ignorant about. This does not mean that there are no good people in our society. I know that and you should know that. They are not the ones trying to hide their agendas from you. When the good and the bad are both out in the open, it becomes much easier to realize what the consequences of polarization are all about.

Mass hypnotism in modern time

Naomi Klein wrote a book titled, iiThe Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. She describes how shock is used by groups of people to put them out of balance. War, economic meltdown, terror attacks and natural disasters are all used to get a greater or smaller society to say yes to something they normally would say, no to. In this case it is the politicians who come forward and offer solutions. The terror attack in New York 2001, Shock and Awe in Iraq and the hurricane in New Orleans are all good examples where this method has been used. A new form for organized pillaging is taking place. Commercial interests take over with guns. In the US, a new breed of well trained mercenaries from a well connected company called Blackwater, have entered the scene and complimented the privatization of the military by companies like Halliburton or Brown and Root. Blackwater forces are not under any form for military command or civilian law while they operate in the war in Iraq. Like agent 007, they seem to have a license to kill without consequence. All of the Iraq infrastructure and natural resources have been privatized. In New Orleans, huge beaches and entire parts of the city have been taken over by commercial interests. This private take-over has been subsidized with governmental support that was supposed to be earmarked for the original inhabitants of the city. The same thing has happened to the people ravaged by the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in 2004. Huge areas of beach properties that used to be littered with private homes have now become tourist resorts.

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Milton Freidman developed the philosophy of shock economy early in the 1960s. He proposed an extreme case of free markets, minimum taxation of corporations and privatizing the infrastructure without the involvement of government. The first project was in Chile under the dictator Augusto Pinochet. The economy in Chile went into a meltdown. Many of those that liked Freidmans theories understood that wars, natural disasters and civil chaos could be the perfect playing field for trying out these policies. Globalized economic machines are able to completely overrun any form for competitive situation in areas that are not already free zones. The smaller players in the market just go broke over night. The economic globalists function like vultures on the natural resources of the land. The mentality is about using and throwing away. The leftovers are huge mounds of trash and an infrastructure that sucks the life force out of anybody left in the system. The only defense against this kind of economic rape is recognizing the patterns of behavior while they are happening. In this way the citizens will not be so easily fooled into letting go of their freedom or resources. Terror and hypnosis Before I begin this section, I want you to know that I am fully aware that there are minority groups in our society that use acts of terrorism to promote their extreme religious, political and economic agendas. They do exist. The terrorizing thought is that the greatest acts of terror throughout the world seem to be coming from inside the very governments that are supposed to be protecting us. I do not write these words lightly. I know that these ideas are controversial and even unacceptable to some. There was a time that I would never have believed in such a thought. Its one thing to consider that countries go to war just to pillage natural resources. Its another step in the wrong direction to kill hundreds of innocent civilian citizens just to incite the rest of the country to take revenge on some innocent people. Unless you already have begun to acknowledge the existence of governmentsponsored terror, you probably have always thought of terrorists as a kind of underdog. These people, or groups of people, are loyal to some cause that they are willing to die for. They think of themselves as a David up against a Goliath. They use terror because the can see no other way to fight their cause. This is not the kind of terrorist I concern myself with her and now.

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The terror I am writing about here is known as False Flag Terror and the technique is as old as the book itself. The Romans set fire to Rome, just so they could blame the Christians. It seems that Hitler was the one behind the fire in the German parliament Reichtag in 1933. He used the crises and terror threat to come to power and create laws that severely limited freedom for the average German citizen. When president Johnson was in power, he proclaimed that North Vietnam had attacked American military vessels in the gulf of Tonkin. iiiIt never happened. It did the trick of getting the American public to go to war against that country. The 1995 bombing of the Federal Murrah building in Oklahoma City was blamed on a single car bomber using fertilizer as a bomb. On the scene news reporters from the local television were talking about multiple bombs being defused inside the building. A critical examination of the evidence suggests that the entire truth was not being told. Many have forgotten about the first bomb that went off in the World Trade Center in 1993 when president Clinton was in power. Evidence shows that the FBI had an informant, Edmand Salem that worked with a terrorist cell. The FBI gave the explosives to Salem. He gave them to the terrorists. They could have stopped the entire event. Salem was told that the explosives would be switched with a harmless powder. That never happened. In March 13, 1962 the US Joint Chiefs of Staff presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara a suggested plan to get the US involved in a war with Cuba. The operation was called Operation Northwoods. The following was suggested: 1. A false communist Cuban terror campaign would be operative in Miami, other towns in Florida and maybe even Washington DC. 2. Sink a real, or virtual, boatload of Cuban refugees and blame the Cuban government. 3. Fake a Cuban attack on an American civilian airplane. 4. Explode a US ship in Cuban territorial waters and say the Cubans did it. President Kennedy vetoed the suggestions. As far as the third suggestion was concerned, the conspiracy was supposed to go like this: The military would paint a military plane to look exactly like a civilian flight. Military personnel in civilian clothing would board the plane, booked as a flight that would pass Cuban territory. Before the flight left American airspace, they would land and exchange the plane with a radio controlled military flight with the same markings. The flight would be made to

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explode by remote control and Cuba would get the blame. The American public would be justifiably enraged and support an invasion of the country as revenge. This is what some governments, or government officials think and do. All false flag terror attacks are designed to move the emotions of the citizens in the country that is attacked. The perpetrator behind the attack can also come from a different country. Common to all false flag terror attacks is that the group that is blamed for the attack is innocent. This is how a small, but manipulative country can get a more powerful country to start a war with the smaller countrys enemy. There are many hidden agendas behind false flag terror attacks. This is perfectly technical hypnosis in any practical terms. Feelings are much stronger than logic when it comes down to how to mobilize a country to go to war. If you are going to die for your country, your feelings have to be involved. Your logical critical functions would tell you that going to war would just be stupid. I was not one of the first people to discover that we were not told the truth about the 9.11 attacks in the US in 2001. I was visiting my parents in Michigan in the summer 2005. By coincidence, I came over a French web site that was called ivHunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions! The web site challenged me to use the official photos of the event at the Pentagon, compare them with the official version of that the government said did actually happen and make up my own conclusions as to whether I had been lied to or not. I had to admit that I had been lied to. I suggested to my father that he should take a look for himself. His response was typical for a loyal American patriot. My father was ready to disown me. My discovery astonished me. I was not entirely convinced just because one web site challenged my belief systems. I spent the next couple of days going over the evidence event for event. This was probably the biggest shock of my life, much bigger than what I felt that September afternoon in Norway, when I first got the news that the US was under attack. This was a giant example of mass hypnosis on the entire world. It has been used to get a general public to support two wars and an untold number of civilian casualties. The aftermath of 9.11 is still unfolding. I was in the US when the bombs went off in vLondon 7.7.05 I was suspicious. After carefully going through the documentation my verdict is clear another false flag terror attack. The evidence from the viBali bomb 14.09.02 is also

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very clear another false flag terror attack. The


Madrid bombs in 2004 are also

heavily documented events that give rise to suspicions of false flag attacks. When I talk to eastern Europeans living in Norway, most of them see what is going on in Russia as pretty much the same as in the US and Europe control through fear of terror and the government is controlling the terror! You need to take a look at what has happened in the countries that have been affected by these terror attacks. In the US, president Bush has taken almost dictatorial powers over the congress, and the judicial branch. Elections have been rigged. The bill of rights in the constitution has been more or less destroyed. Prisoner of war camps have been constructed. The news media is under the control of a small group of powerful globalists. It seems like entire country is in a trance. In Australia laws passed since the Bali bombings have even made it against the law to protest what the government does. The sedition law can get you into prison for 5 years just for disagreeing with the government. England has become the most monitored country in the world. Their cameras even have speakers that talk to the people telling them what to do. This is a prime example of people saying yes to the loss of freedoms just so they can feel a little more protected. If you think I am making this up, I challenge you to check the evidence yourself. There is plenty of documentation provided by brave people who have done their homework and risked their lives to tell you the truth. If you are ever in doubt, just follow the stream of money and you will find the truth. The trail of evidence around the events of 9.11 The news media seemed well prepared with answers to give the shocked public after the attacks on September 11, 2001. We were told that the attacks were done by, Al Qaeda, sometimes also called Al CIAda. We were told that the Twin Towers collapsed because the fires and the enormous explosions that rocked the building when the planes hit, weakened the iron structure. The spontaneous comments by newscasters that the collapse of the towers looked strangely like controlled demolition were aired only once. Few people realize that a third tower number 7 also collapsed that evening. Tower number 7 was not hit by any plane. There were some fires in the building. Tower 7 was a heavy steel structure; the bunkers for the Mayor were there. The offices of the FBI that were investigating the Enron scandal were there. Strangely enough, a BBC report talked about the tower having already

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collapsed twenty minutes before it happened. When the building did fall in its own footprint, the news rapport said the enormous fires that were raging inside had weakened the building. It was all a lie. Since 9/11 experts have pointed out the facts that the building fell at the speed of gravity in a vacuum. The aware observer can see the explosives going off in sequence as the building fell to the ground. Did you know that on that day, NORAD, was running a number of training scenarios that seemed suspiciously just like what was really going on? The official commission that was given the job of finding out what really happened on 9.11 was provided with a tiny budget to get the job done. When it became known that dual citizen Henry Kissinger was to lead the commission; that was like a slap in the face. It had already become public knowledge that a group of Mossad agents from Israel were arrested. They were observed, dressed up as Arabs, celebrating the fall of the towers. By all rights 4,000 Jews should have died when the towers collapsed. Forewarned, they had moved out of the building before the hit. More money was used trying to oust president Clinton after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, than was used to find out how and why 3,500 people died on that September day. The final rapport did not point the blame on any person. No one has ever been tried and convicted of the deed. Those that should have been fired on the spot have all been promoted. The Mayor who was responsible for giving the green light for moving back into the toxic dust that was all around Manhattan has tried running for Presidential election in 2008. Most of the first responders at New York have lung problems because of the dust. Many have already died. Five war games and terror drills were conducted by the American defense systems that morning as the towers were hit. General Richard B. Meyers admitted to congress that there were four drills that day. Norad and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were in the middle of a drill where state run planes were to identify themselves as highjacked civilian planes. Another drill was to simulate planes colliding with an unknown building. There were a large number of false radar blips on the screens that day. Nobody that could do anything knew what was real world and what was exercise. No Air Force fighter planes were there to intercept the high-jacked civilian planes before they hit their targets. One exception seems to be the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Donald Rumsfield said one time that the plane was shot down. This fits in with the evidence because wreckage was found over an extremely large

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area almost 8 miles. No plane wreckage was found where we were told the plane went down. I wonder if that plane was supposed to hit tower number 7. Thats why it had to go down anyway. All military drills were under the commando of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Sixhundred pages of documentation, supported by over a thousand foot notes in the

book, Crossing the Rubicon point out Dick Cheney as one of the main players behind 9.11. The following points are facts that do not match what the government said did happen on that day. There are very few people alive today that can really say what did happen. Those few are not talking. 1. The hole in the Pentagon building, before the wall collapsed, was only 16 feet in diameter a lot smaller than what it would have to be to suck in such an enormous plane. 2. Whatever did hit the Pentagon was able to bore its way through a total of 3x3 feet of heavily armored concrete walls. The last hole was 9 feet in diameter. The only known thing that can do this kind of damage is an American Bunker Buster with a DU tip. 3. We are told that the flight recorder information stipulates the speed of the plane before impact the Pentagon to be over 500 mph. This is way over the max speed of such a plane at ground level due to air friction at low altitudes. Max speed is approximately 250 mph. 4. The smoke in the air around the Pentagon was measured to have a high value of radioactivity. That would only be typical of a Bunker Buster. 5. No wreckage was found to belong to the kind of plane that said hit the Pentagon. 6. There was no damage to the building where the planes motors, tail and wings should have been, in relationship to the small hole in the wall. 7. President Bush said on film that the day of the attacks, he had seen the first plane hit the Twin Towers on TV. He said that he thought it was Pilot Error at first - since the first hit was a surprise attack, only the two French filmmakers got a shot of the first plane when it hit. 8. All the film and video material of the planes hitting the Twin Towers show a mystical flash of light going off, just before the planes hit their

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target. This looks like it could possibly be a flash from a rocket or something else. 9. Pictures of the second plane show that there is something underneath the fuselage that shouldnt be there if it is a passenger plane. 10. Several witnesses say that the second plane was not a passenger plane that they could identify. 11. There is even some evidence that the second plane that went into the Twin Towers was a faked special effects job. The plane slices into steel with almost no resistance. As strange as it may seem, maybe there were no planes at all? We just dont know what really happened. 12. Firemen reported that they had good possibilities of getting the fire under control before the first tower collapsed. 13. Firemen reported that they heard several explosions in the buildings before they collapsed. 14. There was a huge explosion in the basement of both towers before they collapsed. These were even registered on an earthquake monitor. 15. No steel construction, before or after 9.11 has ever collapsed due to fire. Fire is not hot enough to weaken steel. Three buildings did collapse on 9.11 16. There is film evidence that Thermate was used to take down the towers. Photographs of the steel girders at the foundation are also cut at an angle, exactly like a demolition team would do in a controlled demolition. 17. A pool of molten steel was still red hot even 6 weeks after the towers collapsed. Only Thermate, or possibly a nuclear explosion could do this. 18. All three towers fell in their own basements, in their own footprints. They fell at free-fall speed in a vacuum. Only a controlled demolition makes this happen. 19. The pyroclastic clouds around the towers when they went down are typical only together with high explosives. 20. The trajectory of the steel beams being thrown away from the building bear witness to use of high explosives from the bottom up. 21. Police around building number 7 knew ahead of time that the building was going down.

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22. Larry Silversteen said on film that he told the firemen to Lets just pull the building. This is a way of saying controlled demolition. 23. Both the twin towers were full of asbestos for fire protection. These had to be taken down because of environmental concerns. It would have cost Silversteen a huge fortune to do this job. 24. Silversteen had both towers insured against terror attacks. He earned enormous sums of money when both of the towers went down. He was also saved from all the expenses of cleaning up the asbestos. It went into the air and did damage to the lungs of New Yorkers instead. 25. One of President Bushs younger brothers had responsibility for security in the Twin Towers. His responsibility was terminated just before 9.11. 26. It is physically impossible to make a call from a cell phone when a plane is at high altitude. The calls from the Pennsylvania plane must be faked. This has been confirmed by testing done by cell phone producers. 27. There is no evidence of a plane that went down in the hole in the earth in that Pennsylvanian field. 28. The plane wreckage is spread around an area of 8 square miles. 29. Several of the terrorists that the FBI had identified as being on the planes have been confirmed alive and well by the BBC. 30. In the years before 2001, the military industrial complex was in total agreement that a new Pearl Harbor had to happen if there was any hope of getting bigger budgets for the war industry effort. 31. In the American society today, it is legal to tap your phone, Internet traffic, bank information and e-mail. You can be searched without cause, jailed with out cause; you can be kidnapped without cause, tortured without cause and disappeared into a foreign prisoner camp. The government can deny you the right to fly and all foreign nationals have to give their fingerprints just to get into the country. Americans claim that American laws apply to any citizen on this planet. They still call it a free country. I dont what is free there anymore. The lists of physical data that simply do not add up with the official versions of what has happened in New York, London, Bali, and Madrid just to include the more recent atrocities, are all to similar. Something is very wrong with some of our more

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democratic governments. Even though England has become the most closely monitored citizens in the world, a new study shows that 70% dont mind as long as they feel safer. For some strange reason, it doesnt seem to help keep the crime rates down even though there is a CCTV camera on every street corner. Fear is certainly the most influential method to hypnotize a greater number of people into giving up their rights and freedoms. The crime rate in England has not gone down, even though the number of CCTV cameras monitoring the public has gone up. The solution has not solved the social problems in England. Perhaps the solution never had anything to do with solving the social problems in England in the first place. Waking up to 9.11 is a gigantic wake-up call Although few people really know what really went down on that September day, it is very well documented that we were lied to by the government that said it was done by an external enemy. This is the day that everything seemed to change in the world. It is little known that many of the wars, laws and changes were well planned ahead of 9.11. Guess who has made a killing by all of the killing privatization of the military, surveillance industry growth, the military industrial complex and the oil industries. The social training program of treating larger groups of humans as cattle to be headed off to a slaughterhouse has largely been successful. Its called airport security. People are still flying, even though they have to throw away most of their carry-on belongings because someone changed the rules. The limits to the demands for compliance seem limitless. Lately, compliance has become enforced, even upon children by the powers that be carrying stun guns known as tasers. Because they have been deemed safe by some, they have become an excuse to train the masses to immediate compliance, for any reason, or risk death by 50,000 volts of electricity go through your body. Its all perfectly legal. Most airports will soon be equipped with scanning equipment that will strip you naked electronically before you board your airplane. Of course, the data will not be stored or misused. - You can count on that. By understanding how all this started out, you can also start to understand how this is going to end. Only those who dont realize that they have been manipulated through fear, will continue to sleep-walk straight into oblivion. I do not advocate violence. I do advocate becoming informed. When enough informed people join

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together, the forces of darkness loose their power simply because you have no more fear. This is the direction in which I am trying to move you. The demolition of democracy Democratic societies can become transformed to dictatorships. The wellknown social commentator, Naomi Wolf, means that George Bush and his administration are using all of the same common methods that are otherwise known to be used by dictators like Hitler and Pinochet. The steps, according to Naomi Wolf are classic and used by every dictator that wants to go from democracy to an imprisoned society. I mention the steps she points out here so you can become informed and aware of what is going down, where ever you might be living in the world. 1. Create a powerful army that is functional in and outside the country. Six weeks after September 11, 2001, the congress passed a law called The USA Patriot Act. It forewarned of a global war on terror. The threat, it was said, was against our entire civilization. This war did not have an end. The Americans were so afraid that they would trade some of their freedoms in exchange for safety. This is also the way the rest of the world reacted. This was also the only excuse for the mighty military industrial complex to go into overdrive. The army became mobilized, armed to the teeth. 2. Make prison camps. The next phase is to set up a system that is outside the countries present laws and rules in such a way that torture can be used without being accused of breaking the law. In this case, Guantnamo Bay in Cuba was the place of choice. You will not find the long arm of the law on these grounds. Torture can safely be used to scare present and future prisoners. In the beginning only those that deserve to be tortured become included on the torture list. Popular TV-series like 24 indoctrinate the public as to why it can be necessary to use torture. The end is used to justify the means. It is important for the public to get used to the idea. After a while, another type of prisoner gets included in the system journalists with an agenda for the truth become terrorists. In the US the idea of extraordinary rendition kidnapping is used to disappear people from all over the world to secret camps where torture is outsourced. Today, inside the US, Halliburton has been mandated to create new prison

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camps in every state, to accommodate the civilian workers. The reasons for these prison camps are not yet clear. They talk about being prepared for mass migrations, disease control, illegal immigration control what they really are thinking is kept secret. You can be sure that the government does not have your best interests in mind. 3. Create a hierarchy of thugs. The American military has been under a privatization campaign that before never would have been allowed. Private armies, otherwise known as mercenaries, go to war for money and only money. This makes their motivations as dangerous as their weapons. When highly trained solders, become mercenaries, wars are started simply to secure employment. These mercenaries get paid ten times what soldiers in the regular army are getting paid. They are the elite thugs that are under no central command, control or law. Blackwater is a company with lots of connections to the government. Their solders take care of the security details in Iraq. They were also deployed to disarm the citizens in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina destroyed the city. It is not legal under the constitution to employ American soldiers against the American civilian people. Bush has signed new laws that put the National Guard from state to federal control. He can now move in with the National Guard from one state to another, even though the governor of that state is against it. If you look closely, you will also discover how the local police, especially in the US have become more or less military by the way they dress and act. They might have the motto, To serve and protect on their cars, but you can be sure they are there to intimidate you from doing anything the government has deemed unlawful. The new law against Home Grown terrorism says you can even go to jail for being an intellectual threat to the government. 4. Install a system of surveillance. Experiences Italy, under Mussolini, in Germany under Hitler and in communist China and North Korea show that only a small percentage of the population need to believe that they are being watched, before all believe that they are watched. With the older technology, real spies had to be used to infiltrate and observe individuals. With todays modern technology, it is possible to spy on large groups of people like never before. In the US, all telephones, e-mails, sms messages,

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bank transactions and computer logs are legitimate targets for snooping into your private affairs. Under the guise of a National Security Threat (Terrorism), it seems that the government needs to know what everybody is thinking, so that you ca feel safe. CCTV- cameras seem to be everywhere. The next step is to use more and more biometric information on passports and drivers licenses. This information will soon find its way into a RFID chip that every citizen will be required to have even just to travel. Its big brother big time now! Electronic information is never secure. It can always be hacked into. You could lose your identity, your money, house and your freedom in the speed of light. Does that make you feel secure? 5. Chase groups that have become activists. By infiltrating groups of activists, it is relatively easy to keep track of who is inside or outside of the governments powerful elite. Those that support the elite get to go in peace. Those that do not get filmed. All of a sudden, they get called in for tax evasion charges, or what ever else someone can figure out will disrupt their ability to continue their quest. What constitutes terror will be under constant revision and the noose will grow tighter and tighter until it is said, You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists. 6. Random arrest and release. Lists of protester and activists are transferred to the list for those who are to be routinely arrested and harassed. First it is the list of passengers who cannot fly - anywhere. If you should ever get onto such a list, it is difficult to ever get off it. These lists are meant to intimidate people. It is very easy to get on this kind of list. Just protest in a peace march. Do you wonder if ixNaomi Klein has been on the watch list that TSA keeps- you bet! 7. Harass key players - All activists have key persons who run the show. By picking out these people for harassment, making them loose their jobs, getting them on no fly lists, check them for tax evasion, and arresting them for meaningless traffic violations, they get the message the entire group gets the message. Back off! When the government starts with downsizing democracy, it always has to upsize government. More and more people will find that the government is paying them and they are also obligated to

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comply with their standards of conduct. Whistle blowing is certainly not allowed. By losing your security clearance, you loose your job its that simple. If you are not loyal to the system, the system will not be loyal to you. 8. Control the press. Back in the old days, control of the press was taken care of by enforcing certain laws. Today, because globalized corporate media owns the press, the system does the job of controlling what gets on the news from the inside. The global players are pulling the strings anyway. Any rogue journalist will have great difficulty in getting airtime, or a place on the news. The only thing left is the Internet. Everybody knows that the Internet is only for kooks and conspiracy theorists. By implying that the Internet is a breeding ground for child pornography and other sexual madness, there will be forces that try and cleanse the Internet by increasing control of content. This is already being attempted. When the Internet is lost, than there will be only hand made flyers left to communicate to the masses with. 9. Redefine legitimate protest to be criminal behavior. By calling protest for, sedition, unpatriotic behavior, treason, incitement to terror, etc, even thinking about what the government does can be a problem. The new law the Home Grown Terror bill does exactly this. If you are against the social structure of the status quo, it will be unlawful to say anything about it. The term weapon of mass destruction used to mean atomic bombs, dirty bombs, biological weapons etc. Today the media is using the term to describe the simplest of childrens toys if they explode. 10. Install Marshal Law While the globalized media entices your focus on Britney Spears and the question of her mental health, most Americans were unaware that their president had signed a law that gave him dictatorial powers if there ever should be declared a national emergency. That means that he would not answer to either of the two opposing branches to check his powers. That means that any natural disaster, riot, terror attempt or pandemic, could turn the US into a new dictatorship. When Marshal Law is declared, you can bet on it that those prison camps will be opened up for anybody who doesnt agree with the powers that be.

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All the pieces are in place to push the button that will shut down democracy in the US. If it happens, you can bet on the fact that there will be even more wars and rumors of war that feed on the fears of the public. Just like Hitlers Germany, there needed to be a huge collective effort to save the fatherland. What will it be like in the future we dont know yet. I think it is up to the Americans to wake up first. Are these things only happening in America? No! It is very difficult to be informed of each and every government and what they have done to the laws and liberties after 9.11. I do know that the news is no longer news, but part of what someone wants you to be concerned with. One of the problems with the changes in our society after 9.11 is that the governments role in oppression is getting more and more obvious. The main goal is to fragment information so much that most people will not be able to figure out who is actually creating the problems in our society. There are a number of points that Naomi Wolf does not mention in her discussion about the change from democracy to dictatorship. These, I think, are worth mentioning here. It has been said that, What really counts in an election is not how many vote for whom, but who counts the votes. This has become a reality in the US. Electronic voting machines have been used to count the elections for over three 4-year election periods. These machines have been proven to be wide open to election fraud especially when there is no paper evidence. Even the counting system has been known to be fraudulent. When the voting system becomes privatized, you can count on the corporate interests to place their vote, after you have placed yours. A democracy has to have true democratic elections, fair and square. Controlling the media has already been mentioned. In this case it is the deregulation of the information train that is very dangerous. When only a handful of people own the giant media corporations, the media will own the flow of information. This opens up the entire democracy for getting propaganda instead of real news. In the primary elections early in 2008 major news stations have been consciously removing one of the Republican candidates out of the picture. His name is Ron Paul. He is for limited government control, strictly following the constitution and anti war. Enormously popular through Internet exposure, the mass media is leaving him out of debates, not mentioning his name, giving him less TV time than other delegates. On top of that the election machines are rigged in his disfavor. Whoever controls the

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media, controls the minds of the masses who use the media as their source of information. Your government knows this. You need to know that too. Globalization is also another big threat for any democracy. First of all, globalization has come so far in our world today that the hierarchy of power and control, in a worldwide sense, doesnt really have anything to do with governments any more. The corporations are running the show. The larger the corporation, the more resources the corporation will have to use its influence on government regulations. You can imagine why there is a law in the US that says that only medicines can cure a disease. You can imagine why many mental disorders that are curable in a short time with the right form for psychotherapy are listed as diseases. Its because the medical corporations have so much influence that they are telling the lawmakers what laws to make. None of this is in your best interests. Mixing money with politics is also a dangerous blend for any democracy. Wherever you have large amounts of money, you will find large amounts of corruption. It doesnt take too much to figure out that mixing money with government will automatically lead to corruption. It does not matter if there are laws that make the corruption legal it is still corruption. In the US today, there is probably more corruption inside the government than any other place in the world. The very fact that the Vice President still owns stocks and interests in his old company Halliburton, should have been enough to get the alarm bells ringing when it becomes known that Halliburton has received enormous amounts of government contracts to build prison camps in the country and to privatized services for the infrastructure of the wars outside the country. This is just one of the blatant corruption scandals that should have been stopped a long time ago. The US election system automatically couples huge sums of money up to the election of the countrys future leadership. It does not have to be that way. Getting off the capitalistic bandwagon is the first step toward getting free from the clutches of greed, corruption and corporate involvement in government. The government should be for the people, not the companies that are a part of society. From my personal point of view, I find it difficult to believe that the powers that be would chose to be overtly against the people by taking away their freedoms and making life more and more difficult. The best way to enslave a large group of people is to make them slaves to a system that makes them comfortable, docile and

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compliant. That means the comfort zone. When the comfort zone disappears, most people become activated toward getting the comfort zone back. If its the government that has taken that away, than the government will have to use a lot of extra pressure on that citizen to get him or her back in line. This is how revolutions get started by overt oppression of a people that wont stand for it anymore. I ask myself why many governments are heading in this direction. Is their some other danger lurking, that they know about, that they are holding secret? Are they preparing for an event or series of events that are going to change the entire nature of the game? It certainly seems that way. In Norway, it has become well known that the government, along with a number of huge investors are creating something called the Doomsday Vault, in the mountains of Svalbard. This vault will be holding all of the worlds seeds to insure the future of diversity for nature, should some natural disaster strike the Earth. I will get back to this thought later on in the book. So far in this chapter, I have divulged a lot of information that is probably very shocking to a great number of readers. You probably have a lot more questions now, than you did when you started to read this book. I am still a long way from completing my discussion that will strip your illusions away from you. In order to come even closer to reality as it really is, you still need to be informed of a number of other things. I know that most of this stuff is down right scary. It cant be helped. It will help you come to the point where it will be clear for you what choices you have in your near future and which way you chose to go. Where all of this is going I have the following strategy for the layout of information in this book. In the next chapters I will discuss six different themes that will be brought together in the end of the book, the next chapter is all about what the goal of society might be about. The chapter after that is about the environment. I will also delve into issues concerning our, infrastructures, support systems, energy supplies and challenges. You will find that all of these chapters paint a rather dim picture of your personal position in the society as a whole. At this level of awareness, we are only concerning ourselves with the superficial structure of life and living in a society. This book concerns an integrated view of the surface structure and the deeper structure and meanings of life and interaction with society. As the reader will discover when I include a number of facts concerning the spiritual perspectives of life, you will also find that a hidden

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meaning suddenly appears that puts all the bad stuff about society into a different perspective. If you have read the Game of Games, you already know what I mean. You will discover the greatest paradox of all. On the one side society is designed to keep you ignorant, stupid and uninformed. This way, society can use you like a battery. That might seem like bad news and it is. When you take a look at the spiritual perspective you will discover that duality in society gives you the opportunities to choose and experience the entire spectrum of experience that is available on this planet. You need those experiences to learn the lessons you need to learn. So in that respect, this society with all of its shortcomings is exactly what you need to learn from. The problem for most people is that they have a conflict with reality. They think that society should have been different supportive. The thing is that if it were supportive, you would end up in a giant comfort zone and go to sleep. Your learning through difficulties and the multitude of choices, good and bad, would not be there. Once you get around this conflict, you can get on with what is important in your life. That is all about discovering who you are and what your purpose in life is. These issues are discussed in much greater detail in A Spiritual Handbook of Psychology. Close to the end of this book, you will also become informed about some issues that have to do with the greater universe that you are a part of. This is just to let you know that all of this information is actually taking you to an understanding that is very uncommon and very useful. Now is a good time to introduce to you some interesting things about our democratic and free society that you probably never even thought about.

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Chapter 2 What function does society really have?

Any modern democratic society will boast that the purpose of that society is to promote freedom, justice and liberty for all. This is even an important part of the fundamental legislation that the government is founded on. The political leaders in the US act as though the democratic society is Gods gift to any oppressed person suffering under communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism or what ever else it might be called. The US claims to export Democracy to Europe after the first and second world wars, and now to Central America and to the Middle East. The blend of democracy that is marketed today is also one that is blended with free capitalistic market economies. This was also very easy to see as the Soviet Union fell apart and gave way to a democratic, free economy. It is natural to assume that thriving, due to freedom, justice and liberty for all is a natural consequence of these social regulations. I will challenge that assumption. It is an important part of your de-hypnotizing process. First of all, I need to define the word thriving. I do not mean that it implies that you are comfortable. It means much more. Thriving means that you feel that your life is meaningful, that your work is meaningful, you have the ability and time to develop your potential, you are living in a supportive environment free from dangers to health and well-being. It means that you are not exploited while you are living your life. You will feel inspired to do something with our life more than sitting in front of the TV watching other people live their lives. I want to inform you that your ability to thrive is not even close to being societies main objectives even in the democratic part of the world. In an expanded historical perspective, it would be better to say that the main function for society is control. This hidden agenda is in the hands of those higher up on the hierarchy of the social chain of command. Earlier in history, it was the kings, dictators and priests who were represented as societies keepers. Their control was direct, unabashed and brutal. Their powers were inherited, or they were acquired through violence, terror, economic domination and control of food. Religious and secular forces have always sought to dominate the masses in some way or the other. In a modern democratic society, they have booth seemed to found a way to keep their positions by much more subtle means. They have managed to create the invisible prison.

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Serious flaws of psychological understanding

The last hundred years have seen great strides in our scientific understandings. Some of those strides have taken mankind backwards and not forward. Such is the case with the discovery of the subconscious mind by Sigmund Freud approximately one hundred years ago. This is the start of a historical journey that is not common knowledge. It does, however, affect each and every one of us because of the decisions and conclusions that were based on faulty science. It is not the first time and it certainly will not be the last. Because science is the single institution that is commonly understood to be the bastion of truth, instead of a more healthy approach which would be, The truth as far as we know today what starts off wrong, stays wrong for a very long time. This historical perspective will give you insight into the power and influence of three key society players all from one family; Sigmund Freud, his daughter Anne Freud and Sigmunds nephew, Edward Bernays the father of modern art of public relations, otherwise known as propaganda and spin. Sigmund Freud published his theory of mankinds inner psychology one hundred years ago. He meant he had discovered something never before understood the subconscious mind. Freud was convinced that the subconscious mind was a repressed information center that held primitive, aggressive and violent behavior patterns. Sexual fantasies and unhealthy sexual attitudes were also rooted in the subconscious mind. These thoughts and feelings were a part of mankinds shameful animal past. They were repressed and unconscious for our own protection. If these forces were ever to come out of control, they could lead the individual and even the entire society into utter chaos and self-destruction. Freud was so utterly convinced of this way of understanding of mankinds subconscious mind that he managed to persuade the rest of the greater scientific society to accept the same beliefs. This in turn has filtered down into the mass understanding of our culture. The subconscious mind is still commonly thought of to be, dark, mysterious, utterly incomprehensible, dangerous and unpredictable. There is still a consensus understanding that the subconscious mind needs to be controlled by the conscious mind. This understanding is totally self destructive, limiting and pitifully wrong. Your subconscious mind is your trustworthy autopilot. It helps you get through your

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waking and sleeping day in ways you would never imagine. It is the gatekeeper for all your long-term memories, your entire mental map, your dreams, your passions, talents and personal agendas. It is also the gatekeeper for levels of consciousness that most people never considered that they might possibly have. The reality is that instead of your subconscious mind being like a junkyard of sexual fantasies and violent tendencies, it is more like a jewel, just waiting to be discovered. If you really want to discover this part of you, read my first book, A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. Anyway lets get back to Freud. As a reference to this story, you might like to see the four-hour documentary made by BBC that is called The Century of the Self. The main body of this story is covered in the documentary. The last time I checked, the film was still available on the Internet for free viewing. Just do an Internet search for the name of the film. Sigmund Freud came from Austria. The psychological climate at the time had little room for mankinds emotional life. The elite who had power and control didnt think of emotions as desirable or legitimate. Freuds discovery of a violent subconscious mind was very scary. They used his theories than and now to control, repress and manipulate the masses in such a way that there power and influence would be protected to their advantage, even in a democratic society. The following illustration shows how Freud understood the mind of mankind with its different layers of consciousness like an iceberg.

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This model has survived, more or less as a scientific truth and was never even challenged in any serious way until around 1960. Because this model has lasted such a long time and because Anne Freud was influential in promoting her fathers ideas in psychology, too many people have a totally wrong perception of their own subconscious mind. This model, because it is so full of mistakes, has hampered many people from becoming better known with this part of their inner self. At the same time, it has helped others to use this understanding as an excuse to employ methods for political, economical and spiritual control over the masses. The first world war, starting with events taking place in Freuds homeland, led Freud to convinced that his theories about mankinds animalistic subconscious mind was barbaric and dangerous for society were right. He meant that the terror of war could only be expected after what he had learned from psychoanalysis. He felt that government had let lose these unconscious forces and no one knew how they could be stopped. Emotions usually repressed The idea that one should or would express their emotions was a very threatening idea for those that had power in society a hundred years ago. That would have been both dangerous and scary. The status quo believed that the respect from the masses would disappear. Freud challenged that idea. Self-insight and self-examination meant that one would have to ask questions about other establishment institutions. The elite were worried that the balance of power could be disturbed. The idea that personal insight could disturb the balance of power was bothersome enough. It was worse that these strong instincts and drives that were latent in all people could explode at any time. Freuds use of dream analysis and free association had uncovered a part of the mind that he believed was the remains from the animalistic past or so he thought. These feelings were repressed because they were so dangerous. This hidden part of the mind was hidden for a good reason for self-protection. This entire idea is also a rest of the fragmented scientific method that binds us to the material world only as biological entities. This attitude has become a part of the mainstream collective understanding of emotions, unconscious processes and memories that are withheld from conscious analysis. The same attitude is the reasoning behind the regulation of the use of

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hypnosis. There are people who believe that it is dangerous to discover and explore the subconscious mind. The mainstream Christian religious believers have also adopted the idea that the subconscious was a garbage place. Even worse, the subconscious mind was the devils playground, and hypnosis is the devils tool. Is it so very strange that most people have a difficult relationship with their own subconscious mind? With Freuds theories, science and religion got just the right idea for planting a thought-virus into the mind of the masses. It is very useful for the system that the masses believe that their inner thoughts and feelings could not be trusted. They were actually dangerous to them self and others. This was just the right thing to convince the lawmakers that regulation of hypnosis was necessary. Only doctors and psychologists could use such a dangerous tool. This is also why so few doctors and psychologists use hypnosis today. They are afraid of the subconscious mind. Edward Bernays the worlds first spin-doctor At this time Freuds nephew, Edward Bernays, was busy with his own career as a press agent in the US. He was hired by the American government to promote the war against Germany and their allies. Woodrow Wilson had proclaimed that he went to way, not to protect the old borders and kingdoms, but to bring democracy to Europe. Bernays did a very good job at marketing this idea. He was invited by Wilson to go with him to Europe when the peace agreements were to be signed at the end of the war. Wilsons reception in Europe surprised Bernays. The propaganda message that America had made Europe safe for democracy had been sold and accepted by the masses. Woodrow Wilson was seen as a hero in the eyes of the masses. When Bernays studied the masses reaction, he wondered if he could do the same mass influencing also in peacetime. If propaganda could be used for war, it most certainly could be used for peace. At the same time, Bernays became aware of the fact that the word Propaganda had a bad reputation after the war. He replaced that with the phrase Public Relations. Bernays established a little office in New York and called himself a Public Relations Counselor. By this time, the US had become an industrialized country with the masses gathered together in the cities. Bernays needed to figure out something smart. He ordered Freuds book about the subconscious mind in exchange for a box of cigars.

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Barnays was fascinated by the thought that mankind had hidden and irrational forces that could be exploited. He wondered how he could make money by manipulating the subconscious mind. At this time it was an accepted truth that information drives behavior through rational processes. Freuds theories seemed to say that the opposite was true. Bernays ideas about appealing to the irrational processes were groundbreaking at that time. Everybody else was using factual information in advertising. Because of this, the effect of Bernays approach was easy to analyze and measure. Freud was right about the decision-making process being regulated by complicated subconscious patterns. Decisions are always made on the foundation of emotions. Unknown to many, emotions are the last phase of the best strategies for making decisions. First there is a complicated and automatic process of comparing alternatives. Each alternative is visually analyzed and mentally approached as real to test for the feelings that result. The comparison process stops when the best alternative, with the best feeling, is chosen. Experiments with people who have lost access to their emotions seem to prove that emotions are a necessary part of any good decision strategy. People that dont have emotions, have difficulty making good decisions. The individual that is not aware of their own emotional responses is more exposed for manipulation, when considering choices in life. The individual that is conscious of the structure of their inner mental maps is also more likely to have a good balance between intellectual and emotional resources when making important choices. Unfortunately, few are aware of those structures at this time. The president for the American tobacco producers contacted Bernays and gave him a challenge. He wondered if he could get American women to smoke cigarettes out in the open. There was a social taboo that prohibited women from doing this. The reasoning behind this unwritten rule was unknown. What Bernays did with this challenge was nothing less than a revolutionary demonstration of mass hypnosis at work. One of the local experts in the field of psychoanalysis told Bernays that cigarettes were thought of, subconsciously, as a penis. The entire attachment to these two things had to be broken. In preparation for the yearly Easter parade in New York, Bernays arranged for a number of young, attractive, debutants to hide packs of

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cigarettes under their dresses. On his signal they were to light up and declare that they were demonstrating their freedom by smoking freedom torches. Just after the war, the notion of freedom was almost holy. Bernays had found the perfect redefinition for women that wanted to smoke. The press were informed that there was going to be an important event and that they had to be ready with their cameras. Everything went off as planned. The result is historical. The torches of freedom became a symbol that no one could argue with when it concerned womens rights to smoke in public. The symbol became associated with independence and power. Many women joined the bandwagon just to display their independence. This proved that sales involved feelings more than anything else. Advertising that was aimed toward women at the time became designed to associate products with intelligence, independence, freedom and smoking. The truth was a little more different - smoking, dependency, lung cancer and a stinking environment. The American mass production giants soon became very aware of Bernays successes. They had foreseen that mass production of goods could flood the market and sooner or later all of the consumers needs would be satisfied. At that time, all advertising was aimed toward goods and services that were necessary for the market. Goods were sold on values such as a long life and practical use. The technology at the time had just managed to produce a small surplus of necessary goods and services. Berneys took Freuds theories and showed business how they could influence people to want things they didnt need. He made a bridge between mass production goods and their subconscious needs and desires. These ideas created a political drive to understand how the masses could be manipulated. By satisfying the inner selfish desires of the masses, they became happy, content and pliable. This became the start of what was known to be The All Consuming Self that still dominates our culture today. A shift in the cultural understanding was necessary in order for the factories to be able to produce goods at an ever-increasing tempo. Instead of needs they produced desires. In this way the consumer could easily express their individuality through their choices of goods and services. Express yourself is still a useful advertising mantra even in 2008. It has been that way ever since Bernays got women to smoke.

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At the time, the expression was created so the dress industry could make and sell different types and styles to different types of women. The masses desires had to be shaped so they would pursue desires over needs. Remember the true consumer was not yet created. The masses were called workers. Bernays was the man that created consumers out of factory workers. Bernays was also the one that began to use hand picked clothes, stylish labels and cars as hidden advertising in the film industry. This technique works just as well today as it did that time. There is no better time to hypnotize an advertising message to a consumer, than when he or she is enjoying a movie that does not have advertising in it. Their rational guard is down. Products get coupled unconsciously to feelings and actors. Nothing has anything to do with reality. Uniforms were to be replaced with individualization and self-actualization by association with film stars and other prime movers in the society. Bernays got the press to believe that propaganda was really factual journalism. This they reported back in the press and the masses thought they were getting news, when in reality they were getting what someone was paying them to get. This is still being done today only on a completely much larger scale. In 1927, a journalist wrote that a wave of change had washed over the US. A citizens greatest duty was no longer participation in society, but more as becoming a good consumer. This is precisely the same message that George Bush gave the American public after the terror attacks in September. The US runs a consumer economy. President College used Bernays to save his political image among the masses. Bernays got 34 different film stars to show themselves at the White House. The Idea of using an unconscious association between the rich and famous successful film stars and the less liked College was a good recipe. The press did its job and politics has never been the same since. Bernays became a rich and influential man. At the same time, Freud was having economic problems in Austria. Bernays became Freuds agent. I didnt take a long time before Freud became a celebrity in the US. Freud was skeptical of the masses and their behavior. He proposed that the masses were even more dangerous than he had previously thought. Mankind, deep inside, was a sadistic and violent animal. Freuds writing in the 1920s fascinated the American public. It was scary

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that mankinds irrational forces were so strong that they could even overthrow governments like what happened in Russia. The thinkers of the day suggested that democracy, as a method, needed changing. The masses at that time were too dangerous for those who were in power. The phrase, The Bewildered Herd was created. Psychology had to manipulate the masses so they would lose their power. Someone had to figure out a way to install social control. Bernays wrote books that supported the thinkers of his time. xManaging Consent had to be instigated. The phrase concerned how one should manipulate the masses in such a way that they would give the government power to do what they wanted to do. The elite were convinced that the masses needed guiding from the government and authorities. By appealing to the masses deepest wishes and fears, they could steer the masses just the way the leaders wanted them to go. People became, happiness machines. The more they consumed and expressed their individuality, the more tamed and passive they were in relationship with the people in power. The masses were and still are being fooled into thinking that self-realization and self-actualization is all about the external satisfaction of desires and needs. The fact of the matter is that self-actualization is a longer process that starts with, and only with, the internalization of all those needs that earlier were external. This is when the individual becomes an acute listener to their inner needs and signals. I will make this much clearer when the subject of Maslow is covered later in this section. Barnays became a leading power in the 1920s. He used his power and influence to expand his network. Bernays saw everybody else as stupid. Just before the fall of the stock market in the late 20s, he got the masses to borrow money to buy stocks on the free market. The crash took Bernays riches the same place everybody elses went. The entire consumer machine was broken. Nobody bought anything anymore. Public Relations was not looked upon in favor. Troubled times in relationship to social steering Freud thought that people always needed to be controlled. Freedom was dangerous for society. That is why people had to be somewhat unhappy in order to motivate them into action. Hitler came to power with the message that democracy led to chaos and selfish egotism. In March 1933, Hitler introduced a new way to relate to the masses. The alternative to democracy was to bind the people together. The

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Minister of Propaganda, Gbbels went to work to make the ideas popular among the German masses. Gbbels used the understanding of the response mechanisms just like Barnays had discovered. He attempted to steer the masses in even better ways. He refined Bernays insights into an art-form. Hitler used mass hypnosis with great success. Emotional leadership became a science. Democracy was also in the danger zone in the US. The masses were angry with the factory owners. Roosevelt initiated a wide platform of powers as president. He was convinced that the government had to steer business. The New Deal was created. Roosevelt meant that people were rational creatures. He was helped by a man by the name of George Gallup. Bernays ideas were under attack. Gallup meant that people didnt need to be manipulated. Polls were created. Power became directed toward giving people a vote. Roosevelts second president period was secured in 1936. This scared the bigger players in the business world that meant that Roosevelt had too much power over their operations. The power plays between the government and business got serious. Bernays was used to tie the thought of democracy and a free market economy together. Emotional manipulation was used like never before. The attack on Roosevelts control over business was intense and relentless. The advertising campaigns told the masses that business gave the consumer freedom, not the government. The news was also manipulated by the media. The government even sent out warnings about how the media was being manipulated and used by people that had hidden agendas. The government could see that this tendency was a great danger for democracy. Strangely enough, the government is doing just the same today to dismantle democracy consciously. The problem was that capitalists had Bernays on their side and nobody was as good as him at making an argument stick. The Worlds Fair in 1939 was used by the powers of capitalism to put together a convincing message that was tied to the entire fair. Democracy and capitalism were presented in such a way that they became associated with each other as being inseparable partners. Business could respond to the masses in a way nobody else could. The idea of the responsible citizen that Roosevelt was fronting became exchanged with the idea of the citizen being a passive consumer. This was the key to control in democracies, according to Bernays. Only the desires became steered, not the people directly. The fight between the ideas that mankind a rational or was irrational entity were very much effected by Hitler and the Second World War. Hitler manipulated the

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masses through hate and fear against the Jews. Freud fled to England with his daughter Anne. Freud was sick with cancer and died a short time after moving. The war changed how government treated the masses. The evidence that was shown at the death camps in Germany after the war confirmed that mankinds greatest enemy was him self. Bernays and Anne Freud were again used to control the masses irrational forces. This time they worked for the CIA. The government was convinced that Freuds ideas were correct. They started research to discover ways to control the subconscious mind. The CIS, government and business were all engaged in finding ways to steer the feelings of the masses. During the Second World War, many soldiers were exposed to mental problems. The military tried psychoanalysis to solve those problems. This was the first time psychology had directed attention towards peoples feelings, fears and reaction patterns. The psychologists thought they were really getting an insight into the citizens thoughts and feelings. They were sure that the problems were not caused by their war experiences. xiThey were more in touch with Freuds theories. The irrational mind was the cause for these problems. The Germans consent to the gruesome events in Germany during the war confirmed to the psychologists that Freud was on the right track. There was a real fear that the American masses could do the same thing. The inner structure of mankind had to be changed in order to support democracy in a better way. The individual was to become a democratic individual. Anne Freud was the leader for this psychoanalytic movement. Anne meant that she had to front her father s theories. Anne Freud was a power player. She also thought it was possible to get people to control their unconscious tendencies. Conformity was the method that Anne Freud meant should be the best way to get the average person to become a better social animal. Inside certain frameworks, everything had to be more or less the same for all. Of course Anne Freud took the responsibility to define what those frameworks were supposed to be. This is where the phrase adjusted or maladjusted personality came to be used. Moral guiding and strengthening the ego was an important part of the frame-work that each individual was to conform with. Homosexuality was absolutely an abnormality they were prepared to deal with. Homosexuality was and still is considered by many people as a disease that needs to be cured.

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Control over the masses became an agenda for the American government. The National Mental Health Act in the US is a law that places all mental and emotional abnormalities as a disease. Tendencies that still exist in the psychiatric treatment of patients were created at this time. All behavior, thoughts, feelings and abilities that depart from the norm are diseases to be treated with drugs. This is nothing else than an emotional and intellectual raping of free spirits that could have made many positive contributions to society if the only had been allowed to exist. Psychologists thought that people had to train themselves to repress their unconscious forces. During the late 1940s psychologists tried to change people by giving them insight. Marriage counseling tried the same approach. Freuds wrong understanding of the subconscious mind influenced all of this work. Emotions had to be subdued so that the personality became more healthy and better. Passion had to be repressed. The road to happiness was to conform to the external world. Nobody seemed to ask the question about whether the external society that everybody was supposed to conform to was, in itself, healthy. Psychoanalysis was used to form the mind of the consumer in such a way that they would be more obedient consumers. The Institute for Motivational Research in the US was formed under Dr. Ernest Diktor. Individuals were used like Ginny pigs to find out how they could be led to buy certain goods and services. They wanted to discover the secrets of the consumer. In a group therapy setting, the consumers were exposed for products and other services. Psychologists studied their reactions. Their desires and wishes were systematically tracked. The consumers shame over using finished products like cake mixes created a problem that was solved by getting the consumer to add an egg to the mix so their guilt would go away. Campaigns like A Tiger in your Tank and the Barbie doll were created. Making products that would give good feelings and status to the consumer, created stable societies. This was the best kind of society that societies could ever be. Psychologists became more and more powerful and rich through the use of Freuds ideas. A direct consequence of Freuds ideas about the dangerous subconscious mind was the necessity of having an elite group of guiding leaders in order to get them to be passive consumers and democratic animals. The psychologists of that time did what they needed to do to make that possible.

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Anne Freuds patients were really only ginny pigs. Her patients were having big personal problems. Anne Freuds approach to those problems was not helping at all. Still, Anne Freud managed to acquire more and more power even though her ideas were wrong. Politicians used Bernays to create fear to manipulate the masses in the cold war. Communism was the big enemy. Bernays was an advisor for Eisenhower. Instead of reducing fear, he meant that fear should be increased just to manipulate the individual. Foreign governments that threatened the businesses interests of American owners were redefined as dangerous communists. Guatemala was a victim for this propaganda. The Communists scared the Americans so much that the CIA dismembered Guatemalas government. They started a terror campaign in a country that they had no mandate to be in. They bombed civilian targets and got it to look like a coup. All this just to satisfy the desires of a company called United Fruits. Lie on lie was served as the truth. Even Nixon congratulated the new leader that the CIA had placed in the government. The American Way of Life was something that needed defending with force if necessary. Since the masses were stupid, they had to be led. The CIA meant that Russian researchers had discovered a way to brainwash an individual. The CIA meant that they too had to master this technique so they could advance their own agendas. Millions of dollars were used at universities to support this research. There were still many people that meant that the unconscious forces had to be controlled. The authorities were convinced that they knew what was best for the individual. Electroshock and LSD were tried to wash away memories and make new people. Massive doses with electroshock could reduce an individual to a vegetable. Dr. Cameron was the leader for this treatment. When an individuals mind was washed clean of the past, reprogramming was attempted by using sound tapes. The experiments were a disaster. The psychologists started to understand that they could not control the unconscious mind. It was a lot more complicated than they had originally thought. Remember, this is the best representation for the science psychology in the 1950s. Fifty-eight years later, and they are still administrating drugs for disorders that only take minutes to fix with the appropriate knowledge. The ability of science to, not get it right, never fails to amaze me.

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A glimmer of light in the dark cave A psychological patient with celebrity status was making waves and rocking societys boat. Marilyn Monroe was being used as a ginny pig with trial treatment to get her to control her use of alcohol and pills. They wanted to make her a model for the conform society. They tried to brainwash he and she committed suicide. There is also evidence that this was a cover-up for a murder. Anyway this sent shock waves over the US. Many people began to question if her disease really was a disease. Maybe the system was sick with too much control and too little freedom. At the same time, the manipulative techniques that psychologists were using started to be examined a little closer. Marketing ideas like Planned Obsolesce were exposed to the public. Some people started to question the consumer mentality along with the fact that psychoanalysis was being used for manipulative purposes. Being maladjusted to the sick society was really an advantage. The political influence of psychoanalysis was killed in 1970 Anne Freuds life long patients took their own lives in Sigmund Freuds earlier home. Something new was happening in the late 60s and early 70s. People were getting out into the streets to protest the useless Vietnam War. It was like a veil being lifted, only for a very short time, to show us that consciousness was a lot more than we had been led to believe. I was around during this time. I remember it well. It was a necessary catalyst to start another revolution of consciousness that hopefully will be a greater movement in the years to come.

Psychology after Freud

The psychological pendulum started somehow swinging the opposite way. Instead of controlling the subconscious mind, we were told we needed to give it freedom. Make your life a masterpiece became a new mantra with Anthony Robbins and Neuro-linguistic Programming NLP. Founders of Gestalt and NLP were convinced that the subconscious mind was never meant to be controlled. The entire idea was getting the conscious and subconscious minds to work together through cooperation. A new and better life could be had when the power of the subconscious mind could be harnessed. Freud created a fear of emotions. The right life was a life without emotions taking over the intellect. William Reich was one of the first to challenge Freuds theories. Reich meant that mankinds unconscious resources were good for us. Reich was going

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directly against Anne Freud and challenging her position. Reich was for sexual liberation Anne Freud was a virgin. Freud got Reich kicked out of the Society for Psychoanalysis and ruined his life. Reich had to flee to the US where he worked on a new type of energy called Orgon energy. He was arrested in the US and died one year later in jail. He managed to get some seeds into the ground first. Along with the interesting events that took place in the 60s and 70s was the idea that advertising was manipulative. Students started to attack the system. The police and National Guard were called in to stop the demonstrations. This overt oppression gave rise to the Human Potential Movement. Consciousness was being studied in new and liberating ways. Discoveries were being made and many impulses were borne that are still ringing today. Meditation became pop through the Beatles and their association with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. There is a law of physics that says for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. This is also true with the wave of consciousness movement in the early 70s. All the freedom, unconscious energies, sexuality, passion and self-realization were causing alarm bells to go off in the business world. Insurance companies were alarmed over the change in peoples values. They had to learn how to cope. The solution was already there. They just needed to adjust, or tweak the knobs a little more. By focusing on the individual and learning how to create those subconscious desires and providing the right products to fulfill those desires the solution was in the box. Big business realized that it needed to focus on the chain of needs that was created by Maslow. Earlier, social class or income bracket defined the market. By using Maslows hierarchy of needs the market could be defined by lifestyles. Again

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the mantra became, express yourself. The original model by Maslow to show the way toward self-actualization was only expressed by calculating for external needs. Extensive social testing was carried out in the 70s and onward to better understand how to place products and services in these different lifestyle brackets. In the model included here. I show how the model can be extended to include the self-actualization process as it really works in a spiritual framework. This is fully explained in A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. Armed with the knowledge of life styles, the only thing left to do is to make products that fit the life style need. This method was also used to test the market to understand how voters would choose their candidates. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher appealed to those voters who were more individualized than others. Both of these political parties were actually a lot more conservative than individualized voters would normally vote for. This kind of voter was more inclined to vote to the left, than any other way. The successes of these political campaigns show just how important it is to understand the voters and match the message that fits the voters preferences. This populist approach is perhaps not so very wise in the long run, but it does go to prove how much the voter can be manipulated by the message, or better yet, propaganda that the politician uses to get elected. The capitalistic forces have understood that they could help the individualistic individual be even more than they were before. With slogans like, You create yourself, You wear a statement and Express yourself, the consumer becomes lured into thinking they are climbing up the psychological ladder of self-actualization. Computer technology has helped businesses produce more and more unique goods and services. Personal satisfaction is the whole point. This idea has saturated the political arena as well. When political forces aim for what the masses want, it becomes very important that the masses can express their true needs in such a way that the politicians get the correct information. The question that remains is whether the masses are able to take their long-term considerations into account when they are held in the dark about their own psychological make-up? I doubt it. Right now, most are slaves to short term feelings and desires just like they always have been since Bernays made his contribution toward the creation of the consumer society.

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Control and domination is the hidden agenda of government

As you can see through this psychological trip through the past one hundred years, while the greater masses have believed that their governments were there to protect them, keep them safe, happy, or whatever they were really only being lied to and manipulated. Even though governments are elected, at least when they are true democracies, the elected government turns its back on the very voters that put them in power. They take that power and use it to control the masses in some way or the other. The powers that be in the business world would have you to believe that selfrealization is all about filling up your house with status symbols, expensive toys, expeditions and what have you. On CNN there is a TV-series that reflects this trend. Its called The Art of Living. A better title would have been The Art of Consumption. As it becomes more and more clear that reality is not what we really thought it was, we need to find some better answers. And we need perhaps to ask some better questions. Outside of putting you in jail, or chipping you with a RFID linked to a GPS, you are being controlled through your own consumer habits and your need to conform. Every single person, outside the elite, has been hypnotized to carry out their social duty. Only a few seem to escape. I hope that your being informed of the truth will help you come free. Embracing stupidity One of the consequences of living in a fragmented society seems to be that responsibility for the masses is taken care of by the authorities that are above the masses. It seems to be a spin-off from the idea that mankind has developed from the animal kingdom. The materialistic concept of the brain as being the only source of intelligence leads one to assume that others have more brains than we do, so we rely on these authorities to tell us what to do and how to think. This is all pretty stupid. The worst part of it is that the masses have bought into the idea that thinking is work and people dont like to work if they dont get paid for it, so they do as little independent thinking as they can, as soon as they are finished with their education. Since most people are educated by a system that does not encourage curiosity, individualism, or individualistic thinking few people really think their own thoughts. They are left with the leftovers from somebody elses thinking. When these thoughts

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are seldom challenged we come to the point where the masses have a collective thinking process called stupidity. Getting the masses to embrace stupidity as a life style has taken a lot of technology. The television is probably the greatest enhancer of stupidity that has ever been made. Most TV programs are designed to meet the intelligence levels of children. As a money machine, the film industry is interested in money and not cultural quality. Therefore most films are about social pornography, violence, war, revenge and all the things that make this world the way it is. It is really stupid to embrace war. It is stupid to embrace self-destruction. It is stupid to sit in front of a TV and watch what is going on day after day, year after year but still a lot of people do just that. Creating a culture that encourages people to sit down in front of the TV to relax, unwind and entertain themselves really gets people trapped into the comfort zone of unconsciousness. This really helps the managers of the masses to do their thing and program the masses to accept the cultural agenda they have on the menu for today. A lot of that has to do with creating fear to manipulate the masses.

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Chapter 3 Our external environment

Maslows model shows us how basic our physical environment is in relationship to our ability to move up the hierarchy of needs. If we dont have clean air, water and foodstuff available, we all die and then we can forget about selfactualization or anything else on the hierarchy for that matter. There are just some things we have to have in order to live. Because our environment is so basic in relation to our needs, it would be reasonable to assume that that is something we would want to take care of. When we really look at what is going on in our environment, we find a number of reasons to worry. Planet Earth is not the problem. The problem is what the people on this planet are doing to the earth. This examination of our environment is not with out some surprises. The biggest one of them all is that there seem to be forces within our society that are making life on this planet difficult in a very deliberate way. Taking care of the environment is a long-term project. When short-term thinking applies to the general conception of how to do things on this planet we create a conflict. Profit gains, shortterm advantages and power struggles are all used as excuses to trash the planet. Responsibility is all about not getting caught in the act. The problem with this kind of thinking is that we come back to the trash we leave behind, even if we dont even want to recognize the fact. The question is how much dirt, trash and poison we are willing to tolerate. This chapter is not an uplifting one. I dont like to dish out bad news, but it is a reality and part of the process of waking up is dealing with reality. The air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat and the toys you give to your children, the plastic you drink from and the electronic environment that surrounds you is all a threat to your health. We are surrounded by poison. The only good news seems to come from those people the rest of the world likes to call primitive people. These people of the earth have learned to respect the earth. They treat it with care and the earth takes care of them in return. Civilized mankind has not yet learned this basic lesson. We might be well served if we were to redefine who is primitive and who is more advanced. Basics about acids It is very necessary to understand the how important the acid/alkaline chemical balance is for health and well being on this planet. It is extremely important 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 62

to us as individuals and it concerns all of nature. The term pH is used to measure this balance. If the pH of any substance is 7, it is considered neutral. Over seven is alkaline. Anything under pH 7 is acid. The human body is constructed in such a way that the blood is designed to have a slightly alkaline pH of 7.34. This will provide for a strong immune system and good general health. When bloods pH gets any lower than 7.3, the body starts to produce cholesterol that lines the walls of our pipes that carry blood to the rest of the body. We all know what that means. When the pipes get too clogged with cholesterol, our heart starts to have a serious problem. Lots of other organic problems start to occur when this condition gets serious. You might be wondering why all the cholesterol? Its to protect the blood vessels from rupturing from the acid attack! This makes sense. The cholesterol is actually there to protect us. The body does a number of other things to neutralize any kind of acid attack coming its way. Four minerals contribute to the alkaline environment: zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium. If the pH in your blood gets to low, your body takes these minerals to neutralize the acid attack. It also uses body fat that is really quite alkaline. If the body is used to having these acid attacks it will store body fat and use it for neutralizing acids. It will actually refuse to get rid of body fat if there is enough acid in the environment. So what is acid and what is alkaline food and drink? We should start with how this stuff gets measured. When any food is oxidized or burned the leftovers can be measured with simple testing equipment to find out what the pH is. If there is a lot of acid pollution in the air, it gets into the water supply and becomes toxic as far as pH is concerned. Go to a store that sells pet items and buy a pH water tester. Find out what pH your drinking water is at. If it is over 7.3, fine. Expect it to be lower. Our body needs 3 liters of water each day to run correctly. If those three liters are acidic, your body will have a problem with the water you are drinking. There are chemicals you can put in your water to rise the pH Coral Calcium is one that works fine. There are also filter systems that raise the pH level of your drinking water. A lot of people use bottled water, thinking that the water is better for them. Normally, in Norway at least, the bottled water has a pH level of 7.5, which is great. You need to test it where you live to make sure. The problem is two fold. For the first part, a lot of people are drinking carbonated water. Thats the kind of water that has bubbles in it. Test that water and you will find you are drinking acidic water with a pH of 5.5. Not good! The

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other problem is that you are drinking out of plastic that is known to shed an artificial female hormone that is almost identical to estrogen. This chemical is known to cause sexual reproduction problems in males of animals, fish and humans. Ill get more into that later. If you are used to drinking soft drinks like cola or other brands that are sweet, you have an additional problem. First of all, you have carbonated water that is acid in the first place, than you add sugar and other chemicals, all of which contribute to an even higher acid toxicity for your body. All products that contain alcohol are acid actually very acid. If you are mixing your drinks with soft drinks, you are getting a double dose of acid. Drink water from glass and drink water with a pH of 7.5 or higher to help your body compensate for all the other acid stuff you put into yourself. Anything that is sugar, alcohol, starch, meat, rice, potatoes, pasta will be on your list of acid foods. Your best bet for alkaline foods will come from your green vegetables. Some fruits are acid and some are alkaline. Educate yourself and find out how to eat in such a way that you stay healthy and slim. Do not try to get around sugar by replacing it with artificial sweeteners. The stuff is usually a poison Ill get to that later. What happens to you if you have too much acid in your diet? You will put on weight, lower your immune system, lower your energy system and increase the danger of getting cancer. If you have a basic blood, you will lose excess weight and your body cannot get cancer. You will be a lot healthier. A lot of people are misled to believe that milk is a great source for calcium. This is only partly true. Many people do not have the genetic makeup to take advantage of calcium in milk, besides that, the milk you drink is pasteurized. If you gave that milk back to the calf that was supposed to drink it, the calf would get very ill. Everybody has heard of acid rain. When England was using a lot of coal powered factories and coal for personal home heating, Norway was getting the fall out from the air. The land and water became acid and unhealthy. The only thing that helped save nature was to spread enormous amounts of calcium in the lakes, rivers and land. Fish die if the pH gets too acid. Only a little part of nature is designed to live and thrive on acid soil, water or foods. Anything we put into our environment that is acid creates a problem for us. We all need to remember that.

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Poison in our food

A greater part of our society is founded on the idea that competition is good. Competition creates one winner and the rest are losers. In the competitive marketplace, food producers have done what they can to keep prices down and products on the shelves for as long as possible, without spoiling. Its all about money. In order to do that, bad things start to happen with our food. Life energy is what we are looking for when we buy food. Products that have a high degree of life energy also have a low shelf life. Mold and fungus thrive on dying life energy. It is their mission to clean up after death. When you buy food that has been gassed, chemically treated, or treated with radioactivity so it will stay on the shelf in the store without rotting, than you are buying food that is empty of life energy. You are paying good money for something that you get no benefit from. Extending shelf life is only a small part of the issue concerning the death of food. There are over 14,000 known chemical additives in food that is part of the American diet. The numbers are not much lower for other parts of the world. Some of these chemicals increase shelf life, some are for color, others are for increasing or enhancing taste, and some imitate sugar. Since many people have become conscious of how many calories they consume, the amount of artificial sweeteners used in foods and drinks have exploded. Some of these are very poisonous. The following list is a shortlist of things to avoid. Educate yourself and use the Internet to discover better ways to keep you healthy. Acesulfame K otherwise known as Sunette or Sweet One, acesulfame is an artificial sugar replacement. It is sold in powder and tablet form. It is used in chewing gum, instant coffee, tea, jelly, pudding, creamers for coffee. It is known to create cancer in animals and people. Artificial food coloring Most of the artificial food coloring you get in food and candy is not healthy. This stuff is known to enhance and create hyperactive children. Stay away if you can. Aspartame also known as Equal, and NutraSweet & E-951. This stuff was actually developed as an effective ant poision. Zero Cola uses Aspertame. High values of this can lead to brain damage, headaches, balance problems, epilepsy symptoms, problems with menstruation. Pregnant women and children should absolutely not use this poison.

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Butylhydroksyanisol (E320) og butylhydroksytoluen (E321) - BHA and BHT are antioxidants and prevent fat from getting rancid. These chemicals are used in animal fat that has few natural antioxidants. Studies show that these chemicals can cause cancer. Caffeine this natural chemical is found in coffee and cocoa. It is also used in food and drinks. It increases blood pressure. Caffeine is addictive. When used in soft drinks that are served with alcohol, it can lead to acute alcohol poisoning. This is because it keeps the user awake artificially. MSG Monosodium Glutamate MSG is a taste enhancer that is addictive. It is used in many different processed foods. It gets you to eat more than you should and is linked with obesity. Olestra is artificial fat that is dangerous and unnecessary. Olestra binds to valuable nutrients and gets your body to get rid of these. At the same time it hampers other vitamins and minerals from being absorbed into the body. HFCS High-fructose corn syrup corn syrup. The process of making HFCS from corn was developed in the 70s. It replaces sugar as a natural sweetener. It is cheaper than sugar. It is used in ketchup and soft drinks. Much of the corn used to make HFCS is genetically modified. That is dangerous. This stuff makes the liver and heart become very unhealthy. It is associated with extreme obesity. Much of the processed food high in HFCS is marketed toward children. Margarine We were led to believe that margarine was healthier for us than butter. Actually its the other way around. Wild animals have a highly instinctive taste for what is good food and what is dangerous. Take the test and put a block of butter and a block of margarine somewhere in the shade where it will stay cool. Let nature decide what you should put on your bread.

Microwave heated food This is one of the ways you have been tricked into

buying something that is bad for you. If you have and use a microwave oven for your food, do the following test. Take to healthy plants and put them in the same environment. Boil up a pail of water and let it cool. Take half of that water and give it to one of the plants. The other plant gets the other half of the water. That water gets an extra boil with the microwave oven. Make sure that you water both plants with water that has cooled down. Run the test for two weeks or less, depending on whether the

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microwave plant survives that long. If it isnt good for your plants, it is not good for you!

Poison in your bathroom

Soap, shampoo, toothpaste 89% of the 10,500 chemicals that are used in personal hygiene products have never been tested for safety. One of the most widely used toxic chemicals used in hair products is DEA or diethanolomine. DEA is associated with kidney, liver and other organ damage. It makes rats get cancer when used on their skin. Other chemicals you find in toothpaste, soaps, shampoo and balsam products are Propelyne Glycol, known as Propanediol, which is also used in antifreeze. Brake fluids and deicers. It is known to harm the liver and kidneys. It can harm your intestines, nerves, and damage you skin. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, or Sodium Laureth Sulfatte is used to wash garage floors for oil and gasoline. It is also used in motor wash solutions. It can change the genetic material in your cells. It makes mutant bacteria. It can also damage the hair sacks and damage your eyes. If you read Behentrimonium Chloride, Guar Hydrosypropyltimonium Chloride, Linoleamidepropyl PG Dimonum Cloride Phospate run. The stuff is poison and if taken internally can kill you. You have been told that fluoride in toothpaste, tablet form and in your water will help your teeth be healthier. Think again!

Fluoride is poison for people and it

hampers intake of over 100 enzymes in the body. This chemical also gets your body to absorb more lead than otherwise. It makes people passive. In America, fluoride has been dumped into the drinking water ever since the 60s. Back then there were protests. Most people have gotten used to the idea now. If you have this stuff in your drinking water, get a water filter that will remove it. The fear trip has been used to sell products that kill all the bacteria in whatever environment the product was meant to work in. Words like Antibacterial and Triklosan found their way into toothpaste, deodorants and cleansing creams. The problem with this stuff is that it kills all the good bacteria too. It has also been shown that the stuff we want to get rid of has a way of working its way around this and becoming resistant. Thats when we really have a bacteria problem on our hands. Paraben is a chemical you can find in deodorants and moisturizing creams. It can lead to breast cancer. Lead is another well-known poison. It can lead to serious nerve and brain damage. 60% of all tested lipstick contains lead probably because it

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is used to make the color red. What ever you put on your lips, you put in your body. Todays modern bathroom is a chemical nightmare. How many people really read what is on the labels of the stuff they use on their body? Chemicals in our everyday life Chemical producers claim that they make safe products. They like to point out their own testing as evidence for proof. Still there are an increasing number of scientists that are convinced that our daily exposure to chemicals have begun to effect our reproductive, developmental and behavioral systems. Many studies show how chemical combinations cause cancer, poor reproduction ability, early sexual development, abortions, hyperactivity, diabetes, asthma, autism, etc. Governments have said that they will increase their control but nothing happens. The chemical industry has too much power. The American government promised a long time ago to test more than 15,000 chemicals and their effect on our endocrine system. Lots of money has been used to develop methods for testing, but no chemicals have been tested. Certain chemicals get tested over and over because of some technological improvements are made. Others are still waiting for their first round of testing. There is no international testing procedure that is used as a standard for any country. This means that it is literally impossible for the consumer to know the difference between safe and unsafe products. Propaganda and hype about global weather changes caused by people have brought about an interesting situation when it comes to the use of light bulbs. They have even been outlawed in certain places, because they are too energy inefficient. As a replacement, we are told to use the energy efficient neon light bulbs instead. Few people are aware of the fact that there is mercury in these light bulbs. On the one hand there is a campaign to outlaw the use of mercury in our dental fillings, while on the other hand they are telling us to use light bulbs with mercury in them. If an energy efficient neon light bulb breaks, you should leave the room immediately. Dont go back in for another 30 minutes. Imagine how much mercury will be released into the environment if our authorities demand we all use mercury filled light bulbs in the future! There are over 100,000 chemicals on the worlds market today. There is no established system for checking how they affect the human body, mind, environment and the food we eat. These chemicals are used in plastics, artificial smells, creams,

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flame-retardants, and bathroom products. Some of these are more worrying than others. Bisphenol A and Phtalater are two of these products. Three billion kilos of Bisphenol A which is used to make polycarbonate plastic products and epoxy were produced in the US each year alone. Phtalater are chemicals that make plastic products soft and pliable. They are also used in personal hygiene products so they can hold on to their smell longer. Over one billion kilos of these chemicals are produced each year in the US alone. They find their way into nail polish, hair spray, shower curtains and childrens costumes. You will also find them in childrens bottles, water bottles, lenses for glasses and DVDs. Tests on animals show that these chemicals promote cancer and other diseases. Research shows how these chemicals disturb how hormones are delivered in time and place. Those that know what that means have stopped a long time ago eating and drinking from plastic surfaces. They dont use creams or other products that contain these substances. What about you? Sick nature The great lakes surrounding Michigan in the US have been especially exposed to industrial pollution. Scientists have been aware that chemicals that are known to disturbed the endocrine system have created unnatural conditions in nature. Fish, alligators and crocodiles have been found to be unable to reproduce. Their gender has been chemically altered. Just like the warnings about lead and tobacco in the past, there is no general agreement between producers and scientists who are testing the effects of these chemicals. The alarm bells have been ringing for a long time now. Still nothing is done about it. The Tobacco industry The Tobacco industry is just like any other drug industry. It survives because it gets people addicted to their product. Tobacco or nicotine contributes only to health hazards no benefits. It takes four sheets of paper to list all the chemicals that are included in cigarettes, just so they are most effective as transporters of nicotine to the blood stream. The only reason these industries can exist is because government gets paid to keep them alive so they can slowly kill the people that put the government in power in the first place. It is a strange system we have on this planet. Even though some governments have passed laws restricting the advertising, and smoking of cigarettes, the drug industry is still pushing nicotine products on those

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trying to stop smoking. It is not the smoking that is the big problem. Without the nicotine to make the smoke addictive, no one would bother to smoke. Its the nicotine that is the problem. So why do the drug companies promote nicotine chewing gum or nicotine pads, or other nicotine products? To keep the masses hooked on drugs. Medicines and vaccines I am sure there was a time when the producers of medicines had good intentions to limit pain, suffering and disease. That was a time when there were no publicly traded stock markets that owned entire industries. It was before globalization came onto the scene. That is all different today. Medicine producers are enormous economic power structures. The fact that they are a publicly traded company means that they are legally obliged to do their job and make more and more money for those stockowners that have invested in their company. That is not a good combination for the people who are going to be using medicines and vaccines. People do things that they are rewarded for. Bosses are rewarded for making more and more money for their stockholders. If companies that made medicines found cheap cures for disease, they would go out of business. If they find inexpensive ways to create disease and expensive ways for making those diseases manageable, but not curable, they make a fortune. Guess what the medicine companies are doing? They are making money like never before. If you thought or dreamed or hoped that the cure for cancer was just around the corner, dream again. It will never be just around the corner. Inexpensive cures for cancer were found a long time ago and the American Food and Drug Administration along with the American Medical Association got the discovery and the discoverer killed before the news went viral. The goal is to make cancer a chronic and manageable disease very expensively manageable disease. Do you know that vitamin B-17 that is found in apple seeds, apricot seeds, and bitter almonds goes a long way to kill a number of different cancer cells? Why do you think this knowledge is repressed? If you dont believe me, do a Goggle search for Royal Raymond Reif or the book about his work The Cancer Cure that Worked. For over 50 years, there could have been an inexpensive cure for cancer. Reif used radio waves and a special microscope that enabled him to observe living cancer cells. Reif was an optical genius. Modern high-magnification, electron microscopes demand that the cancer cells are dead before they can be observed. Reif found a way to do this with living

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cells. He could observe the exact frequency that was used that got the cells to resonate at their own unique frequency and explode. Every different type of cell has their unique resonant frequency. When he used the right frequency for any special type of cancer cell, only the cancer cells of this type were affected. The treatment was safe and it worked. The American Medical Association repressed Reifs work. His equipment and research papers were destroyed. Since that time, the AMA has made billions on research that wasnt going to do anything about cancer except make more money at it. The medical companies have become so powerful that they have been extremely influential when it comes to changing and making the laws work for them and nobody else. They suppress natural methods that are cheep. They actually make it illegal to use natural methods that have no harmful side effects. There are laws that soon are to go into affect that regulate health supplements worldwide. This is also the reason why mental and emotional problems are labeled diseases and that medicines are the only legal way to cure diseases. We are living in a never-never land of illusions. Many of the people in the US that have turned to mass murder in schools, shopping centers etc. have been shown to have used, at the time, prescription medications that alter their mental and emotional abilities to function. In the US, medical companies use more money on advertising than they do on research. Do you wonder if there is anything wrong here? Most people think that vaccines are safe to take and that they guarantee that specific diseases will be avoided. The problem today is that many vaccines are not really tested for the diseases they are supposed to cure. Many vaccines also contain poisons that you dont want in your system like mercury. The government, especially in the US has become increasingly aggressive toward citizens that refuse to take the advertised and recommended vaccines pushed by the medical industry. In some places the police are used to enforce vaccination practices. The vaccine,

Thimerosal uses a mercury-based preservative. It has been used from 1980s up to

2003. During this time the drug was used, the number of Autism cases has also increased alarmingly. Of course, when you are trying to prove that your child has Autism because of a vaccine, you have a giant medicinal corporation to fight against. What do you think you are ever going to prove?

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DU Depleted Uranium Most people have heard of the American made Bunker Buster used in the last few wars that the US has been engaged in. Some people have understood that there is something in them called Depleted Uranium, or DU. What is less known are the effects this material has on the civilian and military, the local environment or the world at large when exposed to dust that is created when a DU round explodes. DU munitions and DU-armor is used because of its extreme hardness. It will penetrate almost anything and it will protect from penetration. When a DU round is exploded it turns into an extremely fine toxic dust. Because of the name Depleted Uranium many people perceive that the Uranium used is not strong anymore. This is totally wrong. Depleted Uranium dust has a half-life of 4,5 billion years and it decays down to twenty deadly isotopes while doing so. This makes DU a weapon of mass destruction for eternity. The US, England and Israel has used more DU munitions in the wars since Bosnia, than 400,000 times the radiation that was used in the first atomic bomb used in Japan. The atomic dust from DU munitions contaminates the local environment. It cannot be cleaned up with todays technology. Both civilians and both sides of the military cannot help but getting this stuff into their systems. It enters into the entire food chain. Breathing this dust will kill you. It destroys the entire genetic makeup of unborn babies. Civilians and military with cancer from DU have up to three different types of cancer at the same time.

WISE Uranium Project lists: USA, Russia, France, England, Germany,

Japan, China, S. Korea and S. Africa as users of DU 1,183,273 tons of it! As of late, Isreal has joined the club. They used DU on Palestinian civilians. The number of people killed in the 9.11 attacks in New York are stipulated to be 3,500, not counting those that are dead or dying of cancer and lung problems from the smoke inhalation after the deed was done. The numbers of casualties that are listed as war casualties during the first war in the Gulf, and the invasion of Iran, are only them that die on the battlefields. Those that die in hospitals, or on route to hospitals are not counted as war casualties. That means that the American public are totally uninformed as to the high price they are really paying for the wars started by the government. xviIn the first Gulf war, due to the effects of DU, 56% of the 580,400 soldiers that served are now declared permanently disabled because of radioactivity.

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11,000 of these war vets are already dead. The numbers that have come in concerning veterans disabled because of DU are not yet available. They will be extremely high when they do come. DU is used extensively in this war. It has been reported that 17 US military vets from the Iraq war commit suicide every day. Those are directly connected to the war in Iraq. Many are certainly directly connected to the fact that soldiers are not getting treatment for their exposure to DU much less for the mental stress and the guilt that I am sure many must have. There is much more radioactivity in the atmosphere now than when all the atmospheric testing of atomic weapons was going on years ago. The countries that have invaded Iraq have turned that country into a radioactive wasteland for eternity. We are really talking about war crimes that are much worse than what we ever have seen before. If you ever wondered why there is more cancer today than before, now you are equipped to make an educated guess. In the Vietnam War they used Agent Orange to defoliate the trees so the enemy couldnt hide. The damage done to the civilians has not become public knowledge. Agent Orange was sprayed indiscriminately on women and children that had nothing to do with the war effort on any side. They did have to live with the killing effects of deadly toxic poisons for many years. Today, Agent Orange goes by another name its brother is called Roundup, created by the same company, some say it is more diluted I dont know. I do know that if you put Roundup on a plant, it will be dead, only the plant doesnt know it yet. Its just like DU, but DU lasts for an eternity.

Gene modified food

Most people have heard about gene-modified food. It doesnt sound so dangerous does it? You might wonder why food needs to be gene modified. Remember Roundup? Its made by a company that has become seriously globalized. Remember the name Monsanto they make Roundup and gene modified seeds that are Roundup ready. Plants that have been genetically modified to absorb poison chemicals designed to kill weeds, bugs or diseases, without being killed themselves are the wonderful inventions that Monsanto plays around with. There are two problems with gene-modified crops. The first on and the most obvious is that they are making crops to survive poisons and we are importing these foods into our food chain. We are not gene modified to be able to live with these poisons. In the

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long run we will be enjoying the same fate as the all the other bits and pieces of nature that are not Roundup ready. The other problem is that the farmer becomes permanently linked to Monsanto because they own the patent on the seeds and the seeds only come from Monsanto they are designed to be sterile. Its the perfect scam. A third problem has also manifested itself. Super weeds that can take the Roundup treatment are starting to spread. That means they have to develop a new type of weed killer that is even stronger. Lab rats that eat this genetically modified grain die. Monsanto has managed to take out patents on almost everything they come over. They will soon own all the seeds in the world. Does that make you worry? Monsanto is one of the giant businesses engaged in Norways Doomsday Vault just so you know. Chemtrails Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered if something strange is going on? Have you noticed all of the stripes in the sky that get bigger and bigger, until all the sky is covered with a milky white wispy layer of gunk? You have probably been told that you dont have to worry. Nobody is spraying you with anything. Its just the condensation that is natural, harmless and the result of using jet engines high up in the cold atmosphere. Next to the use of DU, Chemtrails are the next worse case of environmental criminality that I know of. When the jet engine was first used to power an airplane, we got used to seeing condensation trails, called contrails. These white trails disappeared shortly after the plane had passed, leaving no trace what so ever. As the air became cold again, the cloud dissipated. Something different happens when the trail lasts for hours and hours on end and gets up to a mile wide, or even more. These strange trails seem to be created almost everywhere on the planet. Chemtrails are related to the terror attacks in New York The only thing we know for sure is that what we are being told is a lie. Chemtrails exist high up in the atmosphere where it is between -40 and -50 degrees Celsius. The planes are around 32,000 feet above the ground. Its really difficult to know directly what is going on up there. It is very difficult to analyze the air in those white clouds. Its even difficult to say if the trail is created through putting something into the jet fuel, or if they are physically spraying something out through some sort of nozzles. One thing I do know, they were not there in the sky before, like they are now. I am an observant person. I

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used to work as a professional photographer. I have thousands of old slides of clouds. There are no traces of what we see in the sky now in those old slides I have. The entire character of the sky has changed. The change has been so gradual that few people notice it. Its very rare to have a pure clean deep blue sky up there. If you look closely, you will find a telltale veil of transparent whiteness that covers the blue. It is easier seen when you look through a polarizing filter. If you do a Goggle search for the word Chemtrail you will get over one million hits. That means that a lot of people have wondered what is really going on. Chemical analysis of the stuff that comes down from the more extreme dumps have shown that Barium oxide, Aluminum oxide and micro fibers are a common feature. The micro fibers help the stuff stay up in the atmosphere longer. The whiteness comes from Barium and Aluminum oxide. The trouble with this is that the combination is poisonous. The micro fibers get into your lungs and can create breathing problems. The Barium oxide is directly poisonous and the Aluminum oxide makes you forget easily, especially if there is a lot of acidity in the environment. In Norway, I measure the pH of the snow and rain to be around 5.5 that is very acidic. I guess it must come from the chemicals they put in the sky. No one is admitting to the existence of Chemtrails. Still, they do exist. The entire project must cost billions to carry our. The project must be important to somebody. The project must be international because the Chemtrails are appearing in almost every country. So far, I have come across four alternative explanations for this weird phenomenon: 1. Chemtrails are a part of an American attempt to own the weather. This agenda is known to exist anyway. It is not viable because they are everywhere. 2. Chemtrails are a worldwide project that has to do with covering the sky with a protective layer of clouds to prevent even more the effects of Global Warming. Verdict very possible but the results are poisoning us. 3. Chemtrails are a part of a secret military project to make an environment in the air that leads electricity better. By using HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program antennas they are trying to experiment

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with some large scale experiments that we dont need to worry ourselves about. Possible but not plausible. 4. Chemtrails are a project that is attempting to get us to accept the signs so we wont notice when the spray is really a poison. The Elite want to depopulate the earth anyway so there is more room left for those that are left behind. This collection of pictures was taken on a Saturday 11.02.06 and shows a large number of trails behind airplanes. Contact with various government establishments gives me no answers other than the fact that Chemtrails dont exist.

The picture in the lower right side of this little collection was taken with moonlight. Spraying us from above is a 24/7 phenomenon.

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All of the clouds in this picture come from a number of airplanes

You are looking at hundreds of miles of chemtrails from at least 4 airplanes. One even made a near perfect circle before spewing his stuff off toward the south.

Wispy surrealistic sky

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These trails have begun to enlarge themselves and merge together to make a carpet of white. If our cars were able to do this, we would be arrested in on the spot for environmental criminality. Chemtrails do exist. They are not natural and they cannot be caused by simple condensation. The white cover you see in all of these pictures has mass. It is done deliberately, secretly and without the consent of the society as a whole. What goes up must come down. I only hope that the ones behind all of this have benevolent intentions! Biological terror It is no secret that governments are secretly working to create some of the most diabolical methods of terror imaginable. They are using these tools of terror to frighten the masses to governmental consent. It is well known now that the Anthrax that killed several Americans just after September 2001 was an American made weapons grade bio terror scare. It got the Patriot Act signed by Congress. Do you ever wonder why or how certain institutions seem to know when there is going to be a new pandemic just around the corner? Could it be that its a wonderful way to kill of the food chain in poor countries? Is the reason that the Sars virus and the Bird virus hasnt manifested as planned because somebody goofed up? It is truly difficult to imagine the kind of mentality that would even dream of concocting designer diseases that nobody has a cure for, except, of course the company that made the disease in the first place. We are dealing with a kind of criminal that the world has never ever seen before not an individual who has gone 78

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crazy, but entire corporations and governments that will do what ever they want to because they can! The way I see things developing along the horizon, we are getting to a breaking point. Too many people are too passive and too compliant towards being manipulated, pushed around and bullied with. Waking up is also about responsibility that means the ability to respond. That means making those who are responsible stand responsible. It is no longer just a question of if we are going to take it any longer. The question also arises if the Earth is going to accept being treated this way any longer. Perhaps there will be a combination of an awakening that is happening at two levels at the same time. There are people out there that are behaving as though there was going to be no tomorrow. They are very sadly mistaken. There will always be a tomorrow, maybe not the tomorrow we were expecting, but it will get there. Where there is a tomorrow there will also be responsibility and those who are responsible will be held accountable. Electromagnetic pollution People have a tendency to think, If I cant see it, it doesnt exist. Well it does exist and we are starting to feel the effects of it. Humans are designed to be able to cope with a lot of stuff that is really harmful. It gets to the point where the body just wont cope anymore. This is how some people develop allergies. There is too much of a bad thing in the environment. Sometimes this is pollen and sometimes it is electromagnetic radiation. We can and do become allergic to electricity. Its not that electricity is bad for us. Its all about the frequency of the electricity that we choose to create that is the problem. We have still not figured out that we are susceptible to certain frequencies more than others. Some can help us maintain our health. Others can take that health away. Nikola Tesla was aware of this. He worked with electricity all of his life and he lived to be a very old man. Electricity did not kill him peoples greed and lack of wisdom did him in. Our systems of electronics and basic electricity do not seem to take into account that we are frequency susceptible beings. Living too close to a transformer has been shown to promote blood cancer. The same thing happens if we live close to those high voltage power lines. Our centralized power system demands that we use extremely high voltage systems to transport electricity over distances and that we

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transform that electricity down to manageable voltages before it comes into our houses. Sometime in the new future, that will have to change. We will have to convert to a symmetric energy system where there is enough for everybody and we can do away with all those big transformers and high voltage lines that make us sick. Today, we have microwaves bombarding our physical systems in ways we were not designed to be bombed. Our cellular structures are even more sensitive to microwave energies than the long cycles of 50 and 60 hertz that we use in our power lines. During the cold war, the Russians tried to kill of the Americans in their embassy by sending a weak but constant flow of microwave energy toward their offices. They did get sick. Today we do the same thing with our cell phones, wireless networks, relay towers and a host of other gadgets that operate on high frequency wavelengths. We are going to have to do things in other ways. It seems that all the electronic smog we are projecting out into the world affects even nature. The high-powered sonar that used by the military is bothering the whales. The power is so high and the pinging is so loud that we are making life miserable for them. Birds use magnetism to navigate. They use very high sensitivity towards very weak signals to navigate on this planet. We are making their life confusing as well. Our lack of understanding for the finer points of our existence come to expression by the way we use cannon to kill flies. We, ourselves are not attuned to the finer points of our own resources that would perhaps eliminate the need for all those things that are making our lives miserable. Attitudes that reflect stupidity Remember the metaphor about the baby playing with a live hand grenade. Do you get my point now? Short-term thinking, limited responsibility, greed for money, power and influence are fully represented when we perceive the world we live in through the lens of reality. If we keep on keeping on we can to nothing else but selfdestruct. Mankind has really screwed up the environment in so many ways. In growing economies like China where corruption, pollution and greed have totally transformed the country, someone, somewhere made some sandals

flip-flops that

were going to be sent to Walmart in the US a great buy for just $2.44. After just a few hours of use she noticed burn marks where the red plastic bands had been in contact with her feet. The chemical burns on her feet that developed over an elevenday period was so severe that it looked like radiation poisoning. The woman was not

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allergic to the material. The material was poison in itself - anything to turn a profit. This is the surface structure of the life we live in. My journeys during the past twenty years have introduced me to a phenomenon called channeling. It happens when a spiritual entity communicates through a human. The channel is like a radio receiver. If one uses discernment, care and wisdom, one can discover a very great amount of wisdom out there. One of those events was recorded in a series of books that start with Messages from Michael. The entity says something that is very relevant for the point I am trying to make here.

If you knew that you come back to the mess you left, how much garbage

would you bother to live with? It is not a part of the plan that you destroy this planet yet. That does not mean that you have permission to pillage, even though many seem to believe this is true. Remember that in the next life, you will have to live in the smoke you are making now. If you are not altruistic, why not be selfish. Would you like to live in a garbage dump? Let us point out, for all that are here, that one of the effects of living on the physical plane is garbage. You will come back to it from incarnation to incarnation, and for that reason, it is in its place to think over how much garbage you want to have around you! When we discover the underlying structure of our society and physical lives, we have to come to grips with our true spiritual identity, responsibility, and mission in life. It is with this knowledge we begin to understand the consequences of not having these perspectives. This is useful in itself. It reminds of other possibilities. It looks as though our world has reached the point where it is not possible to create more of a mess than we already have. Maybe it is better to understand that perhaps it is the planet that cannot tolerate more of this level of lack of understanding. I am sorry for having to say it, but I am afraid that it has to get worse before it can get better. Lets see what we really are doing with our infrastructures.

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Chapter 4 The Infrastructures of Society

What makes the world go around - money
Our greater civilized societies have all found it necessary to use money as a method for bartering, trading, selling and collecting value. In that respect, the economic structure of any nation is an important infrastructure. The rest of the nations well-being and other infrastructures depend on the economic infrastructure. On an even larger scale, we can now say that economy is a global infrastructure because countries use each other as banks. They take up loans and they lend to other countries. This makes the economic infrastructure so important that we can really call it a meta infrastructure. The material paradigm that dominates the majority of perceptions today, place an extra high value on a lifestyle that is based on money, comfort and short-term thinking. There are few alternatives that seem to be better. Money is a practical way to insure power, influence, comfort, status, food, security and all the other things that seem to be important. Henry Kissinger, advisor to many American presidents once said, If you want to control a country, take control over the food. If you want to control a region, take control over the energy. If you want to control the world, take control over the banks. Success is usually measured in relationship to the quality of ones materialistic life standard. It is also often associated with the amount of power, influence, sexual attraction, security, authority, comfort and luxury that one has available. This is the motor for the consumer society. There are a lot of people that would say that their values are on other non-physical things like family, love, togetherness, sharing, etc. True values are always backed up by action. The highest values are the ones that we base most of our decisions on. This is because values equate to importance otherwise they are called ideals. Politicians think they will become popular if they talk about family values. In reality they usually think of their family as their infrastructure on which they can reach out into the world and make money. Family is a means to an end. Social values are usually not connected to money values. When money values become more important than social values we start to go down that road of self-destruction in some sort of way. This fact is not well recognized by many people. It is my intention to make that easier to understand in this chapter.

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When we use systems thinking tools to really understand the dynamics of complicated systems, we have to reach deep down into our logical thinking skills and map the complicated series of causes and their effects. We have to think that each cause can have multiple effects and each effect can have multiple causes. We need to go up and down a tree of logic, put all the elements together in a logical order. In this process, we discover loops that either accelerate or hamper some greater process. I have discovered that a number of apparently innocent assumptions in our collective thinking processes, actually work together to create a perfect storm that has to do with money, freedom and happiness. The entire social structure of our world is participating voluntarily in a systematic process of self-destruction. The result is guaranteed. The only way to avoid this self-destructive process is to become informed of its existence. It is equally important to become aware of the root cause of the thinking that has contributed to this situation. It is my understanding that the root cause of mankinds miserable condition is that there is no common acceptance or understanding that is connected to the true nature of consciousness. We do not know who we are or really why we are alive. These questions are answered in A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. It is not in the nature of most humans to search for the answers to these issues. This is because they are hypnotized to think that they know what they need to know. My purpose with this series of multiple shock treatments concerning the reality behind the illusions of society is to get you motivated to find better alternatives. Nesting lies within lies creates the illusions. It is an important part of the fragmented flow of information. The principal of investment The investment principal is as solid as a rock. It means that we use energy, work, love, attention, care and/or money on something or someone in such a way that it makes it possible for that thing or person to develop into something bigger or better than would be possible without that investment. Parents invest their time and energy in their children because they want them to become what they can become, whatever that is. When we invest, we want to get something back, not necessarily personally. It could be the pure satisfaction of seeing a project work as intended. The investment principal has also an important business framework that is as old as the Old Testament Bible. You put your money to work so your money creates a return, as high as possible a return. This is what the banks and the stock market are all

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about. With the exception of the Muslim faith, which does not see interest as an acceptable alternative to loans and investments, everybody else out there is interested in making as much money as possible with the money they invest. The principle is still okay, as long as it doesnt get attached to other factors like, short-term thinking, greed, and so on. Assumption Capitalism is good for society Capitalism is very much attached to the principal of investment. Capitalism has a lot of different variations. On the one side you might the small family-owned local store where the owner provides certain goods easily available to the local population. In return for his investment for getting these goods to the store and keeping them until they are purchased, the storeowner sells somewhat higher than he buys and that should be enough to help him earn a living and continue providing the services over a long-term period. I can see no moral, or spiritual issues with this concept at all. This is how most people think of capitalism. The philosophy of capitalism can create conditions for a nice modest, honest living. The same philosophy can suck an entire country bone dry of its natural resources. This kind of capitalism is connected to additional causes that make accelerated effects. The entire goal of capitalism is to earn more money no and in the future. The investor that lives exclusively in the materialistic world has but a short time to enjoy the fruits of his (read other peoples) labor. Therefore it is imperative that investments bring as high as possible a return in as short a period of time as possible. When it comes to the stock marked, the investment principal is something like going to a casino. You can win a fortune and you can lose a fortune just as quickly. Some people seem to be in the game for the thrill of making a kill. That means that the investing principle is used with relatively short term perspective and a singular goal that of making money. This kind of investor doesnt really care about the business as long as it generates at least the expected amount of return. This investor doesnt care about the marked, the employees or the product. This investor only cares about him or her self. Publicly traded companies have a legal commitment to make sure their owners make the most out of their investment. This situation actually creates a new and entirely different situation for society than the way things were when the world rotated so much slower. Back in the old days before big companies were publicly

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traded on the stock market, they were usually owned privately. Usually the investment principle was working together with the capitalistic principle to create a business on a long-term plan. No matter what the business was about the owner really had two other considerations to think about in order that the business could survive in the long run. This owner had to take care of the markets interests. That meant good quality, in the demand goods at reasonable prices and good service. This business owner also had to think about the people that the business employed. If they werent treated fairly, they sure wouldnt help the owner keep the market happy. This is something known as social responsibility. It is the result of long-term thinking and consideration for the consequences of good or bad choices. Small companies can become successful big companies with this kind of thinking. Sooner or later the owner is approached with the idea of converting the business to a different kind of ownership. A limited responsibility, publicly traded business on the stock market. For this the owner is usually rewarded with en enormous amount of money as a one-time deal. When the stock market was still in an experimental stage, the tendency to think long term was still the norm. The world was perceived as a stable establishment and one could invest in a company that showed responsibility, creativity and solid business principles. This kind of investor used the investment like a retirement fond. Security and low risk was more important than trying to get rich quick. With the advent of the computer industry the world, especially the stock market, started to rotate at a new and unheard of turbo speed. The way the world worked changed overnight. Those that saw what was coming and had money to invest in the small companies that would turn out to be giants made a killing like never before. More and more people could see the possibilities of more or less instant gratification and bottomless greed. With computer technology, stocks can be bought and sold at the speed of light. Communication possibilities we didnt have before make it possible to buy and sell stocks all over the world at any time of the day. This creates opportunities for the individual stock investor that was never before available. This investor can hunt for the company that has the absolutely highest possible potential of return on investment. The leaders of all publicly traded companies know that the heat is on from day one. They are rewarded only if they can show the investors that they will get a substantial return on their stocks. Before, the leader of the company had to be loyal to the market

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and the employees. Today the leader is only loyal to the stockowners. This implies that the market and the employees are treated very differently. They actually are. When the company was privately owned employers knew who the owner was, and maybe even who the owners family was. Relationships were more personal and a loyal employee that was a hard worker could expect to be rewarded for that loyalty and hard work. In the publicly traded company, the employee may know who the boss is, but never who the owners are. If the owners demand that the company let go of 200 workers because the owners want a greater short term gain on their investment, they can force the company to do so. Stockowners have no social responsibility. Thats progress The word progress is an interesting term. It is usually associated with something positive and personal. Progress is, in other words, good thing. But is progress related to you, or the stockowner of a business? Lets take a look at what it usually means. It is generally assumed that progress is defined by values like: long lasting, resilient, maintenance free, cheaper, better, more efficient in general something that makes life easier and more enjoyable. Lets take a look at reality. If you call any company on the phone, especially a support telephone, you will get a computerized voice that informs you that there is a lot of telephone traffic for the moment and you will be put on hold. Thats when the music starts and you are paying the telephone company money to wait for service. This can go on forever. Thats progress. First of all, the company behind the computerized voice is probably using one living person to serve thousands of phone calls. Its not that there is a lot of traffic, there are too few telephone service people hired to do the job. Service costs money and that makes the companys bottom line look worse than it could. Thats why you always have to wait. The place where you have telephone service people well stocked, is when you call to sign up for a service. You never have to wait for that. Once you have signed up, you will normally discover it is impossible to complain, void your contract or get someone to fix a problem. Progress usually means progress for the person making the money, not you. When you buy an ink jet printer for your computer, you will discover that the printer is sold for next to nothing wow that is progress! You find out that the ink to run the printer is only half full when new. When you run out of ink and have to get a refill,

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you discover that the refill costs a small fortune. You have just been hooked up to a dependency system that is expensive to get out of. Thats progress. If you are one of those poor people that run your computer on a Windows PC, you know what will happen if you dont keep your computer virus program updated. You will lose all your data and your machine will crash. Either you have to pay for an expensive and continually updated data protection or spend days and weeks fixing your computer, usually both. You have effectively become a Windows slave thats progress. When you buy a new electronic gadget in the store, you can be sure that before you have learned how to use the thing, there is something already at the store that will do the job ten times faster or have ten times the capacity to store information, or whatever else that gets you going back to buy the latest and best upgrade. Welcome to progress. Thats the intention. If a company can figure out how to fragment your bill in such a way that you cant figure out that you are paying twice as much for half the volume thats progress! If the gas or electricity provider can just send you a message on your cell phone that tells you when you need to read your meter so you can get billed for your consumption thats progress. The thing is that you are using your life to administer some service provider with information that they should be paying to get. Progress for you, would mean that you could buy a car that got 200 mpg on gas, almost never needed service, was reliable and dependable, never rusted and was safe to drive. That would mean that car producers would go out of business because you wouldnt need to get a new car every 4 years or so. Thats progress. Real progress means you could have a little box in your basement that generated free electricity for you that wasnt metered by some central provider because you are just taking energy out of space. This is not a fantasy. It could be real, but it will never happen, because that would not mean progress to the energy cartels running the country. Ill write more about energy later and you will discover that there never has been an energy crisis, only a propaganda campaign to get you to understand that your energy bill is going to always get higher and higher. Thats progress. After the terror attacks in the US, more and more CCTV-s have been popping up all over the place. You will see them monitoring your every move on the streets, in stores, on the highways, at the airports and train stations. In England, the country that

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is more closely monitored than any other in the world, the television cameras even have speakers attached so they can tell you when you are misbehaving. Thats progress! In a lot of countries automatic cameras register if you are driving too fast. If you forgot yourself and are zapped by the infrared camera, you can be sure to get a ticket served to you in the mail. Thats service! How do manufacturers manage to make things that never break down while the guarantee is in effect and how do they manage to make things so they break apart just after the guarantee was no longer effective? Now thats real progress! You have probably heard of the phrase, Its good for the economy. You have probably associated that phrase with an unconscious acceptance that, Whats good for the economy, is good for you. Think again! I saw an interesting sign on a tow truck the other day. It read, Your crash, my cash! Its good for the economy that you crash your car. Think of all the jobs you are supporting. Its actually good for the economy that you get cancer at least if you are going to pay $300,000 for a treatment scheme that may or may not cure you for cancer. The Iraq war is good for the economy. It keeps the military industrial complex alive and well. You are supporting jobs when you support the war. Think of all the jobs that are going to be made just by creating a care industry for returning veterans that return from the war as damaged goods. Its good for the economy. The war on terror is also good for the economy. It means that there will be thousands of new jobs available in the government, as it grows bigger and bigger because it needs all those people to watch over everybody else. Thats progress! Imagine the sense of progress you feel when you discover that you can just call your local delivery company UPS or whatever it is called and they can track your goods all the way from factory to your door. They can tell you exactly where your ordered goods are, in route. Isnt that fantastic? Its all because of those RFID chips that they put into your package. It gets monitored electronically and GPS satellites can tell you exactly where everything is. Its a shame they dont do that yet with your airplane luggage. The thing is that its being done to your car. Soon it will be done to you! A lot of people have invested in a GPS tracking system in their car. That way it can never get lost or stolen. The exact same technology is now being used in England to tax car-owners for every mile they drive Isnt that wonderful? Wont it be nice when all your biometric, economic, medical and electronic information is

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stored in a little chip under your skin? In that way advertising can be personalized to meet your needs while your shopping. It will also be possible to monitor your temperature so you can be whisked away to a holding cell if you have a fever - you never know if you have caught a virus somewhere. If you have forgotten to pay your bills, your taxes, or your monthly fee for being chipped, a local alarm can tell you that the police have been called so you can just sit tight until they arrive to take you away. Thats progress too. If you think I am trying to scare you with paranoid visions of the future, think again. All of these schemes are already on the drawing board, if they are not already being implemented behind your backs. Dependency Dependency is one of those things that make it so much easier for someone other than you generate money out of your existence. Its a great way to cut down on the cost of advertising. If you are dependent, you go to the source instead of the source trying to find you. Just like a junkie, business has discovered the power of dependency. Another thing that is great when it concerns dependency, the dependent person cant really ever complain about the price of goods or services. There was a time when governments seemed to play a role in protecting its citizens from the dependency racket. Thats before the government discovered the power of dependency. The most overt dependency scam is the tax business. The money you earn is taxed. The money you spend is taxed. The money you save is taxed and the money you invest with is taxed. When you think about it, your tax gets taxed. In some countries, your government can even decide how much interest you have to pay if you are late paying your taxes. This is called a penalty and interest. If it is the other way around, they dont even have to pay interest on money withheld! Why is it this way because they have the power to do it! When you buy a cell phone, you normally dont pay much for the phone. Most people go for the deal where the phone company pays for the phone and you pledge allegiance to a specific net provider for a certain amount of time usually years. Its a dependency scam. You have to know that you never get anything for nothing in a capitalistic driven society. You have to know that you are paying a higher price to make your phone calls, just in order to pay for that phone. You will be paying more and more by the end of your dependency commitment, than others that opt to not

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commit themselves. By the time you are free to choose a different provider, you will need a new phone and the game starts all over again. A lot of people have now been introduced to the idea of stores using club membership cards so you feel you have the privilege of using your money in their store. Some stores even charge a yearly sum just to keep your card renewed. Do you really think you are saving any money on this type of scam? Just take a look at the size of the shopping carts they use at this kind of store. The bigger the better and that means you are just leaving more of your money in their store. Most people living in a modern civilized society are totally dependent on keeping a great number of different systems running, just to make sure their life is functional. I will be discussing this even more at a later part of this section. Imagine where you would be without Internet, Internet banking, refills for your printer, cigarettes, medicines, your cell phone, your car, your cable or satellite TV stations, electricity, gas, water, security, I tunes store and what ever else you are used to using every day. Did you ever realize that you actually could live a good life without all of these dependencies? Have you ever wondered how much your dependencies cost you? Capitalism thrives on local poverty Most people consider that a free market and capitalism are responsible for a high standard of living. Think again! Capitalistic principles are built on the idea that there must exist a local poverty that can be used as a workforce to generate goods and services. This is what outsourcing is all about. At the same time it is a great advantage that there is a certain number of individuals that are willing to pay a high price for those goods and services. The difference between production cost and sales price is called profit. Capitalism is all about making as high a profit as possible. If you are earning a lot of money, or a reasonable amount of money, you can probably thank social democratic reforms or unions for the size of your paycheck. Since history has shown that low cost countries generally wake up to being milked, they often retaliate with reforms that demand higher wages. As the outsourcing continues to affect the economy of the high cost countries, more and more jobs are lost and the general economy becomes more and more poor. The pendulum swings

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back and forth and capitalistic forces use both sides of the opposing economic powers to their own advantages. Does this strike you as being self-destructive? Assumption growth is absolutely necessary for a healthy economy The message that growth in industry, gross national product or the economy as a whole, has been hammered into our consciousness from politicians and economic news-providers for years and years. Most people have come to accept this mantra as the truth and nothing but the truth. Actually it is hypnosis at work. The idea of economic growth being necessary for survival is not natural. This is certainly not the way nature works. If anything gets too big, there is always a natural cycle of death that keeps the chain in balance. The thought virus starts when we accept the goal of the business owner to be To make more and more money, now and in the future. This becomes what we think of in the world of biology as a virus. It becomes allconsuming until it dies because there is nothing more for it to feed on. Another source for this thought-virus is the one created from the days of Bernays. The consumer society is an artificially based society that has been lied to and hypnotized to think that satisfaction of material desires is the same as happiness. People that have the most are never the happiest. They are often more busy protecting their comfort zone than any thing else. Imagine how happy you could be if you had regulated the size of your house to what was livable and functional. That you downsize all of those things that would keep you dependent on the system. That you give yourself more free time, and less work time to invest in where your real passions might lie. You would walk more, bike more, talk more, have more friends and do more things that were meaningful. If business didnt always have to grow, if there was less competition and more cooperation, everything would just be smaller and probably a lot more happy, healthy and wise but thats another society all together. Assumption competition is good I have already mentioned how this hypnotic assumption has become the true mantra of modern society. It just doesnt do what they say is should do. It brings out the worst in people. Competition drives those who participate in sports to drug themselves to better and better results. It has made sports into a major industry of entertainment not fun and games but pitting nation against nation, state against state,

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school against school. In England and other countries where soccer is popular, winning or losing is a serious business. Spectators rooting for the wrong side can die. Competition and greed go together to create inferior products, poisoned foods, scams, poor or nonexistent service and artificial differences. If we managed to replace competition with cooperation, things would be more standardized. We wouldnt need a hundred different battery chargers for each different battery driven device. We wouldnt need to waste all the time, resources and energy to make things different so they couldnt work together. I know that some people might protest and say that difference is good. My point is there comes a point where creating differences just to make things different is a waste of real progress. Can you imagine what would happen to science if it hadnt been so compartmentalized and fragmented? Our ability to increase our real knowledge would also include true insight about our selves and the universe we live in. The baby with the hand grenade would grow up and put the hand grenade in some place where it was safe. We are told that competition makes business better. Why is it then that business is always doing what ever they can to create a less and less competitive marketplace. Big business actually prefers a monopoly and they use competition to create the conditions that are necessary to make the monopoly possible. They buy up the competition. Using competition to create monopolies is probably the worst form for competition that is. It is nothing less than psychopathic because it cares nothing for the fate of those that get burned in the process. It s all about me, me, me. Assumption technological development gives us advantages I saw a program on Discovery TV some time ago where someone was asked why anyone would want to mount a jet engine on a motorcycle. The answer was immediate and spontaneous, Because we CAN! This way of thinking is very relevant when it comes to understanding how technology can help us or hurt us. My understanding can be summed up in the following metaphor. The more powerful and sensitive the hand grenade is, the more wisdom and intelligence is required of the person holding that hand grenade. When you consider that technology has grown exponentially while the backlash from Freud is still with us, Id put it this way, Huston, we have a problem! Because there is still a group of people high up on the hierarchy of power in this world that is determined to keep its grip on the masses, this group will also use

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technology to intensify the degree of control and repression of the masses in such a way that it will become more and more difficult to do anything about it. As the price of computer memory and information storage decreases the amount of surveillance over the masses, by the government increases. It is now done in the name of the war on terror. It is actually the war over control over you as an individual. By now, you should realize this for a fact. It is not a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy. There is a reason for governments including more and more biometric data into passports, identification cards and RFID chips. They are working on how to increase the ability to read your data from greater and greater distances. There will be a point in time where you can effectively say, Game over when it comes to freedom. Not only that, when electronics are the base of our security, we need to realize that there are always hackers that can break in to the worlds most secure computer archives. Your identity, money, house and all your valuables could be stolen in the blink of an eye. You will have a hard time proving who did it. When humans get their hands on that much power, it will always attract the kind of person who will not have your best interests in mind. Do you want that to happen? There was a time when technology and human needs were in perfect balance. That was a long time ago. This is the point where technology can help society take care of the necessary challenges that confront society on a collective level. This is when we can say that nobody is redundant and everybody fulfills an important niche in society. As technology becomes more and more advanced, that balance becomes a dangerous unbalanced factor in society as a whole. More and more people become redundant. There was a time, back in the old days when futuristic visions show that technology would create a society of people that had enormous amounts of free time available to them. They could realize their dreams. Well that was all a lie. The fact of the matter is that capitalism demands that fewer and fewer people do more and more. True, there are a lot of people that have all the time in the world to do what they want to because they dont have a job. The problem is that they have no money either. The controllers high up in the hierarchy are looking at these people like being useless eaters of the natural resources that belong to those in power. Like bugs, they would like to see them disappear. If you think I am kidding, there are thinkers in thinktanks today that are talking about the advantages of reducing the population to 10% of the size it is now.

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The military has now developed crowd control weaponry that uses microwaves to burn the skin of any person within the range of the gun. The pain is so intense that the victim has only one thought and that is to get out of harms way. Do you call this progress? The police in the US have become more and more known to use their Tazer weapons on who ever they perceive as being noncompliant. Most of these people have actually not even committed crimes. If you get hit with 50,000 volts of electricity, you run a big risk of getting killed. Using lethal levels of high-voltage electricity to get people to comply seems to me like a giant leap backward toward a very dangerous form for fascism. The writing is not only on the wall its in our faces. You may not know this yet, but there are ample ancient archeological evidences to say that mankind must have had access to technology that by far surpassed what we have today. NASA is withholding evidence of massive ruins on Mars and the Moon. I will be getting into this later on in the book. It is not difficult to figure out that mankind has developed technology before, only to destroy civilization back to the Stone Age. It is not the best choice we could take, to do that again. Without spiritual awareness, technology becomes a danger to all that use it. Private companies have also introduced another electronic tool to make democracy easier to manage electronic voting machines. The electronic voting machines with touch screens and scanners have been proven to be unreliable. They are very easily tampered with. They have back doors as big as a barn. Numbers can get changed, virus programs can be introduced to switch the votes and memory cards can be changed. The problem with these machines is that they do not provide for a paper receipt that is kept by the voter and the ones that count the votes. Even as this is being written the American 08 presidential elections are moving forward. The results so far show that there is still cause for concern that these machines still have not been fixed properly to allow for tamper proof voting. Even more tragic is how the corporate mass media is affecting the voters through the way they portray the candidates. If corporate media does not want a candidate to succeed, they simply dont put them in front of the TV cameras. They dont mention their name. This is exactly what has happened to the enormously popular Republican candidate Ron Paul. There is ample evidence that the past two presidential elections, and the one that is ongoing in 2008 have been and are being tampered with in serious way. It is not strange that the mass media and news are not telling the public about this. That is

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because they are a part of the problem. It has been said that, Its not important who votes for whom. What is important is who it that counts the votes. The latest technology is being already tested to increase security at airports. A special kind of radiation is used to undress every passenger before they are cleared to go into the passenger area of the airport. Doesnt that make you feel safe. It is strange that the private individual will be more and more transparent, while the governments regulating the lives of those people are becoming more and more secret. Sooner or later these scanning machines will be installed after the check out counters of very store that can afford them. You might as well just go shopping in the nude. Political forces work more to protect economic interests than human interests It is easy to understand that dictatorships are less likely to consider the longterm interests of their citizens. It is something that most people like to think, when it comes to democratic governments. When we look closely, it seems to be that most democratic governments seem to be run in such a way that they protect business and economic considerations far more readily than the do their citizens. The more capitalistic the society is, the more this tendency seems to be true. It is natural to look in the direction of the United States when we look for examples of this pattern of behavior. Michael Moore made came to the same conclusion in his film SiCKO, when he compared the quality of health care that was available in Cuba, with what is available in the US and to what cost. Laws passed in the last 10 years in the US make it possible for businesses to expropriate private land and housing if business wants to use that land for developmental purposes. It is a part of what was pointed out earlier in the shock economy section of this book.

The US, England and other countries have used their general population to

test the effects of biological, chemical and atomic warfare weapons. Of course this is done in absolute secrecy. Some would call this, In the interests of national security. This only directly implies that civilian security is given much less priority than the government. We really dont have to go any further than the disastrous effects of the levees breaking in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Notice that they did some how become destroyed after the hurricane had done its worst damage. The idea that someone in the government could imagine blowing up this protection is unthinkable. The television coverage of what happened to the poor people of New Orleans in the

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aftermath of the flooding of their city is an attest to the lack of loyalty that the government has to its people. This is not to say that every government is due to act in such a manner. It does relate to the amount of capitalistic interests that are within the government itself. As a generalization, when it comes to a stand off between the government and a single individual, the individual doesnt ever have a chance. If your government wants to do something to you, for whatever reason, they will do exactly what they want. One of the greatest proofs that governments generally consider corporate interests over private is how they treat the infrastructures that they were entrusted with by the people themselves.

An enslaving infrastructure
Our infrastructures are the glue that holds our practical lives together. Infrastructures have scale which is regulated to the size of the social structure that they serve. Some are personal. Others are bigger and are designed to keep practical family life together. Bigger ones might belong to a building or group of buildings. Bigger infrastructures serve communities. The biggest usually belong to sovereign states or nations. The absolute largest infrastructures serve the common needs of a united group of nations like the United Nations and European Common Market or FN. My main point here is that the entire idea behind infrastructures at a logical level of thinking their main purpose is to serve the needs of the social structures that are beneath them! Infrastructures have been traditionally protected from capitalistic forces. They are owned by the collective social structure run by the community, or state on a non-profit basis. There is a very good reason for this. Would you want to have something that you were dependant on regulated by capitalistic principles which state that the main purpose of that infrastructure is to earn more money now and in the future? Of course not! That would be stupid. Lets try and make a list of the infrastructures that have become a vital part of our personal, social and practical lives: Security Military, Police, Civil Defense (disaster management) Fire department, Ambulance services, Hospitals, First Aid stations, Rescue land, sea and air, National centers for disease control, etc. Communication Post, Telephone, Television, Radio 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 96

Economy National Finance institutions that print money - Banks, Loan institutions etc. Economy is actually a global infrastructure today. Education Schools at all levels, including Universities Parks and recreation National, state, local parks, camping, facilities for sports, cultural facilities, boating facilities, etc. Transportation Maintenance of roads, tunnels and highways, waterways, railroads and airports, Public transportation Air travel, train, buss, ferries Energy Oil, hydroelectric, gas, coal resources, etc. regulation, maintenance and administration and delivery to consumers Food Water resources (drinking water), regulation of agricultural infrastructure Waste disposal Garbage pick up and management recycling stations Care facilities Day care for children under school age, elderly care, mental health care, Home nursing, etc. Small-scale infrastructures Parking facilities, post offices, banks, train stations, police stations, schools, day care centers, etc. Ask yourself how many of these infrastructures remain in the hands of local, state, or national government and are still protected from capitalist interests? What has happened to your infrastructures where you live? In the US, the economic infrastructure is privately owned. Its called the Fed or Federal Reserve just because they use the word Federal, a lot of people think that the government prints the money. No. Private people do that in the US. They also answer to no one. They dont pay taxes and they are not ever audited. They print money at the request of the government and they charge interest on that money. Who is best served by this kind of system? Consider the following; at what ever level of infrastructure you think about, it is a resource given from the people to the government for the purpose of administrating this infrastructure for the best interest of its citizens. You are dependent on your infrastructures. The moment these are sold and become publicly traded companies, they have changed their entire mission. They have moved their mission from, Serving the public now and in the future, to, Earning more money now and in the future. These two goals are not compatible. You become enslaved by the very infrastructure that you gave to your government to administrate on your

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behalf. Everywhere you turn, you will find that you are being bleed for your economic resources, while being provided with less and less quality service. The people have always been led to believe that government infrastructures were dinosaurs that gobbled up the governments money. If they were ineffective, then that is the fault of the persons managing the infrastructure. Some people complain that the taxes would have to be much higher if the government was to take back control over the infrastructures. They are going to have to be paid for anyway. What is better, that you pay for them to not make a profit, or that you pay the price it takes for them to make a profit? The more I think about it, the more I think that the privatization of infrastructures is closely related to the crime of treason. The trust in the government to manage its resources has been betrayed. Can you imagine what happens if you privatize the fire department? Only the rich will be protected. Do you realize what happens if you privatize the military? Wars will be created just to protect jobs! If you privatize the police, crime will increase (the illusion of crime) to justify bigger and bigger police. You need to remember that people have a tendency to act as they get rewarded. Say no to privatization! Globalization one of the biggest threats to freedom Tony Blair said in a CNN newscast 2005, Globalization is just as natural as the fact that autumn follows the summer. Beware of the hypnotic effect of this message. Globalization is the natural effect of rampant greed, capitalism and the desire for dominance and control. If that is natural, than globalization is natural. Globalization is just like a pyramid game or multi-level marketing. Small companies are consumed by larger companies that are consumed by even larger companies that are consumed by even enormous companies that get consumed by the richest people in the world. They wind up running the entire show, even though it looks like there is a lot of diversity and competition in the ranks below. Can you imagine what would happen if the following industries joined forces: Military, Media, Medicine, Food, and Energy? Your fantasies are your worst nightmare, because this is what it is now. It is actually even worse. When companies get as big as they can when they become globalized, they have more power than many of the governments that are there to regulate their behavior. They are able in some

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respects to dictate to governments exactly how they want to be treated and what privileges they assume or want to have. They usually get what they want. When they all pull together Remember the loop I was telling you about earlier? The forces that are described in this chapter are the forces that are involved in creating this loop. When you combine the principles of investment with greedy capitalism, short-term thinking, competition, growth, privatization, technological advantages, globalization, etc., you get this mega loop that develops into a turbo monster. This is one of the big ones that are running the show in the systems thinking map of cause and effect. This is why the world is the way it is. This is the reason that workers all the way down to 35 years of age are considered to be too old to be useful. This is why highly qualified and loyal workers are sacked because the stockowners demand a 3% raise in profits. This is also why there have been wars in countries that produce oil. This is why most people have fewer civil rights now than before 9.11. These are the reasons why many middle class Americans have to work two full jobs just to keep their economic heads above water. Home nurses were handed stopwatches by a team of efficiency consultants who were hired by the private health care company, just to find out how to save time on routines that did not generate money. Fully functional factories that make a profit in the local market are shut down and sold off to China. Two hundred factory workers had to find new work elsewhere. Social dumping has become the last tool to generate conditions that are impossible for a middle class to live in. Illegal, or legal workers from other less privileged countries saturate the landscape, sucking up the available jobs for menial labor at the lowest possible cost. Skilled laborers, like carpenters, plumbers and electricians can no longer compete with the influx of workers coming from economies that are much more stretched. In the US, the president has made a big issue of protecting the country from terror. At the same time the southern boarder to Mexico has been opened up to permit millions of illegal workers to swamp the economy. This is done to generate more profit, so the super rich get even richer. If this trend continues, there will be the rich elite and the slaves and they will still call it a democracy. The kind of thinking that is behind this kind of society is negatively polarized. It is the kind of thinking that is also called evil. It is designed to enslave you while

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benefiting others. In the next chapter, we will include how energy is used to ensnare our freedom.

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Chapter 5 Energy that enslaves and pollutes you

Our modern society is totally dependent on access to enough energy in order to survive. We are not talking about having enough wood to burn our campfires any more. We have become dependent on huge amounts of energy to supply our demands for heat, refrigeration, appliances, light and transportation. To get the job done, we consume coal, gas, oil, atomic, hydroelectric power and to certain degree also solar and wind power. Most of the energy we consume today is unevenly distributed around the globe. That means that there is a certain tendency for some countries to have access to very valuable natural resources while others are more or less deprived. It is not fair. Another issue is that the energy sources that are dominant in the world today come from closed systems. These are resources that do not get replenished. When we have used them up. They are gone forever. There are some scientific theories that point out that oil is actually a renewable resource, this is yet to be proven. Therefore I will treat it as a closed system for energy. Another issue that concerns most of the worlds energy consumption is that it pollutes the atmosphere, water and or soil. With a few exceptions, most of these energy systems demand enormous investments and infrastructures. Capital interests have taken over these resources a long time ago. At the time this is being written, the price for a barrel of oil is around one hundred dollars. It seems as though there is an energy crisis and just cannot get enough oil out of the ground quick enough to feed our economies, our trucks and cars. At the same time, we are being led to believe that C02 is one of the prime culprits for global warming. Thanks to Al Gores Climate film, An Inconvenient Truth, the world has bought into an idea that has very little scientific grounding. My personal research into the subject leads me to believe that global warming is not a consequence of man made pollution. Dont get me wrong here. I am against the idea that we should be using carbon or atomic based energy sources. They both pollute too much. Its just that that exhaust is not making this planet any warmer. Any crisis concerning energy or pollution is a crisis that is really about awareness and nothing else. Mankind has known about another free source of energy that does not pollute for over one hundred years and we still dont do anything about it. The means and ways for making use of this energy are still in the hands of a small number of dedicated private researchers, usually working on their own, to do the impossible. Governments and military know a 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 101

lot more about this energy that is free and available everywhere, but they are holding back on this information. It would threaten the entire foundation of the power structure for society, as we know it today. This energy is called 0-Point Energy, Tachyon Energy and Radiant energy, among other things. This is less of a fantasy than many would think. This form of energy is endless, non-polluting, free for the taking and boundless. It has been the object of serious research for many years now on an international scale. Following this research and actually participating in the development of this new system of energy has been something I have involved myself with since 1988. I know enough about this kind of power to say equivocally that it already has been discovered, but repressed by powers that profit by the energy politics that are in use today. Nicolas Tesla was probably the first person to discover the existence of radiant energy. He used it to power an electric car that went 120 mph. On the roof was a thick cable approximately 1.6 meters in length that was used as an antenna.

... in 1931, under the financing of Pierce-Arrow and George Westinghouse,

a 1931 Pierce-Arrow was selected to be tested at the factory grounds in Buffalo, N.Y. The standard internal combustion engine was removed and an 80-H.P. 1800 r.p.m electric motor installed to the clutch and transmission. The A.C. motor measured 40 inches long and 30 inches in diameter and the power leads were left standing in the air - no external power source! At the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local radio store and purchased a handful of tubes, wires and assorted resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high was assembled housing the circuit. The box was placed on the front seat and had its wires connected to the air-cooled, brushless motor. Two rods 1/4" in diameter stuck out of the box about 3" in length. Mr. Tesla got into the driver's seat, pushed the two rods in and stated, "We now have power". He put the car into gear and it moved forward! This vehicle, powered by an A.C. motor, was driven to speeds of 90 m.p.h. and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day! One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, "From the ethers all around us". Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister forces of the

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universe. He became incensed, removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in New York City. His secret died with him! The same letter that documents Teslas electric car also gives us another interesting insight towards the capitalistic society that runs our lives: Engineers of Hitachi Magnetics Corp. of California have stated that a motor run solely by magnets is feasible and logical but the politics of the matter make it impossible for them to pursue developing a magnet motor or any device that would compete with the energy cartels. Another inventor, Henry T. Moray, discovered a method of transforming radiant energy from the impulse of a magnet drawn over a coil. With this start impulse, he drew 60,000 watts of electrical energy from his boxes which contained a special kind of plasma diode that he invented 30 years before RCA invented the first transistor. His work is documented in the book,xxi The Sea of Energy on Which the Earth Floats. Moray was badgered by agents from Russia, who destroyed his special tubes that cost over one million dollars a piece to make and threatened his life. He was never credited with any kind of public acknowledgement, even though the equipment was demonstrated many times deep in underground caves, in the air and on the ground. All he needed was an antenna. Moray described that the radiant energy was of very low amplitude and high frequency. We do not recognize that it exists because it is all around us and there is no potential difference that we know of. He transformed this high frequency energy down in steps a number of times, in such a way that the frequency decreased and the amplitude increased for each step. There are many other individuals and groups around the world working within a free energy network towards the goal of getting this kind of energy available to mankind. Before that will happen, the time must be ripe. Free energy, that does not pollute, is not a fantasy. It is only the capitalistic system that stops free energy from becoming a reality. There is no, and there never has been, a real energy crisis. The energy crisis that every one talks about is the cartel controlled, carbon or nuclear based and polluting energy that the world has had enough of. Because energy, as it is used today, is not evenly distributed throughout the world, there will never be any chance to create equality before everybody has his or her own personal source of juice. Humanity must also move past the notion of creating weapons from this kind of energy. All movement from a competitive society to a cooperative society 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 103

necessitates a change in energy politics by changing our source of energy as well as general awareness of our spiritual identity. Uneven access to energy guarantees political unrest Energy is a source of political power, in the same way it a source of kinetic power. When the energy systems used in todays societies are unevenly distributed, we get a situation that is quite intolerable and unjust. While the rich nations just get richer by selling their oil, the ones with no natural resources pile up the national debits. This paves the way for wide spread corruption and manipulation of those countries who are not so luck to have oil under their feet, or boats, for that matter. Although the primary reason for the American intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq was supposed to be about the war on terror, you need to know that the Americans would not have been interested in spending so many resources there if it wasnt for the oil. Countries that cannot work their way around being pressured by those that have more, or bigger guns, have no choice but be invaded, democratized, and privatized. Russia has now entered the oil business big time after realizing that control over their oil resources were slipping away under the privatization of those resources. Russia took back control and is now delivering gas to Europe and the earlier eastern allies. Russia is also creating a special form of dependency that can be very unsettling in the future. China has become a huge consumer of oil and gas and the increase in demand has brought the oil prices to levels never before experienced. Energy at all levels has become the source of prime income for national and private business. Consumers have noticed how they are more or less being blackmailed into saying yes to prices for energy that are difficult to bear. As long as the situation exists where we are dependant on a closed system that is in the hands of a few powerful people, we will never be able to live as liberated individuals. This is why solving the energy problem is so important for any higher level of living.

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Chapter 6 - War and other challenges

Fragmented information about our self, our relationships, and the world we live in, promote the perception of artificial boundaries like race, cultures, tribes, families, languages and nationalities. Religion does the same thing by creating boundaries between believers and nonbelievers, sometimes also known as infidels and the heathen. The perceptions about the value of life are not constant between these boarders. Some even subscribe to the notion that certain individuals have souls while others do not. These perceptions promote the feeling of alienation, fear and discomfort when we come into close contact with those who are different. This is one of the reasons why we fight. We fight to defend ourselves, to dominate over others, to gain access to resources and we fight in the name of God or Allah. War is all about killing the enemy. Making war has become one of the largest institutions in our society. It is, in my opinion, the single most fragmented bodies of knowledge that exists on this planet. There are many insights missing in the art of war that, if they had been included, would have to be re-expressed as the art of peace. There is a very good reason for saying that the first victim in war is the truth. War is not a logical action or reaction for a healthy human being. Psychology has been used to induce rational men and women to kill each other through the misuse of emotions. True values are an important part of any persons inner mental map. A complicated, but systematic hierarchy of values concerning movement towards goals and movement away from non-goals creates a very dynamic structure that regulates our choices. Another way of saying this is that values tell us what is important to get, or avoid. There are two lists that we use for this process. Values are not created out of thin air. They are very complicated mental constructions. A metaphor makes this concept easier to understand. Imagine a table. On the table is written the name of a value, like loyalty. From the statement, Loyalty is important because we can become aware of the belief systems that make the legs of the table. Without those legs the table cannot stand. Beliefs are assumptions that have been tried and tested over time. Convictions are even more tested. Assumptions, beliefs and convictions are all part of the constructs that are the legs of our table, that we call a value. The issue of values is also discussed in, A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. For those that

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have not read that book, I think it would be helpful if I mention a couple of things that are important concerning our mental maps. Sperry, a scientist that discovered the left and right specialization of the human brain was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work. In his acceptance speech, he said the following, Our social values are very much determined by what we believe the nature of consciousness to be, if it is physical and bound to the brain, or if it is universal, or reincarnated or whatever. This was the motivation for me to write my first book because I discovered that this single question is even more important than Sperry had discovered. The nature of consciousness defines the entire structure of an individuals inner mental map. By that I mean issues such as, mission, identity, values, capabilities, actions, attitudes, morals, responsibility, boarders, capabilities and limitations. In other words this is a big question and an important one if an individual is to have a conscious relationship with his or her personal mental map. How does this relate with the issue of war? It is important because of those values I mentioned earlier. I have found the following values to be particularly strong in people who choose to go to war. The do so because they feel that is important for them to do so. In that respect, I am not belittling any soldier that has made that choice. I believe that it is right for some people to go to war, inside a spiritual context, to learn that that choice is a mistake. This may seem to be a paradox, but is really isnt. Values that are impressed on any soldier will often be: Valor, loyalty, pride, bravery, obedience to authority, power, revenge, protection, support, patriotism, brotherhood, family, toughness, responsibility, character, honor, love, and empathy. All of these values have a specific set of belief systems that support an individuals perception of what that value actually means. These words mean different things to different people because of the belief systems that are attached. In the military, a unique set of beliefs are used to elevate these values in such a way that it becomes imperative to go to war, if for nothing else, to defend those values. Very few soldiers would say that they value killing. But that is what they do in war. The reality of war is hidden away by redefining terms. A sniper always talks about the target, not a person. This is why I say war, from a soldiers perspective, is really an emotional issue, not a logical one. All the assumptions of war come from the fractionalized perceptions delivered from society, government and, in the end by the military itself

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that trains the soldier to kill, effectively and without empathy for the life they are taking. I dont have anything good to say about war. The only people that seem to really defend going to war are those that are making money out of it. Most people that have seen combat know that war is hell on earth. It seems that we humans have an inner knowledge of this fact and maybe that is why the military has to spend so much time getting recruits to become killers before they go out into battle. Most people have a big problem killing another person. You have to numb yourself and your feelings if you are going to make a job of doing that kind of deed. Usually the guilt will follow the soldier for the rest of their life. We were really not designed to kill our fellow man. Because I know what I do about the consequences of killing another person, I can say that war is only good for learning that it is a huge mistake. It is necessary to have a certain spiritual level of understanding in order to understand that fact. In order for the citizens of any country to support their government going to war against any enemy that enemy has to become the epitome of evil in the eyes of its citizens. Governments manipulate the events, news coverage and perceptions of the enemy in such a way that killing them becomes necessary as a form of self-defense. Their lives as humans become less valuable. They are perceived to be animals without a soul. They can be legally killed. The act of going to war becomes an honor. By the time the solder discovers that there is no honor in killing or getting killed, its too late. That is why this section is very short. There isnt very much more to say until I write about the spiritual aspects of war and what they mean. Other challenges Those that perceive society as a place where an individual can actualize him or her self, will probably realize that a necessary prerequisite for self-actualization would include the existence of challenges that need to be overcome. It is my experience that any person that does not have challenges to overcome, will have a nasty tendency to slump down into that comfort zone and get very lazy. You cannot actualize yourself by being lazy. Therefore, a certain amount of challenges must be present that create energy and emotions that motivate an individual towards overcoming those challenges. The challenges that can be used for this purpose need to be at just the right level of difficulty in order for them to function in a useful way. If they are too

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difficult, we give up. If they are too easy, we are not bothered or motivated to conquer them. My purpose for including this line of thinking is to get the reader to consider if the society we live in is conducive to the right level of challenges so that the majority of the masses can go on to realize the best of their abilities. Only a handful of individuals seem to create for themselves an environment that is conducive for self-actualization. It is also just as appropriate to say that only a handful of individuals are so lucky that the environment around them supports their ability to be just what they can be. The majority of people seem to be so caught up in their everyday hassles that life is more or less simply overwhelming. The weekend is the only time when one can unwind and load up those batteries for a new week of hectic activity at school or work. Few are those that perceive work as something that develops their inner passions. The majorities of people work to live and not live to work. Any individual that lives in a developing country will even fewer possibilities to connect inner passion with daily activities. The act of earning a living is often so different than living out ones dreams that the two simply do not belong together. The capitalistic pressures that keep us humans busy, working for a living, also keep us from discovering and developing the passions inside that hint of better possibilities. Only those that have a high degree of passion and self-discipline are able to conquer the challenges that a consumer- and conform-society impose on any individual. Once in a while, you can see graffiti on the wall, on bridges and buildings that remind us, Legalize your dreams Ya right. I have to work for a living is the response that most people have to that impulse. The greater majority of those that perceive themselves to be actualizing their true potential are still stuck in the understanding of self-actualization as a process that is bound up in external activities. When I was an advertising photographer at the peak of my career, I was totally convinced that I was actualizing my true potential. Little did I realize that I was still seeking status and recognition through my work. It is very easy to get fooled into believing that, This is what its all about. I permit myself to use my personal life as an example of how challenges need to be just right in order for true self-actualization to take off. In some ways, you could say that, I was lucky. I was born in the US and I had parents that encouraged my curiosity and self-confidence. I took advantage of that. I know of a lot of children

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who were not so lucky. I was one of the few. I have always done what I have always wanted to do and I have never allowed the lack of company to hamper my desire to do whatever it was I wanted to do. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time on my own. That is a challenge not everybody can overcome. It requires self-confidence and selfdiscipline to follow that inner passion, wherever it is telling you to go. The majority of my family belonged to that group that call themselves, Born again Christians. For me, that was an almost overwhelming challenge. Almost everybody I know that was born into that kind of environment, got stuck in that environment because it takes an enormous amount of energy to challenge the assumptions and energy that they put into saving your soul. If you belong to this group, please bear with me. My parents were utterly convinced that they knew what was best for me. I was utterly convinced that only I knew what was best for me. That became very obvious when I fell in love with a Norwegian Foreign exchange student at my High School in 1967/8. Everybody told me that that was the wrong thing to do. When she left for Norway and I left to start my University education in Michigan, I was told that I could forget about getting support to go to Norway. No-way Norway they said. I took matters in my own hands and worked at a charcoal factory in Upper Michigan after I was finished at the university, from 16:00 to 24:00 and a double shift on Friday. It was a challenge. No one could stop me from going to Norway. The moment I got there, I fell in love with the country and the people. Everything was just right for me. As an American, I could have gone into the services, signed up for Vietnam. It was not an option. I was focused, singularly focused to follow my personal path. When I was 15, I sat in the library at my High School and leafed through a photography book. An inner voice said, You can do better than that! I had to prove it. Again, nothing could stop me. I was lucky. My school had a photography class and a journalism class. I used both to promote my passion. I even made a substantial amount of money at it. This was fun. I stuck with photography and realized my goal of being a top 10 advertising photographer. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to the point where I could say to myself that, I did it. By the time I was 35, I had immigrated to another country, learned the language, was married, had children, had a big studio, and was pretty well known as a photographer. My mother had informed me that she hoped God would punish me for leaving my country. I was well integrated in the society I now belonged to and wanted

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nothing to do with where I came from. There were a lot of challenges I had to overcome just to get that far. When I hit that 35-year mark, something happened. I became increasingly unhappy with my life. By societys standards my unhappiness was some sort of disease. I had a family, a good job that I enjoyed, a wonderful house on an island and I was stupid to rock the boat. My problem was that there was something inside me that was doing the rocking. It wasnt logical. I was becoming increasingly aware that I was not emotionally honest with a number of issues in my life. The entire process I was experiencing was no less than torture. I had absolutely nowhere to turn to. Nobody had the answers to my questions. Little did I know that I was about to enter into the top of Maslows pyramid and start the trip down the pyramid, internalizing all the things that before were external. I wanted to be a free artist. I wanted to paint. I had to paint. I was starting to hate the advertising business. It ate my integrity. It consumed my creative energy. I made the choice to down-size my commercial business. I needed some economic room and time where I could paint. The challenges I was confronting at this time seemed totally insurmountable. I was not getting emotional support from anybody but myself. I saw no way out. Thats when a truck hit me from behind on a slippery snow-covered highway and shoved me right into the truck in front of me. My van was the last car in a long line of cars stopped because of construction on the road ahead. The truck that hit me was going at least 35 mph and he had 33 tons of steel on his trailer. That is a lot of inertia. I was literally a half-inch from getting killed. That put an end to my career as an advertising photographer. It started my career as a chronic pain patient. My right hip was smashed and out of joint. My pelvis was out of joint for 3 years before that got back in place. By that time my backbone looked like a series of S-curves from my neck to my tailbone. I felt like a victim. I got divorced. I was broke and I was in pain. It still didnt stop me from painting. What I didnt know was that I had successfully navigated the second trial of my self-actualization process. I had successfully internalized my social/love needs and ended a relationship that wasnt supportive enough for what I needed to do with my life. My personal history has shown me that there are things going on that we dont even realize until after the fact. When I look back at that time in the middle of the

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80s, I had thought of myself as a victim. It didnt hit me until a couple of years later, after I received compensation for the accident, had moved to a place where I could work at home, had built a studio where I could paint and work with other projects, that my life was really so much better and more emotionally honest. The transition had been hell. The obstacles were almost insurmountable. The only help I had along the way was coming from an internal source. Today I recognize that source as, Higher Self. I will get to that later. My point is that I feel that society and family did its utter best to get me to conform to the norm, and not the possibilities I had seen on the horizon. Most people I know that have tried what I have done, get squashed in the process. After all my experience as a psychotherapist, I have met my fair share of clients that suffer from burn-out. This is what happens when people keep on keeping on for too long. They dont listen to that inner voice that tells them that there is a better way. The challenges of listening to that inner voice are too great. The challenges of keeping on keeping on are even greater. If they do so, they break down. This usually means spending a number of years at the edge of lifes highway, just to get your strength back. For those that are living in a country where capitalism is really, in your face, you probably have your hands full just trying to survive. If you are a single mother, holding down two jobs a long way from where you live, you will be quickly overcome by the overwhelming challenges that life presents you with. I have come to the conclusion that society does not want you to succeed. It wants you to just hang in there and be an obedient, complacent worker in the anthill of society. Getting trapped by challenges that are overwhelming is actually better than being trapped by challenges that are too simple to resolve. It is my conclusion that the comfort zone is the worst trap of them all. It is dangerous because you dont feel there is any need to do anything different so you can start on your personal agenda. You become too caught up in the consumption game, eating, amusing yourself and buying stuff that you feel makes you special. This is why celebrities are so celebrated today. They are supposed to be your role models for self-realization. Since everything is still externally expressed by your looks, clothes, cell phone, mp3 player, HD wide screen flat TV with surround sound - you are a man or woman of the world. You want and demand the best. You are less likely to change your comfort zone into true

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self-realization than the single mother that holds onto two jobs just to survive. At least she knows there has got to be a better way. It is not easy to get on the right path. It never has been and never will be. It is now time to take a look at life and society from a deeper perspective. So far, all the news has been pretty depressing. This, from my perspective, is the turning point in the book. I hope that you are now thoroughly prepared to discover something better than what you so far have been told.

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Chapter 7 The deep structure of reality and the reason for life
When you now know what you know about the society that you live in, unless you are already spiritually informed, you are probably wondering what the meaning of your life is. If you have read The Game of Games or A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology, you will already have the answer to that question. If not, you can prepare yourself for another jolt. This time, the change in perceptions may be difficult to acknowledge as believable, much less as possibly true. This will be your challenge. In one chapter, I will present to you the summation of what it took me 300 pages to present in the Handbook. The references, and the way I have built up the model of Spiritual Psychology in my book can only be understood by taking the time to read through those 300 pages. Many people have been led to understand that they will be more limited as a person, if they are spiritually informed. That is not the case. That is what religion does. There are few rules in spiritual enlightenment. There are, however, a number of intentions that you want to become aware of. Letting go of the rules means that you can find a clean consciousness on which to base the rest of your life. I need to remind you that it is up to you to gather your own verifications with this material. You will find ample references in my other material that will show you where and how you can do this. Just keep an open mind and consider how everything fits together. You are about to be presented with insight that has been defragmented for you. This material is essentially the same as it is presented in my Handbook. If you have read that book before, you may choose to skip this part. If not, think of it is a repetition. In the Handbook of Spiritual Psychology, I present a sequence of themes from near death experiences, practical insight about the conscious and unconscious resources, regressions, trance channeling of higher consciousness and the Huna model of Spiritual Psychology that provided you with a progressively complex, yet coherent series of phenomena that answers the question asked at the start of the book, What is the nature of human consciousness? The nature of this material is not academic, but from the experiences of very normal human beings. These experiences are only a tiny part of the gigantic amount of evidence that you can access. If you want, or feel the need to dig deeper, to confirm the findings that I present to you, I

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encourage you to explore on your own. Do what you need to do in order to verify or complete your own understanding of the essence of your being.

The nature of human consciousness is no longer a mystery

Two generations of research in the field of near death experiences have proven that the brain and the mind are two different things. The mind, or your consciousness, sends signals to your brain and through those signals you operate your body. Your consciousness remains with you and continues also even after the death of your physical body. You are spirit and immortal. Your consciousness cannot die. Your true identity is most accurately expressed as the sum of your multiple levels of consciousness, or awareness. Your physical body is the temporary dwelling for your multiple levels of awareness. That means that you are spirit, invisible to yourself on this plane of existence. The purpose for the connection between your physical body and your spirit awareness is to experience the limitations and restraints of physical existence. To put it bluntly, you are learning to be aware of your self. You are here to learn who you are. You are participating in a very large school called life. The classroom is an open one and there are participants at many other different grades that you will come in contact with. These contacts will create a certain amount of drama in your life and they will serve as a catalyst for change, experience and possible development. Life in the physical plane of existence is all about learning. Your different levels of consciousness represent a trinity, where each level of awareness has its own function, own spirit body and own level of energy with which to work. These levels of consciousness are known as your conscious mind, your unconscious mind and your Higher Self. It is your conscious and xxiisubconscious minds that are in the physical body to develop and learn. The Higher Self is a highly evolved, fully integrated masculine and feminine consciousness that exists as an ongoing helper for the conscious and unconscious minds. It exhibits pure, impersonal love and acceptance. Its job is to manifest physical reality as you request it. Its purpose is also to give you assistance, help you on your path, to protect you from certain dangers and to teach you about unconditional love, by its own behavior towards your conscious and unconscious minds. Your Higher Self resides outside of the physical body. It has contact with other Higher Selves in a network that is beyond our comprehension.

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You and the universe is one entity. When you perceive another, you perceive the makerSee your self in the mirror, see the maker. RAxxiii Since you are a part of the divine creation, you are divine in yourself, even though you may not realize that yet! Because your physical body becomes old and worn out with time, as well as susceptible to damage, there will come a time when spirit can no longer use the body to gain experiences from. When this happens, consciousness leaves the body. The conscious and unconscious minds rejoin to form one unit at this time. This is what I consider your soul. In the period after a physical life, conscious may rest, It than participates in a past life review of the life that was lived. This is to understand the consequences of actions on other people. Soul integrates the lessons, and starts to plan the next life. The more experienced soul is in the scheme of things, the more it participates in the planning process. During this stage, soul is aware of the presence of other personalities. It is a member of a greater group, or spiritual family that is always in a flow of experiences in and between lives. The sum total of participants in this spiritual family is estimated to be approximately 1,000. Each member of this family is considered as a fragment of a greater whole. Members of the same spiritual family often participate in each others physical family and enjoy a certain feeling of closeness because they have done this many times before. A feeling of strangeness between physical family members is often due to the fact that they do not belong to 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 115

the same spiritual family and therefore do not know each other like spiritual family members do. Members of the same spiritual family continue to function together and at some time in their development, they integrate and become a single unit. No fragment experiences this as disappearing, but rather as gaining 1000 times the consciousness they had before. The planning process for a new physical life is complicated. Assistance is available for this task. Knowledge of this comes from experiences of millions of individuals that remember their experiences between lives in the hypnotic past life experience, also known as a regression. They talk of, masters, those that know more, the perfect ones etc. Common to all of these experiences is the fact that these Higher Conscience beings are always three that work together as a single unit. Their intelligence is unbounded. They never make mistakes and they present the soul with free will in the choice to take or not take the advice given. It is recognized as a wise move to take the advice. These masters are sometimes available for guidance in the hypnotic regression. An example of this is given in the Handbook. The masters are not the same as souls individual Higher Self. Hypnotic regressions into the past life and between life experiences show that each individual makes a surprisingly large number of decisions about the content of their next life. These decisions are made consciously and sometimes with the assistance of helpers. Exactly what each individual is able to choose is very surprising for any person grasping this information for the first time. We choose at least one of our parents, at least after we become aware of our ability to choose during this period. Before that, choices are made on our behalf by our Higher Self, or by the masters. The reason for choosing only one of our parents is due to the fact that not all parents choose partners that are optimal for the new child on the way. Gender and body type are also chosen for each new incarnation. That means that every man has been a woman before and every woman has been a man before. Consciousness chooses the necessary lessons to be learned for each life. Agreements between other souls to do certain things together, also karmic agreements are chosen at this time. This is why each individual has his or her own agenda for each life. This information is stored in the subconscious mind of the individual and therefore is available to the conscious mind only through accessing the subconscious resources. The subconscious projects

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this information to the conscious mind through emotions. By using hypnosis, these memories can be tapped into directly. This is also the reason to follow ones individual passion in life. This guarantees that the right choices are made for the individual in a spiritual sense of the word. Talents are the result of past life habits and skills. Talents make it easy to deal with certain parts in life and lessen the stress of having to deal with the difficult tasks that each lesson may represent. Lessons for each life are usually very general in their nature. This makes it easy to work on the lessons in life with a wide degree of flexibility. Each lesson is part of a greater bulk of tasks that build up an experiential foundation that will result in wisdom through experience. At some point in the experiences of soul, there will be a choice to experience war, just to realize that there is a better way to resolve conflicts. A balance is obtained over time by choosing to experience opposing lessons. It can be expected to have one or several lives that have the theme, patience as well as impatience. Soul is androgynous in its nature. The choice of masculine or feminine gender is made to compliment the general lesson in life. There is an even deeper meaning for the change of genders in different lives. Integration of the masculine and feminine expressions of energy is a part of the greater plan. This cannot be done in any other way, but through experience. The role models in the physical plane that specialize only in masculine or feminine traits are ultimately unconstructive. Sexual confusion, trans-sexuality, or homosexuality are traits that result when soul chooses gender that is out of balance with the sum total of previous experiences. Because many different lessons can be learned through these experiences, they may be conscious choices. They are, in a spiritual since, never expressions of disease or connected to any moral judgment. Opposite gender attraction has a biological function. It is necessary for the creation of new bodies for souls to experience life. Sexual attraction, in any of its many forms promotes drama and learning on the physical plane. The physical reality in the between life state is different than the physical reality. Both have four dimensions of time and space. The difference between these states is best explained by exchanging which dimension is a continuum. In the physical plane of existence, we move in space and time is a constant. In the period between lives, the constant is space. Consciousness can move freely through time and therefore gain great insights. The problem is that there can be no action. The opposite is the case for the physical life, lots of action but little insight. The dilemma is solved

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only at later stages of spiritual ripeness. Consciousness becomes aware of the three doors to higher perception, meditation, dream-work and the hypnotic trance. In the physical state, insight can be gained through these altered states of awareness. Directly after which one can act on that insight and greatly accelerate development. When all the choices have been made in the time between lives, and the time is right for consciousness to return to a physical state, there is a time of waiting while the new body is on the way to be born. Consciousness resides now in the physical plane, but is outside of the physical body. This is to keep the feeling of freedom while consciousness observes the conditions that it soon will incarnate in. Just before the birth of the newborn baby, consciousness enters the physical body and is bound to it. At this time a spit occurs between the conscious and subconscious minds. The subconscious mind carries all the memories and knowledge of past lives in its memories. The conscious mind has no long-term memories and a mysterious relationship to its own subconscious mind. The conscious mind believes it is alone. It needs to learn to be a person through new experiences. At the same time there is an older personality behind the scene that also expresses itself through emotions. This is the framework for each new life. Conscious and subconscious resources You cannot begin to understand your spiritual identity without first beginning with your personal levels of consciousness - your conscious mind and you subconscious mind. I have already introduced you to Freuds theories about your subconscious mind. Now you will get the true story. You are the sum of your conscious and subconscious minds. You cannot function if a part of your consciousness was actually working against you. There is even a Biblical metaphor for that.

Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or

household divided against itself will not stand. Through true knowledge of your subconscious mind, you learn that this resource is a greater part of you. It functions as your autopilot and does things automatically without you ever knowing about it. Because I have committed an entire chapter on the subject in the Handbook, I will not go into depth about this subject here. Read the other book. It is well worth the time learning how your conscious and unconscious minds work alone and together. It is the basis of the body of knowledge known as NLP, or Neuro-linguistic Programming. If you have taken courses in NLP or are thinking about doing so, you need to know that

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NLP does not answer the question about consciousness. You will therefore only be getting part of the bigger story. As long as you know that, NLP is fine and it really works.

Some of the spiritual principles that regulate physical life


The Law of One This principle, or law, is the most basic in the entire universe. It states that all

that has consciousness is from the same source and therefore bound to each other. All of the artificial boundaries that are created by the fragmentation of information are false. This is one of the most important principles in the universe that take a long time to understand and integrate. Densities of consciousness There is an endless series of octaves of consciousness. There are eight levels for each octave. Each level has a higher vibration than the level below. The first density is the cycle of awareness fire, air, earth and water The second density is the cycle of growth minerals, plants and animals The third density is the cycle of self-awareness and polarization humans The fourth density is the cycle of love or understanding empathy is the name of the game. The fifth density is the cycle of Light or wisdom empathy with wisdom The sixth density is the cycle of Light/love, love or unity compassionate wisdom higher self as teacher The seventh density is the gateway cycle the density where one perceives the sacramental nature of all things. The eighth density the octave that moves into a mystery we do not comprehend. The next octave begins at the end of the eighth density. The speed of light increases for each density of awareness. This is how higher levels of consciousness can traverse the enormous distances that we find impossible at our comprehension of speed and its limitations. For those who are curious about the next level of awareness from the physical plane, the positive polarized fourth density of awareness will be much more psychic than what third density can manifest. The manipulation of matter by thought is much easier. Healing powers will be commonplace. Due to the fact that all can read the thoughts and feelings of others, there can be no hidden agendas. Agreement will be through group consensus.

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Empathy will abound. The earlier veil between conscious and unconscious resources is gone at this level. One does not work for a living. Food is prepared through cooperation. At the fifth density there is a greater realization that too much empathy is not necessarily a good thing. Consciousness learns about empathy with wisdom. Loving behavior can mean holding back as well as giving. At the sixth density consciousness becomes a teacher for those that are at lower levels. The perception of being in third density is like being hammered into a form on the anvil of a blacksmith. Fourth density is like being sharpened. Fifth density is like being polished. Sixth density is like being a mirror. Duality Duality is a pair of opposites, like light and darkness. We normally associate this principle with goodness and evil. Duality can be defined with much greater precision. The good is also called, positive polarization. You are positively polarized when you make the conscious decision to extend your energies out to others with at least 51% of what you have. You serve your own interests with no more than a maximum of 49% of your energies. The reason for this way of serving others a little more than self is to be found in the Law of One. Since we are all interconnected, you wouldnt want to self-destruct. If you destroy yourself, it hurts the rest of the universe. Negative polarization or, evil is service to self, minimum 95% and service to others maximum 5%. Evil is actually a lack of insight. There are two laws that are really lacking in those that are negatively polarized the Law of One and the law of balance or karma. I will be getting to that one shortly. There is a very good reason why our physical existence is saturated with duality.

Duality is a part of freedom and love, because without duality we would

never learn to choose. Without learning to choose, we would never learn about freedom, therefore choices, therefore duality, to have a choice. Through duality, you can experience everything. Duality is a principle that exists in the lower levels of conscious reality. It also extends up to levels beyond ours and there is a certain point where duality disappears, so to speak. Negative polarized beings that belong to higher levels of consciousness are the sources of our mythological demons. Positively polarized beings are the source of our mythological gods. Duality ceases to exist as consciousness enters into the sixth density.

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Negative polarized people in our society can be found in places of power. They use control, fear, power and domination together with secrecy to manipulate and serve their selfish interests. They love to think of themselves as the Elite. Positive polarized people in our society can generally be identified as honest, open and truthful. They, beauty. Polarization is an important choice to make while in the physical plane of existence. The most difficult of these choices is the negative path. This demands enormous dedication and focus. After third density, negatively polarized consciousness is grouped together. That means that they all live together on the same planet. At the level of third density, they are mixed with positive and unpolarized consciousness. Their elite positions are sometimes perceived with envy by those that are not aware of the future that waits for those that are negatively polarized. When they all incarnate as a group, there will always be a violent hierarchy of control and dominance. There is only room for one top dog in this world of psychopaths and sociopaths. Imagine the problems they will have to go through when they realize they have to become positive polarized to get from fifth to sixth density of awareness. Free will The law of free will is all about unconditional love, being able to choose even though that choice is not good for you in the long run. If we choose to take away the ability of another person to use their free will, we create an imbalance in the universe. This will be commented on shortly. The law of free will also relates to the ability to prove or disprove the existence of spirituality and higher levels of consciousness. If this could be proven, there would be no choice and no free will. To enable free will as an important part of our development, up to a point, we will never be able to prove the existence of miracles, of UFOs, or of the spiritual principles that Im describing here. Instead of proof, we must rely on evidence that becomes verifiable through experience. The skeptics of spirituality often say that because it is impossible to prove anything that is spiritual that proves that it does not exist. Lack of proof has never been proof of nonexistence. Balance and karma morality Karma is a term used in the Hindu religion. The religious beliefs of this religion are not entirely accurate. Just like many others, they are fragmented parts of

Serve others with random acts of kindness and create mindless

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the truth. As far as the term karma is concerned. They got it pretty right. Karma is easily understood as, What goes around comes around. You can think about it as a form for balance. If you send out love, you get love in return, but not necessarily immediately. Because the law of karma is active in the perspective of many lives, it is difficult to recognize what is karma and what is not. Hypnosis can be used to check certain patterns of experience. There is good karma and bad karma. Good karma is created when you unconditionally help another person attain a greater range of choices in their life, than would otherwise be available to them. By giving someone money that helps them get through school, or whatever, you are creating positive karma. At some later stage in some life you will be helped in somewhat the same way. You create good karma by helping other people. Bad karma is something you create for yourself when you take away their free will, or choices, by force or manipulation. The most serious karmic offence is killing another human being. Any form for violence, physical, mental or emotional will get you a negative balance on your karma account. Even though most laws permit killing for self- protection, or self-defense, you are still liable as far as the law of karma is concerned. If someone asks you to kill them, for example because, they are in extreme pain and dying anyway, you do not incur negative karma if you take that persons life. That is because they are using their free will and that is their responsibility. By taking a persons life, without their consent, you bind yourself up to that consciousness/person. In some later life, you will find yourself helping that person, perhaps saving their life while risking your own life at the same time. I do not know all the details of what it takes to create balance when life is taken. I am sure there are innumerable ways to create balance. I do know that this is the way the spirit world operates. It does make the perceptions of the surface structure of life somewhat difficult. You never know how innocent a victim really is in a spiritual context. It has been said, there are no victims, only volunteers. With this understanding, war is pretty much an activity that can only be used to prolong the time we spend in third density. Relating to fear Fear is one of those conditions that do nothing to contribute to the learning experience except learning that it is useless. When we are afraid, we can never do our best at anything. When we realize that we never really, die, there is nothing really

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left to be afraid of. Fear gradually looses its grip as soon as we begin to gain spiritual insight. There are really only two main groups of emotions - fear and boundlessness/freedom. We must learn to become sensitive to all of our emotions. When we are sensitive, we become aware and can sort out the fear from the boundless feelings. We learn to listen to the feelings that tell us what to go for. We must use our intellect to teach our subconscious the way around fear. In this way the intellect becomes a teacher, or coach for the feelings of fear. This is an important principle in spiritual self- development. Higher Self The science of psychology has yet to discover the Higher Self. The Christian religion gets close to the truth when it talks about the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately there is quite lot of the truth that has disappeared along the way. Everyone has his or her own Higher Self. This entity is a positively polarized sixth density being that has fully integrated all the lessons in the physical life. Higher Self has been through it all and therefore is able to forgive you for not getting it right the first, or second, or third time around. Your Higher Self has three main roles to play in your life. First of all, it is there to guide you into all of those experiences that you need to have in order to learn the lessons that you have chosen to work on. Secondly, Higher Self is there to protect you from accidental harm that is not part of your agenda. You have probably never noticed it but there are a lot of accidents you didnt have because of intervention from your Higher Self. Thirdly, Higher Self is there to manifest your wishes. Thats right, your wishes. You must take responsibility for what you want. That being said, your Higher Self gets things done for you because you want them done. This is actually the secret in what is otherwise known as the law of attraction. Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need and why you need it. It can change your future for you and it can make things happen that would blow your mind. If you really want to know how to make the connection to Higher Self, read the Handbook. You will learn everything you need to learn from that. What is love? Love, in a spiritual perspective, is defined as the freedom to choose. In order to know what a loving relationship is all about, it is necessary to define the term, love. Its a terribly misunderstood and misused word, from a spiritual point of view. A lot of people think that love is a feeling. There are those that equate lust with

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love. Many think of love as a need. Love is none of these things at all. Love is really a verb and verbs are defined by actions. A personal, truly loving relationship is only possible when both people give themselves the freedom to be who they want to be and both follow their hearts. That means that they have established a contact with something bigger than themselves the Higher Self. This means that a loving relationship starts with the relationship you have to your self. When two such people are attracted to each other, because they are who they are, and they give each other the freedom to continually have that freedom for themselves and in relationship to each other, that is when you have a good foundation for a loving relationship. The central concept around this relationship is freedom.

Bird Lovers Once upon a time there were two bird lovers. The one loved birds above everything else in the world and went to enormous expense toward making the bird of choice happy and comfortable. The cage was beautiful and made of gold. It was equipped with all kinds of luxuries, like wall-to-wall carpet, several swings and branches to perch on. It had an automatic seed dispenser with even 4 different flavors! There was running water in the drinking fountain and even soothing music flowed through the built in speakers. 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 124

The other bird lover also loved birds above anything else in the world and went to the expense of placing well-stocked bird feeders outside, around the house and birdhouses up in the trees. This bird lover loved to see the birds of different sorts come and go. From the perspective of the birds, which of the two bird lovers did the birds love? Loving relationships, based on freedom, leave room for both partners to grow and evolve as they keep their own integrity, unique interests and friendships outside of the relationship. They are characterized by mutual emotional honesty and freedom to discuss anything without restraint. Couples in loving relationships deal with conflicts and problems in such a way that they get resolved without, negative emotions that damage the relationship. They realize that problems and conflicts are a natural part of two people living together. Loving couples know how to forgive and let go of hurtful feelings. Taking the time to be alone, and enjoying that, is also an important part of this kind of relationship. If circumstances lead to a break-up, the couple will still be on friendly terms with each other and respect each others wishes. After all, who would want to force someone to stay in a relationship that they didnt want to be in? What love is not Typical dependency relationships, on the other hand, are usually based on security, comfort, sex or other needs that one or both of the partners refuse to take any responsibility for. Whatever the need might be, intensity of the need is often used as evidence for love, when its really all about fear and insecurity. This kind of relationship is about getting totally involved with each other, never being apart and giving up important parts of earlier activities and friendships. One or both partners feel the need to ask permission to do things under the excuse of keeping the other happy. Jealousy and a feeling of ownership within the relationship, is also used as evidence for love. This is because love is a limited resource and therefore needs to be protected, even if isolation is necessary. This kind of relationship has a lot of rules, especially rules about what not to do that might rock the boat and jeopardize the relationship. Just to keep appearances there are usually quite a lot of rituals that are used to prove that everything is still okay. This is just one of the many aspects of emotional dishonesty that are an inherent part of the relationship. If this relationship 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 125

should break up, the decision will usually be one-sided. There will be a lot of blame and guilt going around as one of the many tools of manipulation to get the other back into the relationship. There are a lot of people that think this is what love is all about. Loving behavior can also hurt Loving behavior is not only about giving. Sometimes it is also about holding back, under certain circumstances. You might have to help someone that you love, learn to take responsibility for him or her self. This might just mean that you allow that person to get some experiences that can only be had by being alone and discovering hidden abilities out of necessity. Sometimes, loving behavior can mean ending a relationship, because one person in the relationship refuses to take responsibility for him or her self. Loving behavior from parent to child is often about teaching self-sufficiency, self-dependency and self-reliance. Sometimes that means saying no to helping. The principle of insight This is a little understood principle and it even might seem to be unbalanced. It does exist and we need to be aware of how it works. This principle stipulates that the seeker who has discovered certain insights about themselves or about life is eligible to keep their memories of those insights. They are available to them the next life; not overtly but through the veil of mystery that cloaks their subconscious mind. This is how we start to accumulate insight. The others that dont know enough to understand that their main assumptions about the life, or anything connected to their lives, are really false. They get sent back to future lives with no previous knowledge of ever having lived before or understanding what life is really all about. This is the meaning and essence of the principle of insight that states, Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. The principle of integration While the fractionalized materialistic worldview promote differences, the spiritual perspectives promote integration. This concerns all levels of perception. Our physical brain must be integrated in order to function properly. That is a metaphor for the intellect and emotions that need to become integrated. That in turn is a metaphor for the masculine and feminine principles that we have with our experiential

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backgrounds our energies. This is another mirror for how the spiritual family also ends up integrating all of the fragments that it consists of. What are our lessons on the physical plane? There are literally hundreds of lessons we need to learn while we are in our physical bodies. I do not know of anyone that can say they have any form for complete list. There are a number of lessons that seem to surface quite often when working with past life regressions. Some of these are: patience (that is a big one), loving ones self, tolerance, acceptance, assertiveness, kindness, helpfulness, sensuality, sexuality, creativity, learning to live in touch with nature, communication, self expression, forgiveness, discovery of hidden secrets, emotional honesty, courage (getting rid of fear), selflessness, generosity, etc. Of course each of these lessons has a flip side. I have experienced those who have gone into life for the purpose of learning about, rebelling, to learn about evil, to learn about pain, rejection, etc. Throughout all of the lives we live, there is also karma that comes into the picture and complicates the issues. Negative karma slows us down because we just have to get through it all before we can proceed. Because of that we learn valuable lessons. One of them is about getting revenge. That is never a good idea if you want to keep your karma balance clean. There are two main lessons that have to be learned while in third density. One of them is self-knowledge. That means that you know you are spirit living in a temporary body. It also means that you are able to use a certain amount of your personal resources. You know how to work together with your subconscious mind and Higher Self. It is also a prerequisite that you choose polarization before you leave third density. You may choose negative or positive polarization. It had been a widely accepted understanding that when we learn all our lessons, we can leave the scene and start at the next level of development. Actually, that doesnt seem to be the case. When we have learned our lessons and have returned to the place we call between lives, we wait until there is a certain time called the harvesting. This is a part of a very long cycle of events that last almost 25,000 years. This cycle is the same as the Mayan calendar that uses a long cycle that lasts for 25,920 years it is also called the Precession. This is also the time it takes for the earth to revolve in space and align itself with the center of the galaxy.

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According to reliable channeled information our earth has supported third

density awareness for almost three complete 25,000 year cycles. During the end of each cycle there is a period called harvesting. At this time consciousness that is ready to go up to a higher level enters as a group into that level. At the end of the third cycle the earth will become remagnatized to support fourth density consciousness. According to RA, this will involve the harvesting of all consciousness on this planet. Those that are ready for fourth density positive polarization will continue incarnations on this planet as a collective group. Those that are negatively polarized and spiritually aware, will continue their incarnations on a negatively polarized forth density planet. Those that are still sleeping, spiritually speaking and are unpolarized will continue incarnations for another cycle of 25,000 years. Can you imagine another 25,000 years with politics, taxes, the flu, doing homework, car accidents, driving to work, going to work, home break ins, ice storms, tornados, arguments with the insurance company, bills to pay, getting laid off, etc. etc? According RA, the Earth is going through a process now. The lack of harmony on this planet is actually causing the earth to react with climate change, increased earthquake activity and increased volcanic activity while it slowly increases its vibratory rate. This is the real reason for global warming. The earth is getting ready to support an entirely different form of life. It is getting ready for those who have become awake and are positively polarized. Some people think of this as bad news. What are they going to do with all their plans and investments for the future? My answer to that is that the greatest investment you can make for your future is to move on to fourth density positive. Few ways of getting it right the straight and narrow There is a pattern that is easily detected if you are ever looking for it. It has to do with getting things right, or doing things wrong. There are always many more different ways to accomplish failure. There seem to only be a few ways to succeed. Getting things right, in a spiritual sense is the straight and narrow path. The other way is the proverbial High Way. Even though we all have our different agendas. There is a common set of directions that will get you to where you are going as quickly as possible: Be sensitive to what you feel. Use your intelligence to sort the fear from the freedom.

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Follow the feelings you have that move you toward freedom of choice and expanded possibilities. If you are feeling fear, use your intelligence to lead your feelings into action. Follow your heart (Higher Self) and you will know what to do for yourself and others. Keep your conscience clean. Keep an open channel to your Higher Self through meditation, through dreams or trance. Obey and respect your intuitions your Higher Self. Follow only your Higher Self because only your Higher Self knows about your agenda. These guidelines, in my opinion, represent the straight and narrow path. It is

a very simple map to follow. It is easy to carry. It is not always easy to carry out. It is, however, the easiest way there is. When you follow this path, you will be on your path. Some short conclusions The material I have presented to you is a super short, precise summary of my discoveries about consciousness and the meaning of life after over 20 years of active research. I have done my homework. I have my verifications. I am confident that this material goes way beyond belief and far into knowing based on sound epistemological principles. If this information is new to you, you just might think that I am trying to sell you a new religion. I am not looking for followers. Be your own leader. If you read the Handbook, you will find that there really is a solid foundation on which to base all of these profound assumptions. All this information needs to be put into a perspective. It needs to be looked at in comparison to what you have been led to believe about your consciousness, your resources, your society and the universe you live in. Do you now realize the profound nature of the lies you have been told about your self? I hope you find this chapter uplifting instead of disturbing. It is a lot better than any of the alternatives you have otherwise been led to believe. Before we start making grander conclusions, I would like to spend some time informing you about the greater universe that we all participate in. Here too, you will recognize the great difference between what you were taught in school and what you

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are learning now. You may even wonder why you even bothered to go to school in the first place.

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Chapter 8 - The rest of the universe

The fragmented model of reality offers you two possibilities when you consider the greater universe. One of those possibilities suggests that you are alone in the universe. The scientific evidence that you are allowed to know about supports this assumption. When I put it this way, its because I have seen ample evidence that tells me that some governments just want you to believe in the story of evolution - that you are a product of a random biological evolution. Any chance of something like humans popping up in the rest of the galaxy, are very slim indeed. Traditional mainstream science seems only to assume that any life on other planets would likely be very primitive. Every rapport of UFOs and or crop circles have been met with ridicule for the most part. If you are not aware of what a crop circle is, you need to go on the Internet and get yourself informed. There are a lot of good web sites. Two that I highly recommend are, another is You will discover a phenomenon that has not been covered on the national news media. Almost all information delivered from the mass media seem to mock people with ideas that we are not alone. The religious front offers you the alternative that God created mankind in his own image. The Christian alternative talks about 6-days of creation and one day of rest. The rest of the universe is not mentioned. It would seem that mankind was an experiment on one planet. The rest of the universe is empty, until God decides what to do with it all. As most people say, it seems like the universe is, a great waste of space. Historical evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence The most obvious question for any curious wondering soul has to be, Is there anybody out there. We would like to know. It answers a lot of fundamental questions that we all wonder about from time to time. Anybody curious enough to start searching is bound to find some interesting answers. Erich von Dniken has written a number of books concerning how extraterrestrial life has visited earth in earlier times. Chariots of the Gods was his first book and it became a bestseller in 38 countries. His chain of evidence stretches across the entire globe. He shows how technological building methods, statues and pictures carved into stone prove that we have been visited earlier by very intelligent begins. Zecharia Sitchins books: the 12th Planet, The Stairway to Heaven, The Wars of Gods and men, The Lost Realms, When Time 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 131

began, The Cosmic Code, Genesis Revisited and Devine Encounters are references to documentation of visitations from other worlds that are very convincing. Lost civilizations in South America show us stone sculptures and building technology that is by far more advanced than what we could manage to do today. Stone circles from Israel and Stonehenge show that there was available an astronomical insight that goes far beyond their cultural development. The same goes for the Egyptian pyramids at Giza. There are even paintings that suggest the halo around Jesus was perhaps first the vision of a flying saucer over his head. Paintings, stone carvings and statues bear ample evidence that we are definitely not alone in the universe. Modern evidence

The Disclosure Project in the US, led by Dr. Steven Greer, has gathered over 400

reliable witnesses that are willing to talk about what they know about UFOs, extraterrestrials and the technology that they bring with them. Most of these witnesses have had high-level classification ratings to work with above top-secret material. Others are members of the government, space research, covert operations etc. In 2001, the Disclosure Project had a closed conference for members of the congress and other invited press. At this conference, one of the witnesses said that the government has mapped over 57 different alien races. Earlier governor of Arizona, Fife Symington, held a UFO congress at The National Press Club. Among those participating at the congress were scientists, military and Dr. Steven Greer. The news coverage about the conference made it on CNN-Headline news. A little later Larry King of CNN held an hour-long expose 09.11.07, with the title, UFOS: Are They For Real. The weight of evidence has become quite heavy and believable. Those that are standing up and telling what they know are risking everything they have to tell their story. The powers that be are hiding the true story. They are well organized and they feel that they have a lot to lose if the truth should ever come out. The true reasons for all the secrecy from governments are clear and simple. Not only would their earlier unlawful escapades become known, but also insight into energy systems that governments want to keep for them selves, for military advantages, would become known. The oil-based economy would collapse. World religions would be exposed as manipulating institutions. Many people would have to rearrange their mental maps of the universe and society the world would never be the same again.

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The truth will, sooner or later, force its way through the lies and propaganda sent out through authorities and governments. There are those that are totally convinced that social chaos would follow such an exposure. The fact of the matter is that the system has done what it can to program the masses to believe that any intelligent forces from outer space would only have one thing in mind control and domination. They would rape our world. It would be just like the film The War of the Worlds. I think people, especially more informed people, have less of a tendency to be manipulated by simple fear tactics. It is my guess that they have even a deeper lie, or truth that they would like to conceal. We dont need to be afraid of control and dominance from outer space. We have it already and its coming from those that say they are here to protect us. Space exploration with todays technology, demands an enormous infrastructure that only the most powerful governments can afford to spend money on. In that respect has NASA, in the US, been the worlds leading space exploration institution. Most people perceive NASA as a civilian research institution. Their charter shows that this idea is entirely wrong. NASA is the extended arm of the American Defense Department. For this reason, they can keep secrets from the public, whenever they perceive that the truth threatens the security of the government. Some of those secrets have been exposed. Dr. Ken Johnston, earlier leader of the data and photography control department at the laboratory for moon landings at NASA was sacked from his job just a few months ago. All evidence of his long past history of working for NASA has been deleted from Internet files as though he never worked there. Why? Back in 1971, NASA ordered him to destroy all the original pictures that were taken on the moon. There were five sets of negatives and transparencies. Johnston could find no reason for destroying a so important part of human history. Johnston saved one of those five sets from destruction. They were hidden away and eventually given to Richard C Hoagland who runs the website, The Enterprise Mission. The Johnston story was written up in the newly published book

Dark Mission The Secret

History of NASA This book tells a story of the space program driven by NASA that is totally unbelievable had it not been for the superb documentation by the authors, Hoagland and Mike Bara. When the news of the book came out in public, Johnson lost his job. The book was published in last months of 2007. I managed to get a copy

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just before Christmas and sped through the contents. I could hardly believe what I was reading. My work has taken me to the edge of the experiential map so many times that I didnt think I could be surprised by what I was to discover. It blew my mind. NASA is an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. As Hoagland more accurately puts it, it should be reframed to mean, Never A Straight Answer. NASA has systematically held back vital information, and provided disinformation of a scientific nature just to throw us off the track. The Dark Mission proves what many people have been trying to get out in the open for quite some time that things are not as they seem to be in NASA. Pictures from the moon are retouched. Digital media was not yet invented in the early 70s so the retouching was done the, old school way, with airbrushes, retouching brushes and sharp knives. The agency was trying to hide something important. They were trying to hide the enormous ruins that were the remains of some extinct civilization. Between the years 1970 and 71, I was working at a color laboratory in the US. The company I was working for had a contract with NASA. We would be sent negatives from Langley Air force Base. From these color negatives I made 8x10 inch color prints. None of the negatives that I worked with were originals but duplicates made at Langley. I had never dreamed that I was helping to perpetuate a lie. With the digital abilities that are possible today, old original negatives and transparencies are uncovering new secrets. Photoshop has been the tool of choice for this work. The pictures show enormous buildings made of glass, towers made of stone and buildings that are just hanging in the air, or better yet the vacuum of space. Earlier astronaut and Senator John Glenn was a guest on NBCs comedy show, Frasier. At some part in the show, Senator John Glenn broke from the flow of the conversation and said something that seemed to be completely out of place with the rest of the content. He said, Back in the hero days, I was very uncomfortable when they asked us to say things that we didnt want to say and deny other things. Some people asked, were you alone out there? We never gave them a real answer, and still we see things out there, strange things, but we know what we saw out there. And we could not say anything about it. The bosses were really afraid about that, they were afraid of War of the Worlds stuff, and panic out in the streets. So we had to keep quiet. And now we see these things in our nightmares, or maybe on films and some of those are pretty close to the truth.

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Was this an attempt from John Glenn to send a message about the truth in such a way that he couldnt be accused of breaking his oath of silence?

Karl Wolfe is one of the witnesses that are participating in the Disclosure

Project. He says he was shown picture stored at Langley Air force Base where NASA delivered information that came from the moon. In the lab, he was shown pictures of bases that were found on the backside of the Moon. He confirms that there are enormous amounts of buildings that have been photographed by NASA. These are retouched out of the landscape. Comparisons with the rest of the landscape topography, those buildings must have been enormous. Governments and authorities have played a game with society. On the one side, they have inside information about extraterrestrial intelligence. They have insight in the energy systems that are used and they have been able to back engineer technology by picking artifacts apart up through the years. They have been effectively been giving themselves an unfair advantage by manipulating the masses. They have taken the tax dollars of the general population and stolen the technology that has been a result of this enormous public effort. When you look at it from a proper perspective, it is nothing less than treason. Even worse, it is a crime against humanity. They have the knowledge that could wake up an entire world about their factual place in the universe. They are using this information to protect their positions and give them selves an advantage that can be difficult to work against in the future. In England, where the corn circle phenomenon has been thriving the last twenty years, black, unmarked military helicopters with special antennas and film equipment are buzzing around just after the corn circles are made. They chase away the civilians while they are apparently busy with the balls of light that surround them. These orbs are obviously connected to the corn circles. They move around in ways that are impossible with our technological insight. They come and go in and out of our reality at will. The English authorities are all the same completely quiet about what they really know. Instead of sharing the information they do have, they ridicule the phenomenon. Real corn circles are made from conscious entities that do not belong to our planet. They are bringing us an important message for the people living today. Since most of the information about corn circles is a victim of fragmentation, mass media stays away from the issue and the masses arent really bothered. There is

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something they are trying to tell us. The message is important otherwise they never world have done what they are doing. According to channeled information from RA, there is an embargo in place for extraterrestrials visiting this planet. Only a limited number of visitations are allowed. This is not necessarily a permanent arrangement. The numbers of UFO- sightings the last couple of years have been on the increase. Maybe they are getting ready to reveal themselves. The question is, are ready to accept them? For any person that still has an open mind concerning the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence above our own lever of understanding there really isnt much doubt any more. xxxiiWe are not alone. Is the universe an open or closed system The classic, mainstream scientific model of the universe proposes that we think of the universe as a closed system. From the assumption about the Big Bang theory, the universe was created out of nothing and since that time it has been expanding out into space and wearing down just like a battery that can only go empty in the end. Classic, mainstream science tells us that the sun gets its enormous energy from the Hydrogen and Helium that is under great pressure due to the gravitation of the Sun. Nuclear reactions, or hydrogen bombs are going off on the sun all the time and that is the source of the energy that heats up the rest of our solar system. Some day, the sun will run out of hydrogen and helium and die. Another closed system idea. There are a number of researchers who are beginning to think differently about the universe. The theory of the Big Bang is full of contradictions. More and more scientists are embracing what Einstein refused to believe, that there is no such thing as a vacuum. Instead of emptiness, the universe is filled with a primordial aether. This is the source of all energy in the universe, the source of all matter. You cannot get a big bang from nothing. That is a theory that just does not make sense. Cosmology is actually the mother of all sciences. If the truth can be found in a cosmological theory that also makes sense at other levels of existence, than we will have discovered something very important. A number of scientists and researchers have come to the conclusion that aether does exist. They say they can prove it. This is also the source of 0-Point energy discussed earlier. Energy can create mass and mass can be converted into energy. If ether is an energy form before creating mass, than it makes space a very open system. This kind of xxxiiithinking, makes a lot more sense. It ties in to scientific realities that reflect wisdom and systems thinking principles.

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Scientists still dont understand electricity or lightning. They have just discovered a phenomenon called sprites that shoot off from lightning discharges in large storms. These and even greater discharges have been observed going way of into space from the surface of the earth. Could it be that the Earth is sending energy back to the Sun? None of the basic forces of nature are really understood by mainstream science yet. Magnetism and gravity are just as mystical now, than they were for a hundred years ago. There are some rogue researchers that have come up with alternative ideas as to how the world works and they have results to show for the fact they are really on to something interesting. Just like Nikola Tesla, who was a genius way before his time others have made their mark on the outskirts of science. One of those people went by the name of Ed Leedskalnin. Ed was an immigrant from Latvia who moved to Florida. He only had a fourth grade education but somehow beyond the intellect that learned from school, he had access to knowledge that few have ever been able to understand. Edward Leedskalnin built the famous Coral Castle in Homestad Florida single handedly. He actually built the Castle twice, first in Florida City in the 1920s before he moved it to Homestad in the 30s. Ed was a short sickly man who only weighed 100 pounds. Yet with simple tools he quarried, cut, trimmed and assembled over 3 million pounds of dense coral blocks to build a castle. There are people who claim to have seen him move these enormous blocks of coral by sing to the stones with his hands placed on their surface. The stones floated in the air like hydrogen balloons. He was moving stones that weighed over 30 tons. On a mantel over his bed was written a message, THE SECRET TO THE UNIVERSE IS 7129 / 6105195. Leedskalnin had some very odd notions about magnetism and electricity that conflict with mainstream science. In his simple books written on the subject, available on the Internet, he said he had discovered that electricity moves two ways, from minus to plus and plus to minus. Mankind had only discovered half of the secret to electricity. Likewise, he meant that magnetism was fundamentally misunderstood. The mainstream theories state that magnetic forces move from north to south. Ed meant that magnetism was a two-way phenomenon, like electricity. Leedskalnins theories cannot be laughed away. Many a researcher, including Tesla, has concluded the existence of something called negative electricity. Understanding this is the key to starting the next industrial revolution.

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One of those that seem to have understood what Leedskalnin had discovered is another rogue and passionate researcher, xxxivJon Depew. His web site is nothing less than mind-boggling and tantalizing. He has taken some of the secret clues that Ed has left behind in his work. Jon has plugged in to something quite amazing. He is coming close to duplicating some of the phenomena that are observable with the rotation of planets. When unknown and unaccepted principles enable one to do amazing things, they get my attention. Growing planets Ed Leedskalnins theory about the flow of energy/magnetism just might be the impulse to understand how the rest of the universe really works. I am pretty sure that what we are being taught at school is not entirely right. A number of researchers have wondered how dinosaurs could possibly have been functional on our earth with the gravity as it is today.

It seems that bone

structure, muscle mass and other physical limitations make them impossible creations. They simply could not cope with the gravity that we have on our planet. The only possible explanation for their ability to exist may be found in the theories of research done by Hilgenberg. The whole idea is that the earth, back in the days when the dinosaurs were roaming the planet, was a lot smaller than it is today 60% smaller. That means gravity was different a long time ago. It was a lot less.

Hilgenbergs terella models of the Earth show a progression of the Earths

expansion from a time when there were no oceans, up to the size of the Earth today. He shows how the continents once belonged together as one landmass. At the time Hilgenberg suggested this theory, there was little, if any real hard data that could substantiate his ideas. That is not the case today. The entire earth has been surveyed and the age of the earths crust has been dated, also what is under water.


applying this information to computer animation models we can now see how the Earth has grown in size and how the continents have moved from each other. This exact same process has been used on the Moon and Mars to show how the planets and moons are actually growing. By using theories developed by Ed Leedskalnin concerning magnetism we might find a good explanation for the processes behind planetary growth. Leedskalnin meant that there were only three basic building blocks in the universe, north magnets, south magnets and neutral particles. This may be the structure of the aether we were

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talking about earlier. As magnetic energy is projected toward the earth from the Sun and other sources, its own magnetic lines of force would create a vortex at both the north and south poles of the Earth. The magnetic particles, traveling through the earth are moving in opposite directions and toward each other. As this energy meets in the center, heat is produced. I would propose that is not molten iron in the middle of the earth but rather plasma an electrically charged gas. The reason for this is that we all know that magnets get destroyed if they are heated.

Plasma, electricity and

magnetism are all forces and effects that are related to each other and therefore are more likely to be associated with each other when such large systems come into play. We know that the Earth gives off enormous amounts of electric charge. This is because it functions as a rotating magnet. When we study O-Point energy we discover that rotating magnets collect energy from space. This aether energy also creates mass as it continually flows into the earth through the magnetic poles. Electric and magnetic energy is also flowing back into space at the same time. Such are the physics of open systems. Neil Adams computer animations help us to understand that some of our present day theories about geology are not quite correct. Adams claims that there are no subduction zones where continental shelves get pressed back down into the earth. He claims that while the planets grow they become stretched. It is the stretching that causes earthquakes. It is also part of the reason for increased volcano activity. It seems that the Sun is the motor for the Earth. The more energy the Sun sends to the Earth, the more the Earth heats up, from the inside, and the more the Earth grows, explaining increases in earthquakes and volcano eruptions. As we approach these different phenomena and discover how they interconnect, we become aware of the fact that we actually are defragmenting our knowledge about self and the universe.

Russian scientists have made some amazing discoveries that are connected

to understanding the energy principles connected to the Earth. Strangely enough, much of the information that has been coming from Russian scientists does not get talked about in the western world. In short, there seems to be scientific evidence that our entire solar system is moving through a part of space that is saturated with a higher level of aether energy. This would give us a good explanation for global warming, the increase of earthquakes and volcanic activity. At the same time it also

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explains the reason why all the other planets in our solar system are undergoing planetary change. The question remains, Is this part of the higher energy that the Earth is moving into and that will lead to a remagnetizing of this planet to support fourth density awareness? When we look at the universe through a new filter that of open systems, we start to realize that the universe is driven by electricity. Magnetism generates electric currents and magnetism is a much greater force than gravity. We cannot see magnetism. We cannot see electric energy. Still we know it exists, we accept that because we can observe the effects that these forces have on physical reality. The fact that UFOs and glowing orbs, which may be conscious entities at a higher energy level, move in and out of our physical reality fits perfectly in with the model of spiritual reality. Consciousness is multidimensional. When you now look into the mirror, it will not be such a stretch of the imagination to imagine that you and the rest of the universe are connected together.

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Chapter 9 The greatest of all paradoxes

Now is the time to let your thoughts and impressions settle so you can come to some conclusions. We will have to deal with some paradoxes. These seemingly impossible situations have a solution only when we are able to go outside the framework of our normal thinking. The surface structure of life is not at all complete enough to come to useful conclusions. We have to expand our thinking to include the deeper structures of life and physical reality in order to really understand. I would like to take you through a thinking process that is simplified systems thinking. It is my hope that you will gain a much better comprehension of the material that I have presented here and why I have done it the way I did. Systemic thinking requires us to identify the goal of the system before we can analyze it and understand the dynamics in the system. We cannot just think of the surface structure, but the deepest most hidden substructures also have to be included when we think about the goal of the system. The true goal of third density is selfawareness in a spiritual sense as well as polarization. Systemic thinking also demands that we consider other goals that are very important to the system as a whole. In this context we need to include the fact that there are many different lessons that each individual needs to learn while on their path to self-awareness. Included in this prerequisite is the fact that all karmic relationships need to become balanced out before spirit can proceed with its development. These are absolutely the deepest level of goals that we need to include in order to really understand the dynamics of third density. Now we need to think of the structure of third density - what has to be there in order for consciousness to gain the insights necessary to complete the cycle of third density awareness? We can now examine what has to be included in third density so it becomes an effective institution for boundless amounts of diverse human experiences. 1. The method of trial and error with so little foresight that there will be many errors and thereby many experiences. Wisdom is also about knowing what doesnt work. 2. True information about the deep structure of life and its purpose must be carefully hidden - esoteric and/or occult. All other information that could possibly lead to an individual harnessing the power of inquisitiveness and systemic thinking must be fragmented as much as possible, thereby creating immense confusion with regards to what the truth really is. This must, of course, include science, which is believed to be the holy grail of the truth. 2008 Mike Cechanowicz 141

3. Resting up after life, integration and planning of future lives in the period between lives during which consciousness is self aware, but only during this period, will provide for positive but slow evolution. This provides continuity. 4. Amnesia, or conscious memory loss as well as a mystical and troubled relationship from the conscious toward the subconscious mind. This will guarantee that trial and error will succeed only by making many errors. 5. Duality must be present to such a degree that each individual is able to experience the effects of both polarities. This will give the individual experiences from which to choose from. 6. Life is to be lived together with all the other participants regardless of where they may be on their own developmental path. This will ensure dynamics, drama and conflict. 7. Reproduction will be provided for through the distinct separation of the genders, with each their own temporary traits. This will ensure social interaction, drama and many lessons, which can be learned from the family environment. 8. The earthbound entities must live their lives in relative isolation from levels of consciousness above their own. This will ensure their development without interference from outside forces. 9. Proof that could explain any of the mystical sides of experience in the physical plane must never exist. 10. The Earthbound experience must be exposed to different cycles of activity and inactivity to provide the correct amount of stress and rest while living a physical life. There will be periods of chaos and periods of rest and peace. 11. There will be overseers of this process, that are so experienced that they can provide the necessary steering necessary so that not too much is left to chance. This will provide the individual with the opportunity to discover patterns of behavior, attitudes and results of choices. 12. The individual that gains no understanding during a life will lose memories of that life. The individual that starts to seek out the truth will be rewarded with additional insight plus the added advantage to having those memories available at an subconscious level only searching permits growth. We have just back-engineered society! That means that it must pretty close to being perfect.

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There is a very important lesson here. It is not readily apparent. Any attempt to change the system would be counter productive. The only thing that one can attempt to change is the consciousness of the individual within the system. If the system itself were to change, it would not work as well as it does. This gives us some guidance when it concerns where we should guide our efforts to help people in their development. The system contains many different elements that humans often spend an exuberant amount of energy trying to change. Elements like criminality, poverty, abuse, corruption; war, violence, etc. are necessary elements within the superficial structure of the third density. It just wouldnt be the same without it. We dont change the system. The only way to help those trapped in the system is through enlightenment of the individual, if they chose to be enlightened, so they can leave the system. Any attempt on your part, as an enlightened individual to get upset over the fact that the majority of individuals on this planet are unconscious, passive sheepople that desire their comfort zone more than any thing else is futile. They have to figure this out for themselves. In Norway, there is a saying that goes like this, You can lead the horse to the water, but you cant take responsibility for getting the horse to drink the water. A clever person told me jokingly, Thats true, but who said you cant give the horse a lot of salt. It is tempting, ever so tempting to use the salt sometimes. It is, however still manipulating. Positive polarized beings dont do that!

The surface structure of society and mankinds place in society

When we only consider our perception of reality from the fragmented information we have available at that level, life seems to be pretty meaningless, if not hopeless. I have shown you how society has lied to you, manipulated you, mistreated you and lived on you. To borrow a spiritual term, society is like a negatively polarized beast that wants you to pay at least 95% of your life energy just because society wants it that way. The greater masses have been kept in ignorance of their true identities, their right to freedom of expression and of free will. Slavery has been the alternative. The Earth you live on, the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat is tainted with poison that you cannot escape. You can run but you cannot hide. You have been tricked into wars for the profit of your leaders.

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Reality is not a pretty picture. Thank God for a deeper structure of reality! When an uninformed individual meets with the brutality of reality on the surface structure, many come to the conclusion that there can be no God that can allow for such brutal things to happen. I think this is a pretty universal thought for any uninformed individual. Only when we understand that death is the greatest illusion of them all, can we begin to comprehend that there may be a reason for all of the brutality that life offers us. In my professional life as a therapist, I have met with thousands of individuals that have had to deal with the brutality of life. Many have had car accidents, diseases, death of loved ones, their jobs have disappeared some have been robbed by their ex-spouses. Each and every individual has a choice in how to respond to those losses. Some go for revenge. Some become utterly passive and depressed. Others start searching for answers about life. This is the most useful door to move through when bad things happen to us. This is why, when we have a meeting with negativity, we are offered a catalyst and we can choose to grow and develop. Only when we perceive the twin structures of reality at the same time, do the dilemmas that plague us in the singular perspective of reality have a resolution. To put it as precisely as possible, We are living in third density reality because we have chosen to learn from our choices. The duality that is present and the drama that is present in third density is a necessary catalyst. We really get to involve ourselves in amazing diversity of experiences good and bad. The funny part of it all is that if the surface structure of reality was different, if it was inherently the way we would like it to be, nobody would learn anything at all. We would never search for a way out of third density. I have shown you what third density really is all about. I have taken your illusions away from you. It has never been about living the good life, or realizing your capabilities. You have been hammered into a form by being here, life after life. I have shown you the reality of third density so you can wake up and want out! You need to remember that you cannot change third density to be something else. It will always have to function the way it does. Something much better would be fourth density. If you are really looking for something better, dont try and change third density, move on to fourth. This realization is essentially important for you to grasp, integrate and practice.

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If you remember correctly, you were told that graduation to fourth density requires a number of things. First of all you have to get finished with your karma. If you still have negative karma to balance out, that will be your highest priority. Practice forgiveness of self and others. Secondly you need to integrate your new awareness of who you really are. Read A Handbook of Spiritual Psychology. This is where all of the directions are. In this book, you have just been delivered the essence without the documentation. As it is often said, The devil is in the details. The third thing you need to do is choose your direction of polarization. I hope you will chose positive polarization for your sake. When you are busy with these three things, you wont have to worry about waiting for graduation day. It will come soon enough.

The near future

I havent said so in clear text quite yet. Maybe there are some people that already have put two and two together. Because our Planet is in the process of rearranging itself to support a higher density of awareness, there will be some problems that people will have to deal with as a result. First of all, most people are already feeling this things seem to be happening much quicker than they did before. It feels like time is going faster. The vibrations that are affecting the planet are also affecting you. The best way to cope is to elevate your own energy. Eat healthy food, get enough exercise and drink clean water, breath clean air. If you know how, start to meditate on a regular basis. If you dont know how to meditate, read the Handbook and learn how. This is a very good time to get verification on what I have told you in this book. If you can afford it, I suggest learning NLP. You dont necessarily need to start working professionally with NLP. Use it to learn about the dynamics between your conscious and unconscious minds. All learning is good. Cleaning up your personal act and having healthy relationships with people you feel good about will help you when things start to get rough. I would not suggest that you put yourself into a huge debt with the bank just to build a big comfortable house. Beware of financial chaos in the near future. I wouldnt use the time to work more overtime just to forget about things. Adjust your priorities and your values with what you are really interested in. This is the time you need to be told, Listen to your heart. Things like that drive me crazy. Your

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heart doesnt talk. Your Higher Self does though. It talks to you through your subconscious mind, through your dreams, your intuitions and your passion. Nobody can tell you what is right for you as a person. That is why it is important that you get very online with your inner resources. I would not suggest that you get afraid, spend all your savings on a years supply of food, locked away in some safe place. I would not suggest that you prepare yourself for that which you cannot prepare. If I am right, there will be a lot of people from the governments, authorities and the like that will attempt to hide from the most serious planetary changes by going deep underground. RA, the entity that was channeled in 1982, and is the source for most of the information concerning the different densities, etc., says that third density can not exist on a fourth density planet. It doesnt matter where you try to hide and survive. Survival is not the point. You need to resolve your fears about death. The more fear that you take with you the easier it will be for you to get manipulated. Earth changes By becoming active on the Internet you can surf yourself to different sites that tell you about earthquakes, volcanoes, weather patterns and other things you want to become aware of. Remember that there is a fine line that distinguishes between having a good time with fear and being informed. Remember your intentions. The reason that I promote Internet information is because of the rampant censorship of the news in the mass media. News is entertainment and what they want you to know about. There is no freedom in that. One thing you can count on in the future is more and more extreme weather. This is something you can prepare for. If you can afford it, get a generator and some back-up fuel. Oil lamps, heaters, and a good assortment of camping gear can really help you keep comfortable and alive when things are chaotic around you. A good water filter system and water purifier system might be a good idea. Get some good diode lamps and extra batteries. If you have light, there will be less fear. A chain saw might help you if you have a lot of trees to contend with where you live. If you live in areas that have tornados, make an underground shelter if you can. Look around you and think, What would happen with a lot of water, heat, cold, wind, snow, hail, etc. This is how you can find out if you live in a safe place or a dangerous place. Personally, I would not like to have my house close to a river, or

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the sea. I would prefer to live at least 300 feet above sea level. I personally prefer to live out in the country. When natural or man-made disasters strike, it seems that the cities are always the places where situations can get out of hand. Your best preparations are made with common sense and help from your personal Higher Self. Think ahead, before any disaster makes your life difficult. If you have big trees that can fall in on your house and make problems, think about getting them removed if you can. If you know you live in an earthquake zone and you can predict that the future will probably include an increasing number of earthquakes go somewhere else. One of your greatest assets when the times get tough will be your ability to be flexible. Create a zone in your self that is about independence. If you are asked or told to join up with a huge group of people that will be dependent on some disaster management team to give you water and food, go somewhere else. You saw what happened after Katrina. In the future, disaster management teams may become overstretched. Prepare to be on your own and you will not be disappointed. Preparing on living on your own for a couple of days or weeks is usually within reach for most people. When you are at the store. Just buy something that you think you would like to have if you couldnt get to the store. Set it aside and start making a little kit that can help you out in troubled times. One of the things that we can look forward to experiencing more of in fourth density is cooperation instead of competition. If you have friends and neighbors that are like-minded, positive polarized and aware, see if you can get together and plan to get through earth changes together. It is always easier if you dont have to have a complete set of everything just because youre alone. Trying to get there ahead of time It has come to my attention that there are certain types of people that refuse to live in the physical world. They want no part of it. At some level, I think they are trying to be more spiritual by removing themselves from the physical world. If you really think clearly about it, you are never more or less spiritual. You can negate your spirituality as much you want you still cant get rid of the fact that that you are spirit. It reminds me of a saying from a channeled entity by the name of Michael, Even a plant doesnt need to believe in photosynthesis to become green. We can never become more spiritual than we are and we can never become less spiritual than we are.

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That means that we dont need to adhere to any special strict diet, dress style, living style in order to continue to develop our awareness of who we are. It does mean that there would be certain advantages to practice awareness enhancing exercises and staying away from dependencies and consciousness depreciation habits - like doing drugs for example. This brings me to another point. I have experienced a number of people that seem to insist that their meaning in life is to develop skills in the third density that absolutely do not belong to third density. This does not mean that I look down at those that practice healing or other advanced, in relationship to third density, psychic abilities. I am actually pretty convinced that these abilities are quite natural and available to us when we know how to develop those skills. If this interests you, read the Handbook! There comes a point when we have to say to ourselves that third density has certain genetic, biological and physical barriers that are impossible to overcome. At the same time I am sure there are people reading this that are thinking, Isnt that a limiting thought? It is difficult to really understand the real boundaries are between third, forth, or fifth density awareness. I do know that self-insight enables us to do things other people think of as magic. Thats only because they dont know about the technology that is involved - thats spiritual technology. I just think that it might be a waste of time trying to be something now that will eventually be completely natural when we get to that level. Armed with this kind of insight we would never get the situation where the baby is playing with a live hand grenade. First of all, they wouldnt even exist. Secondly, the baby would realize that its intuitions were telling it to do something far less dangerous.

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Foot notes
i iii iv

ii v otal=30&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4 vi vii pe=search&plindex=0

viii s
ix ournalists.html x xi Today we have an understanding of what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is all about. It is a problem that is the result of extreme stress. The fight or flight reflexes start to generalize their responses to stimulus that is normally considered safe. Modern psychiatry treats PTSD with medicines. I have good results with NLP and anchoring techniques. These are much more user friendly and get quick results. It is necessary that the patient is not medicated for this kind of treatment. xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii Messages from Michael, More Messages from Michael and Michaels People a book series. xix, xx - The Forgotten Art of Electric - Powered Automobiles by Arthur Abrom xxi xxii I permit myself to freely exchange the use of subconscious and unconscious minds. Both phrases mean exactly the same thing.
xxiii sectionid=6&id=23&Itemid=36 xxiv Matthew 12:25 xxv This and many other concepts are taken from channeled material. The source is called RA. There are five books written from a larger project that started in the early

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1980s David Wilcock has a free download of information from this and other material on his web site: xxvi Channeled by the author in 1993, see the Handbook for details. xxvii Seen on a bumpersticker in Hawaii 1994
xxviii onid=6&id=23&Itemid=36 xxix xxx

xxxi - This film is 97 min. long and contains many of the same messages that are in the contents of this book. The angles are a little different. xxxiii Genesis of the Cosmos The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation by Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D. 1995 & 2004 ISBN 0-89281-457-8 xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii
xxxii xxxix temid=36

2008 Mike Cechanowicz


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