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AutoIT Tutorial (not actool) - how to make bots, autoclickers, etc - for nooblets WooHoo, I just got PixelSearch

(How to find pixels) tutorial done. It teaches you how to detect monsters. No more basic bots. PROZ BOTS here we come Im not kidding here, even alot of pro's have trouble doing this kind of stuff. Oh and if you just want to know how to get coordinates and ColorNumbers, skip to the bottom and the last 'CodeTidbit' will have it. Hi all here at MPCforums. Ok, first of all, if youre a pro-hacker. This aint for you. My guide here is for all you people who beg for bots everywhere. AKA Leacher. Now, im doing this so you wont have to leach. In fact you can make your own bot very easily. Now I know many of you leachers probably have lower than average IQs or are very busy. I sincerely hope you are the 2nd type, so this is for you. This will probably be faster than analyzing the inner workings of bots on this forum or looking through the manual. Those who are too busy to look through and see how bots are made. Also, this is the AutoIT version of my tutorial. AutoIT is a little more advanced than ACTool. You can find the ACTool tutorial here. The ACTool version is a copy paste version with a few paragraphs changed. It is designed for beginners who never learned any type of computer language. This is for people who kinda kinda got an idea of what computer language is, or people who have a lot of sense into putting word lines into sentences. But first, let me start by telling you how autoIT is vastly superior to ACTool, so you wont want to read that other tutorial. (noob talk here) - Able to compile into an .exe (no more working with .mac files. :-), I seen like 5000 people asking how .mac files work lol) - Has a more comprehensive set of scripts (you can do more stuff!! Get more exp!!) - Has a GUI (Graphic user interface, in other words, you can just press buttons or customize the whole bot without looking through code. Yay. Also, HOTKEYS!!, I know everyone hates going into windows then starting ACTools then going back to ms) Ok. Here goes nothing. Ive got the program for you to download AutoIt - AutoItScript This is just the compiler and runner of autoit. Heres the Editor. It is totally safe. I guarantee it. If you want to even run a bot, use this. But dont blame me if you get banned. You need some common sense as to not bot in channel 1 perion Alright, lets start. ONE - basic Code:

Send (LCTRL) Send (RIGHT down) Sleep (2000) Send (RIGHT up) Ok, send is probably the most important points in AutoIt. It makes the computer hit the key(s). Obviously the most basic one is the attack key. Now for most of us, we would use {insert} {home} {pgdn} {pgup} for the potion hotkeys. Then

{CTRL} for ctrl, {SHIFT} for shift, and {ALT} for alt. Now these three are a little different. It requires {L or R~~~} for it to work. So basically {LCTRL} would be left control. And finally {LEFT} {RIGHT} {UP} and stuff for all that movement. DOWN is a special code put after all the normal syntax. It tells the computer to keep holding down {blah} until it receives code {~~~UP} which it will lift its imaginary finger. Sleepis always put between senddown and sendup. It delays the down so that the pc will actually hold down the {blah} key for more than a split millisecond. Basically Sleep(2000) stops giving the pc commands for 2 seconds. (notice 1 = 1/1000 of a second) Very useful if you actually want to have an interval between attacks, which ms HAVE to have... TWO - basic Those keys we learned above are basic of the basic of the basic. Now we need to have it repeat a crap load of times so it will kill more than 1 monster. We have 2 simple ways of doing it, a few others, but these are the easiest. Code:

While 1=1 (your other code here) WEnd While is a flexible type of loop, it is used infinitely until the code itself changes. What I mean by that is if While move = yes then it will always loop between While and WEnd until the variable move becomes something besides yes. (It doesnt have to be no it just has to be if move does NOT equal yes.) (WEnd is to show that the while loop stops there and will go back to While 1=1) Now for stopping While loop Code:

$i = 0 While $i <= 10 $i = $i + 1 WEnd You might be wondering what $ does. $ is just a sign we put behind ALL variables for the computer to see that it is a variable. So if we put &move = &yes , the while loop will actually see that move is a variable in the problem. It will understand what move is to start with. So this part, we start working with variable i. Study the code a little, you will see that the code shows that while i is less than or equal to 10, the while loop will continue. The i=i+1 means that i will go up by 1 every time the code changes. This will make the while loop, loop 11 times, not 10, because i will still be equal to 10 after 10 loops, so it will loop 1 last time after the 10th t ime. Now the fun part, we get to integrate loop and key. Woohoo. Code:

WinWaitActive (MapleStory); While 1=1 $i = 0 While $i < 30 Send ({LEFT down}) Sleep (500) Send ({LCTRL}) Sleep (2000)

Send ({LEFT up}) $i = $i + 1 WEnd $i = 0 While $i < 30 Send ({RIGHT down}) Sleep (500) Send ({LCTRL}) Sleep (2000) Send ({RIGHT up}) $i = $i + 1 WEnd Send ({HOME}) End See SEE, a basic loop. Now if you actually read Lessons ONE and TWO, you would understand what the code above would do. Except the first line. The first line WinWaitActive (MapleStory); means the bot wont start until maplestory is the window on top. Now heres the beauty of AutoIT compared to ACTool. It would start moving left, then tap left control after half a second, and continue moving left for another 2 seconds. (Thats so amazing, less time wasted = more pot efficiency and more kills : -D) Then Do the same thing but move right after 30 attacks instead of left. This will cause the bot to go to the other side after a while because there is no map in MS where it continuously goes one way forever. Notice that after it has looped 30 ways left and right, it does keys {home} This is useful for either A) Recharging a powerup like soul arrow or B) Using a potion. Obviously, this is not the most effective way of potioning as you could get hurt more or less after a single run, besides if it is hurt less, you waste some pot power. The While loop on top while 1=1 means that the stuff between while and end will loop forever cause when did 1 not equal 1? THREE - intermediate The Ok, now we got all the simple stuff out of the way, here is a few more lines of code to learn. Code:

$move = Random (1, 100, 1) If $move < 50 Send ({RIGHT down}) Sleep (500) Send ({LCTRL}) Sleep (2000) Send ({RIGHT up}) Else Send ({LEFT down}) Sleep (500) Send ({LCTRL}) Sleep (2000) Send ({LEFT up}) EndIf Here is where it gets more complicated, notice this is for intermediates. For those who want a basic bot, just look at lessons one and two. Here we have a randomization generator. We randomly generate a number for move by doing Random (min, max, flag) Min meaning the lowest number we want, and max meaning the maximum number we want. Flag 1 means that we want the numbers in intervals of 1, not 0.0000001 as that is what would happen if we

didnt put a flag there. The If $time <50 means that if the computer generated a number for time that is lower than 50, then we will move to the {right} for 1 second. The else statement means tha t if it is a number over 50, then it will move {LEFT}. And of course we got EndIf at the end of the statement. If you do not see the obvious advantage of this compared to the Basic bot, then you are either very impractical or just plain dumb. Ill say it for you people anyways. The randomizer basically gives the computer a 50% chance of going left and a 50% chance of going right. It causes less people to see that you are botting if you are not going in the same direction for like 30 times then turning. It also stops you from attacking the wall after a while, cause it will randomly go right or left, thus will mostly stay in the same area. FOUR Advanced Ok, now that you know the basic stuff, here is the stuff that even some pros are not very good at. PIXEL DETECTION. DA DAA DAAA DAAAA TADAAAA Code:

$coor = PixelSearch( lt, rt, lb, rb, col, dif, sk ) While @error = 0 (Movement/attack Code) $coor = PixelSearch( tlx, tly, brx, bry, col, dif, sk ) Wend Alright, here is where we have to use a little brain power. PixelSearch is comprised of 7 numbers that need to be imputed. The first 4 are for coordinates and the last 3 are for color detection settings. The four coordinates define a rectangle for the computer to detect the color of the pixel Btw, you should know some basic algebraic graphing The legend for the symbols after pixelsearch Tlx = the top left pixels X coordinate. IE (240) Tly = the top left pixels Y coordinate. IE (150) bry = bottom right pixels X coordinate. IE (260) (Bigger than the TLX #... duh its more to the right) bry = bottom right pixels Y coordinate. IE (110) (Less than the TLY #... duhits down more) Col = the color you want. (Go down to code tidbits to find out how to get color) Dif = the color variation that the pixel search will detect, like if the color is a little different, a high number might detect the pixel as well. 0 = only that color) Sk = the pixels you want to skip. This is good for slower pcs. If you want the detection to go faster, just have it only take every 5 pixels. IE (5) So a sample code would be $coor = PixelSearch( 240, 150, 260, 110, 0x02938, 2, 2 ) (Btw, if anyones wondering how to get your pixel coordinates and color coordinates, go to code tidbits on the bottom.) PixelSearch basically finds a pixel of that color, and tells you where the coordinate of that said pixel is in (X,Y) terms. It is not useful to us, BUT the new variable @error that it generates is very useful to us. It will become @error = 1 IF there is no color that you wanted in that rectangle. So the While @error = 0 means that if there is a pixel in the rectangle in that area, it will do the (Movement/attack code). The second pixeldetect is inside the while loop, so you can do the process over and check for new monsters. Alright, im done with 4 lessons. Didnt you learn a lot? XD Now you can make your own detection bots. Dont use in a crowded area, cause people are bound to see you attacking left and right so regularly. Dont bitch to me when your account gets banned. Thats just common sense. FIVE Intermediate Now lets work with functions. Functions are basically code snippets that let you do the same thing

over and over without having to rewrite the code again. Read the code, maybe understand better. [CODE] Code:

WinWaitActive (MapleStory); While 1=1 $move = Random (1, 100, 1) If $move < 5 AttackMove() Else ChangeChannel() EndIf WEnd Func AttackMove() (Attack & movement commands) EndFunc Func ChangeChannel() (Change channel snippet, found below) EndFunc Alright, functions in AutoIT is much much simpler than java or C++. Here just write your needed code between Func and EndFunc. Notice after move, it does AttackMove(), the computer will go through the code to find AttackMove () and it will run that piece of code. This is very useful for organizing complicated scripts (like 100+ lines ZOMG 100) It also lets you call on the function it whenever you want to, it is very useful when you get into more complicated scripts. How to change to .exe Ok, it seems theres some confusion as to how to change the AutoIT files into .exe executables. Just go to your start menu, then go to AutoIT folder. Inside there is a program called compile to .exe Compile basically means, change the autoit code into computer exe code. It is that simple. Then double click the exe file just like any other and it will work. Heres a few extras that I think is pretty useful and SIMPLE. Code Tidbits Sins attack Code:

Send ({LALT}) Sleep (85) Send (LCTRL) This is basically ctrl alt, pressed at a tiny interval. It is useful for sins to do jump attack cause regular attacking usually ends up punching a monster which isnt that good. Channel Changer Code:

Sleep (2000) Send ({ESC})

Sleep (750) Send ({ENTER}) Sleep (750) Send ({RIGHT}) Sleep (100) Send ({ENTER}) Sleep (1500) Send ({RIGHTdown}) Sleep (4000) Send ({RIGHTup}) Ok this is actually a very effective, but pulled off with brute force. It is a CHANNEL CHANGER. ZOMG CHANNELS. I saw like 10 posts the last few days on how to change channel, and I was like wtf, people need to see how easy this is. Basically that above code means that you press esc, then enter for channel, then right press for next channel, then enter that channel, then move to the right 4 seconds. This is a small snipet I made in a minute for pig beach, cause when you change channel you always end up on that safety ledge on the left side of the screen and you have to move a little to go down to the pigs. Now put that code (with or without the last 2 lines which are exclusively for pigbeach) right before your end statement for your while loop. Like this Code:

While ~~~ = ~~~ (ALL other crap) Channel changer snipet WEnd Note that it will sometimes not change channel cause you might get hit before you can change. If it is put it, chances are it will change channel after a while when your person reaches a relative safe spot or get lucky. Random movement Code:

$move = Random (200, 1500, 1) Send ({RIGHTdown}) Sleep (500) Send ({LCTRL}) Sleep ($move) Send ({RIGHTup}) This is pretty cool which works well with a direction randomizer. You can also randomize the time you move. It will make people even less suspicious. How to get color and coordinates Coordinates: Code:

WinWaitActive (MapleStory); Sleep (5000) $pos = MouseGetPos() MsgBox(0, "Mouse x,y:", $pos[0] & "," & $pos[1])

This is a standalone program. (just put it into a xxx.au3 file and it will run)Ok, look here, after it gets you into maple, this basically gives you 5 seconds to position your mouse pointer at the place you want to know the coordinate. It will minimize maple and show you the coordinates of the mouse position you were at Heres the color one Code:

WinWaitActive (MapleStory); Sleep (5000) $pos = MouseGetPos() $var = PixelGetColor( $pos[0] , $pos[1] ) MsgBox(0,"The decmial color is", $var) MsgBox(0,"The hex color is", Hex($var, 6)) This is also a stand alone program. Ok, if you want to know the color. Run this while maple is on. It will give you 5 seconds to get your mouse onto the monster that you want to bot on. Then it will shoot out the message box, and tell you the decimal and hex of the color your mouse was on. The color, you just put it into pixel detect like this 0x(hex or decimal) IE (0xFFFFFF) There, you got your own pixel and colors YAY!!! Gimmie props, it took me a while to figure out how to do the coordinate detection and color detection NOTICE: If you just copy and paste these codes into an editor, you might have to delete the ()s and rewrite them. For some reason SciTe doesnt accept some of them Example AutoIT programs These are a few examples of AutoIt programs with GUIs (Graphic User Interface) Very cool, but I need to learn how to make GUIs myself first lol Heres an AUTO POTTER made by our own gunbound11111 LakelisBot is an AutoClicker. It is probably the most refined one i have seen as far. It gives 2 mouse positions, one on the (OK button, after lakelis says theres a party inside) and the other one, you set yourself Instructions: F9 = keep your mouse on lakelis, and press F9, it will lock position on lakelis F10= Start autoclicking F11 = Stop autoclicking (Do not press Esc, it will close the bot itself...) This autoclicker lets you start your AC even when you are near JM from the streetz. It is very useful cause ping is more important than how fast your ac goes, and if theres not like a million people jumping aroudn while you ac, you ac alot faster And I put in an autoLooter I got from ************ Just press active for always pressing Z or passive for only press z when walking Then hold * ingame to start the "ZZZ"ing

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